Poster de la serie Dingue de toi

Dingue de toi


Année : 1992

Nombre de saisons : 8

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 25 minutes

Genre(s) : Comédie

Lui, c'est Paul, réalisateur de documentaires vidéo, un homme prudent et réfléchi. Elle, c'est Jamie, femme de relations publiques, elle est extravertie et impulsive. Mais ils sont dingues l'un de l'autre ! Fraîchement installés à Manhattan, ils doivent s'adapter aux habitudes de l'un, aux humeurs de l'autre et également supporter la belle-famille et les amis envahissants... Dans la huitième saison, vingt ans plus tard, après le départ de leur fille, Paul et Jamie Buchman réapprennent à vivre en tête-à-tête.


Dingue de toi saison 1

Saison 1


Dingue de toi saison 2

Saison 2


Dingue de toi saison 3

Saison 3


Dingue de toi saison 4

Saison 4


Dingue de toi saison 5

Saison 5


Dingue de toi saison 6

Saison 6


Dingue de toi saison 7

Saison 7


Dingue de toi saison 8

Saison 8



Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - Romantic Improvisations

23 septembre 1992 - 4.4/5

Paul et Jamie Buchman, jeunes mariés, tentent de préserver l'harmonie et l'amour dans leur couple en surmontant, avec humour, de multiples obstacles. Lorsqu'un de leurs dîners en tête-à-tête est perturbé par quelques amis, on constate qu'ils ne manquent pas de ressources...

Épisode 2 - Sofa's Choice

30 septembre 1992 - 4.3/5

Apprenant la présence en ville de Lynne, une ancienne petite amie du collège, Paul se précipite chez lui afin de visionner le film qu'il avait réalisé à l'époque. Cependant, Jamie rentre pus tôt que prévu...

Épisode 3 - Sunday Times

7 octobre 1992 - 4.2/5

N'arrivant pas à se mettre d'accord sur la manière dont ils vont passer leur dimanche, Paul et Jamie dressent un planning très précis de leur journée afin de satisfaire leurs envies respectives.

Épisode 4 - Out of the Past

14 octobre 1992 - 4.2/5

Bien qu'il ait horreur de faire les courses avec sa femme, Paul accepte exceptionnellement de l'accompagner. Car, aujourd'hui, elle a décidé d'acheter un nouveau canapé.

Épisode 5 - Paul in the Family

21 octobre 1992 - 4.2/5

Tandis que Paul est anxieux à propos d'un documentaire qu'il a réalisé, Jamie tente d'obtenir un poste important dans les relations publiques.

Épisode 6 - I'm Just So Happy for You

28 octobre 1992 - 4/5

Les parents de Jamie sont sur le point d'arriver. Paul remarque que sa femme est extrêmement nerveuse...

Épisode 7 - Token Friend

4 novembre 1992 - 4.2/5

Jamie persuade Paul d'affronter un ancien rival. Celui-ci l'accuse d'avoir ruiné sa carrière de réalisateur et d'être devenu, à cause de lui, un simple contrôleur de métro.

Épisode 8 - The Apartment

11 novembre 1992 - 4.3/5

Paul et Jamie engagent un femme de ménage russe pour mettre de l'ordre dans leur appartement. Un problème de communication met Paul dans une situation plutôt gênante...

Épisode 9 - Riding Backwards

18 novembre 1992 - 4.2/5

En pleine rédaction de leur testament, Paul et Jamie ne sont pas d'accord sur de nombreux points, notamment l'appartement d'étudiant de Paul qu'il sous-loue toujours.

Épisode 10 - Neighbors from Hell

9 décembre 1992 - 4.1/5

Refusant une invitation à dîner de Mark et Fran, Paul organise pour Jamie une soirée calme et romantique dans leur appartement. Toutefois, leur tête-à-tête tourne vite au désastre à cause de leurs nouveaux voisins, Hal et Maggie Conway.

Épisode 11 - Met Someone

16 décembre 1992 - 4.1/5

Alors qu'ils se rendent en train chez les parents de Jamie pour passer les fêtes de Thanksgiving, Paul et sa femme sont surpris d'y rencontrer Mark, Fran et leur fils Ryan.

Épisode 12 - Maid About You

6 janvier 1993 - 4.1/5

Jamie se retrouve en charge d'une campagne publicitaire touristique pour New York. Elle décide d'embaucher son mari afin de l'aider à réaliser son projet. Mais rapidement, ils se disputent sur leurs visions artistiques.

Épisode 13 - Togetherness

13 janvier 1993 - 4.1/5

Paul se souvient comment, trois ans auparavant, il avait rencontré Jamie, une séduisante étrangère, et comment il s'y était pris pour lui proposer un premier rendez-vous.

Épisode 14 - Weekend Getaway

27 janvier 1993 - 4.2/5

Pour la Saint Valentin, Paul et Jamie sont invités chez Fran. Mais le jour J, ils s'enferment accidentellement dans leur salle de bain...

Épisode 15 - The Wedding Affair

6 février 1993 - 4.2/5

Invités au mariage d'un de leurs meilleurs amis, Paul et Jamie sont aussi élégants que stressés. Paul fait une révélation désobligeante sur la mariée et Jamie confesse quelques détails de leur intimité que Paul aurait préféré ne jamais entendre...

Épisode 16 - Love Among the Tiles

13 février 1993 - 4.2/5

Le temps d'un week-end, Paul et Jamie ont choisi d'aller se relaxer à la campagne. Mais parfois, le silence de la nature est difficile à gérer...

Épisode 17 - The Billionaire

20 février 1993 - 4/5

Jamie a toujours eu un comportement très protecteur envers sa soeur Lisa. Et cela ne s'arrange pas quand cette dernière décide d'habiter avec l'élu de son coeur, un Anglais qu'elle connaît depuis peu et dont la passé s'avère bien mystérieux...

Épisode 18 - The Man Who Said Hello

27 février 1993 - 4/5

Freddy Stadler, un milliardaire excentrique, propose à Paul de produire son projet de documentaire. Il en est d'abord très flatté mais la suite va se gâter...

