Poster de la serie Les Incorruptibles

Les Incorruptibles


Année : 1959

Nombre de saisons : 4

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 50 minutes

Genre(s) : Action, Crime, Drame

Les Incorruptibles demeure sans contredit l'émission de télévision la plus violente dans les années 1960. Il faut dire que le théâtre s'y prêtait bien. Située à Chicago au temps de la prohibition, la série suivait les exploits de l'agent spécial du Trésor Eliot Ness et de son petit groupe d'agents dans leur lutte inlassable contre les membres de la pègre.


Les Incorruptibles saison 1

Saison 1


Les Incorruptibles saison 2

Saison 2


Les Incorruptibles saison 3

Saison 3


Les Incorruptibles saison 4

Saison 4



Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - The Empty Chair

15 octobre 1959 - 4.8/5

Narrator: "Chicago, May 5, 1932. After 7 months of legal delays, Al Capone... was on his way to federal prison, to serve 11 years for income tax evasion."* Eliot Ness and his Untouchables had spent 18 months to get Capone behind bars-- but now who would try to take over the throne, the Empty Chair? May 8. Barbara Ritchie (niece of Jake Guzik) has been grieving over the death of her husband George Ritchie for 12 months-- unaware that it was her own uncle Jake who had him knocked off for being an informer to Ness. At a service at the cemetery, marking the first anniversary of George's death, are: Barbara Ritchie (George's widow), her uncle Jake "Greasy Thumb" Guzik (treasurer and bookkeeper for the Capone mob), Norma Guzik (Jake's widowed sister, Barbara's mother), Phil D'Andrea (expert machine-gunner), "Fur" Sammons (hijacker and rumrunner), Gus Raddi ("pineapple" expert), Tony "Mops" Volpe (chief triggerman) and last and most important Frank Nitti ("The Enforcer"). May 12. Two of Capone's principle lieutenants-- Gus Raddi and Tony "Mops" Volpe-- go to a barber shop where Enrico Rossi is working as a barber. Nitti barges in with a machine-gun and blasts them, eliminating some competition for the Empty Chair. (Unfortunately, some stray machine-gun bullets hit pretty Tessie DiGiovanni, the 17-year-old manicurist working in the barber shop.) Enrico Rossi uses his straight razor to attack Nitti's henchman and agrees to testify against Nitti. Since being a witness against "the Enforcer" can be hazardous to one's health, the Untouchables must give Rico protection. They figure the best way to do this is to hire him on as their driver. Thus, Rico joins the squad where he will remain for the entire run of the series. Guzik calls a meet of the 4 still-living heirs at the Montmartre Cafe, headquarters of the Capone gang: himself, Frank Nitti, "Fur" Sammons and Phil D'Andrea. Nitti sits in Capone's Empty Chair, saying "Big chair-- big man. It fits all right. Anybody ob

Épisode 2 - Ma Barker and Her Boys

22 octobre 1959 - 4.7/5

January 16, 1935. Oklawaha, Florida. Eliot Ness, along with Bill Youngfellow and Martin Flaherty, are closing in on Ma Barker, who is holed up in a house along with 2 of her sons, Lloyd and Fred. Ness says they are wanted for everything from bank robbery, kidnapping, to first-degree murder. Now that Ness has found where the Barkers are, he contacts half a dozen state troopers and local police for backup. From a distance, Ness yells at Ma Barker and her boys to surrender and come out with their hands up. Ma Barker goes to a closet, and inside is an arsenal of weapons-- machine guns, pistols, hand grenades, etc., enough for a small army. She fires a chopper at Ness; he jumps behind an 8-foot long wooden flower pot that gets riddled with bullets. Ma Barker throws a hand grenade that almost blows up Bill Youngfellow. Ma Barker is the most vicious outlaw they've ever faced. In a flashback, we see how it all started in Tulsa, Oklahoma years ago: Ma Barker was a church-goer, but always making excuses for her 4 boys who were committing petty crimes, which escalated into serious crimes. In 1927, while the 4 boys were looting a store, Herman got shot by a policeman. Pa Barker finally had the guts to walk out on the bunch. Ma and her 3 boys committed bank robberies, and killed a bank guard; also a kidnapping. They committed crimes in a 10-state area. In 1935, Pa Barker tipped Eliot Ness, and Ness almost caught the Barker gang in St. Paul, Minnesota. Then the Barkers kidnapped a millionaire's son and got $200,000 ransom. Arthur "Doc" Barker and his fiancée Eloise left the gang; Arthur took his share of the ransom and went to Chicago, but all the serial numbers were recorded with the police. Around the first of January, 1935, when Arthur spent a $10 bill, the grocer informed Eliot Ness, so Ness knew Arthur was in Chicago. Ma Barker stupidly sent a birthday cake to Arthur (who was using the alias Clarence Tillman), and enclosed a postcard, "Greetings from Oklawaha, Florida." Art

Épisode 3 - The Jake Lingle Killing

29 octobre 1959 - 5/5

Gangs have divided Chicago in 2-- the northside is run by the Bertshce mob, the southside by the Viale brothers, Augie & Vito. The line of demarcation being Madison Street. At the news office, Jake Lingle phones in a story to the front desk: gang war has erupted on the near northside, 2 hoods with machine guns smashed the liquor supply at Bertsche's Club Chapeau, in retaliation for Bertsche's mob raiding a Viale warehouse. Jake Lingle gets shot in the back at the subway station. The public turns out by the thousands for his funeral. It was the first time in history that a newspaperman was killed by the mob. Publicly, Augie Viale says Bertsche killed him; Bertsche says Viale did. The newspaper puts up a $25,000 reward for the capture of the killer. Former hood Bill Hagen meets with Ness. He says he'll give Ness information about the booze racket, if Ness finds out who killed Jake Lingle and tells him first, so he can get the reward money. Ness reminds him the Lingle killing is not a federal matter. Later, Ness meets with D.A. Beecher Asbury; he tells Ness the truth. Dead, Jake Lingle is a martyr, a rallying point for the public to demand reform; but alive, Lingle was pocketing 50 grand a year by being a broker-- through him, the mob bought protection from the police. Bill Hagen, who used to be a big-time bootlegger from St. Louis, meets with Barney Bertsche, and gets a job with his mob. Barney Bertsche trusts him. Hagen tips off Ness about one of Bertsche's stills, at a farmhouse 9 miles outside of town. Ness grills all the crooks there, and finds out that a Patty O'Day, who used to drive a truck for Bertsche, supplied the gun for the Lingle killing-- Ness relates this info to Hagen. Over the next few weeks, Hagen tips Ness off 5 more times. Bertsche figures these raids are just bad luck; Jack Zuta tells him Hagen is a stoolie. They set a trap: they give Hagen false info about a still. Hagen calls Ness, tells him there's a cooker on Columbus Drive. If Ness raids it,

Épisode 4 - The George Bugs Moran Story

5 novembre 1959 - 5/5

March 2, 1932. Gangster Joe Carroll, sidekick of George "Bugs" Moran, kidnaps 9-year-old Larry Halloran, Jr.-- the son of Lawrence Halloran, president of the United Trucker's Union. It just so happens that at this very moment, Ness and his Untouchables are trying to nail Bugs Moran-- who is now the top criminal in Chicago, since Capone is in prison. Ness leaves Agent Martin Flaherty in charge; Ness has to fly to Washington, DC, since the brass wants him to give Congress the whole story about the Capone operation. Bugs Moran and Joe Carroll phone Lawrence Halloran at his home; they say Halloran should meet them at his union building. There, Moran spells it out: he wants control of Halloran's union. Halloran is to call a meeting of the union, recommend they elect Moran as vice president, and Joe Carroll as executive secretary-- and then Halloran is to keep his mouth shut. In exchange, Halloran will get his kid back; Halloran has no choice but to agree. Flaherty and Youngfellow are tailing Moran the whole time; after Moran leaves, Flaherty talks to Halloran-- but Halloran won't make a move until he gets his son back. Later that night, the kid is returned to Halloran. Next day, Halloran drops in on Flaherty in room 208 of the Federal Building. Flaherty wants to get Moran; but he tells Halloran that as a Federal agent he can do nothing, since kidnapping is not a federal offense, (if it doesn't cross state lines). Halloran leaves, disgusted. Flaherty phones Ness for some sage advice. Ness surprises Flaherty by telling him he should let Moran take over the union: give him enough rope and he'll hang himself. Ness says, let Moran try to put his arm on some interstate hauler, and they'll nail him for violation of interstate commerce: a federal offense. (that's why Ness is the brains of the Untouchables.) Halloran pays a visit to non-union "Patterson & Sons" Trucking & Hauling. Halloran wants to warn them that Bugs Moran is taking over his union, and Bugs will take over their

Épisode 5 - Ain't We Got Fun?

12 novembre 1959 - 5/5

Summer 1933, Chicago. The mobsters were branching out from liquor, going into the numbers racket, call girls, gambling and dope. One of the most successful gangsters is "Big" Jim Harrington; right now he and his gang are in back of Benny Hoff's Blue Poodle nightclub, and they smash a truckload of liquor. Harrington tells Hoff, from now on, he will only buy booze from him-- and Harrington demands 75% ownership. When Hoff balks, one of Harrington's boys, Loxie the Torch, intimidates Hoff. Loxie takes out a whiskey hip flask, but it's not filled with whiskey. Loxie goes, "Alright, now, smell it," as he pours the gasoline on the terrified Hoff, "light a match and >fshhh!!

Épisode 6 - Vincent "Mad Dog" Coll

19 novembre 1959 - 5/5

February 1931. In Churchill Downs, the entries for the Kentucky Derby are closed. Tight-fisted Dutch Schultz, beer baron of the Bronx, places a bet with the Syndicate: 100-grand in the Winter-book on Enchantment to win the Kentucky Derby. Trying to get the most for his money, Dutch knows he will get much better odds now than if he waits until race day. Dutch's lieutenant is "Lefty" Gallagher, and his bodyguard is Benny Bristow. Schultz has a powerful enemy in Vincent "Mad Dog" Coll, who earned his nickname (which Schultz stuck him with) due to his violent actions; his sidekicks are "Needles" Bledsoe and "Fats" Finney. Lefty Gallagher cautions his boss Dutch: if anything should happen to the horse between now and the Kentucky Derby in April, the Syndicate doesn't give refunds. But money-loving Dutch is savoring the 7-to-1 odds he's gotten; at post-time, he might only get 8-to-5. When Lefty leaves.

