Poster de la serie Gadget et les Gadgetinis

Gadget et les Gadgetinis


Année : 2003

Nombre de saisons : 2

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 25 minutes

Genre(s) : Animation, Enfant

L'inspecteur Gadget a pris du galon et est devenu Lieutenant de police. Il travaille désormais pour le WOMP, une organisation secrète, et obéit aux ordres de son supérieur direct, le Colonel Poloinet (dont il écorche tout le temps le nom en l'appelant "Colonel Poils au nez"). Pour accomplir au mieux ses missions, il est aidé par deux robots à son effigie construits par sa nièce Sophie, les Gadgetinis. Grâce à eux, il va devoir à nouveau affronter l'organisation MAD et faire échouer les plans de son chef, le toujours aussi redoutable Docteur Gang.


Gadget et les Gadgetinis saison 1

Saison 1


Gadget et les Gadgetinis saison 2

Saison 2



Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - Ne m'appellez pas Gadget !

18 août 2003 - 3/5

Colonel Nozzaire is captured by aliens who think that he is Gadget. They do tests to see if he is Gadget, which he fails. Gadget tries to find him, but when he finds the aliens, he doesn't realize who they are. When the aliens trick Gadget onto boarding their ship, when find out they have a deal with Dr. Claw where they'll exchange Gadget for the moon. One of Claw's agents tells them that Gadget is really dangerous, so the aliens put a device on Gadget that will reverse his brain waves. Thinking that he is really smart, but acting stupid, they put it on him. Gadget ends up being really smart and saves the day by stopping Claw and telling the aliens that no one owns the moon, so they can live there if they want.

Épisode 2 - Règlement de comptes à Las Vegas

19 août 2003 - 3/5

The Colonel is taking his first vacation in twenty years, so it's Gadget mission to protect him from any MAD agents and let him have a good time.

Épisode 3 - La Collection du Docteur Gang

20 août 2003 - 3/5

Dr Claw is stealing vintage aircraft either for his personal collection or to build up a private airforce. Either way Gadget has to find him and save the day. Which, thanks to Penny and the Gadgetinis, he once again manages to do.

Épisode 4 - Gadget en tournage

21 août 2003 - 3/5

Gadget is guarding some military vehicles that were leant to a new movie being filmed. What he doesn't know is that the Entire crew (except for the famous star) are all MAD agents, there to steal the vehicles.

Épisode 5 - L'Île de Shangri La-La

22 août 2003 - 3/5

WOMP intercepts a MAD transmission and learns that they have located the supposedly mythical island of Shangrilala. The waters of Shangrilala are a real fountain of youth and Dr. Claw intends to use them to make himself and his agents immortal and sell the water to dicatators who'll do his bidding for eternal youth. Gadget is sent to the island to protect it but by the time he arrives MAD has already imprisoned all the islanders, renamed it Claw Island and begun draining the waters. As always Gadget hasn't a clue anything's wrong so it's up to Penny and the Gadgetinis to make Gadget save the day again.

Épisode 6 - Un Gadget de trop

25 août 2003 - 3/5

One of Dr Claw's MAD scientists creates a cloning machine that creates evil duplicates and plans to use it on the World Leaders meeting at a summit in Paris. Since Gadget is head of security the scientist creates a duplicate of him to abduct the world leaders so they can be copied while the real Gadget is dumped into a quicksand pit which he thinks is a spa mudbath. Penny is captured by the duplicate Gadget so it's up to Fidgit and Digit to save the day without her advice.

Épisode 7 - La Course ou la vie

26 août 2003 - 2/5

Dr. Claw hires two corporate headhunters to find him the ideal second-in-command and they use Halloween as cover to invite candidate criminals to a Halloween party in a trap filled house so they can be tested. Guess who stumbles into the party while trick-or-treating with Penny.

Épisode 8 - Les Abeilles meurtrières

27 août 2003 - 2/5

A crazy opera singer who can control bees with her voice and turn regular bees into "killer" bees uses them to rob Fort Knox then sets her sights on making Washington, DC her personal beehive. Can Lieutenant Gadget stop her? Maybe, if he ever figures out that his favourite opera singer is up to no good.

