Poster de la serie Kick Kasskoo

Kick Kasskoo

Non notée

Année : 2010

Nombre de saisons : 2

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 22 minutes

Genre(s) : Action, Aventure, Animation, Enfant, Comédie, Famille

Kick Buttowski est le cadet d'une famille modeste des États-Unis. Chaque jour, il perturbe la tranquillité du quartier en tentant de dangereuses cascades avec l'aide de son ami Gunther, ce qui n'est pas du goût de son frère Brad et de leurs voisins… (Source : wikipedia)


Kick Kasskoo saison 1

Saison 1

Kick Kasskoo saison 2

Saison 2


Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - Dead Man's Drop / Stumped

13 février 2010

a) Francis Little, alias « Kick Kasskou» tente de descendre la Pente du Macchabée en skateboard (planche à repasser) mais il échoue. Son frère, Brad, tente de l’empêcher de récidiver. b) Kick Kasskou rate l’occasion de rencontrer son héros cascadeurs, Billy le manchot au centre commercial mais il apprend qu’il y a un concours dont le premier prix est une balade aux côtés de Billy dans son « monster truck ».

Épisode 2 - If Books Could Kill / There Will Be Nachos

13 février 2010

a) Kick combat une bibliothécaire diabolique pour récupérer son livre de Billy, le manchot. b) Brad organise une soirée mais Kick n’est pas invité.

Épisode 3 - Kicked Out / Kick the Habit

13 février 2010

a) Kick et Gunther se disputent une nouvelle super cachette secrète avec Brad, Horace et 3.D. b) Kick doit rester 24 heures sans faire de cascades pour éviter d’aller dans un centre d’éducation fermé.

Épisode 4 - Knocked Out / Not Without My Cereal

13 février 2010

a) Gunther tente de réanimer Kick pour participer à une audition pour une émission de télé après l’avoir assommé. b) Kick ne doit pas faire de bêtises dans le magasin pour avoir sa boîte de céréales préférées.

Épisode 5 - Kickasaurus Wrecks / Battle for the 'Snax

20 février 2010

a) Kick est embauché pour assurer le spectacle de la mi-temps pendant un match de football. b) Kick essaie de sauver le restaurant tenu par la famille de Gunther.

Épisode 6 - Obsession: For Kick / Flush and Release

20 février 2010

a) Jackie, la nouvelle voisine est complètement obsédée par Kick. Guther a donc peur de perdre son ami. b) Alors que la rivière est en crue, Kick et Gunther s’embarquent avec M. Vitelotte pour partir à a chasse d’un légendaire poisson rouge géant.

Épisode 7 - Snowpolcalypse! / According to Chimp

27 février 2010

a) Kick essaie de sauver les élèves coincés dans le bus scolaire enseveli sous la neige. b) Kick tente de cacher un chimpanzé qui s’est échappé du zoo.

Épisode 8 - Runaway Recital / Trike X-5

27 février 2010

a) Kick trouve le moyen d’obéir à son papa en travaillant sa leçon de musique tout en explorant de nouvelles façons de faire du piano en extérieur. b) Brianna vole le vieux tricycle de Kick. En tentant de récupérer sa monture, Kick se retrouve impliqué dans un concours de beauté.

Épisode 9 - Drop Kick / Box Office Blitz

6 mars 2010

a) Kick demande à un ancien catcheur de lui apprendre à se battre pour se mesurer à son grand frère. b) 3D refuse Kick à l’entrée du cinéma. Kick tente quand même de se faufiler dans le cinéma avec le petit frère de 3D

Épisode 10 - Those Who Camp, Do / Dog Gone

6 mars 2010

a) Kick est ravi d’aller faire du camping en famille jusqu’à ce qu’il réalise qu’ils vont dans un camping moderne tout confort. Impatient de se frotter à la nature sauvage, Kick convainc ses parents de le laisser passer la nuit seul en forêt. Mais Brad finit par se mettre dans le pétrin et c’est Kick qui s’arrange pour le sauver et le ramener entier à ses parents. b) Kick doit surveiller Oskar, le chien de l’amie de sa mère pour l’après-midi. Aidé de Gunther, il suit à la lettre les instructions laissé par Mme Chicarelli et finit par réaliser qu’il aime bien Oskar. Celui retire sa laisse et se sauve. Gunther et Kick doivent aller le sortir de la fourrière municipale et le ramener à la maison avant le retour de maman et Mme Chicarelli.