Épisode 7 - Mexican Stake-Out

26 novembre 1959 - 5/5

Chicago. October 1, 1932.* In 32 hours, Judge McGinnis will consider evidence against racketeer Theodore Newberry-- owner of gambling parlors, speakeasies and houses of prostitution. Ness and his men had been working on the case for a year. The key witness in the case against Newberry is a timid City Hall clerk named Julius Embry. That night, Newberry's hitman Jerry Fanning goes to Embry's house to shoot him-- he fires at a shadow in the window. But police guarding the place fire back, chasing Fanning away. Fanning then goes to Newberry's place to report his failure-- Newberry takes the bad news graciously: he belts Fanning, giving him a black eye. Newberry is holding a party, and one of the guests is a corrupt Commissioner. Ness has Embry moved to a hotel room for safe keeping. However, the corrupt Commissioner sends a couple of City Hall crooks (Whelan & Dottweiler), pretending to be agents (and having a document signed by the Commissioner) to the hotel, and they tell the guard they have orders to put Embry into protective custody. The hoods knock the guard unconscious, and put the snatch on Embry. The next day, D.A. Beecher Asbury has to ask the judge for a postponement because Embry has vanished. That night, Ness is sitting alone at a table in the Savoy restaurant. A Mr. LaMarr strikes up a conversation with him. Then LaMarr hands Ness an envelope with $20,000 in it. Before a surprised Ness can react, a photographer takes a picture of the "transaction." Ness has been framed! The photo winds up on the front page of the newspapers the next day, along with the headline: "What was in that envelope, Mr. Ness?" To make matters worse, the kidnapped Embry has been taken out of the country-- down to Chihuahua, Mexico. Newberry decides to rub out Ness and Embry at the same time. Newberry has Fanning pose as a cab driver, and give Ness and Agent Martin Flaherty a sob story-- Fanning tells them he's ratting on Newberry because he "added a new girl to his collec

Épisode 8 - The Artichoke King

3 décembre 1959 - 5/5

April 19, 1931. New York City. Every 48 hours, more than 25 million pounds of fruits and vegetables stream into the city; this multi-million dollar business is the target of gangsters. Eliot Ness and his Untouchables have recently been brought to New York on special assignment to investigate the produce market racket. After senior Angelo Cestari, a produce retailer, is machine-gunned by one of Terranova's gangsters, Ness talks to his son Tony Cestari; Tony tells Ness that his father didn't deal with Terranova like the other retailers did, and now he's paid the ultimate price. Ciro Terranova is The Artichoke King; his racket is simple: he buys carloads of artichokes at $6 a crate, and sells them for twice the price-- at the point of a gun. Despite his wealth, Terranova is a notorious cheapskate. Right now, Terranova is mad at his henchman Frankie Yale, and Yale's sidekick Marlowe, for rubbing out Cestari. But Yale has a surprise for Terranova: Yale says that Terranova is no longer his boss, from now on they are partners. Yale and Marlowe go to Tony Cestari and demand $1,200 for artichokes he should have bought from them; and they tell Tony he has to buy $600 worth of artichokes a week from them from now on. Ciro Terranova, meanwhile, goes to Chicago and hires a hitman for 20 grand-- to get rid of his new "partner." Hitman Felix Burke is expensive because he's the best, he did the St. Valentine's Day Massacre. Terranova gives him 5 grand now, and promises to pay the rest of the money immediately when the job is done; Burke makes him sign a contract, in case Terranova tries to stiff him. Felix Burke rubs out Frankie Yale, and tosses the machine gun. Eliot Ness finds the tommy gun, and traces it back to the Capone mob. Just as Burke figured, miser Terranova is slow to pay him the rest of the 20 grand; so slow, that Ness and his men have time to tail Burke. When Burke gets the rest of the dough, he demands another 20 grand from Terranova, since his procrastination has pu

Épisode 9 - The Tri-State Gang

10 décembre 1959 - 5/5

In the latter part of 1933, there was an epidemic of truck hijackings in the states of Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania; this was the work of 6 gangsters: the Tri-State Gang. Tonight, in Richmond, Virginia, they're hijacking a truckload of radios. As usual "Big" Bill Phillips, a 6'4" ox of a man, takes over the hijacked truck, transferring the load onto their truck; Artie McLeod, a cheap tinhorn gambler, puts a burlap sack over the driver's head, blinding him, and chains the driver to a tree. Other gang members are Georgie Kaufman, an ex-boxer, the oldest of the gang; and James Jonathan Harris, aka Gentleman Jim, aka "Harris the Fence"; and the 2nd-in-command, Bobby Mais. Their leader is the vicious, sadistic Wally Legenza-- he shoots 4 bullets into the driver (who never got a good look at the gang members, and couldn't identify them) because Legenza is a psychopath. Ness and his men, who had been assigned by Washington, DC, to investigate the Tri-State Gang, are on the scene. May 14, 1934. That night, Wally Legenza calls a meet, to go over tomorrow night's hijacking job. "Big" Bill Phillips is absent-- he's seeing his sweetie, Elizabeth "Lizzie" Dauphine, a French girl from Quebec, Canada that he nicknames Alouette. Legenza goes to their place and breaks it up. The night of May 15, in Oakhurst, Virginia, the gang hijacks a truck hauling $20,000 of tobacco. Again they chain the driver to a tree, but this time Legenza only shoots one bullet into him; the driver doesn't die, and when the sack over his head falls off, he sees their license plate number: T-4514. Ness and his men are staying in Richmond; Ness investigates this first break in the case. The Dept. of Motor Vehicles shows the truck is registered to Briggs Salvage Co.; the Internal Revenue shows the owner is James J. Harris. Ness and his men stake out the Briggs Salvage place; it is virtually deserted, only Harris and one watchman. But on the 5th night, Harris shows up with Legenza and "Big" Bill Phillips.

Épisode 10 - The Dutch Schultz Story

17 décembre 1959 - 5/5

March 1935. One of the toughest mobsters in New York City is Dutch Schultz. He and his mob were responsible for over 100 murders. Dutch is into every racket: liquor, narcotics, labor shakedowns, the numbers, selling protection. But "Lucky" Luciano is muscling in on his territory; to try to keep his clients from paying to Luciano, Dutch Schultz has his boys work his clients over with fists. When Joe Floris won't pay 30% protection money to Schultz, saying he is already paying 15% to Luciano, Joe Floris gets some acid in the face, blinding him. But Dutch has a gentler side, too-- his wife just had a baby. Eliot Ness and his Untouchables are on special assignment in New York City. Agent Flaherty works undercover, and Ness and his men get Schultz's books. It looks like Eliot Ness is about to nail Dutch Schultz on income tax evasion, just like he did Al Capone. One night, Dutch Schultz offers Eliot Ness and Flaherty a $75,000 bribe; the Untouchables facetiously pretend they are interested. Flaherty: "That's a lot of money. I could buy a whole chain of delicatessens." Ness: "You know, I've always thought I'd like to own a chateau in France." Flaherty: "Well, if you throw any parties, I'll cater them from my delicatessen." Ness: "Special rates?" Flaherty: "You'll be rich, you can afford to pay the going price." Ness: "Now wait a minute, with a special chateau I ought to get special rates..." Dutch Schultz is angry at being mocked, and leaves in a huff. Later, Schultz is indicted. But Schultz's crafty attorney says his client can't get a fair trial in New York City, and asks the judge for a change of venue. Arriving in the small town of Clearview, in upstate New York, Schultz ingratiates himself to all the townsfolk by spreading money around; not by bribery, but legally. For example, he talks to the grade school teacher, Marsha Harper, and offers to buy uniforms for the school's baseball team; that sort of thing. By the time the trial starts on September 7, the town thinks

Épisode 11 - You Can't Pick the Number

24 décembre 1959 - 5/5

Chicago, October 1932. The depths of the Great Depression, marked by unemployment and poverty. The only chance some people felt they had to rise out of poverty, if only for a short time, was to win the lottery or at the punch-boards. The mob saw this as an opportunity, by coming up with a numbers game. People picked a number from 0-999; their odds of winning were 1-in-a-1,000-- the payoff was 600-to-1. The thousands of losers, pouring money into the mob, were never mentioned. Right now, mobster Phil Morrisey is pulling up in his fancy car, and making a big show for the crowd by giving today's winnings to a Mrs. Pollock-- for her investment of 25 cents, she is now getting $150, a fortune by Depression standards. And all those watching are determined to bet again, convinced they will all be winners someday. Phil Morrisey has also attracted the attention of Eliot Ness and Agent Flaherty. Ness tells Phil that $400,000 out of every million collected goes to the Syndicate-- for corr

Épisode 12 - The Underground Railway

31 décembre 1959 - 5/5

The night of August 3, 1933, outside the Louisburg Federal Prison in Pennsylvania. After serving 2 years of a life sentence for his part in the holdup of a Federal Reserve bank shipment, Frank Halloway is busting out, climbing over the wall. When a fellow inmate breaks his leg from the jump from the high prison wall, ruthless Frank Halloway hops into the getaway car that was left there for him-- and runs over the hapless inmate. Halloway's share of the loot, which was never recovered by the police, comes to $250,000-- and it's being held by Ed Johnson in Los Angeles, who never got caught. At the Palace Ballroom, they are in hour 257 of a dance marathon; Mona just wants to win and collect her half of the $500 prize money, but gangster Daniel Oates has other plans for her-- he wants her to escort Frank Halloway to L.A., since a traveling couple would look less suspicious to the police than Halloway traveling by himself. Daniel fixes Halloway up with a car, driver's license, suits and

Épisode 13 - Syndicate Sanctuary

7 janvier 1960 - 5/5

(No date given, but probably 1932 which was a presidential election year.) 30 miles from Chicago, the (fictitious) Calum City; population: 10,000.  Judge Leon Zabo is running for mayor, to clean up the town.  Working hard in his campaign headquarters is his lovely daughter, Rosetta Zabo.  Judge Zabo tried to put an end to vice, graft and corruption; in the last 6 months, he had closed down 110 bars, clubs and gambling casinos in the notorious Barbary Coast district.  Late at night, Judge Zabo takes a taxi home; driver Joe Donato makes it a point to tell him the right door is stuck, and he has to use the left door.  In front of Zabo's house, Donato again tells him to use the left door, which opens to the street side.  A car driven by gangster Harry Mauldin runs the judge over. Ness and his men are on the case.  With Capone in prison, and a crime crackdown in Chicago, the Syndicate is looking for another city to make its headquarters for the nationwide narcotics racket: Ness knows they

