Poster de la serie Sengoku Basara

Sengoku Basara


Année : 2009

Nombre de saisons : 3

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 25 minutes

Genre(s) : Action, Aventure, Animation

À l'époque des guerres incessantes dans un Japon non encore réunifié, les combats font rage entre chefs de guerre pour obtenir le pouvoir. Chaque camp a ses héros qui combattent lors de grandes batailles. Date Masamune est l'un d'eux. Au cours d'un affrontement, il rencontre Yukimura Sanada qui arrive à lui tenir tête en combat. Ils se rencontreront de nouveau par la suite, à chaque fois sur le champ de bataille. De nombreux autres combattants feront également leur apparition par la suite.


Sengoku Basara saison 1

Saison 1


Sengoku Basara saison 2

Saison 2


Sengoku Basara saison 3

Saison 3



Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - Azure and Crimson, The Fated Encounter!

1 avril 2009 - 4.5/5

In this episode the characters are introduced. Takeda Shingen wants to attack his rival Uesugi Kenshin. The one-eyed dragon, Date Masamune, wants to attack Kenshin too. To prevent Date from interfering in the fight between Kenshin and him, Takeda sends Sanada Yukimura to stop Date Masamune. Then a battle between Date Masamune and Sanada Yukimura begins.

Épisode 2 - Dreadful! Encounter at Okehazama

8 avril 2009 - 4.4/5

Takeda Shingen and Date Masamune both want to conquer and kill the general of Imagawa. On the way to the general Yoshimoto Masamune rides through Hojo's land and let them think that he allies with Takeda. So Takeda's army has to defend themselves and Yukimura rides to take Imagawa Yoshimoto's head before Masamune. Then they fight against each other to decide who will kill Yoshimoto.

Épisode 3 - The Vagabond Maeda Keiji!

15 avril 2009 - 4/5

A new chracter is introduced, Maeda Keiji. He has an elder sister too. He later visits Kenshin and talks with him about various things, like love. Then he visits Date Masamune to form an alliance with him but ends up fighting with him.

Épisode 4 - Invoking the Loyalty of the Swaying Red Flower

22 avril 2009 - 4.4/5

Azai Nagamasa is formally introduced. He is the leader of Oumi as well as the brother-in-law of Oda Nobunaga. After he heard what misdeeds Oda is bringing across the country, he no longer wants to accept this fact and is setting out to prevent him from attacking Asakura, an ally of his. After he tries to persuade Oda from attacking their joint ally, Oda tells him to attack Asakura himself or he will kill his own sister, Oichi. In the meantime, Kasuga is with Takeda Shingen to confirm his alliance with Uesugi. After she leaves, Sasuke comes back to report his failure in persuading both Azai and Tokugawa in forming an alliance with Takeda. In the end Date, Uesugi, and Takeda formed an alliance to defeat Oda, and Azai plans to head out to prevent Date from attacking Oda's army.

Épisode 5 - Heroic! Nagashino. The Crusade of Shitaragahara

29 avril 2009 - 4.3/5

As the alliance between Takeda, Masamune, and Uesegi moves to attack Oda, Takeda and Uesegi's armies are stopped by the army of Tokugawa Ieyasu. Takeda and Yukimura ride out to meet with Ieyasu, in one last attempt to sway him against Oda. In the end, Ieyasu stands firm in his alliance with Oda, and orders his army to advance on Takeda and Uesugi's armies. While the two-on-one battle quickly gains favor of the alliance, Ieyasu summons his general, Honda Tadakatsu, an enormous man with an enormous drill for a weapon, who quickly turns the tide of battle. Meanwhile, Masamune continues to ride for Oda's head, but is stopped by Nagamasa's opposing army. The two are quick to begin their fight, but midway, as Masamune begins to gain ground on Nagamasa, he stops at the heralding of Oda himself on a nearby cliff face. Oda, still in possession of Oichi, sends his men to flank around behind Nagamasa in order to take aim at Masamune. Seeing through this, Oichi rides off with Akechi, through Akechi's sadism and Oda's unemphatic tendency, to warn Nagamasa that Oda will shoot through him to reach Masamune. As she stumbles onto the battle, she begs Nagamasa to run. As Nagamasa turns around to the frightened Oichi, Oda's men fire a volley. Though only a lone bullet deflects off of Masamune's helmet, Nagamasa is riddled with bullets. As another volley is fired, and another, the bullets rip through Nagamasa while Oichi stares on helpless. Meanwhile, the combined might of Yukimura and Sasuke seems to have stopped Tadakatsu's rampage.

Épisode 6 - Shattered bonds Masamune's disgraceful retreat!

6 mai 2009 - 4.2/5

As Nagamasa is dying in Oichi's arms,he shares his last words with her. Akechi reveales that Oichi was sent to the Azai Clan to deceive Nagamasa, as well as other important generals in order to weaken their military power,but because she fell in love with Nagamasa, she couldn't accomplish any of her given orders. With his last words he forgives her for lying all the time to him and then he dies. Masamune who witnessed it all, gets heated up and despite Kojuuro's advise to retreat, he starts a battle with Mitsuhide. Meanwhile Ieyasu is faced with the truth that Oda has abandoned him and orders, with the help of Tadakatsu's to hold back the enemy, the soldiers to retreat. The wife of the Demon King,Nouhime arrives and because of her witnessing the retreat and betrayal of Ieyasu she kills off few of his soldiers and sets off to kill Honda Tadakatsu as well. While Tadakatsu saves Yukimura from getting hit by Nouhime's underground bomb,he, with Yukimura's spear stuck in his jetpack unable to fly,dies himself. In the meantime Masamune decides to pull back his army from attacking Oda to prevent to be annihilated by Mitsuhide's firearms.

