Poster de la serie I'm Alive!

I'm Alive!


Année : 2017

Nombre de saisons : 4

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 75 minutes

Genre(s) : Action, Aventure, Crime, Drame, Fantastique, Romance, Science-fiction, Suspense, Thriller

Andrés Vargas is a police inspector who dies whilst chasing the Midnight Butcher, a serial killer who has already killed five women. Vargas will have the opportunity to return back to life on Earth, but five years later and in the body of someone else, the former Manuel Márquez. In his effort to stop the Midnight Butcher, Vargas, who is now in the body of police inspector Márquez, is partnered with his daughter Susana. A very special relationship develops between them even though he cannot tell her who he really is and together they will face his murderer who has also returned back to life on Earth. Vargas will not be alone in his return to the world of the living as he is accompanied by a celestial liaison officer, called “The Link”, who is tasked with the job of helping him to adjust to his new life.


I'm Alive! saison 1

Saison 1


I'm Alive! saison 2

Saison 2


I'm Alive! saison 3

Saison 3

I'm Alive! saison 4

Saison 4


Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - La oportunidad

7 septembre 2017 - 4.7/5

Andrés Vargas is a police inspector who dies whilst chasing the Midnight Butcher, a serial killer who has already killed five women. Vargas will have the opportunity to return back to life on Earth, but five years later and in the body of another police officer, Manuel Márquez. In his effort to stop the Midnight Butcher, Vargas, who is now Márquez, is partnered with his daughter Susana.

Épisode 2 - No es humano

14 septembre 2017 - 5/5

Laura wants to meet her daughter's new work partner and invites him home for dinner. Márquez is finally reunited with his entire family, increasing his longing to regain his previous life. Meanwhile, the young gang member that Márquez and Susana arrested tries to murder Márquez.

Épisode 3 - De mito a hombre

21 septembre 2017 - 5/5

Márquez and Susana inspect the serial killer’s new crime scene, which is depressing for both of them. The worst part for this young PC is when her superiors order her off the case. The Link is ready to develop his own plan of action to trap the Butcher.

Épisode 4 - Hoy ya es ayer

28 septembre 2017 - 5/5

Only Márquez and the Link know that the person they have in custody isn’t actually the Midnight Butcher. The case is closed by the police but the murderer, a being who has returned from another dimension, could strike again and kill at any moment. More importantly, does the Butcher know that Vargas is now living in Márquez’s body?

Épisode 5 - Más cerca que nunca

5 octobre 2017 - 5/5

Márquez and the Link manage to locate the Butcher in an old hostel. Since Laura’s husband died, she has not celebrated her birthday so her family and friends prepare a surprise party for her. Laura must recover the Link’s battery so she can improve her radio equipment.

Épisode 6 - La vida sigue

19 octobre 2017 - 4.7/5

Márquez and Santos publicly clash over their love for Laura. Meanwhile, Santos, now Chief of Police, asks Vargas’ widow out to the cinema with him. Márquez is determined to come up with something to win over Laura’s heart. The Link advises him to step up his game if he doesn’t want someone else to beat him to it.

Épisode 7 - Te echo de menos

26 octobre 2017 - 4.7/5

Márquez suspects that the Butcher will kill again during Santos’ award ceremony. Public officials, fellow officers from the force and the entire Vargas family will also be attending. Márquez and The Link plan to be at the event to avoid a possible attack by the Butcher.

Épisode 8 - Un cielo sin colores

2 novembre 2017 - 5/5

The Butcher infiltrates the school where Bea attends. The police have new leads as to where the bodies of the hostiles might be that Márquez and the Link have hidden. Márquez tries to throw his daughter Susana off the scent. Arturo is become painfully aware of his advancing Alzheimer’s.

Épisode 9 - No me olvides

9 novembre 2017 - 4.7/5

The police find the buried bodies of the hostiles, which points them in Márquez’s direction, so he and the Link devise a plan to recover the bodies before it is too late.

