Poster de la serie La Vie secrète d'une ado ordinaire

La Vie secrète d'une ado ordinaire


Année : 2008

Nombre de saisons : 5

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 60 minutes

Genre(s) : Comédie, Drame, Famille, Romance

Après, avoir couché avec un garçon de son lycée, la belle et intelligente Amy Juergens découvre que son aventure pourrait bien durer plus d'un soir. En effet, elle est enceinte.


La Vie secrète d'une ado ordinaire saison 1

Saison 1


La Vie secrète d'une ado ordinaire saison 2

Saison 2


La Vie secrète d'une ado ordinaire saison 3

Saison 3


La Vie secrète d'une ado ordinaire saison 4

Saison 4


La Vie secrète d'une ado ordinaire saison 5

Saison 5



Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - Falling In Love

1 juillet 2008 - 4.2/5

Amy Juergens découvre qu'elle est enceinte du « bad boy » de la fanfare, Ricky, avec qui elle a perdu sa virginité lors d'un stage de musique. Complètement désemparée, l'adolescente se confie à ses amies Lauren et Madison. Ben, un jeune garçon timide, se met en tête de séduire Amy. Pendant ce temps, Grace, la plus populaire « pom-pom girl » du lycée, fait voeu d'abstinence. Sa bague de chasteté angoisse son petit ami Jack.

Épisode 2 - You Are My Everything

8 juillet 2008 - 4.3/5

Lauren et Madison révèlent par accident la liaison passée d'Amy et Ricky. Une rumeur qui arrive aux oreilles du nouveau petit ami d'Amy, Ben. Grace ne sait pas si elle doit pardonner à Jack, qui l'a trompée avec Adrian. Mais Jack fait tout pour récupérer Grace. Amy connaît les premières nausées dues à sa grossesse, toujours tenue secrète.

Épisode 3 - I Feel Sick

15 juillet 2008 - 4.3/5

Amy commence à prendre des formes. Cacher sa grossesse à sa famille devient de plus en plus compliqué. Ben prépare son premier baiser avec Amy. Les parents de Grace refusent que leur fille sorte à nouveau avec Jack. Ricky offre à Grace d'être sa couverture pour qu'elle revoie Jack en cachette. Adrian voit cela d'un mauvais oeil...

Épisode 4 - Caught

22 juillet 2008 - 4.3/5

À cause d'une vidéo de surveillance, toute la ville est au courant des cachoteries de Grace. Elle est ridiculisée. Jack est jaloux de Ricky quand il le voit torse nu sur la vidéo, volant au secours de Grace. Ashley dit qu'elle couche avec des garçons pour couvrir le secret de plus en plus difficile à garder d'Amy, sa grande soeur. Amy trouve Ben trop collant.

Épisode 5 - What Have You Done to Me?

29 juillet 2008 - 4.4/5

La rumeur concernant la grossesse d'Amy se répand rapidement. Quand il l'apprend, Ben décide de demander sa petite amie en mariage. Mais Amy envisage plutôt l'avortement. Un malheur ne venant jamais seul, son père, George, quitte sa femme pour la mère d'Adrian. Ricky tente de séduire Grace. Cette dernière découvre que Jack n'a pas fait qu'embrasser Adrian.

Épisode 6 - Love For Sale

5 août 2008 - 4.3/5

A bout de nerfs, Amy avoue à sa mère qu'elle est enceinte. Cette dernière encaisse difficilement la nouvelle et décide de la partager avec George, le père d'Amy. Au milieu de ce chaos, la jeune fille, toujours fermement décidée à avorter, sollicite l'aide d'Adrian et de Ben. Avec eux, elle se rend à la clinique du Planning familial. Grace, farouchement contre l'IVG, leur emboîte le pas, accompagnée de Ricky. À la clinique, ne sachant plus où elle en est, Amy tombe dans les bras de Ben et décide de retourner auprès de sa mère.

Épisode 7 - Absent

12 août 2008 - 4.3/5

Amy a finalement décidé de garder le bébé, mais souhaite aller se réfugier chez sa grand-mère pendant toute la durée de sa grossesse. Elle évitera ainsi le regard des autres et, selon elle, leurs inévitables moqueries. Ben se sent mis à l'écart et préférerait qu'Amy vienne plutôt vivre chez lui. Ricky croise George, le père d'Amy, chez Adrian. Une vive discussion s'engage. George tente d'éloigner le jeune homme de sa fille. Mais Ricky se rend compte, à l'inverse, qu'il aimerait s'impliquer plus dans la situation. Il rend visite à Amy. Grace tente de son côté de faire d'Adrian sa nouvelle grande amie.

Épisode 8 - Your Cheatin' Heart

19 août 2008 - 4.4/5

Ben n'accepte pas que Ricky se permette de revenir au lycée, à la différence d'Amy qui lui manque de plus en plus. Ricky, toujours résolu à prendre ses responsabilités et surtout à mettre son nez dans les décisions d'Amy, tente d'obtenir son numéro de portable auprès de ses amies. Il jette son dévolu sur Madison et n'hésite pas à user de ses charmes pour arriver à ses fins. Amy n'est pas encore partie chez sa grand-mère. Et pour cause, cette dernière annonce à ses proches qu'elle est atteinte de la maladie d'Alzheimer.

