Poster de la serie Yu-Gi-Oh!



Année : 2000

Nombre de saisons : 5

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 25 minutes

Genre(s) : Action, Aventure, Animation, Anime, Comédie, Drame, Fantastique, Science-fiction, Thriller

Yugi, un jeune garçon chétif et naïf réussit un jour à remonter le fameux Puzzle du Millénaire. À partir de ce moment-là, le destin de Yugi va devenir celui d'un être hors du commun. Le Puzzle lui a donné d'incroyables pouvoirs et l'a doté d'un double impitoyable : Yami Yugi, "Le Maître des Jeux!". Lorsque Maximillion Pegasus, l'inventeur du jeu Magic and Wizards apprend la défaite de Seto Kaiba face à Yugi, il décide de voler l'âme de Mûto Sugokoru, le grand-père de Yugi. Son but ? Contraindre Yugi à participer à un Tournoi de Duel de Monstres pour pouvoir s'emparer du Puzzle de Yugi !


Yu-Gi-Oh! saison 1

Saison 1


Yu-Gi-Oh! saison 2

Saison 2


Yu-Gi-Oh! saison 3

Saison 3


Yu-Gi-Oh! saison 4

Saison 4


Yu-Gi-Oh! saison 5

Saison 5



Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - The Heart of the Cards

18 avril 2000 - 4.4/5

Le jeune lycéen Yugi Muto et ses amis se retrouvent entraînés dans un match mortel de Duel de monstres lorsque le champion Seto Kaiba kidnappe le grand-père de Yugi.

Épisode 2 - The Gauntlet is Thrown

25 avril 2000 - 4.4/5

Quand Maximilien Pegasus, l'auteur du jeu Duel de monstres, gagne un match de magie réelle contre Yugi, il choisit de s'emparer de l'âme du grand-père de son adversaire.

Épisode 3 - Journey to the Duelist Kingdom

2 mai 2000 - 4.3/5

Yugi doit se rendre au Royaume des duellistes pour libérer Salomon. Ses amis Téa, Tristan et Joey, qui veut sauver sa sœur malade, se joignent à lui.

Épisode 4 - Into The Hornet's Nest (Part 1 of 2)

9 mai 2000 - 4.4/5

Yugi arrive avec ses amis sur l'île de Pegasus, là où les règles de duels mortels sont différentes de toutes celles qu'il connaît, et il doit s'adapter rapidement.

Épisode 5 - The Ultimate Great Moth (Part 2 of 2)

16 mai 2000 - 4.3/5

Yugi poursuit son combat contre le tricheur et menteur Insector Haga qui semble prendre l'avantage avec une gigantesque mite.

Épisode 6 - First Duel

23 mai 2000 - 4.4/5

Joey participe à son premier duel sur l'île où il affronte Mai Valentine, une professionnelle capable de connaître les cartes qu'elle tirera sans les voir.

Épisode 7 - Attack From the Deep

30 mai 2000 - 4.3/5

Affamés, les amis se jettent sur du poisson grillé mais découvrent qu'ils sont tombés dans un piège de Mako Tsunami, l'extraordinaire duelliste venu des sept mers.

Épisode 8 - Everything's Relative (Part 1 of 3)

6 juin 2000 - 4.4/5

Après s'être échappé du château de Pegasus, un jeune prisonnier masqué vole un jeu de cartes et des étoiles puis lance un duel à Yugi et révèle son identité.

Épisode 9 - Duel With A Ghoul (Part 2 of 3)

13 juin 2000 - 4.4/5

Yugi arrive à l'arène du duel pour libérer Makuba mais découvre qu'un "fantôme" volé de l'âme de Kaiba est non seulement son adversaire mais a de grands pouvoirs.

Épisode 10 - Give Up The Ghost (Part 3 of 3)

20 juin 2000 - 4.4/5

Yugi poursuit son combat contre le fantôme de Kaiba. Le vrai Kaiba, sachant qu'il doit anéantir Pegasus, introduit un virus informatique dans le duel pour l'aider.

Épisode 11 - The Dueling Monkey (Part 1 of 2)

27 juin 2000 - 4.3/5

Furieuse d'avoir perdu contre Joey, Mai s'arrange pour qu'il rencontre Rex Raptor en duel sans les conseils de Yugi, mais Tristan vient en aide à son ami.

Épisode 12 - Trial By Red Eyes (Part 2 of 2)

4 juillet 2000 - 4.3/5

À la fin du duel entre Rex et Joey, Bakura, qui semble gentil au premier abord, se montre sous son vrai jour lorsqu'il envoie l'équipe au Royaume des ombres.

Épisode 13 - Evil Spirit of the Ring

11 juillet 2000 - 4.3/5

Yami Yugi affronte Yami Bakura au Royaume des ombres, avec un enjeu important car les âmes des amis sont enfermées dans leurs cartes favorites.

Épisode 14 - The Light at the End of the Tunnel (Part 1 of 2)

25 juillet 2000 - 4.3/5

Pour aider Mai, vaincue par un exterminateur, Yugi lance un duel à son adversaire, Panic. Mais s'il perd, Yugi mourra consumé par le feu.

Épisode 15 - Winning Through Intimidation (Part 2 of 2)

1 août 2000 - 4.4/5

Une bataille psychologique a lieu entre Yugi et Panic qui essaient de provoquer des erreurs coûteuses chez l'un et chez l'autre par intimidation.

Épisode 16 - The Scars of Defeat

8 août 2000 - 4.3/5

Lorsque Seto Kaiba arrive sur l'île afin d'y chercher son frère, Joey interrompt le bref répit entre Kaiba et l'équipe en lui lançant un duel.

Épisode 17 - Arena of Lost Souls (Part 1 of 2)

15 août 2000 - 4.3/5

L'impitoyable Bandit Ken a besoin d'étoiles pour affronter à nouveau Pegasus. Il prend l'équipe pour cible en demandant à l'un de ses sbires de combattre Joey.

Épisode 18 - Arena of Lost Souls (Part 2 of 2)

22 août 2000 - 4.2/5

Joey a du mal à faire face à une attaque de monstres zombies lors de son duel contre Bonz, mais Yugi et les autres finissent par le trouver et le soutenir.

Épisode 19 - Double Trouble Duel (Part 1 of 3)

29 août 2000 - 4.3/5

Alors qu'ils cherchent à sortir de la grotte, les amis sont confrontés aux frères Para et Doxe, hommes de main de Pegasus, qui lancent un duel par équipe à Yugi et Joey.

Épisode 20 - Double Trouble Duel (Part 2 of 3)

5 septembre 2000 - 4.4/5

Kaiba s'infiltre dans le château de Pegasus. Joey et Yugi essaient d'être meilleurs coéquipiers, mais Para et Doxe changent sans cesse la disposition du labyrinthe.

Épisode 21 - Double Trouble Duel (Part 3 of 3)

12 septembre 2000 - 4.3/5

Yugi et Joey doivent réussir une dernière épreuve pour quitter le labyrinthe. Au château, Pegasus vole l'âme de Makuba devant Kaiba.

Épisode 22 - Face Off (Part 1 of 3)

19 septembre 2000 - 4.3/5

Les amis s'approchent du château mais Seto Kaiba, qui doit vaincre Yugi pour libérer l'âme de son frère de l'emprise de Pegasus, se met en travers de leur chemin.

Épisode 23 - Face Off (Part 2 of 3)

26 septembre 2000 - 4.4/5

Les étranges tactiques de Kaiba obligent Yugi à jouer les cartes les plus faibles alors même que Kaiba s'apprête à créer l'Ultime dragon aux yeux bleus très puissant.

Épisode 24 - Face Off (Part 3 of 3)

3 octobre 2000 - 4.4/5

La défense mise en place par Yugi semble porter ses fruits, mais Yugi faiblit lorsqu'il pense à ce qui arrivera à chaque joueur et à la personne qu'il aime s'il perd.

Épisode 25 - Shining Friendship

10 octobre 2000 - 4.3/5

Yugi est trop déprimé pour poursuivre la quête. Téa se porte alors volontaire pour affronter Mai, mais son manque d'expérience risque de la faire perdre.

Épisode 26 - Champion versus Creator (Part 1 of 2)

17 octobre 2000 - 4.4/5

Alors qu'ils pénètrent dans le château de Pegasus, Yugi et ses amis apprennent que Kaiba s'apprête à affronter Pegasus le rusé qui dispose d'un avantage injuste.

Épisode 27 - Champion versus Creator (Part 2 of 2)

24 octobre 2000 - 4.4/5

Kaiba poursuit son combat mais Pegasus joue une carte si puissante qu'elle n'a jamais circulé auparavant, mettant Kaiba en grave danger.

Épisode 28 - The Night Before

31 octobre 2000 - 4.3/5

C'est la nuit précédant les demi-finales. Les adversaires de chaque match sont déterminés, Tristan mène une enquête et Yugi reçoit la visite de son grand-père.

Épisode 29 - Duel Identity (Part 1 of 2)

7 novembre 2000 - 4.4/5

Yugi commence le duel contre Mai, mais plusieurs erreurs cruciales qu'il fait par peur que Yami Yugi prenne le contrôle risquent de lui coûter le match.

Épisode 30 - Duel Identity (Part 2 of 2)

14 novembre 2000 - 4.4/5

Lorsqu'il ne reste plus que 300 points de vie à Yugi, Mai lui donne des conseils pour qu'il reprenne confiance. Il laisse alors Yami Yugi prendre le contrôle.

Épisode 31 - Keith's Machinations (Part 1 of 2)

21 novembre 2000 - 4.4/5

Joey découvre que sa carte d'entrée a disparu alors qu'il s'apprête à affronter Bandit Ken. Parviendra-t-il à en trouver une autre à temps pour le combat ?

Épisode 32 - Keith's Machinations (Part 2 of 2)

28 novembre 2000 - 4.4/5

Le vaillant Joey poursuit son duel contre Bandit Ken, dont les manières de tricheur sont enfin dévoilées. Mais Pegasus a plus d'un tour dans son sac.

Épisode 33 - Best of Friends, Best of Duelists (Part 1 of 2)

5 décembre 2000 - 4.3/5

Maintenant qu'ils ont vaincu tous leurs adversaires, Yugi et Joey doivent s'affronter pour pouvoir rencontrer Pegasus en duel et sauver leurs êtres chers.

Épisode 34 - Best of Friends, Best of Duelists (Part 2 of 2)

12 décembre 2000 - 4.3/5

Sous le regard de leurs amis, Yugi et Joey font tout pour gagner une bataille de la plus grande importance, en essayant de concocter de nouvelles stratégies.

Épisode 35 - Yugi versus Pegasus: Match Of The Millennium (Part 1 of 5)

19 décembre 2000 - 4.3/5

Yugi se trouve face au duel le plus difficile de sa vie, avec les âmes de son grand-père et des frères Kaiba en jeu

Épisode 36 - Yugi versus Pegasus: Match Of The Millennium (Part 2 of 5)

26 décembre 2000 - 4.4/5

Yugi ne tarde pas à perdre sa confiance et des points de vie lorsque Pegasus utilise l'Œil du millenium pour lire dans ses pensées et retourner ses monstres contre lui.

Épisode 37 - Yugi versus Pegasus: Match Of The Millennium (Part 3 of 5)

9 janvier 2001 - 4.4/5

Alors que Yugi Muto et Yami Yugi essaient de se montrer plus malins que Pegasus, Tristan est horrifié d'apprendre la vraie raison pour laquelle Bakura cherche Makuba.

Épisode 38 - Yugi versus Pegasus: Match Of The Millennium (Part 4 of 5)

16 janvier 2001 - 4.4/5

Yugi perd le soutien de ses amis lorsque Pegasus change de terrain de jeu pour passer au terrible Royaume des ombres. Tristan a une situation à régler de son côté.

Épisode 39 - Yugi versus Pegasus: Match Of The Millennium (Part 5 of 5)

23 janvier 2001 - 4.4/5

Désespéré face à la bombe à retardement de Pegasus qui doit bientôt exploser, le courageux Yugi trouve une nouvelle stratégie avec l'aide de ses amis et de Yami Yugi.

Épisode 40 - Aftermath

30 janvier 2001 - 4.3/5

Pegasus tient sa promesse et libère Salomon et les frères Kaiba. Yugi et ses amis découvrent ensuite la raison de ses actes désespérés.

Épisode 41 - The Wrath of Rebecca (Part 1 of 2)

6 février 2001 - 4.2/5

Les amis rentrent sains et saufs au Japon où ils sont surpris par une jeune virtuose américaine exigeant qu'on lui rende une carte que Salomon lui aurait volée.

Épisode 42 - The Ties of Friendship (Part 2 of 2)

13 février 2001 - 4.3/5

L'histoire de l'amitié de Salomon avec le grand-père de Rebecca est révélée, et Yugi enseigne une leçon importante à Rebecca sur le Cœur des cartes.

Épisode 43 - Legendary Heroes (Part 1 of 3)

20 février 2001 - 4.2/5

Lorsque les frères Kaiba confrontent les Cinq grands au sujet de leur trahison, Seto se fait emprisonner dans un jeu virtuel mais Makuba s'échappe et fait appel à Yugi.

