Poster de la serie Les trois visages d'Ana

Les trois visages d'Ana


Année : 2016

Nombre de saisons : 1

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 43 minutes

Genre(s) : Drame, Romance, Soap

Ana Lucía, Ana Leticia et Ana Laura sont des triplées identiques avec des personnalités très différentes. Leurs parents sont morts dans un accident de voiture (causé par Ana Leticia) quand elles étaient plus jeunes. On croyait qu'Ana Lucía s'était noyée dans la rivière dans laquelle la voiture familiale est tombée et que seules Ana Leticia et Ana Laura avaient survécu. Soledad Hernández, une femme de la région, qui souffre de la perte de sa jeune fille, trouve Ana Lucía dans la rivière et l'élève comme son propre enfant. Quelques années plus tard, Ana Lucía est une jeune femme joyeuse et pleine de vie, passionnée de chiromancie et la danse trapéziste, elle fait des rêves récurrents au propos des trois fillettes identiques. Ana Laura est devenue une jeune femme douce, calme et solitaire, Excellente pianiste et dont tout le monde loue la générosité de cœur. Elle veut retrouver sa sœur disparue, refusant de croire qu'elle est morte. L'accident a rendu Ana Laura unijambiste. Elle tombe amoureuse de Ramiro, mais ne se pense pas digne d'amour en raison de son handicap. Ramiro est désolé pour elle. Ana Leticia est très différente de ses sœurs. Elle est superficielle, égoïste, ambitieuse et manipulatrice. Elle veut toujours être le centre de l'attention, en particulier avec sa grand-mère, Ernestina, et son oncle, Mariano, ne voulant pas retrouver sa sœur disparue pour ne pas être invisible sans compter qu'Ana Laura s'attire l'affection de tout le monde malgré son handicap; en vérité elle craint à l'inverse de ses des sœurs de n'avoir rien de spécial. Ana Leticia s'allie à Iñaki qui devient son amant et complice. Le mari d’Ana Leticia, Marcelo, est détective privé. Apprenant que celui-ci est sur le point de retrouver Ana Lucía, Ana Leticia envoie un homme de main pour l’abattre. Marcelo survit à ses blessures mais devient amnésique. La femme qui l’a sauvé lui donne un nouveau nom. Et Marcelo devient Santiag


Les trois visages d'Ana saison 1

Saison 1



Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - Extraños recuerdos

23 mai 2016 - 3.9/5

Three girls are traveling with their parents when they suffer a terrible accident. The parents die, but the girls are saved. Years later, Santiago dreams of a mysterious woman and decides to visit the place where he suffered an accident months before.

Épisode 2 - Pasado confuso

23 mai 2016 - 3.3/5

Ana Leticia makes fun of Ana Laura after giving her a short skirt as a gift. Santiago tells Ana Lucía that years ago he had an accident and lost his memory. Doña Chana reads the letters to Ana Lucía and tells her that she is a lost woman.

Épisode 3 - La sombra del pasado

24 mai 2016 - 3.1/5

Doña Chana assures Ana Lucía that there are two other women identical to her. Soledad gets nervous because she is reunited with Santiago, since before losing his memory, he discovered the truth about Ana Lucía.

Épisode 4 - Temores

24 mai 2016 - 3.1/5

Soledad forbids Ana Lucía to go to Santa Cecilia to prevent her from discovering anything about her past. Santiago confesses to Remedios that he thinks he was a bad man in the past. Mariano apologizes to Jennifer for having been unfaithful.

Épisode 5 - Nueva amenaza

25 mai 2016 - 3.1/5

Iñaki and Ana Leticia compete to sell their first house. Ramiro meets Evaristo again in the house that belonged to Soledad. Evaristo warns Soledad that Ramiro is looking for her. Santiago and Ana Lucía meet again in Santa Cecilia.

Épisode 6 - Tras la caída

25 mai 2016 - 3.1/5

Ana Lucía meets Aníbal, who offers her a job in his dance company. Ana Leticia remembers how in love she was with Marcelo. Ana Laura cannot get over it after falling in front of the public at the recital.

Épisode 7 - Malos recuerdos

26 mai 2016 - 3.1/5

Valentín remembers how Gina put him down for being paralyzed. Ramiro remembers when Gina once made fun of Ana Laura. Ana Leticia dreams when her parents died in the fatal accident.

Épisode 8 - Viaje improvisado

26 mai 2016 - 3.1/5

Soledad pretends to be sick and tells Ana Lucía that they should travel to the city. Evaristo reveals to Ana Leticia that Marcelo is alive; she doesn't believe him. Ernestina asks Ramiro to stop his search for Ana Lucía.