Épisode 7 - Robbery of the leadership! The battle under the moon

13 mai 2009 - 4/5

After her moment with Uesugi Kenshin, Kasuga finds Sasuke nearby and a conversation ensues - mostly consist of teasing and shuriken flinging. It ends when an explosion happens nearby and Sasuke goes to investigate, even though he had a hunch that it's not from Oda's force. Back in the House of Takeda, Date Masamune is still unconscious and Koujuro is outside his door, holding back his anger of not being any use to Masamune in the previous battle. He talks briefly with Yukimura until Sasuke brings a Date soldier with a letter - some of his men were taken hostage by a shrewd man named Matsunaga Hisahide and he was demanding Date Masamune's swords and Takeda Shingen's armor for an exchange. Koujuro tells all to ignore this threat and sacrifice his men in order to prevent harm to both faction. However, Masamune - who just woke up and heard everything - disagrees with his assessment and decides to save his men. Knowing that Masamune is in no condition to move, Koujuro challenges him and ends the bout by moving into Masamune's blind side and hitting him squarely on his wounds, and knocks him out promptly. Even so, Koujuro decides to honor his lord's wish and vows to bring those men back. After Koujuro left, Yukimura is questioned by Shingen as to why he let Koujuro go alone. After making Yukimura to see the error of his ways, Shingen orders him to aid the rescue and bring the armor back for sure.

Épisode 8 - The great temple of blood! Kojuuro's desperate situation

20 mai 2009 - 4.2/5

Matsunaga Hisahide is intrigued by Katakura Koujuro's arrival, and plans to use him in order to force Takeda's hand. Under normal circumstances, Takeda will not lend out the armor for life of foreign soldiers, but this condition changes if Koujuro -the highest ranking vassal of Date army and Masamune's confidant - gets captured and taken hostage. Matsunaga wanted to drive a wedge between two factions. This is his display of contempt toward the will and purpose of Anti-Oda alliance. Miyoshi Death Squad blocks Koujuro's path, using a special incense which works as slow acting poison. With his strength reduced, Koujuro has hard time fending off his enemies but he overcomes with quick thinking, skill, and sheer willpower. Yukimura and Sasuke arrives at Tōdai-ji some time later. With lingering presence of poison in the air, they worry about Koujuro's current state and follow after him.

Épisode 9 - Tiger of Kai, The Honourable Imperial Messenger dies in the river!

27 mai 2009 - 4/5

Oda Nobunaga advances from Kyushu where he cuts down all in his path, killing both Shimazu Yoshihiro and Zabby, and decimating their forces. Meanwhile, the other alliance generals recoup, Date Masamune (who is now up and about) and Kojūrō are once again on equal terms, while Takeda Shingen gifts Sanada Yukimura with a new spear to replace the one that was lost during the previous battle. However, Sarutobi Sasuke bring bad news as he fills the others in on Nobunaga's movements as well as the fact that many warlords are falling to Owari forces. This includes Tokugawa Ieyasu, who has been assassinated by Akechi Mitsuhide. It is figured that Oda's vassals will soon be coming after Masamune, Shingen and Uesugi Kenshin. Yet, Sasuke feels no need to send a warning to Kenshin since the man's own scouts must have informed him of the advance by now. Meanwhile, Kenshin and Kasuga have a intellectual talk, but they are interrupted by a shinobi who professes to work for Sasuke, showing the Takeda Clan symbol. Kenshin decides to meet with her, but after only a few words, the woman shoots at him instead. The shinobi reveals herself to be Nōhime and proceeds to initiate a battle between herself and the warlord. She is quickly subdued, but Mori Ranmaru shows up as her back up, killing Kenshin's men and wounding the general himself. Nōhime takes advantage of the situation and aims her guns at Kenshin. Kasuga steps in to take the hit, but Kenshin pulls her away, taking a bullet in the chest, abdomen, and wrist. After the warlord falls, Nōhime and Ranmaru escape, leaving a devastated Kasuga holding the body of her lord in the rain. Back at Kai, Shingen rides out to the site of a dam that in breaking due to the overflow of the Midai River, due to the torrential thunderstorm. He uses a bolder to staunch the biggest of the leaks as the other villagers rush to repair it. However, none other than Akechi shows up, having been sent to take down the Tiger of Kai. Caught between trying to repair the dam and fighting off Akechi Mitsuhide, a one-sided battle ensues, and it is only after the arrival of Yukimura and some of Masamune's men (who have also come to help repair the dam), that Shingen is able to fight his enemy head on. Masamune and Kojūrō also show up, and Masamune is enraged by the sight of his enemy from the last battle. Using one of his attacks, Akechi destroys the dam, causing all the men and villagers to be swept away. While Shingen tries to hold his own against the raging water, Akechi jabs the blade of his scythe into the warlord, causing the man to lose his grip and fall into the river. Yukimura dives into the water to save his lord, but fails to reach him. Left standing on the shore, an infuriated Masamune and Kojūrō get ready to face off against Akechi, who agrees to the battle with pleasure as lightning illuminates the soon-to-be battleground.

Épisode 10 - Yukimura Beyond Hope of Recovery!? The Date Army's Tearful Dissolution

