Poster de la serie Connections


Non notée

Année : 1978

Nombre de saisons : 3

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 50 minutes

Genre(s) : Documentaire

The original ten volume series was made in 1978. The popular success of the series led to two sequels, Connections 2 (sometimes written Connections2) in 1994, and Connections 3 (or Connections3) in 1997, both produced for TLC. By turning science into a detective story James Burke creates a series that will fascinate students and adults alike. This interdisciplinary approach has never before been applied to history or science and it succeeds tremendously. Winner of the Red Ribbon in the American Film Festival, the scope of the series covers 19 countries and 150 locations, requiring over 14 months of filming. As the Sherlock Holmes of science, Burke tracks through 12,000 years of history for the clues that lead us to eight great life changing inventions-the atom bomb, telecommunications, the computer, the production line, jet aircraft, plastics, rocketry and television. Burke postulates that such changes occur in response to factors he calls "triggers," some of them seemingly unrelated. These have their own triggering effects, causing change in totally unrelated fields as well. And so the connections begin...


Connections saison 1

Saison 1

Connections saison 2

Saison 2

Connections saison 3

Saison 3


Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - The Trigger Effect

17 octobre 1978

Both the beginning and the end of the story are here. The end is our present dependence on complex technological networks illustrated by the NYC power blackouts. Life came almost to a standstill: support systems are taken for granted failed. How did we become so helpless? The technology originated with the plow and agriculture. Each invention demands its own follow-up: once started, it is hard to stop. This segment ends in Kuwait, where society has leaped from ancient Egypt to the technology of today in 30 years.

Épisode 2 - Death in the Morning

24 octobre 1978

How did a test of gold's purity revolutionize the world 2500 years ago and lead to the atomic bomb? Standardizing precious metal in coins stimulated trade from Greece to Persia, causing the construction of a huge commercial center and library at Alexandria. This wealth of nautical knowledge aided navigators 14 centuries later. Mariners discovered that the compass's magnetized needle did not point directly north. Investigations into the nature of magnetism led to the discovery of electricity, radar and to the atomic bomb.

Épisode 3 - Distant Voices

31 octobre 1978

Telecommunications exist because the Normans wore stirrups at the Battle of Hastings- a simple advance that caused a revolution in the increasingly expensive science of warfare. Europe turned its attention to making money to wage wars. As mine shafts were dug deeper, they became flooded, stimulating scientists like Galileo to investigate vacuums, air pressure and other natural laws to mine deeper silver. This led to the discovery of electricity and magnetism's relationship and to the development of radio, and deep space telecommunications that may enable contact with galactic civilizations.

Épisode 4 - Faith in Numbers

7 novembre 1978

Each development in the organization of systems (political, economic, mechanical, electronic) influences the next, by logic, by genius, by chance, or by utterly unforeseen events. The transition from the Middle ages to the Renaissance was influenced by the rise of commercialism, a sudden change in climate, famine and the Black Death, which set the stage for the invention of the printing press.

Épisode 5 - The Wheel of Fortune

14 novembre 1978

The power to see into the future with computers originally rested with priest-astronomers who knew the proper times to plant and harvest. The constellations influenced life spectacularly, particularly when the ailing Caliph of Baghdad was cured by an astrologer using Greek lore. His ancient medical secrets were translated and spread throughout Europe, ushering in an era of scientific inquiry. The need for more precise measuring devices in navigation gave rise to the pendulum clock, the telescope, forged steel and interchangeable machine parts-the basis of modern industrial system.

Épisode 6 - Thunder in the Skies

21 novembre 1978

A dramatically colder climate gripped Europe during the 13th century profoundly affecting the course of history for the next seven centuries. The changes in energy usage transformed architecture and forced the creation of new power sources. The coming of the Industrial Revolution, spurred on by advances in the steam engine, scarred England indelibly: but a moment in history later, gasoline-powered engines opened the way to the heavens.

Épisode 7 - The Long Chain

28 novembre 1978

Often, materials discovered by accident alter the course of the world. In the 1600s Dutch commercial freighters controlled Atlantic trade routes. Competing British lines induced America to produce pitch to protect hulls of their royal vessels. This arrangement lasted until 1776, after which a Scottish inventor tried to produce pitch from coal tar. By the time he succeeded the navy was using copper instead. Subsequent experiments with coal tar yielded gaslight lamps, waterproofed garments, a brilliant mauve dye that established the German chemical industry and nylon, the first of the miracle plastics.

Épisode 8 - Eat, Drink and Be Merry

5 décembre 1978

When Napoleon marched huge forces across Europe, he needed an efficient way to store provisions. A Frenchman preserved sterilized food in empty champagne bottles, an idea modified by the British, who tried tin cans. Still, canned foods sometimes spoiled, which led to experiments with refrigeration. Later, it was discovered that gases may be stored at very low temperatures in a thermos flask, a device handy for picnics, for polar explorers and for, storing large quantities of liquid oxygen and hydrogen. When lit by a spark these gases can send rockets into space.