Épisode 9 - Le Catch c'est du chiqué

28 août 2003 - 2/5

Dr. Claw tries to take over a petroleum rich country where wrestling is the national sport by planning to stage a coup when the King attends the Royal Wrestling Championship. Colonel Nozzaire (who was having a pleasant daydream about Gadget's funeral at the start of the episode) sends Gadget undercover to investigate the Championships.

Épisode 10 - MAD World

29 août 2003 - 2.5/5

The Eiffel Tower beomes the latest monument to vanish into the ground as Dr. Claw begins collecting the world's monuments. Gadget and the Gadgetinis investigate the tunnels leading from the tower and capture a teenage mutant ninja gopher (I'm kidding about the ninja part). Gadget figures the case is solved but Penny realises the gopher is young and that its even bigger mother will come looking for it.

Épisode 11 - Jouets de vilain

1 septembre 2003 - 2/5

In England people whose homes have been ransacked keep turning up wandering the streets in their nightclothes with no idea how they got there. Gadget is sent to investigate but has become sidetracked with trying to sell toystores the handcarved toy soldiers the hospitalized Colonel Nosehair has been making to relieve his stress. The toy stores aren't interested because all everyone wants is the hot new toy The Wuzzley. While Penny thinks it's cute she's noticed a connection between it and the robbery victims. Now if only she can figure out how to get her uncle to investigate.

Épisode 12 - Face à Face à Face

2 septembre 2003 - 2/5

Master of Disguise "The Chameleon" vowed to break out of jail for revenge on Colonel Nozzaire and, thanks to some inadvertant aid from Gadget, he's now free to seek vengeance.

Épisode 13 - Les fantômes, ça n'existe pas

3 septembre 2003 - 2/5

Gadget is sent to Neutralia, the world's only source of the supermetal neutronium, to rescue King Olaf who has supposedly been kidnapped by the ghost of King Thor. It turns out that Thor seems all too real and intends to take over the country and give MAD the neutronium so Dr Claw can build an invincible army.

Épisode 14 - Midi pile, à peu de choses près

4 septembre 2003 - 2/5

Gadget, Penny & the Gadgetinis travel to the small western town of "Cut N' Shoot" for the ceremony to rename the town as "Gadgetville". But when they arrive the town seems deserted because everyone's hiding. The fearsome Barker Gang is on the way and since the sheriff can't handle them they're renaming the town so Gadget will. Too bad he thinks it's all a game.

Épisode 15 - Alerte au Yéti

5 septembre 2003 - 2/5

Gadget is sent to investigate Bigfoot sightings which he thinks are a hoax but will give him the chance to enjoy some camping; but there's something roaming the mountains.

Épisode 16 - L'animal qui sommeille en nous

8 septembre 2003 - 2/5

CIA Agent Foxy discovers a MAD plot to use a mysterious metal from a meteor to turn people into animals just before he's turned into a fox by a MAD scientist. Foxy is teamed with Gadget to crack the case but Gadget thinks he's the Colonel's talking pet dog.

Épisode 17 - Journée de congé pour nosehair

9 septembre 2003 - 2/5

A MAD Agent posing as a genie tries to keep Colonel Nosehair (pronounced Nozzaire according to the Colonel) and Gadget occupied at an amusement park while Dr. Claw finishes building a giant sized Gadget robot to crush them both.

Épisode 18 - Fille du général

10 septembre 2003 - 2/5

Dr Claw wants to get his hands on the sealed "Peace Arsenal" of the world's deadliest weapons and the key to it is in the possession of the daughter of WOMP's commanding officer. The same woman Gadget has just fallen for.

Épisode 19 - I'île déplaisante

11 septembre 2003 - 2/5

WOMP is broke so Gadget is entered into a TV survival show with a $10,000,000 grand prize. The problem is the other contestants on the island (the superstrong Mountain Momma, the slime monster Swamp Man and the feral Rat Boy) were specially recruited by MAD to destroy Gadget during the show's extreme stunts and make it look like an accident.

