Poster de la serie Hercai



Année : 2019

Nombre de saisons : 3

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 120 minutes

Genre(s) : Drame, Romance

Miran Aslanbey souhaite se venger de celui qui est responsable de la mort de ses parents et entreprend de séduire sa fille Reyyan, qui tombe éperdument amoureuse de lui. Mais Miran se retrouve alors tiraillé entre ses sentiments naissants et son désir de vengeance...


Hercai saison 1

Saison 1


Hercai saison 2

Saison 2


Hercai saison 3

Saison 3



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Épisode 1 - 1.Bölüm

15 mars 2019 - 4.4/5

Miran Aslanbey arrives in Midyat from Istanbul as a businessman; he makes a very impressive offer of partnership to Nasuh Şadoğlu; in addition he wants his daughter Reyyan. However for Nasuh who leads the largest family and is the most powerful man in the area, Miran is not the catch of the liter, he has other plans for him. He is going to give him one of his grand daughters but not the one that he wants. While Nasuh is busy trying to convince Miran to go along with his plan; he has absolutely no idea of what Miran is actually planning himself. While everyone is waiting anxiously for the decision that both men will make, the news is going to deeply effect the lives of both Reyyan and Yaren. A love story that goes back thousands of years in Midyat, how will the fate of the family being effected? Will the handsome young businessman be able to be be united with the beautiful and highly admired beauty Reyyan of Midyat?

Épisode 2 - 2.Bölüm

22 mars 2019 - 4.4/5

Miran is about to reach an end in his revenge plan, which he has prepared almost through out his entire life. But the surprises life has prepared for him are waiting at the door! As he spends time with Reyyan the granddaughter of the Sadoglu family, the sound of his heart starts to beat differently from the the hatred he grew up with. Azize Aslanbey who is aware of everything, has a different plan in the face of this situation. How will Miran Aslanbey whose heart and mind are mixed get out of this mess? Azat who could not bear all this, could not discourage Reyyan from getting married to Miran despite all his efforts. The Azat who is ready to face the world in order not to harm Reyyan causes a great tragedy without realising it.

Épisode 3 - 3.Bölüm

29 mars 2019 - 4.6/5

The marriage, which was built on revenge, ended as planned by the Aslanbey family, with Miran leaving Reyyan the following day. Unable to bear the pain, Reyyan burns the hut she spent the her wedding night in with Miran. Reyyan will commit suicide as a result of the pain she's suffered? Will Miran, who admittedly is unease about the pain caused, be able to forget Reyyan? When Miran hears about the hut being burned down, will he have second thoughts about involving Reyyan in his revenge plans? Will Gonul, who has waited years to consummate her marriage, finally get her wish of happiness? Will little Gül, who survived a gunshot injury to the head in the previous episode, survive?

Épisode 4 - 4. Bölüm

5 avril 2019 - 4.5/5

Şadoğlu and Aslanbey mansions are on the edge. The news that Reyyan and Miran jumped into the river and disappeared hits Mardin. Now everybody wants to know if Miran and Reyyan are dead. Hazar, who refuses to believe his daughter Reyyan may be dead, is determined to find her! Miran, who jumps into the river after Reyyan in the blink of an eye, manages to save Reyyan. Now it's time to find a safe and secluded place where the two of them can stay together. Miran's only concern is to protect Reyyan, who tries to save time by letting everyone think they're dead. But there's one thing he doesn't know: after all the disasters he's been through, Reyyan doesn't want to stay in the same house or see Miranda's face. Miran hands Reyyan a gun, leaving her to decide the current status of their relationship: two lovers or two enemies!

Épisode 5 - 5. Bölüm

12 avril 2019 - 4.4/5

Miran bringing Reyyan back to the Asanbey's mansion shocks the whole family, Reyyan who has had a hard time in the masion when will she find her happiness? what will be Azize Aslanbey's reaction to this event that has been heard all over Midyat? can Gonul who has been dreaming of Miran's heart handle all these? Zehra is the only one willing to save her daughter from the hands of Miran Aslanbey, After the wedding a mother who is torn by the pain and anger is facing Miran. Will Zehra be able to get her daughter back? On the other hand Yaren who blames Reyyan for everything shes lost is after big plans, what kind of path will she pursue in other to achieve her aims?

Épisode 6 - 6. Bölüm

19 avril 2019 - 4.4/5

Upon miss Gul's exit from the hospital, Miran takes Reyyan to the Mansion to see her sister.Little Gul longing for her sister, is shocked to see her at the mansion late at night. Yaren Sadoglu is turning the cabinets again, what is her new plan? Azize Aslanbey who has set up a plan to protect Elif is losing the trust of her granddaughter, the Sadoglu's are now aware of Elif's existence which further increases the tension in the mansion. shocked by the facts she learns everyday, how long can Elif handle all these? Will Azize Aslanbey continue to lose her loved ones? who is sehriyar Hanim working for? On the other hand even though Miran has managed to get his revenge, he cannot wipe away his love for Reyyan and is damnned day by day. Reyyan follows the vital truth that she has learnt and discovers such a heart wrenching truth about Miran....

Épisode 7 - 7. Bölüm

26 avril 2019 - 4.4/5

Facing the fact that Miran is married Reyyan accepts Azat's offer. On one hand Reyyan has to cope with the fact that Miran has a wedded wife and on the hand the fact that she is not in love with Azat. Azat who holds Reyyan's hand invites the anger and wrath of the whole Sadoglu on himself, his words creates an earthquake in the mansion as everyone is shocke by his actions. Will Miran be able to stop this new situation? Reyyan believing that Miran will come back to her after all these..what's her new plan? And what will Sultan do after hearing of Gonul's bood freezing plans?

Épisode 8 - 8. Bölüm

3 mai 2019 - 4.4/5

Yaren is up to her same old tricks. Azat, who in the previous episode expressed interested in wedding Reyyan, continues to face off against his parents (Handan and Cihan Şadoğlu) and his grandfather (Nasuh Şadoğlu). Miran, whose grandmother (Azize Aslanbey) is on the verge of loosing completely everyday, comes in contact with little Gul. Why is Miran, whose vengeful heart has been playing games with his him, pointing his weapon once again towards Reyyan's father, Hazar Shadoglu?

