Poster de la serie Une femme

Une femme


Année : 2017

Nombre de saisons : 3

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 120 minutes

Genre(s) : Drame, Famille

Bahar est une jeune mère célibataire. Après la mort accidentelle de son mari Sarp il y a 4 ans, elle se retrouve seule avec ses deux enfants, Nisan et Doruk. Malgré ses efforts pour subvenir à leurs besoins elle a beaucoup de mal à leur offrir des conditions de vie décentes.


Une femme saison 1

Saison 1


Une femme saison 2

Saison 2


Une femme saison 3

Saison 3


Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - 1. Bölüm

24 octobre 2017 - 4.4/5

Bahar vit seule avec ses deux enfants, Nisan et Doruk. L'amour de sa vie et le père de ses enfants, Sarp, est mort. Tous les soirs, elle leur raconte l'histoire de sa rencontre avec Sarp…

Épisode 2 - 2. Bölüm

31 octobre 2017 - 4.2/5

Bahar cache tant bien que mal ses difficultés financières à Nisan et Doruk. Elle doit trouver un autre travail, car un seul salaire ne suffit plus à élever ses deux enfants. Sirin est obsédée par la mort de Sarp. Tout semble indiquer qu'elle a un lien avec le mystérieux accident de ferry qui lui a fait perdre la vie.

Épisode 3 - 3. Bölüm

7 novembre 2017 - 4.5/5

Bahar est contrainte d'aller voir sa mère après vingt ans de séparation. Sa demande d'aide financière auprès de l'État n’a pas abouti mais le fils du propriétaire de son appartement trouve un arrangement pour le prochain loyer.

Épisode 4 - 4. Bölüm

14 novembre 2017 - 4.3/5

Bahar raconte à Nisan et Doruk la demande en mariage de leur père. Elle rencontre Hikmet, un homme jaloux et menaçant qui interdit à Ceyda, la voisine de palier de Bahar, de fréquenter qui que ce soit.

Épisode 5 - 5. Bölüm

21 novembre 2017 - 4.3/5

Hatice comprend que les dessins de poires de Şirin sont en rapport avec la mort de Sarp. Yeliz et Teoman se marient tandis que Ceyda est violemment battue par Hikmet. Nisan tombe sur Şirin au parc et Bahar rencontre sa demi-sœur pour la première fois.

Épisode 6 - 6. Bölüm

28 novembre 2017 - 4.4/5

Bahar raconte à Yeliz son début de relation avec Sarp, puis la dernière journée qu'ils ont passée ensemble. Hatice trouve les dessins représentant Sarp dans la chambre de Şirin. Mère et fille s'expliquent…

Épisode 7 - 7. Bölüm

5 décembre 2017 - 4.4/5

Enver rend une visite surprise à Bahar et aux enfants sans le dire à Hatice. De son côté, Hatice, inquiète pour Şirin, demande des explications à son professeur concernant les dessins de poires et comprend qu’ils ont un rapport avec la mort de Sarp.

Épisode 8 - 8. Bölüm

12 décembre 2017 - 4.4/5

Bahar jongle avec difficulté entre ses deux emplois et l'éducation de ses enfants. Musa et Bahar font plus ample connaissance grâce à Bora et Doruk, tandis que le couple de Jale bat de l'aile. Nisan et Doruk passent la journée chez leurs grands-parents, mais entre Bahar et Hatice, les démons du passé ressurgissent.

Épisode 9 - 9. Bölüm

19 décembre 2017 - 4.4/5

En entendant une conversation entre Bahar et sa mère, Şirin s'interpose et dit la vérité sur le père de Bahar. Plus tard, elle confie à sa mère un secret concernant Sarp cette fois-ci…

Épisode 10 - 10. Bölüm

26 décembre 2017 - 4.4/5

Nisan et Doruk ont hâte de recevoir le chauffe-eau pour enfin prendre un bain chaud. Şirin, qui ne veut pas entendre parler de Bahar et des enfants, fait la guerre à sa mère parce qu'elle a acheté ce chauffe-eau.

Épisode 11 - 11. Bölüm

9 janvier 2018 - 4.4/5

Bahar est épuisée par le rythme effréné imposé par ses deux emplois et s'évanouit de fatigue à son travail. Musa lui demande de l'aide pour soigner Bora de son mal de ventre. Les deux familles apprennent un peu plus à se connaître, tandis qu'un ancien amant de Jale refait surface.

Épisode 12 - 12. Bölüm

16 janvier 2018 - 4.4/5

Enver ne comprend pas le rejet d'Hatice envers Bahar et ses enfants. Yeliz insiste pour emmener Bahar dîner, avec une idée en tête : la présenter à un ami de Teoman. Şirin, qui doit justifier ses absences à son professeur, invente un nouveau mensonge.

Épisode 13 - 13. Bölüm

23 janvier 2018 - 4.4/5

Bahar doit réconforter Nisan et Doruk qui ont découvert un article prétendant que Sarp était un pervers. D'autre part, Yusuf lui laisse un mot en lui donnant un mois pour quitter l'appartement. Elle décide de négocier son départ lors d'une partie de backgammon contre Arif.

