Poster de la serie Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne

Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne


Année : 1999

Nombre de saisons : 1

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 25 minutes

Genre(s) : Aventure, Animation, Comédie, Drame, Fantastique, Mystère, Romance

Maron Kusakabe est la réincarnation de Jeanne D'Arc. Elle et Fin Fish, son ange, doivent détruire les démons qui se cachent dans des œuvres d'arts. Quand un démon est battu, il se transforme en pièce de jeu d'échec. Les soirs, quand Fin Fish découvre la présence d'un démon, elle se métamorphose en Jeanne D'Arc. Mais pour parvenir à éliminer ces démons, elle doit se rendre sur les lieux. Mais ce n'est pas toujours facile, quand la police est à ses trousses.


Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne saison 1

Saison 1


Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - The Angel with a Notice Card

13 février 1999 - 3.7/5

L'épisode commence par le "vol" d'un tableau par Maron, qui est poursuivi par la police et des détectives. Alors qu'ils se chamaillent encore à l'école, Maron et Miyako rencontrent un garçon aux cheveux bleus après que Miyako a renversé des boîtes et s'est mise à crier après celui qui les avait laissées là. Maron n'aime pas le garçon à cause de ce qu'il lui a dit mais Miyako est hypnotisée par lui. L'ange découvre qu'un artiste détruit ses propres peintures parce qu'il est possédé par un démon. Il lui laisse une carte indiquant quand Maron va se montrer et veut que Maron l'aide.

Épisode 2 - The Target Is Family Bond

20 février 1999 - 4.5/5

Un père aimant a été possédé par un démon dans le tableau de sa fille. Maron, bien que réticente au début, décide de sauver la famille et de sceller le démon.

Épisode 3 - An Encircling Net! The Whole Student Body Is the Enemy

27 février 1999 - 4.5/5

Un professeur passionné réunit tous les élèves afin de capturer Jeanne après qu'elle ait été possédée par un démon dans un vase. Maron et Fin sont obligés de redoubler d'efforts pour attirer les élèves avant de pouvoir capturer le démon.

Épisode 4 - A Thief's Job Saves a Company, Too

6 mars 1999 - 4.5/5

Alors que Maron se démène pour capturer un démon, un inconnu apparaît et se proclame "Kaito Sinbad", le rival de Jeanne.

Épisode 5 - Emergency at the Airport!

13 mars 1999 - 4.5/5

Le père de Miyako a été chargé de protéger une perle précieuse. S'il la perd, il sera accusé de négligence en matière de sécurité. Maron est partagée entre sa mission et sa pitié pour le père de Miyako.

Épisode 6 - The Partner in Crime Is a Mysterious Old Woman?

20 mars 1999 - 4.5/5

Maron croise une vieille dame mystérieuse, qui semble avoir été agressée jusqu'à ce que Fin découvre qu'elle fait un numéro pour trouver un partenaire adéquat pour voler les bijoux de son fils, qui ont été infectés par un démon.

Épisode 7 - Father-Daughter Detective Team! The Final Gamble

27 mars 1999 - 4.5/5

Le père de Miyako risque de perdre son emploi. Il a été chargé de protéger une boîte à musique. Jeanne parvient à trouver un moyen de sceller le démon sans prendre la boîte.

Épisode 8 - Steal the Melody of Love!

3 avril 1999 - 4.5/5

Un jeune pianiste, dont Fin est tombée amoureuse, est possédé par un démon caché dans la mélodie d'un ancien piano. Jeanne envoie un avertissement au pianiste, mais personne ne comprend vraiment ce que cela signifie jusqu'à ce qu'elle vole le piano.

Épisode 9 - The Heartless Checkmate

10 avril 1999 - 4.5/5

Un vieux photographe a été possédé par un démon. Il est déjà au bord de la mort, mais il accepte son sort afin de revoir sa fille décédée. Jeanne tente de le persuader de continuer à vivre, mais c'est inutile. Sinbad vient à son secours et brûle le studio pour localiser le démon.

Épisode 10 - The Masked Man! What Is His True Identity?

17 avril 1999 - 4.5/5

L'un des amis de Maron a été possédé par un démon. Le démon change la personnalité de son ami et au début Maron pense qu'il a changé pour le mieux, mais ensuite sa personnalité devient froide et méchante.

