Poster de la serie Supernanny



Année : 2004

Nombre de saisons : 7

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 45 minutes

Genre(s) : Documentaire, Télé-réalité

Each week, Supernanny promises to transform the lives of a different family and put a stop to the unruly bad behaviour of children who are driving their parents insane. Having tackled tantrum-prone toddlers in series one, this time Jo takes on a range of problem children from terror tweens to troublesome teenagers, and from destructive daughters to children who won't eat, sleep or go to school. In her frank and upfront style, Jo forces each family to confront the real issues behind the bad behaviour. Then, with her recipe of strict discipline and tried-and-tested techniques, she sets about teaching the parents how to turn their kids around; but can she meet these tough new challenges with each family in just three weeks?


Supernanny saison 1

Saison 1

Supernanny saison 2

Saison 2

Supernanny saison 3

Saison 3


Supernanny saison 4

Saison 4

Supernanny saison 5

Saison 5

Supernanny saison 6

Saison 6

Supernanny saison 7

Saison 7


Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - The Woods Family

7 juillet 2004

The Woods family from Grantham call upon Jo for her expert advice and no-nonsense approach to child rearing. Their youngest child, two-year-old Charlie, is a raging toddler who is destroying and dominating family life with his out-of-control behaviour. Desperate times call for desperate measures; mum Lucy and dad Steve are determined to turn their lives around and adhere to the strict guidelines Jo has laid out for them, Charlie and their older children Billy and Caitlin. But even Jo, with 16 years of no-nonsense nannying and childcare practice behind her, admits it is going to be a challenge. 'I have never seen a boy run riot and control his family like he does... I am shocked to see how you have allowed him to become this bad.' Will she really be able to rescue the family and solve their parenting nightmares?

Épisode 2 - The Steer Family

14 juillet 2004

Supernanny Jo Frost faces a tough assignment when she agrees to move into the home of single mum Kelly Steer. Kelly's two young children have pretty much destroyed the family home. Out of control four-year-old Callum and five-year-old Sophia dominate the house. They fight with each other, won't eat properly, destroy their bedrooms, refuse to sleep at bedtime, and worst of all, they have been known to physically attack their mum. Can Supernanny Jo make her mark this week, or does it all prove too much for the Steers?

Épisode 3 - The Charles Family

21 juillet 2004

Épisode 1 - The Collins Family

5 avril 2005 - 5/5

Jo takes on the four unruly young Collins children, who run the house by mob rule. She finds herself particularly up against it with nine-year-old Ben and four-year-old Joseph, who are not only aggressive and destructive, but are determined to be the first children to prove that Supernanny can fail! After witnessing everything from regular use of the F word to spitting and smashing up the house, Jo introduces her new zero-tolerance regime, under which all bad behaviour is punished. The children are separated into different Naughty Zones when they misbehave, and have toys and any luxury items confiscated. She encounters much resistance from the kids, and tears from mum and dad, and even has to teach dad how to better handle his children using a bit of imaginative role-playing.

Épisode 2 - The Hemingway-Clegg Family

12 avril 2005 - 5/5

Épisode 3 - The Pandit Family

19 avril 2005 - 5/5

This episode's family consists of mum Caroline, dad Sunil and the four junior J's - Jaimin, Jasmine, Jenna and Jayan. All the children are under the age of eight, and look like butter wouldn't melt in their mouths. But under closer inspection these kids are mini-adults long before their time. Supernanny Jo Frost has a different kind of mission in this house: reminding everyone who the parents are - and who are the kids. Her techniques include setting up no-go zones and the introduction of a bedtime routine for the first time ever, with new rigid times for each child. So who struggles the most with the new regime; the parents or the kids?

Épisode 4 - The Douglas Family

26 avril 2005 - 5/5

Older parents Doug and Sandra struggle with their four-year-old twins, George and Nicole. This pair of tag-team terrors have been known to have four-hour tantrums. The twins are at their worst when out in public. They often resort to kicking, screaming, lying down in the street, throwing items around the supermarket and generally causing such embarrassment to their parents that they just do not know what to do. Now these beleaguered parents are pinning all their hopes on Supernanny Jo Frost. Mum in particular is hoping that Jo can help her to turn things around, as she feels that her four-year-olds only ever listen to dad. Jo's clever techniques for the 'terrible twosome' include: a shopping involvement technique, tantrum control - with a calm-down zone and reward charts.

