Poster de la serie Les Razmoket

Les Razmoket


Année : 1991

Nombre de saisons : 9

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 10 minutes

Genre(s) : Aventure, Animation, Enfant, Comédie, Famille

Les Razmoket sont une bande de bébés de trois mois à trois ans. Dès que leurs parents ont le dos tourné, ils s'évadent de leur parc pour explorer le monde et vivre de grandes aventures, aussi bien imaginaires que réelles. Leur chef est Casse-Bonbon.


Les Razmoket saison 1

Saison 1


Les Razmoket saison 2

Saison 2


Les Razmoket saison 3

Saison 3


Les Razmoket saison 4

Saison 4


Les Razmoket saison 5

Saison 5


Les Razmoket saison 6

Saison 6


Les Razmoket saison 7

Saison 7


Les Razmoket saison 8

Saison 8


Les Razmoket saison 9

Saison 9



Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - Tommy's First Birthday

11 août 1991 - 3.8/5

Aujourd'hui, Tommy a un an ! Ses parents lui ont préparé tout un tas de surprises mais Casse-Bonbons ne veut qu'une chose : du Chien-Nigou pour se transformer en chien ! Lui et les autres Razmoket vont tout essayer pour récupérer la pâté !

Épisode 2 - Barbeque Story

18 août 1991 - 3.9/5

Pendant que les grands font un barbecue, les petits s'ennuient ! Tommy propose de jouer au ballon mais Angélica prend le jouet et le lance dans le jardin d'à côté ! Les Razmoket vont alors partir à sa recherche.

Épisode 3 - Waiter, There's A Baby In My Soup

18 août 1991 - 4/5

Jean-Roger doit aller à un diner d'affaire. Comme la baby-sitter n'était pas libre, il emporte Tommy avec lui. Une fois au restaurant, il s'aperçoit que son contact n'est autre qu'un gros bonhomme uniquement bon à manger et à se moquer. Heureusement Tommy est là pour aider son père !

Épisode 4 - At The Movies

25 août 1991 - 3.9/5

Les grands ont emmené les bébés au cinéma mais les Razmoket ne trouvent pas le film à leur gout ! Ils préfèrent Reptar ! Ils vont alors partir à la recherche du dinosaure.

Épisode 5 - Slumber Party

25 août 1991 - 3.8/5

Angélica et son père sont venus passer le weekend chez Jean-Roger. Pour se moquer de Tommy, Couette-Couette a ouvert la fenêtre de sa chambre. Pendant la nuit, il fait très froid et le matin, Casse-Bonbons est malade ! Les grands vont essayer de le guérir à leur méthode.

Épisode 6 - Baby Commercial

8 septembre 1991 - 4/5

Tommy a vu les grumeaux à la télévision ! Les deux bébés vont alors lui expliquer comment ils ont fait et surtout, la pagaille qu'ils ont créée !

Épisode 7 - Little Dude

8 septembre 1991 - 3.9/5

Pour montrer comment on s'occupe d'un enfant, Lucie a emmené Tommy à l'école ! Là-bas, tout le monde prend peur sauf un jeune homme qui semble maitriser la situation. Pour tenter l'expérience, trois filles vont décider de s'occuper du bébé pendant que Lucie va manger. Elles vont s'apercevoir à leur dépens qu'avoir un enfant (surtout Tommy !) n'est pas une chose facile !

Épisode 8 - Beauty Contest

15 septembre 1991 - 4/5

En feuilletant une revue, grand-père tombe sur un concours de la plus belle fillette dont le premier prix est un superbe bateau. Le "problème", c'est que Tommy est un garçon ! Avec l'aide de son fils, il va "travestir" Casse-Bonbons et l'inscrire au concours !

Épisode 9 - Baseball

15 septembre 1991 - 3.8/5

Grand-père a participé à un concours téléphonique et il a gagné trois places pour aller à un match de baseball. Sur place, Tommy n'est pas très intéressé par ce sport alors il va partir à l'aventure !

Épisode 10 - Ruthless Tommy

22 septembre 1991 - 3.9/5

Deux gangsters voulaient kidnapper un enfant de riche qui habite au 99 mais ils se sont trompés : ils sont allés au 66 et ont pris Tommy ! Hélas pour eux, enlever Casse-Bonbons n'était vraiment pas une bonne idée : il va leur en faire voir de toutes les couleurs !

Épisode 11 - Moose Country

22 septembre 1991 - 3.9/5

Grand-père raconte aux Razmoket que lorsqu'il était jeune, il avait capturé un élan ! Casse-Bonbons, avec son côté aventurier, décide de partir à la chasse !

Épisode 12 - Grandpa's Teeth

6 octobre 1991 - 3.8/5

Grand-père a un nouveau dentier qui l'aide à jouer de la trompette. Pour manger, il quitte sa prothèse mais Hubert part avec ! Tommy et Labinocle doivent absolument récupérer les dents de grand-père avant le concert !

Épisode 13 - Momma Trauma

6 octobre 1991 - 3.9/5

Tommy a trouvé amusant de dessiner sur les murs… mais pas sa mère ! Elle décide de l'emmener chez un psychologue mais finalement, c'est Jean-Roger qui va s'exprimer pendant que son fils fait des bêtises à côté !

Épisode 14 - Real or Robots?

13 octobre 1991 - 3.9/5

Après avoir vu le film "Frankenstein", Tommy a un doute : et si son père était lui aussi un robot ? Pour vérifier, lui et Labinocle vont tenter plusieurs expériences afin de déterminer s'il est humain ou non !

Épisode 15 - Special Delivery

13 octobre 1991 - 3.8/5

Jean-Roger travaille d'arrachepied sur une nouvelle poupée mais il s'aperçoit avec effroi qu'un concurrent a eu la même idée en mieux ! Sans hésiter, il commande le jouet ! En entendant les grands, Tommy a cru qu'il y aurait un nouveau Razmoket ! Sans plus attendre, il part à la recherche de sa sœur !

Épisode 16 - Candy Bar Creep Show

27 octobre 1991 - 3.9/5

C'est mardi gras. Tous les enfants se sont déguisés et frappent chez les gens pour gagner quelques friandises. Angélica, quant à elle, a eu un "Reptile-Barre" ! En voyant ça, les couches des Razmoket ont fait trois tours ! Il leur en faut absolument !

Épisode 17 - Monster In The Garage

27 octobre 1991 - 4/5

Tommy et Labinocle jouent tranquillement lorsque soudain, un bruit étrange provient du garage ! Les grands ont tout de suite pensé que c'était Hubert qui a fait une bêtise, mais les bébés sont persuadés du contraire ! Les Razmoket doivent prouver l'innocence du chien.

Épisode 18 - Weaning Tommy

10 novembre 1991 - 3.8/5

Comme Tommy a eu sa première dent, Lucie l'a emmené chez un dentiste. Dans le cabinet, le docteur conseille aux parents de sevrer Casse-Bonbons ! À ce moment, la vie du bébé est affreuse : tous les biberons ont disparu ! Est-ce que la famille restera insensible à la détresse de Tommy ?

Épisode 19 - Incident In Aisle Seven

10 novembre 1991 - 3.9/5

En regardant la télévision, Tommy a vu une publicité pour des céréales Reptar ! Ça tombe bien car son grand-père l'emmène faire les courses ! Pendant que papi essaye de calculer le prix des commissions, Tommy va chercher son petit-déjeuner !

Épisode 20 - Touch-Down Tommy

24 novembre 1991 - 3.9/5

Jean-Roger a invité ses amis pour passer une après-midi "football" ! Pour être tranquille et éviter que les enfants se blessent, il invente le "Casque Anti Bobo Pour Bébé". Cette invention sera très utile aux Razmoket car eux aussi ont décidé de faire un match… dans le salon !

Épisode 21 - The Trial

24 novembre 1991 - 4/5

Tommy mange tranquillement dans la cuisine lorsqu'un drôle de bruit se fait entendre : quelqu'un a cassé la lampe clown de Casse-Bonbons ! Heureusement, Angélica a l'idée de faire un procès pour trouver le coupable.

Épisode 22 - Fluffy vs. Spike

8 décembre 1991 - 4/5

Angélica a emmené son chat Bouffi chez Tommy. Cette sale bête ne fait que des bêtises mais Couette-Couette accuse Hubert. Une fois de plus, les Razmoket doivent prouver l'innocence du chien.

Épisode 23 - Reptar's Revenge

8 décembre 1991 - 4/5

Lucie, Jean-Roger et grand-père ont emmené les Razmoket à une fête foraine. Au moment d'entrer, les bébés s'aperçoivent que Reptar est là ! Comme Angélica voulait les céréales du dinosaure, elle lui prend son plateau d'échantillon et part avec ! La course-poursuite s'annonce effrayante !

Épisode 24 - Graham Canyon

22 décembre 1991 - 3.9/5

Lucie et Jean-Roger ont emmené Tommy et Angélica voir le Grand Canyon. Sur le chemin, ils se trompent de route et tombent en panne ! Par "chance", ils sont à côté d'un garage (d'escroc !) ! Pendant les réparations, les Pickles vont diner. En profitant d'une baisse d'attention des parents, les bébés vont partir à la recherche du Grand Canyon !

Épisode 25 - Stu-Maker's Elves

22 décembre 1991 - 3.9/5

Tommy a eu un nouveau jouet : un superbe planeur. Malheureusement, pendant un vol, l'avion atterrit dans la cave. Tommy va organiser une opération de récupération périlleuse dans le "laboratoire" de son père.

Épisode 1 - Toy Palace

6 septembre 1992 - 3.8/5

Jean-Roger et Charles ont emmené leurs enfants dans un grand magasin de jouet. Comme ils se trouvaient bien ici, Tommy et Labinocle décident de rester après la fermeture !

Épisode 2 - Sand Ho!

6 septembre 1992 - 3.8/5

Grand-père garde une nouvelle fois les enfants ! Aujourd'hui, il leur raconte une histoire de pirate ! Une fois endormis, les Razmoket vont partir à la recherche d'un trésor !

Épisode 3 - Chuckie vs. The Potty

13 septembre 1992 - 3.8/5

Labinocle est arrivé à l'âge d'aller sur le pot ! Cependant, ce dernier ne se sent pas prêt : il préfère ses couches !

Épisode 4 - Together At Last

13 septembre 1992 - 3.8/5

Betty est persuadée qu'il ne faut jamais séparer des jumeaux. Mais lorsque l'on offre un Reptar pour deux bébés, la jalousie s'installe et les disputes commencent. Lucie propose de garder Sophie mais les grumeaux ne supporteront pas longtemps leur séparation.

Épisode 5 - The Big House

27 septembre 1992 - 3.8/5

Lucie a confié Tommy à une sorte de garderie. À l'intérieur, tout ressemble à une prison ! Casse-Bonbons, aidé par les autres bébés, va faire un plan d'évasion...

Épisode 6 - The Shot

27 septembre 1992 - 3.8/5

Tommy doit aller chez le docteur pour avoir un vacherin (vaccin). Labinocle lui explique que c'est une piqûre qui est très douloureuse. Dans la salle d'attente, lui et un autre bébé vont tenter de s'évader mais Angélica va faire échouer leur plan d'évasion.

Épisode 7 - Showdown At Teeter Totter Gulch

4 octobre 1992 - 3.8/5

Tommy et Labinocle jouent tranquillement dans un parc "western" lorsqu'une jeune fille vient mettre la pagaille ! Casse-Bonbons devra jouer le shérif pour débarrasser la ville de cette petite peste.

Épisode 8 - Mirrorland

4 octobre 1992 - 3.6/5

Lucie a été dans une brocante et a ramené un grand miroir ! Les Razmoket pensent que de l'autre côté, il y a tout un monde inversé ! Tommy et Labinocle tentent l'expérience... et ils s'aperçoivent que tout est vraiment différent...

Épisode 9 - Angelica's In Love

11 octobre 1992 - 3.8/5

Angélica était partie pour embêter les bébés (une fois de plus !) mais aujourd'hui, il y a un autre enfant : Johnny ! C'est le coup de foudre ! L'inconvénient c'est que ce garçon ne s'intéresse pas aux filles ! Couette-Couette doit tout faire pour qu'on la remarque !

Épisode 10 - Ice Cream Mountain

11 octobre 1992 - 3.8/5

Jean-Roger et son frère ont décidé d'offrir une glace aux bébés, mais sur le chemin, ils passent à côté du mini-golf de leur enfance ! Ils ne peuvent résister à la tentation de refaire une petite partie : les enfants attendront ! Dans le golf, Angélica entend parler d'une montagne de glace. Elle et les autres Razmoket vont alors partir à la recherche du dessert !

Épisode 11 - Regarding Stuie

18 octobre 1992 - 3.7/5

En installant une nouvelle girouette tout équipée de son invention sur le toit, Jean-Roger tombe de l'échelle... et retombe en enfance ! Les bébés vont le considérer comme l'un des leurs mais au bout d'un moment, Tommy va regretter son vrai père !

Épisode 12 - Garage Sale

18 octobre 1992 - 3.8/5

Aujourd'hui, la famille Pickles a décidé de faire une braderie à domicile. Angélica et Labinocle expliquent aux autres bébés que les grands font ça pour faire de la place. Les Razmoket vont alors aider la braderie en vidant toute la maison !

Épisode 13 - Let There Be Light

25 octobre 1992 - 3.8/5

Cette nuit, Labinocle est venu dormir chez Tommy. Charles-Edouard explique que lorsqu'il fait noir, les monstres du placard sortent ! Casse-Bonbons rassure son ami en lui disant qu'avec la veilleuse Reptar, ils ne risquent rien ! Cependant, suite à une expérience de Jean-Roger, tout le quartier se retrouve dans le noir ! Aidés par les grumeaux, venus à cause de la panne, les Razmoket vont partir à la recherche de la lumière.

Épisode 14 - The Bank Trick

25 octobre 1992 - 3.8/5

Lucie a emmené Tommy et Labinocle pour faire les courses mais avant, elle doit passer au distributeur. Casse-Bonbons, ce petit farceur, s'est amusé à taper n'importe quel code. Résultat : la carte de sa mère est détruite ! Lucie va devoir remplir une montagne de document pour en récupérer une nouvelle. Pendant ce temps, Tommy et Labinocle vont partir à la recherche de bonbons.

Épisode 15 - Family Reunion

1 novembre 1992 - 3.7/5

Les Delatranche vont se rencontrer pour une réunion de famille. Comme Tommy ne sait pas ce que c'est, Angélica lui explique qu'on va lui échanger ses parents ! Casse-Bonbons et ses cousins vont s'enfuir pour retrouver leur vraie famille.

Épisode 16 - Grandpa's Date

1 novembre 1992 - 3.7/5

Ce soir, grand-père garde Labinocle et Tommy. Il a tout prévu : vidéos et chocolat mais il reçoit un appel d'une vieille amie qui va bouleverser ses plans. Il doit cacher les bébés pour ne pas faire trop vieux ! Le problème c'est que les Razmoket, en voulant l'aider, vont le mettre dans des situations embarrassantes !

Épisode 17 - No Bones About It

8 novembre 1992 - 3.7/5

Grand-père a emmené les Razmoket au musée mais il ne veut pas qu'Hubert les accompagnent ! Casse-Bonbons est triste et décide de rapporter un cadeau à son chien !