Épisode 10 - Lo que debemos hacer

16 novembre 2017 - 4.7/5

Márquez and the Link discover the Butcher’s true identity and find out where he is staying. The Butcher has the opportunity to kill the Link but he doesn’t, which leaves the police puzzled. Meanwhile, the Butcher has established the school as his base of operations so that he can be close to Bea.

Épisode 11 - Por última vez

23 novembre 2017 - 4.7/5

The Link and Marquez have the help of Sebas to find the Butcher. The retired policeman and owner of the bar 'El Vuelo' wishes to collaborate to apprehend the man who killed his best friend Vargas. What Sebas doesn't expect is the terror scene they will face: the attack of various hostiles in a trap set by the Butcher. David has come to a radical decision: he is going to divorce from his wife and renounce to the precinct transfer he had asked for. Laura is very worried for her daughter: she fears Susana will go back to this man who isn't good for her. For now, the young policewoman accepts to meet David to talk.

Épisode 12 - Tengo algo que decirte

30 novembre 2017 - 5/5

The photograph discovered in the Butcher's den is the key to find the murderer. That's how Sebas thinks, who tries to find out who those women are. Meanwhile, Marquez tries to manage the complex situation of his father with Alzheimer. Laura confesses to her friend Maria that the kiss with Marquez marked her. The news that Marquez kissed Laura finds its way to Santos, who reacts requesting for the classified record of the policeman. What he discovers in it might help him get rid of his rival.

Épisode 13 - Cuestión de sangre

14 décembre 2017 - 5/5

The Butcher has taken Bea to end her life. Marquez's youngest daughter is the eighth scientist that appears unidentified in the photograph. What connection does that photograph has with the Butcher's murders? Marquez looks desperately for a way to save his daughter. The Link, Sebas, Susana, and even Arturo, colaborate in the search for the young woman. But the Butcher has resurrected all the 'hostiles' to keep them away.

Épisode 1 - Capitulo 14 - El Rey de la baraja

25 septembre 2018 - 5/5

The new season starts in the same moment the last one ended: with the surpise arrival of Lola, Marquez's wife. He thought he was a man without past, but this past reaches him and it is going to change the lifes of all around him. In addition, Marquez and the Link meet Angela, a misterious little girl who appears and disappears unexpectedly and who will guide them to the Victoria building, an old property of the neighborhood. Following Angela, they find themselves in the middle of an unexpected situation which risks their lifes. All seems to indicate that evil forcers are back in Vallecas.

Épisode 2 - Capitulo 15 - Secretos compartidos

2 octobre 2018 - 5/5

Angela, the mysterious little girl who appeared on the last episode, returns to Marquez and the Link's house. The little girl will guide the Link to the Victoria building and there she will transport him to the time she lived. At the precinct, Lola will join as an agent of the anti-terrorist group. There she will interrogate the ex-militar who tried to bomb the nursery. Between her and Marquez will be a tense encounter. Laura and Santos will organize a dinner at their home. Sebsa will be reticent to go after what Marquez told him. But Maria will convince him. Will things between Santos and Sebas explode?

Épisode 3 - Capitulo 16 - La leyenda del hilo rojo

9 octobre 2018 - 5/5

Márquez and Lola must collaborate in the resolution of the case of the ex-military who kidnapped the nursery and who has been found shot dead. Working together will help the tension between Márquez and his wife soften. Convinced that Angela died during the Civil War, Iago feels obligated to help this ghost girl discover the way to the other side. This will return to the Victoria Building. Sebas apologizes to Laura after the terrible discussion she provoked in her home. But he also reproaches him for marrying Santos. Laura laments that everyone gets into her life.

Épisode 4 - Capitulo 17 - La llave

15 octobre 2018 - 5/5

Márquez does not understand Iago's interest in Angela's past, but Iago explains that the girl has come to him for a reason. The connection he feels with her is so strong that he decides to give her a gift for her birthday. It is also the birthday of Teo, the son of David. Susana tries to get involved looking for a toy for the child. But Laura, eager to help, offers to organize a surprise party. At the police station, Márquez, Lola and María still don't know who killed the ex-military who kidnapped the nursery. But thanks to the autopsy they discover in their stomach a strange but important clue.