Épisode 5 - The Cooke Family

3 mai 2005 - 5/5

Supernanny needs to draw on all of her 16 years experience of nannying when she meets Paul and Denise Cooke and their three daughters: four-year-old Erin, six-year-old Gabriella and nine-year-old Meghann. All the girls are very bright and creative but their arguments with their parents regularly turn into shouting matches. Meghann's relationship with her mum is very stressful and the family hardly ever go out in public together for fear of an embarrassing scene. Supernanny adapts her tried-and-tested techniques to fit the Cookes' problems, with the renowned naughty step replaced by a bigger reflection room for all the girls, and attempts to improve the mood and reward good behaviour. Does Supernanny have what it takes to quell Meghann's explosive temper or has she finally met her match? And how will Mum and Dad cope when Supernanny leaves to see if they can use her new techniques on their own?

Épisode 6 - The Seniors Family

10 mai 2005 - 5/5

When Jo Frost meets Debbie and her daughters she's confronted by some of the most shocking behaviour she's ever seen. Debbie is a single mum who juggles two jobs with bringing up her three daughters, Bethany (5), Ruth (3) and Hannah (2). When Supernanny arrives, she's spat at and has things thrown at her - and mum doesn't do much to stop it. After laying down some household rules Supernanny adapts her famous naughty step into three 'naughty corners'. Then she teaches Debbie a 'roaming technique' to help mum regain control of the girls in public, before addressing bedtime with a strictly no-nonsense stay-in-bed technique - which eventually works after Ruth gets out a record 47 times. It all goes well at first, but then Ruth deliberately bangs mum's head against the kitchen door...

Épisode 7 - The Bradbury-Lambert Family

17 mai 2005 - 5/5

Jo Frost really has her work cut out when she meets Stuart and Laura, a kick boxing couple, and their three kids, five-month-old Diesel, two-and-a-half-year-old Tegan-Olivia and five-year-old Matthew, whose aggressive and violent behaviour often leaves mum battered and bruised. When Supernanny arrives she sees how bad the situation is. After laying down some household rules, Supernanny introduces a special 'work out your anger' chart and a chill-out chair to tackle Matthew's tantrums. Supernanny then encourages mum to let go of the reins and allow Stuart a more active role with Matthew, before leaving them to implement the techniques by themselves. It all goes well at first, until Matthew stages an epic one child riot leaving the house looking as if it's been burgled. When Supernanny returns will she be able to get the troubled family back in harness?

Épisode 8 - The Agate Family

24 mai 2005 - 5/5

Jo Frost goes head-to-head with a seven-year-old girl who holds her whole family to ransom. Can Mum overcome the fear of her own daughter? Or will her little rebel reign supreme? Wendy Agate is struggling to bring up her three girls: 10-year-old Marie, nine-year-old Amie and seven-year-old Maryann; largely because of her youngest daughter's shockingly bad behaviour. She calls her mother a 'fat bitch', attacks her sisters, runs out of the house and across the road, and keeps everyone awake at night with screaming fits. Supernanny confronts Wendy, and then spells out how things are going to change: a reflection room for when the girls misbehave, a trust technique to allow the girls to go out to play safely, and a video diary room where the girls can express their feelings without blowing their top. Things start to improve - until Maryann uses the video to tell mum what she really thinks of her...