Épisode 9 - Slice of Life

26 août 2008 - 4.2/5

Amy et Ashley passent du temps avec leur père. Adrian, elle, retrouve son père séparé. Tom s'organise une soirée en solitaire et engage une strip-teaseuse. Jason et Madison aperçoivent Lauren embrassant Ricky.

Épisode 10 - Back to School Special

2 septembre 2008 - 4.3/5

Amy retourne à l'école et doit faire face aux regards de ces camarades. Cindy Lee encourage Adrian à continuer d'entretenir sa relation avec son père, et Grace s'aperçoit qu'elle n'est plus vraiment amoureuse de Jack.

Épisode 11 - Just Say No

9 septembre 2008 - 4.2/5

Le père d'Adrian prend contact avec la police car cette dernière a disparu. L'école apprend que Ricky est suivi par le docteur Fields, le père de Lauren. Grace est poussée à porter sa bague de pureté, et Ben et Amy envisagent d'avoir leur premier rapport sexuel.

Épisode 12 - The Secret Wedding of the American Teenager

5 janvier 2009 - 4.3/5

Entourés de leurs amis, Ben et Amy se marient en secret.

Épisode 13 - Baked Nevada

12 janvier 2009 - 4.2/5

Anne et George se serrent les coudes lorsqu'ils apprennent le mariage de leur fille.

Épisode 14 - The Father and the Son

19 janvier 2009 - 4.2/5

Déterminée à tout mettre en oeuvre pour que ses parents restent ensemble, Ashley fait appel au révérend Stone. Ricky reçoit la visite de son père, Bob...

Épisode 15 - That's Enough of That

26 janvier 2009 - 4.3/5

Ben est déçu qu'Amy refuse qu'il l'accompagne au rendez-vous au cours duquel elle va connaître le sexe de son bébé. Bob insiste pour que Ricky fasse adopter l'enfant...

Épisode 16 - Chocolate Cake

2 février 2009 - 4.3/5

George découvre que ses collègues homosexuels seraient prêts à adopter l'enfant d'Amy. Ben est désemparé lorsqu'il découvre que Ricky et Amy ne l'ont pas convié pour discuter du bébé...

Épisode 17 - Unforgiven

9 février 2009 - 4.3/5

Tandis que George est toujours à la recherche de parents adoptifs pour le bébé d'Amy, Ben remet en question sa relation avec elle. Adrian et Grace se disputent au sujet de Ricky...

Épisode 18 - Making Up Is Hard To Do

16 février 2009 - 4.3/5

Ricky rencontre le docteur Fields et lui qu'il est est obsédé par Amy. Il lui dit également qu'il veut faire échouer l'adoption du bébé. Alors qu'elle sèche les cours, Ashley tombe sur un de ses camarades, Thomas...

Épisode 19 - Money for Nothing, Chicks for Free

23 février 2009 - 4.3/5

Anne reçoit une proposition d'emploi, Adrian change de style et Jack collecte de l'argent pour les enfants défavorisés. Pendant ce temps, Amy et Ben se remettent ensemble et Donovan et Leon annoncent aux Juergens qu'ils ne veulent pas adopter le bébé...

Épisode 20 - Maybe Baby

2 mars 2009 - 4.3/5

Amy gets help from her friends on what to do about the baby.

Épisode 21 - Whoomp! (There It Is)

9 mars 2009 - 4.3/5

As Amy's due date inches nearer, Grace and Adrian decide to throw a baby shower for her. While preparing for the party, Jack and Grace have a moment where they reconnect.

Épisode 22 - One Night at Band Camp

16 mars 2009 - 4.4/5

Amy goes into labor and she and Ricky keep looking back to when they first met at band camp and how Ricky charmed her into having sex with him. Tom tries to get Jack and Grace together again, and Adrian discovers she still cares for Ricky.

Épisode 23 - And Unto Us, A Child Is Born

23 mars 2009 - 4.4/5

Amy has trouble adjusting to life as a mom as she gives birth to her baby. Meanwhile, Ricky likes fatherhood and becomes friends with Ben; and Anne is surprised when George and Ashley decide to move out.

Épisode 1 - The Big One

22 juin 2009 - 4.4/5

Amy copes with the rigors of motherhood while Anne adjusts to the news that she is pregnant. Elsewhere, a tragedy takes place just as Jack and Grace's relationship intensifies.

Épisode 2 - What's Done Is Done

29 juin 2009 - 4.3/5

Grace is struggling with what has happened, whilst Ben wonders what part he plays in Amy's new life.

Épisode 3 - Par for the Course

6 juillet 2009 - 4.2/5

When Grace begins to pull away from everyone, Ricky takes it upon himself to try to help her out.

Épisode 4 - Ciao

13 juillet 2009 - 4.3/5

Amy is having trouble copy with her hectic lifestyle now that she has school and a baby to look after. Ben begins to decide how he will be spending his summer break.

Épisode 5 - Born Free

20 juillet 2009 - 4.4/5

Amy tells her mother that she will go to Italy with Ben, while Ashley delivers the message that Anne and David are engaged. Grace tells Tom and Adrian that George told her that he lied about the vasectomy, and the secret flies around the school, only to arrive at Amy, who asks Ashley if George told the truth. Meanwhile, when Ricky asks Leo for a raise, Leo gives Ricky the apartment above the butchershop and the raise, and David asks Anne to move into their own home.

