Poster de la serie Twirlywoos


Non notée

Année : 2015

Nombre de saisons : 4

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 15 minutes

Genre(s) : Animation, Enfant

The Twirlywoos are a family of bird-like creatures who leave their home - the Big Red Boat - to have adventures in the human world where they learn about concepts like full, underneath and up.


Twirlywoos saison 1

Saison 1

Twirlywoos saison 2

Saison 2

Twirlywoos saison 3

Saison 3

Twirlywoos saison 4

Saison 4


Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - Full

23 février 2015

The Twirlywoos eat too much and feel full, and after seeing someone pour water into a glass, they get carried away finding their own containers to fill.

Épisode 2 - Underneath

24 février 2015

The Twirlywoos hide underneath different hats at a shop, and back on the boat, Box brings a rainbow for everyone to dance under.

Épisode 3 - Round and Round

25 février 2015

Toodloo, Chickedy and Chick have fun on a roundabout, but Great BigHoo spins them out of control. They are later visited by the Stop-Go Car.

Épisode 4 - Up

26 février 2015

Chickedy and Chick get hung up on a washing line, and it is left to Great BigHoo and Toodloo to rescue them.

Épisode 5 - Connecting

27 février 2015

The creatures tie together the shoelaces of everyone waiting at a bus stop, meaning they all fall over when they stand up. Plus, there is a visit from a Very Important Lady.

Épisode 6 - Noisy

2 mars 2015

The twirlywoos discover playing with a radio can have noisy consequences, and the Stop-Go Car comes to visit.

Épisode 7 - All Gone

3 mars 2015

The Twirlywoos accidentally misplace cupcakes, and the children must go on a hunt to find them.

Épisode 8 - Behind

4 mars 2015

The Twirlywoos entertain a baby, and confuse her father by popping up behind him.

Épisode 9 - This Way, That Way

5 mars 2015

The Twirlywoos are chased when they encounter a dog in the park, while Toodloo has to run back and forth across the boat to keep up with the Tea Machine.

Épisode 10 - Up and Down

6 mars 2015

The creatures learn about up and down when they play with a bouncy ball, and turn a piece of outstretched elastic into a trampoline.

Épisode 11 - Over

9 mars 2015

The creatures copy a man who is stepping over puddles, while back in the boat, Peekaboo has to jump over a wall to avoid being seen.

Épisode 12 - Shorter and Shorter

10 mars 2015

The Twirlywoos find out how to make something shorter when they unravel a woollen blanket.

Épisode 13 - Wrapping

11 mars 2015

The creatures get carried away trying to wrap things up after watching a woman pack a present, and later get cosy in a long, woolly scarf.

Épisode 14 - Gone

12 mars 2015

The Twirlywoos find out what happens when a toy train goes into a tunnel, and have some trouble with disappearing tea.

Épisode 15 - Covering

13 mars 2015

The gang decides to cover things after seeing a tablecloth. Meanwhile, everyone gets covered in spots back on the boat.

Épisode 16 - Coming and Going

16 mars 2015

The Twirlywoos watch a man as he runs a bath, but he keeps getting in the way when they try to get a closer look.

Épisode 17 - Through

17 mars 2015

The Twirlywoos see a postman putting mail through a letterbox and decide to copy him.

Épisode 18 - Soft

18 mars 2015

The creatures meet a cat in a bedroom, and Chickedy and Chick are fascinated by the animal's soft fur and cannot resist stroking it.

Épisode 19 - Pop

19 mars 2015

The Twirlywoos are in a back garden where a children's birthday party is going on. There is a machine which makes bubbles and the Twirlywoos watch as the children have fun running around and popping them all. The kids go back inside and the Twirlywoos come out to investigate. Great BigHoo finds the switch that turns the bubble machine on, and Chickedy, Chick and Toodloo race around popping all the bubbles. Great BigHoo finds a dial on the side of the machine. He turns it and the bubbles start to get bigger. The big bubbles make bigger pops and the others are delighted. Great BigHoo turns the dial further and further, making the bubbles bigger still, until, not knowing his own strength, he pulls the dial right off the machine! It starts to go into overdrive, producing an enormous bubble which fills the whole garden. The Hooter honks, and the Twirlywoos leave, just as the children run outside to see the giant bubble burst with an enormous POP! Back at the Boat, the Twirlywoos are having tea. Meanwhile, Peekaboo has got the hiccups. Each time he hiccups he blows a bubble, which floats over to the table where the Twirlywoos are just about to drink their tea. They all raise their cups just as the bubble bursts with a loud POP and the Twirlywoos all jump in surprise! They recover their composure and get ready to take another sip when another bubble floats in and pops, and they jump again. The last bubble is an extra big one, and the pop is so loud that the Twirlywoos jump even higher and the tea splashes right up out of their cups! As the tea falls down, they manage to catch it in their cups and drink it all.

