Poster de la serie Different Dreams

Different Dreams


Année : 2019

Nombre de saisons : 1

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 35 minutes

Genre(s) : Drame

L'histoire de Different Dreams se déroule à Gyeongseong à la Mandchourie et à Singapour pendant l'occupation coloniale japonaise. Lee Yeong Jin est une chirurgienne de Joseon élevée par des parents japonais. Kim Won Bong est un dirigeant d'une société secrète qui se bat pour l'indépendance de la Corée. Les deux personnages deviennent des agents secrets pour le gouvernement provisoire coréen basé à Shanghai.


Different Dreams saison 1

Saison 1


Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - Female Doctor Of Joseon

4 mai 2019

Kim Won Bong fears that Park Hyeok may be a traitor for not checking in, and when he and Nam Ok see him talking to Chief Inspector Matsurra, they shoot him. Needing more intel, Matsurra takes him to the hospital, where Lee Young Jin saves Hyeok's life. Meanwhile, Kim Esther, another woman surgeon transfers to the Government General Hospital.

Épisode 2 - Kim Esther

4 mai 2019

Matsurra forces the hospital to wake Hyeok up using epinephrine. When he gains consciousness, he tells them a female doctor who is a spy, code name Bluebird, will kill him. Later, Won Bong sneaks into the hospital at night and tries to finish Hyeok off, but Young Jin stops him.

Épisode 3 - Bluebird

4 mai 2019

Matsurra takes Young Jin into custody with evidence of her being an accomplice to the attempted murder of Chief Nagumo. Won Bong hears of her arrest and that she is being held at the same place as Hyeok. While Matsurra interrogates her on his suspicion, Kim Won Bong makes another attempt to kill Hyeok.

Épisode 4 - Young Jin Gets Released

4 mai 2019

When Won Bong tries to help Young Jin escape from Matsurra, she refuses his help. Hyeok commits suicide and leaves Matsurra in disbelief. Later, Matsurra attempts to fabricate evidence to indict Young Jin but is stopped by Prosecutor Fukuda. Now free from Matsurra's hands, Young Jin decides to go to Shanghai.

Épisode 5 - Shanghai

11 mai 2019

To get to Yoo Tae Joon, Oda sends Fukuda to Shanghai on intel that Kim Seung Jin, a spy working for Yoo Tae Joon, will be heading there. With the Japanese Consulate to support him, Fukuda puts a tail on a man who could be Kim Seung Jin. Meanwhile, in Shanghai, Kim Won Bong gets his chance to meet Du Wol Seong, the boss of Cheongbang, to ask for a favor.

Épisode 6 - Cheongbang

11 mai 2019

Word travels to Kim Won Bong and Fukuda, informing them of Young Jin's capture by Cheongbang, a notorious gang running Shanghai. Frustrated at Kim Seung Jin's tight lips, Won Bong fearlessly enters Cheongbang's headquarters head on. Meanwhile, back in Joseon, Hiroshi learns of Oda's intention of investigating Young Jin under the suspicion of having ties to Yoo Tae Joon that outrages him.

Épisode 7 - A Ticking Time Bomb

11 mai 2019

Young Jin makes it out alive and starts to be amicable towards Kim Won Bong. However, when she meets with Prosecutor Fukuda, she tells him that the Bureau of Judicial Affairs of the Joseon Government is after her and questions his sincerity. Later, she joins Won Bong and Seung Jin to meet with Yoo Tae Joon in Manchuria.

Épisode 8 - The Train

11 mai 2019

On their way to Manchuria, Won Bong discovers someone tailing them. And without learning of the man's identity, he eliminates him. Back in Gyeongseong, Matsurra finds incriminating photographs of Oda and warns him to tread lightly. Meanwhile, Hiroshi meets with the director of the hospital for dinner with a very personal drink.

Épisode 9 - Two Paths, One Destination

18 mai 2019

Won Bong and Young Jin arrive safely in North Manchuria and meet Yoo Tae Joon. Won Bong warns him that his whereabouts is known and asks him if he would allow his bomb technician to go back to Gyeongseong with him. Meanwhile, back in Gyeongseong, Matsurra assembles a task force team, Special Duty Team One, and learn of the hospital director's death.

Épisode 10 - Majar, The Bomb Technician

18 mai 2019

Matsurra starts to investigate the hospital director's mysterious death. With his hunch and intel that Hiroshi had drinks with him the night before, he acquires the bottle they shared. Meanwhile, Won Bong and Tae Joon learn that Majar, the one carrying Comintern’s funds, was captured by the Kwantung army and begin to bear arms.

Épisode 11 - A New Start

18 mai 2019

To avenge Yoo Tae Joon's death, Won Bong and Young Jin infiltrate the base camp of the Kwantung army and kill Murai. Now that they've acquired Comintern's funds and Majar, the bomb technician, they part their ways. But before they do so, Young Jin reveals to Won Bong that she works for the Korean Patriotic Corps.

