Poster de la serie .hack



Année : 2002

Nombre de saisons : 3

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 25 minutes

Genre(s) : Action, Aventure, Animation

The World n'est plus ce qu'il était. Le MMORPG phare de la société CC Corp ressemble à présent à un gigantesque champ de bataille virtuel, dans lequel les PK (Player Killers, autrement dit les joueurs qui tuent d'autres joueurs) mènent la vie dure aux débutants et obligent les autres à se regrouper en guildes pour leur faire face. C'est dans ce contexte délicat que Haseo, un débutant tout à fait ordinaire, débarque dans le jeu. Attaqué par des PK dès son arrivée, il est sauvé par Ovan, le chef de la guilde Twilight Brigade. Ovan semble s'intéresser à lui car il détiendrait manifestement un pouvoir qui lui est unique. Désorienté et vite découragé dans un jeu dont il ne saisit pas les règles, Haseo décide de le rejoindre et de l'aider dans sa quête d'un objet légendaire qui aurait autrefois existé dans The World : Key of the Twilight...


.hack saison 1

Saison 1


.hack saison 2

Saison 2


.hack saison 3

Saison 3



Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - Role Play

3 avril 2002 - 3.8/5

Tsukasa se réveille dans The World, apparemment un peu perdu. D'autres joueurs, notamment Mimiru et Bear, tentent de se lier avec avec lui, mais il reste très distant et demande qu'on le laisse tranquille. Il semblerait en fait que Tsukasa ne puisse pas se déconnecter du jeu...

Épisode 2 - Guardian

10 avril 2002 - 4/5

Tsukasa est sous la protection d'un monstre étrange qui a blessé Ginkan, et il est à présent recherché par les Chevaliers Rouges. Il est entraîné dans un endroit étrange par un personnage à tête de chat, et entend une voix qui lui dit de contacter Mimiru...

Épisode 3 - Folklore

17 avril 2002 - 3.8/5

Intrigués par Tsukasa, Bear et Mimiru décident de l'aider et de découvrir pourquoi il ne parvient pas à se déconnecter. Tsukasa semble être au centre de toute une série d'événements qui perturbent The World et qui tournent autour d'un objet appelé la Clé du Crépuscule...

Épisode 4 - Wanted

24 avril 2002 - 3.8/5

Subaru apprend à Bear que Tsukasa ne s'est plus déconnecté de The World depuis dix jours et Mimiru s'inquiète de plus en plus pour cet étrange joueur. De son côté, Bear a fait des recherches et pense avoir identifié la personne du monde réel qui se cache derrière Tsukasa...

Épisode 5 - Captured

1 mai 2002 - 4/5

Tsukasa pense pouvoir contrôler son monstre, mais il est vite détrompé lorsque celui-ci élimine d'autres joueurs. Subaru comprend alors qu'elle doit faire quelque chose et décide que Tsukasa doit être arrêté. Ginkan lui tend donc un piège avec l'aide de Sora et de BT...

Épisode 6 - Encounter

8 mai 2002 - 3.8/5

Tsukasa a été capturé par les Chevaliers Rouges et il est maintenant enfermé dans une sorte de caverne. Subaru lui rend visite afin de l'interroger. Mais alors qu'elle commence à discuter avec lui, Sora fait irruption dans la prison et élimine tous les gardes: il vient libérer Tsukasa...

Épisode 7 - Reason

15 mai 2002 - 4.1/5

Mimiru ne peut s'empêcher de s'inquiéter pour Tsukasa, mais elle ne sait pas ce qu'elle doit faire. Alors qu'elle se demande si elle ne devrait tout simplement pas laisser tomber, elle fait la connaissance d'une joueuse débutante qui se fait appeler A-20 et qui souhaite faire équipe avec elle...

Épisode 8 - Promise

22 mai 2002 - 4.3/5

Plutôt que de courir après Tsukasa, Mimiru conclut qu'il est plus sage d'attendre qu'il vienne vers lui. Pendant ce temps, Bear essaie d'en apprendre plus sur le joueur dans le monde réel, tandis que BT décide de former une alliance avec Crim afin de récolter des renseignements sur la Clé du Crépuscule...

Épisode 9 - Epitaph

29 mai 2002 - 4/5

Alors que les autres continuent de réunir des renseignements sur la Clé du Crépuscule, Tsukasa fait la connaissance d'une joueuse qui lui demande de veiller sur son Grunty pendant quelques jours. Mais l'animal tombe malade et Tsukasa va tout faire pour tenter de le sauver...

Épisode 10 - Compensation

5 juin 2002 - 4.1/5

Alors que Tsukasa attend Mimiru, il aperçoit Bear. Il lie conversation avec lui mais Bear lui dit quelque chose qui le blesse et il s'en va. Après son départ, Bear ne peut s'empêcher de se sentir coupable et de s'interroger sur sa façon de se comporter dans The World...

Épisode 11 - Party

12 juin 2002 - 4.1/5

Mimiru et Bear ont donné rendez-vous à Tsukasa pour participer en groupe à une chasse au trésor spéciale. Au cours de cette activité, nos amis vont apprendre à se connaître un peu plus et l'on découvre un nouvel aspect de Tsukasa...