Épisode 18 - Beach Blanket Babies

8 novembre 1992 - 3.6/5

Charles a des océaniens (sorte de poisson microscopique). Tommy et Labinocle pensent que ces petites bêtes doivent être triste dans leur bocal ! Les deux bébés vont profiter d'un week-end à la plage pour les libérer.

Épisode 19 - Reptar On Ice

15 novembre 1992 - 3.6/5

En mangeant ses céréales Reptar au petit-déjeuner, Angélica explique que les dinosaures sont tous morts ! Les Razmoket sont tristes... mais ils vont trouver un bébé reptile dans le jardin ! Les bébés vont profiter du spectacle "Reptar On Ice" de ce soir pour rendre le petit à ses parents.

Épisode 20 - Family Feud

15 novembre 1992 - 3.7/5

Pendant une partie de jeu de société, la famille Pickles s'est disputée avec la famille Deviles (grumeaux). Resultat : les adultes restent chez eux et les bébés aussi ! Heureusement, Tommy a une idée : grâce à Labinocle, il va faire passer des cadeaux aux voisins. Les grumeaux vont répondre mais, même si l'idée est bonne, est-ce que les deux familles se reconcilieront ?

Épisode 21 - Superhero Chuckie

22 novembre 1992 - 3.7/5

Jean-Roger et Roger-Jean ont emmené les bébés voir le héros de leur enfance. En rentrant, Angélica fait encore des misères aux Razmoket : elle leur vole leur ballon. Heureusement, grâce au cours qu'il a pris, Labinocle va se transformer en super-héros et va sauver les bébés !

Épisode 22 - The Dog Broomer

22 novembre 1992 - 3.8/5

Hubert adore se rouler dans les ordures mais lorsqu'il s'est installé dans le salon, les adultes ont remarqué une drôle d'odeur... Lucie décide d'appeler des spécialistes du toilettage mais Tommy est persuadé qu'on va faire du mal à son chien. Les Razmoket doivent sauver Hubert.

Épisode 23 - Aunt Miriam

29 novembre 1992 - 3.6/5

Tante Myriam vient passer un weekend chez les Pickles. Tout le monde s'en rejouit sauf grand-père ! Il prétend que sa cousine est une vraie peste !

Épisode 24 - The Inside Story

29 novembre 1992 - 3.7/5

Les bébés sont dans la cuisine en train de manger de la pastèque lorsque grand-père passe par là et les met en garde : "si vous mangez une graine, une pastèque poussera à l'intérieur de vous !". À cet instant, Labinocle en avale une ! Angélica propose aux bébés de se réduire puis de rentrer dans son corps ! Couette-Couette profitera de l'occasion pour aider la graine a pousser !

Épisode 25 - A Visit From Lipschitz

29 novembre 1992 - 3.7/5

En allant au supermarché, Lucie a croisé le docteur Lipschitz. Sans hésiter, elle l'invite à diner ! Bien entendu, le psychologue profite du repas pour donner des conseils aux parents. Les bébés, quant à eux, pensent que Lipschitz va devenir leur nouvelle maman... mais les Razmoket vont dissuader le docteur !

Épisode 26 - What The Big People Do

29 novembre 1992 - 3.8/5

Souvent on dit aux bébés : "Tu n'es pas assez grand !". Tommy et Labinocle en ont marre alors ils vont inventer une aventure dans laquelle ils vivent comme des adultes !

Épisode 27 - The Santa Experience

6 décembre 1992 - 3.5/5

After Angelica finds out that Santa Claus is a fake she decides to take away Phil and Lil's presents. Meanwhile Tommy tries to convince Chuckie that Santa Claus isn't a scary man. The adults take them all for a trip in the mountains for Christmas and there is where the Christmas spirit strikes Angelica and she decides to give Phil and Lil back their presents so she won't get coal for Christmas. Chaz decides to dresss up as Santa and when Chuckie sees him he loses his fear of Santa Claus.

Épisode 28 - Visitors From Outer Space

20 décembre 1992 - 3.6/5

Angelica and the babies were kidnapped by an alien ship and found out about their Parents. They were aliens, including Grandpa! Tommy and The babies search a way to get out and meet a dude that knows the ways out. He takes Angelica and puts her in the middle of a deserted place.

Épisode 29 - The Case Of The Missing Rugrat

20 décembre 1992 - 3.7/5

Grandpa comes out of the supermarket with Tommy. Grandpa puts Tommy in a car for a moment and when he leaves the car has vanished with Tommy in it. Two Women took Tommy as a son and Grandpa tries to take him back.

Épisode 30 - Chuckie Loses His Glasses

27 décembre 1992 - 3.7/5

Angelica plays a hide and seek game with the babies, but its all a plan to steal Chuckie's glasses. Chuckie tries to look for them but he can't see so he tries to find his "eyes", but breaks Grandpa Lou's instead. In the end Angelica literally gets sick of them and Tommy gives them to Chuckie.

Épisode 31 - Chuckie Gets Skunked

27 décembre 1992 - 3.6/5

The adults are trying to catch a skunk and Tommy and Chuckie join the hunt and Chuckie ends up being skunked. The babies and grown ups try everything to get rid of the smell, but the real cure is Minka's porche soup.

Épisode 32 - Rebel Without A Teddy Bear

3 janvier 1993 - 3.8/5

Tommy loses his stuffed lion, but when it gets dirty Didi decides to clean it. Then Tommy gets mad and decides to act mean just like Angelica, but Chuckie eventually saves him by turning Tommy good. After that Didi gave Tommy back his lion.

Épisode 33 - Angelica The Magnificent

3 janvier 1993 - 3.8/5

Angelica gets a magic wand and causes havok all around, but when she turns Lil into a butterfly she decides that all this magic stuff is getting out of hand.

Épisode 34 - Meet The Carmichaels

10 janvier 1993 - 3.7/5

New neighbors the Carmichael's come to town and the Pickles help them get settled in. There Tommy meets all the kids: Alisa, Buster, Edwin, and Susie Carmichael. Susie tells Tommy all about her great room, but she can't find it so Tommy and Susie search all around Susie's new house for her brand new room.

Épisode 35 - The Box

10 janvier 1993 - 3.6/5

Stu throws the box from what they just got, and all the rugrats imagined what they could do with the box. Racing,Astronaut,Anything. So, what will they do?

Épisode 36 - Down The Drain

17 janvier 1993 - 3.6/5

After his toy dissapers down the bathtub drain, Tommy worries that he'll get sucked down the drain, too. After Angelica assures Tommy and Chuckie that yes, babies can and do get sucked down the drain, the boys do everything they can think of to avoid taking a bath.

Épisode 37 - Let Them Eat Cake

17 janvier 1993 - 3.8/5

Didi's half brother, Ben, gets married. All Tommy and Chuckie can think about is the fact that they'll get cake after the ceremony. Things take a turn for the worst, though, when Elaine, Ben's bride, gets cold feet and dissapers. In the end Tommy and Chuckie, on their search for the wedding cake, are the ones that find her.

Épisode 38 - The Seven Voyages Of Cynthia

14 mars 1993 - 3.8/5

While Stu and Drew are cleaning Drew's boat, Chuckie and Tommy shanghaied Cynthia so she could be captain; however, when she got lost in the sewer system, it broke Angelica's heart. She did get her back, but not without sailing miles and miles in the sewers and taking a bath in toxic waste. Meanwhile, after being chased away by Angelica, Spike hitches a ride in a garbage truck to the city dump, which doubles as a "scenic overlook".

Épisode 39 - My Friend Barney

14 mars 1993 - 3.8/5

Chuckie introduces his imaginary friend, Barney (who looks just like Chuckie, according to Chuckie), to the other Rugrats, but becomes concerned when Barney "oversteps his authority". Meanwhile, Didi runs with Betty in the "Save The Grunion" 10K marathon, paying a little "price" at its end.

Épisode 40 - Feeding Hubert

21 mars 1993 - 3.8/5

The Babies all here the same Noise Every Night every week. They find out it's a garbage truck, and they try to feed him Stuff. The babies find the garage is messy, and they let all the stuff out, leaving a mess of recycling.

Épisode 41 - Spike The Wonder Dog

21 mars 1993 - 3.8/5

The Babies see a Oodles The Talking Poodle commercial with a talking dog. They think Spike will be able to talk, but he can't. Angelica puts a microphone in his collar, and sounds like Spike is Talking, but he's not.

Épisode 42 - The Slide

28 mars 1993 - 3.8/5

The Slide After Chuckie mistakenly goes down the "big-kids slide" at a Chuck E. Cheese-type place, he is afraid of all slides, and Angelica & Suzie bet on whether he will go down another slide.

Épisode 43 - The Big Flush

28 mars 1993 - 3.8/5

The Big Flush The Pickles & De Villes go to an indoor swimming pool, and the babies, convinced that it's a giant toilet, try to flush it by jumping on the diving board; and Stu must face his fear of the High Dive to save the babies.

Épisode 44 - King Ten Pin

4 avril 1993 - 3.7/5

Grandpa is determined to beat Billy "Strike" Maxwell, his long-time challenger who insures his victory by having the game rigged. The Rugrats, looking for the "chocolate chip" (championship) and the "big candy dish" (bowling trophies), inadvertently exposed the fraud.

Épisode 45 - Runaway Angelica

4 avril 1993 - 3.8/5

Angelica is Mad at Drew for punishing her for messing up his den. Angelica is so mad that she runs away from home and goes to live in Spike's Doghouse in Tommy's backyard. After figuring out that she loves her parents, she moves back in with them.

Épisode 46 - Game Show Didi

11 avril 1993 - 3.7/5

A)Being a game show contestant on "Super Stumper's" (taped at KLPO's TV studios), Didi spins her "Wheel Of Fortune" and "Presses Her Luck" in order to beat Eugene Haynes, a self-proclaimed genius from Philadelphia, who would go as far as the "Pyramids" to win. Meanwhile, looking for Didi's "place in the sun", the Rugrats wander around the station, putting the studio in "Jeopardy!" Will they "Face The Music"? Will Didi keep her "Concentration"? "The Joker's Wild" as Didi's "place in the sun" can be hers, if "The Price Is Right".

Épisode 47 - Toys In The Attic

11 avril 1993 - 3.5/5

Didi,Stu,Drew, and Charlotte go on a week long vacation and leave Angelica and Tommy at Minka and Boris's house. Tommy and Angelica think it's boring so they look for toys, ending up finding Didi's old toys.

Épisode 48 - Driving Miss Angelica

2 mai 1993 - 3.7/5

After being saved by Angelica, Chuckie has to be Angelica's slave for life but when he saves her things go the other way around.

Épisode 49 - Susie vs. Angelica

2 mai 1993 - 3.7/5

Susie impress the babies when she stands up to Angelica for them, but to get back at her Angelica says that she can do anything better than Susie can. They have all these competitons and after being tied they decide that everyone is the best at something sometimes.

Épisode 50 - Tooth Or Dare

9 mai 1993 - 3.7/5

When Susie tells Angelica about the tooth fairy giving you money Angelica decides to take Chuckie's teeth and make money at the same time

Épisode 51 - Party Animals

9 mai 1993 - 3.7/5

Grandpa Lou tells the rugrats about Aladdin and his magic lamp, so Angelica and the other rugrats make a wish on a real lamp. When it dosen't work Angelica falls asleep but the babies stay awake for the grown ups costume party where they think that all their wishes came true. By the time they tell Angelica the party's over and she dosen't believe the babies.

Épisode 1 - Dummi Bear Dinner Disaster

26 septembre 1993 - 3.7/5

Paul Gatsby, the creator of the Dummi Bears, comes to dinner at the Carmicheals' house. Susie thinks that every time Paul and her father, Randy (who's the head writer for the Dummi Bears) get together, Paul buys the Carmicheals' a new house. Because of this, she and the rest of the Rugrats decide to ruin the dinner so Paul will be mad and not make the Carmicheals' move.

Épisode 2 - Twins' Pique

26 septembre 1993 - 3.7/5

Phil and Lil decide they want to be different from each other.

Épisode 3 - Chuckie's First Haircut

3 octobre 1993 - 3.6/5

Chuckie is scared to get a haircut so the rugrats try to make him get over this fear.

Épisode 4 - Cool Hand Angelica

3 octobre 1993 - 3.6/5

After Susie talks about her rough experiences at camp Angelica says that she could handle that entire camp in a day. Of course she's lying and trying to make herself look good but her wish comes true when her parents enroll her in the same camp as Susie and she realizes that it's not a piece of cake.

Épisode 5 - Tricycle Thief

10 octobre 1993 - 3.7/5

Susie's tricycle is missing, and everyone immediately blames Angelica. She denies it, but there is lots of evidence. Did she steal it?

Épisode 6 - Rhinoceritis!

10 octobre 1993 - 3.8/5

Playing doctor (not THAT kind of playing doctor) with her "Binks McGill" doctor kit (based on the TV show), Angelica diagnoses Chuckie with the entirely ficticious "Rhinoceritis", in which Chuckie will turn into a rhino. The signs of "Rhinoceritis" includes a bump on a head (where "a horn is growing in"), scaly skin (actually, scabs), and ornery behavior. Meanwhile, Drew helps Stu and Didi with their income tax, with some sound advice for those who don't file properly.

Épisode 7 - Grandpa Moves Out

17 octobre 1993 - 3.7/5

After ruining dinner, making Tommy cry and Spike growl, Grandpa gets out of everyone's way by moving to Flushing Waters Retirement Home, which is luxury, (so it says in the commercial), which turns out to be your run-of-the-mill retirement home.

Épisode 8 - The Legend of Satchmo

17 octobre 1993 - 3.8/5

The babies, Angelica, and Grandpa have a campout outside. Grandpa tells the legend of the Satchmo, which leads to Chuckie using the restroom, and Tommy figuring out where Chuckie is. Angelica Scares them, Stu is scared to let them sleep outside because of a campout when he was 34. He calms himself down and sleeps with the kids.

Épisode 9 - Circus Angelicus

24 octobre 1993 - 3.6/5

)Intrigued by the neighborhood circus show, Angelica puts on a show of her own, with the Rugrats volunteering (actually, drafted).

Épisode 10 - The Stork

24 octobre 1993 - 3.8/5

Angelica asks, "Where do babies come from?" Her parents originally planned to give her a well-thought-out answer, but ended up answering "the stork". After Angelica tells the Rugrats about this, Tommy finds his new "brother", "Milton", in the nest, as an unhatched egg. Angelica, however, wants it ("Miltonia", her new "sister"), to herself.

Épisode 11 - The Baby Vanishes

31 octobre 1993 - 3.8/5

Angelica uses her mother's vanishing cream (thinking it can make people "invisible") on herself and Tommy and Chuckie, but she wants to be noticed later on.

Épisode 12 - Farewell, My Friend

31 octobre 1993 - 3.8/5

When a glass was broken in Chaz's greenhouse while the Rugrats go on an adventure, Chuckie does not want to go on any adventures with his friends anymore, but Chuckie's decision also affects Chuckie and Tommy's friendship.

Épisode 13 - When Wishes Come True

7 novembre 1993 - 3.6/5

Tommy gets really mad at Angelica for ruining his "3 Baby's and a Guitar" statue. So Tommy wishes for the worst thing to happen for Angelica. She turned stone, but the babies don't know it's Drew's annivesry present for Charlotte.