Épisode 6 - The Summer of Our Discontent

27 juillet 2009 - 4.2/5

Amy refuses to let Ben come over to say goodbye to her and John for the summer, but instead allows Ricky to take John to his new appartment. Marc Molina, the school guidance counselor, resigns at the end of the school year, while Anne starts pushing the divorce after she decides to accept David's marriage proposal. At the same time, Ashley reaches a breaking point urging George to tell Anne that the baby is his and Grace gets accepted into a medical school for the summer. Upon packing, Ben confronts Leo about Betty, but Leo reassures Ben that he trusts her. Meanwhile, Ricky is at Amy's house picking up John for the night, and Ben comes over to say goodbye to Amy. Ricky walks in on Ben and Amy kissing, but Ben gets angry and leaves.

Épisode 7 - Summertime

3 août 2009 - 4.3/5

Everyone has returned from summer vacation, and George tells Anne a big revelation.

Épisode 8 - A New Kind of Green

10 août 2009 - 4.2/5

Adrian makes an attempt to get George and Anne reconciled, but only for her own selfish reasons.

Épisode 9 - Hot Nuts

17 août 2009 - 4.3/5

Adrian and Amy's fighting escalates and Ricky intervenes.

Épisode 10 - Knocked Up, Who's There?

24 août 2009 - 4.4/5

Amy attempts to keep Ben's attention. Meanwhile, Grace makes an impression on Adrian.

Épisode 11 - Cramped

31 août 2009 - 4.2/5

Amy is jealous when Ashley gets her own room in the garage, while Ricky pursues Adrian but she claims to have moved on.

Épisode 12 - Be My, Be My Baby

8 septembre 2009 - 4.3/5

George gives Ricky and Ben some much needed advice. Ricky and Adrienne go to couples therapy and Adrienne shares a very personal story explaining why she wants commitment so badly. Grace continues to argue with her mom over dating so soon and decides she isn't ready for a serious relationship herself. When Anne goes into labor they come to the conclusion that they won't make it to the hospital in time so George, Amy, and Ashley are forced to deliver the baby at home. Adrienne and Ricky spend the night together and Ricky finally says the words Adrienne has been waiting to hear. Meanwhile, back at the Jeurgens household George comes to a shocking discovery about the baby.

Épisode 13 - You Don't Know What You've Got

4 janvier 2010 - 4.2/5

Most of the gang ditch classes and are pursued by the new school counselor; Amy and Anne take a mother/daughter vacation.

Épisode 14 - Til It's Gone

11 janvier 2010 - 4.4/5

Anne encounters an old flame causing Amy to be attracted to his son.

Épisode 15 - Loved & Lost

18 janvier 2010 - 4.3/5

Relationships are on edge, with Ben and Amy dealing with their own relationship drama, as well as Adrian and Ricky and Grace and Jack.

Épisode 16 - Just Say Me

25 janvier 2010 - 4.4/5

Grace's love of self-love comes out at school in the form of a campaign called "Just Say Me". Which has girls all across school abandoning sex with guys in favor of a more personal activity that has the same end result. Meanwhile, Adrian's own campaign of trying to be Amy's friend bears fruit when Amy invites her over for a visit.

Épisode 17 - The Second Time Around

1 février 2010 - 4.2/5

Amy goes on a date with Jimmy. Meanwhile, Ashley pursuades George to vist Anne to rekindle their relationship, and Griffin sends his cousin Grant to get to know Ashley. Ben visits Grace and tells her that he wants to be friends, and as he leaves, they kiss. At the same time, Amy and Jimmy kiss. After George knocks on Anne's appartment door, Josh answers and explains Anne is with Mimsy and might come back home. While Ricky encourages Amy not to get caught up with Ben and Grace, Adrain's parents tell her they will get married, therefore causing her mom not to take the job offer in New York. Anne tells Ashely that she doesn't think it would be good for her to return home.

Épisode 18 - Let's Try That Again

8 février 2010 - 4.4/5

Amy fears that Jimmy's standoffish behavior is a result of her bad kissing, so Ricky offers to help her practice, which ends up being a bad idea. Elsewhere, Adrian's parents are planning a quiet, low-key wedding at home, and Ricky is hesitant to introduce everyone to his foster parents. A mother-daughter dance is being planned at school, but most of the students have strained relationships with their moms at the moment. Lastly, Ben must decide whether to continue pursuing Grace, and Anne suggests therapy as a final attempt for her and George to keep their family together.

Épisode 19 - The Rhythm of Life

15 février 2010 - 4.3/5

George and Ruben finds out that Ricky and Amy kissed. While at the mother daughter dance, rumors fly around fast, as Anne, Ashley, Grace, Amy, and Adrian discuss each other's personal relationships with each other. Ben tells Henry and Alice that the reason why he broke up with Amy is because if he did hve sex with her, he was afraid that he would get her pregnant. He also tells Leo that he wants to get back with Amy. Meanwhile, at the mother daughter dance, rumors fly around that George and Anne will get married again. Elsewhere, Adrian asks Ben if he needs company and Ricky sends Adrian a text message saying that he loves her.

Épisode 20 - Mistakes Were Made

22 février 2010 - 4.3/5

Amy visits Jimmy to learn why he never called her; Adrian makes a confession to Ricky.

Épisode 21 - Choices

1 mars 2010 - 4.3/5

Ricky takes time to track down his biological mother and confront her about his abusive childhood. Elsewhere, George wants to modernize his look by getting a makeover. Things are still tense between Adrian and Grace, and Jack breaks up with Madison after learning something about her. Also, Amy has a meltdown after a run-in with Ben, who is still trying to decide if he really wants her back.

