En pleine nature avec Bear Grylls
Année : 2014
Nombre de saisons : 6
Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 45 minutes
Genre(s) : Aventure, Télé-réalité
Le principe de l'émission est simple et ressemble par certains aspects à l'émission "Un week-end avec Bear Grylls". Souvenez-vous, dans cette émission, notre aventurier emmenait une star de la télévision dans un endroit hostile afin de lui faire découvrir ou dépasser ses limites, dans un cadre tout de même bien protégé et contrôlé. Ce qui ressemblait finalement à une randonnée assez mouvementée tout de même mais très posée par rapport à Man vs Wild. Dans Running Wild, la nouvelle émission, Bear emmène des stars de films de plus haut niveau comme, entre autres, Chaning Tatum, Ben Stiller, Zac Efron... Cette émission est beaucoup plus axée survie contrairement à "Un week-end avec Bear Grylls" ; par exemple, dans le trailer on voit quelques-uns de ces acteurs gravir des falaises à pic, ce qui promet d'être plus palpitant et semé d'aventures que dans "Un week-end avec Bear Grylls".
Saison 1
Saison 2
Saison 3
Saison 4
Saison 5
Saison 6
Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !
Épisode 1 - Zac Efron
28 juillet 2014 - 3.9/5
Bear Grylls part à l'aventure avec l'acteur Zac Efron (The Lucky One, Le Secret de Charlie, Parkland etc...) sur le plateau de Allegheny en Pennsylvanie (Etats-Unis). Alors qu'ils explorent leur environnement, Bear teste les limites de Zac Efron pour voir s'il est à la hauteur des défis imprévisibles et impitoyables de Mère Nature.
Épisode 2 - Ben Stiller
4 août 2014 - 3.9/5
Bear Grylls part a l'aventure avec l'acteur Ben Stiller (La vie secrète de Walter Mitty, Zoolander, La Nuit au musée, Mon beau-père et moi etc...) sur les montagnes escarpées de l'île de Skye au nord de l'Ecosse. Comme ils explorent leur environnement Bears teste les limites de Ben stiller dans des efforts pour voir si il est à la hauteur des défis imprévisibles et impitoyables de la Mère Nature.
Épisode 3 - Channing Tatum
11 août 2014 - 4.2/5
Bear Grylls part a l'aventure avec l'acteur Channing Tatum (Effets secondaires, Cher John, Je te promets, 21 Jump Street etc...). Comme ils explorent leur environnement Bears teste les limites de Channing Tatum dans des efforts pour voir si il est à la hauteur des défis imprévisibles et impitoyables de la Mère Nature.
Épisode 4 - Tom Arnold
18 août 2014 - 4.1/5
Bear Grylls part a l'aventure avec l'acteur Tom Arnold (True Lies, Animal Factory, Happy Endings, Body Bags (TV) etc...). Comme ils explorent leur environnement Bears teste les limites de Channing Tatum dans des efforts pour voir si il est à la hauteur des défis imprévisibles et impitoyables de la Mère Nature.
Épisode 5 - Tamron Hall
1 septembre 2014 - 4/5
Tamron Hall explores her personal tragedies and triumphs in the remote Utah desert on a two-day excursion with Bear Grylls. Along the way she makes an unlikely friend and struggles to cope when that friend becomes dinner.
Épisode 6 - Deion Sanders
8 septembre 2014 - 3.9/5
Bear Grylls takes NFL hall-of-famer Deion Sanders to the mesas and canyons of Utah for his first ever camping trip. Even though Sanders is a fish out of water, he takes a huge leap of faith and accepts Bear’s challenges.
Épisode 1 - Kate Hudson
13 juillet 2015 - 3.8/5
Bear takes Oscar nominee Kate Hudson on an adventure she will not soon forget. Their 48 hour journey finds them in the midst of the Dolamites, one of the most treacherous mountain ranges in Italy. As they hike toward the Austrian border on snow-covered exposed rock cliffs, they make some historical discoveries and work together to survive the elements. Kate also gives Bear a peek into her unique upbringing.