Épisode 9 - 9. Bölüm

10 mai 2019 - 4.4/5

In a bid to get away from all her troubles and decide on what her next move should be, Reyyan goes to Melike's village, but Miran finds her there is no time. In their latest showdown, Miran once again tries to convince Reyyan to trust him. Azat, on the other hand, who is devastated by Reyyan's departure, has no intention of giving up easily. Until he has confirmed Reyyan's words from her directly, he would not believe the things that were said, thus he decides to take action. On the other hand, Yaren who was discovered by her dad in the previous episode working for the enemy, has a huge surprise in store. Upon learning about what his daughter has been up to, Cihan, now out of patience, decides to burn all his bridges.

Épisode 10 - 10. Bölüm

17 mai 2019 - 4.4/5

After Azize's plan to get the Sadoglu's Mansion, Miran offers to have Reyyan in exchange to end the hostility between the two families. But Nasuh Aga (Reyyan's grandfather) rejected Miran's proposal. will the restitution between Miran and Nasuh Aga again change the balance between the two families? How will Reyyan respond to Miran's offer. Meanwhile Gonul's plan of wanting Miran at her finger tips are revealed, Miran decides to divorce Gonul. This decision causes a second Earthquake at the Aslanbey's Mansion. This time Gonul saw that Miran was firmly determined and thought everything was over, But how will Azize and Sultan Aslanbey move against this situation?

Épisode 11 - 11. Bölüm

24 mai 2019 - 4.5/5

Miran who doesn't want Reyyan to marry Azat and wants to make her forget all the bad memories she lived because of him, Ask Reyyan for a second chance. Reyyan who does not trust Miran is caught between her heart and mind. On the other hand Miran's kidnapping of Reyyan is the last straw for Azat, he decides to kidnap Gonul in order to force Miran to free Reyyan. This move by Azat brings the two families into an unexpected situation.

Épisode 12 - 12. Bölüm

31 mai 2019 - 4.4/5

Miran asks Reyyan for 24 hours in order to tell her everything that brought them to this day. One last chance to explain why everything has happened, a chance to right his wrongs. Hazar discovers where his daughter is "being held." He wants to bring back his daughter alive and well but has to go through Miran and his anger. On the other hand, Reyyan learns that Gonul has been kidnapped by Azat and not wanting her to be harmed, she decides to do the right thing for everyone's sakes.

Épisode 1 - 13. Bölüm

20 septembre 2019 - 4.5/5

What will Reyyan's answer be to Miran proposal of marriage? Will he be able to give up his revenge, which has been whispered in his ear since he was a child, for the sake of his love or will the hatred in his heart prevail over his love? What about Reyyan? Can she forget the past and believe once again in miracles? Or will the pain of what she's been through come to light and drive her even further away from Miran? Azize on the other hand has no plans of letting go of her past with the Şadoğlus. After 27 years of revenge, the underlying cause is slowly coming to light. Will what happened between Nasuh and Azize in the past kickstart a new war today? Will Reyyan and Miran's love be able to stop this war?

Épisode 2 - 14. Bölüm

27 septembre 2019 - 4.2/5

Despite Hazar's decision to protect his daughter at all costs, Reyyan's marriage decision drops like a bomb to the Şadoğlu family. "I am willing to adopt my daughter," said Hazar, who does not want to believe Reyyan's decision. With the whole family's sights set on Reyyan, Zehra and Hazar once again act in defense Reyyan. On the other hand, Miran's decision to marry causes the revenge that Azize has been planning for 27 years to change course. Will the events open the door to a new war between the two families, or will an unexpected decision alter all balances to change? Will Miran and Reyyan reach a happy ending despite the obstacles they face?

Épisode 3 - 15. Bölüm

4 octobre 2019 - 4.3/5

Azize Aslanbey, who makes plans to utilize Miran and Reyyan's love in her revenge plans, is one step closer to reaching her goal as her latest game resulted in the return of Miran & Reyyan to the Aslanbey Mansion. Will Azize Aslanbey really be the winner of this game, even though everything went as planned? Miran, the target of multiple attacks in a row, despite the pressures of his grandmother in return for his promise to Reyyan Shadoglu does not go to ask his family to account and decides to stop. Miran's showing signs of changing reinforces Reyyan's belief that they will overcome all obstacles in the fight for their love. On the other hand, Hazar, who does not want Reyyan to stay in the Aslanbey mansion, begins investigating the attacks on Miran in order to uncover the facts. With this move by Hazar, Azize's plans are in jeopardy.

Épisode 4 - 16. Bölüm

11 octobre 2019 - 4.3/5

The abduction of Reyyan creates a ripple effect between the two families, abrupting a face-to-face confrontation between them at the Şadoğlu farm. Miran, ignoring years of hostility to find Reyyan, cooperates with Şadoğlu Şadoğlu. Working together to find Reyyan brings Hazar Şadoğlu and Miran closer. Things that have yet to be discussed begin to emerge gradually. Azize Aslanbey, the originator of all the plans, said this time, "If I didn't do it, who did?." She is caught between her of a plots and her thoughts. Though she claims no guilt this time, past actions have made Azize Aslanbey suspect #1 for both the Şadoğlu family and Miran, in the kidnapping case of Reyyan.

Épisode 5 - 17. Bölüm

18 octobre 2019 - 4.3/5

Reyyan and Miran begin to heal the wounds of their hearts with the regret of the past and continue to fight their way out to strengthen the bond between them and to make their love accepted to everyone, despite all the bad events that have happened. In order to make amends for the mistake that his grandmother made to Reyyan a long time ago, Miran takes action. Trying to prove that there is another enemy and that there is no fault of the Shadoglu family, Khazar, on the other hand, decides to talk to an old acquaintance to prove that Miran's knowledge of the past is not true. Will this person, who is a witness to the events of the past, extend his/her helping hand to Khazar Shadoglu in order to prove his innocence?

Épisode 6 - 18. Bölüm

25 octobre 2019 - 4.4/5

Azize, Miran Aslanbey and his wife Reyyan were on the square where Reyyan was in the past thrown out of the car in her wedding dress. Azize told Miran that Reyyan was marrying only for her's and Azat's life and protecting Azat that way, but she was in a difficult situation after Reyyan mentioned the note. While the last one reinforce the love and trust of Reyyan and Miran for each other, the ambitious Azize's answers Mirans question and changes the course of what will happen next. Truths that nobody dared to speak so far because of Azize begin to come to light with Reyyan's brave move. While the secrets of the past are revealed one by one, a hope arises in Reyyan's heart: Miran will learn the truth and give up revenge. On the one hand, Reyyan does not put her best to give up Miran's revenge, on the other hand, Azize Aslanbey makes a brave move to hit Miran at the most sensitive point in order to include her in the revenge plan again.