Épisode 22 - Good Girls and Boys

8 mars 2010 - 4.3/5

Ricky, Ben, Amy and Adrian attempt to work out differences.

Épisode 23 - I Got You, Babe

15 mars 2010 - 4.4/5

A messy custody battle ensues as Amy and Ricky continue to disagree over their rights as John's parents. Still angry with Ricky for breaking up with her, Adrian sides with Amy and encourages several of their friends to do the same. Elsewhere, George grows more frustrated with Anne's refusal to get re-married right away. Ben and Grace get closer, and Ashley feels ready to make some changes in her life.

Épisode 24 - Ben There, Done That

22 mars 2010 - 4.5/5

Mimsy returns, and a wedding is held.

Épisode 1 - Do Over

7 juin 2010 - 4.3/5

Ben thinks Adrian is lying about being pregnant and doesn't act like himself. Elsewhere, Jack finds out his family is moving and thinks about not moving with. Also, Ashley has a talk with her doctor about birth control.

Épisode 2 - Accentuate the Positive

14 juin 2010 - 4.3/5

Amy is received into a music program in New York City but, she concerns it's too far away to actually be able to move. In the meantime, Jack has to detect a place to live aft he chooses not to move with his parents.

Épisode 3 - Get Out of Town

21 juin 2010 - 4.3/5

Ben decides to try his hardest to keep his secret from Amy and cut himself off from Adrian, but things become complicated when his father tells Adrian's father about the pregnancy. Meanwhile, Amy is pleasantly surprised to find that her family and friends are pushing for her to attend the music program in New York. Also, George and Anne continue to argue, specifically about some of Ashley's most recent decisions.

Épisode 4 - Goodbye, Amy Juergens

28 juin 2010 - 4.3/5

After Amy leaves for New York, Ricky moves into her house temporarily to take care of John, which doesn't please Anne and George, since something appears to be going on between Ricky and Ashley. Elsewhere, Adrian goes to her mother for advice on what to do about her pregnancy, and her parents' differing opinions threaten to split their family apart. Ben also wrestles with the reality of the situation and vows not to let it ruin his future with Amy.

Épisode 5 - Which Way Did She Go?

5 juillet 2010 - 4.2/5

Band geeks are spreading rumors through the school that Amy is pregnant again. Ricky is especially furious with these rumors and insists they aren't true. Later, when Ricky and Ashley are alone, they kiss! Ricky backs away and hurries out of the room. Meanwhile, in New York City, Bristol Palin shows up at Amy’s dorm room and Amy finds out that all of the girls in the music program are teen mothers.

Épisode 6 - She Went That A'Way

12 juillet 2010 - 4.3/5

Adrian meets Ricky's mom at the clinic and admits to her that she does not want to be a teenage mother but after talking, she has a change of heart and tells Ben that she will not go through with the abortion. When Ricky gets a call from Amy, he hangs up and Ashley receives a text message from Adrian, saying that she will have the baby. Ashley, therefore, tells Anne and George, and also attempts to convince her parents to withhold the information from Amy until after Ben tells her. When Ben and Adrian visit Grace to tell her the news, Tom overhears the conversation and relays it to Jack. Ben and Jack both tell Madison about Adrian's decision, and she attempts to tell Ben to tell Amy before anyone else does.

Épisode 7 - New York, New York

19 juillet 2010 - 4.3/5

After agonizing over the situation for far too long, Ben travels to New York so he can tell Amy about the baby before she hears it from someone else. Also, Ricky spends some time with his biological mother, who is 24 hours away from serving a jail sentence. Adrian spills the beans at school about her pregnancy in an unusual way, and Ashley thinks she might be in love with the wrong person.

Épisode 8 - The Sounds of Silence

26 juillet 2010 - 4.3/5

Amy has not been taking anyone's phone calls for three days, and Ben is not handling it well, leading Grace to believe that she might have another chance with him. Meanwhile, George plans a romantic evening with Anne, and Ben accompanies Adrian to her first doctor's appointment. The tension continues between Ricky and Ashley, and Ricky approaches Ruben with a special request. Lastly, Amy contacts Adrian to offer her friendship and support.

Épisode 9 - Chicken Little

2 août 2010 - 4.2/5

While, Grace tries to find a boyfriend for Griffin, Ashley now has feelings for both Grant and Ricky.

Épisode 10 - My Girlfriends Back

9 août 2010 - 4.3/5

Ricky goes to visit Amy in New York. Meanwhile, Ben goes with Adrian to a sonogram appointment. Jack is torn between letting Madison sleep over and Grace continues to build her relationship with Grant.

Épisode 11 - Lady Liberty

16 août 2010 - 4.3/5

Ben and Adrian are thinking about engagement but both have Ricky and Amy in mind when making their decisions while Amy's parents tell her that they plan to remarry. In New York, Amy's fellow teenage mothers take her out for her birthday.

Épisode 12 - Sweet and Sour

23 août 2010 - 4.3/5

Amy calls Ricky to let him know she's angry that everybody, including her parents, have forgotten her birthday. Meanwhile, Adrian has a medical scare with her pregnancy, which leads to some problems with Ben, and Grace's relationship with Grant heats up. Madison's father finds out some unsettling information about his daughter's sex life with Jack, and as Leo gets angrier with Ben, he gains some perspective on his own marriage.