Épisode 44 - Legendary Heroes (Part 2 of 3)

27 février 2001 - 4.2/5

Piégés dans le monde virtuel, Yugi et Joey trouvent en Mai une alliée mais les enjeux augmentent considérablement lorsque Seto doit être offert en sacrifice à un dragon.

Épisode 45 - Legendary Heroes (Part 3 of 3)

6 mars 2001 - 4.3/5

Les amis pénètrent dans le château et trouvent Kaiba et Makuba, mais les Cinq grands libèrent un dragon mythique obligeant Kaiba et Yami Yugi à faire équipe.

Épisode 46 - Dungeon Dice Monsters (Part 1 of 4)

13 mars 2001 - 4.2/5

Duke Devlin ouvre un magasin de jeux en concurrence directe avec Salomon puis use de supercherie pour humilier Joey et piéger Yugi dans un duel de dés.

Épisode 47 - Dungeon Dice Monsters (Part 2 of 4)

20 mars 2001 - 4.2/5

Yugi accepte d'abandonner les duels pour toujours s'il perd, et Duke révèle la raison du défi. Yugi doit apprendre rapidement les règles du duel de dés.

Épisode 48 - Dungeon Dice Monsters (Part 3 of 4)

27 mars 2001 - 4.3/5

Les aptitudes naturelles de Yugi l'aident, mais il se trouve dans l'incapacité d'invoquer de nouveaux monstres après un autre tour de Duke et risque de perdre.

Épisode 49 - Dungeon Dice Monsters (Part 4 of 4)

3 avril 2001 - 4.3/5

Duke semble avoir piégé Yugi pour de bon mais il reste quelques lancers de dés. Toute l'étendue du talent de Yugi permettra-t-elle à ce dernier de finalement triompher ?

Épisode 1 - The Mystery Duelist (Part 1 of 2)

10 avril 2001 - 4.3/5

Lorsqu'un voyant vole le Puzzle du millenium, Yugi est contraint de se battre en duel contre lui pour le récupérer sans l'aide de ses amis ni de l'esprit du puzzle.

Épisode 2 - The Mystery Duelist (Part 2 of 2)

17 avril 2001 - 4.2/5

Une menace sournoise brise le Puzzle du millenium et met le feu à l'arène. Yugi arrivera-t-il à reconstituer le puzzle et sauver l'esprit avant qu'ils partent en fumée ?

Épisode 3 - The Past is Prologue

24 avril 2001 - 4.3/5

L'origine de Duel de monstres est révélée ! Shizu se sert de son collier magique pour montrer à Kaiba la façon dont on jouait à l'ancien jeu il y a des millénaires.

Épisode 4 - Steppin' Out

1 mai 2001 - 4.2/5

Téa aide l'esprit du Puzzle du millenium à recouvrer sa mémoire d'Égypte, mais ils sont interrompus par un duelliste danseur et des monstres musicaux.

Épisode 5 - Obelisk the Tormentor

8 mai 2001 - 4.3/5

Yugi jette un regard sur le passé, lorsqu'il était un pharaon héroïque. Kaiba teste les pouvoirs cachés de sa carte de dieu égyptien, Obélisk, le tourmenteur.

Épisode 6 - Stalked by the Rare Hunters

15 mai 2001 - 4.2/5

De sinistres Pilleurs de l'ombre contraignent Joey à un duel. S'il perd, les pilleurs s'empareront du précieux Dragon noir aux yeux rouges.

Épisode 7 - Yugi Versus The Rare Hunter (Part 1 of 2)

22 mai 2001 - 4.3/5

Le tournoi commence, avec de nouvelles règles et de nouveaux monstres. Yugi tente de regagner la carte de Joey mais tombe dans le même piège que lui.

Épisode 8 - Yugi Versus The Rare Hunter (Part 2 of 2)

29 mai 2001 - 4.3/5

Yugi arrive à comprendre la stratégie du Pilleur de l'ombre, mais il est trop tard. Le pilleur est à deux doigts de la victoire. Yugi doit trouver un moyen de l'arrêter.

Épisode 9 - The ESP Duelist (Part 1 of 2)

5 juin 2001 - 4.2/5

Le duelliste médium Espa Roba bat Rex Raptor à plates coutures. Joey, prochain sur la liste, vaincra-t-il son adversaire capable de lire les cartes dans sa main ?

Épisode 10 - The ESP Duelist (Part 2 of 2)

12 juin 2001 - 4.2/5

La perception extrasensorielle d'Espa Roba est une supercherie, mais Joey subit toujours ses manipulations mentales et se demande si la chance l'a laissé tomber.

Épisode 11 - The Master Of Magicians (Part 1 of 3)

19 juin 2001 - 4.3/5

Le duelliste magicien Arkana transporte Yugi dans l'arène la plus terrible du monde, où le perdant est envoyé au Royaume des ombres.

Épisode 12 - The Master of Magicians (Part 2 of 3)

26 juin 2001 - 4.3/5

C'est une lutte entre Magiciens des ténèbres. Yugi ne contrôle que l'un d'entre eux, mais Arkana en a trois dans son jeu. Il ne s'avoue toutefois pas vaincu.

Épisode 13 - The Master Of Magicians (Part 3 of 3)

3 juillet 2001 - 4.3/5

Pour contrer le Magicien des ténèbres d'Arkana, Yugi sort la Magicienne des ténèbres de son chapeau. Une guerre des sexes commence !

Épisode 14 - Playing With A Parasite (Part 1 of 2)

10 juillet 2001 - 4.2/5

Insector Haga le rusé attire Joey dans un duel inégal. Il utilise un parasite pour infecter le jeu de cartes de Yugi et l'empêcher d'invoquer de puissants monstres.

Épisode 15 - Playing With a Parasite (Part 2 of 2)

17 juillet 2001 - 4.2/5

Joey écrase la mite suprême d'Insector Haga qui libère la féroce Reine insecte dont la force grandit à chaque petite bête qu'elle dévore.

Épisode 16 - Mime Control (Part 1 of 3)

24 juillet 2001 - 4.2/5

Yugi affronte un autre infâme Pilleur de l'ombre qui bloque toutes ses attaques avec une substance gluante glissante se régénérant après destruction.

Épisode 17 - Mime Control (Part 2 of 3)

31 juillet 2001 - 4.3/5

Strings invoque le puissant dieu monstre égyptien Slifer, le Dragon céleste, mais quelle chance les monstres mortels de Yugi ont-ils de vaincre un dieu égyptien ?

Épisode 18 - Mime Control (Part 3 of 3)

7 août 2001 - 4.4/5

Une carte magique permet au Dragon céleste de Strings d'acquérir une puissance d'attaque infinie. Yugi trouvera-t-il le point faible de Slifer avant d'être anéanti ?

Épisode 19 - Legendary Fisherman (Part 1 of 2)

14 août 2001 - 4.2/5

Joey affronte le duelliste venu des sept mers Mako Tsunami et sa horde de monstres sous-marins. Pendant ce temps, les Pilleurs de l'ombre se rapprochent de lui.

Épisode 20 - Legendary Fisherman (Part 2 of 2)

21 août 2001 - 4.2/5

Lorsque ses monstres sont détruits par le guerrier océanique de Mako dans les profondeurs de la mer, Joey doit rassembler toutes ses forces pour ne pas sombrer.

Épisode 21 - Double Duel (Part 1 of 4)

28 août 2001 - 4.3/5

Joey et Téa se font enlever, et les Pilleurs de l'ombre capturent Makuba, obligeant Yugi et Kaiba à participer à un duel par équipe en haut d'un gratte-ciel.

Épisode 22 - Double Duel (Part 2 of 4)

4 septembre 2001 - 4.3/5

Lumis et Umbra cherchent à déstabiliser Yugi et Kaiba. Ces derniers arriveront-ils à faire la paix avant d'embarquer pour un aller simple au Royaume des ombres ?

Épisode 23 - Double Duel (Part 3 of 4)

11 septembre 2001 - 4.3/5

Yugi et Kaiba commencent à montrer des signes de collaboration, mais Umbra et Lumis invoquent une menace monstrueuse aux énormes pouvoirs. Est-il trop tard ?

Épisode 24 - Double Duel (Part 4 of 4)

18 septembre 2001 - 4.3/5

Yugi combine ses monstres magnétiques afin de créer un guerrier ultrapuissant, mais Umbra et Lumis ont un autre tour dans leur sac pour les retourner contre lui.

Épisode 25 - The Rescue

25 septembre 2001 - 3.8/5

En mission pour sauver leurs amis, Yugi et Kaiba partagent leurs inquiétudes et leurs secrets en évoquant les épreuves auxquelles ils ont survécu et celles à venir.

Épisode 26 - Friends 'Til the End (Part 1 of 4)

2 octobre 2001 - 4.2/5

Marik s'empare de l'esprit de Joey et oblige Yugi à le combattre en duel. Joey vaincra-t-il Yugi ou Yugi lui fera-t-il reprendre ses esprits à temps ?

Épisode 27 - Friends 'Til the End (Part 2 of 4)

9 octobre 2001 - 4.2/5

Manipulé par Marik, Joey attaque Yugi qui ne trouve pas la force d'affronter son ami. Le monstre préféré de Joey sauvera-t-il la situation ?

Épisode 28 - Friends 'Til the End (Part 3 of 4)

16 octobre 2001 - 4.2/5

Yugi doit affronter Joey sans le Puzzle du millenium, mais ce dernier tire une carte susceptible d'annuler tous les points de vie de Yugi. Peut-il encore gagner ?

Épisode 29 - Friends 'Til the End (Part 4 of 4)

23 octobre 2001 - 4.1/5

Il ne reste plus qu'une minute de duel entre les deux amis, dont le perdant sombrera dans les profondeurs de la mer. N'existe-t-il aucune solution ?

Épisode 30 - Shadow Of A Duel

30 octobre 2001 - 4.2/5

Bakura lance son armée de fantômes dans une bataille contre les zombies zélés de Bonz pour gagner le droit de participer à la finale de Bataille-Ville.

Épisode 31 - Lights, Camera, Duel

6 novembre 2001 - 4.1/5

Un séducteur d'Hollywood lance un duel à Mai pour obtenir qu'elle l'épouse. Succombera-t-elle à son charme ou à ses cartes de monstres ninjas ?

Épisode 32 - Let the Finals Begin!

13 novembre 2001 - 4.2/5

La finale de Bataille-Ville commence. C'est le test ultime pour Yugi et les autres finalistes qui doivent s'affronter dans une arène suspendue dans le ciel.

Épisode 33 - The Dark Spirit Revealed (Part 1 of 3)

27 novembre 2001 - 4.3/5

Bakura est possédé par un esprit malveillant. Yugi arrive à chasser ses goules, mais Bakura a un autre plan sinistre en tête.

Épisode 34 - The Dark Spirit Revealed (Part 2 of 3)

27 novembre 2001 - 4.3/5

Bakura active le Tableau de la destinée afin de faire perdre Yugi rapidement. Qui plus est, sa main empêche Yugi d'attaquer ! Le temps presse !

Épisode 35 - The Dark Spirit Revealed (Part 3 of 3)

27 novembre 2001 - 4.3/5

Yugi est face à un choix difficile : attaquer pour progresser dans la finale ou se rendre pour sauver une vie mais rater la chance de sauver le monde des forces du mal.

Épisode 36 - Rage Of The Egyptian Gods

4 décembre 2001 - 4.3/5

L'origine des cartes des dieux égyptiens est révélée lorsque le mystérieux Shadi fait voyager Yugi dans le temps jusqu'à l'époque de la création de Duel de monstres.

Épisode 37 - Awakening of Evil (Part 1 of 4)

11 décembre 2001 - 4.3/5

Les pièges d'Odion perturbent Joey qui doit se servir des monstres qu'il a gagnés plus tôt dans le tournoi pour essayer de planifier une contre-attaque réussie.

Épisode 38 - Awakening of Evil (Part 2 of 4)

18 décembre 2001 - 4.3/5

Odion lance une attaque ayant des conséquences sur les points de vie de Joey. Ce dernier est-il trop déstabilisé pour pouvoir mener sa contre-attaque à bien ?

Épisode 39 - Awakening of Evil (Part 3 of 4)

25 décembre 2001 - 4.3/5

Joey réussira-t-il à battre la bête insatiable d'Odion qui dévore tous ses monstres chaque fois qu'ils sont appelés au combat ?

Épisode 40 - Awakening of Evil (Part 4 of 4)

8 janvier 2002 - 4.3/5

Odion triche et invoque le Dragon ailé de Râ, l'effroyable troisième dieu monstre égyptien, risquant de faire perdre tous ses points de vie à Joey.

Épisode 41 - Mind Game (Part 1 of 3)

15 janvier 2002 - 4.3/5

Mai se bat en duel contre Marik dans le terrible Royaume des ombres où perdre des points de vie signifie perdre des souvenirs. A-t-elle une chance face à lui ?

Épisode 42 - Mind Game (Part 2 of 3)

22 janvier 2002 - 4.3/5

Mai perd de plus en plus la mémoire et sa confiance en ses capacités. Ses amis peuvent-ils l'aider ou finira-t-elle prisonnière à jamais du Royaume des ombres ?

Épisode 43 - Mind Game (Part 3 of 3)

29 janvier 2002 - 4.3/5

Mai prend le contrôle d'une des puissantes cartes de dieu égyptien de Marik, mais elle doit résoudre son mystère avant lui afin de ne pas être réduite en cendres.

