Kim Possible
Année : 2002
Nombre de saisons : 4
Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 25 minutes
Genre(s) : Action, Aventure, Animation, Enfant, Comédie
Kim Possible (Kimberley Ann Possible) est une jeune aventurière de quatorze ans qui doit mener de front sa vie d'adolescente et les méchants qui veulent conquérir le monde sans mener une double vie. Elle est accompagnée de son ami Robin Trépide, et dispose d'un soutien technique en la personne de Wallace, un génie informatique qui vit reclus et qui n'intervient (sauf circonstances exceptionnelles) que par vidéo interposée. Robin, est également accompagné d'un taupinet tondu du nom de Rufus, capable d'articuler quelques mots.
Saison 1
Saison 2
Saison 3
Saison 4
Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !
Épisode 1 - Crush
7 juin 2002 - 4.1/5
Kim tries to get the confidence to take a boy to an upcoming dance at her school, while Kim's archenemy, Drakken begins his next destructive plan.
Épisode 2 - Sink or Swim
7 juin 2002 - 3.9/5
On their way to a cheer competition, Ron and the cheer squad get stranded, but Ron soon realizes that the whole thing could be a set up from an old enemy.
Épisode 3 - The New Ron
7 juin 2002 - 3.9/5
Kim accidently turns Ron into a selfish jerk with a new haircut, all while two new villians begin their new evil hobby.
Épisode 4 - Tick-Tick-Tick
14 juin 2002 - 4/5
When Kim is tardy when going to class, she is sentenced to detention. Meanwhile, Drakken and Shego start their next evil plan.
Épisode 5 - Downhill
21 juin 2002 - 4/5
When Kim's parents chaperone a school ski trip, she is greatly humiliated. Meanwhile, a mad geneticist threatens the trip.
Épisode 6 - Bueno Nacho
28 juin 2002 - 4.1/5
Kim takes a job at Bueno nacho to pay for a fashionable jacket, convincing the reluctant Ron to keep her company by applying for him too. As Ron's career kicks off and he becomes assistant manager, the evil Dr. Drakken plots to destroy Wisconsin from inside a giant wheel of cheese, capturing Kim in the process. In order to save her, Ron must choose between his career or duty as sidekick.
Épisode 7 - Number One
12 juillet 2002 - 3.9/5
Kim tries to defend her position of head of the cheer squad while she works with a high-strung agent of Global Justice.
Épisode 8 - Mind Games
19 juillet 2002 - 4.1/5
When Kim and Ron go to stop Drakken's latest plot, they accidentily get their brains switched between their bodies. Now they must stop Drakken's plans, and deal with each others lives.
Épisode 9 - Attack of the Killer Bebes
2 août 2002 - 4.1/5
Ron decides to join the cheer squad, which angers Kim. Meanwhile, the country's top scientists begin to disappear, and Kim's dad appears to be the next target.
Épisode 10 - Royal Pain
16 août 2002 - 4/5
Kim is forced by Ron to join the race for class president, but when they bring home a spoiled Prince who is in danger, he runs against Kim.
Épisode 11 - Coach Possible
23 août 2002 - 3.9/5
Kim reluctantly takes on the coaching of Jim and Tim's soccer team, and is quickly overcome with competitive spirit. At the same time, Señor Senior, Sr. has similar issues coaching his son through his first "evil scheme."
Épisode 12 - Pain King vs. Cleopatra
6 septembre 2002 - 3.9/5
When a recent string of museum thefts appear to be tied to Ron’s favorite wrestling stars, Kim and Ron must work together in hopes of figuring out the truth and to put an end to the thefts.
Épisode 13 - Monkey Fist Strikes
13 septembre 2002 - 4/5
Kim and Ron visit a strange man by the name of Lord Monty Fiske, however, they soon realize that there is more to him. Meanwhile, Kim's geeky cousin comes to Middleton.
Épisode 14 - October 31st
11 octobre 2002 - 4.1/5
Kim retrieves a ring-like object from a trade, but she soon learns that it is not actually a ring. Meanwhile, Kim wants to go to a party, but Ron wants her to go with him, and her parents with them.
Épisode 15 - All the News
1 novembre 2002 - 4.1/5
When Kim and Ron accidentally show that a stunt show is all staged, the host wants revenge. Meanwhile, the entire school thinks Kim likes Brick Flagg.