Épisode 13 - Up All Night

30 août 2010 - 4.3/5

As Grant and Grace grow, Amy and Ricky try to find out if they should be a couple.

Épisode 14 - Rules of Engagement

6 septembre 2010 - 4.4/5

Ashley tries to persuade Ricky to have sex with her and Amy takes a stance against her actions. Anne questions whether George actually wants to get married, contrary to his original claims, and suggests that they finally spit up without hurting their children. Elsewhere, Adrian believes that Ricky is just using Amy for sex and Grace wonders if Adrian is considering marriage. Meanwhile, Amy goes out with Ricky; and Grace and Grant prepare for camp.

Épisode 15 - Who Do You Trust

28 mars 2011 - 4/5

Amy wants Ricky to get tested for various STDs, after she sees him talking to someone he used to date. Ben and Adrian's baby's gender is revealed. Amy considers having sex with Ricky.

Épisode 16 - Mirrors

4 avril 2011 - 4/5

Jesse makes some decisions about his and Lauren's relationship, now that he is headed for college. Madison becomes interested in a new guy... her boss who is in his mid-20s. Grant tells Grace that he wants her to be tested for STDs before they consider having sex.

Épisode 17 - Guess Who's Not Coming To Dinner

11 avril 2011 - 4.2/5

Ricky finds out that his mother is dating a woman, Ashley's homeschooling isn't going very well, and Ben asks Ruben and Cindy a question.

Épisode 18 - Another Proposal

18 avril 2011 - 4.2/5

Both Amy and Ricky feel under pressure now that Ben has proposed to Adrian, which causes Amy to suggest taking their relationship to the next level. Ben suggests an alternative to a big wedding to Adrian, and Lauren's mother and step-father are having problems.

Épisode 19 - Deeper and Deeper

25 avril 2011 - 4.1/5

Ashley starts being home-schooled. Ben and Adrian look for a place to live. Grace worries about the future regarding her relationship with Grant. Jack & Madison take a break from sex. Lauren is crushing on a new guy.

Épisode 20 - Moving In and Out

2 mai 2011 - 4.2/5

No one is happy about Amy's plans to move in with Ricky -- including Ricky. Leo encourages Ricky to think about college, and Anne accuses Amy of rushing things with Ricky as a way of competing with Ben and Adrian. Madison is uneasy with Jack's decision not to have sex with her, and Grace asks her mother for a sleepover with Grant.

Épisode 21 - Young at Heart

9 mai 2011 - 4.3/5

Grace and Adrian shop for a wedding dress, and Amy is cornered into planning a baby shower for Adrian. Grace and Grant have relationship problems.

Épisode 22 - Loose Lips

16 mai 2011 - 4.1/5

The entire town is in an uproar over Adrian's impending baby shower.

Épisode 23 - Round II

23 mai 2011 - 4.3/5

Adrian hosts a baby shower. Lauren, Madison, Amy, and Grace all attend. Ricky finds out that Leo is having problems with stress.

Épisode 24 - It's Not Over Till It's Over

30 mai 2011 - 4.3/5

Adrian makes plans to come back to school a week after the birth of the baby in order to stay on track for graduation. Adrian and Ben both have misgivings before the wedding, and Ricky realizes that romancing Amy may be more effective than pressuring her for sex.

Épisode 25 - To Be...

30 mai 2011 - 4.3/5

Amy is upset that Ricky is the kind of guy that could never get married, after she realizes Jack has a key to his apartment and she doesn't. Ben and Adrian's wedding reception is held at the school.

Épisode 26 - …or Not To Be

6 juin 2011 - 4.6/5

Adrian and Ben prepare for the imminent arrival of their daughter. When Adrian experiences discomfort, the couple - believing she is about to go into labor - are instructed by their doctor to leave for the hospital. Ben and Adrian agree not to call anyone until they know more, but as word spreads she is in the hospital, family and friends gather there to share the joyous occasion. But the couple learn some devastating news that will change their lives forever and will need those closest to them for support.

Épisode 1 - When One Door Opens

13 juin 2011 - 4.1/5

Adrian is in a deep depression, refusing to leave the house, while Ben struggles to keep it all together after losing their baby. Ben has returned to school, but is devastated and angry about the situation. Ben asks Amy to visit Adrian at home to help her through this difficult time. Meanwhile, Amy feels a little guilty for being so happy in her own life – she’s in love with Ricky and their relationship seems to be growing stronger by the day. Ricky insists they shouldn’t feel guilty and invites Amy and John to move in with him.

Épisode 2 - Another One Closes

20 juin 2011 - 4.2/5

Betty applies her own brand of comfort for Adrian's mourning. Ashley decides to go ahead with her cross-country road trip.

Épisode 3 - When Opportunity Knocks

27 juin 2011 - 4.2/5

Grace goes away on a medical mission, while Peter suspects the worst.

Épisode 4 - One Foot Out the Door

4 juillet 2011 - 4.2/5

There's an emergency with John resulting in Ricky & Amy taking him to the ER. Grace meets a new guy named Daniel. Adrian wants Ben to tell her how he really feels.

Épisode 5 - Hole in the Wall

11 juillet 2011 - 4.3/5

As Ben continues to examine his options, he and Adrian have a huge blowout. Adrian finally gathers the courage to take all of the baby's things out of the would-be nursery.

Épisode 6 - Don't Go in There!

