Poster de la serie Homicide



Année : 1993

Nombre de saisons : 7

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 45 minutes

Genre(s) : Crime, Drame, Mystère, Thriller

Suivez les enquêtes d'un réalisme saisissant de la Brigade Criminelle de Baltimore... Une des meilleures séries policières des années 90, elle raconte l'histoire des inspecteurs de la Brigade Criminelle de Baltimore qui bossent pour boucler leurs enquêtes même si, comme dans la réalité, ils n'y arrivent pas toujours. Cette série a comme mérite de raconter la réalité, parfois cruement. On s'attache facilement aux personnages qui sont remarquablement bien joués.


Homicide saison 1

Saison 1


Homicide saison 2

Saison 2


Homicide saison 3

Saison 3


Homicide saison 4

Saison 4

Homicide saison 5

Saison 5


Homicide saison 6

Saison 6


Homicide saison 7

Saison 7


Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - Gone for Goode

31 janvier 1993 - 4/5

Un nouvel inspecteur arrive à la brigade criminelle de Baltimore, il est confié à Frank Pembleton. Pendant que Tim Bayliss prend ses marques, Lewis et Crosetti s'occupent d'un homme retrouvé mort dans un motel.

Épisode 2 - Ghost of a Chance

3 février 1993 - 4.1/5

La petite Adena Watson est retrouvée morte. Bayliss dirige, difficilement, les opérations alors que toute la presse est après lui. Kay Howard croit entendre la voix d'Agnès (une femme assassinée) lui disant où est cachée l'arme de son crime.

Épisode 3 - Son of a Gun

10 février 1993 - 4.1/5

Chris, un jeune ami policier de Crosetti, se fait tirer dessus au cours d'une patrouille de nuit. Steve veut se charger de l'enquête mais son jugement, quelque peu altéré par ses émotions, le fait passer à côté du coupable. Une nouvelle information sur Adena entraîne une perquisition chez les Berrick.

Épisode 4 - A Shot in the Dark

24 février 1993 - 4.1/5

Pembleton et Felton font le tour des casses de Baltimore pour retrouver une Lincoln bleue qui aurait pu servir à transporter le corps d'Adena Watson. Bolander est encore plus grincheux que d'habitude après l'échec de son rendez-vous avec Carol.

Épisode 5 - Three Men and Adena

3 mars 1993 - 4.3/5

Suspect depuis le début de l'enquête sur la mort d'Adena, Risley Tucker surnommé le marocain est mis en garde à vue. Bayliss et Pembleton ont 12 heures pour lui faire avouer le meurtre de l'enfant...

Épisode 6 - A Dog and Pony Show

10 mars 1993 - 4.2/5

Alors que Pembleton essaye de retrouver l'assassin d'un chien policier, Howard enquête sur le décès d'une jeune femme.

Épisode 7 - And the Rockets Dead Glare

17 mars 1993 - 4.4/5

Lewis et Crosetti se rendent à l'ambassade de Chine à Washington pour tenter d'élucider le meurtre d'un étudiant chinois. Ed Danvers demande à Kay de témoigner dans le procès contre Pony Johnson.

Épisode 8 - Smoke Gets in Your Eyes

24 mars 1993 - 4.5/5

Un adolescent a été battu à mort, Bolander et Munch partent à la poursuite des meurtriers dont la motivation va se révéler quelque peu surprenante. Howard et Bayliss essayent d'arrêtrer de fumer, au grand dam de leurs partenaires puisqu'ils n'ont plus le droit de fumer dans leurs voitures. Pembleton préfère même monter avec Felton...

Épisode 9 - Night of the Dead Living

31 mars 1993 - 4.4/5

Nuit de canicule à Baltimore. L'air conditionné ne marche pas. Il n'y a rien à faire. Les inspecteurs errent dans la brigade. Munch maudit Félicia et l'amour, Bayliss continue à travailler sur l'affaire Watson. Un bébé enfermé dans une cage est trouvé au sous-sol. Un père noël menace de se suicider...

Épisode 1 - Bop Gun

6 janvier 1994 - 4.3/5

Une touriste est assassinée à Baltimore sous les yeux de son mari et de ses enfants. La famille sous le choc est envoyée au poste central alors que les inspecteurs se démènent pour retrouver les coupables...

Épisode 2 - See No Evil

13 janvier 1994 - 4.4/5

Le préfet de police exige que chacun des inspecteurs s'entretienne avec une psychologue. Bolander refuse catégoriquement d'y aller. Le père d'un ami de Beau, atteint d'un cancer incurable et douloureux, veut se faire euthanasier. Bayliss et Pembleton enquêtent sur la mort d'un jeune noir tué au cours d'une descente de police d'une balle dans le dos. Accident ou bavure ?

Épisode 3 - Black and Blue

20 janvier 1994 - 4.2/5

Bolander, quinquagénaire divorcé, se lie à une serveuse de restaurant et découvre qu'ils ont tous les deux la même passion commune, le violoncelle. Pembleton et Giardello s'affrontent au sujet du meurtre du jeune Cox. Pembleton soupçonne un cas de bavure policière. Giardello lui interdit de mener une enquête sur l'unité mais il contourne ses régles et soupçonne l'inspecteur Tyron.

Épisode 4 - A Many Splendored Thing

27 janvier 1994 - 4.3/5

Jaloux de Bolander, Munch tente de lui gâcher la soirée qu'il a organisée avec Linda, la serveuse. Munch parle avec amertume de la futilité de l'amour... Pembleton et Bayliss enquêtent sur le meurtre d'Angela Fradina, retrouvée étranglée, serrant dans la main un petit billet qui indique un certain "Ed" comme étant le coupable. Ils découvrent qu'Angelina travaillait pour le téléphone rose, Ed était son patron... Tout ce commerce du sexe choque Bayliss qui croit en la noblesse de l'homme. Il a droit à un cours de morale de Pembleton qui lui fait comprendre que chacun a une double personnalité et doit vivre avec ce qu'il y a de mauvais en lui.

Épisode 1 - Nearer My God to Thee

14 octobre 1994 - 3.8/5

Catherine Goodrich, qui a été récompensée de la médaille du "bon samaritain", est retrouvée morte, ne portant sur elle qu'une simple paire de gants blancs... Pembleton, en désaccord avec Gaffney, son coéquipier dans l'enquête sur la mort de Catherine Goodrich, préfère suivre son instinct.

Épisode 2 - Fits Like a Glove

21 octobre 1994 - 4.3/5

L'affaire du meurtre de Catherine Goodrich s'aggrave avec la découverte d'une seconde victime, elle aussi trouvée nue derrière une église avec une paire de gants blancs aux mains... Pendant ce temps, Felton, séparé de sa femme, doit maintenant faire le choix entre ses enfants ou sa maîtresse et collègue Megan Russert.

Épisode 3 - Extreme Unction

28 octobre 1994 - 3.6/5

Avec la découverte d'une troisième victime assassinée dans les mêmes circonstances que les deux premières, la police doit se rendre à l'évidence : il s'agit là d'une série de meurtres perpétrés par un serial killer.

Épisode 4 - A Model Citizen

11 novembre 1994 - 4/5

Lewis est éperdument amoureux de la belle Emme, qui travaille à la police scientifique... mais celle-ci n'a d'yeux que pour Bayliss ! Quant à Munch, son manque d'assiduité compromet l'obtention de sa licence de barman. En attendant, il enquête avec Kay Howard sur la mort d'un adolescent abattu par son propre frère. Pamela Wilgis porte plainte contre Pembleton au prétexte que celui-ci aurait bafoué ses droits civiques pendant l'interrogatoire !

Épisode 5 - Happy to be Here

18 novembre 1994 - 4.7/5

Bayliss continues his relationship with the artist, but she's told her boyfriend. When she tells Bayliss that her boyfriend hit her upon hearing the news, it makes Bayliss so mad he confronts him. Pembleton and Bayliss investigate the death of a woman who's received a delivery of fresh flowers, although she's been dead over two weeks. Bolander and Munch investigate the shooting of Thorne's source, who's linked to a cocaine cartel, then Thorne is shot. Gee tries to get the department to get him a replacement for Crosetti. Thorne's daughter decides to keep his newspaper going. Beau tries to find out where his wife has moved the family. With Meldrick and Bayliss' disagreement over the artist, Munch is left without partners for the bar. Bayliss goes over the edge when the artist dumps him, so he holds up a liquor store for 11 cents; Pembleton gets him out of it.

Épisode 6 - Crosetti

2 décembre 1994 - 4.7/5

Meldrick ne peut supporter l'idée que son partenaire Steve Crosetti, se soit suicidé. Il mène sa propre enquête qui n'aboutit nulle part jusqu'au moment où ses collègues interviennent pour l'aider à accepter la terrible vérité.

Épisode 7 - The Last of the Watermen

9 décembre 1994 - 4.3/5

Ayant besoin de décompresser, la détective KAy Howard vient passer quelques jours chez sa famille à Chesapeake Bay...mais à peine arrivée elle se retrouve confrontée à une affaire de meurtre, sur fond de tension entre pêcheurs d'huitres et écologistes : les uns voulant préserver l'emploi, les autres l'environnement.

Épisode 8 - All Through the House

16 décembre 1994 - 4/5

C'est noël au commissariat, Bolander se charge du sapin. Munch pour sa part, reste aux côtés d'un garçon dont le père, qu'on croyait assassiné, réapparaît miraculeusement pour les fêtes de fin d'années ! A l'occasion d'une enquête qu'ils mènent ensemble sur une affaire de meurtre, Lewis et Russert apprennent à se connaître mutuellement.

Épisode 9 - Every Mother's Son

6 janvier 1995 - 4.3/5

A la suite d'une fusillade mortelle entre adolescents, les mères respectives s'unissent dans la douleur, l'espoir et la colère... Pendant ce temps, le feuilleton du bar continue : il s'avère en effet que George Washington en personne à fréquenté l'établissemnt, qui devient ddonc un monument classé ; Munch, Bayliss et Lewis vont devoir renoncer à leurs beaux projets de rénovation.