3 juin 2009 - 4.2/5

Akechi Mitsuhide is ecstatic to see two utterly enraged Oshuu generals. Date Masamune and Katakura Kojūrō ram him with their attacks, but to their dismay he gets away while leaving an ominous remark behind. Sasuke and Kasuga meet each other on their way to Echigo and Kai. Kasuga tells him that Uesugi Kenshin survived and is worried about Takeda Shingen's own safety. She blames herself deeply and makes up her mind to assassinate Oda by herself. Sasuke tries to put a sense into her, but no avail - his words cannot offer her any comfort. Finally relenting, he hands to her a small wooden whistle. Due to the destruction of Ryuoh levee, Kai is devastated by flood and torrent of water sweeps everything in its path. Yukimura finds himself washed up ashore along with Shingen. He calls on his lord desperately and tries to wake him up, but Shingen would not open his eyes. His scream echoes the riverside. At Oda's throne room in Owari, Oichi asks Oda about why he continues on with these senseless violences and conquests. Oda throws a double-bladed naginata at her feet as his answer. Akechi enters, interrupting their confrontation, and compliments Oda for his brutal campaigns. He brings up a plan with its own twist to wipe out the remaining factions and Oda approves his deployment. After settling Takeda Shingen in the room of Shieldless Armor, Masamune and Kojūrō listen to Sasuke's information on Oda army's movement and discuss their next move. Kojūrō finds their strategy - which ignores its priority and toys with people's emotion - to be highly unusual and wonders if there is some other force at work, namely Akechi Mitsuhide. However, Masamune sees this as a chance and decides to attack Oda straight. As for how it should be done, Kojūrō is surprised by what Masamune has in his mind. Masamune asks what Yukimura is planning to do, but Yukimura is not in his usual self: he is in great shock and his fighting spirit is crushed. Sasuke reminds him of his duty, but Yukimura confesses that he feels lost in confusion and the uncertainty is making him scared. Masamune leaves Yukimura to himself and walks out. Once outside, he orders his army to disband and expresses his will to go alone. The decision stuns everyone including Yukimura, enough to make him run out to the courtyard and ask why would he do this to his royal soldiers who sworn to serve him. Masamune finds him unconvincing and points out how unfitting Yukimura is to wear his six coins (六文錢; insignia of bravery; also, Sanada clan emblem) in his current state. After he leaves, Kojūrō explains the meaning behind Masaume's action and helps Yukimura to realize his reason to fight. No longer confused, his spirit is re-ignited and he follows after Masamune. Two of them would ride out to fight 'the enemy at Honnō-ji'.

Épisode 11 - Mitsuhide's Rebellion! Honnouji Destroyed by Fire!!

10 juin 2009 - 4/5

Oichi is lamenting alone over her brother's deeds. Azai Nagamasa's spirit appears and chastises about her hesitation. But he also encourage her to believe in herself to make a decision about her future action. Akechi Mitsuhide finally reveals his true, treaturous nature. At Honnō-ji, He eagerly anticipates Oda Nobunaga's fall. Date soldiers are all depressed after Masamune left them behind in Kai. Suddenly, Katakura Kojūrō comes forth and tell everyone to prepare for battle. At the main gate of Kai stood the soldiers from all fallen factions, forming a single unified force. Led by Kojūrō, they heads to Honnō-ji to support Date Masamune and Sanada Yukimura and stop Oda Nobunaga once and for all. Once arrived at their destination, Masamune and Yukimura run straight through the front gate and plow through enemy numbers, looking for Oda and Akechi. However, Oda is nowhere to be seen. It is revealed that Oda was never there and this was a trap set to have Mitsuhide and others involved killed, courtesy to Nōhime. Rather very disappointed, Mitsuhide attacks two young generals instead. At Oda's castle in Azuchi mountain, Oichi is compelled by Nōhime to kill Kasuga who has been captured. However, Kasuaga escapes and takes Oichi with her. Oda stops Nōhime from pursuing them. After parting ways with Oichi, Kasuga gets surrounded by Oda ninjas. Sasuke's whistle comes in handy and Kasuga is able to escape the enemy territory, albeit indignantly. Mori Ranmaru - who was an observer up to this point - shows up to help Mitsuhide, but easily defeated by Masamune. Mitsuhide proves to be strong. When Yukimura was about to give all he got, Kojūrō intervines and inform them about Oda's whereabouts. He ask them to leave immediately with the army outside and volunteers to face Mitsuhide in their place. Oichi faces Nōhime one more time at the castle. She wishes to see her brother, but Nōhime wouldn't allow it. A gunshot is heard after.

Épisode 12 - Adzuchi Castle Tower: the Battle to the Death Where Tomorrow was Begun!

17 juin 2009 - 4/5

The episode starts with Yukimura and Masamune leading the multi-faction army toward Azuchi Castle. Sasuke leaves the entourage to stop the rest of Oda army heading the same way for castle defense. With high morale, men of era runs toward the battlefield where the overlord awaits. Kojūrō and Mitsuhide fight against each other, when Ranmaru wanders in there too. Mitsuhide tries to take advantage of the situation by taking Ranmaru as a hostage, but Kojūrō was already aware of the child's identity and attacks the general regardless. In the end Kojūrō wins and lets Ranmaru live although he is Oda Nobunaga's underling. As expected, the doors of Azuchi castle are strong. Date Masamune starts to feel his battle wounds aching. Just as they feel stumped, supporting fires shoot through the sky and destroy the castle walls and anybody unfortunate enough to stand close to the impact. Allies from Tosa (Chōsokabe Motochika) and Aki (Mōri Motonari) have arrived! Now the alliance to rise against Oda Nobunaga the demon king, imagined by Maeda Keiji and Takeda Shingen, is truly complete. In the meanwhile, Oichi realizes that she, albeit unwittingly, neutralized Nōhime. She approaches her brother Oda, with an uneasy resolve to kill him if she cannot stop him. However, she cannot bring herself to kill him nor convince him to change his way. Yukimura and Masamune arrive in time only to see Oichi killed mercilessly by her brother for her hesitation. Then the big battle between Oda Nobunaga and Sanada Yukimura and Date Masamune begins. Two generals' relentless attacks are no match for the demon king's fearsome might. Oda smites Masamune with one of his attack and it worsens the already injured Masamune's condition to the point that he can barely resist Oda's grip. Just as Yukimura runs in to help, suddenly Honda Tadakatsu flies in and faces Oda instead to give time for Masamune to recover. He is killed but does significant damage to Oda's weapon. Yukimura thanks Honda Tadakatsu for his sacrifice with great sadness and wishes lord Tokugawa Ieyasu to honor his faithful retainer in afterlife. Masamune and Yukimura faces Oda one last time with an attack with every once of their power and successfully defeats Oda Nobunaga. After the battle, every state returned to their original state of battling against each other. The episode ends with Takeda Shingen battling against Uesugi Kenshin and Sanada Yukimura fight with his rival Date Masamune for supremacy.