Épisode 9 - The Young Family

31 mai 2005 - 5/5

Épisode 10 - The Ball Family

7 juin 2005 - 5/5

Thirty-three-year-old Michelle Ball lives in South London with her two sons, three-year-old Ryan and one-year-old Kyle. Michelle used to be an outgoing woman brimming with confidence and ambition. A Latin dance champion, she lived life to the full. But four years later she's a full-time mum and things couldn't be more different. Even though he's three, Ryan is still in nappies, acts like a baby and is violently jealous of his little brother Kyle. Even with Gran's full-time help, Mum doesn't have a minute for his baby brother, and even less for herself. Can Supernanny Jo Frost put an end to the misery and give Michelle her life back? Jo shakes up the household by sending Gran away, enforcing a strict routine, stopping Ryan demanding to be carried all the time, getting rid of the dummies and nappies, and imposing a proper bedtime routine. Things pick up until Supernanny finds Michelle in floods of tears.

Épisode 11 - The Bixley Family

14 juin 2005 - 5/5

Supernanny is called to deal with a food-phobic seven-year-old. But it's only when she witnesses a mealtime first-hand that she realises the extent of the family's problems. Heather and Alex Bixley live with their sons Brandon (7) and Zak (4). Brandon developed a negative relationship with food after having gastric flu as a baby. What started as fussy eating has become an obsessive fear that dominates family life. After six years of non-stop battles with Brandon, Mum is at breaking point, but Supernanny has some harsh words for her and Dad. She's horrified by the way they aggressively try and force Brandon to have food he doesn't want, and tells them they've got no chance of turning things around until they stop fighting between themselves. Supernanny introduces a menu of innovative techniques to change the boys' relationship with food, including her renowned 'little chef' technique - but the biggest hurdle is the bickering Bixleys themselves.

Épisode 12 - The Wood Family - Return

21 juin 2005 - 5/5

Supernanny Jo Frost returns to see how the Woods family are doing with their three children, 13-year-old Caitlin, 11-year-old Billy and three-year-old Charlie. Previously, Charlie completely controlled the household with his tantrums. Supernanny turned their lives around, using her renowned naughty step to discipline Charlie, involving him in tasks like getting dressed to stop him resisting everything, establishing a strict daily routine, creating a calmer bedtime atmosphere and encouraging Mum and Dad to spend quality time with all their kids. But one year on, have Supernanny's improvements had a lasting effect?

Épisode 1 - The Hillhouse-Docherty Family

29 août 2006 - 5/5

Épisode 2 - The Howat Family

6 septembre 2006 - 5/5

Supernanny heads to Hertfordshire, where single mum Tara Howat is being driven to despair by her aggressive four-year-old son, who swears like a trooper and humiliates her in public. Rhys and his seven-year-old stroppy sister Shannon are locked in combat with mum. Meanwhile, eight-year-old good girl Casey gets overlooked in the chaos. From the minute the family wake up right until bedtime, the family are battling to be the boss. Rhys won't walk to school properly and runs off in public. Shannon swears, throws tantrums and hits her mother. Mother Tara's behaviour is not much better - she spends the entire day shouting at her unruly bunch - although only good girl Casey listens to her. Jo's aim is to put a stop to the aggressive, dangerous and downright disrespectful behaviour of the Howat family. And that means Tara needs to put a lid on her temper.

Épisode 3 - The Brown-Smith Family

13 septembre 2006 - 5/5

Watch out Warrington! Supernanny's in town and taking on two brawling brothers, seven-year-old Louis and five-year-old Rhys. They have no respect for either mum Steph or each other, but when overbearing dad Simon's around it's a different story. Baby Lucie must be wondering what sort of a family she's been born into. The battle to control these badly behaved boys is only half of Supernanny's challenge. She's really got problems when their body building doorman dad decides he's had enough. Supernanny has to square up to Simon, shake up Steph and sort out the brothers' behaviour problems.

Épisode 4 - The Bates Family

20 septembre 2006 - 5/5

Stuart and Sarah Bates had two lovely boys and dreamt of a girl to complete their brood. But when identical twin terrors Erin and Orla arrived, they turned the family upside down. The three-year-old girls look like sugar and spice - but they sure aren't nice - kicking, scratching and bullying their way around the house and lashing out at their local nursery. Dealing with double trouble from dawn till dusk has manic mum Sarah at her wits' end, while sons Callum (5) and Haydn (7) get overlooked in the chaos. Can Supernanny get the twins to tow the line? Or will teaching Mum how to relax be an even tougher task?

