Poster de la serie L'Histoire secrète des États-Unis

L'Histoire secrète des États-Unis


Année : 2012

Nombre de saisons : 4

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 60 minutes

Genre(s) : Documentaire, Histoire

L'histoire des États-Unis peut être racontée de plusieurs façons. Si l'Histoire semble bien connue et relatée, il existe une autre histoire plus profonde qui a été entourée de secrets et cachée aux yeux du public.


L'Histoire secrète des États-Unis saison 1

Saison 1


L'Histoire secrète des États-Unis saison 2

Saison 2


L'Histoire secrète des États-Unis saison 3

Saison 3


L'Histoire secrète des États-Unis saison 4

Saison 4


Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - The White House

21 janvier 2012 - 4.3/5

Partez à la découverte de la salle la plus secrète de la Maison-Blanche. Pourquoi est-elle si mystérieuse, et qui a déjà réussi à franchir ses portes clandestinement ?

Épisode 2 - Freemasons

28 janvier 2012 - 4.2/5

Explorez l'histoire et les rites des francs-maçons, une société secrète si puissante qu'elle a entre autres contribué à modeler les États-Unis.

Épisode 3 - Fort Knox

4 février 2012 - 4.3/5

Quels sont les arcanes de l'un des lieux les plus sécurisés au monde, où sont entreposées les vastes richesses et les réserves d'or des États-Unis ?

Épisode 4 - Area 51

11 février 2012 - 4.4/5

Découvrez l'une des bases militaires les plus célèbres d'Amérique, qui abrite des travaux de recherche et développement ultra-confidentiels.

Épisode 5 - The Playboy Mansion

18 février 2012 - 4.4/5

Le prestigieux Manoir Playboy possède des recoins secrets que seule l'élite d'Hollywood, habituée à des soirées décadentes, connaissait jusqu'ici.

Épisode 6 - Presidential Transports

25 février 2012 - 4.2/5

Quand le président des États-Unis se déplace, une myriade de véhicules spéciaux, d'agents surentraînés et d'armes secrètes le protège sur terre, sur mer et dans les airs.

Épisode 7 - The FBI

10 mars 2012 - 4.2/5

Le FBI, la première force de police américaine, bénéficie d'un programme d'entraînement confidentiel et d'outils high-tech pour remplir des missions très spéciales.

Épisode 8 - West Point

15 mars 2012 - 4.5/5

Processus de sélection complexe, traditions secrètes et entraînement d'élite attendent les cadets qui entrent dans l'académie militaire la plus prestigieuse d'Amérique.

Épisode 9 - Black Ops

24 mars 2012 - 4.5/5

Pour remplir les missions top secrètes les plus dangereuses au monde, les forces spéciales des États-Unis passent par un entraînement ultra poussé et avant-gardiste.

Épisode 10 - The Pentagon

31 mars 2012 - 4.5/5

Passez derrière les murs en béton et les fenêtres blindées du Pentagone, où se déroulent les opérations de haut vol du département de la Défense des États-Unis.

Épisode 1 - The Ancient Astronaut Cover-Up

5 avril 2013 - 4/5

The notion of a universe inhabited by alien creatures can be found just about everywhere in American popular culture. But could mankind really have been visited by alien beings from other worlds? And might the truth have been kept secret for centuries? Ancient Astronaut theorists Erich von Daniken and Giorgio Tsoukalos, along with Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell, journalists, scientists and government officials explore the mainstream resistance to the idea that aliens have been visiting the Earth for centuries. Has the United States government conspired with other nations to hide the facts about mankind's extraterrestrial past? Could there really be a global cover-up of ancient alien activity? One that shields the public from a profound knowledge that, if revealed, could shatter the very fabric of our civilization?

Épisode 2 - The Mafia

12 avril 2013 - 4/5

For decades, the criminal organization known as "The Mafia" has stained the fabric of American society. But what are the secrets behind the Mob's sinister success? According to the FBI, the American Mafia still has approximately 3,000 active members, and just like the iconic mobsters of the past, the modern Mafia's ill-gotten gains still come at a price: blood, bullets, and a massive body count. Uncover the secret world of organized crime and the violent tactics used by the Cosa Nostra to gain money and power. How did the Mafia become so powerful? How is it possible that with hundreds of gang related killings in Chicago in the 1920s, not one gangster--including the most violent of all, Al Capone--was ever convicted of murder? Why was the Director of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, reluctant to go after the Mafia in the 1930s and 40s? Could the Mafia's influence extend beyond local police and politicians? And what new illegal activities is the Mafia involved in today?