Épisode 9 - Oposición

27 mai 2016 - 3.1/5

Soledad discovers Ana Lucía and Santiago kissing, then asks him to stay away from her daughter. Ramiro proposes to Ana Laura again, but she refuses because she thinks he only wants to marry out of pity.

Épisode 10 - Destinos diferentes

27 mai 2016 - 3.1/5

Ana Leticia meets with Evaristo to question who Sofía Hernández is. Ana Laura suspects that Ramiro only wants her out of interest. Valentín follows Ana Laura to the foundation. Ana Lucía tells Santiago the meaning of her tattoo.

Épisode 11 - Intrigas

30 mai 2016 - 3.1/5

Evaristo warns Soledad that Santiago is a dangerous man. Ana Leticia assures Ana Laura that Ramiro wants to keep the inheritance of one of the two. Ana Leticia assures Ernestina that Ana Laura caused her parents' accident.

Épisode 12 - Golpe doloroso

31 mai 2016 - 3.1/5

Ernestina coughs and begins to feel very bad. Ana Laura claims that Ramiro has kissed Ana Leticia and tells him that she will not marry him. Ernestina finds out that Ramiro kissed Ana Leticia and slaps him.

Épisode 13 - Poniendo límites

1 juin 2016 - 3.1/5

Ernestina demands that Edmundo Ramiro never go near his granddaughters again. Edmundo throws Ramiro out of his house. Evaristo warns Ana Lucía to stay away from Santiago because he is a dangerous man.

Épisode 14 - Secretos y mentiras

2 juin 2016 - 3.1/5

Ramiro returns to San Nicolás to continue investigating the disappearance of Ana Lucía. Santiago realizes that his godmother's compadre is Evaristo and asks him to look for him so he can make him remember his past.

Épisode 15 - Bajo amenaza

6 juin 2016 - 3.1/5

Evaristo points a gun at Santiago and demands that he get into his car. Ramiro shows Orlando photos of Ana Laura and Ana Leticia; he discovers that they are identical to Ana Lucía. Evaristo takes Santiago to a desolate highway where he threatens to kill him.

Épisode 16 - Buscando la verdad

7 juin 2016 - 3.1/5

Evaristo demands that Santiago stay away from Remedios, Soledad and Ana Lucía. Santiago assures Ana Lucía that he is not a murderer. Ana Leticia plans to exhume Marcelo's remains to obtain a DNA test.

Épisode 17 - Las cartas no mienten

8 juin 2016 - 3.1/5

Santiago is arrested by the police, who accuse him of having murdered Gina. Chana reads the letters to Ramiro and reveals that Ana Laura is in danger. Soledad meets Evaristo and asks him to leave her and her daughter alone.

Épisode 18 - He estado aquí antes

9 juin 2016 - 3.1/5

Ana Lucía calls Evaristo and asks for his help to get Santiago out of prison. Santiago is released. Valentín confesses his love to Ana Laura and kisses her. Iñaki shows Santiago his apartment, he remembers having been there before.

Épisode 19 - Maldad disfrazada de bondad

10 juin 2016 - 3.1/5

Ana Leticia seduces Ramiro but makes Mariano believe that he is abusing her. Ana Leticia behaves like a girl when Ernestina doesn't give her her earrings. Ramiro assures Mariano that he will continue looking for Ana Lucía.

Épisode 20 - El peso del pasado

14 juin 2016 - 3.1/5

Soledad tries to confess her crime to a priest, but cannot. Ana Lucía tells Santiago that she had a dream in which she saw herself reflected three times. Ramiro decides to rent an apartment in the building where Marcelo used to live.

Épisode 21 - Fotografía reveladora

15 juin 2016 - 3.1/5

Ana Leticia can't see the photo of Santiago that Iñaki tries to show her. Ramiro tells Ana Laura his version of how Ana Leticia flirts with him. Santiago sees Soledad with a photograph of him and demands that she tell him everything she knows about him.

Épisode 22 - La fotografía de su esposa

16 juin 2016 - 3.1/5

Evaristo shows Santiago a photo of Jennifer and lies to him saying that she is his wife and that she is looking for him. In addition, he tells Santiago that his real name is Juan Carlos and that his wife lives in Costa Paraíso.

Épisode 23 - Nuestra primera vez juntos

17 juin 2016 - 3.1/5

Ramiro and Ana Laura try to be intimate, but she can't. Santiago takes Ana Lucía on a romantic date, where they surrender to passion. Ana Leticia lies to Ana Laura and assures her that Ramiro tried to kiss her again.

Épisode 24 - Futuro entrelazado

20 juin 2016 - 3.1/5

Chana reads the letters to Santiago and assures him that his destiny is marked by three women. Ana Leticia demands that Iñaki not tell Mariano that Ramiro rented Marcelo's apartment, but he goes and tells her.

