Poster de la serie Cauchemar en cuisine (US)

Cauchemar en cuisine (US)


Année : 2007

Nombre de saisons : 7

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 60 minutes

Genre(s) : Télé-réalité

Adaptation pour la télévision américaine de la série britannique de Gordon Ramsay. Dans cette série, Ramsay prend la route pour aider de nombreux restaurants en difficulté à trouver le chemin de la réussite, en une semaine seulement.


Cauchemar en cuisine (US) saison 1

Saison 1


Cauchemar en cuisine (US) saison 2

Saison 2


Cauchemar en cuisine (US) saison 3

Saison 3


Cauchemar en cuisine (US) saison 4

Saison 4


Cauchemar en cuisine (US) saison 5

Saison 5


Cauchemar en cuisine (US) saison 6

Saison 6


Cauchemar en cuisine (US) saison 7

Saison 7


Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - Peter's

19 septembre 2007 - 4/5

Gordon Ramsay visite un restaurant italien familial à Babylon, dans l'État de New York, où Peter, cuisinier et copropriétaire, a un caractère bien trempé.

Épisode 2 - Dillon's

26 septembre 2007 - 3.6/5

En plein Manhattan, Gordon Ramsay doit faire face non pas à un restaurateur de mauvaise foi mais trois ! Le Dillon's est un vrai désastre : trois directeurs pour zéro clients. Il se font masser par les serveuses, cachent les plats par terre et sont incapables de déléguer. Gordon a du travail !

Épisode 3 - The Mixing Bowl

3 octobre 2007 - 3.8/5

Ramsay se rend au Mixing Bowl, un petit restaurant de Bellmore, dans l'État de New York. Il cherche à redresser ce restaurant dont le personnel est inexpérimenté et dont la spécialité est de proposer des remises spéciales.

Épisode 4 - Seascape

10 octobre 2007 - 3.8/5

Gordon Ramsay arrive au Seascape Inn, un restaurant complètement laissé à l'abandon par ses gestionnaires qui n'entendent rien à la restauration. L'hygiène de la cuisine est infâme, les locaux vétustes et la cuisine dangereuse pour les clients. Gordon est hors de lui.

Épisode 5 - Olde Stone Mill

17 octobre 2007 - 3.6/5

Le Olde Stone Mill est un joli petit restaurant dans l'état de New York. Dean et sa femme ont mis toutes leurs économies dans ce restaurant mais il court à la catastrophe : la salle est vide et les plats sont immangeables. Cette famille a bien besoin de Gordon. Notre chef britannique redonne une âme au restaurant. Nouvelle décoration, nouvelle carte : le Olde Stone Mill fait peau neuve !

Épisode 6 - Sebastian's

7 novembre 2007 - 3.9/5

Le chef Ramsay relève le défi de transformer une pizzeria de Burbank, en Californie, appelée Sebastian's, en un lieu agréable à fréquenter. Le Sebastian's sert des plats surgelés à partir d'un menu compliqué et le personnel de service est toujours en train d'auditionner pour son prochain grand rôle.

Épisode 7 - Finn McCool's

14 novembre 2007 - 3.8/5

Gordon arrive au Finn McCool's, restaurant irlandais perché en haut des collines d'un village perdu. Dans cette ambiance fantomatique, Gordon découvre l'ampleur de la tâche : le restaurant est une affaire de famille - Papa derrière le bar et les fiston aux fourneaux - et le carnet de réservations est vide ! Les hommes de McCool ne prennent pas au sérieux leur métier et préfèrent s'occuper de leurs affaires de famille.

Épisode 8 - Lela's

21 novembre 2007 - 4/5

À Pomona, en Californie, le restaurant gastronomique Lela est au bord du gouffre. Le chef ne prend pas son poste au sérieux : les plats sont surgelés et la serveuse en chef se désolidarise de l'équipe. Les scènes entre les deux perturbent le dîner des clients. Gordon va avoir du mal à se faire entendre auprès de cette équipe qui ne veut pas travailler ! Le match entre la cuisine et la salle ne cesse de pourrir l'ambiance. Un des employés vole même toute la cuisine ! Gordon se retrousse les manches : fini la gastronomie bradée : bienvenue les plats proches des gens, avec du goût !

Épisode 9 - Campania

28 novembre 2007 - 3.8/5

Le chef Ramsay visite le Campania, un restaurant italien à Fair Lawn, dans le New Jersey. Il découvre que le manque d'enthousiasme du personnel nuit à la réussite de ce restaurant.

Épisode 10 - Secret Garden

12 décembre 2007 - 3.7/5

Gordon se rend à Moorpark, en Californie, pour aider un chef français obstiné à sauver un restaurant vide au décor rebutant.

Épisode 11 - Revisited: Gordon Returns

4 septembre 2008 - 3.9/5

Le chef Gordon Ramsay revient vérifier six des restaurants défaillants qu'il a aidés à redresser et s'assurer que son travail acharné a porté ses fruits.