Épisode 11 - Dad's Car / The Treasure of Dead Man Dave

13 mars 2010

a) Kick et Brad font les idiots à côté de la voiture de papa sa joie et sa fierté — et lui font une éraflure. Avant que Brad ne dénonce Kick, il est piqué par un essaim d’abeille. Tandis que papa conduit Brad à l’hôpital, Kick, Gunther et Wade doivent réparer l’éraflure avant que papa ne la remarque. Soudain ! la voiture part en roue libre et Kick tente d’en reprendre le contrôle et delà ramener devant la maison avant que papa n’arrive à la maison. b) Kick fait un exposé oral sur Dave le macchabée, le skater légendaire censé avoir construit le tout premier skateboard — skate devant revenir à son digne héritier. Il raconte devant la classe estomaquée comment Gunther et lui ont relevé tous les défis pour se monter digne de la planche légendaire.

Épisode 12 - For the Love of Gunther / Father From the Truth

13 mars 2010

a) Gunther tombe amoureux de Jackie la foldingue qui, elle, est amoureuse de Kick. Kick décide d’aider Gunther à s’attirer l’affection de Jackie pour arranger tout le monde. Gunther prend les conseils de Kick au pied de la lettre et risque sa vie pour la fille qu’il aime. b) C’est la « journée des papas » à l’école mais Kick est gêné de présenter son père qui n’est ni « cool » ni « extrême ». Il fait venir Wade qui se fait passer pour son père. Quand son père découvre la supercherie, il décide d’impressionner Kick avec une cascade de son cru, avec des résultats mitigés.

Épisode 13 - Exposed! / Wade Against The Machine

20 mars 2010

a) Kick est profondément bouleversé par la perte de son casque jusqu’à ce que Gunther l’aide à sortir de cette mauvaise passe. b) Wade a une promotion est devient cadre chez Frigo & Mécano mais son ancienne vie lui manque ainsi que Kick et Gunther. Ne parvenant pas à se faire rétrograder, il appelle Kick à la rescousse.

Épisode 14 - Mellowbrook Drift / Gift of Wacky

20 mars 2010

a) Après avoir perdu une course de karts locale, Kick défie Ronaldo, le vainqueur, de se mesurer à lui sur le Col de la Gamelle. Il est aidé par le fantôme d’un ex expert du kart. b) Kick engage Brad pour gâcher la fête d’anniversaire de Jackie dans l’espoir qu’elle se désintéressera de lui. Harcelé par sa mauvaise conscience, Kick décide d’aider Jackie à organiser le plus bel anniversaire de sa vie

Épisode 15 - Things That Make You Go Boom! / Kyle Be Back

27 mars 2010

a) Kick est excité à l’idée de participer à une chasse au trésor pour gagner un voyage à Hawaii avec le célèbre cascadeur Boom Mc Condor. Mais Brad est son concurrent et il est bien décidé à gagner. Kick doit donc combattre les tricheries de Brad. b) Kyle, le cousin de Kick, vient lui rendre visite pour le week-end, interrompant la tentative de Kick de réaliser une cascade assez impressionnante pour faire son entrée dans le Livre de l’Extrême.

Épisode 16 - Rank of Awesome / A Very Buttowski Mother's Day

27 mars 2010

a) Kick est décidé a faire une vidéo qui atteindra la première du site préféré de Gunther mais ses exploits ne remportent pas le suffrages des visiteurs du site en question. b) Kick et Brad se battent pour servir un magnifique petit déjeuner à leur mère pour la fête des mères.

Épisode 17 - Abandon Friendship! / Braking the Grade

1 mai 2010

a) Une dispute entre les familles de Kick et Gunther menace de les séparer jusqu’à ce qu’ils trouvent un moyen de réconcilier tout le monde. b) Le Derby de la destruction va avoir lieu mais Kick doit cacher son carnet de notes à son père s’il veut pouvoir y aller.