Épisode 10 - Cradle to Grave

13 janvier 1995 - 4.8/5

Désireux de plaire au directeur de la police, Pembleton étouffe une affaire impliquant un membre du Congrés. La presse découvrant le scandale, Pembleton est contraint de démissionner... Pendant ce temps, Lewis s'éfforce de surmonter ses préjugés alors qu'il mène avec Munich une enquête sur le meurtre d'un cycliste, et Beau Felton parvient enfin à localiser sa femme et ses enfants.

Épisode 11 - Partners

20 janvier 1995 - 4.4/5

Russert retrouve un ancien collègue au service des homicides ; après la joie des retrouvailles, une sinistre réalité se fait jour : le collègue en question bat sa femme... Pour être réinstitué dans la police, Pembleton prend sur lui de ne pas impliquer son directeur dans l'affaire qui lui a coûté son poste.

Épisode 12 - The City That Bleeds

27 janvier 1995 - 4.5/5

Howard, Felton et Bolander sont dans un état critique, alors qu'ils tentaient d'arrêter un suspect. De son côté, Pembleton tente de s'adapter à sa nouvelle partenaire.

Épisode 13 - Dead End

3 février 1995 - 4.8/5

Après plusieurs traques infructueuses, Pembleton parvient à arrêter le suspect N°1 dans la fusillade dont ont été victimes Felton, Howard et Bolander. Amère victoire dans la mesure où l'homme en question est finalement condamné pour une autre affaire. Felton se sent à la fois traumatisé par sa propre paralysie et culpabilisé par l'état encore plus grave où se trouve Kay.

Épisode 14 - End Game

10 février 1995 - 4.6/5

Pembleton et Walker parviennent à capturer l'auteur de la fusillade, Garvey, néo-nazi de son état. Pembleton se sert du fanatisme de Garvey pour l'amener à avouer. L'angoisse gagne le commissariat quand l'étét de Bolander se dégrade brusquement; et Felton émerge de sa paralysie, favorisant la réconciliation entre Kay et Megan.

Épisode 15 - Law and Disorder

24 février 1995 - 4.6/5

Bayliss enquête sur l'assassinat de Gordon Pratt, tueur de flics lui-même tué par une arme policière. Soupçonnant ses collègues, il se retrouve seul sur le dossier. De leur côté, Pembleton et Lewis sont sur l'affaire Battisto. Leah Burns, amie de la victime, dit que la balle meurtrière a été tirée par un voyou de la cité noire.

Épisode 16 - The Old and the Dead

3 mars 1995 - 4.8/5

Beau meets Megan's cousin, NBC's Tim Russert. Kay and Stan return to duty, after Stan undergoes a final test, and Kay finds her desk has been moved. They like Beau, they both must get used to the job again. Tim and Beau investigate the discovery of a skeleton found buried in a backyard. Bolander and Munch discover an unlikely suspect in the murder of a quiet elderly couple: their grandson. Gee exposes Granger, who used his relatives in some department plumbing contracts; the information is leaked to the papers, Granger is forced to retire. Barnfather is made colonel and a new captain is named, Megan Russert. The higher ranks of the Baltimore police department are now more politically correct, but Gee doesn't like it.

Épisode 17 - In Search of Crimes Past

14 avril 1995 - 4.4/5

Alors que Michael Bigelow est sur le point d'être exécuté pour le meurtre de Peter Larsen commis seize ans plus tôt, sa petite-fille Lee prend en otage le colonel Barnfather pour empêcher l'exécution. Au même moment, une note laissée par un suicidé avoue le meurtre, confirmé par des preuves encore intactes seize ans plus tard.

Épisode 18 - Nothing Personal

21 avril 1995 - 4.8/5

Kay est blessée dans son amour-propre devant son impuissance à résoudre une affaire. Désespérant de revoir sa famille, Beau se réfugie dans les bras de Megan... Bayliss, Munch et Lewis ayant enfin racheté le bar de leurs rêves, sont ruinés par les taxes vertigineuses qu'ils doivent acquitter à la dernière minute !

Épisode 19 - Colors

28 avril 1995 - 4.8/5

Affrontement entre Pembleton et Bayliss après l'arrestation du cousin de ce dernier qui a tué un jeune Arabe dans des circonstances contestables de légitime défense. Pembleton croit au crime raciste, mais Bayliss prend la défense de son cousin.

Épisode 20 - The Gas Man

5 mai 1995 - 4.6/5

Victor Helms, chauffagiste dont l'installation défectueuse a provoqué l'asphyxie d'une famille entière, sort de prison après six ans de réclusion. Accompagné de Danny Newton, son ami de toujours, il décide de se venger de Pembleton qui l'a mis en prison six ans plus tôt.

Épisode 1 - Fire (1)

20 octobre 1995 - 5/5

Bolander and Felton are suspended for 22 weeks without pay for incidents related to activities at a police convention in Washington, DC. Howard plans to take the sergeant's exam. Pembleton and Bayliss are assigned to investigate the death of a body found at an arson. At the scene they meet an arson detective that clashes with Frank's working style. Frank hesitates chasing a suspect, and later we learn that his wife is pregnant. Munch also decides to take the exam, and when the wagering begins on who is going to pass, everyone favors Howard. While the detectives are debating whether the fire was set to cover the murder, another fire is started.

Épisode 2 - Fire (2)

27 octobre 1995 - 5/5

The fire investigation continues. Bayliss' back is acting up and Kellerman is paired with Pembleton. Kellerman shows Gee something, so he is offered a transfer into the department that he first rejects. Kay takes the sergeant's exam, Munch misses it due a ""comedy of errors.""

Épisode 3 - Autofocus

3 novembre 1995 - 4.8/5

A gas leak causes the detectives to evacuate the building, so they relocate to an old bank building. Lewis is paired up with Kellerman on the murder of a woman. Sergeant Howard tries to carve out a place for herself with the other detectives, but her efforts prove unpopular. Pembleton has trouble adjusting to the new surroundings and his wife's pregnancy. A cameraman who was at the scene of the murder has who he thinks is the perpetrator on tape; however, when he brings the tape to Gee, he is thrown out before he can say why he's there. The cameraman eventually strikes a deal with Lewis and Kellerman.

Épisode 4 - Thrill of the Kill

10 novembre 1995 - 5/5

La criminelle récupère ses locaux et doit se lancer à la poursuite d'un homme qui assassine toutes les personnes qui font obstacle sur son trajet. Quand un suspect répondant à son signalement est arrêté, il est cuisiné par Bayliss et Pembleton. Mais Newton Dell, l'homme en question, clame son innocence

Épisode 5 - Hate Crimes

17 novembre 1995 - 5/5

Pembleton and Bayliss investigate a murder that was committed in a gay neighborhood by skinheads and the victim's sexual preference is questioned. Brodie is hired by the department to videotape the detectives' crime scenes. A voice stress analyzer is brought in for a demonstration. Meldrick gets a lead and closes an old Crosetti case that even Howard couldn't crack; it causes a little tension between them.

Épisode 6 - A Doll's Eyes

1 décembre 1995 - 4.8/5

Technically it's not a homicide; however, Pembleton and Bayliss investigate the ""murder"" of a small boy who's the victim of a stray bullet, which makes him brain dead. The parents must choose what to do with their son. The Pope is in town.

Épisode 7 - Heartbeat

8 décembre 1995 - 4.8/5

Lewis and Kellerman interview a suspect and uncover a 10-year-old crime, which is assigned to Howard and Munch. Tim lets Frank's secret about Mary's pregnancy slip out. Howard and Munch find the body from the 10-year-old murder bricked up in a wall. John has a date with Alyssa, the ME, but finds himself in bed with her new roommate before their date, so he begins avoiding her. Howard and Munch's murder suspect has a fascination for former Baltimore resident Edgar Allan Poe. Munch plays up that angle while trying to break their suspect.

Épisode 8 - Sniper (1)

5 janvier 1996 - 5/5

Jay Leno stops by the Waterfront Bar while in town visiting his cousin Mary; Munch and Bayliss don't want to bother him. A new year starts out with a clean board and Brodie begins his work taping with the detectives. A sniper takes the city hostage, threatening to and executing people every 8 hours. The sniper uses Hangman as a way to leave clues for the detectives. Bayliss is the primary and his back is giving him trouble as he worries about surgery his doctor wants him to have. To combat the pain, he keeps taking muscle relaxants. A suspect is found and cornered and he shoots himself before they can take him into custody. Russert gets demoted when Barnfather doesn't like the way she handled the investigation.

Épisode 9 - Sniper (2)

12 janvier 1996 - 4.8/5

The sniper continues the shootings and everyone returns to duty lacking sleep. The media starts to make their presence felt. Munch begins to worry about Howard's safety, fearing she'll be wounded again. Frank makes his wife wear a bulletproof vest. Gee asks for Russert's help even though Barnfather had ordered her to stand down during the rest of this investigation. A man at the scene of both of the day's shootings is put into the box for questioning. Russert has a talk with the suspect with the subject being keeping people's attention and respect.

Épisode 10 - The Hat

19 janvier 1996 - 5/5

Gee is sent upstairs to see Barnfather and everyone speculates about the vacant Captain's position. Lewis and Kellerman are sent to Pennsylvania to extradite a woman back to Baltimore where she is a suspect in the murder of her husband. Munch tries to find a videotape in Brodie's pile. Later after reviewing the tape, they discover a key piece of evidence isn't contained on the tape. Munch wants the tape erased, but Brodie delivers the tape to court and that results in the outcome Munch feared. On the trip back from Harrisburg, Kellerman convinces Lewis that they have time to stop at Neptune's Castle and they lose the suspect, for a moment. Later they lose her again but find her at the house of her dead husband's mistress, delivering a hat. Much to everyone's surprise but not the viewers Gaffney is promoted to Captain over Gee. Captain Gaffney lays down the law.

