Poster de la serie Lupin III

Lupin III


Année : 1971

Nombre de saisons : 6

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 25 minutes

Genre(s) : Action, Aventure, Animation, Anime, Comédie, Crime, Mystère

Edgar, Rupan, Wolf, Lupin… Sous ces noms se cache un seul et même personnage : Lupin III ! Créé en 1969 par Monkey Punch, son succès est mondial. Edgar est avant tout un cambrioleur, mais aussi un grand séducteur qui ne sait résister aux charmes de la gent féminine.


Lupin III saison 1

Saison 1


Lupin III saison 2

Saison 2


Lupin III saison 3

Saison 3


Lupin III saison 4

Saison 4


Lupin III saison 5

Saison 5


Lupin III saison 6

Saison 6



Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - Is Lupin Burning...?!

24 octobre 1971 - 4.4/5

L'organisation Scorpion projette de supprimer son plus grand ennemi, le célèbre Edgar de la Cambriole. Pour cela, après avoir dépensé des milliards dans la création du plus grand circuit d'Asie, elle compte l'inaugurer avec une course truquée, spécialement dédiée à l'un des coureurs : Edgar.

Épisode 2 - The Man They Called a Magician

31 octobre 1971 - 4.2/5

De nuit, deux hommes habillés de noir entrent dans une chambre et mitraillent son occupant qui dormait tranquillement. Bizarrement, après leur départ, ce dernier bien que criblé de balles se relève et ne semble pas blessé. Quel est ce phénomène ? Qui est cet homme ? Une chose est sûre, Jigen et Edgar ne vont pas tarder à faire sa connaissance !

Épisode 3 - Farewell, My Beloved Witch

7 novembre 1971 - 4.3/5

Edgar se porte au secours de la belle Linda qui a fait naufrage suite à la malveillance de Magali. Alors qu'ils viennent de trouver refuge sur un îlot, un bateau plein d'hommes armés fait son apparition. Heureusement, Jigen veille et les sort de cette situation périlleuse. Mais qui est donc cette mystérieuse Linda qui a profité de cette intervention pour disparaître ?

Épisode 4 - One Chance for a Prison Break

14 novembre 1971 - 4.3/5

Alors qu'il participe à la récupération d'un coffre au trésor, Edgar tombe sous les balles anesthésiantes des hommes de l'inspecteur Lacogne. Transporté en prison sous bonne garde puis mis sous haute surveillance, il donne alors l'impression de se résigner à son triste sort.

Épisode 5 - The Coming of Goemon the 13th

21 novembre 1971 - 4/5

Edgar se fait passer pour le producteur exécutif d'une société spécialisée dans la recherche et la promotion d'authentiques héros. L'un d'eux, un tireur hors pair venu des États-Unis - à savoir Jigen ! Que recherchent les deux compères. Est-ce une bonne idée de provoquer Goemon alors que celui-ci a reçu l'ordre d'éliminer Edgar ?

Épisode 6 - Rainy Afternoons Are Dangerous!

28 novembre 1971 - 4.1/5

Magali demande à Edgar d'enquêter sur le passé d'un homme amnésique depuis près de six mois. Malgré les réticences de Jigen, Edgar ne peut dire non à la belle et accepte le travail. Peu après, les deux compères échappent de justesse à une fusillade.

Épisode 7 - One Wolf Calls Another

5 décembre 1971 - 4.2/5

Edgar s'impose un entraînement intensif. Son but : prendre la place d'un des candidats qui doit rejoindre l'école d'assassins Jito-ryu et, ainsi, accéder plus facilement au lieu où sont gardés des rouleaux qui furent dérobés à sa famille.

Épisode 8 - The Gang's-All-Here Playing Card Strategy

12 décembre 1971 - 4.2/5

Malgré le fait qu'Edgar l'ait averti qu'il lui déroberait son jeu de cartes fétiche le lendemain à minuit, Mister Gold ne parvient pas à empêcher le vol. Ce jeu, considéré comme celui de Napoléon 1er, semble porter chance à son propriétaire et de ce fait, il est très convoité.

Épisode 9 - A Hitman Sings the Blues

19 décembre 1971 - 4.3/5

Afin de récupérer des documents de grande valeur, Edgar fait appel au talent de Magali. Son retard et sa décision sont loin de plaire à Goémon qui prend le parti de ne plus participer à l'opération.

Épisode 10 - Target the Cash Counterfeiter!

26 décembre 1971 - 4.3/5

Après avoir mis la main sur un lot de faux billets, Edgar et Jigen les dispersent en pleine ville en mentionnant dessus qu'il s'agit de l'œuvre du baron d'Ukraine. Souhaitant retrouver Ivanov, un faussaire digne de ce nom, les deux associés prennent la route du royaume de Kowalsky.

Épisode 11 - When the Seventh Bridge Falls

2 janvier 1972 - 4.3/5

Depuis une semaine, quelqu'un s'amuse à faire sauter les ponts en se faisant passer pour Edgar. Ce dernier, peu content de cette publicité non souhaitée, décide de coincer le malotru qui joue avec son nom.

Épisode 12 - Who Had the Last Laugh?

9 janvier 1972 - 4.1/5

Au fin fond d'un petit village situé en pleine montagne, deux statuettes attirent la convoitise de nombreuses personnes. Si Hayate est le premier sur les lieux au nom de l'organisation, Magali parvient à tromper sa vigilance et à en dérober une.

Épisode 13 - Beware the Time Machine!

16 janvier 1972 - 4/5

Manquant de créer un accident en apparaissant mystérieusement sur la route, Kyosuke Mamo prédit à Edgar qu'il disparaîtra dans 4 jours. Cette annonce ne perturbe pas outre-mesure notre protagoniste dont toute l'attention est portée sur le prochain vol d'une statue en or.

Épisode 14 - The Emerald's Secret

23 janvier 1972 - 4/5

Au cours d'un voyage en pleine mer, Magali et Edgar tentent chacun à leur tour de dérober l'Oeil du Nil, une superbe émeraude détenue par la fiancée d'un riche homme. Alors qu'ils se réjouissent du bon accomplissement de leurs plans respectifs, ils découvrent qu'ils ont été trompés et que tous deux ont volé une fausse pierre.

Épisode 15 - Let's Catch Lupin and Go to Europe

30 janvier 1972 - 4.2/5

Lacogne doit partir en France afin d'assister au grand congrès européen d'Interpol et, ainsi, rencontrer l'élite de la police occidentale. Mais avant, il compte bien mettre un terme à la carrière d'Edgar ?

Épisode 16 - Operation: Jewel Snatch

6 février 1972 - 4.2/5

Suite aux insinuations douteuses de Magali qui remettent en cause son talent et l'honneur des "de la Cambriole", Edgar s'écarte un peu du plan qu'il avait mis sur pied avec Jigen. Résultat, il dérobe une grosse quantité de bijoux mais le vol prend plus de temps et ne passe pas inaperçu.

Épisode 17 - Lupin, Caught in a Trap

13 février 1972 - 4.2/5

Invités dans un club très prisé, Edgar, Jigen et Magali se font piéger par la propriétaire des lieux qui leur attache des montres piégées aux poignets. Ils ont 24h pour lui apporter 3 milliards et, ainsi, sauver leur vie.

Épisode 18 - Keep an Eye on the Beauty Contest!

20 février 1972 - 3.9/5

Organisé par Smith, un ancien trafiquant, le concours international de beauté Miss Global réunit un jury de milliardaires qui comptent, en fait, profiter de l'évènement pour acquérir, à l'insu du public, des tableaux volés. Ayant eu vent de ces transactions, Edgar et ses compères se font passer pour de brillants techniciens japonais.

Épisode 19 - Which Third-Generation Will Win?

27 février 1972 - 4.2/5

La foire française va s'ouvrir à Tokyo. Pour l'occasion, l'inspecteur Gaillard est venu spécialement de Paris pour surveiller l'exposition mais, surtout, les différents objets ayant appartenus au célèbre Gaspard de la Cambriole.

Épisode 20 - Catch the Phony Lupin!

5 mars 1972 - 4.2/5

De nombreux cambriolages audacieux ont lieu. Toujours signés d'un mot qui impute le délit au véritable Edgar, ces crimes ne sont pourtant pas l'œuvre du jeune homme. Bien décidé à comprendre ce qui se trame et à prendre sa revanche, Edgar prend en filature le cambrioleur et se retrouve sur une île près de la baie d'Akamatsu.

Épisode 21 - Rescue the Shrewish Girl!

12 mars 1972 - 4/5

Ken Makita, un ancien associé d'Archibald de la Cambriole, demande à Edgar de lui ramener sa fille. Cette dernière est, en effet, retenue en otage par son oncle depuis que son père a décidé de se retirer des affaires. Edgar parviendra-t-il à faire comprendre la situation à la jeune fille qui jusqu'à maintenant ne se doutait de rien ?

Épisode 22 - The First-Move-Wins Computer Operation!

19 mars 1972 - 4/5

Un informaticien envoyé par le FBI vient d'installer au poste de police un ordinateur d'une nouvelle génération. Ce dernier, à partir des données qu'on lui a programmées, est capable d'anticiper les crimes à venir. Lorsque Jigen et Goemon sont capturés par Lacogne, Edgar comprend qu'il aurait dû apporter plus d'importance à cette machine et qu'il ne sera pas évident de la duper

Épisode 23 - The Big Golden Showdown

26 mars 1972 - 4/5

Lors de travaux effectués pour la création d'une nouvelle ligne de métro, une importante quantité de pièces d'or est découverte. Un tel butin ne peut qu'attirer l'attention d'Edgar et de ses compères. Mais Lacogne, fidèle au poste, va tout mettre en oeuvre pour leur compliquer la tâche.

Épisode 1 - Lupin the Third's Gallant Appearence

3 octobre 1977 - 4.4/5

After a long time, invitations come from Lupin III, and Jigen Daisuke, Ishikawa Goemon, and Mine Fujiko are reunited aboard the luxury liner Sirloin. But when Lupin appears afterward, he tells them that he was himself invited by Fujiko. Why have they received false invitations? Trapped aboard the ship together with their eternal rival, Inspector Zenigata, the moment of confrontation with their bitter rival Mister X (the commissioner of Scorpion) is fast approaching!

Épisode 2 - Wads of Bills Blossomed in the Rio Sunset

10 octobre 1977 - 4.4/5

When Brazil's illustrious Santos FC and their American counterparts square off at the world's largest sports arena, Rio de Janeiro's Stadium Maracanan, the box office and betting takes are huge. Thus, Lupin and company plan to take the money, first getting themselves thrown in jail to give themselves alibis, and then escaping to make the theft once this is done. Will things go entirely as planned?

Épisode 3 - Hitler's Legacy

17 octobre 1977 - 4.5/5

Supposedly, an old man who knows the secret of the legacy of Hitler is living on the other side of the Berlin Wall. Walls are no problem, and taking Genhardt, the old man, to the West is easy enough, but he is absolutely senile and recalls nothing about any legacy. Therefore, the plan is to reenact a scene from the period, but... What has happened to the legacy, anyway?

Épisode 4 - I Can Hear Nessie's Singing

24 octobre 1977 - 4.5/5

At Loch Ness, Scotland, the mysterious monster Nessie shows itself charmed by Fujiko's singing. Doctor Oz, seeing this, decides to use Fujiko to draw out Nessie so that he can capture it and show it all over the world. There is also revenge involved. It's a fight to the death between Nessie and Oz's dinosaur robot. Will Lupin let Oz get away with his scheme?

Épisode 5 - I'll Teach You How to Transport Gold Bars

31 octobre 1977 - 4.5/5

Fujiko and a mystery man come bringing a request that Lupin steal a mountain of gold bullion from a Swiss bank, which is renowned throughout the world for the strength of its security. The man's idea, for them to join forces, steal the gold from underneath the vault, melt it down, and remold it so as to look like the body of a truck, is carried out to that point. What is the man's true identity? Who will have the last betrayal?

Épisode 6 - Will the Leaning Tower of Pisa Be Standing?

7 novembre 1977 - 4.4/5

Someone comes along and demands that the Italian government pay him a ransom if they don't want the Leaning Tower of Pisa destroyed by an earthquake. It seems he really does have a device for generating artificial earthquakes. The government meets his demands, but Lupin has it in mind to take the money for himself. The chase scene with Zenigata leads right to the enemy's lair, and the maddened criminal hits the switch, determined to teach everyone a lesson! What will become of the Leaning Tower?

Épisode 7 - Tutankhamen's 3,000 Year-Old Curse

14 novembre 1977 - 4.5/5

The place is Egypt. Lupin uses a balloon to boldly steal the deathmask of the boy-king, Tutankhamen. But the instant he puts it on, what appears before his eyes is the world of the pharaohs, 3000 years ago. The only way to break the ominous pharaoh's curse which is possessing Lupin is to put the mask back where it came from. How effective will the plan to return the golden deathmask be?

Épisode 8 - Ventian Super Express

21 novembre 1977 - 4.5/5

The Transeurope Superexpress is transporting a racehorse from Italy to France. But the collected valuables of crime boss Don Marcino is also aboard that train. His true objective is to get his ill-gotten gains out of the country. Lupin and company pull off a beautiful theft, but Marcino mounts his own counterattack, and the Superexpress is on a collision course!!

Épisode 9 - Would You Like Ukiyo-e Blues?

28 novembre 1977 - 4.5/5

An old man Lupin meets by chance turns out to be the grandson of Ukiyoe master Tooshuusai Sharaku. In order to test his own skill he has been switching his own works for Sharaku's originals, but suffered a heart attack just as he was about to make the last switch. At Fujiko's request, and after much trouble, Lupin succeeds in acting as Sharaku III's stand-in. But the old man has already died by that time. Where have the Ukiyoe gone?

Épisode 10 - Steal the File M123

5 décembre 1977 - 4.5/5

At the invitation of Marcel, a young noble of Paris' jetset, Lupin escorts Fujiko to a party. But this is a trap set by Marcel, who has another face. He takes Fujiko hostage, straps a timebomb belt around Lupin's waist, and tells him to steal a certain criminal list from Scotland Yard before time runs out. There's hardly any time left!

Épisode 11 - Bet on the Monaco Grand Prix!

12 décembre 1977 - 4.4/5

Racing freak Lupin has come to Monaco for the Gran Prix. Beforehand, when he goes to the casino to try his luck, he gets taken to the cleaners, losing even his Formula-1 car. But this is a set-up arranged by a fixer as part of a conspiracy aimed at the race. If the unknown Lupin wins, those who bet on him will win big. The starting light is blinking!!

Épisode 12 - A Gift for the President

19 décembre 1977 - 4.5/5

The last bottle of Bordeaux wine which Napoleon had made for Josephine is going to be given to the President of the United States as a Christmas present. Lupin and company head to Bordeaux in order to claim it for themselves, but are chased off by gunfire from Zenigata, whom they had intended to use. Their next attempt is the challenge of a transport aircraft over the Atlantic Ocean. Who will receive the present?

Épisode 13 - The Great Chase in San Francisco

26 décembre 1977 - 4.5/5

Lately, a depressed Old Man Zenigata has even been suffering from a persecution complex, one in which he feels certain Lupin is watching him. But is this delusion, or is he really being pursued?! The truth is, some group has implanted microfilm containing a process developed by NASA for creating artificial diamond in one of Zenigata's back teeth. Will Zenigata's peace of mind be able to stand this bizarre backwards chase?!

Épisode 14 - Big Adventure of the Caribbean Sea

9 janvier 1978 - 4.5/5

Foward Hees, the world's richest man, dies a mysterious death. Fujiko receives a large ruby in his will, but she too is attacked by a flock of creepy black birds. The ruby was stolen from a temple in the Caribbean. In order to save Fujiko from a mysterious fever, Lupin and company head there to return the ruby but are attacked by black magic zombies!

Épisode 15 - Renowned Detectives in the Sky

16 janvier 1978 - 4.4/5

Count Gabriel challenges Lupin. He dares him to steal Dracula's Tear, the world's best-known carbuncle, from on board his airship, the Hendenburg, with Holmes III, Detective Archer, Kaneda Koojisuke, and Inspector Zenigata in attendance. Let's go for it. Facing his rivals, the fateful moment gets closer and closer. The airship is headed for an airport where the police are waiting!

Épisode 16 - Two-Faced Lupin

23 janvier 1978 - 4.4/5

Transformation sickness - in which one changes into another, cruel personality, and commits crimes repeatedly, but has absolutely no memory of what happened during that time. After numerous crimes not worthy of the name of Lupin, the man himself, having completely lost his self-confidence, even contemplates taking his own life, in his depression. But due to various factors, cannot succeed at dying. But something is strange. Is the mass murderer really Lupin?!

Épisode 17 - Target the Oil Dollars

30 janvier 1978 - 4.4/5

A blackmail notice is delivered to a small Arab country: pay $100,000,000 if you don't want your oil fields blown up. Lupin and company set their sights on the payoff money, but according to intelligence agent Hassan, the enemy is apparently using human bombs. The gimmick is a remote-controlled capsule bomb implanted in the person's stomach. In fact, Hassan himself is the enemy leader, Lawrence III. Will crude oil and currency dance in the desert?!

Épisode 18 - Black Panther

6 février 1978 - 4.5/5

Black Panther - a one-of-a-kind emerald. When light shines on it from a certain angle, a black panther appears. Lupin, as per usual, acquires the gem and hides it temporarily in the museum in order to evade a body check by the strict security cordon, planning to come back for it later. But when both Zenigata and Inspector Conaiseau get involved as well, it's a real rough-and-tumble! What will become of the black panther?

Épisode 19 - Can the 10-Year Vault Be Broken?

13 février 1978 - 4.5/5

Having returned to Japan after an extended absence, Lupin challenges the Marukin line of safes, renowned for being absolutely unbreakable, and cracks them at every turn. Having completely lost confidence in himself, Marukin experiences the grief of bankruptcy. As far as Lupin is concerned, it's his natural ability at work, but Marukin's son, Tetsutaroo, challenges him in his father's place. Giving Lupin poison, he forces him to accept the challenge of opening the safe he give him - a safe which has neither lock nor combination, nor even a door!