Épisode 44 - A Duel With Destiny (Part 1 of 2)

5 février 2002 - 4.3/5

Kaiba doit affronter une adversaire portant un collier spécial capable de lui faire voir l'avenir, y compris les choix que Kaiba va faire.

Épisode 45 - A Duel With Destiny (Part 2 of 2)

12 février 2002 - 4.3/5

Le collier magique de Shizu lui prédit la victoire. Kaiba peut-il encore changer sa destinée ?

Épisode 46 - The Tomb-Keeper's Secret

19 février 2002 - 4.3/5

Alors que le mal grandit en Marik, Shizu révèle les secrets de son passé. Yugi arrivera-t-il à empêcher Marik de sombrer dans les ténèbres ou est-il trop tard ?

Épisode 47 - Showdown In The Shadows (Part 1 of 2)

26 février 2002 - 4.3/5

Bakura affronte Marik au cours d'un duel aux enjeux élevés : le contrôle de la Baguette et de l'Anneau du millenium ou bien une éternité au Royaume des ombres.

Épisode 48 - Showdown In The Shadows (Part 2 of 2)

5 mars 2002 - 4.3/5

Bakura et le bon Marik invoquent le Dragon ailé de Râ pour chasser le mauvais Marik, mais la créature a des pouvoirs spéciaux que seul le mauvais Marik sait utiliser.

Épisode 1 - A Virtual Nightmare

12 mars 2002 - 4/5

Alors qu'ils se rendent sur l'île de KaibaCorp pour la finale du tournoi de Bataille-Ville, Yugi et ses amis se retrouvent prisonniers d'un nouveau jeu Duel de monstres.

Épisode 2 - Isolated in Cyber Space (Part 1 of 3)

19 mars 2002 - 4/5

Les Cinq grands séparent Yugi de ses amis en les envoyant dans différents endroits du monde virtuel. Yugi affronte Gansley avec les nouvelles règles du jeu.

Épisode 3 - Isolated in Cyber Space (Part 2 of 3)

26 mars 2002 - 4.1/5

Yugi a du mal face à Gansley qui neutralise ses attaques. Pendant ce temps, Kaiba et Makuba revivent des souvenirs douloureux de leur enfance.

Épisode 4 - Isolated in Cyber Space (Part 3 of 3)

9 avril 2002 - 4.1/5

La stratégie de Gansley s'avère efficace : Yugi perd presque tous ses points de vie. À son réveil, Téa est entourée de géants mangeurs d'humains.

Épisode 5 - Freeze Play (Part 1 of 2)

16 avril 2002 - 4.1/5

Téa est conduite à un duel contre un drôle de pingouin dont le perdant restera prisonnier d'un bloc de glace pour l'éternité.

Épisode 6 - Freeze Play (Part 2 of 2)

23 avril 2002 - 4.1/5

Obligée de combattre dans une arène glaciale, Téa est en difficulté face au Pingouin cauchemardesque insensible au froid de son adversaire.

Épisode 7 - Courtroom Chaos (Part 1 of 2)

30 avril 2002 - 4.1/5

Johnson, l'un des Cinq grands, prend la forme de Juge pour affronter Joey dans une arène virtuelle ressemblant à un tribunal.

Épisode 8 - Courtroom Chaos (Part 2 of 2)

7 mai 2002 - 4.2/5

Malgré un début de duel prometteur, la chance de Joey vient à lui manquer et il risque de perdre la bataille pour de bon.

Épisode 9 - Mechanical Mayhem (Part 1 of 2)

14 mai 2002 - 4.2/5

Un autre membre des Cinq grands lance un duel à Duke, Tristan et Sérénité pour pouvoir retourner dans le monde réel et obtenir le contrôle absolu de leurs corps.

Épisode 10 - Mechanical Mayhem (Part 2 of 2)

21 mai 2002 - 4.1/5

Après la défaite de Tristan, Sérénité, dévastée, doit surmonter sa peine et tirer des leçons du combat de son ami pour venir à bout du chaos mécanique de leur adversaire.

Épisode 11 - Settling the Score (Part 1 of 2)

28 mai 2002 - 4.1/5

Lorsque Nezbitt prend le contrôle du corps de Tristan et enlève Makuba, Seto est contraint d'affronter Leichter, ancien assistant de son père adoptif, Gozaburo Kaiba.

Épisode 12 - Settling the Score (Part 2 of 2)

4 juin 2002 - 4.2/5

Seto Kaiba se trouve en difficulté face au Jinzo de Leichter et au Canon satellite des Cinq grands qui attaque ses cartes du fin fond de l'espace.

Épisode 13 - Noah's Secret

11 juin 2002 - 4/5

Jaloux de la vie de Seto à KaibaCorp, Noah manipule Makuba en lui racontant des mensonges dans l'espoir de semer la zizanie entre lui et son frère.

Épisode 14 - Merger Of The Big Five (Part 1 of 3)

18 juin 2002 - 4.1/5

Furieux, Noah offre aux Cinq grands une dernière chance de se rattraper au cours d'un tag duel par équipe à deux contre cinq où Joey et Yugi joignent leurs forces.

Épisode 15 - Merger Of The Big Five (Part 2 of 3)

25 juin 2002 - 4.2/5

Les Cinq grands qui contrôlent le corps de Tristan concentrent d'abord leur attaque sur Joey afin de pouvoir ensuite affronter Yugi seul.

Épisode 16 - Merger Of The Big Five (Part 3 of 3)

2 juillet 2002 - 4.2/5

Les Cinq grands ordonnent à leurs maîtres de jeu de s'associer pour former le dragon suprême à cinq têtes qui a vaincu Joey, Mai et Makuba.

Épisode 17 - Brothers In Arms (Part 1 of 3)

16 juillet 2002 - 4.2/5

Une lutte pour le contrôle total de la KaibaCorp fait rage entre Noah et Kaiba. Alors qu'il essaie de manipuler Kaiba, Noah révèle son propre passé tragique.

Épisode 18 - Brothers In Arms (Part 2 of 3)

23 juillet 2002 - 4.1/5

L'Arche de Shinato de Noah avale tous les monstres envoyés au cimetière des cartes, lui permettant de bénéficier de tout un arsenal dans sa lutte contre Kaiba.

Épisode 19 - Brothers In Arms (Part 3 of 3)

30 juillet 2002 - 4.2/5

Victime d'un lavage de cerveau, Makuba empêche Kaiba d'en finir avec Noah. Kaiba doit choisir entre céder le pouvoir de la KaibaCorp ou risquer de perdre Makuba.

Épisode 20 - Noah's Final Threat (Part 1 of 2)

6 août 2002 - 4.2/5

Yugi prend la place de Kaiba avec seulement 400 points de vie contre Noah, enhardi, et sa carte maîtresse, Shinato.

Épisode 21 - Noah's Final Threat (Part 2 of 2)

13 août 2002 - 4.1/5

Un sentiment de désespoir et d'isolement envahit Yugi lorsqu'il voit ses amis se transformer en statues à chaque échec de sa part.

Épisode 22 - So Close Yet So Far

20 août 2002 - 4.1/5

La partie touche à sa fin. Yugi et ses amis ont les yeux tournés vers la réalité, mais le véritable cerveau n'a pas l'intention de les laisser quitter le monde virtuel.

Épisode 23 - Burying The Past (Part 1 of 2)

27 août 2002 - 4.1/5

Alors qu'ils cherchent à s'enfuir du monde virtuel, Yugi et ses amis sont encerclés par des monstres. Kaiba affronte Gozaburo, son beau-père, dans un combat ultime.

Épisode 24 - Burying The Past (Part 2 of 2)

27 août 2002 - 4.1/5

Seto Kaiba a du mal à résister au monstre invincible de Gozaburo, Éxodia Necross. Yugi et son équipe tentent de fuir le monde virtuel avant qu'il ne soit trop tard.

Épisode 25 - Back To Battle City (Part 1 of 3)

3 septembre 2002 - 4.3/5

La finale de Bataille-Ville reprend. Yugi et ses amis arrivent sur l'île de la KaibaCorp, où l'un des quatre finalistes sera sacré vainqueur !

Épisode 26 - Back To Battle City (Part 2 of 3)

10 septembre 2002 - 4.3/5

Alors que le duel bat son plein, Yugi est déterminé à aider Joey à faire tomber Marik. Joey jure de ramener l'âme emprisonnée de Mai du Royaume des ombres.

Épisode 27 - Back To Battle City (Part 3 of 3)

17 septembre 2002 - 4.2/5

Le combat à quatre prend fin et les duellistes se préparent à affronter leurs adversaires de demi-finales au sommet de la Tour de duel.

Épisode 28 - The Darkness Returns (Part 1 of 4)

8 octobre 2002 - 4.2/5

Au cours de la première demi-finale, le sadique Marik piège Joey dans un Jeu de l'ombre où son corps faiblit à chaque attaque.

Épisode 29 - The Darkness Returns (Part 2 of 4)

8 octobre 2002 - 4.2/5

Marik envoie Helpoemer dans le cimetière de son adversaire afin d'épuiser les cartes de Joey ainsi que ses points de vie à une cadence infernale !

Épisode 30 - The Darkness Returns (Part 3 of 4)

15 octobre 2002 - 4.2/5

Alors que Joey n'a plus que très peu de points de vie, Marik s'apprête à jouer sa carte de dieu égyptien, le tout-puissant Dragon ailé de Râ.

Épisode 31 - The Darkness Returns (Part 4 of 4)

22 octobre 2002 - 4.3/5

Le combat entre Joey et Marik dans le Royaume des ombres se termine de façon spectaculaire. Seto Kaiba cherche ensuite à vaincre Yugi lors de la demi-finale suivante.

Épisode 32 - Clash In The Coliseum (Part 1 of 6)

29 octobre 2002 - 4.2/5

Le duel entre Yugi et Seto Kaiba commence à l'intérieur d'un immense amphithéâtre, pour une place en finale contre Marik.

Épisode 33 - Clash In The Coliseum (Part 2 of 6)

5 novembre 2002 - 4.2/5

Alors que Joey erre dans le Royaume des ombres, Yugi est mis en difficulté par le Canon dragon XYZ de Seto Kaiba.

Épisode 34 - Clash In The Coliseum (Part 3 of 6)

12 novembre 2002 - 4.2/5

Slifer, le Dragon céleste de Yugi, affronte Obélisk, le tourmenteur de Seto Kaiba, à l'occasion d'un combat ultime entre deux dieux monstres égyptiens.

Épisode 35 - Clash In The Coliseum (Part 4 of 6)

19 novembre 2002 - 4.1/5

Seto et Yugi ont des visions du combat légendaire du Grand prêtre contre le Pharaon lorsque leurs dieux monstres égyptiens libèrent une énergie mystique.

Épisode 36 - Clash In The Coliseum (Part 5 of 6)

19 novembre 2002 - 4.1/5

Seto Kaiba prend l'avantage lorsqu'il invoque trois Dragons blancs aux yeux bleus. Alors que Yugi est proche de la défaite, Tristan appelle Joey à se réveiller.

Épisode 37 - Clash In The Coliseum (Part 6 of 6)

19 novembre 2002 - 4.2/5

Impatient de terminer le match, Kaiba active sa carte piège, Derniers ordres de combat, forçant les deux joueurs à choisir leurs trois meilleures cartes.

Épisode 38 - Battle For The Bronze (Part 1 of 3)

3 décembre 2002 - 4.1/5

Furieux d'avoir perdu le duel précédent, Seto Kaiba accepte tout de même le défi de Joey pour la troisième place du tournoi de Bataille-Ville.

Épisode 39 - Battle For The Bronze (Part 2 of 3)

10 décembre 2002 - 4.1/5

Joey affronte les meilleures cartes de Seto Kaiba sans monstre pour se défendre. Téa, sous influence, lutte contre Marik pour le contrôle de la Baguette du millenium.

Épisode 40 - Battle For The Bronze (Part 3 of 3)

17 décembre 2002 - 4.1/5

La bataille pour la troisième place prend fin. Alors que le dernier duel approche, Seto Kaiba donne à Yugi une carte spéciale à utiliser contre Marik.

Épisode 41 - The Final Face Off (Part 1 of 5)

24 décembre 2002 - 4.2/5

Marik transforme le combat final contre Yami Yugi en Jeu de l'ombre. Si Marik gagne, Yugi et ses amis seront envoyés dans le Royaume des ombres.

Épisode 42 - The Final Face Off (Part 2 of 5)

7 janvier 2003 - 4.2/5

Le dieu Râ de Marik prend le dessus sur Slifer, le Dragon céleste de Yugi dont les monstres sont impuissants face à Marik. Yugi joue alors la carte de Kaiba.

Épisode 43 - The Final Face Off (Part 3 of 5)

14 janvier 2003 - 4.1/5

Proche de la victoire, Yugi hésite à asséner le coup final, car le bon côté de Marik sera perdu dans le Royaume des ombres.

Épisode 44 - The Final Face Off (Part 4 of 5)

21 janvier 2003 - 4.3/5

Yugi repousse les attaques de Marik jusqu'à ce qu'il ait des cartes assez fortes pour le vaincre. Odion essaie d'atteindre Yami Marik avant qu'il ne soit trop tard.

