Poster de la serie Empires


Non notée

Année : 2000

Nombre de saisons : 12

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 60 minutes

Genre(s) : Documentaire

Within the long history of civilization are great eras of struggle, triumph, and loss. These periods are reflective of the best and worst of humanity: explosive creativity, ultimate depravity, the use and abuse of power, and war.


Empires saison 1

Saison 1

Empires saison 2

Saison 2

Empires saison 3

Saison 3

Empires saison 4

Saison 4

Empires saison 5

Saison 5

Empires saison 6

Saison 6

Empires saison 7

Saison 7

Empires saison 8

Saison 8

Empires saison 9

Saison 9

Empires saison 10

Saison 10

Empires saison 11

Saison 11

Empires saison 12

Saison 12


Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization - The Revolution

10 février 2000

In the brutal world of the 5th century BC, the Athenians struggle against a series of tyrants and their greatest rival, Sparta, to create a new "society of equals."

Épisode 2 - The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization - The Golden Age

17 février 2000

The second part recounts the Greeks' heroic victory against the mighty Persian empire in 490 B.C. Tiny Athens prepares to safeguard its growing economy and infant democracy against an invasion by Persian armies of Darius the Great.

Épisode 3 - The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization - The Collapse

24 février 2000

Through the eyes of Socrates, Athens' first philosopher, viewers see the tragic descent of Athenian democracy into mob rule.The episode opens in 399 B.C., after the great philosopher Socrates has been sentenced to death and Athens lies in ruins after a war with Sparta.

Épisode 1 - Napoleon: To Destiny

1 novembre 2000

The story of Napoleon's extraordinary rise from Corsican obscurity to the victories in Italy that made him a hero to the French people and convinced him that he was destined for greatness.

Épisode 2 - Napoleon: Mastering Luck

8 novembre 2000

Charts Napoleon's ascent to absolute power, from victorious General to first Consul to Emperor of France. It describes his extraordinary achievements – from the Napoleonic Code and the Bank of France, to bridges, roads, and canals – as well as the tyrannical nature of his rule and the violent opposition of most of Europe.

Épisode 3 - Napoleon: Summit of Greatness

15 novembre 2000

Napoleon conquer most of Europe in a series of brilliant triumphs, including his legendary victory at the Battle of Austerlitz. To sustain his rule, he must keep fighting. But when he invades Spain, he has begun to reach too far.

Épisode 4 - Napoleon: The End

22 novembre 2000

Describes Napoleon's downfall, including the invasion and subsequent retreat from Russia, and his final battles, in which all of Europe is arrayed against him. Exiled to Elba, he returns to France after just ten months, only to be defeated for the last time at Waterloo. Napoleon spends his final days exiled on an island far out in the Atlantic, where he writes his memoirs and reinvents his legend.

Épisode 1 - Islam: Empire of Faith - The Messenger

29 novembre 2000 - 5/5

Focuses on the historical truth behind the extraordinary life of the prophet Muhammad, the early writings of the Koran, the creation of the first mosque, and the battle to establish the new religion. The rapid expansion of Islam overwhelmed the empires of Persia and Byzantium, creating a new empire larger than Rome.

Épisode 2 - Islam: Empire of Faith - The Awakening

6 décembre 2000

Focuses on the profound impact that Islamic civilization has had on Western culture and the course of world history. Muslim scholars from Baghdad's House of Wisdom developed our system of numerals, and acted as a channel for the intellectual legacies of Greece, Egypt and China, bringing about advances in literature, the arts, science and medicine.

Épisode 3 - Islam: Empire of Faith - The Ottomans

13 décembre 2000

Focuses on how the Ottomans established a Muslim empire more far-reaching than any that had come before. With emphasis on the harem, the center of dynastic power, where selected peasant boys could be educated for higher office, creating a caste whose only loyalty was to the Sultan.

Épisode 1 - The Roman Empire in the First Century - Order From Chaos

11 juillet 2001

La mort de Jules César, en l'an 44 avant Jésus-Christ, conduit Rome au bord du chaos. La guerre civile fait rage entre les partisans et les opposants du dictateur assassiné. Le jeune Octave, petit-neveu et fils adoptif de Jules César, parvient à tirer son épingle du jeu. En s'alliant au général Marc Antoine, il acquiert l'appui militaire qui lui faisait défaut.

Épisode 2 - The Roman Empire in the First Century - Years of Trial

11 juillet 2001

Quand Tibère accède au titre d'empereur en 14, à la mort d'Auguste, la tâche qui lui incombe est énorme. La révolte gronde en Egypte, en Judée et surtout en Germanie, où des légions romaines se rebellent contre le pouvoir. Avec le soutien de son neveu, Germanicus, Tibère parvient à conserver la paix. Mais, lassé par la vie romaine, l'empereur se retire sur l'île de Capri où il se livre aux pires débauches.

