Poster de la serie Woofy



Année : 2004

Nombre de saisons : 1

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 5 minutes

Genre(s) : Animation, Enfant

Woofy est un chien vagabond qui parle et qui a été adopté par Antoine, 4 ans. Cependant, la mère d'Antoine ne veut pas du tout d'animal dans la maison. Alors Antoine a la bonne idée de le faire passer pour une peluche auprès de ses parents et prétend l'avoir gagnée à la kermesse de son école. Ils deviennent ainsi les meilleurs amis du monde et ne cessent de passer du temps ensemble. Seulement, il faut faire attention à ce que les parents ne se doutent de rien ; la petite sœur Marine est heureusement trop petite pour dire quoique ce soit. Et s'il passe du temps avec ses amis, Rémi et Muriel, Antoine préfère jouer avec Woofy à tous les jeux de son âge. Cela ne les empêche pas de se chamailler et de se faire la tête de temps en temps mais tout finira toujours par s'arranger!


Woofy saison 1

Saison 1


Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - Woofy a peur du noir

13 novembre 2004 - 1/5

Before going to sleep, Anthony tells Woofy ghost stories. Once the lights are out, Anthony starts getting a bit frightened … he thinks he can see shadows coming alive! He’d really like a glass of water but doesn’t feel brave enough to go down to the kitchen in the dark. Although he knows the stairs really well, at night they seem a bit spooky … Our two friends decide to go down together….

Épisode 2 - Woofy ne veut plus obéir

Woofy has had enough : at the moment it seems that Anthony is giving him orders the whole time. Anthony warns him that if he’s not careful, his mother will find out that he is a real dog and will chase him out of the house. Then Woofy meets Scratchy, a stray dog who makes Woofy think twice about his present life: dogs are meant to live in the wild, not to obey human beings who only want to order them around. Woofy lets Scratchy lead him astray but quickly becomes disillusioned …

Épisode 3 - Woofy prétend être malade

Anthony’s mother thinks that her son’s bedroom is far too untidy. Anthony asks Woofy to help him tidy up, because he is a bit responsible too for all this mess after all. Woofy pretends to be ill and Anthony gets so worried that he decides to take him to the vet. Woofy doesn’t dare argue but runs away just before it’s his turn to see the vet.

Épisode 4 - Woofy croit aux sorcières

Woofy gets engulfed in a fairy tale book he’s reading. “Can you imagine it Anthony? Ogres that can turn into mice! Fairies with a whisk of their magic wand can …”. Anthony interrupts his dog, whilst shrugging his shoulders and explains that these stories aren’t real. Woofy sticks to his guns, it must be true - it’s written in the books!! When Great Aunt Cornelia arrives, he manages to persuade Anthony that she’s a witch.

Épisode 5 - Woofy a le hoquet

Woofy has hiccups and can’t talk without being interrupted every other second. Anthony affectionately teases him but Woofy doesn’t find it very funny. Anthony tries all different methods to try and stop the hiccups but to no avail. Woofy starts to imagine that he will have to live with hiccups for the rest of his life, and if he can’t be silent, he will have to leave the house and become a stray dog again.

Épisode 6 - Woofy ne veut pas s'excuser

Anthony grumbles. Since Marina was born, she has taken over the house-hold. “Before, I was top dog!”. Trying to be prudent but honest at the same time, Woofy makes the mistake of defending Marina. Tempers rise and Woofy finds himself obliged by his young master to take back his words. “Not on your life!” says Woofy before proudly leaving the room and slamming the door. He is marching along the corridor when suddenly a podgy little hand grabs him. He is taken “prisoner” by Marina, dressed up in a long dress and covered with make-up … until Anthony finally comes to rescue him.

