Poster de la serie The Border

The Border


Année : 2008

Nombre de saisons : 3

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 45 minutes

Genre(s) : Action, Aventure, Drame

Sous le commandement du Major Mike Kessler, les services d'immigration et des douanes s'efforcent d'assurer la sécurité du pays. Une sécurité renforcée depuis les attentats du 11 septembre...


The Border saison 1

Saison 1

The Border saison 2

Saison 2

The Border saison 3

Saison 3


Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - Pockets of Vulnerability

7 janvier 2008 - 3/5

l'aéroport de Toronto, Tariq Haddad est arrêté par les services de l'immigration. Son rattachement à un réseau terroriste syrien ne fait pas de doute. Parce qu'il était assis à côté du suspect, Nizar Karim, également d'origine syrienne, attire l'attention de la police. Alors qu'il déclare ne pas connaître Tariq, Nizar est lui aussi arrêté et expulsé du Canada. Après l'avoir fait incarcérer, le commandant Mike Kessler s'aperçoit qu'il a commis une faute professionnelle

Épisode 2 - Gray Zone

14 janvier 2008 - 4/5

Près du fleuve Saint Laurent, l'ICS découvre qu'un groupe de malfaiteurs albanais se sert d'un casino comme vitrine pour blanchir de l'argent sale. Après avoir intercepté un important transfert de fonds, Kessler, Bianca et Gray s'infiltrent au coeur du réseau. Autour des tables de jeu, Gray se fait passer pour un joueur invétéré mais un élément de son passé ressurgit inopinément, compromettant la mission

Épisode 3 - Bodies on the Ground

21 janvier 2008 - 3/5

Un avion américain s'écrase dans le nord du Québec. L'appareil, en mission secrète, transportait des terroristes musulmans vers une prison en Roumanie. Tandis que le reste de leur équipe tente de comprendre les causes de l'accident, Gray et Layla s'aperçoivent que trois terroristes et un passager ont disparu. Ils se démènent pour les retrouver avant que l'armée américaine ne s'en mêle

Épisode 4 - Gross Deceptions

28 janvier 2008 - 3/5

Une chambre d'un hôtel de Boston explose, tuant deux agents du FBI. Parallèlement, sur la base militaire de Petawana, un convoi transportant des bazookas est attaqué par des hommes en uniforme qui s'emparent de six armes anti-char. Kessler et La Garda ne tardent pas à soupçonner Willam de Vos, un trafiquant d'armes international, d'être derrière les deux forfaits. L'ICS se lance sur ses traces. MARATHON

Épisode 5 - Compromising Positions

4 février 2008 - 3/5

Suzanne Fleischer, une employée du ministère, fait pression sur Kessler pour obtenir la libération de trois stripteaseuses d'origine russe. Quand le patron des jeunes filles est retrouvé avec une balle dans la tête, Kessler met au jour une conspiration mêlant sexe et chantage dans les plus hautes sphères de l'Etat

Épisode 6 - Physical Assets

11 février 2008 - 3/5

Alors que Gray et Layla viennent de démanteler un trafic d'organes, Lo Hok-Yin, le chef des trafiquants, parvient à s'échapper. Bientôt, l'équipe découvre la nouvelle et sinistre activité du truand. De son côté, Slade tente de mettre fin à une fuite provenant de l'ICS

Épisode 7 - Family Values

18 février 2008 - 3/5

A l'occasion d'une conférence de l'ONU sur les enfants pris dans la tourmente de la guerre, l'ICS autorise une star de cinéma à pénétrer au Canada en compagnie de son fils, le jeune Ali, un réfugié du Darfour sans papier. L'arrivée inopinée d'un Soudanais affirmant qu'il est le père biologique d'Ali va avoir des conséquences inattendues...

Épisode 8 - Enemy Contact

25 février 2008 - 3/5

L'ICS découvre que Toronto sera sous peu la cible d'une attaque terroriste d'envergure. Pour tenter de prévenir la catastrophe, Kessler va devoir se servir d'une source inhabituelle : Sorrayya, une mère de famille voilée de la tête aux pieds...