Épisode 12 - Handlebar

11 septembre 2008 - 3.8/5

Le chef Ramsay se rend à Mount Sinai, dans l'État de New York, au Handlebar Restaurant & Lounge, dont les propriétaires semblent ignorer le décor des années 1880 et l'apathie du chef cuisinier.

Épisode 13 - Giuseppi's

18 septembre 2008 - 3.7/5

Une famille de restaurateurs se déchire derrière les fourneaux du Giuesppi's. Un père despotique, un fils en attente de reconnaissance et une mère qui fait tampon, c'est la catastrophe au Giuseppi's. Jo, le père, ne veut pas laisser la main à son fils et régit tout dans le restaurant. Sam, son fils, le chef, essaye en vain d'exister derrière ses casseroles. Gordon a du pain sur la planche ! Il lui faudra réconcilier toute la famille pour faire marcher le restaurant !

Épisode 14 - Trobiano's

25 septembre 2008 - 3.8/5

Le Trobiano est un restaurant italien familial : Anthony et Tiffany sont à sa tête. Anthony a engagé l'argent de la famille de sa petite amie dans l'affaire, à perte... Les seuls clients sont les seniors qui viennent dinner à l'heure du goûter. La cuisine est infecte. Gordon inspecte la cuisine et c'est une catastrophe : crottes de souris, viande desséchée, fourneaux plein de gras : c'est un cauchemar ! La famille tombe de haut. Tout est à reprendre à zéro. Gordon emmène la famille se familiariser avec la nature.

Épisode 15 - Black Pearl

25 septembre 2008 - 3.8/5

Gordon s'attaque au centre de Manhattan : le Black Pearl au centre du quartier financier de Big Apple. Mais notre chef britannique a à faire des caractères difficiles ! Le Black Pearl a une organisation particulière : 3 gérants pour un seul restaurant. Les égos des propriétaires sont difficiles à gérer et ne cessent de s'affronter. Gordon est obligé de fermer le restaurant pour leur faire comprendre qu'il faut réagir. Gordon prend les choses en main : nouvelle carte, aliments simples et de qualité, etc.

Épisode 16 - J Willy's

30 octobre 2008 - 3.7/5

Le chef Ramsey se rend au J Willy's Bar & Grill, un établissement qui a perdu 1,2 million de dollars. Il leur lance le défi d'utiliser des ingrédients frais, mais les chefs inexpérimentés se sentent dépassés, ce qui pousse un client à s'effondrer et à pleurer.

Épisode 17 - Hannah & Mason's

6 novembre 2008 - 3.7/5

Hannah & Mason's est un bistrot tranquille de la petite ville de Cranberry à une heure de Manhattan. Il est dirigé par Chris et Brian mais la charge de travail des 2 hommes semble loin d'être égale. Le restaurant n'est ouvert que 3 soirs par semaine. Avec l'accumulation des factures et une baisse de salaires, les employés sont de moins en moins motivés.

Épisode 18 - Jack's Waterfront

6 novembre 2008 - 4/5

Le chef Ramsey se rend à St. Clair Shores, dans le Michigan, pour visiter le Jack's Waterfront, qui souffre d'un manque de fruits de mer frais et d'une gestion inattentive. L'objectif du chef est de faire de ce restaurant une source de revenus tout au long de l'année, mais les mondanités excessives du directeur général avec ses clients risquent de mettre des bâtons dans les roues de ce plan.

Épisode 19 - Sabatiello's

13 novembre 2008 - 3.8/5

Gordon Ramsay essaye de sauver le Sabatiello's à Stamford dans le Connecticut. Sammy, le propriétaire a plus d'un million de dollars de dettes. Gordon emploie la manière forte et ne va pas hésiter à critiquer le menu, même la recette de lasagnes de la mère de Sammy. Quand l'équipe commence à se retourner contre Sammy, il décide de fermer le restaurant.

Épisode 20 - Fiesta Sunrise

13 novembre 2008 - 3.7/5

Le chef Ramsey se rend à West Nyack, dans l'État de New York, au Fiesta Sunrise, un restaurant mexicain, et rencontre un propriétaire têtu qui semble vouloir ruiner sa propre entreprise. Ramsey fait inspecter l'établissement et le ferme, déclarant qu'il est insalubre.

Épisode 21 - Sante La Brea

20 novembre 2008 - 3.8/5

Le chef Ramsey se rend au restaurant Santa La Brea à Los Angeles, où il découvre que le propriétaire est en difficulté financière et qu'il n'est pas respecté par son personnel. Pour ne rien arranger, les ingrédients sont avariés et il y a très peu de clients. C'est alors que la police arrive pour un incident...

