Poster de la serie Pitbulls et prisonniers

Pitbulls et prisonniers


Année : 2009

Nombre de saisons : 16

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 45 minutes

Genre(s) : Drame, Télé-réalité

Suivez le quotidien mouvementé de Tia Torres qui, aidée de sa famille et d’anciens condamnés libérés sur parole, s’occupe d’un refuge pour pitbulls battus ou abandonnés. Le centre accueil de Tia compte environ 200 pitbulls, qu’il faut aider, soigner et dresser. Tia est une femme engagée, qui lutte pour la réinsertion des anciens condamnés. Rejetés par la société, provoquant la méfiance des passants, elle leur a trouvé de nombreux points communs avec le sort réservé aux pitbulls, réputés menaçants. Elle s’est donc donnée une mission, les faire travailler ensemble vers un but commun : la réinsertion. Mais qui de l’homme ou de l’animal apprendra le plus de l’autre ?


Pitbulls et prisonniers saison 1

Saison 1


Pitbulls et prisonniers saison 2

Saison 2


Pitbulls et prisonniers saison 3

Saison 3


Pitbulls et prisonniers saison 4

Saison 4


Pitbulls et prisonniers saison 5

Saison 5

Pitbulls et prisonniers saison 6

Saison 6


Pitbulls et prisonniers saison 7

Saison 7


Pitbulls et prisonniers saison 8

Saison 8

Pitbulls et prisonniers saison 9

Saison 9


Pitbulls et prisonniers saison 10

Saison 10


Pitbulls et prisonniers saison 11

Saison 11


Pitbulls et prisonniers saison 12

Saison 12


Pitbulls et prisonniers saison 16

Saison 16

Pitbulls et prisonniers saison 17

Saison 17

Pitbulls et prisonniers saison 18

Saison 18

Pitbulls et prisonniers saison 19

Saison 19


Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - Second Chance Ranch

30 octobre 2009 - 4.2/5

Tia Torres and a team of parolees work together to rescue and rehabilitate pit bulls at the Villalobos Rescue Center, the largest pit bull rescue facility in the country.

Épisode 2 - Redemption

6 novembre 2009 - 4.8/5

Tia Torres and her team of parolees work with a cast of Renaissance fair pirates who are looking to adopt a pit bull. Meanwhile, Tia's husband goes to court to face a bail hearing.

Épisode 3 - Whiteout

13 novembre 2009 - 4.8/5

Tia and her daughter, Tania, bond during an emotional rescue mission that takes them to a Sacramento rescue shelter, stopping en route to rescue a stray pit bull found wandering outside the gates of Wasco State Prison.

Épisode 4 - Crisis

20 novembre 2009 - 4.7/5

Tia Torres deals with a missing parolee and has trouble convincing her daughter to pull her own weight at the rescue center.

Épisode 5 - On the Run

28 novembre 2009 - 4.8/5

Tia Torres and her team of parolees track down a wild pit bull living in a local park.

Épisode 6 - Sin City

4 décembre 2009 - 4.7/5

Tia Torres travels to Las Vegas for a benefit supporting the struggling rescue center.

Épisode 1 - Return to the Ranch

30 octobre 2010 - 3.5/5

Tia et Joe, un ancien prisonnier en liberté conditionnelle, sont appelés, pour recueillir deux chiots abandonnés, retrouvés dans un parking. Puis Tia sera confrontée à un choix délicat, elle doit décider si Jake, un ancien prisonnier, peut revenir au ranch.

Épisode 2 - A Battle of Wills

6 novembre 2010 - 3.5/5

Après l’attaque d’un adolescent par un groupe de pit-bulls, Tia se retrouve au cœur d’une tempête médiatique, en prenant la défense de pit-bulls innocents. Ce n’est que le début des problèmes lorsqu’elle décide d’aider Otis. Une ordonnance du tribunal va provoquer des désaccords entre Tia et les filles. Puis Tia tentera de renouer avec ses propres enfants.

Épisode 3 - A Final Verdict

13 novembre 2010 - 3.8/5

De plus en plus de chiens arrivent chaque semaine à Villalobos, et Tia a de plus en plus de mal à gérer. La situation ne s’arrange pas lorsqu’une collecte de fonds s’organise en Floride, alors que son mari doit comparaître devant les tribunaux au même moment. Tia est contrainte de laisser ses filles y aller sans elle.

Épisode 4 - A Fighting Chance

20 novembre 2010 - 3.8/5

Tia est touchée par la demande d’adoption d’un ancien prisonnier. Tania et Mariah partent alors dans le Montana pour le rencontrer. Elles vont vivre des émotions auxquelles elles ne s’attendaient pas… Pendant ce temps Tia et Armando, un prisonnier en liberté conditionnelle, font face au plus étonnant sauvetage qu’ils aient vécu jusqu’a présent, un chiot est confronté à une situation de vie ou de mort.

Épisode 5 - Devastation

27 novembre 2010 - 4/5

Tia et son fils, Kanani, sont appelés pour une adoption à la Nouvelle-Orléans. Cinq ans se sont écoulés depuis que l’ouragan Katrina a dévasté la région. Mais à leur arrivée, ils se retrouvent face au chaos qui recouvre toujours la ville, et sauvent un chien abandonné pendant un violent orage. Pendant ce temps, à Villalobos, les ex-détenus font face à une invasion de serpents…

Épisode 6 - Beware of Dog

4 décembre 2010 - 3.7/5

Tia est appelée en renfort pour aider un pitbull devenu hors de contrôle. Puis, une adoption qui semblait tout à fait classique prendra une mauvaise tournure, ce qui obligera Tia à remettre en question ses méthodes.

Épisode 7 - Breaking Point

11 décembre 2010 - 4/5

Tia et Jake sont déterminés à trouver une nouvelle maison à l’un des pitbulls de Villalobos prêt à être adopté. Ils vont à une exposition sur les animaux de compagnie, en espérant y rencontrer un maître. Plus tard, les esprits s’échauffent à Villalobos quand Tia découvre que Billy, un ex prisonnier en liberté conditionnelle, ne suit pas certaines règles…

Épisode 8 - Mission of Mercy

18 décembre 2010 - 4/5

Tia envoie Tania et Mariah pour une mission à la Nouvelle Orléans, là où un ami a sauvé un pitbull resté attaché plusieurs jours à un poteau. A Villalobos, Tia sauve un pitbull qui a été renversé par une voiture sur une route très fréquentée. Il est grièvement blessé et ses jours sont en danger.

Épisode 9 - Saving Tia Torres

8 janvier 2011 - 3.8/5

Villalobos est envahie par un essaim d’abeilles et Tia est obligée de faire appel à des professionnels pour s’en débarrasser. Mais cela coûte cher et le ranch a peu d’argent. Tania et Mariah proposent alors de faire une collecte de fonds. Puis, Armondo demande de l’aide à Tia pour sauver une mère pitbull et sa portée de chiots.

Épisode 10 - Trial by Fire

15 janvier 2011 - 4/5

Une mission exceptionnelle envoie Tia et Joe sur la route en direction de San Diego, pour se rendre au chevet d’un pitbull aveugle. Pendant ce temps, un incendie de forêt menace le ranch et force les anciens détenus à quitter les lieux avec les 200 chiens…

Épisode 11 - The Next Chapter

22 janvier 2011 - 4/5

Tia is faced with the daunting task of moving her family, the parolees, the kennels and the nearly 200 pit bulls that call Villalobos home. But with no water, no electricity and construction yet to begin, moving may be Tia's greatest challenge yet.

