Poster de la serie Trapeze



Année : 2009

Nombre de saisons : 1

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 25 minutes

Genre(s) : Animation, Comédie, Fantastique

Au Japon, les gens préfèrent consulter des psychiatres plutôt que des médecins généralistes. Le Docteur Ichiro Irabui est un psychiatre vraiment particulier : il porte une tête d'ours lors de ses consultations, il change mystérieusement d'apparence devant ses patients, et pour finir son cabinet est à l'image d'une peinture moderne affreusement colorée. Lorsque ses patients le rencontrent pour la première fois, ils se demandent où ils ont atterris, et l'attitude du Docteur est loin de les rassurer. Heureusement, la piqûre de vitamine prodiguée par l'infirmière sadique -mais aux formes généreuses- est là pour les revigorer. C'est ainsi que commence la thérapie psychédélique des patients du Docteur...


Trapeze saison 1

Saison 1



Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - Sky Swing

15 octobre 2009 - 3.7/5

Kohei Yamashita (voiced by Toshiyuki Morikawa) is an aerialist who repeatedly misses his partners in his trapeze act. He blames the newly recruited foreign circus artists and grows distant and distrusting of them. Due to the stress of getting his act together for an upcoming performance he has developed a sleep disorder and anxiety problems. He is represented by a penguin.

Épisode 2 - Keep on Erecting

22 octobre 2009 - 3.5/5

Tetsuya Taguchi (voiced by Takahiro Sakurai), public servant at the ward office, has developed an erectile dysfunction (a constantly erect penis) due to emotional issues at work and with his ex-wife. He is represented by a rhino with a dotted horn.

Épisode 3 - Romance Novelist

29 octobre 2009 - 3/5

Romance novelist Jun’ichi Hoshiyama (voiced by Shinichiro Miki) suffering from OCD and psychogenic induced vomiting. He believes that he has already done the ideas that come to his head for new books. His animal form is a rooster and the scenes of vomiting are overlayed by pink feathers flying through the air.

Épisode 4 - Hot Corner

5 novembre 2009 - 4/5

Shin’ichi Bando (voiced by Daisuke Namikawa), a superstar pro-baseball player and third baseman for the Tokyo Yakult Swallows, is troubled by yips as he suddenly can not throw the ball anymore. This problem is brought on by a younger and more popular contender for his position on the team. He appears as a red horse with blue hair after the vitamin shot.

Épisode 5 - That of Father-in-Law

12 novembre 2009 - 3/5

Tatsuro Ikeyama (voiced by Hiroaki Hirata), is a neurology lecturer who has obsessive compulsions to do inappropriate things, such as: dump a dump truck's load waiting at traffic lights, Hang and swing on chandeliers, change the channel to watch baseball while his family watches kabuki, and to remove the toupee of his father-in-law who is also a lecturer. In the latter Irabu helps Tatsuro remove his father-in-law's toupee while he is asleep "supervising" students doing exams, as well as fart in a full elevator and pin the blame on another doctor. The cause towards his compulsions is the controlled and plain lifestyle of his family life and work. After his shot, Tatsuro appears as a multi-colloured chameleon. He can change his collour to make himself invisible, leaving only his clothes.

Épisode 6 - Friends

19 novembre 2009 - 4/5

Yuta Tsuda (voiced by Miyu Irino), is a High School Student who suffers from a Mobile Phone addiction, He panics and suffers withdrawal when he is not on his phone. When Yuta gets his phone confiscated for the day, he gets a new one. Irabu starts to contact him on his phone after getting one himself, and after Yuta unsuccessfully asks Mayumi for her phone number, as she doesn't have one. After turning up to a Christmas party, Yuta starts to realize that his friends take advantage of him, and make fun of him for his mobile addiction. Yuta subsequently starts removing all his contacts out of his SIM card, when Irabu and Mayumi call from the hospital and invite him to a christmas party at Irabu's office. In this episode, Irabu mostly appears as his "big" form and shortly changes to his "little" form. This is the only episode so far where Irabu doesen't appear in his feminine "middle" form. After the Vitamin shot, Yuta turns into a pale blue woodpecker with different colloured spots.