Épisode 7 - Woofy combat l'injustice

Angelo spends the afternoon at Anthony’s house. He is the same age as Anthony. With his glasses, well-combed hair and chic little suit, he looks the picture of a well brought up, goody-goody little boy, but in fact as soon as Anthony’s mother’s back is turned, he turns out to be a real little devil, accusing Anthony for things he has done, etc. Anthony and Woofy have to devise strategies so that the truth can be revealed to Anthony’s mother.

Épisode 8 - Woofy n'ose pas se dénoncer

Anthony receives a magnificent robot for his birthday but refuses to let Woofy play with it : « too fragile ». Taking advantage of being alone for a moment, Woofy starts playing with the robot and breaks it. Terrified, he puts it back without saying anything. Later, Anthony takes the toy out and tries to convince Woofy to play with it, but Woofy doesn’t dare own up.

Épisode 9 - Woofy s'oublie la nuit

When he wakes up, Anthony realises that Woofy has wet the bed during the night. Anthony doesn’t know how to explain this to his mother, so chooses to let her think it was his fault. The next night, he takes all the necessary precautions … He is really happy to see that Woofy didn’t have an accident during the night but then … oops, he realises that this time, it was his turn to wet the bed.

Épisode 10 - Woofy ne veut pas rendre les lunettes

Woofy is really happy : he will have Anthony all to himself for the afternoon. Unfortunately, his young master had forgotten about this and comes back from school with his friend Bobby. Woofy becomes very jealous and makes Anthony know it. Then he sneaks into the attic to spy on the two boys. In order to get revenge, Woofy swipes Bobby’s glasses, until the latter, becoming more and more desperate, dissolves in tears.

Épisode 11 - Woofy et le faux doudou

Anthony’s mother is having tea with another mother she had invited to tea. The latter is preaching her methods of educating children. “What, didn’t you know? Once the child is no longer a baby, you have to separate it from its teddy.” That evening, Anthony’s mother, influenced by these words, explains to Anthony that he must grow up now. She takes Woofy away to store him at the top of her laundry cupboard. “It’s for your own good, darling”. Anthony is shattered. Luckily, Woofy has an idea : they have to prove to Mummy that, where teddies are concerned, it’s up to the children to decide.

Épisode 12 - Woofy a été repéré

Anthony and Woofy play at cowboys and Indians in the garden, when an old woman catches them in the act. Woofy with a cow-boy hat on his head, is tied to a tree whilst Anthony, with a feather in his hair, dances a war dance around the tree. The old woman thinks that Anthony is treating the poor dog badly and reacts violently: this child is too young to be responsible for a dog. She comes back that evening, to talk to Anthony’s parents. Woofy has been caught…

Épisode 13 - Woofy ne veut pas rester seul

Woofy wants to come to school with Anthony: he has had enough of waiting at home all day. Anthony feels guilty and promises to try not to go to school that day. Woofy is surprised and overwhelmed. Would you do that for me?? Woofy and Anthony try to find ways to let Anthony spend the day with Woofy...

Épisode 14 - Woofy fait un cauchemar

Woofy reproaches Anthony for having forgotten to get a book for him at the library. Anthony cracks: he can’t think of everything! Woofy has to understand what it’s like for him. He, Anthony would love to be in Woofy’s place, living like a lord! Woofy sulks but that night, he has a dream: Anthony whinges: “Did you bring the batteries for my toys? And my cereal? What were you thinking of?” He demands to be let out “You are responsible for me”. When he wakes up, Woofy can’t do enough for his young master!

Épisode 15 - Woofy n'est pas Woofie

Woofy and Anthony go for a walk in the square. Woofy notices another boy, Thomas, with a dog that looks just like him. Woofy can’t resist playing hide and seek with his double, whilst their masters are occupied. Unfortunately, this goes against them: without realising it, Anthony goes home with the other dog instead of Woofy, who in turn is obliged to follow Thomas.

