Poster de la serie Rick Hunter

Rick Hunter


Année : 1984

Nombre de saisons : 7

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 45 minutes

Genre(s) : Action, Aventure, Crime, Drame, Mystère, Thriller

Cette série met en scène les enquêtes du sergent Rick Hunter et de sa coéquipière, Dee Dee McCall, tous deux agents d'une brigade spéciale de Los Angeles.


Rick Hunter saison 1

Saison 1


Rick Hunter saison 2

Saison 2


Rick Hunter saison 3

Saison 3


Rick Hunter saison 4

Saison 4


Rick Hunter saison 5

Saison 5


Rick Hunter saison 6

Saison 6


Rick Hunter saison 7

Saison 7



Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - Rick Hunter inspecteur de choc

18 septembre 1984 - 3.8/5

Hunter "file" Gavin, un prisonnier récemment libéré sur parole, qu'il soupçonne d'avoir commis plusieurs cambriolages. Le malfrat est arrêté le jour où Hunter le surprend en flagrant délit. Débrouillard et rusé, Gavin réussit à conclure un marché avec le procureur : en échange de sa liberté, il promet de livrer de précieuses informations sur Nate Demarest, un mafioso notoire, recherché pour meurtres.

Épisode 2 - Un contrat difficile

28 septembre 1984 - 3.7/5

Dee Dee McCall reçoit un appel de son amie Marilyn Trankus très tôt le matin, qui la sort brusquement d'une demi-somnolence. Gus Trankus, l'ex-mari de cette dernière, est sur le point d'enfoncer sa porte. Dee Dee arrive trop tard. L'homme est occupé à frapper Marilyn. Malgré une discussion, l'agresseur jure de se venger. Le lendemain, Rick apprend que le capitaine Caine a désigné Bernie pour remplacer Dee Dee. Furieux, Rick appelle sa co-équipière. N'ayant aucune réponse, il se rend chez elle. Il y découvre Marilyn, seule. Mais Hunter est certain que Dee Dee est impliquée dans une dangereuse affaire car elle a emporté sa licence de police et son arme.

Épisode 3 - Domaine dangereux

5 octobre 1984 - 3.7/5

Connie Crenshaw, la femme du Préfet de Police, meurt brutalement dans une explosion de voiture. Lester Cain confie cette affaire délicate à Hunter et Dee Dee. Ensemble, ils se rendent chez Crenshaw, où ils sont froidement accueillis par le Major Kevin Lanark, qui leur conseille de déguerpir. Néanmoins, ils interrogent Crenshaw effondré, la tête dans ses mains blessées pour avoir tenté de sauver sa femme.

Épisode 4 - Un témoin important

26 octobre 1984 - 3.7/5

Désignés par Lester Cain pour accomplir une mission, Dee Dee McCall et Hunter mettent la main sur le coupable, Wally Wallerstein, une petite crapule qui a volé le portefeuille du Major. Alors qu'ils repartent tous les trois en voiture vers Los Angeles, une panne les contraint à continuer la route à pied dans une région déserte.

Épisode 5 - L'héritage

2 novembre 1984 - 3.7/5

Fils de John Vincent, un homme de soixante ans puissant et riche, Michael, play-boy d'une trentaine d'années au caractère faible, rentre un soir dans la demeure familiale complètement ivre, accompagné de son amie Sandy Newton. Mike demande à Sandy de se cacher lorsque John Vincent descend à la rencontre de son fils en pyjama et visiblement sous l'emprise d'une colère froide. Une fois la voie libre, Sandy s’esquive de la maison lorsque soudain, deux coups de feu claquent dans la nuit suivis de la sonnerie de l'alarme. Prise de panique, elle s'enfuit.

Épisode 6 - Vol sur un pigeon mort

9 novembre 1984 - 3.7/5

Joueur toujours fauché, mais colombophile averti, Pete Collier couvre ses dettes de jeu en utilisant ses pigeons voyageurs pour acheminer de la drogue au profit de Carl Deakin, Gig Adams et Mort Roberts, trois gredins sans scrupules. Le jour où Pete les avertit qu'il veut "quitter la partie", ils le tuent et lui volent ses pigeons pour continuer leur trafic.

Épisode 7 - Copains de Taule

16 novembre 1984 - 3.7/5

Intrigué par un groupe d'étudiants devant le lycée, Dee Dee et Rick Hunter aperçoivent deux ambulanciers essayant de maîtriser Billy Bates, convulsé de douleurs, victime d'une overdose. Matty, une amie de Billy avoue que la drogue provient de Rosco Gatlin, un dealer bien connu des services de police. Arrêté à plusieurs reprises pour trafic de stupéfiants, Gatlin a toujours été relâché, faute de preuves suffisantes.

Épisode 8 - Mort ou vif

30 novembre 1984 - 3.7/5

Hunter et Mc Call poursuivent David Blackfoot, un truand surnommé "Le chef" contre lequel ils ont un mandat d'arrêt pour vol à main armée. Au moment où ils croient le tenir, Blackfoot s'échappe par une fenêtre. Des coups de feu éclatent et son corps s'écrase dans une poubelle. Hunter voit le tueur : Jimmy Jo, un chasseur de prime brutal et cupide originaire de l'Alabama. Pour justifier son crime, il brandit un avis de recherche promettant une forte prime au premier qui capturera Balckfoot mort ou vif... Jimmy Jo avertit Hunter que sa prochaine "mission" est de mettre la main sur Panhandle Pete. Convaincus que le chasseur de prime ne leur dit pas toute la vérité, Rick et Dee Dee décident d'enquêter à son sujet..