Épisode 5 - Capitulo 18 - Ángela

22 octobre 2018 - 5/5

Iago is willing to discover who it was in another life. On his own, Márquez returns to the Victoria Building in search of clues and will have an unexpected encounter. Lola and Susana are also heading there. After her breakup with David, Susana has all the support of her mother and sister.

Épisode 6 - Capitulo 19 - Un hombre de palabra

29 octobre 2018 - 4/5

Orders of leaving the Victoria Building case reach the precint, but Marquez insists on continuing on his own. He and Lola will contact Augusto Mendieta, a powerful and dangerous person. Iago continues searching for answers. With Sebas' help, he asks the elders of the neighbourhood about what happened at the Victoria Building during the Civil War. Their answers are surprising. Laura suspects something weird links Marquez with her dead husband, with affects negatively her marriage with Santos. Meanwhile, Bea suffers the constant presence of the ex militar, now turned into a ghost.

Épisode 7 - Capitulo 20 - Entre dos mundos

5 novembre 2018 - 5/5

Everyone at the precinct are saddened by Lola's death. In spite of the grief, Marquez gets involved in the murder investigation and deduces that Lola knew her murderer. Bea suffers the apparitions of the exmilitar ghost. The young girl shares her distress with Iago, who decides to visit the Victoria Building again. Everything points to the dark character left something hidden there. Laura is worried about Santos, specially when he appears after passing the night out. The policeman says he was working but Laura suspects he is lying.

Épisode 8 - Capitulo 21 - La caja

12 novembre 2018 - 4/5

The box found by Marquez and Iago hides a disturing mistery. Marquez and the Link discover the object hidden in the Victoria Building. It is an old box which they must open as soon as possible to continue their investigation. What hides inside turns out to be disturbing. Susana decides to forget about David and so she lets him know. Now she will try to approach Iago and get to know something more about him. But Iago can't be sincere with her, at least for now.

Épisode 9 - Capitulo 22 - Mentiras y latidos

19 novembre 2018 - 5/5

Márquez and Sebas discover tunnels under the Victoria building. Iago enters them in search of answers and will face a terror beyond the limits of logic. The relationship between Iago and Susana goes through a sweet moment. But while he makes her happy with original surprises, David will try to regain his love. Santos decides to go to a clinic to overcome his addiction to alcoholism. He will not be alone in these hard times: Marquez and Sebas will support him while Laura is still hurt.

Épisode 10 - Capitulo 23 - Relaciones personales

26 novembre 2018 - 5/5

Laura suffers a faint. Medical tests indicate that he has a spot on the brain. Marquez is clear that the Gateway is to blame and asks yo Iago for help to heal his wife. The Ghost of Pollo appears before Márquez and shows him the way to find his widow. The pregnant woman declares that she saw Mendieta kill her entire family, but why did he do it? Márquez and Iago discover that the beating heart has disappeared from Márquez's house. Fortunately, Iago introduced a locator that indicates that they have taken it to the tunnels of the Victoria Building, Mendieta's lair.

Épisode 11 - Capitulo 24 - El punto de partida

3 décembre 2018 - 5/5

Laura discovers that her husband Andrés is in Márquez's body. Now that there are no secrets, they both feel more united than ever. But being together is not going to be as easy as it seems. Iago is aware that one day he will have to return to the Gateway and will never be able to form a couple with Susana. With all the pain in his heart, Iago decides to break up with Susana by letter. Márquez and Susana must protect Inma, the chicken widow who is about to give birth. Persecuted by Mendieta's men, they take refuge in Márquez's house where the woman goes into labor.

