Poster de la serie Caillou



Année : 1998

Nombre de saisons : 5

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 10 minutes

Genre(s) : Animation, Enfant, Comédie, Drame, Famille, Fantastique

Caillou est un bambin de quatre ans fort éveillé qui découvre la vie – une aventure à la fois ! À partir de sa propre cour jusqu’à son premier voyage en avion, Caillou découvre la magie et l’émerveillement d’être un tout petit garçon dans un immense univers.


Caillou saison 1

Saison 1

Caillou saison 2

Saison 2


Caillou saison 3

Saison 3

Caillou saison 4

Saison 4

Caillou saison 5

Saison 5


Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - Caillou fait des biscuits

1 janvier 1998 - 4/5

Caillou s'amuse à faire du bruit, mais sa mère lui demande de rester tranquille. Puis tout à coup Caillou a faim. Il va à la cuisine et il lui vient une idée : il va faire des biscuits. Seulement, au lieu de biscuits, ce qu'il réussit à faire est un fantastique, gluant et délicieux... dégât!

Épisode 2 - Caillou n'a plus peur

2 janvier 1998 - 4/5

Caillou a peur. Il a peur de monsieur Lajoie, son gentil voisin. Il a même peur de la maison de monsieur Lajoie! Celui-ci vient le voir pour lui dire combien il est désolé que Caillou ait peur, et Caillou s'enfuit. Mais bientôt la situation se transforme en jeu, et Caillou se découvre un nouvel ami.

Épisode 3 - Caillou n'aime pas les légumes

3 janvier 1998 - 3.5/5

Caillou n'aime vraiment pas les légumes —jusqu’à ce qu'il fasse une promenade au parc avec son grand-père, et qu'ils observent toutes sortes d’animaux et d’oiseaux. De retour à la maison, ils ont une faim de loup! Alors ils mangent comme les loups et font semblant que leurs légumes sont des baies, tout en se gardant de la place pour quelques biscuits, bien sûr!

Épisode 4 - Caillou est tout seul

4 janvier 1998 - 3.5/5

Maman est très occupée à régler les factures et elle n'a pas le temps de jouer avec Caillou. Papa essaie de réparer la lessiveuse et il n'a pas le temps non plus. Grand-mère est occupée avec Mousseline. Même le chat Gilbert ne veut pas jouer avec Caillou. Caillou est seul et il se sent triste. Mais bientôt il invente un jeu avec un de ses dinosaures et lui-même devient vite trop occupé pour jouer avec qui que ce soit.

Épisode 5 - Caillou range ses jouets

5 janvier 1998 - 3.5/5

Caillou a laissé traîner ses jouets partout : dans l'escalier, dans l’entrée de garage et même dans la salle de bains. Il doit tout ranger pour avoir son pudding au chocolat. Le problème c'est qu’il a beaucoup de jouets! Maman lui suggère d’en donner quelques-uns à Mousseline, et papa propose de construire un gros coffre à jouets — avec l'aide de Caillou.

Épisode 6 - Caillou apprend à conduire

Comme papa, Caillou adore tout ce qui touche aux voitures; il est donc très heureux d'aider papa à laver la voiture familiale. Assis dans la voiture, il s'imagine conduisant jusqu'à la plage. Il klaxonne, ce qui fait sursauter papa, et lui fait retourner le boyau d’arrosage contre lui-même. Un peu plus tard, toute la famille se rend à la plage en voiture et Caillou pense à son voyage imaginaire.

Épisode 7 - Caillou à la garderie

C’est son premier jour à la garderie et Caillou ne veut absolument pas y aller. Une fois là, il rencontre son éducatrice, madame Martin, et se fait deux nouveaux amis, Léo et Clémentine. Il découvre que la garderie est un endroit très amusant, et lorsque maman vient le chercher, Caillou ne veut plus rentrer à la maison.

Épisode 8 - Caillou aime le cirque

Caillou se lève très tôt un matin et il s'habille lui-même. Il ne veut pas manquer la sortie au cirque. Il est donc très déçu lorsque papa lui annonce que le cirque est pour le lendemain. Il est même de très mauvaise humeur. Papa rétablit la situation en lui suggérant un jeu spécial : ensemble ils créent leur propre parade de cirque.