Épisode 3 - The Roman Empire in the First Century - Winds of Change

18 juillet 2001

En 54, l'empereur Claude est assassiné par son épouse Agrippine. Celle-ci a désormais les mains libres pour asseoir son fils Néron sur le trône. Elle lui adjoint un tuteur, le philosophe Sénèque, pour parfaire son éducation. Celui-ci tente de faire du jeune homme un empereur juste et tolérant. Si Néron se montre volontiers sensible, notamment dans le domaine des arts, il est, par ailleurs, impitoyable dans le monde politique. Ainsi, il n'hésite pas à faire tuer sa mère et à pousser Sénèque au suicide, quand il les soupçonne de comploter contre sa personne. Il se livre également à de terribles persécutions envers les chrétiens.

Épisode 4 - The Roman Empire in the First Century - Years of Eruption

25 juillet 2001

Le suicide de Néron, peu après sa disgrâce, provoque une guerre de succession. Plusieurs généraux veulent s'emparer de l'empire. L'année 69 voit ainsi défiler quatre empereurs : Galba, Othon, Vitellius et Vespasien. Ce dernier apporte la stabilité au monde romain en rétablissant la paix. Son règne est marqué par des travaux architecturaux d'envergure comme la construction du Colisée, mais aussi par la terrible éruption du Vésuve, qui entraîne la disparition de Pompéi et Herculanum. Après dix ans de pouvoir, Vespasien cède la place à ses fils, Titus et Domitien.

Épisode 1 - Queen Victoria's Empire - Engines of Change

1 août 2001

Beginning with the birth of Queen Victoria, this episode explores the changes brought to Britain by the industrial revolution. By the 1840s, urban migration has created overcrowding and extremes in pollution and poverty. However, British subjects remain loyal to their Queen. Prince Albert, Victoria's husband, becomes a guiding force in the monarchy. Benjamin Disraeli and William Gladstone, political stars with starkly contrasting visions of empire, turn the nation's attention abroad.

Épisode 2 - Queen Victoria's Empire - Passage to India

8 août 2001

In the 1850s, one half of the world's industrial goods are made in Britain, and steamships bring British exports and families to far corners of the globe. In India, the clash of Victorian values and Indian culture explodes in the Great Mutiny and Cawnpore massacre of 1857. Appalled by the bloodshed, Victoria and Albert draft a proclamation to assume direct rule over India. This episode also reveals the devastating effects of The Crimean War, the first major war of Victoria's reign, and the death of Prince Albert.

Épisode 3 - Queen Victoria's Empire - The Moral Crusade

15 août 2001

By 1861, Britain is the wealthiest and most powerful nation on earth. However, the death of Prince Albert weakens Victoria, and many of his political ideals fade from importance. David Livingstone's explorations of the African interior fascinate the British public. Disraeli and Gladstone battle for control of the British government and debate the course of empire. The purchase of the Suez Canal solidifies British presence in the Middle East, igniting a stampede for the colonization of Africa.

Épisode 4 - Queen Victoria's Empire - The Scramble for Africa

22 août 2001

The Suez Canal is threatened by a holy war in the Sudan, and General Charles Gordon, killed by the rebels, becomes an "imperial martyr." Cecil Rhodes prospects diamond deposits in southern Africa, and asserts British control in the region. However, as Victoria celebrates her Diamond Jubilee, the empire is on the verge of its darkest hours. The Boer War leads to devastating losses and a reassessment of British purpose. Finally, in 1901, the death of Queen Victoria marks the end of an extraordinary era.

Épisode 1 - Egypt's Golden Empire - The Warrior Pharaohs

28 février 2002

In 1560 BC, Egypt was divided into two. Its very existence was threatened from both north and south. But one family was determined to restore Egypt to its former glory.

Épisode 2 - Egypt's Golden Empire - Pharaohs of the Sun

7 mars 2002

When Amenhotep III became pharaoh in 1390 BC, Egypt controlled a vast empire and was rich, respected and free. But it faced the challenge of powerful new rivals.

Épisode 3 - Egypt's Golden Empire - The Last Great Pharaoh

14 mars 2002

The reign of Ramesses II - known also as Ramesses the Great - marked the high point of the New Kingdom and the high point of Egyptian culture. But like any highpoint, it was all downhill as the New Kingdom gradually fell into ruin.

Épisode 1 - Peter & Paul and the Christian Revolution - Episode One

30 avril 2003

With their Messiah executed, their dreams crushed, and their cause deemed subversive by the strongest empire the world had ever seen, Jesus' followers faced a bleak future. Their movement seemed destined for extinction. Incredibly, though, Jesus' survivors turned defeat to victory; devastation to jubilation.

Épisode 2 - Peter & Paul and the Christian Revolution - Episode Two

7 mai 2003

Spread outside Judea by missionaries like Peter and Paul, the Jesus movement caught on quickly among Jews and non-Jews around the Roman Empire. With success, however, came challenges: challenges from hostile locals; challenges from imperial forces; and challenges from conflicting ideas within the movement itself.

Épisode 1 - Kingdom of David: The Saga of the Israelites - By the Rivers of Babylon

14 mai 2003

Covers the development of the Hebrew Bible, and the history of the Jewish Culture from Abraham to the start of the Babylonian Captivity.

Épisode 2 - Kingdom of David: The Saga of the Israelites - The Book and the Sword

21 mai 2003

This episode covers the history of the Jewish culture and religion from the end of the Babylonian Captivity to the conquest of the Maccabee Kingdom by the Roman Republic.

Épisode 3 - Kingdom of David: The Saga of the Israelites - The End of Days

28 mai 2003

This episode covers the time in Jewish culture from the start of Roman Rule in 63 B.C. to the destruction of King Herod's Temple by Vespesian in 70 A.D.

Épisode 4 - Kingdom of David: The Saga of the Israelites - The Gifts of the Jews

4 juin 2003

This episode starts with the fall of Masada in 70 A.D. It chronicles the Bar Kockba rebellion and its aftermath.

Épisode 1 - Martin Luther: Driven to Defiance

9 juillet 2003

For the keenly spiritual Luther, the Catholic Church's promise of Salvation is irresistible. When confronted with corruption within the Catholic Church, Martin Luther attempts to foster reform.

Épisode 2 - Martin Luther: The Reluctant Revolutionary

16 juillet 2003

Alarmed by his defiance, the Catholic Church uses all of its resources to try and silence Luther.

Épisode 1 - The Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance - Birth of a Dynasty

4 février 2004

From a side-street off the main piazza in Florence, Cosimo's father, Giovanni de'Medici, manages the up-and-coming Medici bank. In one shrewd move, Medici father and son gamble on a Papal election and win. The reward for their loyalty is the entire Papal bank account. On the back of this contract, the Medici bank expands across Europe, elevating the family to the Florentine elite.

Épisode 2 - The Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance - The Magnificent Medici

11 février 2004

Florence, August 1466: Lorenzo de'Medici, the 17-year-old heir to the dynasty, foils a murderous plot against his father and saves his family from a coup d'etat. The Medici still dominate Florence, but now take extra precautions, picking a useful bride for Lorenzo. Clarice Orsini, a baron's daughter and cardinal's niece, brings connections, class, and military muscle to the Medici dynasty.

Épisode 3 - The Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance - The Medici Popes

18 février 2004

Florence, 1501: 26-year-old Michelangelo carves a giant masterpiece which will come to symbolize his struggle against a family he once adored. Raised from a young age alongside the Medici heirs he watched as they were cast into exile with a price on their heads. Now they are searching for a path back to power.

Épisode 4 - The Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance - Power vs Truth

25 février 2004

Florence, 1537: Alessandro de'Medici the Duke of Florence, lies murdered in his bed. His cousin is plucked from obscurity to lead Florence. He is just 17. His rivals think he's a puppet, but despite his youth, Cosimo de'Medici, the new Duke of Florence, is ambitious.

Épisode 1 - Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire - The Way of the Samurai

26 mai 2004

Tokugawa Ieyasu unifies Japan and establishes a dynasty that will rule Japan for over 250 years.

Épisode 2 - Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire - The Will of the Shogun

2 juin 2004

The grandson of Ieyasu, Tokugawa Iemitsu, tightens control over Japan's warlords and expels all foreigners.

Épisode 3 - Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire - The Return Of The Barbarians

9 juin 2004

Isolated from the West, 18th century Edo flourishes culturally and economically, becoming one of the liveliest cities in the world. But foreign forces are coming.

Épisode 1 - Richard the Lionheart & Saladin: Holy Warriors - Part 1

24 décembre 2005

This docudrama explores the epic of King Richard the Lionhearted and his struggle to save Christendom's holiest city, Jerusalem, from its Muslim conqueror, Saladin. Draws upon original Muslim and Christian sources as well as interviews with scholars from both the East and the West. Filmed in the Middle East, it tells the story that defined religious conflict for centuries and transformed Richard and Saladin into legends.

Épisode 2 - Richard the Lionheart & Saladin: Holy Warriors - Part 2

24 décembre 2005

This docudrama explores the epic of King Richard the Lionhearted and his struggle to save Christendom's holiest city, Jerusalem, from its Muslim conqueror, Saladin. Draws upon original Muslim and Christian sources as well as interviews with scholars from both the East and the West. Filmed in the Middle East, it tells the story that defined religious conflict for centuries and transformed Richard and Saladin into legends.


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