Épisode 45 - The Final Face Off (Part 5 of 5)

28 janvier 2003 - 4.3/5

Le Dragon ailé de Râ de Marik s'attaque à la force combinée de tous les monstres de Yugi dans un affrontement final.

Épisode 46 - One For The Road

4 février 2003 - 4.2/5

Yugi et ses amis se préparent à partir alors que l'île de la KaibaCorp va sombrer au fond de la mer, mais Seto Kaiba et Makuba sont introuvables.

Épisode 47 - Looking Back And Moving Ahead

11 février 2003 - 3.9/5

Alors qu'elles visitent Domino City pour y voir les endroits clés de Bataille-Ville, Téa et Sérénité repensent aux événements qui les ont transformées.

Épisode 1 - A New Evil (Part 1 of 2)

18 février 2003 - 4.4/5

A man with a strange-looking duel disk challenges Weevil Underwood and Rex Raptor to a duel where they have to bet their souls. Yugi is ready to go to the museum alone but Joey Tea and Tristan follow him. Yugi takes the 3 God Cards and holds them up. A light shows from the Millennium Puzzle symbol on the tablet. There is someone performing a dark ritual on the tablet so Yugi fails recovering his memories. Suddenly everyone hears a noise and they walk outside. There are Duel Monsters flying around the city. Everyone thinks its Kaiba Corp. but Kaiba it too busy to be spoken to. Everyone is watching TV at Yugi's house. Then Grampa yells. They go out and he is lying on the ground and the God cards are STOLEN. Joey runs outside and sees Obelisk in the sky. When the others run out, Slifer and Ra appear too. 3 men on motorcycles appear and challenge Yugi, calling him Pharaoh, to follow them. When he arrives at the duel's location, a man jumps down to duel Yugi. As they duel, the three men fro

Épisode 2 - A New Evil (Part 2 of 2)

25 février 2003 - 4.3/5

The seal of Orichalcos is still in effect and it is hindering Yugi each turn. However, he finds a way to destroy his opponents' ""endless"" ranks of monsters, and has Dark Magician Girl eradicate the rest of his life points. The man's soul is sealed in Orichalcos as a result. The strange bikers (Rafael, Valon, and Alister) steal the God cards, but give back Rex and Weevil's soul cards. Later that day, Yugi and his friends meet Rebecca again, who tells them that her grandfather wants to see them about something...

Épisode 3 - Legend Of The Dragons

4 mars 2003 - 4.4/5

After their first encounter with the new evil, Yugi and the others are concerned to learn from Professer Hawkins that their appearance could have some connection to the destruction of the ancient civilisation, Atlantis. With so many thoughts running through his mind, Yugi's sleep is restless as he is drawn to a world of Duel Monsters where he is told of the three Legendary Dragons and unseals the first of them, Timaeus.

Épisode 4 - The Creator Returns

11 mars 2003 - 4.3/5

Yugi receives a parcel from Maximillion Pegasus, containing a VHS tape and a card with key on it. Joey and Tristan freak, but Yugi inserts the tape anyway. Pegasus appears, showing his usual cocky attitude, but tells Yugi he has information for him concerning all the recent happenings. However, he can't divulge it on the tape for fear that the wrong person will get it, so he requests Yugi to come see him in person. Joey, Tristan, and Téa all decide to go with him. Elsewhere, Dartz and his warriors conspire. Dartz wants them to keep an eye on Pegasus. Also, Rafael is determined to take down the Pharaoh. Valon has his eye on destroying Joey, while Alister wants a piece of Seto Kaiba. Yugi needs the card from Pegasus to enter the compound, so he takes it with him. Pegasus has a private jet ready to take them to California. What they don't realize is that Weevil and Rex hid in the luggage. After they all arrive, the bag in which Weevil and Rex were hiding in gets thrown into lost and found

Épisode 5 - Deja Duel! (Part 1 of 2)

18 mars 2003 - 4.3/5

Kaiba has finally arrived at the Duelest Kingdom to confront Pegasus about what he knows of the Duel Monsters coming to life, and why he has suddenly bought the Kaiba Corp. stock. Pegasus however, wants to duel Kaiba, and Kaiba obliges. The duel is soon underway, and though Pegasus plays his infamous ""Toon World"" card, Kaiba still does well and is able to destroy Toon World. However, Kaiba realizes that something is wrong. The man dueling him is only mimicking Pegasus's past moves... So ""Pegasus"" reveals his true identity... he is in fact Alister, ready to take revenge against Kaiba! And he begins by playing the Seal of Orichalcos...

Épisode 6 - Deja Duel! (Part 2 of 2)

8 avril 2003 - 4.4/5

Kaiba and Alister's duel continues, with Alister seeming to get the upper hand. His Gorlag's attack points rise from 1000 to 2500 just on the turn it's summoned due to its special effect and the effect of The Seal of Orichalcos. Then, Alister tells Kaiba about his past, and how his little brother Mikey was captured by enemy troops during a war. Kaiba Corperation was providing the tanks to the army that captured his brother, so Alister wants revenge on the Kaiba family. And it seems he might be able to achieve that by looking at how the duel is going. Alister now has two Blue Eyes White Dragons and his Gorlag on the field, with a combined attack power of 10,000. Just as Kaiba is about to give up, he is transported to the Duel Monsters world. He gains the power of the dragon Critias and comes back to the real world, amazed to find a card with Critias's picture on it. He plays it anyway, and almost wins, but Alister uses a trap card and because of its effect, the duel ends in a tie and Al

Épisode 7 - An Unexpected Enemy

15 avril 2003 - 4.3/5

Yugi and the gang get ambushed by bikers at the gas station. Right as they're about to attack, someone rushes in to save them. When Joey sees the Harpy Lady card, he knows the person was Mai. Meanwhile, Kaiba and Mokuba leave Duelist Kingdom and decide to pay a visit to Pegasus at the Industrial Illusion headquarters. At the same time, Duke meets up with Weevil and Rex, who trick him into taking them to Industrial Illusion. With everyone heading to the same destination, Yugi and co. arrive, only to get locked inside. Suddenly Mai appears and reveals that she has taken Pegasus's soul. Everyone is surprised, and then they see Rafael and Valon up on a balcony. Mai decides to duel with Joey, and activates The Seal of Orichalcos. Confused, Joey tries to snap Mai out of it, but she just keeps dueling. Can Joey duel against and old friend with both their souls up for bet?

Épisode 8 - My Freaky Valentine (Part 1 of 3)

22 avril 2003 - 4.4/5

Joey decides to duel, but he's afraid that if he wins, Mai's soul will be taken again. Yugi contemplates ways of saving them, and thinks he may be able to use the Eye of Timaeus card somehow. Back at the duel, Mai has already gotten Joey's life points down to 2200. Joey wonders how he can break the spell over her, but Mai tells him that there is no spell, and that Rafael and Valon did nothing to her. Everything she's doing is of her own free will. She tells them that after Battle City, she moved from tournament to tournament, trying to make a name for herself. But no matter how many tournaments she won, she couldn't move out of Yugi and Joey's shadow. She also had nightmares every night about Yami Marik sending her to the Shadow Realm again. She always woke up shaking and feeling weak. Then one night as she walked through an ally, she met up with Valon, who challenged her to a duel. Valon won easily, and told her that if she wanted true power, she'd follow him. She did, and gained the

Épisode 9 - My Freaky Valentine (Part 2 of 3)

29 avril 2003 - 4.4/5

As the duel continues, Joey finally gets serious by summoning Fiend Megacyber to the field and destroying one of Mai's Harpies, sending her Life Points down to 3600. At that point, Mai remembers about when she met Dartz, and agreed to give up her weak side in order to gain the powers of Orichalcos. Still determined to win, Mai continues her assault by summoning Harpy's Pet Dragon. Turn after turn, Joey fights her off but doesn't seem to be making any progress and is just holding off his eventual defeat. Meanwhile, Duke, Weevil, and Rex arrive at Industrial Illusions, and Duke runs off to try to unlock the gates around the building. Back to the duel, Joey is trapped into a corner again. But when he draws again, his deck glows, and he and Yami Yugi are taken to the Dominion of the Beasts, where the last Dragon, Hermos, is waiting to be unsealed. Joey pulls the sword, and he and Yugi are transported back to the duel. Although confused about what just happened, Joey draws the Claw of Hermo

Épisode 10 - My Freaky Valentine (Part 3 of 3)

6 mai 2003 - 4.3/5

Although everyone is confused about Joey getting Hermos, he still wants to play it, hoping to somehow get his and Mai's Life Points down to 0 at the same time. Meanwhile, Duke arrives at main computer for Industrial Illusions and tries to hack into the security program. Back at the duel, Joey plays Hermos in combination with Time Wizard to create a small hammer thingy. Joey uses it, and succeeds in getting all of Mai's monsters off the field, then directly attacks her, sending her LPs down to 1400. Mai is afraid that she's going to lose, but suddenly Harpy's Pet Dragon reappars because of the hammer thingy's effect. Mai tries to attack, but Joey activates Skull Dice to prevent her attack. Mai panics, but suddenly Valon jumps down from the balcony and uses his Orichalcos shard to break the seal and stop the duel. Rafael scolds him, and then vows to make up for it by taking the Pharaoh's soul. He then uses his Orichalcos shard to make Mai, Valon, and himself disappear. At that moment, Du

Épisode 11 - The Challenge

13 mai 2003 - 4.3/5

Although Yugi and Joey are determined to defeat Dartz using the Legendary Dragon cards, Kaiba is less than enthusiastic about the idea. He still refuses to believe it and walks off with Mokuba. The others decide to go to Professer Hawkins's house to try to find some clues, but Kaiba and Mokuba have already flown off in their Blue Eyes jet, so they have to go in Duke's car, bringing Rex and Weevil along in the trunk. Meanwhile, Mai reprimands Valon for stopping the duel, claiming that she would have beaten Joey if he hadn't interferred. Rafael tells Mai that she would have lost because Joey had his Hermos card. Mai rides off angrily on Valon's motorcycle, and Rafael decides it's time to target the Pharaoh. Meanwhile at Professer Hawkins's place, while Rebecca is coming home from the grocery store, Hawkins is kidnapped by Dartz's men and his lab is destroyed. Rebecca finds a card with a note written on it at the scene. Yugi and the others arrive to see the charred mess. As everyone discu

Épisode 12 - Fate Of The Pharaoh (Part 1 of 3)

20 mai 2003 - 4.4/5

As Duke, Joey, and Tristan search for Yugi, Yugi arrives at his destination on Death Valley, ready to duel Rafael. As he walks onto the small plateau where Rafael is waiting, Rafael destroys the bridge behind them, meaning that both of them are trapped on the plateau. Rafael states that he's been looking forward to this duel so he can save the world from mankind. Yugi is shocked by Rafael's views on life, but decides to duel. The duel starts out bad for Yugi as Rafael's magic card allows him to draw two cards every turn, while his life points are already down to 3900 because of Rafael's powerful Guardian monsters. Rafael proceeds to tell Yugi about his past, and about how when he was a child, Rafael was stranded on an island for 3 years due to a cruise ship accident. His family survived, but they abandoned any hopes of finding him alive, meaning he was trapped. Rafael was alone on that island for 3 long years with no one except for his cards: Guardian Grarl, Guardian Kay'est, and Guard

Épisode 13 - Fate Of The Pharaoh (Part 2 of 3)

27 mai 2003 - 4.4/5

Yugi uses his five Kuriboh brothers to block Rafael's attack, but Rafael still isn't worried about losing... that is, until Yugi summons his Eye of Timaeus and fuses it with his Dark Magician Girl to form Dark Magician Girl, The Dragon Knight. The monster destroy's Rafael's Guardian Grarl, but Rafael activates Self Tribute, bringing Grarl back to the field at a cost of 1000 life points. Rafael then tells Yugi the truth about the Orichalcos and how the stone was a trial to test the hearts of man, and it found that all hearts of humans are dark and evil. When Rafael claims that Yami Yugi was an evil Pharaoh, Yami Yugi tries to deny it. But Rafael says if he has no memories of his past, how does he know if he was good or evil? Rafael then activates Exchange, and since both Yugi and Rafeal has only one card in their hand, they must trade them. Yugi gives Rafael his Necromancy card, while Rafael gives Yugi The Seal of Orichalcos! Then Rafael activates his Crystal Seal trap card, sealing up

Épisode 14 - Fate Of The Pharaoh (Part 3 of 3)

3 juin 2003 - 4.4/5

Because Yami Yugi activated The Seal of Orichalcos, his Timaeus card disappears because it can't mix with the power of Orichalcos. Angry, Yami Yugi summons many monsters to the field and is able to destroy Rafael's Guardian Grarl, meaning his Purity of the Cemetary card is destroyed. But Rafael plays Monster Rebirth, sending his Grarl card into the deck, proving that Rafael still doesn't want any of his monsters in the graveyard. Meanwhile, from some dark place, Yugi wakes up to see that his other self really did activate the Seal and started becoming evil. When Joey, Tristan, and Duke arrive outside the duel arena, Rex explains to them that Yugi got the Orichalcos card and played it, which Joey can't believe. Back to the duel, Rafael activates Swords of Revealing Light, stopping Yami Yugi's monsters from attacking for 3 turns. Yami Yugi shrugs it off and plays Catapult Turtle, which he uses to catapult his monsters at Rafael's life points. Although Rafael still has 100 life points lef