Épisode 20 - Cornered Lupin

20 février 1978 - 4.5/5

"If only the wind hadn't blown that time..." Setting his sights on the large medallion on Generalissimo Hatler's chest (containing a 50-carat ruby), Lupin should have been able to take it easily enough, using his special rod-and-reel technique, but ends up exposing the Generalissimo's secret toupee. The infuriated Generalissimo order that Lupin and company be wiped out, and in the face of the attack by his combined armed forces, a wounded Lupin makes his stand in an old castle with Fujiko. Is this their end....?!

Épisode 21 - Goemon's Revenge

27 février 1978 - 4.5/5

Goemon returns to Iga after ten years, only to find his master, Jinen, near death. Before expiring, he tells Goemon that his junior disciple, Hissatsu Jinkuroo, stole half of the Scroll of the Secrets of the Iga Ninja, which contains a map showing the location of the Treasure of Iga. He also gives Goemon the remaining portion of the scroll, with the rest of the map. Jinkuroo, knowing that he doesn't stand a chance in a straight-on fight against Goemon, boldly has himself arrested, hoping to be put in prison, and thus beyond Goemon's reach. How will the trial, and the death duel, turn out?!

Épisode 22 - Explore the Mysterious Women's Palace

6 mars 1978 - 4.5/5

Lupin and Jigen hear of an amazing treasure in a remote area, and go after it. Upon saving a woman being attacked by ruffians, the place she leads them to, by way of thanks, is a paradise on earth, with good-looking women everywhere. Lupin accepts the thanks, completely forgetting about the treasure. The fact is, this mansion full of women is for the purpose of seducing men, and then exposing them to an aging gas. Is there a way for Lupin, now completely turned old, to recover?

Épisode 23 - A Witch in the Fourth Dimension

13 mars 1978 - 4.5/5

Lupin is feeling out of sorts, because lately he hasn't been able to get ahold of Fujiko. When he receives a phone call saying that she'll marry him if he passes her test, he takes off, but what he finds waiting for him is Fujiko's aunt, Mine BUJIKO. The test is, either find Rommel's Gold, or pay for failing to do so with his life. Lupin throws himself into deciphering ancient hieroglyphics. What grade does he get?

Épisode 24 - The Phantom Thief Rat Boy Appears

20 mars 1978 - 4.5/5

Appearing on a moonlit night, the figure in black who refers to Goemon as "the Thirteenth", calls himself "Nezumi-Koozoo IV." He informs Goemon that their ancestors teamed up in the International Thieves' Championship, but were defeated in competition by the original Lupin, and that they should team up to avenge this dishonor. The objective is top-secret data being kept under guard at Sakurada Police Station. Goemon and Nezumi split up, mounting a two-front offensive against Zenigata, who is reinforcing security. What will be the third-generation's next move?

Épisode 25 - Encounter with the Deadly Iron Lizard

27 mars 1978 - 4.4/5

There is a prison from which, it is said, no one attempts to escape. The reason is that the prison is guarded by Iron Lizards - self-propelled bombs which pursue people anywhere, based on data stored in a computer, and then finishes them off. Lupin and company learn that Fujiko is inside - held by the warden - and get inside themselves, but find themselves targets of the Iron Lizards. How will the breakout of death end?!

Épisode 26 - A Rose and a Pistol

3 avril 1978 - 4.4/5

Spanish roses are crimson. Zenigata, equipped to the teeth, heads to Spain for an arrest that can't fail, but a trap awaits Lupin and Jigen in Barcelona. Meyer, beaten any number of times, chooses as his trick the clever device of making them appear to be enemies in disguise to one another, and thus have them kill one another. Surrounding them is the stealthy shadow of a woman. Lupin and Jigen aim precisely at one another's hearts, and bullets fly out of the muzzles of their guns...?!

Épisode 27 - Where Did the Cinderella Stamp Go?

10 avril 1978 - 4.5/5

The Cinderella Shadow is a stamp which is said to possess the magical power of making its owner into a princess. Lupin casually steals it from the hall where it is being exhibited, but a girl named Alice also wants the stamp. Not only is she quite persistent, she is smart as well, and tries her best to get the stamp. At the finish of the fantastic chase through the amusement park, where has the Cinderella Stamp gone?

Épisode 28 - Female Detective Melon

17 avril 1978 - 4.4/5

In response to a notice from Lupin stating that he will take the money from every bank in Paris, Melon, a femal detective and the granddaughter of Inspector Garimard, rival of the original Arsène Lupin, is selected to replace Zenigata. The sea of bills gathered and stored in the underground police morgue is guarded by a special lock, whose switch is in the Superintendent-General's office. Melon's cold beauty shines in the Metro!

Épisode 29 - Electric Pigeon Tactics

24 avril 1978 - 4.4/5

The great thief Lupin III has numerous secret techniques, one of which is the Mid-air Float Technique. The Syndicate uses a dirty method to get their hands on it. Using a fake Lupin and Jigen, they torture X8 excruciatingly, filling him with the desire for revenge, and then send him against the real Lupin and Jigen. Lupin, knowing of this plot, fixes a keepsake of X8's mother, in order to prove that he's being framed, but... What is a man's tenacity?

Épisode 30 - The Wind in Morocco Is Hot

1 mai 1978 - 4.5/5

In Morocco, Lupin is attracted to a beautiful girl. Suddenly, he finds himself kidnapped and stuffed in a bag. he is taken to a desert encampment, where he is forcibly conscripted into the Foreign Legion. However, what should come spilling out of the bag next to his but Old Man Zenigata! Despite their protests, the two of them are shackled together by the neck, and their escape takes a twisted path. Which of them will be free?!

Épisode 31 - Shoot into the Midnight Sun

8 mai 1978 - 4.4/5

The sun doesn't set during summer in Stockholm. There, two beautiful twins, Latica and Anita, are fighting a repeated deathmatch. The reason is the location of the Viking treasure which is concealed on their backs. Lupin, playing two different roles, manages to photograph the map on both their backs, which only appears during the Summer Solstice, but the map has an additional secret!

Épisode 32 - Lupin Dies Twice

15 mai 1978 - 4.5/5

Zenigata is at the wheel of a patrol car. Sitting next to him is, of all people, Fujiko. She believes that the best way to protect Lupin from the high-speed hitman Puma is for him to be arrested by the police. Lupin answers Puma's ability to hit at long range, in the midst of rain and hail, goes out for a one-on-one showdown, and gets shot! Will the repose of poor Lupin's soul go with his love for Fujiko?

Épisode 33 - To Whom Orion's Crown Belongs

22 mai 1978 - 4.4/5

A stolen crown goes to auction by a secret route. Jigen is with the seller, Jaguar, Goemon is with the buyer, Tatsumaki, and Lupin is in disguise as the jewelry appraiser. Their objective in sneaking in is to get both the crown and the money used to purchase it. It's a four-way tug-of-war with Lupin, the Jaguar gang, the Tatsumaki gang, and even Zenigata getting in on the act! And lest we forget, an upset by Fujiko. What effect will that have on the outcome?!

Épisode 34 - Lupin Who Turned Into a Vampire

29 mai 1978 - 4.5/5

Heburai Village, Japan - a place where, according to legend, Jesus Christ was washed ashore. In an excavated casket, a beautiful woman is found in a near-death state, together with a golden statuette of the Virgin Mary. Lupin goes after the statuette, but the woman, Camilla, revives, and brings Lupin into her circle of vampire acquaintances. She is Christ's twin sister, and she stole the statuette from her brother and fled. Will Fujiko be rescued from sacrifice at the ball 2000 years later?!

Épisode 35 - Pursue the Gorilla Gang

5 juin 1978 - 4.5/5

A black pearl on which Lupin has set his sights is stolen just ahead of him by... a gang of three gorillas?! What would gorillas want with jewels? Lupin thinks, while setting up a decoy plan. When the gorillas next appear, they take both the jewels he set out from them, and Fujiko as well. This scene smells of a put-up job... That guardian of justice, Zenigata, doesn't give up either!

Épisode 36 - Uncover the Secret of Tsukikage Castle

12 juin 1978 - 4.5/5

This job, oddly enough, is at Goemon's request. The will of an old man, Kuranari, says that whoever solves the "mystery" and finds his inheritance can have it. Lupin takes the challenge of deciphering the code. But the Fuuma Ninja are also plotting to take the treasure for themselves. The end of the battle over the mystery culminates on the roof of the castle tower. Where is the legendary sword, Tsukikagemaru?!

Épisode 37 - The Hidden Gold of Genghis Khan

19 juin 1978 - 4.5/5

To steal the twin Golden Lions told of in the clan of Nariyoshi Shiase, Lupin and Jigen head for Mongolia. The real objective is the map concealed in the statue, which will lead them to the buried treasure of Genghis Khan. meanwhile, Fujiko, in search of Minamoto Yoshitsune's treasure, meets up with Goemon at Hiraizumi, Iwate Prefecture, where he is visiting his ancestor's grave. The two threads are brought together at Ryuujinnuma (Dragon God Swamp), and where is the treasure...?

Épisode 38 - The Sweet Trap of ICPO

26 juin 1978 - 4.5/5

Zenigata's successor as head of the Lupin detail is, surprise of surprises, Lupin's own supposed companion, Fujiko. She has taken on the task of arresting Lupin in exchange for the ICPO bureau chief, who is less concerned with appearances than with actually arresting Lupin, erasing her criminal record. Facing the woman who knows all about him, Lupin finally finds himself on his way to a special prison cell. Is this the end for Lupin at last...?

Épisode 39 - Diamonds Disappeared Under the Hong Kong Sky

3 juillet 1978 - 4.5/5

Lupin and Jigen search a smuggler's ship disguised as police officials, but find only thousands of chickens, not the diamonds they expected. Even though they infiltrate Dragonbaum Garden, lair of the smuggling boss, Kou Chin Ko, they can't find hide or hair of the diamonds, which are being sold undercover of a martial-arts tournament. What will the chickens lay for Kou's favorite egg dinner?

Épisode 40 - Operation Missile-Jack

10 juillet 1978 - 4.5/5

The first attempt on a shipment of Costa Rican diamonds (worth some 9,000,000,000¥ at the time) fails when the captured case is found to contain Zenigata instead. Word is that the diamonds will be transported to their destination, Puerto Rico, by missile. If Lupin loses it, it will be a blow to his reputation. The decision is made to attack the missile at the midpoint of its trajectory, but in order for this to succeed, it is necessary to get the precise launch time. What will the combination play produce?

Épisode 41 - Find Princess Kaguya's Treasure

17 juillet 1978 - 4.5/5

Kaguya, a beautiful young woman, asks for some strange items: from Lupin, the tears of the Yeti; from Jigen, a mermaid's scales; and from Goemon, the liver of a dragon. And she does so one at a time, all at Monaco. When the three of them return from their various adventures, the three items are combined with an elixir made of pollen from flowers from all over the world. Thus, they discover that the result is a mysterious potion. Will the sleeping prince awaken?!

Épisode 42 - Lupin Becomes a Bride

24 juillet 1978 - 4.5/5

The last voyage of shipping magnate Onabes's bachelorhood is an extravagant affair, with a ship full of beautiful women and first-class objets d'art. Lupin, knowing that Onabes has a villainous past, decides to give him a shock, by disguising himself as a shipwrecked woman(?!), and thus getting aboard his ship... a plan which works fine up to that point, but what should happen then but that Onabes falls in love at first sight with Lupin in his female disguise, and proposes!! Will wedding bells ring out at the church?!

Épisode 43 - Where Are Peking Man's Bones?

31 juillet 1978 - 4.5/5

Lupin is in Hong Kong for a vacation, when he is asked to find an old woman, as payment of a debt. Lupin is red-faced, and not just from the Hong Kong heat. A beautiful woman has also crossed his path. It turns out that her mother is the woman he is looking for, and the burial jar in her possession contains not the bones of her father, but the archaeologically famous bones of Peking Man! Fujiko is also after them. How will the struggle over the bone jar come out?

Épisode 44 - The Vanishing Special Armored Car

7 août 1978 - 4.5/5

The Sleeping Golden Lion is a statue which is being moved for the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of Australia's establishment as a nation. As defense against Lupin, an armored car made of a super-strong metal has been prepared. Under aerial surveillance by escort helicopters, Lupin steals the armored car by means of an underground elevator platform, using a herd of sheep as camouflage. But in addition to the lion statue, inside the car is Zenigata, nearly asphyxiated! Which will it be, the quarry, or Zenigata's life?!

Épisode 45 - Killing Is the Smell of Wine

14 août 1978 - 4.5/5

Lupin makes off with underworld boss Mulligan's jewelry. As might be expected, Fujiko takes them for herself, but Mulligan hires the highly skilled Hangman to get them back. This strange-smelling man pins down Lupin and company with intense machinegun fire! Unable to stand simply being wiped out, they return fire with prize wine. Having escaped one disaster, next comes Zenigata?!

Épisode 46 - Lupin Will Fetch a High Price

21 août 1978 - 4.5/5

On the auction block at the Wanted Club, is of all people, Lupin. This organization, which captures criminals and sells them into slavery, also finds out Jigen's location due to his own carelessness. Doctor Mad makes the winning bid for Lupin, and he intends to use Lupin as a guinea pig in his human reconstruction experiments. Killer cyborgs come at Lupin on a desert island. Does flesh-and-blood Lupin stand a chance?!

Épisode 47 - Her Majesty's Slipshod Inspectors

28 août 1978 - 4.5/5

This time, Lupin's target is the historic Imperial State Crown, but it won't be easy, because Inspectors Dover and Pepper of Scotland Yard are keeping a tight guard on it. On their second try, on the day of the royal wedding, their trick comes off, and when the wedding bells of Westminster Abbey peal, will Big Ben chime the witching hour?!

Épisode 48 - Lupin Laughs While the Alarm Bell Rings

4 septembre 1978 - 4.5/5

Even though he announces that he will take the till from the Kentucky Derby, Lupin's first strike, on the transport car, fails. A despondent Lupin jumps straight into the Hudson River... but it's all part of his scenario. The main act is a supposedly perfect, supposedly foolproof cracking of the Metropolitan Bank's vault. How will Lupin penetrate an alarm system that sounds loud bells at the weight of even a handkerchief?

Épisode 49 - A Pretty Woman Has Venom

11 septembre 1978 - 4.5/5

Jacqueline - a beautiful woman who has become a multimillionaire through acquiring alimony and inheritances whenever she changes husbands. Lupin set his sights on her diamond collection, which is fine, but before you know it, Lupin and Jacqueline are very close. To a man and woman, time is unnecessary. Fujiko, who as usual is also after the treasure, is captured by the Cobra crime syndicate. What is the thread that ties together a beautiful body and a venomous snake?

Épisode 50 - Lupin, Whom I Loved (Part 1)

18 septembre 1978 - 4.5/5

Tonight another secret auction of smuggled artworks is beginning. Naturally, just as Lupin is taking possession of same, Fujiko comes along yet again and snatches them away. But Fujiko goes missing soon after. The pursuing woman takes off her mask, revealing to Lupin a woman he had loved in younger days, a woman, who lost her life saving Lupin's - Cornelia?!

Épisode 51 - Lupin, Whom I Loved (Part 2)

25 septembre 1978 - 4.5/5

Having met Lupin again, Cornelia does not remember him, and complains of headaches. The secret is her father, Doctor Zell, one of the last remaining Nazis. During World War II, he conducted secret experiments, the Corpse Preservation Project, and has been continuing them ever since. He has even sacrificed Cornelia, who chose Lupin over himself, to the Project. An army of the dead rises from the cemetery. Memories of love cause Cornelia confusion. "Remember, Cornelia!"

Épisode 52 - Emmanuelle Is an Angel's Whisper

2 octobre 1978 - 4.5/5

A canon for eternal life and youth is said to be concealed in the jungles of Thailand. Not only is Fujiko after it, but so is the beautiful and coldly intelligent Emmanuelle Poirot, granddaughter of the legendary detective, Hercule Poirot. With Surrender, her cat with poisoned claws. Lupin goes to the temple where the canon is said to be, being manipulated all the way, and takes the challenge of stealing the canon from the footstone containing it!! A beautiful trap is set, stealing even into the heart.

Épisode 53 - The Mad Fantoma Mark III

9 octobre 1978 - 4.5/5

Fujiko is taken hostage in exchange for the world's largest ruby, which Lupin recently acquired from the royal house of India. The one making the demand is Fantoma Mark III, grandson of the mysterious European master thief and disguise artist, Fantoma. He intends to use the ruby as the oscillation unit of a laser satellite, with which he will melt the Antarctic ice, thus sinking the world's major cities, and enabling him to conquer the world. Lupin's attitude is, how dare you think of using my ruby and Fujiko for something like that! Can Lupin figure out how to swim in space?

Épisode 54 - Detective Hanshichi's Ten-Year Promise

16 octobre 1978 - 4.5/5

The aging detective Mikawa Hanshichi is treated as a nuisance at the downtown police station where he is assigned, but to Zenigata he is a great and respected elder. At this time, in celebration of the founding of Asakusa Temple, a golden statuette of Kannon, long since hidden away, will go on display, and Lupin, setting his sights on it, sends word of his intended coming. Hanshichi, who experienced trouble with Lupin ten years before, is determined that this time for sure he will match wits, with a great arrest taking place on the roof of Asakusa Temple. It's official business!

Épisode 55 - Falling Cherry Blossoms - The Mysterious Gang of Five (Part One)

23 octobre 1978 - 4.5/5

Lupin and company acquire the 36 Views of Mt. Fuji from an exhibition hall in Shinjuku. A group calling themselves the "Shiragami Five" bar their way. As a tryout, they steal just one of the 36 Views, indicating that they will come for the others at another time. Lupin deposits them in his electronically-locked vault, and prepares for attack. But Fujiko is captured, and even Goemon sides with the Five. What will happen?!

Épisode 56 - Falling Cherry Blossoms - The Mysterious Gang of Five (Part Two))

30 octobre 1978 - 4.5/5

Goemon challenges Lupin to a one-on-one duel, in order that they may at last fight their decisive battle. Lupin is caught on the point of his sword. Taking advantage of this opening, the Five take the 36 Views, but one of their members, Benten Kikuko, escapes, telling Goemon she wants to show the Views to her gravely ill father. When Goemon discovers that he's been deceived, he bares his neck to Lupin. Where are the 36 Views? If groups of five are the rule, then who's the lead for our side?!

