Poster de la serie Up and Atom

Up and Atom

Non notée

Année : 2016

Nombre de saisons : 1

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 12 minutes

Genre(s) :

Making hard stuff less hard. Math, physics and computer science.


Up and Atom saison 1

Saison 1


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Épisode 1 - Introduction To Electric Charge

28 juillet 2016

A simple and easy introduction to electricity. It covers electric charge, the discovery of electricity, the nature of electricity and some of the more technical stuff for the classroom for you students. Hi! I'm Jade. I make physics videos that will make you smarter while making you smile 🙂 ***SUBSCRIBE*** ***Let's be friends*** TWITTER: ***RELATED VIDEOS YOU WILL LOVE*** What is Coulomb's Law? (with example) What is an Electric Field? How to Calculate the Force Between THREE Charges The Double Slit Experiment: Light as a Wave ____________________________________________________________________ Discovery of Electricity - the first recordings of electricity were by the ancient Egyptians in the form of these strange electric fish swimming in the Nile. The second encounter with electricity were recorded by the ancient greeks who discovered that if you rub amber with cats fur, it attracted feathers. Although they didn't know what was happening, it made them very curious indeed... Electric charge - Around the 18th century, people discovered this mysterious force between objects was because of electric charges. The first thing you need to know about charges is that there are two types: positive and negative. It was found through experiment that like charges repel and opposite charges attract. Also, EVERYTHING has electric charge. So why isn't everything being attracted and repelled by everything else? Because there is usually equal distribution of electric charge on objects, leaving the overall charge neutral. The nature of electricity - So what was happening in ancient Greece with the amber, cats fur and the feather? When the cats fur was rubbed on the amber, some negative electric charge was transferred from the cats fur to the amber, leaving it negatively charged. When placed near the feather, the negatively charged amber would repel some of the negative charges in the feather, leaving the feather positively charged. Now the positively charged feather is attracted to the negatively charged amber! Technical stuff - Charge is a NOT an object, it is a property of an object. Lastly, the SI unit for charge is the Coulomb, named after Charles Augustine de Coulomb. Does electric shock cure headache?

Épisode 2 - Coulomb's Law (with example)

29 juillet 2016

A simple, easy explanation of the intuition behind Coulomb's law and a worked example of an exam type question. Hi! I'm Jade. I make fun physics videos that will make you smarter while making you smile 🙂 ***SUBSCRIBE*** ***Let's be friends*** TWITTER: ***RELATED VIDEOS YOU WILL LOVE*** What is Electricity? How to Calculate the Force Between THREE Charges What is an Electric Field? ____________________________________________________________________ 1) Coulomb's law accurately measures the size of the force between two charges. It is based on two findings: the size of the electrostatic force is directly proportional to the product of the magnitude of the charges, and the electrostatic force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance separating the charges. When these two findings are translated into a mathematical equation it takes the form F=kq1q2/r^2, where F is the force, k is Coulomb's constant, q1 and q2 are the magnitudes of the charges, and r is the distance separating the charges. This is Coulomb's law. 2) The example worked through in this video tutorial is: Two charges of magnitude 1.8 x 10^-17 C are separated by a distance of 150 nm. What is the size of the electrostatic force experienced by each charge?

Épisode 3 - How to calculate the force between THREE charges

30 juillet 2016

You've been asked to calculate the force on a charge. Easy right? Just use Coulomb's law. BUT WAIT! There are THREE charges! Ahh! This video walks you through every detail of how to go about solving this problem so you can ace that exam question. Watch the next video here! 1) The worked example question is: In the diagram (shown in the video), charges q1 = q2 = q3 = 2.3 x 10^-9 C. What is the size of the electrostatic force experienced by charge q1?

Épisode 4 - Introduction to Electric Fields

31 juillet 2016

A simple and comprehensive introduction to electric fields. Covers the basics like the electric field of a charge, electric field lines and the electric field equation. Hi! I'm Jade. I make fun physics videos that will make you smarter while making you smile 🙂 Subscribe for new videos every second Thursday! ***SUBSCRIBE*** ***Let's be friends*** FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: ***RELATED VIDEOS YOU WILL LOVE*** What is Coulomb's Law? (with example) What is Electricity? How to Calculate the Force Between THREE Charges The Double Slit Experiment: Light as a Wave ____________________________________________________________________ So you put two positive charges together, and no surprise, they repel. Simple right? But WAIT! What IS that mysterious repelling force? Turns out it's the electric field. All interactions between charges are because of their electric fields. But electric fields are not uniform, that is, they vary in strength depending on their distance from the charge. So how do we visually represent this? ELECTRIC FIELD LINES. Electric field lines give a visual representation of the varying strength of electric fields. They follow two simple conventions: 1 - field lines of positive charges point out, and field lines of negative charges point in - 2 - a high density of lines represents a strong electric field and low density of lines represents a weak electric field. The definition of an electric field at a point is E = F/q where E is the electric field, F is the force felt by a test charge placed in the electric field and q is the magnitude of the test charge. Thanks for watching!

Épisode 5 - The Double Slit Experiment: Light As A Wave

25 août 2016

A simple, fun and easy explanation of Young's Double Slit experiment. The experiment that proved the wave nature of light. Hi! I'm Jade. I make fun physics videos that will make you smarter while making you smile 🙂 ***SUBSCRIBE*** ***Let's be friends*** TWITTER: ***RELATED VIDEOS YOU WILL LOVE*** How Many Dimensions Can You See The Photoelectric Effect: Light as a Particle Thanks for watching! ____________________________________________________________________ Everything you need to know about the experiment that proved that light is a WAVE! Young's famous double slit experiment. Young's double slit experiment. The experiment that proved that light is a WAVE. Newton actually thought that light was made up of particles, but a lot of the other physicist noticed that his theory didn't explain light-like properties like diffraction and polarisation. Thomas Young proved that light was in fact a wave with his double slit experiment. The experiment set up: two slits (double slit), and a light source behind the double slit. Some distance away is a detection plane to show where the light hits after it has passed through the double slit. An interference pattern appears on the screen when the light is switched on. The only way to explain this interference pattern is if light is a wave. The constructive interference causes the bright fringes and destructive interference causes the dark fringes, resulting in an interference pattern (diffraction pattern). Thus it was proved by Thomas Young's double slit experiment, that light is indeed a wave. Thanks for watching!

Épisode 6 - The Photoelectric Effect: Light As A Particle

23 septembre 2016

A simple, easy-to-understand explanation of the experiment that proved the particle nature of light and won Einstein a nobel prize. The Photoelectric Effect. Hi! I'm Jade. I make fun physics videos that will make you smarter while making you smile 🙂 ***SUBSCRIBE*** ***Let's be friends*** TWITTER: ***RELATED VIDEOS YOU WILL LOVE*** The Double Slit Experiment: Light as a Wave How Many Dimensions Can You See? Thanks for watching! ____________________________________________________________________ The Photoelectric effect proved the quantum nature of light and won Einstein a nobel prize. It proved that light is made of particles! This discovery was controversial at the time as Thomas Young proved that light was a wave in 1801 with his Double Slit Experiment. The experiment that proved the quantum nature of light (light is a particle) went like this: A negatively charged metal plate which is called the "emitter" is placed opposite a positively charged metal plate called the collector. They are both placed in a vacuum chamber and connected by a wire and battery. The electrons in the emitter want to jump across to the collector plate, but the vacuum is preventing movement within the chamber. A light source is introduced to give the electrons the energy they need to jump the gap to the collector. The energy from the light is transferred to the electrons in the form of kinetic energy. This flow of electrons produces a current which is measured by an ammeter in the circuit. If light were a wave, the amount of electrons being freed from the emitter plate should depend on the intensity of the light, not the frequency. Light of higher intensity means a wave of bigger amplitude which means a wave carrying more energy. So a higher intensity should produce a larger current. So if the intensity of the light is high enough, regardless of the frequency of the light, the electrons should be given enough energy to break free. Also, this energy transfer should be gradual as there is a build up of energy,, so there would be a time delay between when the light hit the electrons and when they are emitted. Furthermore, the kinetic energy of the electrons should increase as intensity increases. This means they travel with more speed toward the collector. Turns out none of that happened. The electrons jumped off the emitter instantaneously, there was no gradual build up of energy. It was as if the electrons were getting knocked off the surface. But the most interesting observation was that the kinetic energy of the electrons was dependent on the frequency of the light, not the intensity. For some frequencies, no electrons jumped off the metal at all. The only way to explain this behaviour is that light is a particle (photon). The threshold frequency (sometimes called stopping potential) is the minimum frequency needed to knock the electrons off the metal surface. All frequencies above the threshold frequency carry enough energy to knock the electrons off the emitter, all frequencies below do not. The higher the frequency of the photons, the more kinetic energy in the electrons. From this, Einstein concluded that the energy carried in one of these light particles, which he called photons, was also proprtional to the frequency of the light (E=hf). More energy in a single photon meant more energy being transferred to an electron. The one thing that did depend on the intensity was the electron current. If the light shone was above the threshold frequency, a higher intensity means more photons. More photons means more photon electron interactions which means more emitted electrons. Einsteins discovery of photons and the photoelectric effect won him the nobel prize. But Young's proof of light being a wave was not wrong. Light is a particle and it's a wave. This is called wave-particle duality and is widely accepted in quantum physics.

Épisode 7 - How Many Dimensions Can You See?

13 octobre 2016

Flatland and how many dimensions you can see (HINT: it's not 3!) Hi! I'm Jade. I make physics videos that will make you smarter while making you smile 🙂 ***SUBSCRIBE*** ***Let's be friends*** TWITTER: ***RELATED VIDEOS YOU WILL LOVE*** The Double Slit Experiment: Light as a Wave MAXWELL'S DEMON - Why You Can't Get Something For Nothing Wikipedia link: MUSIC: Thanks for watching! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do we see the world in 2D or 3D? Seems obvious doesn't it? Not so fast. To begin to understand we need to take a trip to a lower dimensional land. Lineland is a one dimensional world where only lines exist. There is only left and right. Up, down, back and forth do not exist. Now what would an interaction between two citizens of line land look like? To each other, one dimensional lines LOOK like zero dimensional points. This is because, from their perspective, they can only see the front of each other. Even if they had see-through vision it would just look like a series of overlapping points. So in a 1 dimensional world, the citizens see in zero dimensions. Now let's move up one dimension. Flatland is a two dimensional world which is perfectly flat. There is left, right, back, and forth, but no up and down. If we take a look at an interaction between some citizens of flatland, we see that to each other they all look like lines. So in a two dimensional world, the citizens see in one dimension. So in a 1D world, they have 0D vision, in a 2D world, they have 1D vision. Can you spot the pattern? nD world means (n-1)D vision. It then follows that we (3D citizens) see in 2D. If you imagine yourself in our 3D world staring at a cube, notice you will only see a 2D square, the face of the cube. You can see length and width, but not depth. So why do you get the "feeling" that you can see depth? Your brain has developed a plethora of techniques and "tricks" to help you perceive this 2D image as 3D. Watch the video to find out more!

Épisode 8 - The Quantum Bomb-Tester!

10 novembre 2016

Elitzur-Vaidman bomb tester. You have a bunch of bombs, but some of them are duds. Can quantum physics help us find the live ones without detonating any of them? Hi! I'm Jade. I draw pictures that move and become animated physics videos. ***SUBSCRIBE*** ***Let's be friends*** TWITTER: ***MORE QUANTUM PHYSICS VIDEOS*** Maxwell's Demon - Why You Can't Get Something For Nothing The Double Slit Experiment: Light as a Wave MUSIC: Thanks for watching! __________________________________________________________________ Imagine you have a bunch of photon-sensitive bombs, so if you shine a single photon at any of them they will detonate and explode. But the problem is that some of these bombs are duds. Is there a way to test which bombs are live and which bombs are duds without detonating any of them? Quantum physics says there is! A thought experiment called the Elitzure-Vaidman bomb tester uses the principles of quantum superposition to perform an interaction-free measurement. In short, this means they can test if a bomb is live without and explosion. An Elitzur-Vaidman bomb-tester uses a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, with the light source emitting only single photons at a time. Classically, we would expect that 50% of the time the photon showed up on detector A and 50% of the time it showed up on detector B. However, the results showed that 100% of the time the photon showed up on detector A. So what was going on? Well a photon is a quantum object so it no longer obeys the laws of classical physics. The photon undergoes quantum superposition, takes both paths and interferes with itself. So how can we use this weird phenomena of quantum superposition to test bombs? Well if we place a dud bomb in the Mach-Zehnder interferometer, from the perspective of the photon, nothing has changed. It still undergoes quantum superposition and there is a 50/50 chance it will show up on either detector. Now if we place a live bomb in the Mach-Zehnder interferometer, if the photon takes the path of the bomb nothing will show up on either detector. If the photon takes the other path there is a 50/50 chance it will show up on either detector. This asymmetry means the photon can no longer undergo quantum superposition and is forced to choose a path. So if a photon is detected on detector B, we know it is a live bomb without the photon having to interact with it.

Épisode 9 - 50 AMAZING Physics Facts to Blow Your Mind!

18 novembre 2016

How can you see into the past? Why can't you burp in Space? A list of the top 50 physics facts to blow your mind. Hi! I'm Jade. I make short, simple physics videos that can be understood by everyone. ***SUBSCRIBE*** ***Let's be friends*** TWITTER: ***OTHER VIDEOS YOU'LL LOVE*** A Quantum Paradox: The Exploding Bomb and the Photon How Many Dimensions Can You See? MUSIC: Back on Track - Latinesque by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist: Thanks for watching!

Épisode 10 - Why Does Time Go Forward?

9 décembre 2016

Why does time go forward? How does Entropy relate to the direction of time? What really is time, and what gives it a direction? The Arrow of Time. Hi! I'm Jade. I draw pictures that move and become animated physics videos. ***SUBSCRIBE*** ***Let's be friends*** TWITTER: ***MORE VIDEOS YOU'LL LOVE*** 50 AMAZING Physics Facts to Blow Your Mind! Could Quantum Superposition Stop a Bomb Exploding? MUSIC: Thanks for watching! __________________________________________________________________ We all think of time as having a direction. Yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future. But what if I told you that none of the equations that govern our universe have anything to do with the direction of time. So what gives time its direction? The arrow of time is given purely by the second law of thermodynamics. The second law of thermodynamics says that the ENTROPY of the universe is always increasing. Entropy is the measure of randomness and disorder of a system. One day our universe will reach a point of maximum entropy, and time as we know it will cease to exist. There will be no distinction between past, present and future. This one aspect of our universe (entropy) is what gives time its arrow. In the past there was lower entropy than now, and in the future there will be higher entropy. So why is Entropy always increasing? Well, disorder is more likely than order. There are plenty of ways to be in a disordered state, while there are very few ways to be in an ordered state. Disorder is more probable than order. The real question is, why was entropy ever low in the first place? It seems kind of strange that such an unlikely event should happen. This question is one of the biggest unsolved mysteries in physics. One theory is that we live in a multiverse, where baby universes are being born all the time. The baby universe start with low entropy, but the entropy of the entire multiverse increases. If physicists manage to crack that one, all questions will be answered, we'd be able to understand the mysteries of our universe and the Arrow of Time.

Épisode 11 - The Physics of SANTA

22 décembre 2016

The Physics of Santa. With nearly 2 billion children in the world, how does Santa deliver all those presents on Christmas Eve? Hi! I'm Jade. I want to share the wonderful world of physics with you in an easy and fun way. ***SUBSCRIBE*** ***Let's be friends*** TWITTER: ***MORE VIDEOS YOU'LL LOVE*** Why Does Time Go Forward? 50 AMAZING Physics Facts to Blow Your Mind! MUSIC: Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist: Sources: Thanks for watching! __________________________________________________________________ So it's that time of year again where we all start wondering, with nearly 2 billion children in the world, how does Santa deliver all those presents? The speed and payload of Santa and his reindeer would create an enormous amount of air resistance, burning up those reindeer in the same way as a meteor entering the atmosphere. At that speed, Santa would be thrust back in his seat with centrifugal forces several thousand times that of gravity. But this can't be happening, otherwise, where are all the presents coming from? Some think that Santa must use some kind of heat resistant shield for his reindeer and sleigh, kind of like the ones we use on space capsules to stop them burning up. Now about the timing, one theory is that if Santa has the technology to create these super heat resistant shields, he should also have technology advanced enough to travel at nearly the speed of light. This actually solves a lot of problems. 1- With Santa travelling at nearly the speed of light he'd be able to deliver all the presents in just 500 seconds. 2- It would explain why Santa never gets any older. Einsteins theory of special relativity tells us that the faster you move, the more time slows down. This is called Time Dilation, and it happens because the speed of light is always constant in a vacuum. 3- It also explains how Santa and his big belly fir down your chimney every year. Special relativity also tells us that objects that travel close to the speed of light experience length contraction (they get skinnier), meaning that if Santa was travelling close to the speed of light he'd easily be skinny enough to fit down your chimney. 4- Finally it explains why no one has ever seen Santa flying across the night sky on Christmas Eve. When certain charged particles travel faster than the speed of light they emit a blue glow, know as Cerenkov (Cherenkov) radiation. So Santa would be seen as streaks of blue light flying across the night sky on Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas!

Épisode 12 - Maxwell's Demon | Thermodynamics | Second Law

13 janvier 2017

Maxwell's Demon. Maxwell's famous thought experiment. Can we break the second law of thermodynamics? Can entropy be reversed? Hi! I'm Jade. I draw pictures that move and become animated physics videos. ***SUBSCRIBE*** ***Let's be friends*** TWITTER: ***MORE VIDEOS YOU'LL LOVE*** Quantum Paradox: The Exploding Bomb and the Photon - Why Does Time Go Forward? MUSIC: __________________________________________________________________ Today we are going to try to break the second law of thermodynamics! Remember that law? It comes in many forms: 1. The entropy/disorder of the universe is always increasing. But it can also be written as 2. The energy in the universe available to do useful work is always decreasing. When things are in a low entropy ordered state, they can do what scientists call "useful work". Imagine a box with hot air on one side and cold air on the other. This is a very ordered low entropy state, and the temperature difference can be used to power an engine or create electricity. As the air reaches thermal equilibrium, the energy available to do useful work has decreased, until it becomes nothing at all. This will never spontaneously reverse into useful, hot and cold air again. Unless outside work is put in, like a heat pump. But the work used by the heat pump to create the temperature difference is always going to be more than the work the temperature difference can create. So we always put in more than what we get out. In other words, you can't get something for nothing. But James Clerk Maxwell didn't like this one bit. He came up with a thought experiment in hope of breaking the second law of thermodynamics. Maxwell's Demon. Maxwell's Demon's only job is to let hot air molecules through to the left side and cold air molecules through to the right. Eventually, there would be all hot air on one side and all cold air on the other. So where is the increase in entropy coming from? This baffled scientists for over a century. It seems like with information Maxwell's Demon has defied this universal law. Leo Szilard came along with the answer. The increase in entropy was in the demons brain. To separate the molecules, Maxwell's Demon needs to be constantly measuring molecules, obtaining information and making memories. He uses this information to lower the entropy of the box, but he is using energy to organise information in his brain. Maxwell's demon's brain is also a finite size, and he needs to delete information to make room for more when it gets full. This erasing of information causes heat, entropy increases and the second law of thermodynamics prevails. So, no, you can't get something for nothing.

Épisode 13 - What is Quantum Teleportation? ft Tibees!

27 janvier 2017

An easy explanation of Quantum Teleportation and how it works. Hi! I'm Jade. I draw pictures that move and become animated physics videos. Subscribe for new videos every second Thursday! ***SUBSCRIBE TO TOBY'S CHANNEL*** ***Let's be friends*** TWITTER: _________________________________________________________________ So how does quantum teleportation work? The information needs to be sent through two entangled particles. So if Toby wants to quantum teleport something to me, we both need one half of an entangled pair of particles. Quantum teleportation should really be called quantum communication because we're not actually teleporting anything physical. We're teleporting information. We're sending information between two entangled particles. Also, we're sending quantum information, which is a bit different from classical information. Quantum information needs to be embedded in a quantum particles. It also can't be copied or destroyed. A bit of quantum information is called a qubit. If toby wants to quantum teleport a qubit to me, it needs to be embedded in a third particle. She wants to send a qubit from her quantum particle to my entangled particle. To do this, she needs to perform a quantum operation which, due to the entanglement, makes her qubit appear on mine. But this is not superluminal (faster than light) communication. This is encapsulated by the no-go theorem.