Épisode 20 - Gadget se recycle

12 septembre 2003 - 2/5

Colonel Nosehair decides to follow his therapist's advice about reducing his stress level and fires Gadget but Gadget thinks he's being sent undercover. After a couple of disasterous menial jobs he's hired by a Temp agency that's a front for MAD to send him to do their dirty work under the guise of doing odd jobs.

Épisode 21 - L'arme ultime

15 septembre 2003 - 2/5

Gadget is sent to investigate why Dr. Claw is holding a contest with a $1,000,000 prize for the owner of the world's stinkiest animal. Meanwhile Penny has given the Gadgetinis experimental digestive systems so they can eat and turn the food into electricity. They quickly become addicted to eating and try everything which causes the digestive systems to overload and emit noxious odours so they win the contest. Gadget is happy to get the cheque but the problem is that the contest is a front for a MAD plot. The winning animal is to be squished and their concentrated stink extract used to arm an orbiting stink bomb which will cover the world with a foul smelling stench. Then MAD will sell the scent neutraliser their chemists created for a fortune since everyone in the world will be a customer. Since the Gadgetinis won they're taken to the squashing machine and Gadget's too happy to have won $1,000,000 to interfere so it's up to Penny to save the day.

Épisode 22 - Touchez pas à l'imaginatron

16 septembre 2003 - 2/5

Dr. Budd's new invention is the Imaginatron which turns thoughts into reality. It's of great interest to Dr. Claw so he arranges for the Doctor and her WOMP bodyguard Gadget to be diverted to a fake airport when she flies to Geneva to demonstrate the machine before the world science council.

Épisode 23 - La machine à contrôler le temps

17 septembre 2003 - 2/5

Cold temperatures strike beach resorts around the world while Antarctica becomes a tropical paradise. Gadget is assigned to go to Hawaii to investigate but suddenly decided to go to the South Pole instead after seeing an infomercial by Cindi, the head of the new "Down Under Estates" condominum development. Penny investigates and finds subliminal messages in the ads which are luring in buyers and realises her uncle's heading straight into a MAD stronghold.

Épisode 24 - Weekend à la plage

18 septembre 2003 - 2.5/5

Two alien teenagers (technically one alien with two heads but the heads act like brothers) crash land in the desert while looking for a beach. Their arrival is detected by a hawkish General (Earth for Earthlings only!) who dispatches two crazed astronomers to gun down the aliens. Meanwhile Penny is enjoying a weekend at the beach and Colonel Nosehair dispatches Gadget to investigate reports of a UFO in the desert. Gadget picks up the hitchhiking aliens but doesn't realise anything's unusual about them and takes them to the beach with the astronomers in hot pursuit.

Épisode 25 - Une croisière de rêve

19 septembre 2001 - 2.5/5

A MAD agent equipped with a mask of Gadget's face and retina prints plus his fingerprints and scent enters WOMP and takes the Gadgetmobile and uses it for a crime spree. Using its vacuum attachment he's able to clean out diamond exchanges and armoured cars filled with gold. Gadget is arrested and taken to prison but believes he's won WOMP's Agent of the Year award and has been sent to a vacation resort. While Colonel Nosehair is initially happy to be rid of Gadget that changes when General Sir tells him that without their only field agent the Board of MegaPowers will shut down WOMP. Meanwhile Penny and the Gadgetinis are trying to find the imposter before the other prisoners get rid of Gadget and WOMP ceases to exist.

Épisode 26 - Bombes glacées

22 septembre 2001 - 2.5/5

After being thawed out of some ice he was trapped in, Dr. Thaw pays his 'bro', Dr. Claw a visit. They begin to argue about who can eliminate Gadget the quickest.