Épisode 20 - Upside Down

20 mars 2015

The Twirlywoos are at an art gallery where they see a man hang a painting on the wall. He realises he has hung it upside down and turns it around, while the Twirlywoos watch with interest. When he leaves the room, the Twirlywoos decide to turn all the paintings and sculptures in the room around, so that when the man returns with a crowd of gallery visitors, everything in the room is upside down! The Very Important Lady visits the Boat, and as usual, she falls apart. The Twirlywoos try to put her back together, but they manage to build her upside down!

Épisode 1 - Getting Wet

27 juillet 2015

The Twirlywoos are in a garden, where they watch a gardener watering plants in pots with a hose. As she comes closer to them, they jump and hide in a flowerbed. The length of hose runs through the flowerbed and they all sit on it, stopping the flow of water! The lady is puzzled that the water has stopped, and goes off to check the tap. Great BigHoo comes out to investigate and picks up the end of the hose and looks down it - as the others stand up, water shoots out and sends Great BigHoo flying through the air! Great BigHoo lands back on the hose and the other Twirlywoos sit back down again, stopping the water. The gardener sees the water is still not flowing and goes off again to check the tap. This time Chickedy and Chick run out to look at the hose. Great BigHoo and Toodloo stand up and go to join them and Chickedy and Chick get sprayed with water too. Toodloo manages to grab the end of the flailing hose and rides it like a bucking bronco, but eventually falls off. The end of the hose lands in a nearby wheelbarrow, which starts to fill with water. The Twirlywoos hear the gardener returning and dive back into the flowerbed, landing on the hose. The lady picks up the hose and finds that the water has stopped again. She looks down the end to see what's wrong, and the hooter honks to call the Twirlywoos home. As they fly off, the gardener gets a face full of water; she steps back in surprise and falls into the wheelbarrow with a huge splash! The Box arrives at the door of the Boat. Inside is a little fluffy cloud, which grows into a big, dark raincloud which rains and makes puddles all over the boat. The Twirlywoos dance around and splash in all the puddles. The cloud eventually rains itself out (it shrinks like a sponge having the water squeezed out of it) and disappears. At the end of the episode, once the Twirlywoos are away in their rings, Peekaboo comes out and mops up all the puddles, leaving the Boat dry again.

Épisode 2 - Out

28 juillet 2015

The Twirlywoos are in an artist's studio, where they watch a painter preparing to start work on a huge canvas laid out on the floor. He accidentally kicks a pot of paint, emptying its contents onto the canvas, and in trying to clear up the spilled paint he falls and gets covered in it. When he leaves to get cleaned up, the Twirlywoos decide to tip out more pots onto the canvas, as well as squeezing the contents out of tubes, until the canvas is covered in different-coloured paint. The artist returns and is surprised and pleased with the new painting. The Stop-Go Car visits the Boat, and this time when it opens its boot, a huge inflatable beach ball comes out! The ball bounces around the Boat, while the Twirlywoos try to stay out of its way. Finally, Peekaboo heads the ball and sends it sailing right out of the door.

Épisode 3 - Down

29 juillet 2015

The Twirlywoos are in a park, where they watch a girl on rollerskates with her dad. She takes off the skates but accidentally kicks one so that it rolls away down a hill. The girl and her father take off in pursuit of the runaway skate, leaving the other one. Toodloo jumps on it and rolls away down the hill. The other Twirlywoos follow Toodloo down paths and steps and skate ramps until the skate comes to rest on top of a slide in a playground. Toodloo's enthusiastic waving to the others (who are at the bottom of the slide) causes the skate to tip and hurtle down the slide. Toodloo crashes into the other Twirlywoos, and the skate continues on its journey, only to be reunited with the girl and her dad! The Twirlywoos return to the Boat to discover the Twirlywoo Screen. A series of sloping lines appear, followed by a marble. When Toodloo reaches up and touches the marble, it starts to roll down the course until it drops onto the floor of the Boat. More and more marbles draw on and roll down until the wall is full of rolling marbles which all fall down and roll away into Peekaboo's house.