Épisode 14 - 14. Bölüm

30 janvier 2018 - 4.3/5

Jale et Musa reçoivent Sinan et sa compagne à dîner. Enver confronte Şirin et lui demande des explications sur le mensonge qu'elle a raconté à ses professeurs. Nisan et Doruk tombent malades. Enver vient s'occuper d'eux pendant que Bahar travaille. Débordé, il demande de l'aide à Hatice, qui les rejoint. Mais un simple appel téléphonique va tout faire basculer.

Épisode 15 - 15. Bölüm

6 février 2018 - 4.3/5

Ayant très mal pris le fait que sa mère soit chez Bahar, Şirin a mis la maison sens dessus dessous et tenté de se suicider. Hatice, trouvant sa fille presque morte, se blesse intentionnellement. Les deux femmes sont hospitalisées...

Épisode 16 - 16. Bölüm

13 février 2018 - 4.3/5

Şirin et Hatice sont toutes les deux hospitalisées. Jale dit clairement à Şirin ce qu'elle pense d'elle. De son côté, Enver découvre par hasard le téléphone de Sarp caché dans la chambre de Şirin.

Épisode 17 - 17. Bölüm

20 février 2018 - 4.3/5

Bahar sort Ceyda et Yusuf d'une situation très délicate avec Umran, la femme de Hikmet. Elle apprend par le travail d'Hatice que sa mère est à l'hôpital et tente par tous les moyens de lui rendre visite, mais Enver refuse de la laisser entrer pour préserver les sentiments de Şirin. Bahar se tourne vers Jale et lui demande de l'aide.

Épisode 18 - 18. Bölüm

27 février 2018 - 4.3/5

Bahar raconte son mariage à ses enfants. Hatice se réveille et sort de l'hôpital. Enver, qui a trouvé le téléphone de Sarp dans la chambre de Şirin, est confus.

Épisode 19 - 19. Bölüm

6 mars 2018 - 4.3/5

Enver se remémore le soir où Sarp est mort et se retrouve face à une réalité : Şirin leur a caché toute la vérité. Jale, quant à elle, avoue à Sinan qu'elle n'est pas amoureuse de son mari, Musa.

Épisode 20 - 20. Bölüm

13 mars 2018 - 4.4/5

Bahar s'évanouit en préparant des gâteaux à vendre pendant la kermesse. Elle s'en veut d'aller travailler et de laisser ses enfants seuls, ignorant que Nisan a demandé à Arif de s'occuper d'eux pendant la vente des gâteaux. Il tient sa promesse et fait une surprise aux enfants en apportant une machine à barbe à papa. Nisan le présente à ses camarades comme étant son père.

Épisode 21 - 21. Bölüm

20 mars 2018 - 4.3/5

Jale s'inquiète de l'état de santé de Bahar tandis que Doruk s'échappe de l'école pour retrouver un chien perdu. Enver ne croit pas aux mensonges de sa fille. Il fait envoyer le téléphone de Sarp. Hatice, en voulant récupérer le téléphone, se retrouve à chercher son petit-fils avec Bahar.

Épisode 22 - 22. Bölüm

27 mars 2018 - 4.3/5

Bahar raconte à Yeliz qu'un inconnu lui a remis le téléphone de Sarp. Yeliz la pousse à lire les messages pour découvrir si Sarp avait des secrets. Jale est heureuse de trouver un bouquet de fleurs envoyé par Sinan, mais sa joie se transforme en déception quand elle découvre que Sinan continue sa relation avec sa petite amie Fusun.

Épisode 23 - 23. Bölüm

3 avril 2018 - 4.3/5

En regardant dans le téléphone de Sarp, Bahar et les enfants découvrent une photo prise le jour de sa mort. Bahar se rend alors à Toprakli avec les enfants pour rencontrer Bahtiyar, l'homme présent sur la photo. Ce dernier lui remet une lettre écrite pour elle de la main de Sarp, qui révèle l'enfance difficile de son défunt mari.

Épisode 24 - 24. Bölüm

10 avril 2018 - 4.3/5

En regardant les messages dans le téléphone de Sarp, Bahar découvre, catastrophée, qu'il avait une maîtresse…

Épisode 25 - 25. Bölüm

17 avril 2018 - 4.3/5

Bahar décide d'appeler le numéro de l'inconnue à qui Sarp a envoyé les messages. Şirin reçoit l'appel et décroche mais ne parle pas. Bahar s'effondre mais Yeliz est là pour la soutenir.

Épisode 26 - 26. Bölüm

24 avril 2018 - 4.3/5

Bahar se fait voler son sac avec son salaire. Yeliz ne peut pas l'aider et Enver refuse de lui répondre. C'est finalement Arif qui vient la sauver. Şirin invente une excuse pour faire la connaissance d'Arif sous une fausse identité.

Épisode 27 - 27. Bölüm

1 mai 2018 - 4.4/5

Jale et Sinan alertent Bahar sur son état de santé. Yeliz avoue à Bahar que Teoman la trompe. Şirin fait semblant d'avoir un petit-ami.