Épisode 22 - Cafe 36

15 janvier 2009 - 3.7/5

Dans le final de la saison, le chef Ramsey se rend dans un restaurant franco-américain de La Grange, dans l'Illinois, appelé Cafe 36. Les propriétaires ont très peu d'expérience dans la gestion d'un restaurant et ont besoin d'un coup de main pour faire face à la pénurie de clients et au chef cuisinier, qui ignore le contrôle de la qualité.

Épisode 1 - Hot Potato Café

29 janvier 2010 - 3.8/5

Philadelphia is known as "The City of Brotherly Love," but one restaurant, the Hot Potato Cafe, is tearing a family apart. Passion, motivation and spirit fueled the restaurant when it was founded two years ago, but all of these mandatory ingredients are now in short supply.

Épisode 2 - Flamangos

2 février 2010 - 3.8/5

When Chef Ramsay visits Flamangos in Whitehouse Station, NJ, he feels like he's stepped back in time and into the rainforest. This family-run restaurant is in desperate need of a total overhaul, and with one of the owners stuck in the past and resistant to change, it's nearly impossible for Ramsay to make any improvements.

Épisode 3 - Bazzini

5 février 2010 - 3.8/5

Chef Gordon Ramsay takes on Bazzini Cafe, an Italian restaurant in Ridgewood, NJ, that struggles with slow service, poorly crafted dishes, a lackluster sous chef and a disappointing head chef.

Épisode 4 - Mojitos

25 février 2010 - 3.9/5

Chef Ramsay visits a Cuban restaurant in Brooklyn, NY. Owners Marcelo and Kata, former husband and wife, fight about everything. After moving to Brooklyn and getting married Kata and Marcello wanted to pursue their dream of opening a Cuban Cafe. Seven years ago Kata and Marcelo fell in love, got married and decided to open up a fast food style Cuban cafeteria. Kata and Marcelo are both from Columbia.

Épisode 5 - Lido di Manhattan Beach

4 mars 2010 - 3.7/5

Chef Ramsay visits a Lido Di Manhattan Beach in Manhattan Beach, CA. Lisa Hemmat grew up in and around the food service industry and inherited the entrepreneurial spirit from her parents. Shortly after graduating with a business degree from USC Marshall School of Business she secured a loan (with her parents as co-signers) and purchased Lido Di Manhattan in June of 2004, at the ripe old age of 23. Having been left with a strong staff, including a veteran cook in the kitchen, Lisa felt secure and confident in her decision to become the next great Los Angeles restaurateur. Five years later, Lisa is struggling to pay her bills and has come to the harsh realization that she is barely making ends meet. Chef Ramsay gives Lisa a lesson in restaurant business 101.

Épisode 6 - Le Bistro

11 mars 2010 - 3.9/5

Chef Ramsay travels to sunny South Florida, where he encounters a dreary situation. Le Bistro, a small French restaurant, is barely surviving, and the head chef, Andy, has no idea why. He doesn't believe there is anything wrong with the food, service or dining experience. When Chef Ramsay finds out that he and Chef Andy share similar culinary training, he is in disbelief. Can Ramsay cook up a plan that will get through to the stubborn chef and revive this sinking ship?

Épisode 7 - Casa Roma

12 mars 2010 - 3.9/5

Chef Ramsay heads to Lancaster, California to help out an Italian restaurant called in Casa Roma. The owners are clueless when it comes to getting people in the restaurant and how to help manage the kitchen. The restaurant is merely surviving on the packed bar area.

Épisode 8 - Mama Rita's

19 mars 2010 - 3.6/5

Chef Ramsay helps a woman with her struggling Mexican restaurant that is facing foreclosure.

Épisode 9 - Anna Vincenzo's

26 mars 2010 - 3.9/5

Gordon tries to give some constructive criticism but it gets thrown right back in his face. Will he be able to take it?

Épisode 10 - Revisited #2

9 avril 2010 - 3.8/5

Chef Ramsay comes back to Sante La Brea and Giuseppi's to see if they have improved or not. He also takes a look at some of his noteworthy kitchen fights over that time.

Épisode 11 - Fleming

7 mai 2010 - 3.8/5

Gordon Ramsay heads to Florida to help the owners of Fleming, a Danish restaurant in Miami, Florida. The husband and wife team bought the business eight years ago in the hope of continuing the place's success, but started losing money rapidly. With a Cuban chef cooking Nordic cuisine and a filthy kitchen, things go from bad to worse until it all comes to a head on relaunch night.

Épisode 12 - Sushi Ko

14 mai 2010 - 4/5

Chef Ramsay visits Sushi Ko in Thousand Oaks, Cal., a failing second location of a family-owned eatery. Problems include debt, a breakdown of the family dynamic, and a relative who has lost his passion for cooking.

Épisode 13 - Revisited #3

21 mai 2010 - 3.9/5

Chef Ramsay revisits Handlebar (Long Island), Casa Roma (Lancaster) and Black Pearl (New York).