Épisode 12 - The Pharmacy

18 mai 2019

Ishida, the chief surgeon, finds poison in the bottle Hiroshi and the late hospital director shared and questions him about it. Hiroshi admits to it but confidently reminds him of his background. Meanwhile, Won Bong returns to Gyeongseong with a plan after meeting Kim Gu in Shanghai, and Young Jin starts to work at Joseon Government General Hospital.

Épisode 13 - Hyehwa Boutique

25 mai 2019

Prosecutor Fukuda suspects information was leaking from Oda's office to Matsuura. After disclosing what he had found to Oda, he sets up a trap to flush out the rat. Meanwhile, Won Bong makes contact with the provisional government's secret hideout and asks for nitroglycerin.

Épisode 14 - Nitroglycerin

25 mai 2019

As the director of the Joseon Government General Hospital, Hiroshi asks his daughter, Young Jin, to fill the vacant vice-director position. Nam Ok and Majar enter the Joseon Gunpowder Plant and successfully sneak out the nitroglycerin they need. Meanwhile, Seung Jin secretly tries to see his wife and almost puts the Heroic Corps in grave danger.

Épisode 15 - Count Noda

1 juin 2019

Won Bong asks Young Jin about her relationship with Prosecutor Fukuda. He then warns her that if he were to become a hindrance to their purpose, he would kill him, she tells him that she will eliminate him herself. Later, Won Bong discloses Count Noda as their target and asks Young Jin to help with the assassination.

Épisode 16 - The Assassination

1 juin 2019

With the help of Young Jin, Won Bong carries out Count Noda's assassination. However, Miki, who was present at the event, clues into the fact that Young Jin had stopped her from ingesting the poison. Despite knowing what had happened, Miki sits and watches as Count Noda gasps for life.

Épisode 17 - Trust

1 juin 2019

Won Bong disseminates a warning letter to the Joseon Governor Office to alert them of the Heroic Corps revolutionary movement. The warning puts Oda, Kento, and Matsuura desperately wanting to capture Won Bong. Meanwhile, the Heroic Corps plan their attack on the Joseon Governor Office.

Épisode 18 - The Electrician

1 juin 2019

Won Bong infiltrates the Joseon Governor Office disguised as an electrician. He plants a bomb in one of the offices and hides in the basement waiting for it to detonate. When the bomb fails to explode, he heads back up to manually detonate the explosive device.

Épisode 19 - Kuroba Kaito

8 juin 2019

After the explosion at the Governor Office, Hiroshi brings in the military police to protect the governor. However, Oda and Kenta oppose and try to stop any reports of the bombing from being true. Meanwhile, Fukuda and Matsuura start to investigate possible leads, starting with the suspicious power outage and the electrician.

Épisode 20 - The Swap

8 juin 2019

Fukuda pursues the lead with the electrician and visits Yoshino Electric Company to verify his identity. But when he gets there, he is greeted by Nam Ok who carefully redirects his suspicions. Meanwhile, Won Bong regains his consciousness, and Seung Jin calls Matsuura in secret.

Épisode 21 - What The Heart Wants

8 juin 2019

Fukuda tells Young Jin to wake Mr. Kuroba Kaito using an injection, and when she does, Won Bong spews up blood and fakes his death. Just as she and the Heroic Corps had planned, Fukuda buys into the act. Meanwhile, Seung Jin deals with Matsuura and tells him he wants a part of the bounty for giving him Won Bong.

Épisode 22 - The Betrayal

8 juin 2019

Matsuura goes to meet Seung Jin expecting to get Kim Won Bong in his hands. However, when Matsuura meets with him, he finds out it was all a trap. Meanwhile, Won Bong takes an unsuspecting Nam Ok to a warehouse bearing arms.

Épisode 23 - Different Paths, Same Dream

15 juin 2019

Kim Gu meets with Young Jin and Won Bong in Gyeongseong and shares information regarding an assassination attempt. Matsuura interrogates people from Namdaemun street to find Kim Seung Jin. Meanwhile, Oda gets word that Kim Gu may be secretly in Gyeongseong, and a correspondent from the Eastern Daily newspaper arrives.

Épisode 24 - Lee Bong Chang

15 juin 2019

While trying to extract Eastern Daily's Shanghai correspondent Shin Eon Jun from Geumseong Hotel, Won Bong runs into Fukuda at the lobby. However, as Won Bong leaves the hotel, Matsuura gives chase. Later, Murai suddenly appears at Hiroshi's residence.

Épisode 25 - Enemy At All Sides

15 juin 2019

Because of Murai, Young Jin worries that Hiroshi will learn of her true identity. She tells Won Bong about Murai's threat and warns him that he is after him dead or alive. Meanwhile, Murai meets with Oda and asks about Kim Won Bong's bounty.

Épisode 26 - A Way Out

15 juin 2019

Nam Ok, Majar, and Jung Im listen in on Murai's telephone calls in a room next to his and find out that Madam Yu is holding information. With the Jongno Police one step behind, Won Bong and Nam Ok get to it before they do. Meanwhile, Hiroshi arrests his wife Hyun Ok for leaking information.