Épisode 12 - Entanglement

16 juin 2002 - 3.8/5

Bear pense qu'il a découvert la véritable identité de Tsukasa: il s'agirait d'un jeune garçon plongé dans un état végétatif. De leur côté, Crim et BT sont toujours décidés à trouver la Clé du Crépuscule, et BT tente de persuader Crim de demander l'aide de Subaru et des Chevaliers Rouges...

Épisode 13 - Twilight Eye

26 juin 2002 - 4.1/5

Bear a décidé de partir lui aussi à la recherche de la Clé du Crépuscule car il pense que cet item est lié au fait que Tsukasa ne puisse se déconnecter du jeu. Il reçoit l'aide d'un mystérieux personnage. De son côté, BT a découvert l'endroit où se trouve l'Oeil du Crépuscule, qui les mènera à la Clé...

Épisode 14 - Castle

3 juillet 2002 - 4/5

Crim et BT arrivent dans un château mystérieux et se mettent à recherche de la Clé, poursuivis par Sora. Grâce au code que Helba leur a donné, Bear, Tsukasa et Mimiru arrivent au château également. Mais des pièges se dressent sur leur route et une atmosphère maléfique plane sur l'endroit...

Épisode 15 - Evidence

10 juillet 2002 - 3.6/5

Suite à leurs aventures dans le château mystérieux, Bear et Mimiru sont revenus dans le Monde normal. Mais Mimiru s'inquiète pour Tsukusa, en se demandant ce qui va lui arriver si jamais il meurt dans un monde dans lequel il peut sentir la douleur...

Épisode 16 - Depth

17 juillet 2002 - 4/5

Suite à leurs aventures dans le château mystérieux, Bear et Mimiru sont revenus dans le jeu normal. Mais Mimiru s'inquiète pour Tsukusa, qui semble avoir disparu. Elle se demande ce qui va lui arriver si jamais il meurt dans ce monde virtuel, dans lequel il peut malgré tout sentir la douleur...

Épisode 17 - Conflict

24 juillet 2002 - 4/5

Tsukasa est de retour dans le jeu normal également, mais il ne semble plus être que l'ombre de lui-même. Si les données du personnages sont toujours bien là, tous ses souvenirs personnels semblent avoir disparu... De son côté, BT souhaiterait rencontrer Crim en-dehors du jeu, mais celui-ci refuse...

Épisode 18 - Declaration

31 juillet 2002 - 4/5

Alors que Subaru essaie toujours d'aider Tsukasa, elle se retrouve avec un difficile problème sur les bras. En effet, Ginkan prend de plus en plus en plus d'initiatives personnelles. Subaru a appris qu'il a même envoyé une demande directement à l'administrateur système sans lui en parler. Le conflit semble inévitable...

Épisode 19 - Recollection

7 août 2002 - 3.8/5

Subaru doit bien se résoudre à dissoudre le groupe des Chevaliers Rouges. Alors qu'elle erre maintenant un peu désemparée, elle se rappelle sa première rencontre avec Crim, les événements qui ont mené à la création des Chevaliers Rouges et le départ de Crim suite à son désaccord avec Ginkan...

Épisode 20 - Tempest

14 août 2002 - 4/5

Toujours à la recherche de la Clé du Crépuscule, Sora et BT s'assurent l'aide de Ginkan. De son côté, Subaru s'attache de plus en plus à Tsukasa. Ce dernier propose de lui montrer son endroit secret. Mais lorsqu'ils arrivent sur les lieux, la jeune fille endormie a disparu et l'entité qui jusque là protégeait Tsukasa semble furieuse...

Épisode 21 - Despair

21 août 2002 - 3.8/5

Malgré ses nombreuses recherches, Subaru n'est toujours pas parvenue à retrouver Tsukasa. Son seul espoir maintenant est que quelqu'un connaisse le fameux endroit secret. De son côté, Bear a découvert l'identité de l'homme qu'ils ont vu dans le mystérieux château: il s'agit de Harald Huick, le créateur de The World. Bear demande alors l'aide de Helba pour le retrouver...

Épisode 22 - Phantom

28 août 2002 - 4/5

Grâce aux indications de Helba, et en dépit des pièges dressés sur leur route, Bear, Mimiru et Subaru parviennent à retrouver l'incarnation d'Harald Huick. Celui-ci leur parle alors de son secret. Mais la mystérieuse entité qui se servait de Tsukasa semble déterminée à garder ces informations secrètes...

Épisode 23 - The Eve

4 septembre 2002 - 3.6/5

Helba a adressé un message aux différents joueurs et leur donne rendez-vous ensemble. Tout le monde répond à l'appel, à l'exception de Sora, qui veut continuer à faire cavalier seul, et de Tsukasa, encore traumatisé par l'expérience qu'il vient de subir. Parviendra-t-il à trouver en lui le courage de rejoindre ses compagnons ?