Épisode 16 - Woofy et les allergies

New dispute between Woofy and the neighbour’s cat. The latter took advantage of open window to come and thumb his nose at the dog in Anthony’s own room. What a cheek! Anthony chases the cat out of the window. A bit later, at dinner, Anthony can’t stop sneezing. It clearly looks like he is allergic to something. His mother takes him quickly to the doctor. He diagnoses an allergy … to dog hair!!

Épisode 17 - Woofy veut redevenir un chien

Back from school at the end of the day, Anthony climbs the stairs two by two to see Woofy. Horror-stricken, he realises that Woofy is rigid. Through spending so much time imitating a toy dog, Woofy has become one. Anthony bursts into tears and hugs Woofy against him. Slowly, Woofy comes out of his trance. Anthony is overjoyed but now has to get Woofy back into shape. Time for doggy training!

Épisode 18 - Woofy a-t-il du flair ?

Woofy boasts that he is as clever a sniffer dog as the famous Blair Dog, hero of a cartoon. On the basis of this, Anthony bets his friend Bobby that Woofy is capable finding any object, anywhere. What happens if you lose? asks Remi. Anthony is so sure of winning that he agrees, for once, to lend Woofy to him for a week! However, Woofy, since living like a human, has lost a lot of his sniff…

Épisode 19 - Woofy a des puces

Anthony realizes that Woofy is scratching a lot. Also, his own head itches… Anthony is sure that Woofy has fleas and that he has passed them to Anthony. Woofy feels really guilty… until Anthony’s mother discovers that her son has nits. Anthony realises that he had accused his dog a bit too quickly and that, in fact, it was he who had contaminated Woofy.

Épisode 20 - Woofy a été filmé

Woofy and Anthony throw themselves into a tickling session but suddenly they see Muriel, their little neighbour, through the window, who is filming them with her father’s video camera. Muriel blackmails Anthony who becomes her knight in shining armour: carrying her schoolbag, doing up her laces, bringing her strawberry ice-cream, pushing her on the swing and … playing with dolls. Woofy convinces Anthony that he shouldn’t let himself be pushed around, but Muriel has them well trapped.

Épisode 21 - Woofy et la grenouille

Woofy has found a frog and in order to keep it, decides to make Anthony believe that it’s a rubber frog. The frog starts its clandestine life and causes Woofy a lot of problems by wreaking havoc in the house. How can he cover this up? Woofy realises what Anthony goes through, living with him!!

Épisode 22 - Woofy veut une lettre

Woofy is sad to see the whole family receiving letters. He has never had the pleasure of receiving a letter. To please him, Anthony sends him a letter signed by Lassy the faithful dog. However, Woofy discovers very quickly that Anthony is the real author of the letter. On Anthony’s suggestion, Woofy manages to send a letter to the readers column of a children’s magazine. A few days later, the letter-box is swamped by letters addressed to Woofy.

Épisode 23 - Woofy s'empâte

Woofy is slumped, alone, on the bed in Anthony’s room. He is busy nibbling the end of a packet of crisps and gives a sigh of idleness. Anthony gives his dog a lesson about getting fat – this is getting more and more obvious. As a result of staying locked up in Anthony’s room, Woofy is getting larger and larger and losing energy. Anthony decides to find a solution to the problem. He doesn’t want to see his dog become enormous.

Épisode 24 - Woofy et le cirque

Anthony wants to take Woofy to the circus with him but then the boy falls ill and the outing is cancelled. Woofy is frustrated and reproaches his little master. Finally, he understands that the situation is much more frustrating for Anthony, who has to stay in bed. He then decides to do his own circus act to entertain Anthony!

Épisode 25 - Woofy et le bain

Woofy starts to smell like a dog but refuses to have a bath. He gets so dirty that Anthony’s mother decides to put him in the washing machine! Anthony saves his dog, in extremis, by convincing his mother that he would rather wash his own toy. Woofy finds himself in the bath rather smartly. He is forced to admit that it is rather good after all!

