Poster de la serie The Aegis of Uruk

The Aegis of Uruk


Année : 2008

Nombre de saisons : 2

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 25 minutes

Genre(s) : Action, Aventure, Animation, Fantastique

Au milieu du royaume d'Uruk a été reconstruit la tour de Druaga, le seigneur des ténèbres. 80 ans après avoir été détruite par le roi Gilgamesh, ce haut lieu des forces du mal apparait tel un furoncle au milieu de la prospère contrée. Jil est un Gardien qui, pour ses premiers pas en tant que mercenaire, fait équipe avec son frère Neeba et les compagnons de celui-ci: Fatina, Kally et Utu. Considéré comme trop tendre il est renvoyé du groupe après sa première mission. Mais le jeune idéaliste ne s'avoue pas vaincu et compte bien devenir le nouveau héros du pays en détruisant Druaga. Pour se faire il part à la recherche de nouveaux partenaires. Il ne tardera pas à se faire remarquer par la charmante Kaaya et la taciturne Ahmey...


The Aegis of Uruk saison 1

Saison 1


The Aegis of Uruk saison 2

Saison 2



Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - Great Tower of Druaga

4 avril 2008 - 4.6/5

Jil bands together with his friends to travel up the Tower of Druaga in order to defeat the demon, Druaga and succeed in doing so easily! this all for real? Or was Jil's defeat of Druaga just a strange dream?

Épisode 2 - Meskia, the City in the Tower

11 avril 2008 - 4.2/5

The team heads back to the town of Meskia to resupply only to kick Jil out of the group because of his failure to help out at all in the previous trip. Jil, still determined to make it to the top of Druaga, attempts to form his own group and winds up joining forces with a healer, Kaaya, and her acquaintance, Ahmey. While exploring the town during a parade to welcome King Gilgamesh, Jil overhears his older brother, Neeba, and his group talking about a plot they heard to assassinate the king later that night. Determined to prevent the hero's death, Jil and his team attempt to stop the assassins before they can kill Gilgamesh.

Épisode 3 - Before Departure

18 avril 2008 - 4.5/5

Neeba helps Jil escape capture after being seen with the assassinated body of King Gilgamesh telling Jil that everything will make sense soon enough. Much to Jil's surprise, the King is alive and well the following day! Before Jil and his team can figure out what's going on, a monster attacks and the group rescues a young girl named Coopa. Out of gratitude, Coopa introduces the group to her master, a magic user named Melt. Soon after, the group is captured due to their involvement with the attack on King Gilgamesh the previous day. Just how are Jil and the others going to get themselves out of this mess?

Épisode 4 - Band of the Hand

25 avril 2008 - 4.8/5

Jil and his comrades continue to try and make their way up the tower, but they don't seem to be having much luck fighting monsters. Ahmey discovers she's the only member of the group to have gone far up the tower and explains to the others about the different levels of the tower and their gardens. Meanwhile, Neeba's group encounters a spirit who seems to have a past connection with Neeba. Pazuz, wanting to eliminate Jil and his group, casts a spell on a group of Kusarakks and sends them to attack Jil and the others! Will the group manage to survive?

Épisode 5 - Ziusudra`s Trap

2 mai 2008 - 4.6/5

Jil and his group decide to take a shortcut filled with the traps of a mage named Ziusudra. When a person steps and activates a trap, strange things begin happening such as gender switching, becoming two dimensional, and being forced into strange outfits! The group manages to reach the final trap: a door where they are required to put on a funny performance in order to proceed. If the group fails, they'll fall through a trapdoor into disgusting mud! Can Jil lead his group through the door?

Épisode 6 - Bridge of Lightning

9 mai 2008 - 4.8/5

Jil's group stop to rest in a town while waiting for their turn to take a gondola further up the tower. Melt and Coopa then have another argument, making Coopa run off and explore the town. Coopa then meets a boy named Yury and learns about lightning stones as well as Yury's family's past.

Épisode 7 - Dance with the One-Winged Dragon!