Épisode 9 - L'homme sur le banc

7 décembre 1984 - 3.6/5

Rick Hunter poursuit Gavin, un voleur de petite envergure pour obtenir des preuves lui permettant d'arrêter Nate, un gros bonnet de la pègre. Surpris la main dans le sac, Gavin se fait une fois de plus passer les menottes par le policier. Le jour du procès, Hunter apprend que l'escroc a non seulement été acquitté, mais qu'il bénéficie désormais d'un statut d'immunité et qu'il doit résider dans l'un des hôtels les plus chics de la ville.

Épisode 10 - Le Tireur

4 janvier 1985 - 3.7/5

Un motard de la police est abattu la nuit. Le meurtrier a utilisé une arme qui tire des balles perforantes...

Épisode 11 - L'Éboueur

11 janvier 1985 - 3.6/5

Rick Hunter et Dee Dee McCall apprennent le meurtre de Jerry Walsh, un agent de sécurité. Les deux détectives découvrent que la nuit du meurtre, Jerry a reçu un coup de téléphone de Sonny Dupree, un détenu qu'il voulait renvoyer en prison pour récidive. Collègue de Jerry, Dan Colson décide de se rendre chez Trish, la femme de Sony, pour lui faire avouer où se cache son mari. Il s'apprête à la frapper lorsque Dee Dee et Hunter arrivent...

Épisode 12 - L'Ange de la vengeance

18 janvier 1985 - 3.6/5

Faute de preuves suffisantes, la cour de justice annule la procédure engagée contre le docteur Pierpont. Celui-ci, qui avait été arrêté par Rick Hunter, était inculpé de tentative de meurtre avec préméditation après avoir administré à sa femme une trop importante dose d'insuline. Depuis, celle-ci est dans le coma. Rick Hunter et Dee Dee McCall poursuivent cependant leur enquête...

Épisode 13 - La Reine de la neige (1)

23 mars 1985 - 3.6/5

Sally Lapone, un oiseau de nuit, dealer à ses heures, fait son entrée dans une soirée où circulent toutes sortes de drogue. Dee Dee s'est glissée parmi les invités pour tenter de s'approcher de Terranova, l'un des plus gros dealers de la ville. Soudain, des policiers font irruption avec fracas, et tous les invités présents tentent de se débarrasser au plus vite de marijuana, cocaïne et autres drogues.

Épisode 14 - La Reine de la neige (2)

30 mars 1985 - 3.6/5

Terranova propose à Dee Dee de chanter dans son club, et prétend avoir de grands projets pour elle. Parallèlement, Molinas monte à bord du 'Sweet Louie' avec l'espoir d'y trouver Sally. Hunter arrive peu après et Sally parvient à prendre la fuite, tandis que des coups de feu éclatent entre policiers et dealers.

Épisode 15 - Le Garçon de la plage

6 avril 1985 - 3.6/5

Trademan, un tueur surnommé le «garçon de plage», à la solde d'un important fournisseur de drogue, est chargé de tuer tous ceux qui le concurrencent. Eddie Marx, un dealer, est retrouvé mort chez lui dans sa maison de Malibu. Une seringue retrouvée sur le corps laisse présager pour Hunter d'autres assassinats.

Épisode 16 - Le Coupable

13 avril 1985 - 3.5/5

Loretta, directrice de la création dans une agence de publicité, reçoit un inquiétant coup de téléphone : un homme qu'elle ne connaît pas articule un seul mot : «coupable». Ted, son partenaire et ami, la raccompagne jusqu'à sa voiture sans s'apercevoir qu'un homme les suit. A peine sortie de son véhicule, Loretta est étranglée...

Épisode 17 - Le Dernier Meurtre

20 avril 1985 - 3.6/5

Christina Lemasters renonce à son départ pour la France afin de suivre son mari qui l'avait accompagnée à l'aéroport. Il entre dans une petit hôtel minable où elle le suit jusqu'à une chambre. Croyant entendre des voix, elle ouvre la porte et aperçoit le corps d'une femme assassinée. Elle sollicite aussitôt l'aide de Rick Hunter qui après enquête découvre qu'il s'agit d'une prostituée et que le meurtrier est certainement un «professionnel».

Épisode 18 - Le Pompier

4 mai 1985 - 3.7/5

Un individu, tout de cuir vêtu, coiffé d'un casque noir, fout le feu à l'aide d'un lance-flammes à un vieil immeuble délabré. C'est la quatrième fois qu'il frappe en deux semaines. En visionnant les enregistrements des incendies précédents, Hunter et Dee Dee remarquent la silhouette d'un homme, qui apparaît sur toutes les bandes. Trois jours plus tard, l'incendiaire récidive...

Épisode 19 - Le Sniper

11 mai 1985 - 3.6/5

Un jeune homme se promène dans un parc avec son amie. Soudain elle s'écroule à ses côtés, tuée par une balle. Hunter découvre à proximité du crime une douille de cartouche de fusil. L'ami de la victime accuse Brad Wakely, l'ex-fiancé de la défunte qui avait menacé de la tuer au moment de leur rupture... Au même moment Hunter est sous le coup d’un audit effectué par Seymour Robbins, le plus efficace inspecteur des impôts (IRS), en raison de demandes de déductions fiscales inhabituelles et peu communes...