Épisode 26 - Woofy et la marionnette

Anthony has a presentation to do for school about an object of his choice. Woofy would rather like to be the subject so that he can see Anthony’s school, but the little boy doesn’t want to take the risk in case someone realises that his dog is real. He finds the solution: he turns Woofy into a string-puppet!

Épisode 27 - Woofy veut une niche

Anthony thinks that Woofy is making himself at home too much in his room, that he is too messy, etc. He tells him off for this and Woofy gets annoyed. He’s had enough of living according to Anthony’s rules! He decides to build a kennel in the garden, but quickly gets bored without his little master and installs himself in the bedroom again.

Épisode 28 - Woofy craint d'être abandonné

Woofy is terrified of being abandoned. He tries to act as a model dog by behaving impeccably. He finds lots of different ways of drawing Anthony’s attention to himself. The little boy really loves his dog and cannot understand what all the fuss is about. As soon as he realises Woofy’s problem, he looks for a way to reassure him.

Épisode 29 - Woofy et le manteau

Anthony’s grandmother brings him a little coat she has knitted for his toy Woofy. Woofy thinks that the coat is horrible but, to please Anthony, finally agrees to wear it out for a walk. All the other dogs laugh at him, he barely fits into the coat – it wasn’t designed for a living dog. Woofy refuses to wear the coat a minute longer and that’s that!

Épisode 30 - Woofy veut tout avouer

While his master is away, Woofy overhears the beginning of a sentence uttered by Anthony’s mother, who is on the telephone : “I’m sure you’re right. It must be good, especially for the children, to have a dog in the house”. Woofy closes the door and jumps up and down on the bed triumphantly : Finally, Mummy has changed her mind. Life will change! Anthony will be able to confess that Woofy is not a toy. Unfortunately, Woofy didn’t hear the end of the conversation :”… but for me it is out of the question. Hairs everywhere, dirty paw marks, no thank you!!”.

Épisode 31 - Woofy veut sortir seul

Woofy looks out of the window nostalgically. Anthony is getting ready to go to school and he’d really like to take advantage of this to go for a stroll, all alone, in the street. Anthony forbids him, firmly. It is dangerous outside. Woofy protests that when Anthony found him, he was already on the street! As soon as Anthony leaves, Woofy ventures out into the garden and ends up giving into temptation and going into the street. Things start to become complicated when he meets a big dog…

Épisode 32 - Woofy donné aux œuvres

Mummy insists that Anthony sorts out the toys and teddies that he doesn’t use anymore, so that she can give them to charity. Woofy helps him choose some but when Anthony goes off to school, Woofy falls by accident into the box and finds himself carried off to be given to a poor little girl…

Épisode 33 - Woofy et le facteur

Woofy feels that age-old doggy hate for the postman rearing up in him. He has to learn to control himself, otherwise there could be real trouble! As Anthony also has trouble controlling himself when Muriel, the little neighbour teases him, the two friends join forces to overcome their feelings and remain stoic, one in face of the postman, the other in face of Muriel.

Épisode 34 - Woofy et le cadeau empoisonné

Woofy and Anthony have won a kitty when playing the Lotto. Whilst trying to decide what present they should buy themselves, their opinions divulge and they end up fighting. They each try to nick the kitty, until they realise that they were much better off before this whole thing came along and decide, instead, to get a present for Anthony’s father.

Épisode 35 - Woofy veut être méchant

Anthony spends a lot of time with Bobby and his new dog, who is a ferocious big dog. Woofy decides that he too will become really nasty. However, his behaviour does not please Anthony and Woofy starts to feel more and more lonely. Anthony catches him up before he leaves the house like a tortured soul and explains that what he really likes about Woofy is his kind character…

Épisode 36 - Woofy et la lampe de poche

Woofy finds a pocket torch and brings it back to the house. When Anthony realises where it came from, he thinks they really ought to find its owner and bring it back to him. Woofy is not happy, but his conscience bothers him and when finally Anthony happily hands the toy over to its owner, Woofy is proud and convinced that they have done the right thing.