Épisode 11 - I've Got a Secret

2 février 1996 - 5/5

Lewis and Kellerman try to subdue a large man who's gone on a rampage. The large man is finally subdued and they find him digging up his mother. This case brings out some information about Meldrick's family, and he tries to see his brother, who doesn't want to see him. Kay tries to keep the identity of her new boyfriend a secret, mainly from John, which drives him crazy. Pembleton and Bayliss investigate the death of a man whose body is found in a car. Scheiner says he died from internal bleeding, not the gunshot wound to the groin he was treated for at an emergency room earlier that day. They discover that the doctor may have had a motive for doing a less than adequate job treating her patient.

Épisode 12 - For God and Country (2)

9 février 1996 - 4.8/5

Continuing the investigation in New York City, Egan's wife is questioned by Frank and Tim. Just a few hours later, Egan's wife is killed and Egan's son is seen running. Kendall is taken into proctective custody until he gives up the suspect's name. Lennie Briscoe and Rey Curtis (from Law and Order) come to Baltimore. Munch finds out that Lennie knew his ex-wife a little too much (She moved to NYC after divorcing him). The suspect tried to escape in a seaplane but is caught. NYC ADA Claire Kincaid comes down to extradite him back to NYC, which made Frank upset. While extraditing him, the suspect has a heart attack and dies at the train station. (Charm City (1) aired on Law & Order, season 6, episode 13.)

Épisode 13 - Justice (1)

16 février 1996 - 5/5

Russert and Munch are assigned to work a case together; they find a retired cop who was murdered near his wife's tombstone. The dead cop's son asks Lewis, whom he went to the academy with, to get involved with case. He also makes his own inquiries, which get him into a bit of trouble. A suspect is arrested; however, despite the overwhelming evidence against the accused, the jury acquits him. The son contemplates delivering his own justice.

Épisode 14 - Justice (2)

23 février 1996 - 5/5

Jake Rodzinski has trouble dealing with the verdict of the trial and takes justice into his own hands. Kellerman is back from a family wedding in Wisconsin picks up the case of the murder of Kenny Damon. Lewis is not allowed to know all the details of Kellerman's investigation, because of his past relationship with Rodzinski, their chief suspect. Bayliss is at odds with Pembleton over the disposition of a grilled cheese sandwich.

Épisode 15 - Stakeout

15 mars 1996 - 4.8/5

The entire squad is put on 24-hour surveillance when a mass murderer has been identified, isn't at home and doesn't know that they know. Gee debates leaving the squad in the midst of the stakeout, so he can attend his daughter's wedding in California. As the detectives rotate through shifts on the stakeout, the main topics of discussion are the homeowners and Bayliss' plans to leave the unit.

Épisode 16 - Requiem for Adena

29 mars 1996 - 5/5

A young girl is murdered, in a style similar to Adena Watson's murder. Frank demands to work the case alone as Bayliss begins to think that the two crimes might be related. Bayliss' obsession with trying to get this case solved and linked to Adena's murder causes the two of them to clash. Howard learns that Brodie has a crush on her and tells him she doesn't like the joke that's being pulled-- only problem there is that it's the truth.

Épisode 17 - Full Moon

5 avril 1996 - 4.8/5

Kellerman and Lewis (with Brodie) investigate a shooting at the New Moon motel, where everyone there has a motive for the crime. They split up and canvass the denizens of the motel; Lewis also searches for the victim's missing boot. The murder is just one of the many crimes that has occurred or is occurring at this establishment.

Épisode 18 - Scene of the Crime

12 avril 1996 - 5/5

Lewis and Kellerman's investigation of a murder in a housing project puts them at odds with a civilian-patrol group, run by the Black Muslims. Munch is excited because Stan is scheduled to come back June 1st. Russert and Munch catch a case where both the victim and shooter are dead. She with Howard must decide whether to circumvent the so-called ""blue wall of silence"" among police officers when it is discovered that the officer on the scene didn't react in time. Barnfather stops Lewis and Kellerman's charging of a Muslim, until something is leaked to the newspapers. The ""big man"" is scheduled to come to the bar, but changes his mind, twice.

Épisode 19 - Map of the Heart

26 avril 1996 - 5/5

A prominent attorney is murdered and the murderer presents himself to Pembleton and Bayliss with a videotape that implicates him. Brodie works on increasing his self-image. Kellerman is determined to find out who's the ""lunch bandit."" The NSA steps in on Pembleton's murder investigation and provides him with a guilty party, even though they know he didn't do it. Bayliss' disgust with the interference doesn't sit well with Gaffney who wants to charge him with insubordination.

Épisode 20 - The Damage Done

3 mai 1996 - 4.8/5

Lewis and Kellerman investigate a series of homicides that put them into the middle of a drug war. Kellerman suspects that Lewis is seeing someone, but he doesn't ""kiss and tell."" As the red piles up on the board Gee gets edgy. Kellerman seeks comfort from the godmother of the daughter of the victim's family. Kellerman and ""Drak"" have a confrontation. At a ""Peace on our Street"" demonstration, the current drug war is ended.

Épisode 21 - The Wedding

10 mai 1996 - 4.8/5

A trash-talking radio talk-show host makes a proposal to his listening audience. Lewis announces to Kellerman that he is getting married today, then he throws up. He motivates the rest of the squad to help him with the final details as he is getting married ""tonight after the shift ends."" Kay brings her sister with her to the station. Since the whole squad is busy with Lewis' wedding, Gee takes Howard out to work the homicide of the radio talk-show host. One of his listeners took him up on his proposal. Munch is skeptical about the Lewis wedding; he thinks it's an elaborate practical joke. Bayliss and Kellerman vie for the attention of Kay's sister. Gee shoots and kills a potential suspect, but the suspect was in jail at the time of the talk show host's murder. The guy who fingered him admits that he did it as a joke. The wedding is no hoax. During the festivities Pembleton's wife goes into labor.

Épisode 22 - Work Related

17 mai 1996 - 5/5

Mary gave birth to a girl named Olivia; Tim is more excited about it than Frank. Their latest case involves a multiple shooting a restaurant. Lewis is back from his honeymoon, but while working a case with Kellerman, he confesses that they have yet to consummate their marriage. Later he tells him that they've separated. Tim stops by to see Frank and Mary's baby. They get a suspect for their case in the box. Frank collapses in the box while interrogating a suspect. Frank is put under the knife to release the pressure built up in his head from the stroke he had. After the surgery the doctor tells them that he doesn't know if Frank will recover.

Épisode 1 - Hostage (1)

20 septembre 1996 - 5/5

Gaffney and Barnfather give Gee a hassle about the return of Frank to duty and the sudden departure of Russert to Europe. Bayliss and Munch are called to the scene of a homicide, where the victim, Mrs. Uba, was cooking breakfast and the only witness may be a male pig named Angie. Frank returns to work and Gee tells him what his limited duties are going to be and that he's called in all his favors and both their asses are on the line. The squad is called out for a hostage situation at a middle school.

Épisode 2 - Hostage (2)

27 septembre 1996 - 5/5

Night has fallen and the crisis is no closer to being resolved. Gee demands that Barnfather make a decision. Frank continues to trying to adjust. Frank insists on going to the hostage scene. The identity of the hostage-taker is made when he demands that his pig be brought to the school. When the pig doesn't arrive in time, he sets a fire and seriously wounds a hostage (who later dies) and then becomes badly burned. Brodie takes issue with Munch's treatment of Pembleton. The paperwork gets completed and the hostage-taker is formally charged. Frank makes a decision regarding his recovery.

Épisode 3 - Prison Riot

18 octobre 1996 - 5/5

A riot breaks out at the prison, where two inmates are killed. The squad goes to the scene, but Frank must still stay behind. Bayliss, Lewis, Kellerman and Howard interview the inmates; many of them have familiar faces. Frank works on his target practice. Bayliss thinks that one inmate really wanted to tell him something, so he puts together a deal to get the information. The inmate confesses to the murder and Bayliss doesn't believe him. Another riot breaks out and the truth is finally discovered.

Épisode 4 - Bad Medicine

25 octobre 1996 - 4.7/5

More drug-related homicides are occurring. Pembleton is still relegated to desk duty and now so is Kellerman. A federal grand jury investigation is being conducted that goes back to the time when Mike was in the arson unit. Frank is still not taking his medicine and getting ready for the range test. Brodie moves out of Munch's place and into Bayliss'. Lewis finds out that the witness to his drug homicide has been brought downtown. He goes after him and meets Stivers, a female detective in narcotics. Lewis's witness points toward Luther Mahoney as the initiator of the contract. They go to find the executor, who's been executed. Stivers pages Mahoney and he comes in for questioning, but they can't make a case that Danvers thinks will stick. Frank misses a passing grade on his test by four points.

Épisode 5 - M.E., Myself and I

1 novembre 1996 - 4.7/5

The new Chief Medical Examiner (CME), Julianna Cox, speeds into town. An FBI agent, Pandolfi, conducts interviews with the squad about Kellerman. Frank looks for way to celebrate his anniversary with his wife. The new CME arrives on the scene of a homicide that Lewis and Bayliss are working on, they lay down their respective ground rules. Bayliss' murderer confesses to committing another crime. Kellerman is worried by the ongoing investigation and takes it out on another arson officer. Brodie offers to make chili for the Lewis family but the dinner turns into a fight for Meldrick and his wife. From a suggestion by Frank, Bayliss and Lewis get the other body exhumed and checked out. Frank and Mary celebrate their anniversary. Bayliss gains some insight into the new CME.

Épisode 6 - White Lies

8 novembre 1996 - 5/5

An article appears in The Baltimore Sun about Kellerman and the other members of the arson unit who are under investigation. Munch investigates the death of women whose husband returned home to find her dead, cause unknown. He suspects the husband but Cox thinks differently. Pembleton tries to help Bayliss close the Lambert case. The article puts Kellerman on edge and he goes to Roland's office where he discovers Roland is a federal witness. This incident gets him suspended until he takes a polygraph test. Brodie gets an offer to stay at Kay's place. Munch presses his witness and breaks him but Cox's evidence still says otherwise. Kellerman takes the test and while waiting for the result tells Lewis the truth. Cox visits Munch's suspect in his cell. Frank reflects on his past and the future. Kellerman passes the polygraph, but so did the federal witness; one of them beat the test.