Épisode 14 - Angelica Breaks a Leg

7 novembre 1993 - 3.7/5

Charlotte and Drew go on a power rafting trip. Angelica has to stay with Uncle Stu and Aunt Didi. She gets mad for not giving her attiention, so she fakes breaking a leg. It drives Stu and Didi nuts, but she eventually gets caught and in the end she gets it back double as Charlotte breaks her leg.

Épisode 15 - The Last Babysitter

14 novembre 1993 - 3.7/5

Elysa finally gets a chance to be mature and responsible by basysitting Tommy, Susie, Buster, and other babies but promblems arise when the lights blackout and Tommy and Suzie see a shadow in the hall.

Épisode 16 - Sour Pickles

14 novembre 1993 - 3.7/5

Grandpa Lou tells the story of how much Stu and Drew fought as babies and try to get th eold tv working so they can watch the TV show, "Blocky and Oxwinkle".

Épisode 17 - Reptar 2010

21 novembre 1993 - 3.6/5

The Rugrats are having fun watching Reptar 2010 when suddenly the video breaks. So the Rugrats become Reptommy, Chucktar, Replil, Repphil, and Reptelica and create their own endings to the movie.

Épisode 18 - Stu Gets A Job

21 novembre 1993 - 3.4/5

Stu, trying to break through his inventor’s block, gets a job at Consolidated Lard.

Épisode 19 - Give And Take

28 novembre 1993 - 3.5/5

Tommy "accidently" lets Chuckie borrow his Boppo toy. Chuckie then relizes it's a clown toy. Angelica finds a switch on it and Chuckie pulls it, deflating Boppo. Then Tommy comes over and sees the deflated Boppo, Then Stu inflates it again.

Épisode 20 - The Gold Rush

28 novembre 1993 - 3.5/5

Angelica finds a nickel in the sand box and thinks there's a fortune under the sand, so the babies dig. They start arguing about finding more nickels. Angelica maks the nickel with an X, but the wind blows it away and Angelica digs frantically to find it again. The babies don't care about nickels anymore and they just play happily again.

Épisode 21 - Home Movies

5 décembre 1993 - 3.5/5

Stu shows everyone boring home movies, but the kids make drawings of their own that are brought to life by the Rugrats cartoonists. A VERY cool story with actual art by the children of the makers of Rugrats.

Épisode 22 - The Mysterious Mr. Friend

5 décembre 1993 - 3.5/5

Stu invents a new toy: a scary walking, talking, heat-seeking clown doll. The babies encounter it, and are horrified. Eventually, it all comes down to a final battle royale between Tommy and friends and an army of "Mr. Fiends." The babies win the day...or do they?

Épisode 23 - Cuffed

12 décembre 1993 - 3.5/5

After playing with a pair of toy had-cuffs to be donated to an orphanage, Chuckie and Angelica got cuffed together with it and they've lost the key.

Épisode 24 - The Blizzard

12 décembre 1993 - 3.5/5

Chuckies favorite toy bus that he got from Santa gets broken after Stu steps on it, and whats worse is a blizzard is going to hit them. After the blizzard when playing in the snow Lou says that it looks like the North Pole. And so Chuckie gets an idea and says to the rest of the Rugrats that if the North Pole is near than so is Santa, and he can fix Chuckies toy. And so they go on an adventure to find Santa braving the blizzards, and harsh coldness of the North Pole (Tommys back yard). On the way they meet Angelica (Angelanik of the North) whos only going along to get toys. Later the Rugrats find out they went the wrong way and ended up at the South Pole. While the others are dissapointed Tommy thinks it's great that they managed to find the South Pole. And so Lou fixed Chuckies bus and the Rugrats had a fun adventure in the blizzard.

Épisode 25 - Destination: Moon

19 décembre 1993 - 3.5/5

When Chuckie's toy rocket flies too high, the babies think that it has gone to the moon. Thinking Grandpa Lou's new trailer is a rocket ship, the pretend to fly to the moon to search for Chuckie's rocket. But they have to watch out for moon monsters!

Épisode 26 - Angelica's Birthday

19 décembre 1993 - 3.6/5

It's Angelica's birthday and she's excited, until Grandpa Lou tells her what it's like to be old. So, she decides to become a baby again, but soon finds it's not as great as she thinks.

Épisode 27 - Princess Angelica

26 décembre 1993 - 3.7/5

After intensive testing by the Rugrats, it is proven that Angelica is the princess, and contemplates leaving her "fake" parents (Drew & Charlotte, who makes her clean her room once a month) for her "real", royal ones (actually, Sal Fusco, "Home Office King" (555-KING), who charges $100 for a house call).

Épisode 28 - The Odd Couple

26 décembre 1993 - 3.7/5

Tommy is staying over at Chuckie's house for a long weekend while his parents go to Wisconsin for a cheese tasting tour. Tommy and Chuckie think they're going to get along great, but soon they start fighting about their different ways of doing stuff.

Épisode 29 - Naked Tommy

2 janvier 1994 - 3.7/5

Trying to be just like Spike, Tommy takes off his clothes, and entices the other Rugrats to do the same, while Stu finds a way to keep Tommy's clothes on.

Épisode 30 - Tommy And The Secret Club

2 janvier 1994 - 3.6/5

Angelica is forming a new club, and is running a contest to see who will become a member. The benefit: the member becomes Angelica's slave.

Épisode 31 - Under Chuckie's Bed

9 janvier 1994 - 3.6/5

When Chaz replaces Chuckie's crib with a bed, Chuckie starts to be afraid of the monster under the bed, and it's up to Tommy and Chuckie to face the monster.

Épisode 32 - Chuckie Is Rich

9 janvier 1994 - 3.7/5

When Chaz wins a clearing house sweepstakes, Chaz and Chuckie are rich, and Chuckie lives the high life until Chaz blows all his fortune in a bad investment.

Épisode 33 - Mommy's Little Assets

13 février 1994 - 3.7/5

Charlotte brings Tommy and Angelica to her office building where, while Charlotte makes a deal with the Famous Ethel cookie factory, Tommy and Angelica wreak havoc in the office by damaging plans for the Cookieland theme park and breking Jonathan's fish aquarium.

Épisode 34 - Chuckie's Wonderful Life

13 février 1994 - 3.7/5

When Chuckie accidently gives Angelica his father's Latvian Polka Dances CD (using it as a toy), Chuckie, who wishes he weren't born, has a chance to see what would be of the world if it weren't for Chuckie.

Épisode 35 - In The Dreamtime

20 février 1994 - 3.7/5

After having vivid dreams at night, Chuckie is having trouble distinguishing fantasy from reality. His difficulty, however, almost had disasterous results when he wanders into the next yard, where a bulldog is sitting.

Épisode 36 - The Unfair Pair

20 février 1994 - 3.7/5

When Angelica thinks every family would have one favorite child, there is one problem when it comes to which of the twins Phil and Lil are their favorite.

Épisode 37 - Chuckie's Red Hair

27 février 1994 - 3.5/5

Chuckie hates being noticed by everyone because of his red hair, so he uses Grandpa Lou's hair dye and turns it black, only to realized he liked getting attention in the first place.

Épisode 38 - Spike Runs Away

27 février 1994 - 3.6/5

When Spike suddenly runs away, Tommy is sad. So Stu and Didi try new pets. The poodle is too mean, the gerbils have ran away and Grandpa Lou squished the spider. Will Spike come back or will he never come home?

Épisode 39 - The Alien

6 mars 1994 - 3.7/5

When Chuckie gets a new playhouse, Angelica scapegoats Chuckie for being an alien, thinking the playhouse is a UFO and Chuckie is trying to trick the babies into being abducted

Épisode 40 - Mr. Clean

6 mars 1994 - 3.7/5

After being told by Chaz about germs after Chuckie was caught playing near germs, Chuckie becomes an overprotective germ freak who couldn't even play with the Rugrats.

Épisode 41 - Angelica's Worst Nightmare

13 mars 1994 - 3.8/5

Charlotte is having a baby, but Angelica does not like the idea of having another mouth to feed.

Épisode 42 - The Mega Diaper Babies

13 mars 1994 - 3.7/5

The Rugrats play-act their favorite super-heroes, "The Mega Hyper-Heroes", a Captain Planet-type program, as Angelica commandeers their action figures.

Épisode 43 - New Kid In Town

10 avril 1994 - 3.7/5

Tired of Angelica being bad to them all the time; the Rugrats find Josh, another friend to play with. It started out okay, but it turns out, however, that he is more meaner than Angelica, going as far as risking their lives with a game called "Pillow" (he swings high and jumps ON the babies). According to Josh, what's "fair" is what he (and later, his fist) decides to be fair.

Épisode 44 - Pickles vs. Pickles

10 avril 1994 - 3.7/5

Tired of being hassled all the time by her parents, especially when it comes down to the foods she's required to eat, Angelica doesn't take the law into her own hands -- she takes them to court.

Épisode 45 - Kid TV

8 mai 1994 - 3.6/5

After being disgusted by a competitor's toy commercial on TV (a "Transformer"-type flying bird that flies, goes in space, does your homework, etc.), Stu throws his invention (similar to what's on the commercial, except it doesn't do anything) at the TV, breaking the TV and the bird (the latter already broken to begin with). Afterwards, the Rugrats use a box (a "Cheese of the Month" box that was to be used to ship the TV back to Japan) to make their own shows, all making a rather colorful lineup.

Épisode 46 - The Sky is Falling

8 mai 1994 - 3.7/5

Following Angelica's story on "The End of the World" (which previously happened 2 years before), the Rugrats prepare for the falling sky, and its aftermath (Angelica becomes the world President and orders the Rugrats to do what she says), while Stu and Chazz brush up on their tennis.

Épisode 47 - I Remember Melville

15 mai 1994 - 3.6/5

Melville, Chuckie's pet bug, died while in the other Rugrats' care. They try to find ways to avoid passing that fact to Chuckie.

Épisode 48 - No More Cookies

15 mai 1994 - 3.7/5

After getting sick as a result of eating too much cookies, Angelica swears off them, depending on the other Rugrats to keep her away from cookies.

Épisode 49 - Cradle Attraction

22 mai 1994 - 3.6/5

Chuckie has a girlfriend, Megan. They like each other in an unorthodox manner -- by teasing each other.

Épisode 50 - Moving Away

22 mai 1994 - 3.8/5

Angelica and her parents are moving to New York, only to have their plans thwarted by Jonathan at the last minute. Tommy explains to the other Rugrats on how they met for the first time, thanks to Angelica's lies about each other.

Épisode 51 - Passover

13 avril 1995 - 3.8/5

This is the original series finale of Rugrats. Special: After arguing with Minka over his spotted glasses, Boris runs away. Later, after feeling bad, he decides to get Minka's glasses, only to be trapped in the attic by Angelica, Tommy & Chuckie. Each family member finds him, as well as end up being locked in the attic (it locks from the outside). While in the attic, Boris tells the story on how Passover was established. Angelica, imagining the story as it unfolds, picture herself as the Pharaoh, Tommy as Moses, and the babies as Hebrew slaves. A very interesting episode.

Épisode 1 - Chanukah

4 décembre 1996 - 3.6/5

Thsi is the first episode of the resurrected Rugrats series. Special: After Grandma Minka tells some of the story of Chanukah, Grandpa Boris was infuriated after hearing that at last minute, Boris was replaced by an old rival for the role of King Antiochus, "...the meaning of Chanukah" in a Chanukah play. The babies are convinced that the rival is "the meany of Chanukah" and the babies are determined to get the "meany", while Stu makes a mechanical menorah (candlabre to put the eight candles of Chanukah), he has to go all the way to the synagogue where the play is at to bring his menorah.

Épisode 2 - Mother's Day

6 mai 1997 - 3.8/5

Special: The Rugrats find presents for their mother, but ended up trying to find Chuckie a mother, as he didn't have one. The answers for this mystery are in a special box, which Chazz doesn't want Chuckie to see. Meanwhile, Stu works on his present for Didi -- a robot that uses "Clapper" technology and used to automatically cook AND serve a person's meal, as well as clean the house (like his other inventions, it went haywire), Betty uses a computer to collect her thoughts on being a mother of twins (using these thoughts to reprogram Stu's robot, it overloaded the computer), Didi takes Minka to the International House of Mud for a mud bath (Minka doesn't like bathing with strangers, and you can get all the mud you want at home for free), and Angelica builds a statue of herself using macaroni, gum, and glue (Chuckie broke it).

Épisode 3 - Vacation

8 juillet 1997 - 3.7/5

Special: In this episode, the Pickles, Finsters & DeVilles journey to the notorious gaming capitol of the world, Las Vegas (the babies call it "Slots Vegas"). At a Viking-Circus-Arctic oriented hotel complex, the women go have fun on their own, leaving the men to watch the babies. Stu was stuck with the babies when Chazz and Howard decided to have fun on their own, while Grandpa decided to do a little gambling. All heck later broke loose in the smorgasbord room when the Rugrats escaped from Stu to look for Heimlich and Bob's "kitties" (actually, tigers, which are displayed on Jumbovision for everyone to see). And yes, we get to hear Angelica sing a real, professional song on Heimlich & Bob's stage.

Épisode 4 - Spike's Babies

23 août 1997 - 3.7/5

The Rugrats are puzzled by the erratic behavior of Spike, who has stolen Angelica's play barbecue, Chuckie's shirt and Stu's franks and frequently goes under the house. The Rugrats thought Spike was under control of aliens from "the planet on Chuckie's shirt". The real story is that Spike has adopted kittens, his "babies". Meanwhile, Stu builds a japanese-style barbecue and a walkway, though he's having trouble keeping the babies out of the fresh cement.

Épisode 5 - Chicken Pops

23 août 1997 - 3.6/5

Chuckie develops the chicken pox, and dosen't know what they are so Angelica makes something up and says that it turns you into a chicken. The babies avoid him until Susie shows up and tells them what chicken pox really does.

Épisode 6 - Radio Daze

30 août 1997 - 3.6/5

While listening to an old radio show with Grandpa, The Masked Detective, Tommy plays the detective and help solve a mystery of "The Malties Woodchuck", where Angelica wants to take the "Malties" (choclolate-coated malt balls) that are hidden inside a hollowed-out woodchuck (which is placed inside a locked drawer) and eat all of them herself. The Rugrats play-act the case in a film-noir fashion, while the actual radio show is played in the background. In the actual radio show, The Masked Detective looks for Madame Evil, who has stolen rocket pellets from a scientist.

Épisode 7 - Psycho Angelica

30 août 1997 - 3.6/5

Angelica's a psycho, but we all love her anyway. Seriously, Angelica becomes the Rugrats' "Psychic Friend" by predicting the future. But her antics, demands for payment in toys & cookies and outlandish predictions make her their "Psychic Fiend" instead. Meanwhile, the adults watch Stu's knee surgery on video, while eating pizza.

Épisode 8 - America's Wackiest Home Movies

6 septembre 1997 - 3.6/5

To win a contest on a tv show Stu and Drew try to record their children's wackiest moments, but they keep missing it every time. Stu determined to win throws a party, but they both end up doing something wacky. Grandpa Lou records it a wins the contest in the end.

Épisode 9 - The 'Lympics

6 septembre 1997 - 3.7/5

Angelica's babies and Timmy McNulty's brothers compete in various athletic activities for the grand prize -- each other's gold medals.