Épisode 57 - Will It Be the Computer or Lupin?

6 novembre 1978 - 4.5/5

The one and only supposedly perfect safe in the world is housed inside a VTOL aircraft. And it is guarded by a supposedly almighty defense computer, programmed with all of Lupin's data, making it Professor Hunter's masterpiece. On a sudden impulse, Old Man Zenigata steals one of the throwing coins of his great Edo-period ancestor, Zenigata Heiji, and ends up carrying out a strange team-up operation with Lupin to put it back again. Is it possible to escape from an infinite maze?

Épisode 58 - The Border Is the Face of Farewell

13 novembre 1978 - 4.5/5

The target is the Aurora Drop, a diamond adorning a ballerina's forehead. A special remote-control operation nets the diamond easily enough, but a wounded Jigen is rescued by said ballerina, Monika, and ends up helping her put her desire to defect into action. With fake passports declaring them husband and wife, the two of them head for the border. The only way to escape the Communist Bloc is to smash through the checkpoint. I pay my debts, Monika!

Épisode 59 - The Mysterious World of Madame X

20 novembre 1978 - 4.5/5

Having yet again shaken off Zenigata's pursuit, Lupin finds his way barred by a gigantic Fujiko. This device is the work of Madame X. Imprisoned in an old castle, he can do nothing as he is toyed with in the midst of mysterious phenomena. Madame X's hobby is collecting famous personages from around the world and turning them into living wax figures, and she means to add Lupin and company to her collection. How are illusions being worked?!

Épisode 60 - A Flower of Suicide Blooms in India

27 novembre 1978 - 4.5/5

The Suicide Ray Gun - once you're hit with it, it causes a sickness in which one wants to die as soon as possible. When the inventor of this weapon turns to evil, stopping it is no easy matter. Bandit leader Basara is the man with the gun, and he tries to wring out of Lupin the location of a diamond he's hidden in India. He even tries a fake Fujiko when all else fails to get Lupin to talk, but... What is the specific remedy for death-wish sickness?!

Épisode 61 - The Flying Zantetsuken

4 décembre 1978 - 4.5/5

When a gang boss and a death-dealing arms merchant join forces, nothing good is certain to come of it. They set their sights on Zantetsuken, which can cut even tanks in half, get Fujiko to steal it for them, and transform it into an invincible flying weapon of war. Meanwhile, Lupin and Jigen head to Central Africa to get Zantetsuken back for Goemon, whom they have left with Zenigata, as he is determined to die, seeing no other path for himself now that he has lost his warrior's soul. Does Zantetsuken have a weakness?!

Épisode 62 - The Sound of the Devil's Bells Calls Lupin

11 décembre 1978 - 4.5/5

Lupin receives a letter from Jigen and Goemon asking for help. He heads for their location, but finds the men of Gemallschaft, this village which isn't to be found on any map, where the church bells ring, living their lives under the guidance of Sister Labina. Jigen and Goemon seem to be different people. The secret is the sound of the bells. Labina is using mass hypnosis to turn the villagers into perfectly obedient soldiers, whom she then intends to sell. Jigen and Goemon close in on Lupin with intent to kill!!

Épisode 63 - A Trap for a Trap!

18 décembre 1978 - 4.5/5

Don Kecchi, the richest man in America, plans to donate all his wealth to charity. Lupin steals his money, and of all things shoots Fujiko right before Zenigata's eyes. But the real Lupin witnesses that Lupin's actions with his own eyes?! This is an act put on by Kecchi, who has learned that his illness was misdiagnosed, and decided that he wants his money back. The whole sequence was done with holograms. Who will end up with the 20,000,000,000,000¥?

Épisode 64 - Christmas Is in the Hands of the Goddess

25 décembre 1978 - 4.5/5

Lupin and company are spending their Xmas vacation in New York, but Margaret who owns both Tiffany's and a TV station, hires them to rob the store on live TV. Even though they don't feel up to it, Fujiko ends up using the blank check provided as token of the agreement, and they're stuck with going through with it. With the eyes and ears of all America tuned in, the exciting stealing technique will be lure fishing for jewelry?!

Épisode 65 - Lupin's Enemy Is Lupin

8 janvier 1979 - 4.5/5

"You are the only ones who can rescue our kidnapped Princess Yasmin!" Lupin and company are hired for the task by a small Silk Road country in exchange for all the holy curry they can eat. But this is in fact a trap set for Lupin. Within a fortress guarded by automatic missiles is Mister X, who looks exactly like Lupin. At the conclusion of a duel with water-sabers, which is the real one?!

Épisode 66 - Shooting Orders!

15 janvier 1979 - 4.5/5

Lupin tries to take it easy while Zenigata's away, but he suddenly finds himself being shot at. It's the coming of Beauty, who has accepted secret shooting orders from ICPO Headquarters. At the site where Lupin meets him for a one-on-one showdown, Lupin is blown away by Beauty's powerful Dum-Dum rounds, but gets away with his life thanks to Jigen's last-second save. When Jigen confronts Beauty to avenge Lupin, Lupin has only one handmade fulminate-of-mercury round for Jigen's gun!

Épisode 67 - Lupin's Big Saiyuuki

22 janvier 1979 - 4.5/5

The mountain country of Kima, hidden away in Tibet, has mountains of treasure! On hearing this, Lupin and company head there. Though they infiltrate as a group of anthropological researchers, they are captured by Kinkaku and Ginkaku, the giants who rule the country, and ordered to fight each other as human playing pieces in a game of killer shogi. Jigen and Goemon are sucked into a gourd full of sulphuric acid. How will they get out of this pinch?!

Épisode 68 - Casino Island - Inversions and More Inversions

29 janvier 1979 - 4.5/5

Casino Paradise is an artificial island floating in New York Harbor. Domino, its operator, plans to use the $500,000,000 capital contained in the casino's three mobile safes to back his own run for president. Of the opinion that there is nothing he cannot steal, Lupin goes on a preliminary tour, and gets friendly with Nina, Domino's daughter. A big fan of Lupin's, she offers her assistance, but just then the artificial island is inverted through the strategy of Robert, Domino's campaign manager.

Épisode 69 - The Woman the Old Man Fell in Love with

5 février 1979 - 4.5/5

Political fixer Pomade Jors didn't trust anyone, so he implanted a miniature bomb inside the heart of his wife, Laura, and put all the scandal data he had acquired on political leaders of various countries into a special voice-activated safe. New York mafia boss Alec Cabane, having set his sights on that data, kills Pomade, steals the safe, and threatens Laura's life, because it is her voice that is the key to the safe. But if she speaks, and thus opens the safe, without her husband present to speak first and activate the safety mechanism, the bomb inside her heart will explode one minute later, with distance not a factor. Seeking help, Laura finds Zenigata, and they escape, their ongoing flight leading to love... Tragedy and confession come together.

Épisode 70 - Classic Thieves and Mynah Birds

12 février 1979 - 4.5/5

Even though Zenigata comes raging up to FBI HQ, Lupin, Jigen, and Goemon are... clearly all in solitary confinement. This is actually all part of their plan, and they spring Clyde Barlow, an old man with the same name as the one-time machine-gun bandit. Then they get him to help in their attack on the trailer which the National Super Bank is using as temporary facilities while the main building is renovated. The old man's companion, Bonnie Parker, also signs on, and the activities of a mynah bird open the vault's door, but...?

Épisode 71 - Lupin vs The Shinsen Group

19 février 1979 - 4.5/5

Kondoo Isamu III, grandson of the leader of the Shinsen Group of Tokugawa loyalists who fought the New Meiji Government during the collapse of the Shogunate, hires Lupin and company to recover the legendary Golden Cannon, sunk by the Shogunate forces in the Tsugaru Strait (between Hokkaido and Honshu), and which would be worth some 7-8,000,000,000¥ to collectors. The problem is the violent deep-sea current which protects the sunken vessel. A ring toss catch project acquires the golden cannon, but afterwards a death struggle for possession takes place. Okida, controlling a monster squid, takes a do-or-die course of action, shouting that he will take his ancestors' legacy and make Hokkaido an independent country.

Épisode 72 - The Skateboard Murder Mystery

26 février 1979 - 4.5/5

The owner of the legendary sapphire, the Eye of Solomon, is Ellary Queen, who also owns the Red Eagles football team. Lupin, coming for the sapphire as he declared he would, retreats for the time being when he finds Queen near death. Someone has already attacked Queen, attempting to hand him. According to the deduction of Bolonco, son of Detective Lt. Columbo, the sapphire has not yet been stolen. Who really dunit?

Épisode 73 - Flowers and Storms and a Thieves' Race

5 mars 1979 - 4.3/5

Lupin and Jigen are full of fighting spirit as they enter the final event of the Thieves' Olympics, the getaway race, beginning at Sooyamisaki, Japan's northernmost point, with the finish line at Japan's southernmost point, Sakurajima, Kyuushuu. If they win this event, they will be the greatest thieves in history. The only rule of the race is to win. How you do it doesn't matter. Getting past the strong American and Soviet teams, they move into a dead heat. But there is yet again a clear scent of conspiracy surrounding the proceedings. The sponsor of the event is Fantoma Mark III, hell-bent for revenge. Will the racetrack set as the goal be destroyed?

Épisode 74 - The Terrifying Chameleon Man

12 mars 1979 - 4/5

The world's largest uncut diamond has been discovered in South Africa, and naturally Lupin goes there and gets it. Unable to cut the ore, no matter how he tries, he finally gets Goemon to do it. But this is part of the plan of the diamond concern, who have the cut diamond recovered by Guiness, the Chameleon Man. Guiness's special tank cannot be affected by ordinary bullets. This will require a round made from a diamond.

Épisode 75 - Fujiko Doesn't Look Good in a Bridal Gown

19 mars 1979 - 4.3/5

Unable to bear Fujiko getting married all in white, Lupin shoots her, then follows her by blowing himself up. But it's a trick. It's a big show, the purpose of which is to get the jewelry collection of Fujiko's would-be groom, Hafner. But Hafner is also a collector of brides, on a scale that would do justice to Bluebeard. Danger is closing in on Fujiko. Will Lupin arrive in time?

Épisode 76 - Do You Know Shakespeare?

26 mars 1979 - 4/5

Jigen heads for the African republic of Borodias, with Lupin and company in pursuit, when he receives a letter from Sister Angelica. Angelica wants his help in rescuing Dr. Othello, head of the country's independence movement. Once a member of a noble Venetian family, she devoted herself to this land ever since Jigen left her eight years ago, when she looked to God for help. But the whole thing is the conspiracy of a major world power, which is controlling the situation from behind the scenes. Why are Othello's eyes blue?

Épisode 77 - Arrest Lupin with Horoscopes

2 avril 1979 - 4.3/5

The Astrology Project: ICPO's special operation. Marianne, who can predict all of Lupin's actions via scrying with her crystal ball, is the opponent this time. The objective is Poseidon's Tear, an emerald which is the sign of the king of the country of Danmal. Goemon, charmed and mesmerized by a strange pigeon, tries to cut Lupin! Marianne wants the Emerald for herself. What is her gimmick?

Épisode 78 - Diamonds Gleam in a Robot's Eye

9 avril 1979 - 4/5

A scientist who has no shortage of strange devices accidentally invents a robot that manufactures diamonds. Gavotte, a New York gangster, gets it to give to his girlfriend, Baby, but all they get out of it is ice. And thus follow a series of ridiculous failed exchanges surrounding the doctor and the robot, leading finally to a swap site at an amusement park. Can the robot be restored to its proper function?

Épisode 79 - The Lupin Funeral March

16 avril 1979 - 4.3/5

Genius musician Kyoransky's conducting stick is conducting the music of Lupin's death. Those who hear the performance attack him. Lupin's target is also that diamond-studded conducting stick. Pretending to be a cameraman, Lupin records the orchestra on video, analyzes the orchestra recording, and solves the mystery: it's hypnosis, manifest through soundwaves beyond the range of human hearing. When the moment of the showdown approaches, Lupin wields a soup ladle full of holes in his hand.

Épisode 80 - The Last Gift in Prison is Cup Ramen

23 avril 1979 - 4.3/5

Silver, who once worked with Lupin on a train robbery, stole the money himself, hid it somewhere, and promptly got himself thrown into prison on a rinky-dink charge. Lupin, having learned that Silver is about to be released, goes to the prison intent on making Silver tell what he did with the loot, only to discover that, while Silver was in prison, a new top-of-the-line prison was built over the site where he hid the money. Now, will the operation to trade an execution for the recovery of the money succeed?

Épisode 81 - Fujiko, Men Are a Sorry Lot!

30 avril 1979 - 4/5

Lupin and company are after the Bell of the Duchy of Beltenberg, constructed in the 15th century. However, it's a fake, and it's being guarded by Zenigata. Angered at these various problems, Fujiko takes off for Paris, where she falls in love with, and becomes engaged to, Claude, heir to the duchy. She has a weakness for royalty, after all. But the aim of the rulers is to exchange Fujiko for discovery of the real bell.

Épisode 82 - Rescuing Pops

7 mai 1979 - 4.3/5

Zenigata is abducted from ICPO?! Terrorists demand the release of Napoleon XI from prison in exchange for their hostage. ICPO refuses to answer the demand because of concerns of face, but Zenigata's life is at stake. This is where Lupin comes in. But Napoleon XI is a narcoleptic, who can only stay awake for three hours a day. What will become of the Old Man's rescue?

Épisode 83 - Lupin's Big Western

14 mai 1979 - 4.3/5

Due to heavy competition in the hit-man industry, the Smith Gang's business results aren't good. So, at Fujiko's suggestion, they make a real-life film of killing Lupin, making it look like they're filming a Western. If they complete this commercial, it will be proof that they're No. 1 in the industry, and it will also make an excellent promotional piece as well! Lupin nonchalantly comes and goes on the set at Fujiko's invitation.

Épisode 84 - Leave the Revenge to Lupin

21 mai 1979 - 4.3/5

Joe Spade, once an expert gunman who taught Jigen how to shoot, unable to ward off the passing years, he has been cornered, and comes begging for help. Jigen, who takes debts very seriously, goes to Marseilles, but Joe is completely gone. The same gang which was after Joe is also after Lupin! There are also a string of jewel thefts using a telephotograph machine.

Épisode 85 - The ICPO's Secret Plan

28 mai 1979 - 4/5

In order to make the dream of Maureen, daughter of a Mafia boss, come true in the brief time remaining to her, Stefan, her street-punk boyfriend, risks the showdown of his life. Lupin and company end up helping them out because Fujiko is moved by their plight, but it's all a secret ICPO project! Bureau chief Jasmine's strategy chases them all into a room with special mobile grating. Trouble!!

Épisode 86 - The Mysterious Nocturnal Mask

4 juin 1979 - 4.3/5

The true identity of Nightlight Mask, who killed the Duke of Le Mond and stole his opal, is Lupin! Working on the deduction of novelist Conan Dorill, the mystery man will appear at the costume ball, kill the daughter of Count Johannes and steal a second opal. An innocent Lupin is not at all satisfied. Professor Dolmen has the third opal. How will the revenge concealed within the ancient treasure of the Incas resolve itself?

Épisode 87 - When the Devil Calls to Lupin

11 juin 1979 - 4.3/5

On a night of pouring rain, a doll in the shape of a small girl is delivered to Lupin's hideout, and manipulates Lupin into stealing the jewel known as the Phoenix's Tear. From the shadows, the villain Mephistopheles is pulling the strings. The next objective is the Dragon's Tear, the Phoenix's Tear opposite. They are legacy of slain Jewish millionaire Jacob, and the true identity of the doll's controller is his son, Peter. The danger of a big explosion at a stadium, meant to kill former Nazis is closing in.

Épisode 88 - Lupin's North Pole, South Pole Adventure

18 juin 1979 - 4.3/5

To steal the Nobel Prize, all you have to do is successfully carry out an experiment to move the penguins from the South Pole to the North Pole?! Lupin wastes no time in carrying out this plan, but this is in fact camouflage. His real objective is to take the Vatican Crown, placed at the North Pole as a prayer for peace. The penguins he brings with him confound both Fujiko and the underground organization known as the Red Voyagers League. So where is the crown?

Épisode 89 - Play the Thief's Symphony

25 juin 1979 - 4.3/5

Within the special vault of the World Crime Prevention Devices Association are drawings of all the world's safes. It's impregnable, with explosives rigged to go off at the slightest change in weight in its elevator, and a sound-gathering and detection system connected to a nuclear reactor. Lupin even retires to the mountains and devises a sound-dampening device, but is defeated by the sound of the device's own functioning. Surprise of surprises, what is the special vault's blind spot?

Épisode 90 - Bad Guys Make the Worst Crooks

2 juillet 1979 - 4.3/5

Having a gun pointed at him in Harlem, Lupin makes the acquaintance of Chico, a street-smart kid. Even while Lupin plays tag with Zenigata, Chico can only think of making small change, but sucking up even such small pickings is Boss Markane. Lupin sneaks into Markane's party in order to expose Markane's hypocrisy, but becomes the target of the evening's entertainment: a game of murder.

Épisode 91 - The Time-Traveling Girl

9 juillet 1979 - 4.3/5

Lupin rescues a beautiful girl who has completely lost her memory. Learning that the key to her identity is in Persia, Lupin and company fly to Tehran, but through the machinations of Giranin's Red Spider Gang, who are after the girl, they end up being sentenced to beheading by the Iranian Army. The girl is in fact Ianne, daughter of Darius, king of ancient Persia. Will the "Eternal Rainbow," which only a hero may hold, disappear in a faraway whirlwind?

Épisode 92 - The Madam and the Robber's Quartet

16 juillet 1979 - 4/5

Learning that the entire possessions of Piccolo, a man who taught Lupin about thievery when he was a young punk, have all been impounded by the police, Lupin and company go to see what they can do. Madame, his widow, knows nothing of her husband's true profession, believing him to be a musician, which means one big headache. The foursome are stuck with raiding the Liverpool Police Department while deceiving Madame with musical instruments at the same time.