Épisode 37 - Woofy est coincé

To tease Anthony, Woofy hides everywhere and then doesn’t reply when his master calls for him. Anthony warns him: one day, Woofy will get into a tight spot and Anthony will think that he is teasing him. Despite these warnings, Woofy continues… until he gets stuck in the attic. In the meantime, Anthony, convinced that Woofy has been taken away by the dustmen, is in a terrible state.…

Épisode 38 - Woofy et la chasse au trésor

Anthony has been on a treasure hunt at school and Woofy is very envious. In order to console him, Anthony organises a treasure hunt … and the treasure is … Anthony himself!!

Épisode 39 - Woofy veut être un héros

Woofy decides to become a super-hero, so that he will be loved by the whole world, especially Anthony’s mother. He therefore tries to play at being a law-enforcer but each of his valiant attempts ends up being a painful defeat. Anthony reassures him, explaining that living under a double identity and sharing his every day life is already heroic enough!!

Épisode 40 - Woofy se fait hypnotiser

Dressed in a white turban, Anthony pretends to be a wizard, in front of an audience composed of Bobby, Woofy and his other teddies. He asks for a volunteer to come forward and designates Woofy, who gets up, looking rather worried. Anthony gives him a penetrating look and speaks to him in a quiet voice… and it works! Anthony tells him “You are a bird” and Woofy whistles like a bird. The apprentice wizard continues “You are …”. At that moment, Anthony’s mother calls out “Anthony!”. And Woofy becomes Anthony! Once Anthony’s mother comes into the room, the problems start.

Épisode 41 - Woofy fait le beau

On the way into the garden, Woofy passes a very well-groomed dog wearing a little jacket and a golden collar. The dog is very snobby and vain and finds Woofy ugly and very neglected. He thinks that if he looked after himself, he could almost be as handsome as he is!! Woofy, hurt to the core, falls into the spiral of vanity and narcissism, trying out lots of beauty products, swiped from Anthony’s mother, and striking various poses, refusing to eat so as not to put on weight… etc. Anthony tries to help his dog realise that he is heading in the wrong direction.

Épisode 42 - Woofy perd une dent

Woofy is very excited because one of his teeth is about to fall out and Anthony has told him that the Tooth Fairy will come and put a bit of money under his pillow. When the big day comes, Woofy is beside himself with impatience. The next morning, he lifts up his pillow … but to his great despair, finds nothing! Defeated, the dog realises that the Tooth Fairy doesn’t know his real identity and thinks he’s a toy… Feeling sorry for his friend, Anthony decides to play at being the Tooth Fairy.

Épisode 43 - Woofy est amoureux

Woofy falls in love with a very haughty dog and puts himself in danger trying to succumb to her whims. Anthony tries to reason with him, but the dog doesn’t want to listen. It’s only when Woofy sees his lady-love with another suitor that he realises that he was being led by the nose, and had even risked his real identity being revealed.

Épisode 44 - Woofy a une écharde

Just as the family are about to leave for the country-side, Woofy gets a thorn in his paw. If he refuses to let it be pulled out, he can say good-bye to any excursions in the woods and rabbit-hunting. However, Woofy is not very brave. He only gives in at the last minute and then realises that it wasn’t worth all the fuss!!

Épisode 45 - Woofy mène l'enquête

Anthony can’t find the lorry that he wants to play with and it really gets to him. Woofy offers his help but Anthony refuses to look any further. With bad grace, he states that the lorry has become … invisible! Entering into the game, Woofy declares that they should launch an investigation into this “mysterious” disappearance. Therefore, our detectives set off on the trail of the lorry … that they end up finding in the toy box where Anthony’s mother had tidied it away. Moral of the story: when we want to find our things, the best thing to do is always put them away in the same place.