Épisode 4 - Inside

30 juillet 2015

The Twirlywoos are at the seaside, where they see a man getting ready to go swimming. He has a beach tent, and they see him putting some things inside it (his straw hat and suntan lotion) before he sets off towards the water. The Twirlywoos decide to put more of the man's things inside the tent, starting with small things like a book and progressing to larger and sillier objects, including a deckchair and an inflatable dolphin! The man comes back from his swim and is surprised to discover his tent stuffed full of all his possessions. The Twirlywoos have left their tea things out, and Peekaboo comes out to explore them. There is a little bit of tea left in the teapot, and Peekaboo tries to get it by squeezing right inside the teapot. He then drinks the tea - only to find that there is no way out! The Twirlywoos return, and Peekaboo tries to run past them. They chase the runaway teapot all around the Boat until Peekaboo manages to give them the slip and get back to the hole in the wall. As Peekaboo squeezes inside the hole, the teapot pops off and lands back on the tea table.

Épisode 5 - Going Over

31 juillet 2015

The Twirlywoos are at a show-jumping centre, where they hide behind a fence and witness a horse and rider practicing going over a jump. They are interested in the idea of going over, so they decide to jump over the fence that they are hiding behind. Toodloo makes it over with ease, while Great BigHoo struggles, and Chickedy and Chick are just too small. Great BigHoo decides to help them by picking them up and throwing them. Unfortunately Great BigHoo throws them too hard and they go flying up in the air - and land behind the rider on the back of the horse's saddle! As Great BigHoo and Toodloo look on, Chickedy and Chick ride around the course and go the jumps, until the Hooter calls the Twirlywoos home. While the Twirlywoos are away, unusually, there's a knock at the door! Peekaboo goes to investigate. It's the Stop-Go Car, who is playing a jumping game. Peekaboo joins in and jumps over the car, and the two jump over each other all around the Boat, until they get back to the doors and the car drives away. The Twirlywoos return, and Peekaboo is on the wrong side of the Boat but jumps over their heads to avoid being seen and get safely back to the hole in the wall.

Épisode 6 - Rolling

3 août 2015

The Twirlywoos get carried away when they roll a picnic down a hill.

Épisode 7 - In and Out

4 août 2015

The Twirlywoos cause confusion at the stables when they keep letting a horse out.

Épisode 8 - Cleaning

5 août 2015

The Twirlywoos watch a window cleaner and get the idea to do their own cleaning.

Épisode 9 - Louder and Louder

6 août 2015

The Twirlywoos find out how to make loud noises when they play on a drum kit.

Épisode 10 - Turning

7 août 2015

Things get out of hand when Chickedy and Chick try to turn the pedals of a bike.

Épisode 11 - Collecting

10 août 2015

After seeing some children collecting eggs, the Twirlywoos decide to help out.

Épisode 12 - Longer

11 août 2015

The Twirlywoos watch a baker rolling out a baguette.

Épisode 13 - Bigger and Bigger

12 août 2015

The Twirlywoos see children building a sandcastle at the beach.

Épisode 14 - High and Low

13 août 2015

The Twirlywoos learn about high and low when they watch a lady hanging a mirror.

Épisode 15 - Outside

14 août 2015

The Twirlywoos see a man take his chair out into the garden. Also, Peekaboo gets stuck outside the boat.

Épisode 16 - Next To

29 février 2016

The Twirlywoos see a lady putting coloured stars next to items in a shop window.

Épisode 17 - Open and Close

1 mars 2016

The Twirlywoos open and close stage curtains while a singer is performing!

Épisode 18 - On Top Of

2 mars 2016

In a clothes shop, the Twirlywoos get carried away putting one hat on top of another.

Épisode 19 - Balancing

3 mars 2016

The Twirlywoos find out balancing is harder than it looks when they copy a gymnast.

Épisode 20 - Joining Up

4 mars 2016

The Twirlywoos see a hiker joining things onto his rucksack, and add a few of their own.

Épisode 21 - Fitting Together

7 mars 2016

The Twirlywoos see a man building a water feature, and decide to have a go themselves.

Épisode 22 - Spinning

8 mars 2016

The Twirlywoos watch a pot being made on a wheel, and decide to have a go themselves.

Épisode 23 - More and More

9 mars 2016

The Twirlywoos put more and more apples into a lady's trolley.

Épisode 24 - Taller and Taller

10 mars 2016

The Twirlywoos build a very tall tower of profiteroles in a bakery kitchen.