Épisode 15 - Trial By Stone

10 juin 2003 - 4.3/5

Weevil and Rex jump on the helicopter that Rafael and Alister are on, and Alister has no choice but to continue flying with Weevil and Rex. Meanwhile, Yami Yugi and the others return to where Tea and Rebecca are waiting. They're happy to see Yugi back, but not after they find out that Yami Yugi lost and Yugi's soul was taken. Rebecca blames Yami Yugi for everything, and he agrees with her. Joey tries to snap him out of it and tells him if he's going to save Yugi he can't just stand there moping. Meanwhile, at Dartz's headquarters, Rafael, Alister, Weevil, and Rex have arrived and walk into the main meeting room. Dartz greets them, Valon appears and tells them they got the wrong soul. Rafael is amazed, but vows to reclaim the Pharaoh's soul later. Then, Weevil and Rex jump in and say they want to join them. Dartz is reluctant at first, but decides to test them by placing two Orichalcos shards in front of them. If they can grab them, they are worthy to weild the power of Orichalcos. But

Épisode 16 - On The Wrong Track (Part 1 of 3)

24 juin 2003 - 4.3/5

As everyone boards the train, Yami Yugi remembers how angry Rebecca was because she couldn't go with them. Afterwards, Yami Yugi, Tea, Joey, and Tristan set out on the train with Duke waving goodbye. During the ride, Tea tries to cheer Yami Yugi up, but he just says ""Sorry"" and walks away. In the space between the cars, Yami Yugi just thinks about how he lost Yugi and everything he could have done to prevent it. Back in the passenger car, Tristan notices that everyone else who was just on the car has disappeared. The three of them go searching through the train, but don't find any people. When the find Yami Yugi, they tell him about the situation, and he runs off. As he crosses over to another car, the cable connecting them breaks loose and the car that Tea, Joey, and Tristan are on begins slowing down. Tea quickly jumps to the car Yami Yugi is in, meaning she and Yami Yugi are on the still-moving train and Joey and Tristan are on the slowing car following it. Joey's car comes to a com

Épisode 17 - On The Wrong Track (Part 2 of 3)

24 juin 2003 - 4.4/5

As the two duels continue, Weevil and Rex reveal how their famous status as Regional Champion and Regional Runner-up plummeted when they were knocked out of Duelist Kingdom at such an early stage. However while Weevil seems to be turning the tides in his favor with the help of an old strategy, Joey also appears to be pulling ahead thanks to the help of an old friend. But with such high stakes on the line victory could still go to any two of the four duelists.

Épisode 18 - On The Wrong Track (Part 3 of 3)

1 juillet 2003 - 4.4/5

With their duels still unresolved, both Yami Yugi and Joey draw their Legendary Dragon cards at similar times and both summon them to the field. However while Joey successfully combines Hermos with his Red-Eyes Black Dragon, Timaeus vanishes as Yami Yugi summons it leaving him stranded with his main hope for victory gone. Nonetheless, Yami Yugi is determined to defeat Weevil and find out where Yugi's soul is being kept, but the pressure of the guilt residing within him seems to be growing stronger by the minute. Joey is able to defeat Rex easily with Hermos's power, but things look bad for Yami Yugi. He eventually wins using his Berzerker Soul magic card, but he's still no closer to finding Yugi's soul. At that moment, the train derails, and Yami Yugi, Tea, and Weevil's souless body go plummeting into a ravine.

Épisode 19 - Self Destruction

8 juillet 2003 - 4.3/5

As the train to Florida crashes, Dartz senses that the Pharaoh is being shielded from him and sends Rafael to find him. Meanwhile, Yami Yugi and Téa wake up to find themselves being cared for by a small girl, Chris, and her wolf friend Skye. Meeting up with Chris's grandfather, Ironheart, Yami Yugi is lead to an ancient site where he will hopefully be able to forgive himself for what happened to Yugi. However as the Pharoah and Yugi meet face to face, the reunion does not look set to be a happy one. Yugi insists on dueling against his other self, which confuses Yami Yugi. He's even more confused after Yugi plays the Seal of Orichalcos soon after the duel begins! Yugi wants Yami Yugi to pay for what he did by having his soul sealed up too. He then uses the same strategy used by Yami Yugi in his duel against Rafael by using Catapult Turtle to fire monsters, but the Pharaoh activates Divine Wind, reflecting the attack back at Yugi. But even as he disappears, Yugi smiles, because he knows

Épisode 20 - Reliving the Past

22 juillet 2003 - 4.4/5

After his confrontation with Yugi, Yami Yugi is given little time to recover as Rafael arrives and informs Dartz. Dartz uses Rafael's Orichalcos shard to unseal an Orichalcos Soldier from its resting place. As a vicious battle begins, Yami Yugi gets a vision of the past, in which hundreds of Orichalcos Soldiers are fighting against an army of Duel Monsters, with Ironheart, Crhis, and Skye at its front. Back in the current time, the Orichalcos Soldier summons an Orichalcos Gigas to attack the Pharaoh. But the spirits of the Duel Monsters who fought there surround Yami Yugi and protect him. Yami Yugi uses his cards to fight the Orichalcos Gigas off, but it simply revives each time it's destroyed, and it gains strength each time it revives. As things begin to look hopeless for the Pharaoh, Ironheart decides that it's time to return Timaeus to him and runs down into the battlefield. Yami Yugi has another vision of the past, in which Timeaus appears and destroyes the entire army of Orichalc

Épisode 21 - Deck of Armor

29 juillet 2003 - 4.3/5

At Dartz's headquarters, Mai begins to grow tired of taking orders from Dartz and sets out on her own, determined to find and defeat Joey. As Valon heads off after her, the two eventually meet up and Valon explains to Mai that he cares for her and would do anything to make her happy. While Mai seems unimpressed by the announcement, the two have little time to discuss things further when Rebecca and Duke arrive, challenging Valon to a 2 vs. 1 duel in the hopes of winning back Yugi's soul. Valon agrees to the duel only because he wants to show off his dueling skills to Mai. As they duel, Valon seems to play nothing but Armor monsters with zero attack strength. Rebecca and Duke are confused, but continue to duel, only to have their life points wiped out three turns into the duel by Valon's Armored Gravitation card. Meanwhile, Kaiba and Mokuba are flying to Florida on the KC1 as an aurora appears in the sky again...

Épisode 22 - Flight Of Fear (Part 1 of 2)

12 août 2003 - 4.4/5

The pilot of the plane turns out to be Alister, who, after trapping him on his own plane, forces Kaiba into a rematch. But as Alister uses his Soldier Deck and activates The Seal of Orichalcos, the auto pilot system fails and Mokuba is forced to try to fly the plane on his own. Meanwhile, Alister uses the power of Orichalcos to show Kaiba visions of the consequences of the weapons provided by the old Kaiba Corp. Kaiba refuses to be affected by Alister's tricks, and is able to destroy his army of Tank monsters. But with the plane about to crash into a mountain and Alister claiming to have a perfect strategy, is there any way Kaiba can come out of this duel alive?

Épisode 23 - Flight Of Fear (Part 2 of 2)

19 août 2003 - 4.4/5

The duel between Kaiba and Alister continues, and Alister summons the powerful Air Fortress Ziggurat, a card based of his brother Mikey's Dynadude action figure and resistant to both magic and trap cards. At the same time, Mokuba manages to navigate the plane above the mountain with some help from Roland and sets the auto pilot back on. Backed into a corner, Kaiba manages to summon his Blue Eyes White Dragon and destroy Alister's Ziggurat. Alister's still confident, because the plane will crash soon, causing the Orichalcos to absorb the souls of Kaiba, Alister, and Mokuba at the same time. Kaiba convinces Alister to give him one more turn to save his brother, and draws the Fang of Critias card, and creates the Blue Eyes Tyrant Dragon with it, wiping out Alister's life points. Before he loses his soul, Alister is able to see the wrong in what he was doing. With some help from the Three Legendary Dragons, Kaiba manages to land the plane safely, right in front of Yami Yugi, Tea, Joey, and

Épisode 24 - Paradise Found

19 août 2003 - 4.3/5

As everyone flies off in Kaiba's chopper, they discuss Kaiba Corperation's takeover. However, Kaiba was able to get a group to Florida early, and has all of the information on the ruins of Atlantis on his computer. After sending the images to Professor Hawkins, the professor says that the images are too low-quality to view properly. So after meeting up with Rebecca, Duke, and the professor, Yami Yugi and Kaiba head to Kaiba Corp's main HQ to analize the data. Meanwhile, Dartz begins the second phase of his plan, and summons Orichalcos Soldiers all over the world. As Yami Yugi and Kaiba enter the KC building, they're greeted by an army of monsters. They eventually make it to the central computer and clean up the images of the ruins. Professor Hawkins is able to translate the data, and Kaiba recognizes the marks on the images as the symbol of Paradius, a huge corperation led by Dartz. Suddenly, the computer explodes and Dartz appears to taunt the Pharaoh and Kaiba. Meanwhile, Rebecca is

Épisode 25 - Fighting For A Friend (Part 1 of 5)

2 septembre 2003 - 4.3/5

With Orichalcos Soldiers appearing all over the world, Yami Yugi and the others become more determined to defeat Dartz before he can destroy the world. But Joey was separated from the group when he followed Valon off to duel with him, and with Mai also hot on their trails. When their duel begins, Joey is surprised that Valon plays nothing but Armor monsters with 0 attack strength, but is also surprised when Valon uses his Big Bang Blow's special ability to destroy his monsters. Valon explains that he only attacks during his duels, and he's been that way all his life. They continue their duel.

Épisode 26 - Fighting For A Friend (Part 2 of 5)

9 septembre 2003 - 4.3/5

As Joey and Valon's duel continues, Yami Yugi and the others are intercepted by a bunch of Orichalcos Soldiers. Timaeus and Critias easily defeat them, and after the battle, Kaiba and Mokuba take their leave. Kaiba does hint at how to find Joey, and Rebecca begins hacking into KaibaCorp's mainfraim so they can find Joey. Back at the duel, Valon finally plays The Seal of Orichalcos, along with the magic card Full Armor Gravitation, which helps him build another suit of armor. With each Armor moster having its own unique special ability, the duel looks grim for Joey. The the tide seems to turn when he draws his Claw of Hermos card...

Épisode 27 - Fighting For A Friend (Part 3 of 5)

16 septembre 2003 - 4.4/5

Rebecca finally pinpoints Joey's location, and Yami Yugi, Tea, and Tristan run off to find him. At the duel, Joey is able to destroy Valon's entire suit of armor by combining his Claw of Hermos and his Rocket Warrior into Rocket Hermos Cannon. But Valon turns the tide again by cloning the Rocket Hermos Cannon with his Data Brain card and using it on Joey. Valon attacks Joey again, only to activate his trap card and summon the trap monster Aura Armor to Joey's field. Joey then activates Red Eyes Transmigration to turn his Aura Armor into a Lord of the Red armor card. With Valon shaking and amazed of Joey's strength, Mai finally arrives. Joey uses his Lord of the Red's special ability to destroy all of Valon's armor monsters again, which Valon counters by breaking up Joey's Lord of the Red into Red Eyes Black Dragon and Aura Armor. It's all going to come down to one last turn...

Épisode 28 - Fighting For A Friend (Part 4 of 5)

23 septembre 2003 - 4.3/5

Valon activates Pheonix Gravitation, allowing him to revive 4 armor monsters to the field and equip them. Valon's victory seems ensured, but Joey turns the tables again and brings back Hermos and combines it with Valon's Big Bang Blow to form Big Bang Dragon Blow. The two armored duelists attack each other, and the outcome looks like a draw. But because of Big Bang Dragon Blow's special ability, Joey destroys all of Valon's armor monsters and reduces his LPs down to 0. Content with his defeat, Valon accepts his punishment. His last words are telling Joey to save Mai. With that, his soul is taken. Mai kneels next to his body and cries, but eventually returns to her evil self again and says he deserved it. Joey denies it and says Valon dueled like a true duelist. He challenges Mai to a duel, saying that's the only way he'll be able to understand her. Meanwhile, Yami Yugi, Tea, and Tristan are still having no luck finding Joey, and Kaiba and Mokuba get ambushed by Orichalcos Soldiers agai

Épisode 29 - Fighting For A Friend (Part 5 of 5)

1 octobre 2003 - 4.3/5

As Yami Yugi, Tea, and Tristan continue searching and Kaiba and Mokuba fight off swarms of Orichalcos Soldiers, the duel between Joey and Mai continues. Joey again tries to convince Mai that she should stop, but it doesn't work. The duel continues, and Mai continues to have the upper hand. Joey finally draws his Claw of Hermos and uses it to create the Red Eyes Black Dragon sword. Victory seems in his hand, but Mai makes quick work of his sword with her Harpy's Feather Duster. Things look hopeless for Joey as Mai begins her final assult. She is ready to attack his Life Points and end the duel, but she stops. She begins to remember all the good times she and Joey had and all the times Joey protected her from danger. But at that moment, Joey begins to collapse. Mai rushes towards him, but it's too late. As the seal closes in around them, Joey tells Mai that he's glad her soul is safe and pushes her out. As the Seal takes Joey's soul, Mai screams and her Orichalcos shard shatters. Dartz s