16 mai 2008 - 4.5/5

Jil and his group wind up stuck waiting with other climbers for the Uruk army to defeat a one-winged dragon blocking the path to get higher up the tower. The group plans to rest with the other climbers, but Jil has other ideas and does his best to rally the other climbers and convince them to join him in defeating the dragon.

Épisode 8 - Tower of Legend

23 mai 2008 - 4.8/5

Kaaya fakes being ill in order to trick Jil unknowingly to go up the previous Tower of Druaga that King Gilgamesh had triumphed over. Jil soon finds that he is unable to move in the tower, and it is up to Kaaya and the other climbers to control him and make it up the 60 floors. Will Kaaya and the climbers get Jil to the top?

Épisode 9 - Eleven Nine

30 mai 2008 - 5/5

After an incident, Jil becomes separated from his group and winds up traveling together with Fatina, much to Fatina's disappointment. Can the two work together and meet up with their groups again? And what evil plot is Pazuz up to?

Épisode 10 - The End of Summer

6 juin 2008 - 5/5

Jil's group, Neeba's group, and Kelb's and Ethana's troops manage to make it to the Sky Shrine; the home of the monster Druaga. To get up to the final floor the groups must climb up treacherous icy cliffs. Can the groups make it to the top without being killed from Pazuz's interference?

Épisode 11 - One Solitary Shield

13 juin 2008 - 4.8/5

The final battle against Druaga has begun! Pazuz continues his interference against Neeba's group and it's up to Jil to protect everyone using his shield. Which group will succeed in defeating the giant monster?

Épisode 12 - ~ The Aegis of URUK ~

20 juin 2008 - 5/5

Jil manages to come up with a plan to defeat Druaga once and for all. Can all groups work together to beat the monster and bring peace to everyone living in the tower? Who will receive the Blue Crystal Rod and have their wish granted?

Épisode 1 - The Tower of Gilgamesh

9 janvier 2009 - 5/5

Six months have passed since the defeat of Druaga, and the tower is renamed by Gilgamesh, who falsely claims all credit for the act. The veteran climbers have moved on with their lives, with Fatina becoming a tour guide, Kelb running a tavern, and Utu becoming a unmasked wrestler. However, Jil is still burdened with the betrayals of Neeba and Kaaya. In an effort to cheer him up, Fatina invites him out to see a play and then to see a wrestling match, only for the pair to run into trouble when a mysterious little girl comes to them after being chased by the Golden Knights, led by Uragon. With Utu's help, Jil and Fatina escape with the girl, who reveals herself to be Ki, the first priestess of Ishtar and queen to Gilgamesh, and demands that Jil take her to the top of the tower, lest Kaaya will suffer a terrible fate.

Épisode 2 - Capital City Meskia

16 janvier 2009 - 5/5

After taking shelter at Kelb's place, Jil agrees to take Ki up the tower in order to learn Neeba and Kaaya's fate. Fatina is opposed to the idea and refuses to join Jil, feeling that he would only need her skills as a mage, much like how Neeba used her. After Kelb tries to learn more about how the child-like Ki could be Gilgamesh's queen, Jil and Utu set off to ascend the tower with Ki, recruiting Henaro as well. However, Uragon continue to hinder them from taking the dingle ladder, the newest form of transportation up the tower, until Fatina arrives to aid them. The group is able to enter the transport thanks to Ethana allowing the gate to remain unlocked. Jil thanks Fatina for joining them, but she asks that he must give up if he finds nothing at the top of the tower and that he also must protect her.

Épisode 3 - City of Dreams: Meltland

23 janvier 2009 - 4.7/5

Jil's party quickly ascends to the higher levels of the tower and are reunited with Melt and Coopa, who now run a lucrative resort in a frigid area. When Jil asks for their help, Melt reveals that he has already made a deal with Uragon to capture Ki while everyone else is imprisoned. It is until when Uragon accidentally steps on one of Melt's employed Ropers, the ensuring chaos allows everyone to escape, though Melt is financially ruined. Jil and his group continue up the tower while Melt and Coopa are forced to go with Uragon.