Épisode 7 - The Heart of a Saturday Night

15 novembre 1996 - 5/5

Family members of murder victims (Widmer, Rath and Silvio) are in a support group where they discuss their feelings about the loss they have each suffered. Short-handed, Gee investigates the Widmer homicide at the Waterfront Bar. Bayliss' homicide is unidentified for 48 hours before she is identified as being Rath. Lewis and Munch investigate a car jacking at Federal Hill, where the mother is the victim and the 3-year-old daughter in the car at the time is missing. Meanwhile, Howard, Kellerman and Pembleton stay behind. Frank interviews the two witnesses that Tim had in for questioning and gets a lead on a suspect. Cox joins the support group meeting late; she is still coping with the death of her father.

Épisode 8 - The True Test

22 novembre 1996 - 4.7/5

Lewis and Bayliss investigate a homicide at a boarding school. Gee goes to Frank's house to pick him up for a trip to the gun range. Kellerman wants the investigation into corruption in his old arson unit to move along, but he finds out that all the real guilty parties have made plea bargains. Frank's firearm test looked promising. The tiny little voice in Bayliss' head tells him that McPhee Broadman might be their suspect despite the fact that his mother is a powerful judge in Baltimore. A student comes forward and confesses to the student's killing; however, the detectives aren't convinced he alone was responsible. Frank passes the exam and can return to active duty, but as far as he is concerned the real test is in the box.

Épisode 9 - Control

6 décembre 1996 - 4.7/5

Pembleton waits with anticipation for the phone to ring. It does and with Bayliss as the primary, they proceed to investigate the triple murder of a divorced woman and her children. Kellerman asks Brodie not to return to the boat. Lewis and Munch get a homicide that they can track back to Luther Mahoney. Bayliss and Pembleton disagree on who the primary suspect is in the murder. Mahoney's nephew wants to remain ""monogamous"" in implicating his uncle. Kellerman gets his summons to appear before the grand jury. Frank and Tim must work out the finer points of working in the box together again. Mahoney's hand reaches out from jail and silences his nephew; the case is a bust. Lewis lays down the law to Luther Mahoney in the Waterfront Bar. Cox finds Kellerman and his predicament intriguing and offers him some company, the night of his summons.

Épisode 10 - Blood Wedding

13 décembre 1996 - 5/5

Nouveau dossier "Chaud" pour Pembleton : le meurtre de la fiancée d'un certain Danvers pendant que celle-ci essayait sa robe de mariée. Danvers n'a guére confiance en Pembleton qui a précédemment fait la preuve de son incompétence. Assailli à la fois de doutes sur lui-même et de pressions extérieures, Pembleton poursuit néanmoins l'enquête qui le conduira à l'assassin

Épisode 11 - The Documentary

3 janvier 1997 - 5/5

Le soir du Nouvel An, les détectives visionnent un documentaire réalisé par Brodie sur le travail de l'équipe. On y trouve notamment des images d'enquêtes menées par Pembleton et Bayliss qui dévoilent quelques révélations choquantes, ainsi que des images de Kellerman et Lewis en pleine poursuite d'un suspect pendant le tournage de l'émission de télévision "Homicide" réalisée par Barry Levinson. Brodie annonce qu'il a envoyé son documentaire à la télévision publique

Épisode 12 - Betrayal

10 janvier 1997 - 4.7/5

Frank and Tim investigate the death of a young girl whose abused body was found by the side of the interstate. Brodie goes to an interview with a new potential roommate. Kellerman finally gets his day in court, where he is supposed to take the 5th amendment. Frank and Tim disagree with their pursuit of the investigation. Frank tries a different approach with the mother and she tells him the story-- only they won't be able to get a murder one conviction. Julianna comes down to the courthouse to offer Mike some moral support. He sees Connelly come out of the courtroom and thinks things are going bad, so he prepares to give it all up. However, his appearance before the grand jury doesn't go quite as he expected. Brodie walks out of the building with his new roommate. The detectives try to celebrate Kellerman's freedom, though he has different thoughts about the situation. Tim tries to come to grips with the child abuse he experienced in his past and also tells Frank he doesn't want to be

Épisode 13 - Have a Conscience

17 janvier 1997 - 4.7/5

Déçu du traitement que la presse lui a réservé pendant son procès, Kellerman s'embarque néanmoins dans une nouvelle affaire : le meurtre d'un commerçant qui a voulu se débarrasser de trafiquants de drogue. Le principal suspect est un dénommé Luther Mahoney qui pourrait une fois de plus échapper à la justice. C'en est vraiment de trop pour Kellerman ; Lewis essaie en vain de le rasséréner. Pendant ce temps, Bayliss est bien décidé à mettre un terme à son association avec Pembleton

Épisode 14 - Diener

31 janvier 1997 - 5/5

Giardella est séduit par l'aplomb d'une journaliste qui se mêle de l'enquête menée par Pembleton sur l'assassinat d'un policier... Pendant ce temps, les frères de Kellerman débarquent en lui demandant de leur prêter son bateau pour ouvrir une affaire de transport maritime. En réalité, ils fuient un bookmaker à qui ils doivent 18.000 dollars ; ils ont volé l'uniforme d'un célèbre joueur de base-ball en espérant le revendre pour s'acquitter de leur dette. Partis à leur recherche, Lewis et Cox retrouveront les deux vauriens en prison !

Épisode 15 - Wu's on First?

7 février 1997 - 4.7/5

Kellerman conseille à Lewis de contacter un professionnel pour régler ses problèmes personnels. Lewis doit enquêter avec Pembleton sur le meurtre d'une femme fortunée. Le mobile du crime semble trouver son origine dans la rivalité existant entre les deux enfants de la victime. Cela n'empêche pas le suspect d'accuser la police d'avoir volé la bague en diamants de sa soeur. Cox tente de vérifier si le bijou aurait pu être volé par un membre de l'équipe. Avec l'aide de Brodie, elle installe des caméras de surveillance vidéo à la morgue. Mary confie à Pembleton qu'ils devraient peut-être consulter un conseiller conjugal

Épisode 16 - Valentine's Day

14 février 1997 - 5/5

Brodie pense qu'un étudiant que Munch croit suicidé, a en fait été assassiné par un certain Alan Shack ; ce dernier tente de la tuer avant d'avouer le crime. Bayliss et Kellerman cherchent le lien entre deux attentats à la bombe : ils le trouveront dans la mort de l'épicier coréen tué par un des hommes de main de Luther Mahoney. Une troisième bombe est posée au palais de justice où Lewis et Cox doivent retrouver Danvers... Pendant ce temps, Pembleton accepte devant Mary et le psy de baptiser Olivia, mais il arrive en retard au baptême et Mary décide de quitter son mari provisoirement

Épisode 17 - Kaddish

21 février 1997 - 5/5

Une femme dont Munch était amoureux autrefois est retrouvée assassinée ; alors qu'il mène l'enquête avec Kellerman, sa foi religieuse est mise à rude épreuve.

Épisode 18 - Double Blind

11 avril 1997 - 4.7/5

A girl complains to the desk sergeant about her father's abuse of her mother. Meldrick spends the night remembering Crosetti with the Chris and Eva Thormann. Chris reflects on his own memories of the shooting incident that blinded him, the shooter is now up for parole. Bayliss with Pembleton investigate the homicide of a man shot to death in his own house. The shooter, the murdered man's wife will testify, is their daughter. The case triggers a painful memory for Tim who goes to visit his Uncle George.

Épisode 19 - Deception

25 avril 1997 - 5/5

Alors qu'un convoyeur de drogue travaillant pour Luther Mahoney est trouvé mort dans une chambre d'hôtel, la brigade décide d'arrêter Mahoney lui-même. L'opération se déroule comme prévu, ou presque... Par ailleurs, un nouveau témoignage amène Munch à réétudier une vieille affaire de meurtre, d'où il ressort que la victime est en faite vivante... et qu'un autre meurtre, encore insoupçonné, reste à élucider ! Les circonstances amènent Tim et Franck à faire de nouveau équipe ensemble.

Épisode 20 - Narcissus

2 mai 1997 - 5/5

Une grande chasse policière a été organisée contre un suspect armé. Celui-ci a trouvé refuge dans les locaux du «Mouvement pour la Renaissance africaine». Le responsable des lieux, un ex-policier nommé «Brundi» Robinson, tente d'apaiser le conflit en contactant une vieille connaissance. Munch et Pembleton essaient de régler l'affaire alors que Bayliss reste étrangement introuvable. Mais les obstacles deviennent de plus en plus insurmontables. Stivers rumine toute une série d'arrière-pensées depuis qu'elle a assisté à la fusillade chez Luther Mahoney

Épisode 21 - Partners and Other Strangers (1)

9 mai 1997 - 4.7/5

La victime d'un suicide suspect se révèle être un agent secret de la police qui avait infiltré un réseau de malfaiteurs. L'affaire est délicate pour Pembleton, qui ne peut dévoiler l'identité de l'agent sans compromettre l'enquête menée par ses collègues de la police secrète. Du coup, Megan Russert coupe court à son séjour en Europe pour rejoindre l'équipe de choc. Pendant ce temps, Terri Stivers exige la vérité de Kellerman au sujet de Luther Mahoney ; et Bayliss, aux prises avec son passé, continue de travailler avec son oncle Georges

Épisode 22 - Strangers and Other Partners (2)

16 mai 1997 - 4.7/5

Devant l'insuccès d'une enquête autour d'un meurtre, les trois superflics Pembleton, Gharity et Falsone décident de faire équipe... une troublante découverte les attend. De leur côté, Mary et Frank se remettent ensemble... et font aussitôt un deuxième bébé ! Enfin, Kellerman et Cox se demandent si leur curieuse façon de travailler ensemble ne cache pas quelque chose d'inavoué.