Épisode 16 - Kimitation Nation
15 novembre 2002 - 4.1/5
Kim's mission look is stolen when she tries to stop Drakken, and now the entire world looks like her. This inspires Drakken's next plot that involves clones after Shego quits.
Épisode 17 - The Twin Factor
27 décembre 2002 - 4.1/5
Kim takes on a mission, but she must take the Tweebs along since she promised she would baby-sit them, while Drakken begins a scheme with mind control.
Épisode 18 - Animal Attraction
10 janvier 2003 - 4/5
When Animology sweeps over the school, Kim tries to avoid it, but she gives into the fad. Meanwhile, the Seniors start their most dangerous plot to date.
Épisode 19 - Monkey Ninjas in Space
7 mars 2003 - 4.1/5
Kim is forced by her dad to join a club for small children that he leads, much to her dismay. Meanwhile, Monkey Fist plans to steal a very special monkey to fulfill a prophecy.
Épisode 20 - Ron the Man
25 avril 2003 - 4.1/5
Ron overreacts to the fact that his rabbi forgot to sign his Bar Mitzvah certificate and believes that this means he is not technically a man yet, but Kim tells him that he is. Meanwhile, Kim and Ron must stop a villain from stealing a special ring.
Épisode 21 - Low Budget
16 mai 2003 - 4.1/5
Kim ruins her clothes during a mission, and now must buy from Smarty Mart. Meanwhile, budget conscious villain Frugal Lucre attempts to take over the internet.
Épisode 1 - Naked Genius
18 juillet 2003 - 4.1/5
Drakken kidnaps Ron when he believes he is a super genius because Ron’s schoolwork has recently been completed by a brain ray-enhanced Rufus; while Dr. Drakken attempts to figure out the source of Ron’s knowledge, it’s up to Kim and Rufus to help rescue him and foil Drakken’s scheme.
Épisode 2 - Grudge Match
25 juillet 2003 - 4.2/5
Ron tries to make his move on new girl, Zita Flores, while Kim investigates a missing super robot in the underground world of robot pit fighting.
Épisode 3 - Two to Tutor
1 août 2003 - 4/5
When Señor Senior Sr. becomes disappointed in the way his son’s villainy is handled, he decides to hire a tutor to ensure his son’s success; which turns out to be Shego. Meanwhile, a hopeless Kim is stuck on Home Economics with Ron but when Ron becomes an expert chef while Kim can’t cook a single thing, Ron is chosen to help Kim out. Can Kim overcome her predicament or is this one sitch that she cannot escape from?
Épisode 4 - The Ron Factor
8 août 2003 - 4.2/5
When Dr. Director at Global Justice decides that it's the "Ron-ness" that's Kim's secret to success, Ron goes under the microscope. Unfortunately, this means being stolen by the lackey-intolerant Gemini, Dr. Director's older twin. Global Justice, Kim, and Rufus take on Gemini's fist of fury (and Pepe the neurotic Chihuahua) to recover the Ron Factor.
Épisode 5 - Car Trouble
15 août 2003 - 4/5
Kim and Ron are taking Drivers Ed, which most of the students are nervous but Kim remains confident that she’ll do a good job. However, when she chokes up and fails the initial test, she soon learns that the pressure of the test is far greater than any foe she has fought. Meanwhile, Dr. Drakken has kidnapped a scientist who specializes in artificial intelligence, Kim gets a visit from an unexpected guest that may be able to help her out.
Épisode 6 - Rufus in Show
22 août 2003 - 4/5
When a diamond is stolen, all the signs indicate that a Lithuanian Wolfhound breeder named Falsetto Jones is the thief. Kim and Ron enter Rufus into a dog show as a Peruvian Hairless in hopes of confronting Falsetto and getting the diamond back, though will Rufus actually be able to play the part?
Épisode 7 - Adventures in Rufus-Sitting
22 août 2003 - 4.1/5
Kim's canon of villainous foes go hunting for Naked Mole Rat when Rufus becomes the carrier of a much-coveted micro-decoder … all while Kim is pet-sitting for Ron.