Épisode 30 - Grappling With A Guardian (Part 1 of 3)

8 octobre 2003 - 4.3/5

Everyone is upset that Joey has lost his soul. Angered, Yami Yugi rushes off to find and duel Dartz to settle things once and for all. As he reaches Paradius, the elevator doors open, and Mai's soulless body falls out. Yami Yugi goes up the elevator to the roof, where he finds Rafael waiting. Rafael gives Yami Yugi the Claw of Hermos card and explains that he defeated Mai and took her soul. Rafael is determined to help Dartz in his goal no matter what. He explains that the Great Leviathan only needs one more strong soul to revive. Meanwhile, Tea and Tristan meet up with Kaiba and Mokuba, and they agree to find Yami Yugi together. Meanwhile, the rematch between Yami Yugi and Rafael finally begins. Rafael begins with the same stratagy he used in his last duel by playing several Guardian monsters. He manages to destroy some of Yami Yugi's monsters, but Yami Yugi can't destroy any of Rafael's monsters because of his conviction to keep his monsters out of the graveyard no matter what. But e

Épisode 31 - Grappling With A Guardian (Part 2 of 3)

15 octobre 2003 - 4.4/5

With Rafael having played the Seal of Orichalcos and all of his guardian monsters getting power boosts, things don't look good for Yami Yugi. But things go from bad to worse as Rafael summons Guardian Eatos, the monster that defeated him in their last duel. But Yami Yugi turns the tables by summoning Timaeus and fusing him with the Dark Magician to form Amulet Dragon. Using his new monster, he destroys Guardian Eatos. However, a new Guardian takes its place! Rafael explains that when Eatos is sent to the graveyard, a new monster, Guardian Dreadscythe, will appear in its place. Rafael then shocks everyone by sacrificing all of his Guardian monsters in order to power up Dreadscythe. His mind has been completely clouded by the Orichalcos. He destroys Amulet Dragon and pushes Yami Yugi into a corner. Yami Yugi decides that he must free Rafael from the darkness, and plays the magic card Underworld Circle. Darkness covers the field, and now Tristan, Tea, Kaiba, and Mokuba can't see the duel.

Épisode 32 - Grappling With A Guardian (Part 3 of 3)

22 octobre 2003 - 4.4/5

Yami Yugi and Rafael begin to experience visions of Rafael's past thanks to Yami Yugi's Underworld Circle card. The vision shows Rafael and Dartz meeting in a cemetary. Dartz told Rafael to start digging in one of the graves. When he does, he finds a Duel Disk. Guardian Eatos appears, but Dartz tells Rafael to ignore it. Rafael draws and plays The Seal of Orichalcos, and because of that, Eatos disappears and is replaced with Guardian Dreadscythe. Yami Yugi, watching this, believes that Dreadscythe is Rafael's darkness, and if he can destroy Dreadscythe, he can save Rafael. But suddenly, the present Rafael reveals that Dreadscythe can't be destroyed! As long as Rafael has cards in his hand to sacrifice, Guardian Dreadscythe won't leave the field. The duel continues, and because of the Underworld Circle card, Yami Yugi can summon monsters from his graveyard to the field on both his and his opponent's turn. Yami Yugi manages to bring back Timaeus and combines it with his Dark Magician Gir

Épisode 33 - A Duel With Dartz (Part 1 of 6)

29 octobre 2003 - 4.4/5

As Paradius HQ collapses under them, Roland plays the unlikely hero role as he appears in his helicopter and prepares to take everyone away. However, Rafael, still weak from his duel, is too slow to make it and with his last ounce of stregnth, throws Yami Yugi to where the others are waiting and gives him a map to where Dartz is. As Paradius collapses and Rafael appears to be dead, our heros are intercepted by some U.S. Air Force men who explain their situation to Yami Yugi and Kaiba. They refuel their helicopter and everyone flies to Dartz's island for the final confrontation. Dartz is happy to see them, and explains his plan to them. He invites both Yami Yugi and Kaiba to duel him at the same time. Meanwhile, Rafael, having miraculously survived, rescues Mai's body and puts her and Valon's body in a Jeep and promises to save them. Back to the duel, Yami Yugi and Kaiba manage to summon strong monsters, but Dartz summons the Seal of Orichalcos, Orichalcos Gigas, and Orichalcos Kyutora.

Épisode 34 - A Duel With Dartz (Part 2 of 6)

5 novembre 2003 - 4.4/5

Before the duel continues, Dartz shows them what happened in ancient Atlantis. He explains how the Orichalcos appeared and corrupted the hearts of the humans and turned people into monsters, including his own wife, Iona. Dartz was shown the truth, however, when he encountered an Orichalcos stone and it explained everything to him and gave him the power of the Great Leviathan. His father, Ironheart, and daughter, Chris, tried to stop him by gaining the help of the monsters from the Dominion of the Beasts, but neither side was victorious. Dartz wants to finish the battle he began 10,000 years ago, and explains that due to his Orichalcos Kyutora's ability, his Life Points are safe from Yami Yugi and Kaiba's last attack. He then plays Orichalcos Deuteros, the second level of the Seal. As the duel progresses, things look dim for Yami Yugi and Kaiba, especially when Dartz plays his Mirror Knight Calling card which summons four Mirror Knights to the field. Kaiba destroys Mirror Knight Calling

Épisode 35 - A Duel With Dartz (Part 3 of 6)

12 novembre 2003 - 4.4/5

As the duel continues, Yami Yugi and Kaiba are shocked to see Yugi, Joey, Mai, and Pegasus as the Mirror Knights. While Kaiba refuses to let it affect him, Yami Yugi no longer has the will to attack. Kaiba attempts to destroy the Mirror Knights, but the knights' friendship gets in his way and defend each other. Dartz also summons Orichalcos Malevolence to cause trouble for Kaiba and Yami Yugi. Kaiba is angry that Yami Yugi won't do anything, but Yami Yugi can't bring himself to attack his friends. The duel is put on hold, however, when Rafael appears and attempts to get Dartz to stop. Dartz just laughs and explains to Rafael that he'll never get rid of his darkness. He tells everyone about how he got Rafael, Valon, and Alister to be his pawns. He posed as Gozaburo Kaiba and made Alister believe that it was Kaiba Corperation's fault that his brother was gone. He framed Valon for his first ever crime. He used his powers to sink the ship that Rafael and his family were on the day he was s

Épisode 36 - A Duel With Dartz (Part 4 of 6)

19 novembre 2003 - 4.3/5

Because of Orichalcos Tritos, magic and trap cards won't affect Dartz's monsters. Yami Yugi's out of monsters, so Dartz uses his 4 Mirror Knights to attack him. But as Mirror Knight Pegasus attacks him, he calls out to him and tells him to play the card he gave him earlier. It's getting down to the wire, and Kaiba knows that if he can't think of something soon, he'll lose. And with perfect timing, he draws and plays the Fang of Critias card. He combines it with Yami Yugi's Mirror Force and creates Mirror Force Dragon. He attacks Mirror Knight Pegasus and uses the energy reflected by Pegasus's shield to attack all 4 Mirror Knights thanks to Mirror Force Dragon's special ability, much to Yami Yugi' dismay. This means Orichalcos Kyutora is also destroyed, but not before absorbing the damage caused by the attack. But when Orichalcos Kyutora is destroyed, it is replaced by Orichalcos Shunoros, whose attack points are determined by the amount of damage it absorbs as Orichalcos Kyutora. It al

Épisode 37 - A Duel With Dartz (Part 5 of 6)

26 novembre 2003 - 4.4/5

As Dartz and Yami Yugi talk, Joey wakes up in the soul-prison world. He, Yugi, and Pegasus talk about the chances of Yami Yugi defeating Dartz, and Pegasus says that he can win with the card he gave him. The card has the power to break the seal on the Legendary Dragons and turn them human. Back at the duel, Dartz succeeds in breaking Yami Yugi's spirit. Dartz has 20,000 life points and three invincible monsters on his field. Dartz tries to convince Yami Yugi that he'll do much more for his friends by surrendering and going to where they are than attempting to draw the duel out longer. Yami Yugi prepares to surrender, but a teardrop hits the Millennium Puzzle and the Seal of Orichalcos closing in all around him is repelled. Dartz is confused, and Yami Yugi says that he was able to look into his heart and knows that all his friends are with him. He draws a card. It's the card Pegasus gave him, Legend of Heart. Using it, he summons the Legendary Dragons and transforms them into the Legend

Épisode 38 - A Duel With Dartz (Part 6 of 6)

3 décembre 2003 - 4.4/5

Yami Yugi uses Hermos's special ability to escape Dartz's attack. Then he has Critias and Hermos attack Divine Serpent at the same time, and with their respective special abilities, they are able to form a loop on Divine Serpent's head creating a power even more powerful than infinity. Yami Yugi then fuses the three knights together to form the Knight of Destiny. He attacks Divine Serpent, destroying it and winning the duel. Dartz is amazed that he lost, and refuses to believe it. A portal open behind him and he disappears into it. The three knights use a rip in the barrier between the two sides to call back the souls of Yugi, Kaiba, and Joey. After a touching reunion, Roland runs in to inform everyone of some bad news. Atlantis is rising from the ocean depths, creating a large tsunami with it. The tsunami will destroy the entire American east coast within one hour. Yugi, Kaiba, and Joey decide to go to Atlantis themselves and defeat Dartz once and for all, much to the dismay of everyo

Épisode 39 - Rise Of The Great Beast (Part 1 of 2)

10 décembre 2003 - 4.4/5

Yugi, Joey, and Kaiba continue their battle with the Great Leviathan, but their monsters' attacks have no effect. The monsters are destroyed, and the Leviathan proceeds to absorb the three into itself. However, before Yami Yugi is completely absorbed, he is able to call to all of the absorbed souls to lend him their power. With this, Yami Yugi is able to break them out, and then proceeds to revive the God Cards, Obelisk, Slifer, and Ra. He has them destroy the Great Beast, and as a result the lost souls are restored to their bodies. Joey and Kaiba then leave the area, but before Yugi can he is confronted by Dartz one final time. Yami Yugi realizes that he must finally extinguish the darkness in Dartz once and for all, or the terrible events that have occured will happen again.

Épisode 40 - Rise Of The Great Beast (Part 2 of 2)

17 décembre 2003 - 4.3/5

Merged together with the Great Levathain, Dartz attacks Yami Yugi. Yami Yugi realises that he overcome the Beast with the power of his friends. Yami Yugi remembers everything that has happened, and manages to make the Great Levathain disappear for good. Yami Yugi sees Dartz on the floor, and it becomes clear that Dartz was under the control of the Orichalcos. Chris and Ironheart appear to help Dartz, and they thank him for his help. As Yugi and the Pharaoh return to the real world and leave Dartz, Ironheart, and Chris, Joey and Kaiba arrive at the helicopter and everyone is forced to leave without Yugi. Meanwhile, Weevil, Rex, Alister, Valon, and Mai all wake up since their souls have returned to their bodies. Weevil and Rex are still determined to get their revenge on Yugi and Joey, Alister still wants to find his brother, and Mai sets off to prove herself as a true duelist so she can face Joey again. Meanwhile, Yugi and Yami Yugi awaken on the shore of an island. The Legendary Dragon

Épisode 1 - Unwanted Guest (Part 1 of 2)

24 décembre 2003 - 4.2/5

With Dartz finally defeated, Yugi and his friends are taking a well-deserved break. However, it doesn't last long, as everyone realizes that they have no way to get back to Domino. Luckily, Mokuba arrives to say that if they participate in Kaiba Corporation’s new tournament, they will get a free ride home. Yugi, Joey, and Rebecca each receive their formal invitations and Mokuba and Roland fly the gang to Kaiba Land. There, they enter the Kaiba Dome, where there is a huge dueling arena where duelists can challenge an expert duel computer. In the dome, Yugi and his friends meet Leon Wilson, a boy who has idolized Yugi since he won Duelist Kingdom, and Rick, a boy with an unbalanced deck consisting of mostly Dragon cards. Yugi gives him one of his Magic cards, and Rick decides to challenge the duel computer. But right when he does, a mysterious man hacks into Kaiba Corporation’s computer system and shuts and locks all the doors out of the main arena, and programs the duel computer to not open the doors unless someone defeats the duel computer. Rick has no chance to defeat the computer on its highest setting, so Yami steps in to duel, but can even the King of Games win with an unbalanced and weak deck?

Épisode 2 - Unwanted Guest (Part 2 of 2)

7 janvier 2004 - 4.2/5

Things do not look good for Yugi as the duel computer pounds his weak dragon cards to submission. Kaiba finds out about the situation and rushes to Kaiba land to help. Meanwhile, the hacker who set all this up is walking to his jet prepared to go to Kaiba land as well. Back at the duel, Yami Yugi draws the card he gave to Rick earlier, Heart of the Underdog. Using it, he is able to bring out the power of Rick's dragon deck and win the duel, causing the doors to open again. At about that time, Kaiba arrives and tells them where to register for the KC Grand Championship. That night, the gang goes to a hotel reception where all the other contestants are. There, they meet Leon again, and a duelist who seems to have a crush on Yugi named Vivian Wong. Also, the hacker arrives and introduces him to Kaiba as Zigfried Lloyd. Finally, all the contestants arrive and Roland announces their names to the crowd. Then he explains that whoever emerges as the winner of the tournament will gain the right to duel Yugi Muto for the title of the world's best duelist.