18 juillet 2011 - 4.1/5

Adrian comes to Ben's defense as a bunch of students begin to blame him for their daughter's death. Kathleen has an interview at a college. Grace gets pranked by Ricky.

Épisode 7 - Cute

25 juillet 2011 - 4.2/5

With the help of Amy, Ricky tries to get in to college. Grace is having trouble fitting in to Daniel's college life.

Épisode 8 - Dancing With The Stars

1 août 2011 - 4.2/5

It's time for senior prom!! Amy is mad that Ricky doesn't want to go so she pressures him into taking her to prom. Adrian and Ben go together, and Amy finds out Adrian is trying to get pregnant. Later, after the dance Adrian tries to seduce Ben into sleeping with her so she can be prego and keep him in the marriage.

Épisode 9 - Flip Flop

8 août 2011 - 4.2/5

Adrian has a new goal in mind.

Épisode 10 - 4-1-1

15 août 2011 - 4.2/5

Nora finds a new place to live, Ricky has an unexpected visitor who has run into legal problems after texting nude photos of his girlfriend, and Grace plays matchmaker

Épisode 11 - The Games We Play

22 août 2011 - 4.2/5

Adrian is introduced to the brother of one of Daniel's friend, and sparks fly. Amy hopes for a proposal from Ricky -- who has a surprise of his own.

Épisode 12 - Pomp

29 août 2011 - 4.2/5

Mid-Season Finale: A marriage is on the rocks. The wife is going to college and files for divorce -- and it's not Adrian. The seniors prepare for graduation.

Épisode 13 - And Circumstance

5 septembre 2011 - 4.4/5

It's graduation day - and both Ricky and Jack have something to say. A divorce attorney obtains incriminating photos at the graduation ceremonies.

Épisode 14 - Smokin' Like a Virgin

26 mars 2012 - 4.1/5

Amy and Ricky are now engaged, but Amy starts to consider what marriage may really mean.

Épisode 15 - Defiance

2 avril 2012 - 4.1/5

Summer school is the backdrop for another series of intrigues: Amy, Madison and Lauren argue, Henry is in the doghouse with both Ben and Alice, and someone is found to be trying pot.

Épisode 16 - They Gotta Eat

9 avril 2012 - 4/5

Kathleen struggles with a decision whether or not to allow a boy from the country to stay with them instead of attending boarding school

Épisode 17 - Suddenly Last Summer

16 avril 2012 - 4.1/5

Amy is increasingly short with everyone in her life, including Ricky, leaving him wondering what is going on with her, but he is not prepared when she reveals that she might be pregnant again. Ben, determined to get permission from Dylan's parents to see her, makes another attempt to win them over, but it doesn't turn out quite like he hoped when he ends up sharing too much information about his family. Grace is unsure how to react to her mother's shocking news about the secret her father kept from everyone and turns to Jack for support. And, Anne's evening with Nora raises questions for George.

Épisode 18 - The Beach is Back

23 avril 2012 - 3.9/5

Dylan and her pals surprise Ben at school, while Grace doesn't want Jacob attending school with her. Elsewhere, Kathleen tries to understand her late husband's secrets; and an overburdened Amy acts ornery at home with Ricky.

Épisode 19 - The Splits

30 avril 2012 - 3.9/5

Ben and Dylan go on their first real date together. Elsewhere, Tom runs into problems with police.

Épisode 20 - Strange Familiar

7 mai 2012 - 4/5

A desperate Kathleen resorts to bribery to get Grace to talk to Jacob. Elsewhere, Dylan attempts to befriend Adrian.

Épisode 21 - Allies

14 mai 2012 - 4/5

Amy learns she's doing poorly in summer school, so her dad tutors her and provides her with some life advice.

Épisode 22 - The Text Best Thing

21 mai 2012 - 4.2/5

Amy announces a wedding date, and the news travels quickly. Meanwhile, a rumor concerning Anne surfaces.

Épisode 23 - 4SnP

28 mai 2012 - 4/5

Amy's mistaken about why she's the focus of gossip, and Grace grows jealous of her. Elsewhere, Ashley and her mom return from traveling abroad; and Ben asks his father to let him enroll in Dylan's school.

Épisode 24 - Love Is Love

4 juin 2012 - 4.1/5

In the fourth-season finale, Anne reveals some news to her loved ones. Meanwhile, Ben considers transferring to Dylan's school.

Épisode 1 - To Begin With...

11 juin 2012 - 4/5

Ricky and Amy decide to run off together to escape all the drama at home with Anne's recent announcement that she's gay and Ashley's return home. But, will they decide to say 'I Do'? Meanwhile, Ben struggles with the knowledge that he may have contributed to burning down Dylan's school. And, now that Adrian is done with summer school and graduated, she's looking forward to college and Grace makes some difficult decisions about her relationships.

Épisode 2 - Shotgun

18 juin 2012 - 4.1/5

Amy and Ricky return home with big news. Meanwhile, Grace continues to shut out Adrian; Leo discusses the fire with Dylan's parents; and Anne learns how serious things are between Ashley and Toby.

Épisode 3 - I Do and I Don't...

25 juin 2012 - 3.8/5

Amy begins her senior year of high school and gives guidance to a new student, who's six months pregnant. Meanwhile, Ricky gets an opportunity to work for Leo full-time; Ben shares his feelings with Amy; Ricky and Amy watch a video of their wedding.