Épisode 12 - Capitulo 25 - Un paso adelante

10 décembre 2018 - 4/5

While at the police station they desperately search for the baby kidnapped by Mendieta, Márquez, Iago and Sebas enter the tunnels of the Victoria Building in search of answers. Laura remains unconscious while Marquez comes to his aid. Now he is convinced that he must provide the cure for the tumor. Santos leaves the detoxification clinic. Dejected after learning that Laura has kissed with Márquez, he gets hooked again. Susana discovers her deplorable situation and tries to help her.

Épisode 13 - Capitulo 26 - Dormíamos despiertos

17 décembre 2018 - 4.5/5

Marquez and Iago request reinforcements to the Gateway. Faced with the unusual situation, the Director alerts them: "You must be prepared, the eternal battle between good and evil will be fought tonight ...". While Márquez, Iago and Sebas set off against the forces of evil, Laura, Susana and María (who have a very important secret to tell) seek an explanation for the strange behavior of the men they love.

Épisode 1 - Capitulo 27 - La muerte forma parte de la vida

26 septembre 2019 - 4.5/5

An unexpected turn of events forces Márquez and Iago to return to the Gateway to ask to intervene. Upon returning to Earth, a year has passed. Maria and Sebas have had their baby. Adrián and Alicia are two new inspectors, and Vero the curator who now replaces Santos.

Épisode 2 - Capitulo 28 - Espérame

3 octobre 2019 - 4.5/5

Vero receives a call from the cemetery manager. The tombs of Laura, Susana and Beatriz have been opened. The commissioner orders that they be sealed again so that the news does not transcend. Iago convinces Márquez that Laura, Susana and Beatriz are alive in the body of other women who are very close. The police discover the body of a murdered woman. Márquez, Santos and David inspect the crime scene without finding any clues. Only something catches their attention: the woman was pregnant.

Épisode 3 - Capitulo 29 - El recuerdo del olvido

10 octobre 2019 - 4.5/5

Márquez suspects that Laura, Susana and Bea did not die by causality and decides to deepen the investigation. But when he review the traffic accident report, make a discover of information about Susana that causes you great distress. After the failure to confuse Alicia with Susana, the desperation of Iago increases. Everyone is worried about his strange behavior. But then, Iago receives a message that looks like a communication from Susana

Épisode 4 - Capitulo 30 - Infinito

17 octobre 2019 - 4.5/5

After the party, Sebas brings Rebe by car to the student residence where she lives. Sebas leaves but realizes that the young woman has left her wallet and returns to give it to her. Upon arrival he sees Rebe getting into Vero's car. Sebas, surprised, decides to follow them and begins to suspect that they hide something. Aware that they are being watched, several members of the Gateway walk down to Earth to escort Marquez and Iago to a safe place to meet with the Director. Marquez is skeptical of the meeting and does not expect to be given information about what happened with Laura and her daughters.

Épisode 5 - Capitulo 31 - Confesiones a medianoche

24 octobre 2019 - 4/5

Marquez and Iago try to get the pregnant woman out of the hospital before Carlota finds her. David locates the girl and decides to follow her. Sebas spends the night with Laura and lies to Maria again. Meanwhile, Iago discovers who Carlota really is, whose new goal is to find Veronica.

Épisode 6 - Capitulo 32 - La navaja de Ockham

31 octobre 2019 - 5/5

Carlota's inexplicable escape has questioned the entire police station. Vero's team will have to face an internal investigation. Everything gets even more complicated when María, Alicia and David talk to the coroner and inform them of an amazing event that happened with the pregnant woman's body. Carlota acknowledges before Marquez and Iago that has been sent by the Gateway to end a new threat. A dangerous being has reached Earth and must eliminate it before it is too late. Carlota has a device to locate it and together they will reach an urbanization where David's ex-wife lives.

