Poster de la serie Redoutables Créatures

Redoutables Créatures

Non notée

Année : 2009

Nombre de saisons : 4

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 30 minutes

Genre(s) : Enfant, Documentaire

Steve Backshall est à la recherche des soixantes animaux les plus dangereux de la planète.


Redoutables Créatures saison 1

Saison 1

Redoutables Créatures saison 2

Saison 2

Redoutables Créatures saison 3

Saison 3

Redoutables Créatures saison 4

Saison 4


Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - South Africa

28 mai 2009

Steve Backshall tracks down 60 of the world's deadliest animals. In Hoedspruit, South Africa, Steve encounters an angry hippo and a venomous scorpion. [S]

Épisode 2 - South Africa

4 juin 2009

Steve Backshall finds out if crocodiles deserve their reputation, and tracks down one of Africa's most elusive predators, the awesome hunting dog.

Épisode 3 - South Africa

11 juin 2009

In South Africa, Steve Backshall braves rough seas to get close to a great white shark, and goes out scavenging with the world's most fearless animal.

Épisode 4 - Australia

18 juin 2009

Wildlife expert Steve Backshall and his crew head for the Australian continent as he continues his Deadly 60 mission, meeting snakes, pelicans and dolphins. [S]

Épisode 5 - Australia

25 juin 2009

Wildlife guru Steve Backshall is in Australia. Out in the forest, Steve has to have his wits about him as he comes face-to-face with a huge lace monitor lizard. [S]

Épisode 6 - Australia

2 juillet 2009

The action moves to the south coast of Australia as naturalist Steve Backshall and the Deadly 60 team take the plunge in the waters of the Pacific. Featured Animals: Yellowfin Tuna, Platypus, Eastern Grey Kangaroo, Trapdoor Spider, Jack Jumper Ant, Australian Giant Cuttlefish.

Épisode 7 - Australia

9 juillet 2009

The action moves to Northern Australia as naturalist Steve Backshall meets one of the planet's ultimate killers, the saltwater crocodile. [S]

Épisode 8 - India

16 juillet 2009

Steve Backshall's quest to meet the planet's deadliest animals takes him to India, on the trail of the saw-scaled viper, said to be the deadliest snake on earth.

Épisode 9 - India

23 juillet 2009

Wildlife presenter Steve Backshall is in India in search of tigers, and also comes face to face with another animal that is on the endangered list, the gharial crocodile. [S]

Épisode 10 - Malaysia

30 juillet 2009

Naturalist Steve Backshall is searching for animals for his Deadly 60 list. In the Gomantong cave system he finds thousands of cockroaches and the scutigera centipede. [S]

Épisode 11 - Malaysia

6 août 2009

Steve Backshall is in deep water as he tracks down underwater animals for his Deadly 60 list. The waters off the coast of Borneo hide a wealth of lethal predators. [S]

Épisode 12 - United Kingdom

13 août 2009

The Deadly 60 team scours the UK in search of its lethal beauties. Gannets prove to be more than a match for Steve in a diving competition.

Épisode 13 - United Kingdom

20 août 2009

Steve spots otters with Terry Nutkins, and falls prey to the incredible peregrine falcon.

Épisode 14 - Alaska

15 octobre 2009

Adventurer Steve Backshall and the Deadly 60 team head north to Alaska. The snowy north is home to the largest land predator in the world. A grizzly bear shows Steve Backshall why it's on the Deadly list. Steve then drags the crew rafting down an icy river to find hundreds of eagles.

Épisode 15 - Arizona

22 octobre 2009

In the Arizona desert, Steve finds deadly rattlesnakes and an elusive cougar

Épisode 16 - Louisiana

29 octobre 2009

Steve and the team are on the search for deadly animals in the swamps of the southern USA.

Épisode 17 - Bahamas - Shark Special

5 novembre 2009

Steve Backshall is headed to the Bahamas to get up close and personal with sharks.

Épisode 18 - Brazil

12 novembre 2009

In Brazil's northern savannah, Steve Backshall seeks the elusive giant anteater.