Épisode 5 - The Williams Family

27 septembre 2006 - 5/5

Supernanny heads to Birmingham where four feisty children - and their dad - are driving mum mad! Six-year-old Tyler punches his mother Natalie and lashes out at his sisters. And Tia, the four-year-old baby of the family, kicks, scratches and tantrums if she doesn't get her own way. Sisters Bethany (7) and Lori (5) try to tow the line - but it's hard to behave in such a hectic home. Getting all four kids washed, dressed and out of the house is a daily ordeal, while bedtimes are a disaster. Mum Natalie battles to stay in control while father Martin buries himself in his hobbies. Contending with four feisty kids and parents who constantly undermine each other won't be easy. Can Supernanny tame the children and motivate dad? Or will they stage a rebellion?

Épisode 6 - The Pollard-Morris Family

4 octobre 2006 - 5/5

Three-year-old Matthew is spreading misery throughout the Pollard-Morris home. From dawn till dusk, he subjects parents Trisha and Daren and his three siblings to a soundtrack of whinging, whining, screaming and moaning. Everyone's sick of his behaviour. But when Supernanny Jo Frost arrives she offers a different diagnosis to the problem. She sees mum's tendency to mollycoddle Matthew with a diet of baby bottles and dummies as a key factor in the unhappy toddler's problem behaviour. Trisha lets Matthew use dummies through the day and he is pacified with a bottle several times a night. To make matters worse, sibling rivalry between eight-year-old Matt and James means there is never any peace in the house. Supernanny is clear. It's time to let these children grow up and take some responsiblity. But can Trisha find the strength to resist her instinct to baby the children?

Épisode 1 - The Smith-Clarke Family

29 août 2007 - 5/5

Four-year-old Cameron is so aggressive and disruptive that Supernanny's renowned naughty step isn't even an option. He's so out of control that his young parents Nicky and Chris Smith-Clarke have been given three weeks notice to find a new nursery for him. Cameron's rages are so extreme that the other children fear him, the other parents avoid him, and Nicky and Chris are at a loss as to what to do. Parenthood has been very challenging for Nicky and Chris. Tragically, they lost their second child to cot death when Cameron was two and since then things have spiralled out of control. Still grieving, mum Nicky finds it difficult to enforce any sort of discipline, while her husband Chris's approach is the very opposite, and therein lies the rub. It's going to take more than a stern word from Supernanny to get this boy back on track. Can Jo tame Cameron's tantrums?

Épisode 2 - The Brickley-Gormley Family

5 septembre 2007 - 5/5

Dr Stephen Brickley and Dr Ann Gormley both have PHDs in neuroscience, but when it comes to controlling their two sets of twins - all under the age of five - they've run out of ideas. After years of trying for a baby, Ann and Steve had IVF treatment and were overjoyed when they found out they were expecting twins. But just one year after the arrival of Aiden and Ella, the news that Ann was pregnant with more twins didn't go down quite as well. Steve works five days a week, leaving Ann at home, but with four children under the age of five, she feels decidedly outnumbered. Aiden and Ella, who are almost five, are at loggerheads, while toddlers Louis and Ciaron give mum the run-around and refuse to eat anything other than jars of baby food. The hurdle of taking their children beyond the toddler stage is too much for Ann and Steve. All four children still drink milk from baby bottles, and they're all still in nappies at night, even though Aiden and Ella are in school by day. Supernanny must show Ann and Steve how to rein in their unruly brood, deal with the double twins issue and, most importantly, wean Mum and Dad off the baby stage. But it won't be easy.