Épisode 14 - The Noise of Death

14 janvier 1960 - 5/5

Chicago, March 31, 1933. Giuseppe ""Joe"" Bucco is at home when he gets a visit from his wife's cousin, Barbara Vittorini-- she says her husband Arturo has been missing for 3 days, and accuses Bucco of killing him. Bucco has his flunkie Abe Garfinkel take her home. Bucco knows about rub-out attempts, Guzik's boys once shot him 4 times, but he lived; Bucco swears to his wife Anna that he doesn't know where Arturo is. That night Ness and Flaherty go to the Vittorini restaurant for a raid. Mrs. Vittorini won't tell Ness anything about her missing husband; Ness knows that's Omertà, the Mafia code of silence. Inside, Ness finds crates filled with bottles of cheap whiskey. When Ness walks into the freezer room, he finds Arturo's body, tied up and hung on a meat hook. Barbara Vittorini breaks the code of silence, and tells him Joseph Bucco did it. Ness and his men pay Bucco a visit at one of his places. Although Bucco, in his 50s, gives the outward appearance of being a family man, he i

Épisode 15 - The Star Witness

14 janvier 1960 - 5/5

1934. The Depression was over 4 years old, and Al Capone was in Alcatraz. Many of the rackets had seemingly legit fronts, such as Midwest Enterprises, Inc. -- the president is Luigi Renaldo, former lieutenant for Capone. Renaldo is going to Florida on business, and leaving his 2nd-in-command in charge: his Enforcer Paolo Rienzi. But, unbeknownst to his boss, Rienzi tells Tubby to get a couple of guys and work over their accountant, William Norbert, who wanted to retire from the rackets; (nobody is ever allowed to retire). William is a mild-mannered sort, 42, with a wife and kid; is also a genius with numbers which he keeps in his head, and he never makes a mathematical mistake; (sort of like a computer, before they were invented). They rough up William with some brass knuckles. Florida was the gambling mecca of America; (this is long before Las Vegas was built).

Épisode 16 - The St. Louis Story

28 janvier 1960 - 5/5

Spring 1931. Gangland warfare had broken out again with sudden violence in the streets of St. Louis. Tim Harrington, who was long entrenched as the undisputed boss of the city, was fighting off the challenge to his leadership from Joe Courtney, an upstart hoodlum. The elder Dink Conway calls for a sit-down between the two, at the Jockey Club. Dink points out they are operating the old way: shootouts and dealing in cash. He offers them organization and protection, and says the new way is to use fronts to cover your criminal activities and keep books so the Feds can't get you on income tax evasion (he knows what happened to Al Capone). Dink wants them all to pool their resources; he says working together they can triple their take. Joe Courtney says, ""I buy that,"" but Tim Harrington says, ""I pass."" As Harrington leaves, Dink gives a sign to Whitey Deering. Instead of the valet pulling up with Harrington's car, the driver is Whitey-- ready to take him on the infamous ""one way ride

Épisode 17 - One-Armed Bandits

4 février 1960 - 5/5

Chicago, February 1932. Crime has been spreading all over, from the dark alleys of Cicero to the social atmosphere of the Gold Coast. Crooked attorney Paul Curtiz is attending a party being hosted by gangster overlord Augie Viale, king of the southside of Chicago. At the affair, Viale is openly paying off this guests with cash-- police commissioners, judges, lawyers, and businessmen; all of them ready to hand Chicago to Viale on a silver platter. There are also lots of women at these parties. However, Eliot Ness has the place under surveillance--one of his Untouchables, agent William Youngfellow, is working there as a waiter. The next day, he reports to Ness and his men. Viale's newest racket will be slot machines, One-Armed Bandits. While they are only nickel slots, it adds up-- to $15-million a year in St. Louis for the underworld; it would be twice as much in Chicago. Meanwhile, Frank Odine is just being released from the Illinois State Pen in Joliet, after doing 7 years, 6

Épisode 18 - Little Egypt

11 février 1960 - 5/5

Little Egypt (not the Belly Dancer) was the city of Morraine, the heart of the gangster-infected area in downstate Illinois known as ""Little Egypt."" Election night, 1931. New mayor Marcus Stone is giving a speech on the radio-- he meant what he said about reform, and promises to rid the town of Charlie Byron (a Major in WWI) and his gang, whom he calls ""bloodsuckers"" and ""scum."" Listening to the radio is Major Byron, who gives his gang orders to knock off both Mayor Stone and Sheriff Mooney; they both get tommy-gunned that night. Governor Joseph Stone calls in Eliot Ness; they decide one man should infiltrate this gang, and pick Cam Allison Jr., the son of Judge Cameron Allison who was killed by the mob. Since trying to communicate by phones (which can be wiretapped) is too risky, they decide Cam should communicate with Ness via carrier pigeons, which Enrico Rossi has trained for a hobby. The birds can fly the 100 miles from Morraine to Chicago in less than 2 hours (they say). Ca

Épisode 19 - The Big Squeeze

18 février 1960 - 5/5

Chicago. Prior to May 1934, robbing state banks was not a federal offense. Bandits only had local police to contend with, and they were often understaffed, inefficient or corrupt. This led to a rash of successful, though clumsily executed, bank robberies. In this city alone, there were 422 robberies in the last year, with 221 casualties. On March 1934, Eliot Ness is meeting with his friend D.A. Beecher Asbury. Ness tells him that until bank robbery becomes a federal offense, there's not much he can about it. Beecher is heading to Washington, D.C., to get the Senate Committee to make bank robbery fall under federal jurisdiction; to help his case, he wants Eliot Ness to go after a big-time professional bank robber: Ace Banner, who just pulled off a $150,000 heist in Kansas City. Finding Banner should be easy: he's right here in Chicago, staying at the swanky Crestmoor Arms. Although pinning something on him would be another matter. At this moment, a dapper Ace Banner walks into

Épisode 20 - Unhired Assassin (1)

25 février 1960 - 5/5

Movie: ""The Gun of Zangara"" Chicago. November 9, 1932. FDR has just been elected president, and the repeal of Prohibition is inevitable. But later that night, Ness and his men smash another of Capone's breweries. Agent Youngfellow asks Eliot, ""Are we going to be out of work?"" But Ness tells him no-- after all, bootleg booze was only a part of the Capone empire: there's still narcotics, gambling, prostitution, protection rackets, etc. Capone may start muscling in on legitimate businesses; in fact, Ness is having a meeting with Mayor Anton Cermak-- they want to ""clean up this town"" before the Chicago World's Fair in the spring of 1933. Miami. Giuseppe ""Joe"" Zangara, a man with homicidal tendencies, decides to kill the president. A newspaper vendor is hawking his papers; Zangara talks to him, and is surprised to learn that Hoover is no longer president. But Zangara sticks to his crazy idea to kill the president, no matter who he is.

Épisode 21 - Unhired Assassin (2)

3 mars 1960 - 5/5

Movie: ""The Gun of Zangara"" (continued) Nitti's plenty sore! Mayor Cermak's stepped-up law enforcement has cut deeply into Nitti's operations. In the Montmartre club, Nitti takes a newspaper with a big photo of Cermak on the front page, and tacks it to the wall-- then Nitti takes out his 6-shooter and blasts 7 bullets into the photo. Nitti talks to 4 of his lieutenants. Frank Diamond says they better rub the Mayor out when he's out of town, or Capone won't like it; Louis Campagna knows of a good hitman in Florida: Fred ""the Caddy"" Croner, so-named because he poses as a golfer and keeps his rifle in a golf bag. The Mayor will be in Miami on February 15, the same time President FDR will be visiting there. While Nitti is planning Cermak's hit, in Miami Joe Zangara is planning to shoot the president. In Chicago, as if the Mayor hasn't made Nitti mad enough, he is now having a meeting with some City Council members and Ness.

Épisode 22 - The White Slavers

10 mars 1960 - 5/5

March 31, 1934; Prohibition is over. Al Capone is still running things from Alcatraz, his new money-maker is ""white slavery"" which refers to prostitution; his main operation is run by a mean gangster named Mig Torrance. Right now, Eliot Ness is conducting his 7th raid since being assigned to closing down the houses. While all the other hookers are escaping through a trap door, one of them, young Mary Sage, lays on a bed-- dead from a drug overdose. She is being mourned by 21-year-old Ernie Torrance; despite being Mig Torrance's younger brother, Ernie is a nice guy. Next day, Ness is talking to some reporters, he wants them to print stories in their newspapers telling how hoods take out ads in magazines: phony acting schools promising to make young women movie stars, phony modeling agencies promising to make young women famous models-- then they get the women hooked on dope, and reeled into prostitution. By day, Ness raids these phony agencies; by night, Ness raids the cathouses. M

Épisode 23 - Three Thousand Suspects

24 mars 1960 - 5/5

September 1932. The Federal Penitentiary in Leavenworth, Kansas, 430 miles west-southwest of Chicago, houses some of the nation's worst criminals. One of them is Nick Segal, who murdered 6 people, but only got convicted for violation of the Volstead Act; he got sentenced to 3 years, and is eligible for parole now after serving only one year. While unloading a truck, inmate Gus Caserta ""accidentally"" drops a 100-pound bag of potatoes on Nick, almost killing him; skinny inmate Phil Thorne sees the whole thing, he is there when it happens. Nick only gets a broken left arm, though. Later he gets worse news: parole denied. Ness gets called to meet with a small-time hood who runs part of the prison grapevine: Ed ""Peanuts"" Kieffer. (who is always eating peanuts, and cheats the peanut vending machines by sticking in a penny attached to a wire, then he retrieves the penny.) Kieffer tells Ness that Nick Segal wants to talk to him; but Ness says he doesn't want to talk to Segal-- who has a

Épisode 24 - The Doreen Maney Story

31 mars 1960 - 5/5

New York City: Yankee Stadium, the Bronx. On the evening of June 8, 1933, Max Baer knocked out Max Schmeling in the 10th round of their scheduled 15-round championship boxing match.* The gate was $240,000. (Since 60,000 fans were there, that means the average ticket price was $4.00) An hour later, one of the Granite Armored Cars, with 4 armed guards, drives off with the receipts. Doreen Maney steps in front of the moving truck; the driver slams on his brakes, but Doreen falls down as if she's been hit. When the driver gets out of the truck and checks on her, she pulls out a gun. Sheik Humphries drops a tear-gas canister through a conveniently-located vent in the armored truck, forcing the other 3 guards out. Jake Logan, a triggerman who was hired just for this job (not a member of the gang), keeps his chopper handy. Then Len Carson, the 3rd member of the gang, drives up with their getaway car; he starts stealing money from the armored car. Everything was going as Doreen wanted