Épisode 3 - The Ku Klux Klan

19 avril 2013 - 4.3/5

They are the original domestic terrorists, hiding underneath white hoods and flowing robes, and taking cover in the rights and freedoms that they are actively seeking to destroy. The Ku Klux Klan--although officially considered by the U.S. Government to be a racist organization--is not an illegal one. And while objectionable to most Americans, its philosophy of racial intolerance is protected as free speech under the First Amendment. But just how large, powerful, and dangerous is the Ku Klux Klan? This episode exposes the nearly 150 years of KKK history and the many attempts to discredit the Klan's demands for segregation and white supremacy. Johnny Lee Clary, once the Imperial Wizard of the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in Mississippi, shares inside knowledge of the Klan, including the secret handshakes, secret greetings, and the secret goals of the odern hate group.

Épisode 4 - Serial Killers

26 avril 2013 - 4/5

They are secretly stalking America's streets and highways, hiding in plain sight and compelled by one simple motive: the thrill of taking another person's life. Since the 1970s, the United States has produced an estimated 1,400 serial killers--more than double the combined total of the rest of the world. What causes a seemingly normal human being to engage in serial acts of murder? This episode uncovers the psychological, biological and sociological make-up of these dangerous murderers. Why do they kill? How can they be identified and stopped before they strike? Former FBI profiler Clint Van Zandt, criminal psychologists Eric Hickey and Helen Morrison, journalists, scientists and law enforcement experts reveal the secret motives of serial killers like "BTK Killer" Dennis Rader and Jeffrey Dahmer--and explain why Ted Bundy, Donald Harvey "The Angel of Death" an the "Grim Sleeper" Lonnie Franklin Jr. were able to evade capture for years while they amassed a shocking number of victims.

Épisode 5 - American Nazis

3 mai 2013 - 4/5

The history of neo-Nazi groups in the United States is examined.

Épisode 6 - Deadly Cults

10 mai 2013 - 4.3/5

Uncovering the psychological allure of cults, their leaders and methods of controlling their members.

Épisode 7 - Presidential Cover-Ups

17 mai 2013 - 4.3/5

How much do we really know about what goes on behind the doors of the Oval Office?

Épisode 8 - The Drug Wars

24 mai 2013 - 4/5

Uncovering the conspiracies behind America's 40-year drug campaign and why marijuana is classified as equally dangerous as heroin.

Épisode 9 - The Mystery of Bigfoot

31 mai 2013 - 4/5

Bigfoot is everywhere you look, but why are so many millions of Americans obsessed with this mysterious man-ape? This episode sheds new light on some of the nation's darkest Sasquatch secrets.

Épisode 10 - Presidential Assassins

7 juin 2013 - 4.3/5

Over the last century there have been four successful presidential assassinations and a multitude of failed attempts. But do we know the real story behind these assassination plots?

Épisode 11 - Lost Treasures

14 juin 2013 - 4.3/5

American treasure hunters are convinced that there are missing fortunes scattered all around the country just waiting to be found.

Épisode 12 - Hells Angels

21 juin 2013 - 4/5

Chronicling the history of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club.

Épisode 1 - Scientology

29 mars 2014 - 4/5

It is one of the most secret organizations in America. A religion–based on the cosmic revelations of an inspired genius–that boasts more than 100,000 faithful followers throughout the world. We'll reveal the hidden origins, strict doctrine, secret language and celebrity allure of the wealthy and influential institution. Former Scientologists disclose the reasons they were drawn to the church–and why they left. Jenna Miscavige Hill, niece of Scientology's current leader, David Miscavige, describes her difficult experiences inside the organization. Former church executive, Mark Rathbun, demonstrates Scientology's most revered spiritual technology–the "E-Meter." And watchdog Tony Ortega explains the appeal of Scientology that draws in new members. Find out why some consider Scientology a spiritual choice and others consider it a road to ruin.

Épisode 2 - Big Brother

5 avril 2014 - 3.5/5

This episode uncovers the secret surveillance methods the government and big business use to watch, monitor and record our every move. Government whistleblowers, Thomas Drake and Jesselyn Radack, reveal how the NSA decided to aggressively monitor Americans' correspondence after 9/11. Documentarian Cullen Hoback explains how the government has partnered with Silicon Valley high-tech companies like Facebook and Yahoo to gather data on every American citizen. And former computer hacker Sammy Kamkar explains how someone could watch you from inside your own home. Buzzing drones overhead. Emails monitored and stored. Cell phone records tracked and analyzed. In today's digital age, is the concept of privacy now extinct? There are those who believe Big Brother is already here–and that the secret monitoring of American citizens has only just begun.