Épisode 25 - El único que sabe

22 juin 2016 - 3.1/5

Ana Leticia meets Valentín and finds out that he is Ana Laura's boyfriend. Orlando asks Ramiro for a lot of money so that he can reveal to the Álvarez Del Castillo family where Ana Lucía is.

Épisode 26 - Una fotografía

24 juin 2016 - 3.1/5

Orlando shows Ramiro a photo of Ana Lucía, proving that she is alive. Ernestina asks Ramiro to show her the photo of her granddaughter and he asks her for money for Orlando. Ernestina believes that Ramiro is cheating her.

Épisode 27 - De nuevo en la cárcel

27 juin 2016 - 3.2/5

Santiago is arrested after Orlando denounced him for theft in order to find him and find Ana Lucía. Soledad asks Evaristo for his help so that Orlando does not find Ana Lucía. Evaristo has Orlando kidnapped.

Épisode 28 - Complicidad secreta

28 juin 2016 - 3.2/5

Evaristo orders Orlando to be beaten and warns him not to go near Soledad and Ana Lucía. Daniel reminds Ana Leticia that he helped her get rid of Marcelo. Ana Leticia remembers that she asked Marcelo for a divorce before his accident.

Épisode 29 - Advertencia entendida

29 juin 2016 - 3.2/5

Ana Leticia is burning with jealousy because Ramiro confirms that he is marrying Jennifer. Santiago says goodbye to Remedios and Ana Lucía to go look for his supposed wife. Orlando assures Soledad that sooner or later her truth will come out.

Épisode 30 - El adiós

30 juin 2016 - 3.2/5

Chana warns Ramiro that his life is in danger. Remedios discovers Soledad's secret: that Ana Lucía is not her daughter and that she is the lost triplet of the Álvarez del Castillo family. Ana Leticia argues with Jennifer and throws her into the void.

Épisode 31 - Hacia el vacío

1 juillet 2016 - 3.1/5

Santiago discovers Jennifer still alive and she calls him Marcelo. Ana Leticia remembers that before dying, Jennifer revealed to her that Marcelo is still alive. Santiago looks up the name of Marcelo Salvaterra on the internet and discovers photos that leave him very surprised.

Épisode 32 - Las tres hermanas

5 juillet 2016 - 3.2/5

Santiago discovers that Ana Lucía is the sister of Ana Laura and Ana Leticia. Remedios demands that Soledad tell her her secret. Santiago visits the tomb of Marcelo Salvaterra. Mariano informs Ernestina and her nieces that Jennifer is dead.

Épisode 33 - La verdad sale a la luz

6 juillet 2016 - 3.2/5

Remedios demands that Soledad tell her the truth about Ana Lucía. Remedios complains to Soledad that she has not returned Ana Lucía to her family. Ana Leticia discovers that her wedding photo is missing, so she suspects that Marcelo was there.

Épisode 34 - Tras el funeral

7 juillet 2016 - 3.2/5

Evaristo informs Mariano that a witness saw how Jennifer argued with a woman before falling into the void. Soledad assures Remedios that Santiago is married to a sister of Ana Lucía. Remedios agrees to keep Soledad's secret.

Épisode 35 - Escalofriante descubrimiento

8 juillet 2016 - 3.2/5

Ramiro goes to Valentín's house and discovers that he is obsessed with Ana Laura. Ramiro gives Ana Laura Ana Lucía's bracelet. Ramiro tells Leonor what he saw at Valentín's house. Leonor takes Ana Laura to Valentín's house to unmask him.

Épisode 36 - Frente a frente

11 juillet 2016 - 3.1/5

Ana Laura arrives with Valentín at Jennifer's mass; Mariano is very surprised. Ramiro doesn't understand why Leonor didn't find anything suspicious at Valentín's house. Santiago looks for Iñaki at his house, Ramiro sees him and recognizes him as Marcelo.

Épisode 37 - ¿Amigos o enemigos?

12 juillet 2016 - 3.2/5

Ramiro assures Santiago that they were good friends when he was Marcelo Salvaterra. Santiago tells Ramiro the story of how he lost his memory. Evaristo asks Remedios to rent Orlando a room at the pension.

Épisode 38 - Nuevos planes

13 juillet 2016 - 3.2/5

Ramiro tells Santiago that he can help him remember his past. Mariano proposes to Ana Laura to study music abroad, but he really wants to get her away from Valentín. Iñaki takes Ana Leticia to dinner, where he kisses her passionately.

