Poster de la serie Les riches pleurent aussi

Les riches pleurent aussi


Année : 2022

Nombre de saisons : 1

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 43 minutes

Genre(s) : Romance, Soap

Mariana est une jeune femme brillante et courageuse qui se retrouve sans ressources à la mort de ses deux parents et de sa marraine. Le destin lui sourit lorsqu’elle croise la route de Don Alberto Salvatierra, un magnat de l’industrie alimentaire, à qui elle sauve la vie. Il l’invite alors à s’installer dans le manoir des Salvatierra où il vit avec sa famille. Lorsque Mariana rencontre le fils aînée de la famille Luis Alberto, ils tombent éperdument amoureux et entament une relation passionnée…qui n’est malheureusement pas au goût de Soraya, la fille de l’ancien associé de Don Alberto. Cette dernière rêvant d’épouser Luis Alberto depuis des années fera tout pour détuire la vie de Mariana. Les deux amoureux devront surmonter des épreuves et des drames. Mariana prendra alors conscience que les riches pleurent aussi…


Les riches pleurent aussi saison 1

Saison 1


Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - C1: La boca del lobo

21 février 2022 - 3/5

Alberto, seeing that his son is not a man dedicated to the company's business, reproaches him for his lack of commitment. Mariana is threatened with eviction for not paying the rent and asks father Guillermo for help. Mariana arrives to meet with Alfonso Romano who tries to get out of line with her, but she puts a stop to him. Luis Alberto has a confrontation with his father causing him to feel sick. Alberto arrives at the neighborhood where Mariana is living to thank her for saving his life and when he sees that she has been left without a house he offers her his home. Mariana and her dog, Pulgoso, arrive at the Salvatierra mansion and meet Luis Alberto.

Épisode 2 - C2: Destruyes todo lo que tocas

22 février 2022 - 3/5

Mariana sees Luis Alberto's attitude and it becomes clear to her that he is a man of few manners. León is ready to finish off Alberto after staying with Daniela. Mariana continues to get to know the Salvatierra family. Soraya arrives at the Salvatierra mansion and meets Mariana, Luis Alberto informs her that it was her who saved his father. Daniela makes it clear that she is upset that Mariana is living with them. Alberto learns what Alfonso Romano did to Mariana. Daniela finds out that Mariana, besides living in the house, is also going to work in the presidency of the company and demands Alberto to get rid of her. When Alberto learns of his son's intentions, he asks him to stay away from Mariana.

Épisode 3 - C3: Sacar las uñas

23 février 2022 - 3/5

León and Soraya are ready to destroy the Salvatiera family. Mariana feels uncomfortable in the mansion because of Daniela's attitude. Luis Alberto falls into Osvaldo and León’s trap again. Soraya assures Elena that if Mariana becomes fixated on Luis Alberto she is capable of destroying her. Alberto, upon learning that his son contradicted his orders, publicly humiliates him and Elena comes to his defense. Luis Alberto pretends to be a chauffeur to accompany Mariana to buy clothes and does not hesitate to surprise her by giving her a dress. Luis Alberto arrives on Mariana's arm to Soraya's event.

Épisode 4 - C4: Una princesa de cuento de hadas

24 février 2022 - 3/5

Soraya complains to Luis Alberto for arriving at her event on Mariana's arm, he makes it clear to her that he is a free man, Soraya in revenge, pays to get Mariana drunk. Elena names Luis Alberto as the leader of the company's new campaign. Polo proposes to Britney. Mariana listens as Soraya swears revenge on her. León assures Elena that Mariana's arrival will change everything. Mariana, upon hearing that Guadalupe is making up a story, asks for respect and assures them that just like them, she is looking to realize her dream. Mariana discovers that Alberto's van has a bomb.