Épisode 12 - Life in the Spotlight

22 janvier 2011 - 3.7/5

Tia follows-up on the most memorable moments of the past year, and looks ahead to life beyond the second season and the challenges that await her as she prepares to move.

Épisode 1 - Judgement Day

12 novembre 2011 - 5/5

Après plusieurs mois difficiles, Tia et son équipe vont enfin déménager le centre à Tehachapi. Mais les nouveaux voisins ne sont pas de cet avis et ont recours à la justice pour tenter de faire fermer le centre. Armando trouve un chiot abandonné, et une ancienne propriétaire qui sort tout juste de prison appelle le centre pour récupérer son chien.

Épisode 2 - Prison Break

19 novembre 2011 - 4.5/5

Quand Tia reçoit un e-mail annonçant que deux pitbulls ont attaqué un porc-épic, elle décide de confier la mission à Jake et Mando. C’est aussi un grand jour pour Naja qui va enfin être adoptée après 4 ans passés dans le ranch.

Épisode 3 - New Blood

26 novembre 2011 - 5/5

Consciente que la charge de travail au ranch est trop importante pour sa petite équipe, Tia recrute de nouveaux prisonniers en liberté conditionnelle pour les aider. Quant à Créature, un des chiens les plus emblématiques de Villalobos, un imprévu médical pourrait l’empêcher d’être adopté…

Épisode 4 - Trapped

3 décembre 2011 - 5/5

Villalobos s’apprête à fêter le mariage d’Armando, un membre de l’équipe du ranch. Mais au dernier moment, Tia doit partir à Sacramento pour tenter de récupérer une femelle bouledogue abandonnée au bord d’une autoroute qui erre depuis 2 mois. Pourra-t-elle être de retour à temps pour le mariage ?

Épisode 5 - Southern Uprising

10 décembre 2011 - 4.7/5

Tia est débordée, entre les demandes d’adoption et les appels de détresse. Elle décide de prendre la route vers la Louisiane pour venir en aide à une mère pitbull délaissée, à un chiot retrouvé rachitique, et à une chienne gravement blessée.

Épisode 6 - Heart Broken

17 décembre 2011 - 4.7/5

Tia reçoit un appel disant qu’une mère pitbull et ses petits ont été abandonnés par leurs maîtres au moment de leur déménagement. Leurs conditions de vie sont catastrophiques et il faut agir rapidement. La santé de son chien se dégradant très vite, Mariah va devoir prendre une décision difficile. Un couple essaye de trouver un pitbull qui accepte les chats.

Épisode 7 - Burn Out

7 janvier 2012 - 5/5

Des disputes éclatent au sein du ranch quand l’ancien détenu Cameron prend de mauvaises habitudes et se met à critiquer tout le monde. Tia vient en aide à une famille qui a tout perdu dans un incendie et qui ne peut pas garder son pitbull tant qu’elle n’a pas retrouvé de logement.

Épisode 8 - Pushing the Limits

14 janvier 2012 - 4.7/5

Tia reçoit un appel à l’aide d’une association concernant un vieux mastiff très mal en point. Abandonné par sa famille, elle va l’aider à mourir dans la dignité avec de beaux souvenirs. Elle va ensuite essayer de trouver le pitbull idéal pour trois colocataires très actifs.

Épisode 9 - Cut Loose

21 janvier 2012 - 5/5

L’équipe du ranch doit partir dans le désert de Mojave pour récupérer une femelle pitbull et ses petits livrés à eux-mêmes sous une chaleur accablante. Tia reçoit ensuite l’appel d’un avocat qui lui apprend que le chien Otis peut désormais être adopté.

Épisode 10 - Path of Destruction

28 janvier 2012 - 4.8/5

Quand une tornade frappe l’Alabama, un refuge pour chiens est complètement détruit. Tia et sa fille Tania partent aider les propriétaires à récolter des fonds et à reconstruire des enclos. Pendant ce temps, Mariah gère sa toute première adoption : un chiot pitbull pour un jeune couple.

Épisode 11 - Don't Blow It

4 février 2012 - 4.7/5

Tia encourage les anciens détenus à réfléchir à leur avenir et les aide à trouver leur voie. Malheureusement, Bryan devient de plus en plus fainéant et délaisse Villalobos. Une dame au grand coeur cherche à adopter un chien au passé difficile, et Tia espère que La’Twanda sera choisie.

Épisode 12 - End of the Road

11 février 2012 - 4.8/5

Tia est conviée par une prison de Géorgie à découvrir le programme « Deuxième chance » qui consiste à attribuer un chien à un détenu, afin qu’il s’occupe de son dressage pour qu’il puisse ensuite être adopté. Avec Louise, la dresseuse de Villalobos, elle va leur donner des conseils d’éducation canine, et toutes les deux vont être particulièrement touchées par les liens qui unissent les prisonniers à leur compagnon à quatre pattes. Des membres de l’assistance vétérinaire font une inspection surprise du ranch et vont rendre un verdict sans appel.

Épisode 1 - New Orleans, Here We Come

6 octobre 2012 - 4.2/5

In the Season 4 premiere, Tia relocates to New Orleans' 9th Ward, where she hopes to build a new Villalobos and recruit local parolees to join her staff.

Épisode 2 - Face Off

13 octobre 2012 - 5/5

A family that lost a dog to cancer are hoping to adopt another pet; Tia and her daughter confront a sick and angry dog in New Orleans' 9th Ward.

Épisode 3 - A Gift from Heaven

20 octobre 2012 - 5/5

A volunteer at Villalobos adopts a dog with an uncommon history; a man who rescued two dogs needs help caring for them from Tia and her daughter Mariah.

Épisode 4 - Ghost Dog

27 octobre 2012 - 5/5

A pit bull is saved from drowning in a canal by a young girl after it evaded Tia for weeks; Tia must hire another parolee when twenty new puppies arrive at Villalobos.

Épisode 5 - Saving Prada

3 novembre 2012 - 5/5

Tia goes to Nashville with Tania and a new parolee to rescue a dog that's about to be put down. Meanwhile, back in New Orleans, Mariah tries to keep Villalobos safe during a storm; and a puppy rescued from the 9th Ward may find a new home.

Épisode 6 - Swamped

10 novembre 2012 - 5/5

Tia and the twins board a boat to rescue a dog abandoned in a swamp outside New Orleans. Meanwhile, a young parolee is stressed out by work and parenthood.

Épisode 7 - Trapped Below

24 novembre 2012 - 5/5

A mother and her puppies are in distress and require a dangerous rescue mission; Tia is shocked by one of her most loyal parolee's future plans.

Épisode 8 - Band of Brothers

1 décembre 2012 - 5/5

Tia and the twins try to make the best of a bad situation after they learn of Chong's cancer diagnosis.

Épisode 9 - Boiling Point

5 janvier 2013 - 5/5

Tia addresses her lazy parolees, which leads to a fiery confrontation with Randy; a strange-looking dog is rescued from the searing heat.

Épisode 10 - Buried Alive

12 janvier 2013 - 5/5

NBA star Zach Randolph contacts Tia about a pit bull rescued from a drainage pipe in Memphis. Parolee Dameon has big news for Tia. Mariah and Earl help a puppy from the 9th ward get a new home.

Épisode 11 - Freedom Fighters

19 janvier 2013 - 5/5

Tia and her rescue team land in a dangerous situation when an anonymous tip leads them toward a dog-fighting ring; one lucky pit bull awaits permission to enter a new home.

Épisode 12 - A Family Affair

26 janvier 2013 - 5/5

New arrivals at Villalobos overcrowd the kennels after a friend of Mariah's passes away, a family hope to adopt four dogs, but it requires a trip back to California.