Épisode 28 - 28. Bölüm

8 mai 2018 - 4.4/5

À l'école des enfants, Jale alerte Bahar sur son état de santé et l'encourage à se soigner. Ceyda confie avoir vu Enver dans le quartier peu de temps avant que Bahar ne découvre les messages sur le téléphone de Sarp.

Épisode 29 - 29. Bölüm

15 mai 2018 - 4.3/5

Bahar résiste face au harcèlement de Şirin et aux symptômes de plus en plus virulents de sa maladie.

Épisode 30 - 30. Bölüm

22 mai 2018 - 4.4/5

Nisan remporte le concours d'écriture de l'école et gagne des livres ainsi qu'un ordinateur. Cependant, elle ne parle pas de l'ordinateur à sa mère et veut le vendre.

Épisode 31 - 31. Bölüm

29 mai 2018 - 4.4/5

Enver, who wants to meet Sarp, is in great danger. When he tells Ceyda and Yeliz that Sarp is alive, Yeliz does not want to hide the truth from Bahar. Suat decides to use the trump card of Şirin in the smartest way and introduces her to Pırıl. Then Şirin, who does not want anyone from her family to be harmed, wants to get along well with Suat. Arif confesses his feelings to Bahar with Ceyda's encouragement. Surprised by what Arif says, Bahar's response to this confession is a matter of curiosity...

Épisode 32 - 32. Bölüm

5 juin 2018 - 4.4/5

Bahar panics when she learns that Enver has been hospitalized. Hatice, who encounters Sarp, thinks that Sarp is to blame. Bahar starts to act closer to Arif after his confession. Arif's love for Bahar increases day by day. Şirin blames herself for what happened to her father. Afraid of losing Sarp, Pırıl tries to convince Sarp to go to America again after everything that has happened. A big surprise awaits Sarp...

Épisode 1 - 33. Bölüm

2 octobre 2018 - 4.6/5

Doruk cannot get over the shock of seeing his father. Arif, who witnesses Doruk and Alp's encounter, is horrified. As things get out of hand on the Sarp and Arif front, what will Arif do when he learns that Sarp is alive? Hatice, who is torn between Şirin and Bahar, will face her own truth.

Épisode 2 - 34. Bölüm

9 octobre 2018 - 4.5/5

Bahar panics when Jale tells Bahar that she has seen Sarp. Arif, who no longer hides his love for Bahar from anyone, tells his father openly. Jale, who has to take the marrow from Şirin after no other suitable marrow is found, tries to convince Bahar. But even the thought of being dependent on Şirin scares Bahar. Enver, who catches Şirin in another lie, does not want to see her at home again. So Şirin leaves the house and what will be her next move?

Épisode 3 - 35. Bölüm

16 octobre 2018 - 4.5/5

After leaving the house after her fight with Enver, Şirin goes to Suat. Asking Suat to arrange a place for her to stay, Şirin has very different plans in mind. Sarp, who suddenly shows up at Enver's door, wants the question marks in his mind to be clarified. Bahar, whose illness is progressing, is suddenly hospitalized. Hatice is left alone with the fear of losing her daughter. Hatice realizes that Arif is in love with Bahar and wants her daughter to be happy now. After his confession to Hatice, Arif decides to play his cards more openly against Bahar.

Épisode 4 - 36. Bölüm

23 octobre 2018 - 4.5/5

Sarp is shocked by the scene he sees at Bahar and the children's grave and has only one question on his mind: Is everything he believed until today a lie? After what happened, Sarp goes to ask Suat to account for what happened, but no force will be able to convince him that Bahar and the children are no longer alive. When he goes to the door to look for a solution in Enver, he meets Arif at the door of the house. Arif cannot even tolerate seeing Sarp. Will Sarp, who no longer believes anyone, be sure that Bahar and the children are alive and be reunited with them this time?

Épisode 5 - 37. Bölüm

30 octobre 2018 - 4.5/5

Sarp, who is surprised to be reunited with his children, is also excited to see Bahar. Nisan and Doruk could not believe that they saw their father. Doruk even thinks that it was a dream. When Sarp learns that Bahar's only hope is Şirin, the solution will develop in a way he never planned.

Épisode 6 - 38. Bölüm

6 novembre 2018 - 4.5/5

It is a matter of curiosity how Sarp convinces Şirin who agrees to give marrow to Bahar. Şirin, on the other hand, does her best to make Bahar uneasy even though she agrees to give the marrow. While even the thought of Sarp knowing that she and her brother have a relationship causes Bahar to be devastated, Şirin goes one step further. Hiding the fact that Sarp is alive from Bahar starts to disturb Arif inwardly.

Épisode 7 - 39. Bölüm

13 novembre 2018 - 4.5/5

After seeing the message on Sarp's phone, Pırıl gets very angry. Pırıl goes to Enver and Hatice and what she has to say about Şirin will surprise everyone. Enver says that he doesn't want to see Şirin at home again. Because Şirin has disappointed her family more and more each time. Şirin thinks that no one needs her anymore after the marrow she gave to Bahar. Although Arif's secret is too much for her, Yeliz's coming on top of it has brought her to the point of explosion. She is also extremely disturbed that the people around her see her as an opportunist. However, Arif's love for Bahar is strong enough to do anything for her sake.