Épisode 11 - Ah, the Beautiful Heart of an Officer

24 avril 1999 - 4.5/5

Une série de cambriolages a lieu en ville, et c'est probablement l'œuvre d'un démon. La police doit relever le défi d'attraper Jeanne et Sinbad ou le voleur qui ont tous envoyé leurs avis en même temps. À la fin de cet épisode, Maron trouve quelque chose dans sa boîte aux lettres.

Épisode 12 - The Pin Is Mightier Than the Sword!

1 mai 1999 - 4.5/5

Dans cet épisode, Maron et ses amis prévoient d'aller voir la pièce Roméo et Juliette. Mais avant le spectacle, elle voit les deux acteurs qui sont en réalité un couple et remarque qu'ils se disputent. La Petite Claire ramasse un démon et Maron se rend compte que l'acteur qui joue Roméo a été possédé par un démon. Maron doit trouver un moyen de sauver leur relation et le spectacle avant l'arrivée de Sinbad.

Épisode 13 - The Angel of Hearts, with a Memory Loss Plant

1 mai 1999 - 4.5/5

One morning, a young women giving away flowers stops Maron and gives her a pot of Forget-me-nots so that her boyfriend (who is studying in Paris) will come to get her. But when the letter arrives saying he is coming for her, she is possessed by the demon inside the post card and Jeanne sends her warning. During the thieving, Jeanne accidentally tells Sinbad (Chiaki) whose letter she is waiting for, her mother and father.

Épisode 14 - A wedding dress is the target

15 mai 1999 - 4.5/5

Maron's gymnast Sensei is about to get married, but when she goes to try on the dress. Her fiance is possessed by the demon inside the dress. He then announces that the wedding is off. Jeanne sends in a warning and manages to "Checkmate" without taking the dress.

Épisode 15 - Shocking Confession of Love in the Amusement Park!

22 mai 1999 - 4.5/5

Maron's friend is possessed by a demon, again. Maron, Miyako, and Chiaki are invited to go to an amusement park by him. Chiaki and Maron end up separated from the other two and decide to ride the ferris wheel together in order to find the others. A power outage stops the wheel while they are at the top, Fin finds the picture with the demon, and Maron and Chiaki both secretly hop out and try to "Checkmate."

Épisode 16 - A First Kiss Illuminated by Moonlight!

29 mai 1999 - 4.5/5

Miyako, Maron and the rest of the gang, are planning to perform a play for a kindergarten class. The play is a Mix between Little Red Riding Hood and Sleeping Beauty, with Miyako playing the princess and Chiaki playing the prince. At the kindergarten, a small boy causes havoc for them and Maron finds out that his mother has been possessed by a demon. She promises the boy that she will return his mother to normal. So Jeanne sends in her warning and after a miraculous tag team "Checkmate," Jeanne gets what she came for. Later, Sinbad and Jeanne kiss and Sinbad asks her to stop being a Kaitou.

Épisode 17 - Sudden Intimacy! Love's Tempestuous Arrival

5 juin 1999 - 4.5/5

On the way to practice Maron and Miyako notice Chiaki with another girl, which happens to be his fiancee. An arranged marriage by his parents, much to Miyako's dismay. Maron is competing against his fiancee in an upcoming gymnast competition, but Maron had injured her leg as Jeanne. The trophy at the competition had a demon within it and Chiaki's fiancee gets possessed. Jeanne and Sinbad send in their warnings. Jeanne manages to "Checkmate" and later Maron wins the competition, but she fears she is losing something.

Épisode 18 - The Angel Attacks Friendship's Medal

12 juin 1999 - 4.5/5

A demon happens to be hiding in a gift that Maron gave to Miyako when they were little. When the Demon possesses Miyako, Jeanne must quickly "Checkmate" it before it harms Miyako's body.

Épisode 19 - Seal! Evidence of Fatherly Love

19 juin 1999 - 4.7/5

Chiaki's father shows up and tells Maron and Miyako that Chiaki's family owns a hospital. He also shows Maron an architectural sculpture of a amusement park that her father modeled and named after her, but a demon is possessing it and Maron is forced to "Checkmate." Sinbad rescues Jeanne from a trap, but ends up injured and in return Jeanne saves Sinbad. Afterwards they share little kiss.

Épisode 20 - The Day Courage and Hope Were Broken

26 juin 1999 - 4.5/5

Maron starts to become more energetic after she learned that the amusement park model was named after her, but one night Maron gets a call from her mother. After the call Maron gets upset and runs off and Miyako tells Chiaki to find Maron.

Épisode 21 - Miyako, Attacking Love and Friendship!