Épisode 13 - Making Miracles

2 février 2013 - 5/5

A dangerously ill dog is rescued by Tania and Tia from the streets of New Orleans. Villalobos favorite, Chong, takes a turn for the worse as his cancerous tumor grows. And Tia offers to help with a long distance adoption in New York City.

Épisode 14 - Storm on the Horizon

9 février 2013 - 5/5

Tia readies for the worst as hurricane season approaches; a clue may help Mariah and the twins locate a dog's owner; Rico's grandparents adopt a shy dog.

Épisode 15 - Storm Surge

16 février 2013 - 5/5

As Hurricane Isaac tears through New Orleans, Villalobos faces a challenge unlike any they have previously encountered when the evacuation location floods and Tia is cut off from the rest of the world.

Épisode 1 - Out of the Dark

2 novembre 2013 - 5/5

Tia recruits the twins and newly hired work release prisoner to rescue a pit bull from the bottom of a 40-foot hole. Then, Mariah helps Tia with a heart-wrenching adopton to a young couple reeling from the tragic loss of their dog.

Épisode 2 - Shell Shocked

9 novembre 2013 - 5/5

Tania oversees the rescue of ten dogs left to die in deplorable conditions. Tia helps a family find the perfect companion for their special needs teenager. The adoption takes a turn for the bizarre when Tia learns about the family's large, exotic pet.

Épisode 3 - Pitch Black

16 novembre 2013 - 5/5

A midnight rescue finds Tia, Tania and new employee Perrry scrambling after an injured dog. With the kennels pushed to the limit, a familiar face arrives returns to lend a helping hand. Then a chance at a forever home is threanted by an unexpected danger.

Épisode 4 - Puppy-Palooza

23 novembre 2013 - 5/5

A rescue mission brings Tia and daughter Mariah face to face with a protective mama dog and her litter of seven puppies. With Villalobos now overrun with puppies, it's up to new parolee William to step up and keep control of the rowdy pups.

Épisode 5 - Giving Back

30 novembre 2013 - 5/5

Two stray pit bulls hiding beneath a two-ton stack of lumber lure Tia into a dramatic and potentially deadly rescue. Then a colourful Bayou couple visit Villalobos in the hope of adopting a dog to fill the void left by their recently decesased pit bull.

Épisode 6 - Flood Watch

7 décembre 2013 - 5/5

Tia receives a call about a puppy stuck in a pipe at the edge of the river and enlists the help of the twins and the parolees to rescue the dog. Then, it’s up to Tania and Perry to help build up a shy puppy’s confidence when an adopter comes calling.

Épisode 7 - A New Future

14 décembre 2013 - 5/5

Tia brings in reinforcements to rescue a dog from a dangerous part of New Orleans. Tania is left stunned when she becomes the center of attention at her boyfriend's birthday party.

Épisode 8 - Rescuing the Holidays

28 décembre 2013 - 5/5

Join Tia, her kids, the parolees, old friends and beloved volunteers for a very special holiday gathering. Catch up with fan favorite pit bulls who have been adopted over the years. Re-live the most surprising rescues and the most poignant adoptions.

Épisode 9 - Can't Give Up

4 janvier 2014 - 5/5

When a dog finally gets a chance at being adopted, the Villalobos team has to drive all the way to Michigan for the home check. Their journey is disrupted when a plea for help sends Tia chashing after a dog that has been living on the streets for 2 years.

Épisode 10 - Collision Course

11 janvier 2014 - 5/5

A dangerous rescue mission is launched to secure two dogs spotted running wild on the train tracks next to the rescue center. And, a husband and wife come looking to adopt a dog to help them heal after a crippling accident.

Épisode 11 - Not Meant To Be

18 janvier 2014 - 5/5

An adopter from Texas fails to connect with the dog he drove hundreds of miles to adopt - but Tia might have the perfect match. Tania deals with a shocking drop-off. And a work-release inmate is in the hot seat when two prison guards visit Villalobos.

Épisode 12 - Battle Scars

25 janvier 2014 - 5/5

A frightening rescue sends the Villalobos team racing into the city in search of a dog reportedly hit by a car. And with kennels at peak capacity, hopes are pinned on adopting our a dog to a police officer and his sister.

Épisode 13 - Almost Perfect

1 février 2014 - 5/5

A dog left for dead in a dangerous part of town must be rescued by Tia and two parolees; a college girl from South Carolina wants to adopt a special-needs dog; a dog is dumped on Villalobos' doorstep.

Épisode 14 - Rescue Resurrection

8 février 2014 - 5/5

Tia gets a call about a dog loose at a construction site, and is shocked by what she discovers. A family with an unusual lifestyle comes looking to adopt a new puppy. And, when a favourite dog's cancer returns, Tia gets an emotional punch to the gut.

Épisode 15 - From the Shadows

15 février 2014 - 3.7/5

Tia and parolee William go the extra mile to ensure a shy, special needs dog is adopted by a couple from Florida. Then, Mariah enlists a parolee's help to rescue a dangerously skinny dog. And, Tania and Perry struggle to plan their unconventional wedding.

Épisode 16 - Perfect Match

22 février 2014

Tia heads to a dangerous part of New Orleans to rescue a mama dog left to die. And, a tropical storm threatens to disrupt Tania and Perry's wedding.

Épisode 17 - Unleashed

22 février 2014 - 5/5

A look back at the most memorable moments of season 5. Including never before seen moments, a look behind the scenes of Pit Bulls and Parolees, and a chance to catch up with past favorites.

Épisode 1 - Diamond in the Rough

12 octobre 2014 - 4.2/5

Tia chases down the mysterious origins of a dog during a dangerous midnight raid; long term Villalobos resident's chances of a forever home are threatened by cat; parolees puts his reputation on the line by recommending a friend.

Épisode 2 - Giving Thanks

29 novembre 2014 - 5/5

Tia rescues a handicapped puppy found in a sugar cane field. Earl is released from parole, leading to another major milestone in his life. And, a heart-breaking story leads to a heart-warming adoption.

Épisode 3 - Last Chance

4 octobre 2014 - 5/5

In the Season 6 premiere, Tia takes in dogs rescued from a fighting ring. Meanwhile, a dog that's been overlooked gets a chance at a forever home; and a parolee counsels troubled teens.

Épisode 4 - Helter Shelter

1 novembre 2014 - 5/5

A friend in search of a fresh start arrives at Villalobos and finds himself in the middle of a contentious rescue involving a dog and her puppies. And, a former adopter wants to add another dog to their family.

Épisode 5 - Standing Strong

25 octobre 2014 - 5/5

A loose pit bull sends Tia and Louise on a frantic search through a neighborhood surrounding Villalobos. New parolee Sui assists in his first adoption. Finally, Tania receives heartbreaking news about her beloved pit bull Bluie.

Épisode 6 - Risky Business

18 octobre 2014 - 5/5

A former volunteer returns to adopt a dog she fell in love with, but her Boxer threatens to derail the adoption. And, only days after being released from prison, a parolee is on the wrong path - putting his freedom at risk.

Épisode 7 - Dumped

8 novembre 2014 - 5/5

When some puppies are dumped at VIllalobos, Mariah launches a mission to get more dogs spayed and neutered. Then, a dog running loose on a freeway has Tia racing to save it.

Épisode 8 - Good Gone Bad

10 janvier 2015 - 5/5

Mariah goes to California to rescue a former member of the Villalobos family; a puppy's behavior could jeopardize its chances of being adopted; Tia responds to an emergency call regarding an abandoned pit bull.

Épisode 9 - Healing Hearts

15 novembre 2014 - 5/5

Tia races to save a dog left tied up in the sweltering summer heat. Matt returns home to rescue a pit bull on death row. And, Tania and Perry decide they are ready to open their hearts and home to a new dog.