Épisode 14 - Einstein's Pole in the Barn Paradox

9 février 2017

Einstein's pole in the barn paradox. In this video we talk about aspects of special relativity like length contraction and simultaneous events to solve Einstein's pole in the barn paradox. Hi I'm Jade. I stick to theoretical physics because my hands break things 🙂 ***SUBSCRIBE*** Visit the Up and Atom Store ***Let's be friends*** TWITTER: ***WATCH MY LAST VIDEO*** What is Quantum Teleportation? ***MUSIC*** ***SOURCES*** Paradox: The Nine Greatest Enigma's in Physics - Jim Al-Khalili ________________________________________________________________ Today we dive into the weird and wonderful world of relativity with an Einstein Paradox: There is a pole vaulter on a farm, and to get to the bar she needs to run through a barn. Earlier that day, she measured the length of her pole against the barn and found it was twice its length. Is there a way this pole vaulter can fit her pole inside the barn? At any normal human speed, this would be impossible. But what if Alberta were running at nearly the speed of light? When objects are travelling at nearly the speed of light, they contract in length in a process known as length contraction. So if Alberta is running toward the barn at near light speed, from your reference frame she contracts in length in the direction of travel. So it's perfectly possible her pole can fit inside the barn with both doors closed. But this still isn't a paradox until we consider things from Alberta's reference frame, as all motion is relative. From Alberta's reference frame, she is stationary and the barn is moving, so the barn is what contracts in length. So there's no way she could fit inside, as it was already too small to begin with. So what's happening? The solution lies in what we mean by "simultaneous events". Special relativity tells us that there is no absolute time, there are only reference frames. So from your reference frame, the timer goes off and the signal reaches both doors at the exact same time. But from Alberta's reference frame, the signal reaches the doors at different times, and so she experiences the doors closing and opening at different times. This is what allows both reference frames to coexist. That time is relative.

Épisode 15 - The NASA TRAPPIST-1 Exoplanets - 7 Earth Like Worlds Discovered

26 février 2017

NASA'S TRAPPIST-1 exoplanet discovery by the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. A treasure trove of planets found by the Spitzer telescope. Seven (7) Earth sized planets discovered orbiting the TRAPPIST-1 ultracool dwarf star. 40 light years away in the constellation of Aquarius, seven earth sized exoplanets have been discovered. This is the largest amount of exoplanets that have ever been found around a single star. The star was actually found in May 2016 and given the name TRAPPIST-1, TRAnsiting Planets and PlanetesImals Small Telescope in Chile. The TRAPPIST 1 star was detected by an infrared telescope called the Spitzer and monitored for 500 hours. 7 exoplanets were found, three of which are in the habitable zone. Music: Hypnothis by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist:

Épisode 16 - Charge Parity Violation - The Physics of a Mirror Universe

18 mai 2017

Parity breaking and CP violation. Weak interaction and decay. Hi! I'm Jade. I make physics videos about time, entropy, space, relativity and quantum physics. Check out my channel and subscribe if you like 🙂 *SUBSCRIBE* *Let's be friends :)* TWITTER: *Sources* *Music* ____________________________________________________________________

Épisode 17 - The Physics of Free Will

22 juin 2017

Do we really have free will? What does physics have to say about it? Hi! I'm Jade. I make physics videos about time, entropy, space, relativity and quantum physics. Check out my channel and subscribe if you like 🙂 *SUBSCRIBE* *Let's be friends :)* TWITTER: *Sources* Paradox: The Nine Greatest Enigmas in Physics Book by Jim Al-Khalili *Music*

Épisode 18 - Can You Crack This Four Card Code?

24 août 2017

A surprisingly tricky card riddle. You'll need to put your thinking caps on for this one. Hi! I'm Jade. I'm an Aussie with a Bachelor's degree in Applied Physics. After three years and over 100 lab sessions, I realized I'm terrible at experiments. So now I make physics and maths videos on YouTube 🙂 Check out my channel and subscribe if you like: *SUBSCRIBE* Thank you to Philip Thomas for providing this fun logic riddle. For more, go to his website: *Let's be friends :)* TWITTER: *Other Video You Might Like* Maxwell's Demon: Can Entropy Be Reversed? Einstein's Pole in the Barn Paradox

Épisode 19 - Why Math is Important

4 septembre 2017

If you're in or went to high school, you're familiar with the phrase "When am I ever going to use this?" when talking about pretty much anything you learn in math class. This is the answer to that question. The real answer, not something like "one day a stranger might point a gun to your head and ask you to recite the quadratic formula". Hi! I'm Jade. I'm an Aussie with a Bachelor's degree in Applied Physics. After three years and over 100 lab sessions, I realized I'm terrible at experiments. So now I make physics and maths videos on YouTube 🙂 Check out my channel and subscribe if you like: *Education Collaboration Playlist* *SUBSCRIBE* *Let's be friends :)* TWITTER: *Other Videos You Might Like* Are Force Fields Possible? Einstein's Pole in the Barn Paradox *Sources*

Épisode 20 - Are Forcefields Possible?

15 septembre 2017

Is Violet's forcefield from The Incredibles 2 possible? Why don't they exist in real life? Are they physically possible? Come find out. Hi! I'm Jade. I'm an Aussie with a Bachelor's degree in Applied Physics. After three years and over 100 lab sessions, I realized I'm terrible at experiments. So now I make physics and maths videos on YouTube 🙂 Check out my channel and subscribe if you like: *SUBSCRIBE* Visit the Up and Atom Store *Let's be friends :)* TWITTER: *Other Videos You Might Like!* Math, When Are You Going to Use It? The Physics of Free Will Would Physics Be the Same in a Mirror Universe? Big thank you to Mr. Beat for supplying the footage with the transition glasses! Check out his channel here: *SOURCES* Physics of the Impossible - Michio Kaku Force field movie clips: Epic Fight Scenes: #9 - Dune (Shield Practice) FANTASTIC FOUR "Let's get invisible" [Invisible Woman] Star Trek vs Star Wars: Shields The Incredibles - Violet VS Dash

Épisode 21 - Why Are Soap Bubbles So Colorful?

28 septembre 2017

Why are soap bubbles rainbow colored? Iridescence explained both by wave theory and QED (quantum electrodynamics). Hi! I'm Jade. I'm an Aussie with a Bachelor's degree in Applied Physics. After three years and over 100 lab sessions, I realized I'm terrible at experiments. So now I make physics and maths videos on YouTube 🙂 Check out my channel and subscribe if you like: *SUBSCRIBE* *Let's be friends :)* TWITTER: *Other Videos You Might Like!* Are Forcefields Possible? Math, When Are You Going to Use It? Would Physics Be the Same in a Mirror Universe? Want to know more? Here's where I found info for this video: *Wave stuff* *Particle stuff* QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter - Richard Feynman

Épisode 22 - Quantum Cryptography in 6 Minutes

24 octobre 2017

Quantum Cryptography explained simply. Regular encryption is breakable, but not quantum cryptography. Today we'll look at the simplest case of quantum cryptography, quantum key distribution. It uses the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle to prevent eavesdroppers from cracking the code. Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for new physics, math and computer science videos every week! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* *Let's be friends :)* TWITTER: *QUANTUM PLAYLIST* *SOURCES* The Code Book - Simon Singh *MUSIC* Prelude No. 14 by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist:

Épisode 23 - The Problem With Linear Regression | Data Analysis

27 octobre 2017

The problems with linear regression in data science/analysis. Taken from a chapter of Jordan Ellenberg's amazing book How Not to Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking. Thanks to the Vlogbrothers for their sponsorship of this video. Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for new physics, math and computer science videos every week! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* *Let's be friends :)* TWITTER: *Other Videos You Might Like* Math, When Are You Going To Use It? Quantum Cryptography Explained Simply Are Forcefields Possible? *SOURCES* How To Not Be Wrong, The Power of Mathematical Thinking - Jordan Ellenberg

Épisode 24 - How Do We Find Earth-Like Planets? Ft. Amor Sciendi

17 novembre 2017

Check out the video we did on James's channel! Check out Tyler's animation channel! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* Physics, math, computer science. New videos every week! *Let's be friends :)* TWITTER: *Other Videos You Might Like* Math, When Are You Going To Use It? Quantum Cryptography Explained Simply Are Forcefields Possible?

Épisode 25 - Machine Learning Explained in 5 Minutes

23 novembre 2017

Machine learning explained simply. In this video you'll learn what exactly machine learning is and machine learning basics. No knowledge of machine learning required to watch this video. Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for new physics, math and computer science videos every week! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* *Follow me: @upndatom INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: *Other Videos You Might Like* Math, When Are You Going To Use It? Quantum Cryptography Explained Simply Are Forcefields Possible? *SOURCES*

Épisode 26 - When To Quit (According to Computer Science)

30 novembre 2017

Optimal Stopping. The Secretary Problem Explained. Taken from a chapter of the book "Algorithms to Live By - The Computer Science of Human Decisions" by Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for new physics, math and computer science videos every week! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* *Let's be friends :)* TWITTER: *Other Videos You Might Like* Machine Learning Explained Math, When Are You Going To Use It? Quantum Cryptography Explained Simply Sources: Algorithms to Live By - The Computer Science of Human Decisions by Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths Music: As I Figure - Latinesque by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist:

Épisode 27 - What is DARK ENERGY?

9 décembre 2017

Check out Dom's Video on Dark Matter! Subscribe to Dom's Channel Every Think! Dark Energy is one of the biggest mysteries of our universe. It makes up more than half of our universe, but what is it? And how do we know it's there? Find out about dark energy in this video. Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for new physics, math and computer science videos every week! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* *Let's be friends :)* TWITTER: *Other Videos You Might Like* Quantum Cryptography Explained Simply Are Forcefields Possible? The Physics of Free Will *Sources* We Have No Idea - Jorge Cham and Daniel Whiteson *Music* Dom wrote the music for this episode too!

Épisode 28 - When To Try New Things (According to Computer Science)

17 décembre 2017

The Explore/Exploit Trade Off. The best algorithm for when to try new things and when to stick to what you know: the Gittins Index. Based on a chapter of the book Algorithms to Live By, The Computer Science of Human Decisions by Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths. Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for new physics, math and computer science videos every week! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* *Let's be friends :)* TWITTER: *Other Videos You Might Like* When To Quit (According to Math) Math, When Are You Going To Use It? What is DARK ENERGY? Sources: Algorithms to Live By - The Computer Science of Human Decisions by Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths Further reading on the Gittins Index:

Épisode 29 - 4 Common Misconceptions About A.I.

5 janvier 2018

4 big misconceptions about artificial intelligence (A.I.), machines and superintelligence. A lot of this video was based on a chapter of the book "Life 3.0" by Max Tegmark. 1:19 - 1. The Risk of a Robot Take-Over 3:57 - 2. We Should Be Worried About Machines Turning Evil 5:31 - 3. We Should Be Worried About Machines Becoming Conscious 6:53 - 4. We Have Any Idea When or If Superintelligent A.I. Will Happen Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for new physics, math and computer science videos every week! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* *Let's be friends :)* TWITTER: *Other Videos You Might Like* Machine Learning Explained When To Try New Things (According to Math) When To Quit (According to Math) Sources: Life 3.0 - Max Tegmark Music: 8bit Dungeon Boss - Video Classica by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist: Itty Bitty 8 Bit by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist:

Épisode 30 - Jade Gets a PATREON!

11 janvier 2018

Support me on PATREON 🙂 One time donation to my PayPal 🙂 Thank you so much guys. Your support means the world to me. I honestly can't thank you enough n_n Let's be friends 🙂

Épisode 31 - Can Machines Be Conscious?

12 janvier 2018

Can machines be conscious? What is exactly is consciousness? In this video, we'll take dive into the possibilities of artificial consciousness and what it means for the future of AI and humanity. Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for new physics, math and computer science videos every week! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Anne Tan Simon Mackenzie Simon Dargaville Dean Madden Noah McCann Robert Frieske Magesh If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Let's be friends :)* TWITTER: *Other Videos You Might Like* 4 Common Misconceptions About A.I. Machine Learning Explained When To Try New Things (According to Math) Sources: Life 3.0 - Max Tegmark Music: My friend Dom from YouTube channel Everythink wrote all the music in this episode. Check out his channel. He is brilliant.

Épisode 32 - What is a Singularity, Exactly?

26 janvier 2018

The singularity. Both the black hole singularity and the AI singularity. Predictions by Ray Kurzweil. Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for new physics, math and computer science videos every week! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* Visit the Up and Atom Store *Follow me: @upndatom INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Anne Tan Simon Mackenzie Susan Jones Simon Dargaville Dean Madden Noah McCann Robert Frieske Magesh If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Other Videos You Might Like* 4 Common Misconceptions About A.I. Machine Learning Explained When To Try New Things (According to Math) *Sources* The Singularity is Near : When Humans Transcend Biology - Ray Kurzweil Music: My friend Dom from YouTube channel Everythink wrote all the music in this episode. Check out his channel. He is brilliant.

Épisode 33 - The Accuracy Paradox - When Less is More | Overfitting | Data Science

16 février 2018

Overfitting. Based on a chapter of the book Algorithms to Live By, The Computer Science of Human Decisions by Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths. Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for new physics, math and computer science videos every week! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* *Follow me: @upndatom INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Anne Tan, Simon Mackenzie, Daniel Tan-Holmes, Susan Jones, Simon Dargaville, Dean Madden, Noah McCann, Robert Frieske, Magesh, Dave Mayer, Renato Pereira If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Other Videos You Might Like* When To Try New Things (According to Math) When To Quit (According to Math) Math, When Are You Going To Use It? Algorithms to Live By - The Computer Science of Human Decisions by Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths

Épisode 34 - Chaos Theory | The Butterfly Effect (ft. Jabrils)

6 mars 2018

Chaos Theory and the butterfly effect. Discovered by Lorenz. The video we did over on Jabril's channel! Subscribe to Jabril's channel! Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for new physics, math and computer science videos every second week! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Alan McNea, Anne Tan, Simon Mackenzie, Daniel Tan-Holmes, Yoseph, Susan Jones, Simon Dargaville, Dean Madden, Noah McCann, Robert Frieske, Magesh, Dave Mayer, Renato Pereira, Stephen Veitch. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Let's be friends :)* TWITTER: Other videos you might like: What is a Singularity, Exactly? What is DARK ENERGY? Are Forcefields Possible? SOURCES Chaos: Making a New Science by James Gleick Double Pendulum Fidget Spinner

Épisode 35 - The Quantum Prisoner's Dilemma (ft. Physics Girl!)

22 mars 2018

The video we did over on Dianna's channel! Dianna's channel Physics Girl! Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for new physics, math and computer science videos every second week! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* This video was co-written by my super smart hubby Simon Mackenzie. *Follow me: @upndatom INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Alan McNea, Anne Tan, Simon Mackenzie, Daniel Tan-Holmes, Yoseph, Susan Jones, Simon Dargaville, Dean Madden, Noah McCann, Robert Frieske, Magesh, Dave Mayer, Renato Pereira, Stephen Veitch. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 Other videos you might like: What is a Singularity, Exactly? Are Forcefields Possible? The Butterfly Effect and CHAOS *Sources* The paper I talked about - Quantum Games and Quantum Strategies Jens Eisert 1 , Martin Wilkens 1 , and Maciej Lewenstein 2 (1) Institut f¨ur Physik, Universit¨at Potsdam, 14469 Potsdam, Germany (2) Institut f¨ur Theoretische Physik, Universit¨at Hannover, 30167 Hannover, Germany (February 1, 2008)

Épisode 36 - The First Rule of Game Theory (ft. Thomas Frank)

17 mai 2018

Sign up to Skillshare with this link to get 2 months free! Head over to Thomas Frank's channel to learn how to do life better Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for new physics, math and computer science videos every second week! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* *Follow me: @upndatom INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Alan McNea, Anne Tan, Simon Mackenzie, Daniel Tan-Holmes, Andrew Pann, Dave, Yoseph, Susan Jones, Simon Dargaville, Dean Madden, Noah McCann, Robert Frieske, Magesh, Dave Mayer, Renato Pereira, Stephen Veitch, Todd Loreman, David, Carston Berggreen. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 Other videos you might like: What is a Singularity, Exactly? When to Think Less (According to Math) When to Quit (According to Math) *Sources* The Art of Strategy: A Game Theorist's Guide to Success in Business and Life - Avinash K. Dixit and Barry J. Nalebuff

Épisode 37 - Intro to Information Theory | Digital Communication | Information Technology

28 juin 2018

Shannon Entropy in Information theory. Compression and digital communication in systems and technology. The Entropy of English. The video we did over on Mark's channel! Subscribe to Mark's channel Alliterative! Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for new physics, math and computer science videos every second week! This video was co-written by my super smart hubby Simon Mackenzie. *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* *Follow me* @upndatom INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Alan McNea, Daniel Tan-Holmes, Simon Mackenzie, Yoseph, Andrew Pann, Dave, Anne Tan, Todd Loreman, David, Susan Jones, Stephen Veitch, Dave Mayer, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, Dean Madden, Noah McCann, Robert Frieske, Magesh. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 Other videos you might like: What is a Singularity, Exactly? When to Think Less (According to Math) When to Quit (According to Math) Here's more stuff to read if you're interested :

Épisode 38 - If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?

1 juillet 2018

Answering the age old philosophical question, if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? Check out the video we did over on Alie's channel! Subscribe to NeuroTransmissions! Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for new physics, math and computer science videos every two weeks! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* *Follow me* @upndatom INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Alan McNea, Daniel Tan-Holmes, Simon Mackenzie, Yoseph, Andrew Pann, Dave, Anne Tan, Todd Loreman, David, Susan Jones, Stephen Veitch, Dave Mayer, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, Dean Madden, Noah McCann, Robert Frieske, Magesh. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 Other videos you might like: What is a Singularity, Exactly? When to Think Less (According to Math) Y CN U R34D DIS? *Music*

Épisode 39 - What is The Schrödinger Equation, Exactly?

6 juillet 2018

Sign up to to receive a 20% discount with this link! *My Quantum Physics Essay* Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for new physics, math and computer science videos every two weeks! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* Visit the Up and Atom Store *Follow me: @upndatom TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: Check out this PlayList for more quantum physics! A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Alan McNea, Daniel Tan-Holmes, Simon Mackenzie, Yoseph, Andrew Pann, Dave, Anne Tan, Todd Loreman, David, Susan Jones, Marc Watkins, Stephen Veitch, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, Dean Madden, Noah McCann, Robert Frieske, Magesh. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 Other videos you might like: What is a Singularity, Exactly? Y CN U R34D DIS? *Music*

Épisode 40 - How Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity Creates Gold

13 juillet 2018

Come discover how Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity gives gold it's beautiful yellow shine. Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for new physics, math and computer science videos every two weeks! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* *Follow me: @upndatom TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: Check out this PlayList for a taste of the channel: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Paul Kendra, Harsh Tank, Alan McNea, Daniel Tan-Holmes, Simon Mackenzie, Yoseph, Andrew Pann, Dave, Anne Tan, Ayan Doss, Marc Watkins, Po Corall, Todd Loreman, David, Susan Jones, Doug Cowles, Stephen Veitch, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, Dean Madden, Noah McCann, Robert Frieske, Magesh. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 Other videos you might like: What is the Schrödinger Equation, Exactly? What is a Singularity, Exactly? Y CN U R34D DIS? *Sources*;sequence=3 *Music*

Épisode 41 - The Halting Problem - An Impossible Problem to Solve

20 juillet 2018

Start learning today with SkillShare: Alan Turing proved that the Halting Problem was impossible for Turing machines (computers) to solve. Come find out how. The quantum computer game I talked about: This video was co-written by my super smart hubby Simon Mackenzie. Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for new physics, math and computer science videos every two weeks! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* Visit the Up and Atom Store *Follow me: @upndatom TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: Check out this PlayList for a taste of the channel: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Paul Kendra, Harsh Tank, Alan McNea, Daniel Tan-Holmes, Simon Mackenzie, Yoseph, Andrew Pann, Dave, Anne Tan, Ayan Doss, Marc Watkins, Sung-Ho Lee, Todd Loreman, David, Susan Jones, M.H. Beals, Doug Cowles, Stephen Veitch, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, Dean Madden, Noah McCann, Robert Frieske, Magesh. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 Other videos you might like: What is the Schrödinger Equation, Exactly? What is a Singularity, Exactly? Y CN U R34D DIS? *Sources* *Music*

Épisode 42 - Superposition of Quantum States

9 août 2018

Start learning today with Brilliant! Quantum Superposition and the Stern-Gerlach Experiment. Allan Adam's MIT lecture: Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for new physics, math and computer science videos every two weeks! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* Visit the Up and Atom Store *Follow me: @upndatom TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Paul Kendra, Harsh Tank, Alan McNea, Daniel Tan-Holmes, Simon Mackenzie, Yoseph, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Joe Court, Adam Thornton, Ayan Doss, Marc Watkins, Sung-Ho Lee, Todd Loreman, David, Susan Jones, Ammaar Esmailjee, iM.H. Beals, Doug Cowles, Stephen Veitch, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, Dean Madden, Noah McCann, Robert Frieske, Magesh. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 Quantum Physics Playlist Other videos you might like: What is the Schrödinger Equation, Exactly? What is a Singularity, Exactly? *Music*

Épisode 43 - The Four Color Theorem - What Counts as a Proof?