Épisode 1 - Spanish Pavillion

21 janvier 2011 - 3.9/5

Chef Ramsay visits Spanish Pavillion in Harrison, NJ, a family-run business established in 1976 whose owners, brothers Michael and Jerry, have allowed their differences to compromise the quality of the restaurant. With a head chef consistently absent from the kitchen and an unhappy staff, Chef Ramsay is determined to transform the outdated ambiance and menu in order to keep the family business afloat.

Épisode 2 - Classic American

28 janvier 2011 - 3.9/5

Chef Ramsay visits Classic American in suburban West Babylon, NY, a restaurant struggling to make ends meet with mounting debt and whose two inexperienced owners are fighting to keep their American dream alive. Owners Colleen and Naomi, former waitresses at Classic American, purchased the restaurant years ago, but their lack of business experience proves to be too much for the business to handle. Chef Ramsay has his hands full with a disorganized staff and a disappointing menu, but after observing dinner service, he realizes the restaurant's problems are rooted in the lack of leadership and communication in the kitchen. In the most emotional Kitchen Nightmares episode to date, Chef Ramsay is forced to stage an intervention with the staff and help the restaurant find its way with a modern spin on classic American fare. Find out if better communication and a new menu will be enough to keep the restaurant's doors open.

Épisode 3 - PJ's Steakhouse

4 février 2011 - 3.8/5

Chef Ramsay visits PJ's Steakhouse in Queens, NY, determined to breathe new life and energy into the establishment. Husband-and-wife owners Joe and Madalyn have given up their home and belongings in order to preserve the memory of Joe's beloved brother, PJ, but the restaurant's inconsistent food, lackluster service, and uncooperative chef may prove to be too much a labor of love. Ramsay steps in to evaluate the restaurant's hospitality and food quality, but he makes startling discoveries within the restaurant's operations that force him to make tough changes. He gives the owners and chef one last chance to turn things around, but will a revamped menu and fresh professional outlook be enough to save PJ's Steakhouse?

Épisode 4 - Revisited #4

11 février 2011 - 3.8/5

Chef Ramsay revisits Mojito, The Junction (formerly Flamangos), and Bazzini.

Épisode 5 - Grasshopper Also

18 février 2011 - 3.8/5

Chef Ramsay visits Carlstadt, NJ, restaurant Grasshopper. Find out if Chef Ramsay will be able to turn the restaurant around or if it will be forced to close its doors forever.

Épisode 6 - Davide

25 février 2011 - 3.8/5

Chef Ramsay visits Davide, a restaurant in Boston, MA. Find out if he will be able to turn the restaurant around or if it will be forced to close its doors forever.

Épisode 7 - Down City

11 mars 2011 - 3.8/5

Chef Ramsay visits DownCity, a restaurant in Providence, RI. Find out if his attempt to turn the restaurant around will be enough to keep its doors open.

Épisode 8 - Revisited #5

18 mars 2011 - 3.9/5

Chef Ramsay revisits Le Bistro, Anna Vincenzo's, and Lido di Manhattan.

Épisode 9 - Café Tavolini

25 mars 2011 - 3.9/5

Chef Ramsay's next restaurant project is Café Tavolini in Bridgeport, CT. Find out if his experience and expertise will help transform the eatery into a success or if Café Tavolini will have to shut its doors.

Épisode 10 - Kingston Cafe

15 avril 2011 - 3.7/5

Chef Ramsay tries to help a struggling restaurant in Pasadena, Calif.

Épisode 11 - La Frite

29 avril 2011 - 3.7/5

Chef Ramsay visits La Frite in Sherman Oaks, CA. Find out if his efforts to turn the restaurant around will be enough to keep the its doors open.

Épisode 12 - Capri

6 mai 2011 - 3.6/5

Chef Ramsay heads to Eagle Rock, Calif., to help a struggling Italian restaurant.

Épisode 13 - Zeke's

13 mai 2011 - 3.7/5

Chef Ramsay heads to New Orleans, LA, to help transform Zeke's Restaurant. Will he be able to breathe new life and add some spice into this Southern eatery?

Épisode 14 - Oceana

20 mai 2011 - 3.8/5

In the season finale of Kitchen Nightmares, has Chef Ramsay met his match? The culinary master visits another restaurant struggling to keep its doors open. Find out if Ramsay can help pull the establishment from the brink of failure on the season finale of Kitchen Nightmares.

Épisode 1 - Blackberry's

23 septembre 2011 - 3.7/5

Chef Ramsay heads to New Jersey in hope of helping the owners of Blackberry's improve their service and food quality.

Épisode 2 - Leone's

30 septembre 2011 - 3.7/5

Chef Ramsay visits Leone's, an Italian eatery in Montclair, N.J., in hope of keeping the restaurant from being closed.

Épisode 3 - Mike and Nellie's

7 octobre 2011 - 3.7/5

Ramsay tries to help the owners of an Oakhurst, N.J., restaurant called Mike and Nellie's turn their business around.