Épisode 5 - C5: Nunca te voy a dejar ir

25 février 2022 - 4/5

Daniela tells Alberto that to be more sure that Mariana is not his daughter, she wants him to do a DNA test. León is willing to destroy Luis Alberto and his father. Mariana explains to Luis Alberto and Santiago that both she and Alberto almost died after the van caught fire. Soraya gets angry when she sees that Mariana was in the newspaper with Luis Alberto. Soraya warns Mariana that Luis Alberto belongs to her and asks her not to mess with him because she doesn't know what she is capable of, Mariana is not afraid of her threats. Luis Alberto asks Mariana for an explanation about the accident, she tries to get out of the way, but he kisses her.

Épisode 6 - C6: La duda ya está sembrada

28 février 2022 - 3/5

Mariana slaps Luis Alberto after he steals a kiss from her. Britney talks to Polo and confesses that she doesn't want to get married. Becerra finds evidence against Luis Alberto. Daniela wants to give Mariana money to go away from her family, she feels offended. Alberto takes a DNA test to prove to his wife that Mariana is not his daughter. León is already preparing another attack on the Salvatierra family. Alberto has a fierce fight with his son because he thinks he wanted to kill him, so he slaps him. Soraya informs Luis Alberto that she is expecting his child and Mariana hears the news.

Épisode 7 - C7: Todo se arregla con dinero

1 mars 2022 - 3/5

The DNA test proves to Daniela that Mariana is not Alberto's daughter and she seeks Mariana’s forgiveness, Alberto is upset to see that his wife did not trust his word. Luis Alberto asks Soraya if she is sure about the pregnancy. Osvaldo hopes that Alberto will stop the investigation. Soraya is willing to sustain the pregnancy lie with León's help. Elena is sure that there are many people who want Alberto dead. Patricia discovers that Soraya stole her pregnancy test, Soraya offers her money to terminate her pregnancy. Luis Alberto complains to Mariana for hiding the bomb situation from him. Soraya informs Elena that she is expecting Luis Alberto's child so she gets excited and asks her to organize the wedding. Alberto gets locked up with Mariana because of Pulgoso.

Épisode 8 - C8: Ya me enamoré de él

2 mars 2022 - 3/5

Mariana suffers a crisis and Luis Alberto manages to calm her down by dancing to her favorite song, she sees that he is not a bad person and tells him that with the death of her godmother she was left alone in the world. Mariana assures Alberto that his son is a good person and makes a request. Alberto and Elena meet at the cemetery and both remember how well their children got along. Matilde inquires about Mariana. Mariana confesses to Britney that she fell in love with Luis Alberto, but nothing can exist between them since he is soon to become a father. Luis Alberto takes Soraya to the hospital so that the doctor can perform an ultrasound.

Épisode 9 - C9: Los latidos del bebé

3 mars 2022 - 3/5

Soraya fakes a fainting spell so that the doctor will not check her and discover her lie. Luis Alberto informs his mother that he asked for a loan and as collateral he gave his shares in the company. Mariana offers an apology to Daniela for the comment she made at the meeting. Daniela confesses to Mariana that she performed a DNA test on her because she thought she was Alberto's daughter, for which she offers an apology and welcomes her home. Soraya asks Patricia not to reveal anything about her pregnancy until she gets engaged to Luis Alberto. Soraya, in order to continue with her plan, pays a doctor to show Luis Alberto a fake ultrasound; he is thrilled to hear his baby's heart. Trini realizes that Luis Alberto is in love with Mariana. Oscar calls León's cell phone, but Luis Alberto answers.

Épisode 10 - C10: Cambió mi suerte

4 mars 2022 - 3/5

Santiago does not want Emilio to discover that he is a Salvatierra and asks Britney for a favor. León assures Luis Alberto that he has started to pay his gambling debts and for that reason he has communication with Osvaldo. Patricia confesses to her husband that Soraya threatened her if she reveals that she is pregnant. Becerra is sure that Luis Alberto is innocent. Felipe lets Luis Alberto know that Soraya is not pregnant and that Patricia is the one who is really expecting a baby. Alberto resorts to the help of a pill in order to be with his wife Daniela.