Épisode 39 - Envidia

15 juillet 2016 - 3.2/5

Maribel tells Orlando that Ana Lucía suffers because Santiago is married. Iñaki finally meets Ana Lucía and is stunned. Ana Leticia warns Daniel that Marcelo is alive and that he is seeking revenge. Iñaki recommends Santiago to go away.

Épisode 40 - Peleando contra el corazón

18 juillet 2016 - 3.2/5

Ramiro, Iñaki and Santiago create a plan so that Ana Laura and Ana Leticia do not attend the aerial dance show and are seen by Ana Lucía. Tadeo remembers when Julieta abandoned him with her children while she was pregnant by another man.

Épisode 41 - Danza aérea

19 juillet 2016 - 3.2/5

Daniel sees Ana Leticia kiss Iñaki and gets into a fight with him. Ana Lucía's aerial dance presentation impresses Ernestina and Mariano. Soledad orders Ana Lucía to leave the theater before Ernestina and Mariano see her.

Épisode 42 - Amenaza

20 juillet 2016 - 3.2/5

Ernestina sees Santiago coming out of Ana Lucía's dressing room, so she is shocked and faints. Remedios warns Soledad that she will tell the Álvarez del Castillo family where Ana Lucía is if she does not support her dream of being a dancer.

Épisode 43 - Casi juntas

21 juillet 2016 - 3.1/5

Ana Leticia goes to Iñaki's house; Ana Lucía suddenly arrives looking for Santiago. Iñaki prevents Ana Leticia from seeing Ana Lucía by taking her to Santiago. Ramiro meets Ana Lucía. Ana Laura discovers that Iñaki is in love with Ana Leticia.

Épisode 44 - Buscando información

22 juillet 2016 - 3.2/5

Santiago confesses to Ana Lucía that he still loves his wife, but he also loves her. Valentín visits Ernestina in the hospital to obtain information about Marcelo. Ana Lucía gives Santiago an ultimatum.

Épisode 45 - Una extraña propuesta

25 juillet 2016 - 3.2/5

Ana Laura asks Ramiro to live with another woman and forget about her. Ana Lucía proposes to Soledad that they go together far away from the city. Ana Lucía gives Remedios the address where Santiago lives.

Épisode 46 - Los recuerdos de Marcelo

26 juillet 2016 - 3.2/5

Santiago remembers that Ana Leticia wanted to divorce Marcelo. Ana Leticia buys a wig to impersonate Ana Laura. Iñaki discovers that Ana Leticia traveled to Costa Paraíso the day Jennifer died.

Épisode 47 - Esperanza de amor

27 juillet 2016 - 3.2/5

Mariano tells Viridiana that he is the owner of the place that she wants to rent to set up her boutique. Remedios tells Ana Lucía that Santiago has not spoken to his wife.

Épisode 48 - De frente a su esposa

28 juillet 2016 - 3.2/5

Iñaki tells Ana Leticia that he knows she went to Costa Paraíso the day Jennifer died. Marcelo gets in front of Ana Leticia's car and she tries to run him over.

Épisode 49 - Fingiendo ser su hermana

29 juillet 2016 - 3.2/5

Santiago tells Soledad that he will help her not to be separated from Ana Lucía. Ana Leticia pretends to be Ana Laura in front of Valentín and tells him that she loves him.

Épisode 50 - Falsas promesas

1 août 2016 - 3.2/5

Santiago asks Soledad to allow him to live his love with Ana Lucía. Ana Leticia pretends to be Ana Laura to find out about Valentín's past.

Épisode 51 - Un nuevo noviazgo

1 août 2016 - 3.2/5

Ana Leticia asks Leonor to support her relationship with Ramiro or else she will tell Ernestina her most intimate secret. Santiago questions Leonor in order to find Facundo.

Épisode 52 - Romance imposible

2 août 2016 - 3.2/5

Leonor reproaches Ana Leticia for having a relationship with Ramiro despite the fact that Ana Laura is in love with him. Ramiro finds out that Soledad is the supposed mother of Ana Lucía. Iñaki confesses to Ramiro that he is in love with Ana Leticia.

Épisode 53 - Venganza sin escrúpulos

2 août 2016 - 3.1/5

Ramiro tells Iñaki that Santiago will ask Ana Leticia for a divorce. Leonor looks for Facundo and confesses that Santiago is alive. Ana Leticia tells Ana Laura that Valentín is with her to take revenge on Ramiro.

Épisode 54 - Pasado inolvidable

3 août 2016 - 3.2/5

Ramiro confesses to Ana Laura that Ana Leticia agreed to be his girlfriend. Iñaki tells Ana Leticia that she has to take care of Santiago. Ana Laura tells Ramiro that Valentín wants to take revenge on him for Gina's death.