Épisode 4 - Into the Phantasm

30 janvier 2009 - 4.5/5

Upon reaching the top of the tower, a weakened Druaga attacks Jil and his party. However, when Jil is hit by its laser beam, he loses consciousness and awakens in a world where Ki begins to explain her history. Both Ki and Kaaya had been tasked to assist him to the top of the tower since six months ago, but neither of them had the desire to do so. Gilgamesh has been cursed with immortality by Druaga eighty years ago, existing as two entities, one in Meskia and another at the top of the Tower of Fantasy. To prevent him from becoming a tyrant, Kaaya and Neeba seek to kill the king, but must kill the entity at the top of the tower to do so. When Jil regains consciousness just as Druaga is defeated and obtains the key to the second half of the tower, Henaro and Ki are taken hostage by Gremica, who heads up the tower with her party. Jil, Fatina, and Utu later advance as well, knowing that there is not return from this point on, but they are unaware that Melt, Coopa, and Uragon are still following them.

Épisode 5 - Land of Shadows

6 février 2009 - 4.5/5

Jil, Fatina, and Utu continue to pursue Gremica, but wind up in a barren landscape, where they find Henaro. However, the field is filled with monsters and the only safety is in the shadows. When Gremica forces Ki to cast a spell revealing Neeba's footprints, Jil's party is able to find and make their way out. However, without any shadows near the exit, they are unable to leave until they topple a pillar, and Melt uses his magic to create a dust cloud to block out enough light to destroy any attacking monsters. Meanwhile, in Meskia, Gilgamesh struggles with his erratic behavior and tries to kill himself, only to be stopped by a phantom of his other self, and wishes that Ki would save him.

Épisode 6 - The Four Assassins

13 février 2009 - 4.5/5

Neeba and Kaaya make their way across a vast expanse of water, unaware that the coffin knights are watching them, and realize the instability of the area reflects Gilgamesh's own heart. The duo are eventually attacked by Sword of Blood and Tear of Ice, two of the four soulless artificial soldiers released from the coffins owned by Pazuzu, but manage to escape to the next floor through a whirlpool. Both Jil and Gremica's parties make their way through a jungle and everyone is separated when Mite the Fool and Specula Ex Machina suddenly attack them. When Acra take out Mite the Fool, Gremica's party is able to flee while Jil's party is left to finish off Specula Ex Machina before they move on to the next area. Uragon's party finds an unconscious Mite the Fool before they advance as well. Kelb and Ethana separately witness Gilgamesh's increasingly cruel behavior as he plans to invade neighboring countries.

Épisode 7 - House of Eternal Spring

20 février 2009 - 4.5/5

Near a mansion in a green field, Jil's party finds Melt and Coopa and are inexplicably reunited with the deceased Ahmey and Kally. Everyone, minus Uragon, ends up finding someone who has died or something that was lost that they wanted to see again. Henaro is shocked that Pazuzu not only says that the coffin knights had gone berserk following his death, but also admits no having any remorse for her as her father, causing her to shoot him in the head. Utu locates the key to a locked portal required to escape but hesitates to say anything until the three remaining coffin knights soon appear and attack the mansion. Mite the Fool awakens, recognizing Kally as her mother, who fades away after asking her to protect everyone, which urges her to attack her comrades. She ends up tagging along with Uragon afterwards. Ahmey gives Jil the headband Kaaya left behind to remind him as his resolve before she vanishes, as he passes through the portal with his group.

Épisode 8 - The Two Were Once...