Épisode 10 - Broken Home

22 novembre 2014 - 5/5

Tia and Matt find themselves in a heartbreaking situation when called upon to rescue some dogs from the home of their recently deceased owner. Then, a potential adopter comes looking for a dog that will thrive in an unusual living situation: a B&B.

Épisode 11 - Unleashed

21 mars 2015 - 5/5

Highlights of Season 6

Épisode 12 - Above and Beyond

3 janvier 2015 - 5/5

An emaciated pit bull is put on Tia's radar and proves to be one of the worst cases she's ever seen; Earl must win over authorities in the New York prison system in order to get an animal shelter built inside of a prison.

Épisode 13 - Saving Each Other

24 janvier 2015 - 5/5

Heart-breaking plea is made by veteran to help be reunited with his dogs; overwhelmed shelter needs Tia's help; former volunteer returns.

Épisode 14 - A Clash of Wills

17 janvier 2015 - 5/5

A pit bull that's tied up and abandoned in a vacant lot prompts an urgent rescue attempt by Tia and Perry. Meanwhile, a returning adopter gets a big surprise; and a request from Earl's son turns into a lesson in hard work.

Épisode 15 - Hero's Journey

14 mars 2015 - 5/5

Louise and Matt rescue a dog that was hit by a car; a woman hopes to adopt a new companion after her beloved dog passes away. Meanwhile, Tia looks forward to appearing on "The Daily Show With Jon Stewart," but she might have to miss it when her dog gets sick

Épisode 16 - From Darkness to Dawn

21 février 2015 - 5/5

Tia takes a new rescue to the vet and receives heart-wrenching news; community rallies to raise funds for Earl's surgery; Mariah must conquer her greatest fear when an adopter with an unique challenge arrives.

Épisode 17 - Taming the Beast

7 février 2015

Following a painful break-up, a single dad visits Villalobos in the hope of finding a new pit bull companion for himself and his son. Then, Mariah and Toney rescue a puppy that may never walk if he doesn't get the surgery he desperately needs.

Épisode 18 - Long Road Home

28 février 2015 - 5/5

After spending over ten years in VRC's kennels, a Hurricane Katrina survivor has a shot at a forever home. And, Louise and Matt search for a loose pit bull on the streets and end up finding more than they bargained for.

Épisode 19 - Why We Go On

21 mars 2015 - 5/5

Tia clashes with a shelter over a dog's fate after she risked her life to rescue it. Meanwhile, a dog that was near death has recovered and may find a forever home in Boston.

Épisode 20 - Blind Hope

7 mars 2015 - 5/5

A blind pit bull is attacked by other dogs, so the Villalobos team vow to help with its recovery. Meanwhile, a Pittsburgh couple mourn the loss of their beloved pit bull, but fall in love with one of Tia's favorite dogs.

Épisode 1 - New Frontiers

19 septembre 2015 - 5/5

The new season introduces a new satellite shelter for Villalobos in nearby Assumption Parish.

Épisode 2 - Jail Break

26 septembre 2015 - 5/5

Stray dog from the swamp comes to Villalobos; an overwhelmed owner hands over two sickly puppies to Tia; and a Villalobos favorite may have found a home.

Épisode 3 - Scarred

3 octobre 2015 - 5/5

A parolee takes the lead in a rescue in an attempt to assume more responsibility; a woman looks for a dog that will be comfortable around her chickens; Tia saves a pit bull with scars that indicate a painful history.

Épisode 4 - New Heights

10 octobre 2015 - 5/5

Matt hurries to save puppies that are under railroad ties; a California couple search for a new best friend; bad news arrives about one of Villalobos' favorite dogs.

Épisode 5 - Knife's Edge

17 octobre 2015 - 5/5

A family from New Hampshire visits Villalobos in hopes of finding a new companion; an alert about an aggressive dog results in a heartbreaking discovery; Earl visits a spine specialist to address his chronic pain.

Épisode 6 - Shock to the System

24 octobre 2015 - 5/5

A mission to rescue a stray turns into a terrifying ordeal for Matt, forcing Tania to take the lead. Meanwhile, a new recruit experiences the heartbreak associated with a life in dog rescue; and one of the center's favorites has a shot at a forever home.

Épisode 7 - First Time for Everything

7 novembre 2015 - 5/5

A dog is tied up in an abandoned house, presenting a unique challenge for Tia to rescue it. Meanwhile, Tania works hard to find a home for one of Villalobos' residents, but the adoption could fall through due to a health scare.

Épisode 8 - Blindsided

14 novembre 2015 - 5/5

After a dog is shot, Tia races to save his life. Then, Matt and Lizzy scramble to rescue a scared and sick puppy running loose on the busy roads near the warehouse. And after red-flags are raised during a home check, Tia faces an agonizing decision.

Épisode 9 - The One

21 novembre 2015 - 4.7/5

Tia and her staff scramble to coax a scared dog, hiding under a vehicle, to safety. Tania's in-laws are seeking a new addition to their home. And, Tia's sone Moe and his fiancée Lizzy prepare for their wedding day.

Épisode 10 - A New Best Friend

28 novembre 2015 - 4.7/5

A pit bull is abandoned by its owners in an empty house; a mother and daughter come from Oklahoma looking for a new best friend; Tia's dog Jethro becomes ill.

Épisode 11 - Low Rider

5 décembre 2015 - 4.7/5

A dog has a tumor that could affect its chances of getting a forever home; an aggressive dog becomes a danger to the staff; Villalobos hopes to bring a stray and its owner together again.

Épisode 12 - The Gift

19 décembre 2015 - 5/5

With the holidays quickly approaching, Tia surprises her family, the parolees and every dog at the rescue with an extraordinary gift. But turning this giant gift into something Villalobos can actually use will require herculean effort.

Épisode 13 - 100th Episode: A Long Time Coming

2 janvier 2016 - 4.7/5

Tia and the Villalobos team celebrates 100 episodes; Aftershow to follow.

Épisode 14 - Eye of the Storm

9 janvier 2016 - 4.7/5

When a tornado tears through New Orleans, Tania takes charge - but is furious when the parolees fail to show up to help. And a fellow pit bull trainer seeks Tia's help adopting a dog she can put to work.

Épisode 15 - Behind Bars

16 janvier 2016 - 4.7/5

Tia enlists Matt's help adopting a patrol dog out to his former home, Dixon prison. Then, Tia gets a call about two dogs left behind when their owners abandoned the property. And, Tania has trouble letting go when Brandi is up for adoption.

Épisode 16 - A Street Dog Named Desire

23 janvier 2016 - 4.7/5

When a reputed dognapper dumps a dog at Villalobos, Mariah scrambles to find the owner. A new parolee needs Tia's help when he realizes he is in over his head. And, after having her last adoption fall through, Smack has a second chance at a loving home.

Épisode 17 - The Incomparable Dr. K

30 janvier 2016 - 4.7/5

An outbreak of disease in the swamps threatens the dogs. Tania goes out on her own to save a stray pit from the streets and is faced with a difficult rescue. And after years of waiting for a forever home, Jackson finally gets his shot.

Épisode 18 - New Day, New Blood

13 février 2016 - 4.7/5

The expansion of Villalobos leaves Tia shorthanded once again. Meanwhile, the discovery of a pack of pit bulls running in the streets reveals an overwhelmed owner in need of help; and Tia and Lizzy try to find a home for a dog that is seriously ill.