Épisode 8 - Job Unfair
29 août 2003 - 4/5
It’s career day and Kim expects to be paired up with her mother. However, when Bonnie gets teamed up with her instead, Kim gets stuck with a janitor who seems too dedicated to his job. Meanwhile, Ron gets paired with a secret agent and gets a plethora of unique gadgets to try out. However, with Dr. Drakken stealing a weather machine so he can flood Canada, Kim may just realize that her mentor may be more useful than she first thought.
Épisode 9 - The Golden Years
5 septembre 2003 - 4.1/5
Kim, Ron and the Possible family head to Florida to help Kim's grandmother unpack at her new home. Can Kim fight against her grandmother's over-protectiveness? Meanwhile, Drakken and Shego accidentally create an army of old people instead of teens, and Kim's Nana is one of them. Can Kim fight her own Nana?
Épisode 10 - Vir-Tu-Ron
12 septembre 2003 - 4.1/5
Ron is sucked into the cyber game world of Everlot as he attempts to impress Zita. The whole gang duels Malcolm the Wraithmaster LotR-style, with a little help from a not-so-naked Tunnel Lord.
Épisode 11 - The Fearless Ferret
3 octobre 2003 - 4.1/5
When Ron is volunteering to help the elderly by doing tasks for them, Ron is assigned to the house of Timothy North, an elderly man who has sent all volunteers away. However, Ron stumbles across the fact that Timothy North is really The Fearless Ferret, an old superhero who Ron adores; in which Ron is selected to become the new Fearless Ferret but he must keep his identity a secret, even from Kim. Though when The White Stripe comes to fight the new Fearless Ferret, Ron discovers it’s more difficult than he expected; while Kim is busy trying to figure out why Ron is behaving strangely.
Épisode 12 - Exchange
7 novembre 2003 - 4/5
When Middleton High School participates in a student exchange program, Ron is selected to go to a school in Japan while a student named Hirotaka is chosen to come to Middleton. Ron finds out that the school he was assigned to visit is a secret ninja school while Kim and Monique eventually start crushing on Hirotaka. However, when Lord Monkey Fist steals the Lotus Blade from Ron’s sensei, it’s up to Ron to save the day; though without Kim’s help.
Épisode 13 - Rufus vs. Commodore Puddles
14 novembre 2003 - 4/5
Kim and Ron head out to stop Dr. Drakken from performing his latest evil scheme, one which involves a shrinking ray and Area 51. However, when the shrinking ray malfunctions and hits Dr. Drakken’s dog, Dr. Drakken changes his scheme and he decides to take Commodore Puddles and storm Area 51 through force. All hope for Area 51 seems lost, though Kim believes she has what it takes to teach the dog a few new tricks.
Épisode 14 - Day of the Snowmen
14 novembre 2003 - 4/5
The weather outside is frightful when evil, toxically-mutated snowmen terrorize Middleton.
Épisode 15 - A Very Possible Christmas
5 décembre 2003 - 4/5
In the spirit of the season, Drakken, Shego, Ron, and the Possible family put their differences behind them to share Christmas in the Arctic ... of course, only after several action-packed battles and confrontations.
Épisode 16 - Queen Bebe
19 décembre 2003 - 3.9/5
When a recent string of thefts cause a global shortage on a certain type of doll, Kim decides to investigate, despite the fact that she already has a lot of extra-curricular duties to perform. When she finds out that the Bebe-bots are back and bent on creating an army of their speedy species, with Bonnie as their queen, Kim must rely on some recently acquired experimental shoes in order to save the world; though that isn’t going to stop her from doing a few of her extra-curricular tasks along the way.
Épisode 17 - Hidden Talent
2 janvier 2004 - 4/5
When Ron signs Kim up for the talent show without her permission, Kim needs to think of a way to not make a fool of herself but still have a chance to perform better than Bonnie. However, when Wade requests Kim take an unorthodox mission and offers her some unorthodox instructions, Kim and Ron discuss the talent show while performing Wade’s obscure requests; though Kim soon discovers her hidden talent, which may just save the day and her performance.
Épisode 18 - Return to Wannaweep
16 janvier 2004 - 4/5
The Mad Dog cheerleaders (and mascot) are off to Cheer Camp. But when a plumbing problem prevents them from holding it at a community college, they're forced to relocate to the newly-renamed Camp Gottagrin. The situation gets worse when Kim discovers she's rooming with Bonnie, while Ron's roommate is the now-human Gil, who's also his football team's mascot. Lake Wannaweep has been detoxified, but when Gil finds a still-toxic grotto, he dives in, becomes Gill, and starts wreaking havoc. Ron then realizes that the only way to defeat a swamp mutant ... is to become one.