20 août 2018

Train your problem solving skills today with SkillShare: Check out the video we did over on Willie's Channel! Subscribe to Willie's Channel KhAnubis! The Four Color Map Theorem and why it was one of the most controversial mathematical proofs. This video was co-written by my super smart hubby Simon Mackenzie. Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for new physics, math and computer science videos every two weeks! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* Visit the Up and Atom Store *Follow me: @upndatom TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: Check out this PlayList for a taste of the channel: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Paul Kendra, Harsh Tank, Alan McNea, Daniel Tan-Holmes, Simon Mackenzie, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Joe Court, Adam Thornton, Ayan Doss, Marc Watkins, Sung-Ho Lee, Todd Loreman, David, Susan Jones, Airye, Drew Davis, Rob Harris, Dennis Haupt, David M., Ammaar Esmailjee, M.H. Beals, Doug Cowles, Stephen Veitch, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, Noah McCann, Robert Frieske, Magesh. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 Other videos you might like: What is the Schrödinger Equation, Exactly? What is a Singularity, Exactly? Y CN U R34D DIS? *Sources* *Music*

Épisode 44 - Can You Guess Who's Lying? 3 Logic Riddles to Train Your Problem Solving Skills

27 août 2018

Get better at problem solving today with Brilliant! The first 200 people to sign up will get a 20% discount: Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for new physics, math and computer science videos every two weeks! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* Visit the Up and Atom Store *Follow me: @upndatom TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: Check out this PlayList for a taste of the channel: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Paul Kendra, Harsh Tank, Alan McNea, Daniel Tan-Holmes, Simon Mackenzie, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Joe Court, Adam Thornton, Ayan Doss, Marc Watkins, Sung-Ho Lee, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Airye, Drew Davis, Rob Harris, Dennis Haupt, David M., Ammaar Esmailjee, M.H. Beals, Doug Cowles, Stephen Veitch, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, Noah McCann, Robert Frieske, Magesh. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 Other videos you might like: What is the Schrödinger Equation, Exactly? What is a Singularity, Exactly? *Music*

Épisode 45 - When to Chillax (According to Computer Science)

5 septembre 2018

Sign up to to receive a 20% discount with this link! The Computer Science Algorithm Technique of Relaxation. Algorithms to Live By - Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for new physics, math and computer science videos every two weeks! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* More videos on algorithms for life: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Paul Kendra, Harsh Tank, Alan McNea, Daniel Tan-Holmes, Simon Mackenzie, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Joe Court, Adam Thornton, Ayan Doss, Marc Watkins, Sung-Ho Lee, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Shawn Patrick James Kirby, Simon Tobar, Drew Davis, Rob Harris, Dennis Haupt, David M., Ammaar Esmailjee, M.H. Beales, Doug Cowles, Stephen Veitch, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, Noah McCann, Robert Frieske, and Magesh. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Follow me: @upndatom TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: Other videos you might like: When to Think Less When to Quit When to Try New Things *Music* *Map* © OpenStreetMap contributors:,

Épisode 46 - The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Explained Intuitively

20 septembre 2018

Use this link for 2 months of unlimited access to over 20,000 classes FREE: An intuitive explanation of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle of quantum mechanics. Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for new physics, math and computer science videos every two weeks! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* Visit the Up and Atom Store *Follow me* @upndatom INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Skully, Paul Kendra, Ofer Mustigman, Daeil Kim, Harsh Tank, Alan McNea, Daniel Tan-Holmes, Simon Mackenzie, Chris Flynn, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Joe Court, Adam Thornton, Ayan Doss, Marc Watkins, Sung-Ho Lee, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Simon Barker, Shawn Patrick James Kirby, Simon Tobar, Drew Davis, Rob Harris, Dennis Haupt, David M., Ammaar Esmailjee, M.H. Beales, Doug Cowles, Stephen Veitch, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, Noah McCann and Magesh. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Quantum Physics Series: *Sources* The Blackhole Wars - Leonard Susskind Quantum Mechanics: The Theoretical Minimum - Leonard Susskind *Music*

Épisode 47 - What is Quantum Tunneling, Exactly?

9 octobre 2018

Sign up to to receive a 20% discount with this link! In this video we explore the quantum phenomenon of quantum tunneling, where an electron can tunnel through a barrier no classical object could. *Quantum Physics Playlist: Frustrated Total Internal Reflection Demo: Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for new physics, math and computer science videos every two weeks! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* Visit the Up and Atom Store *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on instagram: Up and Atom on Twitter: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Skully, Paul Kendra, Ofer Mustigman, Daeil Kim, Harsh Tank, Alan McNea, Daniel Tan-Holmes, Simon Mackenzie, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, Chris Flynn, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Joe Court, John Satchell, John Shioli, Adam Thornton, Ayan Doss, Marc Watkins, Sung-Ho Lee, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Jareth Arnold, Xiao Fan, Simon Barker, Shawn Patrick James Kirby, Simon Tobar, Drew Davis, Rob Harris, Dennis Haupt, David M., Ammaar Esmailjee, M.H. Beales, Doug Cowles, Stephen Veitch, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, Noah McCann and Magesh. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 What is the Schrödinger Equation, Exactly? The Intuition Behind the Uncertainty Principle *Sources: *Music*

Épisode 48 - Cantor's Infinity Paradox | Set Theory

26 octobre 2018

Sign up to to receive a 20% discount with this link! Cantor sets and the nature of infinity in set theory. Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for new physics, math and computer science videos every two weeks! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* Visit the Up and Atom Store *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on instagram: Up and Atom on Twitter: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Robert Guzman, Skully, Paul Kendra, Ofer Mustigman, Daeil Kim, Harsh Tank, Alan McNea, Daniel Tan-Holmes, Simon Mackenzie, Andrew Styles, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, Chris Flynn, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Joe Court, John Satchell, John Shioli, Adam Thornton, Ayan Doss, Marc Watkins, Sung-Ho Lee, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Jareth Arnold, Fernando Takeshi Sato, Armin Quast, Xiao Fan, Simon Barker, Shawn Patrick James Kirby, Simon Tobar, Drew Davis, Rob Harris, Dennis Haupt, David M., Ammaar Esmailjee, M.H. Beales, Doug Cowles, Stephen Veitch, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, Noah McCann and Magesh. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Music* *Sources* The Annotated Turing - Charles Petzold Introducing Infinity, A Graphic Guide - Brian Clegg

Épisode 49 - An Alternative Proof That The Real Numbers Are Uncountable

31 octobre 2018

This video was co-written by my super smart hubby Simon Mackenzie. *My Last Video* My Infinity is Bigger Than Your Infinity If you want to know more, check out these links and sources: The Annotated Turing - Charles Petzold FOUNDATIONS OF A GENERAL THEORY OF MANIFOLDS: A MATHEMATICO-PHILOSOPHICAL INVESTIGATION INTO THE THEORY OF THE INFINITE (CANTOR 1883d) Introducing Infinity, A Graphic Guide - Brian Clegg *Wiki-links* Real Analysis Transfinite numbers Cardinal Numbers Set theory Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for new physics, math and computer science videos every two weeks! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on instagram: Up and Atom on Twitter: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Robert Guzman, Skully, Paul Kendra, Ofer Mustigman, Daeil Kim, Harsh Tank, Alan McNea, Daniel Tan-Holmes, Simon Mackenzie, Andrew Styles, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, Chris Flynn, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Joe Court, John Satchell, John Shioli, Adam Thornton, Ayan Doss, Marc Watkins, Sung-Ho Lee, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Jareth Arnold, Fernando Takeshi Sato, Armin Quast, Xiao Fan, Simon Barker, Shawn Patrick James Kirby, Simon Tobar, Drew Davis, Rob Harris, Dennis Haupt, David M., Ammaar Esmailjee, M.H. Beales, Doug Cowles, Stephen Veitch, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, Noah McCann and Magesh. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂

Épisode 50 - How Does The Internet Work? An Epic Quest...

1 décembre 2018

Sign up to with this link to receive a 20% discount! Check out Sophie (in the U.K)'s channel! This video follows my epic journey to understand the TRUTH of how the Internet works. Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* Visit the Up and Atom Store *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on instagram: Up and Atom on Twitter: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Purple Penguin, Skully, Ofer Mustigman, Daeil Kim, Harsh Tank, Alan McNea, Daniel Tan-Holmes, Simon Mackenzie, Andrew Styles, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, Chris Flynn, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Joe Court, Broos Nemanic, Drew Davis, John Satchell, John Shioli, Adam Thornton, Ayan Doss, Marc Watkins, Sung-Ho Lee, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, corthee, Fernando Takeshi Sato, Jareth Arnold, Xiao Fan, Simon Barker, Shawn Patrick James Kirby, Simon Tobar, Rob Harris, Dennis Haupt, David M., Ammaar Esmailjee, M.H. Beales, Doug Cowles, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, Noah McCann and Magesh. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Other Videos You Might Like* Why This is One of the Most Controversial Math Proofs Why This Problem is IMPOSSIBLE for Computers to Solve Learn Computer Science With me! #1 Arrays *SO MANY SOURCES* [Kevin_R._Fall,_W._Richard_Stevens]_TCPIP_Illustr(BookFi).pdf *History of the Internet for the curious* *Music*

Épisode 51 - How Will Self-Driving Cars Make Moral Decisions?

22 décembre 2018

Sign up to with this link to receive a 20% discount! Check out the video we did over on Lê’s channel! Human level AI by 2025? Subscribe to Lê’s channel Science4All! Judge on Moral Machine Wanna play around with the scoring models? Here's a link to an interactive applet. Have fun! Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* Visit the Up and Atom Store *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on instagram: Up and Atom on Twitter: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Purple Penguin, Skully, Ofer Mustigman, Daeil Kim, Harsh Tank, Alan McNea, Daniel Tan-Holmes, Simon Mackenzie, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, Chris Flynn, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Joe Court, Ayan Doss, Broos Nemanic, Drew Davis, John Satchell, John Shioli, Adam Thornton, Marc Watkins, Sung-Ho Lee, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Robert Maxon, corthee, Fernando Takeshi Sato, Jareth Arnold, Xiao Fan, Simon Barker, Shawn Patrick James Kirby, Simon Tobar, Rob Harris, Dennis Haupt, David M., Ammaar Esmailjee, M.H. Beales, Doug Cowles, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, Noah McCann and Magesh. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Other Videos You Might Like* What is a Singularity, Exactly? Why This Problem is IMPOSSIBLE for Computers to Solve Why This is One of the Most Controversial Math Proofs *Sources* A Voting-Based System for Ethical Decision Making The Moral Machine experiment *Music*

Épisode 52 - Imaginary Numbers Are Just Regular Numbers

18 janvier 2019

Sign up to with this link to receive a 20% discount! For more info on imaginary numbers read these articles! Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for new physics, math and computer science videos! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* Visit the Up and Atom Store *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on instagram: Up and Atom on Twitter: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Purple Penguin, Pierre-Yves Gatouillat, Ofer Mustigman, Daeil Kim, Harsh Tank, Alan McNea, Daniel Tan-Holmes, Simon Mackenzie, Adam Thornton, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, Chris Flynn, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Joe Court, Timur Kiyui, Hervé Dago, Ayan Doss, Broos Nemanic, John Satchell, John Shioli, Marc Watkins, Sung-Ho Lee, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Bogdan Morosanu, KhAnubis, Robert Maxon, corthee, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Shawn Patrick James Kirby, Simon Tobar, Rob Harris, Dennis Haupt, David M., Ammaar Esmailjee, M.H. Beales, Doug Cowles, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, Noah McCann and Magesh. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Other videos you might like* My Infinity is Bigger Than Your Infinity Why This is One of the Most Controversial Math Proofs *Music*

Épisode 53 - How Quantum Physics Helps Chameleons Find Love ?

6 février 2019

Have fun playing around with structural colors with Brilliant's interactive feature. Just go to for a 20% discount for life! Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for new physics, math and computer science videos! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* Visit the Up and Atom Store *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on instagram: Up and Atom on Twitter: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Purple Penguin, Pierre-Yves Gatouillat, Ofer Mustigman, Daeil Kim, Harsh Tank, Alan McNea, Daniel Tan-Holmes, Simon Mackenzie, Richard Farrer, Adam Thornton, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, Chris Flynn, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Joe Court, Timur Kiyui, Ayan Doss, Broos Nemanic, John Satchell, John Shioli, Marc Watkins, Sung-Ho Lee, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Hervé Dago, Tim Sorbera, Michael McCloskey, Phillip Freeman, Bogdan Morosanu, KhAnubis, Robert Maxon, corthee, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Shawn Patrick James Kirby, Simon Tobar, Rob Harris, Dennis Haupt, Ammaar Esmailjee, M.H. Beales, Doug Cowles, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, Noah McCann and Magesh. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Related videos you might like* What is the Schrodinger Equation, Exactly? What is Quantum Superposition, Exactly? What is Quantum Tunneling, Exactly? *Music*

Épisode 54 - Lagrangian Mechanics - A beautiful way to look at the world

11 mars 2019

Sign up to with this link to receive a 20% discount! Lagrangian mechanics and the principle of least action. Kinematics. Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* Visit the Up and Atom Store *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Instagram: Up and Atom on Twitter: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Purple Penguin, Pierre-Yves Gatouillat, Ofer Mustigman, Daeil Kim, Harsh Tank, Alan McNea, Daniel Tan-Holmes, Simon Mackenzie, Lynn Shackelford, Richard Farrer, Adam Thornton, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, Chris Flynn, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Joe Court, Bookmobile, Robert Maxon, Rory Macfie, Timur Kiyui, Ayan Doss, Broos Nemanic, John Satchell, John Shioli, Marc Watkins, Sung-Ho Lee, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Adam J, Roger Johnson, Hervé Dago, Tim Sorbera, Michael McCloskey, Philip Freeman, Bogdan Morosanu, khAnubis, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Shawn Patrick James Kirby, Simon Tobar, Rob Harris, Dennis Haupt, Ammaar Esmailjee, M.H. Beales, Doug Cowles, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, Noah McCann and Magesh. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Other Videos You Might Like* Are Forcefields Possible? Einstein's Pole in the Barn Paradox How Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity Creates Gold Wanna learn more about Lagrangian mechanics? Here are some excellent sources: American Journal of Physics, Vol. 71, No. 4, pp. 386–391, April 2003 Script written by Jules Rankin @Jules_Rankin Animations by Min Andy Choi @minandychoi *Music*

Épisode 55 - Russell's Paradox - A Ripple in the Foundations of Mathematics

25 mars 2019

Bertrand Russell's set theory paradox on the foundations of mathematics, axiomatic set theory and the laws of logic. A celebration of Gottlob Frege. Thank you to Professor Joel David Hamkins for your help with this video. Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* Visit the Up and Atom Store *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Instagram: Up and Atom on Twitter: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Purple Penguin, Pierre-Yves Gatouillat, Ofer Mustigman, Daeil Kim, Harsh Tank, Alan McNea, Daniel Tan-Holmes, Simon Mackenzie, Lynn Shackelford, Richard Farrer, Adam Thornton, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, Chris Flynn, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Joe Court, Bob Wolford, Matt G, Bookmobile, Robert Maxon, Timur Kiyui, Ayan Doss, Broos Nemanic, John Satchell, John Shioli, Sung-Ho Lee, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Marc Watkins, Atila Pires dos Santos, Adam J, Roger Johnson, Hervé Dago, Tim Sorbera, Michael McCloskey, Philip Freeman, Bogdan Morosanu, khAnubis, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Shawn Patrick James Kirby, Simon Tobar, Dennis Haupt, Ammaar Esmailjee, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, Noah McCann and Magesh. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Other Videos You Might Like* Lagrangian Mechanics - A beautiful way to look at the world Complex Numbers - Rotating The Number Line Cantor's Infinity Paradox | Set Theory *Sources* *Music*

Épisode 56 - The Raven Paradox - A Hiccup in the Scientific Method

10 mai 2019

Sign up to with this link to receive a 20% discount! This video has been heavily influenced by the introductory Philosophy of Science book "Theory and Reality" by Peter Godfrey-Smith. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in philosophy of science, or even just regular sciency-minded folks who want to understand science better. Another really good source: Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* Visit the Up and Atom Store *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Instagram: Up and Atom on Twitter: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Nathan Payton, Purple Penguin, Chris Flynn, Ofer Mustigman, Daeil Kim, Harsh Tank, Alan McNea, Daniel Tan-Holmes, Simon Mackenzie, Shawn, Israel Shirk, Lynn Shackelford, Richard Farrer, Adam Thornton, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Joe Court, Marcus Dentrey, TweakoZ, Ayan, Chris Amaris, Daniel McGown, Bob Wolford, Matt G, Robert Maxon, Timur Kiyui, Ayan Doss, Broos Nemanic, John Satchell, John Shioli, Sung-Ho Lee, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Paul Bryan, Michael Brunolli, Søren Peterson, Ken Takahashi, Schawn Schoch, Andrew Stott, Alexey Degtyarev, Stephen Denham, Kaylee, Jesse Clarke, Steven Wheeler, Jason Smith, Atila Pires Dos Santos, Adam J, Roger Johnson, Tim Sorbera, Michael McCloskey, Philip Freeman, Bogdan Morosanu, khAnubis, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Shawn Patrick James Kirby, Simon Tobar, Dennis Haupt, Ammaar Esmailjee, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, Noah McCann and Magesh. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Other Videos You Might Like* Russell's Paradox Cantor's Paradox Lagrangian Mechanics Thank you to script writer Jules Rankin for your work on this video. *Music*

Épisode 57 - Up and Atom Live Stream

20 mai 2019

Épisode 58 - 100K Subscriber LiveStream Q&A

20 mai 2019

Épisode 59 - Braess's Paradox - Equilibria Gone Wild

2 juin 2019

Learn about Roborace's autonomous racing cars here: Join the Roborace mailing list for the latest updates about their autonomous cars: Follow Roborace on instagram to check out their latest models: @roborace Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* Visit the Up and Atom Store *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Instagram: Up and Atom on Twitter: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Nathan Payton, Tyler White, Thibaud Peverelli, Purple Penguin, Paola Marquez, Chris Flynn, Ofer Mustigman, Daeil Kim, Harsh Tank, Alan McNea, Daniel Tan-Holmes, Simon Mackenzie, Shawn, Israel Shirk, Lynn Shackelford, Richard Farrer, Adam Thornton, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Joe Court, Huw James, Michael Dean, Marcus Dentrey, TweakoZ, Ayan, Chris Amaris, Daniel McGown, Bob Wolford, Matt G, Robert Maxon, Timur Kiyui, Ayan Doss, Broos Nemanic, John Satchell, John Shioli, Sung-Ho Lee, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Aditya Anantharaman, Frédéric Junod, Vincent Seguin, Paul Bryan, Michael Brunolli, Søren Peterson, Ken Takahashi, Schawn Schoch, Andrew Stott, Alexey Degtyarev, Stephen Denham, Kaylee, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Jason Smith, Atila Pires dos Santos, Adam J, Roger Johnson, Tom Sorbera, Michael McCloskey, Philip Freeman, Bogdan Morosanu, khAnubis, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Shawn Patrick James Kirby, Simon Tobar, Dennis Haupt, Ammaar Esmailjee, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, Noah McCann and Magesh. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Sources* Thank you to Pete McPartlan for his amazing animations. *Music*

Épisode 60 - Moravec's Paradox - Why are machines so smart, yet so dumb?