Épisode 13 - Mini Sengoku Basara 1

1 juillet 2009 - 4.8/5

Épisode 14 - Mini Sengoku Basara 2

5 août 2009 - 5/5

Épisode 15 - Mini Sengoku Basara 3

2 septembre 2009 - 5/5

Épisode 16 - Mini Sengoku Basara 4

7 octobre 2009 - 5/5

Épisode 17 - Mini Sengoku Basara 5

4 novembre 2009 - 5/5

Épisode 18 - Mini Sengoku Basara 6

3 décembre 2009 - 5/5

Épisode 19 - Mini Sengoku Basara 7

6 janvier 2010 - 5/5

Épisode 1 - Return to a Chaotic Era! The Advent of the World-Shattering Lord of Arms, Toyotomi Hideyoshi!

11 juillet 2010 - 4.2/5

Taking place moments after the last episode of season 1, the other surviving warlords return to fighting against each other, with Masamune, Shingen and Kenshin's forces are engaged in a three way battle at Kawanakajima, including Date Masamune and Sanada Yukimura locked in battle. However they find themselves surrounded by the soldiers of Toyotomi Hideyoshi who seeks to unite Japan and help it grow into a strong country. Masamune, Shingen and Kenshin's forces manage to escape. Maeda Kanji who has been aware of Toyotomi's apperance arrived too late. Keiji then visits Maeda Toshiie and Matsu, aware of their alliance with Toyotomi Hideyoshi and asked why, which he replied that he agreed with Hideyoshi that the country is being weakened due to Oda Nobunaga's activities, but also agrees that he would be like him if he lost Matsu just as Hideyoshi's lost his beloved. Maeda also request Keiji to join them due to his history with Hideyoshi being his friend, but refuses and left. Souske reports to Shingen of Utsunomiya and Odawara have fallen by Toyotomi and placing his spies in their ranks and others and Mori's alliance with Toyotomi, having Shingen to have Sanada go to the west to Satsuma and protect Kyushu alonside forces there. In Oshu after news of Toyotomi's activities and suspecting a spy in Date's forces, Kojuro is confronted by Toyotomi's general, Takenaka Hanbei, and was offered to make him one of Toyotomi's men while Hanbei's spies and men took two people hostage.

Épisode 2 - The Lost Right Eye, The Gashed Dragon`s Back

18 juillet 2010 - 4.3/5

When Hanbei offered Kojuro the offer to become Toyotomi's men he refused and starts attacking while defending the hostages, however he was beaten and knocked unconscious. The next morning Date's men report on an assault from Nambu, Tsugara, and Soma, but also revealed Kojuro's captured and leaving behind his sword, shocked Date while holding it. Keiji visits Uesugi Kenshin and discuss about Toyotomi and Mori's decision to ally with him, as well as concerning about Motochika, but Keiji was surprised by Kasuga about Maeda's army approaching Echigo to fight against Kenshin and his army. In Oshu, Date manages to defeat most of the soldiers and confronts Hanbei. As both sides fight, Hanbei successfully hits Date with his sword but retreats when more of his men arrived, leaving Date at a disadvantage. Hanbei returns to Osaka castle and meets with Hideyoshi to discuss with the plan and departs to Aki to complete the alliance with Mori.

Épisode 3 - Keiji vs. Toshiie! Choked, Unyielding Emotions at Tetorigawa!

25 juillet 2010 - 4.3/5

With news of Toshiie and Matsu leading the Maeda army to Echigo, Keiji tried to block their path and convince them to stop but failed as the Maeda army went past him. Kasuga arrived and tell Keiji to leave as both forces prepared to fight. Toshiie and Matsu meets with Kenshin, leading only a small force, which puzzled him until Kenshin revealed a large force of his is heading to Kaga, forcing Toshiie to defeat him and claim control of Echigo or return to Kaga and protect his people. Frustrated to prove Hideyoshi and Hanbei belief but fearing Matsu's safety, Toshiie has no choice but to return to Kaga. The two arrived and met with Kenshin's forces in Tetorigawa but were surrounded, however Toshiie is determined to protect Kaga and led his forces to attack. As the two forces fight, Keiji confronts Toshiie and Matsu, knowing if the Maeda army won mean Toyotomi's forces victory, leading Keiji to have no choice but to stop Toshiie and both he and Toshiie start fighting while questioning their motives. As both fighters face each other in full force Keiji successfully defeated Toshiie but is confronted by Matsu to fight. Kenshin, who has witness the fight, arrived at the scene and tells Matsu to retreat and acknowledge Toshiie's reasons to join Toyotomi for peace. In the battlefield to defend Oshu and most of his men survived, Date is confronted by Hideyoshi and the two fight. While Sanada is travelling with his new ally, Oyamada, and a small group of Takada forces in Oumi he hears a cry and recognize it as Oichi in Azuchi castle.

Épisode 4 - Ghost of Azuchi Castle!? The Sighs and Devilish Howls which Haunt Yukimura!