Épisode 11 - C11: Libre para amar

7 mars 2022 - 3/5

Becerra informs Luis Alberto that Soraya is not pregnant, she accepts that she lied for fear of losing him. Luis Alberto confesses to Mariana that he is in love with her, when she hears this, she kisses him. Soraya is ready to take revenge on Luis Alberto and warns that she will not let Mariana have her way. Luis Alberto is beaten by a group of delinquents who argue that he must pay his debt. Elena learns that Soraya is not pregnant. Mariana manages to pass her exam.

Épisode 12 - C12: Tu vida pende de un hilo

8 mars 2022 - 4/5

Mariana worries that Luis Alberto has not arrived for her and calls him. Soraya confesses that the pregnancy problem will not get in the way of her plans to marry Luis Alberto, who arrives at night and is afraid to talk to Mariana. Osvaldo tells León that Manuel's body has been found and plans have gone as planned. Luis Alberto arrives for breakfast and everyone is worried to see how he looked, Alberto suspects that he is still gambling and they argue. Luis Alberto receives a threat to pay off his debt. Luis Alberto realizes that his father canceled all his credit cards. Luis Alberto asks Uriel for a loan to pay off his debt; Mariana overhears them. Soraya assures Patricia that now that she betrayed her she will make her life a living hell and tries to run over Felipe. Mariana follows Luis Alberto to the casino. Osvaldo convinces Luis Alberto to gamble again. Despite his promises, Mariana finds Luis Alberto gambling.

Épisode 13 - C13: Aterrizaje de emergencia

9 mars 2022 - 4/5

Luis Alberto confesses to Mariana his addiction to gambling so she is willing to help him, he vows to become a better man because of the great love he has for her. Felipe is convinced that Soraya tried to run him over. León asks to investigate Mariana's origin. Santiago learns about the company's mismanagement. Alberto learns that the helicopter where Luis Alberto and Mariana were traveling disappeared from the radar, the pilot makes an emergency landing saving everyone's lives. Mariana and Luis Alberto find a cabin to take shelter and sleep together.

Épisode 14 - C14: La tragedia cambió nuestras vidas

10 mars 2022 - 4/5

Alberto is upset with León for his ineptitude. Luis Alberto reveals to Mariana his painful past and shares that he feels guilty about the death of his brother Matías. Britney informs her family that Mariana was also on the helicopter reported missing. Soraya pretends to be in pain for not hearing from Luis Alberto. Luis Alberto returns with Mariana to the Salvatierra mansion and when questioned by the press about the accident he reveals that both he and his girlfriend were unharmed, Soraya cannot believe the news. León confirms that Mariana's father was a victim of Luis Alberto's bad business dealings.

Épisode 15 - C15: Una mujer despechada

11 mars 2022 - 4/5

León assures Soraya that he has the perfect plan to get Mariana out of her way. Alberto asks his son not to play with Mariana's feelings because she is a good woman. Soraya enlists Yolanda's help to cast a spell to get Luis Alberto to stay by her side. Mariana is happy to see that her co-workers cared for her. Luis Alberto apologizes to Soraya for the way he announced his relationship with Mariana, she gives him a hug and places the amulet that Yolanda gave her. Mariana finds some documents that prove that Luis Alberto had something to do with her father's death.

Épisode 16 - C16: Mi papá se mató por tu culpa

14 mars 2022 - 4/5

Mariana proves that Luis Alberto is responsible for her father's death. Luis Alberto assures Elena that he wants to marry Mariana. Santiago and Britney are about to kiss. León suggests to Soraya to prepare for her wedding with Luis Alberto. Britney advises Mariana to investigate what happened with the sale of her father's company. Mariana wants Sandra to confess what really happened with her father's factory. Mariana confronts Luis Alberto when she learns the truth.