Épisode 93 - Invading the Great Wall

23 juillet 1979 - 4.3/5

Lupin, Jigen, and Goemon steal the jade mah-jongg set which belonged to Emperor Shi, from the Peking Old Palace Museum. Even though he's kept his promise to get them for her, Fujiko won't marry him because he lacks intellect and refinement?! In that case, Lupin drinks the Confucian Analects, steeped in the Elixir of Learning, an ancient Chinese potion which enables one to absorb instantly the knowledge contained in any book which has been dissolved in the fluid. However, drinking the Analects transforms Lupin into a holy man, one who hates money and women. It's the conspiracy of Chang, a scientist turned gangster, who wants the mah-jongg tiles.

Épisode 94 - Lupin vs. Superman

30 juillet 1979 - 4/5

When Superman appears in the New York City sky, a bank robbery takes place nearby. Investigating together with Inspector McCleed, Zenigata suspects that it's Lupin's doing, but Lupin himself finds the notion simply ridiculous. Checking the banks which have been robbed, Lupin finds a small supermarket at the center of the ring they make. How will the showdown between Superman, Lupinman, and Fujikowoman end up?

Épisode 95 - From the Ghost Ship with Love

6 août 1979 - 4/5

Lupin and Fujiko obtain the statuette known as the Stonechild from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, only to have their Cessna crash in the Bermuda Triangle, and run into a ghost ship. The ship's female captain, Jeanne, confronts Lupin, but it develops that there are three of these stone figurines: Lupin has one, Jeanne has another, and shipping tycoon Hees has the third. Who made them? Will the mystery of the century be answered at Stonehenge?

Épisode 96 - Lupin's Gourmet World

13 août 1979 - 4.3/5

There are any number of repulsive things to eat, but Baron Gourmel wants to eat Lupin's fresh brain. The promise of his diamond collection to whoever delivers it is irresistible to Fujiko. With Jigen, who likes pork and beans, and Goemon, with his three-minute soba noodles, mixed in for good measure, how will the sublime pie-throwing showdown with the army of cooks come out? Is Lupin's cooking any good...?

Épisode 97 - Find Lupin the First's Treasure

20 août 1979 - 3.8/5

Within one of Lupin's back teeth, a piece of microfilm containing the location of the grave of Lupin I is concealed. Using a nude operation, Fujiko takes it, teams up with Holmes III, and together with three secret agents representing the U.S., Great Britain, and the U.S.S.R., they take to the sky in a gigantic hot-air balloon. Lupin, Jigen, and Goemon fight the secret weapons of the three agents, meant to eliminate interference, with the "Live Capture" technique(?!) taught to them the hard way by Zenigata. Where is the treasure? Who is the thief?

Épisode 98 - The Day Pops Was Gone

27 août 1979 - 4.3/5

Zenigata, barring Lupin's path today the same as he has every other day, is suddenly shot in the middle of his attempted arrest! Fujiko is burning with rage, but Paris Police Superintendent Truffaut, who has declared that the killer is Lupin, is himself suspicious. Following the regulations concerning death in the line of duty, he tries to have Zenigata's corpse cremated, but just when he finally gets it to the site, after strenuous efforts, it abruptly gets up?

Épisode 99 - The Scattered Magnum

3 septembre 1979 - 4/5

The loot this time is the single Hannibal coin, which is in the Duchy of Blanco. Hidden within it is the site where the hero Hannibal buried his war chest, but Jigen, who was late for a duel five years ago due to unavoidable circumstances, chooses instead the road that leads to the showdown with his enemy, Stoneman. The time for the border closing is near. When the duel begins, Jigen's Magnum isn't in his holster. What is Lupin up to?

Épisode 100 - The Ultra Train Heist Plan

10 septembre 1979 - 4.3/5

To cover the dinner bill for the President of France, an auction of artworks in storage at the Louvre is held, with an extemporaneous piece by Lupin I going on the block. It goes to Nai Baba, Arabian village chieftain and oil millionaire. It gets transported under heavy guard, but Zenigata knows that Lupin will try to take it. Fending off numerous sneak attacks, Zenigata finds himself the object of the chieftain's attentions

Épisode 101 - Versailles, Burning with Love

17 septembre 1979 - 4.3/5

The Black Lilly Party, obsessed with restoring the aristocracy, tries to get Lupin to find the phantom Crown of Marie Antoinette. On a hint from Oscar, the young, very attractive leader of the Black Lilly's Stormtroopers, Lupin removes the crown from a hidden compartment in a mirror at the palace of Versailles, but, breaking the promise of a 50/50 split, Oscar takes the crown and turns fugitive. What is Oscar's true identity?

Épisode 102 - Lupin, Do You Like Chanel?

24 septembre 1979 - 4.3/5

Lupin is after the golden gun and diamond bullets that are the heirlooms of the House of Wilhelm, but upon learning that the current head of the house, Brillia, is a girl still in her teens, Lupin gives up. At the same time, a string of handgun thefts are taking place in London. The 99th gun stolen is Jigen's Magnum, and the 100th is Lupin's Walther P-38. Lupin fights Benkei's magnet-gun with a remote-controlled flying gun. The scent of Chanel fills the air. How does the vault containing the golden gun open?

Épisode 103 - The Wolf Saw an Angel

1 octobre 1979 - 4/5

The LA National Bank is hit with a rash of robberies, their objective being the World's Jewelry Fair exhibits being stored there. Lupin, of course, is also carrying out his own plan, an underground attack which is a smashing success. At the moment when he has acquired the valuable jewelry, Vietnam veteran Harry Satler strikes with heavy artillery. He needs money for the treatments his daughter's eyes require. The blind daughter, Mary, meets an angel in the badlands...!

Épisode 104 - The Most Dangerous Golden Bed

8 octobre 1979 - 4/5

If you wonder why the golden bed in Texas millionaire Morgan's possession is said to be the most dangerous, it's because it's guarded by laser beams, immersed in a pool of high-strength sulphuric acid, and is shielded by a tank division and numerous other systems. Lupin can't back down from stealing it because Fujiko wants it for a love nest, so, on their third assault, Lupin, Jigen, and Goemon draw off the tanks and fighter planes, and attempts to use Morgan's own 45-inch gun himself. Now, how will he fare in the end?

Épisode 105 - The Mystery of Demon's Head Island

15 octobre 1979 - 4/5

On Devil's Head Island, in the Seto Inland Sea, there is a legend of refugees from the Heike Clan. Gempaku, who wants to see his descendant, Motomaro, continue the family line, has tried all manner of methods, using the Forest of Disappearances as a cover, but Motomaro keeps stuffing and mounting the women Gempaku brings him. With treasure seeking Fujiko and Lupin, and Zenigata and Goroohachi, the patrol officer stationed on the island, who are in hot pursuit, getting all mixed in, the battle with the samurai army is a seesaw. Is there no escape from the heavy siege?

Épisode 106 - You're the Cat, I'm the Fish

22 octobre 1979 - 4/5

Vivian wants to become a star so badly that she's even willing to become Lupin's victim if it'll make her famous, but a slip of the tongue causes her to say "Lupin stole a cat that eats pencil shavings." Lupin, infuriated at the grade-school newspaper report, begins a search for the cat in question, feeling disgraced at having been accused of stealing something so stupid. The duo of Bucky and Butcher also get mixed up in the proceedings. But does this cat really exist?

Épisode 107 - The Curse of the Wedding Ring

29 octobre 1979 - 4.3/5

What Fujiko has priced out for her wedding ring is the legendary Hope Diamond, said to cause all its possessors misfortune. During the taking of it from the Smithsonian Institute, Lupin suffers a multitude of bad luck and disasters. This diamond really is possessed by a demon. Even though they manage to hold the wedding, Fujiko transforms into an old woman! Will love's tenacity win out?! Whose face is that in the mirror?

Épisode 108 - Zantetsuken's Lament

5 novembre 1979 - 4/5

Even on vacation, Goemon has eyes for nothing except swordsmanship. A girl named Naomi takes on of the iron bars Goemon had wrapped in bundles of straw for the purpose of cutting practice. Her grandfather is a swordsmith, and he wants very much to make a katana better than Zantetsuken. Naomi puts energy into her support of her grandfather, and they discover Zantetsuken's secret: the high temperature of its blade. Who holds the true legendary blade?

Épisode 109 - Lupin's Toughest Fight Ever

12 novembre 1979 - 4.3/5

Once again, Lupin's life is the object of a wager. If he wins, Fujiko will get a 5000-carat raw diamond. Lupin's opponent, chosen by Almighty, with whom Fujiko has her bet, is the high-speed killer, Tiger. He's enough of a marksman to hit Lupin in the forehead with a ketchup bullet. The showdown has begun, but is there some sort of trick to Tiger's ability to appear and disappear without warning? The showdown comes to a climax in the amusement park's house of mirrors.

Épisode 110 - Fujiko's Candid Photo

19 novembre 1979 - 4/5

A theft report is received from the police state of Malda. The investigation methods are much too harsh and unforgiving, considering that all that was stolen was one camera. Actually, this camera is the invention of the century: it can take pictures of the future. Thus, the hand of the state police closes in on Fujiko, who has been winning a string of large gambles. The excessively heavy-handed treatment pushes Zenigata past his limits. Against a robot adversary, will one police officer's fighting spirit do the job?

Épisode 111 - Is the Invaders Safe Open?

26 novembre 1979 - 4.3/5

While walking around New York City's downtown area, where Jigen grew up, Catherine, an old acquaintance who is now the widow of a diamond broker, issues a challenge: "Can you steal my jewelry?" Jigen goes, reluctantly, with Lupin and Goemon tagging along, but security is tighter than tight, and a half-baked effort will not suffice. The final Space Invader Safe is itself a major obstacle, but there is no time remaining to Catherine.

Épisode 112 - Goemon's Close Call

3 décembre 1979 - 4.3/5

Through his own carelessness, Goemon is taken prisoner at a hot spring, and subjected to torture by the assassin team of Rose and Wolf. They want to kill Lupin, because that will make the best proof of them being the best in the world. To that end, they are attempting to make Goemon, as Lupin's associate, tell them Lupin's weakness. The torture gets intense, but Goemon doesn't tell them anything. At the very moment when things look their worst, Zantetsuken flashes.

Épisode 113 - Operation Chushingura

10 décembre 1979 - 4/5

The chief of police is reprimanded for his laissez-faire attitude toward Lupin, and dismissed from his post after assaulting the Prime Minister. Things having come to that point, the only way to restore his loss of face is to arrest Lupin! While the 47 top police officers are assembling, a strange old man asks Lupin to dig up the treasure of Kira Koozukenosuke from underneath the police station. The time is naturally a snowscape, and how will the showdown with Zenigata, in battle costume, turn out?

Épisode 114 - The Secret of the First Supper

17 décembre 1979 - 4.3/5

For 2000 years, the clan of Judas Iscariot, betrayer of Jesus Christ, have searched for the whereabouts of Christ's legacy, but have been unable to solve the mystery. The current descendant, Nova, has succeeded in inventing an eye medicine that gives one the power to see through anything. She gives it to Zenigata, and stirs him up by telling him that Lupin will only interfere with their getting married. Zenigata goes all out for love, but Nova's objective is the half of the mystery painting, "The First Supper, " painted by Christ, that is in Lupin's possession, having been stolen by Lupin I. The painting has a map concealed within it showing the location of Christ's treasure.

Épisode 115 - Mona Lisa Smiles Twice

24 décembre 1979 - 4/5

The famous painting, "Mona Lisa," is going on a rare international exhibition. Zenigata shouts far and wide that Lupin will come for it. But Lupin has personal reasons in this case. The truth is that his ancestor once was stuck with a fake. The security system in the floor of the exhibition hall is tricky: unless one walks the correct pattern, it will promptly become a pit. There are any number of Mona Lisas. What of the "true" Mona Lisa?

Épisode 116 - When's the 108th Bell?

31 décembre 1979 - 4.3/5

As Lupin enters his own time of bad luck, in order to change his fate, he heads for Koohooji, in Kyooto, following the method explained in the time of the Three Kingdoms for evading such misfortune: stealing the Golden Treasure Ship of the Gods of Luck, from Mt. Hoorai. Both the chief of detectives, who receives Lupin's advance warning, and the Kyooto Mafia, send in men, and build up a desperate defense. And there is Antonio, out to avenge himself on Lupin and Jigen, who shot his ears off seven years before. While the temple bell rings out with its explanation of the carnal desires of mankind, Lupin's project starts!

Épisode 117 - The Bubble Gum Disguise Plan

7 janvier 1980 - 4.3/5

Lupin's friend Buckingham is always coming up with weird inventions. This time, he's come up with a bizarre type of chewing gum, one which enables one to disguise oneself on the spot. At the bar where they close the sale of the gum, Boss Gasper sets his sights on Lupin. he plans a wedding scam, wherein he has his girlfriend, a dancer named Amore, marry Lupin, after which he kills Lupin and takes his fortune. Gasper is the jealous type, and all hell breaks loose.

Épisode 118 - The Southern Cross Looked Like Diamonds

14 janvier 1980 - 4.3/5

In the eastern part of Rabaul, which saw some of the heaviest fighting of the Second World War, lies a cross which marks the location of Captain Cook's treasure. Lupin and company, who've come looking for it, find themselves suddenly under air attack by Zero. They are rescued by a man called Samejima, but he takes Fujiko hostage in exchange for having them get the A-bomb away from the Zero. It seems it was a holdover from the Bikini Atoll testing days, but Sergeant Kimihiro of the Imperial Japanese Air Corps is guarding it with his life, recalling the ghosts of both the Japanese and American soldiers.

Épisode 119 - Lupin Killed Lupin

21 janvier 1980 - 4.3/5

Fujiko dies in Lupin's arms. Lupin flips out, but it's all a put-up job: having heard, at the last, the location of Lupin's most precious treasure, Fujiko teams up with the villain Helgar. An extremely angry Lupin takes off after them, but an almighty Minotaur defense system awaits at the hiding place, on the island of Crete. Helgar himself developed this transforming weapon. What is Lupin's treasure?

Épisode 120 - Frankenstein Attacks Lupin

28 janvier 1980 - 4.3/5

There is a gang who is swiping Lupin's intended targets right before his eyes. The Red Ghost gang uses a spirit gun to call forth a person's spirit, thus getting accurate information. To make it work, they need the body of one of that person's descendants. The next target is Goemon. The plan is to recover Frankenstein's soul, which was stolen by the original Goemon. Will the mightiest monster of all walk the earth again? What will happen to Goemon?

Épisode 121 - The Treasure My Grandpa Left Behind

4 février 1980 - 4.3/5

The Opal Venus, a statue which Lupin's grandfather, Arsène Lupin, stole from the Palace of Elysees. According to an old document found in Arsène Lupin's silk top hat, Lupin left it with Gregoire, the No. 2 great thief of the time. Lupin's feeling is, if my grandfather left it, I'll go get it back. So saying, he and his friends get as far as Gregoire's castle, but there is one way to get across the garden which the Venus is decorating, and thus collect it! What the hell is the gimmick involved?

Épisode 122 - A Rare Find: Napoleon's Fortune

11 février 1980 - 4.3/5

The pie-throwing gun with which the head of the ECC personally supplies Zenigata is a special weapon: it immobilizes opponents with its adhesive pies. Fujiko and Lupin are arrested in rapid succession, but the ECC head's objective is unexpected. He forces them to solve the mystery of Napoleon's Fortune, by threatening them with guillotining in Tahiti. The clue is a single Elmeth scarf. Just as they solve it, they find their existences on the verge of death.

Épisode 123 - A Thief in Paris

18 février 1980 - 4.3/5

Fracois [sic], a nuisance of a little girl, has fallen for Lupin, even going so far as to place an advance-warning message on his behalf in the newspaper. She wants Lupin to replace the real Oppenheim Rose, a ruby which her father, a jewelry appraiser, switched with a fake. But he's up against the Louvre's maximum security unit. The girl is determined to succeed somehow, but Lupin takes her to school. What will happen tomorrow?

Épisode 124 - 1999: A Popcorn Odyssey

25 février 1980 - 4.3/5

A romantic night means a flight to the moon. For Fujiko, who tells him she wants to take a flight to the moon, Lupin decides to borrow the mass-popcorn-producing machine developed by Professor Pancho. NASA, however, doesn't buy it, because their prestige will be ruined if it is shown that the moon can be reached that easily, and take the Professor and his wife into custody, in an attempt to stop the launch. After various events, the countdown begins at last.

Épisode 125 - The Oil Dollar Scheme

3 mars 1980 - 4.3/5

In exchange for Fujiko's life, Lupin steals a crown from a fountain of concentrated sulphuric acid. This is actually a test of skill: the real objective is to show snow to Princess Guiana, of the country of Iraran. The little princess doesn't have long to live. The only way to make snow fall in the desert is to acquire the Snow Cannon from Spinar, the world's most powerful secret society. Will Lupin make it in time?

Épisode 126 - Together with Lupin to Hell

10 mars 1980 - 4.3/5

Lady Black, who wants for nothing in life, makes a certain wager with Fujiko, who believes in Lupin's immortality. If Lupin can get out alive from a maze equipped with killing devices, she will give Fujiko her fine art collection. All manner of traps attack Lupin and Jigen. Black has a secret. Lupin and Black's mother had a relationship... And what of Goemon?

Épisode 127 - Direct Hit! The Beanball Strategy

17 mars 1980 - 4.3/5

Lupin and company took the complete take of a gambling casino, a little while ago. Boss Largo comes up with the most powerful group of killers in order to get it back. He hypnotizes a big-league baseball team, implanting a suggestion that they pitch and hit at Lupin, who has a toothache, whenever he puts his hand to his cheek. The pain of a cavity cannot be withstood. Is it game, set, and match when the opponents are pro-baseball players?

Épisode 128 - Lupin and an Old Lady's Theft Contest

24 mars 1980 - 4.3/5

There is a reward of $1,000,000 for Lupin's arrest. This in itself is not unusual, but when a newspaper reports of Lupin's crimes before they happen, something is definitely not right. The way Old Lady Dokonjo, who publishes a small newspaper all by herself, figures it, scoops are the only way to increase sales. Lupin and company fall for her tearful pleas, but her son, Benson, is a sinister character. It's a motorcycle showdown!