Épisode 3 - The Wynne-Jones Family

12 septembre 2007 - 5/5

Supernanny goes to the rescue of the Wynne-Jones family in North Wales. Mum Lin is being driven round the bend by four feisty children and a football-mad husband who will do anything for a quiet life. Thirteen-year-old Simone and Andrew, 10, are constantly bickering and coming to blows. Four-year-old Ben runs riot, won't stay in bed and has a dangerous obsession with electrical appliances. And then there's Georgia, a cheeky two-year-old, who's fast turning into a little version of her brother. The house is littered with locks to keep the kids in - or locks to keep kids out - there are even locks to ensure the kids stay in bed. Lin is a nervous wreck and Dad Ronny can't stand the racket. Their ten-year marriage is feeling the strain and Supernanny is their last hope. There's a lot to sort out, even by her standards, but she's going to give it her best shot.

Épisode 4 - The Cooke Family - Return

19 septembre 2007 - 5/5

When Supernanny met Meghhan, they didn't hit it off. The eldest of three girls, nine-year-old Meghhan was ruling the roost with her demanding, bossy, explosive temper. Her whole family were at the mercy of her moods, parents Paul and Denise were at their wits' end and woe betide younger siblings Gabriella and Erin if they dared to cross their big sister. Meghhan felt so threatened by the change that Supernanny represented that she fought her tooth and nail. Two years on, Supernanny is back to see whether her training has kept the tantrums at bay.

Épisode 5 - The Douglas Family - Return

26 septembre 2007 - 5/5

When Doug and Sandra Douglas were in their mid-forties, they became first-time parents - to twins - and were overjoyed when their baby daughter and son arrived. But by the time little George and Nicole had started school, incessant tantrums, biting, swearing and kicking from both twins was driving their parents to despair. Supernanny Jo Frost took the twins in hand and turned their behaviour around. Two years on, she's back in Staines to see whether the family have stuck with her training.

Épisode 1 - The Hancox-Smith Family

24 septembre 2008

In this episode, Supernanny has her hands full as tempers flare. Even though she is nearly three, Madison still breastfeeds - and her constant demands are putting a strain on Jenny and Simon Hancox-Smiths marriage. Madison sleeps in the same bed as Jenny so she can breastfeed through the night and has never slept in her own bed. The two boys, Cameron (8) and Flynn (5), are no night-time angels either. The boy's bedtime is a nightmare for the family; they refuse to stay in their beds and Simon has slept either in Flynn's bed or on the floor of their room for the last five years. And Cameron and Flynn constantly fight and swear. Even a simple car trip to the supermarket can turn into chaos...

Épisode 2 - The Porter Family

1 octobre 2008

Princess Maddy rules the roost in the Porters household. She is a nine year old who tantrums like a two year old if she doesn't get her own way. The whole family is treading on eggshells. Mum Hayley treats her like a baby: choosing her clothes, helping her shower, brushing her teeth and cutting up her food for her. Maddy even has to be bribed to take a shower. Tantrums, which can involve biting and scratching, sometimes last for hours - with mum being the main focus of Maddy's outbursts and physical aggression. Hayley's first child from a previous marriage died before he was two. Supernanny soon realises that this is why Hayley's been wrapping Maddy up in cotton wool. But will this insight help Supernanny tame the tantrums? Or is this one battle of the wills that can't be won?

Épisode 3 - The Tomlin Family

8 octobre 2008

Cancelling your family holiday for fear of your children's behaviour may seem extreme. But, thanks to the constant demands of her two-year-old twin boys and their three-year-old sister Amelia, this was the last resort for Claire Tomlin Overwhelmed and out of ideas, Claire and her husband Paul decided enough was enough, and sought the help of Supernanny Jo Frost. Twins George and Freddie are arch rivals who compete for one thing: the sole attention of mummy. They scream and scream to be picked up, and if they don't get what they want, they work themselves into such a frenzy that they throw up on demand. When they're not screaming and fighting for Mum's attention, the twins find plenty of other things to fight about. They punch, kick, bite and sometimes draw blood. Three-year-old Amelia is no angel either. Because of the terrible twins she's taken a back seat, and so has her discipline. She often hits out at mum and dad, and has no problem showing the twins who's really boss. It looks like Supernanny's got her work cut out this time...

Épisode 1 - The Hussain Family and The Philip Family

9 février 2010

Sophia and Abid have a four–year–old girl called Kiran and a one–year–old girl called Kaki. Emma and Adrian have a twelve–year–old girl called Bronwyn and a one–year–old girl called Elois.

