Mission pirates
Année : 2003
Nombre de saisons : 1
Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 30 minutes
Genre(s) : Action, Aventure, Drame, Famille, Fantastique, Science-fiction
Des joueurs de jeu vidéo se retrouvent piégés dans un univers virtuel rempli de pirates, et doivent essayer de s'échapper pour retrouver la réalité.
Saison 1
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Épisode 1 - The Game
8 mars 2003 - 4.6/5
Kate is playing a new game, Pirate Islands, for her father as a test run. Sarah and Nicholas show up, but then lighting strikes there house, and the three of them get trapped inside the game. Now the only way they can escape the game is either finding the pirate's treasure, or by using the scanner which trapped them inside the game. There is just one big problem, Captain Blackhart stole the scanner, and the only way these three can get it back is by having Mars, the character Kate used to control help them out.
Épisode 2 - Sanctuary
15 mars 2003 - 5/5
Kate, Nicholas and Sarah begin by trying to feed themselves cocunuts, but they can't cut them open. Meanwhile Captain Blackhart tries to figure out the powers of the scanner Kate nrought into the game. He determines that the only way to discover these powers is by capturing Kate, so he sends a group of pirates onto main island. While Kate, Nicholas, and Sarah try and hide from the pirates they run into the castaway kids who tell them there are no hiding places. Nicholas doesn't believe them, so he follows them and sees them jump into a node. He returns and tells Kate and Sarah, but they just want to get the scanner, so Nicholas decides to jump through the node himself. The node takes him to Castaway Island where he encounters a plant that begins wrapping him up and choking the life out of him. Kate and Sarah finally decided to look for Nicholas and they jump through the node. Sarah figures ou if you are nice to the plant then it will leave you alone. Then Mars shows up. He was watching
Épisode 3 - Close Call
22 mars 2003
Kate begins by bringing more water up to the tree house. It would appear that all water can be drunk on Pirate Island without having to boil it to purify it. As Kate arrives she finds Nicholas and Sarah searching the tree house for tools. They find a shovel and a pick (which need to be used to find the treasure), and Kate finds a hidden chamber which contains some wet boots. They also test their cell phones and find that they will work, but only inside the game. Kate decides to find out what the boots will do, so they go down to one of the springs and find out that the boots are a power up that allows a person to walk on water, but the power up has a limited usage on time, and when that time expires Kate falls into the spring, and it is revealed that she can't swim that well. Mars mysteriously appears and offers to teach Kate how to swim, but she pushes him into the spring, and then they take off for the tree house. Mars tries to follow them, so Kate pushes him in again. Meanwhile Capt
Épisode 4 - Blackmail
29 mars 2003
Everybody wants Captain Blackhart's map. The pirates want it because it could eventually lead the to the treasure. Kate wants it because she sees it as a bargaining tool/ a way to get the scanner back. Finally, the castaway kids see it as a way to keep their village from being destroyed. At the beginning Captain Blackhart threatens to destroy the castaway's village if he doesn't get his map back. Carmen and Perry head to Main Island where they confront Kate, but she refuses to listen. She wants to set up a trade with Captain Blackhart. Carmen returns and tells Mars who agrees to talk to Kate, but Carmen comes up with her own plans. She kidnaps Nicholas and sends Perry to tell Sarah that the only way they will free him is if she brings them the map. Meanwhile, two of Captain Blackhart's pirates: Cutthroat and Darcy, are getting tired of obeying the captain's orders. The flee the ship and find Sarah on her way to give the castaway kids the map. They get the map but can't read it becau
Épisode 5 - The Great Escape
5 avril 2003
Sarah plans to get Nicholas back from the pirates by running out to their ship. Nicholas sees her running out, and he pretends to get seasick, so they take him up deck and manacle him to a cannonball. Sarah is about to try cutting it off, but Mars shows up, and the pirates spot him blowing her cover. Sarah runs back to Main Island with cannonballs shooting at her, and she makes it back just before the shoes run out of power. Captain Blackhart insists that Nicholas be taken below deck, and so he is taken to the Captain's courters. Blackheart threatens Nick with the scanner saying he will melt him into nothing if Nick doesn't tell him the location of his treasure. He thinks Sarah ran out to the ship to tell Nick the location of the treasure, but instead Sarah told Nick to get the pirates to bring him to shore somehow. Nick tries to befriend Cutthroat, and Cutthroat is about to take Nick to shore when Blackheart capture them. Cutthroat says Nick knows where the treasure is, and he was tak