Épisode 9 - Caillou a peur dans le noir

Caillou n'arrive pas à dormir; il est certain qu’il y a un monstre dans sa chambre. Maman et papa tentent de le rassurer mais les choses se compliquent lorsque Caillou prend son serpent jouet pour un véritable serpent. Papa lui explique que le bruit qui l'effraie n’est qu’une branche d’arbre qui balaie la fenêtre, et que le seul monstre dans la chambre de Caillou est le chat Gilbert.

Épisode 10 - Les amis de Caillou

Caillou parle avec grand-maman. Celle-ci est étonnée d'apprendre que Caillou n’a pas d’amis. Que penser de Clémentine et de Léo? Elle lui rappelle que Gilbert aussi est un ami, ainsi que Mousseline. C'est pourtant vrai, dit Caillou, Mousseline est ma soeur mais elle est aussi mon amie. Et que fais-tu de monsieur Lajoie, et maman, et papa? Bientôt Caillou réalise qu’il a beaucoup d’amis — incluant grand-maman.

Épisode 11 - Caillou chez le médecin

Caillou doit aller chez le médecin parce qu’il a mal aux oreilles. La dernière fois, le médecin lui a fait mal, et il a peur. Mais cette fois ce sera différent puisque Caillou a amené son dinosaure pour le protéger. Le médecin permet à Caillou d'observer les oreilles du dinosaure. Tous deux se portent bien maintenant, et Caillou tirera de cette expérience un nouveau jeu pour lui et sa soeur Mousseline.

Épisode 12 - Caillou devient un grand frère

Caillou se souvient qu’il n'avait que deux ans et demi lorsque Mousseline est arrivée à la maison. Tout le monde était très excité — sauf Caillou, qui se sentait un peu négligé. Puis les choses se sont améliorées, surtout lorsque Caillou aida papa à changer la couche de Mousseline.

Épisode 13 - Caillou fait les courses

Quelle journée! D'abord, il neige et Caillou a hâte de faire un bonhomme de neige. Ensuite, maman fait un de ses fameux gâteaux-surprises, ce qui veut dire une sortie avec elle pour acheter les ingrédients. Puis Caillou s’égare dans le magasin... mais tout est bien qui finit bien — et le bonhomme de neige est délicieux!

Épisode 14 - Caillou in the Bathtub

11 mai 2001

Épisode 15 - Caillou Gets Dressed

11 mai 2001

Épisode 16 - Caillou's Teddy Shirt

12 janvier 2001

Épisode 17 - Caillou part seul

Caillou fait le tour du pâté de maisons pour la première fois. Il rencontre Sarah sur sa planche à roulettes, voit un arc-en-ciel, joue à la marelle, et est effrayé par un chien. Lorsqu'il revient à la maison, il est vraiment content de revoir maman.

Épisode 18 - La cachette de Caillou

Caillou est en visite chez ses grands-parents. Il cherche un endroit où se cacher et se coince dans une armoire. Grand-père lui montre une super cachette : dans le creux d’un tronc d’arbre. Caillou découvre un vieux jouet dans le tronc d'arbre et apprend que c'était la cachette préférée de papa lorsqu’il avait l’âge de Caillou.

Épisode 19 - Le cadeau de Caillou

C’est l'anniversaire de Caillou. Ses amis Clémentine et Léo sont venus jouer avec lui; ils se font des masques avec de la peinture sur le visage. Ce que Caillou désire par dessus tout pour son anniversaire, c'est un dinosaure. De façon inattendue, au cours de la fête Caillou en reçoit... deux!

Épisode 20 - Caillou et Gilbert

Caillou n’a personne avec qui jouer, alors il recrute le chat Gilbert et il essaie de le convaincre de jouer à ses jeux favoris. Mais le chat n’est pas le moindrement intéressé. Maman lui fait réaliser qu’il essaie de jouer à des jeux de personnes et que Gilbert préférerait probablement des jeux de chats. Voilà qui fonctionne beaucoup mieux !

Épisode 21 - Caillou's Summer Goodnight

19 septembre 2000

Caillou's parents are going out, and Grandma's coming over to babysit. Later, it's naptime, and he dozes off. Until Glibert comes and wakes him up. Then he has trouble going back to sleep because it's too bright. Grandma comes up with an idea - a cardboard cutout of the night sky, and Caillou eventually falls asleep.