Épisode 7 - Hedgehog

26 novembre 2009 - 5/5

Seiji Ino (voiced by Hiroki Takahashi), is a Yakuza (more specifically: Designated Crime Syndicate - Koi Group Underground) who has an obsessive compulsive fear of edges (belonephobia), this includes; Knives, Forks, Needles, some Fish, and even Table edges. Seiji is known in the criminal world as "the wise seiji", he shows this by saving a fellow member (his brother) from a rival group through challenging Yoshiyasu's (rival group leader) to Russian Roulette. He almost looses his mind when Irabu gets Mayumi to give him a vitamin shot. His Wife who runs a bar with Seiji puts a deposit on another bar that's owned by Yoshiyasu's syndicate, this causes more friction between the two factions. Irabu suggests that Seiji try sunglasses, as his fear is mainly getting sharp objects in the eye, he tries on some Sunglasses, but eventually purchases Ski Goggles. Seiji and his brother then negotiate the protection arrangements with Kohei from the first episode, with Irabu in tow. Seiji satisfyingly pokes his ski goggles with a pen, until he notices the table's edges. He then has a panic attack and saws off each edge of the table, then has another attack from the saw he used to neutralize the table. At home, Seiji's wife tells him that she's put down the deposit on the bar, in a panic and then logical moment, he decides to meet up with Yoshiyasu at the Restorante Pero's to retrieve the Deposit. Before meeting with his rival, he stops by Irabu General Hospital where Irabu is taking a photo of his Christmas pudding to send to Yuta. Seiji asks Irabu desprately for some medication, but instead Irabu ends up coming to Pero's with Seiji, being introduced as Irabu the Quack from Hiroshima. There, Irabu observes Yoshiyasu's own Obsessive Compulsion, that he uses his knife as a security blanket. Irabu then takes the knife away and holds onto it, allowing for Seiji to open up to Yoshiyasu and retrieve the Deposit. Christmas eve, Seiji shows signs of starting to overcome his Compulsive fear of sharp edges. Seiji appears as a small dog after the Vitamin Injection.

Épisode 8 - I Couldn't Sit

3 décembre 2009 - 4/5

Yoshi Iwamura (voiced by Mitsuo Iwata) is a Newspaper/magazine journalist, who has a classic case of check Obsessive Compulsive disorder, commonly fearing he forgot to put out a cigarette, a kettle, or turn the water off. He ends up rushing back to his house to make sure he hasn't flooded or burned down his building. As a treatment, Irabu takes him to a Rival Hospital (they stole one of his patients, and are corrupt), where Irabu encourages Yoshi to throw rocks at the Hospital. Irabu points out the Hospital Directors car and suggests they loosen the tire bolts. After Irabu throws a rock, and after hesitating, Yoshi throws a rock only to break a window, they both then flee. Because of his disorder, Yoshi is moved to another magazine, this time a teen mag, popular with Girls. He is sent to investigate into a man called the "Homeless Poet" who turns out to be a fraud, and uses the article on him to lure girls. Upon finding out Yoshi gets infuriated and tracks him down, the final chase takes Yoshi running with the Homeless Poet's bag, and trying to get the hospital director to stop after worrying that Irabu has loosened the tires. He jumps infront of the car, where the homeless poet tackles him, spreading papers onto the cars windscreen, the director then crashes the car, and medical waste pours out, and upon looking at the papers that came out of the homeless poet's bag, finds out he's using his dead family records to help Illegal immigrants into Japan. Yoshi then does an article on the two Thugs and immediately becomes a famous reporter again. Irabu thanks Yoshi for exposing the corruptness of the rival hospital, and offers to let him meet Bando, Irabu tells Yoshi that his disorder did good, made him famous, and that he'd be ok if someone was home. On his way home, Yoshi finds an add for a share house. After the Injection, Yoshi is represented as a Racoon.

Épisode 9 - Gifted Child Actor

10 décembre 2009 - 3/5

Hiromi Yasukawa (voiced by Wataru Hatano) Hiromi is an actor (ex-child actor) who suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He now only gets roles as extras, but gets kicked out off a role as a student in a drama for smiling constantly during a tense scene. In the past, he was a popular child actor who had his own television show. His agent (who Irabu is hitting on) offers him an audition to a movie that he refuses, because theres a sex scene. He's then a guest on a Japanese live TV show, where they make fun of him for his role in the School Drama where he's smiling during a serious scene, and that his role had the name "Student-A". Hiromi gets very upset and not knowing what else to do, starts smiling, this brings an awkward silence to the audience. Afterwards, Hiromi's Agent tells him that he's going to loose his contract, and her because of his behavior. Hiromi starts to smile, and has a breakdown. Back at his apartment, Hiromi is under his covers crying. Irabu tries to cheer him up, giving him a list of other things he could do instead of acting. After Hiromi refuses, Irabu gives him the sheet for the audition for the movie. Three days later, Hiromi turns up for the Audition wearing causal clothes rather than his usual child actor attire, surprising his agent. The calendar then flashes back to the day after Irabu gives him the audition sheet. Hiromi appears at Irabu's office and the two discuss the movie role. After Irabu gives him another shot, he notices that he doesn't smile when in pain, he rushes off home where he attaches pegs to his nipples. He turns up to the Audition with the pain treatment, where he meets irabu, who plans on auditioning for the part himself. During his audition, Hiromi has a moment of panic when he's reminded about his role on the school drama as Student-A. He rips his shirt off to remove the pegs that are causing him much pain. This turns out good for him, as he realizes he can make fun of himself, and not need to worry about his image. Irabu and Hiromi both don't get the part, although Hiromi is now a Successful variety show host, where he uses some of his old Hiro-chan act. Hiromi is represented as a seal.