Épisode 6 - Haunted Island
12 avril 2003
The episode begins with Nicholas and Sarah trying to recharge the dead batteries in the sun. It restores a slight amount of power, but not enough to take them home. Kate decides they need to see if the Castaway Kids have any of their items which had batteries in them. Apparently all of Kate's bedroom items where warped to Pirate Island. Mars and Perry find Kate investigating their homes. Kate tells them she is looking for a magic box which can play music. Mars agrees to help Sarah, Nick, and Kate find their jam box or alarm clock. Perry knows exactly what she is talking about, and he goes to his room and finds out the jam box still works. Carmen hears the music, and decides it will make a great trade to the pirates, so Perry runs off with the jam box. He runs through the node to Main Island, and bumps straight into Mars. He shows Mars what he has, and Mars tries to get the jam box for Kate which makes Perry run again. Mars tells Kate, Nick, and Sarah who has the jam box. They divide in
Épisode 7 - Talking Plants
19 avril 2003
This episode begins with Kate and Sarah looking over Captain Quade's book. It has caused some happy times, because it gives a chart of things on all the islands. However Sarah decides she wants to find the red flower in the books pages, but both Nicholas and Kate want to locate Percy so they can get those batteries and go home. The 3 decide to split up: Kate to the castaway village to barter, Nicholas to look for Perry, and Sarah to do whatever she wants. She decides to look for the node which will take her to the red flower. Meanwhile, Captain Blackhart is conspiring against the rest of the pirates. He believes he has finally figured out Quade's map, so he plans on forcing the 6 pirates on his ship to dig for the treasure and then killing all but Dougal with the same poison he killed Captain Quade with. He even spreads the poison out on a blade. Kate is at the castaway village when Carmen decides to try and get something valuable for the batteries. She feels that there is nothing Kate
Épisode 8 - Perry the Kid
26 avril 2003
Nicholas grows impatient with waiting for Mars to find Perry, so he sets up a trap. He begins barbquing some fish, and the aroma attracts Perry. Nicholas realizes Perry is there, so he takes off running after Perry, and runs right into Cutthroat. Cutthroat begins dragging Nicholas back to the ship, but Perry saves him, and then he makes Nicholas not follow him. Meanwhile, at the tree house Sarah tries to figure out a name for the talking flower while Kate studies Captain Quaid log. Mars shows up. He informs them that he has been unable to find Perry, and then tries to get Kate to let him see part of the Captain's log, but Nicholas shows up. He informs them he has seen Perry, and he informs them that Perry has a secret hiding spot. Mars knows it's not on Castaway Island, so they begin searching Main Island. Over on Castaway Island, Perry is trying to sneak some food away, but Carmen captures him. She promises that Perry can have all the food he wants, as long as he gives her the music m
Épisode 9 - The Second Power-Up
3 mai 2003
Nicholas finds a jet-pack that gives him the power of flight.
Épisode 10 - Nightmare
10 mai 2003
Blackheart orders Carmen to use her medical knowledge to cure his nightmares.
Épisode 11 - Plantspeak
17 mai 2003
Blackheart, fed up with Kate's interference, takes the offensive.
Épisode 12 - Ghost Attack
31 mai 2003
Kate makes the superstitious pirates think that there's a ghost roving their ship.
Épisode 13 - The Showdown
7 juin 2003
Kate attempts to leave the island with her siblings, but she is struggling to abandon Mars.
Épisode 14 - The Riddle
12 juin 2003
Blackheart finds a riddle, and uses it to find the first clue to the treasure. Kate realises the only way to retrieve the scanner is to beat Blackheart to the treasure and do a swap. Kate finds a chest using the riddle and finds a black key inside, Blackheart steals it leaving Kate helpless once more.
Épisode 15 - Kate Finds a Sword
13 juin 2003
Kate sets out to Captain Quade's ghost ship, she steals his sword yet finds it to be usesless. And so she battles Blackheart and wins his sword.
Épisode 16 - Training
16 juin 2003
Épisode 17 - Mars Restored
17 juin 2003
Épisode 18 - The White Room
18 juin 2003
Épisode 19 - Kate vs Mars
19 juin 2003
Épisode 20 - Sarah Kidnapped
20 juin 2003
Épisode 21 - The Storm
23 juin 2003
Épisode 22 - Behind the waterfall
24 juin 2003
Épisode 23 - Carmen's Betrayal
25 juin 2003
Épisode 24 - Defeating Quade
26 juin 2003
Épisode 25 - Secret Island
27 juin 2003
Épisode 26 - Going Home
30 juin 2003
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