Épisode 24 - Net Slum

18 septembre 2002 - 3.8/5

Après avoir franchi la porte créée par Helba, notre petit groupe, finalement rejoint par Tsukasa, se retrouve dans un monde étrange, dans lequel flottent des répliques multicolores de Tsukasa. C'est à ce moment qu'apparaît Helba. Elle explique aux joueurs qu'ils se trouvent dans le cyber-sanctuaire, l'endroit où sont conservées les données effacées de The World…

Épisode 25 - Catastrophe

18 septembre 2002 - 4/5

Tsukasa sent monter la colère de l'entité et persuade le groupe quitter le cyber-sanctuaire au plus vite. Mais l'entité n'en a pas fini avec eux et envoie un Gardien les éliminer. Les joueurs parviennent à s'en débarrasser en unissant leurs forces, mais à peine a-t-il disparu que trois autres Gardiens prennent sa place…

Épisode 26 - Return

25 septembre 2002 - 3.7/5

Tsukasa, Subaru et Mimiru atterrissent dans un endroit inconnu, séparés les uns des autres. Parviendront-ils à se retrouver malgré les pièges que l'entité sème sur leur chemin, et pourront-ils enfin rejoindre le monde réel ?

Épisode 27 - Intermezzo

1 janvier 2002 - 4/5

This episode is a long flashback that tells the tale of Mimiru's mentor, an amazingly powerful character controled by 3 high school girls with the intention of working together to create a extremely powerful character before their graduation, and they pretty much suceed. The novice forms of Mimiru and Bear barely survive in an overpowering dungeon until she comes along, taking out the opposition in a single blow. Mimiru accompanies this Gardenia look-a-like to the bottom floor of the dungeon where they are faced by a supposedly invincible enemy, so to protect Mimiru, she uses a skill that crystallises her character but guarantees the enemies death. Mimiru goes to the bottom level of this dungeon with Bear once again to find her mentors form, still preserved perfectly, standing in the exact same position as when she used her fatal skill.

Épisode 28 - In the Case of Mai Minase

20 juin 2002 - 4.2/5

Mai and her boyfriend, Tomonari Kasumi (known to The World as Sieg), are taken to a hospital due to both of them collapsing while playing a MMORPG called The World. Despite Mai waking up shortly after arriving at the hospital, Tomonari remains in a coma. For this, Mai is the object of rumors, especially when the clubhouse (known as G-study) is closed after the incident. It is soon revealed that she heard a certain sound (which is also present at important points in .hack//Sign) shortly before collapsing, and she later discovers that it is A in C major, which is used to tune instruments, including her violin. It was this sound that enabled her to wake up, and it was the first sound she made when she did. She meets Junichiro Tokuoka, and although she distrusts him at the beginning, as they investigate into Tomonari's coma, they soon become allies, if not friends. The investigation itself starts with Tokuoka accessing Tomonari's (Sieg's) account on The World, with Mai providing the password. Tokuoka accidentally opens the e-mail, and discovers that two users, Yukichin and Kyo, are close with Tomonari and have been harassing him with e-mails regarding his absence. It is also revealed during the course of the episode that Tomonari took the name Sieg as a contraction of Siegfried, from the German operatic cycle Der Ring Des Nibelungen, which was written by Wagner. Balmung is the name of Siegfried's sword, and Tomonari told Mai that he would become the possessor rather than the sword: a reference to the fact that he aimed to surpass the player character Balmung of the Azure Sky, one of the Descendants of Fianna. Tokuoka and Mai's investigation leads them to break into G-study, in order to attempt to recreate the same situation so that they can find out why Mai and Tomonari collapsed. The sound starts up again when they enter a field, and although Mai saves herself, Tokuoka seems to be losing it. In desperation, Mai destroys the monitor and (presumably) computer that they were using, and drags him outside, where a splash of rainwater wakes him up. After that, the two pledge to find out just what C.C.Corp. is hiding, and what it will take to wake everyone up.

Épisode 29 - In the Case of Yuki Aihara

19 septembre 2002 - 4/5

Tokuoka and Mai are on their way to meet with Yuki (known to The World as Yukichin), who is in Yokohama. Tokuoka gets stuck in traffic, and Mai goes to the library in Tokyo to attempt to look up information. During this time, she hears the sound. Meanwhile, Yuki is watching a movie when suddenly THE WORLD flashes on the screen, the power goes out, and the employees attempt to evacuate the building. Yuki runs into an unnamed woman (in the episode; the credits list her name as Asaba) who works at the building, and the two try to find their way out while the crowd gets stuck on the broken escalators. The two eventually resort to climbing through a ventilation shaft to a hallway with an elevator. After the fire alarm activates and starts sending out carbon dioxide, the woman rips off her shirt sleeves and makes mittens for both of them to slide down the elevator cables. At the same time, Tokuoka is finding his way to the meeting point without his car, as it's still trapped in gridlock, and Mai is using an old offline newspaper reel to look up information. She comes across Harald Hoerwick (the creator of The World), and the Epitaph of Twilight. Later, she contacts Kyo, and finds out that fires have broken out all over Yokohama, and that there is no cell phone service there either. Yuki and the woman find themselves at the bottom of the shaft, and it seems that the woman has twisted her ankle. They make their way onto the first floor regardless, and discover upon exiting the building that many cars have crashed. The woman says that it is the second coming of Pluto's Kiss. Finally, at 9:00, six hours after Tokuoka said that he would meet Yuki, he arrives to find Yuki waiting for him. Mai finally gets through to Tokuoka, and Kyo gets through to Yuki, and it is discovered that Kyo knows quite a bit about the Epitaph of Twilight.