Épisode 19 - Brazil

19 novembre 2009

In the flooded forests of Brazil, Steve takes a swim in a piranha-infested river.

Épisode 20 - Brazil

26 novembre 2009

Steve and the team encounter a colony of army ants on the move in the rainforest.

Épisode 21 - Killers

3 décembre 2009

Steve dispels myths about some deadly animals and shows how incredible they are.

Épisode 22 - Weapons

10 décembre 2009

A look at Steve's favourite creatures, whose jaws, claws and venom are useful weapons.

Épisode 23 - Unseen

17 décembre 2009

Steve Backshall introduces incredible critters who didn't quite make the Deadly 60 list.

Épisode 24 - Behind the Scenes

24 décembre 2009

Steve Backshall looks back at some of his favourite animal encounters from the series.

Épisode 25 - Making of Alaska and South America

31 décembre 2009

Showing the difficulties of filming in the tundra of Alaska and the rainforests of Brazil.

Épisode 26 - Endangered

7 janvier 2010

Steve finishes his journey with a look at the vulnerable side of deadly animals.

Épisode 1 - Baja California, Mexico

8 juillet 2010

Steve Backshall voyage dans le désert le plus meurtrier de la planète, le désert de Baja au Mexique. Cette région possède un grand nombre d'animaux vénimeux dont des tarentules et des calamars géants... Steve prend également le large dans la mer de Cortez, à la recherche d'un monstre des profondeurs des mers.

Épisode 2 - British Columbia

15 juillet 2010

Steve et son équipe arrivent en Colombie-Britannique, au Canada. Cette région, à la nature sauvage intacte, possède des animaux extraordinaires, et est un véritable paradis pour les explorateurs. Mais ce sont les créatures des profondeurs que Steve recherche dont, notamment, le poisson-loup, un animal parmi les plus étonnants du monde.

Épisode 3 - Vancouver

22 juillet 2010

L'otarie de Steller, le plus grand et le plus redoutable lion de mer du monde, se cache dans les eaux glacées de la Colombie-Britannique. Un mâle adulte peut peser le même poids qu'une voiture, et possède des dents affûtées comme des poignards. Steve plonge parmi ces otaries, une expérience plus dangereuse que de plonger avec des requins.

Épisode 4 - Costa Rica 1

29 juillet 2010

Au Costa Rica, Steve s'enfonce au plus profond de la forêt tropicale, à la recherche de l'insaisissable jaguar, un tueur silencieux. La forêt tropicale regorge d'animaux en tout genre, Steve se retrouve face à face avec un jeune fer de lance, un serpent venimeux. Une simple morsure de ce tueur, professionnel du camouflage, pourrait faire passer à Steve une très mauvaise journée.

Épisode 5 - Costa Rica 2

5 août 2010

Dans la jungle du Costa Rica, Steve se retrouve nez à nez avec plusieurs de ses prédateurs mortels préférés, les serpents. Il décide d'en examiner trois en détail - le puissant boa constrictor, la vipère de Schlegel et le crotale, avant d'en choisir un à placer sur sa liste des soixante animaux les plus dangereux au monde. Plus tard, Steve s'enfonce plus profondément dans la forêt, à la recherche d'une grenouille ultra venimeuse et d'une chauve-souris vampire, qui ont toutes deux leur place dans la liste.

Épisode 6 - Panama

12 août 2010

Au Panama, Steve s'enfonce dans la forêt tropicale à la recherche d'un des oiseaux de proie les plus insaisissables au monde, la magnifique harpie féroce. Bien que les chances de découvrir une harpie sont très minces, l'espoir de Steve ne faiblit pas. Il est aidé en chemin par une tribu qui les héberge pour la nuit, et dont les membres effectuent une danse traditionnelle avec ses enfants pour leur porter chance.

Épisode 7 - Mozambique

19 août 2010

Steve Backshall se rend au Mozambique, un pays bordé par l'océan Indien. Il compte bien y trouver son prochain prétendant à la liste des soixante animaux les plus dangereux de la planète. Il examine d'abord le requin-baleine, le plus gros poisson sur Terre. Avec son énorme bouche, il peut avaler d'un trait des milliers d'animaux microscopiques. Le requin-baleine peut peser autant qu'un bus à deux étages : Steve va nager avec ce sous-marin gigantesque...