3 juillet 1999 - 4.5/5

Miyako has a dream where Jeanne is Maron and she keeps thinking about her friendship with Maron and her crush of Chiaki. When Jeanne sends her next warning. Miyako leaves a red mark on Jeanne's right cheek that doesn't wash off for 3 days. The next day Maron comes to school with a bandage over her right cheek and everyone suspects her. Miyako doesn't want to believe it at first, and makes Maron take off her bandage in front of the whole class to prove Maron's innocence as repayment for what Maron has done for her since the day they became friends.

Épisode 22 - Dive! Double Kaito Death

10 juillet 1999 - 4.5/5

Kaitou Jeanne barely escaped Miyako from an earlier "Check Mate", but catches a cold from falling into the ocean. Maron ends up at the hospital that Chiaki's father owns. Now, Chiaki's father is the new target, but for some reason, the a notice is sent to the police reporting that Kaitou Jeanne kidnapped Chiaki's father.

Épisode 23 - Checkmate! The Magical Blue Butterfly

17 juillet 1999 - 4.5/5

Kaitou Jeanne sends a notice card saying she will take the "Blue Morpho" a butterfly in Chiaki's fathers large collection that a demon was hiding in and possessed him. But where have all of the missing doctors from the hospital gone?

Épisode 24 - Luxury Cruise Monkey Panic

7 août 1999 - 4.5/5

The owner of the Grand Marine is said to be able to rule the sea. Kaitou Jeanne and Sinbad are forced to sneak on to a cruise liner to retrieve the demon. However, just when they are ready to "Checkmate" the stone disappears in a small blackout. Has another thief entered the show?!

Épisode 25 - Ghost Story! Haunted Summer School

14 août 1999 - 4.5/5

To practice efficiently, the coaches for gymnastics and the soccer team have set up a "resort" for their teams. But the resort is haunted?! On top of that, just when Maron and Miyako are ready to relax, they find out that Chiaki joined the soccer team yesterday and will be spending his vacation with them! If there are demons, is it possible that ghosts could exist as well? Can Kaitou Jeanne fight a ghost?

Épisode 26 - Infiltrate! Karakuri Ninja Castle

21 août 1999 - 4.5/5

This time, the vacation is at a cute little spot that has been transformed to fit the style of the Edo Era. As they enjoy themselves, wearing various costumes mimicking the old style of clothing, a demon has possessed the owner of the place! On top of that, it takes Fin, Miyako, and Iincho hostage. How will Maron transform into Kaitou Jeanne without Fin?!

Épisode 27 - A Tearful Parting-Angel Fin

11 septembre 1999 - 4.5/5

The Petit Claire is acting strangely. On top of that, Saotome's motorcycle has been possessed by a demon! What good can a motorcyclist be without his motorcycle? With the Petit Claire acting up, what will this latest "Checkmate" cause?

Épisode 28 - Advent of the Angel! New Transformation

18 septembre 1999 - 4.5/5

With her powers gone, Maron must find another way to save a boy from an upper-level demon that has infiltrated a statue. She taps into her will to become stronger, and that activates her power to transform again, becoming the upgraded Kaito Jeanne.

Épisode 29 - Totally Beautiful! The Mysterious Teacher Appears

25 septembre 1999 - 4.5/5

One of the high class demons is now posing as Maron's history teacher! The police get to marvel at her return (and her new outfit) as a beautiful angel painting is possessed by a demon! The painting turns from "An Angel of Happiness" to one that is consumed with flames. Will Kaitou Jeanne's wings be clipped as well or will Sinbad be able to save her?

Épisode 30 - Defender, Burning with Renewed Spirit

2 octobre 1999 - 4.5/5

This is just too much for a schoolgirl to handle! First, Maron's teacher might have seen her transform from Kaitou Jeanne back into Maron! Then, Fin visits, but only long enough to say that Sinbad and Access are summoning demons to their world! For Kaitou Jeanne this time, it appears that a live dog is being possessed by a demon, rather than a inanimate object. To make matters worse, the dog is a guide dog for a blind woman that Maron meets. If Kaitou Jeanne "checkmates", will the dog disappear forever?!

Épisode 31 - Kaito Is Doing a Commercial!?

9 octobre 1999 - 4.7/5

Maron and Iinchou were invited to be in a TV commercial by a man who is actually tricking people into giving him money. But when this man has been possessed by a Demon, will Kaitou Jeanne save this man or fail in the process?