Épisode 10 - The Carwash

13 septembre 1997 - 3.8/5

Stu and Chaz take the babies to a carwash to get the car cleaned, but Angelica tells them something bad about it and now they're afraid to go.

Épisode 11 - Heatwave

13 septembre 1997 - 3.7/5

Trying to fight their thirst on a hot day, the Rugrats get a drink from a drinking fountain, only to get their relief thwarted when Grandpa broke a water main after a couple of workers leave for a "mid-morning pre-lunch break" (to get away from Grandpa's boring storytelling). However, with the help of Sabu, they manage to find relief before the most brutal time of the day, "The Time of No Shadows" (noon).

Épisode 12 - Faire Play

20 septembre 1997 - 3.8/5

The Rugrats and the Pickles go to a medieval fair, where Didi, Stu and Grandpa will be helping out. While Didi makes stained-glass windows, Stu and Grandpa operate a mechanical dragon that Stu invented. However, thanks to the mechanical dragon's numerous glitches, it ended up making an "Ye Olde Mess" out of the entire fair. However, there's one thing that can help defeat the dragon... Reptar. And its all based on the Rugrats' wishes.

Épisode 13 - The Smell of Success

20 septembre 1997 - 3.8/5

After trying countless remedies to cure Chuckie's stuffed-up nose without any success, Chazz took him to Dr. Brander, where she cured Chuckie's congestion with "The Noserator". Afterwards, Chuckie can smell anything and everything. However, success has its price.

Épisode 14 - Dust Bunnies

27 septembre 1997 - 3.7/5

Didi cleans around the house and there's dust all over, so Angelica tells Tommy and Chuckie that they are dust bunnies. Throughout the whole episode they try to outrun the dust bunnies, but will they make it!

Épisode 15 - Educating Angelica

27 septembre 1997 - 3.7/5

Charlotte finally decides to take Angelica to preschool, but Angelica soon learns that its not as easy as it seems. She has a problem with sharing, so she brings Tommy to school but even he makes better friends than Angelica. In the end she makes friends and learns the value of sharing.

Épisode 16 - Angelica's Last Stand

4 octobre 1997 - 3.8/5

Angelica tries to make money by running a lemonade stand. She tricks the babies into working for her, but when the babies aren't getting paid Susie suggest that they go on a strike. It eventually kicks in, and they all decide to run the stand equally.

Épisode 17 - Clan of The Duck

4 octobre 1997 - 3.8/5

.Lil says that dresses are better than pants, so Chuckie and Phil try it and they like it. Things go well until they go to the park and two babies fall in love with them, so they recieve help from these Scotish babies who all wear dresses.

Épisode 18 - Potty Training Spike

11 octobre 1997 - 3.7/5

After using the potty trainer a while, Chazz decides to graduate Chuckie to the toilet, using the Big Boy Potty Training Seat. But after noticing that Spike is using the tree to "do his business", Chuckie decides to follow suit, but Didi insisted that Chuckie uses the toilet. At this point, Tommy thought the rules have changed regarding the use of the tree as a "rest area". Therefore, the Rugrats decide to teach Spike to "relieve himself" the way humans do, first by using a diaper on Spike, then by having him use a toilet. As for Chuckie, he's afraid to go himself while everyone else is looking at him.

Épisode 19 - The Art Fair

11 octobre 1997 - 3.5/5

After Angelica leaves the room after finishing her painting, the Rugrats come in and do finger-painting on it. After Angelica noticed what they did, she chased them around the room in a fit of anger, splattering paint all over the place. When Charlotte noticed this, she called it a work of art, and hired her to redecorate Chazz's den. The moment came when Charlotte entered Angelica i

Épisode 20 - Send In The Clouds

18 octobre 1997 - 3.6/5

Tommy's wish for his house to be among the clouds comes true when the fog rolls in. However, it ended up to be a mistake when Didi wants to go jogging and Stu wants to go to the hardware store. At that point, the Rugrats try all they can to keep Stu & Didi from falling out of the house

Épisode 21 - In The Naval

18 octobre 1997 - 3.6/5

)The Rugrats and the Pickles men go on a fishing boat. When the small bait pool didn't provide enough action for Angelica and her doll, Water Sport Cynthia, she decides to tow her on the back of the boat. This was fun -- until a swordfish ate Cynthia. Inspired of Grandpa's days in the Navy Seals, Tommy and his team of "Wavy Seals" step in to get Cynthia back.

Épisode 22 - The Mattress

1 novembre 1997 - 3.5/5

Grandpa is suffering from aches and pains all over his body. The cause of all his suffering -- his mattress, which he was sleeping on since World War II; he was sleeping in it for so long, he has left his body-shaped indentation on the mattress. Stu forces Grandpa to give it up by throwing the old mattress into the trash and buy a state-of-the-art bed in its place. While Stu throws the mattress away, the Rugrats look on, thinking that it was the monster that caused Grandpa to writhe in pain so much.

Épisode 23 - Looking For Jack

1 novembre 1997 - 3.8/5

On the way to a "Dummi Bears" concert, Charlotte's minivan gets a flat tire after running over a bunch of broken bottles of olive oil. She looks for a jack, but the minivan wasn't equipped with one, sho she calls her mechanic, without success. Meanwhile, the Rugrats try to look for a "Jack" for her, but ended up inside an Italian restaurant. They found a "Jack", but this "Jack"'s an Italian restauranteur with an interest in the "Dummi-Bears".

Épisode 24 - Ransom Of Cynthia

8 novembre 1997 - 3.7/5

Angelica eats all her candy at Susie's birthday party and finishes it. She wants more, but her dad won't let her. She tricks the babies into getting her candy by being a burglar and hiding Cynthia. She tricks them eats the candy, and gets sick. While Spike, ends up finding Cynthia.

Épisode 25 - Turtle Recall

8 novembre 1997 - 3.5/5

The Rugrats, Stu and Chazz go to the mall and look for some kind of grill. Stu gets hooked onto the football game and forgets about the babies. The babies wander around the mall and find a fountain, and see a turtle they think belongs to the fountain. They bring it back, ending up bending the top and buying it with the Turtle.

Épisode 26 - The Turkey Who Came To Dinner

10 novembre 1997 - 3.5/5

Special:The Pickles and their friends spend the day making dinner and watching parades and football on TV. However, their plans ran amok when no one bought a turkey for dinner, so the ladies went to the store to get one, only to leave with turkey alternatives, like turkey hot dogs, and they ruined that, too. Meanwhile, the guys set up multiple satellite dishes so they can watch an array of football games, but their fun broke down when they all argue on what game they should concentrate on, with Chazz voting for the non-traditional nature documentaries. Also, Angelica and the Rugrats put on a parade, only that the adults were either cooking or watching the games. All of them placed a blame on a live turkey Grandpa won in a canasta game. What Angelica really wants is to see that turkey get cooked for Thanksgiving, something the Rugrats don't want, even though it "caused" so much trouble.

Épisode 27 - Angelica Orders Out

15 novembre 1997 - 3.7/5

Stu invents the "Pickles Voice Frequency Modulator 5000", a microphone that distorts voices. Angelica's distorted voice sounds exactly like Charlotte's. While the Stu, Didi & Chazz are away at a whicker seminar, and advantage of the mike, and the phone's speed-dial function, by placing orders for sweets from Zippy's Deli, and by tricking the other grownups in believing that a surprise birthday party for Angelica is being organized.

Épisode 28 - Let It Snow

15 novembre 1997 - 3.7/5

At Grandpa's insistence, The Pickles take their annual Christmas picture in August, but since it's so far in advance, the Rugrats thought that Santa forgot the snow. They do everything to get him to stop for presents.

Épisode 29 - Angelica Nose Best

22 novembre 1997 - 3.6/5

The Rugrats listen to the story of Pinocchio on tape. Later, during the day, Angelica destroyed Didi's jigsaw puzzle and ate all of Grandpa's candy bars, pinning the crimes on Spike & Fluffy,. That night, while she's sleeping, a mosquito bites Angelica,s nose. The next day, after she breaks Charlotte's very expensive vase, she places the blame on the Rugrats. the Rugrats tell her that it's growing because she's lying, but she won't believe them. When she tells them that she has trouble telling the truth, the Rugrats help her tell the truth.

Épisode 30 - Pirate Light

22 novembre 1997 - 3.8/5

After the pilot light went out in the water heater, Stu calls a repairman over to fix it. However, the repairman ended up doing battle with the Rugrats when they think that he's a pirate trying to steal the "pirate light" and the treasure.

Épisode 1 - Babysitting Fluffy

15 août 1998 - 3.7/5

Angelica and her family go on vacation, but Fluffy stays behind at Chuckie's house. But there are 2 problems: Fluffy hates Chuckie, and Chazz is allergic to cats. Eventually, the other Rugrats help out in babysitting Fluffy. Meanwhile, Chazz, Stu and Betty pave Chazz's driveway, without success.

Épisode 2 - Sleep Trouble

15 août 1998 - 3.8/5

At a sleepover during a windstorm, Tommy & Chuckie try to catch the "Sandman" after hearing Stu's impromptu story about him. They eventually catch Chazz, who came home early from a party.

Épisode 3 - The First Cut

16 août 1998 - 3.8/5

Tommy gets hurt while rescuing a baby bird. To help his cut heal, Didi placed a Reptar bandage over it. After Phil & Lil noticed this, they try to get hurt too, so they can get Reptar wrapped around their fingers. Meanwhile, Angelica steps in, telling Tommy that he'll have to go to the hospital to sew him up so he won't get a "reflection" (infection) and get "tangerine" (gangrene). After that, Tommy refuses to have any fun, so he won't get hurt.

Épisode 4 - Chuckie Grows

16 août 1998 - 4/5

It seems like it when Grandpa accidentally shrinks Chuckie's clothes in the wash, after Chuckie got dirty. Afterwards, Angelica decides to play off Chuckie by thinking that he's a giant and that he'll squash Angelica, the Rugrats and the grown-ups. In the end, this action costs Cynthia her right to have cappuccino; her miniature cappuccino machine was brought over so Stu can fix it.

Épisode 5 - The Wild Wild West

17 août 1998 - 3.8/5

The Rugrats play "Cowboys & Indians", with Angelica playing ice cream thief after stealing coupons for free ice cream from an ice cream man.

Épisode 6 - Angelica For A Day

17 août 1998 - 3.9/5

The rugrats take the expression " If I were in your shoes" litterally when Angelica and Chuckie change shoes and personalities. Things go bad, but it gets really worse when Tommy takes off Angelica's shoes from Chuckie's feet and he still acts like her. Later on Tommy wakes up, realizes that it was all a dream, and is glad that Chuckie is Chuckie and Angelica is Angelica.

Épisode 7 - Word Of The Day

18 août 1998 - 3.6/5

Angelica auditions for a part on a Romper Room-style TV program, "Miss Carol's Happy House". However, things get nasty after the audition when Angelica overhears the 74 year-old Miss Carol say nasty things about her viewers backstage; among these nasty things included a cuss word, which Angelica learns and says to her parents.

Épisode 8 - Johnathan Babysits

18 août 1998 - 3.8/5

Jonathan babysits the Rugrats at Charlotte's house while she's on assignment, but uses this opportunity to look for Charlotte's tape so he could "dig up dirt" on Charlotte for blackmailing purposes. However, he has to do this while humoring Angelica, as per Charlotte's orders. Meanwhile, the Rugrats dig up dirt (the one used to make mudpies, that is).

Épisode 9 - Grandpa's Bad Bug

19 août 1998 - 3.8/5

Grandpa gets out of doing chores by faking a "bad bug", though the Rugrats thought that he actually eaten one. To take care of this, they find some "good bugs" for Grandpa to eat.

Épisode 10 - Lady Luck

19 août 1998 - 3.8/5

Grandpa takes Tommy & Chuckie to the new Seniors Center to play bingo. When Grandpa starts losing, however, Tommy & Chuckie look for "Lady Luck", who turned out to be Mrs. Holkin, the center's supervisor. While they look for her, however, they livened up the center, where "rest & relaxation is the key to happiness", especially since this is a place where aerobics and cha-chas are just as slow as Tai Chi, and where jumping over checkers is prohibited.

Épisode 11 - Crime And Punishment

20 août 1998 - 3.8/5

Chazz falls in love with Naomi, a traffic cop, but the Rugrats try to sour their relationship after Angelica's lie of cops stealing babies. Chazz's date with Naomi later becomes more bizarre after Chuckie accidentally breaks Chazz's glasses; after the breakage, Chazz went without his glasses, as he feared that the taped-up glasses would make him look like a geek.

Épisode 12 - Baby Maybe

20 août 1998 - 3.8/5

The Rugrats' parents go out to see the opera after hiring Ben & Elaine, our newlyweds from Let Them Eat Cake, to babysit them. The couple is babysitting them to get a feel on what parenting feels like, as they plan to have kids in the future. However, the chore of babysitting babies does not go exactly as planned, in advance.

Épisode 13 - He Saw, She Saw

21 août 1998 - 3.7/5

At a local park, where Stu & Didi took the Rugrats, Chuckie falls in love again, this time for a girl named Emma, and this time, something else gets in the way of their romance -- her big, 3-year-old brother, "Big Binky", who wants to distance Chuckie as far aways as possible from Emma. Knowing the problem, the Rugrats help Chuckie out by pestering Big Binky.

Épisode 14 - Piggy's Pizza Palace

21 août 1998 - 3.7/5

The Rugrats wander around a "Chuck E. Cheese"-type pizza restaurant after Piggy inadvertently stolen the game tickets that Angelica had won. Meanwhile, Stu & Drew try to outwit each other playing a Reptar pinball game.

Épisode 15 - Fugitive Tommy

22 août 1998 - 3.9/5

Gabriel Lasky, a.k.a. "The One-Toothed Baby", pops one of the McNulty kids' balls by biting it; however, the McNultys placed the blame on another baby with one-tooth -- Tommy. As they cart Tommy up a hill for Tommy's punishment, Tommy escapes, leading to a manhunt, with the McNultys finding Tommy, and Tommy finding Gabriel. But will the McNultys learn the real story? And will they believe Tommy? While all this happens, Gabriel's grandpa cheats while playing chess with Tommy's grandpa. Not a Quinn-Martin production.

Épisode 16 - Visiting Aunt Miriam

22 août 1998 - 3.8/5

Aunt Miriam is back; this time, we're visiting her place, as she, Grandpa, and her friends play poker. The Rugrats become scared of the old ladies when one of them jokingly commented that Chuckie was good enough to eat, and when Miriam recruited Chuckie to become her "helper" (which was genuine, but the Rugrats felt different).

Épisode 17 - Uneasy Rider

29 août 1998 - 3.9/5

Chuckie learns how to ride a bicycle, with a little help from Angelica. Once he learns, he is befriended by other big kids with bikes. But who are his real friends -- the big bike kids, or the Rugrats?

Épisode 18 - Where's Grandpa?

29 août 1998 - 3.7/5

The adults accidentally left Grandpa behind at a gas station while trying to take home an easily-perishable banana tree they purchased from a nursery about 3 hours from home. Grandpa unwittingly hitches a ride with strangers, but everyone ends up at a cheesy, Canadian-themed tourist stop called "North Of The Border" ("Where You Can Go To Canada Without Crossing The Border"). Tommy & Chuckie try to reunite Grandpa with Stu & Didi, but there's one slight problem -- Grandpa thinks he's in Canada -- with no ID (Tommy threw his wallet out the car window).