Épisode 19 - Go Team Go
30 janvier 2004 - 4.1/5
On their trip to Go City, Ron and Kim come across a villain named Aviarius who is seeking the power of another hero. However, when Kim inadvertently winds up with the a hero named Hego’s powers, she soon learns that the only way to restore what isn’t hers and to help stop a mad man may be to team up with her deadliest foe; Shego.
Épisode 20 - The Full Monkey
13 février 2004 - 4/5
When Kim and Ron once again head out to stop Lord Monkey Fist, Kim manages to retrieve the amulet that he stole. However, when the mystical monkey amulet begins to turn Kim into a monkey, on picture day, she must try to stop Lord Monkey Fist’s attempts to steal the amulet back while not being seen by people. However, Ron inadvertently believes a monkey he found is Kim and he struggles with his emotions over having his best friend become one of his worst fears.
Épisode 21 - Blush
20 février 2004 - 4/5
When Kim is sprayed with some pollen that causes her to vanish more and more each time she blushes, she must stay at home while Ron and Wade work together to find the cure. However, when Josh Mankey asks Kim on a date, she risks her life to go out with him; though Drakken and Shego take notice of her foolishness and exploit the opportunity to make it one of the most embarrassing nights of her life.
Épisode 22 - Partners
12 mars 2004 - 4/5
It's super villains in love when Drakken hits on DNAmy for her mutation skills. Only Kim and her genius science fair partner can stop Middleton from becoming extinct at the claws of a Barney-gone-baddie.
Épisode 23 - Oh Boyz
2 avril 2004 - 4.1/5
It’s Señor Senior Jr.’s birthday and Señor Senior Sr. wishes to give him anything he wants, but when it turns out that he wants to be an international pop sensation, Señor Senior Sr. decides to kidnap the latest boy band, the Oh Boyz, and demand that Junior be added into the group. However, unknowingly to the Seniors, the Oh Boyz are so unpopular that their only fan is Ron; though when Ron gets kidnapped along with the band, it’s up to Kim to save the day and quite possibly the Oh Boyz career.
Épisode 24 - Sick Day
23 avril 2004 - 4/5
When Kim catches a cold from her brothers before a mission, she soon discovers that it’s hard to save the world when you’re not feeling well. Dr. Drakken and Shego exploit the moment to steal a laser from the research lab Kim is guarding. However, when Kim’s sickness begins to spread, a series of events occurred that not even she could expect.
Épisode 25 - The Truth Hurts
23 avril 2004 - 4.2/5
When trying to save a scientist from Dr. Drakken’s secret arctic base, Kim and Ron are hit with a truth ray which forces them to speak the absolute truth about every issue. Kim soon discovers that this is a huge embarrassment while Ron is enjoying his newfound truth potential, but can they get through the day without causing themselves huge problems?
Épisode 26 - Mother's Day
7 mai 2004 - 4.1/5
Moms Possible and Lipsky share a day in the life of their kids as both are dragged into the Kim-Drakken (aka Drew Lipsky) conflict on their special holiday.
Épisode 27 - Motor Ed
21 mai 2004 - 4.1/5
Kim is introduced to her father’s acquaintance’s son, Felix, who turns out to be handicapped in the fact that he must use a wheelchair. Kim does her best to treat him properly though only makes a fool out of herself in the manner in which she is acting. However, when a madman with a mullet who goes by the name of Motor Ed attempts to steal some car parts and inadvertently kidnaps Ron, Kim must rely on the help of Felix and learn a lesson in the capability of the handicapped.
Épisode 28 - Ron Millionaire
4 juin 2004 - 4.1/5
When Ron gains Naco royalties from Bueno Nacho and becomes a multi-millionaire, he loses track of his persona and becomes a self-absorbed individual. However, when Dr. Drakken attempts to steal a huge diamond in order to power his laser, he takes notices of the now rich Ron and attempts to seize his finances, so it’s up to Kim to save the day and her friend Ron; despite the fact that he is no longer the Ron she used to know.
Épisode 29 - Triple S
26 juillet 2004 - 4/5
While on the trail of a thief with a 555 tattooed on the back of his neck, Kim heads to the X-Games because the thief has been robbing stores near the tournament’s holding ground. Meanwhile, Ron is dealing with attempting to become a Jock in order to get with the ladies while the Seniors are trying to deal with losing all of their assets in a contract agreement that Junior inadvertently signed.
Épisode 30 - Rewriting History
5 août 2004 - 4.1/5
While Kim and Ron are at the Museum, she discovers that one of her ancestors was a thief and she decides to figure out what really happened in order to clear her family’s name. However, after a bunch of bizarre coincidences connects the events on that day with that of Wade and Dr. Drakken’s ancestors as well, she soon believes she may be close to figuring out what exactly happened to cause her ancestor to get framed, though Ron keeps feeling that something about their predicament just doesn’t feel right.
Épisode 1 - Steal Wheels
25 septembre 2004 - 4/5
When Dr. Drakken is ordered by his mother to look after his cousin which turns out to be Motor Ed, Drakken and Motor Ed work together to complete a “Doomvee”, which is a Humvee that is full of superior weaponry. Meanwhile, Kim is feeling alone because Ron is spending the weekend with Felix instead of her, which causes her to become desperate because she needs some social interaction. Kim attempts to hang out with Ron and Felix despite the fact that she hates doing whatever they do, but when Dr. Drakken and Motor Ed steal Felix’s wheelchair, they work together to see if they can retrieve his wheelchair back and put an end to their evil plan.
Épisode 2 - Emotion Sickness
15 octobre 2004 - 4.2/5
While trying to stop Dr. Drakken, Kim gets into a fight with Shego in which they accidentally get a microchip attached to each of them that can control their emotions. However, when Ron accidentally picks up the control device instead of Kim’s communicator, he thinks it’s a game and he inadvertently controls Kim and Shego’s moods, in which he puts on romance mode before he and Kim go to school. Ron must now deal with Kim’s sudden advances towards him while trying to determine what he should do about the situation, all the while Drakken is dealing with a suddenly love-stricken Shego.
Épisode 3 - Bonding
22 octobre 2004 - 3.9/5
When Kim and Ron go to stop Professor Dementor from stealing from a top-secret research laboratory, Ron inadvertently catches Dementor’s “Bondo-Ball” in his pocket, which he accidentally triggers later that day. When Ron rushes into Mr. Barkin and gets stuck to him, he rushes to warn Kim but discovers that she is already stuck to Bonnie. Now Kim and Ron must work with their enemies while trying to cope with what occurred to them and there’s still Professor Dementor to worry about; but will Kim and Ron gain any insight towards the life of their enemies through the ordeal?
Épisode 4 - Bad Boy
14 janvier 2005 - 4.2/5
When Ron is trying to prove he’s old enough to not be forced to sit at the children’s table at a wedding when he realizes that his evil cousin Sean will be there, he decides to find a date so that it would prove he’s old enough to sit at the more mature tables. However, when both Ron and Kim believe they shouldn’t go together because it would be awkward, Ron decides to try to be a bad boy after he sees an episode of “Agony County” on television because he believes they get all the girls. However, when Kim and Ron go to a villain convention in order to see what is going on, Ron and Drakken inadvertently switch personalities when a machine goes awry, causing Ron to become a maniacal madman and Dr. Drakken to become a kind spirited individual, Kim realizes that a bad Ron may be more than she expected.
Épisode 5 - Showdown at the Crooked D
25 mars 2005 - 4/5
Kim goes with her brothers and her father to visit her uncle’s ranch in Montana, in which Ron decides to go along because he figures that he’ll be able to be lazy at the ranch. However, when Dr. Drakken decides to hold a convention for the smartest people in the world, he uses his “silly hats” to make them ignorant so that he may become the best genius in the world. It’s up to Kim to save the day once again, though she soon learns that she may need help from her family; especially her cousin Joss who considers Kim her idol.
Épisode 6 - Dimension Twist
1 avril 2005 - 4/5
When Kim discovers that Ron has missed practice and their daily trip to Bueno Nacho, she finds out that television is the reason he has been busy. She manages to get him and they head out to stop Dr. Drakken and Shego to get back the Pan-Dimensional Vortex Inducer, but when his laser goes awry and sucks them into a television world, Ron’s newfound knowledge of television may just prove useful.
