Poster de la serie The Demon Headmaster

The Demon Headmaster

Non notée

Année : 1996

Nombre de saisons : 3

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 25 minutes

Genre(s) : Enfant, Science-fiction

"The Headmaster" est un être étrange, possédant le don d'hypnose et désireux de dominer le monde, persuadé que celui-ci se porterait mieux s'il le dirigeait. Personne ne peut lui résister, à l'exception de quelques humains qui semblent immunisés contre son pouvoir...


The Demon Headmaster saison 1

Saison 1

The Demon Headmaster saison 2

Saison 2

The Demon Headmaster saison 3

Saison 3


Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - The Demon Headmaster (Part One)

2 janvier 1996

When Dinah Glass is adopted by the Hunters, she is introduced to her new brothers, Lloyd and Harvey. Starting at her new school, she meets the Demon Headmaster and his school prefects. Why is she "always so tired, so early in the morning"?

Épisode 2 - The Demon Headmaster (Part Two)

4 janvier 1996

Dinah figures out there is more to the Headmaster and the school than it seems. By breaking a school rule, she hopes to gain more information, but this also lands the boys in trouble. Harvey finds Dinah's recollection of the content of a recent school assembly doesn't match up in any way, shape or form with what he saw. A piece of technology hopes to be able to solve the mystery of these assemblies - if the headmaster doesn't cotton on first.

Épisode 3 - The Demon Headmaster (Part Three)

9 janvier 1996

After Dinah learns the school is going to feature on the chaotic Eddy Hair Show, she watches an episode to find out why. The show's format and its end segment also demonstrate why the Headmaster is so keen to "win" the show. An attempt to stop the production arriving at the school in the first place is mounted but the Headmaster is always one step ahead. Dinah is forced to win the show or she'll lose her new friends and family. Is there any way out?

Épisode 4 - The Prime Minister's Brain (Part One)

11 janvier 1996

Lloyd and Harvey pushed for Dinah to be adopted, so she has taken the family name. The Headmaster has moved onto pastures new having had his plans defeated at the school. The Hunters are part of Computer Club and there is a Junior Computer Brain of the year competition based on a computer game called Octopus Dare. Dinah wins the game and gets an invitation to London for the next round, but why has she suddenly become so keen to want a Salamander computer?

Épisode 5 - The Prime Minister's Brain (Part Two)

16 janvier 1996

With the octopus effectively in charge, Dinah and the other competition winners are entranced by it at every turn. The other members of SPLAT trick their way into the building and Harvey has an accident with an automated stock picker. Meanwhile rebellion is quashed amongst the competition. The afternoon session involves a spot of hacking but into whose computer and why?

Épisode 6 - The Prime Minister's Brain (Part Three)

18 janvier 1996

The true purpose of the entire competition has been revealed, forcing the Headmaster to explain his underlying plan. However these revelations leave everybody in grave danger. The Super Salamander can both save and worsen the situation but this creates a moral dilemma for Dinah and SPLAT.

Épisode 1 - The Demon Headmaster Strikes Again (Part One)

25 septembre 1996

It is revealed that after Dinah took control of the helicopter the Headmaster landed in a field outside a Biogenetic Research Centre in a village and soon puts himself in charge. The Headmaster concocts a new plan involving genetics to get his revenge, recruiting former prefect Rose to start the wheels in motion. Meanwhile the village seems to have suddenly decided the BRC is an excellent neighbour...

Épisode 2 - The Demon Headmaster Strikes Again (Part Two)

2 octobre 1996

Rose attempts to shake off her prefect image and befriend the Hunters, while Dinah is fascinated by loud buzzing in the area. A late night BRC investigation has serious consequences for Lloyd. Meanwhile the Headmaster claims to be able to speed up evolution.

Épisode 3 - The Demon Headmaster Strikes Again (Part Three)

9 octobre 1996

After Lloyd knocked himself out, he is dumped well away from the BRC grounds where he is later "found" by Rose. The Headmaster demonstrates his Evolution Accelerator using a lizard while Lloyd's father struggles to get away from work to see his son in the hospital. Lloyd has a puncture wound on his arm but the doctors aren't sure what's wrong with him. Dinah provides a cheek swab to the village doctor who is actually working for the BRC.