1 août 2010 - 4.3/5

As Sanada's men set up camp, Sanada himself went to Azuchi Castle and entered, there he was shock to find Matsunaga Hisahide still alive but also encountered Oichi. Sanada then saw Hisahide holding a skull Oda used to drink sake from and plans to take it, but Sanada sees it as a mockery of the dead. Hisahide then tells Sanada that Date was defeated by Hideyoshi, which has shocked him but doesn't believe that he would be beaten and demands to return the skull. As he was about to take the skull from him Sanada is confronted by Kotaro Fuuma and both he and Hisahide disappeared, leaving behind explosives. Sanada survived the blast but was approached by Oichi and attacked him with her powers and was about to swallow him, however he manages to break free and starts to attack her, which freed her from a dark spirit in the form of Oda and surrounds them both. Date, who has survived and covered in bandages, awakes in an old house and was told by his men that he had lost but had protected him from Hideyoshi's next attack but didn't proceed. Date later thanked his men for their deed and admits he has underestimated him. Hideyoshi, who had recalled Date's men protecting their lord, remembered Keiji protecting him the same way. Keiji then recalled his fight with Toshiie and decide to go to Osaka to meet him. The next morning, Sanada wakes up to find Oichi unconscious and realise she was trying to stop Oda. Later he encountered remnants of Nobunaga's forces and are prepared to attack him, but are surrounded by Sanada's men led by Oyamada, forcing the remnants to not attack him but tells Sanada they will restore the Oda clan. As Sanada left with his forces, he looked back at Azuchi Castle, concerned about Oichi, and Oichi herself watch Azuchi Castle burning down. In Aki, Hanbei has completed the alliance with Motonari and are planning to launch an attack on Motochika.

Épisode 5 - The Vow's Seal! The One-Eyed Dragon vs. the God of War Confrontation at Hitoribashi!

8 août 2010 - 4.3/5

After returning back to Oshu, Date picks out Kojuro's sword and decides to use it as a substitute for losing one of his six swords. Date's forces then head towards Setouchi were Uesugi's forces resides. In Osaka, Hanbei meets with Kojuro who informs him of Date's defeat, which he doesn't believe until Hanbei showed him one of Date's sword. Keiji arrives at Osaka but sees Toyotomi's forces leaving and tries to speak with Hideyoshi, however Hanbei stopped him and the two had a brief conversation about what happened in Tetorigawa and left. While travelling to Satsuma, Sanada starts to think about the war and the people as he witness villagers whose families of soldiers went to war then spots Toyotomi's forces heading towards Shikoku. In Setouchi, Kenshin's forces had left, which has surprised Date's men but Date himself realize what Kenshin was doing and thanked him as the two approached each other and made contact with their swords. In Setouchi, both Cosokabe and Mori's forces begun attacking each other with Motochika gaining the upper hand with his Fugaku, and Motonari becoming more interested in it.

Épisode 6 - The Threatening Alliance of Toyotomi and Mori! The Thundering Fists of the Conqueror Tear Through the Waves!

15 août 2010 - 4.3/5

While Motochika is successful at his defence on Shikokou, Keiji returns to Kaga and meets with Toshiie and Matsu. They reveal that the Toyotomi clan wants the Maeda forces to attack Kai, which has surprised Keiji, but Toshiie commented about his understanding of Keiji's path to peace. In the battle on Setouchi, Motochika's forces have reduced the number of Mori's boat forces, however Motonari plans to lure Fugaku to allow Toyotomi's forces to attack. Hideyoshi appeared and reduces the area's sea with his fits, allowing the Fugaku to be unmovable on dry surface, however Motochika ordered his forces to fire the cannon at him, only for Hideyoshi to block the cannonball with his bare hands. A large number of Toyotomi and Mori's forces have surrounded the Fugaku but Motochika had gotten it moving on land and head towards Hideyoishi, however Hideyoshi had stopped it and confront Motochika. The two fight, with Hideyoshi easily gaining the upper hand on Motochika, leading to Sanada who had arrived and witness the battle to go and support Motochika and his forces, despite Sasuke's warning. With Sanada's forces managing to defeat a large number of Toyotomi and Mori soldiers they were however outnumbered, with Oyamada trying to clear a path to retreat but was killed in the process. With Motochika's last stand he had manage to defeat most of Toyotomi and Mori's forces but failed to defeat Hideyoshi as the Fugaku breaks down and destroyed, with Motochika seen falling and Toyotomi's victory secured.

Épisode 7 - To Satsuma In The Far South! Yukimura's New Manly Resolve!

22 août 2010 - 4.3/5

As Date's forces encountered Soldiers of Takeda, unknown to them are Toyotomi's forces in disguise, while Shingen was informed about Oyamada's death from Sasuke and was later informed about Date's attack on Toyotomi's forces disguised as Takeda soldiers. As Date drew Kojuro's sword, he stop and discovered the Toyotomi forces are disguising themselves as Takeda forces from Sasuke, leading both Date's forces and the real Takeda forces to defeat the Toyotomi soldiers. Near Satsuma, Sanada rethinks about the event in Setouchi and felt guilty of Oyadama's death. Later he come across men of Satsuma, who flee before Sanada gave an explanation and went after them, only to be confronted by Miyamoto Musashi, which the two fought but stopped and Musashi took Sanada to meet the leder of Satsuma. Sanada then meets the leder, Shimazu Yoshihiro, which has surprised Sanada as the man who was supposedly killed by Oda. After the battle in Kai, both Date and Shingen discuss about Toyotomi's activities and motives and Shingen decides to work together to defeat Toyotomi, however Date refused and is determined to fight Toyotomi in Osaka. In Osaka, Hideyoshi and Hanbei discussed about the next plan and the arrival of a new weapon, Keiji arrives and demands to speak with Hideyoshi.

Épisode 8 - The Friends' Sad Reunion, The Fiercely-Ingrained Memories Of That Day!