Épisode 19 - Hiccups

12 septembre 1998 - 3.7/5

After eating Stu's popcorn Tommy develops a case of the hiccups. The only cure is to be scared, but Tommy is a brave baby and isn't scared of anything.

Épisode 20 - Autumn Leaves

12 septembre 1998 - 3.6/5

A change of season makes the babies think that the trees are ill, so they apply whatever remedies they think of to them.

Épisode 21 - Journey To The Center Of The Basement

19 septembre 1998 - 3.7/5

When Chazz accidentallty took Chuckie's "Reptar Jr." into the basement, the Rugrats go there to find it, with the scenario similar to Jules Verne's classic, Journey To The Center Of The Earth. Meanwhile, Chazz tries to fix some leaky plumbing himself, in order to beat the plumber's bill.

Épisode 22 - A Very McNulty Birthday

19 septembre 1998 - 3.7/5

At his birthday party, Timmy McNulty bans the girls from playing because they have cooties. However, the girls get back at them by thinking that they actually have a contagious form of cooties.

Épisode 23 - The Family Tree

21 septembre 1998 - 4/5

Special: Tommy stays over at Chuckie's house while his parents are on their wedding anniversary. Chaz is starting to treat Tommy like he is his son and that makes Chuckie mad so he takes Angelica's advice and makes trouble for him. Later on Tommy gets whats going on and straightens things out. Meanwhile Didi has been seasick on this cruise, and when Stu finds out he discovers that she's pregnant...

Épisode 1 - Chuckie's Duckling

18 janvier 1999 - 3.9/5

A baby duck hatched in Tommy's backyard, and the first thing it sees is Chuckie. Chuckie adopts the duck, which he calls "Herbert". At first, caring for Herbert was exciting, but when the novelty wears out, it becomes a chore. Meanwhile, Betty and her environmental group protest at a condo site that left the baby duck's mother without a home, while Grandpa tries to win at checkers.

Épisode 2 - A Dog's Life

18 janvier 1999 - 3.8/5

Spike's attempts to save Dil from immenent danger gets Spike in trouble with Stu & Didi.

Épisode 3 - Chuckerfly

23 janvier 1999 - 3.8/5

Dil and Angelica steal the affections of the adults because they are beautiful and cute, so Chuckie decides to turn into a butterfly to be beautiful and cute too.

Épisode 4 - Angelica's Twin

23 janvier 1999 - 3.8/5

In order to get two Cynthia toys Angelica pretends that she has a twin to get double of what she wants. Everything goes well until the babies like her twin better then her so she decides to go back to being herself.

Épisode 5 - Hand Me Downs

30 janvier 1999 - 3.8/5

Angelica Tells Tommy that Susie's ( imaginary ) sister Yvonne disappered of giving all her toys to Susie. Tommy and Chuckie think he will dissaper, and take the toys away from Dil and Didi.

Épisode 6 - Angelica's Ballet

30 janvier 1999 - 3.8/5

Angelica drafts the Rugrats to play her ballet troupe, so she can stage her own ballet recital to prove that she can dance. She did this because (1) she lied to Susie about taking dance lessons (Angelica was expelled from dance school after 2 classes), and (2) she did this to get back at Susie, who was chosen to be a lead at her class' presentation of Swan Lake. Angelica's biggest challenge is to get Chuckie to wear a tutu; he didn't want to, as he feels embarassed wearing one (obviously). The end result -- "Angelica Lake", with a pail of water for a lake, and Dil in his high chair as a tree. Meanwhile, Stu, Drew, Randy & Chazz work on Stu's roof, having trouble finding out what caused the roofing tiles to deteriorate.

Épisode 7 - Raising Dil

6 février 1999 - 3.8/5

Stu & Didi start a new baby book for Dil, to keep track of various firsts that will occur in Dil's early years. At first, of course, the book is blank, which led Angelica getting the babies to believe that Dil is not so smart. Trying to prove otherwise, Angelica and the Rugrats "train" Dil.

Épisode 8 - No Naps

6 février 1999 - 3.8/5

As a challenge to see whether the Rugrats are "grown-up", Angelica entices the Rugrats not to sleep during naptime, then uses various tactics to get them to fall asleep. The winner gets to play with Stu's newest invention, the "Magical Merry Music Ball".

Épisode 9 - Man of The House

13 février 1999 - 3.8/5

When Stu goes on a vacation he tells Tommy that he is the man of the house now, and he has to watch over Didi and Dil while he's away.

Épisode 10 - A Whole New Stu

13 février 1999 - 3.8/5

Stu gets worn out taking care of Tommy and Dil so the adults send him on a spa treatment to make him feel better.

Épisode 11 - Submarine

20 février 1999 - 3.9/5

Stu goes shopping for a new car which Tommy, Chuckie, and Dil pretend its a submarine and have an undersea adventure.

Épisode 12 - Chuckie's A Lefty

20 février 1999 - 3.9/5

Chuckie thinks that he's not normal because he can color with either his left or right hand.

Épisode 13 - Baking Dil

27 février 1999 - 3.8/5

Stu & Grandpa prepare a surprise birthday party for Didi. They had everything prepared except for one crucial element -- the birthday cake, which they forgot to get while rushing to get the party together. They take the Rugrats to Bob's Fully Automated Bakery to get the cake. While there, Tommy's gift to Didi, a frog, got away, prompting Dil to try and find it while the Rugrats try to rescue Dil before he becomes a cake. Meanwhile, Betty takes Didi to an English tea shop, where waiters sing songs for every occasion -- to the tune of "Hail Britannia".

Épisode 14 - Hair!

27 février 1999 - 3.8/5

Grandpa's old army buddy, Roy Davis, is paying a visit, but Grandpa's afraid that he'll be embarrased by his baldness and being out of shape. Meanwhile, afraid that Tommy will stay a baby forever because he's bald, according to Angelica (of course), the Rugrats try to find hair for Tommy.

Épisode 15 - Pedal Pusher

6 mars 1999 - 3.8/5

Chuckie and the Rugrats go to the park to try out his new pedal-operated toy car that his father gave him. Other kids like his car so much, they become his "friends", just to get a ride. While doing so, Chuckie leaves his real friends, the Rugrats, behind. Meanwhile, Didi & Chazz compare notes on Dr. Lipschitz, with Chazz being more up-to-date on his work.

Épisode 16 - Music

6 mars 1999 - 3.8/5

All Singing! All dancing! If you liked their musical talents in the live show and the movie, you'll love (or at least, like) this episode. Recorded "live" to an audience of one (Dil). Featuring musical hits!

Épisode 17 - Opposites Attract

13 mars 1999 - 3.8/5

Tommy and Chuckie are getting sick and tired of each other, so they decide to hang out with people who act like them. Later on that gets annoying and they start to miss each other.

Épisode 18 - The Art Museum

13 mars 1999 - 3.8/5

Didi takes the babies to an art museum where they cause trouble.

Épisode 19 - The Jungle

20 mars 1999 - 3.8/5

At Faye's Garden Center, a plant nursery, the Rugrats think they were in a jungle after Grandpa mentions that there's so many plants, it looks like a jungle. After hearing Grandpa's tall tale about Jungle Fever, the Rugrats imagine Dil turning into a Jungle Beaver, prompting them to find a cure for Dil's condition.

Épisode 20 - The Old Country

20 mars 1999 - 3.8/5

The Pickles plan to spend the weekend at Boris & Minka's rented cabin in the woods. The cabin lacks any modern conveniences, such as indoor plumbing. However, when they mentioned that they're going there to help protect the cabin from the elements, Tommy & Chuckie thought that they're going to the fabled "Old Country" to protect the cabin from the "elephants". Meanwhile, Chazz goes out into the woods to find his inner caveman.

Épisode 21 - Ghost Story

27 mars 1999 - 3.8/5

Stu & Didi arrange a camping party for the Rugrats. At night, the Rugrats tell a ghost story. Angelica starts it off, with the Rugrats adding on to it. However, when the Rugrats' contributions weren't even as remotely as scary, she constantly derails them, as she wanted the story to go her way.

Épisode 22 - Chuckie's Complaint

27 mars 1999 - 3.8/5

After seeing Reptar steal some cereal in a Reptar Cereal commercial, Chuckie writes a letter to him complaining about the commercial, with a little help from Angelica. When Chuckie decided to retract the complaint, Angelica said that it was too late, as she already "mailed" the letter. Chuckie becomes even more afraid when they go to the Video Cave arcade at "The Mall" to meet Reptar who, according to the commercial for "Reptar's Revenge" (his latest direct-to-video movie), is "mad at someone".

Épisode 23 - Chuckie's Bachelor Pad

10 avril 1999 - 3.8/5

So that Chazz would have room to repaint Chuckie's room, Chazz has packed all of Chuckie's stuff away in boxes, leading Chuckie to think that his dad wants him to move out and live on his own. The Rugrats help Chuckie out by finding him a "belcher" pad to live in. But is the garden shed an ideal bachelor pad for Chuckie? Also, Chazz finds his old Lava lamp, which takes him back to the days when he was first out on his own.

Épisode 24 - Junior Prom

10 avril 1999 - 3.6/5

After looking at prom pictures in their parents' high school yearbooks, and the fact that Alisa is going to her own prom, the Rugrats have a prom of their own, complete with a limo and chauffeur (Dil in the Reptar Wagon), so they can decide who can be prom queen -- Angelica or Susie.

Épisode 25 - What's Your Line?

17 avril 1999 - 3.8/5

Facing a lack of jobs in the future, so says future "stand up chameleon" Angelica, she tells Chuckie that he needs to get a job soon. Chuckie tries his hand at being an ice cream man, a florist, a librarian and a father. Meanwhile, Stu, Chazz & Howard paint a fence.

Épisode 26 - Two By Two

17 avril 1999 - 3.8/5

In another religious episode, Boris tells the story of Noah's Ark to the Rugrats. Following the story, Angelica sees a weather report on TV, where some rain is forecasted for the area, inspiring Angelica to trick the Rugrats in believing that there will be another worldwide flood soon, prompting her to be the one and only boss and the Rugrats to build an ark and collect two of each animal. However, being the one and only boss will backfire on Angelica, as she is, of course, the one and only.

Épisode 27 - Wrestling Grandpa

1 mai 1999 - 3.7/5

Grandpa relives his glory days as a wrestler by wrestling his old nemesis, Conan McNulty (Daniel Davis). Can "Pretzel-Maker" Pickles defeat Conan "The Crusher"? The Rugrats think so, as they think that he's a super hero.

Épisode 28 - Chuckie Collects

1 mai 1999 - 3.6/5

ntrigued by Chazz's unusual collection of odd asthma inhalers, Chuckie starts a rock collection, with the Rugrats adding on to it. His most-prized possession in that collection is his first rock, which is moon-shaped and reminds him of his father. The Rugrats follow suit and start collecting other items. However, collecting rocks isn't as easy as you may think.

Épisode 29 - Zoo Story

7 août 1999 - 3.6/5

Stu, Chazz & Howard take the Rugrats to the zoo, where the employees wear animal costumes. After noticing this, the Rugrats learn that animals are people, too, as they see these "animals" do human stuff like eat ice cream, play with toys and sell souvenirs. When placed in a caged petting zoo, they think that they will turn into animals and remain there forever and ever. Later, when Tommy dropped his trusty screwdriver outside the pen, the Rugrats call on Dil and the real animals to help him out.

Épisode 30 - I Do

7 août 1999 - 3.6/5

After being a flower girl (again) at a wedding, Angelica makes the moment last by forcing Chuckie and Lil marry each other in a shotgun marriage ceremony; they were "married" after Chuckie & Lil were the first ones to say "I do" when Tommy asked if anyone wants to play "tag". They were satisfied with the marriage, until a new baby come along -- Dil. Meanwhile, Tommy & Phil keep their "tag" game going with only 2 people, but doesn't work out well, now that Chuckie & Lil are married.

Épisode 31 - Silent Angelica

7 août 1999 - 3.6/5

So that Charlotte can conduct important business in peace, and so Drew & Stu can watch tennis, they tell Angelica that they'll buy a Cynthia Dream House and a mini sports car for her if she stays quiet. She ends up taking this "quiet" thing very seriously by not saying a peep, not even when the Rugrats pay a visit. Eventually, the Rugrats' racket ended up making her more angrier, with no way for her to vent her anger; also, her silence ended up affecting Charlotte's business deal, rather than helping it.

Épisode 32 - Tie My Shoes

7 août 1999 - 3.6/5

After seeing Miss Carol tie shoes on her video using toy snakes, Angelica becomes an expert a shoe-tying, and proves it by tying everything in the house -- and Chuckie's eternally-untied shoes. However, Chazz thought that Chuckie tied them all by himself. Because of this, Chuckie is afraid that his dad will get angry if he learns the truth, so he tries to keep them tied, at any cost. Meanwhile, the grown-ups try to cook burgers at their cookout.

Épisode 33 - Share And Share A Spike

2 octobre 1999 - 3.6/5

Tommy wanted to play with Spike -- and so does Dil. Because of this, they are forced to share Spike. Since Tommy wanted Spike all to himself, he tries to find other suitable pets that Dil can play with, even having the other Rugrats to be Dil's pets. Meanwhile Stu and Drew still haven't learned to share.

Épisode 34 - Tommy For Mayor

2 octobre 1999 - 3.7/5

After seeing someone on TV running for mayor of their town, the Rugrats vote to see who's going to be "mayor" of their group -- Tommy or Phil. Meanwhile, Didi and Betty work on mailouts in support of the town's mayoral candidate -- Sheila Swann.

Épisode 35 - No Place Like Home

2 octobre 1999 - 3.7/5

Special:Susie goes to the hospital to get her tonsils removed. At surgery, after she's under anaestesia, she dreams of a magical world, reminiscent of The Wizard of Oz.

Épisode 36 - Brothers Are Monsters

9 octobre 1999 - 3.7/5

The Rugrats act out different animals. Tommy plays a wolf, but Dil thought he was a dog. After arguing over the issue with Tommy, Dil feels hurt and cries. Later, after the Rugrats' nap, Didi gives the Rugrats juice and cookies; the Rugrats eat theirs right away, but Tommy was still sleeping. Spike knocked the juice over, spilling on Tommy. Then, he shed some hair on Tommy. The Result -- Tommy thinks he's a monster, all because he hurt Dil's feelings. Meanwhile, Betty's brother, Freddie, pays a visit.

Épisode 37 - Cooking With Susie

9 octobre 1999 - 3.8/5

Susie was a first on her block to get a Cynthia Easy Cook Oven -- literally, as they weren't available to the general public yet; the makers were advertisers on the Dummi Bears show. The oven was so precious to Susie, she wouldn't sell it to anyone, not even Angelica. With the oven, she made some Reptar Snack Squares. The Rugrats ate them, but didn't like them. However, they lied to Susie and told her they were the best snacks they ever eaten; they lied (as recommended by Angelica, of

Épisode 38 - Officer Chuckie

16 octobre 1999 - 3.7/5

The Rugrats are at Officer Dan's Pre-School Safety Town, a miniaturised city where safety rules are taught. While the Rugrats play on the grass, the older kids, including Angelica, race around in miniaturised play cars. When a ball goes out into the street, Chuckie catches it, but he jaywalks at an intersection. After getting caught by Officer Dan, he made Chuckie a "Safety Officer". However, Chuckie's new powers affected how the Rugrats play -- a little too much.