Épisode 19 - Swept Away

1 mai 1993 - 4.1/5

Paul emmène Jamie, son cousin Ira, et son père voir un spectacle à Broadway. En pleine présentation, Burt, le père de Paul, importune tous les spectateurs en voulant apostropher une personnalité présente dans la salle...

Épisode 20 - The Spy Who Loved Me

8 mai 1993 - 4.1/5

Paul est très excité car Jamie lui propose de dîner avec sa cliente qui n'est autre que Diane Caldwell, une héroïne de séries des années 60 qui a hanté ses fantasmes d'adolescent...

Épisode 21 - The Painter

15 mai 1993 - 4.1/5

Paul et Jamie organisent leur premier anniversaire de mariage. Malheureusement, leurs plans sont perturbés lorsqu'ils apprennent que Fran et Mark ont décidé de ses séparer...

Épisode 22 - Happy Anniversary

22 mai 1993 - 4.1/5

Jamie fait appel à son ancien petit ami Sherman pour repeindre leur appartement, ce qui provoque la jalousie de Paul... Un jour en rentrant, ce dernier entend des bruits étranges en provenance de la chambre.

Épisode 1 - Murray's Tale

16 septembre 1993 - 4/5

Lisa takes Murray out for a walk and returns with a dog that obviously isn't him. Paul and Jamie go to the police whilst friends and family join the hunt for the real Murray. While reuniting with Murray, they meet the couple who own the better-behaved look-alike.

Épisode 2 - Bing, Bang, Boom

23 septembre 1993 - 4/5

Phone calls, noisy neighbors and Murray chasing an invisible mouse are some of the distractions that Paul and Jamie face while struggling to find romance during a long-awaited evening together.

Épisode 3 - Bedfellows

30 septembre 1993 - 4/5

A heart attack scare sends Paul's father to the hospital, leaving his mother home alone, until Jamie tries to score some much needed points with her mother-in-law by offering to stay the night to keep her company.

Épisode 4 - Married to the Job

7 octobre 1993 - 4.2/5

An evening out at Riff's sees Paul complaining about his meddlesome new producer, and Jamie venting about her credit-claiming boss, who happens to be seated nearby.

Épisode 5 - So I Married a Hair Murderer

14 octobre 1993 - 4/5

Paul is anything but pleased with Jamie, who has too much free time on her hands, and uses it to cut his hair and his film, improving on the original cut.

Épisode 6 - The Unplanned Child

28 octobre 1993 - 4/5

Paul's shooting schedule leaves it all up to Jamie to go out trick-or-treating on Halloween with his seven-year-old nephew, whose extended two-hour visit Paul forgot to mention to her.

Épisode 7 - Natural History

4 novembre 1993 - 4/5

What brought Paul and Jamie together? Was it fate or a big coincidence? Jamie's belief that it was fate annoys Paul to no end, especially because Jamie is spending more time with Lisa than with him.

Épisode 8 - Surprise

11 novembre 1993 - 4/5

Jamie suspects a surprise party waiting for her at home. However, that's not what Paul has arranged for her birthday. They then get separated on the subway en route to the surprise.

Épisode 9 - A Pair of Hearts

18 novembre 1993 - 4/5

A free weekend in Atlantic City has been mysteriously arranged for Jamie, Paul, Fran & Ira, by Ira's ex-wife as it turns out, is now a casino hostess who wants Ira to sign divorce papers.

Épisode 10 - It's a Wrap

2 décembre 1993 - 4/5

An unemployed Jamie is envious of Paul, whose work is something he loves to do. Meanwhile, Paul feels betrayed by his producer Lou, who is now tampering with Paul's latest labor of love.

Épisode 11 - Edna Returns

9 décembre 1993 - 4/5

Lisa acquires her 15 minutes of fame under a pseudonym in her shrink's book, and Paul is caught in the middle of the sibling squabble that follows when Jamie takes exception to being called Lisa's overbearing sister.

Épisode 12 - Paul is Dead

6 janvier 1994 - 4/5

The death of a Paul Buchman affects Jamie and Paul quite suddenly, leaving them without cash or credit. Meanwhile, Paul is morbidly curious about his deceased namesake.

Épisode 13 - Same Time Next Week

13 janvier 1994 - 4/5

Jamie and Paul must endure two months of separation when Paul has to shoot a film in Chicago, returning only for the weekends, weather permitting.

Épisode 14 - The Late Show

27 janvier 1994 - 4/5

Fran tells Jamie that she may be pregnant, and Paul finds out from Ira that Ira may have gotten someone pregnant, but neither realizes that it is Ira who might have gotten Fran pregnant.

Épisode 15 - Virtual Reality

3 février 1994 - 4/5

Paul invests in a startup venture, bringing out a virtual-reality system with Ira, after a demo but without consulting Jamie, who reacts calmly to his actions, both real and imagined.

Épisode 16 - Cold Feet

10 février 1994 - 4/5

A Valentine's Day story that begins with Jamie and Paul rink side at Rockefeller Center and moves back three years to the day they finally moved in together and ended up engaged.

Épisode 17 - Instant Karma

14 février 1994 - 3.8/5

Jamie's fortune cookie predicts that bad luck will follow the guilty, but Paul is convinced her bad luck is being visited on him even as they head to a party at Yoko Ono's place.

Épisode 18 - The Tape

24 février 1994 - 4/5

Jamie and Paul are horrified to discover that Paul has unwittingly handed over a revealing homemade video of them to the Family Network, instead of a documentary about a zoo.

Épisode 19 - Love Letters

10 mars 1994 - 4/5

The Buchmans find letters written by former tenants of their apartment chronicling a World War II love story that Jamie feels parallels her and Paul's relationship.

Épisode 20 - The Last Scampi

7 avril 1994 - 4/5

Jamie and Paul refuse to take sides in an incident between their mothers, while Lisa plays both sides to her advantage. Meanwhile, Murray is found to be suffering from his own mother issues.