Épisode 7 - Overdue
15 avril 2005 - 4/5
When Mrs. Hatchet discovers that Kim has an overdue library book, KP's cheerleading activities are suspended. Ron realizes that he lost the book, and he has to retrace his steps through the last few missions he and Kim went on to save Kim from...library lock-up!
Épisode 8 - Roachie
15 avril 2005 - 4/5
Chester Yapsby has stolen a top-secret project that is capable of making insects grow to incredible heights. Kim is contacted for the assignment because she never fails to get a job done, though when it turns out that the giant cockroaches bother Kim as she has a personal fear of insects. Ron must help her overcome her fear in order to save the day. Meanwhile, Ron names one of the cockroaches Roachie and decides to keep it as a pet, much to Kim’s chagrin.
Épisode 9 - Rappin' Drakken
25 juin 2005 - 4.1/5
After Kim constantly foils Dr. Drakken’s evil plans, he decides to try to take over the world through his brain washing shampoo “Lather, Rinse, Obey”. However, the shampoo sells horribly and after talking with Shego, he learns that items mentioned in hip-hop music usually sells quite quickly. When his attempts to persuade a star to use his produce in their song, he enters an “American Idol” type contest in order to become a star long enough to make his shampoo sell. However, with Kim on his trail, will she be able to foil his plan once again?
Épisode 10 - Team Impossible
26 août 2005 - 4/5
When Team Impossible demands that Kim cease her duties as a teen hero, Kim is caught between a choice to live a normal life or continue to help save people. However, even should she decide to keep saving the world on a regular basis, can she outmatch three of the highest paid heroes in the world who have everything at their disposal, even their own theme song?
Épisode 11 - Gorilla Fist
18 novembre 2005 - 4.1/5
Yori’s sensei has been kidnapped and all evidence indicates that Lord Monkey Fist is responsible for it. Yori comes to Middleton to get Ron, in which Yori and Ron head off to South America to attempt to stop Lord Monkey Fist. However, when Kim starts to grow suspicious about Yori’s sudden appearance in Middleton, she heads after them to get to get to the bottom of their predicament.
Épisode 12 - And the Molerat Will Be CGI
10 juin 2006 - 4/5
Junior attempts to rob the Tower of London, but accidentally tries to rob a movie set replica. Kim and Ron go to stop them and perform an extreme mid air stunt and the movie set's director offers them a movie, which they happily agree to. Kim now must deal with Heather, an actress who is going to be her in the movie taking her friends, and Ron has to deal with Quinn, an actor who is going to be him in the movie act completely opposite of him. All of this while they have to stop Junior who is out for revenge on the director for not putting him in the movie.
Épisode 1 - Ill Suited
10 février 2007 - 4/5
Ron steals Kim's supersuit to use in the upcoming football game. Meanwhile, Professor Dementor becomes jealous of the suit and devises a system to control it.
Épisode 2 - The Big Job
10 février 2007 - 4/5
When Señor Senior Junior breaks Shego out of prison to help him get his father a great birthday present, it's up to Kim and Ron to stop them. Meanwhile, Kim urges Ron to get a job after he uses coupons on their date.
Épisode 3 - Trading Faces
10 février 2007 - 4/5
Kim investigates a string of celebrity robberies, but comes up empty-handed. Meanwhile, the tweebs enter Middleton High School as freshmen. Ashley Tisdale guest stars.
Épisode 4 - The Cupid Effect
10 février 2007 - 4/5
Ron offers Wade advice on how to woo Monique, but when it backfires, the young supergenius creates a Cupid Ray. Unfortunately, the device falls into the hands of Senor Senior Senior, who uses it to help Junior seduce all the women in the world.
Épisode 5 - Car Alarm
17 février 2007 - 4.2/5
Kim receives an old car that she has the Tweebs fix up for her. Meanwhile, Shego and Motor Ed join forces to steal something from the space center.
Épisode 6 - Mad Dogs and Aliens
24 février 2007 - 4/5
Jim and Tim decide to take on the duties of the Middleton mascot and Ron takes it upon himself to train them. Meanwhile, Drakken is broken out of prison by an alien named Warmonga.
Épisode 7 - Grande Size Me
3 mars 2007 - 4.1/5
To prove a point, Ron decides to eat only Bueno Nacho. Meanwhile, HenchCo is holding an auction for a molecular transducer that Kim must stop.