Épisode 55 - Romance fingido

3 août 2016 - 3.2/5

Ana Laura and Ramiro give Ernestina Ana Leticia's bracelet as proof that she is alive. Ana Leticia breaks the news to her family that she is dating Ramiro. Santiago tells Ana Leticia that Ana Laura and Ramiro set him up.

Épisode 56 - Presunto asesino

4 août 2016 - 3.2/5

Ana Leticia slaps Ana Laura after claiming that she set a trap for her. Santiago tells Ana Lucía that he thinks he has killed his wife's lover. Valentín tells Ramiro that Santiago murdered Gina.

Épisode 57 - Lazos de sangre

4 août 2016 - 3.1/5

Ernestina tells Evaristo that she knows that Ana Lucía is alive. Santiago confesses to Ramiro that he remembered that he forced Gina to write her suicide note. Julieta confesses to Iñaki that he is her son and asks him to help Daniel to prevent him from dying.

Épisode 58 - Reencuentro anhelado

5 août 2016 - 3.2/5

Facundo discovers that Santiago is alive. Ramiro demands that Mariano tell him the truth about Gina's death. Ana Leticia proposes an alliance to Valentín to separate Ana Laura from Ramiro. Ana Leticia confesses to Ernestina that Santiago is alive.

Épisode 59 - Sorpresiva confesión

5 août 2016 - 3.2/5

Santiago tells Remedios that he found her father. Iñaki tells Santiago that he was reunited with his mother. Julieta confesses to Ana Leticia that Iñaki is her son. Iñaki tells Julieta that he will save Daniel's life.

Épisode 60 - De nuevo juntos

8 août 2016 - 3.4/5

Iñaki agrees to donate part of his liver to Daniel in exchange for a large amount of money. Ana Leticia pretends to be Ana Laura to meet Marcelo again.

Épisode 61 - Acción tardía

8 août 2016 - 3.2/5

Marcelo confesses to Ana Laura that he is in love with another woman without knowing that it is Ana Leticia. Daniel dies before receiving the liver transplant.

Épisode 62 - Hijo no deseado

9 août 2016 - 3.2/5

Ernestina is determined to find Ana Lucía and take revenge on the person who took her away from her. Julieta tells Iñaki that she abandoned him because he was a mistake in her life.

Épisode 63 - Divorcio necesario

9 août 2016 - 3.2/5

Remedios suffers at the thought that Facundo will do anything to get Santiago away from her. Mariano assures Ana Leticia that he will help her with her divorce and they will make Marcelo pay for all the damage he did to her.

Épisode 64 - Nueva vida

10 août 2016 - 3.2/5

Ramiro complains to Facundo for telling Ana Leticia that Santiago was in the hospital, but he tells him that she is his wife. Ana Leticia demands that Ana Lucía get away from Santiago and forbids her to go to the hospital.

Épisode 65 - Cerca de la verdad

10 août 2016 - 3.2/5

Soledad tries to prevent Ana Lucía from going to look for Santiago at the hospital so that he does not meet his real family. Remedios goes to look for Santiago at the hospital, but Facundo runs her off and demands that she get away from him.

Épisode 66 - Asesinato

11 août 2016 - 3.7/5

Santiago sends a beautiful message to Ana Lucía with a video to make her feel better. Iñaki tells Ana Leticia that he knows that she murdered Jennifer.

Épisode 67 - Olvidar el pasado

11 août 2016 - 3.5/5

Iñaki tells Ana Leticia that Marcelo wants to forget about his past and doesn't want her in his life. Ana Lucía asks Nerina to accompany her to the hospital to be with Santiago.

Épisode 68 - Encuentro

12 août 2016 - 3.5/5

Ramiro prevents Ana Lucía from visiting Santiago in the hospital and being able to meet Ana Leticia. Ana Leticia finds the slave that belongs to Ana Lucía in one of Ernestina's drawers.

Épisode 69 - Dudas

12 août 2016 - 3.5/5

Soledad fears that Nerina will tell Ana Lucía the truth about her past. Ana Leticia devises a plan to separate Mariano from Viridiana. Ernestina is upset when she finds out that Santiago asked Ana Leticia for a divorce.

Épisode 70 - Un sueño interminable

15 août 2016 - 3.5/5

Ana Laura remembers what the accident that killed her parents was like. Santiago confesses to Ana Leticia the truth about his accident. Soledad asks Nerina to help her so that Ana Lucía does not know the truth about her origin.

Épisode 71 - La Amante

15 août 2016 - 3.5/5

Ana Leticia asks Santiago who is the woman he wants to leave her for. Ana Leticia advises Ana Laura to fight for Ramiro's love.

Épisode 72 - Gran escape

16 août 2016 - 3.5/5

Ana Lucía prepares a surprise party for Santiago. Ramiro manages to escape from the cabin where he was kidnapped.