Épisode 39 - Auctioning Grandpa

16 octobre 1999 - 3.5/5

The Rugrats are at a craft & antique fair, where Didi is selling her "Bird Homes" -- artistic bird houses that she made. However, she hadn't made any money, or as so much as a glance from someone walking by, due to her competition. Meanwhile, Grandpa sits down on an antique rocker to tell a story to the Rugrats; naturally, he falls asleep. The rocker is up for auction, but with Grandpa still in the rocker, the Rugrats though that it was Grandpa who's up for auction, so they find a way to buy him back.

Épisode 40 - Planting Dil

16 octobre 1999 - 3.6/5

Didi is planting herbs in her garden, including dills, which are used in the canning of pickles. However, after hearing Didi commenting that she's going to plant alot of them, Tommy thinks that the dills for pickles are actually alot of... Dil Pickles, in which all of them would need Tommy's care.

Épisode 41 - The Joke's On You

16 octobre 1999 - 3.6/5

Drew plays a practical joke on Stu, where he unwittingly hurt Grandpa with his newest invention, a robotic bee. This inspires Angelica to play a practical joke of her own on the Rugrats, setting it up so that they would think that Dil pulled these jokes. All this goes on while the Rugrats play a King Arthur adventure.

Épisode 42 - Partners In Crime

6 novembre 1999 - 3.5/5

At home, the Rugrats watch an old, "Bonnie & Clyde"-type film on TV with Grandpa. At the park, Angelica and Dil used what they saw to play "Bonnie & Clyde", with Angelica stealing food from other kids and Dil playing accomplice. Meanwhile, at the park, Grandpa continues to watch the movie on a portable TV set, getting the other adults to do the same.

Épisode 43 - Thumb's Up

6 novembre 1999 - 3.6/5

Rugrats play "Follow The Leader", with Dil being the leader. When Dil sucks his thumb (mimicking Stu when he sucks his own thumb after hitting his hammer on it), the Rugrats do the same, but fail to stop. When the adults noticed this, they panicked after reading in a Lipschitz book that thumb-sucking leads to poor academic skills and bucked teeth. Angelica uses this advice to get Chuckie to believe that they'll turn into ducks, when they get "duck

Épisode 44 - The Big Showdown

20 novembre 1999 - 3.6/5

After watching a Reptar movie, Dil wakes up in the middle of the night, following a Reptar-sized nightmare. Concerned about the excess aggressiveness and violence that Reptar brings, Didi introduces Goober the Gopher; recommended by Dr. Lipschitz's Baby Talk Hotline, it's a goofy, yet gentle toy for Tommy and Dil. While Dil and Chuckie are kind of fond of Goober, Tommy would rather play with Reptar, which was easily found in his closet with the rest of the Reptar memorabilia. Will the Toy Fair, also recommended by "1-900-LIPSCHITZ", change the minds of Chuckie & Didi? After all, that's where both Reptar & Goober have their exhibits, and that's where trouble's waiting to happen for the men in the Goober and Reptar costumes.

Épisode 45 - Doctor Susie

20 novembre 1999 - 3.5/5

After Dr. Lucy accidentally breaks one of Susie's toys, she fixes it, and teaches Susie how to be a toy "doctor". When Dil broke all of the Rugrats' toys, Susie fixed them up. But Angelica, always jealous of Susie, breaks them again and blames Susie for "malprac

Épisode 46 - Runaway Reptar

27 novembre 1999 - 3.6/5

Special:Grandpa takes the Rugrats to a dual-screen drive-in (to the Rugrats, "parking lot movie"), so Grandpa can watch one film ("Deep Sea Divers of the Rugged North", a Testline production), while the Rugrats enjoy the title picture, Rosenmount Pictures' "Runaway Reptar" (directed by Jon Ho, whose name sounds like Hawaiian singer Don Ho), where Reptar was supposed to be saving the city from another large monster, a pterodactyl named Dactar. However, the Rugrats became disappointed when they find out that Reptar is actually helping Dactar in the destruction, rather than defeating Dactar. Through imagination (How else?), the Rugrats got into the film to help Reptar save the rest of the city from his "evil twin" and defeat another enemy -- Angelica, who invented Reptar's doppleganger, just so her parents can get her all the toys she want.

Épisode 47 - Accidents Happen

18 décembre 1999 - 3.6/5

Following a day at the zoo and other fun attractions, Chuckie dreamt that he was an explorer going over a waterfall in a boat, which causes him to accidentally wet his bed. After Chazz determines that Chuckie may be regressing, he had Chuckie wear training pants, which is in between diapers and briefs. At night, the Rugrats try to encourage Chuckie not to fall asleep, so he won't forget to wake up to go to the bathroom.

Épisode 48 - Pee Wee Scouts

18 décembre 1999 - 3.7/5

The grown-ups gather to see old home movies of Stu as a Boy Scout and Grandpa as his leader. This encourages the Rugrats to live the scouting life, but the fun subsides when Dil gets "lost".

Épisode 49 - Chuckie's New Shirt

22 janvier 2000 - 3.6/5

Rugrats play ball, Chuckie rips his trademark shirt with the planet on it. Chazz gets him another one. But when he finds out that that's not the same shirt as he always had, he becomes a different person named "Ralph". Meanwhile, Chazz enters a cooking contest with one of Minka's recipes. Grand Prize: a year's supply of air

Épisode 50 - Cavebabies

22 janvier 2000 - 3.7/5

After Didi has hided the cookie jar from Angelica, Angelica has threatened the Rugrats with her starvation if they don't find the cookies in time. Their mission becomes a prehistoric fantasy, where the Rugrats, now "cavebabies", find Dil, the "Wise Cave Baby", so he can point them in the direction of the cookie jar, or, "Cookiesaurus".

Épisode 51 - Be My Valentine

11 février 2000 - 3.8/5

Special: In "Part 1", Angelica comes over, all dressed up as Cupid. Tommy threw one of Angelica's spent arrows around, which landed on Spike. When it did, Angelica suggested that the Rugrats find another animal for Spike to love, or he'll suffer a "broken heart". The Rugrats eventually found Angelica's kitty, Fluffy, as Spike's potential date. But do dogs and cats really mix? Meanwhile, the grown-ups get ready for a Valentine's Day costume party. Chazz has rented a 1957 Chevy to go along with his costume. But there's one problem that none of the guys could figure out -- how to get the keys out of a locked car. In "Part 2", the Rugrats and the grown-ups are at the party. The grown-ups have fun at the party, while the Rugrats and the other little kids have fun in the playroom. In the playroom, the Rugrats make valentines. Chuckie makes one for his dad, but a little accident makes it a little more special. Phil makes one for Lil, but another girl has a crush on Phil. And Angelica & Susie

Épisode 52 - Discover America

29 mars 2000 - 3.6/5

Special: Grandpa & Aunt Miriam returned from a vacation and got gifts for everyone, except for Dil, whose souvenir was misplaced. So Dil wouldn't be left out, the Rugrats went on a vacation of their own in their own tour bus (Reptar Wagon), just so Dil can have a souvenir of his own. On this adventure, they visited locales such as the "Graham Canyon" (Grand Canyon), the "Pile of Rockies" (Rocky Mountains), St. Louis, the Everglades, and, of course, the "Statue of Library" (Statue of Liberty). Meanwhile, Angelica and Susie become "Easy Riders" on their own journey across America, on the run because of their criminal acts (that is, if you consider dumping cole slaw "criminal").

Épisode 53 - Acorn Nuts & Diapey Butts

8 avril 2000 - 3.5/5

"Acorn Nuts & Diapey Butts" is a three-part episode of Rugrats that serves as the season finale to the show's sixth season. This episode serves as a lead-in to Rugrats in Paris: The Movie, and it is also notably the last episode to use the original intro sequence, which has been used since the series premiered in 1991. It takes place during the Fall. In this episode, Tommy's fear for changes comes true as Lou permanently moves out of their house and into a retirement home, and must come to terms with his Grandfather not being around as much as before. Meanwhile, Betty tries to find a new love for Chas (none of which turn out great), but Chuckie is starting to feel left out. Phil and Lil on the other hand, have a hard time adjusting to their newly oversized diapers that has been forced upon them, as it becomes very difficult for them to move regularly like they use to.

Épisode 54 - The Magic Baby

4 mai 2000 - 3.6/5

Grandpa reads the story of "Jack & The Beanstalk" to the Rugrats, while Didi makes beanbags for them. Angelica got a hold of some of those beans and passed them to the Rugrats as magic beans. When Dil ate one of the beans, the Rugrats realise that Dil had magical powers.

Épisode 55 - Dil We Meet Again

4 mai 2000 - 3.7/5

The grown-ups prepare for a block party. After Betty warned the Rugrats that Dil will become a watermelon if he eats too much of it, they thought that it happened when Didi took Dil inside to clean him up and was replaced at that spot with a watermelon, while they saw Chazz making balloon animals. The worst part is that watermelon is going to be part of a watermelon-eating contest.

Épisode 56 - All's Well That Pretends Well

6 juillet 2000 - 3.6/5

The Cirque du Dummi Bear show is coming to town, and Angelica really wants to go. There's only one problem -- she's coming down with a cold. The good news (to her, of course) is that Charlotte and Drew doesn't know about her cold yet, so she makes a scheme to hide the cold from them and make them believe that one of the other Rugrats have it.

Épisode 57 - Big Babies

6 juillet 2000 - 3.7/5

Kevin McNulty, one of Grandpa's old friends (and of course, related to Timmy and the McNulty boys), goes through the secret initiation in order to get into the Loyal Order of Wombats. After seeing this, the Rugrats have Dil go through something similar, so he could become one of the "Big Babies". In turn, their fathers mimic the Rugrats, on a bet that they could do everything the Rugrats do.

Épisode 58 - The Incredible Shrinking Babies

13 juillet 2000 - 3.7/5

The Rugrats try to have Dil fall asleep. Later that night, Chuckie has a nightmare, where the Rugrats shrink and become the size of those "Little People" toys. Dil, however, remains normal-sized; however, to the now-miniaturised Rugrats, Dil seems more like a giant.

Épisode 59 - Miss Manners

13 juillet 2000 - 3.6/5

Angelica graduates from the "Mind My Manners Charm School", where she is taught good manners. She puts her knowledge of manners to work when an important guest, an executive for Charlotte's company, is invited to Drew & Charlotte's for dinner, leading to Angelica teaching the Rugrats some manners.

Épisode 60 - A Dose Of Dil

20 juillet 2000 - 3.6/5

When everyone else is getting attention from the grown-ups, Tommy feels left out. Angelica offers Tommy a practical solution -- fake an illness or injury. Tommy takes her advice and eventually gets some attention -- from Dil.

Épisode 61 - Famous Babies

20 juillet 2000 - 3.6/5

Betty chat about "The Proud Poppas", a 60s rock-and-roll band that they loved a long time ago. This encourages Angelica to encourage the Rugrats to start their own band.

Épisode 1 - Finsterella

15 janvier 2001 - 3.8/5

Special: This episode picks up where Rugrats In Paris has left off -- with the entire gang now back in the good old US of A, with Chazz a newly-married man, and, most importantly, Chuckie gaining a new mother and sister that he likes. But if you think that the Watanabe-Finsters are going to be in a total state of bliss from now on, think again -- as long as there's Angelica, there cannot be total bliss. And who else but Angelica would put a damper on Chuckie's happiness? While Kira studies for a fairy tale play (which involves Cinderella), Angelica tries to trick Chuckie into thinking that he'll be living the same life as Cinderella -- virtually being a slave to Angelica and Kimi, while everyone else gets ready for a party that will celebrate the newlywed couple's adoption of each other's child, a couple of weeks after their marriage.

Épisode 2 - Angelicon

19 janvier 2001 - 3.9/5

At the Finsters, Stu builds a treehouse for Chuckie, Kimi, and the other Rugrats to play in. After Kimi took Cynthia from Angelica (without asking, of course) to play in her treehouse, the Rugrats imagine Angelica as if she was a monster from the jungle, a la "King Kong".

Épisode 3 - Dil's Binkie

19 janvier 2001 - 3.8/5

Dil's pacifier travels around the neighborhood, after it drops out of Dil's mouth.

Épisode 4 - Big Brother Chuckie

19 janvier 2001 - 3.8/5

When Chuckie is afraid of the same things that Kimi likes, he fears that he isn't such a good big brother to her. Meanwhile, Chazz & Kira start making plans for a new business venture -- a coffee house.

Épisode 5 - Sister Act

26 janvier 2001 - 3.8/5

At an amusement park, Angelica, now the only only-child in the series, feels left out when she had no brother or sister to join her in a novelty photograph. After Drew mentioned to her that they aren't ready to have any more kids, she starts looking for someone who would make a good brother or sister for her.

Épisode 6 - Spike's Nightscare

26 janvier 2001 - 3.8/5

When the Rugrats notice that Spike is having a nightmare, they help Spike out of it by giving him the things that help them through their nightmares.

Épisode 7 - Cuddle Bunny

26 janvier 2001 - 3.7/5

At Edwin’s birthday party, Kimi falls in love with the donkey piñata at a party, thinking that it was a “Cuddle Bunny”. But when she learns that the kids will bust it open for the candy inside, the Rugrats try to save Cuddle Bunny from its impending destruction.

Épisode 8 - Changes for Chuckie

2 février 2001 - 3.8/5

Since Kira & Kimi came into Chuckie's life, he believes that everything is changing when Kira straigtens his hair, buys him new "trap-door" pajamas with feet, gives him sandwiches with crusts, and, worst of all, gives Wawa a makeover.

Épisode 9 - The Magic Show

2 février 2001 - 3.8/5

The Rugrats discover the first thing about magic when they sneak backstage at a magic show at the local park.

Épisode 10 - A Lulu of A Time

2 février 2001 - 3.7/5

The whole family is at the retirement home, visiting Grandpa and Lulu. While Grandpa shows the adults around, Lulu babysits the Rugrats; but once she's distracted, the Rugrats wreak havoc all over the place.

Épisode 11 - Dayscare

9 février 2001 - 3.7/5

To help expand their minds, Chazz and Kira send their kids to the Happy Clown Daycare Center, endorsed by Dr. Lipschitz. Angelica informs Chuckie & Kimi that daycare can be dangerous, as it's where the "scary kids" go to play. When they got there, Kimi ended up having a ball, while Chuckie would rather hide in balls.

Épisode 12 - The Great Unknown

9 février 2001 - 3.7/5

The Rugrats set their sights on a staircase post, where it hides one of the Rugrats' greatest mysteries -- why does it wobble?

Épisode 13 - Wash/Dry Story

9 février 2001 - 3.7/5

While repairing the sprinklers, Stu accidentally breaks the water main, forcing Didi, Betty, Colleen McNulty and Jonathan (for Charlotte, of course) to go to the laundromat to do their laundry. It was a good place for the Rugrats to watch the front-load washers like they're watching TV (a la Zippy The Pinhead), but when the Rugrats encounter the McNulty boys, trouble ensues. In a tribute to West Side Story, they fight over their "turf" in this musical episode, while Angelica looks for her missing Cynthia, and Jonathan complains about doing Charlotte's laundry, mentioning that working at a f

Épisode 14 - Cat Got Your Tongue?