Épisode 22 - Caillou a peur des chiens

Un jour, au parc, Caillou est effrayé par le chien d’un inconnu. Lorsqu'il se rend en visite chez grand-mère et découvre qu'elle garde le chien d’un ami, il devient donc très nerveux. Mais, petit à petit, ils apprennent à se connaître et bientôt Caillou n’est plus nerveux du tout. Il s'est fait un nouvel ami.

Épisode 23 - Caillou au zoo

Caillou et sa famille vont au zoo. Caillou est heureux de voir que les animaux aussi ont une famille. Il voit un bébé rhinocéros et une grande famille de chimpanzés. Mais il préfère entre tous une jeune otarie qui apprend à nager.

Épisode 24 - Caillou et la pluie

Il pleut, et Caillou a hâte de sortir pour sauter dans les flaques d’eau. Mais, pour toutes sortes de raisons, il prend énormément de temps à se préparer; il reste toujours quelque chose à faire avant de quitter la maison. Lorsqu'il est enfin prêt à sortir, la pluie a cessé. Heureusement, il reste plusieurs flaques d’eau pour s'éclabousser.

Épisode 25 - Caillou at the Beach

5 septembre 2000

Caillou's family goes to the beach. It's Caillou and Rosie's first time. Caillou goes into the water with his Daddy. He has a picnic with his family, but a seagull steals his sandwich. He follows a crab to the sea and sees lots of sea creatures. Then, he builds a sand castle with his Mom. Finally, the tide comes in and they have to leave for the time being, but they'll come back the next day (and the next day and the next day...)

Épisode 26 - Les nouvelles chaussures de Caillou

Caillou et maman sortent acheter de nouveaux souliers. Chemin faisant, Caillou aperçoit Sarah qui court très vite. Il décide qu’il veut une paire de chaussures avec lesquelles il pourra courir. Le vendeur commence par mesurer ses pieds, puis Caillou finit par trouver des chaussures à son goût. Il pourra montrer à Sarah comme il court vite.

Épisode 27 - Caillou et le bonhomme de neige

Caillou veut faire un bonhomme de neige mais il ne sait pas comment s'y prendre. Heureusement, Sarah connaît bien la technique; ils travaillent ensemble à modeler les morceaux et à les assembler. Lorsqu’ils ont terminé, maman apporte la touche finale: une carotte pour le nez et de gros boutons pour les yeux et le sourire.

Épisode 28 - Caillou se déguise en clown

Caillou est très excité à l’idée d’aller à la parade; il y aura des chevaux, des fanfares et des clowns. Mais Mousseline a peur des clowns, et maman n'est pas certaine que ce soit une bonne idée. Caillou est très déçu. Et soudain, il a une bonne idée : il va montrer à Mousseline que les clowns ne sont que des personnes habillées de vêtements ridicules et elle n’aura plus peur.

Épisode 29 - Caillou's Special Friend

25 septembre 2000

Caillou has a special friend named George. He's special because only Caillou could see him. Caillou suddenly wants to have a race. On winning the race, Caillou knocks over a flower pot. While thinking it over, Caillou decides that it was George's fault that the flower pot broke. Later, while eating, Caillou talks about George some more, and says that George lives in the basement. But he comments that George is his favourite friend in the whole world. But because he spent too much time talking about George, he hardly ate his lunch. Later, Caillou's asked about the broken flower pot. He claims that George did this. But Caillou's dad knows better - George is to Caillou what Nadine is to D.W. in Arthur. So, he manages to talk Caillou into admitting that he also had something to do with it. He also talks Caillou into helping him clean up. Later, Caillou talks about George some more while playing on the swing with his dad.

Épisode 30 - Caillou racle les feuilles

C’est l’automne et la cour est tapissée de feuilles. Caillou et Mousseline ont tant de plaisir à jouer dans les feuilles que Caillou ne veut pas rentrer. Il propose à papa de l’aider à racler la cour. Lorsqu’ils ont fait tout plein de tas de feuilles, Caillou fait semblant que ces tas de feuilles sont des maisons et qu'elles forment un village.