Épisode 3 - American Terrorists

12 avril 2014 - 4/5

Political dissidents… armed to kill. Sociopathic outsiders… harboring hatred. Religious zealots… plotting mass destruction. And all of them hiding in plain sight. But just who are these killers in our midst and is there any way to stop them? This episode delves into the world of terrorism on American soil and reveals how authorities are working to stop these radical groups. Deputy Chief of LAPD Counter Terrorism Michael Downing reveals terrorists recruiting tactics in American prisons. Former Sergeant of the Massachusetts State Police Sean Murphy recounts the manhunt for the Boston Marathon Bombers. And journalist Laura Sullivan describes how today's new terrorists may be as close as your next-door neighbor. With an estimated tens of thousands of terrorists operating in the United States, can Americans ever reclaim the peace and security that was once taken for granted? Is there any chance of winning the so-called "war on terror?"

Épisode 4 - The Gold Conspiracy

19 avril 2014 - 3.5/5

Gold. It is one of the most precious metals in the world. A glittering commodity so rare that people will go to great lengths to obtain it. But who sets the price? And what are the secret methods to control its value?Uncover the clandestine world surrounding the highly prized precious metal. How much gold does the United States really have–and where is it locked away? Is the American government overstating the amount of gold in its reserves to create the mystique of financial superiority? Former U.S. Secretary of Labor Robert Reich discusses the gold standard and the possible manipulation of the commodities markets. Chairman of Euro Pacific Precious Metals Peter Schiff describes how gold could replace credit cards. And author Matthew Hart details how the U.S. is storing gold that belongs to other countries–but may now be missing from the Federal Reserve's vaults.

Épisode 5 - America's Secret Army

26 avril 2014 - 3.5/5

They operate in the shadows… Men trained to kill… without leaving a trace. But who are these secret forces? What are their covert methods? And, can they be trusted to protect the interests of the American people? Delve into the clandestine operations of the United States most expertly trained secret weapons. But what exactly are these surreptitious services designed to do–and whom do these stealth-like soldiers ultimately report to? Are the strategies of these covert armies effective in keeping the United States one step ahead of its power hungry enemies? National Security Attorney Mark Zaid reveals details about the prestigious Delta Force unit that have remained a well-kept secret–until now. Former Attorney General John Ashcroft discusses the concept of asymmetrical warfare and how our government employs it today. And author Peter Singer describes the underground war being waged over the internet.

Épisode 6 - Secret Prisons

3 mai 2014 - 3/5

A look inside America's maximum-security ''secret'' prisons, unveiling their hidden agendas and covert operations.

Épisode 7 - The Billionaire Agenda

10 mai 2014 - 5/5

This episode reveals the underground world of America's wealthiest citizens and the depths at which their power and influence take root. Do billionaires think they know better than the majority? Are the American masses just objects to control? Forbes Editor Luisa Kroll talks about the growing wealth of the super-rich and the exclusive billionaire communities that are forming around them. Former United States Secretary of Labor Robert Reich divulges how billionaires' "dark money" influences American politics in ways that are off-limits to public scrutiny. And Author Mark Dice discusses the Bilderberg Group, the world's most secretive society of billionaires and the extreme measures they take to ensure that what happens behind closed doors stays behind closed doors.

Épisode 8 - Secret Underground

17 mai 2014 - 5/5

Americans may be aware of what’s above ground, but do they know what’s concealed beneath? And could subterranean facilities on U.S. soil house secrets so dangerous, our government would stop at nothing to keep them hidden? We examine the tunnels, cities, and fortresses covertly constructed beneath the feet of the American public. Author, Nick Redfern, reveals the secret government fortress used in times of crisis to house high-ranking officials. Former CIA contractor, John Lear, discusses secret underground rail systems connecting America’s major military instillations. U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of California Laura Duffy describes the Super Tunnel; the latest discovered passage in an advanced network of drug smuggling tunnels beneath the US and Mexican border. Author, Terry Kirkpatrick, discusses the possibility of terrorists teaming with drug cartels to use underground tunnels as a means to attack the United States.