Épisode 8 - South Africa

26 août 2010

Steve et son équipe sont en Afrique du Sud à la recherche de nouvelles créatures pour leur top des soixante animaux les plus redoutables au monde. Steve brave les vagues de la côte de Durban, et part à la recherche de requins à pointes noires. L'équipe espère pouvoir en apercevoir quelques-uns, mais a la bonne surprise d'en voir apparaître une trentaine.

Épisode 9 - Namibia 1

2 septembre 2010

Steve et son équipe s'enfoncent dans les terres arides de la Namibie, en Afrique. Dans cet environnement extrême fait de dunes de sable et de températures caniculaires, Steve devra ruser pour découvrir sa proie mortelle. Il découvre un terrier d'araignées du genre Seothyra, tandis qu'une caméra miniature lui permet d'approcher ce petit prédateur très puissant.

Épisode 10 - Namibia 2

9 septembre 2010

La Namibie est un territoire des plus dangereux au paysage sec et aride et abrite certains des animaux les plus incroyables de la planète, des plus étranges et merveilleux aux plus féroces. Steve et son équipe recherchent des grands félins. Il met un costume de camouflage pour battre un léopard à son propre jeu, mais c'est beaucoup plus difficile qu'il n'y paraît.

Épisode 11 - Madagascar

16 septembre 2010

Steve Backshall parcoure les vastes forêts tropicales de l'île de Madagascar à la recherche des espèces animales les plus redoutables.

Épisode 12 - Uganda

23 septembre 2010

En Ouganda, Steve part à la recherche de quelques primates. Il part faire un trek avec son équipe dans les montagnes de Virunga, et passe une heure face à d'énormes gorilles de montagne. Il rencontre ensuite des babouins en bordure d'une route, animaux particulièrement redoutables. Enfin Steve rencontre des chimpanzés dans un figuier. Il tente de les suivre dans la forêt tropicale.

Épisode 13 - Thailand

30 septembre 2010

En Thaïlande, Steve se retrouve nez à nez avec le plus long serpent venimeux du monde, le cobra royal, dont la morsure pourrait tuer un éléphant. Il rencontre également des félins dotés de caractéristiques et de capacités uniques. Enfin, Steve observe le meilleur grimpeur au monde.

Épisode 14 - Philippines 1

7 octobre 2010

Steve se rend aux Philippines, archipel composé de plusieurs milliers d'îles qui est un véritable paradis pour les animaux dangereux. Il part à la recherche des varans malais, des animaux gigantesques pouvant atteindre trois mètres de long.

Épisode 15 - Philippines 2

14 octobre 2010

Steve et son équipe sont de retour aux Philippines, et partent à la rencontre du requin-renard, une opportunité rare puisque ces requins vivent dans les profondeurs de l'océan. Steve se met ensuite à la recherche du tricot rayé, un serpent au venin redoutable.

Épisode 16 - Romania

21 octobre 2010

Steve et son équipe se rendent dans le Grand Nord de la Norvège, où les animaux font face à de grands challenges : Tenter de survivre à des températures en dessous de zéro. L'équipe part à la recherche de l'insaisissable lynx.

Épisode 17 - Norway

28 octobre 2010

Steve est toujours dans le Grand Nord de la Norvège. L'équipe escalade des collines à la recherche du lynx…

Épisode 18 - United Kingdom

4 novembre 2010

Steve part plonger dans un lac à la rencontre de brochets. L'équipe part ensuite à l'Université de Bristol pour observer le vol des aigles. Steve se rend à Tobemory en Ecosse pour observer un aigle à l'état sauvage. Steve se déplace enfin dans le Gloucestershire pour observer les araignées...

Épisode 19 - Argentina

11 novembre 2010

Steve et son équipe explorent le marais argentin à la manière des cowboys. La chasse à l'anaconda tourne mal quand notre intrépide explorateur marche sur quelque chose dans l'eau trouble. Sans se décourager, mais avec des cicatrices, Steve part ensuite à la pêche avec un caïman à lunettes afin de voir si ces reptiles méritent vraiment leur réputation redoutable. Pour finir, Steve saute dans des eaux infestées de piranhas, avec un morceau de steak juteux, pour en savoir plus sur ces poissons tueurs.