Épisode 25 - Smaller

11 mars 2016

The Twirlywoos pursue a very small butterfly at a butterfly farm.

Épisode 26 - Twirling

14 mars 2016

The Twirlywoos learn about twirling when they visit an ice rink.

Épisode 27 - Faster and Faster

15 mars 2016

The Twirlywoos play a tune on a piano which gets faster and faster.

Épisode 28 - On and Off

16 mars 2016

A sunbather tries to keep his sun hat on, while the Twirlywoos keep taking it off!

Épisode 29 - Hiding

17 mars 2016

The Twirlywoos hide during a treasure hunt at a children's birthday party.

Épisode 30 - Pulling

18 mars 2016

The Twirlywoos have a tug of war with a carpenter when they pull on her tape measure.

Épisode 1 - More About Covering

28 novembre 2016

The Twirlywoos watch a man as he covers his car in cleaning foam. Chickedy and Chick squirt foam everywhere.

Épisode 2 - More About Round and Round

29 novembre 2016

The Twirlywoos find themselves in an office. Thy spin the office chairs round and round.

Épisode 3 - More About Up and Down

30 novembre 2016

The Robot visits the Twirlywoos on the Big Red Boat. The Twirlywoos take turns to turn the Robot's key which causes the Robot to shoot up and down, taking Chickedy and Chick with it!

Épisode 4 - More About Noisy

1 décembre 2016

The Twirlywoos visit a house where a parrot lives. The parrot is very noisy.

Épisode 5 - More About Rolling

2 décembre 2016

A man is putting a poster up on a billboard. The Twirlywoos help the man by rolling the strips of the poster out of the van.

Épisode 6 - More About in and Out

5 décembre 2016

The Stop-Go Car visits the Twirlywoos. It drives in to Peekaboo's house and then out again. The Stop-Go Car does this over and over again until Peekaboo decides he has had enough and sends the Stop-Go Car out.

Épisode 7 - More About Stretching

6 décembre 2016

The Twirlywoo Screen entertains with something long, green and stretchy, and the Quacky Birds are all of a flap.

Épisode 8 - More About Coming and Going

7 décembre 2016

The Brass Band visit the Twirlywoos on the Big Red Boat - but are they coming or going?

Épisode 9 - More About Up

8 décembre 2016

The Piece of Paper visits the Twirlywoos on the Big Red Boat and thenfolds itself into stairs for Chickedy and Chick to climb up.

Épisode 10 - More About Underneath

9 décembre 2016

The Twirlywoos are in a warehouse, underneath a cardboard box. They watch a man load a lorry with parcels, but then he goes to load the box which the Twirlywoos are hiding underneath.

Épisode 11 - More About Longer

12 décembre 2016

The Twirlywoos watch a fisherman make his rod longer and longer. The fisherman casts out the line and settles down for a nap.

Épisode 12 - More About High and Low

13 décembre 2016

The Twirlywoos watch people using a lift in a building. Chickedy and Chick follow two people into the lift and go up high with them, waving to Great BigHoo and Toodloo.

Épisode 13 - More About This Way, That Way

14 décembre 2016

The Twirlywoos find themselves in a restaurant and a waiter is taking the diners' orders.

Épisode 14 - More About Smaller

15 décembre 2016

The Twirlywoos watch an artist make his clay sculpture's head smaller. The Twirlywoos then have a go and make the whole sculpture smaller and smaller until it is smaller than the Twirlywoos!

Épisode 15 - More About Inside

16 décembre 2016

The Twirlywoos watch a man polish a suit of armour. As he is polishing, the man drops the cloth inside the suit of armour.

Épisode 16 - More About Fitting Together

20 mars 2017

The Twirlywoos try to make a picnic bench by fitting together planks of wood, but are they following the instructions?