Épisode 1 - Blood Ties (1)

17 octobre 1997 - 5/5

Their rotation in robbery is up, Frank and Tim return to the homicide unit. They find that citations are being handed out to the unit and a delighted Gee, whose clearance rate is the highest it has been in five years. Kellerman and Lewis are also scheduled to return. Howard is still on assignment with the fugitive squad. Additions to the unit through rotated assignment include Det. Ballard who actually comes from a Seattle homicide unit, Det. Falsone and Det. Gharty. Falsone and Gharty worked with the unit on the Felton case last spring; however, nothing is mentioned about the status of that case. (Sharp-eyed viewers note that Felton's name is still in red under Pembleton's name on the board.) Meanwhile, Gee attends a black tie function honoring Felix Wilson, a respected member of the community. Because he grew up with them, Gee sits at a table with Felix, his wife and their family. Everyone attending the function at the hotel is kept late because the body of a woman is found dead in t

Épisode 2 - Blood Ties (2)

24 octobre 1997 - 5/5

While Pembleton is still interested in the housekeeper's ex-boyfriend, Ballard still thinks that the Wilson family needs to be looked at more closely. Also, a body is found at Camden Yards during a game between the Orioles and the A's. Falsone questions Stivers about the Mahoney shooting and that begins to make her nervous. Tensions mount because there appears to be a leak to the press within the unit about the Wilson case. Orioles' security wants the case quickly resolved. Munch and Kellerman have only 48,000 possible suspects. The victim is discovered to be a dead Yankees fan. Tim gets his old high school French teacher to help them check out the whereabouts of the housekeeper's ex-boyfriend. He is cleared because of his current incarceration in a Haitian prison, which leaves the Wilson men as more probable suspects. Are Gee and Pembleton protecting Felix Wilson because he is a prominent businessman in predominately black Baltimore, as outsider Ballard suggests? Munch and Kellerman g

Épisode 3 - Blood Ties (3)

31 octobre 1997 - 4.7/5

The Wilsons go on television to offer a reward. The newspapers are making the Homicide unit look bad and Barnfather wants quick resolution to the case. The man (and his wife) who gave up Junior Bunk are murdered; Falsone and Lewis investigate. The only survivor, their young son, is brought in to find out what he remembers. His memories-- and a recorded phone message-- lead Stivers to believe a former member of the Narcotics unit is involved. The officer cops to a deal that implicates Georgia Rae Mahoney, though Giardella doesn't want to pursue that yet. Falsone's questioning of the Mahoney shooting leads Cox to doubt her actions at the time of the investigation. Incriminating evidence leads the detectives to Hal Wilson being their prime suspect. Frank goes to interview Felix and Hal Wilson; son and father confront some long-standing issues. Hal's confession is inadmissible in court, the Wilsons leave the Baltimore area, and the case remains officially open.

Épisode 4 - Birthday

7 novembre 1997 - 5/5

A young woman is viciously attacked. Falsone and Lewis are called to the scene because the victim wasn't expected to make it. Stivers is working in Sex Crimes and is second to the scene; however, because Homicide was first it is technically their case. The attack is the third in three months and the bosses decide they'll work the case together. Frank's wife is overdue on her delivery. Tim recommends a restaurant whose salad has been known to ""kick start"" delivery in pregnant women. Frank gives it a try. Georgia Rae Mahoney meets Kellerman and mentions to him that she has a surveillance tape from Luther's condo. She tells him she'll keep in touch. Kellerman tracks down the old surveillance equipment from Luther's condo. A possible suspect is found in the rape case that doesn't turn into anything. A recanvas of the bars brings a new suspect to light. The salad might have worked its magic, because Mary gives birth, although there are complications that cause Frank to think about the job's

Épisode 5 - Baby, It's You (2)

14 novembre 1997 - 5/5

The young man that was stalking Brittany in Baltimore is interviewed and relates that he saw her being attacked by someone. When going to question the parents, the New York and Baltimore detectives discover that the Janaways have returned to Baltimore, so they make the trip to Charm City. They get the father in the box and he demands that they prove he did it. The attorneys fight over jurisdiction, but the judge rules in favor of Baltimore and the two teams of prosecutors must work together. When the father is put on the stand he gives an alibi, a surprise that gives the detectives 48 hours to verify this alibi. When the alibi checks out, they bring in both of the parents to get to the truth. (Baby, It's You (1) aired on Law & Order, season 8, episode 6.)

Épisode 6 - Saigon Rose

21 novembre 1997 - 4.7/5

Two Vietnamese teenagers witness the shooting of their parents and some friends. One of the friends was a cop and one of the shooters they say was another cop. That cop they discover failed her psyche evaluation but may have possibly gotten her job due to Affirmative Action; although strings pulled by her father proved to be her ticket into law enforcement. After they are able to implicate the cop in the shooting, as a bonus they discover the body of her string-pulling father. Ballard suffers from an allergic reaction to crabs. Falsone finds out that the case against Georgia Rae Mahoney is going to be dropped because of a lack of evidence. He suspects that the whole Mahoney thing is going to blow up in the department's face, because he knows the Mahoney shooting didn't go down the way Stivers, Kellerman and Lewis reported it. Kellerman debates with Cox about what he should do about the Mahoney situation.

Épisode 7 - The Subway

5 décembre 1997 - 5/5

A man falls between the cars of a subway train in front of horrified witnesses. Was he pushed? While the man is still alive, the prognosis is he will be dead the moment they extract from the position he currently occupies: pinned between the train and platform. Homicide is called in light of this condition and the fact he may have been pushed. Pembleton questions the victim, and Bayliss questions the witnesses, especially a strange one named Larry Biedron. The victim has no relatives in the Baltimore area. He does have a girlfriend who is supposed to be jogging in the area; Lewis and Falsone try to find her to bring her to the scene.

Épisode 8 - All is Bright

12 décembre 1997 - 4.7/5

Ballard and Gharty investigate the death of a man at a laundromat. The Waterfront Bar gets ready for the Christmas holiday. Munch's ex-wife, Gwen, shows up; her mother (a literary critic and author) has died. Tim goes Christmas shopping and runs into Julianna; he invites her to come to the Waterfront's Christmas celebration. Ballard and Gharty interview the victim's girlfriend (as listed in his address book). Cox informs Ballard and Gharty that the victim was HIV positive and she also convinces Kellerman to tell Lewis and Stivers about the Mahoney videotape. Munch gets his brother to give Gwen a deal on her mother's funeral arrangements. The victim's mother knew about his HIV status and about a girlfriend he didn't use protection with, whose name didn't appear in the address book. Ballard and Gharty find this woman and find that she has full-blown, terminal AIDS, and they bring her in for questioning. Ballard feels the woman has suffered enough so she is reluctant to a get her confessi

Épisode 9 - Closet Cases

2 janvier 1998 - 4.7/5

The semi-nude body of a man is found in a dumpster outside of a restaurant. Bayliss returns Cox a pair of her earrings that she'd left at his place the night before. Disturbed by him doing that in public and while at a crime scene, she suggests they take some time off, instead they decide to break it off. The owners of the restaurant thinks that this murder might be tied to another murder (one that Munch is working). Lewis confronts Kellerman about the Mahoney videotape and the need to let Stivers know that she is also ""in the soup."" Lewis tells Stivers about the videotape, so she demands a meeting with Kellerman. Falsone confronts his ex-wife about getting to see his son more often; however, they argue and he plans to pursue getting joint custody. Kellerman decides that he will try to force Georgia Rae's hand, since he doesn't plan on doing anything corrupt for her anyway. Kellerman tells Georgia Rae that she can do whatever she wants with the videotape, he doesn't care. Bayliss decid

Épisode 10 - Sins of the Father

9 janvier 1998 - 5/5

A white man is found lynched in a historic black section of the city; Falsone and Lewis investigate. The day after Tim's dinner date with the male restaurant owner that Tim was positive about, Frank is perplexed by Tim's interest in Laura Ballard. The autopsy reveals that the hanged man was also whipped. Gharty worries about Ballard getting involved with ""switch-hitter"" Bayliss. Lewis is convinced the lynching is related back to the victim's Civil War ancestor, infamous runaway-slave catcher and free-blacks abductress. Tim and Laura attend an art show.

Épisode 11 - Shaggy Dog, City Goat

16 janvier 1998 - 4.7/5

Julianna wins the recognition of her peers. At dinner, Julianna and her colleagues swap stories about how they've cracked cases. Julianna relates a story that happened a few weeks earlier, a suicide might actually be turn out to be murder, when it is determined that the victim was shot in mid-jump. A bickering elderly couple proves to be the key to the crime. Meanwhile, Falsone investigates the legal possibilities of obtaining custody of his son. Ballard and Gharty investigate the death of a drug dealer, which takes them up into the hills of western Maryland in search of their suspects. Georgia Rae Mahoney sues Stivers, Lewis, Kellerman, Giardello, Cox, the department and the city for the wrongful death of her brother, to the tune of $60 million. Lewis confronts Georgia Rae and winds up with a suspension for his trouble.