Épisode 19 - Second Savior

20 février 2016 - 4.7/5

Jackson Galaxy ("My Cat From Hell") helps Tia rescue dozens of cats when a neighborhood is threatened by a sinkhole. Meanwhile, a neglected mother is found near the warehouse, prompting a frantic search for her puppies.

Épisode 20 - Never Meant Harm

27 février 2016 - 4.7/5

A family hopes for a reunion with a dog that was rescued on a previous episode. Meanwhile, Earl's sudden change in behavior forces a confrontation with Tia; and Matt faces an important decision.

Épisode 1 - Down, Not Out

12 novembre 2016 - 5/5

After Tia suffers a devestating injury, her kids have to step up to keep Villalobos running. Everyone's help is needed to catch an elusive dog in the middle of the night. And, a family of 8 needs a new companion to complete their active home.

Épisode 2 - Redeemed

19 novembre 2016 - 4.7/5

Earl returns from rehab, hoping to rebuild his life working with the dogs. A couple comes looking for a dog who can handle crowded streets of NYC. And, Lizzy rescues a dog after a confrontation with the owner who abandoned it.

Épisode 3 - Down Below

3 décembre 2016 - 5/5

After flooding devestates Louisiana, Tia and the team at VRC race to help the victims - including former adopters who have lost their home, and a woman separated from her dogs when flooding overwhelmed her house.

Épisode 4 - The Gift

17 décembre 2016 - 5/5

When Tia receives an adoption email unlike any she's seen before, she makes a cross-country trip to find a dog a special home in time for Christmas. And, the kid's significant others band together to give the family a present they'll never forget.

Épisode 5 - Rock City Rescue

10 décembre 2016 - 5/5

Tia heads to Detroit to help a rescue facility at risk of being shut down. It's all hands on deck as Villalobos looks for a stray pit bull in a nearby neighborhood. A grieving adopter comes to VRC, hoping to find a dog to fill the void in her heart.

Épisode 6 - Hounded

14 janvier 2017 - 5/5

When a dog that was adopted out mysteriously appears in a shelter in Mississippi, Tania and Earl head to the rescue. Parolee Joe is left shaken after separating two stray dogs fighting outside the shelter. And a hound dog adoption doesn't go as planned.

Épisode 7 - Pit Bulls & Parolees: Kindness of Strangers

26 novembre 2016 - 4.7/5

The great flood of 2016 leaves Louisiana in devastation, so Tia and the Villalobos team head out to help the victims, including former adopters. An elderly woman is hospitalized and separated from her two dogs, so Tia steps in to help them be reunited.

Épisode 8 - Pushing Forward

7 janvier 2017 - 4.7/5

Tia attempts to rescue a stray, but her leg injury holds her back. New parolee Mike struggles to balance working and being a parent. And, a family comes to Villalobos hoping to adopt a dog for their daughter, but finding a good match proves a challenge.

Épisode 9 - Going the Distance

21 janvier 2017 - 4.7/5

After his adopter passes away, Tania heads to California to pick up a former VRC dog. A couple from Arkansas struggle to make a decision about which dog to adopt. And, after being rescued, a badly injured puppy is discovered to be a missing pet.

Épisode 10 - Longing for Home

28 janvier 2017 - 5/5

Newlyweds from New Jersey come looking for a new family member. Tia rescues an injured stray that the community has been trying to help. And, with his family back home in Virginia, longtime parolee Sui faces a tough decision.

Épisode 12 - City of Second Chances

5 août 2017

A mother and son travel from Boston with hopes of adopting a dog, but Tia struggles to find a good fit for the family. Lizzy rescues a maggot-covered dog that was found lying on the road and races to the vet, hoping to save her.

Épisode 13 - A Home At Last

19 août 2017

Villalobos' oldest resident, Summer, a pit with severe arthritis, has a chance at a forever home. Earl works to improve a dog's social skills, hoping to make him more adoptable. And Kanani's girlfriend, M2, takes on her first rescue.

Épisode 14 - Young Blood

5 août 2017

A new inmate from starts working at VRC, hoping to fill the big shoes that Country Matt left behind. Lizzy and Joe struggle to catch a stray in a nearby neighborhood. A family comes to Villalobos to adopt a dog, hoping to fill a void in their hearts.

Épisode 15 - A Girl Named Gun

12 août 2017

After a couple from New Jersey falls in love with a new best friend, the adoption is put on the line when Dr. Kristen discovers a heart murmur. Tia heads out to the swamps to rescue a dog in need of medical attention and is shocked by the diagnosis.

Épisode 16 - A Different Mission

9 septembre 2017

Earl takes the lead in restoring an abandoned Rottweiler to health. A service dog organization from North Carolina reaches out to Villalobos searching for a new dog for their program. M2 goes on her second rescue, taking in an owner surrender.

Épisode 17 - Tip of the Iceberg

2 septembre 2017

After Tia and Sugar rescue a stray, they are shocked by what they find and race him to the vet. New worker Darius pursues his dream of working in the veterinary field. And an empty nester heads to Villalobos looking for a new companion.

Épisode 18 - Rising Tide

16 septembre 2017

Concerned about flooding in Assumption Parish, Tia seeks a solution for how she and the dogs would be able to evacuate quickly. After he rescues an injured dog off the streets, Joe feels a special bond and takes him under his wing.

Épisode 19 - Our Growing Pack

23 septembre 2017

A California man hopes to find a new dog to stay by his side as be battles cancer. After Lizzy rescues a sick dog, she rushes to the vet, hoping it's not too late. Tania and Perry prepare to embark on a new chapter in life - parenthood.

Épisode 1 - Soul Survivor

13 janvier 2018 - 4/5

A former adopter comes back to Villalobos to find a companion to support her through her battle with cancer. The VRC crew join efforts to rescue an injured stray near the warehouse. And Tia puts a new parolee through his paces.

Épisode 2 - The Dogs Who Made Us

7 janvier 2018 - 5/5

This special episode takes a look at the dogs that will always hold a loving place in the family's hearts. From the first pit bull that Tia rescued to the dog that walked Tania down the aisle, family members share why each dog is so important to them.

Épisode 3 - A Brother's Lifeline

3 mars 2018 - 5/5

A couple is torn between two dogs and can't decide which one to bring home. A terrified neighborhood stray in dire need of medical attention results in a difficult rescue for the VRC crew. And Country Matt returns, seeking a job for his brother.

Épisode 4 - Midnight Savior

26 août 2017 - 5/5

A call in the middle of the night sends Tia racing to deal with a family emergency. A homeless man reaches out for assistance when his dog has trouble breathing. And, a healthy dog tied up outside VRC leads to a shocking story and a difficult decision.

Épisode 5 - Mama Drama

3 mars 2018 - 5/5

Moe and Lizzy rescue a sick, scared stray, but a diagnosis proves tricky. A friend of the rescue visits in hope of adopting a dog that has previously been overlooked. And new mom Tania struggles to find a balance between life and work at Villalobos.

Épisode 6 - Never Let Go

13 octobre 2018 - 5/5

Épisode 7 - A Brother's Return

6 octobre 2018 - 5/5

Épisode 8 - Shelter from the Storm

6 janvier 2018 - 5/5

Tia hires 3 new parolees, but things quickly take a turn for the worse. A rural shelter threatened with closure needs Tia's help. And a family recovering from the loss of their home and dog in a flood comes to VRC looking for a new best friend.

Épisode 9 - New Arrivals

20 janvier 2018 - 5/5

Tania races to rescue a mama dog clinging to life after being in labor for two days. A young woman comes to Villalobos looking for a roommate to share her new home with. And, Tia's son Moe and his wife Lizzy embark on their biggest adventure yet.