Épisode 20 - Peru

18 novembre 2010

Steve termine sa quête des soixante animaux les plus dangereux du monde dans la forêt amazonienne. L'équipe repère un groupe de loutres géantes rares, avant même d'avoir sorti ses caméras. Ces loutres, qui peuvent être mortelles, ne sont pas les seules créatures géantes de la région, puisque Steve rencontre vite le plus grand reptile d'Amérique du Sud, le caïman noir.

Épisode 21 - Making Of

25 novembre 2010

Ever wondered how Deadly 60 gets made? This programme goes behind the scenes to see just how the series is filmed. From where the team eat and sleep to the extreme measures they have to take as they travel the world filming some of its deadliest predators, this special tells all.

Épisode 22 - Tracks and Signs

2 décembre 2010

Steve demonstrates how reading the tracks and signs left by an animal can lead to fantastic encounters. Lions, octopuses and badgers all feature in this special as Steve and his trusty crew travel the planet reading the signs they leave behind.

Épisode 23 - Inside Deadly 60

9 décembre 2010

Steve takes a look inside some of the top predators featured on Deadly 60.

Épisode 24 - Venom

16 décembre 2010

Steve Backshall is spat at and bitten by several creatures as he takes a look at venom.

Épisode 25 - Unseen

23 décembre 2010

A look at the contenders that didn't quite make it onto the Deadly 60 list.

Épisode 26 - Endangered

30 décembre 2010

Steve Backshall reports on animals that are endangered, and explores why the chimpanzee, mountain gorilla and harpy eagle are threatened with habitat loss and their populations severely depleted. In Madagascar, he also meets the most bizarre creature he has ever seen - the aye-aye.

Épisode 1 - Indonesia

26 mars 2012

Steve travels to Indonesia in search of three very different reptiles to add to his list of 60 deadly predators. He and his crew have a nerve-racking close encounter, when they are chased by a group of ravenous, three metre long Komodo Dragons, the world's largest venomous lizards! Steve also demonstrates the incredible gliding technique of a tiny flying lizard and heads out on a nocturnal hunt for the beautiful but lethal Green Pit Viper.

Épisode 2 - Ethiopia

27 mars 2012

In the medieval Ethiopian city of Harar, Steve Backshall has a unique and potentially lethal encounter with a pack of spotted Hyenas. Capable of tearing their prey apart with super strong jaws and thick muscular bodies, here they are hand fed, allowing Steve the encounter of a lifetime with this normally unapproachable predator. Out of the town and up into the Mountains Steve meets the rarest wolf on earth and discovers why a grass-munching monkey, the Gelada baboon, has a set of teeth that would make a vampire jealous.

Épisode 3 - United Kingdom

28 mars 2012

Steve is on his home turf, scouring land, sea and air, for some of the deadliest critters that the UK has to offer. First, he heads for the seas off the coast of Plymouth, in search of monsters from the deep. And he's not disappointed! In the bowels of a wreck he comes face to face with a giant conger eel, one of the most feared predators in the ocean. Back on land he meets a double deadly killer, the dragonfly. As adults they are amazing aerial assassins, but they lead a double life. Before they emerge as elegant winged beauties, the larvae are terrors of the underwater world, impaling their unsuspecting prey with their alien-like double hinged jaws. Finally, with the aid of giant vertical wind tunnel, Steve tries to hover like a kestrel, one of the prettiest, but fiercest falcons.

Épisode 4 - Alaska

29 mars 2012

Steve and the crew head into the beautiful Alaskan wilderness for another deadly adventure. It's the largest state in America, and is home to some of the most impressive predators on Earth. Out at sea he uses radar technology to track down massive humpback whales, with a unique hunting strategy. Next he braves freezing coastal waters to get a close up view of the world's furriest mammal. Adapted for the freezing waters, they do look cute, but don't be fooled, they're prolific killers and they have very sharp minds. Finally it's back to dry land, where Steve and the crew go in search of incredible, imposing grizzly bears, and witness these huge mammals in full on deadly mode.