Épisode 129 - Man's Gentle Soul Was Seen in Jigen

31 mars 1980 - 4.3/5

Jigen has gone on his own ahead of Lupin to Janaika, which is on the verge of revolution. There, he rescues Sandra, who tried to sneak into the Presidential Palace by herself. Sandra is the daughter of the former president, and was trying to liberate a rare painting, a keepsake of her father, from the palace, so that she cen be married with Guyler, head of the freedom fighters. "The Naked Venus" is suspended in midair, protected by a special system. Jigen, who learns the deactivation method, cuts through the battlefield, and heads for the palace, alone.

Épisode 130 - Lupin vs. The Two-Faced Oddball

7 avril 1980 - 4/5

A strange meeting is taking place at the atelier of surrealist artist Darac. Inspector Magrey is saying that he will recover what Lupin has stolen. Having no idea what awaits him, Lupin nonchalantly shows up, only to be put to sleep, and then locked in a smokehouse by Inspector Magrey, who is actually Darac. He says that Lupin is indeed the ultimate in source material for a work of art.

Épisode 131 - Two Goemons: The Mystery of Zantetsuken

14 avril 1980 - 4.3/5

A nationwide warrant is out for Goemon, who not only robbed a bank but also stabbed a security guard to death. The Zantetsuken in Goemon's hand has none of the blood-clouding on the blade that would indicate stabbing a person. This is the work of Goemon's archenemy, Nidaemon. There are two Zantetsukens, a male and a female variety. According to tradition, unless the two blades lay together once every 300 years, the larger, male blade will lose its potency. This time is Midnight straight up. Will the disgrace be cleared up?

Épisode 132 - The Himalayan Sacred Mountain Thieves' Cult

21 avril 1980 - 4.3/5

The holy ground is in the middle of the roof of the world. Discarding the fat that is the common world's wealth, believers who appeal to Guru Fandar can disappear from this world, and be given an new life in Utopia. "Don't be ridiculous." As it turns out that amongst the believers is a man who stole Lupin's 30,000 bills of Napoleon currency, Lupin goes out to expose the scam. But when the disguise at which he is so good is uncovered, things get bad!

Épisode 133 - Keep Your Hands Off the Hot Treasure

28 avril 1980 - 4.3/5

Lupin's date while Fujiko is away is Claudia. Lupin's objective is the gold and silver fortune placed in the mouth of the 100-year Volcano, on Cleo Island. Once every 100 years, the volcano stops erupting, for only 30 minutes. Jigen and Goemon, accepting Claudia's pleas not to steal that which supports the spirit of the natives, attempt to stop Lupin. With the girl and the Mafia also mixed in, who will get the hot fortune?

Épisode 134 - Operation: Arrest Lupin the Third

5 mai 1980 - 4/5

The Kimberly Diamonds, which take up a full half of the diamonds traded annually worldwide, are worth a good $30,000,000,000. Lupin's dream is to claim those diamonds and make them into a diamond carriage for his honeymoon with Fujiko, but Zenigata isn't so naive as that. Lupin and company's crash-landed transport plane is fully surrounded by policemen from all over the world, gathered together and mobilized by a call from the UN! Will a shot from a giant crossbow made on the spot succeed in snatching victory from the jaws of defeat?

Épisode 135 - Poison, Magic, and Lupin the Third

12 mai 1980 - 4.3/5

The spinster Lucrezia, last of the notorious Borgia clan, who used poison as a favorite means of murder, is in prison. Lupin and company, asked by her nephew Caldan to spring her, get themselves arrested and thrown in jail, and free her, bed and all. But Galdan was actually after Lucrezia's life, and getting her out was so that he could make her confess where the clan's jewels have been hidden. With the Old Man strangely mixed in, what will be the resolution?

Épisode 136 - Revenge of the Golden Butterfly

19 mai 1980 - 4.3/5

Lupin and company pull off a string of bank robberies in one evening, but Lupin's objective is to buy the only Great Golden Swallowtail Butterfly in captivity at auction. This butterfly has the ability to detect gold veins. Maniak, winner of the auction, leads an armed troop who destroy the environment in their search for gold. Their acts of trampling the butterfly paradise under their feet is unbearable. Will nature be avenged against such brutality? The butterflies' eyes light up.

Épisode 137 - Magnificent Team-Play Tactics

26 mai 1980 - 4.3/5

The Museum of Jewelry is holding a special exhibition of the diamond known as "Cleopatra's Tear." Lupin quickly makes a preliminary inspection, but with Zenigata showing up yet again, he has to run away. This was a planned appointment, so that he could hear from Zenigata the date and time of the diamond's delivery to the exhibition hall. Afterwards, Lupin and company conduct special blindfolded training in order to carry out their plan. The chance will only be for a few seconds, in pitch darkness. In that time, the four of them must successfully carry out a sequential, collaborative play, but will their labors bear fruit?

Épisode 138 - Pompeii's Treasure and the Venomous Snakes

2 juin 1980 - 4.3/5

The Treasure of Pompeii has lain forever untouched because it is guarded by countless venomous snakes, deep inside a convent. Lupin acquires an anti-venom set from the Red Cross, and promptly makes his own attempt on the treasure. Lucia, a girl who has numerous loves for a nun, plots to take the treasure for herself while helping Lupin. She wants to be happy, you see. What is the treasure, really?

Épisode 139 - Steal Everything from Lupin

9 juin 1980 - 4.3/5

Even for truly wealthy men, the greatest wish in life is to once again acquire a youthful body. Mister Steel has chosen Lupin III as the destination body for his brain transplant. The procurer is, of course, Fujiko. After a faked traffic accident, Lupin is borne to Steel's mansion, where the brain transplant takes place successfully. The old man has only a little time left, but the brain is Lupin's. How will the brain shuffle resolve itself?

Épisode 140 - The Wolf Runs and the Pig Rolls

16 juin 1980 - 4.3/5

At an auction held by Whitney, owner of a diamond mine, the items scheduled for bidding are stolen by mice and king salmon! Lupin, sensing that there is more to this than meets the eye, follows the salmon, who are migrating via their homing instinct, and ends up in Canada. Whitney, a connoisseur of food, has been using a clever method of circulating his diamonds so that his mine never runs dry.

Épisode 141 - 1980 Moscow Revelation

30 juin 1980 - 4.3/5

On the night before the Moscow Olympics, Zenigata is called to the Kremlin to safeguard a chandelier hanging from its ceiling, a chandelier made up entirely of over 3,000,000 diamonds. It's a special creation, with all the diamonds strung together on a single string. Lupin learns of its design from the engineer who made it, while they are locked up in adjoining cells, and mounts a rain gutter operation to steal it, under cover of repairing it, disguised as the engineer. The diamonds fly through the air as the gun salute goes off!

Épisode 142 - The Disappearing Favorite at the Grand Race

7 juillet 1980 - 4/5

Enraged at the hypocritical courtesy of English Lord Weather, Lupin accepts a bet over whether he can steal the Lord's horse, Red Arrow. Though he makes attempts while the horse is in transit, and during the hunt, the Lord's counterstrategies are scrupulous, leaving no opening. Lupin makes an impossible announcement: "I will take the horse in the middle of the Grand National Race, before a full crowd in the stands!" In a jumping accident, only the horse disappears.

Épisode 143 - Anniversary of the Miami Bank Robbery

14 juillet 1980 - 4.3/5

Lupin and company are taking a summer vacation on Miami Beach. Suddenly, a helicopter appears in the sky overhead, its passenger shouting something about Lupin having placed a call saying that he was going to raid Miami Bank. After that comes a phone call asking them to raid the bank, adding the strange proviso that if they do, then Miami Bank will join the ranks of the country's best. So, Lupin agrees, for the moment. Though he takes a shot at cracking the vault, it turns out to be empty. The bank becomes very famous for not having had a single cent stolen. And they plan to hold an anniversary celebration next year on the same date.

Épisode 144 - Fujiko's Close-Call Rescue Mission

21 juillet 1980 - 4.3/5

Lupin is attacked by the brothers Nanja-Monja while waiting for Fujiko to come over so they can celebrate her birthday party, which he has made all the preparations for. They have kidnapped Fujiko, and made her the prize inside the Lucky Safe on display at the stadium of the tourist country of Karchina. The only way to release her is for Lupin himself to be the key, accepting certain death by electrocution in exchange for Fujiko's freedom. Brushing aside Jigen and Goemon's hands, Lupin charges forth: "I love you..."

Épisode 145 - Albatross, The Wings of Death

28 juillet 1980 - 4.4/5

Just when Lupin, Jigen, and Goemon wonder what she's called them for, Fujiko shows up, kicks their sukiyaki, has a firefight, and leaves them a present: the detonator plug to a pint-sized A-bomb. An aircraft museum which is restoring old aircraft is merely a cover: in fact, it's a flying merchant of death, with an A-bomb manufacturing plant housed in its wings. The head man, Lonebach, tries to seduce Fujiko by telling her that he will make her his first wife. Will Lupin let him get away with it?

Épisode 146 - Lupin's Splendid Defeat

4 août 1980 - 4/5

Even though Fujiko says, which of you can capture my heart? Lupin's heart just isn't in it when he finds out his opponent is an eight-year-old kid. Romanov is a boy genius, made so with drugs. In any case, the duel to see which of them can gather the most money before sunset is a draw. The next showdown is to see who can get the largest diamond. Romanov, who is in poor physical condition, is determined to prove his intellect. Who has the smartest brain in the world?

Épisode 147 - The Mermaid That Disappeared in the Midnight Sun

11 août 1980 - 4/5

Fujiko, wearing not a stitch of clothing, is the model for a statue of a mermaid, carved from quartz crystal. With a heave, a pile of bills are laid before the sculptor, Vingel, by the mayor of a town who says he wants to make the mermaid into a tourist attraction, and Vingel sells it to him. When Fujiko cries to Lupin to get it back, he makes his entrance. The boxcar of the transport train carrying the statue has a special coupling mechanism, and stealing it will require a little engineering. Lupin's fanciful notion is a cold and clear one.

Épisode 148 - The Target is 555 Meters Away

18 août 1980 - 4.3/5

The Marine Tower Observation Room, where this year's diamond auction is to be held, is a safe room floating in midair, accessible only by a single see-through elevator. Range: 555 meters. The success or failure of this job depends on Jigen's precision long-range marksmanship. Jigen, Lupin, and Goemon assume their various positions, and Jigen suddenly remembers a prize he failed to get in a shooting contest, for lack of one more bullet.

Épisode 149 - Mecca's Treasure Wore a Veil

25 août 1980 - 4/5

The treasure of the prophet Mahomet is held in the Islam holy city of Mecca. Patra Lawrence, daughter of Lawrence of Arabia, is guarding it as head of mosque security, because if she does, she will be accepted as a Moslem. It's secured in a vault operated by crude oil pressure. So long as the crude oil pressure does not drop, the vault cannot be opened. Fujiko is nowhere to be seen, but when Lupin concludes from the arrangement of the Earth's tectonic plates that drilling a new well at the South Pole should do the trick, he finds a trap awaiting his swift attack.

Épisode 150 - Piano Symphony "Zoo"

1 septembre 1980 - 4.3/5

Genius pianist and defector Keransky performed on a legendary Jovich Grand Piano, in a concert hall of his own design. The hall was built around the piano, thus its entrance is too small for the piano. Also, the hall has the newest anti-theft devices, and is guarded by a squad of snipers. "If it won't come out, we'll just bring it out"?

Épisode 151 - The Highway Operation to Arrest Lupin

8 septembre 1980 - 4/5

The operation this time is to take an entire shipment of South African diamonds, but oddly enough, the Old Man is calm and relaxed. He lets Lupin and company escape, at one point, taking Fujiko prisoner, but so long as he has the highway collapse machine devised by the combined leading-edge scientific resources of ICPO, he radiates confidence in each and every direction he gives. This serves to give Lupin a bad feeling, but oh well. The decisive point has almost arrived.

Épisode 152 - Jigen, a Hat, and a Pistol

15 septembre 1980 - 4.3/5

The president of a large trading company declares in his will, "I will give $10,000,000,000 to whoever is the best in the world with a pistol." Vice-president Don Hagero hires expert marksman Minnesota Fats to eliminate all of the competition, in order to ensure that no one else will get the fortune. His final target is Jigen. Fats, learning Jigen's secret, burns all of Jigen's hats, and challenges him with his special cuestick ricochet gun. Jigen can't sight without his hat. It's the ultimate pinch.

Épisode 153 - The Bills From God

22 septembre 1980 - 4.3/5

Once a year, ICPO takes the money they've collected from criminals all over the world to a Swiss bank, where they make an accounting. This year, Zenigata is given the task of escorting the money, which makes taking it like candy from a baby to Lupin. He acquires it easily enough, but all those bills are a major obstacle to getting away. Just then, they spot Sister Joanna's church, in need of renovation... Oh, a miraculous rain falls in the Alps.

Épisode 154 - The Hexagon's Great Legacy

29 septembre 1980 - 4.3/5

Within Raika Bank, inside the Grand Hexagon, lies Nazi gold on a scale that would make the world tremble if it knew. The bank itself uses a construction of stacks of gold bullion, and has an alarm system that goes off if even one bar is missing. Fifty tons of gold bullion. If we can't have any missing, then we'll just add on. Shall we go for it? Within a defense net reminiscent of the war, the exchange bullion for bricks operation begins.

Épisode 155 - Farewell, O Dearest Lupin

6 octobre 1980 - 4.3/5

An armored robot flying through the skies of 1981 Tokyo raids a jewelry store, demonstrating truly amazing capabilities, and disappearing no one knows where. Lupin's announcement is, what's strange about me using a robot like this? The operator, Oyamada Maki, is cooperating in order to show what a dangerous weapon this robot is, but the truth is, the whole thing is a conspiracy. Thieves love peace!

Épisode 156 - The Castle of Cagliostro

15 décembre 1979 - 3/5

Bien que séduire les plus jolies femmes du monde soit son passe-temps favori, Edgar, gentleman-cambrioleur, vient de dévaliser avec succès un casino très protégé. C'est alors qu'il découvre que tous les billets de banque qui constituent son butin sont faux. Froissé d'avoir été si facilement abusé, il décide de découvrir qui lui a joué un si mauvais tour. Son enquête lui révèle que les fausses coupures proviennent d'un petit Etat, la petite principauté de Cagliostro. Il décide de s'y rendre, bien décidé à se venger, et du même coup à voler la plus importante somme de sa carrière.

Épisode 157 - The First

6 décembre 2019 - 3/5

Lupin III revient dans une aventure effrénée et marque son grand retour au pays de son illustre grand-père ! Il s’associe à la jeune Laëtitia pour faire main basse sur le journal de Bresson, un trésor que même Arsène Lupin n’a jamais réussi à dérober. Alors que Lupin III et ses compagnons se démènent pour dénouer les secrets du fameux journal, ils doivent faire face à une sombre cabale poursuivant d’horribles desseins.

Épisode 1 - The Gold Ingots Summon Lupin

3 mars 1984 - 4.5/5

On his deathbed, the notorious gangster Al Capone gave a tile to his most loyal servant. That tile, along with four others, would reveal the location of his greatest treasure. After a quick phone call from Fujiko, Lupin and company are on the case. Quickly, they acquire four of the necessary tiles; but soon after, Fujiko is captured by the evil mob boss, Lord Chinkai while Lupin is intensely interrogated by Stromo the mercenary.

Épisode 2 - Expose the Big Trap

10 mars 1984 - 4.2/5

With the permission of the ICPO Captain, Inspector Zenigata hatches a foolproof plan to at last capture Lupin. By melting down six tons of gold, forging it into the shape of a meteor, and then televising it's discovery to the world, Zenigata is positive Lupin will try to steal it. Indeed, Lupin does steal it; but under closer inspection with Goemon's sword, the meteor appears to be a gold-plated rock.

Épisode 3 - Greetings to Hell's Angel

17 mars 1984 - 4.5/5

Lupin sneaks into an old castle to steal a collection of priceless angel paintings; what he finds instead is a teenage girl named Flora. Despite his numerous objections, Lupin cannot seem to get rid of her, and she accompanies him back to his hideout. As it turns out, Flora is the daughter of the late Malcolm Hurst, owner of the angel collection. If Lupin agrees to let her be a thief for the next three days, she will reveal the location of the paintings. Lupin has no choice but to put up with this energetic girl all while avoiding attacks from Hurst's greedy ex-wife, who wants the paintings for herself.

Épisode 4 - Love Speaks Telepathically

24 mars 1984 - 4.5/5

Deep beneath the whirlpools of the Bermuda Triangle, Lupin and Jigen discover a pirate ship containing tons of Spanish gold. Before the two can collect it, a submarine manned by a team of female pirates intervenes. After a quick skirmish, Lupin and Jigen escape empty-handed, as do the pirates who cannot get past the whirlpools to reach the gold. Later that evening, Fujiko is kidnapped right before Lupin's eyes. The Captain informs him that if he wants to see Fujiko again he must steal the gold for them. Will the pirates hold up their end of the bargain? And whose voice is Lupin hearing in his head?

Épisode 5 - The Peerless Goemon

7 avril 1984 - 4.5/5

Lupin, Jigen and Goemon head to an ancient South African temple to receive a treasure map from a retired Nazi. Shortly after receiving the map, it is stolen from them by two young soldiers and a giant condor who are working for another former Nazi. Fleeing with the map, one of the soldiers, a young lady, encounters Goemon. Before she can shoot, Goemon cuts all of her clothes to ribbons not realizing she was a woman. She escapes with the map via her pet condor while Goemon, disgraced by his actions, leaves to meditate. Will Lupin be able to outwit the former Nazi? And can Goemon ever get the image of naked women out of his head?

Épisode 6 - Lupin Travels by Tank

19 mai 1984 - 4.5/5

Alone, Jigen enters a bar to meet with his old war buddy, Giranko. Back in his army days, Giranko taught Jigen his infamous quickdraw. But his friend seems troubled. Soon, the enemy army invades the city, and Giranko heads off to battle with Jigen not far behind. Meanwhile, Lupin and Goemon search the city for their lost comrade so they can find the lost treasure they came in search for and leave. But Jigen will not go. What is Giranko hiding? And can Lupin withstand the might of an entire army?