Épisode 2 - Jesse Tyler Ferguson
20 juillet 2015 - 4.6/5
High above the Italian Alps, Emmy-nominated actor Jesse Tyler Ferguson joins Bear Grylls for a 48 hour adventure of a lifetime. As the two negotiate the Croda Dei Tuoni, a snowy peak referred to as the “Mountain of Thunders,” they will make a 6,000 foot descent along steep sheer cliffs and sharp ridges, build a snow cave for shelter, and eventually rappel a frozen waterfall to their extraction point. Along the way, Ferguson shares some personal insight about his sudden rise to fame with “Modern Family,” his fight for marriage equality, and the challenges he faced growing up.
Épisode 3 - Kate Winslet
27 juillet 2015 - 4.4/5
Bear Grylls takes Oscar-winning actress Kate Winslet on the ride of her life as they “paramotor” to the top of the Snowdonia Mountains in Wales. They will descend through jagged, rocky cliffs and ascend up deep canyons to get to their destination on the coast. They will gather trout and earth worms and must set up camp in the very windy environment to rest before their final swim in the icy ocean waves. Along the way, Kate talks humorously about her humble upbringing and also reveals the unwavering determination that has helped her achieve movie star status.
Épisode 4 - Ed Helms
3 août 2015 - 4.6/5
Funnyman Ed Helms pushes himself to the limit when he joins Bear Grylls high atop the Colorado Mountains. Admittedly fearful of heights, Helms comes face to face with sheer cliffs, crumbling rock, and mountain-top perches where the bottom is nowhere in sight. As Bear puts him through the paces with a cringe-worthy dinner menu, Helms manages to conquer his limitations and discover a new side of himself. He also opens up about the trials and tribulations that lead him into a career in comedy.
Épisode 5 - Michelle Rodriguez
10 août 2015 - 4.3/5
Bear takes Michelle Rodriguez to one of the harshest desert in all of North America–the Red Deserts of Nevada–for a rigorous and scenic adventure. The two make a breathtaking free fall skydive from 10,000 but unexpected high winds push Michelle off course. They navigate down a massive peak and work together to survive as they repel and free climb up and out of the dangerous slot canyons to reach the desert floor. With water in scarce supply, they must come up with clever ways to stay hydrated in the punishing environment. Rodriguez has lived a daring life but learns that Mother Nature shows no mercy and sometimes slow and steady is a better strategy than Fast & Furious.
Épisode 6 - James Marsden
24 août 2015 - 4/5
James Marsden joins Bear on an adventure into the heart of Rattle Snake Canyon Utah, where they helicopter on to one of the highest arches in the area. Once atop the arch, they must repel down the narrow canyons and find a way to get up the towering cliffs on the other side. Along the way, they come face to face with their dinner–a Chuck Walla lizard. As they navigate the dangerous and unpredictable terrain, Marsden shares some insight about his unconventional rise to stardom, starting with his humble beginnings in Oklahoma.
Épisode 7 - Michael B. Jordan
31 août 2015 - 4/5
Actor Michael B. Jordan joins Bear Grylls for a 48 hour adventure in Wales. Jordan and Grylls begin their journey with a daring drop into the rough ocean waters off the coast and the tenacious team makes their way up the windswept coastline, through the jagged cliffs of Cwmorthin, and to the top of the mountains for their exit. Forced to battle the elements, the two must contend with copious amounts of rain and wind and get creative about finding warmth for the evening and food for dinner.
Épisode 8 - Drew Brees
7 septembre 2015 - 4/5
Bear Grylls ventures deep into Panama’s Camino de Cruces jungle with Super Bowl winning quarterback Drew Brees. Together, the two climb a bat-infested cave, descend hundreds of feet into a secluded cavern, and ultimately wrestle a six-foot crocodile. Along the way, Brees shares his personal stories of triumph and tragedy and reveals the drive and focus that make him a world-class athlete.
Épisode 9 - President Barack Obama
17 décembre 2015 - 4.2/5
Bear takes President Barack Obama on an adventure in the Alaskan wilderness. The two men traverse a dense forest and walk across a glacial outwash at Alaska’s famed Exit Glacier, where they observe the remarkable effects of climate change first hand. From wild salmon and catkins tea made with melting glacial water to s’mores, Bear gives the President a true taste of Alaska. Their off-the-script chat reveals the President’s thoughts on his official duties, family life at the White House, parenthood, and his own faith.
Épisode 1 - Nick Jonas
1 août 2016 - 3.8/5
Music sensation Nick Jonas joins Bear for an icy journey across the Sierra Nevada Mountains. With a blizzard bearing down, Nick and Bear must rappel down a sheer cliff before navigating an avalanche-prone mountain face. Building camp under harsh conditions, the two feast on a frozen bird, and eventually make a heart-stopping swim across a freezing lake. Along the way, Nick discusses his career, his family, and reveals how his struggle with diabetes gave him the drive to reach the pinnacle of the music world.
Épisode 2 - Julianne Hough
2 août 2016 - 4.3/5
Actress Julianne Hough and Bear initially navigate the unforgiving African terrain on ATV and must elude a pack of elephants that block their path. Rappelling from a sheer cliff, they enter a remote canyon where they evade big cats, come face-to-face with a massive snake, and navigate treacherous waterfalls before reaching their extraction point. As they make their way through the dangerous and unpredictable landscape, Julianne shares her personal story of positivity and the unwavering determination that got her to the top.
Épisode 3 - Courteney Cox
22 août 2016 - 4.3/5
Dropped along the windswept coastline of Ireland, television icon Courteney Cox and Bear must navigate jagged peaks and descend sheer cliffs, only to be battered by ocean swells. As they contend with the elements, the two struggle to stay warm and must subsist on a meager diet of maggots sourced from a rotting sheep. Courteney's limits will be tested, but her spirit shines while sharing insights on life, loss, and the joy of motherhood.
Épisode 4 - Shaquille O'Neal
29 août 2016 - 4.4/5
After being plucked from a freight train via helicopter, Bear and NBA legend Shaquille O'Neal battle dense forest, blood-sucking leeches, and 200 ft. sheer rock faces in the remote Adirondacks in search of their extraction point. Along the way, O'Neal's infectious energy, tales of legendary NBA moments, and unwavering drive to help others reminds us why he is beloved around the world. The Wild will dole out everything it's got, but it's never met a force of nature like Shaquille O'Neal.
Épisode 5 - Lindsey Vonn
5 septembre 2016 - 4/5
After roaring across crystal-clear waters in a speedboat, Bear and Lindsey must strip down and swim to shore before inching their way along the rugged coastline. After rappelling down a sheer rock wall, the two get inventive and use a spear-gun to traverse a hundred-foot deep chasm. With the sun setting, they collect a dinner of sea urchins and Bear challenges Lindsey to a swimming competition with hilarious results. Along the way Lindsey shares her journey of love, Olympic glory, and displays the focus and determination that has made her one of the most successful female athletes of all time.
Épisode 6 - Mel B
7 septembre 2016 - 4/5
Adrift on the open sea in a small rowboat, Mel B is rescued by Bear in a way you'll have to see to believe. Once ashore, the two must navigate two hundred foot cliffs, impenetrable terrain, and a final descent that sends Mel into full breakdown mode. Things don't get any easier when Bear is stung by a jellyfish, forcing Mel to employ some unusual first aid skills. Along the way, Mel details her humble upbringing, an exclusive take on the Spice Girls' triumph, and reveals the grit and determination that allowed her to conquer the world.
Épisode 7 - Marshawn Lynch
12 septembre 2016 - 4.3/5
Plucked from a medieval tower along the Corsica coastline, Bear and Super Bowl Champion Marshawn Lynch are dropped deep in a rugged mountain range where they navigate cliffs, dark chasms, and come face-to-face with the secretive French Foreign Legion. Spying a wild hog, the pair pursues the beast, but securing it for dinner will require Marshawn to dig deeper than he ever did on the gridiron. Along the way, Marshawn details his upbringing in Oakland, his “beast” mentality on the field, and his unexpected retirement.