16 février 2001 - 3.7/5

Howard has laryngitis, making it difficult for him to speak. When Lulu asks if his "cat got his tongue", the Rugrats look for Fluffy, so they can get it back.

Épisode 15 - The War Room

16 février 2001 - 3.8/5

After Grandpa told the Rugrats one of his war stories, the Rugrats rescue Dil's bottle as if they're at war.

Épisode 16 - Attention Please

16 février 2001 - 3.7/5

When Kira & Chazz felt that Kimi is homesick for France, they throw her a party and shower her with gifts, all with a French theme. However, by doing so, they ended up not giving Chuckie any attention.

Épisode 17 - And The Winner Is...

9 mars 2001 - 3.8/5

Angelica & Susie compete in a talent show, with Angelica having the usual unfair advantage, thanks to a little spying, trickery, and Charlotte's usual connections. At stake -- a trip to Cynthialand. Also in the show -- Grandpa & Lulu's dance act, provided that Grandpa's trick back doesn't get in the way.

Épisode 18 - Dil's Bathtime

9 mars 2001 - 3.8/5

While Stu works on his latest robotic invention, Didi notices that Tommy likes baths, but Dil does not. While she gives both babies their baths, a fantasy sequence reveals the answer -- Dil imagines that he's sailing in the rough ocean.

Épisode 19 - Bigger Than Life

9 mars 2001 - 3.8/5

Chuckie's afraid of losing his friends after the Rugrats are attracted to Kimi's adventures.

Épisode 20 - My Fair Babies

30 mars 2001 - 3.8/5

When Angelica decides to play "business luncheon", the Rugrats wanted to play too. However, Angelica told the Rugrats that they can't play unless they're able to wear grown-up clothes, tell jokes and not wear diapers -- her idea of growing up. Susie tries to make the Rugrats grow up, so they can join Angelica.

Épisode 21 - The Way Things Work

30 mars 2001 - 3.9/5

Tommy explains to Dil how the fridge, the toilet and the playpen work.

Épisode 22 - Home Sweet Home

30 mars 2001 - 3.7/5

In celebration of a Japanese holiday, Kira wants to send her parents a package of special mementos of Chuckie and Kimi. However, Chuckie heard it as if Kira wanted to send Kimi to Japan. Chuckie and friends tries to make Kimi's last day in America pleasant.

Épisode 23 - Day of The Potty

6 avril 2001 - 3.7/5

Chuckie accidentally had his toy airplane jammed inside the toilet, which motivated Chazz into getting a new one to replace it. While the folks are shopping at a home improvement store, the Rugrats think that an entire army of toilets are out after them, to seek revenge for what Chuckie did to one of them.

Épisode 24 - Tell-Tale Cell Phone

6 avril 2001 - 3.7/5

When Angelica breaks her mother's cell phone (so she thinks), she hides it in a drawer and keeps it a secret. However, when she is unable to reveal the secret, it drove her nuts.

Épisode 25 - The Time of Their Lives

6 avril 2001 - 3.7/5

Angelica has gotten a new Cynthia watch, which she uses to trick the Rugrats into believing that they must do whatever the watch says. Basically, the watch "tells" the Rugrats to become Angelica's slaves. Then, on the way to get a snack, Angelica's watch slips off her wrist. Kimi finds it, but hides it away, so that Angelica wouldn't order the Rugrats around anymore. However, they think that time stops as long as the watch stays lost, meaning that Angelica stays around forever and ever. Meanwhile, Stu

Épisode 26 - Dil Saver

13 avril 2001 - 3.7/5

When Stu started using a picture of Dil on his computer, the Rugrats thought that it is Dil himself who's trapped in there. Because of this, they treat the computer the same way they treat Dil -- like a baby. Meanwhile, Lulu & Grandpa come over to babysit the Rugrats -- including the real Dil.

Épisode 27 - Cooking with Phil & Lil

13 avril 2001 - 3.6/5

After Phil & Lil knock over a blueberry pie that Didi baked, they make a new one, with the usual "different" ingredients.

Épisode 28 - Piece of Cake

13 avril 2001 - 3.6/5

Angelica is told not to eat the big cake that her mom has baked. But when she ate the whole thing without getting sick -- things happen.

Épisode 29 - Bad Shoes

20 avril 2001 - 3.6/5

Stu has bought a new pair of shoes. But when they clash with his suit, squeak when he walks, and hurt his feet, he rants and raves, complaining that they are "the worst shoes ever worn by a human". Overhearing this, the Rugrats figure out ways to save Reptar, Stu, and themselves from this pair of "bad shoes".

Épisode 30 - The World According to Dil & Spike

20 avril 2001 - 3.7/5

From their perspectives, Spike looks at a vacuum cleaner, while Dil looks at bubbles.

Épisode 31 - Falling Stars

20 avril 2001 - 3.6/5

The gang are at the park at night to watch the stars fall. In a fantasy salute to Star Wars, the Rugrats try to keep the stars from falling by fighting the Darth Vader-like force, Angelica, that causes this phenomenon.

Épisode 32 - Adventure Squad

27 avril 2001 - 3.6/5

Phil watches "Adventure Squad", a super-hero show that becomes so intriguing, that he tries to make all the Rugrats' imaginary adventures involve the "Adventure Squad". While it seemed great at first, the rules of the game, along with Phil's reluctance to play anything else, begins to take a toll on the other Rugrats.

Épisode 33 - The Way More Things Work

27 avril 2001 - 3.7/5

Tommy talks to Dil about the things in the backyard, like grass, the lawn mower, Spike's doghouse, even Spike's "poopie".

Épisode 34 - Talk of The Town

27 avril 2001 - 3.8/5

Angelica recently received a Cynthia talk show outfit, while Kimi got one of those toys that you push beads along pipes. While the other Rugrats were getting ready to play "talk show", Chuckie wanted to play with the other toy, but broke it after tripping on it. Afraid that he'll make Kimi sad, he hid the broken pieces away. Angelica, however, saw the broken pieces, and organised a talk show on the Rugrats' most intimate secrets, just to find out who broke it, as well as entertain herself with a recording of an angry, upset Kimi on tape.

Épisode 35 - A Rugrats Kwanzaa

11 décembre 2001 - 3.8/5

Special:In this half-hour holiday special (which debuted in Britain 8 months early), the Carmichaels get a visit from the "Great Aunt T" (voiced by Irma P. Hall), who came over to celebrate Kwanzaa with the Carmichaels. The holiday, which the Carmichaels normally don't celebrate, celebrates the honor and greatness of the African people. However, Susie feels that she isn't as great as her brothers and sisters, all of them examples of greatness in the Carmichael family. With a little help from the Great Aunt T. and the Rugrats, she learns that everyone is great in their own way, making "Kwonzo" a joyous holiday. We also go back in time, when Aunt T met Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in the most unusual place -- at the side of the road with car trouble, as well as the time Aunt T funded Lucy's tuition money for Harvard Medical School.

Épisode 36 - Pre-School Daze

21 janvier 2002 - 3.8/5

Special:In this episode, Angelica and Susie go to their first day at preschool at the local community center. However, their first day ended up being a competition on who can be the best preschooler, as Angelica always tries to outshine Susie. But the big challenge comes when Angelica and Susie accidentally breaks Miss Weemer's favorite coffee cup; it's not just any coffee cup -- it reminded her of her old boyfriend, who has broken up with her awhile ago. Joining them on the mission to fix her broken cup is Harold, who becomes a pain in Angelica's side.

Épisode 1 - All Growed Up

21 juillet 2001 - 3.8/5

Special:In this 60-minute episode, produced in celebration of the Rugrats' 10th anniversary, the Rugrats watch a movie on TV, where some scientists go into the future. The movie, unfortunately, was interrupted with a special presentation of Angelica singing on her new karaoke machine. Of course, when they wanted to play with her machine, she wouldn't let them. The only way to escape her tirades is to go into the future. So, our favorite babies hitch a ride in Tommy's time machine, made of a deflated basketball, a jump rope, and a purloined karaoke machine, to ten years into the future, where the Rugrats become pre-teens (except for Angelica, who will actually be a teenager). After they turned older, the now-former Rugrats get ready to attend their first concert, headlined by teen sensation "Emica" (voiced by Adrienne Frantz). Meanwhile, Stu and Didi, also ten years older, participate in a "Dinosaurs of Disco" dance contest, with Stu's disco medallion acting as a good luck charm, for hi

Épisode 2 - Curse of the Werewuff

15 août 2001 - 3.8/5

Special:In this episode, the Rugrats' parents take them trick-or-treating for the first time, at an amusement park. But of course, there has to be the hard way -- Angelica explains to the Rugrats what Halloween is, but, as usual, she always does it in a way to scare them even more. She tells them that if they dress up as a certain character, they actually become that character, and remain so for the rest of their life. Chuckie, who planned on being a werewolf, especially becomes traumatised by her story, to a point where he starts having nightmares about what Angelica said. However, Angelica is willing to turn the little "monsters" back into Rugrats, but only if they give all their candy to Angelica. This is especially important to her, as her parents banned her from trick-or-treating after she ate Halloween candy before Halloween. Will Chuckie and the Rugrats know the real truth about Halloween? Will Angelica get her just desserts? Of course, on both counts; but, as they say, getting

Épisode 3 - Quiet, Please

9 février 2002 - 3.8/5

When Chazz's library book, "The History Of Nasal Inhalers", was due, he took the Rugrats to the library to return it. While there, Chazz decided to get library cards for Chuckie and Kimi, saying that they're "the window to the world". But, will the Rugrats obey the librarian's rules to keep quiet, not eat, and to put the books back? Meanwhile, Chazz's library privileges are revoked when the strict librarian noticed a microscopic tear on a book's cover, forcing him to make a deal.

Épisode 4 - Early Retirement

9 février 2002 - 3.9/5

The gang visits Grandpa & Lulu's retirement home, where they danced and played golf. Later, at Tommy's house, Angelica "retires" the Rugrats, just so she could watch "Cynthia P.I." in peace. It's especially important, as that episode included a sweepstakes draw for a truckload of Cynthia merchandise. But she soon learns that being in a retirement home isn't strictly quiet sleeping.

Épisode 5 - The Doctor Is In

9 février 2002 - 3.8/5

Didi and Betty were listening to a radio program hosted by a woman with strong attitudes on parenting. That radio show led to Didi and Betty reevaluating their parenting skills, but when they refused to see eye-to-eye on parenting, they start to reevaluate their friendship. This inspires Angelica to open her own "office" to dispense important advice to the Rugrats, in order for each other to stay friends -- she told Tommy not to be so bossy, Phil & Lil not to be gross, Chuckie to be brave, and Kimi to be like Angelica.

Épisode 6 - The Big Sneeze

9 février 2002 - 3.8/5

Everytime Kimi gets close to Chuckie, he sneezes. The cause of this? Dandelions that Kimi was holding. But Angelica, seeking another opportunity to fool the Rugrats, said that Chuckie is allergic to Kimi.

Épisode 7 - The Fun Way Day

23 février 2002 - 3.8/5

Chazz quits his job as a bureaucrat when he finds a new career that's suitable for both himself and Kira -- peddling coffee. In this episode, Chazz & Kira opens a cafe called The Java Lava, which will feature a variety of coffees and other drinks, plus a playpen for the Rugrats and the other visiting babies. However, the first day of business isn't doing well -- no customers, other than Chazz's friends, came in; there were technical difficulties with the equipment (some of it invented by Stu); and the coffee is too strong, even for Betty, who normally swears by it. Kira's solution -- hire a Feng Shui (pronounced "thing schway") expert to find the faults with the business, and to rearrange things to make things better, spiratually. This not only involves rearranging furniture and appliances, but also placing various gems and trinkets arround. That makes the Rugrats believe that the "Fun Way" guy came by to play a game with the Rugrats.

Épisode 8 - The Age of Aquarium

23 février 2002 - 3.8/5

The gang visits a marine theme park, which practically resembles Sea World on the cheap -- your run-of-the-mill stage show, an exhibit of the world's greatest maritime disasters, a souvenir stand with tired employees hawking bubble guns, and a trained shark show -- using mechanical sharks. The Rugrats, as usual, run away to the park's centrepiece -- a ship that houses the park's aquarium. This, of course, leads the Rugrats to believe that the ship is sinking, so they find ways to float the already dry-docked boat.

Épisode 9 - Daddy's Little Helpers

9 mars 2002 - 3.8/5

The grownup women leave the men in charge of the Rugrats while they attend a "Moon Goddess" fair, where Charlotte was invited as a guess speaker. However, the new-ageish atmosphere and attitude has gotten the best of Didi -- especially when she's told "You're not a wife; you're not a mother; you are a goddess." Before leaving for the fair, she told the Rugrats to help their dads out, so they did everything they were supposed to -- with hilarious results. Meanwhile, Chazz devises a special activity schedule, while Stu builds a dollhouse / playpen that is escape-proof -- for grownups.

Épisode 10 - Hello Dilly

9 mars 2002 - 3.8/5

Angelica takes her "life-like" doll, which happens to look like Dil, to pre-school. But after one of her classmates brought a similar type of doll to show-and-tell, Angelica delayed her presentation a day, so she could switch her doll with the real thing -- Dil. But with Dil at school and her doll at Tommy's house, the Rugrats were led to believe that Dil turned into a doll because he was bad.

Épisode 11 - Bow Wow Wedding Vows

25 mars 2002 - 3.8/5

Special:In this direct-to-video episode, Tommy notices that Spike is spending more time with Fifi and less time with him. According to Angelica, the two dogs are in love. At her insistence, the Rugrats give Spike and Fifi a wedding, as it is apparent that the dogs love each other and spending alot of time together. Later, the Rugrats celebrate Easter Nickelodeon style -- in a non-religious way; they hunt for Easter eggs. Meanwhile, Spike has a special surprise for Tommy in the shed -- puppies. Also, Chazz and Kira call on an expert to help plan their Easter brunch, while Didi is afraid that Stu is spending more time on his inventions and less time on her.

Épisode 12 - Cynthia Comes Alive

6 avril 2002 - 3.8/5

A the Java Lava, Angelica brings over her new "Hip Teen Cynthia" doll, which talks. However, when Angelica wasn't looking, the Rugrats have broken the doll. Shortly after Stu took it home to fix it, Cindy, a high school intern, came over to work at the Java Lava. When they noticed that Cindy looks and talks like Cynthia, Angelica and the Rugrats thought that Cynthia came to life. Meanwhile, Cindy causes trouble for the Java Lava by not working at all -- she considers nail polish, magazines, and phone conversations to be more inportant than actually working.