Épisode 1 - L'invincible menace

23 septembre 2003 - 3/5

At the Young Inventors Expo Penny unveils her latest invention (the Gadgetinis were her entry the previous year) a DNA tracker which can find anyone. Her friend Shawn shows off his invention an invisibility spray and is abducted by MAD Agents since Dr. Klaw thinks the sprayer could be useful. While Gadget and the Gadgetinis are stumbling around Penny finds Shawn but gets herself trapped in the MAD lab. So the two young geniuses have work together to escape.

Épisode 2 - Humanoglobe

24 septembre 2003 - 2.5/5

Dr. Claw seems to have reformed and has become the new CEO of the humanitarian organization GloboCare. Gadget believes he's changed but Colonel Nosehair (and Penny) suspects he's secretly plotting something and sends Gadget to GloboCare to investigate undercover.

Épisode 3 - Le plus gentil dictateur au monde

25 septembre 2003 - 2/5

World leaders are to meet at a peace conference in Phasia, the most peaceful and happy country in the world ruled by the always smiling General Zarnoff. Gadget is sent to take care of security and finds nothing amiss but Fidgit and Didgit discover unhappiness is a crime and there are severe penalities for citizenswho don't smile all the time. Add to that the fact that General is secretly stockpiling weapons and it's obvious to everyone except Gadget that something is rotten in Phasia.

Épisode 4 - Roverre

26 septembre 2003 - 3/5

Gadget is sent to Paris to protect the world's most famous (and only) canine artist "Roverre". Meanwhile Dr. Claw intends to abduct the dog and make him teach Mad Cat how to paint so he'll be the world's only animal artist and people will pay millions for his paintings.

Épisode 5 - Adieu les affaires

29 septembre 2003 - 3/5

After suffering a serious attack of stress induced pimples Colonel Nosehair decides to take his therapist's advice and keep Gadget as far away as possible with make work missions. So he sends Gadget to Hong Kong (the first place he thinks of) to buy office supplies for WOMP. Meanwhile in Hong Kong control of the Banan business empire has just passed to Amanda Banan as a graduation present from her father. Amanda's being targeted by Dr. Claw who wants control of the corporation and thinks she'll be easier to crack than her father. MAD agents are sent in to infilitrate the headquarters of Banan Communications and take over the top two floors. Which is how Amanda finds herself on the roof tied to a satellite dish with the choice of signing control of the company over to MAD or being roasted by a high power transmission that's due at noon. Meanwhile thanks to one of his usual mixups Gadget is wandering threough the building convinced it's a stationary supplies warehouse. Can he save Amanda? Can he even figure out anything's wrong?

Épisode 6 - Sous-mission

30 septembre 2003 - 3/5

Gadget is sent to Switzerland to protect a fleet of "subatomic" (?) atomic sumbarines concealed in Lake Geneva while they await decommissioning. Unfortunately MAD agents have already infiltrated the subs crews.

Épisode 7 - La muraille d'oublivia

1 octobre 2003 - 3/5

Marcus I, the King of Oblivia intends to put his obscure country on the map by relocating the Great Wall of China to Oblivia. Meanwhile Gadget things a group of Shaolin Monks are responsible for its disappearance and tries to challenge them to a Kung-Fu showdown

Épisode 8 - Le jeu de MADster

2 octobre 2003 - 3/5

Gadget is assigned to find the missing Colonel Nosehair but it turns out the Colonel was abducted to lure Gadget into a trap. Gadget is converted to binary data and sucked into a videogame where Dr. Claw intends to destroy both him and Nosehair.

Épisode 9 - Joyeux Noël, Dr. Gang!

19 décembre 2003 - 3/5

The reason Santa's workshop has never been seen by polar explorers is because it's located under the North Pole. Once a year Santa opens the passageway to the surface but this year MAD is waiting and takes over the workshop to begin manufacture of a MAD Agent kit designed to hypnotise all the kids in the world and turn them into junior MAD agents. On Christmas Eve someone sends a report to WOMP but Colonel Nosehair thinks it's a joke. However Gadget still believes in Santa and heads for the North Pole stopping enroute at the Last Resort, the only hotel that far into the Arctic. Penny has stowed away in the Gadgetmobile and learns from Santa's undercover reindeer George that the resort is under MAD control just like Santa's Workshop and the MAD agents running it intend to dispose of her uncle before he makes it to the North Pole. Disguised as an elf and using a flying sleigh drawn by George she gets her uncle to the North Pole but can Gadget get into the Workshop and save Santa and Xmas before it's too late?