Épisode 9 - The Secret Service

24 mai 2014 - 5/5

They are an elite force of brave men and women who put their lives on the line. Their mission: to guard the most powerful person in the world. But just who are these American heroes? And what secrets are they protecting? This episode goes inside one of the most top-secret law enforcement agencies in the United States. But is there more to the Secret Service than just protecting America's greatest asset? And do recent scandals signify a growing problem within the ranks? Current director of the U.S. Secret Service, Julia Pierson, discusses the history of the agency and the growing threats against the office of the President. Former U.S. Secret Service special agent, Dan Bongino, reveals the grueling agency selection process and the psychology involved in assessing ever-present dangers. And Political Journalist, Marc Ambinder, examines the scandal in Cartagena, Columbia and how it has impacted the culture within the Secret Service.

Épisode 10 - America's Doomsday Plan

31 mai 2014 - 3/5

An atomic attack… cyber warfare… a deadly airborne virus… the list of doomsday scenarios facing the United States has shaken the American psyche. But what is the government doing to protect the nation from ultimate disaster? This episode takes an in-depth look at the impending threats facing our world today. With the Doomsday Clock set to 5 minutes before midnight, is the end of the world looming just around the corner? And could our lack of preparation force us to make the ultimate choice: who will live and who will die? Survivalist Tim Ralston talks about the threat of an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) and the devastating impact it could have on the entire world. Ronald Kessler describes the cyber command center and current state of cyber warfare. Bill Kristol discusses the continuity of government and secret bunkers that would be used in the event of a catastrophic attack.

Épisode 1 - The Secret Space Program

11 mai 2021

On December 20, 2019, the newest branch of the armed services was established–Space Force. But nearly two decades earlier in 2002, a man named Gary McKinnon claimed he had discovered evidence that a secret military space program already existed… after hacking top-secret Pentagon and NASA computers. Does this suggest that the U.S. has a much greater presence in space than the public is aware? Could we even have occupied bases on the Moon and Mars?

Épisode 2 - Protecting the President

18 mai 2021

The United States has experienced four presidential assassinations, and two more assassination attempts nearly succeeded. But how many more occur that never reach the public? And how far do we go to protect the commander in chief?

Épisode 3 - The Freemason Factor

25 mai 2021

The Freemasons are rumored to be able to trace their roots back to the medieval warrior monks known as the Knights Templar, and it is an established fact that they were highly influential in the founding of the United States.

Épisode 4 - FBI vs MLK

8 juin 2021

In 1962, Martin Luther King Jr. criticised Hoover’s FBI for refusing to prosecute white supremacists who had burnt down black churches in Albany, Georgia; Hoover took King’s criticisms as a personal insult and he ordered the FBI to investigate King.

Épisode 5 - The Hunt for Hitler's Relics

15 juin 2021

Adolph Hitler was deeply into the occult and even established a Nazi organization called the Ahnenerbe, with a secret mission to track down and confiscate holy relics–a fact that inspired the blockbuster film, Raiders of the Lost Ark. It was rumored that he sought not only the Ark of the Covenant, but the Holy Grail, the omphalos from the Oracle of Delphi, the entrance to the mythical land of Shambhala, and an object known as “The Spear of Destiny”–the spear that was supposedly used by a Roman soldier to pierce Christ’s side during the crucifixion. Did Hitler actually come to possess some of these ancient relics?

Épisode 6 - Inside Area 51

22 juin 2021

In 2013–after decades of secrecy, denials, and cover-ups–the CIA declassified documents that acknowledged the existence of a top-secret military research facility known as Area 51. But despite this disclosure, six years later in 2019, millions responded to an internet post advocating to storm the gates. Why does this Top-Secret location continue to draw so much attention–and suspicion? What really goes on within its heavily secured walls? Should we be reassured by its existence? Or fearful?

Épisode 7 - Doomsday Scenarios

29 juin 2021

A look at what plans the United States government has in place to deal with a major attack or catastrophic event, from the designated survivor to the Mount Weather Emergency Operations Centre and FEMA catastrophe protocols.

Épisode 8 - Mind Control

6 juillet 2021

From Masonic symbols to concealed bases and hidden tunnels that exist right under one’s feet, many of America’s best kept secrets hide in plain sight.

Épisode 9 - Alien Disclosure

13 juillet 2021

Are governments around the world preparing mankind for the most startling event in human history–the official disclosure of extraterrestrial contact? Or even an extraterrestrial presence on Earth right now? And if so, why is this happening now, what form might the announcement take, and what might happen in its aftermath?

Épisode 10 - Deadly Pandemics

20 juillet 2021

In 2020, COVID 19 effectively shut down the entire world–and in the process, elevated pandemics to the most important issue across the globe. How do they start? Is it possible to contain them? And could COVID 19 be merely the precursor to something much worse?


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@Maretoh Je pense qu'il manque les épisodes de la saison 4: