Poster de la serie Les Anges du bonheur

Les Anges du bonheur


Année : 1994

Nombre de saisons : 9

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 45 minutes

Genre(s) : Drame, Famille, Fantastique

Monica et Tess, deux anges envoyés sur Terre, aident les gens en proie à des difficultés.


Les Anges du bonheur saison 1

Saison 1


Les Anges du bonheur saison 2

Saison 2


Les Anges du bonheur saison 3

Saison 3


Les Anges du bonheur saison 4

Saison 4


Les Anges du bonheur saison 5

Saison 5


Les Anges du bonheur saison 6

Saison 6


Les Anges du bonheur saison 7

Saison 7


Les Anges du bonheur saison 8

Saison 8


Les Anges du bonheur saison 9

Saison 9



Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - The Southbound Bus

21 septembre 1994 - 4.8/5

La première mission de Monica consiste à veiller sur David, un jeune fugueur de dix ans qui tente de retrouver sa mère...

Épisode 2 - Show Me the Way Home

28 septembre 1994 - 4.3/5

Monica devient l'assistante d'Earl, l'entraîneur d'une équipe de base-ball dans un lycée. Non seulement ce dernier a vu sa carrière de joueur professionnel détruite à la suite d'une blessure, mais il apprend aujourd'hui qu'il est atteint d'une maladie incurable...

Épisode 3 - Tough Love

12 octobre 1994 - 4.7/5

Monica a pour mission d'aider Elizabeth, une brillante journaliste qui a un sérieux penchant pour l'alcool. Exaspérées, sa fille et sa petite-fille menacent de ne plus la revoir si elle n'arrête pas de boire. Mais il faudra un drame pour qu'Elizabeth accepte de se reconnaître malade et puisse ainsi affronter sa dépendance...

Épisode 4 - Fallen Angela

19 octobre 1994 - 4/5

Monica entre dans la vie d'Angela Evans, une jeune femme suicidaire. Son mari, qui est en lice pour un siège de sénateur, ignore qu'elle se prostituait dans sa jeunesse afin de pouvoir payer ses études. Marshall, son ancien souteneur, menace de tout révéler...

Épisode 5 - Cassie's Choice

26 octobre 1994 - 4.3/5

Enceinte, Cassie envisage de laisser son bébé et de le faire adopter.

Épisode 6 - The Heart of the Matter

2 novembre 1994 - 4/5

Charles Hibbard est un jeune avocat timide, qui est sur le point de perdre son travail. Il a légué, par erreur, une importante somme à une jeune femme qui s'est empressée de «dévaliser» les boutiques. Monica, l'assistante de Charles, va l'aider à récupérer son argent...

Épisode 7 - An Unexpected Snow

7 décembre 1994 - 4.5/5

Monica et Tess sont témoins d'un accident de voiture dans lequel deux femmes sont légèrement blessées. Les deux anges les invitent à passer Thanksgiving avec elles dans un château des environs. Mais les deux femmes ignorent qu'elles sont liées par le même homme : l'une est sa maîtresse, l'autre sa femme...

Épisode 8 - Manny

14 décembre 1994 - 4/5

Monica et Tess sont chargées d'organiser une fête de charité et d'aider un jeune orphelin et une riche famille à découvrir ce qui manque vraiment à leurs vies...

Épisode 9 - Fear Not!

25 décembre 1994 - 4.5/5

Monica et Tess se rejoignent dans la paroisse d'une petite ville, à la veille de Noël. Elles entrent dans la vie de deux frères, dont l'un est handicapé, et tentent de les aider à combler le fossé qui les sépare...

Épisode 10 - There, but for the Grace of God

25 février 1995 - 4.5/5

La foi de Monica est mise à rude épreuve lorsqu'elle a pour mission de vivre dans la rue afin d'aider un homme qui a perdu sa femme, sa maison, et toute estime pour lui-même...

Épisode 11 - The Hero

4 mars 1995 - 4.5/5

Monica, sous les traits d'un jeune reporter, est chargée d'aider le shérif Mackey, un héros local, qui est obsédé par la réussite de son fils. A la suite d'une grave erreur, le jeune garçon préfère tenter de se suicider plutôt que d'affronter son père...

Épisode 1 - Interview with an Angel

23 septembre 1995 - 4.5/5

Monica tente de convaincre Callie Martin, un éditeur de magazines, que les anges existent. Pour illustrer sa théorie, la jeune femme lui raconte l'histoire d'un chirurgien, le docteur Patcherek...

Épisode 2 - Trust

30 septembre 1995 - 4.5/5

Blessé lors d'une fusillade, le policier Zack Bennett est psychologiquement perturbé. Incapable de refaire surface, il commence à prendre des médicaments, dont il devient rapidement dépendant. Monica, sa nouvelle coéquipière, tente de le reconcilier avec Ben, son ancien partenaire...

Épisode 3 - Sympathy for the Devil

7 octobre 1995 - 4/5

Blessé lors d'une fusillade, le policier Zack Bennett est psychologiquement perturbé. Incapable de refaire surface, il commence à prendre des médicaments, dont il devient rapidement dépendant. Monica, sa nouvelle coéquipière, tente de le reconcilier avec Ben, son ancien partenaire...

Épisode 4 - The Driver

14 octobre 1995 - 4/5

Debra Willis est une jeune reporter sans histoire. Pourtant, sa vie bascule le jour où, au volant de sa voiture, elle renverse la star de l'équipe de base-ball du lycée. Terrifiée, elle prend la fuite. Mais le poids de sa culpabilité est trop lourd à porter pour cette jeune femme. Quand elle apprend qu'elle est chargée de couvrir l'accident, elle craque. Elle avoue sa responsabilité à sa mère. Celle-ci, très autoritaire, accuse sa fille avec tant de virulence que Debra en vient à envisager le suicide comme seule échappatoire. Mais les anges veillent et Monica, transformée en productrice d'émissions télévisées, arrive à la rescousse...

Épisode 5 - Angels on the Air

21 octobre 1995 - 4/5

Sandy Latham est une animatrice de radio connue pour ses propos décapants et son obsession pour les résultats d'audience. Mais son comportement déplaît à sa fille Claire et les rapports entre l'adolescente et sa mère se dégradent. Monica est embauchée comme assistante de Sandy et doit tenter de rétablir la communication entre les deux femmes...

Épisode 6 - In the Name of God

28 octobre 1995 - 4/5

Monica et Tess sont confrontées à la violence et au racisme lorsqu'elles s'engagent comme volontaires dans un hôpital accueillant des personnes atteintes du sida...

Épisode 7 - Reunion

4 novembre 1995 - 4/5

Monica et Tess s'inscrivent dans un atelier de poésie afin d'aider Clarice Mitchell a accepter que son fils Sam vive une histoire d'amour avec Megan, une femme séropositive...

Épisode 8 - Operation Smile

11 novembre 1995 - 4.5/5

Ginger se restreint au maximum pour économiser de l'argent. Sa fille Emily, défigurée par une malformation, doit se faire opérer. Ginger tente de la protéger des moqueries des autres en la cachant. Mais tout change lorsque Monica devient la baby-sitter de la fillette...

Épisode 9 - The Big Bang

25 novembre 1995 - 4.5/5

A la suite d'un braquage, Monica se retrouve enfermée avec un banquier et une jeune femme enceinte dans le coffre-fort d'une banque. Tess découvre alors que le braqueur n'est autre que le mari de la jeune femme...

Épisode 10 - Unidentified Female

2 décembre 1995 - 4/5

Jennifer est témoin de la mort d'un jeune homme, parti à la recherche de son père disparu. Monica va la guider dans son enquête et l'aider à prendre son propre destin en main...

Épisode 11 - The Feather

16 décembre 1995 - 4.5/5

Monica aide son ami Wayne et son jeune frère handicapé à découvrir la vérité sur Charles, le troisième frère de la famille, un prêtre qui tente d'escroquer sa paroisse...

Épisode 12 - The One That Got Away

6 janvier 1996 - 4.7/5

Monica aide Andrew à affronter la femme qu'il a toujours aimée et avec qui il avait rompu à l'université. Il va découvrir la vérité à son sujet et connaître le terrible secret qu'elle gardait depuis des années...

Épisode 13 - 'Til We Meet Again

13 janvier 1996 - 4.3/5

Monica devient l'infirmière de Joe, un homme sur le point de mourir. Il doit révéler à sa fille Kim qu'il n'est pas son géniteur et qu'elle est née de la liaison qu'a eue sa mère avec l'associé de son père...

Épisode 14 - Rock 'n' Roll Dad

20 janvier 1996 - 4.3/5

Lors d'une interview, Jon Mateos, une célèbre star du rock, apprend que sa femme vient de se tuer en voiture en voulant le rejoindre au studio...

Épisode 15 - The Indigo Angel

3 février 1996 - 4.3/5

Malgré sa santé fragile, Sam Brown refuse de fermer son club de jazz, qui représente l'investissement de toute sa vie. Tess, une chanteuse talentueuse que Sam connaît sous le nom de «La Comtessa», revient et tente d'offrir à Sam ses dernières heures de gloire...

Épisode 16 - Jacob's Ladder

10 février 1996 - 4.3/5

Monica est placée dans un asile psychiatrique pour avoir révélé qu'elle était un ange. Elle y rencontre une jeune femme qui souffre de graves troubles du comportement. Monica comprend alors que sa mission dans cet asile est d'aider cette pensionnaire...

Épisode 17 - Out of the Darkness

17 février 1996 - 4.3/5

Monica a pour mission d'aider un homme qui vient de se réveiller d'un coma qui a duré cinq ans. En effet, sa femme, qui a obtenu le divorce, est sur le point de se remarier avec son ancien associé...

Épisode 18 - Lost and Found

24 février 1996 - 4.3/5

Monica et Tess se font embaucher dans une agence chargée de retrouver des enfants disparus. Elles doivent empêcher Kathleen, un ange déchu, de s'emparer de l'âme de Frank Champness, un ex-policier hanté par ses erreurs passées...

Épisode 19 - Dear God

9 mars 1996 - 4.7/5

Monica est embauchée à la poste et tente d'aider Max à retrouver sa foi en Dieu après la mort de sa famille. Elle découvre ainsi que Max répond par des missives cyniques aux enfants qui écrivent des lettres à Dieu...

Épisode 20 - Portrait of Mrs. Campbell

23 mars 1996 - 4.3/5

Monica se retrouve au milieu d'une bataille entre Marian, une femme dominatrice, et April, sa belle-fille, qui attend un enfant. La relation entre les deux femmes devient encore plus complexe lorsque Marian est hospitalisée...

Épisode 21 - The Quality of Mercy

27 avril 1996 - 4.3/5

Joel Redding, un ancien acteur de télévision devenu professeur d'art dramatique, est surpris par son fils en train d'embrasser une de ses étudiantes. Monica va aider le jeune garçon à aimer son père en dépit de son comportement volage...

Épisode 22 - Flesh and Blood

4 mai 1996 - 4.7/5

Kate Prescott est persuadée de l'innocence de son fils Thomas et le soutient tout au long du procès où il comparaît pour meurtre. Mais Kate commence à douter de son innocence lorsqu'elle découvre les bijoux de la victime dans la chambre de Thomas. Elle interroge son fils qui, choqué par les doutes de sa mère, quitte la maison. Lorsque le véritable meurtrier est arrêté, Monica tente de réconforter Kate et de lui faire comprendre qu'elle ne doit pas se sentir coupable d'avoir douté...

Épisode 23 - Birthmarks

11 mai 1996 - 4.3/5

Whit Russell, bientôt grand-père, ne comprend pas pourquoi sa belle-fille et son fils, atteint d'une maladie incurable, ont fait appel à une mère porteuse...

Épisode 24 - Statute of Limitations

18 mai 1996 - 4.3/5

Claudia n'est jamais apparue en public mais contrôle entièrement l'émission que présente sa soeur, la belle Morgan. Quand Monica découvre le secret que les deux soeurs gardent depuis la nuit de leur bal de promotion du lycée, elle va tenter de leur faire accepter les conséquences de cette tromperie...

Épisode 1 - Promised Land

15 septembre 1996 - 4.3/5

A family is down to its last dollar, traveling by trailer to a new town, hoping for a job and home. The angels try to restore the father’s faith and inspire him to help others who are down on their luck just like he has been.

Épisode 2 - A Joyful Noise

21 septembre 1996 - 4.3/5

A sweet young girl who sings like an angel claims to hear voices by angels. Her parents have her seen by a psychologist who has his own problems. Monica and Tess must help the man heal from his past in order that he can help the young girl.

Épisode 3 - Random Acts

22 septembre 1996 - 4.3/5

Monica becomes an assistant teacher to help Mike, a teacher of 20 years who is questioning his career. Two hoodlums, one a former student, kidnap the teacher so they can steal his boat.

Épisode 4 - Sins of the Father

29 septembre 1996 - 4.3/5

A teenager is in prison on death row, and does not realize his father is also in prison. The family is torn apart, and the younger child at home is about to start a life of crime. The angels must help heal the family.

Épisode 5 - Written In Dust

6 octobre 1996 - 4.3/5

Monica must help an archaeologist connect with his grandfather who is failing in health. The grandfather has been trying to help the archaeologist return to his faith.

Épisode 6 - Secret Service

13 octobre 1996 - 4.7/5

A secret service agent does well at her job, but does not know how to relax and enjoy her personal life. Monica becomes part of her team to protect a presidential candidate.

Épisode 7 - Groundrush

27 octobre 1996 - 4.7/5

A pilot of a small airplane does good deeds by flying people to hospitals, ceremonies, and more. The man is accused of murder and Monica helps him escape prison in order to prove his innocence.

Épisode 8 - The Sky Is Falling

3 novembre 1996 - 4.7/5

Monica is assigned to help Leonard, who has fears of Halloween. Monica first worked with Leonard in 1938, the day that Orson Welles broadcast his War of the Worlds radio story. Both Monica and Leonard carry dread from that day.

Épisode 9 - Something Blue

10 novembre 1996 - 4.3/5

As a woman prepares for her marriage, she has doubts about it lasting. Her father shows up for the wedding, but she has not seen him for a number of years. The angels are wedding coordinators who are to help with more than just the wedding.

Épisode 10 - Into the Light

17 novembre 1996 - 4.3/5

A man is arrested in a sting operation for bribery, but since he has a heart condition he is sentenced to community service at a hospital. Tess and Monica pose as nurses. The man sees Andrew and knows who he is, but not how to react.

Épisode 11 - Homecoming (1)

24 novembre 1996 - 4.7/5

Monica, Tess, and Andrew help a down-on-her-luck prostitute who stays drunk more than anything else. While getting cleaned up, she must confront her past which caused her to become a prostitute to begin with. Part 2 of the cross-over concludes on Promised Land S01E09.

Épisode 12 - Homecoming (2)

24 novembre 1996 - 4.3/5

(part 2) Working from different vantage points, the angels help rehabilitate Julia Fitzgerald, a drug addict who is down and out, posing as a street walker, persuades the police to round up the disheveled Julia with the other ladies. In jail, she is encouraged by the angel to enter the New Spring Halfway House administered by Tess. Though Julia wants to leave the program, her parole officer, Andrew advises her doing so will land her back behind bars since her arrest was a parole violation. Plagued by a past action she committed, the woman deserts the halfway house to rejoin her friend, Fran on the streets. But when she misses the rendezvous, Monica persuades Julia to go back. As she makes steady progress in rehab, the woman decides to make amends with the people she has offended. First on the list is Chuck, the bartender and former employer she stole from. He wants to have Julia arrested, but Andrew convinces the man to let her pay him back. She returns to the alley where she has jewelry

Épisode 12 - The Journalist

1 décembre 1996 - 4.3/5

Monica and Andrew must help an investigative reporter and the retired couple whose lives were affected by her reporting.

Épisode 13 - The Violin Lesson

22 décembre 1996 - 4.3/5

Monica must help a violin-maker finish a violin he started thirty years ago when his son was born. His son has come home to die due to AIDS, and the father must finish the violin as a tribute to his son’s life.

Épisode 14 - Forget Me Not

12 janvier 1997 - 4.7/5

A librarian’s daughter feels smothered by her mother. The mother tries to do everything for her daughter, not allowing her daughter to make her own decisions and live her own life. Monica must help the mother and daughter.

Épisode 15 - Smokescreen

19 janvier 1997 - 4.7/5

Marc is a distinguished lawyer who returns to his old neighborhood. He represents a tobacco company in a class action suit. What Mark does not know is that his mother who worked for the tobacco company has lung cancer.

Épisode 16 - Crisis of Faith

2 février 1997 - 4/5

A minister is involved in a car accident and his son dies in the other car. Now he is beginning to doubt God just when the son’s surviving friend, whom he convinced not to steal the church’s teen-center money to run away from her overbearing father, has even more need to talk to him.

Épisode 17 - Angel of Death

9 février 1997 - 4.7/5

Tess works with new angel Celeste. A magician promotes himself as the angel of death but has a terrible secret from his past that haunts him. Celeste works as the magician’s assistant.

Épisode 18 - Clipped Wings

16 février 1997 - 4.3/5

Monica is due for her angel evaluation. She runs into Kathleen, a fallen angel who tricks Monica into another meeting room. Andrew and Tess wait for Monica in the right place. The angels recall previous assignments.

Épisode 19 - Amazing Grace (1)

23 février 1997 - 4.7/5

Tess revisits the Greenes. She tells them God says Josh needs to go with Tess. Josh has to help Monica see, since she is temporarily blinded. They travel to a city filled with tension. Part 2 of the cross-over continues on Promised Land S01E17.

Épisode 20 - Labor of Love

9 mars 1997 - 4.3/5

A woman hopes to surprise her husband by flying to Paris with him, but has her own surprise when he is with another woman who is pregnant with his child. The other woman goes into labor during flight.

Épisode 21 - Amazing Grace (2)

25 février 1997 - 4.3/5

After the shooting, Mary and Dr. Hall scramble to help their friends and loved ones. She learns the 45 Mr. Kim possessed was a record, not a weapon, but both are aghast to notice her own wound from a stray bullet. Meanwhile, Tess returns to Russell and tells him Josh needs his family. The Greene's arrive and are horrified to discover he had been shot. When the surgery is over, the doctor reports that Josh will recover, though he has been blinded. Calvin and Chanice receive news that their grandmother had died. Russell is astounded to learn that Anderson, a former adversary from this time in the Navy, is the one who saved Josh. Serena rails at Michael, blaming him for the tragic events. But buoyed by Queenie's encouragement and Monica's revelation, Michael decides to stay with his new "family," feeling like he belongs for the first time in his life. Anderson, likewise inspired by Russell to regain his passion, gives a rousing eulogy at Mary's funeral, urging the community to take a stand against gang violence. Her sight restored, Monica , along with Tess and Andrew observe as the humans work together to paint graffiti-covered wall.

Épisode 21 - Have You Seen Me?

16 mars 1997 - 4.3/5

Hank sees a picture of a missing child on a milk carton and realizes it is his younger brother. Monica helps him find out he was adopted. Tess and Andrew must help the real father and the lawyer who helped place the kidnapped boy.

Épisode 22 - Last Call

30 mars 1997 - 4/5

Monica is told she can use one miracle to help someone at a bar, but as all the patrons seem to need help, she does not know how to decide which person to give it to.

Épisode 23 - Missing In Action

13 avril 1997 - 4/5

George is an old army veteran from WWII, Korea, and Vietnam, who thinks he has nothing left to live for. He has also been removed from six separate retirement homes. Monica is assigned, as an old woman, to show him the joy of living again.

Épisode 24 - At Risk

27 avril 1997 - 4.5/5

The angels try to help troubled teens that commit crimes by matching them up to disabled children.

Épisode 25 - Full Moon

4 mai 1997 - 4.5/5

A rapist who was convicted and now paroled goes to the town of the victim. She is terrified of him. The rapist visits her, asking for forgiveness. She refuses. The angels must help them and her family with the healing.

Épisode 26 - An Angel by Any Other Name

10 mai 1997 - 4.5/5

The angels are in a small town, where a group home opens their doors to children with Down’s Syndrome. The neighbor across the street finds these children disturbing.

Épisode 27 - Inherit the Wind

11 mai 1997 - 4.5/5

A father is disappointed in his son, Kevin, who parties and squanders money as a way of life. When the father dies, Kevin finds out he is cut out of the will and his inheritance. Kevin must learn to get a job and earn his own money.

Épisode 28 - A Delicate Balance

18 mai 1997 - 4.5/5

A mother spends all her time focusing on her daughter’s gymnastics career and does not notice her son feels neglected.

Épisode 1 - The Road Home (1)

21 septembre 1997 - 4.5/5

Joe Greene returns to his brother Russell’s home where his son is living. On the drive, he causes an accident that kills two people and puts a child in the hospital. He does not tell anyone. Part 2 of the cross-over concludes on Promised Land S02E01.

Épisode 2 - The Road Home (2)

21 septembre 1997 - 4.5/5

(part 2) Joe Greene, the long-lost brother of Russell returns speeding wrecklessly down the highyway as Tess, Monica and Andrew follow. When another car pulls in front of Joe, he runs the car off the road and kills a fahter and son, while saving the youngest son. Lying about the accident to the police, he is then thought to be a "good samaritan" and quickly leaves. When he runs out of gas, Andrew arrives as a hitchhiker and offers to give him gas in exchance for a ride to Chicory Creek. Once there, Andrew leaves and the car breaks down. Joe then breaks into the home of Erasmus Jones, not knowing that his family is there. Russell catches him in the kitchen, quickly saying hello by punching him in the face and the whole family is soon awake, marvelling at his return. At the hospital, the young boy injured in thewreck clings to his life while Monica acts as a hospital caseworker, comforting the mother, Mrs. Mills. She wants to meet the person who saved her son's life, and she supplies the

Épisode 2 - Great Expectations

28 septembre 1997 - 4.5/5

A couple expecting their first child have a baby shower at a café where Andrew is the temporary worker. Tess and Monica are Lamaze teachers. During a visit to the doctor, the parents learn their child has Down Syndrome.

Épisode 3 - Nothing But Net

5 octobre 1997 - 4.5/5

The angels must help a teen and a basketball player. The basketball player is an aggressive player and lives his life with anger. His fan is the teen who wants to live his life like the player.

Épisode 4 - Children of the Night

12 octobre 1997 - 4/5

The angels must help some homeless children who have banded together to be a family. They need a secure place to live and to find their faith again.

Épisode 5 - Jones vs God

19 octobre 1997 - 4.5/5

A distraught farmer in a drought-stricken community files suit against God. Tess arrives to defend, and Monica to testify. The trial teaches the farmer and everyone else in town the value of being good neighbors, and also drives home a stern lesson about the inherent folly of theodicy – an attempt to judge God by human standards.

Épisode 6 - The Pact

26 octobre 1997 - 4.5/5

At a summer camp, four teenage girls are planning to commit suicide because they are HIV-positive and feel they are going to die anyway. They come with attitudes as well. The angels must help them see life is worth living.

Épisode 7 - Sandcastles

2 novembre 1997 - 4.5/5

Monica and Rafael have a day off and go to the beach. Their vacation is cut short when they find a message in a bottle from someone asking for help.

Épisode 8 - My Dinner With Andrew

9 novembre 1997 - 4.5/5

Andrew is an eligible bachelor placed on auction to raise money for medical research. A female doctor wins the bid for Andrew, but then refuses to go on a date since she is too busy. Andrew tries to teach her to enjoy the life God gave her.

Épisode 9 - Charades

16 novembre 1997 - 4/5

Libby’s father was on the Hollywood Blacklist in the 1950s, but is now being honored. He is dead, but his best friend and Libby’s mother Vera are to accept the award. When Vera refuses, Libby finds out the truth from that time.

Épisode 10 - The Comeback

23 novembre 1997 - 4/5

Carol Burnett and her real life daughter star as a mother and daughter with acting aspirations. Monica must teach them that their luck is not from signs and omens but rather is the love from God.

Épisode 11 - Venice

7 décembre 1997 - 4.5/5

Annie is a bitter widow who is losing her eyesight. She is angry with her friends ever since her husband died years previous. The angels must help the friends talk to each other and find the truth about the husband’s death.

Épisode 12 - It Came Upon A Midnight Clear

21 décembre 1997 - 4/5

Joey breaks a special ornament for the Christmas tree. Wayne leaves the house and Joey is alone. Monica visits Joey and takes care of him, telling his a story of Christmas past.

Épisode 13 - Deconstructing Harry

4 janvier 1998 - 4/5

Tess has an assignment to take a driver’s test and help the examiner. During the test, the examiner dashes into a funeral home and steals the ashes of her married lover. Tess becomes the accomplice in the crime.

Épisode 14 - The Trigger

11 janvier 1998 - 4.3/5

Linda is graduating from law school. Her sister Holly comes for the ceremony. Holly learns her sister is being physically abused by her husband. The angels and Holly must help the husband to control his anger and Linda and the children to heal.

Épisode 15 - Doodlebugs

18 janvier 1998 - 4.7/5

A town has abandoned their churches and faith seems to have died. When a pay phone mysteriously rings with specific instructions whenever someone walks by, people start believing God is contacting them.

Épisode 16 - Redeeming Love

1 février 1998 - 4.7/5

Monica tries to help a young mother overcome her drug addition. Meanwhile, Tess must help the parents learn not to enable their daughter in her drug life. The woman has to learn to be a real mother to her child.

Épisode 17 - Flights of Angels

1 mars 1998 - 4.3/5

The angels must help a man who is dying from Lou Gehrig’s disease learn how to find peace and help his family through the ordeal.

Épisode 18 - Breaking Bread

8 mars 1998 - 4.3/5

A man is a witness to a brutal hate crime, but he is afraid to go to the police to report what he saw. The angels must help him overcome his fear in order that justice be done.

Épisode 19 - God and Country

15 mars 1998 - 4.7/5

An Army command is bitter and being difficult with his recruits. His son dies, but for him, it is worse this was the son who was an enthusiastic soldier, unlike his remaining one who hates being under his command.

Épisode 20 - How Do You Spell Faith?

29 mars 1998 - 4.3/5

Aaron is an intelligent teen who enters a spelling contest. His brother Michael is the only one who supports him as the mother gives all her attention to Michael. The father deserted them. The angels must help heal the family.

Épisode 21 - Seek and Ye Shall Find

5 avril 1998 - 4.7/5

Monica slips and falls when walking on ice. She does not remember her name or her faith. As she works with a doctor, she starts to remember and helps the doctor find his own faith.

Épisode 22 - Cry and You Cry Alone

12 avril 1998 - 4.7/5

Maury and his comedy partner split their act years ago in anger, but now are being inducted into the Hall of Fame. They try to get along to perform an act for the induction ceremony, but argue about who is the real star.

Épisode 23 - Perfect Little Angel

26 avril 1998 - 4/5

Tracy receives bad news in the mail and now is desperate to earn money. She decides to enter the local beauty pageant to win the prize money. The angels must help her with the pageant and to learn what is important.

Épisode 24 - Elijah

3 mai 1998 - 4.3/5

A man is ordered by the court to stay in his own slum apartments for two weeks. He has lost his faith and forgotten all his father taught him. Then his son is shot and no help is found in the building.

Épisode 25 - Last Dance

10 mai 1998 - 4.3/5

Two teens plan to marry after they finish high school. When the mothers meet, they recognize each other, and it opens old wounds that could tear the teenagers apart. The angels must heal the mothers’ friendship and save the teens.

Épisode 26 - The Spirit of Liberty Moon (1)

17 mai 1998 - 4.7/5

Monica is assigned to accompany a group of U.S. businesspeople to China to negotiate a merger. An employee is reluctant to go due to a secret from her past.

Épisode 27 - The Spirit of Liberty Moon (2)

17 mai 1998 - 5/5

Jean risks her life by trying to find her daughter in China.

Épisode 1 - Miles to Go Before I Sleep

20 septembre 1998 - 4.3/5

The angels tend to dying patients in the hospital, some who have lost hope and some who have faith they will get better. An elderly man who is dying asks Andrew to help another soul that is also dying.

Épisode 2 - Vengance Is Mine (aka Saving Grace: Part 1)

27 septembre 1998 - 4.3/5

After Russell Greene’s brother Joe caused the death of a father and son, the widow started to drink, neglect her living son, and send threatening letters to Joe. Joe leaves town to work on an oil rig. Part 2 of the cross-over concludes on Promised Land S03E01.

Épisode 3 - Vengeance Is Mine (2)

27 septembre 1998 - 4.3/5

(part 2) As the one year anniversary of Joe's tragic car accident approaches, the Greene family is in Springville. After seeing Joe depart for Turkey where he is intent on working, Russell is eager to get back on the road while Claire has a sense that she has work still to do in Springville. As strange letters begin to arrive for Joe, Claire volunteers to teach reading on death row at the local prison and meets Darlene, a young woman convicted of killing a man while on a drug-crazed binge. As Claire and Dinah try to help Darlene come to terms with her daughter and mother before she is executed, the angels learn that the letters to Joe have been sent by Sondra Mills, who is abusing alcohol and neglecting her son, Matthew, in the aftermath of her husbands death at Joe's hand. Tess works as an efficiency consultant at Sondra's office and tries to convince her to stop drinking and face her grief but Sandra is soon fired drinking on the job. Meanwhile, Monica is Matthew's teacher and tries to h

Épisode 3 - What Are Friends For?

4 octobre 1998 - 4.3/5

A young woman is running for mayor and her campaign places her in the lead. But then a friend of hers is being accused of sexual misconduct with a student in his classroom. Monica must help her understand what she should do.

Épisode 4 - Only Connect

11 octobre 1998 - 4.3/5

A young boy on a baseball team befriends Ferdie, who helps out on the team. Ferdie is autistic, and none of the other players seem to accept him. Cameron’s father is the coach who has problems at home. Ferdie must help mend the family.

Épisode 5 - The Lady of the Lake

18 octobre 1998 - 4.7/5

Monica owns a bait store near a town’s lake, in which the fish are dying and the town’s residents are listless about the future of their town. A land developer wants Monica’s land to plow everything under, but she helps the town heal.

Épisode 6 - Beautiful Dreamer

25 octobre 1998 - 4.7/5

Tess becomes a teacher at a school in Washington D.C. with young children. One child turns in an essay about wanting to be a hit man when he grows up. Tess tells a story about Abraham Lincoln to the students, giving them insight into life.

Épisode 7 - I Do

1 novembre 1998 - 4.7/5

Stephanie and Michael plan to elope but his mother has them prepare to marry so she can plan it. When they get into an accident, Michael is seriously injured. His mother wants him off life support, but Stephanie has faith that God has other plans.

Épisode 8 - The Wind Beneath Our Wings

8 novembre 1998 - 4.3/5

A judicial judge is confident in her profession, but depends on her mother for everything else. Her mother is only too eager to help. Monica and Tess must help them see they have much more to live for than just each other.

Épisode 9 - Psalm 151

15 novembre 1998 - 4.7/5

It is Monica’s 100th case, and not an easy one. She must help a young child fulfill his list of last wishes before he dies. One of his wishes is for his mother to finish a song she had started when he was born.

Épisode 10 - The Peacemaker

22 novembre 1998 - 5/5

A bickering couple, grieving over the murder of their teen son, discover what his last act produced.

Épisode 11 - An Angel on the Roof

13 décembre 1998 - 4.3/5

A young pregnant Mexican woman delivers her baby in a cheap motel while running from immigration authorities.

Épisode 12 - Fool For Love

3 janvier 1999 - 4.7/5

A lawyer tells Monica about her troubled past and a lost baby. Her past has caught up with her current life. Tess listens to a man who has work problems and feels there is nothing left in life.

Épisode 13 - The Medium and the Message

10 janvier 1999 - 4.7/5

Monica has an assignment that should take just a minute. The president of a television network wants to produce a show about angels, but sometimes forgets in his quest to be the number one network. Monica must get him to follow his heart.

Épisode 14 - My Brother's Keeper

7 février 1999 - 4.7/5

Will and Jett are raised together by Will’s father and compete in skiing. The father favors Jett as he is the better skier. When Jett becomes a paraplegic in an accident, the father blames Will. Jett does not want to live.

Épisode 15 - On Edge

14 février 1999 - 4.7/5

A con-artist father involves his daughter in his crimes. She wants to be a figure skater and put down roots in the town they’ve just arrived in to skate. When the father gets caught, his daughter confesses.

Épisode 16 - The Man Upstairs

21 février 1999 - 4.7/5

A salesman is in Las Vegas to renew an insurance policy with a gambling hotel. Desperate for money for his ailing wife, he gambles all the money he has while waiting for the policy renewal. He ends up selling his soul to the devil.

Épisode 17 - Family Business

28 février 1999 - 4.5/5

Ben owns a car dealership which is run by his family, except for Buddy. Ben tries to control all aspects of the family, but Buddy wanted to be his own individual. After five years, Buddy returns. His father must learns to accept Buddy’s choices.

Épisode 18 - Anatomy Lesson

7 mars 1999 - 4.5/5

After a little girl falls in an abandoned airshaft, a man dies of a heart attack while running to get help. Monica must help the coroner do an autopsy to discover what he was doing when he died to save the little girl.

Épisode 19 - Jagged Edges

28 mars 1999 - 4.5/5

Andrew helps a man who will die of a heart attack. As he dies, he asks Andrew to give a box to his comedian daughter. The daughter returns home to bad memories, and finds a secret about her dead mother in the box.

Épisode 20 - Into the Fire

4 avril 1999 - 4/5

After a woman is fired for hollering at a telemarketing customer on the telephone, Monica temporarily joins a cult with her. Tess gives a required assignment to Monica about exposing the cult’s leader as a sinister fraud before his followers self-destruct as their final fate.

Épisode 21 - Made in the U.S.A.

11 avril 1999 - 4.5/5

Nick Stratton is a former Vietnam veteran managing a clothing factory staffed by refugees. His personal problems are exaggerated when the IRS starts chasing him for back taxes. The angels get involved when he starts mistreating his employees.

Épisode 22 - Full Circle

25 avril 1999 - 4/5

Monica returns to a woman named Kate who has more problems than the previous time. Kate is in danger of losing her house, and has not seen her son in seven years. Her son returns, and has his own child. Kate still has problems.

Épisode 23 - Black Like Monica

2 mai 1999 - 4/5

Monica is assigned to a town troubled by racial violence – and changed into a black mortal woman.

Épisode 24 - Fighting the Good Fight

9 mai 1999 - 5/5

Two boys stay with their uncle since their mother is in jail. The eleven year old is picked on by his brother and other older kids. He takes up boxing to defend himself.

Épisode 25 - Hearts

16 mai 1999 - 4.5/5

A teenager needs a heart transplant. Her doctor has a daughter who is a friend of the teen. A heart becomes available when a woman falls and has brain damage. The angels must heal the husband and the doctor’s relationship with her daughter.