Épisode 73 - Sin amor

16 août 2016 - 3.5/5

Ana Lucía suffers when she finds out that Santiago will not return to the pension, since he will resume his old life. Ana Leticia tries to be intimate with Santiago, but he rejects her.

Épisode 74 - Difícil decisión

17 août 2016 - 3.2/5

Marcelo gets very upset when he thinks that he was intimate with Ana Leticia. Ana Lucía is determined to find Santiago even if she has to meet his wife.

Épisode 75 - Amor compartido

17 août 2016 - 3.5/5

Ana Leticia tells Iñaki that Santiago agreed to return to live with her. Santiago confesses to Remedios that he is in love with Ana Lucía and Ana Leticia.

Épisode 76 - Imposible Olvidar

18 août 2016 - 3.5/5

Soledad is happy to think that Ana Lucía will forget Santiago now that he is with his real wife. Ana Lucía goes to look for Iñaki at his apartment and meets Santiago.

Épisode 77 - Ana Leticia quiere encontrar a Ana Lucía

18 août 2016 - 3.5/5

Iñaki is determined to do anything to win over Ana Leticia and be with her. Ana Lucía is intimate with Santiago even knowing that he is now with his wife.

Épisode 78 - Unidas

19 août 2016 - 3.7/5

Ana Leticia assures Mariano that she will help her grandmother find Ana Lucía. Ramiro proposes to Ana Lucía that they go on a trip together, but she fears that he will reject her because of her prosthesis.

Épisode 79 - Reclamos

19 août 2016 - 3.5/5

Nerina is reunited with her daughter after many years and she claims that they have lost all the money they had.

Épisode 80 - Acorralada por la verdad

22 août 2016 - 3.5/5

Ernestina tells Nerina that Valentin cried when he saw her singing on stage. Remedios tells Soledad that Marcelo told Ana Lucía about Sofía.

Épisode 81 - La fundación en ceros

23 août 2016 - 3.5/5

Santiago tells Ana Leticia that he is leaving her life because he could not keep his word not to see his lover. Edmundo tells Valeria that the foundation has no money because there was an embezzlement.

Épisode 82 - Hermanas y rivales

24 août 2016 - 3.2/5

Ramiro, Valentín and Mariano are quoted by Gina in a hotel. Marcelo makes an appointment with Ana Lucía in a restaurant and Ana Leticia sees them kissing.

Épisode 83 - El principio de su venganza

25 août 2016 - 3.2/5

Marcelo tells Ana Lucía that Santiago will not return and she says goodbye forever. Marcelo tells Ana Leticia that being with Ana Lucía is the beginning of his revenge.

Épisode 84 - Confesión inesperada

26 août 2016 - 3.2/5

Julieta looks for Iñaki in his office to apologize for everything he said to her when Daniel died. Ana Leticia tells Marcelo that Evaristo is lying to her. Ana Leticia tells Marcelo that she was pregnant by him.

Épisode 85 - Dolorosas mentiras

30 août 2016 - 3.2/5

Ramiro confesses to Ana Laura that everything Evaristo said about Ana Lucía is a lie. Evaristo assures Marcelo that he would kill Ana Leticia before he can hurt Ana Lucía.

Épisode 86 - Todo por información

31 août 2016 - 3.4/5

Mariano asks Evaristo to investigate who the woman who argued with Jennifer before she died is. Ana Leticia tells Iñaki that she will sleep with him if he gives her all the information she knows about Ana Lucía.

Épisode 87 - Seria advertencia

1 septembre 2016 - 3.7/5

The doctor tells Santiago that he has a brain tumor and must undergo surgery. Santiago tells Ana Lucía that she and Soledad must hide from Marcelo because he wants to destroy them.

Épisode 88 - Vigilante

2 septembre 2016 - 3.2/5

Evaristo orders Orlando to keep an eye on Ana Leticia all the time. Santiago tells Ramiro that Valentín wanted to kill him. Ana Lucía demands that Soledad tell her the whole truth.

Épisode 89 - Dolorosa confesión

5 septembre 2016 - 3.1/5

Santiago confesses to Julieta that he was the one who hit Daniel. Ana Lucía tells Soledad that she doesn't want her to speak to her again until she tells her the truth. Ana Lucía calls Santiago and Ana Laura answers the cell phone.

Épisode 90 - Más sobre su hermana

7 septembre 2016 - 3.4/5

Ana Leticia asks Santiago to tell her what Ana Lucía is like. Santiago tells Ana Leticia that he has a tumor on his head. Ramiro advises Rodrigo to donate to Ernestina's foundation so they don't have to close it.