Épisode 4 - The Demon Headmaster Strikes Again (Part Four)

16 octobre 1996

A fly in the hospital buzzes around Lloyd which causes a reaction in him. Simon suspects the buzzing noise from the BRC is from a large wasp. Dinah grows creeper samples which not only shoot up in size quickly but also demonstrate attraction to red light. She later discovers Rose's secret entrance to the BRC, while SPLAT find "evidence" planted by Rose that puts Dinah's account of events into question.

Épisode 5 - The Demon Headmaster Strikes Again (Part Five)

23 octobre 1996

Simon isn't sure what he's let himself in for when he enters the BRC and comes face to face with the Demon Headmaster. Rose continues to stir things between Dinah and her family and ultimately tricks Dinah into disappointing Harvey. Meanwhile attention is drawn to the lizard egg back at the BRC...

Épisode 6 - The Demon Headmaster Strikes Again (Part Six)

30 octobre 1996

The egg has hatched, revealing a creature that looks like Dinah but with one lizard hand, scales and a lizard tongue, named Eve but deliberately emotionally devoid. Lloyd remains stable in the hospital while Dinah is almost certain of the ID of the director of the research centre, confirmed when they meet again after a misguided guise of a phone call.

Épisode 7 - The Demon Headmaster Strikes Again (Part Seven)

6 novembre 1996

In the final showdown, Dinah and Eve are sent in search of each other in the tunnels, the latter using red light on the creepers to encourage growth. An attempt to finish Dinah off ultimately results in Eve's own downfall due to her DNA make-up. Meanwhile the Headmaster has an entanglement with the creeper and his own machinery...

Épisode 1 - The Demon Headmaster Takes Over (Part One)

6 janvier 1998

It is six months after the previous episode and the army are sent in to reopen the Biogenetic Research Centre after the creeper grew out of control. With the power restored the computers reboot to their previous state, restoring the Headmaster in the process, but with no memory of his own name! However he takes a keen interest in Hyperbrain.

Épisode 2 - The Demon Headmaster Takes Over (Part Two)

8 janvier 1998

The Headmaster is still trying to remember who he is - he has found an archive security tape of himself and Dinah from days gone by. The professor proceeds to fill the Headmaster in on the details of how the human brain and Hyperbrain works - now eyes and ears can be everywhere.

Épisode 3 - The Demon Headmaster Takes Over (Part Three)

13 janvier 1998

As libraries and other sources of knowledge begin to close, their contents are stripped away and telephones are also cut off. Hyperbrain is sucking up knowledge harnessed from the green hand badges as their presence increases but the Headmaster is still no closer to finding out his own name - in his eyes Dinah may be his only chance of remembering.

Épisode 4 - The Demon Headmaster Takes Over (Part Four)

15 janvier 1998

Direct Brain Access is real and its happening. Meanwhile libraries across the country close at a phenomenal rate while green hand badges continue to spread. The internet is blocked at the internet cafe and Hyperbrain takes on a hologram personality of its own.

Épisode 5 - The Demon Headmaster Takes Over (Part Five)

20 janvier 1998

The Headmaster's attempt to find Dinah through a TV show backfires when the wrong Dinah Hunter steps forward. Meanwhile knowledge continues to pour into HyperBrain, and Michael spots Dinah and Ian on the green badge cams, leading him to believe Dinah's being stalked. Meanwhile the Headmaster summons Mrs Hunter to the laboratory after spotting her with Harvey - who is devastated at what the Headmaster has done.

Épisode 6 - The Demon Headmaster Takes Over (Part Six)

22 janvier 1998

Harvey is devastated to see his mother in the direct brain access chair having been "processed", while HyperBrain bluntly drops unsubtle hints about the need for more intellectual brains. Eventually Dinah meets Hyperbrain who agrees to swap her mother's mind for her own in Hyperbrain's bank - until the Headmaster intervenes. An outside plan succeeds to terminate Hyperbrain but has unintentional consequences for the Headmaster.


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