Épisode 1 - Case X

21 septembre 1985 - 3.5/5

A modeling agent is a front for a photographer's personal pornography ring, and when the female porn stars start turning up dead, McCall goes undercover.

Épisode 2 - Night of the Dragons

28 septembre 1985 - 3.5/5

Hunter and McCall witness a shooting in Chinatown and follow up on their off time, but the officer-in-charge resents their meddling.

Épisode 3 - The Biggest Man in Town

5 octobre 1985 - 3.5/5

The murder looks like a professional execution. But why would a small time accountant be killed when he is eighty miles from home and using an alias? For Hunter and Dee Dee the only clue is to go to the source - a small, wealthy resort community that is controlled by one man. Hunter can feel this guy is responsible but proving it is a deadly proposition

Épisode 4 - Rich Girl

19 octobre 1985 - 3.5/5

Hunter,and McCall investigate the attempted shooting of a wealthy businessman.The man's young wife was the prime suspect when arrested,put on trial,and aquitted for the crime(lack of proof).The young woman then dies,the victim of an apparent suicide.Hunter,and McCall then shifts their investigation to another suspect somebody that they had not previously suspected.

Épisode 5 - Killer in a Halloween Mask

26 octobre 1985 - 3.5/5

The Captain sends Hunter and McCall to serve as technical advisors for a television police show to keep them out of trouble. Unfortunately, the star of the show is killed, placing Hunter and McCall in the middle of another high-profile murder investigation.

Épisode 6 - Rape and Revenge (1)

2 novembre 1985 - 3.6/5

McCall is raped and beaten by a diplomat who has a strange opinion of the way to treat women. Hunter is angry, but can do nothing when the culprit claims diplomatic immunity. McCall is appalled to find that the man's father shares his attitude toward women.

Épisode 7 - Rape and Revenge (2)

9 novembre 1985 - 3.6/5

Hunter ends up in San Pablo wanting to shoot Raul Mariano, the man who raped McCall and shot Hunter. McCall comes and tries to stop Hunter from killing Mariano. She fails, and Hunter shoots Mariano four times. After, Hunter and McCall must escape from an army that is trying to kill them

Épisode 8 - Million Dollar Misunderstanding

16 novembre 1985 - 3.5/5

A ruthless robbery of an armoured car goes awry when Dunbar, the leader of the gang, kills his partner only to have his car stolen with the $1,000,000 in the trunk. When the owner of the car is later killed, Hunter and McCall find themselves on a case that gets deadlier at every turn and puts Rick against as tough and mean a man as he'll ever meet

Épisode 9 - The Big Fall

23 novembre 1985 - 3.5/5

Hunter and McCall are one of the teams assigned to protect a government witness. But when he is thrown out the window of the hotel room, Hunter and Dee Dee are in the middle of a Bullit-style conspiracy of deadly double crosses. Someone in the department killed the witness and Rick and McCall must find out who and why before Hunter is pinned to the wall for murder one.

Épisode 10 - Waiting for Mr. Wrong

7 décembre 1985 - 3.5/5

A flashy yet deadly jewelry store robbery leaves Hunter and McCall with a dead body and a cold trail. When Angelita, a beautiful young model who is their only connection to one of the killers, boards a train to San Diego, Hunter is right behind her. But her surveillance accidentally becomes contact and contact turns to passion. Is she an innocent victim of a ruthless killer, or is she just as deadly? Rick must make a decision and the wrong decision could be a killer.

Épisode 11 - Think Blue

14 décembre 1985 - 3.6/5

A friend of Hunter's is accused of killing his wife, but Hunter connects the crime to a man he arrested a long time ago instead.

Épisode 12 - Blow-Up

4 janvier 1986 - 3.5/5

Someone bombs the angel on a grave and Hunter thinks it was done by a man he arrested a long time ago.

Épisode 13 - War Zone

11 janvier 1986 - 3.4/5

A hooker's murder and a pharmaceutical theft are connected.

Épisode 14 - Burned

18 janvier 1986 - 3.4/5

A lawyer who was indicted for bribing a juror fakes his death.

Épisode 15 - Scrap Metal

1 février 1986 - 3.5/5

A dying criminal sends for Hunter and says that he's the man who killed Hunter's father, and that he was paid to do it by his father's partner. Hunter goes to the man who was originally convicted for the murder and asks him if he did it or not; he says he was just trying to rob the place when the police came and assumed he did it. So Hunter sets out to find if his father's partner did have his father killed.

Épisode 16 - Fagin 1986

8 février 1986 - 3.6/5

A juvenille is killed during a robbery attempt and Hunter discovers that he was part of a gang led by an adult.

Épisode 17 - 62 Hrs. of Terror

15 février 1986 - 3.5/5

Hunter and McCall discover a network of extremists who are holding a diplomat hostage.

Épisode 18 - Death Machine

11 mars 1986 - 3.5/5

A couple of young punks rip off the house of Lucky Lacy, an underworld jewelry connection, and get away with $2,000,000 in jewels. But when Lacy hires Lincoln, a huge punk killer to find them, dead bodies start piling up and Hunter and McCall are up against their biggest foe yet!