Épisode 31 - Caillou et André

Caillou fait la connaissance d’un nouvel ami, André. André est grand, plus grand que tous les amis que Caillou a connus jusqu'ici. De plus, André est très maladroit, et les choses ont tendance à se briser quand on joue avec lui. Caillou est particulièrement triste lorsque André brise sa chaise préférée, mais tout est vite oublié quand ils sortent jouer au soccer.

Épisode 32 - Les couleurs de Caillou

Caillou est en visite chez grand-maman et il est d'humeur exécrable. Pendant que grand-maman s’occupe dans la cuisine, Caillou prend de la peinture bleue et commence à peindre avec les doigts. Bientôt il utilise toutes les couleurs de grand-maman... et il se sent beaucoup, beaucoup mieux.

Épisode 33 - Caillou envoie une lettre

Maman est dépitée parce que le facteur ne lui apporte que des factures, toujours des factures. Elle dit à Caillou combien elle aimerait recevoir une belle lettre pour une fois. Caillou et papa décident de lui en écrire une et le lendemain matin très tôt, ils la remettent au facteur. Maman est enchantée de recevoir une si belle lettre de Caillou.

Épisode 34 - Caillou fait du camping

Grand-père raconte à Caillou une expédition de camping qu'ils ont faite lorsque son papa était un petit garçon. Caillou adore l’idée du camping, et ensemble ils montent la tente dans le jardin. Caillou est emballé par les étoiles dans le ciel et les mouches à feu dans les buissons, mais une fois installé pour le dodo, il devient un peu nerveux. Grand-papa trouve alors une solution surprise.

Épisode 35 - Caillou apprend à nager

Caillou va à la piscine avec sa famille, et papa lui apprend à nager. Après quelques leçons, il s'améliore rapidement. Bientôt il veut nager seul et malgré qu'il ait peur au début, il finit par y arriver. Caillou sait maintenant nager.

Épisode 36 - La nouvelle gardienne de Caillou

Maman et papa sortent pour la soirée. Caillou veut sa gardienne habituelle et ne veut pas de Julie, qu’il ne connaît pas. Il est certain qu’il ne l’aimera pas et il lui donne du fil à retordre; il refuse même de manger son souper. Alors Julie décide d'en faire un jeu — elle sert plutôt un petit déjeuner. Caillou décide qu’il aime bien sa nouvelle gardienne après tout!

Épisode 37 - Caillou apprend à patiner

Caillou a bien du mal à se tenir debout sur ses patins. Il veut devenir le patineur le plus rapide au monde mais il n’arrête pas de tomber. Papa lui donne une chaise pour l’aider à garder son équilibre et, avec beaucoup d’encouragements de la part de papa et maman, il apprend enfin à patiner.

Épisode 38 - Caillou se fait un ami

Caillou fait la connaissance de Gilles dans le carré de sable du parc, et il ne l’aime pas du tout. Gilles s'accapare tous les jouets et cela intimide Caillou. Alors la maman de Gilles et grand-papa interviennent pour rectifier la situation, et les deux garçons découvrent le plaisir de jouer ensemble.

Épisode 39 - Caillou et son papa

Maman et Mousseline sont sorties pour la journée, ce qui veut dire que Caillou aura son papa pour lui seul. Les deux hommes prennent la situation en mains : ils construisent une étagère pour maman, puis il sortent faire une promenade à bicyclettes. C'est une journée comme Caillou les aime, juste lui et papa, tous les deux ensemble.

Épisode 40 - Caillou fait pousser des carottes

Grand-papa est venu aider maman à préparer le potager. Il enseigne à Caillou comment semer un rang de carottes. Caillou n’aime pas vraiment les légumes mais il est très intéressé par la croissance de son potager. Et quand les carottes sont enfin prêtes, il découvre qu’elles ont bien meilleur goût que tous les autres légumes qu’il a déjà mangés !

Épisode 41 - Caillou visite un parc d'amusement

Caillou et sa famille passent une journée au parc d'amusement. Caillou et papa vont dans le palpitant manège Descente du Niagara. Puis ils montent tous dans la grande roue et, comme gâterie, ils mangent de la barbe à papa. Cette journée extraordinaire se bonifie encore lorsque papa s'essaie au lancer des anneaux et gagne le plus gros ourson que Caillou ait jamais vu.