29 août 2010 - 4.2/5

As the two meet, Keiji request to Hideyoshi to dissolve Maeda clan alliance with the Toyotomi clan, which Hideyoshi allows but Keiji however demanded to know why he killed Nene, which Hideyoshi replied about Nene a trifle and demands to strengthen the country by letting her go, which led the two into a brief argument about what they think is best for the country and Hideyoshi demanded that Keiji leaves. In Satsuma, Sanada meets with Shimazu, who still hasn't recovered yet from his battle with Oda, discussed about the Takeda clan to attack Toyotomi and Mori. Sanada then tells Shimazu of half of the men he lost while coming to Satsuma, but is still ordered to join Satsuma's forces, which Shimazu asks about the Takeda forces, which Sanada replied his Lord Shingen will not move until the time is right. Impressed by Sanada's determination and Musashi complimenting him, Shimazu accepted Sanada's offer. While in the beach, Shimazu explained to Sanada about Motonari and was manipulating Oda to attack Kyushu before Setouchi, which surprised Sanada as Motonari fought along side him and others against Oda, and commented that Motnari is planning something. While still in Osaka, Keiji is still worrying about what happened to Hideyoshi suddenly found Yumekichi ill, but was surprised by the appearance of Matsunaga Hisahide, who does not recognize him. While taking car of Yumekuchi, Keiji rethinks about Matsunaga Hisahide and think back few years ago as the man who had once beaten Hideyoshi. As Hideyoshi was about to be attacked again Keiji then begs Hisahide to spare him, which led to Keiji getting beaten. After Hisahide left, Keiji went to see if Hideyoshi was alright. After meeting with a group of monks of Honganji, who the two scould, Hideyoshi felt angry of what happened for being weak unleashed his fury on the monks. Hisahide then meets with Hideyoshi, who after he left was told by Hanbei to stop Date's forces. Dat's forces however entered Owari, but was approached by an unknown group who were revealed as Motochika's forces and Chosokabe revealed to still be alive.

Épisode 9 - Dragon vs. Demon, Clash at Owari! Rush, Alliance of Date and Chosokabe!!

5 septembre 2010 - 4.2/5

As Date and Chosokabe confront each other in Owari the two fought with both forces cheering for the lords, only to end in a tie. In Aki, Motonari and his general, Akagawa Motoyasu, witness the remaining pieces of the fortress Fugaku is being rebuild as is being named as the Nichirin. In Satsuma, Toyotomi's forces have arrived and both Satsuma's forces and Sanada's Takeda forces are prepared for battle, with Sanada still in doubt, but unknown to them Mori's forces have also appeared with Motonari in charge. In Osaka, Hideyoshi and Hanbei begin their next plan to conquer the East, with both of them knew of Motonari's plan. Later Keiji is woken up by Kasuga who arrive to bring a message from Kenshin but also tells him of Toshiie joining enshin to defend Echigo, which shocked Keiji due to Toshiie's wounds not healed yet. Kasuga then tells Keiji to go and thell them about Hideyoshi's movements, and Keiji's surprised as Yumekichi disappeared with Keiji's pendant. As both Date's forces and Motochika's forces discuss their plan to attack Wasaka and Yamashiro, a throwing dart appeared with a not ont it and Date recognize it as Matsunaga Hisahide.

Épisode 10 - Rebirth of the Young Tiger! The Rebuilt Fortress Nichirin Menaces the East!

12 septembre 2010 - 4.2/5

After Hisahide's identity has been confirmed with Date and decided to go after him, Chosokabe also joins them after revealing his history with Hisahide. In Satsuma, both Sanada's Takeda forces and Satsuma forces have begun an assault on the Toyotomi forces, however they are confronted by a large number of Mori's forces and then attack the villagers, which Sanada intervened. Shimazu then attack a large group of Mori's Naval forces on the south side beach and Sanada joins him. Meanwhile, both the Date forces and Motochika forces are suddenly hit by Hisahide's trap, which Date and Cosokabe confronts Hisahide himself until he used an explosive device on them. While Keiji is looking for his charm, Kasuga arrived and revealed to him of the Toyotomi forces heading to Odawara, and Keiji decides to leave Yumekichi to Kasuga. In Satsuma with Toyotomi-Mori forces retreting, Shimazu then conpliments Sanada for his efforts, which still doubts Sanada of the people he strikes down until Shimazu gave him some advice, which Sanada now knows what he desires is peace for the land. Shimazu then tells Sanada to go stop Motonari with some of his men, with Sanada bidding farewell. In Aki, Motonari heads to battle with the now completed fortress, Nichirin. In Osaka, Hideyoshi was about to leave and tell Hanbei to rest, knowing of his ill succumb him, and tells Hanbei he needs him. Outside Osaka castle, Date and Cosokabe survived the blasts and witness Toyotomi's forces leaving and are planning to attack the castle to free the prisoners and later fight Hideyoshi.

Épisode 11 - Toyotomi`s Great Main Army Dashes for Supremacy! Earnest Keiji Drawns Sword in Heartbreak!!

19 septembre 2010 - 4.2/5

Hanbei meets Kojuro, who still demands that he would serve Hideyoshi, which Kojuro still refuse and believes Date would defeat Hideyoshi. After Hanbei leaves, Fuuma Kotaro appears and took out the guards on the way, while Sasuke and Kasuga infiltrate Osaka Castle and discovered Kojuro. The three headed to Hideyoshi command room and discovers plans involving Aki and an attack plan on Uesugi and Northern Kyushu, with Sasuke giving Kasuga a glider to go to Uesugi. As Sasuke was about to give Kojuro a sword, Kotaro suddenly appears and attacks both Sasuke and Kasuga. With Kasuga escaping to Uesugi, Kotaro took the sword Sasuke threw and disappeared, with Kojuro heading to find Hanbei before releasing the prisoners for them to revolt. As both Date and Chosokabe confronts Hisahide before he disappeared, Kojuro reunites with Date and his forces and reveals to Chosokabe his prisoned forces have begun their attack on Osaka castle, which Chosokabe leaves to join them and leaves Date but comments they will meet again. Kojuro then tells Date about Toyotomi's plans and heads off, leaving Date and his forces to Odawara. As Motonari heads for battle in the Nichirin, he kills Akagawa Motoyasu knowing he was a spy for Toyotomi and intends assassinate Motonari by giving poison sake. With Toyotomi's forces spotted, Motonari uses the Nichirin's Solar Cannon on them with Sanada witnessing its power. As Toyotomi is leading his forces to Odawara, Keiji appeared on their path and takes out his weapon, but still tells Hideyoshi to stop, which he ignores and ran through his with his sword damaged and broken. As he lies on the ground he meets Date, who questions hm for wielding a sword, which Keiji replied about his views. Date then leaves him with his acknowledgement of him. As Sanada heads to battle he meets up with Sauke who tells him of Toyotomi's plan and ask if he needs forces from Kai, which he refuses and ask to stay in Kai. As news of Toyotomi's souts being wiped out by Mori to Hanbei, Kojuro appears and confronts him, With Date confronts Hideyoshi in Odawara and the two fight.