Épisode 21 - Disorientation

28 avril 1994 - 4/5

The night before Jamie returns to school she worries that Paul might not support her fully. In the morning, before Jamie leaves, Paul realizes that he has forgotten to mail her registration.

Épisode 22 - Storms We Cannot Weather

5 mai 1994 - 4/5

Perturbed by Jamie's chumminess towards her younger classmate, Nick, Paul accompanies them on a blind date that Jamie organises for Nick & Fran. While organising a movie about the world's fastest short-order cook, Paul runs into Fran's estranged ex-husband, Mark, working as the restautant's busboy.

Épisode 23 - Up All Night

12 mai 1994 - 4/5

Jamie is suffering from sleeplessness because she drank four cups of tea full of coffeine while studying for a test. Restless and board, Jamie urges Paul to spend the night awake with her which leads them to an all-night adventure in the building, from the basement to the rooftop, which ends with a tango together with John Astin, if that's who he really is.

Épisode 24 - With This Ring... (1)

19 mai 1994 - 4/5

Paul finds Mark working in a local store. After he meets the owners of the shop, Kim & Tammy, Paul finds out that Mark is learning to pray Zen. While Mark is trying to make him join him in prayer, Paul finds out that he lost his wedding ring. Worried about what will jamie say, Paul rushes to the house to find it.

Épisode 25 - With This Ring... (2)

19 mai 1994 - 4/5

The real marriage anniversary arrives and Jamie gives Paul a gift - a swiss military knife - and receives a gift from Paul - a machine for making sugar products. Both disappointed with their gifts, they go to a store where it turns out that they have totally different opinions about children. Then, when they have lunch with Paul's sister, they try to entertain Susan's son Nah while she's on the phone. Paul realizes that having kids is nothing different than having a dog, but Jamie has a totally different opinion.

Épisode 1 - Escape from New York

22 septembre 1994 - 3.8/5

A wave of heat and the death of climate device rushes Paul and Jamie to find a refreshment. They go out on the streets of NY, but find out that there it's even worse. Jaime convinces Paul that they should runaway from the town and have dinner in a restaurant by the sea where they used to eat. But, while borrowing Fran's car, Jamie gets upset to find out that Fran got her old job...

Épisode 2 - Home

29 septembre 1994 - 3.8/5

The war of the Buchmans and the Conways is fully engaged as rumors fly about the apartment building going co-op. Meanwhile, Murray and Sophie, Conway's dog, find true love and then some more.

Épisode 3 - Till Death Do Us Part

6 octobre 1994 - 3.8/5

After Jamie's dearest uncle dies, Paul, Jamie and Lisa find themselves together on his funeral. But, when Jamie convinces Paul to make a speech, he insluts her entire family with uncomfrontable notices. However, Paul soon realizes that he is the one who is upset, because Jamie insists that her uncle Van's ashes would be in their house until they find a better place for him.

Épisode 4 - When I'm Sixty-Four

13 octobre 1994 - 3.8/5

The Wickers have a big fight and Mr. Wicker moves in with the Buchmans. Meanwhile, Jamie finally succumbs to an eye exam, where she finds out that she'll have to wear glasses. But, to decide between between glasses and contact lenses is so hard that it seems to be mission: impsossible.

Épisode 5 - Legacy

20 octobre 1994 - 3.8/5

Arranging an appearance by a former Yankee player for Buchman's Sporting Goods annual midnight sale, Jamie gets her PR juices flowing. But Paul is left feeling uncomfortable, for more reasons than one.

Épisode 6 - Pandora's Box

3 novembre 1994 - 4/5

Jamie works around Paul's opposition to having a TV in their bedroom, and hotwires an additional cable outlet with Fran's help. The resulting complications ultimately lead to a city-wide blackout.

Épisode 7 - The Ride Home

10 novembre 1994 - 3.8/5

Fran's birthday party is the setting for Jamie's unexpected encounter with an ex-boyfriend, and the saga of who dumped whom dominates her evening. The cab ride home provides two interlocking perspectives of the evening's events.

Épisode 8 - Giblets for Murray

17 novembre 1994 - 3.8/5

Jamie's perfect Thanksgiving feast involves a buffet for ten and five turkeys, thanks to Murray and the extremely friendly neighborhood grocer Kim.

Épisode 9 - Once More With Feeling

8 décembre 1994 - 3.8/5

As the Buchmans' sex life waxes and wanes, Lisa snags a pair of free dinners, Fran loses a window office and Ira acquires a silent partner.

Épisode 10 - The City

15 décembre 1994 - 3.8/5

A bad day in the Big Apple leaves Jamie unwilling to go out to see a feel-good movie, but Paul talks her into an evening out, if only to meet Ira's new girlfriend.

Épisode 11 - Our Fifteen Minutes

5 janvier 1995 - 3.8/5

Paul is one of six documentary filmmakers selected by PBS to turn the camera on themselves for 15 minutes, and in his case, it turns into a big surprise.

Épisode 12 - How to Fall in Love

19 janvier 1995 - 3.8/5

Paul's ideas on how to meet and engage the opposite sex are tested by Jamie in a hypothetical encounter, while Ira has a very real encounter with Jamie's friend.

Épisode 13 - Mad About You (1)

2 février 1995 - 3.8/5

The saga of the three months leading up to Paul and Jamie's wedding, what with the invitations, the reception menu, the dress fittings, the band selection, the rehearsal dinner and the remarkable goings-on of the night before the wedding.

Épisode 14 - Mad About You (2)

2 février 1995 - 3.8/5

The saga of the three months leading up to Paul and Jamie's wedding, what with the invitations, the reception menu, the dress fittings, the band selection, the rehearsal dinner and the remarkable goings-on of the night before.

Épisode 15 - Just My Dog

9 février 1995 - 3.8/5

The tale of Murray's showbiz career, spawned by a walk-on appearance in a commercial directed by Paul, advanced by an eager agent, leading all the way to an audition for a series.