Épisode 8 - 40. Bölüm

20 novembre 2018 - 4.5/5

Bahar, who regains her health with Şirin's marrow donation, returns home. As she returns to her old happy and healthy days, she wants to take the opportunity to tell Nisan that she and Arif are engaged. How will Nisan react to this situation? Will Nezir, who is trying to find Sarp, finally achieve his goal? Knowing that Bahar is alive, Sarp, who cannot stop seeing her, decides to confront Bahar.

Épisode 9 - 41. Bölüm

27 novembre 2018 - 4.5/5

After breaking up with Arif, Bahar suddenly finds Sarp in front of her. Finding her husband who died years ago will give her the biggest shock of her life. Arif, who witnesses the reunion of Sarp and Bahar, is devastated by what he sees. Şirin, who never wants Sarp and Bahar to be together, tries to find another way to find the photos she lost when Enver broke her phone.

Épisode 10 - 42. Bölüm

4 décembre 2018 - 4.5/5

Enver, who stops by Arif's side, panics after seeing blood in the coffee shop and thinks that something bad has happened to Arif. Bahar, who witnesses that her children are shaken with Sarp's return, will be confused with a sentence of Nisan's. Will Nisan, who makes a big blunder and learns that her father has two more children, tell Bahar? Sarp, who wants to have the photos removed from Şirin's hands, shows up at Şirin's door. Enver, who is disturbed by Sarp's frequent visits to his house, says that Şirin no longer has the photos. What will Sarp do if he sees these photos as the only obstacle on his way to be with Bahar? Will he go back to Bahar? Will Bahar, who tells Arif that she loves him very much, forgive Sarp despite everything?

Épisode 11 - 43. Bölüm

11 décembre 2018 - 4.5/5

Bahar's blood rushes to her head when she learns that Sarp was the one who brought Şirin to the hospital to give her a marrow. Not knowing what to do, Bahar storms out of the house and wants to go to Şirin and ask her to pay for this. At the same time, Şirin, who wants to make a deal with Pırıl, gets a very good opportunity thanks to Suat. Left alone with the fear of losing Sarp, Pırıl now has no choice but to cooperate with Şirin. A very bad surprise awaits Bahar, who is excited to meet Sarp with a sudden message.

Épisode 12 - 44. Bölüm

18 décembre 2018 - 4.5/5

Bahar has one of the hardest days of her life when she sees Sarp with Pırıl and her children. Since she doesn't want to hide anything from her children anymore, she decides to tell this to Nisan and Doruk. But only by changing one thing. Hatice thinks that Şirin is behind this incident again. After the promises she made to Enver, Şirin has stirred things up again. On top of all this, Enver is surprised when Şirin tells him about the money Hatice took from Sarp. Having lost his trust in Hatice, Enver has no one left in his family to trust except Bahar. Pırıl is relieved when Bahar sees the children. But there is only one thing she forgets during this phase; Sarp's great love for Bahar.

Épisode 13 - 45. Bölüm

25 décembre 2018 - 4.5/5

Sarp reaches Bahar with the phone call he sent to Enver and his only wish is that Bahar and his children are safe. Bahar, on the other hand, has no trust in Sarp after all that has happened. She does not want to believe what he will say from now on. Because Bahar has only one thing more important than love; her children. On the other hand, Nezir makes a move and sends his men to the neighborhood where Bahar and her children live.

Épisode 14 - 46. Bölüm

22 janvier 2019 - 4.4/5

As soon as he learns that Nezir's men are going to kidnap Bahar, Sarp goes to Tarlabaşı and takes Bahar and the children away from the neighborhood. Suat, who cannot understand how Sarp got this news, suspects Şirin and Münir. With this suspicion, he distances himself from both of them. Sarp, who has been longing for Bahar and the children for a long time and making plans to reunite with them, is happy that he saved them and took them away from danger despite everything. Bahar, on the other hand, is unhappy for leaving everyone where those dangerous men are. Bahar asks Sarp to find out if everyone is safe and Bahar is worried about them. But Sarp will hide the fact that someone has died from Bahar so that she doesn't get upset. The news of this death will shatter everyone.

Épisode 15 - 47. Bölüm

29 janvier 2019 - 4.4/5

Devastated by Yeliz's death, Ceyda will encounter something else she never expected. Hatice, Enver and Arif wonder more and more about Bahar every day because they have not heard from her. Although Arif is unhappy about what has happened, all he wants is for Bahar to be safe.When Pırıl arrives at the Dağ house, the people at home are in for a big shock. Unable to stand Pırıl's talk as if everything is fine, Bahar remembers only one thing that will reveal all of Pırıl's secrets.

Épisode 16 - 48. Bölüm

5 février 2019 - 4.4/5

Sarp becomes insane with jealousy when he learns that Bahar used her only right to call Arif. While wondering who Arif is and why Bahar is looking for him, he also tries to understand why the children love Arif so much. Bahar, who is tired of Sarp's questions and interrogations, gives him a very big reaction. Reminding him that she never asked him any questions about Pırıl, she makes it clear that she doesn't want any questions about Arif either. While she thinks that Şirin is the one who gave Sarp the news about the kidnapping, Suat's whole attitude will change with a shocking information. When Pırıl learns that Bahar has seen her before and is aware of everything, she panics. But she will face a reaction she never expected. As Bahar gets one step closer to the news of Yeliz's death with each passing day, a great danger awaits Doruk and Nisan.