Épisode 30 - In the Case of Kyoko Tohno

12 décembre 2002 - 4.2/5

Junichiro Tokuoka travels to the city of Hida-Takayama to meet up with a miss Kyoko Tohno to discuss further details surrounding the mysteries in The World as well as the legends surrounding The Epitaph of Twilight. After receiving a phone call from a person working under the alias Bith the Black, Tokuoka and Kyoko realize that they are being watched by Helba's agents. A series of messages from Bith lead them to numerous historical sites throughout the city. As several of the messages come from e-mails sent to Mai Minase and Yuki Aihara, Tokuoka suspects that Helba has been following their actions for quite some time. The team begins to eventually put together the puzzle behind the mysterious woman of Emma Wielant the author of the Epitaph. After a chance run in with Kyoko's Father, they discover that he was contacted by Bith as well, working under another alias "Ichiro Sato".Junichiro Tokuoka travels to the city of Hida-Takayama to meet up with a miss Kyoko Tohno to discuss further details surrounding the mysteries in The World as well as the legends surrounding The Epitaph of Twilight. After receiving a phone call from a person working under the alias Bith the Black, Tokuoka and Kyoko realize that they are being watched by Helba's agents. A series of messages from Bith lead them to numerous historical sites throughout the city. As several of the messages come from e-mails sent to Mai Minase and Yuki Aihara, Tokuoka suspects that Helba has been following their actions for quite some time. The team begins to eventually put together the puzzle behind the mysterious woman of Emma Wielant the author of the Epitaph. After a chance run in with Kyoko's Father, they discover that he was contacted by Bith as well, working under another alias "Ichiro Sato". Over lunch Ichiro explains that Harald Hoerwick had used the game Fragment, the precursor to The World, to create a tribute to Emma's Epitaph of Twilight. But that alone wouldn't explain the current situation facing The World. He goes on to say that the incidents involving the coma victims were created as a result of Harald attempting to bring the real world into the online world, creating a hazy barrier between the two worlds, a concept called "Liminality". Ichiro informs Tokuoka and Kyoko that he needs their help, but that in helping him, they will become criminals. Despite the risk, they both agree to help. Ichiro says that CC Corp intends to shut down the servers of The World, thereby destroying any possible clues to awakening the coma victims. He tells them to meet with him on Christmas Eve at Urayasu, then drives away. Tokuoka asks Kyoko if she's really sure about helping him, causing her to reaffirm her commitment to the cause.

Épisode 31 - Trismegistus

10 avril 2003 - 4/5

Several weeks after the meeting in Hida-Takayama on Christmas Eve, Junichiro Tokuoka, Kyoko Tohno, Yuki Aihara, and Mai Minase all gather on a dinner boat in Tokyo Bay, to prepare for their risky (and most certainly illegal) mission. Despite their nervousness, each one is dedicated to helping Ichiro Sato complete the mission sent from Helba. Ichiro himself soon arrives on a different boat. While traveling to their destination, Ichiro reveals the true nature of the problems that have been plaguing The World. Harald Hoerwick's program, Fragment, had been nothing more than a program to create an "Ultimate AI". The system to create this A.I. had somehow become self autonomous, and was working to delay the birth of the A.I. known as Aura, to keep itself from finishing its purpose and ceasing to exist. If the problems are to be solved, the Ultimate A.I. must be born, and it's up to Tokuoka and his team to help that event occur.

Épisode 32 - Unison

1 janvier 2003 - 4.2/5

It's after the end of .hack//QUARANTINE, and Kite is working with Orca and Balmung to finish off all the remaining traces of Morganna. Helba calls the cast of the games and .hack//SIGN together to Net Slum, and there they celebrate for the restoration of The World.

Épisode 1 - A Legendary Hero

8 janvier 2003 - 4/5

A boy named Kunisaki Shugo checks his email to find that he has won a contest that allows him to play The World as the legendary .hacker Kite. Shugo calls up his twin sister to tell her the good news and she informs him that she too has won the contest and that her character will be remodeled after the character Blackrose (also a legendary .hacker). Shugo mentions that he never entered in any contest and that he does not even have the software to play the game. That is when Rena informs Shugo that she entered him in the contest and that just incase one of them won, she installed the world on his computer.When he logs in, he meets up with his twin sister Rena and they decide to go to a field. On the field, Rena and Shugo watch as a Level 1 class monster appears in front of them. Shugo attacks, but is easily knocked to the ground by the monster. Rena performs Calamity Cut to take out the monster and then she offers her brother a healing potion. After being reprimanded by Rena, Sh