Épisode 12 - Crimson and Azure Battle to the Death! The Sound of the Wind Blowing at the End of the Fierce Fight!!

26 septembre 2010 - 4.6/5

In Odawara, Date took out his six swords as both he and Hideyoshi begun fighting each other, while Sanada's forces alongside a small group of Satsuma forces begun their assault on Motonari in his Nichirin forces. Kojuro then begun his attack on Hanbei's men and the to prepares to fight each other. Date and Hideyoshi continue their fight on Odawara, with Hideyoshi gaining the upper hand. In Echigo, Kenshin manages to defeat most of the Toyotomi's forces until he is confronted by one of his generals, Ishida Mitsunari, and the two fight with Kasuga arrived on the battlefield. In Satsuma, Shimazu and Musashi had manage to defeat most of Toyotomi's forces, who have been led by Ieyasu Tokugawa with Tadakatsu. In the Nichirin fortress, Sanada spots a village about to be run over and has manage to stop it with his Spears, which has surprised Motonari. As Sanada confronts him to fight, Motonari countered his attack, leading Sanada to land on one of the mirrors and Motonari using his weapons to hold him as he activates the Solarfall, leaving Sanada to be burned. However Sanada broke free and unleashed his full power to destroyed the Nichirin, with Motonari in disbelief as he was defeated and caught in the blast. Kojuro and Hanbei continued their battle with Hanbei managing to scare him until Kojuro used Date's damaged sword against him, with Hanbei defeated and fell over the edge of the cliffs. In Odawara, Hidyoshi had beaten Date and delivered the final blow as the Castle fell on top of him, however Date manage to survived and unleashed his full power with Kojuro's sword. With the two delivering the final blow on each other, Date had succeeded in defeating Hideyoshi but has collapsed and his men went to his side. After the battle had ben won, Keiji meets with Hideyoshi and Hanbei in a trance state, with Hideyoshi telling Keiji the people would not be like him forever and tells him that Yumekichi had brought him Keiji's charm but doesn't have the right to wear it and gives it back to him, with Keiji now understands. With Hideyoshi's defeat, the Toyotomi armies scatters and returned to their families. Keiji then left Kaga in his travels. Sanada had returned to Kai and met with Shingen. Shimazu arrived and had lunch with him as Musashi duel with one of Kenshin's men, Naoe Kanetsugu. Chosokabe and his forces travel on Satsuma in a newly rebuilt Fugaku. Date and Kojuro discuss about them to be plunged into war again and must rebuild Oshu.

Épisode 13 - Mini Sengoku Basara Two 1

6 octobre 2010 - 4.6/5

Épisode 14 - Mini Sengoku Basara Two 2

3 novembre 2010 - 5/5

Épisode 15 - Mini Sengoku Basara Two 3

1 décembre 2010 - 5/5

Épisode 16 - Mini Sengoku Basara Two 4

5 janvier 2011 - 5/5

Épisode 17 - Mini Sengoku Basara Two 5

2 février 2011 - 5/5

Épisode 18 - Mini Sengoku Basara Two 6

2 mars 2011 - 5/5

Épisode 19 - Mini Sengoku Basara Two 7

6 avril 2011 - 5/5

Épisode 20 - Dragon and Tiger, Oath of Victory! Souls Racing Towards a Blazing Future!!

6 avril 2011 - 5/5

Takeda invites Yukimura and Masamune to participate in the "Takeda Contest of Men". In this episode, Kojūrō, Sasuke and Takeda wear masks to hide their identity until defeated. As Yukimura faces Kojūrō, Yukimura drops his spear and attempts to punch Kojūrō with his injured hand, catching Kojūrō off guard for a moment. Kojūrō returns the spear back to Yukimura, having pity on him. As Masamune fights Sasuke, the latter duplicates and multiplies the former's form to surround him. Kojūrō butts in and stops the fight. As Yukimura and Masamune advance further into the contest, they enter a chamber where they meet Takeda. Masamune fights Takeda to the bitter end, splitting his mask in two. After Masamune leaves the chamber, Yukimura feels disgraced that Masamune bested Takeda. However, Takeda encourages Yukimura, through means of punches, not to give up, for he is worthy as a "man". When Yukimura goes outside to see Masamune off, they shake hands, promising each other for one final fight someday soon.

Épisode 1 - Farewell

6 juillet 2014 - 5/5

Dans le Japon des provinces en guerre, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, le nouvel homme fort du pays, fait une incursion à l’est pour assiéger le château d’Odawara. Si celui-ci tombe, le fief des Takeda sera-t-il la prochaine cible de Hideyoshi ? Le jeune Yukimura Sanada en est persuadé mais malgré ses suppliques enflammées, son maître Shingen Takeda refuse d’intervenir dans la bataille ; il laisse entendre que le véritable ennemi de Hideyoshi n’est pas forcément celui qu’on croit...

Épisode 2 - Turbulent Times

13 juillet 2014 - 5/5

Inconsolable, Mitsunari Ishida veut rejoindre dans la mort son maître Hideyoshi Toyotomi, mais la soif de vengeance reprend bientôt le dessus. Pendant ce temps, Ieyasu - l'homme qui a trahi Hideyoshi - a fait entrer ses troupes sur le territoire des Takeda, et la bataille s’engage à Mikatagahara.