Épisode 10 - A New Year for Villalobos

6 janvier 2018 - 5/5

When a homeless man asks Villalobos to take his puppies, Mariah and Marcel decide to help people living on the streets with their dogs. Tia and Mariah surprise the family with a gift celebrating their bond. And a gift changes the lives of the dogs.

Épisode 11 - Treading Water

27 janvier 2018

Tania and Mariah make it their mission to help two puppies diagnosed with swimmer's syndrome take their first steps. Marcel rescues a stray dog trapped beneath a house. And a couple from New York are looking for a companion to share their active lives.

Épisode 12 - Cutest Moments Ever

3 février 2018

Tia, Tania and Mariah look back at the most adorable moments from the series, as determined by the fans. From surprising rescues and teary reunions to heartwarming adoptions and parolee antics, they'll reveal the cutest moments of Pit Bulls and Parolees.

Épisode 13 - Left for Dead

24 février 2018

Tia races to rescue an emaciated puppy chained to an abandoned home. A couple visits VRC in hope of finding a younger sibling for their dog. And a Good Samaritan needs help rescuing a stray mama dog still bleeding three weeks after giving birth.

Épisode 14 - Most Valuable Puppy

17 février 2018

Villalobos is invited to attend their first Puppy Bowl, but which lucky pup will represent the rescue?New parolee Spencer joins Tania on his first rescue mission. And, a couple from Florida visits VRC in search a dog to help heal their broken hearts.

Épisode 15 - Village of Wolves

29 septembre 2018

Villalobos is tested like never before when Tia and her crew are called upon to rescue a pack of wolf-dog hybrids abandoned by a backyard breeder. With law enforcement threatening to kill the dogs, the pressure is higher than ever.

Épisode 16 - Under Earl's Wing

20 octobre 2018

Épisode 17 - A Puppy's Journey Home

3 novembre 2018

Villalobos is stretched thin when rescue calls come in one after another; Lizzy tries to rescue a stray pit bull that the NOPD called aggressive in the city; and M2 tries to track down an aggressive dog on the run in the country.

Épisode 18 - Finding A Hero

10 novembre 2018

A disabled veteran and his wife visit Villalobos to find a pair of dogs to help with his depression; Marcel and Mariah race to help a puppy in need; a rescued dog has trouble settling in, so Tia reaches out to other shelters for help.

Épisode 19 - A Clean Slate

27 octobre 2018

Former adopters want to expand their family and adopt Caleb, a puppy that Tania rescued at birth, but Tia is unsure he will fit in with their other dog. Also: when a local gets arrested, his dog is left behind and VRC is called in to help.

Épisode 20 - Divine Rescue

17 novembre 2018

When former adopters return to VRC to find their dog a companion, Tia and Lizzy switch up their usual adoption procedure to get the best results; Marcel rescues a dog abandoned at a local church and is concerned that some masses could be cancer.

Épisode 21 - Finally Free

24 novembre 2018

Tia is confronted with the biggest rescue in Villalobos history after receiving a call about a pack of abandoned dogs; local couple visits in hope of adopting a dog to complete their family.

Épisode 22 - From the Ashes

1 décembre 2018

When a woman calls Tia to surrender puppies she can't care for anymore, Tia is shocked by what she finds; months after their house was destroyed in a fire, M2 and Kanani prepare to move into their new home.

Épisode 23 - My Underdog Life

8 décembre 2018

Lizzy and Marcel team up to catch a stray pit bull; a family-to-be visits Villalobos to adopt a dog that will complete the unit; Tia reveals the publication of her first book.

Épisode 1 - Pressure Cooker

19 janvier 2019 - 5/5

Villalobos faces one of their most challenging rescues when a house fire reveals a massive dog-hoarding situation. Two teachers fall in love with a deaf puppy they hope to give a forever home.

Épisode 2 - Golden Girl

26 janvier 2019 - 5/5

Mariah faces a challenging rescue when she realizes the dog in danger is deaf; former adopters come back to Villalobos set on adopting a special-needs dog; the rescue struggles to track a dog's owner because of outdated microchip information.

Épisode 3 - A Family Connection

2 février 2019 - 5/5

A VRC senior dog finally gets a chance to have a forever home when a couple from Idaho comes to New Orleans to find a new family member.

Épisode 4 - Southern Dogs in the City

9 février 2019 - 5/5

Villalobos is invited to participate in Dog Bowl, creating a chance for a handful of dogs to steal the spotlight; M2 helps a neglected dog left in horrible conditions; a couple take the first step towards becoming parents by adopting a dog.

Épisode 5 - A Box of Puppies

16 février 2019 - 5/5

A potential adopter wants to give a senior dog that has only known life in a kennel a forever home; M2 and Kanani find a box of puppies in a field; Matt and Earl head to the kitchen to cook some fresh food for a sick dog.

Épisode 6 - Fire Dog

23 février 2019 - 5/5

A potential best friend needs to pass a unique test before he can be adopted out; parolee Jammall returns after a mysterious absence; a year after losing their house in a fire, M2 and Kanani do something special for the dog who saved their lives.

Épisode 7 - Like a Boss

2 mars 2019 - 5/5

Tia and Country Matt team up to rescue an aggressive dog; a local law student wants to adopt a dog that can go running with her; a dog is brought in with a serious skin condition and tumors.

Épisode 8 - Last of the Mobsters

9 mars 2019 - 5/5

Tia and her kids race to rescue a stray dog near a busy highway; an adoption requires some temperament testing when a trucker wants to adopt a dog to join him on the road; a return adopter seeks out a senior dog.

Épisode 9 - The Pitz Carlton

16 mars 2019 - 5/5

Lizzy and Elise struggle to rescue a dehydrated dog in the blazing heat; an anxious, abandoned dog is moved to a new warehouse for dogs with special needs; Tia and the twins help a friend of the rescue find the perfect match.

Épisode 10 - Pit Bulls & Parolees Presents: Hounded

23 septembre 2017 - 5/5

With Villalobos' country location overrun with hounds, Tia turns to a trusted parolee and his new wife to help get one of the lovable but troublesome dogs a new home.

Épisode 11 - The Dogs That Stole Our Hearts

30 mars 2019 - 5/5

Tia, her children and the extended Villalobos family reveal behind-the-scenes stories about the dogs that stole their hearts over the years.

Épisode 12 - Raised in Rescue

5 octobre 2019

Return adopters visit Villalobos to find a dog that will feel at home on their boat. Tania and Mariah head out to rescue a stray that is hiding beneath a shipping container. And, parolee Jammall starts to slip up, risking his future at the rescue.

Épisode 13 - Here in their Golden Years

5 octobre 2019

Wanting to give the senior dogs a special place, Lizzy, Tania, and Mariah create a "retirement center" at one of the warehouses. And, Lizzy rescues a dog that has one of the worst skin conditions she has ever seen.

Épisode 14 - Home Is Where the Dog Is

12 octobre 2019

One of Earl's favorite dogs finally has a chance at a forever home. Tia heads to a small shelter in rural Louisiana to help with a hound that they took in. And, Tania, Mariah, and Lizzy take on a project that showcases dogs in their forever homes.

Épisode 15 - Happy Howl-O-Ween

19 octobre 2019

Villalobos celebrates Halloween by throwing a costume party for dogs to help raise money for the rescue. An old friend from the TV crew comes to adopt a family member. And, Lizzy struggles to rescue a stray dog in the middle of the night.

Épisode 16 - Treasure Not Trash

26 octobre 2019

Tania is shocked by what she finds once she gets a stray dog back to the rescue. An empty nester brings her family to Villalobos to help her find a companion. And, the family are determined to solve their messy pigeon problem.