Épisode 9 - Countdown

12 décembre 1978

What happens when you combine a carbon arc light, a billiard ball coating, a spoked wheel and consecutive images? Motion pictures! Complex and sometimes incredible events led to Thomas Edison's remarkable invention; the beginnings of limelight on a Irish mountain; George Eastman's production of celluloid from the slightly explosive gun cotton; the ""magic lantern"" of an Austrian ballistics teacher. Then Eadweard Muybridge settled a bet in 1872 by photographs; does a horse raise all four feet when galloping? (Yes.) Today moving pictures, together with television, are enormously powerful mass media. Have we become trapped by our own technology?

Épisode 10 - Yesterday, Tomorrow and You

19 décembre 1978

"Why did we do it this way?" Essential moments from the previous programs are reviewed to illustrate the common factors that make for change. Will they go on operating to affect our futures? And if so, can we recognize them? The second half looks at the extent to which we have become increasingly incapable of understanding how change occurs in our complex world and at why we are in such a predicament. Finally, there is a look ahead to the need for radical change in the availability and use of information in the future, if we are to remain in control of our destinies.

Épisode 1 - Revolutions

31 décembre 1994

Discover how the steam engine led to safety matches, imitation diamonds and the moon in a wild ride.

Épisode 2 - Sentimental Journeys

31 décembre 1994

What has Freud got to do with maps? Or prison reform with blue dye? Or the inside of a star with the Himalayas? India reveals the answers.

Épisode 3 - Getting It Together

31 décembre 1994

Start by examining a SWAT team, which leads to hot air ballooning, the root of many inventions.

Épisode 4 - Whodunit?

31 décembre 1994

Who stole a set of billiard balls in 1902 and why was he the most famous crook in history? The clues: maps from 1775, Charles Darwin's cousin and the FBI.

Épisode 5 - Something for Nothing

31 décembre 1994

Something impossible happened 400 years ago. And we wound up in outer space, thanks (en route) to pigeon lovers, the Pope, and electric Italian frogs.

Épisode 6 - Echoes of the Past

31 décembre 1994

On his way to finding the secret of the universe, Burke takes us to the Buddhist tea ceremony, ties it to international spies and Lincoln's assassination.

Épisode 7 - Photo Finish

31 décembre 1994

The Le Mans 24-hour race is the backdrop for linking photography and bullets, relativity and blimps.

Épisode 8 - Separate Ways

31 décembre 1994

Two trails split over slavery in the 18th Century. One route leads to the Wild West and Brooklyn Bridge, the other coining money and TV. Both end with a threat to peace.

Épisode 9 - High Time

31 décembre 1994

Unwrap a sandwich and you're on a path to World War II radar and Neo-Impressionist painters.

Épisode 10 - Deja Vu

31 décembre 1994

History repeats itself, when you know how to look. Pizzaro beats the Incas, the first stock market opens. The Queen of England salutes a Mexican beetle and Hitler's plans misfire.

Épisode 11 - New Harmony

31 décembre 1994

Microscopic bugs inspired the novel "Frankenstein" which aided the birth of Socialism.

Épisode 12 - Hot Pickle

31 décembre 1994

The connections between a cup of tea, opium dens, the London Zoo and a switch that releases bombs.

Épisode 13 - The Big Spin

31 décembre 1994

The greatest medical accident in history starts a trail that leads to Helen of Troy, 17th Century flower-power, the invention of soda pop and earthquake detection.

Épisode 14 - Bright Ideas

31 décembre 1994

A Baltimore man invented the bottle, which led to razors and clock springs, and the Hubble telescope.

Épisode 15 - Making Waves

31 décembre 1994

Hairdressers, Gold Rush miners, Irish potato farmers and English parliamentarians are really tied together.

Épisode 16 - Routes

31 décembre 1994

A sick lawyer in 18th Century France changes farming and triggers the French Revolution and new medical research.

Épisode 17 - One Word

31 décembre 1994

One medieval word kicks off the investigation into different cultures with the same stories that ends in cultural anthropology.

Épisode 18 - Sign Here

31 décembre 1994

Dutch piracy starts international law and French probability math, phonetics and Victorian séances.

Épisode 19 - Better Than the Real Thing

31 décembre 1994

How the zipper started with technology Jefferson picked up in Paris during a row about Creation.

Épisode 20 - Flexible Response

31 décembre 1994

Robin Hood starts us on a trail from medieval showbiz to land drainage, to the invention of decimals that end up in U.S. currency, thanks to the guy who started the Erie Canal.

Épisode 1 - Feedback

31 décembre 1997

In the twenty-first century, electronic agents will be our servants on the great web of knowledge. They will use the kind of feedback that won World War II. Feedback mathematics is invented to help guns hit their targets. The concept of feedback originated in the vineyards of France by a winemaker and physiologist named Claude Bernard. His ex-wife began the Humane Society, created to save people from drowning. Drownings increased due to an increase in shipping. All of this eventually leads to the hiring of a doctor at a sanitarium in Michigan. The doctor tries out new diets on the patients. The most successful product is named after him -- Kellogg's cornflakes.

Épisode 2 - What's in a Name?