Épisode 17 - C17: Tú y yo ya no somos nada

15 mars 2022 - 4/5

Luis Alberto is ready to confront Sandra. Soraya is happy that the amulet that Yolanda sold her is working with Luis Alberto. Luis Alberto assures Mariana that Sandra is lying, but she doesn't believe him and breaks up with him. Elena believes that someone is doing witchcraft to Luis Alberto. Luis Alberto assures his mother that his bad decisions in the past led him to lose Mariana. Alberto asks his son to explain what happened with the purchase of the factory. Britney confesses her feelings to Santiago. Luis Alberto decides to leave the Salvatierra mansion.

Épisode 18 - C18: Mi momento ha llegado

16 mars 2022 - 4/5

Alberto and Daniela beg Mariana not to leave the house. Santiago asks Britney to remain friends. Alberto asks Becerra to take care of him. Mariana confesses to Father Guillermo that she regrets having fallen in love with Luis Alberto, he advises her not to judge Luis Alberto. Soraya learns that Luis Alberto left the Salvatierra mansion. Alberto begins to feel bad after finding out that Luis Alberto asked Uriel for a large sum of money. Soraya brags to Mariana that she spent the night with Luis Alberto.

Épisode 19 - C19: Esto es lo que soy

17 mars 2022 - 4/5

Mariana verifies that Luis Alberto was with Soraya. León wants to know Alberto's medical records. Patricia gets angry with her daughter Monse and Felipe does not confess to her that he lost his job. Elena, seeing that her son is having a hard time, assures him that the only woman who is worth it is Soraya. Mariana assures Soraya that both she and Luis Alberto are made for each other.

Épisode 20 - C20: Hay cosas que no se pueden perdonar

18 mars 2022 - 4/5

Soraya blames Mariana for everything that has happened to Luis Alberto, Alberto defends Mariana. Jhony warns Santiago to stay away from Britney. Mariana is not willing to forgive Luis Alberto. Britney apologizes to Santiago for Jhony and they accidentally kiss. Murillo warns Alberto that it's time to tell Daniela about his health condition, he refuses. Alberto seeks Elena to talk about admitting Luis Alberto to a rehab clinic, she refuses and León overhears them. Luis Alberto sneaks out of the house to buy an engagement ring and asks Mariana to marry him but she rejects him. Daniela confronts Alberto about his illness. Luis Alberto asks Soraya to marry him and she accepts.

Épisode 21 - C21: Un novio embrujado

21 mars 2022 - 4/5

Mariana is convinced that Luis Alberto is only marrying Soraya out of spite. Alberto asks his son to reconsider the idea of marrying Soraya. Mariana reveals to Soraya that Luis Alberto asked her to marry him. Soraya swears to Patricia that now that she marries Luis Alberto she will be fired from the company. Sandra reveals to Mariana that Luis Alberto is not the person who deceived her father. Britney confesses to Polo that she doesn't love him. Alberto asks Mariana not to leave the house.

Épisode 22 - C22: Es inocente

22 mars 2022 - 4/5

Sandra confesses to Mariana that she is being threatened and needs three thousand dollars to leave the country. Ramiro gets upset with Britney when he finds out that she broke up with Polo. Soraya asks Luis Alberto for a little compassion. Mariana tells Alberto what happened with Sandra. Luis Alberto continues with his nightmares and tries to take Soraya's medicine. Mariana seeks more details about what happened and contacts Sandra, who reiterates that Luis Alberto is innocent. Mariana gives the money to Sandra and she gives her the phone number of the man who hired her to lie to her. Mariana apologizes to Luis Alberto.

Épisode 23 - C23: Algo se rompió entre nosotros

23 mars 2022 - 4/5

Luis Alberto gets upset with Mariana for believing a lie and assures her that Soraya would not have betrayed him. Soraya shows Alberto the recording where Patricia speaks ill of her. Luis Alberto asks Mariana if there is another man who wants to hurt her. Sandra informs Mariana that she has a photo of the man who deceived her father, she asks Luis Alberto to accompany her. Soraya is unable to locate Luis Alberto and there is not much time left before their engagement party begins.