Épisode 18 - Dancing With the Enemy / Tattler's Tale

1 mai 2010

a) Kick fait équipe avec Kendall pour gagner un concours de danse… b) Madame Chicarlli dénonce les enfants qui troublent la sérénité du quartier afin qu'ils soient punis…

Épisode 19 - Morning Rush! / A Fist Full of Ice Cream

8 mai 2010

a) Mme Fitzpatrick, la maîtresse de Kick, lui annonce qu’il a tellement de retard dans ses devoirs qu’il ne passera pas de classe. Kick tente de trouver un moyen de faire tous ses devoirs en dix minutes, car le chien a mangé ses devoirs… encore une fois. b) C’est l’anniversaire de papa et maman veut lui offrir des « Kelly le cowboy » — sa glace préférée, mais le camion tombe en panne avant d’arriver à la maison des Kasskoo. Kick part à la recherche du camion mais se trouve confronté à la bande de Moog — des petits voyous en vélo — qui veut s’approprier les précieuses glaces. Pendant ce temps, Brad tente également de sauver la fête mais se fait manipuler par la caissière du supermarché...

Épisode 20 - Frame Story / And... Action!

8 mai 2010

a) Quelqu’un a vandalisé l’école et le principal accuse Kick. Pour éviter le renvoi, Kick doit découvrir qui a tenté de le piéger. b) Kick est fou de rage que Teen Parfois, l’héroïne qu’il déteste, tourne un épisode de son feuilleton à Mellowbrook. Mais c’est là qu’il rencontre Scarlett, une impressionnante cascadeuse. Malencontreusement, Kick incite Scarlett a démissionner et le tournage s’arrête. Les fans de Tenna sont hors d’eux et Kick doit prendre la place de Scarlett et doubler Teena.

Épisode 1 - Mow Money / Love Stinks!

30 avril 2011

Mow Money: Kick and Gunther form competing grass-cutting ventures. Love Stinks!: Kick discovers that Brad's girlfriend will humiliate him with a public break-up.

Épisode 2 - Clean... to the Extreme / Stand and Delivery

30 avril 2011

Clean... to the Extreme: Kick must complete a favor chain to restore a broken Foosball table. Stand and Delivery: Kick defends the Battlesnax delivery guarantee against a faceless foe.

Épisode 3 - Switching Gears / Garage Banned

7 mai 2011

Switching Gears: Kick must ride a wild, "untamable" bike in the BMX rodeo. Garage Banned: Kick takes on Brad in a battle of the bands.

Épisode 4 - Kickin' Genes / Clothes Call

7 mai 2011

Kickin' Genes: Kick and Gunther discover Kick's Mother was a daredevil called Honey Splash. Clothes Call: Kick promises to behave when Mom drags him on an embarrassing trek through the mall.

Épisode 5 - Pool Daze / Live-in Wade

14 mai 2011

Pool Daze : During a heat wave, Kick and his friends head to the Mellowbrook Community pool. But when lifeguards Shannon (Joanna Garcia) and Brad, who has a crush on her, force Kick and his friends to stay in the kiddie pool, Kick leads his friends in a battle for freedom and fun. Live-in Wade: When Wade’s stepmom kicks him out of her basement, he is forced to live in the Food N’ Fix until Kick invites him to move in with the Buttowski’s. But Kick quickly discovers that good friends don’t always make the best roommates.

Épisode 6 - Sold! / Faceplant

14 mai 2011

Sold!: When Kick accidentally breaks Gunther's viking clock, he replaces it by playing with Jackie, then at the end Kick discovers Gunther has more than one! Faceplant: Faceplant, the impossible obstacle course game show, is what Kick is aiming to win for $50,000! The only problem is that 37 failures has given him a less than desirable reputation and now is forced to seek help from Ronaldo.

Épisode 7 - Truth or Daredevil

21 mai 2011

Kick discovers his Grandpa's past involves spying, motorcycles, and taking out a dictator.

Épisode 8 - Stumped Again / The Kick Stays in the Picture

21 mai 2011

Stumped Again: Kick is torn between two promises to help Gunther and Billy Stumps with their shows at 7:00pm. He's now tasked with a no win question as per which one of the two events deserves his full attention. The Kick Stays in the Picture: After Jackie ruins another one of Kick's stunts, He discovers a contest for Skidzee's ride shop: the one with the best picture of speed and action gets to be on a billboard. Since Gunther is out one camera the only one they have knowledge of, is in the service, and in the hands of... Jackie.