Épisode 42 - Caillou prend l'autobus scolaire

Caillou ne va pas encore à l’école mais il aimerait vraiment monter dans l’autobus scolaire qui s’arrête chaque jour devant sa maison. Lorsque papa l'amène voir l’autobus de près, le chauffeur offre de prendre Caillou avec les autres enfants, le lendemain. Caillou fait un magnifique dessin pour le chauffeur, et le tour d’autobus est très amusant.

Épisode 43 - Caillou cherche Gilbert

Caillou joue à la chasse aux dinosaures avec le chat Gilbert. Puis il s'en va prendre une collation, et à son retour il n’y a plus trace de Gilbert. Il a disparu! Maman fait appel à ses talents de détective et ensemble ils partent à la recherche d'indices. Ils retrouvent finalement Gilbert, recroquevillé et endormi dans le lit de Caillou.

Épisode 44 - Caillou prépare une surprise

Caillou se réveille très tôt un matin, tellement tôt qu’il est le premier debout. Il décide de faire son propre petit déjeuner – puis il lui vient l’idée de préparer une surprise pour maman et papa. Ça représente beaucoup de travail, et quelques dégâts, mais le petit déjeuner surprise de Caillou est un franc succès !

Épisode 45 - La chaussette manquante de Caillou

Caillou veut mettre ses chaussettes préférées mais il en manque une. Il va au sous-sol pour essayer de la retrouver, et il s'enferme accidentellement. Papa, viens m'aider! Mais les voici tous les deux enfermés maintenant... Caillou et papa se mettent à crier pour attirer l’attention de maman; celle-ci vient les délivrer et retrouve la chaussette manquante.

Épisode 46 - Caillou va travailler

Caillou est très heureux d'aller au travail avec maman. Ils se rendent dans un gros édifice, avec des portes tournantes et des ascenseurs. Pendant que maman travaille, Caillou s’applique à réaliser un magnifique dessin. Ils prennent le déjeuner ensemble, puis papa vient chercher Caillou. À la sortie, Caillou montre à papa comment utiliser les ascenseurs et les portes tournantes.

Épisode 47 - Caillou se fâche

Clémentine vient jouer chez Caillou. Caillou veut jouer aux dinosaures mais Clémentine est autoritaire et elle insiste pour jouer à la famille. Elle prend l’ourson dans ses bras, et Caillou devient particulièrement excédé parce que c’est son ourson! Ils se querellent et ça se termine dans les larmes. Maman les réconcilie juste à temps pour aller jouer à la balle avec Michel, le frère de Clémentine.

Épisode 48 - Caillou a peur de grandir

Caillou trouve un oiseau mort dans le jardin, et il veut savoir pourquoi il est décédé. Papa lui explique qu'il était probablement devenu trop vieux. Caillou réfléchit à la question et il commence à avoir peur de vieillir à cause de ce qui est arrivé à l’oiseau. Papa et maman le rassurent : il lui reste encore beaucoup de temps avant de devenir vieux.

Épisode 49 - Caillou et la grande glissoire

Caillou joue au parc avec Clémentine. Elle est beaucoup moins craintive que lui et elle n’a pas du tout peur d’aller dans la grande glissoire. Caillou est effrayé mais ne veut l’admettre à Clémentine, qui le taquine tout de même. Quand papa vient chercher Caillou, ils descendent ensemble dans la glissoire. Caillou découvre que ce n'est pas si terrible après tout et y retourne seul.

Épisode 50 - Caillou promène un chien

Grand-maman garde de nouveau le chien d'une amie. Elle montre à Caillou comment promener le chiot en laisse et comment jouer à "va chercher la balle". Caillou rêve d'avoir un chiot bien à lui et insiste auprès de papa et maman, qui lui disent qu’il a déjà un animal : Gilbert. Peut-être qu'il pourra avoir un chien quand il sera plus vieux. Caillou comprend et, en attendant, il fixe une laisse autour de son chien en peluche et le promène fièrement dans la maison.

Épisode 51 - Caillou surveille sa petite soeur

Maman ne se sent pas très bien. Elle demande à Caillou de surveiller Mousseline et de jouer sans faire de bruit pendant qu’elle se repose un peu. Ils dessinent des animaux, mais Mousseline se met à dessiner sur les murs. Quand maman vient voir pourquoi ils font du tapage, elle est furieuse contre pauvre Caillou – qui trouve que c'est injuste! Maman se radoucit et ensemble, ils nettoient les dégâts de Mousseline.