Épisode 19 - The Setup

25 mars 1986 - 3.5/5

A beautiful young woman is killed in a very professional style and Hunter knows her death is a link to a three-year-old case of an elusive international criminal named Varn. But before Hunter and McCall can piece together the case, Hunter is framed for a brutal assualt. Why would the victim finger Hunter? Who killed the young woman? Where is Varn? Hunter and McCall must find the answers before Rick takes the fall and Varn disappears forever

Épisode 20 - The Beautiful & the Dead (1)

1 avril 1986 - 3.5/5

She is exquisitely beautiful with perfect features. She is sitting in Hunter's chair waiting for him to come home. She is also dead! A clean professional hit in an adult motel throws Rick and Dee Dee into a case that includes Russian and Federal Agents, espionage, and a strangely intriguing, nameless beauty who is the final piece in a jigsaw puzzle that won't come together

Épisode 21 - The Beautiful & the Dead (2)

8 avril 1986 - 3.5/5

A body disappears from Hunter's apartment, and as he and McCall investigate they find that a Russian defector and Federal agents are connected to the case.

Épisode 22 - The Return of Typhoon Thompson

6 mai 1986 - 3.6/5

Jerome Typhoon Thompson a once famous Middle-weight prizefighter is realeased from Prison after serving 5-years of a life sentence.He was convicted of murdering his manager,a charge that he says is false.Because of good behavior he was paroled.Once outside he is greetd by Hunter,who warns Typhoon not to seek revenge on those he feels had set him up.However Typhoon will not listen.He immediatly looks around,hoping to get information on the people that he knows are responsible for his imprisonment.His quest gets the attention of two people on motocycles who try to kill him .Foretunatly Hunter,and McCall were there(they were keeping surveillance on Typhoon)they arrested the would be killers.Hunter who earlier thought Typhoon was guilty isn't so sure now.He,and McCall will continue their investigation until something comes out .

Épisode 23 - Saturday Night Special

20 mai 1986 - 3.6/5

A series of murders on skid row smash across the headlines. But when Hunter and McCall dig into the case, they discover a witness who swears the killer is a reporter covering the story

Épisode 1 - Overnight Sensation

27 septembre 1986 - 3.6/5

A TV reporter accuses Hunter of unjustly firing his weapon . Capt. Wyler is promoted to Deputy Chief.

Épisode 2 - Change Partners and Dance

4 octobre 1986 - 3.6/5

A cop is murdered after making arrangements to meet with Hunter.

Épisode 3 - Crime of Passion

11 octobre 1986 - 3.6/5

McCall believes a man suspected of murdering his wife is innocent.

Épisode 4 - The Castro Connection

1 novembre 1986 - 3.6/5

Hunter witnesses the shooting of a DEA agent, but the body disappears.

Épisode 5 - High Noon in L.A.

8 novembre 1986 - 3.6/5

Carlos Mariano, the brother of Raul Mariano, the man who raped McCall and shot Hunter, whom Hunter would eventually kill, (see Rape and Revenge) has come to L.A. to get Hunter for killing his brother. And just like his brother, is shielded by diplomatic immunity. The State Department man warns him not to do anything, because his country is a vital ally to the U.S. Hunter tries to reason with him by saying what his brother did and that he killed his brother in self-defense but is unmoved. He eventually abducts Hunter and taunts him first, eventually Hunter gets free and only wounds him. Hunter turns him in and because of what he did, the country can have deported. At the airport, he tries to make sure that he has given up his quest for vengeance.

Épisode 6 - From San Francisco with Love

15 novembre 1986 - 3.7/5

A San Francisco cop joins Hunter and McCall in investigating a case after someone attempts to shoot his son.

Épisode 7 - True Confessions

22 novembre 1986 - 3.6/5

When Jeffrey Wyatt, Robert Kephart, and Philip Epperson are involved in the drugging and rape of a young woman, Rhonda Burke, Hunter and McCall have to investigate the woman's grief-stricken older sister, who is furious when the three young men are acquited on a technicality...a young officer did not read them the Miranda warning before Jeffrey Wyatt confessed. Hunter maintains his suspicions of Sheila, even though he sympathizes with her frustration and continually advises her to plead insanity. McCall is convinced of the woman's innocence, and turns her attention to the older brother of one of the victims, David Kephart, who will be in charge of a sizable fortune with his younger half-brother Robert out of the way. When first Epperson then Kephart are shot and killed, Wyatt isn't sure who to turn to...and ends up trusting the wrong person.

Épisode 8 - Love, Hate and Sporty James

6 décembre 1986 - 3.5/5

Police informant, Sporty James, believes that he will receive a large sum of money after witnessing a murder.

Épisode 9 - The Contract

13 décembre 1986 - 3.5/5

The wife of a wealthy man is kidnapped and the gardener is killed trying to save her. Hunter and McCall investigate but the husband just wants his wife back, so he agrees to pay the ransom and his wife is returned. Hunter and McCall question her but get nothing. She later meets her lover, the kidnapper. And she's despondent over the gardener. But he reminds her of why they did it--the prenup her husband that her husband made her sign. Her husband's secretary figurs out what theyn did and tries to blackmail them but he kills her. Later when she decides to come forward he tries to kill her but Hunter saves her. Later her husband tells them that he will use everything at his disposal to defend her cause he blames himself for what happened.

Épisode 10 - The Cradle Will Rock

3 janvier 1987 - 3.5/5

McCall's friend and the rock star ex-husband of a singer vanish.

Épisode 11 - Bad Company

10 janvier 1987 - 3.6/5

A group of supremacists rob a gun shop and leave an injured partner behind. Hunter's attempt to get information from her fails.