Épisode 25 - Portrait of a Thief

7 avril 1960 - 5/5

Chicago, 1931. Eliot Ness and his men had cracked the bootleg empire of Al Capone, by smashing his breweries and speakeasies.* But now, thousands of gallons of alcohol were coming into the city from an outside source. Ness meets with D.A. Beecher Asbury; it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out where the booze is coming from, they've found 5-gallon cans with ""Brawley Mills, Brawley, New York"" stamped on them. Chemical analysis showed the stuff is 190 proof, no doubt produced under U.S. Government permit-- but it contained no denaturant, so it is safe to drink. Ness goes to New York, and takes Enrico Rossi and Cam Allison with him. Ness meets with John Carvell, Federal D.A. in New York. They know Brawley Mills is making the alcohol legally, so now it's a matter of checking out 52 warehouses that store and ship the stuff; that takes 3 days. Rico finds out a lot of the alcohol is shipped by United Trucking Services; Ness says that's owned by Tommy Haynes, a crooked and powerfu

Épisode 26 - The Underworld Bank

14 avril 1960 - 5/5

New York City. Saturday, September 23, 1933. Top rackets boss Milo Sullivan is the head of ""Crime, Inc.""  He has a meet with 5 other crime lords: Augie Epstein (gambling, Miami); Harold Bishman (political power in Louisiana); Ralph Lucci (rumrunner, Detroit Purple Gang); Dino Monteiro (slots, K.C.); and Arte Martin (numbers, prostitution, Seattle).  Their profits from Prohibition had been enormous; with Prohibition ending, they were going to put their money to good use, creating the Underworld Bank.  For every $1 they lend out, they'll get $2 back; they will provide the funding for hoods, who are preparing men and materials to pull off big jobs.  Milo Sullivan says that right now, their $50,000 funding of a million-dollar fur heist will get them $100,000 in return. The Bank's operations are financed and managed on a business basis.

Épisode 27 - Head of Fire, Feet of Clay

21 avril 1960 - 5/5

Chicago.  (year?)* The jury had been out for 12 hours, on the case Ness had worked so hard on, trying to get a conviction for top mobster Johnny Fortunato. Now the newspaper reads: Fortunato got off, the chief witness was a ""suicide."" At 9 p.m., Ness decides to get some spaghetti at Socrates Eatery. Ness' old high school buddy, Frank Barber, drops in. They laugh and smile as they recount their glory days at Garfield High, when Barber was the star football quarterback, and Ness was his favorite receiver. Frank Barber is prosperous now, he owns the Chicago Sports Palace.  Ness and Barber go to the boxing matches, and Ness is shocked to learn that Johnny Fortunato is one of Barber's ""customers.""  Veteran boxer ""Pops"" Gantry is pummeling a green kid named Fabiano.  Ness comments to Barber about the 7 empty seats in the front row; Barber tells him Fortunato will show up for the 8th round, when Gantry takes a dive.

Épisode 28 - The Frank Nitti Story

28 avril 1960 - 5/5

1934. Prohibition had been repealed (the Volstead Act ran from January 17, 1920 - April 7, 1933). The syndicate was looking for new sources of revenue. Frank Nitti expands his empire, and goes after small theatres-- with his extortion racket. Late one night, after theatre owner Harold Coldman had refused to pay, Nitti has his triggerman Louie Campagna throw some acid into Coldman's face, blinding him. Eliot Ness and his men are on the case-- this is only the latest in a series of muggings and beatings; even a theatre was burned down. Ness knows if he lets Nitti get away with extorting the small, independent theatre owners, in a few months Nitti will go after the big chains. Ness is determined to stop it now. Frank Nitti is throwing a private party, some of the guests are Sidney Rogers (the glib liaison man in the extortion racket), and his main squeeze Ellie Morley (former showgirl), and crooked lawyer Ramsey Lennox (who used to be the mouthpiece for Al Capone). Frank Nitti's h

Épisode 1 - The Rusty Heller Story

13 octobre 1960 - 5/5

Une danseuse de cabaret joue de ses charmes pour séduire les pontes de la mafia puis elle essaie de s'enrichir en les dressant les uns contre les autres. Ness ne peut empêcher la jolie garce de se brûler les ailes dans ce jeu dangereux.

Épisode 2 - Jack 'Legs' Diamond

20 octobre 1960 - 5/5

Les Incorruptibles doivent démanteler un trafic de stupéfiants en provenance d'Europe. Ness fait sortir Diamond de sa retraite forcée en lui apprenant qu'il a été doublé par les membres du syndicat. Le truand doit ainsi mener les policiers aux cerveaux de l'affaire.

Épisode 3 - Nicky

3 novembre 1960 - 5/5

Chicago, été 1933. Propriétaire d'un garage de taxis, Gus Marco anime un réseau de trafic d'alcool. Chargé de voler un entrepôt d'Etat, son cousin Mike est le seul survivant car les Incorruptibles sont intervenus. Nicky, le fils de Marco Bousso, un chauffeur mort dans la fusillade, agresse Ness qui découvre que Marco a été abattu par Mike. Il relâche Nicky, espérant découvrir grâce à lui le grand chef du trafic.

Épisode 4 - The Waxey Gordon Story

10 novembre 1960 - 5/5

Waxey Gordon, roi de la bière à New York, élimine ses rivaux dans le New Jersey. Les Incorruptibles ne peuvent coincer le truand pour fraudes fiscales et doivent trouver sa brasserie. Ness, avec l'aide des pompiers, va utiliser un subterfuge peu ordinaire pour arriver à ses fins.

Épisode 5 - The Mark of Cain

17 novembre 1960 - 5/5

La mort d'une jeune fille par overdose déclenche une campagne de presse contre le trafic de drogue. Le trafiquant est coincé entre le Syndicat, qui l'a sommé de se reconvertir dans l'alcool, business moins voyant, et les Incorruptibles, désireux de mettre un terme à ce trafic.

Épisode 6 - A Seat on the Fence

24 novembre 1960 - 5/5

Un gros bonnet de la drogue, à la tête d'un gang spécialisé dans le cambriolage d'hôpitaux et de pharmacies suite à une pénurie, doit récupérer une lettre compromettante laissée par un acolyte qu'il a fait liquider. La fille de cet ancien associé et un journaliste radio sont impliqués mais le manque d'insuline permettra à Ness et ses hommes de localiser le caïd.

Épisode 7 - The Purple Gang

1 décembre 1960 - 5/5

À Détroit, le célèbre et sinistre gang pourpre s'est reconverti dans l'enlèvement de truands qu'il libère contre une rançon. Tout s'enraille pour le gang lorsqu'une victime, également convoitée par Ness, fait partie du réseau de drogue installé par Capone.

Épisode 8 - Kiss of Death Girl

8 décembre 1960 - 5/5

Un truand ambitieux détourne les camions de scotch du parrain local et essaie de s'attirer les grâces de la 'fille maudite' dont les prétendants successifs se sont fait liquider. Avec l'aide de cette femme, Ness va monter les deux gangsters l'un contre l'autre afin de récupérer la cargaison et de les mettre hors d'état de nuire.

Épisode 9 - The Larry Fay Story

15 décembre 1960 - 5/5

Un chef de gang dirige le racket du lait avec deux autres caïds tout en exploitant un cabaret animé par sa maitresse qui ignore ses activités. Toute opposition est éliminée définitivement ce qui met mal à l'aise un des deux comparses. Ness va harceler ce maillon faible.

Épisode 10 - The Otto Frick Story

22 décembre 1960 - 5/5

Ness et ses Incorruptibles traquent un gros caïd de la drogue insaisissable. Ce dernier se fournit gratuitement auprès des nazis en échange d'une aide à leur implantation sur le sol américain. Cette étrange collaboration prend fin lorsque l'associé du truand, manipulé par la femme du chef nazi, est chargé d'abattre son patron.

Épisode 11 - The Tommy Karpeles Story

29 décembre 1960 - 5/5

Un train postal est dévalisé et le spécialiste du genre est condamné, à tort, à la prison à vie après la mort d'un employé. Ness, convaincu de son innocence, dirige l'enquête qui le mène vers la fille du gangster emprisonné, une femme qui hait autant les flics que son père… L'ancien complice de ce dernier tire les ficelles mais le butin est difficile à négocier.

Épisode 12 - The Big Train (1)

5 janvier 1961 - 5/5

Al Capone est condamné à 11 ans de prison pour fraudes fiscales et conduit au pénitencier d'Atlanta. Ness réussit à persuader le Congrès de financer un nouveau pénitencier afin d'isoler les criminels les plus dangereux. Peu de temps avant son transfert à Alcatraz, Capone est prévenu par un gardien corrompu et il contacte Nitti qui doit organiser son évasion.

Épisode 13 - The Big Train (2)

12 janvier 1961 - 5/5

Les Incorruptibles exploitent un des deux indices et se rendent à un aérodrome de Salt Lake City où un pilote doit conduire trois hommes de Nitti. Ness et deux de ses hommes se substituent aux truands et vont au rendez-vous d'une bande de l'Ouest dans une petite ville, lieu stratégique et déjà sous le joug des gangsters.

Épisode 14 - The Masterpiece

19 janvier 1961 - 5/5

Après l'incarcération de Capone, Mayer Wartel s'affirme en éliminant tous les obstacles à son ascension vertigineuse. Il commet l'erreur de tuer un journaliste avec son arme artisanale et il engage le meilleur tueur à gages pour disposer de l'armurier sachant que Ness est déjà sur la piste.

Épisode 15 - The Organization

26 janvier 1961 - 5/5

Un gangster de moyenne envergure tente de mettre sur pied une nouvelle organisation qui rassemblerait toutes les bandes du pays. Kulak, parrain respecté, doit superviser le projet mais Ness est renseigné par un indic récemment libéré de prison.

Épisode 16 - The Jamaica Ginger Story

2 février 1961 - 5/5

Deux truands se disputent le trafic d'un alcool fabriqué avec du gingembre de la Jamaïque. Torrez, qui a le monopole, fait appel à deux tueurs professionnels pour éliminer la concurrence. L'élaboration d'un alibi va contrarier les plans.

Épisode 17 - Augie 'The Banker' Ciamino

9 février 1961 - 5/5

Dans le quartier pauvre de Little Italy, chaque famille italienne doit fabriquer à son domicile une petite quantité de whisky pour le cynique parrain local. Bien que son fils soit le comptable des truands, un honnête boulanger décide de se tourner vers Ness.

Épisode 18 - The Underground Court

16 février 1961 - 5/5

Un truand a doublé le syndicat et s'est enfui avec une grosse somme d'argent. Comme assurance, il a écrit une lettre détaillant les ramifications du syndicat qui doit être remise à Ness en cas de décès prématuré. Pour se mettre au vert, le gangster répond à l'annonce d'une veuve farfelue qui cherche un chauffeur.