Épisode 7 - 19. Bölüm

1 novembre 2019 - 4.3/5

Even with all her might, Azize Aslanbey's dominance and control over Miran, something she had established through the years, is no longer strong enough to interfere in the love Miran and Reyyan have for each other. While Miran, who unveils his grandmother's game, is shaken by this reality he faces for the first time, Reyyan, who cannot bear the suffering of the man she loves in front of his eyes, tries to heal Miran's wounds with her love. Esma, who can no longer watch Azize turn innocent people's lives into hell for the sake of revenge, delivers the letter entrusted to her by Dilshah to Hazar in order to stop Azize. Will Hazar, who shared a great love with Miran's mother Dilshah many years ago, be finally able to prove the truth to Miran thanks to his Helping Hand. Will he be able to win this fight against Azize and make Miran believe that he is innocent, in turn, getting Reyyan out of Aslanbey mansion?

Épisode 8 - 20. Bölüm

8 novembre 2019 - 4.3/5

Hazar, who goes to Aslanbey mansion to talk to Miran and Reyyan to prove his innocence, encounters a situation he never expected. When Reyyan sees Miran standing over her father, who is lying motionless in the courtyard, she is shocked. Until today, Reyyan, who has tried to dissuade Miran from revenge and prove that her father is innocent, will pass a great test in the face of events. While the love of Miran and Reyyan has been put to the greatest trial, one question arises, who wants this fairy-tale love that grows stronger day by day to remain unfinished forever?

Épisode 9 - 21. Bölüm

15 novembre 2019 - 4.1/5

With her belief in Miran, Reyyan, who confronted the entire Sadoglu family, including mother Zehra, is destroyed by the slap of her mother. Thinking that she feels ready to bear all the burden of her love, her mother's reaction deeply injures Reyyan and blames herself for what happened to her father. Unable to bear Reyyan's self-blame, Miran tries to heal Reyyan with all her love. On the other hand, the fact that Hazar survived the life-threatening and opened his eyes creates a festive atmosphere in the Sadoglu family. While Zehra regrets she slapped her daughter wants to find out if the reason for hitting Reyyan is correct. Reyyan, who learns that her father is awake, comes to the hospital with the strength of being with Miran. While Reyyan is happy to meet her father, everyone has only one question in mind. Is it really Miran that pushed Hazar Sadoglu?

Épisode 10 - 22. Bölüm

22 novembre 2019 - 4.3/5

The fact that Hazar named Miran as the one who pushed him down the stairs changes everything between Reyyan and Miran. While Miran cries out his innocence, Reyyan is sure in the words coming out of her father's mouth, and thinks that Miran has acted so far and still has not given up on her revenge. Recognizing that whatever she does, Miran can not eliminate the anger in her, Reyyan vows to fight to protect her family from now on.The fact that a Hazar's words are strong enough to burn and destroy everything, they deeply hurt Miran, while he thinks that Reyyan is unfair to him. Esma, who was burdened with the promise she gave to Dilsah years ago, gives letter to Zehra in order to end this revenge game and bring Hazar and Miran together. Learning that Miran is actually the son of Hazar, will Zehra deliver the letter to Hazar and save Miran from the hell he is in?

Épisode 11 - 23. Bölüm

29 novembre 2019 - 4.2/5

Learning that the letter will prove her father's innocence, Reyyan goes after the truth with Miran. While Miran does not believe in the existence of the letter, Reyyan wants to reveal the facts and prove to Miran and the Aslanbey family that the all the facts they know so far are incorrect. Zehra is on the verge of a very critical decision after the truth she learned about Miran and Hazar. What will be the decision of Zehra, who is now between her family and Miran? The vengeance plan is in jeopardy because of the letter that Azize Aslanbey has just heard of.

Épisode 12 - 24. Bölüm

6 décembre 2019 - 4.3/5

Reyyan's effort to find the truth about the past leads Miran to follow the truths even if he does not believe in, but stands by Reyyan as he promised. Reyyan, who goes after the real truth of the Dilsah's ring, is destroyed with an unexpected answer. It opens the doors of a completely different past for Reyyan and Miran. Will Elif, who cannot stand that Reyyan wont forgive Miran and who is afraid that her grandmother Azize will set up a new games ask for help from Azat. Will she confess the truth and get Reyyan and Miran together again.

Épisode 13 - 25. Bölüm

13 décembre 2019 - 4.3/5

The last straw for Miran was when Reyyan didn't not trust his words even this time when Elif confessed that she was the one who pushed Hazar and not Miran. Reyyan is thinking that Elif is playing a game despite telling the truth. Hazar's confirmed the truth and this changes everything between Reyyan and Miran. On the one hand, Reyyan tries to make Miran forgive her, on the other hand, she tries to cope with the disappointment of the lie her family told. Azize loses control after learning that Elif is going to Sadoglu mansion. The showdown of the two families, who come face to face once more time in the Sadoglu mansion, causes Azize to make a difficult choice. Meanwhile, the real face of Gonul, who thinks that Miran will not forgive Reyyan, begins to emerge slowly. When Reyyan, who wants to show that they are stronger now side by side, finds Miran taking escape in his mother's past to alleviate the pain, the emergence of an unexpected truth changes the course of all events.

Épisode 14 - 26. Bölüm

20 décembre 2019 - 4.3/5

As the gates of a new era opened for Reyyan and Miran, who promised to never leave each other, Miran's past begins to change. Will the emergence of Sukran, who buried her pain in her heart, reveal the facts of the past that Azize Aslanbey changed? In the Sadolu mansion, after her actions were revealed, Yaren, who will be punished by Nasuh, cooperates with the enemy to get rid of this punishment. Will Yaren, who lost her reputation in the mansion, be able to regain her former immunity with this move? On the other hand, while the silent war continues in Aslanbey mansion, Azize Aslanbey, seeing that Miran is away from her, takes action to gain the trust she lost. But Azize is unaware of the arrival of a bigger storm.

Épisode 15 - 27. Bölüm

27 décembre 2019 - 4.2/5

Azize and Sukran face off after many years when Miran brings his grandmother to Aslanbey mansion. After learning new information about his mother's past after the confrontation, Miran is now in a big dilemma about which truth to believe. Reyyan, who does not allow the man she loves to be thrown away in the unknown, becomes the biggest supporter to Miran in this journey. On the other hand, Azize, who is completely shocked by the presence of Sukran, wants to send granddaughter Elif from the mansion before taking action. Unable to withstand Azize's pressures any longer, Elif agrees to go abroad. Despite all that, Reyyan and Miran find themselves in the middle of a new war with an unexpected news while living their love to the fullest.

Épisode 16 - 28. Bölüm

17 janvier 2020 - 4.3/5

While Elif's marriage to Azat created an earthquake effect in the Aslanbey family, the Sadoglu family made a festive atmosphere because of the wedding of the grandchildren. Nasuh Sadoglu, who finally achieved a great victory in the battle with Azize Aslanbey, is sure that Azize will now take the revenge. Despite all the persistence, Elif, who does not want to return to Aslanbey mansion, with Reyyan's intervention convinces Miran in her marriage. After Miran left Elif in Sadoglu mansion, Azize blames him and Reyyan for what happened. She vows to do everything to get Elif back and tries to influence Miran once again for this aim. Stuck in a dilemma with Azize's threats on one side and Reyyan's suggestions on the other, Miran is on the verge of a difficult decision. Will Miran agree with the woman he loves and take the decision, or will he again fall under the spell of Azize, who has been whispering revenge tales in his ears for years?

Épisode 17 - 29. Bölüm

24 janvier 2020 - 4.3/5

Azize, who thinks that Elif was taken away from her, set's fire on the farm, not knowing that she was in the house along with Azat Reyyan and Miran, succumbed to her ambition to hurt Nasuh. News of the fire falls like a bomb on both families. Even though Azize is devastated by this mistake she made, blames Sultan for Elif's situation. Reyyan and Miran, who returned from death, get closer to each other. After all the events that happened to them, it's up to Miran to console Reyyan, who has fallen into despair this time. Although he doesn't show her his worries in order not to upset her, he will also start to wonder who is the person who started the fire. Nasuh, on the other hand, starts wandering through the deserted streets of the past after the fire. An unexpected guest will bring Miran and Reyyan one step closer to the truth and put Azize in great trouble.

Épisode 18 - 30. Bölüm

31 janvier 2020 - 4.2/5

Filipos, who came to fulfill his father's will, explains that the person who made Dilsah's ring is Hazar Sadoglu and not Mehmet Aslanbey and targets Azize Aslanbey for what happened. Azize has to make a difficult choice to get out of this situation in which she was caught unprepared and get Miran to believe her again. No longer believing in his grandmother's words, Miran finds himself in the middle of a greater obscurity with Azize's actions. When the truth behind the ring is revealed, Reyyan is one step closer to proving her father's innocence. Sukran's words about her daughter Dilsah create a bomb effect in Aslanbey mansion. When Miran hears the truth about his mother and father's past that everyone knew and how she was mistreated and harassed, he is confused about revenge. Miran, who does not want to accept that what he believed is a lie for so many years, will have to face one of the most painful truths when the letter written by his mother is slammed in his face by Hazar.

Épisode 19 - 31. Bölüm

7 février 2020 - 4.1/5

Miran struggles to accept the authenticity of the letter given by Hazar, but in the face of this situation that he can no longer ignore, decides to confront his grandmother. Although Azize tries to set up a new game to get out of this situation in which she was caught unprepared, Miran's shaken trust prevents Azize from being successful. Sultan, who does not want her interests to perished in vain due to the situation, makes a bold move and tries to confuse Miran by filling the gaps that Azize could not fill in and puts Azize into a trouble. With the appearance of the letter, Hazar, who thinks that the revenge game has come to an end, this time discovers that his father Nasuh is hiding something from him with the new information he has learned about Dilsah. While this game, initiated by Miran with the desire for revenge, reveals all the unknowns of the past one by one, great showdowns will change every connection that has been between the two families.

Épisode 20 - 32. Bölüm

14 février 2020 - 4.2/5

If they continue working together as partners, Miran specifically requests of Hazar to hide their current agreement from Reyyan to prevent her from being harmed. Hazar, who cannot stand the pain of his daughter and Miran whenever they are separated, is not willing to end their love story even if it is for the sake of revenge. With the play set up by Azize, Elif, who had to return to Aslanbey mansion, is badly hurt by what she heard. Elif, who no longer wants her loved ones to endanger her life with her grandmother's non-stop plans, gives a resounding response that Azize never expected be conclude her revenge skims. Azat makes new decisions so that Elif does not experience the same pain. Meanwhile, the news of the presidential election of the board of directors falls on the to-do list of both families. Leaving aside all the negativities experienced to realize the dreams of the woman she loves, Miran prepares an unforgettable surprise for Reyyan on their first Valentine's Day together.

Épisode 21 - 33. Bölüm

21 février 2020 - 4.2/5

While Miran and Reyyan celebrate their first Valentine's Day, they receive another note about the past and spoils the whole celebration. While Miran is trying to figure out who the note came from, they encounter Harun at the hotel and cause Miran to be suspicious about the note and Harun. While the partnership agreement between Hazar and Miran continues, Miran cooperates with Hazar to investigate received note. Nasuh, who does not want to reveal the secrets he has kept for so long, by digging into the past, takes action to stop Hazar, who searches to find Dilsah's confidant. Despite all the negativities, Reyyan and Miran, who strive to make every moment beautiful, get one step closer to the truth when the gendarmerie is found. Miran, who wants to understand whether his life is based on a lie, shakes his world with the new information he has learned.

Épisode 22 - 34. Bölüm

28 février 2020 - 4.4/5

Having learned the facts about his mother's death, Miran makes sure that revenge is based on a lie. While he has not yet completed his conscientious judgment of what he has done to Reyyan, Miran, who is crushed under the weight of these facts, tells Reyyan it's okay if she wants to leave, even if it is difficult. Reyyan is infuriated by the fact that the man she loves cannot accept the realities of the life they have built. On the other hand, Hazar, who learned that Nasuh did not give Dilşah a helping hand years ago when she needed, is inconsolable and blames himself for the death of Dilşah, a price that was paid for of his father's past mistakes. Hazar and Miran, who no longer want to live in shadows contaminated with lies, gain yet another victory on their path to discovering the truth. Their victory causes the destruction of Azize's empire, while Nasuh's confession changes all the balances in the Şadoğlu family.