Épisode 9 - Hand in Hand / Luigi Vendetta

19 juin 2011

Hand in Hand: Hand in Hand: Kick and Kendall's hands get stuck together due to a rare cave sap, and must get unstuck without being seen together by everyone infamously known for being blabbermouths. Luigi Vendetta: Fed up with Brad’s constant bullying, Kick enlists the services of Luigi Vendetta, who promises to "take care of" Brad once and for all.

Épisode 10 - K'Nein / Bromance

25 juin 2011

K'Nein: Kick finds a dog called Jazzy and grows attached, but what will he do when he discovers the dog's purpose is to prevent any and all stunts? Bromance: In order to see a new movie Kick tags along on Brad's date to make sure it goes well, but there are two problems: his date finds Kick better company than Brad, and Brad has his habits of being an oppressive big brother.

Épisode 11 - You've Been Brad'd! / Sleepover

25 juin 2011

You've Been Brad'd!: Kick is trying to get to Skidzees without touching the floor, but he fails multiple times and soon discovers he is a main target for his brother's Internet show "'You've Been Brad'd"' Sleepover: Briana and her friends want to watch the Teena Sometimes Marathon but meanwhile, Perseus in Pittsburgh is also on TV and Kick and Gunther will do anything not to miss that movie since it stars their idol: Rock Callahan.

Épisode 12 - Kart to Kart / Kyle 2.0

9 juillet 2011

Kart to Kart: Kick can’t wait to take a spin around the track at “Go-Go-Go-Kart World, but when Gordie Gibble buys the track, he bans the Buttowskis from the track, thus firing Brad (who happens to work at the track during this episode) in the process. Now to get Brad his job back he must race Gordon Gibble and win. Kyle 2.0: In order to score tickets to Dirt Bike Mike’s Demo-Cross, Kick must spend time with Cousin Kyle. But there's one problem: one of Kick's ideas backfires on him when Kyle pretends that Kick doesn't exist.

Épisode 13 - Gym Dandy / Detained

9 juillet 2011

Gym Dandy: When dodgeball is banned in gym class and is replaced by the fusion of knitting and Yoga (Knit-oga), Kick tries out for the school's sports teams. However, in his quest to become an athlete, he causes some chaos when he has trouble following Coach Sternbeck's rules. Detained: After one too many of the Principal's sandwiches is ruined primarily from Kick's antics, he calls Ms. Chicarelli out of retirement and she becomes the new Vice Principal. She immediately serves Kick and his friends with detention. Kick must team up with some unlikely allies to bring her down and escape detention,including Ronaldo and Kendall.

Épisode 14 - Brad's Room / Dude, Where's My Wade?

16 juillet 2011

Brad's Room: When Kick's room accidentally gets destroyed he's forced to share a bedroom with Brad, now normally that wouldn't be bad, but here's the thing; it was Brad's fault Kick's room was destroyed in the first place. Dude, Where's My Wade?: Wade is missing and it is up Kick and Gunther to unravel a series of bizarre clues to find out where Wade is and return him to work before a crucial health inspection of the Food 'n' Fix.

Épisode 15 - Kick or Treat / Dead Man's Rollercoaster

16 juillet 2011

Kick or Treat: Kick (who is also joined by Gunther) going to Kendall's party, but Kick is bored and he is challenged Kendall to trick or treat at a house no one has ever gone to: the super creepy and "Haunted" Van Der Deth Mansion. Kick reaches out to all his friends of the party because Kendall got bored everyone (including her boyfriend Ronaldo) Dead Man's Roller Coaster: When Brad and his friends abandon Kick and Gunther in the woods, they discover an abandoned amusement park that may be haunted by the ghost...of Dead Man Dave.

Épisode 16 - Sister Pact / Shh!

25 juillet 2011

Sister Pact: Kick tries to help his sister get into the prestigious Poise Posse club after he had ruined her sister's entry chances at the club's auditions last year and now must earn back Brianna's trust. Shh!: Kick must research a strange creature called a Nuzzlet given to him to make a school report, but here's the rub the book he needs, and the only place quiet enough for him to do his report are both in the... Library.