Épisode 19 - The Nick Moses Story

23 février 1961 - 5/5

Pour racheter une faute, un gangster propose un marché à Nitti : abattre Eliot Ness. L'organisation lui donne six jours, faute de quoi, c'est lui qui payera.

Épisode 20 - The Antidote

9 mars 1961 - 5/5

Un chimiste handicapé, mais ambitieux, réussit à se procurer la formule pour régénérer l'alcool que le gouvernement dénature afin de contrer la mafia. Il profite de cette découverte pour gravir les échelons de l'organisation.

Épisode 21 - The Lily Dallas Story

16 mars 1961 - 5/5

Lily Dallas dirige un gang spécialisé dans les coups audacieux qui rapportent gros. Intransigeante et sans pitié, elle se retrouve coincée entre son mari et son amant, tous deux membres du gang, et les remords après avoir délaissé sa mère et sa fille.

Épisode 22 - Murder Under Glass

23 mars 1961 - 5/5

Un trafiquant de stupéfiants de la Nouvelle-Orléans essaie de doubler la pègre de Chicago chapeautée par Frank Nitti. Ness et ses hommes se déplacent et découvrent que le trafiquant s'est fait construire une voiture à l'épreuve des balles.

Épisode 23 - Testimony of Evil

30 mars 1961 - 5/5

Un malfrat notoire et influent parvient à faire assassiner un de ses deux témoins à charge par un policier corrompu. Ness et ses Incorruptibles doivent retrouver la petite amie de la victime avant les gangsters pour qu'elle serve de second témoignage.

Épisode 24 - Ring of Terror

13 avril 1961 - 5/5

Après le décès d'un boxeur sur un ring, un laborantin révèle à Ness que le sportif a été drogué à la morphine pendant le combat. Les Incorruptibles s'intéressent à son entraîneur, pourtant intègre mais il est menacé par la mafia.

Épisode 25 - Mr. Moon

20 avril 1961 - 5/5

Un gangster de San Francisco à l'imposante stature organise le braquage d'un camion de l'état, qui transporte du papier à billet, et l'évasion du pénitencier d'un expert en gravure. Ness et ses Incorruptibles doivent empêcher que le pays soit inondé de fausse monnaie.

Épisode 26 - Death for Sale

27 avril 1961 - 5/5

Un jeune truand s'associe à un trafiquant d'opium avec l'intention de monter un commerce de vente par correspondance pour dissimuler la drogue dans des peluches. Avide, il tue son complice et poursuit un jeu du chat et de la souris avec Ness.

Épisode 27 - Stranglehold

4 mai 1961 - 5/5

Un jeune truand s'associe à un trafiquant d'opium avec l'intention de monter un commerce de vente par correspondance pour dissimuler la drogue dans des peluches. Avide, il tue son complice et poursuit un jeu du chat et de la souris avec Ness.

Épisode 28 - The Nero Rankin Story

11 mai 1961 - 5/5

Un truand âgé et diminué est élu à la tête du syndicat et il décide de se débarrasser de Ness en dressant l'opinion publique contre les agents fédéraux.

Épisode 29 - The Seventh Vote

18 mai 1961 - 5/5

Après l'incarcération de Capone, Nitti et Guzik s'entredéchirent. De sa prison, le gangster donne l'ordre de rapatrier un caïd de confiance afin qu'il serve de septième voix au conseil et qu'il départage ses deux lieutenants.

Épisode 30 - The King of Champagne

25 mai 1961 - 5/5

Un fabricant de bouteilles propose à un dandy de l'aider à trouver une clientèle pour commercialiser du champagne clandestin. Tout se complique lorsque l'oncle du fabricant, impliqué, exige une part du gâteau plus importante…

Épisode 31 - The Nick Acropolis Story

1 juin 1961 - 5/5

Un bookmaker, propriétaire d'un magasin de fleurs, s'est établi très rapidement mais il va devoir faire face à une vague de trahisons au sein de son organisation. Les cadavres attirent les Fédéraux et la bande de Nitti, soucieuse que les affaires restent discrètes.

Épisode 32 - 90-Proof Dame

8 juin 1961 - 5/5

Un redoutable gangster, propriétaire d'un cabaret, veut s'approprier l'exclusivité de la commercialisation du cognac, quitte à en détruire du vrai, pour pouvoir écouler sa pâle imitation. Une de ses anciennes 'girls' est mariée avec un grand producteur français de cognac.

Épisode 1 - The Troubleshooter

12 octobre 1961 - 5/5

Les Incorruptibles s'attaquent à un nouveau jeu clandestin et la mafia fait appel à un 'dépanneur', spécialiste de la corruption en tout genre. Ne pouvant pas acheter Ness, il organise un coup monté pour faire tomber l'agent fédéral mais son ambition au sein du syndicat finira par le perdre.

Épisode 2 - Power Play

19 octobre 1961 - 5/5

Un ancien avocat, nommé haut commissionnaire pour enrayer la montée de la violence à Chicago, est le chef du nouveau cartel du crime. Il ordonne l'exécution d'un petit trafiquant mais le tueur est arrêté par les Incorruptibles puis libéré sous caution. Traqué par la police et les hommes du cartel, le tueur se réfugie chez une femme, propriétaire d'une station service.

Épisode 3 - Tunnel of Horrors

26 octobre 1961 - 5/5

Les Incorruptibles interviennent lors d'une transaction dans le tunnel des horreurs d'une fête foraine mais un petit malfrat double tout le monde et s'empare de l'héroïne. Ness se lance à la recherche de la drogue mais il a un adversaire de taille, un ancien policier excessivement malin qui travaille pour Nitti.

Épisode 4 - The Genna Brothers

2 novembre 1961 - 5/5

Les six frères Genna règnent sur le quartier Little Italy en fournissant Capone en alcool. Ils le font fabriquer par toutes les familles des immigrés italiens qu'ils ont fait entrer clandestinement aux USA. Un petit commerçant va aider Ness à mettre un terme à l'hégémonie des six frères.

Épisode 5 - The Matt Bass Scheme

9 novembre 1961 - 5/5

Les Fédéraux détruisent une à une les brasseries de Nitti qui doit faire preuve d'ingéniosité. Il les déplace en dehors de Chicago mais Ness et ses hommes interceptent les camions et trains qui ramènent l'alcool en ville ce qui fait l'affaire d'un repris de justice qui a monté un réseau de pipeline souterrain.

Épisode 6 - Loophole

16 novembre 1961 - 5/5

Un truand en pleine ascension liquide un rival mais un témoin se confie aux Incorruptibles. Le malfrat charge son avocat véreux de le sortir de ce mauvais pas mais le stratagème ne résistera pas au coup de bluff de Ness.

Épisode 7 - Jigsaw

23 novembre 1961 - 5/5

Nitti fait appel à un ancien collaborateur de Capone pour éliminer le mouchard qui renseigne les Fédéraux. Il remplit rapidement son contrat mais il va profiter de la situation pour tenter de renverser Nitti, n'épargnant personne pour arriver à ses fins, même pas sa sœur.

Épisode 8 - Man Killer

7 décembre 1961 - 5/5

Une femme tue son mari volage et reprend l'affaire qu'il avait entrepris avec Nitti : diffuser de l'héroïne dans tout le pays grâce aux compagnies de taxis. La maitresse du mari, le machisme de Nitti et l'opiniâtreté de Ness auront raison de ce plan diabolique.

Épisode 9 - City Without a Name

14 décembre 1961 - 5/5

Après l'assassinat d'un agent fédéral, les Incorruptibles sont dans la ville pour confondre le truand local, fortement soupçonné. Nitti en profite également pour essayer de s'emparer de cette ville par l'intermédiaire d'un flambeur, chargé de déstabiliser le truand en question.

Épisode 10 - Hammerlock

21 décembre 1961 - 5/5

Le syndicat du crime et les Incorruptibles essaient chacun de leur coté de convaincre un boulanger influent de faire rallier la profession à leur cause. La mafia découvre qu'il a un point faible : sa fille qu'il n'a pas revue depuis cinq ans.

Épisode 11 - The Canada Run

4 janvier 1962 - 5/5

Un malfrat s'installe dans un modeste village de pêcheurs et joue les grands seigneurs. Il s'arrange surtout pour que la croix de l'église illuminée permette de guider comme un phare les bateaux de contrebande de whisky canadien.

Épisode 12 - Fall Guy

11 janvier 1962 - 5/5

Un trio s'associe pour créer une agence pour l'emploi du crime. Lorsque Ness et ses hommes se font pressants, les trois gangsters s'arrangent pour faire porter le chapeau à un ancien truand qui vient de purger dix ans de prison.

Épisode 13 - The Gang War

18 janvier 1962 - 5/5

Nitti veut éliminer un concurrent qui fournit des cabarets avec du whisky d'excellente qualité. Les Incorruptibles se retrouvent au milieu d'une guerre des gangs qui n'épargne pas les innocents mais ils pourront compter sur trois pilotes expérimentés.

Épisode 14 - Silent Partner

1 février 1962 - 5/5

Un malfrat, directeur d'une boite fréquentée par la pègre et la bourgeoisie, s'est allié pour une livraison de whisky avec un caïd très influent, un mystérieux associé que peu de gens connaissent. Lorsqu'un avoué véreux, proche du malfrat, est abattu par les Incorruptibles, l'énigmatique 'Partner' téléphone à Ness pour lui annoncer une vengeance imminente.

Épisode 15 - The Whitey Steele Story

8 février 1962 - 5/5

Le syndicat s'approprie un nouveau système de transmission des résultats de courses hippiques et s'installe à San Francisco. Le lieu intrigue la police et Ness est envoyé sur place et se fait passer pour un caïd en exile sur la côte Ouest.

Épisode 16 - The Death Tree

15 février 1962 - 5/5

Les chefs gitans, deux frères, qui tiennent le 'sénat' et administrent la communauté, sont assassinés, successivement, par un renégat qui assouvit une vengeance. Ness doit protéger une jeune femme, la relève, et il attire le tueur en affichant son nom sur l'arbre de la mort.

Épisode 17 - Takeover

1 mars 1962 - 5/5

Un truand, envoyé par le syndicat, réussit à prendre le contrôle du trafic de bière en s'associant à un brasseur. Il s'empare ainsi du marché au détriment de son propre père.

Épisode 18 - The Stryker Brothers

8 mars 1962 - 5/5

Après l'attaque d'un train postal, les quatre frères Stryker se débarrassent de tout objet compromettant mais le benêt de la famille va causer la perte du quatuor qui cherche à reconstruire son empire.