Épisode 23 - 35. Bölüm

6 mars 2020 - 4.2/5

Miran eventually ceases to believe the lies his grandmother told and expels Azize from Aslanbey mansion. Although Azize says that Miran will regret very much in the future while leaving the mansion, the meaning of revenge has now changed for Miran. Azize and Miran, who have believed in the same truth for years, will fight each other at the crossroads they entered in the story of revenge. Will Azize Aslanbey persuade Miran to walk on his own path again? While Reyyan is afraid that Azize's being sent from the mansion will cause new troubles, she also tries to save Miran, who is increasingly distant from her because of his past actions, from regrets. While Cihan, shaken by the confession of his father Nasuh, tries to persuade him not to reveal this secret for the sake of protecting his family, Yaren realizes that there is no return from the way of marriage with Harun, and explains that Reyyan is not Hazar's biological daughter to destroy the whole family once again.

Épisode 24 - 36. Bölüm

13 mars 2020 - 4.2/5

When she learns that Hazar is not her biological father, Reyyan's world falls on her head. Reyyan, who did not feel belonging to the Sadoglu mansion for so many years and wanted to become a bird one day and fly, now understands better why her grandfather treated her like a stranger. Thanksgiving comes to the aid of Reyyan, who accumulates more pain than she can carry in her heart because of the lies she told by the two men she loves most in her life. Hazar and Miran act together to alleviate Reyyan's pain, but it will not be easy to heal Reyyan's wounds. Sukran, who does not know the beginning of the story of Reyyan and Miran, expels Miran from her village house after learning. Always leaving her life unfinished for the happiness of others, Reyyan makes a very important decision to live the life she deserves and stand on her own feet from now on. How will this decision of Reyyan affect Miran and Hazar?

Épisode 25 - 37. Bölüm

20 mars 2020 - 4.4/5

The decision of Reyyan, who wants to open the doors of a new life away from lies, deeply affects both her family and Miran. Miran, who wants to support the woman he loves in difficult times, takes up his arms to relieve Reyyan's pain. Support for Reyyan, who does not know where to start after her decision, comes from Firat. Gonul, who is sure that Azize was fooling her after the note she found in the cemetery, makes an important move to confront her grandmother and reveal her game. On the other hand, Azize, who wants to revive the revenge plan, uses information about Reyyan's real father, but this situation causes Reyyan and Azize to come face to face. No matter what happens, Reyyan, who is once again sure that Azize will not stop and that she will harm her family and Miran at every opportunity, challenges Azize. Azize Aslanbey, crushed by Reyyan's strong stance, this time decided destroy Reyyan from a place she'll never expected.

Épisode 26 - 38. Bölüm

27 mars 2020 - 4.1/5

Reyyan is rescued by a mysterious person, but the trace left behind causes Miran to suspect. Reyyan realizes that she can't stay away from her family with Miran's support while having difficulty accepting the truth. However, Reyyan is not the only person who has to accept the truth. After that, Reyyan, who dreams of a life without lies and revenge plans, asks Miran to make a decision for their future. Miran, prevailed in his freedom fight and tells Azize Aslanbey that he gave up revenge. Having lost the last piece of hope that she will include Miran in her revenge plan again, Azize Aslanbey goes to the Sadoglu mansion to take her revenge with her own hands. On the one hand, Reyyan and Miran stepped into a new life without revenge, on the other hand, Azize Aslanbey, who came to the Sadoglu mansion to break the vow to take revenge and throw the last bullet, share their last trump, an unexpected news changes the course of what happened.

Épisode 1 - 39. Bölüm

18 septembre 2020 - 4.5/5

Miran, who gives up the revenge, decides to go to Midyat and build a life with Reyyan away from everything. This decision is accepted by the Sadoglu family, but Azize Aslanbey, who suffered after the death of Elif, has very different plans for the two families. Azize vows to end everything by using Miran for the last time, but her real grandson and the son of the Sultan, Aslan Aslanbey, who is known to have died many years ago, learned everything about his past and returned to his ancestral lands to ensure justice. With the emergence of Aslan, cards are scattered again, and Reyyan and Miran will face a new test and challenge.

Épisode 2 - 40. Bölüm

25 septembre 2020 - 4.4/5

While the hostility between the two families increased with the shooting of Azat, the mysteriously emerged Aslan took the blame and dragged Azize into a great panic. With the arrival of her only grandson, whom she raised out of sight, Azize seeks ways to send him back. Reyyan, who saw the moment Azat was shot by Miran, is in shock. It does not take long for her to learn Miran side of the story and stand by him. Whole Sadoglu family, including Hazar, agrees that marriage between Reyyan and Miran must end immediately.

Épisode 3 - 41. Bölüm

2 octobre 2020 - 4.5/5

Hazar who caught Reyyan and Miran together, could not control his anger and pressed the gun trigger. Although his intention was not to harm Miran, Reyyan understood the anger of her father and tried to convince him in Miran's innocence. Reyyan, who had to sign the divorce papers after the events, forced by Nasuh, makes an unexpected move to prevent this divorce from happening on the court day. On the one hand, when Aslan learns that his grandmother has offered peace to the Shadoglu family to protect him, on the other hand Sultan is planning the next step and delivers the letter Zehra has kept to Aslan. Saying that he came to provide justice, will Aslan tell Miran that he is the son of Hazar or will his feelings interfere and change it's course?

Épisode 4 - 42. Bölüm

9 octobre 2020 - 4.6/5

Reyyan and Miran, who wanted to find out the real reason behind the revenge that Azize planned for years and want to end it without any more harm, decided to stick with the fake separation plan. While this separation raises the longing and passion between them to the highest level, the jealousy of Miran, who finds the lighter with Aslan's name on it in the house that Aslan deliberately left, stirs up a lot. Thinking that Reyyan is pregnant, Hazar decides to take her to Zehra who is in the village and keep her and her baby away from the events. Hearing this, Miran seeks ways to bring that distance closer so he brings Zehra home without giving Reyyan a chance to go. But this move will cause unexpected events. Azize, who could not send Aslan back, is shocked when she sees the photographs of Reyyan on the wall in Aslan's office, and made him an offer which he cannot refuse.

Épisode 5 - 43. Bölüm

16 octobre 2020 - 4.7/5

Reyyan, who does not want any more secrets between her and Miran, is looking for a way to talk to him, while Aslan, trying to get closer to Reyyan, makes a new move. Although Reyyan is cautious, she believes that she can reveal the truth with the information she will get from Aslan and will not have to part with Miran again. While Aslan's dreams about Reyyan, who came to provide justice and take revenge on Azize, Miran discover a very important information that confirms his suspicion of Aslan. On the other hand, Zehra does not believe in Nasuh's words that Hazar might have killed Mehmet Aslanbey, decides to reveal all the facts by proving that Miran is the real son of Hazar. Azize, who tries to keep Aslan away from Reyyan, encounters an unexpected surprise. Ultimately Miran, who wants to prove that his doubts are right, challenges Aslan to share his trump card.