Épisode 4 - Luigi's

14 octobre 2011 - 3.8/5

Chef Ramsay lends his expertise to the owners of a failing California eatery called Luigi's.

Épisode 5 - Revisited #6

21 octobre 2011 - 3.9/5

Chef Ramsay returns to eateries he's helped in the past, including DownCity in Providence, R.I.; Classic American in West Babylon, N.Y.; and Davide in Boston.

Épisode 6 - Burger Kitchen (1)

4 novembre 2011 - 3.8/5

Chef Ramsay visits the Burger Kitchen in Los Angeles in hope of revamping the menu and reviving the establishment.

Épisode 7 - Burger Kitchen (2)

11 novembre 2011 - 3.9/5

Chef Ramsay pays a visit to Burger Kitchen in Los Angeles in order to revamp the bland menu and to revive the tired establishment with a fresh look and a renewed vibe fit for the hip Hollywood crowd.

Épisode 8 - Greek at the Harbor

18 novembre 2011 - 3.7/5

Chef Ramsay visits The Greek at the Harbor, an eatery in Ventura Harbor, Cal., and observes poor service and variable food quality.

Épisode 9 - Michon's

13 janvier 2012 - 3.6/5

Chef Ramsay heads to the Peach state eatery Michon's Smoked Meats & Seafood restaurant for a much needed update. Find out if Chef Ramsay's advice and guidance will be enough to keep this establishment in College Park, GA, open.

Épisode 10 - El Greco

20 janvier 2012 - 3.6/5

Chef Ramsay heads to the lone star state to give Austin, Texas eatery El Greco a much-needed update that would still maintain family-held traditions. Dismayed by the careless treatment of traditional Greek cuisine and sub-par service, Chef Ramsay must intervene before the restaurant owners are forced to shut El Greco’s doors for good. Find out if Chef Ramsay’s advice and guidance will be enough to keep this establishment open.

Épisode 11 - Revisited #7

27 janvier 2012 - 3.8/5

Over the years, Chef Gordon Ramsay has helped numerous restaurant owners get back on their feet by helping them refresh their menus, customer service and business outlook – but once he leaves, do restaurateurs stick with it -- Chef Ramsay heads to Southern California to check up on La Frite in Sherman Oaks, Kingston Café in Pasadena and Capri in Eagle Rock to see firsthand if his advice has changed the restaurants for good. He also visits Harrison, NJ, to find out if the owners of family restaurant Spanish Pavilion have mended their problems outside the kitchen, or if their disagreements are too much for their business to handle. Tune in to see if Chef Ramsay will be pleased with the restaurants’ progress, or will he have to stage yet more dramatic and emotional interventions.

Épisode 12 - Park's Edge

3 février 2012 - 3.9/5

Chef Ramsay visits Atlanta, GA, to help the owners of contemporary American restaurant Park’s Edge refresh their menu and service. Although the owners of Park’s Edge take pride in their diverse menu and innovative dining experience, Chef Ramsay is shocked by the restaurant’s lack of cohesiveness in the kitchen, inattentive service and disorganized management. Find out if Chef Ramsay’s advice will be enough to help the restaurant regain its elegance and stylish flair.

Épisode 13 - Spin a Yarn

10 février 2012 - 3.6/5

Chef Ramsay visits Fremont, CA, to help out 50-year-old steakhouse and banquet center Spin-A-Yarn. Despite the restaurant's rich history as an old-time hideaway and meeting place, the restaurant's bland menu and outdated decor are long overdue for visual and culinary makeover. Shocked by the restaurant's inconsistent service and disorganized kitchen staff, Chef Ramsay is put to the test to give the steakhouse a refreshed menu and ambience. Find out if Chef Ramsay succeeds in updating the restaurant's image or if it will remain stuck in its old ways.

Épisode 14 - Charlie's

17 février 2012 - 3.7/5

Chef Ramsay visits Charlie's in La Verne, CA to help the owners of the Italian bistro refresh its outdated look and update the menu's bland and unoriginal options. Displeased by the wishy-washy service, unappetizing dishes and old-fashioned ambiance, Chef Ramsay has his work cut out for him to turn the restaurant's luck around. Find out if Chef Ramsay can infuse the restaurant with authentic Italian elegance or if the restaurant's woes are too much for even Chef Ramsay to tackle.

Épisode 15 - Café Hon

24 février 2012 - 3.9/5

Chef Ramsay heads to Baltimore, MD, and immediately has his hands full when he visits Café Hon, a Southern Comfort eatery in need not only of a restaurant renovation but also a public image makeover. The owner of Café Hon has come under fire from the city of Baltimore for trademarking the word "Hon," a term of endearment for Baltimore culture. Find out if the restaurant revamp and renewed public image will be enough to win back the city of Baltimore and revive its tradition of southern comfort cooking.