Épisode 4 - Lies and Byes

9 juillet 2012 - 4/5

Amy and Ricky's family and friends want to host a wedding reception for them, but Amy and Ricky are hesitant to accept their offer. Meanwhile, Ashley's parents find out she ran off to culinary school overseas; and Ruben advises Ben to get a lawyer.

Épisode 5 - Past History

16 juillet 2012 - 4/5

Ricky begins college, where he reunites with an old pal from foster care. Elsewhere, Ben's legal troubles are behind him, but he still must face Leo's wrath; Ethan takes an interest in Kathy; and George makes a promise to Kathleen.

Épisode 6 - Holy Rollers

23 juillet 2012 - 3.8/5

Grace persuades her friends to attend church, but her plan doesn't come together as she expected.

Épisode 7 - Girlfriends

30 juillet 2012 - 3.9/5

Amy is displeased to see Kathy hanging out with a bad crowd.

Épisode 8 - Setting Things Straight

6 août 2012 - 4/5

Amy envies Ricky's life as a college student.

Épisode 9 - Property Not For Sale

13 août 2012 - 3.9/5

Ben and Amy have a candid discussion about their relationship.

Épisode 10 - Regrets

20 août 2012 - 4/5

Adrian and Omar think about moving in together; Anne starts to plan Amy's wedding.

Épisode 11 - Half Over

27 août 2012 - 4.1/5

Jack remains in the hospital; Ricky discusses the wedding with George.

Épisode 12 - Hedy's Happy Holiday House

19 novembre 2012 - 4.1/5

t's Christmas Eve and Ricky and Amy are celebrating their first holiday together as a family. Ricky talks about an old tradition he had as a kid of sneaking into a toy shop with his fellow foster care friends every Christmas Eve. Ricky, Amy & John decide to continue the tradition and sneak their way into Hedy's and are amazed by the holiday fun inside. Ethan, dressed as Santa to surprise John, brings a very pregnant Kathy with him to join in on the fun. Meanwhile, Grace stays by Jack's side at the hospital hoping for a miracle while he's still in a coma since the beating. But, everyone is in for a holiday surprise when Kathy suddenly goes into labor.

Épisode 13 - To Each Her Own

18 mars 2013 - 3.9/5

Amy and Ricky continue planning their wedding, so Amy buys her dress at a thrift store. The dress is a little worse for wear, but only Amy sees the potential to make it great. Meanwhile, Ricky is upset about the dress and Adrian thinks the dress reflects her feelings about getting married.

Épisode 14 - It's a Miracle

25 mars 2013 - 3.9/5

Ben is in a euphoric mood, while driving Ethan to the airport he has an epiphany that Amy may not have been his first love. Omar leaves his student teaching job and proposes to Adrian. Ethan pleads with Kathy's parents to let her return home with him. Ricky confides in Dr. Fields about Amy's lack of enthusiasm towards their marriage - and Amy confides in Dr. Fields that she has other hopes and dreams. Meanwhile, Jack is restless with his injuries and enlists Grace's help. And, George meets with David to discuss Robie's paternity.

Épisode 15 - Untying the Knot

1 avril 2013 - 3.9/5

Anne's anger toward George prompts her to call off Ricky and Amy's wedding, exposing the truth about their marital status to others. Meanwhile, Jack is reluctant to get the help he needs; Kathy and Chloe's newfound friendship worries Ethan.

Épisode 16 - Shiny and New

8 avril 2013 - 3.7/5

Amy and Ricky's relationship grows increasingly strained when Amy decides she wants to tour a college in New York. Leo questions Ricky about his friendship with Clementine. Jack goes to extreme lengths to protect himself with potentially devastating consequences. Adrian is not happy when Omar goes on a business trip without her, especially when she learns that Amy is on the same flight. George's need to distance himself from Anne leads him down a new career path. Meanwhile, Cierra offers to tutor Ethan in math but his pride keeps him from accepting her help.

Épisode 17 - Fraid So

15 avril 2013 - 3.9/5

George and Reverend Stone insist that Jack see a therapist, but it's Adrian's advice that ultimately persuades him to go. Ricky feels Amy's absence as he juggles taking care of John with his work and school responsibilities. Cathy is stunned when she learns that her ex-boyfriend wants to see their baby. Amy realizes that she doesn't want to lose Ricky. Meanwhile, Leo secures an important business account.

Épisode 18 - Money For Nothin

22 avril 2013 - 3.8/5

Ricky tries to find a way to support Amy's dream of going to Hudson University, despite everyone's reservations about their relationship. Amy worries about her future when her meeting with the college counselor doesn't go quite like she'd expected.

Épisode 19 - Interference

29 avril 2013 - 3.6/5

Ethan is convinced no adult actually uses algebra, but a chance meeting with Danica McKellar helps him look at math in a different light. Amy's frantic search for her missing wedding bands leads her to Ben, who advises her to break-up with Ricky before it's too late. George and Kathleen's romantic dinner is interrupted by an uninvited guest. Meanwhile, Mrs. Stone confronts Grace about her relationship with Jack.

Épisode 20 - First and Last

6 mai 2013 - 3.8/5

Amy and Ricky announce they will get married the day after Amy graduates from high school, but everyone is skeptical that the wedding will actually happen. Grace and Jack announce their engagement, but it's soon clear that Grace is having second thoughts about her decision. George and Kathleen are distracted from their secret plans when their mothers arrive for unexpected visits, but they eventually include their families in a special surprise. Meanwhile, Ethan is jealous when Kathy agrees to help Brian prepare for the spelling bee.