Épisode 5 - South Africa 1

30 mars 2012

Steve's search for deadly animals takes him and the crew to South Africa. This time they're looking for one of the most iconic of them all, the ferocious great white shark. He gets some fantastic views of this king of the ocean, and to demonstrate their awesome hunting prowess, he has a special trick up his sleeve. Just as feared by many is the Cape Buffalo, known locally as the black-death. Steve takes to the skies to track down a huge heard of this notoriously bad tempered bovine beast before being charmed by the snake-stomping secretary bird.

Épisode 6 - Mexico 1

7 mai 2012

In Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, Steve chases the sea's fastest fish, the sailfish, reef-dives in search of a real-life sea monster and ventures alone, in complete darkness, into the 'cave of hanging serpents'.

Épisode 7 - Australia 1

8 mai 2012

Steve heads into the outback to find the world's most venomous snake, then to Tasmania to meet the Tasmanian Devil, and finally goes in search of a toxic terror living right in the heart of Sydney, the Blue Ringed Octopus.

Épisode 8 - New Zealand

9 mai 2012

Steve descends deep into New Zealand's Waitomo caves to find an unusual predator that lures insects to their death with a lethal lightshow, heads to South island to get an aerial view of one of the biggest animals on Earth, the sperm whale, and drives inland to meet a very curious bird armed with deadly intelligence.

Épisode 9 - South Africa 2

10 mai 2012

Back in South Africa, Steve plays a friendly game of football with cheetahs, meets a monkey snatching crowned eagle eggs, and turns the latest camera technology on a trio of Africa's deadliest snakes.

Épisode 10 - Australia 2

11 mai 2012

Back in Australia, Steve drops from a helicopter into the nest of giant saltwater crocodile, goes in search of the most venomous animal on earth, the box jellyfish, and finally enters a marshland on a hunt for the and Tiger Snakes.

Épisode 11 - South America 1

4 juin 2012

Steve and his crew are back in the jungles of South America for this deadly adventure. Steve heads into crocodile infested waters for a spooky nocturnal encounter with a truly shocking predator, the electric eel and takes a boat ride up the Amazon river to meet another infamous water dwelling kille - the black piranha; the largest of all piranha species. He also braves a thunderstorm to get a close-up view of one of the world's rarest canines, the maned wolf.

Épisode 12 - Nepal

5 juin 2012

Steve and the crew head to the mountain kingdom of Nepal to search for more animal predators. Steve enlists the help of an elephant to track down a very grumpy rhinoceros and stalks the forests in search of the largest cat on earth, the highly elusive and endangered Bengal Tiger. He also has a chance encounter with a hive of honeybees in the centre of a busy Nepalese town before taking to the skies to paraglide with an Egyptian vulture above the foothills of the Himalayas.

Épisode 13 - Mexico 2

6 juin 2012

Steve and the crew return to Mexico in search of more animals to add to the Deadly 60. Steve searches a swamp at night for a rare and beautiful crocodile with a nasty bite, before heading to the stunning Mexican coastline for an exhilarating encounter with one of the most dangerous sharks in the world, the Bull Shark. Finally he witnesses the awesome spectacle and hunting power of one of the greatest gathering of predators on Earth, as a million-strong bat army take to the night sky.

Épisode 14 - Venezuela

7 juin 2012

This time Steve and the crew travel to Venezuela in search of more lethal animal predators for their Deadly list. First they comb the Venezuelan wetlands looking for the biggest snake in the world, the mighty Green Anaconda, capable of growing to over six metres in length. Then Steve heads beneath the rainforest into a dark cave infested with vampire bats, where a true toxic terror lurks, the Scolopendra, a giant centipede armed with a powerful venomous bite.