Épisode 16 - Chiarella's

23 mars 2012 - 3.5/5

Chef Ramsay visits the "City of Brotherly Love" to check in on family-owned Italian restaurant Chiarella's. Although the Philadelphia eatery boasts over 30 years of business, Chef Ramsay is shocked by the restaurant's outdated menu, sloppy service and disorganized staff. Find out if Chef Ramsay is able to infuse the restaurant with classic Italian flair and revive its lackluster dining experience.

Épisode 17 - Zocalo

30 mars 2012 - 3.6/5

Chef Gordon Ramsay visits University City, Pennsylvania, in the heart of West Philadelphia. The thriving neighborhood houses Zocalo, an authentic Mexican restaurant run by longtime employees-turned-owners Greg and Mary Russell.

Épisode 1 - La Galleria 33, Part One

26 octobre 2012 - 3.8/5

Chef Ramsay goes to Boston's North End to pay a visit to La Galleria 33, opened in 2006 by sisters Rita and Lisa. The two siblings grew up in the Italian neighborhood and worked at their father's very successful restaurant, L'Osteria, which was established in 1985. They branched out and opened their own establishment only 100 feet away, hoping to feed off their father's success. But the customers never came. The sisters blame everything from the weather to the tablecloths to the font on the menu. They don't know how to fix their problems because they don't know how to identify them. The employees, however, know exactly what is wrong - Lisa and Rita. They say the sisters treat people badly and talk unprofessionally. Plus Lisa drinks on the job and Rita smokes in the restaurant. They have slipped into complacency about the failing business, but their parents stand to lose everything if La Galleria fails.

Épisode 2 - La Galleria 33, Part Two

2 novembre 2012 - 3.8/5

In the last episode of "Kitchen Nightmares," Chef Ramsay traveled to Boston's North End to visit La Galleria 33, a restaurant run by sisters Rita and Lisa. He quickly discovered the establishment to be fraught with issues. Rita smokes and Lisa drinks on the job, and their unprofessional behavior has lost them the respect of their staff. The food, which is prepared by Rita's ex-husband Doug, is horrific. Chef Ramsay finds it to be frozen, bland and evidently made without passion.

Épisode 3 - Mama Maria's

9 novembre 2012 - 3.8/5

Chef Ramsay heads to Mama Maria's in Brooklyn. This Italian restaurant and pizzeria was passed down from mother to son more than 25 years ago, but has proven to be more of a burden than a family gem. The owner is exhausted from trying to make ends meet for his family, which in turn has taken a toll on the staff, food and overall performance of the restaurant. Chef Ramsay is disgusted to find 12 freezers filled with rancid and inedible pre-made meals and he reaches his breaking point when one diner needs an ambulance after eating a defrosted piece of seafood. When Chef Ramsay levels with this owner, he leaves him in tears. Find out if Ramsay's push was enough to wake this owner and save his family and restaurant.

Épisode 4 - Ms. Jean's Southern Cuisine

16 novembre 2012 - 3.4/5

Gordon heads to Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania, home to Ms Jean's Southern Cuisine, which was opened 12 years ago by retired special education teacher Ms Jean Gould. Her employees say she's like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and that's why the local community stay away. Ms Jean insists she's only mean because her employees are lazy, but the business is falling apart.

Épisode 5 - Barefoot Bob's

7 décembre 2012 - 3.7/5

Gordon Ramsay continues his travels across the United States in a bid to save failing restaurants from disaster. This week, Gordon visits beachside restaurant Barefoot Bob's in Hull, Massachusetts, owned by husband-and-wife team Marc and Lisa. The duo opened the grill in the summer of 2004 to a busy seafront crowd, but every year the bottom line collapses through the bleak winter months.

Épisode 6 - Revisited #8

14 décembre 2012 - 3.9/5

Gordon Ramsay revisits Café Hon in Hampden, Maryland, Chiarella's in Philadelphia, and Leone's in Montclair, New Jersey, to see whether the restaurant owners have taken his advice on board.

Épisode 7 - Olde Hitching Post Restaurant & Tavern

25 janvier 2013 - 3.6/5

Chef Ramsay confronts the stubborn owner of the Olde Hitching Post in Massachusetts, who refuses to let his daughter and eatery co-owner have any control.

Épisode 8 - Levanti's Italian Restaurant

1 février 2013 - 3.6/5

In Beaver, Pennsylvania, where he finds a brother-and-sister team who are unable to work together in a positive manner at an Italian restaurant called Levanti's. Their relationship is so fractured that they are failing to save their father's business from being overwhelmed by competition from other local eateries. The situation has become desperate and dad Tony is now in danger of losing his life savings.

Épisode 9 - Sam's Mediterranean Kabob Room

15 février 2013 - 3.3/5

Gordon visits family-owned restaurant Sam's Mediterranean Kabob Room in Monrovia, California. Within minutes of his arrival, Gordon is caught in the crossfire of an argument between owner Sam, his wife and their children, all of whom are feeling the pressure of working in the restaurant seven days a week.