8 juillet 2019

Learn about Roborace's autonomous racing cars here: Join the Roborace mailing list for the latest updates about their autonomous cars: Follow Roborace on instagram to check out their latest models: @roborace Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* Visit the Up and Atom Store *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Instagram: Up and Atom on Twitter: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Tyler White, Thibaud Peverelli, Purple Penguin, Chris Flynn, Ofer Mustigman, Daeil Kim, Harsh Tank, Alan McNea, Simon Mackenzie, Sachin Shenoy, Yana Chernobilsky, Shawn, Israel Shirk, Lynn Shackelford, Richard Farrer, Adam Thornton, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Joe Court, Lim Yu Leong, Huw James, Michael Dean, TweakoZ, Ayan Doss, Chris Amaris, Daniel McGown, Matt G, Timur Kiyui, Ayan Doss, Broos Nemanic, John Satchell, John Shioli, Sung-Ho Lee, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Bobby Butler, Matt Harden, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, Quentin WATIER, George Fletcher, Jasper Capel, Luc Ritchie, Elze Kool, Aditya Anantharaman, Frédéric Junod, Vincent Seguin, Paul Bryan, Michael Brunolli, Søren Peterson, Ken Takahashi, Schawn Schoch, Alexey Degtyarev, Stephen Denham, Kaylee, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Jason Smith, Atila Pires dos Santos, Adam J, Roger Johnson, Tim Sorbera, Philip Freeman, Bogdan Morosanu, khAnubis, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Shawn Patrick James Kirby, Simon Tobar, Dennis Haupt, Ammaar Esmailjee, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, Noah McCann and Magesh. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Sources* *Animations* Tom Groenestyn *Music*

Épisode 61 - Boltzmann Brains - Why The Universe is Most Likely a Simulation

21 juillet 2019

Start learning today with Brilliant! Watch Part 2 over on Isaac Arthur's channel Subscribe to Isaac Arthur's channel If you'd like to know more about Boltzmann Brains, here are some informative papers: Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* Visit the Up and Atom Store *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Félix, Tyler White, Thibaud Peverelli, Purple Penguin, Chris Flynn, Ofer Mustigman, Daeil Kim, Alan McNea, Sachin Shenoy, Yana Chernobilsky, Shawn, Israel Shirk, Lynn Shackelford, Richard Farrer, Adam Thornton, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Joe Court, Lim Yu Leong, Huw James, Michael Dean, TweakoZ, Ayan Doss, Chris Amaris, Daniel McGown, Matt G, Timur Kiyui, Broos Nemanic, John Satchell, John Shioli, Sung-Ho Lee, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Josh B, Zach Tinawi, Bernard Wei, Bobby Butler, Matt Harden, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, Quentin WATIER, George Fletcher, Jasper Capel, Luc Ritchie, Elze Kool, Aditya Anantharaman, Frédéric Junod, Vincent Seguin, Paul Bryan, Michael Brunolli, Søren Peterson, Ken Takahashi, Schawn Schoch, Alexey Degtyarev, Kaylee, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Jason Smith, Atila Pires dos Santos, Adam J, Roger Johnson, Tim Sorbera, Philip Freeman, Bogdan Morosanu, khAnubis, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Shawn Patrick James Kirby, Simon Tobar, Dennis Haupt, Ammaar Esmailjee, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, Noah McCann and Magesh. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Script* Jules Rankin @jules_rankin *Animations* Tom Groenestyn *Music*

Épisode 62 - The Conservation of Momentum Explained Simply

2 août 2019

Start learning today with Brilliant! The law of conservation of linear momentum, shown with both Newton's laws and Galilean relativity. Classical mechanics. Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* Visit the Up and Atom Store *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Félix, Tyler White, Thibaud Peverelli, Purple Penguin, Chris Flynn, Ofer Mustigman, Daeil Kim, Alan McNea, Sachin Shenoy, Yana Chernobilsky, Shawn, Israel Shirk, Lynn Shackelford, Richard Farrer, Adam Thornton, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Joe Court, Lim Yu Leong, Huw James, Michael Dean, TweakoZ, Ayan Doss, Chris Amaris, Daniel McGown, Matt G, Timur Kiyui, Broos Nemanic, John Satchell, John Shioli, Sung-Ho Lee, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Josh B, Zach Tinawi, Bernard Wei, Bobby Butler, Matt Harden, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, Quentin WATIER, George Fletcher, Jasper Capel, Luc Ritchie, Elze Kool, Aditya Anantharaman, Frédéric Junod, Vincent Seguin, Paul Bryan, Michael Brunolli, Søren Peterson, Ken Takahashi, Schawn Schoch, Alexey Degtyarev, Kaylee, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Jason Smith, Atila Pires dos Santos, Adam J, Roger Johnson, Tim Sorbera, Philip Freeman, Bogdan Morosanu, khAnubis, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Shawn Patrick James Kirby, Simon Tobar, Dennis Haupt, Ammaar Esmailjee, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, Noah McCann and Magesh. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Script* Jules Rankin @jules_rankin *Animations* Tom Groenestyn *Music*

Épisode 63 - The Anthropic Principle - How Your Existence Could Lead to a Multiverse

16 octobre 2019

Watch over 2,400 documentaries for free for 30 days AND get a free Nebula account by signing up at and using the code "upandatom". New streaming platform Nebula: The Anthropic Principle and why we might live in a multiverse. Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* Visit the Up and Atom Store *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Tyler White, Purple Penguin, Damien J, Gadi Shalom, Chris Flynn, Ofer Mustigman, Alan McNea, Mikely Whiplash, Sachin Shenoy, Yana Chernobilsky, Shawn, Lynn Shackelford, Richard Farrer, Adam Thornton, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Joe Court, John Lakeman, Jana Christine Saout, Israel Shirk, Huw James, Michael Dean, TweakoZ, Ayan Doss, Chris Amaris, Daniel McGown, Matt G, Timur Kiyui, Broos Nemanic, John Satchell, John Shioli, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Andrew Stott, Heather Richards, Garrett Chomka, Hervé Dago, Raffael Hirt, Jeff Schwartz, Josh B, Zach Tinawi, Bernard Wei, Bobby Butler, Matt Harden, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, George Fletcher, Jasper Capel, Luc Ritchie, Elze Kool, Aditya Anantharaman, Frédéric Junod, Vincent Seguin, Paul Bryan, Michael Brunolli, Søren Peterson, Ken Takahashi, Schawn Schoch, Kaylee, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Jason Smith, Atila Pires dos Santos, Adam J, Roger Johnson, Philip Freeman, Bogdan Morosanu, khAnubis, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Shawn Patrick James Kirby, Simon Tobar, Dennis Haupt, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, Noah McCann and Magesh. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Script* Jules Rankin @jules_rankin *Music*

Épisode 64 - Your *Personal* Guide To The MULTIVERSE?✨

21 novembre 2019

Watch over 2,400 documentaries for FREE for 30 days AND get a FREE Nebula account by signing up at and using the code "upandatom". New streaming platform Nebula: Thank you to Professor Lewis for fact checking this video. Check out his youtube channel for more cool science 🙂 *Sources* Max Tegmark's "Our Mathematical Universe" Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* Visit the Up and Atom Store *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Tyler White, Purple Penguin, Damien J, Gadi Shalom, Chris Flynn, Ofer Mustigman, Alan McNea, Mikely Whiplash, Sachin Shenoy, Yana Chernobilsky, Shawn, Lynn Shackelford, Richard Farrer, Adam Thornton, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Joe Court, Marcus Dentrey, John Lakeman, Jana Christine Saout, Israel Shirk, Huw James, Michael Dean, Ayan Doss, Chris Amaris, Daniel McGown, Matt G, Timur Kiyui, Broos Nemanic, John Satchell, John Shioli, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Kay, Peter Walsh, Osa and Beth Fitch, Andrew Stott, Heather Richards, Garrett Chomka, Raffael Hirt, Jeff Schwartz, Josh B, Zach Tinawi, Bernard Wei, Bobby Butler, Matt Harden, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, George Fletcher, Jasper Capel, Luc Ritchie, Elze Kool, Aditya Anantharaman, Frédéric Junod, Vincent Seguin, Paul Bryan, Michael Brunolli, Ken Takahashi, Schawn Schoch, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Jason Smith, Atila Pires dos Santos, Adam J, Roger Johnson, Philip Freeman, Bogdan Morosanu, khAnubis, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Shawn Patrick James Kirby, Simon Tobar, Dennis Haupt, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, and Magesh. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Script* Jules Rankin @jules_rankin *Animations* Tom Groenestyn *Music*

Épisode 65 - Can You Solve This Astronomical Riddle?

6 décembre 2019

In this video we look at one of the greatest astronomy riddles in history. A special thank you to Dr. Christian Sasse for all your help with this video, as well as the people of Siding Spring Observatory who made my time there so pleasant. If you'd like to learn how to make your own space photographs, visit this website Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 Visit the Up and Atom Store *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Tyler White, Purple Penguin, Damien J, Gadi Shalom, Chris Flynn, Ofer Mustigman, Alan McNea, Mikely Whiplash, Sachin Shenoy, Yana Chernobilsky, Lynn Shackelford, Richard Farrer, Adam Thornton, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Joe Court, Marcus Dentrey, John Lakeman, Jana Christine Saout, Michael Dean, Ayan Doss, Chris Amaris, Daniel McGown, Matt G, Timur Kiyui, Broos Nemanic, John Satchell, John Shioli, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Shawn, Israel Shirk, Kay, Peter Walsh, Osa and Beth Fitch, Andrew Stott, Heather Richards, Garrett Chomka, Raffael Hirt, Jeff Schwartz, Josh B, Zach Tinawi, Bernard Wei, Bobby Butler, Matt Harden, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, George Fletcher, Jasper Capel, Luc Ritchie, Elze Kool, Aditya Anantharaman, Frédéric Junod, Vincent Seguin, Paul Bryan, Michael Brunolli, Ken Takahashi, Schawn Schoch, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Atila Pires dos Santos, Roger Johnson, Philip Freeman, Bogdan Morosanu, khAnubis, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Shawn Patrick James Kirby, Simon Tobar, Dennis Haupt, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, and Magesh. For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Animations* Tom Groenestyn Hamachi Obo

Épisode 66 - What is The Quantum Wave Function, Exactly?

12 décembre 2019

Sign up to Brilliant with this link to receive a 20% discount! In this video we talk about the mysterious wave function of quantum mechanics. Quantum Physics Playlist *My Quantum Physics Essay From Uni* Table of different interpretations of quantum mechanics Hi! I'm Jade. Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos! *SUBSCRIBE TO UP AND ATOM* Visit the Up and Atom Store If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Purple Penguin, Félix, Damien J, Gadi Shalom, Chris Flynn, Ofer Mustigman, Alan McNea, Mikely Whiplash, Sachin Shenoy, Yana Chernobilsky, Lynn Shackelford, Richard Farrer, Adam Thornton, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Joe Court, Brandon Combs, Damien Holloway, Ayan Doss, Marcus Dentrey, John Lakeman, Jana Christine Saout, Michael Dean, Chris Amaris, Daniel McGown, Matt G, Timur Kiyui, Broos Nemanic, John Satchell, John Shioli, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Sam Ross, Julian Engel, Shawn, Israel Shirk, Kay, Peter Walsh, Osa and Beth Fitch, Andrew Stott, Heather Richards, Garrett Chomka, Raffael Hirt, Jeff Schwarz, Josh B, Zach Tinawi, Bernard Wei, Bobby Butler, Matt Harden, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, George Fletcher, Jasper Capel, Luc Ritchie, Elze Kool, Aditya Anantharaman, Frédéric Junod, Vincent Seguin, Paul Bryan, Michael Brunolli, Ken Takahashi, Schawn Schoch, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Atila Pires dos Santos, Roger Johnson, Philip Freeman, Bogdan Morosanu, KhAnubis, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Shawn Patrick James Kirby, Simon Tobar, Dennis Haupt, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, and Magesh. For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Animations* Tom Groenestyn *Music* Epidemic Sound

Épisode 67 - P vs. NP - The Biggest Unsolved Problem in Computer Science

21 janvier 2020

Get a free audiobook and a 30-day trial of Audible (and support this channel) at or text "upandatom" to 500 500 on your phone. Hi! I'm Jade. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos! Visit the Up and Atom Store Computer Science Playlist The Four Color Theorem The Halting Problem *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS! Bob, Purple Penguin, Damien J, Gadi Shalom, Chris Flynn, Ofer Mustigman, Mikely Whiplash, Sachin Shenoy, Yana Chernobilsky, Lynn Shackelford, Richard Farrer, Adam Thornton, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Joe Court, Brandon Combs, Damien Holloway, Ayan Doss, Marcus Dentrey, John Lakeman, Jana Christine Saout, Michael Dean, Chris Amaris, Daniel McGown, Matt G, Dafne Kiyui, Broos Nemanic, John Satchell, John Shioli, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Lou, Hassan Sedaghat, Alan McNea, S, Daniel Eliassen, Sam Ross, Julian Engel, Shawn, Israel Shirk, Kay, Peter Walsh, Osa and Beth Fitch, Garrett Chomka, Jeff Schwarz, Josh B, Zach Tinawi, Bernard Wei, Bobby Butler, Matt Harden, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, George Fletcher, Jasper Capel, Luc Ritchie, Elze Kool, Aditya Anantharaman, Frédéric Junod, Vincent Seguin, Paul Bryan, Michael Brunolli, Ken Takahashi, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Atila Pires dos Santos, Roger Johnson, Philip Freeman, Bogdan Morosanu, KhAnubis, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Shawn Patrick James Kirby, Simon Tobar, Dennis Haupt, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, and Magesh. For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Animations* Tom Groenestyn *Music* Epidemic Sound

Épisode 68 - January Livestream

1 février 2020

Épisode 69 - Turing Machines - How Computer Science Was Created By Accident

4 février 2020

Sign up to Brilliant with this link to receive a 20% discount off premium membership! Hi! I'm Jade. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos! Visit the Up and Atom Store Computer Science Playlist The Halting Problem *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: *A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS!* Bob, Purple Penguin, Damien J, Gadi Shalom, Chris Flynn, Ofer Mustigman, Mikely Whiplash, Yana Chernobilsky, Lynn Shackelford, Richard Farrer, Adam Thornton, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Joe Court, Corey Sampson, Damien Holloway, Ayan Doss, Marcus Dentrey, John Lakeman, Jana Christine Saout, Michael Dean, Chris Amaris, Daniel McGown, Matt G, Broos Nemanic, John Satchell, John Shioli, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Tamara McDermott, Charles from USA, Peter Manger, John Klinkner, Lou, Hassan Sedaghat, Alan McNea, S, Daniel Eliassen, Sam Ross, Julian Engel, Shawn, Israel Shirk, Kay, Peter Walsh, Osa and Beth Fitch, Garrett Chomka, Jeff Schwarz, Josh B, Zach Tinawi, Bernard Wei, Bobby Butler, Matt Harden, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, George Fletcher, Jasper Capel, Luc Ritchie, Elze Kool, Aditya Anantharaman, Frédéric Junod, Vincent Seguin, Paul Bryan, Michael Brunolli, Ken Takahashi, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Atila Pires dos Santos, Roger Johnson, Philip Freeman, Bogdan Morosanu, KhAnubis, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Simon Tobar, Dennis Haupt, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, and Magesh. For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Creator* Jade Tan-Holmes *Animations* Tom Groenestyn *Music* Epidemic Sound

Épisode 70 - Quantum Biology [Part 1] - How Plants Use Quantum Mechanics

17 février 2020

Watch part 2 over on Pat's channel! Part 3 Paper which caused such a stir (it's behind a pay wall unfortunately) Book I read about quantum biology Free article about quantum photosynthesis Hi! I'm Jade. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 Visit the Up and Atom store Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos! *Quantum Physics Playlist* *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: *A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS!* Christopher Robert, Bob, Purple Penguin, Thomas Krause, Damien J, Gadi Shalom, Chris Flynn, Ofer Mustigman, Mikely Whiplash, Yana Chernobilsky, Lynn Shackelford, Richard Farrer, Adam Thornton, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Joe Court, Zhong Cheng Wang, Corey Sampson, Damien Holloway, Ayan Doss, Marcus Dentrey, John Lakeman, Jana Christine Saout, Michael Dean, Chris Amaris, Daniel McGown, Matt G, Broos Nemanic, John Satchell, John Shioli, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Mark, Tamara McDermott, Charles from USA, Peter Manger, John Klinkner, Lou, Hassan Sedaghat, Alan McNea, S, Daniel Eliassen, Sam Ross, Julian Engel, Shawn, Israel Shirk, Kay, Peter Walsh, Osa and Beth Fitch, Garrett Chomka, Jeff Schwarz, Josh B, Zach Tinawi, Bernard Wei, Bobby Butler, Matt Harden, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, George Fletcher, Jasper Capel, Luc Ritchie, Elze Kool, Aditya Anantharaman, Frédéric Junod, Vincent Seguin, Paul Bryan, Michael Brunolli, Ken Takahashi, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Atila Pires dos Santos, Roger Johnson, Philip Freeman, Bogdan Morosanu, KhAnubis, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Simon Tobar, Dennis Haupt, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, and Magesh. For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Creator* Jade Tan-Holmes *Animations* Tom Groenestyn *Music* Epidemic Sound

Épisode 71 - Quantum Biology [Part 3] - How Birds (Might) Navigate With Quantum Mechanics

13 mars 2020

Sign up to Brilliant with this link to receive a 20% discount off premium membership! Quantum Biology Miniseries Parts 1 and 2 Pat's Channel, where you'll find high quality biology and physiology videos If you want more details about the quantum robin and quantum biology:!divAbstract Book I read about quantum biology Thank you Chris Roberts for the nice new camera. Hi! I'm Jade. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 Visit the Up and Atom store Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos! *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: *A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS!* Christopher Robert, Purple Penguin, George Xu, Thomas Krause, Damien J, Gadi Shalom, Chris Flynn, Ofer Mustigman, Mikely Whiplash, Yana Chernobilsky, Lynn Shackelford, Richard Farrer, Adam Thornton, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Joe Court, Roger Johnson, Zhong Cheng Wang, Corey Sampson, Damien Holloway, Ayan Doss, Marcus Dentrey, John Lakeman, Jana Christine Saout, Michael Dean, Chris Amaris, Matt G, Broos Nemanic, John Satchell, John Shioli, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Sam Graf, Andrew, Mark, Tamara McDermott, Charles from USA, Peter Manger, John Klinkner, Lou, Hassan Sedaghat, Alan McNea, S, Daniel Eliassen, Sam Ross, Shawn, Kay, Peter Walsh, Osa and Beth Fitch, Garrett Chomka, Jeff Schwarz, Josh B, Zach Tinawi, Bernard Wei, Bobby Butler, Matt Harden, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, George Fletcher, Jasper Capel, Luc Ritchie, Elze Kool, Aditya Anantharaman, Frédéric Junod, Vincent Seguin, Paul Bryan, Michael Brunolli, Ken Takahashi, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Atila Pires dos Santos, Philip Freeman, KhAnubis, Jareth Arnold, Simon Tobar, Dennis Haupt, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, and Magesh. For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Creator* Jade Tan-Holmes *Animations* Tom Groenestyn *Music* Epidemic Sound and Dom Burgess

Épisode 72 - An Argument Against Reality - Why You Can't Trust Your Senses

16 mars 2020

Watch over 2,400 documentaries for free for 30 days AND get a free Nebula account by signing up at and using the code "upandatom". Nebula: The new streaming platform by and for educational creators - Do you think you see an objective, external reality? Think again. In this video, we reveal how your brain makes up more than 90% of what you see, how simple illusions can fool our senses, and why evolution made you this way. Book mentioned: The Case Against Reality by Donald Hoffman *Sources* Book - The Case Against Reality by Donald Hoffman Book - Deviate by Beau Lotto The Reality of Reality: A Tale of Five Senses Do we see reality as it is? Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality Eye/Brain Physiology and Human Perception of External Reality Hi! I'm Jade. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 Visit the Up and Atom store Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos! *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: *A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS!* Christopher Robert, Purple Penguin, George Xu, Thomas Krause, Damien J, Gadi Shalom, Chris Flynn, Ofer Mustigman, Mikely Whiplash, Yana Chernobilsky, Lynn Shackelford, Richard Farrer, Adam Thornton, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Joe Court, Roger Johnson, Zhong Cheng Wang, Corey Sampson, Damien Holloway, Ayan Doss, Marcus Dentrey, John Lakeman, Jana Christine Saout, Michael Dean, Chris Amaris, Matt G, Broos Nemanic, John Satchell, John Shioli, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Sam Graf, Andrew, Mark, Tamara McDermott, Charles from USA, Peter Manger, John Klinkner, Lou, Hassan Sedaghat, Alan McNea, S, Daniel Eliassen, Sam Ross, Shawn, Kay, Peter Walsh, Osa and Beth Fitch, Garrett Chomka, Jeff Schwarz, Josh B, Zach Tinawi, Bernard Wei, Bobby Butler, Matt Harden, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, George Fletcher, Jasper Capel, Luc Ritchie, Elze Kool, Aditya Anantharaman, Frédéric Junod, Vincent Seguin, Paul Bryan, Michael Brunolli, Ken Takahashi, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Atila Pires dos Santos, Philip Freeman, KhAnubis, Jareth Arnold, Simon Tobar, Dennis Haupt, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, and Magesh, 12tone. For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Creator* Jade Tan-Holmes

Épisode 73 - How to Predict the Spread of Epidemics | Computational Social Networks