Épisode 19 - Element of Danger

22 mars 1962 - 5/5

Un trafiquant, qui ne vit que pour la prise de risque, va finir par se brûler les ailes en côtoyant d'un peu trop près Eliot Ness et ses hommes.

Épisode 20 - The Maggie Storm Story

29 mars 1962 - 5/5

Maggie Storm, patronne du cabaret '808' qui sert de couverture à des trafics illicites, se retrouve coincée entre Ness et le syndicat du crime.

Épisode 21 - Man in the Middle

5 avril 1962 - 5/5

Un homme a préparé sa vengeance depuis quatre ans contre deux truands qui l'ont extorqué. Il s'arrange pour faire assassiner l'un par l'autre et mettre les fédéraux sur la piste du survivant mais sa femme est le maillon faible de l'entreprise.

Épisode 22 - Downfall

3 mai 1962 - 5/5

Le président endetté d'une compagnie ferroviaire accepte une collaboration avec le syndicat pour sauver son entreprise de la faillite. Il a mis le doigt dans un engrenage sans retour.

Épisode 23 - The Case Against Eliot Ness

10 mai 1962 - 5/5

Un citoyen apparemment au-dessus de tout soupçon attaque Eliot Ness en diffamation. La carrière du policier est en jeu et une course contre la montre s'engage entre la pègre et les Incorruptibles pour retrouver trois tueurs, témoins de la culpabilité de ce citoyen 'respectable'.

Épisode 24 - The Ginnie Littlesmith Story

17 mai 1962 - 5/5

ne candide jeune femme essaie de négocier les livres de compte de son oncle, proxénète abattu, avec le Groupe, le réseau de prostitution. Dépassée par l'ampleur de sa tache, elle est également troublée par le tueur chargé de la supprimer.

Épisode 25 - The Contract

31 mai 1962 - 5/5

Un petit truand, libéré sous caution, se réfugie chez son meilleur ami, un gangster chevronné, mais le syndicat charge ce dernier du contrat pour l'éliminer.

Épisode 26 - Pressure

14 juin 1962 - 5/5

A la fin de la prohibition, les gangsters se tournent vers la drogue. Un gros fournisseur, victime d'un indic qui renseigne les Fédéraux, n'hésite pas à faire un odieux chantage à Ness pour poursuivre ses activités. L'agent fédéral compte sur l'indic, le propre fils du truand, pour parvenir à le stopper.

Épisode 27 - Arsenal

28 juin 1962 - 5/5

La rivalité entre Frank Nitti et Bugs Moran conduit les autorités à interdire les mitraillettes. Un opportuniste polonais propose à Nitti les services de son cousin pour la confection d'armes artisanales.

Épisode 28 - The Monkey Wrench

5 juillet 1962 - 5/5

Nitti fait entrer illégalement des brasseurs allemands par un petit village à la frontière canadienne afin de supplanter la concurrence de Kulak. Ce dernier s'offre les services d'un tueur redoutable, d'origine allemande, qui s'infiltre dans un convoi d'arrivants. Ness doit se fier à une ravissante veuve qui est tombée amoureuse de lui.

Épisode 1 - The Night They Shot Santa Claus

25 septembre 1962 - 5/5

Ness enquête sur le meurtre d'un de ses amis, qui jouait le Père-Noël dans un orphelinat. La seule piste de l’agent fédéral est un prénom féminin, Renee à qui était destiné un petit cadeau.

Épisode 2 - The Cooker in the Sky

2 octobre 1962 - 5/5

Un truand de New York débarque à Chicago, incognito. Réputé pour son savoir faire, la mafia locale lui confie la mission de monter une brasserie qui soit indétectable pour les Fédéraux. Le gangster en place se sait dorénavant inutile et craint pour sa vie et sa femme vend la mèche à Ness pour le sauver

Épisode 3 - The Chess Game

9 octobre 1962 - 5/5

By mid-June 1932, Eliot Ness and his Untouchables had uncovered and shut down every champagne-producing operation in the city. 4 months later, however, champagne appears again in the fashionable Westside nightclubs. Ness is about to raid the swankiest speak, the Silver Canary. At the club, Marty Baltin is paying Charley Mailer for the last champagne shipment: $86,000 for 350 cases (that comes out to about $245 per case of 12, about $20 a bottle). Ness and his men raid the place; as Charley Mailer exits quickly, he accidentally leaves his small ledger book on Marty Baltin's desk. Ness and Hobson find a dozen bottles in the bar area, wherein the champagne is frozen solid, the bottles must have accidentally arrived in a refrigerated shipment. Enrico Rossi checks with the railroads, and finds out 4 refrigerated freight cars had arrived from the Marblehead Seafood & Ice Company in Boston; the Untouchables fly to Boston. Next day, Mailer is meeting with Baltin again. Baltin found out M

Épisode 4 - The Economist

16 octobre 1962 - 5/5

Chicago, the Summer of 1932. There are 12-million unemployed in the U.S.; with less money to spend, the price of booze goes down. The whiskey Syndicate is meeting; the chairman is the powerful gangster Vincent Tunis who runs the town. His 3 lieutenants suggest they hit the speaks. To make a point, Tunis demands a toothpick from his underling Charlie Grach; Tunis roughs him up, bloodies his nose, and points a gun at Charlie*-- demanding a toothpick. Charlie pleads, ""I can't give ya what I haven't got."" Tunis quips, ""Neither can the speak operators."" Vincent Tunis is The Economist: he explains the law of supply-and-demand to the Syndicate. The speak owners get 15 cents a shot for booze, that's $3 a bottle, that's $36 a case-- and the Syndicate wants $75 a case; the speak owners can't give the Syndicate what they don't have. So, Tunis will dry up the market, sending the price of booze way up-- he says, to ""20 cents, 30 cents, 50 cents: where it belongs""** Vincent Tunis reads to t

Épisode 5 - The Pea

23 octobre 1962 - 5/5

Chicago, December 18, 1930. On the southside of town, Herbie Catcher is playing 8-ball for 50 cents a game, in a dilapidated pool joint. Herbie, not being much of a pool player, gets cleaned out by Cooker. Herbie's best friend is Josh, a nice black man who happens to be blind, who is the employee working in the pool hall. Josh tells him, ""You'd be surprised at the things I can see, I'm an owl in the dark."" (""Owl"" is his nickname.) Since Herbie can't make money shooting pool, and only has a job working as a busboy, he is in the habit of getting a few bucks by giving Eliot Ness tips. However, today his tips are all stale. Herbie tells Ness that Wally Marcos is back in town; Ness says he already left again. Herbie has info on Angel Podaris; Ness says he sold out to Martin Rawlings. Herbie relates that there's a new place on Maple Street making bottles for imported Scotch; Ness says, ""We knocked it over last week."" Even though all the ""hot tips"" are useless, Ness slips him a fin

Épisode 6 - Bird in the Hand

30 octobre 1962 - 5/5

December 12, 1929. That night, gangster Arnie Kurtz is in a car, watching a hit he ordered. Another car, speeding along and with a chopper blasting, guns down a pedestrian; but the victim pulls a gun and fires back, his bullet goes through the windshield. The car crashes; the driver is dead, but the hitman escapes. Arnie Kurtz goes to establish his alibi; at 10:35, his wife Stella drops in on her brother Benno Fisk, who owns a pawn shop. Stella has a job for him: deliver a payment of 100 Gs to a gangster in Washington, DC, for her hubby Arnie. Benno will be gone for 3-4 days, so Stella takes his 2 pet birds with her; Stella and Arnie are permanent guests at the swanky Lakeview Hotel. A newspaper headline reads: ""Parrot Fever Kills 2 More."" Ness and his men investigate the shooting of the pedestrian; Rico finds the driver's license of the dead driver of the getaway car: he was a New York hood named McHuey. It seems the New York Syndicate figures into Arnie Kurtz's trying to take

Épisode 7 - The Eddie O'Gara Story

13 novembre 1962 - 5/5

Chicago. Right after the St. Valentine's Day Massacre. (February 14, 1929.) Ness and his men are scouring Chicago, looking for Bugs Moran.  Ness says there used to be 2 gangs in town, now there's just one.  Ness figures if they get to Moran first, maybe he'll talk-- he might just be mad enough to give them the information they need. Someone else looking for Moran is Eddie O'Gara, a small-time hood who has been on the run for the past 3 years; he's decided to come home. Eddie's brother Vince, a trolley driver, isn't happy to see him; but Eddie's mom welcomes him back with open arms. Eddie finds Moran at his old hideout: a big storage room in the lakefront Midway.  But Moran is ready to blast him; O'Gara was a punk until Moran made him a highly-paid gangster, and 3 years ago Eddie double-crossed him.  Eddie fast-talks his way out of it.  Moran has lots of money, but no gang; Eddie can get him a new gang, but he'll need lots of money.  So they decide to work together-- but Moran warns

Épisode 8 - Elegy

20 novembre 1962 - 5/5

1929.* Notorious gangster boss Charlie Radick is dying of leukemia; there'll be no mourning for him, the other overlords will be vying for his throne. All Radick wants to do is see his long-lost daughter before he dies. Ness visits Radick; Ness is afraid a gang war might break out, as rival gangs scramble to take over. Ness says, ""Turn over your books to me; names of the people in your organization, distribution points, contacts in City Hall."" Radick says while he was in prison, he left his daughter with a couple; 3 years ago she ran away. Radick tells Ness, ""Find Margaret, and I'll give you everything you ask for."" Ness never makes deals with hoods; but this time the gangster isn't asking for a break, or to plea bargain: he only wants Ness to find his daughter. Ness doesn't promise him anything, but he starts the search. Eliot Ness is getting help from Lt. Agatha Stewart and Frank-- they do some legwork, and find out Margaret Radick is now going by the name Margaret Wilson. T

Épisode 9 - Come and Kill Me

27 novembre 1962 - 5/5

July 4, 1930.  40,000 horse racing fans fill Arlington Park.  Ness and his men have Arnold ""Spats"" Vincent under surveillance; they will close in on him as soon as he gets a piece of paper: a list with the names of officials in high places who are ready to do business with the crime cartel.  2 hoods (one tall, one short), apparently associates of Spats, approach him.  The tall hood sits next to him and whispers something to him; then he stabs Spats.  The hoods take off running; Ness and his men and some cops chase them. They arrest the tall hood, but the short one gets shot by a cop. Ness figures that top gangster Nate Stryker had put a contract on Spats; Ness and his men grill the tall hood, but he's not talking, he won't even give his name.  Ness has Stryker hauled in, but the tall hood won't squeal on him.  Later, Stryker meets with Dexter Lloyd Bayless-- he runs a school where he trains assassins; Bayless had provided the 2 hoods for this hit.  Stryker is worried the hood might si