Épisode 24 - C24: ¡Maldita marginal!

24 mars 2022 - 3.5/5

Mariana reveals to Luis Alberto that it hurts her that he is marrying Soraya and reiterates that she still loves him, Luis Alberto kisses her. Diego confesses to Guadalupe that he betrayed Patricia. Luis Alberto assures Soraya that he is not in love with her and cancels their engagement. Alberto confronts his son for what he did to Soraya, but Mariana reveals what really happened. Soraya manages to enter Mariana's room and discovers that she has the same doll that her father gave her when she was a little girl, and remembers her past.

Épisode 25 - C25: Un amor de película

25 mars 2022 - 4/5

Alberto asks León not to make excuses for the investigation. Diego reveals his betrayal to Patricia. Luis Alberto decides not to bet anymore, but Mariana makes a request. Elena complains to Luis Alberto about the humiliation he put Soraya through and assures him that Mariana is siding with his enemies. León will not allow Luis Alberto to win the bidding. León makes Alberto believe that Alfonso is the culprit so Mariana and Luis Alberto look for them to confront him. Luis Alberto proposes to Mariana.

Épisode 26 - C26: Coincidencia genética

28 mars 2022 - 4/5

Mariana says yes to Luis Alberto's marriage proposal. Jhony threatens Santiago. Alberto thanks Mariana for bringing him closer to his son. Soraya learns of Luis Alberto's engagement. Elena refuses to help Luis Alberto in the organization of his wedding and asks him to contact Soraya to apologize to her. Luis Alberto continues to trust León. Soraya exhumes her father's body for a DNA test that later confirms that Mariana is Rafael's daughter.

Épisode 27 - C27: Quitarla del camino para siempre

29 mars 2022 - 4/5

Soraya learns that Mariana has every right to claim 50 percent of the inheritance and will not allow her to take what is hers. Diego kisses Guadalupe. Elena wants to formalize her relationship with León. Luis Alberto visits Soraya and she confesses to him what she tried to do after the humiliation she put him through. León looks for a way to get Mariana out of his way. Soraya arrives in Catemaco to get the herb that Yolanda asked for.

Épisode 28 - C28: Quiero que sufra

30 mars 2022 - 4/5

Britny comes to Santiago's defense when she sees the negative attitude of her father and brother. Tonatiuh gives Soraya the herbs for her work. Luis Alberto proposes to Mariana to move to a new house once they get married. Soraya confesses to the shaman that the decision she made is because a woman stole the loves of her life and she will not forgive her. Guadalupe begins to notice a strange situation in her body. Mariana makes a request for her wedding. Matilde begins to give Mariana the potion following Soraya's instructions. Santiago complains to his mother for what she did to Britny. Mariana feels uncomfortable knowing that Elena is going to interfere in the organization of her wedding.

Épisode 29 - C29: Una disculpa sincera

31 mars 2022 - 4/5

Soraya refuses to let Uriel leave her friend Sofía for her, so she proposes another idea. Soraya apologizes to the Salvatierra family. Mariana asks Elena not to waste her time, especially if she is working. Soraya continues with her plan to poison Mariana. Britny receives a message from Polo that makes her nervous. Uriel realizes that León is meeting with Víctor. Mariana begins to feel sick and Britny thinks her friend is pregnant so she takes a home test, but it comes out negative. Soraya sends a gift to her friend Sofía. Britny does not want to see Santiago.

Épisode 30 - C30: La boda del año

1 avril 2022 - 4/5

Luis Alberto refuses Constanza's invitation. Guadalupe receives an unflattering medical diagnosis. Mariana is seen by the family doctor when she suffers from dizziness. Britny breaks up with Santiago because she feels guilty for what Polo did. Sofía assures Soraya that she will not allow another woman to take Uriel away from her. Mariana is about to get married, but Soraya's poison begins to damage her health.