Épisode 2 - Kite's Bracelet

15 janvier 2003 - 3.8/5

Shu-go and Rena encounter Mireille, a Wavemaster intent on collecting rare items. At her invitation, the two participate in an event that has them figShugo logs in, and Rena immediately scolds him for being late. During this scolding, Mireille shows up ready to join the party and go out on an adventure. Instead of politely turning Mireille down, Rena grabs Shugo's hand and uses a Speed Charm and makes a run for it.When Rena and Shugo stop, they realize that there was a special event going on today involving trying to make the Cherry Blossoms bloom. Shugo is really interested in getting over to the field and winning a rare item, but Rena suggests that the field might be tough and they could use a wavemaster. Luckily Mireille just happens to be around and ready to lend a helping hand. At the field, Mireille does her best to try to get the trees to bloom, by casting healing spells. Realizing that doesn't work she wanders off thinking that a rare item might help. Shugo takes this t

Épisode 3 - Wings of Phoenix

22 janvier 2003 - 4/5

Late one night in the world, a reddish-brown haired girl asks another girl named Hotaru for a favor. She is going to be logged off for 3 days, and was hoping Hotaru would watch her Grunty. Although Hotaru knows nothing about raising Grunty's, she accepts.The next day, Shugo learns that since his bracelet is such a high level, his level must be higher in order to use it properly. Rena, Mireille, and Ouka convince Shugo that they should go train in an intermediate level area. This will help him level up faster and hopefully be able to control the powers of the bracelet. Balmung and Reki get together to talk about the Kite and Blackrose contest. CC Corp claims that they did not authorize the contest and that they know nothing about it. Balmung thinks that either they truly know nothing about it, or that they are refusing to talk. Balmung tells Reki to report is as a number one emergency claim. Hopefully then someone will decide to talk.On the field, Ouka, Mireille, and Rena te

Épisode 4 - The Night of Tanabata

30 janvier 2003 - 4.1/5

The episode starts with Sanjuro training Shugo about how to fight the monsters in ""The World"" When they are done, they teleport back to the city where Rena is waiting for them, and she tells Shugo the he has spent a lot of time playing with Sanjuro lately. Shugo replies that they were not playing they were training. Sanjuro chimes in and says that a warrior needs to train. Rena replies that Shugo is not a warrior and that she is feeling neglected that they should spend more time together.In Mac Anu, the Shugo and Rena learn about the Festival of the Weaver Maiden that will be held later that day. In the field Distant Azure River, where the festival of Tanabata is scheduled to take place, Shugo is already there waiting for the others to arrive. When Mireille shows up, she is wearing a rare yukata that she received as a rare item from a very tough battle. Shortly after, Hotaru, Ouka and Rena teleport in and they, too, are wearing yukatas. According to Tanabata tradition, everyone

Épisode 5 - Mansion of Terror

5 février 2003 - 3.8/5

Four kids are sitting around computers discussing how their modified monster just lost. They realized that their opponent used data drain and the only person to obtain such a power is Kite and that he must be eliminated.Shugo and the girls decide to head to the beach. Rena and Shugo see a couple of boys trying to take a rare ball from a little girl on the beach. So, they head over to the girl and get her ball back from them. When Shugo gives her back the ball, the girl takes his Member's Address and then quickly teleports away.In the real world, Shugo finds out that he has an email from Aura asking him to help her. Most of the text is fragmented and difficult to read so Shugo asks Mireille to decipher the information. She tells Shugo that Aura wanted him to go to Haunted Woodland Muderhouse. When Shugo and the others arrive at the mansion Rena gets scared and determines to show them how brave she is so decides to go off on her own. While the groups is searching for Rena, th

Épisode 6 - Trap of the Steaming Hot Water

12 février 2003 - 4/5

Rena goes missing during the battle with the monsters, so Shu-go and the others look for her. Just then an anonymous e-mail arrives, its sole contents being a certain Area of the game. Shu-go and the others think that perhaps Rena's disappearance is simply an ""event"" bulit into the game. They head to the Area named in the e-mail to check it out.

Épisode 7 - Twilight Moon

19 février 2003 - 4/5

Shu-go and the others sweep the Area looking for Rena but come away empty-handed. Balmung and Sanjuro therorize that Rena's disappearance may be a result of someone wanting to get their hands on Kite's bracelet, an item Shu-go currently possesses. The two of them at last Shu-go in on the secret details of their past.

Épisode 8 - Lonely Noble Knight

26 février 2003 - 4/5

Shu-go decides to make use of the illegal ""Data Drain"" skill in order to locate Rena. CC Corperation , the company that oversees the online gaming envoirment of ""The World,"" also has sentries that patrol the game, locating characters whose conduct is against the rules. It's not long before the sentries get word of Shu-go's Data Drains...

Épisode 9 - Impending Doom

5 mars 2003 - 3.8/5

Shu-go and the others finally uncover a clue to Rena's whereabouts. Unfortunately, that place appears to be on a server that's not open to the average player. Shu-go tries to enter the server via ""Data Hacking"" another power of the bracelet he possesses.