Épisode 91 - Pasado turbulento

8 septembre 2016 - 3.2/5

Mariano tells Ana Leticia and Santiago that he managed to reopen the case of Jennifer's death. Marcelo tells Mariano that he owes him his life and mentions Gina's death. Ana Leticia asks Mariano if he had a relationship with Gina.

Épisode 92 - Inesperada confesión de amor

9 septembre 2016 - 3.2/5

Claudia goes to visit Nerina at the pension and meets Ana Lucía. Mariano asks Ana Leticia not to interfere in his relationship with Viridiana because he is in love with her.

Épisode 93 - Recolectando información

12 septembre 2016 - 3.1/5

Ana Leticia takes Iñaki to a hotel to have sex with him. Claudia asks Valentín to tell her everything he knows about Ana Laura's lost sister. Marcelo tells Ramiro that Gina was Mariano's lover.

Épisode 94 - Vestida de novia

13 septembre 2016 - 3.1/5

Ramiro claims Mariano for being Gina's lover when she was his fiancée. Maribel enters a bridal shop and sees Ana Laura there trying on a dress. Javier visits Iñaki at his house and meets Julieta without knowing that she is his mother.

Épisode 95 - Matando a Santiago desde la raíz

14 septembre 2016 - 3.1/5

Facundo takes Remedios with Marcelo so that he kills her because she causes Santiago to keep coming back. Claudia is in the bathroom of a restaurant with Viridiana and tells her to take care of Mariano.

Épisode 96 - Cena de compromiso

15 septembre 2016 - 3/5

Ana Leticia asks Remedios to tell her where Ana Lucía lives. Ramiro advises Remedios not to trust Ana Leticia. Ramiro formally asks for Ana Laura's hand. Claudia calls Mariano to tell him that Ana Lucía is alive.

Épisode 97 - Intriga al descubierto

16 septembre 2016 - 3.3/5

Claudia tells Mariano that Ana Lucía is alive and that she can prove it to him. Ana Lucía asks Remedios to tell her about Santiago's wife and she asks her to forget about him and move on with her life.

Épisode 98 - Conociendo a su familia

19 septembre 2016 - 3.1/5

Ramiro tells Mariano that Ana Lucía is Marcelo's lover and that Ana Leticia knows everything. Orlando tells Evaristo that he doesn't want to end up in jail for Daniel's death and Maribel listens to everything. Mariano introduces himself with Ana Lucía as his uncle.

Épisode 99 - Entre la vida y la muerte

20 septembre 2016 - 3.1/5

Ernestina tells Mariano that the real culprit in the accident is Ana Leticia. Orlando tries to shoot Marcelo but Remedios is shot. Mariano tells Ana Leticia that he doesn't want to see Marcelo near her again.

Épisode 100 - Pérdida de la memoria

21 septembre 2016 - 3.1/5

Evaristo tells Soledad that he won't be able to help her anymore because he is losing his memory. Iñaki tells Ana Leticia that as soon as she is a free woman, he wants to marry her in exchange for her sister.

Épisode 101 - Confesión peligrosa

22 septembre 2016 - 3.3/5

Santiago thanks Remedios for all her love and says goodbye to her. Iñaki asks Ana Leticia to confess his crime in front of a camera to be sure that she is not going to betray him.

Épisode 102 - Dolorosa verdad

23 septembre 2016 - 3.1/5

Iñaki and Ana Leticia exchange the videos with their confessions to ensure each other's fidelity. Marcelo tells Ana Lucía that he has two sisters and that Soledad is a bad person for having separated her from her real family.

Épisode 103 - La caja de la verdad

27 septembre 2016 - 3.1/5

Soledad leaves the box with all her memories and a letter for Ana Lucía. Santiago signs the divorce papers. The police arrive at Viridiana's store to arrest Soledad.

Épisode 104 - En la cárcel

28 septembre 2016 - 3.1/5

Viridiana tells the police that Soledad resigned and Cecilia helps her hide, but they manage to arrest her. Remedios tells Ana Lucía that Santiago is dying.

Épisode 105 - Reencuentro familiar

29 septembre 2016 - 3.1/5

Ana Laura stops being afraid and has sex with Ramiro for the first time. Ana Leticia and Iñaki dispose of Isidro's body and Orlando records them. Ana Leticia goes to look for Ana Lucía at the pension and finds her embraced by Mariano.

Épisode 106 - Encuentro inesperado

30 septembre 2016 - 3.1/5

Ernestina visits Valeria in jail, meets Soledad and she tells her everything about Ana Lucía. Ernestina faints when listening to Soledad.