Épisode 31 - C31: Al borde de la muerte

4 avril 2022 - 4/5

Mariana's health deteriorates and the Salvatierras fear for her life; Soraya steals Mariana's dress and Santiago is discovered.

Épisode 32 - C32: Cadena de oración

5 avril 2022 - 4/5

All those who love Mariana come together to pray for her health, but the doctors ask the Salvatierra family to be prepared for the worst.

Épisode 33 - C33: Derechito al infierno

6 avril 2022 - 4/5

Mariana finally reacts and is out of danger, but Soraya looks for a way to get her and those who could unmask her out of the way.

Épisode 34 - C34: Una bala para Mariana

7 avril 2022 - 4/5

Soraya goes to the Salvatierra mansion to kill Mariana. Britny discovers Polo's deception and Daniela finds Matilde's drops.

Épisode 35 - C35: Los declaro marido y mujer

8 avril 2022 - 4/5

Mariana along with the Salvatierra family discover that Matilde is the one who poisoned her. Find out if they started their search for him to pay for what he did. Meanwhile, Britny confronts Polo for cheating on her with her suicide attempt.

Épisode 36 - C36: Una segunda opinión

11 avril 2022 - 4/5

León will try to prevent Soraya from killing Mariana. Go, if it will convince her to change her plan. Meanwhile, Sofia complains to Soraya for having lied to her. And, Mariana confesses to Luis Alberto that she is late. Do you think she will be pregnant?

Épisode 37 - C37: El señor ha fallecido

12 avril 2022 - 4/5

Find out what León will do with Don Alberto to fulfill his plan to get rid of him. Watch Soraya's reaction when she finds out that Mariana is pregnant.

Épisode 38 - C38: Llegó mi momento

13 avril 2022 - 4/5

Find out how Don Alberto will be in health. Also, check what will happen to the family after what happened with Don Alberto and if Santiago and Luis Alberto will improve their relationship or it will be more affected.

Épisode 39 - C39: Ellos no son mi familia

14 avril 2022 - 4/5

After reading the will, Santiago and Luis Alberto begin to have problems. Do you think Luis Alberto will sign the will? Also, Elena asks Mariana to support her son to take away Santiago's inheritance. See if she will accept.

Épisode 40 - C40: Soraya le tiende una trampa a Mariana

15 avril 2022 - 4/5

Soraya hires an investigator to find out about Santiago's life. See what he will do with the information he has obtained from him and how he will use it in his favor. Meanwhile, Mariana helps Britny and collects her things from Santiago's house.

Épisode 41 - C41: Eres una mentirosa

18 avril 2022 - 4/5

See what Luis Alberto will do after receiving Mariana's video with Santiago. Meanwhile, Daniela is running for the presidency of the company

Épisode 42 - C42: Apuñalar el corazón

19 avril 2022 - 4/5

Luis Alberto is the new president of the Salvatierra consortium. See what his next step at the helm of the company will be and how it will affect Mariana. Also, Polo has recovered and decides to say goodbye to Britny. Go, if he will make his last attempt to win her back.

Épisode 43 - C43: Más sola que nunca

20 avril 2022 - 4/5

Find out if Soraya will be able to hurt Pulgoso to get revenge on Mariana. While Santiago and Britny meet at Don Alberto's house because Mariana has depression and they talk about their relationship. Do you think they'll come back?

Épisode 44 - C44: El heredero

21 avril 2022 - 4/5

Uriel investigates León's movements together with Becerra. Find out what they will discover. Meanwhile, Mariana starts with contractions, she checks if her baby will be healthy.

Épisode 45 - C45: Muertos por dentro

22 avril 2022 - 4/5

After finding Pulgoso, Mariana discovers that her son has been stolen. Find out if he can find it. Also, Elena discovers that León has a father that he has hidden for many years.