Épisode 8 - Sterling K. Brown
22 mai 2017 - 4/5
Sterling K. Brown, joins Bear for an icy journey across the high mountains of Colorado. After a harrowing delivery into frozen wilderness via helicopter, Sterling and Bear battle plummeting temperatures as they descend a shear rock face with near disastrous consequences, track an elusive deer before settling on a less-than-appetizing dinner option, and rappel a massive frozen waterfall with heart-stopping results. Along the way, Sterling reveals the struggles of losing his father as a young boy, his commitment to family, and recounts his landmark Emmy victory.
Épisode 9 - Red Nose Day with Julia Roberts
25 mai 2017 - 4/5
Bear Grylls enlists Academy Award-winning actress Julia Roberts for a special adventure to deliver life-saving vaccines to a remote village before the vaccines expire. After a long journey to Kenya, Roberts visits with patients and medical staff at Wamba Hospital and is given life-saving cold-chain vaccines that must be kept cold on the trip ahead. She and Bear board a bush plane for the first leg of the trip, but a remote and dusty landing strip means they must jump from the moving plane before it takes off again. Forging ahead, the pair navigate through dense underbrush, cross a river full of hungry crocodiles and hippos, and stay awake through the night to monitor their precious cargo and deliver it safely to the Samburu community awaiting their arrival. The journey highlights the impact of live-saving vaccines, which Red Nose Day helps to provide to children around the world.
Épisode 10 - Vanessa Hudgens
16 septembre 2017 - 4/5
After a breathtaking repel from a helicopter, Bear and Hollywood sweetheart Vanessa Hudgens evade a boulder avalanche, summit a massive dormant volcano, and come face-to-face with a rattlesnake, which makes for a cringe-worthy dinner. Along the way, Vanessa shares insights on her meteoric rise to stardom and draws strength and determination from the memory of her late father.
Épisode 1 - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
7 mai 2018 - 4.3/5
Actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt tackles Kenya’s unyielding terrain with Bear Grylls. Dropped into the elements from a helicopter, Joseph and Bear navigate a perilous rappel, milk a camel for needed hydration, and ascend a massive rock dome that tests Joseph’s fear of heights like nothing before. As the duo battles a crocodile for the remains of a water buffalo that is their only hope for dinner, Joseph details his rise to fame and his efforts to honor the memory of his beloved brother.
Épisode 2 - Keri Russell
14 mai 2018 - 4.5/5
Actress Keri Russell joins Bear on an epic journey to the Canary Islands off the coast of Africa. After battling the dangerous, rolling rocks of a massive volcano, the duo descend into a mysterious canyon where they source a meager dinner of undigested seeds from a pigeon carcass, and test their luck with a grappling hook to escape the towering canyon walls. Later, after a cringe-worthy breakfast of crickets, Keri and Bear make a daring escape from a mountain peak using a paraglider. Along the way, Keri reveals her path to fame, her love of family, and the playful struggles of co-starring alongside her husband.
Épisode 3 - Lena Headey
21 mai 2018 - 4.5/5
Bear takes Lena on the ride of her life as they paramotor deep into the remote Spanish wilderness. Continuing on foot, they traverse a towering, razor-thin ridge before a dead-end forces a harrowing rappel. After securing a dinner of bone marrow from a goat carcass, the two must cross a lake using a makeshift raft as an unexpected storm wreaks havoc. As they battle the elements, Lena grants us exclusive details of life on "Game of Thrones," her rise to stardom, and her battle to overcome depression.
Épisode 4 - Don Cheadle
18 juin 2018 - 4.5/5
Dropped from a helicopter into unyielding terrain, Don and Bear get creative with a deer antler to cross a raging river, rappel a massive cliff, and attempt a commando-worthy climb to the top of a towering railroad bridge. But the discovery of a rotting porcupine carcass, which Bear eyes for dinner, will raise Don's pulse like nothing else. Along the way, Don details his family-oriented home life, the ups and downs of a legendary career, and the secretive workings of a Marvel movie set.