Épisode 10 - Nino's Italian Restaurant

22 février 2013 - 3.9/5

Gordon heads to Long Beach, California, to save Nino's, an Italian family restaurant that was opened in 1958 and is now under the misguided leadership of the eldest son, Nino. Younger brother Michael and sister Carina point the finger of blame for the restaurant's failings directly at Nino, and their 78-year-old mother Inge is desperate for Nino to turn the business around.

Épisode 11 - Mill Street Bistro (1)

1 mars 2013 - 3.8/5

Gordon heads to Norwalk, Ohio, in America's farming heartland, for the first of two visits to the Mill Street Bistro. There he encounters Joe Nagy, one of the most pretentious restaurant owners he has ever met.

Épisode 12 - Mill Street Bistro (2)

8 mars 2013 - 3.9/5

In the dramatic conclusion to the Mill Street Bistro saga, Gordon's disagreement with proprietor Joe Nagy erupts into one of his most intense confrontations yet.

Épisode 13 - Yanni's

15 mars 2013 - 3.7/5

Gordon visits Greek restaurant Yanni's in Seattle, where he clashes with defiant owner Peter, a chef who is so set in his ways that he hasn't allowed any changes to his menu since the business opened in 1984. His own family are concerned that the restaurant is becoming trapped in the past, but Peter is determined to stick to his guns.

Épisode 14 - Prohibition Grille

26 avril 2013 - 3.6/5

Chef Ramsay is in for a challenge when he heads to Everett, WA, to visit the Prohibition Grille. Professional belly dancer-turned-restaurant owner Rishi is struggling to keep her business afloat and is in desperate need of help. As a result of her lack of prior restaurant experience, Rishi leaves control of the kitchen in the hands of her head chef, who is constantly preoccupied and gives little focus to the restaurant. Constant complaints from customers have Rishi worried, but will she take Chef Ramsay’s advice?

Épisode 15 - Chappy's

3 mai 2013 - 3.5/5

Chef Ramsay heads to Chappy's, a Cajun-style restaurant in the heart of Nashville where he meets owners John (Chappy) and Starr. The couple's original restaurant in Mississippi was destroyed in Hurricane Katrina, forcing them to move. However, since opening in Nashville, Chappy's hasn't found the same loyal customer base they once had. Find out if Chef Ramsay can help turn this restaurant around.

Épisode 16 - Amy's Baking Company

10 mai 2013 - 3.9/5

Gordon heads to Scottsdale, Arizona, where he visits Amy's Baking Company and meets husband-and-wife bistro owners Samy and Amy Bouzaglo, who reveal a shocking contempt for customer feedback.

Épisode 1 - Return to Amy's Baking Company

11 avril 2014 - 3.6/5

Chef Ramsay pays another visit to the defiant owners of Amy's Baking Company.

Épisode 2 - Pantaleone's

11 avril 2014 - 3.7/5

Ramsay helps a Denver pizzeria owner who believes he makes the best pizza in town despite taste test results proving otherwise.

Épisode 3 - Old Neighborhood

18 avril 2014 - 4/5

Ramsay helps the owners of Old Neighborhood in Arvada, Colo., transform their restaurant.

Épisode 4 - Kati Allo

18 avril 2014 - 3.7/5

Ramsay tries to help the owners of Kati Allo in Queens, N.Y., turn things around.

Épisode 5 - Mangia Mangia (1)

25 avril 2014 - 3.9/5

Ramsay travels to Woodland Park, Colo., to save Mangia Mangia, an Italian restaurant saddled with tension between the owner and her staff, and problems with the food, atmosphere and service.

Épisode 6 - Mangia Mangia (2)

25 avril 2014 - 3.9/5

Ramsay travels to Woodland Park, Colo., to save Mangia Mangia, an Italian restaurant saddled with tension between the owner and her staff, and problems with the food, atmosphere and service.

Épisode 7 - Zayna Flaming Grill (1)

2 mai 2014 - 3.8/5

Chef Ramsay heads to Redondo Beach, Calif., to try and save Zayna Flaming Grill, a Mediterranean restaurant plagued by substandard food and owners playing the blame game.

Épisode 8 - Zayna Flaming Grill (2)

2 mai 2014 - 3.9/5

Chef Ramsay heads to Redondo Beach, Calif., to try and save Zayna Flaming Grill, a Mediterranean restaurant plagued by substandard food and owners playing the blame game.

Épisode 9 - Bella Luna

16 mai 2014 - 3.6/5

Gordon travels to the town of Easton, PA, where he tries to wake up a mother and son pairing who are running their Italian restaurant into the ground.