Épisode 9 - Restricted Access

3 mars 2008 - 3/5

Un marin saute d'un cargo dans le port de Halifax. Il raconte une drôle d'histoire à Kessler et LaGarda. Ryan McKay, le capitaine du navire, aurait jeté par dessus bord un couple de passagers clandestins d'origine nigérienne. Leurs deux enfants seraient encore à bord, promis au même sort que les parents. Les deux agents de l'ICS mènent l'enquête pour tirer cette affaire au clair

Épisode 10 - Normalizing Relations

10 mars 2008 - 3/5

L'ICS apprend qu'un assassin anticastriste a projeté de tuer un Officiel cubain en visite au Canada. Layla et Gray décident d'enquêter du côté de Roberto Abrantes, un boxeur prometteur et fils de l'assassin potentiel

Épisode 11 - Civil Disobedience

17 mars 2008 - 3/5

La carrière de Kessler est en péril. Il est suspecté d'avoir tenté de classer une affaire dans laquelle Zoé, sa fille, est impliquée

Épisode 12 - Grave Concern

24 mars 2008 - 3/5

L'ICS arrête un pédophile et découvre la photo d'un enfant kidnappé sur son disque dur. L'arrestation du ravisseur, un sadique utilisant le surnom "Skinner", devient une priorité pour toute l'équipe

Épisode 13 - Blowback

31 mars 2008 - 3/5

Quand Kessler découvre qu'un seigneur de guerre croate vit au Canada et jouit d'une protection gouvernementale, ses douloureux souvenirs de la guerre de Bosnie refont surface. Il décide alors de tout mettre en oeuvre pour que justice soit faite

Épisode 1 - Stop Loss

29 septembre 2008

Three American soldiers plunge into the Niagara River and swim to Canada. Deserters, refusing to return to Iraq under the U.S.'s "stop loss"? policy, they seek refugee status in Canada. Major Mike Kessler and his Immigration and Customs Security (ICS) Squad are forced to deal with the fallout -- from Canadian anti-war protestors to an incensed American four-star general. One of the soldiers has a psychotic breakdown forcing Major Kessler to face his worst nightmare.

Épisode 2 - Target of Opportunity

6 octobre 2008

An international assassin, Monita Persaud, turns up in downtown Toronto. Her target: a political cartoonist who has enraged the Muslim world. The ICS squad, with the help of US Homeland Security Special Agent Bianca LaGarda, tracks down Persaud, only to discover a more ominous conspiracy. It's what Monita Persaud doesn't know that poses the greatest threat -- to the life of one of the ICS squad.

Épisode 3 - Floral Tribute

13 octobre 2008 - 5/5

Shipments of poisoned African heroin are hitting the streets of Toronto. Junkies start dying from the toxic drugs and ICS must race to track down the smugglers. The investigation leads them to a Kenyan flower merchant, his troubled daughter, and a mysterious English woman named Abi Mitchell. As Kessler zeroes in on the African smugglers, Mitchell gives him much more that he bargained for.

Épisode 4 - Nothing to Declare

20 octobre 2008

In a small village straddling the Quebec/Vermont border, a U.S. fire truck is held too long at customs, allowing a Canadian house to burn down. Long-simmering tensions erupt among the residents. Moose and Layla travel to the divided town, and are forced to deal with spurned lovers, historic feuds, and the surprising emergence of a 60s era FLQ bomb-maker.

Épisode 5 - Peak Oil

27 octobre 2008

In southern Alberta, an eco-terrorist sabotages a pumping station, and cracks the mainframe of Westech Oil. Gray and Layla travel to Calgary, where they uncover an international corporate espionage scheme to disrupt the sale of groundbreaking oil extraction technology. Layla meets, and falls for, Jimmy Kosik, a hot "environmental consultant"?, but Gray discovers that Jimmy is not who he seems.

Épisode 6 - Prescriptive Measures

3 novembre 2008

An American pop star collapses in New York City and her death is linked to a Canadian cancer medication, prescribed in Toronto and shipped across the border. An autopsy shows the medication to be a counterfeit. Kessler and LaGarda investigate the Canadian pharmaceutical company responsible, and its indignant CEO. Kessler discovers, LaGarda's interest in the phony drugs is much keener than she is letting on.