Épisode 10 - A Fist of Five

4 décembre 1962 - 5/5

Chicago, 1929. Mike Brannon's been a cop for 15 years, but now he's being suspended for hospitalizing ""one of Tony Lamberto's dope-pushing punks."" Mike thinks Captain Bellows is corrupt for not going to bat for him. There is a tense moment when the Captain asks for Mike's gun-- Mike points it at him. But then, Mike turns the gun over and leaves. The dollar value of the city's wholesale industrial trade is $6-billion; the revenue of organized crime is $200-million. ""Tough Tony"" Lamberto's Market Street Produce Co. is just a legit façade; it takes in a percentage off the top-- from every racket dollar in the Southside of Chicago. Tony Lamberto is often the target of rival gangsters, so he rides around in a steel-plated limo with bulletproof glass; it cost $30,000. (this is a time when most people make $600 to $1,000 a year, and cars cost $500.) Right now Tony has another problem: a visit from Eliot Ness and his men. One of Tony's boys, Max Templar, is eating a honeydew melon; bu

Épisode 11 - The Floyd Gibbons Story

11 décembre 1962 - 5/5

Chicago, October 1932. Within minutes of the time the Globe's top reporter Carlton Edmunds was shot, Eliot Ness and his men are on the scene. Ostensibly it appears a stray bullet in a gunfight hit Edmunds; he was just a passerby in the wrong place at the wrong time. But Lee Hobson picks up 4-5 pieces of cotton batting-- the gunmen were firing blanks: except for the one bullet that hit Edmunds, who was 30 feet away. The ""gunfight"" was staged to fool the sole witness to the shooting: newsman Barney Rusch. Ness tells Barney that earlier, Edmunds had said he was working on a story about scrap metal-- a story that would tear this town wide open. Just then, a cross-country flight, from East coast to West, has a stopover in Chicago; reporter Floyd Gibbons gets out at the terminal to make some phone calls. Globe-trotting reporter Floyd Gibbons is a fast-talking, straight-shooting whirlwind of activity; not even losing his left eye in World War I slowed him down-- for more than the past do

Épisode 12 - Doublecross

18 décembre 1962 - 5/5

June 1930. Speak owner Louie Akers-- about to go dry and out of business because Guzik couldn't supply him with hooch for that last 3 weeks-- buys his booze from another supplier. Akers pays Johnny $1,142 for barrels of beer and crates of whiskey, that some deliverymen just dropped off. Just then, a couple of Guzik's boys (Sully and Mac) drive up; they start blasting at the delivery truck (which still has plenty more booze in back), just as it's pulling away. Once the delivery truck is at a safe distance, Johnny gets out and hands the dough over to the booze supplier-- Eliot Ness! (Johnny is an undercover cop.) A short time later, Akers gets a visit from Jake ""Greasy Thumb"" Guzik and a few of his boys.

Épisode 13 - Search for a Dead Man

1 janvier 1963 - 5/5

June 1929.* A body is dumped into Lake Michigan; when it's fished out 3-4 weeks later, on July 10, the Bureau of Missing Persons has a John Doe on its hands. And so, Lt. Agatha Stewart and her sidekick Frank Benson are on the case. At the City Morgue, all the coroner can tell about the decomposed body is the approximate age, 50, and that the deceased might have had a bad heart. Outside, Lt. Stewart runs into Eliot Ness, who came down to do an I.D. on a Joe Fuselli. (not the Joe Fuselli from ""The Scarface Mob."") The morgue will keep the body for 10 days. July 20, in Potter's Field, the John Doe is buried in the rain; there are no mourners, only Lt. Stewart and reporter Walter Rimer attend. But then a clue-- a huge wreath is delivered by O'Banion florists; the delivery man doesn't know who ordered it, so Lt. Stewart goes to the flower shop. It had been owned by the notorious gangster Dion O'Banion (1892-1924), until he was rubbed out 5 years ago by Johnny Torrio. Now, the shop is

Épisode 14 - The Speculator

8 janvier 1963 - 5/5

1929. Eliot Ness gets another anonymous phone tip: a big meet at a warehouse on Grover Street, Nitti and all the boys will be there. At the warehouse, about 20 hoods are putting their record books into a huge trunk. Since Al Capone got nailed because of bookkeeping, from now on nobody is to keep any written records; there will only be one central file, and the bookkeeper will be Leo Stazak. Leo tells the boys that records, with notes on accounts receivable, would tip the Feds as to how the speak owners do business. Leo will run the central file, everybody else is just to use the phone and deal in cash. Then Nitti gives a little talk: they all know what happened to Artie Graff, he ran a good speak-- but he got busted because Ness got a hold of his records. Nitti adds laconically, ""The Organization has voted to give his widow a few bucks in memory of her departed husband."" (and the guy's not even dead yet-- enough said.) Ness and his men use their cars to crash through the wareho

Épisode 15 - The Snowball

15 janvier 1963 - 5/5

October 16, 1930. Jackson Parker is a small-time bootlegger, he has his henchman Benny deliver bottles of booze to places on a college campus: student unions, fraternity houses. Parker is arrogant, he tells Benny he could ""throw him out with the rest of the garbage."" Parker has big plans: he thinks he's meeting with Frank Nitti. At the Montmartre club, Nitti is telling his assembled lieutenants, ""And after we get that pipeline set up, the feds will have to dig up every street in Chicago to find it."" A round of laughter. Harry, who is guarding the door, tells Nitti that the punk is here; Nitti says to throw him out, but then decides to let him in for amusement. When they laugh at Parker's small-time bootlegging operation on a college campus, arrogant Parker says, "I thought I'd be talking to a more intelligent group of men", " Nitti warns him" and "One more like that, and the ice is gonna crack right out from under you".

Épisode 16 - Jake Dance

22 janvier 1963 - 5/5

Late Summer 1930. It started in Wichita, Kansas: a staggering gait called the Jake Dance. (we see a man staggering along using a cane in each hand.) There are many different kinds of alcohol, but the only kind that is safe to drink is ethyl alcohol; many people had been drinking Ginger Jake, which is contaminated with methyl alcohol, also called ""wood alcky."" And people who drank a lot of it often suffered permanent loss of muscle coordination, and developed a staggering gait called the Jake Dance. Many died. In Wichita, 1% of the adult population was stricken. So the U.S. Health Department calls for its top guns: Associate Surgeon General Dr. Victor Garr (about age 50, with a lot of experience and a deep care for patients), and his assistant, Dr. Daniel Gifford (about age 30, inexperienced and has a habit of always doing things by the book). Right now, they are swamped with hundreds of patients in the hospital. Dr. Garr sees his sidekick going over some notes. Dr. Garr snaps

Épisode 17 - Blues for a Gone Goose

29 janvier 1963 - 5/5

Jazz was born in the Roaring Twenties. It's now 1930, and on Chicago's Gold Coast there's a nightspot called ""Goose Gander's Golden Egg"" jazz club. Blues player Eddie Moon is blowing his hot cornet with the jazz band. But then mobster Lucky talks to Ray ""Goose"" Gander; Lucky wants him to carry Lou Cagan's hooch in his joint. Ray refuses, the strongest drink he serves in his place is coffee. Then Lucky's hitman plays some music of his own-- with his tommy gun; he shoots up the joint. But tonight Lucky isn't so lucky; an hour later, Eliot Ness and Lee Hobson and Enrico Rossi grab him. This is the 3rd little, independent club he's shot up; the previous 2 were the Whoopee Club and the Lion's Den. Ness runs him in. Meanwhile Lou Cagan (Mr. Big of the Chicago northside), who owns the lavish gambling resort the Parthenon Hotel, is getting some bad news from Louis ""Lepke"" Buchalter. Lepke, representing the New York syndicate, tells Cagan they sent him 700 cases of booze, but he hasn't

Épisode 18 - Globe of Death

5 février 1963 - 5/5

1933. Prohibition ends. But that doesn't mean the war on crime is over for Eliot Ness and his Untouchables. The syndicate has already moved on to a more profitable-- and more deadly-- source of income: narcotics. By September, Ness and his men had found and destroyed every major source of narcotics. By early October, the price of a bindle of heroin jumps from $20 to $50. Nitti and his boys want to take advantage of this seller's market. Nitti has a dope smuggler named Yang brought in from Shanghai. At the Montmartre Club, 5 lieutenants put their money on the table: elderly Tony, 350 Gs; Mike, 275; ailing Sam Weidman, 600; Kurt Koenig, 350; and Larry Bass, 425. Nitti quips, ""Two million bucks-- there ain't been that much dough on this table since we bought the Southside."" When Sam Weidman asks how can they be sure Yang will deliver, Nitti snaps, ""Whatta ya think we're dealin' with, some 2-bit punk?"" He walks over to a huge globe, a yard in diameter. ""He's got poppy fields in

Épisode 19 - An Eye for an Eye

19 février 1963 - 5/5

Chicago, Spring 1931.  That night, Ness and his men are in their car; it's an 80 mph chase to catch a guy running whiskey for Solly Girsch.  The 19-year-old driver has a high-speed accident; his car overturns and explodes in flames.  Solly Girsch is the king of bootleg whiskey; he has 500 ""mom & pop"" stores pushing his hooch-- all together, they form the biggest single outlet of whiskey in Chicago.  Next night, top boss Harry Mastrogeorge-- along with Solly's crooked lawyer Billy Baron and about half a dozen of Mastrogeorge's lieutenants-- are throwing a party for Solly, celebrating his getting his 500th outlet.  They bring in a 2-foot-high cake.  Solly quips he wishes a blonde would jump out of the cake. (she'd be pretty short.) But Solly has an announcement; he's buying 1,000 gallons of whiskey a day from them, and he wants to cut the price he pays from $8 a gallon to $4.  They all balk, and Pete Topchinski  is vocal about it.  Big bucks are involved-- it's a $2-million a year busine

Épisode 20 - Junk Man

26 janvier 1963 - 5/5

Chicago, 1931. On the Southside, on a dead end street, there is a junkyard-- but it's really a front for a narcotics empire, run by gangster Victor Salazar. Ness and his men are on the case; they keep intercepting his trucks, carrying shipments of narcotics. Barney Howe tells his boss Salazar that his problem is the operation's too spread out; but one big shipment will give him the Northside, too-- Barney says he will ""put Chicago in his pocket."" Late at night, they get a call from a hood named Kierson who has info in his briefcase: the time and route of a $2-million commercial shipment of morphine crystals to a medical research center; he's to meet them at the corner of Mohawk and 23rd in 10 minutes. But rival hood Steve Ballard takes out his silencer, and pumps Kierson full of lead, and makes off with the briefcase. Around midnight, Salazar orders all his boys to find Kierson; ironically, one of Salazar's ""Enforcers"" is Steve Ballard, the guy who bumped Kierson off! But it seem