Épisode 10 - Traitement de choc!

6 octobre 2003 - 3/5

After Gadget is successfully abducted by MAD Scientist Dr. Von Headcase who intends to brainwash him Penny spends a week trying to locate him. Having exhausted all her computer resources and knowing the Colonel Nosehair isn't seriously looking for her uncle she turns to the only person in the world who might be able to help. The now retired and gadget-phobic Brain.

Épisode 11 - Super G.G.

7 octobre 2003 - 3/5

WOMP unveils Super Gadget Girl (but since that's a bit long everyone calls her Super GG or just GG), a state of the art fembot who is tougher and smarter than Gadget. But unlike him she's entirely machine with programmed emotions and programming can be changed. Which Doctor Claw intends to do so she'll steal the world's gold reserves for him and eliminate Gadget once and for all.

Épisode 12 - Gadget extrême

8 octobre 2003 - 3/5

Albert Alkaline (aka AA), the world's major battery manufacturer, is worried that MAD intends to kidnap and ransom his extreme sports fanatic son Alan Albert Alkaline (aka AAA). Since he's offering a large reward and WOMP is low on funds again Genral Sir agrees to protect AAA. After hearing that all the other bodyguards AAA had got mangled trying to keep up with him during his extreme sports events Colonel Nosehair is happy to assign Gadget to the case.

Épisode 13 - Les cornemuses de McIntosh

9 octobre 2003 - 3/5

The 10 biggest banks in New York have been robbed but despite the break-ins happening in broad daylight there are no eye witnesses, the security cameras shut down and no one can remember what happened. The only clue is that everyone who was in the banks remembers hearing bagpipe music before the robbery. The police have no clue so WOMP is called in and Gadget is sent to Scotland accompanied by Penny & the Gadgetinis to investigate the only clue. A security camera closeup of the name McIntosh's Magic Bagpipes Inc. on the pipers bagpipes.

Épisode 14 - Patrix

10 octobre 2003 - 3/5

All over the world valuable items are being stolen by mysterious thieves who elude capture by dissolving into lines of computer code along with the stolen goods then vanishing without a trace. When they vanish they're returning to the Patrix, a virtual world created by a MAD scientist who has discovered how to send things from the Patrix to the real world and vice versa. His computer generated thieves can pass for humans until they're ready to strike and can look like anyone making them the perfect infiltrators. The scientist's assistant didn't like his boss selling out to Dr. Claw and wants to stop him so he's looking for "The One" who can detect and defeat the Patrix people. He thinks Gadget might be The One but Gadget thinks he's being selected as a finalist in a gardening competion!

Épisode 15 - Les fuites des cerveaux

13 octobre 2003 - 3/5

MAD scientist Dr Pause switches his assistant Guy Strong's brain for Gadget's then sends him off to WOMP to get the info he needs to switch the brains of the world's top generals. Meanwhile Gadget accidentally escapes the deathtrap intended to destroy him in Guy Strong's body but is clueless about what's wrong with him. Penny and the Gadgetinis attempt to capture Gadget's body but Strong can work Gadget's gadgets and quickly overpowers them and leaves them tied up next to a bomb. Just to complicate things further Dr. Pause is planning to switch Guy's brain again, this time with General Sir's secretary Ms. Miffet.

Épisode 16 - Gadget super chef

14 octobre 2003 - 3/5

Colonel Nosehair's idol the famous TV Cook "The Silver Chef" is to prepare a meal for the president but Gadget gets the assignment to make sure MAD doesn't poison the food the chef prepares. Unfortunately the Silver Chef is a MAD agent and intends to get rid of Gadget and poison the president.