Épisode 7 - Articles of Faith

10 novembre 2008

In southern BC, a fundamentalist Christian sect is moving teenaged girls across the border, to serve as wives for their polygamist leaders. When a young Canadian border guard disappears, Gray and Maggie dive into the complicated, passionate and highly political world of the extreme religious sect. In the process, Gray encounters Liz Carver, a stunning American DHS agent and finds her impossible to resist.

Épisode 8 - The Sweep

17 novembre 2008

A media frenzy erupts when it's leaked that 41,000 illegal immigrants, all with deportation orders, have gone missing across Canada. As Minister Fleischer takes the heat, Kessler and his ICS squad swing into action, rounding up illegals: from Colombian drug lords to South Asian cyber-sweatshop workers. When Maggie encounters two young Filipino children, victims of human trafficking, she crosses the line, and becomes personally involved.

Épisode 9 - Good Intentions

24 novembre 2008

A former Canadian soldier, Tom Kelvin, freaks out in the customs hall at Pearson Airport. Moose tasers him, and Kelvin drops to the floor, dead. Amid the ensuing controversy, it's revealed that Kelvin was a drug mule, with a condom-full of heroin in his stomach, direct from Kandahar, Afghanistan. Kessler and Liz Carver investigate Kelvin's scheme. Is the Canadian military involved? Or the American private security firm that employed Kelvin? The answers come from a surprising source.

Épisode 10 - Double Dealing

1 décembre 2008

A Russian man is found frozen in a railway car. He turns out to be a former KGB agent with Russian mob connections. As ICS investigates, they travel from the high arctic, where African blood diamonds are being "laundered"? by Canadian mines, to an upscale New York City penthouse, where Layla encounters an old flame.

Épisode 11 - Unacceptable Risk

8 décembre 2008

MI-6 Agent Charlotte Bates escorts a Tamil gang member to Toronto for his son's life-saving surgery. In return, the man will testify, in a British court, against a leading terrorist. The neurosurgeon set to perform the boy's operation is killed and violence erupts in the city's Tamil community. Faced with an escalating gang war, Kessler must make an agonizing choice.

Épisode 12 - Shifting Waters

15 décembre 2008

With global warming, the Arctic has become navigable, and the race to claim it heats up. As a four-nation conference on the issue unfolds in Toronto, a faraway collision under the polar ice turns a group of Canadian sailors into bargaining chips. Kessler and ICS must find a way to broker a deal that saves the sailors without selling out Canada's future in the Arctic -- even if that means betraying personal bonds to U.S. Agent Carver, and British operative Charlotte Bates.

Épisode 13 - Going Dark

22 décembre 2008

ICS discovers that toxic sludge is being trucked across the border and dumped in the Canadian wilderness. They follow a trail to a vicious criminal gang, who gain control over Gray and his father. As Gray struggles to save his father, he sets off a chain of events which bring about the season's shocking conclusion.

Épisode 1 - The Dead

8 octobre 2009

Kessler and Carver hover near death while Gray hunts down Layla’s killers. A bloody highway shoot-out with the crime mob ‘Ndrangheta has left Major Kessler and Agent Carver fighting for their lives. The Squad is forced to the sidelines, as Special Counsel Louise Tilden investigates the role of ICS in the much-publicized tragedy. Meanwhile, Gray, who has been suspended from duty, sets out to avenge the murders of Layla and his father Dougie.

Épisode 2 - Broken

15 octobre 2009

Agent Bianca LaGarda escorts seventeen year-old Ali Jabir, a Canadian resident with ties to terrorists and just released from Guantanamo Bay, back to Canada. Kessler and ICS enter questionable moral territory as they use Ali as bait to capture notorious terrorist Nasim Mujab, Ali’s childhood friend. Slade – assisted by CSIS agent and language expert Khalida Massi - uncovers an impending terrorist attack on Toronto. At the official inquiry into the ‘Ndrangheta shoot-out, the future of ICS is at risk.

Épisode 3 - Killer Debt

22 octobre 2009

When wealthy philanthropist Benjamin Herzog is murdered, the prime suspect is his financial advisor Cyrus Church. Church has engineered a massive Ponzi scheme to defraud his investors of billions. Foreign operatives determined to recover stolen funds are also looking for Church. And complicating matters, Church's new trophy wife is Svetlana Karpov, a dead-sexy Russian stripper from Kessler's past. ICS's newest agent, Khalida Massi, finally gets a chance to prove herself in the field.