Épisode 7 - The Man Called Death Gurve

26 mai 1984 - 4.5/5

Back in her younger days, Fujiko performed a heist with the man known as Death Garb. Greedily, she left him to die so she could have the money for herself. Now, Death Garb is back and has the ability to effortlessly dodge bullets. Lupin dedicates himself to Fujiko's survival, but Fujiko seems more interested in using him as a shield. After first avoiding a round from Jigen's magnum and then the best strikes Goemon can offer, all hope seems lost. How did Death Garb obtain his new power, and can Lupin devise a way to kill him?

Épisode 8 - St. Mary's Great Escape

9 juin 1984 - 4.5/5

Deep within the frozen Alaskan wilderness, a mysterious cult chants before a sold gold Virgin Mary idol. The high priest prophesizes the coming of the great demon who will steal their sacred artifact. Elsewhere, Lupin and Fujiko are escaping a fleet of police officers. Without warning, a team of hooded cult members appears and quickly abducts Fujiko right from their getaway car. Lupin gathers his teammates and heads off to Alaska to save Fujiko before she is burned at the stake. All is not as it seems, however. What is the true identity of the high priest and his cult? And does somebody else have eyes for the Virgin Mary statue?

Épisode 9 - The High Cost of Cloning

16 juin 1984 - 4.5/5

Lupin visits a doctor to seek treatment for one of the worst cases of athlete's foot in the world. The Doctor takes a skin sample and informs him that the only way to make a cure is with powder from an ancient seed locked away in a museum. Unable to withstand the horrible itching, Lupin sets off immediately to steal the seed. Unfortunately for him, he was set up, and Zenigata arrests him with haste. To make matters worse, the Doctor has plans for the skin sample that he took from Lupin.

Épisode 10 - Treasure with a Whiff of Intrigue

23 juin 1984 - 4.5/5

A message appears in the morning paper reading "Lupin Is an Idiot". Lupin says it is a secret code from his late grandfather telling him it's time to reclaim Lupin the First's prized diamond. But the gem is locked away in police headquarters, encased in a globe of liquid. Should a single vibration touch the liquid, the entire facility will explode. To make matters worse, Lupin is tricked into accepting a challenge from the police chief. If he does not steal the diamond within one week, he will spend the rest of his life in prison

Épisode 11 - The Ruby Sheds Bloody Tears

7 juillet 1984 - 4.5/5

In Chicago, a sniper kills a man under the orders of the mysterious "Mother". Even more strange, Fujiko seems to be under her spell. Lupin sneaks into Mother's mansion and manages to steal the Dracula Heart ruby. Once every century, this ruby bleeds, and whoever drinks its blood is granted youth for another 100 years. Mother has used the blood to maintain life for the past 300 years and will not be denied. She wants the ruby back, and Fujiko will do anything to reclaim it for her.

Épisode 12 - Prisoners in Balton's Mansion

28 juillet 1984 - 4.5/5

After much labor, Lupin successfully steals a painting of Lupin the First's beloved. He is less than thrilled to discover that it is in fact a fake. Fujiko enters the scene and explains that it is actually a Valtan forgery. Valtan has the artist and his daughter Sofia captive in his palace; he forces him at gunpoint to recreate his own paintings. Lupin heads off to Valtan's palace to rescue an old friend of his grandfather's and maybe keep a few paintings for himself.

Épisode 13 - Variations on Getting Carried Away

20 octobre 1984 - 4.5/5

After narrowly escaping Zenigata, Lupin is both physically and mentally exhausted. However, he jumps at the chance to help Fujiko. Together, they attend a party of rich women located in an old castle, intent on stealing all their jewelry. Things take a turn for the worse when the castle tower they are in turns out to be a rocket ship that carries them all to an island nation at war. Zenigata is then called in to collect funds for the ransom of all the women as well as capture Lupin. When he gets there, he finds Lupin hanging from a cross, seconds away from being shot to death by Fujiko. It is all part of the plot designed by the mysterious Madam Razor.

Épisode 14 - Do You Like the Abduction Game?

27 octobre 1984 - 4.5/5

In Central Park, Zenigata waits outside an armored car to ambush Lupin. Not to protect the money, but because Lupin is the prime suspect in the kidnapping of Madam Fiona. Lupin steals the money, eludes Zenigata, and delivers it to another party. It would seem he had been hypnotized by Fujiko to perform the task and is quickly knocked out with a monkey wrench. Zenigata arrests Lupin; and shortly afterward, Madam Fiona is set free claiming Lupin to be her kidnapper. Fujiko arrives at Madam Fiona's mansion expecting her cut of the profits only to find that Madam Fiona insists that she marry her bratty son, Roger. With the help of Goemon and Jigen, Lupin escapes prison.

Épisode 15 - The Killer Slinks in Silence

3 novembre 1984 - 4.5/5

In an abandoned baseball stadium, Jigen and a mysterious woman are shooting it out. She soon bests Jigen and proceeds to take on Goemon in a sword fight. She manages to strike him down as well. Lupin shows up and congratulates her on the success of her training with him. The woman's name is Glory, and Lupin needs her in order to access an ancient treasure. Only a girl who is pure of heart can ride atop a camel that will lead them to the treasure. Lupin and Glory head off to Jordan leaving Jigen and Goemon behind. They find out quickly that Lupin is in danger. Bruce the Robot-Man, one of the world's greatest assassins, is after Lupin and his $100,000 reward. Will Glory's training save her when the Robot-Man strikes? And is she all that she seems to be?

Épisode 16 - The Poisonous Golden Apple

10 novembre 1984 - 4.5/5

Lupin and Jigen sneak aboard a yacht narrowly avoiding Zenigata; aboard that yacht is the precious golden apple being sent to New York for exhibition. Zenigata catches on to Lupin's plans to steal the apple and keeps his eyes open. Meanwhile, Fujiko is trying to get her hands on it as well, but she is stuck with the owner of the apple, the annoying Prince Oji. When the attempt on the yacht does not work out, Lupin has plans for the New York Marathon. Will Lupin or Fujiko ever get their hands on the apple? What tricks does Zenigata have up his sleeve? And what secret does the golden apple hold?

Épisode 17 - Will You Really Marry Me?

17 novembre 1984 - 4.5/5

It is Fujiko's birthday, and this year she wants the "Golden Puppet" worth ten million dollars. If Lupin can get her the Golden Puppet, Fujiko claims she will marry him. Lupin goes to the bank vault and escapes with all the gold nuggets. Now, they must get married, but Fujiko gives Lupin a sleeping potion and escapes with the Golden Puppet. Lupin manages to find her, and they both get arrested by Zenigata. In jail, Lupin pleads for a wedding in the biggest church, and Zenigata allows it. Will they really get married? Where did Goemon and Jigen run off to?

Épisode 18 - Showtime Reeks of Death

24 novembre 1984 - 4.5/5

Lupin and Jigen are after the party presents of "the boss of the underworld". While checking out the future scene of the crime, Lupin finds a dancer named Jenny. Jenny is being stalked by two thugs, but Lupin saves her. Lupin hangs out with this Jenny so he can get some valuable information on the premises. Will Lupin succeed in his mission, and what secrets does Jenny hold?

Épisode 19 - An Act of Betrayal

1 décembre 1984 - 4.5/5

Lupin breaks into a prison and frees a strange looking man he knows from previous heists. When the strange man questions what Lupin plans on doing with him, Lupin begins to talk about a hidden "safe trunk" containing millions. Lupin proposes an offer to split it 50-50 if he helps him get the trunk, an offer the man readily agrees to. But Zenigata is on Lupin's tail. Who is this man, and will he really agree to help Lupin? Will Jigen and company come to help? Will Zenigata finally catch Lupin?

Épisode 20 - The Man Who Erased His Past

8 décembre 1984 - 4.5/5

Lupin and Fujiko are enjoying a nice day together. Fujiko asks Lupin to steal an expensive painting. Learning Fujiko is the reward, Lupin jumps at the job. After Lupin runs off with the painting, he learns its a fake and finds himself in a bind when he learns Fujiko double crossed him and is working for the owner of the painting. After finding out the man once conned him years before, Lupin begins to wonder what this man plans to do. Lupin's suspicions get the best of him, and after a couple of failed attempts, he breaks into the man's house. What does this man wish to do, and what is Fujiko up to?

Épisode 21 - Goodbye, Legendary Gold

15 décembre 1984 - 4.5/5

An ancient japanese piece of art is being excavated when Lupin and Jigen pop onto the scene. Apparently, the "Golden Legend" has a dazzling pearl where its eye is, and Lupin wants it. After learning more about the "Golden Legend", they kidnap one of the archeologists, and Lupin and company find themselves on a wild adventure with Zenigata on their tail... and maybe someone else too.

Épisode 22 - Fire is a Poor Fit for Diamonds

22 décembre 1984 - 4.5/5

Lupin and company are sneaking inside a room with a vault in it. After breaking into the vault, they all begin to steal thousands of wonderful diamonds. But a fire breaks loose in the room, and they narrowly escape with only one diamond but without Fujiko. Lupin immediately investigates the incident and soon finds that the diamonds are all fakes and part of a plan to make the cost of the diamonds rise. What Lupin doesn't know is that the owner is telling Zenigata that Lupin burned the diamonds to increase their value. Lupin will not let this go unanswered. What will Lupin do? Where did Fujiko run off to?

Épisode 23 - Operation: Beirut Mobile Bank Robbery

29 décembre 1984 - 4.5/5

Lupin and company plan to rob a bank, but not just any bank. This bank carries the "Prince of Oils" money and has extremely high security. Also, wheels on the bottom of the bank enable it to move, making it an unusually difficult task for Lupin. In order to get inside of the bank, they need to wait for the bank to stop moving. Disguising himself, Lupin manages to get into the bank, but will he be able to leave?

Épisode 24 - Sleep Peacefully, Friend

12 janvier 1985 - 4.5/5

Lupin has his sights on a valuable antique owned by Hong Kong businessman Gozen. However, Gozen has plans to amuse himself by using the antique to bait Lupin and the gang into a trap. To counter Goemon's swordsmanship, Gozen enlists the kung-fu expert and Goemon's former rival Seiryu. Silver threads gleam in the moonlight, and the martial arts battle rages in the sky between the skyscrapers. Can Goemon best his rival and help Lupin secure Gozen's prize?

Épisode 25 - We're No Angels

19 janvier 1985 - 4.5/5

Lupin has set his eyes on the "Heart's Eggs", but the woman who possesses them has them locked behind an impregnable safe. Can Lupin penetrate the safe and steal the eggs? Are his motives selfish, or does he have a benevolent streak?

Épisode 26 - A Ghost in New York

26 janvier 1985 - 4.5/5

The gang is in New York to steal a solid gold pinball machine, but Goemon finds himself haunted by an attractive specter. Will the gang be pinball wizards, or will Goemon's friendly ghost spook the treasure away?

Épisode 27 - Codename: "Star of Alaska"

2 février 1985 - 4.5/5

The Star of Alaska is a mysterious gem sought by the CIA, the KGB, and now Lupin. The Star is also tied to Barbara, a woman from Jigen's past. As the parties maneuver for the gem, a shot rings out... Barbara!

Épisode 28 - The "Star of Alaska" is a One-Way Ticket to Hell

9 février 1985 - 4.5/5

A showdown for the Alaska Star is brewing, but Jigen has a personal score to settle with Georgy. As the Star sparkles in the twilight, is Jigen doomed to repeat the past?

Épisode 29 - A Honeymoon on the Moon

16 février 1985 - 4.5/5

Lupin has won Fujiko's hand in marriage by stealing Marie Antoinette's bridal ensemble; as a honeymoon surprise, Lupin plans their trip to... the moon?! Does Lupin's plan have the right stuff, or will his wedding flame out?

Épisode 30 - A Cocktail Named Revenge

23 février 1985 - 4.5/5

One rainy night, a valuable gold shipment makes its way across the country, but Lupin is busy playing bartender to an attractive woman. He pours her a special cocktail laced with the promise of revenge for her father's murder. Does revenge and thievery mix well?

Épisode 31 - A Turnabout, a Comeback, and a Reversal

2 mars 1985 - 4.5/5

Mr. Gellon has an impressive art collection, a collection worthy of Lupin's special attention. However, Mr. Gellon is aware of Lupin's motives and takes steps to ensure the safety of his collection. Both sides try every conniving trick in their arsenal to thwart the other; can Gellon and his luchadore henchman stop Lupin from making off with his entire gallery?

Épisode 32 - The $10 Million Key

9 mars 1985 - 4.5/5

Stopping for some fast food proves to be a fast way to prison for Lupin courtesy of Zenigata. A mysterious man breaks Lupin out of prison and takes him to his boss. They have an interesting proposal for Lupin -- steal the ten million dollar US presidential limo for us. Lupin is game for the challenge and knocks over the Chase Manhattan bank to find the spare key. Lupin's clients have a more sinister plot behind the theft and want Lupin to take the fall. Is Lupin destined to save the US government?

Épisode 33 - A Boy Genius' Dangerous Game

16 mars 1985 - 4.5/5

The Macintosh Jewelry building is Lupin's next target, but he quickly finds himself having to rescue a kidnapped boy. This is no ordinary boy though; his is the keeper of revolutionary scientific research. He also happens to be a huge fan of Lupin and as much of a lecher as Lupin. How can Lupin stop Macintosh from stealing the boy's secrets, steal Macintosh's inventory, and keep himself from getting slapped for the boy's penchant for peeking up women's skirts?

Épisode 34 - Manhattan Crisis

23 mars 1985 - 4.5/5

Lupin is in Manhattan to score the mafia's largest cash deposit, but the mafia has caught wind of his plans. To thwart Lupin, they have placed a hefty bounty on his head, and all of New York aims to collect! Can Lupin take a bite out of the Big Apple for himself, or is he going to be worm food?

Épisode 35 - The Prey Amid the Snow

30 mars 1985 - 4.5/5

When a heist of gold bullion goes awry, Lupin suspects a pair of adept disguise artists beat them to the score. He finds them tucked away in a mountain cabin but also finds himself Zenigata's prisoner! How will Lupin get his plan rolling and steal the gold for himself?

Épisode 36 - When the Eagle Lands

6 avril 1985 - 4.5/5

Betraying Lupin once again, Fujiko steals a golden bird statue from him, but her heart has been stolen by Valon. Valon leads the rebel forces of a small African nation and believes the bird is the key to a legendary treasure that will overthrow the dictatorship. To find the treasure, they must penetrate the computer controlled defenses of the dictator's palace. Will the golden bird soar towards freedom?

Épisode 37 - Pops Boils Over with Rage

20 avril 1985 - 4.5/5

An attempt to break an old man out of prison turns into a trap for Lupin. He can quickly escape from this trap, but others have set another more dangerous trap in motion. When Zenigata's rage boils over, Lupin has more to worry about than a set of cuffs.

Épisode 38 - Leticia, Who Loved Lupin

27 avril 1985 - 4.5/5

While trying to enjoy a simple Japanese meal, Goemon has been arrested and thrown into prison! This is all part of a scheme to use Goemon as leverage against Lupin. An arm to a mermaid statue is in the wreckage of the Santa Maria; if Lupin can retrieve it, Goemon will be freed as payment for Lupin's services. Can Lupin outwit everyone and resist the amorous advances of a dolphin?

Épisode 39 - Gold for the Rival

11 mai 1985 - 4.5/5

A Neo Nazi organization has stolen a shipment of gold to finance their dream of a United States of Africa. Lupin is taking the blame for the job and for trying to kill Zenigata. Can Lupin clear his name when his opponent is a solid gold tank?!

Épisode 40 - A Lotto Ticket to Riot

25 mai 1985 - 4.5/5

Lupin has lottery fever! However, he never leaves anything to random chance. All that stands between him and the jackpot is an elaborate security system. And the winning number is...

Épisode 41 - A Night Under Martial Law

8 juin 1985 - 4.5/5

Lupin is using a coup d'état to pilfer a nation's treasure but finds the treasure already gone. While in disguise as an evil general, Jigen has also been wounded by a mysterious woman. Do the paths of revenge and avarice cross each other?

Épisode 42 - Grab the Pyramid's Insurance Claim

22 juin 1985 - 4.5/5

Lupin decides to engage in a little pyramid scheme with two hired guns. Can Lupin turn those giant stone bricks into giant piles of cash?

Épisode 43 - Goodbye, Cinderella

29 juin 1985 - 4.5/5

A king concocts a scheme to find a new Cinderella to fit his diamond slipper. However, Lupin has a different ending in mind for this fairy tale. Who will win the happy ending?

Épisode 44 - Our Dad's a Thief

6 juillet 1985 - 4.5/5

Lupin has his eyes set on a jewel heist, but he finds his hands a bit full. Some children are claiming that he is their father! Jigen and Goemon scoff at Lupin's impropriety until they find themselves in the same mess. Can the gang juggle their jobs and fatherhood?

Épisode 45 - A Toast to the Con Game

20 juillet 1985 - 4.5/5

The key to an unbreakable safe is hidden in a near impregnable prison. With a bit of help, Lupin makes off with the key, but crime boss Carlos makes off with the safe. As the two sides square off, can any of them remember the old saying about honor among thieves?

Épisode 46 - Soaring on Scrap Wings

27 juillet 1985 - 4.5/5

When did Lupin start playing with dolls?! The dolls in question can lead to a large sum of money and are promptly stolen by Lupin. However, Fujiko double crosses him (again!) and takes them to an eccentric collector. The collector wants to make Fujiko part of his collection too. With Lupin and the gang stuck on a deserted island, can he rescue Fujiko and the treasure? Fly, Zantetsuken!

Épisode 47 - Mystery of a Painting

17 août 1985 - 4.5/5

A young boy named Ken attacks Goemon! Ken's father was killed by the mafia after painting a picture that contains a treasure map. Goemon enlists Lupin's help to avenge Ken's loss. With Ken kidnapped, can Lupin reveal the painting's secret and keep Ken from suffering his father's fate?

Épisode 48 - Hades' Tear

31 août 1985 - 4.5/5

The Tears of Hades is an exquisitely large diamond embedded in a statue; Lupin plucks it from Hade's eye but soon finds more than meets the eye. The diamond holds secret plans, and a group of mercenaries want Lupin to exchange it for the life of a girl named Maria. Does Hades weep for joy or sorrow?