Épisode 3 - Alliance

20 juillet 2014 - 5/5

Pour remporter la grande bataille finale qui opposera inévitablement l’est et l’ouest, Ieyasu Tokugawa travaille à se constituer une armée de coalition. Mitsunari Ishida fulmine : les mercenaires Saika s’apprêteraient à rompre le contrat les liant à son maître Hideyoshi pour s’associer à Ieyasu, l’homme qui l’a tué. Le vassal orphelin décide aussitôt de marcher vers le village des Saika, tout comme Keiji Maeda, qui traque Ieyasu pour d’autres raisons.

Épisode 4 - Astray

27 juillet 2014 - 5/5

À la stupeur de Sasuke, Yukimura emmène ses troupes affronter Kenshin Uesugi. Mais à l’issue d’un duel déséquilibré, l’ennemi juré de son maître lui fait part de sa neutralité dans la guerre entre l’est et l’ouest. Pour venir à bout de Ieyasu, Yukimura décide de proposer une alliance à tous les seigneurs qui veulent comme lui la perte du nouvel homme fort – à commencer par Mitsunari Ishida.

Épisode 5 - Defeat

3 août 2014 - 4.6/5

Au château des Sanada, Yukimura empêche de toutes ses forces Masamune de se jeter sur Mitsunari. Aveuglé par sa soif de sang, le « dragon borgne » en vient même à se tromper d’adversaire. À Osaka, Otani confie une mission à son nouvel allié, Chosokabe : obtenir le ralliement de trois seigneurs de Kyushu. Une tâche qu’il devra, à son grand désarroi, partager avec son vieil ennemi Motonari Mori.

Épisode 6 - Declarations

10 août 2014 - 5/5

Battu en duel par Ieyasu, Masamune est étendu à terre. Pour l’inciter à retrouver du mordant, Kojuro, son conseiller militaire, lui rappelle le souvenir de sa première bataille. Yukimura repense également à un moment marquant de son parcours lorsque Sasuke, en quête d’un nouveau maître, le testa pour voir s’il était devenu un vrai seigneur de guerre. Sur la route du village des Saika, la jeune vestale Tsuruhime voit surgir Motochika et l’infortuné Kanbei Kuroda...

Épisode 7 - Darkness

17 août 2014 - 5/5

Arrivé au château de Sunpu avec Keiji, Motochika demande à Ieyasu si c’est lui qui a ordonné le massacre de ses hommes et l’anéantissement de Shikoku. Avant de découvrir que deux soldats des forces Tokugawa s’étaient fait « acheter ». À Osaka, Yoshitsugu prie Yukimura de participer à la libération de Dame Ichi. L’équipe qui prend la route de Sunpu une mystérieuse jeune femme présentée comme la ninja de sire Tenkai...

Épisode 8 - Promise

24 août 2014 - 5/5

De retour au bord de la mer intérieure, Motochika rumine sa vengeance devant les tombes de ses hommes massacrés par les forces Mori. Sasuke est averti par pigeon voyageur de la progression d'un convoi de soldats zombies escortant Dame Ichi et Kasuga. Au château de Sunpu, Matsu explique à Magoichi comment Tenkai compte ressusciter Nobunaga Oda. Abasourdie, la commandante des Saika hurle qu’elle ne laissera jamais revivre le meurtrier de son prédécesseur. À Osaka, Yukimura a la stupeur de voir Masamune venu, selon ses dires, « observer l’ennemi ».

Épisode 9 - Sekigahara

31 août 2014 - 5/5

À Sekigahara, là où Ieyasu et Mitsunari ont jadis promis de s’affronter, la bataille s’engage entre les armées de l’Est et de l’Ouest. Nettement inférieur en nombre, l’Est ne semble pas avoir les moyens de briser l’encerclement ennemi. Ieyasu envoie alors dans les airs son atout maître Tadakatsu Honda, auquel l’Ouest répond par le vieux Shimazu, un autre « homme volant ». Au beau milieu des combats, Sorin Otomo n’a qu’un but : attirer quelque guerrier dans l’Église de Xavi.

Épisode 10 - Life-and-Death

7 septembre 2014 - 5/5

À Sekigahara, les armées de l’Ouest et de l’Est sont prêtes pour la bataille finale. Mais l’instant historique est perturbé par la "réapparition" du temple Honnoji, qui annonce la résurrection de Nobunaga Oda. Yukimura, Masamune et les mercenaires joignent momentanément leurs forces pour chasser les soldats zombies. Keiji et les mercenaires Saika pénètrent dans le Honnoji, sans pouvoir empêcher Tenkai d'entamer le processus de résurrection. Mais le résultat n'est pas tout à fait celui qu'escomptait le mystérieux moine...

Épisode 11 - Verdict

14 septembre 2014 - 5/5

À Sekigahara, la bataille entre l’Est et l’Ouest fait toujours rage. Masamune se présente devant Mitsunari Ishida et engage avec lui un féroce duel. Pendant ce temps, Otani annonce à son adversaire Kojuro l’avènement imminent d’un monde où le malheur sera équitablement partagé et ordonne à toutes les étoiles du ciel de s’abattre sur la terre. Motochika, qui affronte Motonari Mori pour venger ses hommes morts à Shikoku, essuie le feu de tous les miroirs du « Disque solaire ».

Épisode 12 - Guide

21 septembre 2014 - 5/5

À Sekigahara, Motonari Ishida s'emporte contre les hypocrisies de son adversaire Ieyasu : son exaltation des soi-disant « liens » pour masquer son ambition personnelle, son double jeu face à Hideyoshi Toyotomi… Masamune, Yukimura et les autres combattants assistent de loin à l’affrontement des deux généraux dont dépend l’issue de la bataille finale.


Ending "Break & Peace"


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