Épisode 17 - 49. Bölüm

12 février 2019 - 4.4/5

Bahar remembers Münir's voice and realizes that he is the man who kidnapped her children. Remembering everything piece by piece, Bahar realizes that Pırıl is also involved and teaches her a lesson she will never forget. But while teaching her this lesson, she will not keep the promise she made to her. Because the only thing Bahar cannot forgive in life is the thought of harming someone's children. Sarp, who learns about Pırıl and Münir's plans, goes crazy and says that he doesn't want them in his life anymore. But will Pırıl accept all Bahar's accusations? Sarp's speech about Ali and Ömer will bring another question to mind. Are Ali and Ömer really Sarp's children? Bahar, who misses her home and family very much, finds a way to reach them. Things will get complicated when an unexpected person answers Bahar.

Épisode 18 - 50. Bölüm

19 février 2019 - 4.4/5

Bahar, who learns from Emre that Yeliz is dead, does not know what to do and how to act. In desperation, she thinks that Sarp is the only one to blame for all these events. Faced with the fact that an innocent person and one of her closest friends has died, Bahar does not want to wait any longer with her hands tied and calls Arif to pick her up. Arif, who comes to pick Bahar up, realizes once again how much he misses Bahar. Bahar, who wants to go to Yeliz, sets off with Arif. Sarp, who is uncomfortable with Arif and Bahar going alone, does not know what to do. Sarp, who doesn't even want to think about the idea of them being lovers, is confronted with the truth by Pırıl.

Épisode 19 - 51. Bölüm

26 février 2019 - 4.4/5

Bahar does not know what to do when she gets caught by Sarp while trying to escape with Arif. Although she doesn't want to stay in the house with Sarp anymore, she has to go back to the house to prevent the incident from escalating after Sarp and Arif's fight. Sarp, on the other hand, goes crazy after seeing Bahar trying to escape with Arif. Sarp is devastated when Bahar confesses that she loves Arif after all that has happened. Pırıl, on the other hand, is so tired of witnessing Sarp's love for Bahar every day that she can't stand it and rebels. Her love for Sarp pushes her to do something very impulsive after all that has happened. Hatice, who realizes Emre's interest in Şirin, is very happy at the thought of getting rid of Suat. Idil, another version of Şirin, has already taken her guard against Şirin. These two, who do not like each other at all, will continue to dig each other's wells behind each other's backs.

Épisode 20 - 52. Bölüm

5 mars 2019 - 4.4/5

Suat, who comes to pick up Pırıl, does not want to let Sarp upset his daughter anymore. Bahar asks Pırıl to take her with her. Because she is now determined to go to Tarlabaşı and tell everything to the police. But will Pırıl fulfill Bahar's request? Arif is arrested with the mysterious gun found in Arif's coffee shop and Arif is in shock and doesn't know what to do. How will Arif, who is innocent of any crime, get out of this incident?

Épisode 21 - 53. Bölüm

12 mars 2019 - 4.3/5

Nezir, who learns the location of the chalet, will be very disappointed not to see Sarp when he arrives home. He kidnaps Pırıl in order to get stronger against Sarp and find him as soon as possible. But with Pırıl, he will have used all the trump cards in his hand. Nezir now has only one question he wants the answer to; where is Sarp Çeşmeli? Will Sarp, who had an accident unaware of everything that happened, survive this accident? Even if he survives, will he be able to save them and himself from Nezir who has taken his family hostage?

Épisode 22 - 54. Bölüm

19 mars 2019 - 4.4/5

Arif goes to jail after he refuses to tell the police the truth to protect Bahar. The only way out of this slander is a good lawyer. Although Arif is determined not to tell anyone anything, he will face a big shock after meeting his lawyer. Sarp, who surrendered to Nezir, is one step closer to death. In response, he asks Nezir to release his family, but there is something he forgets. Nezir wants not only to kill him but also to make him suffer the pain he has suffered.

Épisode 23 - 55. Bölüm

26 mars 2019 - 4.3/5

Arif is confused when he learns that his brother has a lawyer, and Kısmet is one of his biggest chances in this process. Kısmet, who examines the incident down to the finest details, will not let this go until she solves the slander against her brother. As a result of her investigations, Kısmet gets very close to Arif's secret. Will she be able to save Arif from prison? Sarp, whose hands are tied, hates himself more and more every day because he thinks that everything that has happened is his fault. Although Bahar tries not to show it to Nisan and Doruk, she is very afraid that Sarp will be harmed. Nezir, who plays a game with Sarp and asks him to make a choice, is determined to hurt someone to hurt him.

Épisode 24 - 56. Bölüm

2 avril 2019 - 4.3/5

Shocked by Nezir's marriage proposal, Bahar and Pırıl do not know what to do. For Nezir, who says that he will release Sarp in exchange for one of them marrying him, this offer is just a revenge. Because marrying his ex-wife or his new wife will hurt Sarp even more than death. Kısmet, who examines everything to the finest detail to save Arif, thinks she has found a big clue with a sudden call. But is what she thinks is a clue real? Now Nezir Korkmaz has another enemy; Kısmet Avcı.