Épisode 3 - Let the Games Begin! (Part 1 of 2)

14 janvier 2004 - 4.2/5

As the tournament begins, the first two duels are announced as Joey Wheeler vs. Apdnarg Otum and Leon Wilson vs. Dr. Richard Goat. Leon and Goat both arrive at their designated duel area on time, and so does Apdnarg, but Joey doesn't realize he has to be at his duel area, and because of that, must race against time to find Apdnarg in the Amazon Cruise zone. When Joey and the other eventually get there, the two start their duel. However, Yugi, Tea, and Tristan are too preoccupied by how much Apdnarg looks like Yugi's grandpa. Professor Hawkins appears behind them to fill them in. Solomon had called him to tell him that he would be participating in Kaiba's new tournament. As the duel begins, Apdnarg begins pummeling Joey with a very well-thought out strategy, while Joey attempts to improvise everything. Apdnarg soon plays his Stone Giant and his Ancient City, which special summons two Stone Giant tokens. In addition, he claims that the worst is yet to come...

Épisode 4 - Let the Games Begin! (Part 2 of 2)

21 janvier 2004 - 4.3/5

As the duel between Joey and Apdnarg Otum continues, Apdnarg continues playing by his strategy, playing strange moves that don't seem to make much sense, such as switching his Stone Giant tokens into defense mode and losing 1000 life points because of it. While Joey is still being confused by Apdnarg's moves, Leon Wilson wins his duel against Richard Goat. Meanwhile, outside of Kaiba Land, Weevil Underwood and Rex Raptor arrive and plan to sneak into the KC Grand Championship to face Yugi and Joey again. Back at the duel, Apdnarg reveals that everything he is done since his first move was to summon his next monster. Using the power of his Ancient cards, Apdnarg summons the Ancient Dragon. On the sidelines, Professor Hawkins explains that without the Ancient City, Stone Giant, two Stone Giant Tokens, Ancient Key, Ancient Tome, and Ancient Gate cards, you cannot summon the Ancient Dragon. He also explains that he and Solomon had a contest to see who could collect all the cards needed to summon the dragon first. Back at the duel, though the Ancient Dragon is powerful, Joey manages to destroy it with his Gilford the Lightning, but because of its special effect, it is able to revive because Ancient City was still on the field. Joey comes up with his own strategy, and manages to destroy both the Ancient Dragon and the Ancient City, leaving Apdnarg wide open for an attack. Joey directly attacks him, winning the duel. Everyone is stunned to see Joey actually winning the duel, but not as stunned as Joey when he finds out that Apdnarg is actually Solomon Muto.

Épisode 5 - Child's Play

28 janvier 2004 - 4.3/5

With the first match over, Rebecca is ready for her duel with Vivian. As the two rivals face off, Rebecca proves her skill by constantly turning the tide in her favor. Meanwhile, Weevil and Rex have snuck into Kaiba Land in an attempt to join the tournament. They capture Fortune Salim and steal his outfit. Back at the duel, Rebecca sticks to her strategy and defeats Vivian. As the gang watches a new duel unfold on a television screen, they are shocked to see Fortune Salim turn out to be Weevil and Rex in disguise. However, their planned opponent, Zigfried Lloyd, isn't worried about them and offers to have them both duel him at once. While Weevil and Rex both summon high-powered monsters, Zigfried plays a single Magic Card, Ride of the Valkyries, and uses it to win the duel in a single turn!

Épisode 6 - Down in Flames (Part 1 of 2)

4 février 2004 - 4.3/5

Joey's next opponent is Zigfried Lloyd, the man who defeated both Weevil and Rex in a single turn, but he is still confident he will win. As four duels simultaneous start, Zigfried begins playing with Joey's head by insulting him. This seems to work, as Zigfried quickly gains the upper hand as the duel begins. Zigfried is also worried that Kaiba may be thrown off his scent with his recent inactivity, so he activates a computer virus that causes all the attractions at Kaiba Land to go haywire. As Kaiba works furiously to fix the problem, he remembers meeting a small boy with insane hacking skills at one of his father's parties once. Back at the duel, Joey turns the tables on Zigfried by attacking him directly with his Jinzo. However, that will not last for long, as Zigfried plays his magic card Ride of the Valkyries, the same card he used to defeat Weevil and Rex.

Épisode 7 - Down in Flames (Part 2 of 2)

11 février 2004 - 4.2/5

As the duel continues, Zigfried summons his powerful Valkyrie monsters to the field to attack Joey, but Joey manages to survive the attack. Zigfried is undaunted, and plays his three Goddess sisters, Urd, Verdande, and Skuld. He also plays Nibelung's Ring on Joey's field. He uses all these cards to slowly destroy all of Joey's monsters one by one. Joey tries to turn the tables, but things look even worse as Zigfried summons his most powerful Valkyrie monster, Valkyrie Brunhilde. Joey tries to depend on luck but each turn Zigfried takes away one monster and is able to see his cards!

Épisode 8 - A Brawl in a Small Town (Part 1 of 2)

18 février 2004 - 4.2/5

The final four duelists have been chosen: Zigfried Lloyd, Leon Wilson, Rebecca Hawkins, and Balfry Ginger. As Yugi and the others prepare to cheer Rebecca on in her next duel against Leon, Professor Hawkins appears and informs the group that Yugi's grandpa has disappeared! Arthur heads off to cheer Rebecca on while Yugi and the rest while Yugi and the others go searching for Solomon. They eventually find a map that they think will lead them to him, but Duke suspects a trap. Meanwhile, Rebecca and Leon begin their duel. Rebecca tries to start the same strategy she used against Vivian, but Leon turns out to be too good an opponent to be trapped by that as he foils her attempts to get her strategy started. Then he begins playing many fairy tale monsters against Rebecca. Rebecca is surprised that Leon would have a deck like this, and even more surprised that she is being defeated by it. Meanwhile, Zigfried wins his duel against Balfry Ginger, meaning he gets to be in the finals. Finally, Yugi and the others arrive at the Chinese restaurant where they think Yugi's grandpa is being held.

Épisode 9 - A Brawl in a Small Town (Part 2 of 2)

25 février 2004 - 4.3/5

As Yugi and his friends enter the restaurant, they find Vivian and Yugi's grandpa. Solomon explains how Vivian helped cure his back pain, but then Vivian undoes what she did earlier, bringing his back pain back. She challenges Yugi to a duel for his grandpa and Yugi accepts. Yugi duels Vivian and wins without much of a struggle. Back at the main duel, Leon and Rebecca continue. Rebecca does manage to get the upper hand on Leon by summoning her Diamond Head Dragon. As Yugi and the others finally arrive at her duel, Leon summons his Thorn Princess card to control Rebecca's dragon and attack her life points directly with it, bringing them down to 0. Though Rebecca loses, she congratulates Leon and wishes him luck in the finals.

Épisode 10 - One Step Ahead (Part 1 of 2)

3 mars 2004 - 4.3/5

With Zigfried and Leon ready to square off in the KC Grand Championship finals, Kaiba appears and announces that the match is invalid and proclaims Leon Wilson to be the winner of the duel. Then he tells Zigfried that he knows that his true identity is Zigfried Von Schroeder, CEO and President of Schroeder Corp and challenges him to a duel. As Kaiba and Zigfried begin their duel, Zigfried starts off by playing his magic card Ride of the Valkyries on his first turn. Throughout the rest of the duel, he continues to pummel Kaiba with his Valkyrie monsters, but Kaiba remains unaffected and counters all of Zigfried's main offenses. However, things begin to turn in Zigfried's favor, as he plays Nibelung's Ring on Kaiba's XYZ Dragon Cannon and then plays Fortune Chariot, which lets him bypass Kaiba's monsters and directly attack him.

Épisode 11 - One Step Ahead (Part 2 of 2)

10 mars 2004 - 4.4/5

As Kaiba and Zigfried's duel continues, Zigfried attacks Kaiba repeatedly with his Valkyries and his monster-destroying Goddess combo. Soon Zigfried tells Kaiba why he is infiltrated Kaiba's tournament. A few years ago, Zigfried developed a holographic image projection system that could be used on Duel Monsters cards. However, Kaiba had developed the same idea at the same time and beat Zigfried to it by making a deal with Pegasus. Now Zigfried is back for revenge. Kaiba is unaffected by Zigfried's story and continues dueling, summoning his Chaos Emperor Dragon and destroys everything. However, Zigfried is able to quickly bring back his Valkyrie Brunhilde. However, through a very complicated combo, Kaiba is able to revive his three Blue Eyes White Dragons, his Chaos Emperor Dragon, and his Luster Dragon #2 all at the same time. Kaiba uses them to destroy Zigfried's Valkyrie Brunhilde and wipe out the rest of his life points.

Épisode 12 - Sinister Secrets (Part 1 of 3)

17 mars 2004 - 4.4/5

With Kaiba's hacker trouble out of the way, it is time for the promised event: Yugi, the King of Games vs. Leon. However, things do not seem as peaceful as they are supposed to be. As Leon progresses up the stairs to the final duel of the event, Zigfried catches his eye and hands him a card with a picture of a golden castle on it, saying it will prove useful. Taking it, Leon begins his awaited duel. However, during the duel, one of Kaiba's men comes up and gives Kaiba some news that unsettles everyone present: Leon and Zigfried are brothers! However, Leon is dueling to help his brother fulfill their mission: destroy Kaiba Corp and advertise their own company.

Épisode 13 - Sinister Secrets (Part 2 of 3)

24 mars 2004 - 4.3/5

Zigfried does not seem content with just his brother's victory in this duel. To ensure things go that way, the card he gave to Leon, The Golden Castle of Stromburg, an illegal card, has been modified to force the duelist's monsters to battle and cause Yugi's own creatures to self-destruct while Leon's remain untouched. In addition, to make things worse, Yugi has to put half his deck in the graveyard to keep it going, much to his distaste. Add to the fact that so long as the card does remain active, Kaiba's computer mainframe will be infected with an unstoppable virus, and you have a recipe for the ultimate disaster. Even Leon isn't happy with the arrangement, especially since it's cheating. However, Leon's pleas fall on Zigfried's deaf ears as he controls the duel from the balcony. However, Yugi promises that he'll help Leon destroy the castle somehow. But how can he destroy a card that can't be affected by traps and spells?

Épisode 14 - Sinister Secrets (Part 3 of 3)

31 mars 2004 - 4.3/5

Yugi continues his duel with Leon, who is using the Golden Castle of Stromberg card that Zigfried gave to him. Leon wants to get rid of the card because its affects and how Zigfried was only helping him cheat. Yugi puts together a strategy to get rid of it by summoning Jack's Knight, Queen's Knight, and king's knight. Then he used a magic card that sacrificed all three monsters in order to summon Royal Card Knight. By discarding a monster, each of the first five levels, the knight can destroy every card on the field, but when the smoke clears it turns out the castle is also immune to monster special abilities as well. But then Yugi points out that because he only has one card in his deck, he can't discard half of his deck to keep the castle on the field, therefore, the castle is ruined. Leon doesn’t want to finish because he felt liked he cheated but Yugi convinces him to continue, and with one card left, Yugi summons Dark Magician and uses Diffusion Wave Motion to destroy all of Leon’s monsters and wipe out his life points. Yugi won the tournament and he hoped to see Leon again so they can duel fair. Afterwards, Yugi and his friends left by private plane to go back home where Yugi hopes to finally recover the pharaoh’s memories.

Épisode 15 - Tomb of the Nameless Pharaoh

7 avril 2004 - 4.3/5

Mr. Muto tells his grandson the story of how he received the Millennium Puzzle and how a mysterious man saved him after one of his guides betrayed him. During the night, Rex and Weevil break into Yugi's room and steal his duffle bag to get the three Egyptian cards. Yugi wakes up from the noise and chases them out into the street. They're surprised to find the Millennium Items inside the bag. When Yugi finally catches up with them, he ends up face-to-face with Yami Bakura.

Épisode 16 - Spiritual Awakening

14 avril 2004 - 4.3/5

Dark Bakura kidnaps Mokuba and forces Kaiba to duel him. Planning to claim the power of the Blue-Eyes as his own, Bakura attacks using a new deck of Egyptian-themed cards, including his spirit beast, Diabound. Diabound is able to absorb some of the power of the Blue-Eyes, and Bakura abandons the duel. However, he leaves a parting gift for Kaiba - the Millennium Eye.

Épisode 17 - Memoirs of a Pharaoh

21 avril 2004 - 4.3/5

The Pharaoh, Yugi, Tea, Joey and Tristan arrive in Egypt and meet up with Marik. The Pharaoh presents the Egyptian God cards to the stone tablet and his spirit is sent five thousand years into the past to when he was still alive and reigned as King of Egypt. Little does he know, Bakura has followed him, intending to finish the battle he started thousands of years ago.

Épisode 18 - The Intruder (1)

28 avril 2004 - 4.4/5

Bakura's ancient alter ego, the Thief King, arrives at the palace to claim the Millennium Items for himself. The priests engage him in battle, but Bakura's spirit beast Diabound proves too much for them to handle, until the Pharaoh steps in and summons Obelisk the Tormentor. Meanwhile, the spirits of Yugi and the others enter the Millennium Puzzle in search of a doorway into the Pharaoh's memories.