Épisode 12 - Down and Under

17 janvier 1987 - 3.5/5

Hunter travels to Sydney, Australia in an attempt to find clues regarding the disappearnce of an old flame three years ago.

Épisode 13 - Straight to the Heart

24 janvier 1987 - 3.5/5

While Hunter is on leave preparing to testify before a grand jury, he becomes involved with a woman who is the girlfriend of the accused.

Épisode 14 - Requiem for Sergeant McCall

7 février 1987 - 3.6/5

McCall opposes the parole of an inmate who shot and killed her husband five years before. Against her judgement, he is released and she begins to tail him hoping to gather more evidence against him for a different crime that he possibly committed, but the plan backfires when she is set up similar to that of her late husband.

Épisode 15 - Double Exposure

14 février 1987 - 3.5/5

McCall goes undercover as a fashion model to bust a ring of thieves hitting lonely business men in their hotels. When Sporty James shows up and inadvertantly blows McCalls cover, Hunter attempts to get there in time to keep them from getting killed.

Épisode 16 - The Girl Next Door

21 février 1987 - 3.5/5

Detective Sergeant Coslin is on the run after witnessing his girlfriend's murder and planting evidence of the crime in Hunter's house.

Épisode 17 - Any Second Now

28 février 1987 - 3.5/5

A fan who was convicted of attacking a pianist is released from prison and is, once again, a threat to the pianist.

Épisode 18 - A Child is Born

14 mars 1987 - 3.5/5

Hunter must indentify the victim of a shooting in order to save the baby of a pregnant woman who was mistakenly shot.

Épisode 19 - Crossfire

11 avril 1987 - 3.5/5

Hunter finds that an old girlfriend is being hunted by a cocaine dealer while he is tailing a robbery and murder suspect who was released due to a lack of evidence.

Épisode 20 - Hot Pursuit (1)

2 mai 1987 - 3.5/5

McCall and an informant are shot after the informant gives her information regarding a prostitution ring being run along truck routes. Hunter is accused of murder when he travels to Mexico to meet with the pimp (part 1 of 2).

Épisode 21 - Hot Pursuit (2)

9 mai 1987 - 3.5/5

McCall and an informant are shot after the informant gives her information regarding a prostitution ring being run along truck routes. Hunter is accused of murder when he travels to Mexico to meet with the pimp (part 2 of 2).

Épisode 22 - Shades

18 juillet 1987 - 3.5/5

McCall's life is saved by a mysterious gunman and Hunter is missing.

Épisode 1 - Not Just Another John Doe

24 septembre 1987 - 3.5/5

A skid row murder leads to an unknown victim. The killer knows the identity of the witness and the witness knows the identity of the killer.

Épisode 2 - Playing God

3 octobre 1987 - 3.5/5

Hunter and McCall consider leaving the force when the investigation of a community leader who has ties to organized crime reveals some disturbing evidence.

Épisode 3 - The Jade Woman

17 octobre 1987 - 3.6/5

Hunter investigates the disappearance of a friend's mail-order bride while he is off duty. The case becomes a homicide investagation when the marriage broker is murdered.

Épisode 4 - Flashpoint

24 octobre 1987 - 3.6/5

A Hispanic city councilman's son is killed in a botched traffic stop and he holds the LAPD responsible, citing racism.

Épisode 5 - Night on Bald Mountain

31 octobre 1987 - 3.7/5

When Hunter & McCall travel to a mountaintop mansion to investigate a murder, they are trapped there overnight with the victim's entire family in the midst of a massive snowstorm.

Épisode 6 - City of Passion (1)

7 novembre 1987 - 3.7/5

Hunter and McCall investigate a series of bizarre murders, which take on the appearance of the result of a Satanic cult rite. Based on a book by Dallas Barnes.

Épisode 7 - City of Passion (2)

14 novembre 1987 - 3.6/5

Hunter spends the night at McCall's house after she receives a threatening phone call from the man known as "Bigfoot," whom they were investigating for the rapes. Brad Navarro's wife kicks him out of the house and hits the LAPD with a massive and somewhat humorous lawsuit, claiming their marriage was failing because of Brad's "unusual appetite for sex" due to being paired up with attractive female partners. Hunter's investigation of a missing girl uncovers a local satanic cult, led by the very judge McCall arrested. The LAPD conduct a stakeout in an attempt to catch "Bigfoot," but he outsmarts them and nearly claims Sgt. McCall as his next victim.

Épisode 8 - City of Passion (3)

21 novembre 1987 - 3.6/5

McCall's fight to appeal her entrapment accusation uncovers corruption at the hands of the LAPD commander, who resigns amid the controversy. The teenage girl Hunter had been keeping tabs on is murdered by a member of Judge Unger's cult. The judge is arrested by Hunter. Kathy Navarro drops her lawsuit against the LAPD and she and Brad reconcile. Lloyd Fredericks, known as "Bigfoot," is arrested after he beats and nearly rapes Sgt. McCall; Mrs. Fredericks takes her own course of action against him.

Épisode 9 - Turning Point

28 novembre 1987 - 3.6/5

Hunter and McCall investigate a car bomb that explodes in a reporter's car, killing someone else.

Épisode 10 - Hot Prowl

8 décembre 1987 - 3.5/5

The victim of a robbery attempts to buy the stolen item from the robber without reporting him to the police.