Épisode 26 - Godspeed

23 mai 1999 - 4.5/5

The angels must help a woman astronaut find her faith after her mother’s death. She goes on a space mission and while working outside the shuttle, her tether cable becomes loose. She is unable to contact the team inside the shuttle.

Épisode 1 - Such a Time as This

26 septembre 1999 - 4.7/5

A US senator is called upon to bring to light the suffering of the people of Sudan in the illegal slave trade. Initially the senator (married to a political cynic) refuses but, nudged by her son, it soon changes.

Épisode 2 - The Compass

3 octobre 1999 - 4.3/5

Set during World War II, 5 US troopers are caught behind enemy lines. As each one dies they leave letters, that is, all except one.

Épisode 3 - The Last Day of the Rest of Your Life

10 octobre 1999 - 4.7/5

A support group for terminally ill people try to prepare themselves for their own death. Monica leads the group and helps each of them recognize what they want to do to fulfill their final wishes.

Épisode 4 - The Letter

17 octobre 1999 - 4.3/5

A migrant family follows the crops. Tino has a musical gift and Tess helps him use his voice in the local church and submit for a musical scholarship. The father hurts his back and needs Tino in the fields. The angels must help them.

Épisode 5 - Til Death Do Us Part

24 octobre 1999 - 4.3/5

Molly plans a surprise party for her husband when she learns she may have cancer. Andrew is a worker on their farm and tells Molly to tell her husband. Andrew learns he is not there for Molly as there is another tragedy about to happen.

Épisode 6 - The Occupant

31 octobre 1999 - 4.7/5

Lonnie is a homeless man who is taken the hospital ER because he is suicidal. Lonnie’s friend, Duncan is the doctor. Another personality is trying to take Lonnie’s soul. The angels and Duncan must help heal Lonnie.

Épisode 7 - Voice of an Angel

14 novembre 1999 - 4.7/5

A member of an inner-city choir is more concerned with her solo entry in a competition than the group’s performance.

Épisode 8 - The Whole Truth And Nothing But...

21 novembre 1999 - 4.3/5

The angels must help a newspaper reporter remember her original ideals in finding and reporting the news.

Épisode 9 - Then Sings My Soul

28 novembre 1999 - 4.3/5

Uncle Dudley owned a taffy store, and had a television show for the children. When he died, his son inherited the business but it is losing money. The angels must show him how much the people love his store and the memory of his father.

Épisode 10 - The Christmas Gift

12 décembre 1999 - 4.3/5

Robert wants to visit his mother, and his wife reluctantly agrees even though she does not like the old neighborhood. As days pass, the mother calls Robert to help her, and he is killed in transit. The two women are angry at each other.

Épisode 11 - Millennium

2 janvier 2000 - 4.3/5

At a holiday party Nick proposes to Angela but she fears commitment. Angela talks to Andrew about her father, the reason for her fear, and the time capsule they built. She agrees to open the capsule and then finds the truth about her father

Épisode 12 - With God As My Witness

9 janvier 2000 - 4.3/5

A construction worker is fired because he spoke out about the shortcuts being taken on a building being built. Desperate for a job, he becomes a chauffeur and finds the clients are gangsters. That’s when his whole world turns upside down.

Épisode 13 - A House Divided

23 janvier 2000 - 4.7/5

A boy’s parents are divorced and bickering. The boy feels torn and he wants to divorce his parents.

Épisode 14 - Buy Me a Rose

6 février 2000 - 4.3/5

A successful business man has time for his work but not for his wife. When he is unavailable for their 20th wedding anniversary, the wife connects with a former boyfriend.

Épisode 15 - Life Before Death

13 février 2000 - 4.7/5

Monica works with a group of teenagers from Ireland for a missionary program in the United States. They are to restore an old home and must work in harmony. Two teens are Catholic; two are Protestants.

Épisode 16 - A Perfect Game

20 février 2000 - 4.3/5

When thought to have been rejected by him, a woman sets up a perfect bowling game so she can have the satisfaction of shattering his joy.

Épisode 17 - Here I Am

27 février 2000 - 4.3/5

A Vietnam veteran, an artist, and a dying mother all come together for the security guard’s final day at an art museum. Haunted by a painting and his past, the veteran must come to terms with a tragic Christmas day.

Épisode 18 - Bar Mitzvah

12 mars 2000 - 4.3/5

An elderly man no longer believes in God. When he finds out his devout son is dying from a brain tumor, he must find his own faith again.

Épisode 19 - True Confessions

19 mars 2000 - 4.3/5

Monica and Tess enter a woman’s prison to help a woman who thinks she was wrongly convicted of killing a man. Monica helps stage a play in prison to get the women to open up. Andrew must help the father of that man come to forgive the woman.

Épisode 20 - Quality Time

2 avril 2000 - 4.3/5

The angels must help a teenager whose family lives on a time-line for every activity. The teen is diagnosed with diabetes and it interrupts her athletic schedule and the parents’ life as they try to open a new restaurant.

Épisode 21 - Living the Rest of My Life

9 avril 2000 - 4.3/5

A grown man is too attached to his mother to let her live her own life and have her own money. Monica and Tess comes to see Abby for a clothing donation and gets her to visit the senior home. Abby moves there, and her son tries to get her to come back home.

Épisode 22 - Stealing Hope

23 avril 2000 - 4.7/5

Ricky is a gas station attendant who just lost his job since the station is closing. Monica goes to help with the closing inventory of items, and to convince him that a door closing opens another door and that he needs to pursue his poetry.

Épisode 23 - Monica's Bad Day

30 avril 2000 - 4.8/5

While learning to parallel park, Monica bumps into a man who walks in front of the car. While not hurt, he is rude to her. Monica is upset and it seems to affect her whole day regardless of how she tries to make it up to him.

Épisode 24 - Send in the Clowns

7 mai 2000 - 4.3/5

Monica, Tess, and Andrew attend a circus to help a young boy who has been in the circus all his life. His father is a dwarf who is the circus clown. Both have trouble accepting the father’s height.

Épisode 25 - Mother's Day

14 mai 2000 - 4.7/5

Monica, Tess and Andrew return to see Audrey Carmichael, now an alcoholic and still angry over her son’s death. Emma, another angel, shows up to assist, and Andrew later gets in touch with a woman who may have a connection to Audrey.

Épisode 26 - Pandora's Box

21 mai 2000 - 4.7/5

With a new computer in the house, a young daughter accidentally clicks a link to a porn site. When the father takes control to change the site, he becomes interested in online porn and it starts to affect his home and work life.

Épisode 1 - The Face on the Barroom Floor

15 octobre 2000 - 4/5

The angels must help a father who wants to disinherit his son since the son is only interested in the social life.

Épisode 2 - Legacy

22 octobre 2000 - 4.3/5

A father pressures his college-bound son to join the same fraternity he joined when he was in college. The fraternity practices dangerous hazing. The angels must show the son that he has to follow his own life.