Épisode 107 - Lazos familiares

3 octobre 2016 - 3.3/5

Chana tells Ana Lucía that Soledad is in jail accused of kidnapping. Ana Leticia hears that Leonor is Ernestina's sister. Facundo murders Evaristo because his Alzheimer's may cause him to betray him.

Épisode 108 - El nombre de su amante

4 octobre 2016 - 3.3/5

Valentín tells Ana Laura that Edmundo imprisoned Valeria. Ana Leticia tells Ernestina that Marcelo's lover is Ana Lucía. Mariano has relations with Viridiana, but she tells him that she didn't like it.

Épisode 109 - Antes la muerte que la cárcel

5 octobre 2016 - 3.1/5

Ana Lucía visits Soledad in prison and tells her that she does not forgive him for using her to replace her daughter Sofía. Ramiro discovers that Edmundo was the one who stole the money from the foundation and commits suicide because he does not want to go to jail.

Épisode 110 - Emotivo reencuentro

6 octobre 2016 - 3.3/5

Ernestina is very happy to see Ana Lucía and assures her that she never stopped looking for her. Ana Leticia pretends to be Ana Lucía in front of Ana Laura.

Épisode 111 - Arrepentido y agradecido

7 octobre 2016 - 3.1/5

Ana Leticia, pretending to be Ana Lucía, tells Ana Laura that the only thing that interests her is money and that she doesn't want it in her life. Marcelo goes to see Remedios at the hospital and thanks her for saving his life.

Épisode 112 - Doble asesinato

10 octobre 2016 - 3.1/5

Ana Laura discovers Ramiro kissing Maribel and ends her relationship with him. Facundo tells Ana Leticia that Evaristo worked for him and kills Orlando and Iñaki in front of her.

Épisode 113 - Verdades a la luz

11 octobre 2016 - 3.3/5

Ana Laura discovers Ramiro kissing Maribel and ends her relationship with him. Facundo tells Ana Leticia that Evaristo worked for him and kills Orlando and Iñaki in front of her.

Épisode 114 - Visita inesperada

12 octobre 2016 - 3/5

Iñaki enters Ana Leticia's room and complains to her for abandoning him. Javier looks for Julieta at Sandro's house and he gives him his diary. Marcelo tells Ana Lucía that Ana Leticia paid to have him killed.

Épisode 115 - La verdad entre sueños

13 octobre 2016 - 3.4/5

Ana Leticia tells Ana Laura that if she chooses Ana Lucía, she loses her. Ramiro tells Marcelo that he lost Ana Laura because of him. Ana Lucía dreams of the accident and remembers that Ana Leticia did not help her.

Épisode 116 - Por fin juntas

14 octobre 2016 - 3.1/5

Facundo kidnaps Ramiro, he is operated on to leave him paralyzed and leaves him in a cabin with Valentín. Ana Laura, Ana Lucía and Ana Leticia meet for the first time.

Épisode 117 - A unos pasos de su venganza

17 octobre 2016 - 3.4/5

Ana Laura tells Mariano that she will go live with Ana Lucía at the pension. Valentín tells Ramiro that he was at Gina's house the day she died and shows him that he can walk.

Épisode 118 - Relación prohibida

18 octobre 2016 - 3.2/5

Soledad asks Ana Leticia to help Ana Lucía integrate into her family, but she tells her that she is determined to destroy her. Mariano asks Claudia to spend the night with him, but she hallucinates and thinks it's Ana Leticia.

Épisode 119 - Verdad inesperada

19 octobre 2016 - 3.5/5

Ana Laura and Ana Lucía ask Ana Leticia to go see a psychologist and she accepts. Ana Laura demands that Maribel stay away from Ramiro. Leonor visits Soledad in jail to tell her that she is her sister.

Épisode 120 - Confesión interrumpida

20 octobre 2016 - 3.2/5

Ana Leticia is about to confess to Mariano that she loves him, but Iñaki interrupts them and tells her that they are a couple. Ana Leticia tells Ana Laura where Ramiro is and she goes to look for him at the cabin, but Valentín doesn't let them leave.

Épisode 121 - Hermanas en peligro

21 octobre 2016 - 3.4/5

Maribel covers Ana Lucía in the presentation so that she goes with Marcelo to the hospital and suffers an accident. Ana Laura shoots Valentín to save Ramiro.

Épisode 122 - Capítulo Final - Part 1

24 octobre 2016 - 3.8/5

Ana Laura and Ramiro unite their lives forever and Ana Lucía decides to go live with her family while Ana Leticia ends Claudia's life.

Épisode 123 - Capítulo Final - Part 2

24 octobre 2016 - 3.7/5

Completely deranged, Ana Leticia confesses her crimes, Ana Laura is expecting her first child with Ramiro and Ana Lucía will have a beautiful family next to Marcelo.


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