Épisode 12 - Something Sacred (1)

30 janvier 1998 - 5/5

Kellerman is trying to find Lewis, who's disappeared since his suspension. Bayliss is on vacation. Stivers rotates into homicide and Kellerman isn't happy to see her. A priest is found murdered. Falsone attends a custody deposition hearing. A tape is delivered to Channel 11 that contains some startling information from a Swami about the priest's activities involving young boys. Munch and Kellerman seek out the two boys who were at the scene of the crime; meanwhile the other detectives seek out the Swami. Both are located, though the boys do not provide anything conclusive; they are held in protective custody. Kellerman searches for Lewis. Meanwhile, church members protest in front of the station house. Falsone gets his son for a weekend. Ballard and Gharty detain a corner kid who might be identifiable as one of three who had frightened a priest. Unfortunately, that priest (a monsignor) can't make a positive ID. Because of public pressure, the boys are released from custody to stay with

Épisode 13 - Something Sacred (2)

30 janvier 1998 - 5/5

With the addition of the latest murder, the ""red ball"" investigation continues full force. The detectives and the returning Bayliss pose as priests in an attempt to flush out any leads. Munch's cover attracts two young thugs, but they prove to be nothing. Gee is called upstairs, where his performance doesn't sit well with Barnfather. Lewis turns up and seeks some help from Falsone. Pembleton receives a call that the two missing boys have been found. Pembleton and Stivers travel to collect them. Meanwhile, Gharty and Ballard find the pawnbroker who had accepted a stolen chalice. Cox and Bayliss prevent a drunken Kellerman from driving home. Ballard and Gharty use the pawn-receipt false address to track down the corner kid with whom they'd previously had a run-in. They bring him into the box and Gharty loses his cool. The kid is tough to crack, but Pembleton has an idea involving the morgue and a trip to the shore. While stumbling home, a drunken Kellerman decides he doesn't like the loo

Épisode 14 - Lies and Other Truths

6 mars 1998 - 4.7/5

A slightly intoxicated man (driving with his wife) aggressively whips his car around a state-owned truck; the offended truck driver rams their car; their aggression results in a collision where both drivers die. The man's wife is in serious condition. Kellerman and Munch investigate this case. Falsone gets prepared for the final hearing in his bid for custody of his son. Meanwhile, the other detectives investigate the death of a man who made a mobile phone call from the coffin in which he had been buried alive. The coffin was buried in the parade ground of an old spy school. The victim might have remained alive if the lid hadn't been sabotaged to collapse. In the car / truck collision case, Cox's boss wants her to ""verify"" the results of the car driver's blood alcohol level to help protect the state from serious litigation. An old Russian friend of Gee's furnishes them with information that leads the detectives to the discovery of a group of men who couldn't make it as spies. (They cal

Épisode 15 - Pit Bull Sessions

13 mars 1998 - 5/5

Pembleton and Falsone look into the death of an elderly man who might have been killed by the pit bulls owned by his grandson. The other detectives hang out at the Waterfront and tell stories about stupid criminals they have met. The judge in the wrongful death suit of Luther Mahoney decides there is enough evidence to turn the suit into a jury trial. Kellerman suspects there might be something up, so he tries to go and see the judge.

Épisode 16 - Mercy

20 mars 1998 - 4.7/5

Homicide is called in when a woman is distressed at the fact the Dr. Turner helped her brother stop suffering from his colon cancer by injecting him with a lethal dose of morphine. Other members of her family were comfortable with the way he died. Pembleton and Bayliss investigate the issue of murder or mercy. Ballard and Gharty spot their city goats at a shopping mall, where Gharty was using Ballard as a consultant in his purchase of a gift. Stivers and Falsone catch a case where a schoolgirl and the owner of a pizza parlor are murdered during the holdup of the pizza parlor. Kellerman confronts Judge Gibbons and tapes their conversation about his ruling in making the wrongful death suit a jury case. Ballard and Gharty round up their city goats after they confront their mother. Gee warns the rookie homicide detectives, Stivers and Falsone about the baggage that comes with working their first case involving the death of a child. Pembleton and Bayliss' investigation of Dr. Turner's pract

Épisode 17 - Abduction

27 mars 1998 - 4.7/5

A four-year-old boy is abducted while riding a merry-go-round in the park under the supervision of his mother. The Homicide unit, which helps in the investigation of all child abductions, is called in and Falsone is the primary. When the boy's father has an alibi that checks out, the detectives beginning to check on known pedophiles and later they receive a call from the possible kidnapper. When that doesn't pan out, they start over. The host of a nationwide television program, This Weeks Wanted, suggests that they hypnotize the little girl who was riding on the horse next to the boy. Hypnosis reveals a partial plate number and that leads to a lucky break. Ballard and Stivers discuss motherhood and Falsone checks on his son.

Épisode 18 - Full Court Press

3 avril 1998 - 5/5

Munch and Gharty probe the death of a high-school athlete who appeared to have everything going for him. Pembleton and Bayliss have only one lead to a potential suspect, a pager number; however, Bayliss has a plan that should lead to the apprehension of their suspect. Kellerman and Ballard get a case with a drug dealer that Kellerman is less than enthusiastic to work. The victim is one of Georgia Rae Mahoney's lieutenants and there are four other unsolved murders in the last two weeks where the victims were members of the Mahoney organization. Pembleton and Bayliss apprehend the wrong suspect, but the fact the suspect was trafficking 200 Kg of narcotics gets them a commendation. Meanwhile, using the information provided to him by Falsone, Lewis has had members of the Mahoney organization under surveillance. Is Lewis involved in these murders? Kellerman receives some good news for a change; passing a tape of his conversation with Judge Gibbons onto the FBI won't be necessary. The FBI is

Épisode 19 - Strangled, Not Stirred

10 avril 1998 - 5/5

Ballard and Gharty investigate the deaths of two single women who were bought drinks by a married couple. The victims were stunned and then strangled. The other detectives receive detailed information that helps them close the open Mahoney drug shootings. Their helpful informant turns out to be Lewis, who has a hearing coming up Ballard and Gharty get their suspect in the box and he claims to be the one to stun the victims, but his wife actually did the strangulation. Ballard is skeptical about the woman's involvement, but the evidence points to the couple.

Épisode 20 - Secrets

17 avril 1998 - 4.7/5

Ballard and Munch catch a case involving the death of a prominent businesswoman. Pembleton and Bayliss catch a similar case. Both deaths might be the suicides they appear to be, but as the detectives begin their investigations the facts reveal otherwise. Lewis attends his disciplinary hearing and receives his punishment and is allowed to return to duty in the Homicide unit. Falsone and Lewis investigate another Mahoney related death. The situation within the Mahoney organization may be getting out of control as jury selection begins in the civil suit. The judge dismisses the civil suit, just as he told Kellerman tbat he would. Kellerman confronts him after the trial about the FBI's investigation in front of several witnesses. Bayliss joins Ballard for dinner and he reveals some of his secrets.

Épisode 21 - Finnegan's Wake

24 avril 1998 - 4.7/5

Bayliss suffers from a recurring dream about the Adena Watson, his first homicide case and one that remains unsolved. An elderly man comes to the Homicide unit to confess to Bayliss that his father had committed a murder 66 years ago. Falsone is assigned to the case, only the case file is missing and found to be in the possession of retired homicide detective, Thomas Finnegan. Gee allows Finnegan's request to participate in the reopened investigation. Questioning the elderly man leads to the recovery of the gun that might close the case. Falsone, Finnegan, Lewis and Kellerman celebrate their potential victory as Bayliss recontemplates the Watson case.

Épisode 22 - Fallen Heroes (1)

1 mai 1998 - 5/5

Judge Gibbons has been stabbed. On their way to the crime scene, Bayliss and Pembleton talk about a book that Bayliss is reading, then Pembleton wonders if anyone would ever write a book about their Homicide unit. A probation officer is murdered in a drive-by shooting. The FBI gets involved with investigation of the Gibbons death. Agent Bauer mentions to Bayliss that Kellerman's confrontation with Gibbons probably got the judge killed. He wants Kellerman clear of the case. A fingerprint lifted from the Gibbons' crime scene points to Georgia Rae's son, Junior Bunk. Falsone and Stivers get a lead on their probation officer shooting case. As Junior Bunk is brought in for questioning, he eyeballs a handgun being put in a drawer. Pembleton and Bayliss get Junior in the box and he is no longer able to be intimidated. While waiting to be transferred to central booking, Kellerman, Lewis & Gharty harass Junior. Slightly freed up to make a phone call, Junior gets the gun out of the desk and begi

Épisode 23 - Fallen Heroes (2)

8 mai 1998 - 5/5

The search for Georgia Rae and the war against her organization begin. Stivers, uncomfortable with the whole situation tells Gee about the Luther Mahoney shooting. Ballard and Gharty begin to deal with their recovery. A lead on Georgia Rae's whereabouts is uncovered. During the assault on the building, Georgia Rae's body is found and Bayliss takes a bullet that would have hit Pembleton. Gee asks Pembleton to get to heart of the Luther Mahoney shooting that started it all. Pembleton and Falsone start with Lewis and then they move onto Kellerman. The truth about the shooting comes out and Kellerman claims sole responsibility, Pembleton asks him for his badge. To protect Stivers and Lewis from prosecution, Kellerman resigns. Feeling remorse for the hesitation that caused Bayliss to take a bullet for him and with Gee's plans to cover-up the truth about the Luther Mahoney shooting, Pembleton decides it is time to resign.