Épisode 7 - Capitulo 33 - El amor de mi vida

7 novembre 2019

After spending the night with Vero, Márquez decides to reveal that he is really Andrés. Iago understands that he needs to finally tell him the truth, but he is worried that the catwalk has allowed them to be together. No doubt serious consequences are yet to come. Márquez and Iago meet with Sebas and Carlota. They suspect that the "entity" has been introduced into David's body. Carlota proposes to kill him but Márquez wants to be sure and they decide to take turns watching him. Carlota and the Iago will team up and pretend to be a couple to go to Sandra's house to investigate.

Épisode 8 - Capitulo 34 - El interior del ser vivo

14 novembre 2019

While Verónica is kidnapped by Antoine and Márquez by David, in the police station the secrets of the past begin to come to light. For its part, Iago's mysterious illness worsens and Maria, tired of the situation, throws Sebas out of the house.

Épisode 9 - Capítulo 35 - Allí donde solíamos estar

21 novembre 2019

Márquez decides to talk to María to fix her situation with Sebas. He assures him that his friend is helping them on a mission, but Maria won't believe a single word until she sees with her own eyes what happens to Iago. David wants to look for the being inside Iago and will go looking for him to force him to go to the abandoned monastery where he took refuge with his family. The relationship between Carlota and Iago is getting closer. The young woman begins to feel a special attachment for him when he receives an urgent communication from the Gateway: his mission has not changed and if Iago has one of those beings inside it must kill him.

Épisode 10 - Capitulo 36 - Los ángeles también lloran

28 novembre 2019

Vero tiene un recuerdo fugaz del lugar dónde podría estar el dinero que le reclaman. Junto con Márquez, intentará encontrarlo mientras Sebas y el Enlace preparan un plan alternativo para enfrentarse a Antuán. David regresa a casa de Márquez para llevarse al Enlace junto a los seres de luz.

Épisode 11 - Capitulo 37 - Lo que eres realmente

5 décembre 2019

El Enlace se lleva a Adrián para intentar salvarlo y Vero y Márquez son detenidos por Alicia y sus hombres. Mientras, María averigua la verdad sobre Vero y Rebe. Carlota recibe la inesperada visita de la directora. Cree que se equivocó con ella y le entrega un dispositivo.

Épisode 12 - Capitulo 38 - Principio y fin

12 décembre 2019

Tras pasar la noche en los juzgados Vero va a ser llevada a prisión. Márquez, Sebas y el Enlace traman un plan para que pueda fugarse durante su traslado. Mientras, Santos comienza a investigar por su cuenta y Márquez acabará reuniendo a todos para contarle que en realidad él es su amigo Vargas.

Épisode 13 - Capitulo 39 - Fue bonito mientras duró

19 décembre 2019 - 4/5

Tras la muerte de David a manos del Carnicero, María y Santos deciden ocultar su cadáver antes de que Alicia llegue a comisaría con sus hombres. Mientras, Vero consigue a escapar y acude al monasterio junto con Rebe pensando que es un lugar seguro. Sin embargo, la funcionaria descubre dónde se encuentran las cápsulas y junto a su ejército de Enlaces se dirige hacia allí para acabar con Laura, Bea y Susana. El parto de Susana es inminente y Carlota intenta conseguir algo de tiempo mientras Márquez, Sebas y el Enlace hacen lo imposible para intentar salvar a su familia

Épisode 1 - Capítulo 40 - El apagón

10 mars 2021 - 3/5

Susana y su hija se encuentran en la Pasarela cuando se pierde la conexión con la Tierra inexplicablemente. Carlota regresará a Madrid para ayudar al Enlace a contactar con ellas.

Épisode 2 - Capítulo 41 - La elegida

17 mars 2021

Ha pasado el tiempo y Adriana se ha convertido en policía. Márquez, orgulloso, acompaña a su nieta a comisaría, donde conoce a Landa, el nuevo comisario y a Mikel, el joven agente que será su compañero. La investigación sobre los desaparecidos aún no se ha cerrado y Márquez pone al corriente a su nieta sobre el caso. Su primer día se complica cuando acuden al aviso de un atraco y descubren que el Enlace está involucrado. Mientras, Laura y Sebas se encuentran con Moya, uno de los desaparecidos del autobús, que parece haber regresado. Márquez y Santos lo interrogaran en comisaría esperando averiguar qué paso.