Épisode 4 - Hate Metal

29 octobre 2009

Now back on active duty, DHS Agent Liz Carver tracks a murder suspect, the notorious white-supremacist Cole Thorpe, to Canada. Kessler assigns Gray to infiltrate Thorpe's British Columbia-based neo-Nazi operation. Carver still blames Gray for the 'Ndrangheta debacle and her own injuries. When Gray learns the neo-Nazis are planning a devastating act of racial terrorism, Carver must work with him to stop it.

Épisode 5 - Missing in Action

5 novembre 2009

In Afghanistan to consult on border security, Kessler and a young DHS agent, Henry Masoud, are kidnapped and held for ransom. Kessler must calm a fearful Henry as they face torture and intimidation. Darnell and Carver join NATO's search and discover that General Zaki, their prime suspect, is also their best hope of getting Kessler and Masoud out alive.

Épisode 6 - Kiss and Cry

12 novembre 2009

Kessler's daughter Zoe helps Yuan Dao, China's star figure skater, escape from the Chinese Secret Service. Dao claims to be a freedom activist who will face torture and execution if returned to China. Having fallen for the skater and his story, Zoe takes Dao to ICS, where Kessler faces political pressure to hand him over to the Chinese. Zoe and Dao escape again, this time from Kessler.

Épisode 7 - Bride Price

19 novembre 2009

Khali becomes personally involved in the case of Mina Diwan, a strong-willed Indian 18-year-old who arrives in Canada looking for her "runaway groom". Using a false identity, Anwar Singh has married Mina in the Punjab and stolen her family's $50,000 dowry. Unwilling to return to her strict Indian family, Mina seeks out Canadian relatives to sponsor her for citizenship, but they too disapprove of Mina's modern ways. ICS learns that one of Anwar's previous brides is missing and presumed dead. When Mina goes missing, Khali and the Squad must race to save her.

Épisode 8 - Dark Ride

26 novembre 2009

A snuff film is confiscated at the Maine-New Brunswick border, and Carver finds the body of the film's victim Stateside. ICS traces the video back to the vicious biker gang, Satans Guard. Maggie goes to the east coast to see her estranged daughter Kim whose boyfriend, a former member of the gang, is eager to inform on his former associates. Meanwhile, ICS learns of a cross-border serial killer – who has just set his sights on Kim.

Épisode 9 - Dying Art

3 décembre 2009

Kessler sends Khali and Darnell to Montreal to investigate claims that a celebrated golden Buddha was stolen and illegally imported to Canada. But the protestors – a Buddhist monk and an idealistic school teacher – turn out to be as mysterious as the Buddha's smile. Khali goes undercover to discover their true intentions.

Épisode 10 - Spoils of War

10 décembre 2009

In a Toronto coffee-shop, an African refugee recognizes the brutal Congolese warlord who raped her and enslaved her son. As they struggle to keep the warlord behind bars, ICS uncovers a deadly conspiracy that links coltan smuggling in the Congo to a powerful multinational based in Canada. Hard-nosed politico Jack Hardacre takes over as Minister of Public Safety, and takes a strong dislike to Kessler. And rebuffed by Kessler, Charlotte takes solace elsewhere.

Épisode 11 - Credible Threat

7 janvier 2010

The American President's upcoming visit to Canada has the ICS Squad on full alert. Working with DHS Agent Liz Carver and the Secret Service Advance Team, ICS sifts through hundreds of threats and uncovers an assassination plot by a Lebanese terrorist, working for the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. But as Slade digs deeper, he discovers the trail they've been following is an elaborate electronic smokescreen created by a sophisticated hacker. To make matters worse, an internal security leak means the real assassin is always one step ahead of the Squad.

Épisode 12 - No Refuge

14 janvier 2010

A kingpin in Mexico's Los Zetas drug cartel is en route to Toronto to meet his new distributors – the ultraviolent street gang, MS-13. Ramon Esteban – the new flame of Kessler's ex-wife Terri – is a Mexican journalist whose articles on Los Zetas have put him on the cartel's hit list. When Kessler, Carver, and Gray attempt to transfer Ramon from Terri's shelter into protective custody, MS-13 launches an all-out attack. Kessler must fight back with an unlikely team of warriors.


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