Épisode 10 - Phantom City

12 mars 2003 - 4/5

Shu-go and the others -well aware of the danger but determined to help Rena arrive at a sever that's not yet open to the average player. When they enter the sever(which connects to the Area where Rena is located), they encounter a monster that by all rights shoudn't appear in that Area. What's more, the monster's data has been altered to the point where Shu-go and the others' have no effect on it. They find themselves on the defensive. Meanwhile, Rena wanders around alone, looking for a way out of the Area she has been imprisoned in. In her wanderings, she encounters a mysterious individual who emits a faint light.

Épisode 11 - End of The World

19 mars 2003 - 3.8/5

Shu-go and the others somehow manage to defeat the monster. But then an AI shows up and launches an attack useing NPC's. The AI inflicts further damage by infecting them with a virus via Rena's member address book (which Shu-go and the others have stored

Épisode 12 - The Beginning of a Legend

26 mars 2003 - 3.4/5

Shu-go and the others fight against the AI and his minions, but their attacks have no effect. In the middle of this, Shu-go notices that of all the members of his party, only Komiyan the Third appeared to suffer no damage (though he has Rena's memeber address the same as everyone else). Shugo theorizes that Komiyan's resistance to viral infection due to his haveing recieved the Data Drain. Shu-go begins formulating a plan to eliminate the virus...

Épisode 13 - Let's Meet Offline

24 octobre 2003 - 4.7/5

It's a short story about the characters from .hack// Legend of the Twilight meeting offline. It's more to hear than to see. It shows only backgrounds from the real world with the heads of the charater-game-avatars; but it reveals some interesting real life informations about the characters.

Épisode 14 - .hack//GIFT

16 novembre 2003 - 4.7/5

Helba has prepared a special hot springs for the .hack characters so they could get some rest and relaxation. Kite, Elk, Tsukasa, Mimiru and many other characters from the series make an appearence in The World for this reward. There is only one small catch, Helba will not reveal the exact location of where the springs are located. It soon becomes a race between the cast of .hack//SIGN and the characters from the game to see who can find it first. However, this is a catch, while everyone is trying to find the springs, someone is going around killing the other charcaters. Who will make it to the springs first and who is behind the deaths of many of the other characters? This one-of-a-kind episode was comically draw using triangles to signify that it has absolutely no value in the series or storyline and was created purely to make you laugh... and it does!

Épisode 1 - Welcome to The World

5 avril 2006 - 4.2/5

Haseo starts playing and experiences PKers (Player Killers). After they kill him, Ovan revives him. Then almost all the players in the world start asking him about Ovan.

Épisode 2 - Twilight Brigade

12 avril 2006 - 4.3/5

Haseo shows obsessive behavior toward Ovan's mysterious guild. He asks around to find more about it. At the end of the episode, he meets Ovan by a portal. Ovan asks Haseo to join his clan. Haseo responds by saying, "I'll think about it."

Épisode 3 - Join

19 avril 2006 - 4.2/5

Haseo is given an invitation to join the Twilight Brigade as well as one to join TaN. After expending a little time with Shino, Haseo makes his decision.

Épisode 4 - Fore Feel

26 avril 2006 - 4.2/5

Shino takes Haseo to another Lost Ground, and later do training. SakiSaka gets suspicious about why Haseo joined and why he talked to Gord about the guild. Later Tabby gets pked by Ender.

Épisode 5 - Distrust

10 mai 2006 - 3.9/5

During a meteor shower, SakiSaka's loyalty is put into question, as Ender attacks he and Tabby. The game experiences glitches, and Haseo displays a new ability when he arrives to help the two.

Épisode 6 - Conflict

3 mai 2006 - 3.8/5

Due to a series of events, Tabby starts believing Haseo is a messenger for TaN and soon later Haseo leaves the Twilight Brigade. Haseo is then seen by Tabby and Shino talking to a TaN member who called him. .

Épisode 7 - Intrigue

17 mai 2006 - 4.3/5

While investigating the Lost Grounds, Haseo experiences a major glitch in The World. Also, we learn more about the Virus Cores. On a team search with Tabby and SakiSaka, they find common marks in the Lost Grounds, where they had found virus cores. Haseo notices something weird about the lines, and the three mysteriouly vanish (presumably teleported).

Épisode 8 - Starting

24 mai 2006 - 4.6/5

Haseo, Tabby, and SakiSaka find out the lines they found are portals. Continuing their search of the Lost Grounds, Tabby and SakiSaka encounter a glitch, while Haseo is confronted by Ender. Haseo notices the multiple colors of the Virus Cores, in comparison to the pillars from one of the Lost Grounds. This news comes as a breakthrough to the Key of the Twilight, as Haseo finds another Virus Core.

Épisode 9 - Melee

31 mai 2006 - 4.5/5

The Twilight Brigade attempts to bring together all of the Virus Cores. SakiSaka is given the last Core by Tawalaya, while Gord and B Set show up to help the Twilight Brigade, who are being attacked by TaN. They are then transported to an unknown location, while Ender and her TaN subordinates follow. (Known as "Melee" inside North America.)