Épisode 5 - Derek Hough
25 juin 2018 - 4.4/5
Derek Hough joins Bear on a whirlwind adventure across the mountains of Bulgaria. Dropped amidst snow-capped peaks, Derek and Bear must ascend a jagged mountain ridge, make a steep rappel with Derek's cell phone as their only safety, and swim a freezing lake to reach their destination. But a surprise, death-defying final challenge will test Derek like nothing before. Along the way, Derek reveals his struggles with being bullied as a child, his devotion to his craft, and teaches Bear some much-needed dance moves.
Épisode 6 - Scott Eastwood
2 juillet 2018 - 4.4/5
Dropped into a vast labyrinth of limestone rock formations, the duo must rappel from a towering arch, cross a raging river, and descend into a dark cave to survive their journey. As they dodge a colony of bats and face-off against a snake that Bear eyes for dinner, Scott details growing up with his famous father, his love of the outdoors, and his drive to carve his own path in Hollywood.
Épisode 7 - Roger Federer
8 juillet 2018 - 4.6/5
Roger Federer joins Bear on a grand slam journey through the Swiss Alps. After meeting up amidst stunning snow-capped peaks, Bear and Roger descend a frozen waterfall and use tennis rackets as snowshoes to cross a frozen lake. After a quick snack of fish eyeballs, the pair get creative with a tennis ball to ascend a steep cliff that is their only way home. Along the way, Roger discusses the hard work it takes to achieve victory, his amusing experiences raising two sets of twins, and takes on the challenge when Bear invites him to a hilarious match of ping pong.
Épisode 8 - Uzo Aduba
15 juillet 2018 - 4.6/5
Dropped amidst snow-capped mountains, Uzo and Bear move quickly as a storm sets in, sending hail, lightning and flash floods their way. Along the way they come face-to-face with a poisonous viper, get creative to secure a dinner of field mice, and use a crossbow to zip-line across a 250 ft drop. Despite the elements, Uzo shines as she recounts her long road to fame, her family’s emigration from Nigeria, and her pride in representing the American dream.
Épisode 1 - Brie Larson in Pearl Islands
5 novembre 2019 - 4/5
Le Captain Marvel, Brie Larson, accompagne Bear dans la jungle d'une île isolée du golfe du Panama. Ils débutent l'aventure en sautant d'un hélicoptère. Ils entreprennent une périlleuse randonnée dans la mangrove pleine de crocodiles, un labyrinthe à marée haute. Il faudra les compétences de Bear et les super pouvoirs de Brie pour réussir !
Épisode 2 - Joel McHale in Arizona Slot Canyons
12 novembre 2019 - 4.2/5
Joel McHale est l'acteur de "Community" et "Talk Soup" et un aventurier avide et un athlète de l'extrême. Il rejoint Bear Grylls dans le désert d'Arizona. Ils traversent un immense canyon en fente. Mais ils doivent d'abord se supporter ! Falaises immenses, nourriture dégoûtante et stratégies de survies peu orthodoxes sont au rendez-vous !
Épisode 3 - Cara Delevingne in Sardinia Mountains
19 novembre 2019 - 4.2/5
Cara Delevingne réalise un rêve en accompagnant Bear Grylls dans une aventure. En hélicoptère, Bear mène Cara dans les montagnes de Sardaigne. À près de 1 600 m d'altitude, Bear lui montre comment braver plusieurs obstacles effrayants, dont du funambulisme à 60 m de haut et une descente en rappel dans une dangereuse cascade.
Épisode 4 - Rob Riggle in Iceland
26 novembre 2019 - 4.2/5
L'acteur Rob Riggle retrouve Bear Grylls sur le glacier Vatnajokull, en Islande. Leur aventure débute en hélicoptère. Bear et Rob doivent avancer malgré des étendues de glace dentelées et de profondes crevasses. Sans nourriture ni abri, leur mission est de retrouver un colis de secours. Sans ça, aucune chance de survivre dans la nuit glaciale !
Épisode 5 - Armie Hammer in Sardinia
3 décembre 2019 - 3.7/5
Golden Globe-nominated actor Armie Hammer pairs with Bear Grylls to scuba dive in search of an underwater sea cave reportedly used by smugglers somewhere off the coast of Sardinia. Along the way, Armie battles his paralyzing fear of heights and samples some local delicacies — and things take an unexpected turn when he gets hijacked in the middle of the expedition!