Épisode 19 - The Intruder (2)

5 mai 2004 - 4.3/5

Bakura's Diabound fights against the Pharaoh's Obelisk, but their power is equal, and Bakura is forced to retreat. Mana, a magician and also a childhood friend of the Pharaoh's, arrives to visit the palace. Mahad decides to help protect the former Pharaoh's tomb, despite Isis' visions of his fate.

Épisode 20 - Makings of a Magician

12 mai 2004 - 4.3/5

Mahad unlocks his full power using the Millennium Ring, and forces Bakura to face him by trapping them both inside the tomb. Mahad's Illusion Magician faces off against Bakura's Diabound, which has grown in strength since his battle with the Pharaoh. Diabound gains the upper hand, and Bakura finishes the job by deliberately setting off the tomb's traps. To save himself, Mahad fuses his soul with his spirit beast, the Illusion Magician, transforming himself into the Dark Magician. Bakura takes the Millennium Ring and escapes, while Mahad's soul is sealed into the stone tablet meant for Diabound.

Épisode 21 - Birth of the Blue-Eyes

19 mai 2004 - 4.4/5

Mana is distraught at the loss of her master. Isis explains that he has become the Dark Magician and will eventually return with greater powers then ever before. Seto and Shada head out into the city to search for people with strong spirit beasts. Seto meets a girl named Kisara who is shunned by the citizens because of her strange white skin and blue eyes. Meanwhile, Yugi and the others find the doorway into the memory world and begin searching for the Pharaoh.

Épisode 22 - Village of Lost Souls

26 mai 2004 - 4.3/5

Bakura breaks into the palace again and attacks Akunadin, infusing part of his evil soul into the Millennium Eye. The Pharaoh summons Slifer the Sky Dragon to chase after Bakura and Diabound. When Bakura begins targeting the villagers, Slifer is forced to take Diabound's attacks in order to defend the helpless people. The wounded Akunadin reminisces about the creation of the Millennium Items through the destruction of Kul Elna, and how he was forced to abandon his own son, Seto.

Épisode 23 - A Reversal of Fortune

2 juin 2004 - 4.3/5

Seto and Kalim arrive to defend the Pharaoh. Bakura pretends to retreat and leads them into a trap, giving him the chance to finally defeat Slifer. Yugi and the others appear just in time, giving the Pharaoh the strength he needs to summon the Winged Dragon of Ra. However, Bakura uses Zorc's power to turn back time so he can make sure Yugi never shows up. The Pharaoh is defeated and Bakura takes the Millennium Puzzle.

Épisode 24 - In Search of a King

9 juin 2004 - 4.3/5

Akunadin forces Kisara to fight the other prisoners in an attempt to force her to call forth her spirit beast. Despite Akunadin urging him not to, Seto steps in to protect Kisara until she is finally able to summon the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Meanwhile, Yugi and the gang search for the Pharaoh, who they firmly believe to be still alive. During their search, they run into Mana, who decides to help them. They find the Pharaoh taking shelter in a cave, though he is badly injured.

Épisode 25 - Village of Vengeance (1)

16 juin 2004 - 4.3/5

The priests meet up with the Pharaoh and the others, and together they track Bakura to Kul Elna, a ruined village haunted by the vengeful spirits of its former people. The Pharaoh heads in to face Bakura alone, but is soon joined by the spirit of Mahad, in the form of the Dark Magician. Bakura summons Diabound, newly evolved after its battle with Slifer, to combat him. Mana finally unlocks the power of her spirit beast, the Dark Magician Girl, and rushes to their aid.

Épisode 26 - Village of Vengeance (2)

23 juin 2004 - 4.3/5

Mahad and Mana mount a counterattack on Diabound, but he absorbs the dead spirits of Kul Elna to make himself even more powerful. Seto and the rest of the priests arrive to fight him, but they are unable to penatrate his spirit shield. Bakura takes the Millennium Scale from Kalim and uses it to strengthen Diabound even more. Shada locates Diabound's stone tablet, and plans to destroy it to eliminate the beast. However, Akunadin attacks him and takes the Millennium Key.

Épisode 27 - Village of Vengeance (3)

30 juin 2004 - 4.3/5

Yugi and the others enter the palace to search for clues about the Pharaoh's real name. Mahad is finally able to defeat Diabound, with help from the former Pharaoh, and Bakura's physical body is destroyed. However, Akunadin betrays the priests, taking the Millennium Items, giving him the power to resurrect the Dark God Zorc from the Millennium Stone. Akunadin is reborn as the High Priest of Darkness. Bakura reveals the true nature of the Shadow Game - it is simply a board game, played by the present-day versions of Dark Bakura and the Pharaoh.

Épisode 28 - Village of Vengeance (4)

7 juillet 2004 - 4.3/5

Kaiba arrives in Egypt. Ishizu and Marik lead him to the stone tablet shrine, where the Millennium Eye begins glowing and shows his visions of Bakura and the Pharaoh's Shadow Game. Bakura pulls his soul into the game and uses it to help resurrect the Thief King. Meanwhile, Bobasa guides Yugi and the others to the Valley of the Kings, where the Pharaoh's true name lies within his future tomb.

Épisode 29 - Village of Vengeance (5)

14 juillet 2004 - 4.4/5

Bakura revives Diabound, stronger than ever thanks to the Millennium Items. To give Zorc enough time to fully be reborn, he separates the Pharaoh and his priests from one another, and attacks them with armies of monsters while they are isolated. Kalim is killed, but not before giving his remaining power to Shada. The Pharaoh heads back to the palace to find Seto.

Épisode 30 - Name of the Game

21 juillet 2004 - 4.4/5

Seto and Kisara face Akunadin, however Kisara is killed and the White Dragon is sealed in stone. The Pharaoh makes it back to the palace, however he is forced to engage battle against Seto, since his mind is manipulated by the evil mage Akunadin. The legendary ancient match between the Pharaoh and Priest Seto begins. The Pharaoh summons Mahad to fight against the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, now controllled by Seto.

Épisode 31 - The Dark One Cometh (1)

28 juillet 2004 - 4.4/5

Thief Bakura succeeds in reviving Zorc Necrophades, sacrificing himself and his Diabound in the process and scattering the Millennium Items throughout Kul Elna. Meanwhile, Yugi and Dark Bakura duel. If Yugi wins, he can leave and tell the Pharaoh his true name, and if he loses, he'll never leave. Meanwhile, the Pharaoh and Kaiba talk about events that happened in the previous episode. The Pharaoh and Seto ride back to the palace and attempt to stop Zorc. Shada is killed by a lightning bolt.

Épisode 32 - The Dark One Cometh (2)

4 août 2004 - 4.4/5

Isis and Mana head for Kul Elna to retrieve the Millennium Items. The duel between Yugi and Bakura continues. Once Mana delivers the Millennium Items to Shamon, Shamon summons Exodia, which holds its own against Zorc, until Zorc eventually overpowers it and destroys it, killing Shamon. Mana delivers the other Items to the Pharaoh and the Pharaoh prepares to fight Zorc.

Épisode 33 - The Dark One Cometh (3)

11 août 2004 - 4.4/5

The Pharaoh summons the Three Egyptian Gods to combat Zorc. Meanwhile, at the tabletop, Bakura claims that he'll return to his original form and both leave the table and join with their 3000-year old counterparts. Zorc defeats the Gods by covering the sun, wiping their strength out.

Épisode 34 - The Dark One Cometh (4)

18 août 2004 - 4.4/5

Mana takes the Pharaoh back to the palace while Seto summons Blue-Eyes White Dragon to combat Zorc. Blue-Eyes White Dragon stops the solar eclipse, but is defeated by Zorc, submitting to darkness. Kaiba takes over and summons Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, which is equal to Zorc. Meanwhile, Yugi successfully defeats Dark Bakura with Gandora, the Dragon of Destruction. The Pharaoh becomes Black Luster Soldier and fuses with Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, becoming Master of Dragon Knight. Master of Dragon Knight is destroyed by its own attack and the Pharaoh is seemingly defeated, but Yugi and his friends fly to him.

Épisode 35 - In the Name of the Pharaoh!

25 août 2004 - 4.4/5

The Pharaoh continues his battle between Zorc in the Memory World. Yugi, Joey, and others summon monsters, such as the Dark Magician, to help the Pharaoh. The ancient characters cannot be read but Yugi is going to reveal the Pharaoh's true name. Tea then remembers the cartouche pendant and passes it to the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh regained his true name, "Atem", the keyword which allowed him to summon the three Egyptian Gods and fuse them together to form the Creator of Light. Zorc was defeated.

Épisode 36 - The Final Journey

1 septembre 2004 - 4.2/5

Atem and the others return to present-day Egypt. Atem has set his mind to sealing the seven Millennium Items with himself. Someone must be able to defeat Atem in a duel to do so. Although Kaiba and Joey both volunteer, it will be Yugi that will take the honor. The duel will take place tomorrow, and both Pharaoh Atem and Yugi construct the best deck possible to each of their abilities.

Épisode 37 - The Final Duel (1)

8 septembre 2004 - 4.3/5

Yugi and Atem place the seven Millennium Items into their slots in the Pharaoh's Memory in the shrine of the Underworld. Pharaoh Atem and Yugi then separate into two physical beings. The duel that will determine the fate of Atem and Yugi begin. Pharaoh Atem summons "The Tricky" with an attack power of 2000 but Yugi plays the magic card, "Swords of Revealing Light" Yugi is able to fuse the three monsters: "Green Gadget", "Red Gadget", and "Yellow Gadget" into one monster with 3000 attack points the "Mobile Fortress Stronghold".

Épisode 38 - The Final Duel (2)

15 septembre 2004 - 4.3/5

The duel between Yugi and Atem continues. Atem summons the three gods: Ra, Obelisk and Slifer to the field. The sum of their attack power exceeds ten thousand. Yugi is overwhelmed, but he parries Slifer's Summon Thunder Bullet with this episode's Key Point: a Quick Magic card, "Mirage Magic." When a player's monsters' Attack Power and Defense Power increase or decrease due to an opponent's card, this negates the effect and recovers the difference in Life Points. Furthermore, Yugi also dodges Obelisk's attack with the Trap card "Mirage Ruler." Yugi finally makes a counterattack move that threatens the gods.

Épisode 39 - The Final Duel (3)

22 septembre 2004 - 4.4/5

Yugi is successful in defeating the Egyptian Gods. However, Atem is not worried at all. Atem admits that he knew that Yugi would defeat the Egyptian Gods. Now the real duel begins between Yugi and Atem. Now, Yugi must face his most trusted creature, the Dark Magician, if he wants to help Atem. (Note: When this aired in the U.S, the ending said "To Be Concluded" instead of "To Be Continued", thus signifying the end of the series.)

Épisode 40 - The Final Duel (4)

29 septembre 2004 - 4.5/5

Yugi tries his best to fend off the attacks from Atem's most powerful trump card the "Dark Magician." Yugi then plays his Spell Card, "Golden Chest of Sealing." The power of the Golden Chest of Sealing is it can negate the effects of another magic card that is stored in the chest. Yugi was finally able to defeat the "Dark Magician" with his "Silent Magician." Atem tries to activate the Spell card Monster Reborn so he can revive Slifer the Sky Dragon, but when Yugi opens the Golden Chest of Sealing to reveal the card he sealed, the card was "Monster Reborn". It means neither of them can use that card in this game. It is Yugi's message to another Yugi that "Those of the dead should not remain in the world of the living."






Générique 1


Ending 1


Générique 2


Ending 2


Générique 3


Ending 3


Génerique début de vidéo


Ending 4


Générique 5


Ending 5


Derniers avis

avatar de du commentaire : Bon et bien voilà...

Cela fait précisément 20 ans que j'ai découvert Yu-Gi-Oh. J'avais alors 5 ans, et c'est mon cousin qui me l'avait fait découvrir...

24/08/2023 - 4/5

Bon et bien voilà... Cela fait précisément 20 ans que j'ai découvert Yu-Gi-Oh. J'avais alors 5 ans, et c'est mon cousin qui me l'avait fait découvrir...

avatar de du commentaire : Pour moi le meilleur animé et le meilleur jeu de cartes

30/04/2023 - 5/5

Pour moi le meilleur animé et le meilleur jeu de cartes

avatar de du commentaire : J’arrive pas regarder la saison 4-5 dans quelle site on peut regarder svp

21/11/2020 - Aucune note

J’arrive pas regarder la saison 4-5 dans quelle site on peut regarder svp

avatar de du commentaire : Super !!

09/06/2020 - Aucune note

Super !!

avatar de du commentaire : Il manque la saison 0 !

07/04/2018 - 5/5

Il manque la saison 0 !

avatar de du commentaire : J'ai eu du mal a trouver cet série !

27/03/2012 - 5/5

J'ai eu du mal a trouver cet série !

avatar de du commentaire : Il y a une erreur dans la liste des épisodes de la séries.
La saison étant référencée comme la saison 5 est en fait la saison 6 et la vraie saison 5 ...

16/08/2011 - 5/5

Il y a une erreur dans la liste des épisodes de la séries. La saison étant référencée comme la saison 5 est en fait la saison 6 et la vraie saison 5 ...