Épisode 21 - The Man in the Cooler

5 mars 1963 - 5/5

January 1932. Smalltime bootlegger Al Remp is serving 3-5 years in prison; he's done 3 years and is up for parole next week, but it seems he won't get it. The guards put him in solitary, and Remp has a visitor: Eliot Ness. Remp tells him, ""I got nothing to say to you."" But Ness tells him that if he agrees to help him nail bigtime bootlegger ""Fat"" Augie Strom, his former boss, he'll get that parole; or else 2 more years is a long time. Remp is married to a good woman; the whole time he's been in prison, she did ""stand by her man."" Remp agrees to help Ness. ""Fat"" Augie Strom is a very heavyset man who perspires even in winter, his operation is at a meat packing plant by the Chicago stockyards; he likes the large refrigeration section where the meat is prepared, it's nice and cool in there-- he's the Man in the Cooler. A big man with a big temper, he has ""Bitsy"" Whyller rub out Pete Laffey for bungling a job. Remp is reunited with his faithful wife Marcie; but he also has to meet

Épisode 22 - The Butcher's Boy

12 mars 1963 - 5/5

Racketeer Gus Ducek is fingered to be knocked off. But when the car with the hitmen drives towards him, Ducek's boys fire back with machine guns, turning the tables; one hitman dies, Boley Davis escapes. Watching the botched rubout attempt are Lt. Philip Hedden and Sgt. Davey McCain. Eliot Ness and his men are out to pin the murder attempt on Hedden, since the hitmen were driving one of his cars. November 11, 1931; a group of about 2 dozen Army buddies, who were all in B-Company, 431st Infantry, in WWI, are celebrating the 13th anniversary of Armistice Day. It is their annual reunion, and their host as usual is Lt. Philip Hedden; and beside him, as always, is his sidekick Sgt. Davey McCain. Lt. Philip Hedden regales the men, again, with the story of how he won his medal, the Croix De Guerre; and then he proposes a toast to Sgt. Davey-- ""To the best topkick who ever did a shavetail's job for him.""* Hedden and Davey are a team-- but whereas these former soldiers served their countr

Épisode 23 - The Spoiler

26 mars 1963 - 5/5

New Jersey waterfront, 1933. Johnny Mizo had been marked for death by the American crime cartel; he had fled to Brazil. Now, he has returned to America to get the $200,000 he had hastily stashed in a hideout before fleeing. The Captain tells Mizo he has exactly 11 days, and then the ship sails back to Rio de Janeiro, with or without him. It's a foggy night; a Brazilian sailor gets off the ship before Mizo, and 4 Chicago hoods mistake him for Mizo. They shoot the sailor; a policeman shoots one of the hoods, Paul Santos. Back in Chicago, the 3 remaining hoods report to their boss, top gangster Vince Majesky-- who makes his dough off of protection, prostitution and narcotics. He owns a nightclub called the Silken Trap; his office is upstairs. Majesky is plenty sore about the botched job; he gives Denny Cole one more chance to get Johnny Mizo, or he'll be dumped in the river! Meanwhile, in the nightclub, beautiful Claire Vale is doing a dance number for the customers. Eliot Ness a

Épisode 24 - One Last Killing

2 avril 1963 - 5/5

February 1, 1933. Late that night, John ""The Cropper"" Cropsie, the Enforcer for Jules Flack (boss of the Westside combine), stood in the back alley behind the Lido Burlesque house, by the stagedoor entrance-- and pumped some slugs into David Alpine, the key booze supplier for the combine (because he was also selling to the competition). On the night of February 2, Eliot Ness is having Cropsie reenact the crime in front of an eyewitness to the shooting: Belle Alpine, David Alpine's widow. Ness asks her if she can identify him as the man who shot her husband. Belle walks up to Cropsie, slaps him across the face, and then blatantly lies to Ness that she never saw him before in her life. Meanwhile, with Repeal of Prohibition just around the corner, Jules Flack is getting ready for the big switch, he is going to concentrate on narcotics. Flack wants to convert his assets into a couple of million bucks, so he can throw in with Luciano. Cropsie, who had been Flack's Enforcer for 13 years

Épisode 25 - The Giant Killer

9 avril 1963 - 5/5

April 28, 1932. Chicago. 3,500 fans are at the arena, watching the end of a 7-day bicycle race. But Ed ""Duke"" Monte is there to make a drop-off. Ness and Lee Hobson catch him, with a quarter of a million dollars in counterfeit bills in his leather bag. On May 25, Monte is sentenced to 10-15 years in the State Pen. That same day, at Monte's old headquarters (the Odeon Theatre which specializes in Burlesque), his former lieutenant, Lou Sultan, is having the guy he accuses of being the stoolie, Parrot Krebs, worked over by his thugs. Lou tells Janos Dalker (Monte's bodyguard) to rub the stoolie out. Next day, Ness and Lee Hobson pay Lou Sultan a visit at the theatre; they know he had Parrot knocked off, but can't prove it yet. When they leave, Barbara Sultan, dressed to the nines, talks to her hubby. Lou tells her, ""Don't give me that jealous wife routine,"" and she snaps back that he should stop fooling around with all the strippers. Ed Monte busts out of prison, and as Janos is

Épisode 26 - The Charlie Argos Story

16 avril 1963 - 5/5

June 25, 1933. Ness and Lee Hobson are called to the Castle, a baronial estate just outside of Chicago, which is both the headquarters and home of the underworld's notorious ""King"" Frank Argos; he is one of Ness' old foes. Argos' attorney Eli Halstead explains that wealthy Frank Argos is about to die; he wants to leave his $5-million in bonds to his long-lost son. And he wants Eliot Ness to be the executor of the will, because he doesn't trust any of his crooked associates. When Halstead says that Argos' wife left him many years ago, the feisty Frank Argos interjects he kicked his wife out! But she took their 7-year-old son with her; all Frank Argos wants to do is see his son once again before he dies. The King offers Ness 100 grand for his services, but Ness turns him down; he figures it's dirty money, a pay-off for protecting his organization. As Ness is leaving, one of the King's hoods, Arno Beale, tells Ness that the son, Charlie Argos, died in WWI anyway. The King dies. An

Épisode 27 - The Jazz Man

30 avril 1963 - 5/5

During the blistering summer of 1931, Ness and his men are working tirelessly against both the illicit whiskey and the narcotics that are flooding the city. One morning, a despondent Capt. Jim Johnson visits Ness in his office; Capt. Johnson had been on a raid that netted 50 dope addicts-- one of them was his son Buz. Ness talks to Buz behind bars. Buz cooperates, and says he got the powder from a pusher named Peepers (so-named because he always wears shades); Ness gets Buz released. Peepers, meanwhile, is awaiting a big shipment of narcotics from Sal Rudin, alias ""Mr. Big."" Later, Agent Lee Hobson traces Peepers to where he's staying, at the Viking Hotel. Ness and Lee see Peepers carrying a small case of dope-- Peepers fires his gun at them; Ness shoots back, killing him. Searching Peepers' apartment, they find out that Artie Tresh, a bass violin player working at the Club 88, also lives there. They go to the Club 88, and meet the owner, Sal Rudin. When Ness says he wants to t

Épisode 28 - The Torpedo

7 mai 1963 - 5/5

April 3, 1931. Vic's Diner, near the Chicago railroad yards; on the surface, no different than a hundred other diners. The blue plate special is 35 cents; a nickel would buy either a hamburger, or a cup of Joe and a sinker. The backroom is the headquarters of Victor Kurtz, bootleg czar of the Chicago southside. Right now he, along with his enforcer Holly Kester, The Torpedo, are having a meet with the boss of the northside, Monk Lyselle and his lieutenant Carl Danzig. Victor Kurtz uses a knife to draw a line bisecting a map of Chicago, then he says, ""Cross that line and you get cut down,"" and then jams the knife through the map and into the table, making his point. No more knocking off each other's speaks, warehouses and booze trucks. Everything's quiet until the night of September 3rd. A 3-truck convoy carrying Canadian whiskey to Chicago is hijacked. One of the masked bandits is Enrico Rossi; Eliot Ness and Lee Hobson and the rest of the Untouchables are there, too. Since th

Épisode 29 - Line of Fire

14 mai 1963 - 5/5

Chicago, January 1933. Danceland has a big sign, ""30 girls, open until 2 a.m."" Inside, customers mingle with the dime-a-dance girls. Hoofer Ellie Haskell says goodnight to the owner, Marty Pulaski; outside, she is immediately shot by a sniper on the roof of a building across the street-- the sniper is Herbie Pulaski, Marty's mentally disturbed brother. Lt. Roy Gunther is on the case, he questions Marty, who has 20% of the dancing racket. However, Marty is sure his main competitor, Vince Bogan who owns 80% of the dance racket, is responsible for the killing; Marty phones Bogan and threatens to rub him out. Back at Ness' office, Lt. Roy Gunther discusses the case with Eliot. Ness has to go to New York to testify before a grand jury, he'll be gone a week-- he puts Lee Hobson in charge. Marty has his brother Herbie drive him over to Bogan's place; inside, Marty shoots Bogan. Outside, when Herbie hears the shots, he reaches for his rifle in the trunk of the car-- and has a flashback

Épisode 30 - A Taste for Pineapple

21 mai 1963 - 5/5

May 14, 1931. Eliot Ness and his men notice that the top bosses are leaving Chicago: Frank Nitti has gone to Atlantic City; Bugs Moran and Jack Diamond have left, too. As Ness puts it, ""The rats are leaving the ship."" Obviously, they want to be out of town when someone important is hit. What Eliot doesn't know is that he is the target. The Syndicate has imported Elroy Dahlgren, a veteran of WWI-- he was an expert at lobbing hand grenades, as they put it, he had A Taste for Pineapple; in the 13 years since the war, he has practiced his craft a lot. Syndicate boss Danny Mundt is paying Dahlgren 10 grand to rub out Eliot Ness-- as soon as Mundt leaves town, too. Elroy Dahlgren gets in his car and drives up next to Ness' car; Elroy lobs a pineapple into Ness' car. Ness crashes his car and jumps out before the grenade explodes. In the hospital, Eliot Ness can't see anything-- even though Dr. Samuels says there is nothing physically wrong with his eyes; the stress of almost being blo


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