Épisode 10 - Missing

7 juin 2006 - 4.6/5

The Twilight Brigade holds against TaN while Ovan goes to find the Twilight Key. Passing through a door, he steps into a trap (later we find out, knowingly) set by Naobi and the rest of the TaN. Later, Shino threatens TaN with revealing certain illegal activities online, if Ovan wasn't returned. TaN disbands, and Ovan is left captive, his PC data being read by Naobi.

Épisode 11 - Discord

14 juin 2006 - 4.6/5

Gord is thinking of quitting the game. Several TaN members are getting banned because of their illegal activities that Shino handed in to the administrators.

Épisode 12 - Break Up

21 juin 2006 - 4.5/5

The guild called the Twilight Brigade is being disbanded by Shino. Gord and B-Set quit the game because Ovan is no longer there. Haseo promises to stay with Shino even if there was no guild. Shino decides to wait for Ovan to return.

Épisode 13 - Tragedy

28 juin 2006 - 4.5/5

Tabby notifies Haseo that Shino has entered the Cathedral alone. When Haseo goes to meet her, he finds that Shino has been PK'd and her character data disappears.

Épisode 14 - Lost One

5 juillet 2006 - 4.6/5

Haseo gets upset about Shino and blames himself. He gets a call from Shino's mother and cannot tell her anything about her daughter's coma. Phyllo is with Haseo most of the time and Tabby starts a guild with Sakisaka but he resigns his guild and leaves to a new game, which made Tabby all by herself in the game making her lost without anyone but Haseo.

Épisode 15 - Pad

12 juillet 2006 - 4.5/5

Tabby meets two new members of the The World. She helps them play the game but says she can't do better like Shino and Sakisaka. Tabby meets Kuhn with Phyllo and Kuhn trains the two newbie brothers and Tabby about the game and how to level up in the game. Haseo is still angry about what happened and remembers the deletion of character data of Shino's and wants revenge on Tri-Edge.

Épisode 16 - Resolution

19 juillet 2006 - 4.5/5

Ovan meets Taihaku and while that happens Taihaku goes to the Forest of Pain. Haseo hears about Phyllo encountering Tri-Edge and talks to Phyllo and he tells Haseo don't blame himself for her coma. Haseo fights and loses to Phyllo who tells him not to fight Tri-Edge because he will most likely become "Unreturned." Haseo then hears about the new quest and takes it to become stronger and defeat Tri-Edge.

Épisode 17 - Painful Forest

26 juillet 2006 - 4.5/5

Saburo befriends Tabby, who still worries about Haseo. Yata and Pi try to figure out Phyllo’s relationship with Ovan because he is the only survivor of Tri-Edge. Taihaku and Haseo are in the Forest of Pain. Pi tells Subaro to make contact with Haseo in the forest and see what he does in there. Ovan fights Tri-Edge. Taihaku completes the quest and Tabby decides to go to wait for Haseo.

Épisode 18 - Limit

9 août 2006 - 4.5/5

Taihaku gets his reward a new and rare Steam Gunner weapon. Tabby waits with her friend for Haseo to exit the quest. Haseo made it to the end where he sees a man and he request Haseo to answer his question, Haseo says something negative about his daughter and exited the quest about 30 seconds before the game ended. Haseo appears to Tabby but this time Haseo is different than usual; the shock somehow boosted Haseo to his 3rd adept rouge class, Flick Reaper.

Épisode 19 - Violation

16 août 2006 - 4.6/5

Tawaraya returns as Tohta to finish up some business and finds out that merchants that buy rare items with real money and have driven up the prices. He sets out to stop them while Yata continues to watch Haseo.

Épisode 20 - Pursuit

23 août 2006 - 4.6/5

Haseo goes half-crazed, searching for information on Tri-Edge by hunting and pking PCs. Saburo fights Haseo, trying to bring out the factor that Yata and Pi are interested in but fails. Taihaku talks to Phyllo about the Forest of Pain and Haseo. Tohta makes contact with Haseo and earns his trust.

Épisode 21 - Defeat

30 août 2006 - 4.4/5

Haseo fights Midori who easily dodges his attacks. Haseo wants information from her because she is a survivor and witness of Tri-Edge. He continues to pk PCs, frustrated that he cannot meet Tri-Edge. Meanwhile, Tabby and Seisaku start a guild to help Haseo and the PCs that he pks.

Épisode 22 - Bonds

6 septembre 2006 - 4.6/5

Tabby and her guild fail at their debut to heal people; Tohta makes them to level up. Kuhn awakens his power and is scouted by Pi to join her guild. The Paw Squad start to heal Haseo’s victims and he does not stop them.

Épisode 23 - Trial

13 septembre 2006 - 4.6/5

Haseo starts to pk the PKers hoping to come across Tri-Edge who is a PKer. All the PKers band together to fight Haseo. Kuhn is introduced to Yata’s guild, Raven. The Paw Squad goes to heal but Haseo kills everyone and all but Tabby leave the guild because they don’t want to help Haseo anymore.