Épisode 10 - Owner

17 décembre 2009 - 3/5

Mitsuo Tanabe (voiced by Ryotaro Okiayu) is a successful businessman who owns the Great Japan Newspaper Company, and the Mighty Japan Great Powers Baseball team (that Bando is a member of) who suffers from a Panic Disorder where he gets flashbacks. When he turns up to Irabu's office after the events of the last episode, he is given an injection. Both Irabu and Mayumi are shocked that he hasn't turned into an animal. The calendar goes back to December 17th, where Bando has his first problems with his Yips, after the game Mitsuo is confronted by media that ask him questions on an apparent scandal that he has influence over the leader of a political party, and that he's made him postpone tax changes. The flashes from the journalist cameras start to disturb him, and he has flashbacks to the post war tokyo, and moments afterwards including the construction of the Tokyo Tower, and the first Bullet Train service, as well as moments in the 60's and 70's, he then faints. His doctor (Dr. Ikeyama from another episode)refers him over to Dr. Irabu. In Irabu's office after giving him an injection, Mayumi notices that a faltering flurecent light is starting to upset Mitsuo, and she turns it off before he has an attack. Irabu then takes this chance to diagnose him with Panic Disorder and orders Mayumi to turn off all the lights. Mitsuo starts to have an attack, when a scared Irabu suddenly pounces him and Mayumi turns the lights back on. Irabu comments how he's afraid of the dark and still has a night light. Mitsuo then explains how he has visions of the past, suggesting he has PTSD, and that his Panic Disorder is brought on through his stressful role of Power. Irabu tells Mitsuo that he can wear sunglasses to soften the flashes, but that the best medicine is to retire. Mitsuo strongly disagrees, stating that he still has things to do. Later on, Irabu and Mitsuo go shopping, and he explains to Irabu that Japan is still an immature country as it depends on the US, and that he wants to change that. In the sunglasses shop, Seiji from a past episode has a panic attack while also purchasing glasses. A couple of days later, is another baseball game, where Bando throws and injures another player, after the game the media confront Mitsuo, and he is outraged that they call Bando a "terrorist". Again the media start to harass him, and he has another attack. In Mitsuo's office, after suffering an attack with the setting sun, and reading the newspapers reporting on Mitsuo's outburst, Irabu warns him that this continued problem can lead to Depression. Mitsuo's aid tells him that he needs to leave for an appointment, Irabu carries him out to his limo where the media hound him again, and again he has a delusion that a dark mass is enveloping his limo. Irabu then offers to drive him in his Porsche Boxter Convertible. Irabu and Mitsuo speed off, outrunning the tabloids on their motorcycles, escaping them. Irabu drives past Shinbashi Station, where Mitsuo has a flashback to WWII when he was a young Soldier of the recovery operation of Tokyo at the end of the war, as well as watching Baseball on an old Television set in the 50's. Then while driving past the tokyo tower, he flashes back to being a journalist, having a discussion with the workers on a lunch break. Then a N700 Series Shinkansen goes by above them, much to Irabu's inner train-spotter's joy. Then Mitsuo flashing back to watching the First Shinkansen service with his son. Irabu and Mitsuo stop to watch a baseball game, where he has a flashback to meeting his wife at a baseball game in the past. During this moment of peace, he realizes that he's been living in the past.. and that things have changed greatly already. His flashbacks start to diminish, and he starts to appear in his modern form, instead of him in the past. He has Silver Hair, and glasses. Just as Mitsuo tries to catch the ball Bando has hit after curing his Yips, Irabu abruptly intercepts, and catches it himself. The next day, Mitsuo calls a press conference where he announces his retirement. On his way home, a couple of journalists, including Yoshi Iwamura (who has appeared several times throughout this episode) ask him for advice to become good journalists. Mitsuo accepts and invites the journalists in for a drink.

Épisode 11 - Canary

24 décembre 2009 - 5/5


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05/11/2014 - 5/5

Vraiment spécial, cet anime. Après avoir regardé le premier épisode, je me suis dit : "Mais qu'est-ce que je viens de regarder? Qu'est-ce que c'es...