Épisode 21 - All My Sisters With Me

13 mai 2013 - 3.8/5

Amy, Adrian and Grace struggle to reconcile their pending marriages with their individual dreams. Anne begins to feel like an outsider in her own family but soon finds an unexpected ally in Kathleen. Kathy and Ethan get into a fight after Ethan questions the status of their relationship. Leo worries about Ben's obsession with Amy. Meanwhile, Chloe reconnects with someone from her past.

Épisode 22 - When Bad Things Happen to Bad People

20 mai 2013 - 3.9/5

Adrian is devastated by Omar's decision and takes her pain out on Ricky and Jack. Ben refuses to give up on his dream of reuniting with Amy and makes a shocking confession to Alice. Ethan and Margaret have an honest conversation about his relationship with Kathy. Meanwhile, Clementine returns to town and pays Ricky a visit.

Épisode 23 - Caught in a Trap

27 mai 2013 - 4/5

Ricky suspects that Amy is hiding something and confronts her about their future. Everyone gives Ethan some much-needed advice about his love life. Amy is furious when she learns the lengths Ben will go to in order to win her back. Jack's commitment to Grace is tested, and Henry makes an important decision about his future. Meanwhile, Chloe finally puts her past demons to rest.

Épisode 24 - Thank You And Goodbye

3 juin 2013 - 3.8/5

High school graduation is finally here, prompting everyone to reminisce about how much their lives have changed over the past few years. Amy's relationships with Ricky and Ben weigh heavily on her mind, while Grace contemplates Jack's place in her life. Meanwhile, Adrian is ecstatic when an unexpected visitor knocks on her door.


The Secret Life Of The American Teenager : Trailer


Derniers avis

avatar de du commentaire : Je ne conseille pas cette série. C'est d'un gnan gnan, même pour les ados. Les dialogues sont très mal écrits, les histoires pourraient être sérieuses...

10/10/2020 - Aucune note

Je ne conseille pas cette série. C'est d'un gnan gnan, même pour les ados. Les dialogues sont très mal écrits, les histoires pourraient être sérieuses...

avatar de du commentaire : Assez bonne série. Plus orienté pour ado, mais sympa.

16/02/2020 - 4/5

Assez bonne série. Plus orienté pour ado, mais sympa.

avatar de du commentaire : Série fantastique.

02/10/2018 - 4/5

Série fantastique.

avatar de du commentaire : Pouvez vous me dire si ricky et amy vont se marier

15/03/2016 - 5/5

Pouvez vous me dire si ricky et amy vont se marier

avatar de du commentaire : J'adore cette serie vraiment fantastique dommage qu'il n'y est pas de saison6

15/03/2016 - 5/5

J'adore cette serie vraiment fantastique dommage qu'il n'y est pas de saison6

avatar de du commentaire : why is it showing. French

27/11/2015 - Aucune note

why is it showing. French

avatar de du commentaire : Je viens de terminer la saison 5 
Mais aucune saison 6 quel dommage !

22/10/2015 - Aucune note

Je viens de terminer la saison 5 Mais aucune saison 6 quel dommage !

avatar de du commentaire : la fin de la série n'as jamais été diffusée sur aucune chaine de TV

09/09/2015 - 4/5

la fin de la série n'as jamais été diffusée sur aucune chaine de TV

avatar de du commentaire : Je me suis forcée à regarder les premiers épisodes mais je n'ai pas poursuivi, c'était beaucoup trop ennuyant. Dommage, le thème me plaisait bien.

09/09/2015 - 1/5

Je me suis forcée à regarder les premiers épisodes mais je n'ai pas poursuivi, c'était beaucoup trop ennuyant. Dommage, le thème me plaisait bien.

avatar de du commentaire : trop bien

05/07/2015 - Aucune note

trop bien

avatar de du commentaire : pour moi c'est une série plaisante mais aucune chaine n'as diffusé la dernière saison

13/05/2015 - 4/5

pour moi c'est une série plaisante mais aucune chaine n'as diffusé la dernière saison

avatar de du commentaire : Je suis actuellement en train de regardé l'avant dernière saison, c'est long e un peu ennuian, mais j'ai cette série  malgré tous.

08/02/2015 - Aucune note

Je suis actuellement en train de regardé l'avant dernière saison, c'est long e un peu ennuian, mais j'ai cette série malgré tous.

avatar de du commentaire : J'aimerai bien revoir tous les episodes de cette serie

31/10/2014 - Aucune note

J'aimerai bien revoir tous les episodes de cette serie

avatar de du commentaire : Sérieusement elle se termine trop mal ! Je suis vraiment déçu. On se force les 2 premières saison et puis il nous sorte une fin nul.

15/06/2014 - 3/5

Sérieusement elle se termine trop mal ! Je suis vraiment déçu. On se force les 2 premières saison et puis il nous sorte une fin nul.

avatar de du commentaire : Si j'ai commencé à regarder cette série c'était pour l'actrice qui joue Amy. Malgré les dialogue un peu niais, j'ai regardé la saison 1 mais la saison...

08/05/2014 - Aucune note

Si j'ai commencé à regarder cette série c'était pour l'actrice qui joue Amy. Malgré les dialogue un peu niais, j'ai regardé la saison 1 mais la saison...