Épisode 46 - Woofy le tricheur

It’s Wednesday. Woofy and Anthony are playing the memory game and “snakes and ladders”. Woofy can’t bear losing and starts cheating. Anthony loses all interest in the game and goes off to watch television. Overcome with remorse, and also realising that cheating has played against him because Anthony doesn’t even want to play with him anymore, Woofy admits his little scheme. The two friends start play fox and geese again. Woofy realises that, even though its really nice to win, you can enjoy a game even if you lose!!

Épisode 47 - Woofy l'entraîneur

Anthony has received a stop-clock as a present. He and Muriel race against each other but Muriel always wins. Anthony gets discouraged. Woofy offers to act as a trainer but Anthony has lost all confidence in himself. Woofy then discovers a magic stone … which is in fact a perfectly normal stone, but it gives Anthony enough confidence in himself to beat his own record.

Épisode 48 - Woofy doit garder un secret

Back from school, Anthony lets Woofy know that he has a secret! Woofy would really like to know what it is! The little boy agrees to tell him but on one condition : he has to promise to keep it to himself! Woofy agrees and the child lets him know his precious secret. Anthony’s friend, Bobby, would also like to be in on the secret. He plagues Woofy with questions and proposes to trade Anthony’s secret for some very delicious pastries… Woofy ends up giving in….

Épisode 49 - Woofy va à l'école

At the end of the afternoon, Anthony races to tell Woofy everything that he has learnt at school. Woofy would so like to go to school too and study. The child has an idea! He could teach Woofy everything he has learnt in school. Woofy thinks it’s a great idea and the two friends set up a small classroom in the bedroom, consisting of a blackboard and a desk.

Épisode 50 - Woofy veut son anniversaire

Anthony’s birthday party has just finished and Anthony is at last back in his room. However, he is so busy playing with his new toys that he ignores Woofy. Jealous, the dog complains that he never has a birthday, under the pretext that no-one knows when he was born. Anthony is touched and has an idea: why not make Woofy’s birthday on tomorrow’s date.

Épisode 51 - Woofy se met à la peinture

Whilst Woofy and Anthony are each painting on a large piece of paper, Woofy realises that there are no dog painters, or at least, no famous ones. This piece of information makes the little boy laugh a lot: if dogs knew how to paint, it would be well-known. Put out by his friend’s mocking tone, Woofy digs his heels in and installs himself the other side of the room with his painting. The next morning, when Anthony goes to school with his painting, he notices Woofy’s, which is, to his great surprise, very well done. The little boy is stunned!!

Épisode 52 - Woofy joue au bébé

Woofy points out that Marine is really « spoilt ». She is served her food, dressed, walked out, pampered, etc… He starts to think that a baby’s life is the real life of luxury! He starts to play at being the baby and demanding all sorts of things from Antoine, such as being fed by spoon, dressed, etc, Antoine quickly understands what is going on and decides to play him at his own game – so that he can realise that there are real advantages of being a big person!!

Épisode 53 - Woofy et la pâte à la modeler

One rainy afternoon, Woofy marches up and down in the room and debates what to do whilst waiting for Anthony to come home. Rummaging through the toy cupboard, Woofy finds several pots of play dough. When Anthony comes back from school, his dog is busy in front of several unidentifiable lumps. They are sculptures according to Woofy who asks his young master to pose for him … with catastrophic results.

Épisode 54 - Woofy veut tout décider

Woofy plays with a passing dog, but his pleasure is short term : the dog always wants to decide which game to play. A bit later, Woofy gives Anthony a bit of the same medicine, unconsciously getting vengeance for what he has suffered. Anthony gets bored and gives up to go and play with Marina. Woofy goes off in a sulk but then, having thought about it a bit, realises that in order to really enjoy playing with friends, everyone needs to make concessions. Everyone decides in turn.