20 mars 2020

How to predict and model the spread of epidemics. Stay safe during this coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak everyone. Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos! *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: *A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS!* Christopher Robert, Purple Penguin, George Xu, Rick DeWitt, Thomas Krause, Damien J, Gadi Shalom, Chris Flynn, Ofer Mustigman, Mikely Whiplash, Yana Chernobilsky, Lynn Shackelford, Richard Farrer, Adam Thornton, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Joe Court, Roger Johnson, Zhong Cheng Wang, Corey Sampson, Damien Holloway, Ayan Doss, Marcus Dentrey, John Lakeman, Jana Christine Saout, Michael Dean, Chris Amaris, Matt G, Broos Nemanic, John Satchell, John Shioli, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Sam Graf, Andrew, Mark, Tamara McDermott, Charles from USA, Peter Manger, John Klinkner, Lou, Hassan Sedaghat, Alan McNea, S, Daniel Eliassen, Sam Ross, Shawn, Kay, Peter Walsh, Osa and Beth Fitch, Garrett Chomka, Jeff Schwarz, Josh B, Zach Tinawi, Bernard Wei, Bobby Butler, Matt Harden, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, George Fletcher, Jasper Capel, Luc Ritchie, Elze Kool, Aditya Anantharaman, Frédéric Junod, Vincent Seguin, Paul Bryan, Michael Brunolli, Ken Takahashi, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Atila Pires dos Santos, Philip Freeman, KhAnubis, Jareth Arnold, Simon Tobar, Dennis Haupt, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, and Magesh, 12tone, Israel Shirk. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 *Creator* Jade Tan-Holmes *Animations* Tom Groenestyn *Music* Epidemic Sound *Further Reading and Sources*

Épisode 74 - Why We Might Use Different Numbers in the Future

18 avril 2020

Watch over 2,400 documentaries for free for 30 days AND get a free Nebula account by signing up at and using the code "upandatom". Once you sign up you'll get an email about Nebula. If you don't get one, contact the curiosity stream support team and they will set you up with a free Nebula account right away. Nebula: Hi! I'm Jade. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 Visit the Up and Atom store Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos! *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: *A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS!* Christopher Robert, George Xu, Purple Penguin, Rick DeWitt, Thorsten Auth, Chris Flynn, Damien J, Gadi Shalom, Ofer Mustigman, Thomas Krause, Adam Thornton, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Lynn Shackelford, Mikely Whiplash, Richard Farrer, Yana Chernobilsky, Austin Rose, Broos Nemanic, Chris Amaris, Corey Sampson, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, Damien Holloway, Jana Christine Saout, Joe Court, John Klinkner, John Lakeman, John Satchell, John Shioli, Marcus Dentrey, Matt G, Michael Dean, Roger Johnson, Shawn Patrick James Kirby, Susan Jones, ThE rANdoMSTRaNGeR, Todd Loreman, Zhong Cheng Wang, 12tone, Adam J, Aditya Anantharaman, Alan McNea, Andrew, Atila Pires dos Santos, Bernard Wei, Bobby Butler, Charles from USA, Daniel Eliassen, Dennis Haupt, Elze Kool, Frédéric Junod, Garrett Chomka, George Fletcher, Ginny Liz, Hal Roseman, Hassan Sedaghat, Israel Shirk, Jareth Arnold, Jasper Capel, Jeff Schwarz, Jesse Clark, Josh B, kadhonn, Kay, Ken Takahashi, KhAnubis, Lou, Luc Ritchie, Magesh, Mark, Matt Harden, Michael Brunolli, Moose Thompson, Osa and Beth Fitch, Pat Gunn, Paul Bryan, Peter Manger, Peter Walsh, Philip Freeman, Rebecca Lashua, Renato Pereira, S, Sam Graf, Sam Ross, Shawn, Simon Dargaville, Simon Tobar, Steven Wheeler, Tamara McDermott, Vincent Seguin, Zach Tinawi. For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Creator* Jade Tan-Holmes *Script* Thank you to script writer Simon Morrow for your work on this video. *Music* Knot Numbers - *Sources* Excursions Into Mathematics by Beck, Bleicher, Crowe “What’s in a name?”, which was written by Michael Bleicher Realm of Numbers by Isaac Asimov Asimov on Numbers by Isaac Asimov Imaginary Number Bases by Philip Herd:

Épisode 75 - Aristotle's Wheel Paradox - To Infinity and Beyond

11 juin 2020

Sign up to Brilliant with this link to receive a 20% discount! Hi! I'm Jade. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 Visit the Up and Atom store Want to know more? Watch this video: Cantor's Infinity Paradox - Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos! *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: *A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS!* Christopher Robert, Purple Penguin, Rick DeWitt, Thorsten Auth, Yetinother, Chris Flynn, Gadi Shalom, Thomas Krause, Adam Thornton, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, David Johnston, Lynn Shackelford, Mikely Whiplash, Richard Farrer, Yana Chernobilsky, Austin Rose, Broos Nemanic, Chris Amaris, Corey Sampson, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, Damien Holloway, Jana Christine Saout, John Klinkner, John Lakeman, John Satchell, John Shioli, KhAnubis, Marcus Dentrey, Mark, Matt G, Michael Dean, Roger Johnson, Shawn Patrick James Kirby, Susan Jones, ThE rANdoMSTRaNGeR, Todd Loreman, Zhong Cheng Wang, 12tone, Adam J, Aditya Anantharaman, Alan McNea, Andrew, Atila Pires dos Santos, Bernard Wei, Bobby Butler, Charles from USA, Christian Czekay, Christopher Phipps, Daniel Eliassen, Dennis Haupt, Elze Kool, Frédéric Junod, Garrett Chomka, George Fletcher, George Xu, Ginny Liz, Hal Roseman, Hassan Sedaghat, Jareth Arnold, Jasper Capel, Jeff Schwarz, Jeremy Bowkett, Jesse Clark, Josh B, kadhonn, Kay, Ken Takahashi, Lou, Louis M, Luc Ritchie, Magesh, Martin Zenuik, Michael Brunolli, Moose Thompson, Nicolas Frias, Osa and Beth Fitch, Pat Gunn, Paul Bryan, Peter Manger, Peter Walsh, Philip Freeman, Rebecca Lashua, Renato Pereira, S, Sam Graf, Sam Ross, Shawn, Simon Dargaville, Simon Tobar, Steven Wheeler, Tamara McDermott, Vincent Seguin, Wolfgang Ripken, Zach Tinawi. For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Creator* Jade Tan-Holmes *Script* Simon Morrow *Animations* Tom Groenestyn *Camera* Philip Holmes *Music* *Sources* Wheels, Life, and Other Mathematical Amusements - Martin Gardner Aristotle's Wheel: Notes on the History of a Paradox - Israel E. Drabkin The Joy of Mathematics - Theoni Pappas The Wheel of Aristotle - David W. Ballew *Math Posters*

Épisode 76 - The Physics of Self-Replication and Nanotechnology

6 août 2020

Watch over 2,400 documentaries for free for 30 days AND get a free Nebula account by signing up at and using the code "upandatom". Once you sign up you'll get an email about Nebula. If you don't get one, contact the curiosity stream support team and they will set you up with a free Nebula account right away. Nebula: Hi! I'm Jade. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 Visit the Up and Atom store Subscribe to Up and Atom for videos about hard stuff explained less hard *ALL THE LINKS* Play the game of life Play any cellular automata Gemini Rule 30 simulator Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction Self assembling wires Origami robots Roombots Wooden ferris wheel Math posters Curiosity Stream deal Nebula *Sources* A New Kind of Science - Stephen Wolfram Wheels, Life and Other Mathematical Amusements - Martin Gardner Game of life - Robert Wainwright *A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS!* Ryan Lewis Baron de Ropp, Karsten Nohl, Christopher Robert, Thorsten Auth, Purple Penguin, Thomas Krause, Gadi Shalom, Chris Flynn, David Johnston, Rick DeWitt, Yana Chernobilsky, Lynn Shackelford, Adam Thornton, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, eris esoteric, Artem G., Aaron Dorn, Paul Barclay, John Cooper, Shawn Patrick James Kirby, Austin Rose, Zhong Cheng Wang, Mark, Corey Sampson, John Klinkner, Daniel Eliassen, Damien Holloway, Mikely Whiplash, John Lakeman, Jana Christine Saout, George Fletcher, Michael Dean, Marcus Dentrey, Chris Amaris, Matt G, KhAnubis, Broos Nemanic, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, John Shioli, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Joseph, Chris Teubert, Dylan Kolstad, Paul Burke, Michael Hunter, Fran, Christopher Milton, Joe, Chester Stadler, John Sokolowski, Bruce England, Robert J Frey, The Doom Merchant, Richard de Rozario, Christian Czekay, Martin Zenuik, Wolfgang Ripken, Jeremy Bowkett, Vincent Karpinski, Nicolas Frias, Christopher Phipps, Louis M, kadhonn, ThE rANdoMSTRaNGeR, Moose Thompson, Hal Roseman, Israel Shirk, 12tone, Sam Graf, George Xu, Andrew, Tamara McDermott, Charles from USA, Hassan Sedaghat, S, Sam Ross, Kay, Peter Walsh, Osa and Beth Fitch, Garrett Chomka, Jeff Schwarz, Josh B, Zach Tinawi, Bobby Butler, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, Jasper Capel, Luc Ritchie, Elze Kool, Aditya Anantharaman, Frédéric Junod, Vincent Seguin, Bernard Wei, Paul Bryan, Michael Brunolli, Shawn, Ken Takahashi, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Atila Pires dos Santos, Philip Freeman, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Simon Tobar, Dennis Haupt, Ginny Liz, Lou, Alan McNea, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville and Magesh. *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Creator* Jade Tan-Holmes *Script* Simon Morrow and Jade Tan-Holmes *Animations* Tom Groenestyn *Music*

Épisode 77 - Brownian Motion - The Physics of Randomness

2 novembre 2020

Watch over 2,400 documentaries for free for 30 days AND get a free Nebula account by signing up at and using the code "upandatom". Once you sign up you'll get an email about Nebula. If you don't get one, contact the curiosity stream support team and they will set you up with a free Nebula account right away. Watch Is Math Invented or Discovered video FREE here Nebula: This video is about Einstein's Brownian Motion. Hi! I'm Jade. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 Visit the Up and Atom store Subscribe to Up and Atom for videos about hard stuff explained in a less hard way *A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS!* Tom Arant, Cy 'kkm' K'Nelson, Ryan Lewis Baron de Ropp, Karsten Nohl, Christopher Robert, Thorsten Auth, Purple Penguin, James Palermo, Mansoor Alabbar, Berj Bannayan, Thomas Krause, Chris Flynn, Jessica Rose, David Johnston, Rick DeWitt, Yana Chernobilsky, Lynn Shackelford, Adam Thornton, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Steve Miller, David A. Fortin, Thomas V Lohmeier, Joel Becane, eris esoteric, Artem G., Aaron Dorn, Paul Barclay, Austin Rose, 12tone, Zhong Cheng Wang, Mark, Corey Sampson, John Klinkner, Damien Holloway, Mikely Whiplash, John Lakeman, Jana Christine Saout, George Fletcher, Michael Dean, Chris Amaris, Matt G, KhAnubis, Broos Nemanic, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, John Shioli, Ella Marie Rosenzweig, Joe Court, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Mirko Bayer, Courtney Rosenthal, Dominic Riverso, Pamela O'Neill, Joshua Adams, Jeroen Melchiors, Gary Leo Welz, Andrej Zon, Richard, Richard, Gabriele Riva, Marco Pontil, Joseph, Chris Teubert, Dylan Kolstad, Paul Burke, Michael Hunter, Fran, Zen_Monk, Lonnie Elliott, Christopher Milton, Barry Hammock, Joe, Chester Stadler, John Sokolowski, Bruce England, Nick Jackson, Robert J Frey, The Doom Merchant, Richard de Rozario, Christian Czekay, Martin Zenuik, Wolfgang Ripken, Jeremy Bowkett, Vincent Karpinski, Nicolas Frias, Christopher Phipps, Louis M, Julian Engel, kadhonn, ThE rANdoMSTRaNGeR, Moose Thompson, Hal Roseman, Sam Graf, George Xu, Andrew, Tamara McDermott, Charles from USA, Hassan Sedaghat, S, Daniel Eliassen, Rob Napier, Sam Ross, Julian Engel, Kay, Peter Walsh, Osa and Beth Fitch, Garrett Chomka, Raffael Hirt, Jeff Schwarz, Josh B, Zach Tinawi, Bobby Butler, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, Quentin WATIER, Jasper Capel, Luc Ritchie, Elze Kool, Aditya Anantharaman, Frédéric Junod, Vincent Seguin, Bernard Wei, Paul Bryan, Michael Brunolli, Shawn, Ken Takahashi, Schawn Schoch, Andrew Stott, Stephen Denham, Kaylee, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Atila Pires dos Santos, Adam J, Tim Sorbera, Michael McCloskey, Philip Freeman, Bogdan Morosanu, Armin Quast, Jareth Arnold, Xiao Fan, Simon Barker, Simon Tobar, Rob Harris, Dennis Haupt, Ammaar Esmailjee, Ginny Liz, Neuroleptic Doug, Marc Watkins, Carsten Berggreen, Lou, amcnea, Dave Mayer, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, Dean Madden, Robert Frieske and Magesh. *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Creator* Jade Tan-Holmes *Script* Simon Morrow *Animations* Tom Groenestyn *Music* *Sources/Further Reading* Brownian Motion and Molecular Reality by M. Jean Perrin 111 years of Brownian motion (DOI: 10.1039/c6sm01153e) 100 years of Brownian motion (DOI: 10.1063/1.1895505) Brownian Motion, “Diverse and Undulating”

Épisode 78 - 3 Paradoxes That Gave Us Calculus

10 décembre 2020

Watch over 2,400 documentaries for free for 30 days AND get a free Nebula account by signing up at and using the code "upandatom". Once you sign up you'll get an email about Nebula. If you don't get one, contact the curiosity stream support team and they will set you up with a free Nebula account right away. Nebula: Hi! I'm Jade. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 Visit the Up and Atom store Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos! *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: *A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS!* Thomas Kägi, Aaron Moffatt, Alex Hackman, Mirko Bayer, Steve Miller, Jessica Rose, Courtney Rosenthal, James Palermo, Dominic Riverso, Pamela O'Neill, Joshua Adams, Berj Bannayan, Jeroen Melchiors, Gary Leo Welz, David A. Fortin, Thomas V Lohmeier, Andrej Zon, Joel Becane, Richard, Cy 'kkm' K'Nelson, Richard , Joseph, Karsten Nohl, eris esoteric, Artem G., Chris Teubert, Dylan Kolstad, Michael Hunter, Fran, Aaron Dorn, Joe, Paul Barclay, Chester Stadler, John Sokolowski, Robert J Frey, The Doom Merchant, Richard de Rozario, Christian Czekay, Martin Zenuik, Wolfgang Ripken, Jeremy Bowkett, David Johnston, Vincent Karpinski, Nicolas Frias, Christopher Phipps, Louis M, kadhonn, Moose Thompson, Hal Roseman, Austin Rose, Rick DeWitt, 12tone, Sam Graf, Andrew, Christopher Robert, Thomas Krause, Zhong Cheng Wang, Mark, Tamara McDermott, Corey Sampson, Charles from USA, John Klinkner, Thorsten Auth, Hassan Sedaghat, Daniel Eliassen, Rob Napier, Sam Ross, Damien Holloway, Peter Walsh, Osa and Beth Fitch, Mikely Whiplash, Garrett Chomka, John Lakeman, Jana Christine Saout, Jeff Schwarz, Josh B, Zach Tinawi, Bobby Butler, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, George Fletcher, Luc Ritchie, Elze Kool, Yana Chernobilsky, RobF, Aditya Anantharaman, Michael Dean, Frédéric Junod, Vincent Seguin, Bernard Wei, Paul Bryan, Chris Amaris, Michael Brunolli, Shawn, Ken Takahashi, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Matt G, Lynn Shackelford, Philip Freeman, KhAnubis, Purple Penguin, Broos Nemanic, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, Jareth Arnold, John Shioli, Simon Barker, Chris Flynn, Ella Marie Rosenzweig, Simon Tobar, Dennis Haupt, Joe Court, Adam Thornton, Ginny Liz, Todd Loreman, Andrew Pann, Lou, amcnea, Renato Pereira, Susan Jones, Simon Dargaville, Magesh and Anne Tan. For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Creator* Jade Tan-Holmes *Script* Thank you to script writer Simon Morrow for your work on this video. *Animations* Tom Groenestyn *Music* *Sources/Further Reading* The History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limits by Florian Cajori Paradoxes: Guiding Forces in Mathematical Exploration by Hamza E. Alsamraee Zeno's First Paradox of Motion: A Cartesian Perspective BBC Radio 4 - In Our Time, Zeno's Paradoxes Calculus: A Liberal Art | WM Priestley

Épisode 79 - The Dark Sky Paradox - A Never-Ending Universe

5 février 2021

Watch over 2,400 documentaries for free for 30 days AND get a free Nebula account by signing up at and using the code "upandatom". Once you sign up you'll get an email about Nebula. If you don't get one, contact the curiosity stream support team and they will set you up with a free Nebula account right away. Nebula: Hi! I'm Jade. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 Visit the Up and Atom store Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos! *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: *A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS!* Brian Wilkins, Cy 'kkm' K'Nelson, Purple Penguin, Thorsten Auth, Berj Bannayan, Chris Flynn, Dr. Varun Pant, James Palermo, Adam Thornton, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, David Johnston, Jessica Rose, Lynn Shackelford, Rick DeWitt, Thomas Krause, Yana Chernobilsky, 12tone, Aaron Dorn, Aaron Moffatt, Alex Hackman, Artem G., Brian Kent, Broos Nemanic, Chris Amaris, Corey Sampson, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, Damien Holloway, David A. Fortin, George Fletcher, Jana Christine Saout, Joel Becane, John Lakeman, John Shioli, KhAnubis, Mark, Matt G, Michael Dean, Michael Hunter, Mikely Whiplash, Paul Barclay, Robert Hillier, Susan Jones, Thomas V Lohmeier, Zhong Cheng Wang, eris esoteric, Aditya Anantharaman, Andrej Zon, Andrew, Arsalan Noorafkan, Bernard Wei, Bobby Butler, Charles from USA, Chester Stadler, Chris Teubert, Christopher Phipps, Courtney Rosenthal, Dennis Haupt, Dominic Riverso, Dylan Kolstad, Elze Kool, Fran, Frédéric Junod, Garrett Chomka, Gary Leo Welz, Ginny Liz, Hal Roseman, Hassan Sedaghat, Help I'm trapped in a driver's license factory Roberts, Jareth Arnold, Jeff Schwarz, Jeremy Bowkett, Jeroen Melchiors, Jesse Clark, Joe, John Klinkner, John Sokolowski, Jonathan Ansell, Joseph, Joshua Adams, Ken Takahashi, Lou, Louis M, Luc Ritchie, Magesh, Martin Zenuik, Moose Thompson, Nicolas Frias, Osa and Beth Fitch, Pat Gunn, Peter Walsh, Philip Freeman, Rebecca Lashua, Renato Pereira, Richard, Rob Napier, RobF, Robert J Frey, S, Sam Ross, Shawn, Simon Barker, Simon Dargaville, Simon Tobar, Steven Wheeler, Tamara McDermott, The Doom Merchant, Thomas Kägi, Vincent Karpinski, Vincent Seguin, Wolfgang Ripken, Zach Tinawi, amcnea and kadhonn. For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Creator* Jade Tan-Holmes *Editing and Motion Graphics* Hamish Gilbert Mental Image Productions Junior Arruda *Music* *Sources/Further Reading* Paradox: The Nine Greatest Enigmas in Physics - Jim Al-Khalili

Épisode 80 - An Infinity Paradox - How Many Balls Are In The Vase?