Épisode 16 - The Alan Brady Show

16 février 1995 - 3.8/5

Paul finds it very difficult to deal with the considerable ego of a legendary TV star, until help arrives in the form of a tip from a surprising quarter.

Épisode 17 - Mad Without You

23 février 1995 - 3.8/5

Jamie goes up to Connecticut to keep her dad company, and the home-alone Paul gets quite giddy enjoying his role as ""Lord of the Manor.""

Épisode 18 - Purseona

9 mars 1995 - 3.8/5

Paul's Canadian adventure gets off to a bad start and Jamie's pitch to a client does likewise while Lisa's day is smooth sailing after she accidentally snags her sister's purse and more.

Épisode 19 - Two Tickets to Paradise

30 mars 1995 - 3.8/5

Paul and Jamie use his parents' non-refundable package for a holiday in the Caribbean, telling tall tales in multiple languages.

Épisode 20 - Money Changes Everything

27 avril 1995 - 4/5

Marianne returns from Luxembourg, sans her husband, but with ""more money than Canada,"" eager to finance Ira's new catalog business with an interest-free loan, but his silent partner finds voice to veto the deal.

Épisode 21 - Cake Fear

4 mai 1995 - 4/5

The saga of Paul's birthdays since meeting Jamie, going back and then forth, recounting the disasters and the strange tale of a bottle of Grandfather Port.

Épisode 22 - My Boyfriend's Back!

11 mai 1995 - 4/5

Jamie is obliged to work on an advertising campaign with ex-boyfriend Alan, a graphics artist, who has recently published a comic book about an evil queen in outer space. But the queen's looks and exploits sound like anything but fiction to Jamie.

Épisode 23 - Up in Smoke (1)

18 mai 1995 - 4/5

Unable to buy her an anniversary present, with or without everyone else's help, Paul hands Jamie a slip of paper entitling her to a magical night. Things take a decidedly unusual turn after that.

Épisode 24 - Up in Smoke (2)

18 mai 1995 - 4.1/5

Unable to buy her an anniversary present, with or without everyone else's help, Paul hands Jamie a slip of paper entitling her to a magical night. Things take a decidedly unusual turn after that.

Épisode 1 - New Sleep-Walking PLUS

24 septembre 1995 - 4/5

Jamie is enthralled by it, Paul doesn't remember it, Murray didn't see it, and Ira laughs at it--another night and the day after in the Buchmans' lives. Meanwhile, Paul finds employment at the Explorer Channel.

Épisode 2 - The Parking Space

1 octobre 1995 - 4/5

After a four year wait, the Buchmans finally have dibs on a parking space in a nearby garage, but still no car.

Épisode 3 - The Test

8 octobre 1995 - 4/5

A long wait at the bus stop leaves time for the Buchmans to take a Cosmopolitan marriage test. (Clip show).

Épisode 4 - The Good, the Bad and the Not-So-Appealing

29 octobre 1995 - 4/5

Inspired by a Martha Stewart idea, Sylvia organizes a high-noonish tag-what-you-want lunch for her family, complete with a shoot-out in the kitchen with Jamie.

Épisode 5 - I Don't See It

5 novembre 1995 - 4/5

At first, Paul has only a vague notion he knows who Jamie's interview at City Hall is with, but he figures it out and complicates matters when Jamie and Fran are about to land an important account.

Épisode 6 - Yoko Said

12 novembre 1995 - 4/5

Yoko Ono is in town for some film happenings and Paul tries to do something different for the Explorer Channel with her help.

Épisode 7 - An Angel for Murray

19 novembre 1995 - 4/5

With Murray around, the Buchmans are no dinks, so when Lisa demurs they are obligated to hire a professional to walk Murray. And Murray seems to prefer the newcomer to Paul.

Épisode 8 - The Couple

26 novembre 1995 - 4/5

Three lies, two shows and a realization as Jamie and Paul figure out ""why it will never happen"" to them, or so one is led to believe when their new friends turn out to be not quite what they pretend to be.

Épisode 9 - New Year's Eve

17 décembre 1995 - 4/5

Paul and Jamie are obliged to spend New Year's Eve apart for the first time, but strange happenings in Times Square have a will and a way all their own.

Épisode 10 - Ovulation Day

7 janvier 1996 - 4/5

Paul and Jamie try to time a love-in-the-afternoon rendezvous back at their apartment, but his family shows up at the most inopportune time, with Debbie springing a big surprise: she's gay.

Épisode 11 - Get Back

14 janvier 1996 - 4/5

Jamie throws out her back during adventurous sex on the floor, leaving Paul to help out with her duties at City Hall while also trying to get his father to an optometrist's appointment.

Épisode 12 - Dream Weaver

4 février 1996 - 4/5

A night of cascading dreams of Paul and Jamie's, featuring ostriches, ducks and a party with the frug, with lots of interpretation and a poem (and a half) by Henry Gibson.

Épisode 13 - Hot and Cold

18 février 1996 - 4/5

Ira resumes gambling, wins a lot, hands out generous presents and then takes a $4,000 bath--no problems for him, but a couple for the Buchmans.

Épisode 14 - Fertility

25 février 1996 - 4/5

Paul and Jamie embark on an organic fertility enhancement program with Mark's help, plus a day off at a fancy local hotel at Fran's suggestion.

Épisode 15 - Everybody Hates Me

10 mars 1996 - 4/5

Jamie tries a new look with interesting consequences, while Ira feels betrayed at the love game, let down by his quality wingman Paul, who digs himself a big hole discussing beauty.

Épisode 16 - Do Me a Favor

17 mars 1996 - 4/5

The saga of a daisy-chain of favors, triggered by the young daughter of Ira's girlfriend wanting an autographed picture of the mayor, and complicated by Paul and his fancy new camera.