Épisode 46 - C46: Hasta nunca, querido

25 avril 2022 - 4/5

What will happen to León after he has confessed to Daniela that he still loves her, and how will he avoid being fired from the consortium? Also, Uriel and Becerra discover important information about León and Víctor.

Épisode 47 - C47: Queda usted detenida

26 avril 2022 - 4/5

Elena discovers the truth after León's death. See if he will face Soraya. Meanwhile, Luis Alberto finds out that his wife is actually the daughter of Rafael, Soraya's father. See if he will confess to Mariana.

Épisode 48 - C48: Culpable de asesinato

27 avril 2022 - 4/5

Santiago confesses to Brinty that he wants to live with her. See, will she be just as enthusiastic or will she reject his proposal. Meanwhile, Elena opens her heart in front of her son and asks for his help to prove Soraya's innocence.

Épisode 49 - C49: Extraño a mi mujer

28 avril 2022 - 4/5

Several years have passed and Mariana becomes the president of the Salvatierra Foundation. See if this will cause problems in your marriage. Meanwhile, Soraya has served her sentence. What will he do now that he is out of prison?

Épisode 50 - C50: ¡Encontré a mi hijo!

29 avril 2022 - 4/5

See what Soraya plans against Luis Alberto. In addition, Daniela warns her son Matías not to trust Tamara again, after she broke his heart once.

Épisode 51 - C51: La venganza está en marcha

2 mai 2022 - 4/5

Mariana has a first encounter with her son. See if he will tell her the truth about his past and if he will confess it to Luis Alberto. Meanwhile, Soraya and Victor team up to take revenge on the Salvatierra family. Check out what your first step will be.

Épisode 52 - C52: Un juego muy peligroso

3 mai 2022 - 4/5

See what Mariana will find out after confronting the man who stole her son. Also, Luis Alberto has an idea to expand the Salvatierra consortium. See what it will be about and if the family will agree.

Épisode 53 - C53: ¡No te vayas!

4 mai 2022 - 4/5

Soraya causes an accident in which Elena is affected. How will you be in health? Also, Tomás' father decides to return to the town. Will he have contact with Mariana?

Épisode 54 - C54: El corazón no se equivoca

5 mai 2022 - 4/5

Due to the despair of losing her son again, Mariana looks for a way to reach him. Will he be able to find it? Also, Tomás' mother dies and his uncle takes the opportunity to set a trap for him.

Épisode 55 - C55: Yo soy tu mamá

6 mai 2022 - 4/5

Find out if Luis Alberto and Tomás will make it out of their uncle's attack alive. Also, as part of her revenge, Soraya tries to torture Elena and sets a trap for Luis Alberto.

Épisode 56 - C56: Soy muy buena siendo mala

9 mai 2022 - 4/5

Find out if Luis Alberto will be able to prove that he is innocent of Constanza's death. Also, Salvatierra shares may fall, see if they will manage to recover them.

Épisode 57 - C57: Tener el enemigo en casa

10 mai 2022 - 4/5

Soraya appears in the Salvatierra consortium. What will be the next step in his revenge? While Johnny confesses to his parents, the truth about the trap they have made to Luis Alberto.

Épisode 58 - C58: Jaque mate

11 mai 2022 - 4/5

Find out how Roberta and Betito are after the accident. In addition, Soraya has a statement to give to the shareholders of the consortium. Meanwhile, Jhonny is accused of complicity in Constanza's death.

Épisode 59 - C59: Sus últimas horas de vida

12 mai 2022 - 4/5

Soraya holds Mariana and Betito hostage without the Salvatierra family knowing. Will it hurt them? Find out if Luis Alberto will notice that something bad could happen to his family.

Épisode 60 - Capítulo Final: Juntos por siempre

13 mai 2022 - 4/5

Find out if Soraya will be able to conclude her revenge against Mariana or if Luis Alberto will be able to protect his family. In addition, he discovers if Jhonny will be able to prove his innocence, he will have to serve his sentence in jail.


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