Épisode 32 - Kaito Jeanne Elimination Order!

23 octobre 1999 - 4.5/5

Miyako's father purchased a new computer for the police station, the Chief called him and talk to him about the computer, but suddenly his gun got possessed by a demon will Kaitou Jeanne save him?

Épisode 33 - Sinbad the Liar!

30 octobre 1999 - 4.5/5

During a World History class trip to a historic church, a demon takes over a beautiful pipe organ and Maron and Chiaki reveal their feelings for each other. But their mission to catch the demon could blow Sinbad's identity...and Maron's trust in Chiaki.

Épisode 34 - Confession of Separation! I'm Not Going to Trust Anyone!

6 novembre 1999 - 4.5/5

Maron has just found out Chiaki's greatest betrayal to her! He is actually Sinbad and first approached her to stop her from being a Kaitou by getting her to fall for him. So now, with Maron's heart in chaos, Kaitou Jeanne's barrier has weakened making her easy pickings for demons. Can Chiaki prove to her that he loves her?

Épisode 35 - Jeanne: Revival of the Power of Love!

13 novembre 1999 - 4.5/5

Chiaki just can't seem to get through to Maron. But with Miyako's and Kanako's help, perhaps Maron's heart will be healed. However, when Myst attacks another person close to Maron, will it be the final straw? Will Maron's heart be close off forever?

Épisode 36 - Is a Thief an Ally of a Cop!?

20 novembre 1999 - 4.5/5

When Miyako's brother, Subaru, becomes the main target for demonic possession, Miyako's mind is in a whirl of confusion. Suddenly she realizes how all the people Jeanne has stolen from became calm after the robbery, so when Miyako's innocent wish calls forth Jeanne, will Jeanne be able to grant it? Or will Myst be able to prove that human love is so fragile?

Épisode 37 - A Boy with a Demon's Heart

27 novembre 1999 - 4.5/5

Zen, a boy who's been hospitalized for five years due to a heart condition is being targeted by Noin. Jeanne will simply not stand for this. But this time, his live human heart is the thing being possessed. How can Jeanne checkmate?!

Épisode 38 - Decision!? Checkmate of Sorrow

4 décembre 1999 - 4.5/5

If Kaitou Jeanne checkmates, it means death to Zen. Can Maron attain the courage and strength to save Zen from become a demon? Or will Noin get in the way?

Épisode 39 - Only One Wish! To Father and Mother

11 décembre 1999 - 4.5/5

Zen's pure wish to live on his own strength brought bittersweet joy, despite his death. Now, another young girl finds both her parents to be possessed by demons. Can Jeanne save yet another family, when that family happens to be an ambassador's family? Are the police going to stand for Jeanne trying to rob their international guests?

Épisode 40 - Evil Transformation! Myst's Assault

18 décembre 1999 - 4.5/5

Myst, desperate to kill Jeanne before this mysterious "Queen" gets to her, sets up an elaborate plan to kill her by using her school. Meanwhile, Noin gives her dreams of his memories of Jeanne d'Arc, but with Chiaki being her betrayer. This is so she will feel that she cannot trust anyone. To what lengths will Myst go, to kill Jeanne?

Épisode 41 - Reunion with Fin! Dramatic Nightmare

8 janvier 2000 - 4.5/5

It is time for Fin's return and the weather is turning chaotic. Weather enough to create heat strokes during the winter, volcanic erruptions, tornados, and tidal waves galore. Just what is it that Chiaki needs to tell Maron about? And what does it have to do with Fin?

Épisode 42 - Kaito, Surpass Space and Time!

15 janvier 2000 - 4.5/5

Fin is evil?! And Maron has been helping the Devil all this time?! Everything is revealed in this episode to everyone. Is Jeanne d'Arc the only one who can help Maron gain her spirit and courage back?

Épisode 43 - Friendship Destroyed!? Final Battle at the Evil Castle of Ice

22 janvier 2000 - 4.5/5

Miyako has been captured by Fin. Like Jeanne d'Arc, the devil is turning her friends against her. Can Maron save her best friend from a demon without checkmating her? Or can Miyako find and believe in her true self, the self that believes in Maron?

Épisode 44 - You, Become God's Wind!

29 janvier 2000 - 5/5

Game End! It's the final episode and it is the battle for earth and Fin's soul! Kaitou Jeanne stay strong and serious, matchless and marvelous, energetic and courageous, and must find a way to love herself enough to save Fin from the Devil!


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