Épisode 17 - The Glue People

24 mars 1996 - 4/5

After talking to Fran, Ira and Mark the Buchamns realize that their friends are in a big fight due to Fran & Ira's recent relationship so Jamie decides to take everybody to dinner to straighten things up between everybody. Lance Brockwell decides to candidate for town major, so Jamie and Fran become the campaign managers. However, Jamie is not happy due to Paul's belief that Giuliani would be a better major. When Jamie asks Paul to make a campaign commercial, it turns out to be so great that everybody gets on Brockwell's side for which Paul is not too happy for.

Épisode 18 - The Sample

31 mars 1996 - 4/5

The next step in the Buchman baby saga is trying to find out if Paul is the reason Jamie is unable to conceive. They rush to the hospital, but everything seems to be trying to stop them. First, they must wait for their neighbors to come to the elevator and then, when their car gets stolen, Paul must do his 'sample' all over again which is also interrupted by a car chase on tv which results to be Buchamns car chased by the NYPD bomb squad.

Épisode 19 - The Procedure

14 avril 1996 - 4/5

Jamie undergoes a minor diagnostic procedure and is quite smitten by her doctor so as Fran. Meanwhile, Paul's job is on the risk when the head people from his office find out that he did a commercial for Brockwell, due to crashing his contract rule. When Hollis walks in on Ira and Paul talking, Ira presents himself as Paul's agent and later saves Paul's job at the Explorer Channel.

Épisode 20 - The Weed

21 avril 1996 - 4/5

Jamie tries to plan for a weekend getaway in Pennsylvania Dutch country, but Paul is preoccupied with his current documentary project about a weed to be interested. Meanwhile, Fran and Mark decide to get on the getaway that Jamie planned. Paul gets too stressed with his job and keeps on fighting with Hollis which leads them both to a surprising reaction of their boss.

Épisode 21 - The Award

28 avril 1996 - 4/5

Nominated once again for the Silver Sprocket, a reluctant Paul is coaxed into a tuxedo by Ira and expects to attend the ceremony with Jamie at his side to counter the weasels from the Explorer Channel and find new connections for new jobs. Of course, things don't quite work out that way.

Épisode 22 - The Finale (1)

5 mai 1996 - 4/5

After a week's reflection and ignoring Ira's emphatic advice not to, Paul decides to tell Jamie about his walk around the block with a female filmmaker he met at the Silver Sprocket Awards, except Jamie blurts out first the matter that has been on her mind all day: Berkus came on to her.

Épisode 23 - The Finale (2)

19 mai 1996 - 4/5

Ira and Lisa try to engineer the Buchman reconciliation, except it proves easier to resolve the scheduling conflict between Burt and Sylvia's 45th anniversary party and Lisa's engagement party.

Épisode 24 - The Finale (3)

19 mai 1996 - 4/5

Paul and Jamie take a walk through the park to talk their differences out by themselves. They succeed, and return to their apartment, where Jamie springs a surprise on Paul.

Épisode 1 - Dr. Wonderful

17 septembre 1996 - 4/5

With Mark Devanow in Europe, a pregnant Jamie and Paul have to look around for a gynecologist, and Debbie tries to set them up with her girlfriend. Meanwhile, the elder Buchmans finally get to meet Debbie's ""friend.""

Épisode 2 - The Grant

24 septembre 1996 - 4/5

Jamie tries to stay awake, avoid coffee and continue to manage Brockwell's campaign. Meanwhile, while Paul is trying to figure out how to use a sizeable grant that has come his way, his Uncle Phil asks Paul and Ira to visit him in Brooklyn.

Épisode 3 - Therapy

15 octobre 1996 - 4/5

Months after setting it up, Paul and Jamie decide to keep their appointment with the therapist Fran referred them to, but doing so delays Paul's shoot of his parents' reminiscences, with some interesting consequences.

Épisode 4 - The Clip Show

22 octobre 1996 - 4/5

Having chosen the residents of Apartment 11-D as its parents, the baby in the making deals with musical interludes and parental cooing, and with lots and lots of choice moments from their years together. In other words, a clip show.

Épisode 5 - Burt's Building

29 octobre 1996 - 3.8/5

Filming of Paul's documentary takes him and Burt back to their old apartment building for the day, and events conspire to make Paul late for an appointment at Joan's office to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time.

Épisode 6 - Jamie's Parents

12 novembre 1996 - 4/5

The Stemples arrive at Paul and Jamie's for a two-day visit, armed with a surprise, and another soon follows.

Épisode 7 - Outbreak

19 novembre 1996 - 4/5

The Buchmans decide the time and place of their grand announcement, but the leaks start early during Thanksgiving week.

Épisode 8 - Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge

26 novembre 1996 - 4/5

While Ira counsels against it, Paul contemplates abstinence until July. However, Jamie has other ideas and talks Paul into a trip upstate where they chance upon a dessert item with magical powers.

Épisode 9 - The Gym

17 décembre 1996 - 4/5

Paul so likes playing the mystery man at a local gym that he talks Jamie out of working there, whereupon she hands over her free pass to a homeless acquaintance from the neighborhood.

Épisode 10 - Chicken Man

7 janvier 1997 - 4/5

Jamie finally lets her coworkers and Lance know about the baby, while Ira, turning money man and producer for ""Buchman,"" actually manages to produce a narrator, at least in voice.

Épisode 11 - The Recital

14 janvier 1997 - 4/5

A politically incorrect Jamie pays the price for commenting about Ryan's ability as a budding violinist, while a simmering Paul works up the nerve to confront their therapist about her overcharging ways.

Épisode 12 - The Handyman

21 janvier 1997 - 4/5

The perils of engaging Paul and Jamie's handyman are visited upon Lisa, whose fiance is more than willing to finance Paul's over-budget documentary project.

Épisode 13 - Astrology

4 février 1997 - 4/5

Nat's sister, an astrologer, is in town and agrees to do charts for Lisa, Ira, Paul and a very reluctant Jamie.