Épisode 52 - Caillou est malade

Caillou a de la fièvre et des démangeaisons. Il a la varicelle! C'est très inconfortable et il doit prendre des bains pour apaiser les démangeaisons. Il sait qu’il ne doit pas se gratter mais c’est plus fort que lui. Il voit Mousseline dans le jardin; il veut aller jouer avec elle et il est impatient d’être guéri. Lorsqu'il peut enfin aller jouer, c’est au tour de Mousseline d’avoir la varicelle.

Épisode 53 - Caillou et le téléphone

Maman passe toute la matinée au téléphone et n’a pas le temps de s'occuper de Caillou. Il se sent délaissé. Il joue avec son téléphone jouet puis, plus tard, il parle à grand-maman sur le vrai téléphone. Il aime parler au téléphone parce que ca lui permet de se sentir très grand.

Épisode 54 - Caillou dort chez un ami

C'est la première fois que Caillou passe la nuit hors de chez lui. Il se rend chez son ami Léo, et il s'amuse beaucoup avec la maison dans l'arbre. Mais vient l’heure du coucher et il se sent seul, loin de sa famille. La maman de Léo lui propose de téléphoner chez lui. Ça le rassure de parler à maman et davantage encore lorsqu’elle lui rappelle qu’il a apporté son ourson avec lui.

Épisode 55 - Caillou fait le bébé

Caillou croit que sa soeur Mousseline est chouchoutée et que c’est tout simplement injuste! Maman lui explique que Mousseline n’est qu’un bébé et qu’elle ne peut lui demander autant de choses qu'à lui. Caillou décide qu'il vaut mieux être un bébé que d’avoir quatre ans —jusqu’à ce que maman dise que c'est l'heure de la sieste pour les deux bébés. Peut-être, après tout, vaut-il mieux avoir quatre ans!

Épisode 56 - Caillou prend l'avion

C’est le premier vol de Caillou et il est curieux de tout. Il adore regarder par le hublot le paysage tout en bas, il aime jouer avec les écouteurs et le sélecteur de musique. Le petit déjeuner à bord est une aventure en elle-même et lorsque le pilote l’invite à venir visiter le poste de pilotage avec papa, c’est la fête!

Épisode 57 - Mousseline embête Caillou

Ce n’est pas toujours facile d’être un grand frère. Caillou aime beaucoup Mousseline mais elle peut être une vraie peste. Elle embête Caillou et l’interrompt dans sa lecture. Caillou lui demande de le laisser tranquille, mais bientôt il veut jouer et c’est toujours mieux de jouer à deux que seul.

Épisode 58 - Caillou observe les oiseaux

Grand-maman a souvent des surprises pour Caillou. Lorsqu’ils vont au parc, elle lui apprend à connaître les oiseaux qui y vivent. Les mésanges et les cardinals (cardinaux?) viennent manger jusque dans sa main. De retour à la maison, grand-maman offre une cabane d'oiseaux à Caillou pour qu’il puisse observer les oiseaux tous les jours.

Épisode 59 - Caillou et la poupée

Maman est en train de se maquiller pour sortir avec papa et cela suggère un jeu à Caillou. Il prend une des poupées de Mousseline et essaie de la rendre aussi belle que sa maman, avec un résultat désastreux. Il a honte, alors il cache la poupée et prétend qu'il ignore où elle se trouve. Mais il admet rapidement la vérité et tout s'arrange!

Épisode 60 - Caillou se blesse

Pauvre Caillou! Il est tombé de sa bicyclette et s’est écorché le genou. Son genou est blessé, et son orgueil également. Il a besoin des soins experts et tendres de maman. Lorsqu’elle applique des super bandages sur son genou, avec des dessins de dinosaures, Caillou se sent déjà beaucoup mieux.

Épisode 61 - Caillou joue au soccer

L'ami de Caillou, André, est grand et il joue au soccer. Caillou veut jouer aussi, mais il n’est pas très habile au coup de pied sur le ballon. Quelquefois il rate complètement la cible, quelquefois le ballon n’avance que de quelques centimètres. Il veut laisser tomber mais André et papa l’encouragent, et après quelque temps il réussit le plus long tir de la journée.