Épisode 8 - Clothes Minded
17 mars 2007 - 4.2/5
When Club Banana discontinues Kim's mission clothes just as she needs new ones, she is forced to find a replacement for her long worn clothes. Meanwhile, Kim and Ron start looking for colleges while Drakken starts his next plan.
Épisode 9 - Big Bother
7 avril 2007 - 4.3/5
Ron comes home to unexpectedly find his new adopted baby sister named Hana Stoppable in his room. At the same time, he has to take care of a sack of flour for health class. Meanwhile, Kim and Ron team up with Yori to stop Monkey Fist yet again.
Épisode 10 - Fashion Victim
14 avril 2007 - 4.3/5
When the Fashionistas and Camille team up to steal secret designs from Club Banana, Kim, Monique, and the Fashion Police must stop them. Meanwhile, Ron and Barkin get trapped inside a shipping crate.
Épisode 11 - Odds Man In
28 avril 2007 - 4.2/5
Drakken hires a familiar corporate consultant to start his next plans to take over the world. Meanwhile, Ron becomes obsessed with the actuary business.
Épisode 12 - Stop Team Go
5 mai 2007 - 4.3/5
When Shego begins acting very friendly towards Kim and Ron, they investigate and find a comic-book type villain who is trying to conquer Go City with the help of the rest of Team Go.
Épisode 13 - Cap'n Drakken
19 mai 2007 - 4.3/5
When Kim and Ron go on a senior-class trip to a historic seaport, they meet Drakken who has opened an ancient treasure chest and become possessed by a pirate's spirit.
Épisode 14 - Mathter and Fervent
17 juin 2007 - 4.3/5
When Ron is assigned to write a paper about his hero, he decides to use Hego as his subject. While helping Hego to fight a new villain, the Mather, Ron gets zapped by a ray that causes everything he touches to explode. Now, an unexpected hero arises to save him.
Épisode 15 - The Mentor of Our Discontent
23 juin 2007 - 4.3/5
When Ron gets a scare when he thinks he is getting fired, his boss suprises him by making him watch his son instead. Meanwhile, Frugal Lucre gets let out of prison, and immediately goes back to Drakken. They soon begin a new plan together, much to Drakken's disgust.
Épisode 16 - Oh No! Yono!
1 juillet 2007 - 4.3/5
After discovering Hana walking on the ceiling, Kim and Ron try to get to the bottom of Hana's secrets. Meanwhile, Monkey Fist finds an ally in Yono the Destroyer as he continues his search for the "secret weapon".
Épisode 17 - Clean Slate
28 juillet 2007 - 4.3/5
During a fight with Drakken and Shego, Kim gets amnesia and loses all of her memories. Ron now takes on the task of getting her back to her usual self. Meanwhile, Drakken comes up with a plan to turn the military into his slaves.
Épisode 18 - Homecoming Upset
11 août 2007 - 4.3/5
When the Homecoming dance comes to Middleton High, things begin getting edgy when Bonnie ends up as Homecoming Queen and Ron as Homecoming King. Kim must now figure out what happened while getting to the bottom of a kidnapped scientist.
Épisode 19 - Chasing Rufus
12 août 2007 - 4.2/5
After both Ron and Camille Leon leave their beloved pets behind during a fight, Rufus and Debutante go on an adventure, transversing continents to find their respective owners.
Épisode 20 - Nursery Crimes
12 août 2007 - 4.2/5
When a new villain that goes by Nanny Nane begins turning rebellious teenagers into babies, Kim must use her natural baby-sitting skills to save the day.
Épisode 21 - Larry's Birthday
1 septembre 2007 - 4.1/5
Kim plans on throwing her cousin Larry a surprise birthday party, but she has to keep him busy until the party is ready. Meanwhile, Dementor enlists the help of his brother-in-law to steal Kim's battlesuit.
Épisode 22 - Graduation (1)
7 septembre 2007 - 4.1/5
High school graduation nears for the senior class, but Warmonga's return jeopardizes everything as Team Possible goes through their toughest odds yet to save the planet.
Épisode 23 - Graduation (2)
7 septembre 2007 - 4.2/5
After both Kim and Drakken have been taken captive, Ron and Shego must race to rescue them from the clutches of Warmonga, Warhok, and the other invaders. All of the main characters must now band together to save the planet that they call home.
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