Épisode 3 - The Invitation

29 octobre 2000 - 4.3/5

It’s Halloween, and a young couple is having a party. There are spooks around, and Satan comes to the party. The angels must protect the man and his pregnant wife.

Épisode 4 - Restoration

5 novembre 2000 - 4.3/5

A young film student has trouble interviewing a 102-year-old film director who is ready to die. Andrew tells him he must stay on earth a little longer to help the student.

Épisode 5 - Finger of God

12 novembre 2000 - 4.3/5

A storm chaser is excited when there are storms and tornadoes predicted in the area because he hopes it will save his job.

Épisode 6 - The Empty Chair

19 novembre 2000 - 4/5

A TV couple find their lives and relationship deteriorating, leading them to face a wrong decision in their past.

Épisode 7 - God Bless the Child

26 novembre 2000 - 4.7/5

A teen is about to throw away her ambitions of music and education by starting to use drugs. The angels use her love of music to tell her the story of Billie Holiday’s tragic life in hopes of helping the teen follow her dream without drugs.

Épisode 8 - Reasonable Doubt

3 décembre 2000 - 4.3/5

Monica serves on jury duty and is the lone person who thinks the accused is not guilty.

Épisode 9 - The Grudge

10 décembre 2000 - 4.3/5

Andrew is a judge, Monica and Tess are sentenced to community service. They work with two arguing people who once were in love years ago, but forbidden to marry. Can the angels heal their feud and help them find their love again?

Épisode 10 - An Angel on My Tree

17 décembre 2000 - 4.7/5

The family of a convicted murderer face a bleak Christmas in a town which blames them.

Épisode 11 - Mi Familia

7 janvier 2001 - 4.3/5

Two teenagers want to marry since they’ve had a child, but the girl’s father forbids it because the boy is a gang member. He has to choose whether to remain in the gang or start taking a direct role in the family. And when he tries to prove himself with one last job for the gang, it endangers them all.

Épisode 12 - The Lord Moves in Mysterious Ways

21 janvier 2001 - 4.7/5

Tess is late to her own party because she stops to help a snobby woman who lost her father as a child. A quirky angel reveals a secret.

Épisode 13 - A Death in the Family

4 février 2001 - 4.3/5

An officer’s accidental shot at a young African-American boy is taken as prejudice.

Épisode 14 - Bringer of Light

11 février 2001 - 4.7/5

Andrew is a teacher who shows his students the stars and the mighty universe. A teenager believes in God and the universe and wants her mother who is dying of cancer to believe.

Épisode 15 - Thief of Hearts

18 février 2001 - 4.7/5

Alice is a bitter woman who owns a small store in the lobby of a building. A young boy, Cory, steals a special locket from the store. The angels must help find the homeless boy and locket, and find a way to make Alice and Cory a family.

Épisode 16 - Winners, Losers & Leftovers

25 février 2001 - 4.7/5

A father struggles with the choice he must make between his job and his son with Downs Syndrome.

Épisode 17 - I Am an Angel

11 mars 2001 - 4.7/5

A conceited actor who plays an angel on television resists a very young, obsessed fan who is coping with his mother’s death.

Épisode 18 - Visions of Thy Father

18 mars 2001 - 4.7/5

Jason is a teenager who looks up to his ophthalmologist father. Since Jason wants to be a photojournalist, the angels give him a chance to do a photo story on his father. In his photo quest, Jason finds out his father is having an affair.

Épisode 19 - The Penalty Box

8 avril 2001 - 4.7/5

A rich teenager whose life is laid out for him, is set up when his father has to declare bankruptcy. His plans for Harvard and hockey seem lost when he has to go to a local school with a mediocre hockey team.

Épisode 20 - Band of Angels

15 avril 2001 - 4.7/5

After killing his elderly friend, a troubled teen is imprisoned and eventually starts a group of singers that also just happen to be delinquents like himself.

Épisode 21 - The Sign of the Dove

22 avril 2001 - 5/5

Andrew rebels when another angel of death is assigned to a descendant of a long line of people that has previously been his responsibility. Includes many flashbacks to the deaths of people that Andrew has been assigned to.

Épisode 22 - The Face of God

29 avril 2001 - 4/5

Monica must try to convince a scientist that creating life from a test tube is not what God intends. The woman is trying to create a child for a Nobel prize, and then realizes she is trying to create someone to love.

Épisode 23 - Netherlands

6 mai 2001 - 4.7/5

Monica’s faith is challenged by Satan himself after she witnesses a tragic incident.

Épisode 24 - Shallow Water (1)

13 mai 2001 - 4.3/5

Monica is assigned to help a former member of a gospel choir, who has retreated from reality following a tragedy.

Épisode 25 - Shallow Water (2)

20 mai 2001 - 4.3/5

Monica has found J.D. Winslow, but he’s not the Jed that Diana desperately wants to come to her planned family reunion. Will Diana’s faith give her the strength to face the truth?

Épisode 1 - Holy of Holies

29 septembre 2001 - 4.7/5

Monica, Tess and Andrew help train their newest angel, Gloria. Their assignment is to help a college professor in his quest for the Ark of the Covenant.

Épisode 2 - The Perfect Game

6 octobre 2001 - 4.3/5

A father tries to control his son’s life and is obsessed with his baseball performance. The angels must help heal the father and son relationship by showing the father that he must first heal the relationship he has with his own father.

Épisode 3 - The Birthday Present

13 octobre 2001 - 4.7/5

Young children are beaten and abused by their drunken father. The angels must help a mailman who wants to help the children.

Épisode 4 - Manhunt

20 octobre 2001 - 4.3/5

Tess and the other angels return to a small town to help a woman who is lonely after her boyfriend leaves her. The bartenders in the town remember Tess and decide to help the angels play matchmaker with the woman and a delivery man.

Épisode 5 - Chutzpah

27 octobre 2001 - 4.3/5

With memories of her Jewish father’s discrimination against women, Rachel releases her fury by publishing comic strips which make fun of her father and his religion.

Épisode 6 - Famous Last Words

3 novembre 2001 - 4/5

After discovering a heartbreaking secret about his mother, a man discovers his last chance to repent before being executed for killing his abusive stepfather.

Épisode 7 - Most Likely To Succeed

10 novembre 2001 - 4.7/5

After a long life of hatred towards the football player who stole the girl he loved, Dennis decides to get his revenge at their high school reunion.

Épisode 8 - Heaven's Portal

24 novembre 2001 - 4.7/5

A rebellious teen convinces Gloria to go to a rave with him where they both end up getting high.

Épisode 9 - When Sunny Gets Blue

1 décembre 2001 - 4.7/5

A young man tries to help his mentally ill father, in rebellion against his mother’s apparent indifference.

Épisode 10 - Angels Anonymous

15 décembre 2001 - 4.7/5

The angels attempt to change the lives of the individuals in a long-lost group of friends. Their influences on these people cause them all to end up unexpectedly at the same Polynesian restaurant, where they are surprised to see one another after all of the years that have passed.

Épisode 11 - A Winter Carol

16 décembre 2001 - 4.7/5

A man who died on 9-11-2001 in the twin towers was a music teacher. His death affects one of his students and his family. The student is depressed, his older brother wants to join the army, and their mayor mother has to help the town.