Épisode 6 - 44. Bölüm

23 octobre 2020 - 4.6/5

Reyyan and Miran face death after Azize's intervention. Seeing that Miran fell from the cliff, Reyyan runs after him to save the man she loves without hesitating for a moment. Reyyan takes Miran to the side, but Miran's situation is critical. On the one hand, Reyyan tries to understand who is after them, and on the other hand, she tries to keep her beloved alive. Cihan, who sees Miran as a threat to his family and children, thinks that Reyyan fled with Miran. Thereupon, Cihan, who burns all bridges and risks everything, goes after Reyyan and Miran. While Aslan reaches surprising information about Azize, a bitter surprise awaits Hazar and Zehra on their way to birth.

Épisode 7 - 45. Bölüm

30 octobre 2020 - 4.6/5

Reyyan, who thinks that Miran, her great love, is dead, is on the verge of a difficult decision while living the hardest day of her life. In the meantime, Aslan, learning about Azize's past and the real reason for his revenge, threatens Azize, who is shocked by Hanife's death, to reveal her past. He makes an unexpected offer to her. Stuck in the corner, Azize is forced to reestablish her plans when she learns that Aslan was collaborating with Hanife. Hazar, on the other hand, has found a new clue that he will pursue to find out whether Miran is his son. The return of Miran, who stands up for Reyyan, will change all the balances.

Épisode 8 - 46. Bölüm

6 novembre 2020 - 4.5/5

The return of Reyyan and Miran to Aslanbey mansion causes the balance in the mansion to change. While Azize is surprised to find a new and powerful Reyyan in front of her, she also looks for ways to neutralize Aslan, whom she sees as a danger. As their love continues, Reyyan is very excited to take the first steps to give her life a new direction. On the other hand, Miran, who wants to unravel Aslan's connection with the past and learn the purpose of Aslan's arrival in Midyat, reveals a truth that will surprise everyone with the help of Fırat.

Épisode 9 - 47. Bölüm

13 novembre 2020 - 4.6/5

Despite everything, Reyyan and Miran, who rolled up their sleeves to live their own lives, while trying to get used to their new order, Mahfuz, who gave up hope from Aslan, decided to talk to Hazar and explain the whole truth about Miran. After his research, Hazar, who is sure that Miran is his own son and vows to end this revenge, goes to face Azize, but after an incident he witnessed in the Aslanbey mansion, what he remembers causes Hazar to be thoroughly sharpened to Azize. On the other hand, Azize, who was blockaded by Miran, Aslan and Hazar, lives her real shock by confronting Füsun Aslanbey, whom she thought died years ago, comes in the flew and exposed the fact that Miran is Hazar's son to everyone.

Épisode 10 - 48. Bölüm

20 novembre 2020 - 4.5/5

The arrival of Fisun and her declaration that Miran is Hazar's son affects the lives of both the Aslanbeys and Sadoglus in a shocking way. While Miran cannot accept the fact that he is Hazar's son, he continues to question everyone in the Aslanbey mansion in disbelief. But Reyyan stays beside him and continue to support him. As all of Azize's secrets have come out....she has nothing to lose now and becomes more dangerous than ever.vOn the other hand, Sadoglus ask Nasuh to reveal the secrets of his past. As Azize is too busy running after her own revenge, she lost track of other events. As a result, Aslan plans something which will leave everyone stunned. Will Miran be able to stop this tragedy while confronting the sad realities of his own life or will Aslan walk away leaving a pain that will shake both the families?

Épisode 11 - 49. Bölüm

27 novembre 2020 - 4.5/5

Aslan obsessed with Reyyan kidnapped her and in this process shot Hazar. But Mahfuz saved the day & shot him at the end. Reyyan & Miran tried their utmost to keep Hazar alive and they are devastated. Miran who has not yet digested the fact that Hazar is his father, is now on the verge of losing him. Meanwhile, the Aslanbeys who are trying to get used to the new order after Fisun Aslanbey's arrival are once again destroyed by the news of Aslan getting shot. Azize now has to deal with both the Şadoğlus and Fusun. On the other hand, Cihan learns his father's plan about Miran as Nasuh tells everything he finds out about Azize to Azat. Reyyan and Miran who are trying to pass these difficult days by holding on to each other learn the greatest news of their life. As Azize has now nothing to lose, she orders Mahmut to shoot Hazar & calls Nasuh to the farm to reveal her secrets. Will Hazar & Aslan survive? What news Miran & Reyyan will learn? What will Azize tell to Nasuh?

Épisode 12 - 50. Bölüm

4 décembre 2020 - 4.4/5

Azize and Nasuh are in shock. Nasuh learned that Azize was actually Ayse, woman he loved and thought she was dead, and Azize learned that her son, whom she thought died years ago, was Hazar. Azize, who regrets her command to execute, tries to reach Hazar and Mahmut, but this will not be easy. Füsun, who holds Azize responsible for Aslan's death, has plans for her. While Reyyan and Miran are struggling with what is happening around them, they are also excited about their baby. Reyyan's cravings entertain and excite Miran. He struggles to make the woman he loves happy. As always, his biggest support is Firat. Esma is at a crossroads to either reveal her great secret to Firat or remain silent forever. Meanwhile, Azize thinking that everything is over, sets out on an irreversible path. She hopes that her Miran can forgive her for all she's done. However, a big surprise waits her at the end of the road.

Épisode 13 - 51. Bölüm

11 décembre 2020 - 4.5/5

Azize, who learns that Hazar is her own son, thinks that there is only one way to forgive what she has done so far, but she has a dangerous obstacle in the way; Füsun. Reyyan, who is confused about Mahfuz, is afraid of losing her baby after having a dream. On the one hand, Miran, who has the excitement of meeting his father and being a father on the other hand, spoils his loved ones, and does his best to get rid of his doubts and fears. Hazar makes a move to make life easier for his son and daughter. This move will bring the father-son closer to each other. Nasuh takes a step towards becoming a grandfather-grandchild with Miran and wants to organize a dinner in honor of his joining the family, but faces Cihan's objection. Unable to digest Miran being a Şadoğlu, Cihan makes a counter-attack and decides to team up with Füsun. While all this is happening, Azize, who wants to prevent Füsun's terrible plan, rushes to Reyyan. However, she is too late.