Épisode 25 - 57. Bölüm

9 avril 2019 - 4.3/5

Returning home, Bahar does not want Şirin to be close to her children. Because she thinks that she has ruined her life and that she is the cause of everything and this has strengthened her hatred towards her. Bahar still has doubts after what happened. Nezir, who did not tell anyone why he released them, told it to only one person. Arif, who is freed from prison, first wants to go to Bahar. Kısmet, who saved Arif, will not let what happened go easily.

Épisode 26 - 58. Bölüm

16 avril 2019 - 4.3/5

Having escaped from prison, Arif wants to go to Bahar as soon as possible. Kısmet senses Arif's excitement and helps him in this regard. Reuniting with Bahar after the hard days he has been through, Arif feels good to see her. Unaware of what is happening, he thinks that everything is slowly getting better. Hatice, who cannot understand Ceyda's attitude towards Bahar, gives Ceyda a big blow. As a mother, she no longer wants her children to be upset and she does not want anyone to upset them. Sarp, who cannot understand why Nezir released them, will now be able to continue his life as Sarp Çeşmeli. Hatice thinks that Şirin has changed with Emre, but Enver never believes it. Could Emre have really changed Şirin? Or will Şirin go back to her old obsessive days after seeing Sarp?

Épisode 27 - 59. Bölüm

23 avril 2019 - 4.3/5

İdil, who learns that Emre does not care about Şirin, thinks that she has lost her only trump card. She resorts to other means to get the money she needs from Şirin. As soon as Şirin learns that Ceyda's son is Emre's, she rushes to Ceyda's side. Unable to understand how Şirin found out and devastated, Ceyda has only one name to blame for this situation: Bahar.

Épisode 28 - 60. Bölüm

30 avril 2019 - 4.3/5

Pırıl sends Şirin's photos with Sarp to Bahar in a moment of anger and does not know what to do. Suat, on the other hand, does not want these photos to fall into Bahar's hands. Because Sarp cannot tolerate even the possibility of returning to Pırıl. Hatice, who does not even want to think that Şirin is interested in Sarp again, is very scared inside. A repeat of such a thing would cause great harm to her family. Suspicious that he has a son with Ceyda, Emre decides to ask her about it openly and will be shocked by what he hears. Bahar, who is tired of always fighting with Sarp, decides to put an end to everything. Will Bahar, who also broke up with Arif for her children, forgive Sarp? Or will she allow him to stay with them only as the father of her children?

Épisode 29 - 61. Bölüm

7 mai 2019 - 4.3/5

Sarp moves to Saray Apartment to be closer to the children and Bahar and does his best to be a family again. Arif is in shock when he learns that Sarp is the new tenant who comes to the apartment unaware of everything. Ceyda, who is one of the most upset about Arif and Bahar's separation, tries to convince Bahar to bring them back together. Because she does not think that Bahar will get back together with Sarp after the bad things she has caused. Bahar, on the other hand, has already given up her own happiness for the happiness of her children. Bahar, who is curious about what Şirin and Sarp have lived in the past, confronts them. But she will not like what she hears. Wondering what they lived in the past, will Bahar believe Sarp or Şirin who lies at every opportunity?

Épisode 30 - 62. Bölüm

14 mai 2019 - 4.3/5

Arif is in great shock when he learns that Sarp has moved to Saray Apartment. Even though Bahar and the children are in the way, he is determined to do everything he can to get Sarp out of the house somehow. Bahar, on the other hand, feels guilty towards Arif for not knowing anything and feels uneasy. Because she is aware that having Sarp and Arif in the same apartment will hurt her the most. The fact that Arif thinks that Bahar no longer has feelings for Sarp and openly tells this to Sarp makes Sarp very angry. The argument between Sarp and Arif will grow even more with this incident. A bad surprise during the preparations for Doruk's circumcision wedding will complicate things even more.

Épisode 31 - 63. Bölüm

21 mai 2019 - 4.3/5

Sarp is shocked when the police arrive on his way to Doruk's circumcision and wonders why the police arrested him. April and Doruk, who witnessed their father being taken away by the police, are deeply affected by this event. But having Arif by their side is one of their biggest chances. While the preparations for the circumcision are in full swing, Şirin finds something to stir things up again and reveals the photo issue. As a result, Pırıl is forced to tell Bahar everything. Bahar, who is surprised, is fed up with Şirin's evil deeds and asks her to account for them. But Şirin will not behave well again in the face of this reaction. Ceyda will experience one of the happiest moments of her life with a big surprise she did not expect.

Épisode 32 - 64. Bölüm

28 mai 2019 - 4.3/5

Ceyda experiences one of her happiest days when Emre brings Arda. Seeing Arda and Emre together makes her both happy and emotional. This time Şirin has been instrumental in something good, unaware of everything. After the photo incident, Enver, who can no longer take what Şirin has done, gives a big rest to Şirin. As a result, what will Şirin do that will shock everyone? Sarp, Arif and Hatice are very scared when they see Bahar suddenly fainting on the road. There is only one question on everyone's mind; will Bahar's illness relapse? As they set off for the hospital in a panic, who will be affected and how will the horrible surprise affect them?