8 mars 2021

Watch over 2,400 documentaries for free for 30 days AND get a free Nebula account by signing up at and using the code "upandatom". Once you sign up you'll get an email about Nebula. If you don't get one, contact the curiosity stream support team and they will set you up with a free Nebula account right away. Nebula: The Ross-Littlewood Paradox Hi! I'm Jade. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 Visit the Up and Atom store Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos! *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: *A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS!* Brian Wilkins, Michael Seydel, Cy 'kkm' K'Nelson, Thorsten Auth, Purple Penguin, Gary Leo Welz, Dr. Varun Pant, James Palermo, Berj Bannayan, Chris Flynn, Jeffrey Smith, Jessica Rose, David Johnston, Rick DeWitt, Yana Chernobilsky, Lynn Shackelford, Adam Thornton, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Thomas Krause, Brian Kent, Robert Hillier, Aaron Moffatt, Alex Hackman, Thomas V Lohmeier, Joel Becane, eris esoteric, Artem G., Michael Hunter, Aaron Dorn, Paul Barclay, Austin Rose, 12tone, Zhong Cheng Wang, Corey Sampson, Damien Holloway, Mikely Whiplash, John Lakeman, Jana Christine Saout, George Fletcher, Michael Dean, Chris Amaris, Matt G, Broos Nemanic, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, John Shioli, KhAnubis, Joe Court, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Dario, Håkon J. D. Johnsen, Will Miller, Dagmawi Elehu, Philip Swan, Hansjuerg Widmer, Scott Lemen, Carlos Gonzalez, Gabe Roche, Jonathan Ansell, Arsalan Noorafkan, Thomas Kägi, Courtney Rosenthal, Dominic Riverso, Joshua Adams, Jeroen Melchiors, Andrej Zon, Richard, Chris Teubert, Dylan Kolstad, Fran, Joe, Chester Stadler, John Sokolowski, Robert J Frey, Martin Zenuik, Wolfgang Ripken, Jeremy Bowkett, Vincent Karpinski, Nicolas Frias, Christopher Phipps, Louis M, ROBERT C PAYNE, kadhonn, Moose Thompson, Hal Roseman, Andrew, Tamara McDermott, Charles from USA, John Klinkner, Hassan Sedaghat, Rob Napier, Sam Ross, Peter Walsh, Osa and Beth Fitch, Garrett Chomka, Jeff Schwarz, Somebody, Josh B, Jimotei, Zach Tinawi, Bobby Butler, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, Luc Ritchie, Elze Kool, RobF, Aditya Anantharaman, Frédéric Junod, Vincent Seguin, Bernard Wei, Help I'm trapped in a driver's license factory Roberts, Shawn, Ken Takahashi, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, The Doom Merchant, Philip Freeman, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Simon Tobar, Dennis Haupt, Ginny Liz, Lou, amcnea, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville and Magesh. For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Creator* Jade Tan-Holmes *Script* Sheila Miller *Editing and Motion Graphics* Hamish Gilbert Mental Image Productions Junior Arruda *Music*

Épisode 81 - The Faint Young Sun Paradox

28 avril 2021

Get a free audiobook and a 30-day trial of Audible (and support this channel) at or text "upandatom" to 500 500 on your phone. Hi! I'm Jade. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 Visit the Up and Atom store Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos! *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS!* Brian Wilkins, Cy 'kkm' K'Nelson , Michael Seydel, Purple Penguin , Thorsten Auth , Gary Leo Welz, Berj Bannayan , Chris Flynn , Dr. Varun Pant, Adam Thornton, Andrew Pann , Anne Tan , David Johnston , Jeffrey Smith , Jessica Rose , Lynn Shackelford , Rick DeWitt , Yana Chernobilsky , Thomas Krause , 12tone , Aaron Dorn , Aaron Moffatt, Alex Hackman , Artem G., Brian Kent , Broos Nemanic, Chris Amaris , Corey Sampson, Dag-Erling Smørgrav , Damien Holloway, Drew Hart, eris esoteric, George Fletcher, Jana Christine Saout, Joe Court , Joel Becane , John Lakeman, John Shioli , KhAnubis , Matt G, Michael Dean, Michael Hunter, Mikely Whiplash, Paul Barclay, Robert Hillier, Susan Jones , Thomas V Lohmeier, Todd Loreman , Tony T Flores, Zhong Cheng Wang, Craig Thorpe , Russell Barlow, JT, Phat Hoang, Spuddy, Josh Bauer, RJ Hikes, Larry Kuzniak, Sascha Bohemia, tesseract, Will Miller, J-J, Dagmawi Elehu, Philip Swan, Hansjuerg Widmer, Carlos Gonzalez, Jonathan Ansell, Arsalan Noorafkan, Thomas Kägi, Courtney Rosenthal, James Palermo, Dominic Riverso, Jeroen Melchiors, Gary Leo Welz, Andrej Zon, Richard, Chris Teubert, Dylan Kolstad, Fran, Joe, Chester Stadler, John Sokolowski, Robert J Frey, The Doom Merchant, Martin Zenuik, Wolfgang Ripken, Jeremy Bowkett, Vincent Karpinski, Nicolas Frias, Christopher Phipps, Louis M, kadhonn, Moose Thompson, Hal Roseman, Austin Rose, Andrew, Tamara McDermott, Charles from USA, John Klinkner, S, Rob Napier, Sam Ross, Peter Walsh, Garrett Chomka, Jeff Schwarz, Bobby Butler, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, Luc Ritchie, Elze Kool, RobF, Aditya Anantharaman, Frédéric Junod, Vincent Seguin, Bernard Wei, Help I'm trapped in a driver's license factory Roberts, Shawn, Israel Shirk, Ken Takahashi, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Philip Freeman, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Dennis Haupt, Lou, amcnea, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville, Magesh. *Creator* Jade Tan-Holmes *Script* Steffani Grondin *Editing and Motion Graphics* Hamish Gilbert Mental Image Productions Junior Arruda *Music*

Épisode 82 - Berry's Paradox - An Algorithm For Truth

28 juillet 2021

Go to and find out how you can get 3 months free. Hi! I'm Jade. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 Visit the Up and Atom store Lose at rock paper scissors Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS!* Lucas Alexander, Michael Seydel, Brian Wilkins , Cy 'kkm' K'Nelson , Thorsten Auth , Purple Penguin , bpatb , Chris Flynn , Scott Ready, Izzy Ca , Sofia Fredriksson , John H. Austin, Jr. , David Johnston , Rick DeWitt, Thomas Krause , Yana Chernobilsky, Lynn Shackelford, Adam Thornton, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan , Jan Gallo, Drew Hart , Tony T Flores, Russell Barlow , Jeffrey Smith , Brian Kent , Robert Hillier , Aaron Moffatt , Alex Hackman , Thomas V Lohmeier , Joel Becane, eris esoteric , Artem G. , Michael Hunter , Paul Barclay, 12tone, Zhong Cheng Wang, Damien Holloway, Mikely Whiplash , John Lakeman , Jana Christine Saout , Jeff Schwarz , George Fletcher, Louis Mashado, Michael Dean , Chris Amaris, Matt G , KhAnubis, Broos Nemanic , Dag-Erling Smørgrav , John Shioli , Joe Court , Todd Loreman , Susan Jones, Rudy Nyhoff, Colin Byrne, Nick H, Dr Andy Hill, Michael Miller, Jesper de Jong, Michael Lavin, Loren Hart, Ari Prasetyo, Duncan Adamson, Phat Hoang, Spuddy, Josh Bauer, Sascha Bohemia, tesseract, Stephen Britt, Will Miller, Dagmawi Elehu, Hansjuerg Widmer, John Sigwald, Carlos Gonzalez, Jonathan Ansell, Arsalan Noorafkan, Thomas Kägi, Courtney Rosenthal, James Palermo, Dominic Riverso, Jeroen Melchiors, Gary Leo Welz, Andrej Zon, Chris Teubert, Dylan Kolstad, Fran, Joe, John Sokolowski, Robert J Frey, The Doom Merchant, Wolfgang Ripken, Jeremy Bowkett, Vincent Karpinski, Nicolas Frias, Christopher Phipps, Louis M, kadhonn, Moose Thompson, Hal Roseman, Austin Rose, Andrew, John Klinkner, S, Rob Napier, Sam Ross, Peter Walsh, Garrett Chomka, Bobby Butler, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, Luc Ritchie, Elze Kool, RobF, Aditya Anantharaman, Frédéric Junod, Vincent Seguin, Bernard Wei, Help I'm trapped in a driver's license factory Roberts, Shawn, Israel Shirk, Ken Takahashi, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Philip Freeman, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Dennis Haupt, Lou, amcnea, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville,and Magesh *Creator* Jade Tan-Holmes *Animations* Tom Groenestyn *Sound Design and Music* Junior Arruda *Sources and Further Reading* An introduction to Kolmogorov complexity and its applications - Ming Li Infinity and The Mind - Rudy Rucker

Épisode 83 - This Object has Infinite Surface Area, but Finite Volume

24 septembre 2021

Watch over 2,400 documentaries for free for 30 days AND get a free Nebula account by signing up at and using the code "upandatom". Once you sign up you'll get an email about Nebula. If you don't get one, contact the curiosity stream support team and they will set you up with a free Nebula account right away. Nebula: Hi! I'm Jade. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 Visit the Up and Atom store Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS!* Lucas Alexander, Michael Seydel, Brian Wilkins , Cy 'kkm' K'Nelson , Rick DeWitt, Thorsten Auth , Purple Penguin , AndrewA, bpatb , Chris Flynn , Michael Martin, Scott Ready, Izzy Ca , Sofia Fredriksson , John H. Austin, Jr. , David Johnston , Thomas Krause , Yana Chernobilsky, Lynn Shackelford, Adam Thornton, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan , Alexander230, Tim Ludwig, Alexander Del Toro Barba, Corey Girard, Justin Smith, Emily, A. Duncan, Mark Littlehale, Jan Gallo, Drew Hart , Tony T Flores, Russell Barlow , Jeffrey Smith , Brian Kent , Aaron Moffatt , Alex Hackman , Thomas V Lohmeier , Joel Becane, eris esoteric , Artem G. , Michael Hunter , Paul Barclay, 12tone, Zhong Cheng Wang, Damien Holloway, Mikely Whiplash , John Lakeman , Jana Christine Saout , Jeff Schwarz , George Fletcher, Louis Mashado, Michael Dean , Chris Amaris, Matt G , KhAnubis, Broos Nemanic , Dag-Erling Smørgrav , John Shioli , Joe Court , Todd Loreman , Susan Jones, Kevin Anderson, Taylor Hornby, Thomas Bolme, Eric Van Oeveren, Dan Peng, Johnny_medico T, Mark Fisher, Phizz, Rudy Nyhoff, Colin Byrne, Nick H, Dr Andy Hill, Michael Miller, Jesper de Jong, Loren Hart, Ari Prasetyo, Duncan Adamson, Phat Hoang, Spuddy, Sascha Bohemia, tesseract, Stephen Britt, Will Miller, Dagmawi Elehu, Hansjuerg Widmer, John Sigwald, Carlos Gonzalez, Jonathan Ansell, Arsalan N, Thomas Kägi, Courtney Rosenthal, James Palermo, Jeroen Melchiors, Gary Leo Welz, Andrej Zon, Chris Teubert, Fran, Joe, John Sokolowski, Robert J Frey, The Doom Merchant, Wolfgang Ripken, Jeremy Bowkett, Vincent Karpinski, Nicolas Frias, Christopher Phipps, Louis M, kadhonn, Moose Thompson, Austin Rose, Andrew, S, Rob Napier, Sam Ross, Peter Walsh, Garrett Chomka, Bobby Butler, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, Luc Ritchie, Elze Kool, RobF, Aditya Anantharaman, Frédéric Junod, Vincent Seguin, _Warmbo is the sum of a remainder of an unbalanced equation inherent to the programming of the Matrix., Shawn, Israel Shirk, Ken Takahashi, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Philip Freeman, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Dennis Haupt, Lou, amcnea, Renato Pereira, Simon Dargaville,and Magesh *Creator* Jade Tan-Holmes *Script* Sheila Miller and Jade Tan-Holmes *Animations* Daniel Kouts *Sound Design and Music* Junior Arruda


22 octobre 2021

Check out the Up and Atom store here: and use code word "ilovephysics" for a 10% discount off any purchase! Code is valid until midnight this Sunday 24/10/2021. Shout out to the crazily talented artist Happy shopping!

Épisode 85 - This Paradox Proves Einstein's Special Relativity

17 décembre 2021

Watch over 2,400 documentaries for free for 30 days AND get a free Nebula account by signing up at and using the code "upandatom". Once you sign up you'll get an email about Nebula. If you don't get one, contact the curiosity stream support team and they will set you up with a free Nebula account right away. Nebula: Hi! I'm Jade. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 Visit the Up and Atom store Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS!* Thomas Schmid, Michael Seydel, Cy 'kkm' K'Nelson , Thorsten Auth , Purple Penguin , Gil Chesterton, AndrewA, bpatb , Chris Flynn , Michael Martin, Scott Ready, Izzy Ca , Sofia Fredriksson , John H. Austin, Jr. , Brian Wilkins, David Johnston , Thomas Krause , Yana Chernobilsky, Lynn Shackelford, Adam Thornton, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan , Aria Bend, James Matheson, Markus Herrmann (trekkie22), Kevin Anderson, Alexander230, Tim Ludwig, Alexander Del Toro Barba, Corey Girard, Justin Smith, Emily, A. Duncan, Mark Littlehale, Lucas Alexander, Jan Gallo, Tony T Flores, Jeffrey Smith , Brian Kent , Aaron Moffatt , Alex Hackman , Thomas V Lohmeier , Joel Becane, eris esoteric , Michael Hunter , Paul Barclay, 12tone, Zhong Cheng Wang, Damien Holloway, Mikely Whiplash , John Lakeman , Jana Christine Saout , Jeff Schwarz , George Fletcher, Louis Mashado, Michael Dean , Chris Amaris, Matt G , KhAnubis, Broos Nemanic , Dag-Erling Smørgrav , John Shioli , Joe Court , Todd Loreman , Susan Jones, Thomas P Taft, Indrajeet Sagar, Johannes Lindmark, Robert A Sandberg, Bradley Banks, Alipasha Sadri, Thanh Nguyen, Pablo de Caffe, Taylor Hornby, Thomas Bolme, Eric Van Oeveren, Mark Fisher, Phizz, Colin Byrne, Nick H, Dr Andy Hill, Cody Henthorne, Michael Miller, Jesper de Jong, Loren Hart, Ari Prasetyo, Phat Hoang, Spuddy, Sascha Bohemia, tesseract, Stephen Britt, Will Miller, Dagmawi Elehu, Hansjuerg Widmer, John Sigwald, Carlos Gonzalez, Jonathan Ansell, Arsalan N, Thomas Kägi, James Palermo, Gary Leo Welz, Chris Teubert, Fran, Joe, John Sokolowski, Robert J Frey, The Doom Merchant, Wolfgang Ripken, Jeremy Bowkett, Vincent Karpinski, Nicolas Frias, Louis M, kadhonn, Moose Thompson, Austin Rose, Andrew, S, Rob Napier, Sam Ross, Peter Walsh, Garrett Chomka, Bobby Butler, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, Luc Ritchie, Elze Kool, RobF, Frédéric Junod, Vincent Seguin, _, You thought I was gone didn't you, Shawn, Israel Shirk, Ken Takahashi, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Philip Freeman, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Dennis Haupt, Lou, amcnea, Simon Dargaville, and Magesh *Creator* Jade Tan-Holmes *Animations* Daniel Kouts *Sound Design and Music* Junior Arruda

Épisode 86 - Why Time Actually Flows Both Ways

11 mars 2022

Watch over 2,400 documentaries for free for 30 days AND get a free Nebula account by signing up at and using the code "upandatom". Once you sign up you'll get an email about Nebula. If you don't get one, contact the curiosity stream support team and they will set you up with a free Nebula account right away. Nebula: Hi! I'm Jade. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 Visit the Up and Atom store Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS!* Thomas Schmid, Michael Seydel, Cy 'kkm' K'Nelson , Rick DeWitt, Thorsten Auth , Purple Penguin , AndrewA, bpatb , Chris Flynn , Michael Martin, Scott Ready, Izzy Ca , John H. Austin, Jr. , Brian Wilkins, David Johnston , Thomas Krause , Yana Chernobilsky, Lynn Shackelford, Ave Eva Thornton, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan ,, Aria Bend, James Matheson, Markus Herrmann (trekkie22), Robert A Sandberg, Kevin Anderson, Tim Ludwig, Alexander Del Toro Barba, Corey Girard, Justin Smith, Emily, A. Duncan, Mark Littlehale, Lucas Alexander, Jan Gallo, Tony T Flores, Jeffrey Smith , Brian Kent , Alex Hackman , Thomas V Lohmeier , Joel Becane, eris esoteric , Michael Hunter , Paul Barclay, 12tone, Zhong Cheng Wang, Damien Holloway, Mikely Whiplash , John Lakeman , Jana Christine Saout , Jeff Schwarz , George Fletcher, Louis Mashado, Michael Dean , Chris Amaris, Matt G , KhAnubis, Broos Nemanic , Dag-Erling Smørgrav , John Shioli , Joe Court , Todd Loreman , Susan Jones, Kyle Higgins, aeidolos, Mike Jepson, Dexter Scott, Potch, Robert Amling, Thomas P Taft, Indrajeet Sagar, Johannes Lindmark, Gil Chesterton, Alipasha Sadri, Pablo de Caffe, Alexander230, Taylor Hornby, Eric Van Oeveren, Mark Fisher, Phizz, Rudy Nyhoff, Colin Byrne, Nick H, Dr Andy Hill, Jesper de Jong, Loren Hart, Ari Prasetyo, Sofia Fredriksson, Phat Hoang, Spuddy, Sascha Bohemia, tesseract, Stephen Britt, Will Miller, Dagmawi Elehu, Hansjuerg Widmer, John Sigwald, Carlos Gonzalez, Jonathan Ansell, Thomas Kägi, James Palermo, Gary Leo Welz, Chris Teubert, Fran, Joe, Robert J Frey, The Doom Merchant, Wolfgang Ripken, Jeremy Bowkett, Vincent Karpinski, Nicolas Frias, Louis M, kadhonn, Moose Thompson, Austin Rose, Andrew, S, Rob Napier, Sam Ross, Garrett Chomka, Bobby Butler, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, Luc Ritchie, Elze Kool, RobF, Frédéric Junod, Vincent Seguin, Shawn, Israel Shirk, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Philip Freeman, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Dennis Haupt, Lou, amcnea, Simon Dargaville, and Magesh. *Creator* Jade Tan-Holmes *Animations* Tom Groenestyn *Sound Design and Music* Junior Arruda *cool physics/math posters* *Sources and Further Reading* The Direction of Time by Hans Reichenbach From Eternity to Here - Sean Carroll file:///Users/jadetan-holmes/Downloads/Compendium_of_the_Foundations_of_Classical_Statist.pdf file:///Users/jadetan-holmes/Desktop/j.shpsb.2009.03.003.pdf

Épisode 87 - Zero Knowledge Proofs

30 mars 2022

Watch over 2,400 documentaries for free for 30 days AND get a free Nebula account by signing up at and using the code "upandatom". Once you sign up you'll get an email about Nebula. If you don't get one, contact the curiosity stream support team and they will set you up with a free Nebula account right away. The name of the documentary I mentioned is Blockchain Revolution. Nebula: Hi! I'm Jade. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 Visit the Up and Atom store Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS!* Thomas Schmid, Michael Seydel, Cy 'kkm' K'Nelson , Rick DeWitt, Thorsten Auth , Purple Penguin , AndrewA, bpatb , Chris Flynn , Michael Martin, Scott Ready, Izzy Ca , John H. Austin, Jr. , Brian Wilkins, David Johnston , Thomas Krause , Yana Chernobilsky, Lynn Shackelford, Ave Eva Thornton, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan ,, Aria Bend, James Matheson, Markus Herrmann (trekkie22), Robert A Sandberg, Kevin Anderson, Tim Ludwig, Alexander Del Toro Barba, Corey Girard, Justin Smith, Emily, A. Duncan, Mark Littlehale, Lucas Alexander, Jan Gallo, Tony T Flores, Jeffrey Smith , Brian Kent , Alex Hackman , Thomas V Lohmeier , Joel Becane, eris esoteric , Michael Hunter , Paul Barclay, 12tone, Zhong Cheng Wang, Sergey Ten, Damien Holloway, Mikely Whiplash , John Lakeman , Jana Christine Saout , Jeff Schwarz , George Fletcher, Louis Mashado, Michael Dean , Chris Amaris, Matt G , KhAnubis, Broos Nemanic , Dag-Erling Smørgrav , John Shioli , Joe Court , Todd Loreman , Susan Jones, Nico Papanicolaou, keine, Markus Lindström, CatInSpace, Jeffrey Melvin, Midnight Skeptic, Kyle Higgins, aeidolos, Mike Jepson, Dexter Scott, Potch, Robert Amling, Thomas P Taft, Indrajeet Sagar, Johannes Lindmark, Gil Chesterton, Alipasha Sadri, Pablo de Caffe, Alexander230, Taylor Hornby, Eric Van Oeveren, Mark Fisher, Phizz, Rudy Nyhoff, Colin Byrne, Nick H, Jesper de Jong, Loren Hart, Ari Prasetyo, Sofia Fredriksson, Phat Hoang, Spuddy, Sascha Bohemia, tesseract, Stephen Britt, Will Miller, Dagmawi Elehu, Hansjuerg Widmer, John Sigwald, Carlos Gonzalez, Jonathan Ansell, Thomas Kägi, James Palermo, Gary Leo Welz, Chris Teubert, Fran, Joe, Robert J Frey, The Doom Merchant, Wolfgang Ripken, Jeremy Bowkett, Vincent Karpinski, Nicolas Frias, Louis M, kadhonn, Moose Thompson, Austin Rose, Andrew, S, Sam Ross, Garrett Chomka, Bobby Butler, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, Luc Ritchie, Elze Kool, RobF, Frédéric Junod, Vincent Seguin, Shawn, Israel Shirk, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Philip Freeman, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Dennis Haupt, Lou, amcnea, Simon Dargaville, and Magesh. Creator - Jade Tan-Holmes Script - Sheila Miller Animations and Editing - Daniel Kouts