Épisode 17 - A Cousin Kyle Christmas / Snow Problem

25 juillet 2011

A Cousin Kyle Christmas: It's secret Santa time at the Buttowski's! Kick gets Kyle as a secret Santa but when Kick has a change of heart he goes to great lengths to get Kyle the perfect gift. Snow Problem: When Kick causes an avalanche it traps the Buttowski family and Kick has to find a way to get them out before they get cabin fever and goes crazy.

Épisode 18 - Attic-a / Free Gunther

6 août 2011

Attic-a: Kick, Brad and Harold get stuck in a cold freezing attic together with no way out, or is there? Free Gunther: When Gunther gets grounded on the night of Boom McCondor's BMX Joust, Magnus (evidently wanting to give him a sporting chance) challenges Kick to a BattleSneegan to see if he can get Gunther on the sidewalk before sundown if he doesn't Gunther's grounding gets extended for a year and if that's not bad enough Magnus has never ever lost a BattleSneegan before.

Épisode 19 - Sleepy River Wild / Power Play

6 août 2011

Sleepy River Wild: Kick reluctantly agrees to go on a “sleepy river” water park ride with Gunther. When Gunther falls asleep, Kick decides to take an unauthorized detour in an attempt to find adventure, but gets more than he bargained for. Power Play: Kick must protect Ronaldo from danger until the school play of Romeo and Juliet is over or he will have to take his place. Now normally that wouldn't be so bad, but the Juliet of the play is Kendall.

Épisode 20 - Poll Position / Jock Wilder's Nature Camp

23 septembre 2011

Poll Position: Because he ruined her campain poster many times, Kendall runs for class president with hopes of making Kick’s life miserable once she is elected, which leads Kick to get Jackie elected instead. However, he soon discovers that Jackie’s agenda is even worse than Kendall’s agenda. Jock Wilder's Nature Camp: It is time for the state regional spelling bee. But thanks to a lunch themed error from Principal Henry, the only person who is well enough to partake in the bee is Kick who is "a horrible speller".

Épisode 21 - Swap Meet / Bee Awesome!

23 septembre 2011

Swap Meet: After being entrusted with the task of hiding the parents anniversary present and an incident with Brad, Kick "loses" his mother's anniversary present at a swap meet and must track it down before it's sold, along with his fathers trust in him. Bee Awesome!: It's time for the state regional spelling bee but thanks to a lunch themed error from Principal Henry which results in almost every student being struck down with food poisoning, the only person who is well enough to partake in the bee is Kick who is a horrible speller.

Épisode 22 - Trash Talk / Nerves of Steal

15 octobre 2011

Trash Talk: Kick is caught littering by Officer Irwin and is assigned highway clean-up duty, but a pesky rival makes Kick's job harder. Can Kick (with Gunther's help) bring this rival to justice or will he be buried by the one thing he's supposed to get rid of? Nerves of Steal: Kick, while in the midst of his Para-boarding ambitions, is strapped for a material that can withstand the G-Forces when he is airborne but is denied such a thing when he tries to borrow such a thing from his neighbors. But when a thief surfaces in the neighborhood a sleep deprived Kick is accused of stealing the items so to clear his name he forms a Neighborhood Watch with Gunther. He eventually comes up with no leads and now has one night to turn up a perp, or the neighbors will be calling in the boys in blue. In the midst of his last-ditch effort even Kick will be surprised as to the thief's identity.

Épisode 23 - Goodbye, Gully / Bad Car-ma

22 octobre 2011

Goodbye, Gully: Gordie tries to impress his father, Mr. Gibble, by threatening to destroy Kick and Gunther’s favorite hangout, The Gully. The only way for them to save it is by outsmarting him. Bad Car-ma: Dad's beloved car Monique is towed away, so Kick and Dad have to work together to get it back.

Épisode 24 - Bwar and Peace

24 octobre 2011

Kick and Gunther break Magnus’s meat slicer the day before the annual Battlesnax Salted Meats Festival, so they brave an epic Viking department store, Bwar-Mart, to find a replacement. When they are trapped in the store after hours, they must find a way to escape before the wacky store manager makes them employees for life.

Épisode 25 - Bad Table Manners / Petrified!