Épisode 27 - Deception

22 juin 2019

The military police raid Club Gyeongseong and arrest General Murai. They confiscate documents he had given to Madam Yu and warn them not to say a word of their visit. Meanwhile, Matsuura and Fukuda interview an employee at the telecommunication company with no promising leads.

Épisode 28 - Yun Bong Gil

22 juin 2019

After learning that Young Jin is Bluebird, Hiroshi tells Fukuda to find her and to bring her alive. In Shanghai, Won Bong and Kim Gu listen to Yun Bong Gil, a vegetable merchant, who plans to strike Japan during a war victory celebration held at Hongkou Park, Shanghai. Meanwhile, Fukuda deduces that the Heroic Corps and Kim Gu's spy are in Shanghai.

Épisode 29 - Hongkou Park

22 juin 2019

Won Bong and Young Jin meet with Du Wol Seong, the boss of Cheongbang, and ask for his help in evacuating Kim Gu after the revolt in two days. Meanwhile, Fukuda and his Special Duty Team One arrive in Shanghai where he tells only Matsuura of his secret order of delivering Lee Young Jin alive.

Épisode 30 - The Standoff

22 juin 2019

With help from Cheongbang, Yun Bong Gil enters Hongkou Park and throws a bomb, successfully killing and wounding key Japanese commanders. After the attack, Fukuda and Matsuura go after Kim Gu and surround the Provisional Government of Korea's building. Meanwhile, Young Jin heads to the Consulate General of France to ask for their support.

Épisode 31 - Refuge

29 juin 2019

Matsuda and Taro try to flee from the scene but get held up by Jung Im at gunpoint. Shortly after, Fukuda and Nam Ok come from behind. As the situation escalates, Jung Im fires her gun at Fukuda, critically injuring him as she and Nam Ok get away. Meanwhile, back in Gyeongseong, Hiroshi hears of the standoff and visits the governor.

Épisode 32 - A Different Target

29 juin 2019

Won Bong, Young Jin, and the Heroic Corps head back to Gyeongseong with a plan. Fukuda also returns after hearing of his father's death. The news of his death overcomes any feelings he had for Young Jin that shifts his target to Hiroshi. With the documents found stating the identity of Young Jin, he, Matsuura, and Oda take Hiroshi in for questioning.

Épisode 33 - The Messy War

29 juin 2019

Frightened for his life and for his family's, Oda tells Fukuda to drop everything on Hiroshi. However, Matsuura claims that he'll take it into his own hands. Later that night, Young Jin goes to see Hiroshi at his house and sits with him face-to-face with a hidden gun.

Épisode 34 - The Goodbye

29 juin 2019

Young Jin leaves Hiroshi saying goodbye, however, when he goes after her as she leaves the house, Won Bong shoots him in the arm. When he goes to the hospital to get treated, Hiroshi finds out that Dr. Ishida had told Matsuura and Fukuda about the poison he found in the bottle. Meanwhile, Won Bong, Nam Ok, and Majar scout out the Jongno Police Station, and Hiroshi asks to see Matsuura.

Épisode 35 - Tinderbox

6 juillet 2019

Hiroshi dies on the operating table. With his death, Madam Yu passes on the letter he had written to Fukuda with earnest words imploring him to protect Young Jin. Meanwhile, Daiki puts a tail on Majar that leads Matsuura right to the Heroic Corps.

Épisode 36 - The Shootout

6 juillet 2019

Jung Im is killed in a shootout with the Jongno Police. Majar and Se Joo get taken back to the station and tortured for Young Jin's whereabouts. Nam Ok gets away after seeing Jung Im fall but returns to avenge her death. Meanwhile, Young Jin and Won Bong meet with Fukuda and listen to what he has to say.

Épisode 37 - The Pistol

6 juillet 2019

Fukuda walks into the Jongno Police Station and brings out Se Joo, the only survivor of the Heroic Corps taken into custody. Outraged and embarrassed, Kento orders Matsuura to find Nam Ok at all costs. Meanwhile, Won Bong sneaks away from Young Jin to find Nam Ok.

Épisode 38 - The Last Bullet

6 juillet 2019

Nam Ok hides in a small town. However, it's not long until he gets surrounded by Jongno Police with over 250 men. He soon gets flushed out but manages to find refuge in the bell tower of a church. With only one bullet left, he refuses to surrender.

Épisode 39 - Club Gyeongseong

13 juillet 2019

Oblivious to what Wong Bong has planned, high-ranking Japanese officials and Joseon aristocrats attend a party held at Club Gyeongseong, including Matsuura, who is the only one with a hunch of something big to happen. Won Bong asks Young Jin to leave Gyeongseong first and to not show up at the club. Meanwhile, Won Bong and Se Joo arm themselves with the help of Maru.

Épisode 40 - For the Independence of Korea

13 juillet 2019

During the party, Kim Won Bong opens fire. As he gets pinned down, Lee Young Jin appears sustaining multiple bullets from Matsuura. Although Won Bong gets away, Young Jin is carried out by Fukuda. Matsuura gets promoted to become the commissioner, and later, with Fukuda's pledge for the independence for Korea, Matsuura stands in the scope of Young Jin's rifle.


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