Épisode 55 - Woofy veut grandir

A new mark on the height measurement marker stuck on the wall of Anthony’s bedroom shows that he has grown. Woofy is very upset and he is worried to see his master growing up so quickly. He’s worried that he will always be a “child” and that soon his master will be a young man. Woofy wants to grow up too…

Épisode 56 - Woofy a une nouvelle maîtresse

Whilst playing at being a «acrobatic dog» with Anthony and Bobby, Woofy climbs on the swing, loses his balance and falls on his head. When he gets up, he has lost his memory! Their little neighbour, Muriel, takes advantage of Woofy’s memory loss to make him believe that she is his mistress and brings him back to her house. However, the little girl quickly realises the difficulties of having a dog in the house…

Épisode 57 - Woofy dit le contraire

Bobby always agrees with whatever Anthony says or wants. This really annoys the latter who accuses his friend of being a sort of meek little lamb who always gives in. On hearing that, Woofy starts to disagree with Anthony on every subject. Whatever Anthony says, his dog is against it and says the opposite, even going as far as supporting ludicrous claims, just so as to be in opposition with his master.

Épisode 58 - Woofy ne joue plus

Woofy wants to watch a film but when Anthony asks his parents for permission, they refuse: it is already late and children need to sleep! Woofy grumbles: he Woofy, is a big person and should be allowed to watch the film. Anthony bursts out laughing. Woofy gets cross and decides to do his best to prove to Anthony that he is not a child like him…

Épisode 59 - Woofy et la gourmandise

It’s Sunday and the family are getting ready to go for a picnic. Tempted by the smell of roast chicken, Woofy uses all sorts of tricks to stuff his tummy before they leave. He finds himself well punished for his greediness when he gets a stomach ache and can’t go to the country with his friend Anthony.

Épisode 60 - Woofy veut tout acheter

Woofy adores the advertisements on the television. When they are on, he is overjoyed. He gets really enthusiastic about all the products and toys that he sees. He wants that, and that and that too. He really, really wants to have everything. In the shops, with the toy catalogue in his hands, he carries on in the same way and begs Anthony to agree to have all these things given to him for his birthday. That way, Anthony could give them to him…. Anthony starts to lose his patience.

Épisode 61 - Woofy le gardien

Anthony is put in charge of looking after his little sister whilst his mother helps a neighbour in difficulty. Woofy doesn’t seem in the least bit worried … until Marina disappears and he realises that he has to take his responsibilities seriously! Whilst Anthony and his dog panic, Marina sleeps peacefully under her brother’s bed.

Épisode 62 - Woofy n'est pas prêteur

Woofy refuses to lend a toy to Anthony. The latter points out to his dog that it is in fact Anthony who has given his toys to him. In fact, Woofy didn’t have anything when he came into this house. “Finder’s keepers” insists Woofy, clinging to the old adage. Anthony tries to reassure him by promising to give it back to him after he has finished playing with it, but he’s having none of that!

Épisode 63 - Woofy se confie

Woofy is plagued by a passing dog who steals his bones. He confides in Anthony, who incites him to stand up for himself and make the other respect him. Woofy comes out on top after a scuffle with the ferocious hound. He is happy to have confided in Anthony : together, its much easier to find a solution to a problem!!

Épisode 64 - Woofy s'invente une autre vie

Woofy thinks that his life is boring and out of sync compared with all the different activities that Anthony does, and decides to invent daily adventures and an exciting past. Anthony is very impression but ends up noticing that Woofy’s stories are somewhat incoherent. It is clear that the latter is going over the top! He decides to take him at his word…

Épisode 65 - Woofy apprend à être sage

Woofy’s vigilance when Anthony’s mother is present is starting to slacken. Anthony and Woofy watch a cartoon next to her, when suddenly, Woofy can’t help bursting out laughing. Mummy turns around. She knows it wasn’t Anthony’s laugh. Anthony gives his dog a real ticking off. If he wants to stay in this house, he had better make a big effort to make sure that never happens again! Anthony decides to subject Woofy to lessons on how to be a perfect toy.


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