Épisode 17 - Match Made Perfect

2 novembre 2019

Lizzy and Elise struggle to rescue a stray on the train tracks near the Villalobos warehouse. Mariah enlists help to get to the bottom of her dog Tater's nagging pain. A senior dog with a long medical history finally has her shot at a forever home.

Épisode 18 - Sisters in Rescue

16 novembre 2019

When a 3-legged dog has trouble finding a forever home, Amanda Giese from Panda Paws Rescue comes to New Orleans to help. Parolee Troy shares some life changing news with the VRC crew. And, Villalobos helps an employee's dad find a new companion.

Épisode 19 - Never Too Late

23 novembre 2019

Lizzy tries to track down the owner of a dog tied up outside the rescue. An older couple comes looking for their first dog, but their choice requires special temperament testing. And, when a dog develops allergies, Mariah looks for a natural cure.

Épisode 20 - The Sweetest Thing

30 novembre 2019

The family of Mutt, an employee who recently passed away, meets the dog that he chose for them. A stray near a middle school leads Tia and M2 on a wild good chase. And, Lizzy and Moe tackle the challenging task of renovating the dog agility course.

Épisode 21 - A Dream Realized

15 février 2020

Two strays lead Lizzy and Villalobos employees on a wild goose chase. A grandmother comes to Villalobos looking for another canine companion, but her dog Daisy has other plans. And, Tania pursues her dream to write a children's book.

Épisode 1 - Twist of Fate

4 janvier 2020 - 5/5

Tia and M2 take to the water to prepare a pit bull for her forever home. A new parolee comes to Villalobos from Boston, hoping stay on track so that he can make his teenage son proud. A stray dog is near death when Lizzy and Heidi find him.

Épisode 2 - Saved from the Fight

18 janvier 2020 - 5/5

Tia is called in to help rescue five injured dogs from a dog fighting situation. Parolee Spencer gets out of jail and returns to Villalobos. Tia asks Spencer to help out with an adoption to keep him on the straight and narrow.

Épisode 3 - Pack of Puppies

11 janvier 2020 - 5/5

A Harley-loving adopter comes to Villalobos from Michigan. Mariah and Lizzy struggle to catch a stray pit in New Orleans East. When a litter of black pit-mix puppies are dropped off at the Sanctuary, Tia and M2 turn to social media to adopt them out.

Épisode 4 - Dogs in Prison

22 février 2020 - 5/5

A Pennsylvania prison offers to take 20 dogs from Villalobos. An emaciated pit bull fights for its life. A potential adopter travels from Michigan to meet a dog that stole her heart, but then is shocked when she comes face to face.

Épisode 5 - You Are Free

29 février 2020 - 5/5

Tania struggles to rescue a puppy that is hiding underneath a shed. A potential adopter comes to Villalobos hoping to find a companion for her dog, and she's only interested in seeing hounds. A beloved employee learns that he's finally off parole.

Épisode 6 - Fall From Grace

29 août 2020 - 5/5

VRC's favorite parolee gets arrested. A couple comes to Villalobos hoping to find a friend for their bulldog. Mariah and Spencer rescue a dog left behind at an abandoned home, only to find out that she's suffering from severe injuries.

Épisode 7 - Rescued From War

8 août 2020 - 5/5

Tia takes in a pit bull that was rescued from terrible conditions in Kuwait. An adopter travels from Michigan in hopes of finding a new best friend. When a stray dog ends up at Villalobos, Earl is determined to track down its owner.

Épisode 8 - Escaping Death

25 janvier 2020 - 5/5

When an aggressive dog is in danger of being put down, Tia heads to South Carolina to save him. A couple from Florida comes to VRC hoping to find a dog that will enjoy retired life with them. Parolee Toney Converse takes on more responsibility.

Épisode 9 - Weather the Storm

4 janvier 2020 - 5/5

As VRC braces for Hurricane Barry, Tia and her crew ensure the animals' safety and Mariah and Earl tend to a stray Labradoodle that has been shot. Later, a cancer survivor hopes to rescue an unwanted dog she loves called East.

Épisode 10 - Danger Ahead

15 août 2020 - 5/5

When Kanani is in a serious motorcycle accident, Tia and the Villalobos crew must band together to ensure him a speedy recovery. A retired Marine visits to find a forever fur-friend, while Lizzy and Earl rescue a hound found in a parking lot.

Épisode 11 - The Toughest Choice

1 août 2020 - 5/5

Tia and Earl face a decision about an elderly hound needing medical attention at an Alabama shelter. An abandoned, aggressive dog is found roaming a trash-filled backyard, while Lizzy and Moe help a pair of potential adopters find their fur-ever friend.

Épisode 12 - Last Chance Rescue

22 août 2020

Tia races to rescue four dogs from a rural shelter in Louisiana from euthanasia. Mariah and Toney give a scared, shy dog a shot at a forever home, while a unique canine gets a chance at a Pennsylvania prison dog program.

Épisode 13 - Unexpected Call

25 juillet 2020

When two lovable pups are dropped off at Villalobos' dog boutique, the VRC crew is determined to get them back to good health. Then, a young woman comes in searching for a canine perfect to experience the Big Easy lifestyle with her.

Épisode 14 - The Villalobos Bowl

1 février 2020

Before heading to New York City's Dog Bowl, Mariah and M2 prepare their most eligible rescues for the big day. Toney and Earl discover an emaciated stray dog roaming a nearby neighborhood, and a lone trucker comes to VRC to find a forever friend.

Épisode 15 - Unexpected Development

8 février 2020

As Moe and Lizzy reveal they are expecting a second child, parolee Spencer announces he's expecting his first. Alongside a busy road, an injured dog is found. And things don't go as planned when Lizzy's favorite canine goes up for adoption.

Épisode 16 - One Man's Treasure

12 septembre 2020

Toney and Earl rescue an aggressive dog found tied up in front of an abandoned home. Tia and Lizzy escort a pit bull to its potential forever home in New Jersey, while Mariah helps a deserted canine struggling with neurological issues.

Épisode 17 - Everything For Emma

5 septembre 2020

Mariah searches for a homeless woman needing to surrender her beloved pit bull. Tania and Toney find the perfect pair of dogs for former adopters, while Lizzy prepares her favorite rescue for a forever home after dealing with his medical issues.

Épisode 18 - Rescue Dogs Reunited

19 septembre 2020

Tia and M2 welcome back a couple who want to reunite their adoptee with her former best friend. Mariah and Toney discover a hound in desperate shape, while Mariah does everything in her power to nurse VRC's first Louisiana rescue back to health.

Épisode 19 - Not Giving Up

7 mars 2020

The crew helps pregnant Lizzy find an injured, older dog roaming the Ninth Ward, and a long-time employee gets some exciting news about his future. Later, Mariah helps a pooch battling tumor surgeries and is in need of a forever home.

Épisode 1 - Invisible Enemy

9 janvier 2021 - 5/5

Tragedy strikes after Tia and M2 agree to take two emaciated hounds from a rural shelter. Mariah and Lizzy give two special dogs a happily ever after while working through the chaos of the global pandemic, and M2 reveals an exciting new life chapter.

Épisode 2 - No Wolf Left Behind

16 janvier 2021 - 5/5

When over 50 hybrid hounds are found abandoned in Texas, Tia is faced with her most challenging rescue to date and is determined to find the best solution before it's too late.

Épisode 3 - Diamond in the Rough

30 janvier 2021 - 5/5

In the midst of the global pandemic, Tia and Mariah must shut down their beloved restaurant and boutique, but they look to a new beginning; a Villalobos senior canine veteran finally finds a forever home.