Épisode 17 - More About Next To

21 mars 2017

The Twirlywoos watch a waiter set a table with plates and cutlery, then decide to help out by adding more items to the table

Épisode 18 - More About Open and Close

22 mars 2017

The Twirlywoos see an artist drawing a dog and decide to open and close the door to let the dog in and out of the room

Épisode 19 - More About Faster and Faster

23 mars 2017

The Twirlywoos find a machine that shoots tennis balls and discover how to make the balls come out faster and faster

Épisode 20 - More About On and Off

24 mars 2017

The Twirlywoos learn about On and Off by watching a man trying shoes on and taking them off in a shoe shop

Épisode 21 - More About Spinning

27 mars 2017

The Twirlywoos see a school teacher pick up different coloured hoops and set them spinning, so they try to spin hoops too

Épisode 22 - More About Outside

28 mars 2017

The Twirlywoos watch a hairdresser putting his signs up outside his shop and decide to put everything outside

Épisode 23 - More About Twirling

29 mars 2017

The Twirlywoos watch a gymnast dance whilst twirling a ribbon, then try to copy her dancing

Épisode 24 - More About Connecting

30 mars 2017

The Twirlywoos watch a farmer connect fence panels together to make a pen for his sheep, then build a pen of their own

Épisode 25 - More About Soft

31 mars 2017

Toodloo runs off with a soft, fluffy hat. A lady walking her dog strokes the hat, while a bald man enjoys wearing it

Épisode 1 - More About Full

10 juillet 2017

The Twirlywoos watch a man picking fruit. When his basket is full the Twirlywoos step in and try fruit picking themselves.

Épisode 2 - More About Collecting

11 juillet 2017

The Twirlywoos watch children collecting shells on a beach and decide to help.

Épisode 3 - More About Down

12 juillet 2017

The Twirlywoos watch two men carry some furniture down the stairs in a block of flats, then decide to try to help.

Épisode 4 - More About Louder and Louder

13 juillet 2017

The Twirlywoos are making a lot of noise in the kitchen - and they seem to be getting louder and louder!

Épisode 5 - More About Pulling

14 juillet 2017

The Twirlywoos help a man who is pulling his car out of the mud.

Épisode 6 - More About More and More

17 juillet 2017

The Twirlywoos are at the seaside and end up building more and more sandcastles.

Épisode 7 - More About Wrapping

18 juillet 2017

The Twirlywoos watch a nurse wrapping bandages around a man's leg and decide to try some wrapping too.

Épisode 8 - More About Hiding

19 juillet 2017

The Twirlywoos are hiding behind some suitcases. As a porter takes the cases away, the Twirlywoos must find a new place to hide.

Épisode 9 - More About Joining Up

20 juillet 2017

The Twirlywoos learn about joining up by making paperclip chains in an office.

Épisode 10 - More About Going Over

21 juillet 2017

The Twirlywoos watch an athlete going over some hurdles in a field and decide to try going over them themselves.

Épisode 11 - More About Balancing

20 novembre 2017

The Twirlywoos are balancing on ropes. All is well until Peekaboo pulls the ropes away.

Épisode 12 - More About Over

21 novembre 2017

The Robot pays the Twirlywoos a visit and they play a jumping over game.

Épisode 13 - More About Gone

22 novembre 2017

The Twirlywoos are in a park, hiding under a pile of leaves to avoid the park keeper.

Épisode 14 - More About Taller and Taller

23 novembre 2017

A fly is buzzing above the Twirlywoos' heads. Are they tall enough to reach it?

Épisode 15 - More About Shorter and Shorter

24 novembre 2017

The Twirlywoos watch a man winding up a hosepipe, making it shorter and shorter.

Épisode 16 - More About Through

25 novembre 2017

The Piece of Paper rolls in to a tube for the Twirlywoos to run through. Will they fit?

Épisode 17 - More About Cleaning

28 novembre 2017

A very messy octopus emerges from Peekaboo's house, so Peekaboo has to clean up after him.

Épisode 18 - More About Upside Down

29 novembre 2017

In a cafe, all the cups are upside down on the counter, so the Twirlywoos start turning lots of other things upside down.

Épisode 19 - More About Turning

30 novembre 2017

The Twirlywoos visit a skate park. They spot a skateboard and jump on, practising turning and trick moves.

Épisode 20 - More About Getting Wet

1 décembre 2017

The Twirlywoos are in a kitchen watching a man washing his clothes.

Épisode 21 - More About On Top Of

4 décembre 2017

The Twirlywoos stack toilet rolls on top of each other for a shop display.

Épisode 22 - More About Pop

5 décembre 2017

The Twirlywoos have fun popping bubble wrap in a model maker's studio.

Épisode 23 - More About All Gone

6 décembre 2017

The Twirlywoos are watching a lady planting carrot seeds in a vegetable patch.

Épisode 24 - More About Out

7 décembre 2017

The Twirlywoos are by the coast and they watch as a tired walker takes a rest on a bench.

Épisode 25 - More About Behind

8 décembre 2017

The Twirlywoos are at a theatre, watching as the actors play their parts.


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