Épisode 15 - South America 2

8 juin 2012

Steve returns to South America to search for more of the planet's deadliest animals. He joins a team trying to save a highly endangered predator, the Orinoco crocodile and witnesses the ferocious maternal instincts of a female croc protecting her nest. In Brazil he heads out for a night-time encounter with a metre-long monster of the Amazonian waterways, the wolf fish and back on dry land Steve turns to technology in an attempt to track down one of South America's most elusive jungle predators, the enigmatic Jaguar.

Épisode 16 - Sri Lanka 1

20 août 2012

Steve and the crew head for the island paradise of Sri Lanka in search of two massive predators. Steve attempts to free dive with the largest animal ever known to have lived, the Blue Whale and back on dry land he goes in search of another giant, the Asian Elephant. Along the way the Steve and the crew also encounter two very deadly snakes, a highly venomous Russell's Viper and an enormous, bone crushing Indian Rock Python.

Épisode 17 - Sri Lanka 2

21 août 2012

Steve and the crew continue their Sri Lankan adventure on the hunt for another three perfect predators. They set up a night time stakeout to try and film an elusive Mugger Crocodile, head out to sea to find a highly toxic and rather ugly Hook-nosed sea snake and also explore the Yala National Park in an attempt to catch a glimpse of the majestic and seldom seen Sri Lankan Leopard.

Épisode 18 - Southern States

22 août 2012

Steve and the crew visit the Southern States of the USA in search of more predators to add to his Deadly list. He dives into the crystal clear waters of the Silver Springs River to swim with a wild Alligator and adds his first plant to the list, a carnivorous Venus Flytrap. He also feels the sting of the formidable Fire Ant and joins a team of scientists, tracking and tagging wild Bobcats.

Épisode 19 - Florida

23 août 2012

Steve and the crew continue their search for the planet's deadliest predators with a visit to Florida in the USA. Steve wades into a swamp to try and catch a slippery amphibian called the Amphiuma and tracks down America's largest snake, the Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake. His journey ends in the Florida Keys where he witnesses firsthand the sophisticated hunting methods of highly intelligent Bottlenose Dolphins.

Épisode 20 - Killer Shots

24 août 2012

In this special episode Steve Backshall reveals the advanced camera technology and tricks of the trade that allow him and the Deadly 60 crew to film stunning images of the planet's most lethal predators. Including the high-speed camera that captured the breathtaking breach attack of the Great White Shark and the specially designed camera traps that let the crew film wildlife when they're not even there.

Épisode 21 - Parasites

25 août 2012 - 3/5

Steve Backshall delves into the weird and wonderful world of the parasites in this Deadly 60 special. From leeches to tapeworms and cuckoos to mosquitoes he reveals the mind-boggling methods that parasites employ to survive, breed and feed by exploiting their animal and human hosts

Épisode 22 - Superpower

27 août 2012

In this Deadly 60 special Steve Backshall takes a look at some of the super skills and senses that animals around the world use to hunt and survive. From the blistering speed and acceleration of the Cheetah to the elastic tongue and 360-degree vision of the chameleon and even a shark with a remarkable, hidden, sixth sense.

Épisode 23 - Deadly Neighbours

28 août 2012

Deadly 60 takes on grand journeys into the unknown in search of wildlife. We often travel to the most remote locations, scouring the wilderness. But sometimes the animals are much closer than you might think.

Épisode 24 - Self Defence

29 août 2012

In this Deadly 60 Special Steve takes a look at the incredible methods animals employ to protect themselves against predators. He trains with a kung fu expert and reveals the martial arts experts of the natural world, including a big hitting shrimp and a mesmerising preying mantis.

Épisode 25 - Endangered

30 août 2012

In this Deadly 60 special wildlife expert Steve Backshall examines the increasing pressures threatening our planet's animal populations, including tigers, gorillas and whales. He explores the various conservation efforts set up to help them and reveals a few success stories, such as the remarkable comeback of Africa's White Rhino.

Épisode 26 - Unseen

31 août 2012

In this final episode, wildlife adventurer Steve Backshall looks back at some remarkable unseen footage from the filming of Deadly 60, including the rescue of a juvenile fur seal from hungry great white sharks in South Africa and a terrifying run in with a giant venomous centipede in Venezuela. There are also some funny outtakes and Steve reveals his all time favourite animal encounter ever!