Épisode 14 - The Penis

11 février 1997 - 4/5

The Buchmans promise to name their baby, if it's a boy, after Paul's ailing Uncle Phil, then find out his real name. Meanwhile, Paul is suddenly sure of the baby's sex.

Épisode 15 - Citizen Buchman

18 février 1997 - 4/5

Paul's great-uncle Marty dies on camera as he is being interviewed for ""Buchman"" and his cryptic last words lead to a few unexpected disclosures among the Buchman clan.

Épisode 16 - Her Houseboy, Coco

25 février 1997 - 4/5

An enforced bed-rest of two to three days for Jamie means that Paul has to attend to her every need, and also deal with lack of heat in their apartment AND a kidnapping.

Épisode 17 - On the Road

18 mars 1997 - 3.8/5

To escape Jamie's baby shower, Paul hits the road with Ira and Marvin in the latter's van, but his urge to tell insensitive jokes quickly leads to trouble.

Épisode 18 - The Cockatoo

1 avril 1997 - 4/5

Paul talks an unwilling Jamie into quitting her job at the mayoral campaign, but he is less successful in dealing with an exotic bird that flies into their lives.

Épisode 19 - The Touching Game

15 avril 1997 - 4/5

A very pregnant Jamie insists on helping out at David (Paul's cousin) and Jared's new coffee shop, with disastrous results. Meanwhile, Ira and Paul help a pregnant woman on a bus.

Épisode 20 - The Dry Run

29 avril 1997 - 4/5

Paul and Jamie flunk out of a birthday class that Joan has managed to get them enrolled in. Meanwhile, ""Buchman"" is being held hostage by the elder Buchmans.

Épisode 21 - Guardianhood

6 mai 1997 - 4/5

Paul and Jamie are advised by their lawyer to select guardians for the baby in case of their death. But, to their astonishment, rejections pile up. Meanwhile, Jamie is flattered by the attentions of an 18-year-old Bobby Rubenfeld.

Épisode 22 - The Feud

13 mai 1997 - 4/5

Theresa and Sylvia vie for the new crib honors, with predictable consequences. On another front, Paul wins big at poker but is paid off by Marvin in the form of specially-priced household chores.

Épisode 23 - The Birth (1)

20 mai 1997 - 4/5

As Paul's documentary gets a surprisingly good review at a film festival, Jamie thinks she is going into labor. So they rush to the hospital, only to find out it was a false alarm. This happens several more times, until it's finally for real.

Épisode 24 - The Birth (2)

20 mai 1997 - 4/5

Jamie runs into an old flame in a cab on the way to the hospital. Meanwhile, Paul gets a grand tour of the innards of Roosevelt Hospital courtesy of a film star. And, oh yeah, the baby arrives.

Épisode 25 - The Birth - extra

- 3/5

Épisode 1 - Coming Home

23 septembre 1997 - 3.8/5

The first day back from the hospital finds Paul and Jamie still figuring out how to care for their daughter and what to name her, until help arrives in the form of Jamie's mother.

Épisode 2 - Letters to Mabel

30 septembre 1997 - 4/5

Jamie kicks off a letter-writing spree by penning one to her infant daughter to be read on her 18th birthday. Ira and Joan join in on the fun, while Paul goes through draft after draft.

Épisode 3 - Speed Baby

28 octobre 1997 - 4/5

Jamie stumbles upon a strange cure to Mabel's crying fits, while Paul valiently tries to catch a few winks before an important meeting with a Belgian distributor.

Épisode 4 - Uncle Phil and the Coupons

4 novembre 1997 - 4/5

The search for a preschool for the three-week old Mabel cannot begin soon enough, but has to compete for attention with the coupon fraud trial of Uncle Phil, and an odd caper involving Jamie and Ira.

Épisode 5 - Moody Blues

11 novembre 1997 - 4/5

Jamie resents being tagged with the dime-store psychological cliche that is postpartum depression, and almost wrecks the wedding plans of a stranger. Meanwhile, Paul directs a charity production of ""The Pirates of Penzance.""

Épisode 6 - The Magic Pants

18 novembre 1997 - 4/5

The Buchmans find a baby-sitter they are comfortable with, but Paul and Jamie's first evening out by themselves begins with Paul not in his pants and ends on an even more unusual note.

Épisode 7 - Le Sex Show

25 novembre 1997 - 4/5

Paul and Jamie grapple with the pressure of having sex for the first time since Mabel's birth, but their therapist seems not much help.

Épisode 8 - The New Friend

9 décembre 1997 - 4/5

Paul and Jamie meet a new neighbor, Sarah, a divorced mother of three who manages to teach Jamie a more casual style of parenting. Also, Paul and Jamie conspire to set up Sarah on a blind date with Ira.

Épisode 9 - The Conversation

16 décembre 1997 - 4/5

Paul and Jamie try to help each other get through the excruciating process of ""Ferberizing"" the baby--they must allow the child to cry herself to sleep without comforting her. The psychological and moral implications of this are discussed and debated at length.

Épisode 10 - Breastfeeding

6 janvier 1998 - 4/5

Jamie is reluctant to stop breast-feeding exclusively, but she knows it's time for the baby to learn to feed from the bottle, while Paul is excited to be able to feed the baby for the first time. Meanwhile, Jamie's upset to learn that her mom is dating a much younger man, a dancer from ""Lord of the Dance.""

Épisode 11 - Good Old Reliable Nathan

13 janvier 1998 - 4/5

When Paul gives a speech at a college, he's shocked to discover that Jamie lost her virginity to the visiting professor. It's a comedy of errors as the professor believes Paul is angry and wants to do the professor harm. Meanwhile, Ira meets a woman who flirts with him only to get better burial plots.

Épisode 12 - Separate Planes

20 janvier 1998 - 4/5

It's the first plane flight with the baby and Paul and Jamie take separate planes--they're told it's not uncommon for new parents to do to avoid orphaning a baby in the event of a tragedy. Paul takes Mabel and winds up using her to lead a passenger revolt on the plane to demand less heat in the cabin. Meanwhile, Jamie's looking forward to a break from mothering, yet she ends up mothering everyone.