Épisode 14 - 52. Bölüm

18 décembre 2020 - 4.4/5

As Azize continues to search for Dilşah, who Füsun has been hiding for so many years, Füsun continues to cause various troubles for Azize. Reyyan, who was disturbed by the dessert she ate, thinking that it came from her father, passed out in front of Azize's eyes, who came to see if she was okay. Azize enters into a struggle alone to help Reyyan and the baby in her womb. Reyyan was poisoned by Füsun. The situation of the baby and Reyyan is uncertain. Meanwhile, Azize warns the Şadoğlus and wants to say that it is Füsun who harmed Reyyan, so she secretly meets Nasuh for this cause and tells him that she is trying to save Reyyan. Miran thinks that Azize is the only one responsible for what happened to his wife and goes after her. However, Azize disappeared in an instant, as if she had vanished. Everyone except Nasuh thinks that she escaped because it was revealed that she poisoned Reyyan. However, a last-minute development shocks everyone and prevents them from looking for Azize.

Épisode 15 - 53. Bölüm

25 décembre 2020 - 4.6/5

The detention of Miran had a shock effect on Şadoğlus. While Reyyan is shaken by the sadness of her lost baby, she is also worried about not being able to hear from Miran. Miran tries to get rid of the situation he fell into. Meanwhile, someone he never expected helps him. Miran, who is curious about his secret enemy and wants to take precautions to protect Reyyan, follows up, and his suspicions will lead him to Azize Aslanbey again. However, the reason they lived this time is another. He has an enemy of his own blood and soul. Azize, who is trying to get rid of the situation she is in, has only one wish, to be able to return what she got from her son. Hazar, who is trying to learn the facts about Füsun Aslanbey, goes to talk with Mahfuz. However, a big surprise awaits him from the end of the meeting. What will Cihan do after learning the truth about Azize and Nasuh? Will Miran keep his promise to Reyyan?

Épisode 16 - 54. Bölüm

10 janvier 2021 - 4.8/5

Hazar, who comes face-to-face with Dilşah, is in shock. He takes her to the village, but Zehra tells a big lie to Dilşah and makes her leave. While Hazar is chasing after Dilşah, who disappeared just as quickly as she reappeared, Füsun, who thinks that she has strengthened her hands thanks to what she learned from Cihan, is in a good mood. However, she will be shocked by the big surprise that Firat prepared for them. Meanwhile, when Miran reveals some facts about Cihan, things ger mixed up in the Şadoğlu mansion. Reyyan asks both Nasuh and Azize for an account of the past. While Miran takes his breath in front of Azize with the big lie told to him, he returns to the Şadoğlu mansion with Hazar. With this turn, nothing will be the same anymore.

Épisode 17 - 55. Bölüm

17 janvier 2021 - 4.9/5

With the arrival of Dilşah's arrival at the Şadoğlu mansion alive, well and healthy; everyone is in stunned. Miran is totally shocked with the news that his mother is alive. He is also determined to make Azize pay for stealing his mother, his childhood actually for everything that she has done in the past. Azize is extremely sorry, she starts with trying to actually punishing herself by making a totally unexpected move. After everything that she has been through, Dilşah is very confused and her arrival also puts Zehra in a very difficult position. On one hand Reyyan with all her might continues to try and support MIran, while at the same time she makes an offer to Azize. Füsun who is just sitting back and enjoying watching Azize suffer, is totally shock by the news she receives.

Épisode 18 - 56. Bölüm

24 janvier 2021 - 4.9/5

Determined to avenge the past from Azize, Füsun is sharpened once again after Harun was shot. she holds Azize responsible for what happened and swears to give her the biggest pain of her life. Meanwhile, Cihan sets up a game against Azize to protect Yaren. Trying every way to reach Dilşah, Miran makes a very important decision for all of them. Reyyan, who wants the man she loves to be able to reunite with his mother, also supports Miran in this decision. While Azize, who wants to prevent further harm by Fusun, reveals her backstory to protect Hazar and Miran, Miran sets out to fulfill Dilşah's only wish. But there is a bad surprise waiting for him.

Épisode 19 - 57. Bölüm

31 janvier 2021 - 4.8/5

Despite all of the attempts by the paramedics following the accident, Miran is unable to regain consciousness. Reyyan pushes them aside and takes over, and with the strength of their love, a miracle happens. It is now clearer than ever that everything that has been happening isn't coincidental. Upon learning everything, Reyyan confronts and bring Füsun to account. On one hand, Azize is trying to make a decision regarding Füsun; on the other hand, Füsun is keeping herself by trying to find any information she can regarding her daughter. As Miran and Cihan head down a path of no return, Yaren continues to get worse day by day but she eventually, reaches her point and confesses something to Füsun. Azra's arrival makes Dilşah extremely happy and scared at the same time as she worries Azize is going to come and take her away. This fear leads her to make a big mistake.

Épisode 20 - 58. Bölüm

7 février 2021 - 5/5

All balances have changed with Dilşah's injury to Azize. Reyyan has to protect Dilşah on the one hand, and keep Azize alive on the other. Azra will be the person who will support her in this difficult test. Fusun will have to keep akuve the only person who knows the location of his daughter when he wants to kill Azize, and eventually take revenge that will turn everything upside down. On the other hand, Miran has cornered Cihan, but he is overwhelmed by his words that Reyyan is hiding something. Reyyan has decided that she cannot keep more secrets from Miran. She takes a step to unveil what she knows, but there is a surprise waiting for them all.

Épisode 21 - 59. Bölüm

14 février 2021 - 4.9/5

Hazar is living the biggest shock of his life when he learns from Füsun that he is Azize's son. Miran tries to be supportive of his father, but he too is totally stunned by these events. Yet on the other hand he is angry and takes on a attitude of anger towards Reyyan because he realizes that she knew this secret but did not tell him. Reyyan tries to explain... but Miran does not want to hear... While Azat and Gönül are having a difficult time staying apart from each other, Cihan with the wishes made by Yaren decides that the time has come for him to take his entire family and leave Mardin. Füsun makes a move once she learns the horrific truth, however there is a huge surprise that awaits her. As Miran and Reyyan cannot bear to be apart, Nasuh is very upset with the demeanor of both Hazar and Azize, so he comes up with a idea. However this is now going to be the beginning of everything becoming so tangled; that everyone will hit a dead end.