Épisode 88 - The Fourier Series and Fourier Transform Demystified

30 juin 2022

Watch over 2,400 documentaries for free for 30 days AND get a free Nebula account by signing up at and using the code "upandatom". Once you sign up you'll get an email about Nebula. If you don't get one, contact the curiosity stream support team and they will set you up with a free Nebula account right away. The name of the documentary I mentioned is The Secret Rules of Modern Living. Nebula: Hi! I'm Jade. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 Visit the Up and Atom store Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos Videos about Euler's Formula: *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS!* Michael Seydel, Cy 'kkm' K'Nelson , Rick DeWitt, Thorsten Auth , Purple Penguin , AndrewA, Izzy Ca, bpatb , Michael Martin, Scott Ready, John H. Austin, Jr. , Brian Wilkins, Thomas V Lohmeier, David Johnston , Thomas Krause , Yana Chernobilsky, Lynn Shackelford, Ave Eva Thornton, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan , Robin High, KiYun Roe, Christopher Rhoades, DONALD McLeod, Ron Hochsprung,, Aria Bend, James Matheson, Robert A Sandberg, Kevin Anderson, Tim Ludwig, Alexander Del Toro Barba, Corey Girard, Justin Smith, Emily, A. Duncan, Mark Littlehale, Lucas Alexander, Jan Gallo, Tony T Flores, Jeffrey Smith , Alex Hackman , Joel Becane, Michael Hunter , Paul Barclay, 12tone, Zhong Cheng Wang, Sergey Ten, Damien Holloway, Mikely Whiplash , John Lakeman , Jana Christine Saout , Jeff Schwarz , George Fletcher, Louis Mashado, Michael Dean , Chris Amaris, Matt G , KhAnubis, Broos Nemanic , Dag-Erling Smørgrav , John Shioli , Joe Court , Todd Loreman , Susan Jones, Rigid Designator, James Horsley, Bryan Williams, Craig Tumblison, Rickey Estes, Cameron Tacklind, 之元 丁, Kevin Chi, Paul Blanchard, Lance Ahmu, Tim Cheseborough, Nico Papanicolaou, keine, Markus Lindström, Jeffrey Melvin, Midnight Skeptic, Kyle Higgins, aeidolos, Mike Jepson, Dexter Scott, Potch, Thomas P Taft, Indrajeet Sagar, Markus Herrmann (trekkie22), Gil Chesterton, Alipasha Sadri, Pablo de Caffe, Alexander230, Taylor Hornby, Eric Van Oeveren, Mark Fisher, Phizz, Rudy Nyhoff, Colin Byrne, Nick H, Jesper de Jong, Loren Hart, Ari Prasetyo, Sofia Fredriksson, Phat Hoang, Spuddy, Sascha Bohemia, tesseract, Stephen Britt, KG, Dagmawi Elehu, Hansjuerg Widmer, John Sigwald, Carlos Gonzalez, Jonathan Ansell, Thomas Kägi, James Palermo, Gary Leo Welz, Chris Teubert, Fran, Joe, Robert J Frey, The Doom Merchant, Wolfgang Ripken, Jeremy Bowkett, Vincent Karpinski, Nicolas Frias, Louis M, kadhonn, Moose Thompson, Andrew, Sam Ross, Garrett Chomka, Bobby Butler, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, Luc Ritchie, Elze Kool, RobF, Vincent Seguin, Shawn, Israel Shirk, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Philip Freeman, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Dennis Haupt, Lou, amcnea, Simon Dargaville, and Magesh. Creator - Jade Tan-Holmes Script - Simon Morrow, Simon Mackenzie, Dean Berwick and Jade Tan-Holmes Animations and Editing - Daniel Kouts and Simon Mackenzie Music - epidemic sound

Épisode 89 - Why Pure Information Gives Off Heat

29 juillet 2022

Sign up to Brilliant to receive a 20% discount with this link! Hi! I'm Jade. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 Visit the Up and Atom store Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos Why Time Actually Flows Both Ways *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS!* Michael Seydel, Cy 'kkm' K'Nelson , Rick DeWitt, Thorsten Auth , Purple Penguin , AndrewA, Izzy Ca, bpatb , Michael Martin, Scott Ready, John H. Austin, Jr. , Brian Wilkins, Thomas V Lohmeier, David Johnston , Thomas Krause , Yana Chernobilsky, Lynn Shackelford, Ave Eva Thornton, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan , James Mahoney, Jim Felich, Fabio Manzini, Jeremy, Sam Richardson, Robin High, KiYun Roe, Christopher Rhoades, DONALD McLeod, Ron Hochsprung,, Aria Bend, James Matheson, Robert A Sandberg, Kevin Anderson, Tim Ludwig, Alexander Del Toro Barba, Corey Girard, Justin Smith, Emily, A. Duncan, Mark Littlehale, Lucas Alexander, Jan Gallo, Tony T Flores, Jeffrey Smith , Alex Hackman , Joel Becane, Michael Hunter , Paul Barclay, 12tone, Zhong Cheng Wang, Sergey Ten, Damien Holloway, Mikely Whiplash , John Lakeman , Jana Christine Saout , Jeff Schwarz , George Fletcher, Louis Mashado, Michael Dean , Chris Amaris, Matt G , Broos Nemanic , Dag-Erling Smørgrav , John Shioli , Joe Court , Todd Loreman , Susan Jones, Richard Vallender, jacques magraith, William Toffey, Michel Speiser, Rigid Designator, James Horsley, Bryan Williams, Craig Tumblison, Rickey Estes, Cameron Tacklind, 之元 丁, Kevin Chi, Paul Blanchard, Lance Ahmu, Tim Cheseborough, Nico Papanicolaou, keine, Markus Lindström, Jeffrey Melvin, Midnight Skeptic, Kyle Higgins, aeidolos, Mike Jepson, Dexter Scott, Potch, Thomas P Taft, Indrajeet Sagar, Markus Herrmann (trekkie22), Gil Chesterton, Alipasha Sadri, Pablo de Caffe, Alexander230, Taylor Hornby, Eric Van Oeveren, Mark Fisher, Phizz, Rudy Nyhoff, Colin Byrne, Nick H, Jesper de Jong, Loren Hart, Ari Prasetyo, Sofia Fredriksson, Phat Hoang, Spuddy, Sascha Bohemia, tesseract, Stephen Britt, KG, Dagmawi Elehu, Hansjuerg Widmer, John Sigwald, Carlos Gonzalez, Jonathan Ansell, Thomas Kägi, James Palermo, Gary Leo Welz, Chris Teubert, Fran, Joe, Robert J Frey, The Doom Merchant, Wolfgang Ripken, Jeremy Bowkett, Vincent Karpinski, Nicolas Frias, Louis M, kadhonn, Moose Thompson, Andrew, Sam Ross, Garrett Chomka, Bobby Butler, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, Elze Kool, RobF, Vincent Seguin, Shawn, Israel Shirk, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Philip Freeman, KhAnubis, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Dennis Haupt, Lou, amcnea, Simon Dargaville, and Magesh. Creator - Jade Tan-Holmes Script - Jack Johnson Animations - Standard Productions Music - epidemic sound

Épisode 90 - How do you know that you know what you know?

4 août 2022

Watch over 2,400 documentaries for free for 30 days AND get a free Nebula account by signing up at and using the code "upandatom". Once you sign up you'll get an email about Nebula. If you don't get one, contact the curiosity stream support team and they will set you up with a free Nebula account right away. The name of the documentary I mentioned is Can a Computer Write a Hit Musical? Nebula: Hi! I'm Jade. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 Visit the Up and Atom store Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS!* Jonathan Koppelman, Michael Seydel, Cy 'kkm' K'Nelson , Rick DeWitt, Thorsten Auth , Purple Penguin , AndrewA, Izzy Ca, bpatb , Richard O McEwen Jr, Michael Martin, Scott Ready, John H. Austin, Jr. , Brian Wilkins, Thomas V Lohmeier, David Johnston , Thomas Krause , Yana Chernobilsky, Lynn Shackelford, Ave Eva Thornton, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan , James Mahoney, Jim Felich, Fabio Manzini, Jeremy, Sam Richardson, Robin High, KiYun Roe, Christopher Rhoades, DONALD McLeod, Ron Hochsprung,, Aria Bend, James Matheson, Robert A Sandberg, Kevin Anderson, Tim Ludwig, Alexander Del Toro Barba, Corey Girard, Justin Smith, Emily, A. Duncan, Mark Littlehale, Lucas Alexander, Jan Gallo, Tony T Flores, Jeffrey Smith , Alex Hackman , Joel Becane, Michael Hunter , Paul Barclay, 12tone, Zhong Cheng Wang, Sergey Ten, Damien Holloway, Mikely Whiplash , John Lakeman , Jana Christine Saout , Jeff Schwarz , George Fletcher, Louis Mashado, Michael Dean , Chris Amaris, Matt G , Broos Nemanic , Dag-Erling Smørgrav , John Shioli , Joe Court , Todd Loreman , Susan Jones, Tang Chun, Michelle, Richard Vallender, jacques magraith, William Toffey, Michel Speiser, Rigid Designator, James Horsley, Bryan Williams, Craig Tumblison, Rickey Estes, Cameron Tacklind, 之元 丁, Kevin Chi, Paul Blanchard, Lance Ahmu, Tim Cheseborough, Nico Papanicolaou, keine, Markus Lindström, Jeffrey Melvin, Midnight Skeptic, Kyle Higgins, aeidolos, Mike Jepson, Dexter Scott, Potch, Thomas P Taft, Indrajeet Sagar, Markus Herrmann (trekkie22), Gil Chesterton, Alipasha Sadri, Pablo de Caffe, Alexander230, Taylor Hornby, Eric Van Oeveren, Mark Fisher, Phizz, Rudy Nyhoff, Colin Byrne, Nick H, Jesper de Jong, Loren Hart, Ari Prasetyo, Sofia Fredriksson, Phat Hoang, Spuddy, Sascha Bohemia, tesseract, Stephen Britt, KG, Dagmawi Elehu, Hansjuerg Widmer, John Sigwald, Carlos Gonzalez, Jonathan Ansell, Thomas Kägi, James Palermo, Gary Leo Welz, Chris Teubert, Fran, Joe, Robert J Frey, The Doom Merchant, Wolfgang Ripken, Jeremy Bowkett, Vincent Karpinski, Nicolas Frias, Louis M, kadhonn, Moose Thompson, Andrew, Sam Ross, Garrett Chomka, Bobby Butler, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, Elze Kool, RobF, Vincent Seguin, Shawn, Israel Shirk, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Philip Freeman, KhAnubis, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Dennis Haupt, Lou, amcnea, Simon Dargaville, and Magesh. Creator - Jade Tan-Holmes Script - Raphael Rosen Animations - Tom Groenestyn Music - epidemic sound

Épisode 91 - The Gambler's Fallacy is Really Odd

24 août 2022

? Get Exclusive NordVPN deal here ➼ It's risk-free with Nord's 30-day money-back guarantee! Hi! I'm Jade. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 Visit the Up and Atom store Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS!* Jonathan Koppelman, Michael Seydel, Cy 'kkm' K'Nelson , Rick DeWitt, Thorsten Auth , Purple Penguin , AndrewA, Izzy Ca, bpatb , Richard O McEwen Jr, Michael Martin, Scott Ready, John H. Austin, Jr. , Brian Wilkins, Thomas V Lohmeier, David Johnston , Thomas Krause , Yana Chernobilsky, Lynn Shackelford, Ave Eva Thornton, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan , Daniel Quinn, James Mahoney, Jim Felich, Fabio Manzini, Jeremy, Sam Richardson, Robin High, KiYun Roe, Christopher Rhoades, DONALD McLeod, Ron Hochsprung,, Aria Bend, James Matheson, Robert A Sandberg, Kevin Anderson, Tim Ludwig, Alexander Del Toro Barba, Corey Girard, Justin Smith, Emily, A. Duncan, Mark Littlehale, Lucas Alexander, Jan Gallo, Tony T Flores, Jeffrey Smith , Alex Hackman , Joel Becane, Michael Hunter , Paul Barclay, 12tone, Zhong Cheng Wang, Sergey Ten, Damien Holloway, Mikely Whiplash , John Lakeman , Jana Christine Saout , Jeff Schwarz , Louis Mashado, Michael Dean , Chris Amaris, Matt G , Dag-Erling Smørgrav , John Shioli , Todd Loreman , Susan Jones, Simon J. Dodd, Tang Chun, Michelle, Richard Vallender, jacques magraith, William Toffey, Michel Speiser, Rigid Designator, James Horsley, Bryan Williams, Craig Tumblison, Rickey Estes, Cameron Tacklind, 之元 丁, Kevin Chi, Paul Blanchard, Lance Ahmu, Tim Cheseborough, Nico Papanicolaou, keine, Markus Lindström, swats, Jeffrey Melvin, Midnight Skeptic, Kyle Higgins, aeidolos, Mike Jepson, Dexter Scott, Potch, Indrajeet Sagar, Markus Herrmann (trekkie22), Gil Chesterton, Alipasha Sadri, Pablo de Caffe, Alexander230, Taylor Hornby, Eric Van Oeveren, Mark Fisher, Phizz, Colin Byrne, Nick H, Jesper de Jong, Loren Hart, Ari Prasetyo, Sofia Fredriksson, Phat Hoang, Spuddy, Sascha Bohemia, tesseract, Stephen Britt, KG, Dagmawi Elehu, Hansjuerg Widmer, John Sigwald, O C, Carlos Gonzalez, Jonathan Ansell, Thomas Kägi, James Palermo, Gary Leo Welz, Chris Teubert, Fran, Robert J Frey, Wolfgang Ripken, Jeremy Bowkett, Vincent Karpinski, Nicolas Frias, Louis M, kadhonn, Moose Thompson, Andrew, Sam Ross, Garrett Chomka, Bobby Butler, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, George Fletcher, RobF, Vincent Seguin, Shawn, Israel Shirk, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Philip Freeman, KhAnubis, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Dennis Haupt, Lou, amcnea, Simon Dargaville, and Magesh. Creator - Jade Tan-Holmes Script - Catalin Barboianu and Jade Tan-Holmes Animations - Giggle Chicken Productions Music - epidemic sound Sources and further reading How Not to Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking, by Jordan Ellenberg's%20fallacy%20is%20the%20belief%20that%20the%20probability%20for,are%20independent%20and%20identically%20distributed.

Épisode 92 - What COVID Revealed About Science

31 août 2022

Go to to find out how you can make the world a better place while enjoying a fulfilling career. The video about the experiment that proved the existence of atoms Hi! I'm Jade. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 Visit the Up and Atom store Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos SOURCES *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS!* Jonathan Koppelman, Michael Seydel, Cy 'kkm' K'Nelson , Rick DeWitt, Thorsten Auth , Purple Penguin , AndrewA, Izzy Ca, bpatb , Richard O McEwen Jr, Michael Martin, Scott Ready, John H. Austin, Jr. , Brian Wilkins, Thomas V Lohmeier, David Johnston , Thomas Krause , Yana Chernobilsky, Lynn Shackelford, Ave Eva Thornton, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan , Michael Geer, Daniel Quinn, James Mahoney, Jim Felich, Fabio Manzini, Jeremy, Sam Richardson, Robin High, KiYun Roe, Christopher Rhoades, DONALD McLeod, Ron Hochsprung,, Aria Bend, James Matheson, Robert A Sandberg, Kevin Anderson, Tim Ludwig, Alexander Del Toro Barba, Corey Girard, Justin Smith, Emily, A. Duncan, Mark Littlehale, Lucas Alexander, Jan Gallo, Tony T Flores, Jeffrey Smith , Alex Hackman , Joel Becane, Michael Hunter , Paul Barclay, 12tone, Zhong Cheng Wang, Sergey Ten, Damien Holloway, Mikely Whiplash , John Lakeman , Jana Christine Saout , Jeff Schwarz , Louis Mashado, Michael Dean , Chris Amaris, Matt G , Dag-Erling Smørgrav , John Shioli , Todd Loreman , Susan Jones, whatguts, René Pasold, Simon J. Dodd, Tang Chun, Michelle, Richard Vallender, jake h, William Toffey, Michel Speiser, Rigid Designator, James Horsley, Bryan Williams, Craig Tumblison, Rickey Estes, Cameron Tacklind, 之元 丁, Kevin Chi, Paul Blanchard, Lance Ahmu, Tim Cheseborough, Nico Papanicolaou, keine, Markus Lindström, Steve Watson, Midnight Skeptic, Kyle Higgins, aeidolos, Mike Jepson, Dexter Scott, Potch, Indrajeet Sagar, Markus Herrmann (trekkie22), Gil Chesterton, Alipasha Sadri, Pablo de Caffe, Taylor Hornby, Eric Van Oeveren, Mark Fisher, Phizz, Colin Byrne, Nick H, Jesper de Jong, Loren Hart, Ari Prasetyo, Sofia Fredriksson, Phat Hoang, Spuddy, Sascha Bohemia, tesseract, Stephen Britt, KG, Dagmawi Elehu, Hansjuerg Widmer, John Sigwald, O C, Carlos Gonzalez, Jonathan Ansell, Thomas Kägi, James Palermo, Gary Leo Welz, Chris Teubert, Fran, Robert J Frey, Wolfgang Ripken, Jeremy Bowkett, Vincent Karpinski, Nicolas Frias, Louis M, kadhonn, Moose Thompson, Andrew, Sam Ross, Garrett Chomka, Bobby Butler, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, George Fletcher, Elze Kool, RobF, Vincent Seguin, Shawn, Israel Shirk, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Philip Freeman, KhAnubis, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Dennis Haupt, Lou, amcnea, Simon Dargaville, and Magesh. Creator - Jade Tan-Holmes Script - Zoe Cocchiaro Animations - Daniel Kouts Music - epidemic sound

Épisode 93 - Why it took 379 pages to prove 1+1=2

20 octobre 2022

Sign up to Brilliant to receive a 20% discount with this link! Hi! I'm Jade. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 Visit the Up and Atom store Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos Principia Mathematica Russell's Paradox video: 0:00 Intro 0:52 All was well in the land of math 1:39 Oh no! Trouble is brewing 3:47 The heroes of the story 5:06 Principia Mathematica 5:49 Logic 7:42 Formal Systems 9:52 Struggles 🙁 11:49 Ideas in 1+1=2 14:26 Failure 15:04 Sponsor *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS!* Jonathan Koppelman, Michael Seydel, Cy 'kkm' K'Nelson , Rick DeWitt, Thorsten Auth , Purple Penguin , AndrewA, Izzy Ca, Richard O McEwen Jr, Scott Ready, John H. Austin, Jr. , Brian Wilkins, Thomas V Lohmeier, David Johnston , Thomas Krause , Lynn Shackelford, Ave Eva Thornton, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan , Keith Lazarus, Tyler Simms, Michael Geer, Daniel Quinn, James Mahoney, Jim Felich, Fabio Manzini, Jeremy, Sam Richardson, Robin High, KiYun Roe, Christopher Rhoades, DONALD McLeod, Ron Hochsprung,, Aria Bend, James Matheson, Kevin Anderson, Alexander230, Michael Martin, Tim Ludwig, Alexander Del Toro Barba, Corey Girard, Justin Smith, Emily, A. Duncan, Mark Littlehale, Lucas Alexander, Tony T Flores, Dagmawi Elehu, Jeffrey Smith , Alex Hackman , bpatb, Joel Becane, Michael Hunter , Paul Barclay, 12tone, Sergey Ten, Damien Holloway, Mikely Whiplash , John Lakeman , Jana Christine Saout , Jeff Schwarz , Yana Chernobilsky, Michael Dean , Chris Amaris, Matt G , Dag-Erling Smørgrav , John Shioli , Todd Loreman , Dean Fantastic, Bernard Pang, Russell Brown, Oleg Dats, Max Isenholt, John Spalding, René Pasold, Simon J. Dodd, Tang Chun, Michelle, Richard Vallender, William Toffey, Michel Speiser, Rigid Designator, James Horsley, Craig Tumblison, Cameron Tacklind, 之元 丁, Kevin Chi, Paul Blanchard, Lance Ahmu, Tim Cheseborough, Nico Papanicolaou, keine, Markus Lindström, Steve Watson, Midnight Skeptic, Kyle Higgins, aeidolos, Mike Jepson, Dexter Scott, Potch, Indrajeet Sagar, Markus Herrmann (trekkie22), Gil Chesterton, Alipasha Sadri, Pablo de Caffe, Taylor Hornby, Mark Fisher, Colin Byrne, Nick H, Jesper de Jong, Loren Hart, Sofia Fredriksson, Phat Hoang, Spuddy, Sascha Bohemia, tesseract, Stephen Britt, KG, Hansjuerg Widmer, John Sigwald, O C, Carlos Gonzalez, Thomas Kägi, James Palermo, Gary Leo Welz, Chris Teubert, Fran, Robert J Frey, Wolfgang Ripken, Jeremy Bowkett, Vincent Karpinski, Nicolas Frias, Louis M, kadhonn, Moose Thompson, Andrew, Pedro Paulo Vezza Campos, S, Sam Ross, Garrett Chomka, Bobby Butler, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, George Fletcher, RobF, Vincent Seguin, Shawn, Israel Shirk, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Philip Freeman, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Lou, Simon Dargaville, and Magesh. Creator - Jade Tan-Holmes Animations - Tom Groenestyn Music - epidemic sound