Épisode 6 - Dave Bautista in Glen Canyon, Arizona
10 décembre 2019 - 4.2/5
Bear Grylls emmène l'ancien champion du monde de WWE et star de l'action Dave Bautista dans le désert d'Arizona. Descentes périlleuses de canyon, chutes brutales et le fleuve Colorado déchaîné sont au menu. Avec Bear à ses côtés, Dave est prêt à découvrir s'il est encore capable, mais Mère Nature pourrait être son adversaire le plus coriace !
Épisode 7 - Channing Tatum in Gloppedalsura, Norway
17 décembre 2019 - 4/5
Cela fait cinq ans que Channing Tatum était apparu dans Running Wild. Le voilà de retour, dans la nature norvégienne, cette fois-ci ! L'aventure débute par un saut en parachute sur un terrain délicat, où les immenses étendues rocheuses et les falaises compliquent leur avancée. Sur plus de 11 km, Bear découvre si Channing est devenu un survivant.
Épisode 8 - Alex Honnold in the Swiss Alps
7 janvier 2020 - 4/5
Le grimpeur Alex Honnold retrouve Bear Grylls dans les Alpes suisses ! Alex connaît bien les hauteurs vertigineuses, mais il n'a pas l'habitude de tomber. Bear débute le voyage par un saut en parachute dans les montagnes, puis poursuit par une randonnée de 9 km où il lui apprend à survivre. Mais tout change lorsqu'Alex force Bear à escalader !
Épisode 9 - Bobby Bones in the Norway Fjords
14 janvier 2020 - 4/5
Bobby Bones, animateur radio, retrouve Bear Grylls pour l'aventure d'une vie sur un immense fjord norvégien ! Leur aventure débute par un vol en hélicoptère. Le danger est partout : des dômes géants en pierre aux rivières déchaînées. Leur seul moyen de s'en sortir est de descendre en rappel une chute d'eau de 91 m qui laisse Bobby sans voix !
Épisode 10 - Zachary Quinto in the Panama Jungle
21 janvier 2020 - 4/5
Bear Grylls et l'acteur Zachary Quinto s'empressent de traverser la jungle dense panaméenne avant qu'une tempête ne frappe. Ils comptent sur des techniques d'orientation primitives pour atteindre le point d'extraction. Des immenses falaises aux ravins escarpés en passant par une grotte immergée et une carcasse d'avion, les obstacles sont partout !
Épisode 1 - Anthony Mackie in the Italian Dolomites
29 mars 2021 - 4/5
Bear emmène la star de Marvel Anthony Mackie sur les plus hauts sommets des Dolomites italiennes pour une aventure qu'il n'oubliera jamais.
Épisode 2 - Terry Crews in the Icelandic Highlands
5 avril 2021 - 4.3/5
Terry Crews de "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" voyage avec Bear Grylls en l'Islande.
Épisode 3 - Danica Patrick in the Moab Desert
12 avril 2021 - 4/5
Bear Grylls emmène la championne Danica Patrick dans le désert de Moab.
Épisode 4 - Rainn Wilson in Utah's La Sal Mountains
19 avril 2021 - 4/5
Bear Grylls entraîne Rainn Wilson à l'ascension des montagnes de La Sal.
Épisode 5 - Keegan-Michael Key in the Icelandic Lava Field
26 avril 2021 - 4/5
Bear accompagne Keegan-Michael Key dans les champs de lave d'Islande.
Épisode 6 - Danny Trejo in the Moab Desert
3 mai 2021 - 4/5
Bear Grylls emmène l'icône Danny Trejo dans les canyons d'Arches, dans l'Utah.
Épisode 7 - Gina Carano In The Dolomites
10 mai 2021 - 4/5
Bear Grylls aide Gina Carano à affronter son acrophobie dans les Dolomites.
Épisode 8 - Bobby Bones and Caitlin Parker in the Sierra Nevada
17 mai 2021 - 4/5
Bear emmène Bobby Bones dans la nature avec sa fiancée Caitlin Parker.
Running Wild with Bear Grylls Trailer
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