Épisode 3 - Capítulo 42 - El duodécimo pasajero

24 mars 2021

Landa acude a El Revuelo y se presenta a Laura, cuando recibe una llamada de Santos. Es en ese momento cuando ambos se enteran de que Julio, el único testigo de lo ocurrido en el autobús, ha entrado en coma. Mientras tanto, María observa en la comisaría que, cuando Adriana está cerca de Mikel, ocurren cosas extrañas a su alrededor. Todas sus sospechas apuntan a que la joven las provoca inconscientemente. Paralelamente, Landa y su equipo visionan una y otra vez el vídeo que la científica ha conseguido rescatar de Julio. En él descubren que en el autobús viajaba alguien más que no aparece en ninguno de los registros. Al mismo tiempo, Márquez, Sebas, Carlota y el Enlace deciden investigar el caso por su cuenta. Como sospechan que ocurre algo paranormal en ese autobús, Carlota y el Enlace deciden colarse en la nave en busca de pruebas que les ayuden a averiguarlo de una vez por todas.

Épisode 4 - Capítulo 43 - Los regresados

31 mars 2021 - 3/5

Adriana confiesa feliz sus sentimientos por Mikel al Enlace. Sin embargo, para su sorpresa, el Enlace no acepta que tengan una relación. Piensa que son de dos mundos muy diferentes y no quiere que a su hija le pase lo mismo que le ocurrió a él con su madre.

Épisode 5 - Capítulo 44 - La eternidad a tu alcance

7 avril 2021 - 3/5

La policía irrumpe en casa de Silva y descubren varios objetos de la Pasarela. Landa ordena que los requisen para analizarlos. El Enlace advierte a Márquez de que no pueden estar en manos humanas y urdirán un plan para recuperarlos. Carlota confiesa ante Inma sus sentimientos por el Enlace. Decide seguir los consejos de su hermana y se lanza a besarle. El Enlace, desconcertado, reaccionará de la forma más inesperada. Mientras, Adri pone en riesgo la vida de Mikel en medio de un operativo. No es capaz de controlar sus poderes y decide abandonar la policía debido al peligro que supone.

Épisode 6 - Capítulo 45 - La mejor manera de llegar

14 avril 2021 - 4/5

Landa ordena a su equipo que encuentren los objetos robados de la nave mientras vemos que los nuestros los han llevado a casa de Márquez. Santos y Márquez deciden ir a las oficinas de la Hermandad para investigar por su cuenta cuando el Enlace llama muy preocupado a Márquez. Sebas ha estado manipulando la cápsula de la Pasarela y ha desaparecido misteriosamente. Carlota, Bea, Laura, María, el Enlace, Márquez… Todos se volcarán en localizarle. Mientras, Santos sospecha que algo malo le ha sucedido a David y acude a casa de Julio. Adri y Mikel le acompañan y tendrán que intervenir cuando a Santos, cada vez más nervioso, se le vaya la situación de las manos.

Épisode 7 - Capítulo 46 - Este cuerpo no es el mío

28 avril 2021 - 4.5/5

Márquez descubre que David ha muerto cuando su fantasma se le aparece. David no recuerda lo que le sucedió pero necesita su ayuda. Gracias a sus contactos, Santos consigue una orden de registro para inspeccionar las instalaciones de la Hermandad. Mikel y Adri intentarán localizar el almacén dónde estaban los desaparecidos mientras Márquez y Santos hablan con Elena Gamboa, la misteriosa líder de la secta que parece saber mucho sobre ellos. Al mismo tiempo, el Enlace y Carlota vuelven a encontrarse con Paquita, Francisca y Camila. Las tres señoras no son quién ellos creen y acabarán involucrándolos en un nuevo delito.