Épisode 27 - Deadly Bloopers

1 avril 2013

‘Deadly Bloopers’ is a 30min one-off ‘outtakes’ special in the Deadly 60 brand. Focusing on all of the (mis)adventures of presenter Steve Backshall and his Deadly Crew, ‘Deadly Bloopers’ takes the audience behind the scenes to see mishaps and mistakes from the past 3 series of Deadly 60.

Épisode 1 - Rhino Rescue Special

17 février 2020

In this episode, Steve is in South Africa, home to a huge number of animals on the Deadly 60. However, big predators aren’t what Steve is here for – he’s exploring the plight of the rhino. One of the planet’s greatest defenders in its own world, the rhino now needs our help. Sought after for their horns, these animals are on the verge of being poached to extinction.

Épisode 2 - Bali

24 février 2020

Steve sets sail to Bali for a diving adventure to find a giant ocean sunfish. He rescues fish trapped in an abandoned net and meets the teenagers fighting to ban plastic bags on the island.

Épisode 3 - Gabon Jungle

2 mars 2020

Steve travels to Gabon for the first time. Exploring Loango National Park, Steve goes in search of crocodiles, surprisingly deadly chimpanzees and feisty forest elephants.

Épisode 4 - Norway

9 mars 2020

Steve heads to Norway to dive with the planet’s ultimate predator - the orca. He also witnesses the northern lights and gets up close to the mighty mouth of a humpback whale.

Épisode 5 - South Africa

16 mars 2020

Steve witnesses a serval hunting in the weird surroundings of a power station at night, puts snakes to the test in a chomp-off and meets a rare spider.

Épisode 6 - Ecuador Oceans

23 mars 2020

Steve heads to Ecuador to dive with the giant manta ray. He also gets a unique view of the biggest baby on earth and rescues a turtle caught in a fishing line.

Épisode 7 - Borneo

30 mars 2020

Steve meets baby orangutans and is strangled by a python on a night-time river expedition.

Épisode 8 - Shark Rescue Special

6 avril 2020

Steve dives with hammerhead and tiger sharks, exploring how to save them from extinction.

Épisode 9 - Ecuador Jungle

13 avril 2020

Steve heads to the rainforest in Ecuador in search of some of the deadliest critters.

Épisode 10 - Gabon Coast

20 avril 2020

A real-life King Kong shows Steve who is boss, and a scaly thief is caught red-handed.

Épisode 11 - Unseen

27 avril 2020

Deadly special featuring some of the best moments from the series. Steve races a cheetah, rescues a king cobra and shares some of those rare times when things go wrong!

Épisode 12 - Deadly 60 on a Mission: Africa 1

Steve Backshall and his crew are in South Africa. They are looking for one of the most iconic deadly animals of them all, the ferocious great white shark. Steve gets some fantastic views of this king of the ocean but to demonstrate its awesome hunting prowess, he has a special trick up his sleeve. On this mission Steve also goes in search of the fastest animal on land, uses some of the latest camera technology on a trio of Africa's deadliest snakes before being charmed by the astonishing snake stomping secretary bird.

Épisode 13 - Deadly 60 on a Mission: Australia and New Zealand

Steve Backshall and his crew travel to Australia and New Zealand in search of more lethal predators. First up, Steve has his most dramatic encounter ever as he dangles beneath a helicopter and is dropped onto the nest of a wild saltwater crocodile. Steve then heads into the blistering sun of the outback to fulfil a lifelong dream of finding the most venomous snake in the world, the fierce snake whose toxic strike has the potential to kill the whole crew. Then it is time for the team to head over to New Zealand and venture deep into the Waitomo caves, where he hopes to find an unusual predator that lures insects to their death with a lethal light show. Finally, Steve heads out in search of the largest-toothed predator on the planet - the mighty sperm whale.