Épisode 1 - La Famiglia

25 septembre 1998 - 4.7/5

Bayliss returns to duty to discover the bosses have renovated the squad room in an attempt to make everyone forget the tragedy of last May. Gharty and Ballard have also returned and Ballard debates about whether she should ask Falsone to the Lodge party. New detective, Rene Sheppard, tells her just to go for it. Seizing the opportunity, Lewis goes for it and asks Sheppard to the party; it seems that he and Barbara have separated and are on their way to divorce. Meanwhile, Falsone speculates if he should ask Sheppard to the party. The first case Bayliss catches, now partnered with Munch, involves the dismembered body of Angelo Faltislo, a friend of Gee's cousin, Mario Giardello. Stivers and Falsone's case is similar: Leo Grimaldi, another friend of Mario, is also found dead. When Gee goes to question cousin Mario, he finds Mario's body in the same condition as that of his friends. Gee's estranged son, Mike Giardello, an FBI agent in Arizona, returns for the funeral. Mike asks Falsone (w

Épisode 2 - Brotherly Love

16 octobre 1998 - 4.7/5

Sheppard and Lewis investigate the death of a man who has a twin brother. Gharty talks about wanting to live his life; he and Ballard go to the hospital to investigate the death of a teenager. Bayliss has interest in Sheppard; later he seeks advice from Stivers, who tells him to get in line behind Lewis and Falsone. Lewis and Sheppard interview the remaining twin and his mother; she confirms his story and they try to point to the dead twin's girlfriend. Meanwhile the friend of the teenage victim in Ballard and Gharty's case confesses that his friend wasn't shot in Baltimore, but rather D.C.; he drove his friend back to Baltimore so their parent's wouldn't ""kill them"" for buying drugs in D.C. Gee hopes to get the case moved to D.C. Mike Giardello puts in for his FBI transfer, but the only openings they have in the area are for liaisons to local police departments. He interviews with Gaffney, who is so open to the idea, he can't wait to tell Gee. That's something Mike was going to wait f

Épisode 3 - Just an Old Fashioned Love Song

23 octobre 1998 - 5/5

MGee (Mike Giardello) and Ballard investigate a double shooting at the home of a prominent sports doctor and his wife, a dermatologist. The doctor (who was wounded) did not realize the deceased (thought to be a prowler) was his sister-in-law. Munch contends with the IRS; his Waterfront partners want him to make sure that his cousin, their accountant, has been paying their taxes. The Waterfront needs a loan to pay for some improvements. Gharty has taken the day off, to take care of personal matters, like his recent separation from Flora. Munch has his hearing with the IRS; he owes $30,000 in back taxes. Bayliss and Sheppard discuss his sexuality and the possibility of a date. Falsone takes MGee and Ballard to meet an old fight man who knew their doctor. Ballard becomes excited while watching Falsone spar in the ring. MGee and Ballard's investigation lead them right back to the doctor's house, where his wife may be guilty of conspiracy to commit homicide. Gharty stops by the Waterfront t

Épisode 4 - The Twenty Percent Solution

30 octobre 1998 - 4.7/5

A woman brings to the homicide unit her mystery-writer husband's videotaped declaration that his literary agent is responsible for his murder. Ballard and Gharty catch the case -- only there is no body or crime scene. Meanwhile, Munch and Bayliss investigate the death of an elderly woman that occurred during a break-in -- was it a homicide? Munch would rather leave for his weekend rendezvous with Billie Lou. Ballard and Gharty's investigation becomes a red-ball as they find evidence in the writer's office that a crime was committed. A break leads to the arrest of the literary agent and his accomplice, although Danvers can't guarantee a conviction. Falsone asks Ballard if she would like to go out Saturday night; just then the jury comes back. And a sharp-eyed juror insures that justice is done.

Épisode 5 - Red, Red Wine

6 novembre 1998 - 5/5

Ballard is annoyed when she finds out that the fact that she had a date with Falsone is around the squad room. Munch has a doctor's appointment and he's not talking about it. Dr. Griscom calls on the homicide unit when he sees a number of deaths that are related by a poison named phosphozine. The FBI steps in on the poisonings and they put MGee in charge of a task force; they consider it an act of domestic terrorism. One of the victims was a priest; two others were his parishioners. Gharty suspects the communion wine. Following this idea, wine bottles are collected from churches around the city. A needle hole is found through one of the corks. A citywide canvassing of all places where wine can be purchased is launched. Gee disagrees with the bureau's policy of keep information from the public. One possible suspect is captured; however, strange as he is, he's not the one. Through an internal leak, the media is alerted and warns the public, sparking chaos. MGee suspects the source of the

Épisode 6 - Wanted: Dead or Alive (1)

13 novembre 1998 - 4.7/5

Bounty hunters shoot, killing the wrong man, as they enter a building where their fugitive---a man named Joe Errico---has shot at them (and subsequently gotten away). Gharty has vague memories of a drinking binge from the night before. Falsone and Stivers catch the bounty-hunter case. Sheppard, during her days with the fugitive squad, had dealings with the head bounty hunter. Gaffney stops Gee and MGee on their way in, Baltimore magazine wants to do a father and son piece, using the wine case as a focal point. Gee is not interested, especially about the use of the wine case. Gharty struggles as he tries to reconstruct the events of the night before. Munch is bothered by Gharty's stories of Vietnam and each grows to dislike the other - perhaps some competitiveness over Billie Lou is beginning to brew here. Bounty hunter P.J. Johnson, who was identified as the triggerman, is charged and placed in one of the holding cells, near some of his previously captured quarry. Within an hour his ba

Épisode 7 - Wanted: Dead or Alive (2)

20 novembre 1998 - 5/5

Lewis is transported to the hospital, as is the passenger of the car that MGee hit. Gharty is worked up about women and finances, because he and Flora and their lawyers are going to be working out the financial details of their divorce. Gee & MGee are not interested in cooperating with the bounty hunters; however, Knoll is the only one who can get any information on the whereabouts of Errico from Errico's mother. She has promised to page Knoll when her son calls. (Joe Errico has gone south to Miami.) Knoll offers to pay the expenses of having homicide detectives go to Miami and work with him, but Gee declines that generous offer and sends his detectives separately. In Miami, Bayliss and MGee work with Knoll to capture Errico. Knoll offers to split the huge bounty with the homicide detectives, which they of course refuse. MGee decides that the best use for the bounty might be for the man whose wife had died from the injuries she sustained in the car accident.

Épisode 8 - Kellerman, P.I. (1)

4 décembre 1998 - 4.7/5

Mike Kellerman's new vocation is private investigation, where the majority of the work involves catching cheating spouses. Falsone and Stivers catch a case where a newborn baby's body is found buried behind a motel. A young couple had checked into the room where the baby was delivered. The room was paid for using the girl's credit card. When they locate the girl (Debbie at home with her parents), she collapses and is brought to the hospital. The boy, Craig, is also located. Both say that the baby was stillborn; however, the autopsy reveals that the baby took a breath after it was born, so the death is ruled a homicide. Falsone notes that of the two, only the boy Craig seems to show any compassion for the baby. Kellerman meets Sheppard for a beer and tries to ask her about Falsone's baby case, later he asks around the squad room. Kellerman is hired to conduct his own investigation by the girl's defense team. Gee demands that Falsone and Stivers find convicting evidence before Kellerman

Épisode 9 - Kellerman, P.I. (2)

11 décembre 1998 - 5/5

Debbie Straub signs the plea agreement, pointing to Craig as the killer of the baby. Falsone wants more time to work on the case. Danvers reminds Kellerman there was a time when the truth mattered more than his paycheck. Gharty goes off when Sheppard and MGee ask to many questions about Kellerman's leaving of the homicide unit. Kellerman appears to begin doing the right thing, but doesn't pass anything on to anyone who might be able to do anything with it. Craig believes that Debbie isn't going to let him down and he has no plans to testify on his own behalf. Ballard searches for a dinner date when Falsone leaves a message he won't be joining her. When she sees him in the Waterfront later, she lets him know how she feels about his method of communication. The case goes to trial, Debbie testifies that Craig killed the baby; with no evidence to the contrary, the jury finds Craig guilty. Falsone talks with Craig about what really happened; however, it is all to no avail as the following m

Épisode 10 - Shades of Gray

8 janvier 1999 - 5/5

A white bus driver striking a black female pedestrian sparks a riot. The driver is killed, and some distance away from the riot another body is found. MGee and Gharty look into the death of the driver while Lewis and Sheppard look into death of the other body. Lewis finds a clue at the scene, a button (later discovered to be missing from a police uniform). Gharty and MGee actively debate whether race was the motivation for the driver's beating death; MGee suspects the incident wasn't racially motivated. The bus riders are interviewed to find out what they know. Lewis and Sheppard approach a house looking for their witness (without backup). For her trouble Sheppard keeps hold of her suspect, but loses her gun and is severely beaten. Ballard is recalled from her hiking vacation. Lewis lays down the law for the residents of ""Little Jamaica""; he wants Sheppard's gun returned tonight. The witness Sheppard caught identifies Hellriegel as the murderer, and the men who beat the driver to death

Épisode 11 - Bones of Contention

15 janvier 1999 - 4.7/5

A body buried for 6 - 20 years is uncovered at a construction site. Munch and Lewis begin the process of trying to solve this old crime. Falsone and Ballard's relationship has heated up, and that fact becomes apparent to their fellow detectives. Sheppard returns to work, but is discouraged when Gee assigns her to desk duty. Gharty tells Billie Lou that he'll attend her bass-playing concert. Munch & Lewis with help from the ME and MGee, identify the body and then begin to piece together what happened to her. Gee lays down the law to Ballard & Falsone: they have to knock it off if they want to stay working on the same shift; they agree.

Épisode 12 - The Same Coin

29 janvier 1999 - 4.7/5

Gharty has a Vietnam flashback. Sheppard is placed back into rotation. Lewis asks Falsone to switch cases, as Lewis is still unsure about Sheppard's ability to be back on the street in the part of town where their call lies. Munch and MGee work a case where the victim was hit and run. One of the victim's possessions is a knife that has some meaning for Gharty, who later is able to recognize the tattoo found on the victim. Sheppard confronts Lewis about the case switch. She and Stivers talk more... after Stivers, working with Falsone, sees him ""go off"" on a potential witness... Munch and MGee find their hit and run vehicle, a rental SUV, whose renter claims to know nothing of the incident and says he had filed a stolen-vehicle report. Munch pulls the victim's DOD file and---for good measure---Gharty's! Munch, begins to spread doubts with the other detectives about Gharty's Vietnam experience, because the file tells him that Gharty had a less than honorable discharge. A kid, who had stol

Épisode 13 -

5 février 1999 - 5/5

The Internet is stage for a ritual murder, which was staged -- which was staged, or was it? The body is found the following morning and Sheppard takes the call, her first since the beating. Since Lewis can't be found, she partners with Bayliss. Second shift detectives Bonaventura and Austin catch word of the day shift's case. It seems the victim in Sheppard's case was a witness they had interviewed the day before about an online murder hoax. The detectives are informed about another murder that is scheduled for midnight. It's a red ball. The detectives try to put the clues together, but come up with nothing and must wait until the netcast begins before they can trace the killer. The trace is successful, but when they arrive at the scene, the killer has left them a computer with the words ""Ha Ha Fooled You."" Barnfather wants Bayliss reassigned as primary if something doesn't turn up soon. Sheppard goes online to flush out the killer. He advertises another murder will take place at www.i

Épisode 14 - A Case of Do or Die

12 février 1999 - 4.7/5

Ballard and Bayliss are called to the scene of the mysterious death of a woman, whose body is found at the bottom of a forty-foot cliff. This victim was to be married the following morning. The two detectives work to determine whether the death was accidental or intentional (via murder or suicide). Meanwhile Sheppard and MGee begin investigating the death of a movie patron, whose body was discovered after the show ended and the theater cleared out. MGee mentions to Sheppard that his sister is about to have a baby, which means Gee is about to become a grandfather. Their investigation reveals that the movie patron was regularly loud and obnoxious and thus bad for business. When an overdose of a sedative is found in his bloodstream, the detectives question the theater owner, who was currently in litigation with the victim. Unfortunately for Ballard and Bayliss, their case remains unsolved.