Épisode 13 - Cheating on Sheila

24 février 1998 - 4/5

When Paul and Jamie feel that their current therapist, Sheila, isn't quite helping out, Paul and Jamie see another therapist, Sydney. They love Sydney enough to ""break up"" with Sheila--that is, until they find out that Sydney's hour of therapy is too expensive. Meanwhile, Paul grapples with how to get his father to stop suffocating Paul socially.

Épisode 14 - Back to Work

3 mars 1998 - 4/5

Jamie decides to go back to work, and everything says to go back to work. There's only one problem: she doesn't want to and tries to get herself fired. Meanwhile, Paul confronts the newspaper journalist who wrote an article filled with errors about ""Buchman.""

Épisode 15 - The Second Mrs. Buchman

17 mars 1998 - 4/5

Jamie discovers that Paul was married before--if only to get an old Russian woman U.S. citizenship. Jamie's upset that she is, indeed, the second Mrs. Buchman. Meanwhile, Paul is an umpire for his father's senior-citizen baseball game, and a fight erupts between father and son over a call.

Épisode 16 - The Coin of Destiny

24 mars 1998 - 4/5

When Paul innocently flips a coin to make a decision, Paul's former producer overhears a conversation that puts Paul and Jamie in the limelight with the tabloid program ""Hard Copy."" Also, Ira finds that he's the prime suspect in a paternity case, and Paul's parents try their luck in Atlantic City.

Épisode 17 - The Caper

31 mars 1998 - 4/5

Paul's birthday party turns into an event worthy of a detective mystery when Maggie and Hal suspect Buchman party guests of stealing a prestigious painting from their adjacent apartment. Meanwhile, Marvin gets into a growling match with Murray.

Épisode 18 - The Baby Video

14 avril 1998 - 4/5

Paul, Jamie and Ira decide to make a baby video. However, Paul starring as the Sandman frightens kids and turns them off to the concept. Meanwhile, Paul's parents tell him he has a half-brother.

Épisode 19 - Fire at Riff's

28 avril 1998 - 4/5

Paul convinces Jamie to quit her job. Joan is posing for ""The 20 Most Eligible Bachelorettes in New York"" for a magazine and Debbie is jealous. Paul, Jamie, Ira, Joan and Debbie go to Riff's, where a fire breaks out while Paul is in the bathroom. Ira saves Ursula's life while Jamie, Debbie and Joan run out, leaving Paul in the bathroom. Joan asks Debbie to marry her.

Épisode 20 - Mother's Day

5 mai 1998 - 4/5

Paul tries to pick a Mother's Day present for Jamie, but Ira and Marvin have better ideas: a rocking chair and a message displayed on the Times Square video screen. Sylvia is jealous of Jamie's gifts and fakes injury to steal attention.

Épisode 21 - Paul Slips in the Shower

12 mai 1998 - 4/5

Paul's life flashes before his eyes when he takes a spill in the shower.

Épisode 22 - Nat & Arley

19 mai 1998 - 4/5

Paul and Jamie act as matchmakers for dogwalker Nat and babysitter Arley. Meanwhile, Ira tries giving up sex, and Paul makes a discovery about Jamie when they go to a sleep clinic.

Épisode 23 - The Finale

19 mai 1998 - 4/5

Paul and Jamie search for a full-time nanny, and Paul finds one in the form of Nancy Bloom, a caterer he inadvertently got fired from the production of a documentary about ""The Making of Titanic.""

Épisode 1 - Season Opener

22 septembre 1998 - 4/5

Paul tries Viagra and spends the day hiding the obvious effects while he searches for Jamie, who is stuck on the streets of New York wearing nothing alse then a towel.

Épisode 2 - A Pain in the Neck

29 septembre 1998 - 4/5

When Paul gets his tonsils taken out, his pretty nurse makes Jamie jealous. Meanwhile, Mabel says her first word.

Épisode 3 - Tragedy Plus Time

27 octobre 1998 - 4/5

Jamie's ex-boyfriend dies and leaves everything to her. Debbie has second thoughts about marrying Joan.

Épisode 4 - There's a Puma in the Kitchen

3 novembre 1998 - 4/5

To satisfy her need to mother, Lisa adopts a cat with attitude. Jamie learns the benefits of a ""nooner.""

Épisode 5 - The Silent Show

10 novembre 1998 - 4/5

To help their communication problems, Dr. Sheila recommends that Paul and Jamie not talk to each other for the rest of the day.

Épisode 6 - Weekend in L.A.

17 novembre 1998 - 4/5

Paul and Jamie go to L.A. to try to get superagent Gardner Malloy to represent him. The life of luxury makes them reluctant to go back.

Épisode 7 - The Thanksgiving Show

24 novembre 1998 - 4/5

Jamie and Paul have a full house for Thanksgiving dinner. Meanwhile, Mabel may be allergic.

Épisode 8 - The Buried Fight

14 décembre 1998 - 4/5

When Paul inadvertently injures Hal, he hires the nurse who attended to him after his tonsil removal. Jamie hates her, which leads to a fight. To end the argument, Hal suggests the British tradition of burying the fight.

Épisode 9 - Farmer Buchman

11 janvier 1999 - 4/5

Mr. Wicker goes out of town and asks Paul and Jamie to tend his rooftop garden. Mabel loves another baby's rare toy.

Épisode 10 - Win a Free Car

18 janvier 1999 - 4/5

To save the store, Ira plans to give away a car to the person who keeps their hand on it the longest. Since he can't afford it, he wants all of the contestants to be ringers.

Épisode 11 - The Honeymoon

25 janvier 1999 - 4/5

Dr. Lee helps Paul and Jamie get away to a much-anticipated honeymoon while Lisa cares for Murray.

Épisode 12 - Valentine's Day

8 février 1999 - 4/5

Paul and Jamie spend an unsettling trial night in the suburbs.