Épisode 24 - Confront

20 septembre 2006 - 4.6/5

Haseo is now “The Terror of Death” and refuses to listen to anyone or accept help. Tabby is lost as to what to do. Haseo meets Ovan and is sent to the Cathedral where he fights Tri-Edge.

Épisode 25 - Truth

27 septembre 2006 - 4.5/5

Seisaku talks to Tabby who decides to stop relying on Haseo. Ovan tells Phyllo something shocking. Phyllo entrusts to Tohta a heavy burden. Tabby and Saburo talk about Haseo and life.

Épisode 26 - Determination

27 septembre 2006 - 4.6/5

Haseo has emerged from inactivity after his defeat at the hands of Tri-Edge. He encounters Tohta and learns about Phyllo, missing him. Tabby meets with Haseo to let him know of her real life ambitions. Once Haseo is left alone, the episode recaps the events during the series between Shino and Haseo, leading into a scene in which Haseo sees a "ghost" of Shino. The episode ends with a brief glimpse of Haseo in his Xth Form from the G.U. games, with the avatar Skeith in the background. The image transitions back to the present Haseo, and Haseo looks into the distance, with renewed determination to continue his search.

Épisode 27 - Walking Party

28 janvier 2011 - 4.8/5

Épisode 28 - Wired Prisφner

25 février 2011 - 4.3/5

Épisode 29 - the ωorldend Pallbearer

22 janvier 2011 - 4.7/5

Épisode 30 - .hack//G.U. Trilogy

25 mars 2008 - 4.7/5

The Movie will be placed in the storyline of each .hack//G.U. games trilogy. The story follows Haseo, a player in the online MMORPG called The World:R2 at first depicted as a PKK (Player Killer Killer) known as the "Terror of Death", a former member of the disbanded Twilight Brigade guild. Haseo encounters Azure Kite (believing him to be Tri-Edge and blaming him for what happened to Shino) but is hopelessly outmatched. Azure Kite easily defeats Haseo and Data Drains him, reducing his level from 133 to 1 and leaving him without any items, weapons, or member addresses. He is left with a mystery on his hands as to the nature of the Data Drain and why Azure Kite is in possession of such a skill. Eventually Haseo gains the "Avatar" of Skeith. Acquiring the ability to call Skeith and wield his abilities, such as Data Drain. With Skeith as his strength, Haseo begins the quest for a way to save Shino. He is seen seeking out a PK (Player Killer) known as Tri-Edge, whose victims supposedly are unable to return to The World after he PKs them. Haseo`s friend, Shino, was attacked six months prior to the events of the game by Tri-Edge, and the player herself, Shino Nanao, was left in a coma.

Épisode 31 - .hack//G.U. Trilogy (Parody Mode)

25 mars 2008 - 4.7/5

A special bonus Parody Mode added to the extras of the .hack//G.U. Trilogy

Épisode 32 - .hack//G.U. Returner

17 janvier 2007 - 4.7/5

The characters from previous .hack//G.U. Games and .hack//Roots receive an email from Ovan. He is requesting them to go to Hidden Forbidden Festival where is set up a mysterious summer festival. There they find an AIDA Chim Chim who wishes to peacefully co-exist with the other players of The World. It then transforms into the word "Returner", so they assume it to mean that Ovan will return to The World.

Épisode 33 - .hack//The Movie

21 janvier 2012 - 4.3/5

In 2024, the computer network prevails throughout the daily life. Arishiro Sora is a 14 year old girl. One day, she is invited to an online game "The World". After an accident in the game, the real world begins to deform.


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Derniers avis

avatar de du commentaire : très bonne série ! 5/5

06/08/2018 - 5/5

très bonne série ! 5/5

avatar de du commentaire : Faudrait supprimer ses saisons supplémentaires sachant que legend of the twilight et roots sont déjà sur betaseries !

30/04/2013 - Aucune note

Faudrait supprimer ses saisons supplémentaires sachant que legend of the twilight et roots sont déjà sur betaseries !

avatar de du commentaire : C'est trois séries différentes. Comme les Gundam. Même univers, c'est tout!

20/02/2012 - Aucune note

C'est trois séries différentes. Comme les Gundam. Même univers, c'est tout!

avatar de du commentaire : La saison 1 est bien la série .Hack//Sign.
La saison 2 est en réalité la série .Hack//Legend of the Twilight 
La saison 3 est la série .Hack//Roots

13/02/2012 - Aucune note

La saison 1 est bien la série .Hack//Sign. La saison 2 est en réalité la série .Hack//Legend of the Twilight La saison 3 est la série .Hack//Roots

avatar de du commentaire : Pourquoi avoir rajouté deux saison à .Hack//Sign.
Alors qu'il y en a qu'une seul et l'anime est fini depuis longtemps ?

31/01/2012 - Aucune note

Pourquoi avoir rajouté deux saison à .Hack//Sign. Alors qu'il y en a qu'une seul et l'anime est fini depuis longtemps ?