Épisode 14 - Deadly 60 on a Mission: Asia

Steve Backshall tracks down some of the largest deadly animals Asia has to offer. Starting in Indonesia, Steve and his crew are chased by a group of ravenous, three-metre-long Komodo dragons, the world's largest venomous lizard. Steve then heads to Nepal in search of more deadly giants. He enlists the help of an elephant to track down a very grumpy rhinoceros, and stalks the forests in search of the largest cat on earth, the highly elusive and endangered Bengal tiger. He also has a chance encounter with a nest of giant honey bees, before taking to skies to paraglide with an Egyptian vulture above the foothills of the Himalayas.

Épisode 15 - Deadly 60 on a Mission: South America

Steve Backshall and the crew scour the wetlands of Venezuela in search of more lethal beasts. Steve heads into crocodile infested waters for a spooky nocturnal encounter with a truly shocking predator, the electric eel. He joins a team trying to save a highly endangered predator, the Orinoco crocodile, and witnesses the ferocious maternal instincts of a female croc protecting her nest. Steve then leaves the wetlands for the rainforest and heads into a dark cave infested with vampire bats. Here a true toxic terror lurks, the scolopendra, a giant centipede armed with a powerful venomous bite. Before leaving South America, Steve takes the opportunity to cross the border into Brazil and gets a close-up view of one of the world's rarest canines, the maned wolf.

Épisode 16 - Deadly 60 on a Mission: Mexico

This time on Deadly 60 On a Mission, Steve and the crew head to Mexico's breathtaking Yucatan Peninsula. First up is an exhilarating encounter with one of the most dangerous sharks in the world, the bull shark. Staying on the water Steve embarks on a high-octane chase with the fastest fish in the sea, the sailfish and witnesses these swimming speedsters obliterate a bait ball of sardines right in front of his eyes. Heading inland Steve is awestruck by the stunning spectacle and hunting power of one of the greatest gathering of predators on Earth, a million-strong bat army taking to the night sky. Finally, in a thrilling climax to his trip, Steve ventures alone and in complete darkness into the cave of hanging serpents. Here he marvels at the incredible hunting skills of the Mexican night snake, a cold-blooded predator that can catch a bat in mid-air!

Épisode 17 - Deadly 60 on a Mission: Florida

Steve Backshall continues his search for the planet's deadliest predators with a visit to Florida in the USA. He dives into the crystal clear waters of the Silver Springs river to swim with a wild alligator, before wading into a swamp to try and catch a slippery amphibian, the weird and wonderful amphiuma. Steve then heads to the drier pine woodlands on the trail of America's largest serpent, the eastern diamondback rattlesnake. Steve then travels to South Carolina, joining a team of scientists, tracking and tagging wild bobcats. His journey ends back in the water, in the Florida Keys where he witnesses first-hand the sophisticated hunting methods of a highly intelligent predator, the bottlenose dolphin.

Épisode 18 - Deadly 60 on a Mission: Africa 2

Steve Backshall journeys from the lush mountains of Ethiopia to the plains of South Africa. Starting in the medieval Ethiopian city of Harar, Steve has a potentially lethal encounter with one of the most feared predators in Africa, the spotted hyena. Capable of tearing their prey apart with super strong jaws, here these wild hyenas are hand fed, allowing Steve the encounter of a lifetime with this normally unapproachable predator. Out of town and up into the mountains Steve discovers why a grass munching monkey, the gelada baboon, has a set of teeth that would make a vampire jealous; and he meets the rarest wolf on earth. Steve then heads to South Africa on the trail of an animal known locally as the black-death, the Cape buffalo. He is then charmed by a snake-munching bird, the ground hornbill; and the regal crowned eagle, a bird capable of snatching unsuspecting monkeys from the treetops.

Épisode 19 - Deadly 60 on a Mission: Sri Lanka

Steve Backshall and the Deadly 60 crew head for the island paradise of Sri Lanka. First they head to Yala National Park, famous for its population of one of the most elusive and cryptic cats on the planet - the Sri Lankan leopard. The team then set up a night-time stakeout in a local village to try and film an ancient river monster, the mugger crocodile. And the night-time deadlies don't stop there when a local brings an enormous, bone crushing Indian rock python to Steve's attention. Finally it's a mission of massive proportions as Steve attempts to free dive with the largest animal ever known to have lived, the blue whale. It's a lifetime ambition, with some jaw-dropping results.


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