31 décembre 1997

A good breakfast leads to corn cob garbage by the ton. This is used for "furfan," and a whole new discipline no one's heard about, called furfan chemistry. Furfan can do amazing things, like creating resin for bonding. This leads to the creation of the tractor and, then the creation of the diesel engine. Believe it or not, James Burke shows how this all leads to the creation of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC.

Épisode 3 - Drop the Apple

31 décembre 1997

Smithson, the benefactor of the Smithsonian Institution, discovered the mineral calamine. This mineral is one of the most useful and unusual because it gives off electricity. The secret is in the shape. This was discovered by J. Currie of the famous pair. The first consumer use of this electricity was 33 rpm records. This eventually leads to Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity, which leads to the creation of the atomic bomb.

Épisode 4 - An Invisible Object

31 décembre 1997

This program travels five hundred years into the past and back, to connect mysterious black holes in space with modern fast food, via thrills and spills on the Pony Express, Italian anatomy theaters and stolen corpses, the Sultan of Turkey's disastrous finances, Renaissance German jewelry, the invention of the screw, slide rules and American tobacco plantations, boiled potatoes, Spanish Inquisition thumbscrews, and why beer is served chilled. The show also includes a French Queen's dinner party, Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, the greatest disaster in history (for wine-drinkers), squeaky-clean Swiss airplanes, and a fifteenth century French barber-shop quartet.

Épisode 5 - Life is No Picnic

31 décembre 1997

The advent of modern coffee-vending machines spurs the creation of freeze dried coffee. This begins a revolutionary effort by the U.S. Army in World War II to lighten the soldiers' rations packs. The Star Spangled Banner lyrics are adapted from an ancient Greek poem. Mme de Stael of Switzerland drives the Romantic Movement forward in Europe. The Romantic Movement affects all thinkers which leads to future studies of animal development. Based on this research, Darwin proposes his Theory of Evolution.

Épisode 6 - Elementary Stuff

31 décembre 1997

Darwin's Theory of Evolution is shared by Alfred Russel Wallace who has a strong belief in miracles and spiritualism. British interest in spiritualism is shared by physicist Oliver Lodge who develops the coherer, the device that makes radio reception possible. With the Swiss creation of postage stamp, Switzerland becomes the world postal center. Highlanders fearing oppression from Scottish rulers flee to North Carolina where turpentine is developed. The creation of the vacuum pump is instrumental in the discovery of both Boyle's Law and Pierre Perrault's hydrography. Quarrels about whether or not present language/literature is as good as that of the past leads to the fictional character Sherlock Holmes.

Épisode 7 - A Special Place

31 décembre 1997

Meet a real live man who changed history with a totally new way of identifying you. Plus a four hundred-year trip through 20 locations. Swedish electricity and Dutch wind tunnels use a new type of photography. Aristocratic World War I fighter aces and their crazy mountain-climbing uncles. Touchy-feely times in Romantic Germany. The mysteries of ancient cities uncovered. Female painters in eighteenth-century London theaters lit by amazing new kinds of lights. Saving sailors from shipwreck and helping Caribbean smugglers. Astronomers, poets, fishermen, mathematicians and skeptics, bird-painters and Russian skullduggery lead the program to a final beauty-spot, where hundreds of Americans get drenched every day.

Épisode 8 - Fire From the Sky

31 décembre 1997

How do you go from the majestic beauty of Iceland's geysers to the destruction of the Allied Firebombing of Hamburg in World War II? You stop by Stonehenge, chat with the mystical Caballists, talk to Martin Luther, Ozeander, Tycho Brahe and Mary Queen of Scots, before heading to the magnetic North Pole. The invention of gin and tonic will set you back on course to the discovery that mixing rubber with gasoline makes it burn slower, an integral component of any firebombing. It's all a matter of connections.

Épisode 9 - Hit the Water

31 décembre 1997

If you launch your story in the cockpit of a Tornado Fighter Bomber-- the height of "smart bombs" operated by smart pilots -- dip into the history of margarine and plankton, travel to 18th Century Turkey to investigate small pox inoculations, dance at the ballet Copelia, then blow up a dam in Norway with a British commando team, how do you prevent Hitler from building and exploding atomic bombs? Through the infinite world of unexpected connections - an ingenious look at why and how Hitler never harnessed heavy water and the A-Bomb.

Épisode 10 - In Touch

31 décembre 1997

An American scientist ponders the problem of nuclear fusion in 1951. This unleashes a series of connections that encompass superconductors, the Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty, King George III, modern oceanography, the Versailles Gardens, Pagoda Mania, and handwriting analysis to arrive at the Global Net. Through this chain of unexpected connections, you, too, can "stay in touch."

Épisode 11 - ReConnections

6 juin 2004

James Burke is Back! The legendary science writer and host of the landmark PBS series "Connections" and "The Day the Universe Changed" has returned for a one-hour special - "Re-Connections" - which is celebrating the twenty-fifth anniversary of his first appearance on American public television. The show, a local production of KCSM, will be shown throughout the PBS network in June.For "Re-Connection", Burke sat down with host Michael Malone, a fellow technology writer, for a lively tour through Burke's career, memorable anecdotes from the series, and Burke's current work creating a new Internet-based teaching tool, the "Knowledge Web."


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