Épisode 4 - Earl's Path

23 janvier 2021 - 5/5

Nearly a year has passed since beloved parolee Earl's run-in with the law. Earl and Toney join forces to rescue a canine from an abandoned home, while Mariah is forced to make a difficult decision for her fur-baby Tater.

Épisode 5 - Befriending a Beast

6 février 2021 - 5/5

After rescuing 30 hybrid wolf-dogs, Tia, Tania, and the twins return to Texas. In the French Quarter, the pandemic has forced Tia to shut down her restaurant, and Toney and Earl band together to deliver meals to the elderly using Tahyo Tavern's resources.

Épisode 6 - Life in a Cage

1 mai 2021 - 5/5

VRC is at its limit when the amount of rescues and drop-offs rise. Lizzy and Toney travel to a remote part of the city to save a trio of orphaned dogs in a dire state, veteran tenant Lil Rocky faces a cancer scare, and a litter of puppies are welcomed.

Épisode 7 - Sound of Silence

15 mai 2021 - 5/5

At a Mississippi shelter, Tia gives a hybrid wolf-dog a second chance. At the vet, Lizzy is forced to make a tough call for a new VRC resident and later helps a pair of hearing impaired canines. Then, a California man visits to find a fur-friend.

Épisode 8 - Evading Capture

24 avril 2021 - 5/5

On the streets of New Orleans, the VRC crew is on a mission to catch a runaway dog. A Californian family wants a new furry family member, a paralysed pup named Polly takes a trip to the vet, and Mariah pitches a fundraising idea to the parolees.

Épisode 1 - Unexpected Call

25 juillet 2020

When two pups are dropped off at the dog boutique, the crew works to get them back to good health.

Épisode 2 - The Toughest Choice

1 août 2020

Tia and Earl face a decision about an elderly hound needing medical attention at an Alabama shelter.

Épisode 3 - Rescued from War

8 août 2020

Tia takes in a pit bull that was rescued from terrible conditions in Kuwait.

Épisode 4 - Danger Ahead

15 août 2020

A retired Marine visits the center to find a fur-friend; Lizzy and Earl rescue a hound.

Épisode 5 - Last Chance Rescue

22 août 2020

Tia races to rescue four dogs from euthanasia; Mariah and Toney give a shy dog a shot at a home.

Épisode 6 - Fall From Grace

29 août 2020

VRC's favourite parolee gets arrested; a couple comes to Villalobos hoping to find a friend for their bulldog; Mariah and Spencer rescue...

Épisode 7 - Everything for Emma

5 septembre 2020

Mariah looks for a homeless woman needing to give up her beloved pit bull.

Épisode 8 - One Man's Treasure

12 septembre 2020

Toney and Earl rescue an aggressive dog that is found tied up in front of an abandoned home.

Épisode 9 - Rescue Dogs Reunited

19 septembre 2020

Tia and M2 welcome back a couple who want to reunite their adoptee with her former best friend; Mariah and Toney discover a hound in...

Épisode 1 - 200th Episode

2 janvier 2021

200th Episode

Épisode 2 - Invisible Enemy

9 janvier 2021

Tragedy strikes after Tia and M2 agree to take two malnourished hounds from a rural shelter.

Épisode 3 - No Wolf Left Behind

16 janvier 2021

When over 50 hybrid hounds are found abandoned, Tia is faced with her most challenging rescue.

Épisode 4 - Earl's Path

23 janvier 2021

Earl and Toney join forces to rescue a canine from an abandoned home.

Épisode 5 - Diamond in the Rough

30 janvier 2021

Tia and Mariah shut down their restaurant and boutique; a senior canine finds a forever home.

Épisode 6 - Befriending a Beast

6 février 2021

Tia, Tania and the twins return to Texas after rescuing 30 hybrid wolf-dogs.

Épisode 1 - Evading Capture

24 avril 2021

A paralyzed pup takes a trip to the vet; Mariah pitches a fundraising idea to the parolees.

Épisode 2 - Life in a Cage

1 mai 2021

The amount of rescues and drop-offs rise; veteran tenant Lil Rocky faces a cancer scare.

Épisode 3 - Mother of Chaos

8 mai 2021

Now a mother of two, Lizzy leans on Tia to help find a work-life balance; a California couple hopes to adopt a dog that will be comfortable in the pool; Mariah's mission to save an injured dog leads her to something completely unexpected.

Épisode 4 - Sound of Silence

15 mai 2021

Tia gives a hybrid wolf-dog a second chance; Lizzy makes a tough call for a new VRC resident.

Épisode 5 - Change on the Horizon

22 mai 2021

Tia's plans to handle the flooding at the Claiborne Warehouse change when a hurricane heads towards the city of New Orleans. M2 and Kenani rush to prepare for baby number two, and Tia and Tania's Texas rescue mission takes a sudden turn.

Épisode 1 - A New Chapter

22 octobre 2022

As a hurricane bears down on VRC, Tia and the crew race to get dogs to safety; Mariah takes the reins for her first solo wolfdog rescue; Lizzy and Earl help a music-loving Kentucky couple find the perfect dog to join their karaoke nights.

Épisode 2 - Incredible Catch

29 octobre 2022

M2 leaps into action to save a dog roaming the cane fields before it runs afoul of harvest machinery; Tia and Earl help match veteran adopter Kim with a senior dog; Toney and Emily make every day count for hospice dog Chester.

Épisode 3 - Dirt Road Refugees

5 novembre 2022

Tia and Lizzy answer a distress call from a Mississippi shelter and take on eight dogs in desperate condition; M2 holds down the fort at VRC while juggling life as a mom of two; Mariah finds the perfect home for her special-needs foster dog Rant.

Épisode 4 - Bad Reputation

12 novembre 2022

Tia Torres and a crew of paroled felons care for abused and abandoned pit bulls and other dogs.

Épisode 5 - Watching from Above

19 novembre 2022

Tia Torres and a crew of paroled felons care for abused and abandoned pit bulls and other dogs.

Épisode 6 - The Road Ahead

26 novembre 2022

As the new VRC location nears completion, Tia and the team prep to welcome the public for a volunteer day; an Ohio couple feels a powerful connection with deaf dog Ben; Mariah draws on her passion for motorcycles to honor her beloved pit bull Tater.

Épisode 7 - The Story of Villalobos

26 novembre 2022

More than two decades of second chances for the dogs and humans who need them most - it's been an epic journey for Villalobos and Tia's family; Tia looks back on the rescue's incredible history and shares a glimpse of its next chapter.


Oups aucune vidéo pour le moment... Revenez plus tard pour des aventures en images !

Derniers avis

avatar de du commentaire : moi aussi on dirait que cela ne marche pas .... je kiffe maria torres

05/05/2021 - Aucune note

moi aussi on dirait que cela ne marche pas .... je kiffe maria torres

avatar de du commentaire : Je n arrive pas à ouvrir un épisode...qq pour m aider ?

30/04/2021 - Aucune note

Je n arrive pas à ouvrir un épisode...qq pour m aider ?

avatar de du commentaire : c'est une bonne série/docu et cela permet comme il est dans le com précédent de montrer comment des personnes qui aiment les animaux s'en occuper et t...

07/09/2016 - 4/5

c'est une bonne série/docu et cela permet comme il est dans le com précédent de montrer comment des personnes qui aiment les animaux s'en occuper et t...

avatar de du commentaire : L'idée (le quotidien d'une association qui recueille des chiens abandonnés) est intéressante et prenante... après, c'est une série américaine, alors o...

18/06/2016 - 3/5

L'idée (le quotidien d'une association qui recueille des chiens abandonnés) est intéressante et prenante... après, c'est une série américaine, alors o...