Épisode 17 - Gadget légionnaire

15 octobre 2003 - 3/5

Gadget & Colonel Nosehair are sent to the Colonel's old desert Foreign Legion post to investigate rumours of female criminals converging on the area. What they don't know is that Dr. Claw's archeologist Professor Suzuki is looking for a lost temple holding an ultimate weapon that requires 12 women to unseal it.

Épisode 18 - Un Gadget en or massif

16 octobre 2003 - 3/5

The tiny Himalayian country of Goldmanchu's only export is the gold created by the midas touch of the simpleminded mystic Golda (whose right hand turns things to gold and left hand turns things to wood). Golda's existence was a closely guarded secret but WOMP fears Dr Claw has learned of him and intends to use his golden touch to destabilise the world's economy so Gadget is sent to Goldmanchu. Unfortunately Golda has already been replaced by an imposter with orders to eliminate Gadget.

Épisode 19 - Gadget super-patron

17 octobre 2003 - 3/5

With General Sir in hospital and Colonel Nosehair finally getting a field assignment and trying to track down Dr. Claw there's no alternative butt o make Gadget the acting head of WOMP. While Gadget uses General Sir's secretary Miss Miffet as a model for his ideas for new WOMP uniforms Colonel Nosehair is captured and brainwashed to recommend that the Board of Megapowers shut down WOMP. Can Penny and Chief Quimby work together to get Gadget to save WOMP?

Épisode 20 - Voyage dans le temps

20 octobre 2003 - 3/5

Dr Claw has a MAD scientist build a time machine then travel back to 1957 to prevent Gadget's parents Jules and Annie from meeting. Back in the 21st century Gadget begins to fade away and so does Penny and the Gadgetinis since she can't exist without her grandparents and if she's never born there's no one to build them. While the scientist delays Jules he still manages to crash his bicycle into Annie's and everyone reappears. The Gadgetinis and Gadget travel back in time to find the scientist who gets Gadget locked up but Gadget breaks out of the police station accompanied by his cellmate Marilyn. Who was destined to meet Gordon Claw in the holding cell and eventually become Dr. Claw's mother. So now the scientist has to try and get them together while breaking up Jules and Annie's budding romance and the Gadgetinis have to stop him.

Épisode 21 - Rock'n'Roll Gadget

21 octobre 2003 - 3/5

General Sir thinks MAD might target global rock and roll superstars "The Mummies Boys" for kidnapping so Gadget is sent to protect them. Since the Boys are Penny's favourite band she arranges to tag along with her uncle unaware that Dr. Claw has bigger plans than ransoming rock stars. Backstage at stadium for their soon to air global concert Penny overhears their new Soundman talking to Doctor Claw about putting a mind control signal into the broadcast which will be watched by about 2 billion people. Unfortunately he spots and grabs her and leaves Penny tied up in a trunk. Meanwhile the Mummies Boys opening act "Pharoah's Men" is booed offstage by impatient fans so they load up their bus and leave taking the trunk Penny's in with them. It turns out Penny's wristwatch still has the laser from the original series (unused before in Gadgetinis) so she cuts herself free then has to persuade the band to go back and save the crowd who rejected them. Meanwhile the Soundman arranges to eliminate Gadget with the show's special effects during the concert and as always Gadget is oblivious to the danger.

Épisode 22 - Voyage au centre du cerveau

22 octobre 2003 - 3/5

A microscopic implant has been detected in the brain of General Gastritas. It's suspected to be a MAD mind control device and since he's about to be made Supreme Commander of the Mega Powers militaries (there's a running theme in this series of growing global unity and the disarmament of all weapons of mass destruction to make world peace possible) WOMP can't afford to take chances. So a volunteer is needed to be minaturised by an experimental process and injected into the General's Brain to remove the device. It's a one in a millon chance of surviving the mission so Colonel Nosehair is happy to volunteer Gadget. Gadget, the Gadgetinis and the Gadgetmobile are shrunk and injected into the General's skull to face angry white blood cells who don't like intruders and minaturised MAD agents ready to defend the mind controller. Just to complicate things further the scientists made a miscalculation when they shrank them and they have only a few hours rather than days before they return to normal size.