Épisode 22 - 60. Bölüm

21 février 2021 - 5/5

Reyyan and Miran have forgiven each other, and their love for each other continues on stronger than ever. So much so that Miran even agrees with Reyyan's insistence to give Azize a chance. However he wants something in return as well. Meanwhile at the ranch both Hazar and Nasuh run into the house after hearing a gun go off. Hazar is going to be shocked by the scene before him. The news that Yaren gives to Füsun who was determined to execute her, stops the execution. Dilşah who fears losing Azra so much that she continues to make very wrong moves. At the same time Reyyan and Miran come to a position in their lives that is much more important than anything they have been through until now. What will be the consequences of the showdown between Füsun and Dilşah? Will Azize accept Miran's condition?

Épisode 23 - 61. Bölüm

28 février 2021 - 5/5

Following the difficult decision that she has made, Reyyan rolls up her sleeves to work on everything that she must finish in time. These include; bringing the Umut Şadoğlu Vakfı up and running so that all girls who want an education can get an education, solving all of the problems within the family, and ending all of the animosities. But most importantly to be able to leave Umut a beautiful world... Due to the differences of opinions regarding the company, friction occurs between Fırat and Miran. Meanwhile Hazar demands that Azize leave Mardin. Azize has only one condition and she will leave. While Füsun is after getting Azra to forgive her, Dilşah is busy looking for ways of getting rid of Reyyan once and for all. A fund raising dinner is being held for the Umut Şadoğlu Vakfı, and this becomes the platform of even more secrets being exposed, including a document found by Dilşah which puts Reyyan in a very difficult position.

Épisode 24 - 62. Bölüm

7 mars 2021 - 5/5

Dilşah learned the truth that Reyyan had hidden from Miran and started to use the document in her hand as a trump card for Reyyan. But Reyyan will not return from her decision regardless of what happens. But she wants to leave moments that will not make Umut forget her. She realizes that because of hostility and grudge, they lack even the simplest happiness. There are not even decent wedding pictures to leave to their sons. Miran, unaware of this important decision made by the woman he loves, takes action so that nothing remains in them. Whatever is left unfinished will complete. Above all, the wedding. They will crown this great love with a wedding. While they are working on the preparations for a wedding that will complete their happiness, Azat and Gönül make a very important decision in the name of their love and life. This decision they make will cause the grind to flare up again, and the new environment Reyyan and Miran built for peace and tranquility will begin to crack.

Épisode 25 - 63. Bölüm

14 mars 2021 - 5/5

Reyyan is shocked by what she has just heard, and she is once again face to face with the real Dilşah and she now realizes that she must take pre-cautions against her. Meanwhile Cihan is holding Miran responsible for Azat being no where to be found, and comes to the wedding gun in hand. While Zehra has learned what Füsun had done, and we will for the first time see the dark side of Zehra as she storms the Aslanbey mansion, and at the same time Reyyan who realizes that she is not going to be able to hide the truth from Miran much longer, plans a private special evening for the both of them. However on the same night Miran has a surprise for Reyyan as well, but a chain of events happen in a unexpected fashion. Miran is on the verge of entering a very dark and dangerous journey, and there is only one person that can stop him; Reyyan!

Épisode 26 - 64. Bölüm

21 mars 2021 - 4.8/5

Miran learns that Reyyan is face to face with death. Füsun is the one that is responsible for everything that is happening and Miran is determined to make her pay. Reyyan’s condition opens a new door between Hazar and Azize. Füsun makes a deal with Cihan for revenge, there are many things that holds the Şadoğlu family together, and she is determined to eliminate all of these one by one. Miran is doing everything that he can think of to save Reyyan, when the fire at the foundation shakes him even more. Will Cihan accept Füsun's offer? Will Azize who has finally been united with her son Hazar after all of these years be able to tear the wall down between them? Reyyan who is in the middle of a very chaotic situation, continue to insist that she is going to give birth to Umut in spite of the fact that she might die?

Épisode 27 - 65. Bölüm

28 mars 2021 - 5/5

With the last minute news from the doctor the doors of a miracle slightly crack open and Reyyan and Miran immediately head to Istanbul for treatment. Zehra goes with them to Istanbul after entrusting their youngest little girl to her father Hazar, as well as Fırat and Zeynep go along with them for support as well. Meanwhile Hazar has learned that it is Füsun who is responsible for Reyyan being in this sickly position, so he immediately heads over to the Aslanbey mansion. Azize also arrives at the mansion at the last minute to stop her son. When Füsun notices the warmth that has started to develop between mother and son after everything that has happened, her body starts to be surrounded with total hatred.

Épisode 28 - 66. Bölüm

4 avril 2021 - 4.8/5

A new and difficult process awaits the Şadoğlus, who were devastated by the news they received. Miran feels in a great impasse and struggles to get out of this situation but support comes from someone he never expected. As the ropes are stretched again between Nasuh and Azize, Cihan takes action with the decision he has made. While Zehra tries to stay strong for children and Umut, Miran, who investigates the facts, gets a word from his grandmother. Whose bullet was the Hazar shot? Will Reyyan live?

Épisode 29 - 67. Bölüm

11 avril 2021 - 4.8/5

With the kidnapping of Umut by Füsun's men, both Reyyan and Miran's world was destroyed. Miran is determined, makes a promise to the woman he loves: he'll find his son at whatever cost and bring him home. For this purpose, he confronts Füsun and asks what he wants. Füsun is confused by Miran's deal offer. She asks him to do something very difficult to fulfill. Miran agrees without thinking. However, this time, the obstacle to meeting his son is his grandmother as Azize has set her mind to take Umut in her own way. Who is the surprise name that helped Miran? What will be the fate of Füsun?

Épisode 30 - 68. Bölüm

18 avril 2021 - 5/5

Reyyan and Miran crossed a new threshold and decided to spend their lives away from war and revenge. However, the shadow of the events that took place outside of them soon fell on them. Azize did not give up revenge. Füsun, on the other hand, makes a terrible plan despite being imprisoned. Cihan and Handan are shocked by an unexpected news. Azize's endless desire for revenge brings her to a separation. Despite all the negativities, Miran and Reyyan turn inside themselves and begin to experience a new excitement.

Épisode 31 - 69. Bölüm

25 avril 2021 - 5/5

Reyyan and Miran try to regroup the family, which has been disbanded by the chaos created by Yaren. Aziza, who goes away to protect her grandchildren, who are the trust of Hazar, finds someone she never expected. Reyyan begins a new project at Umut Foundation. The new project is the beginning of a journey of surprises for Reyyan and Miran, while a new door opens in the duo's life.


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