Épisode 1 - 65. Bölüm

1 octobre 2019 - 3.8/5

Everyone is in shock when they learn about the accident. Arif blames himself for everything because he was driving the car. Unaware of the accident, Nisan and Doruk start doing favors for their mother's recovery. Emre, who lost Arda during his fight with Şirin, panics and looks for him everywhere. What will be the attitude of Ceyda, who entrusted Arda to Emre, after learning this? Enver, who is most affected by the big accident, is devastated. While there are moments of fear in the hospital, there is only one question on everyone's mind; who will survive this accident and who will not?

Épisode 2 - 66. Bölüm

8 octobre 2019 - 4/5

Everyone is devastated when they receive the news of Hatice's death. The person who reacts the most is Şirin, who has to say goodbye to the person she loved the most in her life. Feeling more helpless than ever, Şirin regrets everything she has ever done to her mother. Arif, who thinks that it is all his fault for running a red light, is experiencing great remorse. Bahar, on the other hand, is aware that it was an accident and does not want Arif to upset her any more. After the death of her mother, Şirin turns into a little girl and will this pain make her a good person or a worse person? Can Enver get used to Hatice's absence when he loves her so much? Will Arif be able to get rid of his guilty conscience?

Épisode 3 - 67. Bölüm

15 octobre 2019 - 3.8/5

After Hatice's death, Şirin and Enver are shattered and don't even want to stay at home. Hatice's trace everywhere gives them a hard time. All kinds of environmental factors also affect Şirin's psychology negatively. Everyone is shocked when Bahar forgives Sarp after Şirin's confession. They start to dream together again like the old days and continue to live their love. When Sarp suddenly doesn't wake up in the hospital room, Bahar experiences moments of fear. Even the thought of losing her ex-husband again when she has just reunited with him drives her crazy. As everything is just getting back on track, will Bahar experience the pain of death again or will she continue everything from where she left off?

Épisode 4 - 68. Bölüm

22 octobre 2019 - 3.8/5

As Sarp's condition worsens, Bahar is devastated. Having just lost her mother, she does not know how to cope with the thought of losing her ex-husband again. Enver, who still cannot get used to Hatice's absence, continues his imaginary conversations. The last time Şirin saw her father talking to himself, she started to worry about him. With a bad event that will happen to Enver because of this incident, everyone will panic again.

Épisode 5 - 69. Bölüm

29 octobre 2019 - 3.8/5

The house burned down in a fire caused by Enver's carelessness. Everyone who receives the news is in great shock. Şirin was undoubtedly the most affected by this event. Şirin's telling the children that Arif is in prison complicates things even more. It doesn't take long for Bahar to learn this. Bahar asks Şirin to account for this and gets an unexpected reaction from Şirin. After this reaction, will Bahar realize that Şirin will not change? Or will she still continue to believe in her? Ceyda is devastated when she learns that Emre, who had a DNA test, is not Arda's father after the test result. Unable to make sense of the test, Ceyda decides to get tested again with Bahar's help. Having succeeded in this, Ceyda and Bahar are waiting for a shocking news from Jale. Is Arda really Emre's son? Or could Ceyda be mistaken?

Épisode 6 - 70. Bölüm

5 novembre 2019 - 3.8/5

Şirin, whose behavior towards Arif suddenly changes, has a plan in mind. Trying to get closer to Arif, does Şirin plan to take revenge on Bahar or Arif in this way? Bahar and Ceyda find a job with the help of Berşan, which makes Bahar suspicious. Even though she thinks something is wrong, she does not want to give up this job for her children. Cem, the boss of the catering business she has just met, is a very interesting character and Bahar realizes this. The people she communicates with about the business also start to make her more suspicious. The raid on Bahar and Ceyda's house will scare them even more and confuse them even more. Is Cem, the mysterious new boss, really dangerous?

Épisode 7 - 71. Bölüm

12 novembre 2019 - 3.8/5

Bahar, who got into trouble with Ceyda, is in a great shock when the police arrive. Although they somehow manage to escape from the police, a much bigger danger awaits them. Because Cem has no intention of letting go of their pots. Enver uses Enver's tailor shop to get closer to Bahar and Ceyda, which frightens them even more.Şirin's close behavior towards Arif starts to disturb Ceyda even more. Bahar doesn't want to get involved in this incident because she thinks she has no right to be angry with Arif. But she has a strange feeling. Ceyda, on the other hand, is aware that something is going on with Şirin. What is the real plan of Şirin who hates Arif lately?