Épisode 94 - Why the number 0 was banned for 1500 years

24 novembre 2022

Watch over 2,400 documentaries for free for 30 days AND get a free Nebula account by signing up at Once you sign up you'll get an email about Nebula! Hi! I'm Jade. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 Visit the Up and Atom store Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos Most of the material from this video was from the book Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea by Charles Seife. 3 Paradoxes the Gave Us Calculus *Follow me* @upndatom Up and Atom on Twitter: Up and Atom on Instagram: For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 0:00 Intro 0:46 The Time Before Zero 2:00 Humans Invent Zero 5:40 Zero's Exile 9:44 Zero's Reincarnation 11:05 Zero's Reign *A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS!* Jonathan Koppelman, Michael Seydel, Cy 'kkm' K'Nelson , Rick DeWitt, Thorsten Auth , Purple Penguin , AndrewA, Izzy Ca, Richard O McEwen Jr, Scott Ready, John H. Austin, Jr. , Brian Wilkins, Thomas V Lohmeier, David Johnston , Thomas Krause , Lynn Shackelford, Ave Eva Thornton, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan , Keith Lazarus, Tyler Simms, Michael Geer, Daniel Quinn, James Mahoney, Jim Felich, Fabio Manzini, Jeremy, Sam Richardson, Robin High, KiYun Roe, Christopher Rhoades, DONALD McLeod, Ron Hochsprung,, Aria Bend, James Matheson, Kevin Anderson, Alexander230, Michael Martin, Tim Ludwig, Alexander Del Toro Barba, Corey Girard, Justin Smith, Emily, A. Duncan, Mark Littlehale, Lucas Alexander, Tony T Flores, Dagmawi Elehu, Jeffrey Smith , Alex Hackman , bpatb, Joel Becane, Michael Hunter , Paul Barclay, 12tone, Sergey Ten, Damien Holloway, Mikely Whiplash , John Lakeman , Jana Christine Saout , Jeff Schwarz , Yana Chernobilsky, Michael Dean , Chris Amaris, Matt G , Dag-Erling Smørgrav , John Shioli , Todd Loreman , Dean Fantastic, Bernard Pang, Russell Brown, Oleg Dats, Max Isenholt, John Spalding, René Pasold, Simon J. Dodd, Tang Chun, Michelle, Richard Vallender, William Toffey, Michel Speiser, Rigid Designator, James Horsley, Craig Tumblison, Cameron Tacklind, 之元 丁, Kevin Chi, Paul Blanchard, Lance Ahmu, Tim Cheseborough, Nico Papanicolaou, keine, Markus Lindström, Steve Watson, Midnight Skeptic, Kyle Higgins, aeidolos, Mike Jepson, Dexter Scott, Potch, Indrajeet Sagar, Markus Herrmann (trekkie22), Gil Chesterton, Alipasha Sadri, Pablo de Caffe, Taylor Hornby, Mark Fisher, Colin Byrne, Nick H, Jesper de Jong, Loren Hart, Sofia Fredriksson, Phat Hoang, Spuddy, Sascha Bohemia, tesseract, Stephen Britt, KG, Hansjuerg Widmer, John Sigwald, O C, Carlos Gonzalez, Thomas Kägi, James Palermo, Gary Leo Welz, Chris Teubert, Fran, Robert J Frey, Wolfgang Ripken, Jeremy Bowkett, Vincent Karpinski, Nicolas Frias, Louis M, kadhonn, Moose Thompson, Andrew, Pedro Paulo Vezza Campos, S, Sam Ross, Garrett Chomka, Bobby Butler, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, George Fletcher, RobF, Vincent Seguin, Shawn, Israel Shirk, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Philip Freeman, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Lou, Simon Dargaville, and Magesh. Creator - Jade Tan-Holmes Script - Zoe Cocchiaro Cinematography - Simon Mackenzie Animations - Tom Groenestyn Music - epidemic sound

Épisode 95 - The Impossible Power of This Simple Math Proof

22 janvier 2023

Sign up to Brilliant to receive a 20% discount with this link! Recommended course: Infinity Hi! I'm Jade. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 Visit the Up and Atom store Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 00:00 - Intro 01:00 - Hair twins 02:45 - Data Compression 08:34 - Different sizes of infinity *A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS!* Jonathan Koppelman, Michael Seydel, Cy 'kkm' K'Nelson, Rick DeWitt, Thorsten Auth, AndrewA, Izzy Ca, Richard O McEwen Jr, Scott Ready, John H. Austin, Jr., Brian Wilkins, Thomas V Lohmeier, David Johnston, Thomas Krause, Lynn Shackelford, Ave Eva Thornton, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Millennial Glacier, Viktor Lazarevich, Keith Lazarus, Tyler Simms, Michael Geer, James Mahoney, Jim Felich, Fabio Manzini, Jeremy, Sam Richardson, Robin High, KiYun Roe, DONALD McLeod, Ron Hochsprung, Aria Bend, James Matheson, Kevin Anderson, Alexander230, Michael Martin, Tim Ludwig, Alexander Del Toro Barba, Corey Girard, Justin Smith, Emily, A. Duncan, Mark Littlehale, Tony T Flores, Dagmawi Elehu, Jeffrey Smith, Alex Hackman, bpatb, Joel Becane, Michael Hunter, Paul Barclay, 12tone, Sergey Ten, Damien Holloway, Mikely Whiplash, John Lakeman, Jana Christine Saout, Jeff Schwarz, Yana Chernobilsky, Louis Mashado, Michael Dean, Chris Amaris, Matt G, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, John Shioli, Todd Loreman,Susan Jones, James N Smith, Shane ODea, Roland Gibson, Joe McTee,, Dean Fantastic, Bernard Pang, Oleg Dats, Max Isenholt, John Spalding, Simon J. Dodd, Tang Chun, Michelle, Richard Vallender, William Toffey, Michel Speiser, Rigid Designator, James Horsley, Craig Tumblison, Cameron Tacklind, 之元 丁, Kevin Chi, Paul Blanchard, Lance Ahmu, Tim Cheseborough, Markus Lindström, Steve Watson, Midnight Skeptic, Kyle Higgins, Dexter Scott, Potch, Indrajeet Sagar, Markus Herrmann (trekkie22), Gil Chesterton, Alipasha Sadri, Pablo de Caffe, Taylor Hornby, Mark Fisher, Colin Byrne, Nick H, Jesper de Jong, Loren Hart, Sofia Fredriksson, Phat Hoang, Spuddy, Sascha Bohemia, tesseract, Stephen Britt, KG, Hansjuerg Widmer, John Sigwald, O C, Carlos Gonzalez, Thomas Kägi, James Palermo, Gary Leo Welz, Chris Teubert, Fran, Robert J Frey, Wolfgang Ripken, Jeremy Bowkett, Vincent Karpinski, Nicolas Frias, Louis M, kadhonn, Moose Thompson, Andrew, Pedro Paulo Vezza Campos, S, Sam Ross, Garrett Chomka, Bobby Butler, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, George Fletcher, RobF, Vincent Seguin, Shawn, Israel Shirk, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Philip Freeman, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Lou, ans Simon Dargaville. Creator - Jade Tan-Holmes Script - Raphael Rosen and Jade Tan-Holmes Cinematography and Fact checking - Simon Mackenzie Animations - Daniel Kouts Music - epidemic sound

Épisode 96 - Paradox of the drunken man

4 février 2023

Épisode 97 - The two envelopes paradox (part 1)

20 février 2023

Épisode 98 - The two envelopes paradox (part 2)

20 février 2023

Épisode 99 - Q&A with Jade! My struggles with physics, how I got started on YouTube, my insecurities, and more!

26 février 2023

Go subscribe to Serene's channel! Serene Desiree hosts a podcast in which she interviews a cacophony of creative, scientific and philosophical guests. Here is a link to her Patreon if you would like to support what she does. 3 paradoxes that gave us calculus Thank you to my patrons for providing the questions! If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂

Épisode 100 - NP-COMPLETENESS - The Secret Link Between Thousands of Unsolved Math Problems

31 mars 2023

Get Nebula using my link for 40% off an annual subscription: Watch my exclusive video on the SAT to clique reduction: Hi! I'm Jade. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 Visit the Up and Atom store Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *Videos Mentioned* Turing Machines P vs NP Deep dives into the Cook-Levin Theorem *Sources and Further Reading* The complexity of theorem proving procedures - Stephen Cook Universal search problems - Leonid Levin Reducibility Among Combinatorial Problems - Richard Karp The Nature of Computation - Christopher Moore *A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS!* Jonathan Koppelman, Michael Seydel, Cy 'kkm' K'Nelson, Thorsten Auth, Tim Barnard, AndrewA, Izzy Ca, Millennial Glacier, Richard O McEwen Jr, Scott Ready, John H. Austin, Jr., Brian Wilkins, Thomas V Lohmeier, David Johnston, Thomas Krause, Lynn Shackelford, Ave Eva Thornton, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Larry Nixon, Ben Mitchell, Steve Archer, Luna Sophia, Viktor Lazarevich, Keith Lazarus, Tyler Simms, Michael Geer, James Mahoney, Jim Felich, Fabio Manzini, Jeremy, Sam Richardson, Robin High, KiYun Roe, DONALD McLeod, Ron Hochsprung, Aria Bend, James Matheson, Kevin Anderson, Alexander230, Tim Ludwig, Alexander Del Toro Barba, Justin Smith, A. Duncan, Mark Littlehale, Tony T Flores, Dagmawi Elehu, Jeffrey Smith, Alex Hackman, bpatb, Joel Becane, Paul Barclay, 12tone, Sergey Ten, Damien Holloway, John Lakeman, Jana Christine Saout, Jeff Schwarz, Yana Chernobilsky, Louis Mashado, Michael Dean, Chris Amaris, Matt G, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, John Shioli, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Kent Arimura, Phillip Rhodes, Michael Nugent, James N Smith, Roland Gibson, Joe McTee, Dean Fantastic, Bernard Pang, Oleg Dats, Max Isenholt, John Spalding, Simon J. Dodd, Tang Chun, Michelle, Richard Vallender, William Toffey, Michel Speiser, Rigid Designator, James Horsley, Craig Tumblison, Cameron Tacklind, 之元 丁, Kevin Chi, Paul Blanchard, Lance Ahmu, Tim Cheseborough, Markus Lindström, Steve Watson, Midnight Skeptic, Dexter Scott, Potch, Indrajeet Sagar, Markus Herrmann (trekkie22), Gil Chesterton, Alipasha Sadri, Pablo de Caffe, Taylor Hornby, Mark Fisher, Colin Byrne, Nick H, Jesper de Jong, Loren Hart, Sofia Fredriksson, Phat Hoang, Spuddy, Sascha Bohemia, tesseract, Stephen Britt, KG, Hansjuerg Widmer, John Sigwald, O C, Carlos Gonzalez, Res, Thomas Kägi, James Palermo, Chris Teubert, Fran, Robert J Frey, Wolfgang Ripken, Jeremy Bowkett, Vincent Karpinski, Nicolas Frias, Louis M, kadhonn, Moose Thompson, Rick DeWitt, Andrew, Pedro Paulo Vezza Campos, S, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, George Fletcher, RobF, Vincent Seguin, Shawn, Israel Shirk, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Philip Freeman, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Lou, and Simon Dargaville. Creator - Jade Tan-Holmes Script - Jade Tan-Holmes and Simon Mackenzie Guest Speakers - Simon Mackenzie and Matjaz Leonardis Animations - Tom Greonestyn Music - Sound Effects - Standard Productions

Épisode 101 - Breakthrough in mathematics! The einstein tile

2 mai 2023

Épisode 102 - Breakthrough in physics! Quantum energy teleportation

4 mai 2023

Épisode 103 - 20-year-old math problem SOLVED! The packing colouring problem

5 mai 2023

Épisode 104 - How to make an einstein tile

6 mai 2023

Épisode 105 - Richard’s paradox

8 mai 2023

Épisode 106 - First non repeating pattern ever - Wang tiles

14 mai 2023

Épisode 107 - Biggest Schrödinger’s cat experiment ever

20 mai 2023

Épisode 108 - What's The Largest Sofa That Can Fit Around a Corner?

25 mai 2023

Sign up to Brilliant to receive a 20% discount with this link! Recommended course: Advanced Geometry Puzzles Mathematica Notebook and animations can be found at the bottom of Dan Romik's page And more here by Simon Mackenzie Hi! I'm Jade. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 Visit the Up and Atom store Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 *A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS!* Jonathan Koppelman, Michael Seydel, Cy 'kkm' K'Nelson, Thorsten Auth, Chris Flynn, Tim Barnard, AndrewA, Izzy Ca, Millennial Glacier, Richard O McEwen Jr, Scott Ready, John H. Austin, Jr., Brian Wilkins, Thomas V Lohmeier, David Johnston, Thomas Krause, Lynn Shackelford, Ave Eva Thornton, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, David Tuman, Richard Rensman, Larry Nixon, Ben Mitchell, Steve Archer, Luna, Viktor Lazarevich, Tyler Simms, Michael Geer, James Mahoney, Jim Felich, Fabio Manzini, Jeremy, Sam Richardson, Robin High, KiYun Roe, Christopher Rhoades, DONALD McLeod, Ron Hochsprung, Aria Bend, James Matheson, Kevin Anderson, Alexander230, Tim Ludwig, Alexander Del Toro Barba, Justin Smith, A. Duncan, Mark Littlehale, Tony T Flores, Dagmawi Elehu, Jeffrey Smith, Alex Hackman, bpatb, Paul Barclay, 12tone, Sergey Ten, Damien Holloway, John Lakeman, Jana Christine Saout, Jeff Schwarz, Yana Chernobilsky, Louis Mashado, Michael Dean, Chris Amaris, Matt G, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, John Shioli, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Antony Birch, Paul Bunbury, Kent Arimura, Phillip Rhodes, Michael Nugent, James N Smith, Roland Gibson, Joe McTee, Dean Fantastic, Bernard Pang, Oleg Dats, John Spalding, Simon J. Dodd, Tang Chun, Michelle, William Toffey, Michel Speiser, Rigid Designator, James Horsley, Brian Williams, Craig Tumblison, Cameron Tacklind, 之元 丁, Kevin Chi, Lance Ahmu, Tim Cheseborough, Markus Lindström, Steve Watson, Midnight Skeptic, Dexter Scott, Potch, Indrajeet Sagar, Markus Herrmann (trekkie22), Gil Chesterton, Alipasha Sadri, Pablo de Caffe, Taylor Hornby, Mark Fisher, Emily, Colin Byrne, Nick H, Jesper de Jong, Loren Hart, Sofia Fredriksson, Phat Hoang, Spuddy, Sascha Bohemia, tesseract, Stephen Britt, KG, Hansjuerg Widmer, John Sigwald, O C, Carlos Gonzalez, Res, Thomas Kägi, James Palermo, Chris Teubert, Fran, Christopher Milton, Robert J Frey, Wolfgang Ripken, Jeremy Bowkett, Vincent Karpinski, Nicolas Frias, Louis M, kadhonn, Moose Thompson, Rick DeWitt, Andrew, Pedro Paulo Vezza Campos, S, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, George Fletcher, RobF, Vincent Seguin, Shawn, Israel Shirk, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Philip Freeman, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Lou, and Simon Dargaville. Chapters 0:00 The Moving Sofa Problem 2:06 Hammersley's sofa 3:15 Gerver's Sofa 3:55 Why is it so hard? 5:34 How Gerver came up with his sofa 9:50 Thank you Brilliant! 11:23 Will you find a bigger sofa? Creator - Jade Tan-Holmes Script - Alexander Berkes Animations - Daniel Kouts and Simon Mackenzie Music -

Épisode 109 - 30 year-old math problem SOLVED

12 juin 2023

Épisode 110 - 270-year-old math problem SOLVED! Grazing goat problem

14 juin 2023

Épisode 111 - How This One Question Breaks Computers

21 juin 2023

Get Nebula using my link for 40% off an annual subscription! Recommended shows: Is Math Invented or Discovered? Becoming Human What is Code? Hi! I'm Jade. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page 🙂 Visit the Up and Atom store Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal 🙂 Sources The Nature of Computation - Cristopher Moore *A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS!* Jonathan Koppelman, Michael Seydel, Cy 'kkm' K'Nelson, Thorsten Auth, Chris Flynn, Tim Barnard, Izzy Ca, Millennial Glacier, Richard O McEwen Jr, Scott Ready, John H. Austin, Jr., Brian Wilkins, Thomas V Lohmeier, David Johnston, Thomas Krause, Lynn Shackelford, Ave Eva Thornton, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, David Tuman, Richard Rensman, Ben Mitchell, Steve Archer, Luna, Viktor Lazarevich, Tyler Simms, Michael Geer, James Mahoney, Jim Felich, Fabio Manzini, Jeremy, Sam Richardson, Robin High, KiYun Roe, Christopher Rhoades, DONALD McLeod, Ron Hochsprung, Aria Bend, James Matheson, Kevin Anderson, Alexander230, Tim Ludwig, Alexander Del Toro Barba, Justin Smith, A. Duncan, Mark Littlehale, Tony T Flores, Dagmawi Elehu, Jeffrey Smith, Alex Hackman, bpatb, Joel Becane, Paul Barclay, 12tone, Sergey Ten, Damien Holloway, John Lakeman, Jana Christine Saout, Jeff Schwarz, Yana Chernobilsky, Louis Mashado, Michael Dean, Chris Amaris, Matt G, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, John Shioli, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Julian Nagel, Cassandra Durnord, Antony Birch, Paul Bunbury, Kent Arimura, Phillip Rhodes, Michael Nugent, James N Smith, Roland Gibson, Joe McTee, Dean Fantastic, Bernard Pang, Oleg Dats, John Spalding, Simon J. Dodd, Tang Chun, Michelle, William Toffey, Michel Speiser, Rigid Designator, James Horsley, Brian Williams, Craig Tumblison, Cameron Tacklind, 之元 丁, Kevin Chi, Lance Ahmu, Tim Cheseborough, Markus Lindström, Steve Watson, Midnight Skeptic, Dexter Scott, Potch, Indrajeet Sagar, Markus Herrmann (trekkie22), Gil Chesterton, Alipasha Sadri, Pablo de Caffe, Taylor Hornby, Mark Fisher, Emily, Colin Byrne, Nick H, Jesper de Jong, Loren Hart, Sofia Fredriksson, Phat Hoang, Spuddy, Sascha Bohemia, tesseract, Stephen Britt, KG, Hansjuerg Widmer, John Sigwald, O C, Carlos Gonzalez, Res, Thomas Kägi, James Palermo, Chris Teubert, Fran, Christopher Milton, Robert J Frey, Wolfgang Ripken, Jeremy Bowkett, Vincent Karpinski, Nicolas Frias, Louis M, kadhonn, Moose Thompson, Rick DeWitt, Andrew, Pedro Paulo Vezza Campos, S, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, George Fletcher, RobF, Vincent Seguin, Shawn, Israel Shirk, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Philip Freeman, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Lou, and Simon Dargaville. Chapters 0:00 A double edged sword 1:00 Universality 3:09 Thanks Nebula! 4:32 How do we know there are problems computers will never solve? 6:05 Hilbert's Program 7:59 Decidability 11:39 Turing hears of the Entscheidungsproblem (uh-oh) 13:27 The Halting Problem 16:42 Undecidability Creator - Jade Tan-Holmes Written by Zoe Cocchiaro and Jade Tan-Holmes Animations by Tom Groenestyn Editing by Standard Productions Music -

Épisode 112 - Mystery math genius Cleo

22 juin 2023

Épisode 113 - AI plays hide and seek

25 juin 2023

See more at

Épisode 114 - We’ve squared the circle

30 juin 2023


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