Épisode 12 - The Last Chapter

12 janvier 2002 - 4.3/5

A mortally ill journalist resists finishing her autobiography because, to be honest, she will have to record her own encounter with an angel.

Épisode 13 - Ship-In-A-Bottle

26 janvier 2002 - 4.3/5

A widowed father with two children has to deal with one daughter having sickle cell anemia. When the daughter gets seriously sick and the local doctor is not available, his daughter dies while he tries to find help.

Épisode 14 - The Blue Angel

2 février 2002 - 4/5

Max and Elmer are long-time friends. Max is slowly dying due to smoking cigarettes for many years. Elmer tries to get him to stop, but he will not listen. After Monica, Tess, and Andrew fail to get him to stop, Gloria offers to help.

Épisode 15 - Secrets and Lies

2 mars 2002 - 4.3/5

A father whose daughter has leukemia must ask his ex-mistress to allow their son to be a bone marrow daughter. Since his ex-mistress refuses, the angels must find a way to help.

Épisode 16 - The Princeless Bride

9 mars 2002 - 4.3/5

Liz’s fiancée Jonas runs away after having a fight with her, causing Liz to reach out to the less fortunate instead of crying for her own loss.

Épisode 17 - Hello, I Love You

6 avril 2002 - 4.7/5

A young girl in search of the father she has never known is guided to several possibilities.

Épisode 18 - Minute by Minute

13 avril 2002 - 4.7/5

A nun with a dark past tries to stop two boys from blowing up a high school.

Épisode 19 - The Bells of St. Peter's

4 mai 2002 - 4.3/5

Maggie and Brian are busy doctors. Maggie finds it hard to stop working, while Brian wants time off together. Maggie’s mother Rose wants to go to Rome but cannot go alone due to health. Can she convince Maggie and Brian to go with her?

Épisode 20 - The Impossible Dream

4 mai 2002 - 4.3/5

A man with a beautiful voice is encouraged to sing for the first time in twenty-five years.

Épisode 21 - For All The Tea in China

5 mai 2002 - 4.7/5

An old British woman is forced to reveal the secrets of her painful past after undergoing a failed background check in order for her grandson to adopt a baby from China.

Épisode 22 - Forever Young

11 mai 2002 - 4.7/5

A motivational speaker helps other to move forward and achieve, but he and his wife have their own problems of moving forward since their daughter’s murder.

Épisode 1 - A Rock and a Hard Place

28 septembre 2002 - 4.3/5

The angels help out a father and son who are having a hard time bonding, and an elderly woman who wants to die so that she may once again be with her husband. Unfortunately, this all is happening at the same time as a potential meteor collision with Earth is headed their way.

Épisode 2 - The Sixteenth Minute

5 octobre 2002 - 4.3/5

Ed is an underpaid businessman, who one day, on his way home from work, just happens to discover a dancer, Marla, trapped in an abandoned mine.

Épisode 3 - Two Sides to Every Angel

12 octobre 2002 - 4.3/5

Gloria is duped by a demon pretending to be Monica.

Épisode 4 - The Word

19 octobre 2002 - 4.3/5

A girl with OCD is threatened to be placed in foster care after her illiterate father gives her an overdose of her medication.

Épisode 5 - A Feather on the Breath of God

26 octobre 2002 - 4.3/5

A woman with a young child begins to work at a funeral home to earn money to pay for her own funeral. Unbeknownst to the funeral director, they are father and daughter.

Épisode 6 - Jump!

2 novembre 2002 - 4/5

Monica becomes a radio assistant to a crude talk show DJ. One of his callers is a depressed young boy who is on verge of committing suicide. The boy calls into radio show for help. The angels must save the boy and the DJ.

Épisode 7 - Bring On The Rain

9 novembre 2002 - 4.3/5

Monica meets a girl who doesn’t want anyone to know she lives on a trailer park with her mother.

Épisode 8 - Remembering Me (1)

16 novembre 2002 - 4/5

Monica tries to carry on when Tess is placed in a nursing home with severe Alzheimer’s.

Épisode 9 - Remembering Me (2)

23 novembre 2002 - 4.7/5

Monica’s pain at witnessing Tess’ helplessness handicaps her both in her assignment and in trying to help Tess.

Épisode 10 - The Christmas Watch

21 décembre 2002 - 4.7/5

The angels must help the family of a World Trade Center victim to adjust to their loss.

Épisode 11 - Private Eyes

11 janvier 2003 - 4.3/5

A private eye helps a young girl earn money to stay off the street, by taking pictures of married men wanting to have sex with her. The angels must help him find his true path and help the young girl reunite with her family.

Épisode 12 - The Root of All Evil

25 janvier 2003 - 4/5

A man confesses to a priest that he is part of a group that is going to rob a bank. The priest tries to find a way to stop the crime without betraying the confessional vows. Two angels of death are there to help Tess and Gloria.

Épisode 13 - A Time for Every Purpose

1 février 2003 - 4.3/5

A gravely ill man needs home care. The angels talk to his estranged brother, trying to convince him that his help is needed.

Épisode 14 - And A Nightingale Sang

8 février 2003 - 4.3/5

It’s Valentine’s Day, and business at the restaurant business is slow because of a winter storm. The angels must help one couple fall in love, and Andrew is there because one elderly person will die.

Épisode 15 - As It Is In Heaven

15 février 2003 - 4.3/5

Monica goes to driving school. The teacher’s son is her assignment. Jesse teaches school in an underprivileged area; one student’s father sells drugs and tries to sell them at the school. The angels must help Jesse, his mother, and the student.

Épisode 16 - Song For My Father

22 février 2003 - 4.3/5

A talented teen sings in the choir and a band, but also smokes. She is diagnosed with throat cancer. She is told her vocal cords need to be removed.

Épisode 17 - The Good Earth

1 mars 2003 - 4.3/5

The angels must help an inventor of an energy-saving converter meet the owner of an oil company who is dying.

Épisode 18 - Virtual Reality

15 mars 2003 - 4.3/5

Josh was in his aunt’s car when his cousin Victor ran over Marissa Atkins. The angels each have a part in the trial to determine if it was attempted murder, with Josh as a witness for his cousin. Josh perjures himself as Marissa comes in to testify.

Épisode 19 - The Show Must Not Go On

12 avril 2003 - 4.3/5

A group of actors is obsessed with staging a show to revive an old theater.

Épisode 20 - At The End Of The Aisle

19 avril 2003 - 4.7/5

Monica, Tess and Andrew are invited to the wedding of Audrey, someone they helped before when Audrey’s son was dying. Gloria is at the wedding for an assignment to help Audrey make the right decision about getting married.

Épisode 21 - I Will Walk With You (1)

26 avril 2003 - 4.8/5

Monica is up for promotion. The angels are being interviewed to see if she is ready. She’s sent to a town needing help. An explosion at school killed the students and teachers. It leaves the town in a shadow of grief, blaming an unknown man.

Épisode 22 - I Will Walk With You (2)

27 avril 2003 - 5/5

Monica must overcome her revulsion at the person accused of killing schoolchildren in order to complete her assignment.


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