27 février 2009 - 4.8/5

Upon arriving in a cavern and colliding with Specula Ex Machina, Jil is forced to decoy it to allow his friends to evade. However, Jil runs into Neeba, disagreeing his motivations of wanting to revive the Sumar Empire. Jil's companions find an ill Kaaya, but as Fatina and Utu unsuccessfully try to wake her, Henaro sneaks off to contact Sword of Blood and Tear of Ice. As Jill set off to fight Specula Ex Machina, Gremica and Acra appear to expose the presence of the Succubus, who claims that Neeba has been following her will rather than trying to revive the Sumar Empire. While combating with Gremica, Neeba pierces Acra in the chest. Neeba then helps Jil destroy Specula Ex Machina. It is explained that Neeba was once trained under Gremica after his father had been killed in the past. Ethana, after receiving a secret letter from Kelb, heads out to lead an uprising.

Épisode 9 - Until the End of the Dream

27 février 2009 - 4.8/5

Henaro is found out to be a spy working for Amina, sent on a mission to retrieve the four coffin knights. Jil after Fatina, Utu, and Melt are knocked out after battling against Sword of Blood and Tear of Ice, finding out what happened afterward. Henaro captures a wounded Coopa and an awakened Kaaya are captured by Henaro and are taken to the Tower of Fantasy, where the shadow of Gilgamesh have them caged. Neeba and Succubus, with a chained Ki in tow, follow them through doorway to the top floor. Ethana starts a riot in the city of Meskia. Jil, Gremica, Uragon and their respective companions meet to figure out their situation, and they confirm their purpose for climbing the tower. After an overwhelmed Gilgamesh, controlled by his shadow, murders Amina for going behind his back, the Tower of Fantasy begins to undergo yet another change in structure.

Épisode 10 - Last Resort

13 mars 2009 - 4.8/5

The shadow of Gilgamesh hangs Kaaya in the throne room. Jil and all his comrades bust their way through the top of the tower, splitting up in separate directions. When Henaro is encountered, Uragon is forced to contend to her, while Jil, Fatina, and Utu are faced against Tear of Ice. Shiera halts Ethana from furthering her rebellion, but Kelb arrives to intervene. Succubus wonders why Ki intends to destroy the tower after obtaining the blue crystal rod. Coopa, managing to escape from the cage, is saved by Melt when she is chased by an armored monster. Fatina uses her fire magic to obliterate Tear of Ice, consequently depleting her energy as a result. Neeba runs into Sword of Blood, easily able to annihilate him, which leads to a confrontation with the shadow of the king. Melt and Coopa soon catch up with Jil, Fatina, and Utu.

Épisode 11 - The One Who Strikes God

20 mars 2009 - 4.5/5

The battle between Neeba and the shadow of Gilgamesh ensues in the throne room. However, Neeba is defeated as soon as Jil and the other arrive too late. Jil is unable to take down this malicious shadow, being kicked around repeatedly. Henaro, somehow having control over Mite the Fool, retaliates and takes action on the shadow, but this damages her to the point of deactivation. Jil unties Kaaya from the wall where she was hanged. The decision battle begins as Jil charges at the shadow of Gilgamesh with full force. Just as the shadow of Gilgamesh prepares to kill Jil, Uragon stabs him through the chest, allowing Jil to finish him off. After Succubus encourages Neeba to his feet, he shoots Henaro and obtains the blue crystal rod, which then reveals the true form of the Tower of Druaga as Neeba slowly begins to transform.

Épisode 12 - Connected Hands

27 mars 2009 - 4.3/5

Cannons peer out from the tower and fire shots towards Meskia. Jil and Kaaya split up from the rest in an effort to destroy the tower. but Kaaya is left to deal with Succubus while Jil is left to confront Neeba. After a long and climatic battle between Jil and Neeba, the last blow is struck and Jil stands victorious. The tower finally crumbles to pieces, the befallen curse has been lifted, and life returns to normal with the climbers


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avatar de du commentaire : La serie est en double

28/09/2014 - Aucune note

La serie est en double "Tower of Druaga: the Aegis of Uruk", qui porte donc le nom de la saison 2 et "Tower of Druaga".

avatar de du commentaire : 'the Aegis of Uruk' refers to the 1 season while the second one is called 'The sword of Uruk'

28/01/2012 - Aucune note

'the Aegis of Uruk' refers to the 1 season while the second one is called 'The sword of Uruk'