Épisode 11 - Allegra

29 décembre 1987 - 3.6/5

Hunter struggles with some emotions when the victim of his latest murder investigation is an old flame.

Épisode 12 - Renegade

5 janvier 1988 - 3.5/5

The mother of a man who steals a cocaine delivery is accidentally shot when the thief leads his pursuers to his parents' home.

Épisode 13 - The Black Dahlia

12 janvier 1988 - 3.5/5

Hunter & McCall post a (fictitious) conclusion to the Black Dahlia murder case, the most famous unsolved murder in the history of the LAPD.

Épisode 14 - Naked Justice (1)

2 février 1988 - 3.6/5

A homeless man offers information about the murder of a film star.

Épisode 15 - Naked Justice (2)

9 février 1988 - 3.6/5

A homeless man offers information about the murder of a film star.

Épisode 16 - Girl on the Beach

16 février 1988 - 3.6/5

Captain Devane's ex-wife is convinced that she killed a woman while driving under the influence of alcohol, until a second body is found.

Épisode 17 - The Bogota Million

1 mars 1988 - 3.6/5

The mobsters are pursuing Sporty James because they think he stole a million dollars from them. The police are pursuing him because they think he killed one of the mobsters.

Épisode 18 - Death Signs

12 mars 1988 - 3.6/5

Hunter and McCall have three suspects to choose from when a deaf man is murdered.

Épisode 19 - Boomerang

19 mars 1988 - 3.6/5

A woman fears that she will be the prime suspect when her husband is killed in a boating accident.

Épisode 20 - The Fourth Man

26 mars 1988 - 3.5/5

Years ago Hunter was part of a group who busted a drug ring. Now the sole survivor of the gang claims that some money, four million dollars was missing from what they turned in. Now internal affairs, more or less deduced that three members of the group were involved but, they believed that because four million was missing that there was a fourth member, who took part in it. Initially Hunter was under suspicion but no sufficient evidence was found. Now that the man who claimed that there was four million dollars missing is out on parole, and the three cops who were under suspicion are turning up dead. It's now being assumed that the gang member is taking them out and taking the money that they got, or the fourth man is. And again Hunter is the prime suspect.

Épisode 21 - Murder He Wrote

30 avril 1988 - 3.6/5

Hunter and McCall have dinner with a millionaire who thinks that his heirs are plotting his murder.

Épisode 22 - Silver Bullet

7 mai 1988 - 3.7/5

When Hunter & McCall investigate a series of murders committed with police-issued bullets, the main suspect is closer than they think.

Épisode 1 - Heir of Neglect

29 octobre 1988 - 3.4/5

Hunter investigates the case of a teenage boy who mistakenly shot his parents during what he claimed was a home invasion.

Épisode 2 - The Baby Game

5 novembre 1988 - 3.5/5

A two-year-old girl sleeps while her mother is murdered.

Épisode 3 - Dead on Target (1)

12 novembre 1988 - 3.5/5

Several Veterans from Hunter's squad in Vietnam are murdered during the search for emeralds that were brought back to the United States when they returned from their tour of duty.

Épisode 4 - Dead on Target (2)

19 novembre 1988 - 3.5/5

Several Veterans from Hunter's squad in Vietnam are murdered during the search for emeralds that were brought back to the United States when they returned from their tour of duty.

Épisode 5 - Presumed Guilty

26 novembre 1988 - 3.6/5

McCall's current boyfriend disagrees with Hunter's belief that a suspect is guilty of burglary but not murder.

Épisode 6 - No Good Deed Ever Goes Unpunished

3 décembre 1988 - 3.5/5

An anonymous tip leads McCall to believe that an explosion in her art class was an attempt to kill a murder witness.

Épisode 7 - Honorable Profession

10 décembre 1988 - 3.6/5

Hunter puts his job on the line when he defends a female officer, wounded and possibly killed in the line of duty, against accusations of employing improper procedures during a Chinatown shooting.

Épisode 8 - Payback

17 décembre 1988 - 3.5/5

A bank robber turns to Hunter for a favor once he learns that the bank he robbed is owned by the mob.

Épisode 9 - Partners

7 janvier 1989 - 3.4/5

Hunter and McCall investigate the murder of an Immigration Agent.

Épisode 10 - The Pit

14 janvier 1989 - 3.4/5

A police dispatcher is pressured to assist robbers because his son is indebted to loan sharks due to his gambling.

Épisode 11 - City Under Siege (1)

4 février 1989 - 3.4/5

A police task force is established to assist in crime control. McCall goes undercover as a teacher when one is murdered.

Épisode 12 - City Under Siege (2)

11 février 1989 - 3.5/5

A police task force is established to assist in crime control. McCall goes undercover as a teacher when one is murdered.

Épisode 13 - City Under Siege (3)

18 février 1989 - 3.4/5

A police task force is established to assist in crime control. McCall goes undercover as a teacher when one is murdered.

Épisode 14 - Me, Myself & Die

25 février 1989 - 3.4/5

A woman is the prime suspect in a brutal murder case after she stops taking her experimental medication.

Épisode 15 - Informant

18 mars 1989 - 3.4/5

An informant to whom Hunter promised anonymity seven years earlier represents himself when his case is re-tried.

Épisode 16 - Blood Line

1 avril 1989 - 3.5/5

A suspect is poisoned while Hunter and McCall are investigating a race horse groom's death. They attempt to unravel the revenge and fraud behind the murder in order to find a motive.