24 octobre 2011

Bad Table Manners: A new big screen T.V. has shown up and with that Brad and Brianna are the first to make claims to the T.V. Harold makes them play ping pong to decide who gets control over the TV for a night (which is the way the Buttowski family used to settle things when Harold was younger rather than fighting). Brad and Brianna both have bad table manners with ping pong, but things start to get out of hand when Harold picks up a paddle, and now the only one who can stop him is.... Kick. Petrified!: Kick, Harold and Brad continue their annual tradition of telling scary stories during a campout, but this year, Kick's story is so scary that the boys begin to fear it has come true.

Épisode 26 - Say Cheese / Pinch Sitter

29 octobre 2011

Say Cheese: After a dispute over the last slice of pizza ensues between the Buttowski siblings, a precious item of their mothers is destroyed (her favorite picture of the three of them). Can they put aside their differences long enough to get a replacement picture to appease their now mentally unstable mother? Pinch Sitter: Kick's mom hires Kendall to babysit the Buttowski brothers after she witnesses Brad's terrible babysitting skills.

Épisode 27 - Brad's Diary / Sew What

5 novembre 2011

Brad's Diary: After Brad takes all his savings, Kick violates a newly founded brotherly-bond agreement when he decides to get back at his brother by stealing his diary. Sew What: When Kick’s grandma comes to visit, they have a blast together until she gives Kick a new jumpsuit for his stunt. Kick finds himself torn between making his grandma happy by wearing the embarrassing outfit or risk hurting her feelings by not wearing it.

Épisode 28 - Big Mouth / Last Fan Standing

12 novembre 2011

Big Mouth: Kick and Gunther become sidekicks to Mouth after they seek his help to watch a live TV broadcast of "Jock Wilder's Crock Wrestle 2". Last Fan Standing: Kick can't get a wink of sleep when Wacky Jackie and Cousin Kyle compete over who is his #1 fan and throw him a celebration in honor of his latest stunt.

Épisode 29 - Crumbs! / Stay Cool

19 novembre 2011

Crumbs!: Honey entrusts Kick with keeping a batch of her homemade cookies away from Harold. Kick is sure it will be easy, but Harold will stop at nothing to get his hands on those cookies, exhibiting Kick-style determination. Stay Cool: Kick and Brianna break Dad’s air conditioner on the hottest day of the year, but Brad is blamed and grounded for the whole summer. Kick and Brianna agree to keep their blunder a secret, but Kick struggles with the mounting guilt.

Épisode 30 - Only the Loan-ly / Roll Reversal

3 décembre 2011

Only the Loan-ly: Kick needs money to buy an awesome bike engine and convinces Brianna to let him borrow the money. When he can't pay it back in time, Brianna, with the help of her friends Madison and Abbie, becomes a loan shark and pushes her brother to make good on his promise. Roll Reversal: When Kendall inadvertently outdoes Kick at a Motocross stunt and claims to be “Mellowbrook’s Top Daredevil”, she is challenged to a rematch by Kick. Kendall agrees to only participate in an all-girl Roller Derby, so Kick and his friends must put on disguises in order to compete.

Épisode 31 - Meathead Justice / Bwar-Mart

6 décembre 2011

Meathead Justice: After Kick saves the DiPazzi twins’ lives, they become indebted to him by their code of ethics. When they do not leave his side, he must go to extreme measures to get them out of his life, but the question here is who is in the most need of goons like the DiPazzi Twins? Bwar-Mart: Kick and Gunther break Magnus’s meat slicer the day before the annual Battlesnax Salted Meats Festival, so they brave an epic Viking department store, Bwar-Mart, to find a replacement. When they are trapped in the store after hours, they must find a way to escape before the wacky store manager makes them employees for life.

Épisode 32 - Kyle E. Coyote / Locked Out / Rocked

6 décembre 2011

Kyle E. Coyote: In order to attend the Gnarly Games, Kick must track down Cousin Kyle, who has just consumed an entire case of Cheetah Chug. However, catching his energized cousin is easier said than done! Locked Out: After sneaking out of the house to see the new Rock Callahan movie, Kick arrives home to find that his dad has installed a new security system and must dismantle this extreme robot before his dad wakes up. Rocked: Rock Callahan portrays Kick Buttowski in an action-movie. In the movie, Rock-as-Kick must defeat the evil villain, The Dark One, who threatens to take over Mellowbrook.


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