Épisode 15 - Sideshow (2)

19 février 1999 - 5/5

Danvers brings news of his appointment to the District Court bench as the investigation of a government official named Janine McBride, begun on Law & Order continues in New York. Their prime suspect, Chesley Purcell, is dead and her shooter, Ned Burks, is in the hands of the Feds. What was her connection back to Washington? Gee expresses his anger with MGee over letting his ""ham fisted"" bosses at the FBI know what was going on, since they in turn had informed Wm. Dell, the Independent Counsel. Burks is given a limited amount of immunity for his testimony to Dell, but McCoy and Danvers get an order that allows them to be present at his questioning; but neither the Independent Counsel nor McCoy and Danvers get anything useful. Meanwhile, the Baltimore detectives investigate the background of Chesley Purcell and it turns up the name of a man in prison who still appears to be running his organization. So there could be no more leaks, MGee asks to be kept out of the investigation. (Sideshow (1) aired on Law & Order, season 9, episode 14.)

Épisode 16 - Truth Will Out

26 mars 1999 - 4.7/5

A woman comes looking for Falsone, knowing that he solved a real old case, wants him to look into a case for her from 1972. Her parents told her that she was responsible for her younger brother's death. Despite being three years old at the time, the woman has doubts about her parents' story. So Falsone and Stivers reopen this case, which was closed by Gee when he was a new detective. The reopening of the case makes Gee think that he may not have been totally focused on the case at the time. Their investigation reveals the woman's mother used her as a scapegoat for the mother's crime. Bayliss and Ballard's case involves a body that was shot, but the victim was already dead from a drug overdose. The male sergeant at the scene piques Bayliss's interest, so they get together for drinks. Their relationship doesn't develop, because word is spreading about Bayliss being the owner of the ""In Plain Site"" web site. Bayliss begins feeling pressure about his being different and considers celibacy.

Épisode 17 - Zen and the Art of Murder

2 avril 1999 - 5/5

Lewis and Munch begin to investigate the death of a Buddhist monk beaten to death. Lewis isn't interested in working the case with Bayliss, whom he feels, may become too emotionally involved. Ballard and Falsone agree to call their relationship quits. Ballard and Gharty's case involves a man who was shot down in the street; the three witnesses that saw the shooter all have different recollections of his appearance. As a result, their prime suspect cannot be charged. Gee asks for Bayliss's assistance in the Buddhist murder and to Lewis's dismay, Munch abdicates his position in the investigation to Bayliss. Lewis and Bayliss take different approaches to the investigation. Bayliss's approach leads him to the man who committed the crime, but cornering his suspect leads to a showdown with guns and Bayliss fires a fatal shot. Later Bayliss tries to reconcile the shooting with his own feelings about being a Buddhist and being a cop.

Épisode 18 - Self Defense

9 avril 1999 - 4.7/5

In Stivers and Falsone's case, a man is found shot dead in his bed, with no signs of a struggle. Gee lobbies Barnfather to find a way to get them the ability to have some control over their FBI liaison, so they don't experience the same problems they had with the Janine McBride case. Barnfather lets Gee know that there is Captain's position opening up and he should be inline for it with no catches. Lewis lets Ballard accompany him on a bar stabbing, when she accuses him of being afraid to work with a female, since the incident with Sheppard. While she does get to help him with the initial investigation, Lewis manages to work the rest of the case on his own, leaving her to handle the details. Meanwhile, Ballard's usual partner Gharty spends a ""mental health day"" at the Waterfront Bar, drinking and proposing to Billie Lou. Stivers and Falsone discover their victim had a bad breakup with his ex-wife Eleanor Burke, and she admits to committing the crime; however, as an assistant US attorne

Épisode 19 - Identity Crisis

30 avril 1999 - 5/5

Falsone and Lewis investigate the murder of a man in his own backyard. The victim's nose was removed from his body. Ballard and Gharty investigate the murder of a bartender at a strip club. Canvassing the neighbors, Falsone feels that one of the neighbors isn't what she appears to be. Later when they interview her husband, he gets the same feeling. The MEs complete a record setting day of completing autopsies, but find themselves with one unidentified extra body. Munch and Bayliss get the call, but insist that until they can get a crime scene to go to, the problem isn't theirs. Griscom finds the crime scene in the morgue freezer. Ballard mentions to Gharty that he might want to consider stopping his drinking. Falsone's theory about the victim's neighbors proves true when MGee checks into the Witness Protection program. MGee's phone call puts the wheels in motion to get the family moved. Falsone and Lewis arrive just in time to take their suspect into custody and away from the Feds. The

Épisode 20 - Lines of Fire

7 mai 1999 - 4.7/5

Emmet Carey is holding his two children hostage in the apartment of his wife's sister. He sees MGee on television and decides that he will talk only to him and occasionally Gharty who is also on the scene. The wife also shows up on the scene and gets past the security. Her screaming sets of Emmet, who fires two shots out that window that strike his wife dead. MGee has to keep the information from him as they continue to negotiate. The crisis ends when Emmet releases his stepdaughter, but makes a deadly choice for himself and his son.

Épisode 21 - The Why Chromosome

14 mai 1999 - 5/5

When the men are nowhere to be found, Sheppard and Ballard team up to investigate the death of young girl, who's a teenage gang member. With the wedding one week away, Billie Lou asks for Munch's help with her neighbor's abusive boyfriend. After Munch approaches him strongly, the boyfriend retaliates by coming to the Waterfront and slamming Billie Lou's head on the bar. Munch claims he came on strong with the guy, because his ""testosterone riddled behavior"" was due to the celibacy Billie Lou imposed on him, to make their wedding night more special. Billie Lou wants to delay the wedding until the welt on her forehead goes away in about 3 weeks. After Sheppard and Ballard solve their case, Sheppard reminds Lewis that his problem with her is not going to keep her from doing her job.

Épisode 22 - Forgive Us Our Trespasses

21 mai 1999 - 4.5/5

Sheppard and Bayliss await the trial of Luke Ryland, the Internet killer. A number of delays keep the hearing from being held; the last time it is because Danvers can't make it due to being held up in another trial. Because of a technicality in the law, Ryland is set free. Bayliss is outraged and winds up pushing Danvers, who later threatens to put Bayliss up on charges. Gee's daughter Teresa arrives, to help with the celebration of her father's promotion. Gee asks Bayliss to apologize to Danvers and Bayliss declines. Lewis and Falsone look into the murder of a drug addict whose husband looks like the most probable suspect. The victim's mother-in-law isn't very cooperative and her sister is a nun who thinks her brother-in-law is an architect. Gee worries about whether or not he will be able to perform in his new role as Captain of the property crimes division, later he turns down the promotion. Bayliss and Lewis have words about the way each other handle their memories of the past.

Épisode 23 - The Movie

13 février 2000

The squad's former lieutenant, Al Giardello, is running for mayor and is close to victory when he is shot during a campaign speech. The assassination attempt inspires the arrival of the entire unit, past and present, in a joint effort to bring down the gunman. Every regular from the series—including two dead characters who make their appearance in a startling, non-flashback scene near the film's end—returns for this final chapter in the series' seven-year-long story.


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avatar de du commentaire : C'est officiel : Homicide: Life on the Street arrive sur Peacock !  Les sept saisons de la série et Homicide: The Movie , qui a été remasterisé en HD ...

22/07/2024 - Aucune note

C'est officiel : Homicide: Life on the Street arrive sur Peacock ! Les sept saisons de la série et Homicide: The Movie , qui a été remasterisé en HD ...

avatar de du commentaire : j'ai trouvé les srt de la saison 4 et 5 ici (en anglais)

23/11/2017 - Aucune note

j'ai trouvé les srt de la saison 4 et 5 ici (en anglais)

avatar de du commentaire : Les sous-titres français de la Saison 1 sont désormais disponibles !

MAJ : Les sous-titres VF corrigés de la Saison 2 sont désormais disponibles.

14/03/2015 - 5/5

Les sous-titres français de la Saison 1 sont désormais disponibles ! MAJ : Les sous-titres VF corrigés de la Saison 2 sont désormais disponibles.

avatar de du commentaire : Grande série malgré les dernières saisons plus faibles. Des personnages complexes qui évoluent sous nos yeux, un métier terriblement difficile qui va ...

22/10/2014 - Aucune note

Grande série malgré les dernières saisons plus faibles. Des personnages complexes qui évoluent sous nos yeux, un métier terriblement difficile qui va ...

avatar de du commentaire : quel dommage de ne  pouvoir trouver  sur le net les sous titres francais à partir de la saison 4 et plus  de cette excellent fresque prédictive de the...

18/11/2012 - Aucune note

quel dommage de ne pouvoir trouver sur le net les sous titres francais à partir de la saison 4 et plus de cette excellent fresque prédictive de the...