Épisode 13 - Virtual Reality II

22 février 1999 - 4/5

The couple learns that Jamie will be in bed with Mark McGwire via virtual reality.

Épisode 14 - Uncle Phil Goes Back to High School

1 mars 1999 - 4/5

Uncle Phil goes back to high school. Lisa gets breast implants.

Épisode 15 - Murray at the Dog Show

26 avril 1999 - 4/5

Sheila declares Paul and Jamie cured. However, Murray is still traumatized by the earlier puma attack, so Paul and Jamie enter him in a dog show.

Épisode 16 - Millennium Bug

26 avril 1999 - 4/5

Jamie's dress is ruined by a dry cleaner who is unwilling to make restitution. Paul has a dream where Einstein gives him a partial solution to the millennium bug. He needs to have the dream again, so he can get the rest of the solution.

Épisode 17 - Separate Beds

3 mai 1999 - 4/5

Paul and Jamie discover the extra comfort of sleeping apart. Marvin is wrestling part time and Ira becomes his manager.

Épisode 18 - Stealing Burt's Car

10 mai 1999 - 4/5

Ira finds a note in some old pants that remind him of a date made twenty years ago but he doesn't remember with whom. Paul and Jamie steal Burt's decrepit car so they can ditch it, since he won't sell it.

Épisode 19 - Paved with Good Intentions

13 mai 1999 - 4/5

Paul accidentally runs over Jamie's mother. While she is in the hospital, her estranged husband visits.

Épisode 20 - The Dirty Little Secret

17 mai 1999 - 4/5

When Debbie compiles Buchman and Stemple family trees, she learns that Paul and Jamie are actually cousins.

Épisode 21 - The Final Frontier (1)

24 mai 1999 - 3.8/5

Mabel's first real film is a biography, looking back at her family's twisted history.

Épisode 22 - The Final Frontier (2)

24 mai 1999 - 3.7/5

Mabel's first real film is a biography, looking back at her family's twisted history.

Épisode 1 - The Kid Leaves

20 novembre 2019 - 3.8/5

When Paul and Jamie drop their daughter Mabel off for her first day of college, it quickly becomes clear that they have very different ideas of what their lives after children will look like.

Épisode 2 - Restraining Orders and Puppies

20 novembre 2019 - 3.5/5

After too many surprise dorm visits, Mabel forces Jamie to sign a contract limiting contact for the next 48 hours, and suddenly Paul finds himself in the parenting hot seat.

Épisode 3 - Body Heat

20 novembre 2019 - 3.5/5

Jamie makes the decision to get back into the work force, but time and menopause conspire against her. Meanwhile, Paul is invited to speak to Mabel’s class only after promising to Mabel that no one will know they’re related.

Épisode 4 - The Toothpick

20 novembre 2019 - 3.5/5

Jamie spins out when one of her meticulously crafted scrapbooks documenting Mabel’s childhood disappears. Meanwhile, Ira shocks everyone (himself included) when he asks Lucia to marry him.

Épisode 5 - Boundaries and Nakedness

20 novembre 2019 - 3.5/5

Tonya oversees Jamie’s sessions as she transitions back into the workplace as a therapist. At the gym, Paul is going through a battle of his own as Mark is upset that Paul refuses to be naked around him.

Épisode 6 - Monkeys, Lies and Withholding

20 novembre 2019 - 3.8/5

Paul and Jamie pay a visit to the retirement home to visit Paul’s mother, Sylvia, and her new boyfriend, Ralph. Meanwhile, an unexpected visitor walks into Ira’s restaurant.

Épisode 7 - The Will To Live

18 décembre 2019 - 3.8/5

Paul and Jamie's concerns about mortality and getting their affairs in order are triggered when they attend the funeral of Paul and Ira's Childhood friend.

Épisode 8 - Anderson Cooper and Other Fantasies

18 décembre 2019 - 3.5/5

When Lisa is double-booked on her celebrity pet-sitting obligations, Jamie volunteers Paul to stay at Anderson Cooper's place, allowing him his first bachelor night in years.

Épisode 9 - The Cheese Stands Alone

18 décembre 2019 - 3.8/5

Paul and Jamie are forced to make a tough decision about the future of their home when a wealthy buyer expresses interest in their apartment.

Épisode 10 - Real Estate for Beginners

18 décembre 2019 - 3.7/5

Following Sheila's advice, Paul and Jamie head to a marriage boot camp in the Berkshires in hopes of working out their issues.

Épisode 11 - Erotica and Expulsion

18 décembre 2019 - 3.3/5

Paul and Jamie help Mabel deal with the fallout after a school experiment goes awry; Jaime stumbles upon an unconventional way Tonya can help Donovan overcome his sleepless nights.

Épisode 12 - Happy Birthday, Bon Voyage, Goodbye for Now

18 décembre 2019 - 3.7/5

Paul and Jamie try to plan a surprise birthday party for Mabel while she intends to reveal a big surprise of her own.




Derniers avis

avatar de du commentaire : Trailer revival / saison 8 :

13/11/2019 - Aucune note

Trailer revival / saison 8 :

avatar de du commentaire : Retour le 20/11.

05/09/2019 - Aucune note

Retour le 20/11.

avatar de du commentaire : Le revival est officiellement commandé.

06/03/2019 - Aucune note

Le revival est officiellement commandé.

avatar de du commentaire : Le revival pourrait finir sur CBS. Il devrait porter sur le syndrome du nid vide pour Paul et Jamie après le départ de Mabel au collège.

16/05/2018 - Aucune note

Le revival pourrait finir sur CBS. Il devrait porter sur le syndrome du nid vide pour Paul et Jamie après le départ de Mabel au collège.

avatar de du commentaire : Les 2 acteurs principaux ont signé pour reprendre leur rôle.

13/04/2018 - Aucune note

Les 2 acteurs principaux ont signé pour reprendre leur rôle.

avatar de du commentaire : Un revival est en cours de développement.

27/12/2017 - Aucune note

Un revival est en cours de développement.