Épisode 23 - La troisième cité d'or

23 octobre 2003 - 3/5

It turns out that Colonel Nosehair is a budding archeologist and author who has just written a book about the Aztecs. Too bad nobody's coming to his book launch except Gadget with news from General Sir. A recent earthquake in Mexico has unearthed the entrance to the lost lost underground Aztec City of Gold. Rumour has it the Aztecs hid their "Crown of Invincibility" in the city and it's a prime target for MAD so WOMP has to find it before Dr. Claw uses it to become unstoppable. Colonel Nosehair, Gadget, the Gadgetinis and an Archeologist descend into the city while is Penny's left back at the base camp since it's too dangerous for her to accompany them. She overhears assistant archeologist Ron Limond talking to Dr. Claw about how he has found and hidden the map to the secret entrance & shortcut tunnel that avoids all the traps Gadget & Co. will face. He heads off to the City and Penny breaks into his safe to find the map but unfortunately Ron returns unexpectedly to pick up the crowbar he forgot and catches her. Ron forces Penny into the secret entrance tunnel and beats Gadget to the underground city's treasure vault. Ron chains Penny to the stone alter below the statue holding the mystic Crown of Invincibility and plans to leave her there since he's sure help will never arrive. However despite Ron's expectations Gadget bumbles his way past the traps and the living golden guardian idols into the treasure room. While Gadget is accidentally getting the crown off Ron the Gadgetinis use their laser fingers to cut Penny's chains and she leads everyone (except Ron who won't abandon the treasure) back through the secret passage when the underground city starts to collapse.

Épisode 24 - Opération éliminer Gadget

24 octobre 2003 - 3/5

Colonel Nosehair decides to try and follow his bossy therapist's advice and keep his temper no matter what Gadget does wrong. Too bad for him that a mad scientist looking to become Dr. Claw's partner has chosen him as the prime target for his anger enhancement beam so that he'll destroy Gadget for them. While the hulked out Nosehair keeps failing there are plenty of other people in town the scientist can make want to destroy Gadget. Including a florist who owns some man eating plants that don't mind chewing on robots too.

Épisode 25 - Le neveu du docteur Gang

27 octobre 2003 - 3/5

Dr Claw's mother (the one person in the world he fears) orders him to take care of his nephew Billy while he's on summer vacation from his boarding school. She also tells him that Billy is unaware of their family's criminal history and that's the way she wants it to stay. Far as Billy knows he's being sent to stay with his Uncle Gordon, a wildlife biologist studying the animals on a tropical island. So that's what he tells Penny when he meets her at the airport when she arrives on the same island for a camping vacation with her uncle. Gadget's arrival infuriates Dr. Claw and gives him the problem of how to eliminate his enemy while keeping his nephew from knowing he was involved in Gadget's demise. Fortunately his experiments on controlling the wild animals of the island offer a solution.

Épisode 26 - La comète, la licorne et les méchants Gadgetinis

28 octobre 2003 - 3/5

The unicorn comet approaches Earth for the first time in 777 years which was also the last time unicorns were seen. The comet is putting out a magnetic field which affects electronics and Penny is worried her uncle might go haywire but as the Gadgetins say, how would you tell? Meanwhile MAD's astronomer tells Dr. Claw that the comet's magnetic field also scrambles the natural invisibility field that unicorns can generate which is why they're so rarely seen and why the last sightings were during the comet's last visit. Since unicorn milk is reputed to grant superhuman strength Dr. Claw would like to find some to make his MAD agents superstrong. Back at Gadget's house the Gadgetinis programming has become corrupted and so have they as they refuse to do anymore work without substantial rewards. Dr Claw contacts them and promises them riches if they dispose of Gadget and catch him a unicorn and they agree. Can Penny figure out how to fix them before they give Dr. Claw what he wants?


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