Épisode 17 - Shoot to Kill

8 avril 1989 - 3.4/5

McCall is suspected of having shot an innocent man during a shootout in an alley and fights to clear her name with help from Hunter and Sporty James. While helping McCall, they discover a ring of jewel thieves.

Épisode 18 - Code 3

15 avril 1989 - 3.4/5

When a nurse she recently befriended is killed in a car accident related to alcohol just a few days later, McCall suspects foul play. She is even more convinced of that after learning the nurse was pregnant, and would not have mixed alcohol with the morning sickness medication she was taking.

Épisode 19 - Ring of Honor

29 avril 1989 - 3.5/5

Boxing turns deadly when the manager of promising fighter Sonny Ruiz and a doctor are both murdered. Hunter to penetrates the world of prizefighting with the help of a trainer named Benny Shaffer.

Épisode 20 - Teen Dreams

6 mai 1989 - 3.5/5

Prostitutes are being murdered by a man who lures them disguised as a police officer. When McCall's friend Debbie Small (from the "City Under Siege" saga) returns to the profession, she may be the next target.

Épisode 21 - Last Run

13 mai 1989 - 3.5/5

Hunter and McCall try to rescue an undercover female agent who was kidnapped during an investigation into money laundering, and have to deal with interference from the girl's father, who's a cop himself.

Épisode 22 - Return of White Cloud

21 mai 1989 - 3.5/5

Hunter and McCall investigate the murder of an art gallery owner involved in illegal sales of Native American artifacts, and find themselves drawn into a mysterious world of Native American politics.

Épisode 1 - On Air

14 octobre 1989 - 3.5/5

A radio show host is being stalked and the men in her life are being murdered. Hunter pretends to be her lover in order to catch the killer.

Épisode 2 - Shillelagh

21 octobre 1989 - 3.4/5

Devane's girlfriend's brother makes a highly publicized visit from Ireland, which is soon discovered to be an assassination plot.

Épisode 3 - Investment in Death

28 octobre 1989 - 3.4/5

After leaving a gang, the former member is the victim of a drive-by shooting.

Épisode 4 - A Girl Named Hunter

4 novembre 1989 - 3.4/5

Hunter delivers a baby for Cheryl Donavan, a runaway from San Diego, who decides to name her girl after him. When Cheryl winds up dead, Hunter uncovers a baby-breeding operation that sells infants as though they were property.

Épisode 5 - The Legion (1)

11 novembre 1989 - 3.4/5

Hunter and McCall must track down the leader of the White Supremacists after he escapes from prison. Problems arise when a friend of McCall's, her former training officer, tries to help and is charged with obstruction of justice. McCall tries to help him overcome his depression over his loneliness, but she is not able to help in time to prevent his suicide.

Épisode 6 - The Legion (2)

18 novembre 1989 - 3.6/5

Hunter and McCall must track down the leader of the White Supremacists after he escapes from prison. Problems arise when a friend of McCall's, her former training officer, tries to help and is charged with obstruction of justice. McCall tries to help him overcome his depression over his loneliness, but she is not able to help in time to prevent his suicide.

Épisode 7 - Yesterday's Child

25 novembre 1989 - 3.4/5

Hunter thinks a Vietnamese-American teenager may be his son, and believes the boy when he claims to be an innocent bystander during a car theft that results in a murder.

Épisode 8 - Shield of Honor

2 décembre 1989 - 3.4/5

A man is robbing and murdering businessmen when they are taking receipts to the bank. The incompetent rookie assigned to work with Hunter on the case is the son of Hunter's training officer.

Épisode 9 - The Fifth Victim

9 décembre 1989 - 3.4/5

Hunter and McCall track down a departmental leak in the investigation of a serial killer targeting homosexuals. A local painter confesses to committing all but one of the murders.

Épisode 10 - Brotherly Love

6 janvier 1990 - 3.4/5

A young drug user who accidentally murders his pusher and then steals $200,000 in mob money from him is pursued by the pushers' drug supplier; the user's brother tries to save him.

Épisode 11 - The Nightmare

13 janvier 1990 - 3.4/5

McCall returns home to find her young Latino cleaning lady murdered. Old scars on the young woman's body reveal that she was a torture victim.

Épisode 12 - Broken Dreams

27 janvier 1990 - 3.4/5

Hunter attempts to protect his high school sweetheart after she witnesses a murder. Her unemployed husband convinces her to take part in blackmail instead of cooperating with Hunter.

Épisode 13 - Son and Heir

3 février 1990 - 3.4/5

Hunter's investigation of a murdered cop reveals that the victim was the illegitimate son of a Mafia boss and that the killer was the man's brother.

Épisode 14 - Unacceptable Loss

10 février 1990 - 3.4/5

A child is dead after inhaling fumes from illegally dumped cyanide, and Hunter and McCall work to charge a chemical company with second degree murder.

Épisode 15 - Unfinished Business

24 février 1990 - 3.5/5

Hunter and McCall have unresolved issues with regard to their previous love affair when Hunter's former co-worker is assigned to help with the investigation of a robber turned murderer.

Épisode 16 - Lullaby

3 mars 1990 - 3.4/5

A Scotland Yard inspector comes to town when the murder of a british prostitute resembles a string of similar murders in the U.K.