Épisode 10 - Revisited #9

12 septembre 2014 - 3.9/5

Gordon Ramsay revisits some of his greatest challenges on this all-new special episode. Back in Boston’s north end, Ramsay catches up sisters Rita and Lisa from La Galleria to see if this duo has kept up his improvements. In Hanson, MA, Ramsay checks in on the Olde Hitching Post to see if owner Tom has fulfilled his promise to hand over the reins to daughter Andrea. Then, at the Prohibition Gastropub in Everett Washington, Ramsay pays a visit to Rishi, the professional belly dancer-turned-restaurant owner, to see if she’s given up dancing and shifted focus to running the establishment. Find out if Chef Ramsay’s guidance was taken seriously or if his advice was tossed in trash in the all-new “Revisited” Season Finale episode.

Épisode 1 - Bel Aire

25 septembre 2023 - 3.1/5

Gordon Ramsay is in Queens, New York to help out the restaurant Bel Aire. Bel Aire is a family restaurant and Gordon needs to get the two brothers to work through their emotional conflicts in hopes of saving the restaurant. While Gordon is there he discovers a menu that is too large, a filthy kitchen and food that doesn't taste good.

Épisode 2 - Bask 46

2 octobre 2023 - 3.4/5

When a New Jersey couple's six-month old gastropub is in jeopardy due to their fiery head chef and dysfunctional menu, Gordon Ramsay offers his expertise and works to transform it into a successful business.

Épisode 3 - In the Drink

9 octobre 2023 - 3.5/5

One of New Jersey’s busiest golf courses is home to In the Drink, a country club restaurant that struggles to find cohesiveness. Despite an absent owner, Gordon Ramsay attempts to revamp the restaurant and revive its lackluster menu.

Épisode 4 - Da Mimmo

16 octobre 2023 - 3.4/5

Gordon Ramsay’s next transformation is a New Jersey Italian restaurant that is in financial ruin, despite being open only six-months. Da Mimmo is a passion project for a retired mother to work on with her three sons, but Gordon is forced to step in when two of the sons see the failing business as a joke.

Épisode 5 - Juicy Box

6 novembre 2023 - 3.4/5

A family-run Haitian juice bar and restaurant in Brooklyn, NY has fallen into utter chaos after the owner's children, who value partying and having fun over the success of their father's business, take over management. Gordon Ramsay steps in to completely transform the restaurant when the owner is given a 60-day deadline to turn a profit.

Épisode 6 - Love Bites

13 novembre 2023 - 3.2/5

Love Bites is a small restaurant in Saugerties, N.Y., run by childhood sweethearts who have trouble separating their work and personal lives; Gordon Ramsay steps in to save both the cafe and the couple's engagement.

Épisode 7 - El Cantito

20 novembre 2023 - 3.2/5

A sibling duo opened El Cantito, a Puerto Rican restaurant, five days before the COVID shutdown. However, they struggle to keep the business afloat with malfunctioning equipment, a small staff and pandemic-induced financial strain. They call Gordon Ramsay for help when the pressure becomes too much and the business is at risk of shuttering its doors.

Épisode 8 - South Brooklyn

27 novembre 2023 - 3.2/5

The co-owners of South Brooklyn Foundry don't see eye-to-eye, causing their communication about the business to grow toxic while the restaurant falls into more debt. Gordon Ramsay steps in to reassess the Brooklyn eatery's priorities and straighten out the finances before it's too late.

Épisode 9 - Max's Bar & Grill

4 décembre 2023 - 3.5/5

Gordon Ramsay heads to Max's Bar & Grill in Long Branch, New Jersey to mediate the restaurant's divorced owners through their frustrations with each other before their business crumbles

Épisode 10 - Diwan

4 décembre 2023 - 3.5/5

Gordon steps in to help transform Diwan, an established Indian restaurant in Port Washington, New York, that is also running a Mexican restaurant out of the same kitchen


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Derniers avis

avatar de du commentaire : Renouvelée pour une saison 7

15/05/2023 - Aucune note

Renouvelée pour une saison 7

avatar de du commentaire : Annonce de la fin de l'émission par Gordon Ramsay :

23/06/2014 - Aucune note

Annonce de la fin de l'émission par Gordon Ramsay : "As filming comes to a close on the latest series of Kitchen Nightmares I've decided to stop ma...

avatar de du commentaire : La saison 6 est en fait la saison 7

13/04/2014 - Aucune note

La saison 6 est en fait la saison 7

avatar de du commentaire : Saison 6 déjà dispo sur eztv, Pirate Bay, etc..., pour les intéressé !!

05/06/2013 - Aucune note

Saison 6 déjà dispo sur eztv, Pirate Bay, etc..., pour les intéressé !!

avatar de du commentaire : Effectivement, dans le planning les saisons 1 et 2 ont été fusionné...

12/11/2012 - Aucune note

Effectivement, dans le planning les saisons 1 et 2 ont été fusionné...

avatar de du commentaire : Il ne s'agit pas de la saison 4, mais de la saison 5...

28/11/2011 - Aucune note

Il ne s'agit pas de la saison 4, mais de la saison 5...