Épisode 49 - The Day Pops Got Adopted

28 septembre 1985 - 4.5/5

Lupin wants to steal the valuable jewel of a famous female shot putter, but Zenigata is putting up a valiant defense. His efforts impress the lady so much that she wants to adopt him! Whose tenacity will win the day?

Épisode 50 - Orders to Destroy the Atomic Sub Ivanov

6 novembre 1985 - 4.4/5

Lupin has absconded with the Russian submarine Ivanov, and the world's spy agencies are haggling over the price to buy it with Fujiko. However, Lupin just wants to use it to salvage some sunken gold in Bermuda. Will the Ivanov be Lupin's watery, iron coffin?

Épisode 51 - Voyage to Danger

23 juillet 1993 - 3.5/5

Inspector Zenigata has been removed from the Lupin case which leaves him despondent, and he ends up drinking with Lupin & Jigen. Lupin decides that he and his gang should work with Zenigata to solve his new case, investigating a group of arms dealers known as Shot Shell. Lupin gathers his partners together (Jigen, Goemon, & Fujiko), and with Zenegata they steal a Russian submarine. They kidnap a scientist named Karen Korinsky to help them operate the sub, and also to protect her from Shot Shell. Meanwhile the ICPO assigns a man named Keith Hayden to the Lupin case, and unlike Zenigata he wants Lupin and his group dead. Where ever Lupin and friends go, Keith follows, as the officer attempts to pick them off one by one.

Épisode 52 - Dragon of Doom

29 juillet 1994 - 3.5/5

Hong Kong crime lord Chin Chin Chu wants to hire Lupin, Fujiko, and Jigen to recover a gold dragon statue from the wreckage of the Titanic. Lupin is intrigued as it is the same statue that his grandfather attempted to steal right before the Titanic sank. However, Lupin refuses to work with Chu and vows to retrieve it and his family pride on his own. With help from Kikyo, a childhood friend, Goemon also seeks to maintain his family's honor by ensuring no one, even Lupin, gains the statue. Who will be able to hang onto the statue and learn its secrets?

Épisode 53 - Farewell to Nostradamus

1 avril 1995 - 4/5

A simple diamond heist leads Lupin into the machinations of a bizarre cult. The cult is based around the prophecies of Nostradamus, and they kidnap Julia, the daughter of Douglas, a wealthy American who is seeking the presidency, along with Lupin's diamond. At stake is the lost book of prophecy Douglas holds in the vault at the top of his skyscraper. Can Lupin rescue Julia, find a way into the vault, and discover the connection between the cult and the kidnapping? And what about his diamond?

Épisode 54 - The Pursuit of Harimao's Treasure

4 août 1995 - 3/5

Three statues hold the key to finding the eight billion dollar treasure of Harimao. Having acquired one of the statues, Lupin finds himself an unlikely ally of retired British agent Lord Archer and his granddaughter Diana. Only Archer knows where to find the remaining figure, but the Neo-Himmel group seeks the treasure to fund their own plans. Who will claim the riches of Harimao?!

Épisode 55 - The Secret of Twilight Gemini

2 août 1996 - 3/5

A dying man hands Lupin a mysterious diamond known as "Twilight Gemini". It is one half of a larger diamond that holds the secret to a buried treasure. The search for the other half and the treasure leads Lupin and Jigen to the deserts of Moracco. Fujiko's attempt to seduce the diamond from Lupin is interrupted by Sadachiyo, an effeminate, whip-wielding villain. The search for the treasure becomes more complicated as Lara, a beautiful rebel leader joins Lupin, and Goemon seeks only revenge against Sadachiyo.

Épisode 1 - The Wedding of Lupin the Third

30 août 2015 - 4.5/5

Lupin se marie avec Rebecca Rosselini, une célébrité mondiale, en Italie, dans la ville de Saint-Marin. L'inspecteur Zenigata débarque pour tenter d'arrêter la cérémonie, mais échoue. Lupin est donc marié sous les yeux de ses compères Jigen, Goemon et Fujiko. Mais le mariage était-il réellement par amour ou cache-t-il autre chose ?

Épisode 2 - The Fake Fantasista

30 août 2015 - 4/5

Le football est le sport le plus populaire en Italie, aussi quand Fujiko ramène Mauro Brozzi alias le trésor de Saint-Marin, pour que Lupin l'aide à récupérer des documents qui prouvent son dopage, ce dernier y voit une nouvelle occasion de briller. Comment Lupin va-t-il se sortir des griffes de la mafia qui règne sur la ville ?

Épisode 3 - 0.2% Chance of Survival

30 août 2015 - 4/5

Nyx, agent du MI6, est chargé de la protection du prince James et se voit pour cela envoyé arrêter Lupin et Jigen. Cet agent est tellement doué qu'il devance nos héros dans chacune de leur tentative. Comment vont-ils réussir à se sortir de ce mauvais pas ?

Épisode 4 - With a Gun in My Hand

30 août 2015 - 4.3/5

Jigen débarque dans un hôpital pour se faire soigner les dents. Ce qu'il ne savait pas c'est que dans cette ville, il est interdit de porter une arme sous peine de se voir transformer en "cadavre en sursis". Jigen, privé de son arme, va devoir faire face à Eric et sa bande. Comment va-t-il faire pour se sortir de cette impasse ?

Épisode 5 - The Magician's Left Hand

6 septembre 2015 - 4/5

Fujiko s'est faîte embaucher dans un cirque pour se rapprocher de Luca dont on dit qu'il est la seule personne à connaître les tours de Tony Belcastro, célèbre magicien disparu trop vite. Lupin commence à s'intéresser de près à cette histoire car il est jaloux de la relation qu'entretien Luca avec Fujiko. Comment régler les affaires de meurtres du cirque et les histoires de cœur de Lupin en même temps ?

Épisode 6 - Venice of the Dead

6 septembre 2015 - 4.3/5

Lupin meets Rebecca to sign divorce papers, before they could finish they are attack by zombies.

Épisode 7 - Until the Full Moon Passes

7 septembre 2015 - 4.3/5

Elena Gotti est la veuve d'un riche magnat des médias. La rumeur prétend que sur son lit de mort, Roberto lui aurait révéler où était caché son trésor. Dès lors tous les hommes qui l'ont approchés ont voulu savoir où était ce fabuleux trésor. Lupin en entendant cette histoire ne fera pas exception à la règle et fera tout pour le retrouver.

Épisode 8 - The Zapping Operation

13 septembre 2015 - 4.2/5

Pour sa couverture, l'agent Nyx a une vie de famille, une femme et 3 filles. L'une d'entre elle est fan de Rebecca et l'aborde pour avoir un autographe. Ceci est le point de départ d'un immense quiproquo, entre kidnapping, vol et meurtre.

Épisode 9 - Welcome to the Haunted Hotel

13 septembre 2015 - 4.6/5

Lupin et Jigen se rendent dans un hôtel où un mystérieux trésor serait caché. Cependant la rumeur dit que l'hôtel serait hanté par les fantômes du passé. Jigen surmontera-t-il sa peur du surnaturel ? Lupin trouvera-t-il le trésor ?

Épisode 10 - Requiem for the Assassins

14 septembre 2015 - 4.6/5

Goemon est engagé ainsi que 11 autres tueurs à gage pour éliminer Samuel Dékéré, un dictateur africain, lui même protéger par Zola, son garde du corps. Des années plus tard les tueurs à gage se font éliminer les uns après les autres. Se pourrait-il que Zola soit toujours en vie ? Goemon survivra-t-il à cet expert ?

Épisode 11 - The Lovesick Pig

20 septembre 2015 - 4.2/5

Fujiko et Rebecca invitent toutes les deux Lupin a une vente aux enchères de vins réservée aux couples. Lupin décide d'y aller en jouant sur les deux tableaux. Durant cette vente, le vin "philtre cochon" va être mis en vente, la légende raconte que le couple qui boira de ce vin sera heureux pour toujours. Lupin réussira-t-il à choisir une seule femme ? Réussiront-ils à obtenir le vin ?

Épisode 12 - The Dream of Italy (Part 1)

20 septembre 2015 - 4.4/5

En tentant d'en apprendre plus sur son livre, Rebecca se rend dans une maison abandonnée et se fait kidnapper par le MI6. Enfermée et torturée, elle n'a plus d'espoir. Robson, son majordome décide de demander de l'aide à Lupin et sa bande. Réussiront-ils à la sauver ?

Épisode 13 - The Dream of Italy (Part 2)

21 septembre 2015 - 4.3/5

Lupin réussi à déchiffrer le livre de Rebecca et se retrouve transporté dans un monde onirique où il fait la rencontre de Kô, l'ancien amoureux de Rebecca. Nix est toujours à sa poursuite et le MI6 est aussi de la partie. Comment l'histoire du rêve d'Italie va-t-elle finir ?

Épisode 14 - The End of Lupin the Third

28 septembre 2015 - 4.6/5

Lupin qui s'est fait arrêter, est jeté en prison. Comme à son habitude, il tente de s'évader, mais cette fois-ci Zenigata réussi à le contrer à chaque fois. Afin d'avoir moins d'options, Lupin est enfermé dans une cellule blindée sur un petite île déserte avec Zenigata comme seul surveillant. Lupin va-t-il réellement mourir en prison ?

Épisode 15 - Don't Move the Mona Lisa

5 octobre 2015 - 4.2/5

Lupin is out of money after his long detention and decides to steal the Mona Lisa in order to sell it to a nationalist Italian millionaire. He manages to complete his theft, but the provenance of the painting comes under question.

Épisode 16 - High School Undercover!

12 octobre 2015 - 3.5/5

Lupin steals a precious diamond but during his escape the jewel ends in the backpack of a boy going to school. To take back the diamond, Lupin sneaks in the boy's high school as a new teacher, where he discovers that the diamond is being used by a group of teachers as part of a bomb they have made.

Épisode 17 - Lupin's Day Off

19 octobre 2015 - 4/5

Lupin, Jigen and Goemon are planning to relax outside Rome when they find a lost dog. The dog belongs to a rich woman who's ready to offer a big reward if they can get the dog to her before her ship leaves port.

Épisode 18 - The Murdering Marionette

26 octobre 2015 - 4.4/5

Greco is a man revered as a savior for defeating evildoers one after another. Everyone Greco targets dies within 24 hours, killing and being killed by their own comrades. When provoked by Greco, Lupin and the gang head to Greco's church. There they learn that Greco is plotting to manipulate one of them as a marionette to kill the others, so they all grow suspicious of one another. Who is actually Greco's marionette?

Épisode 19 - The First Supper

2 novembre 2015 - 4.3/5

A mysterious portrait of Lupin appears at a major fashion show in Milan. Portraits of Jigen and Goemon show up as well, so the trio heads to Milan, believing it's some sort of challenge. Zenigata and Fujiko are also there, as are portraits of the two of them. When it's determined that the portraits have been painted by Leonardo Da Vinci, Lupin realizes something and rushes to the church where "The Last Supper" is displayed. What will he find there?!

Épisode 20 - Dragons Sleep Soundly

9 novembre 2015 - 4.2/5

While shopping with his family, Nix is shot by someone and loses consciousness. He wakes up bound, and before him is Percival, his boss from his days as MI6. Percival tells Nix that he wants him to recover the "Dragon's Tail," which has been stolen. And Lupin III is also after the Dragon's Tail... Just what is this thing everyone is after, anyway?!

Épisode 21 - To Hear You Sing Again

15 novembre 2015 - 4.3/5

Lupin has stolen the car that the famous singer Nora Anita loved and drove for nearly half a century. Zenigata and the police are after him, but they won't make a move for fear of damaging the priceless car. Where is Lupin headed in the treasured car?! Meanwhile, Nora Anita's husband looks back on his memories with Nora in her younger days as he looks after his aged wife.

Épisode 22 - From Japan with Love

15 novembre 2015 - 4.2/5

While in Italy, Lupin gets a call from someone claiming to have kidnapped Fujiko. The kidnapper blackmails Lupin into stealing a marionette once owned by Gennai Hiraga and now being kept in a mansion in Tokyo. Lupin hurries to Japan, steals the treasure, and takes it to where Fujiko is held, only to learn that her kidnapping was staged. Standing with Fujiko is the great detective who has solved many difficult cases, Akechi Holmes Kousuke, and Lupin is arrested!

Épisode 23 - Nonstop Rendezvous

22 novembre 2015 - 4/5

Rebecca remembers the first time she meets Lupin.

Épisode 24 - I'm Going to Get You, Lupin

23 novembre 2015 - 4.3/5

Declarations of theft show up throughout the city, and they all bear the message "Tonight I'm going to get you, Lupin III," with a lipstick mark underneath. The one who's been distributing the notes is Rebecca. When she finds Lupin on the run after breaking into a bank, she does all she can to capture him... But why in the world does Rebecca want to steal Lupin?

Épisode 25 - World Dissection (Part 1)

29 novembre 2015 - 4.3/5

Leonardo Da Vinci announces that he is going to unveil his latest work in San Marino. Its title is "World Harmony." After the announcement, for some reason, people all around the Italian Peninsula fall unconscious... and Lupin and the gang are no exception. Lupin later awakes in San Marino, and in front of him, he spots Da Vinci. As he follows the artist, Lupin discovers what "World Harmony" actually is!

Épisode 26 - World Dissection (Part 2)

30 novembre 2015 - 4.3/5

Rebecca's personality is under Da Vinci's control. In an effort to save her, Lupin delves in to her mind, where he struggles with all kinds of traps set by Da Vinci. He manages to encounter Rebecca's captured personality, but her vitality is gone, and Da Vinci has overwritten all her memories. She even forgets about Lupin...

Épisode 27 - The Blood Spray of Geomon Ishikawa

14 février 2017 - 4.3/5

Un jeune samouraï, Goemon Ishikawa sauve le chef du Tetsuryu-kai d'une attaque sur un navire de jeu au large de la côte d'Izuin au Japon. Peu de temps après, le navire explose tuant le chef de gang. Le responsable est un soldat ayant fait plus de 2000 victimes au combat plus connu sous le nom de code Hawk.

Épisode 27 - Lupin III - The Italian Adventure Special

30 novembre 2015 - 4.3/5

The documentary depicts the birth of famous Monkey Punch's original comic strips and anime character. Interview with the creator inside his house at the suburb of Tokyo about the new TV series set in many Italian cities.

Épisode 28 - Fujiko Mine's Lie

31 mai 2019 - 3.7/5

Belongs with Lupin the Third: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine. Do not assign here. A young boy called Gene holds the $500 million key that his father embezzled. The two are being targeted by the killer Bincam who attacked Gene's father, Randy. Once she escapes from Bincam who manipulates the heart of the human with the power of the curse, Fujiko and Gene get restrained. Bincam's sharp claws are ready to attack Fujiko!

Épisode 28 - The Italian Game

8 janvier 2016 - 3.7/5

Rebecca Rossellini has been kidnapped! Born to a prominent family of the Republic of San Marino, the young CEO of the Rossellini conglomerate operates the largest hotel chain in Italy. Rebecca is surrounded by no shortage of celebrity gossip. However, an enthusiastic fan named Pietro stages a kidnapping and train robbery. In fact, a mysterious person is pulling the strings behind the scenes. He calls himself the Masked Earl, and before Rebecca was kidnapped he issued a challenge to Lupin, suggesting a contest: to see who can first obtain the famous inheritance of the Count of Cagliostro. The paths of British MI-6 Agent Nyx, Italian Police Chief Sergio, paparazzo Salo chasing Rebecca, and the Count's descendent Earl Gaspare all cross. Who really is the Masked Earl? And will Lupin be able to overcome the trap set by the Masked Earl? The curtain rises on the most dangerous Italian Game!

Épisode 1 - The Girl in the Twin Towers

4 avril 2018 - 4/5

Lupin a pour nouvelle cible un site du dark web spécialisé dans la vente d'armes et de drogues "Marco Polo", plus précisément il vise les revenus générés par les ventes du site sous forme de cryptomonnaie. Pour subtiliser cette cryptomonnaie, une clef est nécessaire. Lupin s'introduit dans un site hautement sécurisé, " les Tours Jumelles " afin de subtiliser la " clef ", une jeune hacker surdouée du nom de Ami.

Épisode 2 - The Lupin Game

11 avril 2018 - 4.4/5

Les responsables de Marco Polo organisent une chasse à l'homme contre Lupin sous la forme d'un jeu en ligne. Des joueurs du monde entier sont invités à traquer Lupin. À l'aéroport ce n'est pas que la police, mais aussi bien les individus lambda qui sont à sa recherche. Notre voleur tente de dérober un avion mais l'inspecteur Zenigata a un coup d'avance sur lui… Lupin parviendra-t-il à échapper au jeu qui lui est éponyme ?

Épisode 3 - The Killers Gather in the Wasteland

18 avril 2018 - 4.4/5

Shinpei Mayama, le Clan des Rats, Union Mama …la fine fleur des assassins du monde entier sont soudainement à la poursuite de Lupin. Tous participent à un jeu lancé par les dirigeants de Marco Polo le " Happy Deathday ". Ami utilise ses talents de hacker pour tirer Lupin hors du danger, mais en cours de route elle est blessée. Pendant que Jigen et Goemon sont attaqués, Lupin conçoit un plan pour simultanément éliminer tous les assassins.

Épisode 4 - Zenigata's Pride and the Desert Dust

25 avril 2018 - 4.2/5

Alors que Fujiko tient Lupin en joue avec un sourire narquois, Zenigata arrive à la rescousse. Lupin et Ami montent à bord du véhicule de l'inspecteur mais ils sont rapidement la proie de soldats appâtés par la prime pour la tête de Lupin. Ayant abandonné leur voiture, les trois compagnons de fortune doivent traverser le désert à pied, une tâche rendue d'autant plus difficile par la présence de Zenigata.

Épisode 5 - A Crook's Resolve

2 mai 2018 - 4/5

Lupin est abattu d'une balle en pleine tête. Le décès de la cible met fin au jeu de Lupin. Le temps passe et les gens finissent par oublier le jeu. N'ayant plus à poursuivre Lupin, Zenigata assure la protection d'Ami. Un jour, Goemon rend visite à celle-ci avec une lettre. Après l'avoir lue Ami décide d'avoir une confrontation avec les responsables de Marco Polo.