Épisode 17 - Final Confession

17 mars 1990 - 3.5/5

Hunter and McCall suspect that two murders were committed as an act of revenge by a man who was recently paroled. They become frustrated when they discover that a Catholic priest knows the identity of the killer, but refuses to break his vow of confession and tell them who it is.

Épisode 18 - Blind Ambition

31 mars 1990 - 3.5/5

McCall and her boyfriend, a judge, are held captive in his house by the brother of a man whom the judge convicted and who had committed suicide in prison.

Épisode 19 - Sudden Withdrawal

16 avril 1990 - 3.3/5

Hunter and McCall suspect that a bank manager is part of two bank robberies.

Épisode 20 - Second Sight

23 avril 1990 - 3.6/5

A man claims to have seen two murders in psychic visions. Hunter and McCall are skeptical until he proclaims that McCall is the next victim.

Épisode 21 - Street Wise (1)

30 avril 1990 - 3.5/5

McCall leaves the police force after rekindling a romance with an old flame. Hunter investigates a thief who is terrorizing homeless veterans.

Épisode 22 - Street Wise (2)

7 mai 1990 - 3.5/5

McCall leaves the police force after rekindling a romance with an old flame. Hunter investigates a thief who is terrorizing homeless veterans.

Épisode 1 - Deadly Encounters (1)

19 septembre 1990 - 3.5/5

Hunter teams with two Metro officers, one of whom is a former adversary, to locate the missing profits of a murdered black-marketeer, as Devane considers a post in Metro.

Épisode 2 - Deadly Encounters (2)

26 septembre 1990 - 3.5/5

Hunter teams with two Metro officers, one of whom is a former adversary, to locate the missing profits of a murdered black-marketeer, as Devane considers a post in Metro.

Épisode 3 - Where Echoes End

3 octobre 1990 - 3.5/5

A late report made by an undercover officer who witnesses the murder of a Treasury Agent arouses suspicion.

Épisode 4 - Kill Zone

10 octobre 1990 - 3.4/5

Molenski is reminded of painful events while investigating a series of murder cases in which the victims were also raped.

Épisode 5 - The Incident

24 octobre 1990 - 3.2/5

An innocent African American teenager is beaten when vigilante crimes cause friction between the police, the press, and a neighborhood watch group.

Épisode 6 - A Snitch'll Break Your Heart

31 octobre 1990 - 3.3/5

Hunter investigates the murder of a child, and Molenski fights to save a snitch.

Épisode 7 - Oh, the Shark Bites!

7 novembre 1990 - 3.4/5

Charlie Devane risks his career to protect his father's reputation after his father's name turns up on a murdered mob accountant's "debtors" list.

Épisode 8 - The Usual Suspects

14 novembre 1990 - 3.5/5

An office worker in the District Attorney's office alters computer records of criminals arrested the previous evening.

Épisode 9 - This is My Gun

28 novembre 1990 - 3.4/5

Molenski's gun is stolen and used in a robbery that leads to murder.

Épisode 10 - La Familia

5 décembre 1990 - 3.4/5

A mobster is pressured by his father to remain in the family business after he returns home from prison.

Épisode 11 - Acapulco Holiday

12 décembre 1990 - 3.4/5

The companion of a former film star turns to a life of crime in order to grant her wish to see the Acapulco beach in the moonlight. Hunter and the city are sued by a suspect who was mistakenly arrested.

Épisode 12 - Fatal Obsession (1)

9 janvier 1991 - 3.3/5

A former girlfriend complicates Hunter's investigation of a string of campus murders while Molenski becomes the target of a cop-killer. Hunter tracks down a cop-killer.

Épisode 13 - Fatal Obsession (2)

9 janvier 1991 - 3.4/5

A former girlfriend complicates Hunter's investigation of a string of campus murders while Molenski becomes the target of a cop-killer. Hunter tracks down a cop-killer.

Épisode 14 - Under Suspicion

16 janvier 1991 - 3.4/5

Hunter searches for a missing witness while Novak seeks assistance from a computer expert to locate burglars.

Épisode 15 - The Reporter

30 janvier 1991 - 3.4/5

Novak investigates several robberies and discovers that her reporter friend is using cocaine.

Épisode 16 - Room Service

13 février 1991 - 3.4/5

A man and woman lure their victims to a hotel room where they rob and kill them.

Épisode 17 - Shadows of the Past

20 février 1991 - 3.4/5

Novak's estranged father has an interest in the murder witness she is protecting.

Épisode 18 - The Grab

2 mars 1991 - 3.4/5

A counterfeiter's courier is murdered and the Secret Service is involved.

Épisode 19 - All That Glitters

8 mars 1991 - 3.4/5

A coin thief pursues a hooker who stole a rare coin from him.

Épisode 20 - Cries of Silence

15 mars 1991 - 3.4/5

The key witness in Hunter's case is the runaway daughter of a deaf woman.

Épisode 21 - Ex Marks the Spot

5 avril 1991 - 3.4/5

The former secretary, mistress, and wife of a dry cleaner rob his stores and end up with mob money.

Épisode 22 - Little Man with a Big Reputation

26 avril 1991 - 3.5/5

A crook chooses Captain Devane as his best man when he is being pressured by former jailmates to commit a crime.


Opening - (saison 1)






Derniers avis

avatar de du commentaire : Superbe série des années 80 le duo Hunter McCall est excellent

29/08/2023 - 4/5

Superbe série des années 80 le duo Hunter McCall est excellent