Épisode 8 - Capítulo 47 - Sobrenatural

5 mai 2021

Tras el fallido registro en la hermandad, Landa informa a su equipo de que han cerrado el caso de los desaparecidos. Márquez y Santos no se dan por vencidos y comienzan a seguir a Julio para averiguar qué oculta. Mikel decide celebrar su cumpleaños en el revuelo. Invita ilusionado a Adri para presentarle a los suyos pero ella no se siente preparada para conocer a su familia.

Épisode 9 - Capítulo 48 - Mi propio objetivo

12 mai 2021

David, en el cuerpo de Julio, regresa a casa de su asesina para averiguar la implicación de Mila con la hermandad. El plan se complica cuando Elena le llama citándole en su despacho. Márquez, Sebas y Santos prepararán un dispositivo para poder cubrirle. Laura descubre que Landa la ha estado investigando y sabe quién es realmente. El Comisario acudirá al revuelo para hablar con ella y su encuentro tendrá un desenlace completamente inesperado. Mientras, la madre de Mikel invita a Adri a cenar con la familia. El Enlace se unirá a ellos para asegurarse de que su hija no les pondrá en peligro y descubre que Adri posee una nueva y asombrosa habilidad.

Épisode 10 - Capitulo 49 - Visiones

19 mai 2021 - 4/5

El cadáver de Landa sigue sin aparecer y comienzan a sospechar que puede ser un “regresado”. Laura, ayudada por María, decide investigar por su cuenta y acaba descubriendo la verdad sobre el Comisario. Sebas, Santos, Márquez y el Enlace irrumpen en la Hermandad en busca de Carlota y los desaparecidos. Elena les propone un trato para recuperarla. Los nuestros no tienen más remedio que aceptar y se encuentran con una nueva e inesperada dificultad: Silva se interpone en su camino. Mientras, el fantasma de David vuelve a aparecerse frente a Adri. Tras la muerte de Julio, necesita un nuevo cuerpo y ella es la única que puede ayudarle.

Épisode 11 - Capítulo 50 - El lago

26 mai 2021

Durante el intercambio, Elena descubre el engaño de Márquez y los suyos. Se produce un tiroteo. El Enlace intenta parar la hemorragia pero ni siquiera Adri con sus poderes puede salvarla. Antes de perder la consciencia Carlota logra decirles que la tenían encerrada en un lugar junto a un lago. Santos, Márquez y el Enlace siguen esa pista para localizar a los desaparecidos. Mikel y Adri dan un paso mas en su relación. Todo se complica cuando Concha los sorprende en la cama y Adri lanza sus poderes sobre ella inconscientemente. Mientras, Laura decide dar una cena para celebrar que ha encontrado a su hermano y darle la bienvenida a la familia. Landa acepta sintiéndose culpable. Aún oculta a Laura una terrible verdad sobre su madre.

Épisode 12 - Capítulo 51 - Últimos días en la Tierra

2 juin 2021

Elena envía a varios de sus hombres a casa de Márquez para robar la cápsula. El Enlace y Márquez consiguen evitarlo y deciden llevarla a un lugar más seguro. La esconden en comisaría sin saber que Elena tiene a alguien infiltrado dentro. Laura sigue interesada en encontrar a su madre. María la ayuda a localizar a una antigua profesora del centro de acogida y logra hablar con ella. La anciana parece recordar a Laura y a su hermano y le asegura que su madre sigue viva. Mientras, Adri recibe una misteriosa entrada de cine. Mikel la acompaña y cuando inspeccionan la sala de pronto, en la pantalla surge alguien de la Pasarela a quién todos creían muerta.

Épisode 13 - Capítulo 52 - La cuarta dimensión

9 juin 2021

Josefa entrega a Adri la caja que robaron del banco, contiene algo que desvela su destino. La joven salva a los desparecidos pero tiene un grave percance. Márquez y el Enlace, decididos a impedirlo, organizan un plan junto con Sebas y Santos. Se enfrentan a Elena y a su ejército de mercenarios. Laura sigue dolida con su hermano


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