Épisode 13 - Trading Phil

6 avril 2002 - 3.8/5

At the park, Angelica wants to play with a couple of 4-year-old girls. However, those girls dislike anyone who's 3 years old, like Angelica. So, she convinces the girls that she's 4 years old by trading Phil in exchange for their jelly-based toy. In return, Angelica promised that she'll be nice to the Rugrats. However, Phil wants much more than that. Meanwhile, Grandpa tries to teach Spiffy, one of Spike & Fifi's new puppies, n

Épisode 14 - A Tale of Two Puppies

1 juin 2002 - 3.8/5

Now that Spike and Fifi have a family of their own (in Bow Wow Wedding Vows), there's one problem -- what should the Finsters do with all those puppies? Solution -- give them away to good homes, of course. With the Finsters already having a dog of their own, they plan on giving ALL their puppies away. But one of them, Puppy, is too scared to leave, while the brave Spiffy is actually happy to have found a new home. Evidently, Puppy ended up being a permanent part of the Finster's household, while Spiffy will be living with his dad -- at Tommy & Dil's house. But watch how all this plays out, especially as Angelica wanted a dog of her own.

Épisode 15 - Okey-Dokey Jones and the Ring of the Sunbeams

1 juin 2002 - 3.7/5

Grandpa and the Rugrats take a trip to a store that specialises in tropical pets, as Grandpa was interested in buying a talking bird for Lulu. After Grandpa buys those little toys out of the gum machine for the Rugrats, Lil gets a toy ring, which was called "the Ring Of The Sunbeams", a ring that's so special, that Angelica wants it all for herself.

Épisode 16 - Happy Taffy

21 septembre 2002 - 3.7/5

As Stu & Didi are trying to find a new babysitter for the Rugrats, Grandpa & Lulu recommends Lulu's grand-niece, Taffy (Amanda Bynes). After they see Taffy perform with her band, "The Saltwaters", at a bowling alley, they hire her on a trial basis. As she babysits, Taffy teaches the Rugrats a thing or two about music, while trying to come up with a song for her band to play at their next gig -- a grand opening of a gas station. The trouble is, Taffy isn't that great of a songwriter, while Angelica, as always, is tone deaf. As Taffy does her thing with the "minis", the Rugrats' parents, at Betty's insistance, spy to make sure Taffy does a good job. They later find out that Taffy was a good choice as babysitter.

Épisode 17 - Imagine That

21 septembre 2002 - 3.7/5

After watching "The Cynthia Team", an action series where Cynthia and her friends are secret agents, Angelica gets the Rugrats to play-act the show with her. In the Rugrats version, Angelica is secret agent Cynthia, whose mission is to stop Dr. Doomsbake (played by Tommy) fro

Épisode 18 - Murmur On The Ornery Express

22 octobre 2002 - 3.7/5

A Rugrats version of "Murder On The Orient Express."

Épisode 19 - Back To School

3 janvier 2003 - 3.7/5

Didi watches a Dr. Lipschitz video, which basically includes a few pointers on childcare, plus an obligatory plug for more videos. Afterward, she looks at her trusty Lipschitz book, but, when she notices the book's title, "Dr. Lipschitz A to Z, Birth to 5", she worries about what will happen when Tommy turns 6, as, of course, that book only covers children up to 5 years of age. Thinking that using Lipschitz as a crutch would turn dangerous in the years ahead, Didi decides to enroll at a community college for classes in childhood development, with plans on eventually getting a masters degree in that field. However, when the Rugrats hears that Didi is going "back to school", they think that everything is going backwards, and they become more fearful of that fact when they observe Spike walking with a baby bottle in his mouth, and Stu taking Dil back to the hospital (in reality, for a checkup).

Épisode 20 - Sweet Dreams

3 janvier 2003 - 3.7/5

At a sleep-over at Tommy's house, the Rugrats have vivid dreams, except for Chuckie.

Épisode 21 - A Step At A Time

10 janvier 2003 - 3.8/5

A new "Follow Me Reptar" toy, one of Active Child Magazine's 10 best toys, inspires the Rugrats to get Dil to walk. As they try to do so, Stu thinks he sees Dil walking on his own. Because of that, Stu rigs up extensive video equipment to capture Dil's every move, so he wouldn't miss it again. Also, The Rugrats and their parents remember when the kids first started walking.

Épisode 22 - Angelica's Assistant

10 janvier 2003 - 3.7/5

With Charlotte busy taking care of business with Jonathan, she puts Angelica in charge of the Rugrats, with one catch -- if she is caught being mean to the Rugrats, then her new Cynthia Dream Yacht sets sail back to the store. But that's not all -- Harold from pre-school is coming over, too. With that in mind, Angelica hires him as her assistant. But while Angelica ordered Harold to boss around the Rugrats, he ended up being a hit with them, to the ire of Angelica.

Épisode 1 - The Perfect Twins

30 novembre 2002 - 3.7/5

Betty’s relatives from England come to America to pay a visit along with their kids – Smedley & Hedley – who are also fraternal twins.

Épisode 2 - Babies In Toyland

9 décembre 2002 - 3.7/5

Special:60 minutes long (or 2 30-minute parts, depending on where you watch it), this will be the Rugrats' second Christmas special, and the fourth special for the holiday season. In this special, the Rugrats visit MergeCorp headquarters (where Charlotte is CEO) to see "Christmasland", Santa's winter wonderland, designed by, of course, Stu. The visit is extra special, as it is Dil's first Christmas. However, when Angelica behaved like such a brat she is (definitely not a good thing during the Holidays), "Santa" (Jim Belushi) got fed up with the whole business, and decides to quit. Because of this, Tommy finds a way to bring "Santa" back, and to make this Christmas a joyous one for Dil. It is especially important to Dil, as Angelica tells the Rugrats that if they don't get a present, they don't get to celebrate Christmas ever again. Meanwhile, the grown-ups have a simulated Christmas in the prairies, complete with the experience of being snowbound, thanks to a malfunction in Stu's other

Épisode 3 - Clown Around

28 janvier 2003 - 3.7/5

The Rugrats go to a circus when it comes to town, courtesy of their fathers, who have gotten them tickets and backstage passes. But of course, we already know about Chuckie's fear of clowns. Angelica successfully tricks Chuckie into believing that he was a clown, due to his red hair. But, after eating a cherry snow cone, being given clown shoes by his dad, and accidentally bumping into makeup powder, he actually believes that he is a clown. However, his fears ended up becoming much more serious when he finds out that he's on centerstage -- with clowns -- in front of a live audience. Meanwhile, Angelica tries her hand at being an acrobat, a trapeze artist and a ribbon dancer, much to the ire of the real performers.

Épisode 4 - The Baby Rewards

28 janvier 2003 - 3.8/5

Inspired by an awards show that they watch on TV, the Rugrats put on an awards show of their own, just so they can feel "specially special" with their own awards -- "toys on a plate". But there's one problem -- which Rugrat will get which "reward"? Meanwhile, Stu, despite

Épisode 5 - Bug Off

11 février 2003 - 3.8/5

Taffy takes the Rugrats to a high school basketball game, where the Hornets are playing the visiting Poodles. However, Taffy "volunteers" herself to replace one of the cheerleaders, after one of them, her best friend Britannica, sprained their ankle, after Taffy caused their pyramid to collapse. As she does so, she leaves the Rugrats alone in the bleachers while she fills in for Britannica, and eventually,

Épisode 6 - The Crawl Space

11 février 2003 - 3.7/5

Didi wanted Stu to clean up the living room for Boris & Minka's visit, which includes putting the toys away. Sarcastically, Stu says that he would put the toys, and the babies, into the crawlspace. Angelica interprets this by banishing the Rugrats to the crawl space, where they could play there, while Angelica has the living room all to herself, to the displeasure of Susie. Meanwhile, Stu invents an automatic plan

Épisode 7 - Mutt's In A Name

24 février 2003 - 3.7/5

When Chazz finds out that Puppy is sad all the time, he decides to give her a name. But later, Puppy ended up getting sick, which Chazz though was due to an identity crisis (she actually ate part of Kira's jigsaw puzzle). Noting that, the Rugrats started looking (litterly, around the house) for Puppy's new name. When it came to a point when Chazz started banging his head on the wall, he calls veterinarian Dr. Mutterly to see what the problem was. When the vet came over, the Rugrats thought that he would give the puppy a new name. But of course, his unorthodox methods leave something to be desired.

Épisode 8 - Hurricane Alice

24 février 2003 - 3.5/5

Howard prepares for a storm called Hurricane Alice, who says that it would turn their house "upside down". While he does that, Betty's old classmate, Sheila (who's also as brute as Betty) pays a visit, along with her daughter -- named Alice. When Alice makes a mess of things looking for toys (or anything that can be one), the Rugrats thought that she was "Hurricane Alice". Meanwhile, Bett

Épisode 9 - Baby Sale

26 février 2003 - 3.6/5

Didi, Betty, and Kira go to this store where you can buy bab clothes. ( Which Were Half Off ). While Kira fights over a dress, the babies make a mess of things in the playroom.

Épisode 10 - Steve

26 février 2003 - 3.7/5

The Rugrats make a snowman, and call it Steve. They were playing with him, and when the snow was melting, So was Steve. The Rugrats try to fix him. Will He Be Fixed?

Épisode 11 - The Bravliest Baby

8 juin 2003 - 3.6/5

At the local playground, monkey bars and a slide doubled as "Mount Neverrest", on the Rugrats' latest adventure. However, Tommy lost his grip and fell. While Angelica's Cynthiamobile broke his fall, he escaped uninjured, but there's one problem -- he became a fraidy cat. This led to Angelica's own test of bravery, which will determine who's the new bravest Rugrat -- or at least, see if Tommy can get his bravery back.

Épisode 12 - Gimme An 'A'

8 juin 2003 - 3.6/5

As part of her science experiment for her Child Psychology degree, Didt takes Tommy and the Rugrats to Kinyuka College, where she tries to find a way to make the Rugrats go to sleep faster, using a wind-up toy that plays lullabies. But when tests didn't work as expected, Didi tells Betty that she'll cry if she doesn't get an "A". This promoted the Rugrats to search the college campus for that elusive "A".

Épisode 13 - Club Fred

6 septembre 2003 - 3.8/5

Special: The Weekend , Stu decided to have a family barbecue. However, it was actually on a windy day in the fall. At the suggestion of Aunt Miriam, everyone decided to spend some time at Club Fred, a pirate-themed family resort in the Caribbean. And with a two-for-one coupon, they save some money. But, when Grandpa realised that he made an error with the reservations (which he accidentally made only for the elders and the Rugrats; the form for the other grownups was used as a wrapper for his sandwich), everybody ended up staying in a single small hut -- with the entire extended family on the trip, it ended up being very cramped. Their only hope was to win Pirate Fred's treasure hunt, where the person that finds the treasure wins an upgrade to a "5 Room Deluxe Vacation Package". Of course, this leads to another pirate adventure with the Rugrats, where they look everywhere, including a place where no Rugrat should ever go -- a nude beach. Finding the treasure was sure to be an impossibl

Épisode 14 - Diapies and Dragons

16 novembre 2003 - 3.7/5

Taffy takes the Rugrats to a video arcade; the Rugrats imagine themselves trying to save "Princess" Taffy from the dragons in a video game.

Épisode 15 - Baby Power

16 novembre 2003 - 3.8/5

The Rugrats coat Dil with "Baby Power" (baby powder), so he could be strong enough to beat Spiffy in a game of Tug-Of-War. Shortly afterward, though, an earthquake strikes the city, leading the Rugrats to believe that Dil has too much "Baby Power", so they try to find a way to make him normal again. The earthquake has given Stu an opportunity to try special earthquake safety helmets on the Rugrats, the newest product from Pickles Industries, "the first name in disaster".

Épisode 16 - Starstruck

4 janvier 2004 - 3.8/5

When Hollywood celebrity Mack Granite visits Java Lava, he got more than a decent cup of coffee -- he also finds the perfect person to play the role of a little girl in his next film. And Kimi is -- that girl. But, when Mack says that Kimi is going to be a star, the Rugrats though that she'll be up in the sky, twinkling.

Épisode 17 - Who's Taffy?

4 janvier 2004 - 3.8/5

When Taffy comes over to babysit the Rugrats, she is upset that the band will break up, all because they feel that she is affecting her performance in the band. When Taffy says, "I'm not myself", Angelica tries to cheer her up by dressing like Taffy. However, this created a new problem -- the Rugrats think that Angelica, wearing one of taffy's hair clips, has become Taffy; while Taffy, calling the bandmembers "dumb babies" over the phone, has become Angelica.

Épisode 18 - They Came From The Backyard

11 janvier 2004 - 3.8/5

So that he can watch his sci-fi movie marathon in peace, and keep an eye on the Rugrats at the same time, Stu installs surveillance cameras all through the house. Then, Stu falls asleep. As he sleeps, Dil plays with the remote, changing the channels back and forth between the home's surveillance system and a movie about an alien invasion. This, of course, leads the Rugrats to believe that they are targeted for an "alien inflation". Meanwhile, Didi studies for an important exam for her college course.

Épisode 19 - Lil's Phil of Trash

11 janvier 2004 - 3.8/5

Taffy takes the Rugrats to the local park. While there, Dusty, a boy that Taffy meets at a park, shows Phil how to pick up trash. Afterwards, it becomes so serious to Phil, that practically anything can be trash, much to the ire of Lil. Meanwhile, Taffy starts to fall in love with Dusty, due to his environmential consciousness -- that is, until she learns the real reason why Dusty is picking up the litter.

Épisode 20 - Bestest of Show

25 janvier 2004 - 3.8/5

The local park is having a special "Pet Day", where the people vie for the "Best Pet" award by showing off their pets, and their abilities. Participating in the contest are Spike & Fifi's puppies, Spiffy and Sparky / Pepper; plus Angelica's cat, Susie; and Susie's new pet gerbil, Herbie. However, tensions are mounted when the participants' owners feud over how their pet

Épisode 21 - Hold The Pickles

25 janvier 2004 - 3.8/5

At a fast food joint called "Boingo Burger", Taffy tells her friend Britannica (working the cash register as an employee) to hold the pickles on her burger, as, as she told Britannica, "I don't like dill pickles". The Rugrats, however, has taken this to mean "I don't like Dil Pickles", because he was the youngest of the Rugrats. As a result, they try to make Dil bigger by putting him in a booster seat and stuffing his pyjamas with napkins. Then, after Taffy calls the Rugrats "sweet" for their effort to make Dil cute, they raid the sundae bar and turn Dil into a sundae

Épisode 22 - Fountain Of Youth

8 juin 2004 - 3.8/5

The Rugrats and their families go to Stu & Drew's old cabin on Lake Crackanee, where, as kids, Stu & Drew first met Chazz. After seeing some old movies of themselves as kids, Stu wishes that they were young again. The wish, of course, became a mission for the Rugrats, who started searching for "The Fountain Of Youth", which, they claim, can turn their parents into little kids. It's all fun, until Angelica told the Rugrats that, once their parents become babies, she'll be the one in charge.

Épisode 23 - Kimi Takes The Cake

8 juin 2004 - 3.6/5

On Kimi's birthday (she's 2 now, isn't she?), Stu plans to take the kids to a family-friendly place called "The Happy Castle", where Kimi will have her party. But, for some reason, they arrived instead at a gothic / punk nightclub, where Taffy is playing with her band. Thinking that the party is here, they try to find the birthday cake, which, by the time everyone gotten to it, was already melted.




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avatar de du commentaire : 26 épisodes sont commandés pour un reboot sur Nickelodeon et un film est prévu chez Paramount.

17/07/2018 - Aucune note

26 épisodes sont commandés pour un reboot sur Nickelodeon et un film est prévu chez Paramount.