Épisode 2 - The Ward Family and The Wren Family

16 février 2010

Louise has a ten–year–old boy called Bailey, a five–year–old girl called Madison and a five-year-old girl called Harleigh. Madison and Harleigh are identical twins. Moya and Duncan have a fifteen–year–old girl called Leah and a nine–year–old girl called Madison.

Épisode 3 - The Coughlan Family and The Dumbleton Family

23 février 2010

Babar and Cliff have a nine–year–old boy called Jordon and a seven–year–old boy called Regan, who was born with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Joanne has a ten–year–old boy called Josh.

Épisode 4 - The McCloud Family and The Griffin Family

2 mars 2010

Amanda and Roger have a nine–year–old girl called Saffron, a six–year–old boy called Rio and a four–year–old girl called Sienna. Annette and Robert have a nine–year–old boy called Callum and a three–year–old girl called Katie–Ann.

Épisode 5 - The Simmons Family

9 mars 2010

Joanne has a six–year–old girl called Paige and a four–year–old girl called Poppy.

Épisode 6 - The Singh Family

16 mars 2010

Letchme and Surinder have a four–year–old boy called Michael and a seven–month–old girl called Manisha.

Épisode 1 - The Murphy Family and The Laws Family

6 juillet 2011

Nikkie has a six–year–old boy called Jack and a four–year–old girl called Phoebe. Kelly and Simon have a five–year–old boy called George and a three–year–old girl called Maddie, who was born with Rett Syndrome.

Épisode 2 - The Ryder Family and The Schwartz Family

13 juillet 2011

Jo has a twelve–year–old boy called John, a nine–year–old boy called Max and a five–year–old girl called Willow. Sheryl has a seven–year–old girl called Trenyce and a three–year–old boy called Tristane.

Épisode 3 - The Reynolds Family and The Simpson Family

20 juillet 2011

Sharon and Jason have an eleven–year–old girl called Jordan and a six–year–old girl called Madison. Asli and Peter have a five–year–old girl called Layla, a two–year–old girl called Melisa and a six–month–old boy called Aiden.

Épisode 4 - The Abbas Family and The Pickering Family

27 juillet 2011

Sejal and Ramesh have a six–year–old boy called Tashan and a four–year–old boy called Diaan. Sue and Neil have a seven–year–old girl called Ella, a five–year–old girl called Amy and a three–year–old girl called Grace.

Épisode 5 - The Haynes Family and The Potter Family

3 août 2011

Maria and Scott have an eleven–year–old boy called Jack, a six–year–old girl called Chloe and a four–year–old girl called Demi. Emma and Alex have a six–year–old girl called Anya, a five–year–old boy called Corey and a one–year–old girl called Alanis.

Épisode 6 - The Smith Family and The Butterly Family

10 août 2011

Tracy and Buster have an eleven–year–old boy called Josh, a six–year–old girl called Neve and a four–year–old boy called Cameron. Corinne and Chris have a five–year–old boy called Oliver, a three–year–old boy called Thomas and a one–year–old girl called Jodie.

Épisode 7 - The Simmons Family, The Ward Family and The Wren Family revisited

17 août 2011

Joanne has an eight–year–old girl called Paige and a six–year–old girl called Poppy. Louise has a twelve–year–old boy called Bailey, a seven–year–old girl called Madison and a seven-year-old girl called Harleigh. Madison and Harleigh are identical twins. Moya and Duncan have a seventeen–year–old girl called Leah and an eleven–year–old girl called Madison.

Épisode 8 - The Phillip Family, The McCloud Family and The Coughlan Family revisited

24 août 2011

Emma and Adrian have a fourteen–year–old girl called Bronwyn and a three–year–old girl called Elois. Amanda and Roger have an eleven–year–old girl called Saffron, an eight–year–old boy called Rio and a six–year–old girl called Sienna. Babar and Cliff have an eleven–year–old boy called Jordon and a nine–year–old boy called Regan, who was born with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.


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