Épisode 6 - Lupin vs. the Smart Safe

9 mai 2018 - 3.7/5

La banque Générale de Tokyo s'est dotée du " coffre malin ". Ce coffre-fort créé par les frères Hirameki analyse les facultés cérébrales de quiconque tente de l'ouvrir et attribue un score à cette personne. Qui plus est, le coffre ne s'ouvre qu'à la condition que ce score atteigne zéro. Lupin, dont le score est évalué à 300, est mis au défi par Fujiko et Jigen de réussir à ouvrir le coffre. Comment va-t-il s'y prendre ?

Épisode 7 - His Name is Albert

16 mai 2018 - 3.7/5

Gaston était autrefois un maître faussaire dans la pègre. Un tableau de son petit-fils sur lequel il a apposé la signature de Picasso est acheté par le millionnaire Monsieur B. Gaston engage Lupin afin qu'il récupère le tableau ce à quoi il parvient sans grande difficulté, si ce n'est que le tableau ressemble étrangement à un vrai Picasso. Lupin doit alors découvrir pourquoi il a réellement été engagé.

Épisode 8 - Who Has the Black Notebook?

23 mai 2018 - 4/5

Lupin se rend sur la tombe de Gaston. Il y rencontre un vieil homme, Camille, avec qui il va boire un verre lorsque le téléphone de l'établissement se met à sonner. À l'autre bout du fil le supposé décédé Gaston lui parle. Lupin comprend qu'il s'agit en fait d'Albert alors que le bistrot est attaqué par la DGSE. Camille aide Lupin à s'échapper. En quoi les événements récents sont-ils liés ? Qui est donc Albert ? Le mystère du carnet noir se dévoile.

Épisode 9 - The Man Who Abandoned "Lupin"

30 mai 2018 - 4/5

Lupin est blessé et Albert obtient le cahier noir. Mais celui-ci se fait coiffer au poteau par José. Lupin est secouru par Jigen et Goemon et parvient à survivre à ses blessures. Il raconte son passé avec Albert à ses comparses. Pendant ce temps, José commence à entreprendre des actions douteuses dans l'Hexagone...

Épisode 10 - Thief and Thief

6 juin 2018 - 4/5

Lupin fait face à Albert qui déclare que la France est sa cible. Après avoir interrogé Guillaume, ils apprennent la nature des terribles desseins de José. Avec son vieux complice Albert, Lupin se rend au QG de José. Jigen et Goemon affrontent de redoutables adversaires tandis que Lupin et Albert se dirigent vers le coeur de la base ennemie...

Épisode 11 - Get Pablo's Collection

13 juin 2018 - 4.3/5

Lupin et sa bande passent le nouvel an au calme quand ce dernier retrouve une médaille qui ramène de vieux souvenirs d'une aventure passée. Pour dérober la fortune du baron de la drogue, Pablo Escobar, la bande se dirige vers l'Amérique du Sud en compagnie de Fujiko. Sur place ils font face au cartel pour finalement parvenir à la collection laissée par Pablo, mais ils sont surpris par ce qu'ils y trouvent...

Épisode 12 - The Extravagance of Goemon Ishikawa XIII

20 juin 2018 - 4/5

Sur demande de Lupin, Goemon se rend dans une petite ville française en plein festival de cosplay. Il est venu assurer la surveillance et la protection de Chloé. Celle-ci a repris le bistrot familial après avoir quitté la Belgique. En effet, à la mort d'un ami fortuné, la jeune femme a hérité d'un bijou inestimable et depuis, elle est prise pour cible par des malfaiteurs...

Épisode 13 - The Bow, the Princess, and the Terrorist

4 juillet 2018 - 4/5

Ami intègre le pensionnat pour jeunes filles d’Annecy où elle rencontre une fille étrange qui chasse le corbeau à l’arc. Il s’agit de Dolma, la princesse du royaume de Padar. Les deux jeunes filles se lient d’amitié tandis que Lupin a des vues sur le collier de la princesse, « La Larme de sang ».

Épisode 14 - How to Steal A Kingdom

11 juillet 2018 - 4.3/5

"Princesse Dolma, sauvez Padar." C’est sur ces mots que Dolma est emmenée chez elle. Lupin la poursuit et Ami décide d’accompagner Fujiko à Padar pour sauver son amie. Le pays est divisé entre les conservateurs menés par le grand maître, et les réformistes dirigés par le roi. Lupin découvre que les conservateurs fomentent un coup d’état.

Épisode 15 - Her Relationship With Lupin

18 juillet 2018 - 4.3/5

Lupin est transpercé par la flèche de Dolma. Ami et Fujiko s’enfuient avec Lupin et se cachent dans un bâtiment abandonné. En voyant Fujiko risquer sa vie pour Lupin, Ami ne sait plus quoi penser d’elle. Entretemps la loi martiale est instaurée dans le royaume de Padar, au bord d’une guerre civile.

Épisode 16 - Let's Talk About First Loves

25 juillet 2018 - 4.3/5

Padar sombre dans le chaos à cause de la guerre civile. Mais il y a un soudain revirement de situation lorsque la société Shake Hands s'implique. Une allocution du roi est postée en ligne, prouvant que ce dernier est vivant. Lupin demande à Ami de se déguiser en Dolma pour infiltrer la cérémonie de couronnement où ils prévoient de sauver la princesse.

Épisode 17 - Introducing Detective Jim Barnett the Third

1 août 2018 - 4.3/5

"Je veux que vous découvriez qui a tué mon mari." Il y a trois ans, quelqu’un a tiré sur le comte de Maupassant. Sa veuve, Isabelle, convoque Lupin chez elle pour qu’il enquête sur l’affaire. Il y a trois suspects, puis d’autres meurtres surviennent dans le vieux château… Place à Détective Lupin !

Épisode 18 - Fujiko's Gift

8 août 2018 - 4.2/5

Peu de temps après avoir emménagé dans sa planque de Riquewihr, Lupin découvre à son réveil que les toilettes sont cassées. Après une bisbille avec Jigen pour l’accès aux toilettes, Fujiko entre dans la pièce et semble savoir ce qui bloque la plomberie. Lupin et sa bande commencent à se méfier de Fujiko quand Zenigata débarque…

Épisode 19 - A 7.62 mm Mirage

15 août 2018 - 4.4/5

Une série de fusillade frappe l’Afrique du Nord. Il s’agit en fait d’un défi lancé à Lupin par le riche Zylberstein. Lupin se dirige vers la vallée où son adversaire l’attend pour une partie d’échec. En parallèle, du haut des deux falaises se joue un duel de snipers entre Jigen et Mirage.

Épisode 20 - Zenigata, Gentleman Thief

22 août 2018 - 4.2/5

Lupin et sa bande visitent l’Ange du Nord, à l’extérieur de la Russie. Ce qui a priori semble être une ville terne et enneigée s’avère être un nid à trésors. Lupin s’intéresse à une banque mais découvre qu’elle a déjà été dévalisée par nul autre que Zenigata !

Épisode 21 - An Outdated Master Thief

29 août 2018 - 4.3/5

"Peoplelog" est un réseau social qui permet de tout savoir d’une personne à partir des données présentes sur internet analysées par son intelligence artificielle. Lupin est à Vienne pour dérober un musée d’art mais il est repéré par Peoplelog. Alors qu’il tente de s’échapper Peopleog prévoit chacun de ses gestes…

Épisode 22 - Answer Me, Zantetsuken

5 septembre 2018 - 4.2/5

Fujiko a été capturée. Elle est retenue sur l’île d’Orig, le siège de Shake Hands. Lupin et sa bande, y compris Ami, se dirigent là-bas pour libérer Fujiko. Avec ses talents de hacker Ami sème le chaos chez Shake Hands, ce qui permet au groupe d’arriver à destination. Alors qu’ils avancent quelque chose dans le fils d’info sur Lupin perturbe Goemon.

Épisode 23 - Just Then, an Old Buddy Said Something

12 septembre 2018 - 4.2/5

Ami supplie son père enfin retrouvé de sauver Lupin. Mais ce dernier est obsédé par l’idée de sauver le monde grâce à Peoplelog. Six mois après leur capture, Lupin et Goemon sont transférés dans un convoi d’Interpol, c’est alors qu’un automobiliste bloque la circulation, une cigarette à la main.

Épisode 24 - Viva Lupin the Third

19 septembre 2018 - 5/5

Lupin III a disparu d’internet. Pendant ce temps ce dernier abreuve Peoplelog d’informations confidentielles qui commencent à chambouler l’équilibre du monde. La communauté internationale décide d’une intervention armée pour mettre fin à Peoplelog et à la société Shake Hands. Alors que l’île d’Orig devient un champ de bataille, Lupin fait finalement son apparition.

Épisode 1 - Enter Sherlock Holmes

17 octobre 2021 - 3.7/5

London, England: A mysterious image is linked to an organization called "Raven". The famous detective Sherlock Holmes also became aware of the situation when a bomb exploded at Scotland Yard while interrogating a suspect.

Épisode 2 - The Detective and the Crook

24 octobre 2021 - 4/5

Lily faints after seeing Lupin, while he and Fujiko escape Zenigata. Holmes vows to catch Lupin and tells Lestrade how Lupin was involved in the death of his partner, John H. Watson, 10 years earlier.

Épisode 3 - Adventure Along the (Bogus) Transcontinental Railroad

31 octobre 2021 - 3/5

In England, Lord Marquess hosts a party for railway enthusiasts on his vast estate which includes a replica of a railroad. Zenigata convinces NYPD's Inspector Queen that Lupin will be there to steal a valuable historic railway ticket so he attends the party.

Épisode 4 - The Killers in the Diner

7 novembre 2021 - 3.5/5

Eight assassins are waiting in a diner, having been hired to collect a bounty on a man called Andre Anderson, who will soon go there to eat.

Épisode 5 - The Imperial City Dreams of Thieves, Part 1

14 novembre 2021 - 4/5

"What's going on with this!?" For some reason, Lupin landed in Tokyo, the imperial capital of the early Shōwa era. There, Lupin is chased by Namikoshi, a police officer who looks like Zenigata and saved by the Black Lizard, a female thief who looks like Fujiko. They all called Lupin a "golden mask"... In a phantom world, what Lupin is supposed to steal?!!

Épisode 6 - The Imperial City Dreams of Thieves, Part 2

21 novembre 2021 - 3/5

Lupin is astonished by the guard who calls himself Goemon. While dodging the slash, he hurried to the exhibition room of the automaton clock. However, at the scene, Colonel Daidōji pointed his gun at Sarantuya and urged her to give him the key of the clock. The alarm rings and the police moves forward. Ruriko and Sarantuya fall into a further critical situation due to the actions of Daidōji. And Akechi, who heard the disturbance, is quietly reasoning... The great tumult of dreams and reality settles here.

Épisode 7 - An Untold Tale

28 novembre 2021 - 4/5

Since then, the mental state of Holmes has changed. The come-back of Holmes has settled all the unsolved cases of the last few years, and the London's underworld has been shaken. Lily feels a bit of loneliness in the state of such a bloodcurdling Holmes. In the meantime, information about a man jumps into Lupin's ears and Lupin re-enters London to chase him. Zenigata, who was burning with Lupin's arrest, was waiting there.

Épisode 8 - Last Bullet

5 décembre 2021 - 4/5

Time goes back three years ago. Kenny, a boy attending a boarding school in Scotland, had a faint love for his classmate Lily. However, one day, during extracurricular study at the museum, an incident occurs in which Lily is about to be taken away by someone. There, Kenny meets a mysterious man who protects Lily from the shadows. Holmes, who cares about Lily, decides to take her out of her school.

Épisode 9 - The Jet-Black Diamond

12 décembre 2021 - 3/5

A dark auction held in the basement of London. The exhibit was the treasure of "Sieg the Pirate King" who was executed in a Brazilian prison after a rampage in the Atlantic Ocean 100 years ago. However, Lupin's aim was an old kokeshi doll that was lost in it. Police officers invade the venue. During the confusion, Lupin obtains the map hidden in the kokeshi doll. This map shows the whereabouts of the undiscovered Sieg's treasure, the "Jet-Black diamond".

Épisode 10 - Darwin's Bird

19 décembre 2021 - 3/5

"That "bird" is beautiful because it flies in authenticity." That was the client told Fujiko. The target is the "Archaeopteryx's fossil" that lies in the Natural History Museum. The fossil that faithfully expresses the evolutionary process of living things had "Iwaku" that sways its true value. The more you listen, the more you wander with an indescribable empty the scent. Lupin, who was asked by Fujiko to cooperate, also frowns at this suspicion thing.

Épisode 11 - The Truth and The Raven

26 décembre 2021 - 4/5

A developer was killed in downtown London. Holmes investigates the case as being related to Raven. Lily will also help gather information with her neighbors in Baker Street. The case led to Faulkner, who was killed. Meanwhile, Lupin also unfold the secret to get closer to Raven's treasure. A serious secret that Faulkner protected... If you have the "poster", you may be able to unravel it.

Épisode 12 - The Ghosts of Britain

26 décembre 2021 - 4/5

Interested parties converge on the Raven’s treasure in the shadows of the London underground as the true identity of Watson’s killer comes to light.

Épisode 13 - An Invitation From the Past

9 janvier 2022 - 4/5

A hideout set up in New York. Under Lupin, who is bored while eating Jigen's home cooking, Fujiko raises the topic of an auction. A strange auction in which treasures from all over the world are put up for sale at once-of course, Lupin was interested, but the description of a jewel on the exhibition list caught his eye. The treasure, whose its origin and history are "unknown," was stolen from the mansion where the young Lupin once lived.

Épisode 14 - The Mirage Women

16 janvier 2022 - 4/5

The woman's name is Mercedes. A female thief who leads the robbery group "Elvira" and causes trouble in various places. After confirming the safety of Mattea who was hospitalized, Lupin follows Mercedes to Mexico. Along the way, one of Lupin's crew told about Lupin's past-a woman named "Tomoe" that Mercedes talked about. And the enigmatic "mystery" about her... Lupin heads toward for a match with Mercedes to find out the truth.

Épisode 15 - Wedding Bells Ring with the Sound of Gunfire

23 janvier 2022 - 3/5

Marriage of Count Fernand Maistre, a prestigious French aristocrat. Lupin aims at the traditional jewel "Tears of Marseille" that is given to the bride at the wedding ceremony. However, when Jigen saw the bride, he had a different expression on his face. The count's marriage partner is Mylene LeGrand, a town doctor who is not from a noble family. With a kindness like a saint, she is an unforgettable existence for Jigen...

Épisode 16 - Samurai Collection

30 janvier 2022 - 2.5/5

Charismatic designer Gabby makes the world enthusiastic with his sense of creativity. For the first time in 5 years, how Goemon was selected as a muse at the new fashion show?! Gabby says that his hungry eyes as a sword fighter touched his heartstrings. Goemon, who continues to practice Bushidō in the world of fashion, faces unfamiliar model training...? Samurai and designer. The roads of these two are now crossing.

Épisode 17 - Win or Lose in 0.1 Seconds

6 février 2022 - 3/5

"L system" - It is the strongest security system created by the genius engineer Linfeng from ICPO. She proposes a game with Lupin to prove its true value to the world. The stage takes place in the Wangtic Securities Headquarters Tower, where the CEO is. What's blocking Lupin is an extraordinary amount of security! How Lupin will face an unprecedented and tough challenge!?

Épisode 18 - Fakes Attract Lies Part 1

6 février 2022 - 3/5

New York since the auction turmoil. Lupin reunites with Mattea, who has been discharged, and learns that she has decided to leave her florist. Feeling a bit of loneliness, she got information about "Tomoe" from the newspaper she suddenly saw Hazel, a female member of the Republic of Kotornica, was once educated by Tomoe. Lupin flies to Kotornica to confirm Tomoe's survival. However, there was Mattea who was traveling by chance.

Épisode 19 - Fakes Attract Lies Part 2

20 février 2022 - 3.5/5

Zenigata captured on suspicion of murdering Hazel. The conflict between the two parties spreads suspicion and upset to Kotornica. Lupin does not touch because of the promise with Hazel. It is the role of Yatagarasu and Arianna to save Zenigata. --Two people struggling to investigate while being disturbed by the local police. The chain of "mysteries" caused by the deepfake incident ... What is another deep lie hidden behind the truth?

Épisode 20 - Two Terrible Ladies

27 février 2022 - 3/5

When a con artist friend of Fujiko's proposes a foolproof plan to rip off a cult, it sounds almost too good to be true… but there’s more to Amelia’s story than meets the eye.

Épisode 21 - Welcome to the Island of Bubbles

6 mars 2022 - 3/5

Mitten, an island where time flows quietly. Lupin and his friends are trapped on the island due to a bridge failure, and they have an unexpected holiday. A girl, Muru, who works at a café, is curious about the look of the Lupin's crew who appreciate with their free time. With her sketchbook in her hand, the girl began to have delusions of Lupin's relationship. Meanwhile, Fujiko hears the legend of a mermaid that has been handed down from ancient times on the island...?

Épisode 22 - My Mother's Documents

13 mars 2022 - 3/5

Finn Clark is a 15-year-old girl who came to a homestay in Levonland, a country in the far north. What she wants to know is about her mother. And also about her dad, that she doesn't remember his face. "Who is my dad? Why did my 16-year-old mom die in this country?" - Finn digs up her mother's record from her house buried in the snow... Lupin, meanwhile, also continued to search for something, relying on all the records having on the net.

Épisode 23 - The Memories of a Beloved Witch

20 mars 2022 - 3/5

Zenigata encounters by chance Lupin in Levonland. Zenigata tells him that he came here after Mattea and that Arianna was attacked by her. Lupin is confused and cannot accept this shocking fact. However, Zenigata carried the voice recorder of Arianna... When he heard the recording, many words came to his mind. They were fragments of his beautiful memories that were shaken.

Épisode 24 - What Crooks Love

27 mars 2022 - 3.5/5

Blood may be thicker than water, but is it as thick as thieves? Find out as Fujiko, Goemon and Jigen race to bring Lupin back to himself in the finale.





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