Épisode 8 - 72. Bölüm

19 novembre 2019 - 3.8/5

After Cem's threats, Bahar, Ceyda and Barshan, who are looking for a way to pay their debts to him, have reached a dead end. The first thing that comes to Ceyda's mind is the jewelry she sees in Fazilet's room. Ceyda, who is desperate to steal the jewels, does not know what to do when Raif suddenly appears in front of her. How will Raif behave when he sees Ceyda? Arif, who is disturbed by the closeness between Berşan and Bahar, wants to warn Bahar. But in return, Bahar makes it clear that she is uncomfortable with Arif being close to Şirin. Because Bahar and Arif are still two people who care about each other's well-being and want nothing bad to happen to them. Bahar tries to pay off Cem's debt somehow, but when Ceyda and Berşan make a mistake, things will get complicated and they will face something that Cem never wanted.

Épisode 9 - 73. Bölüm

26 novembre 2019 - 3.8/5

Cem is furious when Bahar, Ceyda and Berşan bring his father from the hospital instead of the package. In a great panic, Cem tries to find the package he needs, but there is an obstacle in front of him. Arif's warning to Berşan to stay away from Bahar makes her angry. She is very disappointed that Arif still thinks about Bahar. Because she has never felt as valuable as Bahar, Şirin makes a plan because she wants to be closer to Arif. As a result of this plan, Arif will get into trouble. Will Arif's life be in danger because of Şirin's plan? Or will this plan break the ice between Arif and Bahar?

Épisode 10 - 74. Bölüm

3 décembre 2019 - 3.8/5

With Şirin's confusion, Arif suspects that Bahar and Ceyda are hiding something. After Bahar and Ceyda's blunder, Arif realizes that something is wrong. Ceyda, who thought that she still loved Bahar from Arif's protective attitude and what he said, was touched by this incident. Bahar, who somehow learned about the game Şirin played on Arif, does not hide it this time and openly tells everyone that Şirin had her beaten up. As a result, Arif and Enver will be in a great shock. Bahar, who realizes that Şirin has not changed and will not change, will never trust her anymore. In one of Cem's last tasks against Bahar, Bahar will encounter a name she never expected. As a result, will Bahar, who wants to get rid of Cem as soon as possible, get into trouble again? Or will this mission really be his last?

Épisode 11 - 75. Bölüm

12 décembre 2019 - 3.8/5

Bahar is in a great shock when she realizes that Kısmet is the person she was looking for in the invitation sent by Cem. Bahar, who can never understand what she has gotten into, wants to change bags with Kısmet and leave the place as soon as possible. But this will not be as easy as she thought. The proof that Satılmış is Ceyda and Emre's biological child puts Ceyda in a situation she never wanted. Ceyda, who doesn't want to leave Arda and never want him to be sad, doesn't know what to do and how to act. Because Satılmış is nothing like the children she is used to.

Épisode 12 - 76. Bölüm

19 décembre 2019 - 3.8/5

After Şirin's words, Dursun tries to take Arda with him in order to get more money and encounters something he never expected. Enver, who has never held a gun in his hand before, threatens Dursun in order not to give Arda to him, which gives everyone a great shock and fear. Arif is happy to see the necklace he bought for Bahar on her neck again. Arif feels that something has changed for Bahar after a long time and gets hopeful again. The fact that no one wants her after the evil she has done starts to make Şirin uneasy and her new plan will put everyone in a much more difficult situation.

Épisode 13 - 77. Bölüm

23 décembre 2019 - 3.8/5

Arif and Bahar set out to throw the gun that Enver found in the house into the sea and think that they have succeeded. But Şirin does what she will do again and takes the gun with her, replacing it with another package. This event makes them think that Şirin has something evil in mind again, but what is the real reason for taking the gun?

Épisode 14 - 78. Bölüm

14 janvier 2020 - 4/5

As they are getting ready to enter the New Year, the gunshot heard in the apartment frightens everyone. Arif is surprised to witness Şirin's conversations during this incident. Because Şirin confessed to the thief who broke into the house that she had killed her sister's husband. This event also made Bahar realize that she could not bear to lose Arif. Confessing this to Arif will bring them closer to each other. Will Arif, who can no longer tolerate what Şirin is doing, tell everything, or will he keep quiet so that no one gets upset?

Épisode 15 - 79. Bölüm

21 janvier 2020 - 4/5

Things get complicated after Şirin confesses everything to Arif. Arif's suspicions are not unfounded and he records his conversations with Şirin. Arif, who now has a murder confession, seeks an opportunity to tell everyone everything. Şirin, on the other hand, continues her evil deeds at full speed, unaware of Arif's audio recording. But what he thinks next will cause everyone to take their guard up against him and Bahar, who cannot control her anger after this incident, will teach Şirin a good lesson.

Épisode 16 - 80. Bölüm

27 janvier 2020 - 4/5

Épisode 17 - 81. Bölüm (FİNAL)

5 février 2020 - 3.5/5

After Enver betrays Şirin, Şirin is captured. However, she is considered mentally unstable and is hospitalized in a mental hospital. After Raif proposes to Ceyda, Arif proposes to Bahar and preparations for the couple's wedding begin. Arif is excited to finally meet the woman he has been in love with for years. With the book gifted to Bahar by Fazilet Aşçıoğlu, everything will move to a very different dimension. Realizing that everything in her life is slowly getting better, Bahar finally gets lucky. While Şirin Sarıkadı will be punished for all the evil she has done, Bahar Çeşmeli and her family will live happily for a lifetime.


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13/07/2023 - 4/5

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