Épisode 62 - Caillou l’explorateur

Sarah, l’amie de Caillou, a une loupe. Elle montre à Caillou comment grossir toutes les choses du jardin et lui suggère un jeu. Caillou sera un grand explorateur dans la jungle; la loupe rendra les papillons aussi gros que des oiseaux et le chat Gilbert aussi énorme qu’un lion.

Épisode 63 - Le spectacle de Caillou

On prépare un événement spécial à la garderie de Caillou. Léo, Clémentine et Caillou se préparent à jouer dans une pièce de théâtre. Ils adorent les costumes et les répétitions, et sont encore plus heureux lorsque leurs parents viennent voir le spectacle.

Épisode 64 - Caillou adore l'halloween

C'est l'Halloween. Caillou est déguisé en astronaute, Léo en monstre Frankenstein pas-trop-effrayant et Clémentine est une infirmière. Accompagnés de leurs parents, ils vont de porte en porte dans le quartier et reçoivent tout plein de bonbons et de friandises.

Épisode 65 - Le pique-nique de Caillou

Caillou invite Léo à un pique-nique avec sa famille. Après avoir mangé, ils vont explorer les bois et découvrent un vieux tronc d'arbre couché par terre. Ils font semblant qu'ils sont de braves chevaliers et que le tronc est un méchant dragon. Quand il se met à pleuvoir, bravement, Caillou et Léo conduisent la famille à l'abri.

Épisode 1 - Etoile filante

19 septembre 2000 - 5/5

Caillou's grandma is making her special top potato sald which Caillou says it's "Yummy!" Caillou's family looks up at the beautiful night sky. It reminds his daddy of when he used to look for shooting stars. Caillou really wants to see a shooting star for himself. While Caillou and his daddy look at the moon and several star constallations, Caillou tries being patient to watch a shooting star going by.

Épisode 2 - Une bonne journée de travail

4 septembre 2000 - 5/5

(A42 WIP title: "My Alarm Clock Didn't Go Off") It's morning and Gilbert wakes Caillou up He goes into Mommy and Daddy's room. They wish him good morning. Then, Mommy realizes that their alarm didn't go off. Dad has Caillou go downstairs and feed Gilbert. Mom makes Caillou rush through breakfast and he's not happy about it. In the bathroom, Caillou sees Mom's makeup. He uses it on Rosie, to make her look like Mommy. Mom notices this and Caillou says he wanted Rosie to look like her. Mom scolds him for playing with her makeup. Dad asks Caillou to get dressed so that he and Rosie can go to playgroup, but Caillou doesn't want to . He wants to stay home and play with Daddy. Daddy, however, has to go to work. So Dad goes downstairs and tells Mommy to go ahead on to the playgroup with Rosie. Back upstairs, we learn that Dad's alarm clock definitely isn't going off because he's decided that he can be even later than he is now for work by taking Caillou around the neighborhood to see other people who are working. Caillou meets the mailman, a garbage collector and cops. They also stop at an ATM, where Dad clears up Caillou's misconception that the ATM simply "gives him money." (A common misconception among little children.) He drops Caillou off at his playgroup, where he tells Mrs. Martin about all the stuff he did "at work."

Épisode 3 - Le chat qui miaule

7 septembre 2000 - 5/5

(A42 wip title: "Gilbert Goes to the Vet") It's time for Gilbert to go to the vet, but Caillou can't find him anywhere. Mommy finds him and the narrator notes that Gilbert doesn't like to ride in the car. In the car, Gilbert gets out of his box and hides. At the vet's, Caillou meets Sarah. Her cat Ollie is having his teeth cleaned. The vet examines Gilbert and declares everything fine. The vet gives Gilbert his yearly shots, having Caillou pet him to keep him calm. Gilbert runs off, ending the segment.

Épisode 4 - Caillou dans l'espace

19 septembre 2000 - 5/5

Leo has brought a new toy rocket, and he and Caillou pretend to be astronauts traveling to the moon. Caillou's daddy reads in the newspaper that a new planetarium is opening, and they're holding a contest for the best space costume. Rosie gets upset when Caillou and Leo wouldn't let them play with her, so Mommy decides to make some space costumes. Leo gets dressed like an astronaut and Caillou is a space monster. At the planetarium the next day, Caillou and his friends play a game where they pretend to walk on the moon and explore space. Rosie and her mommy win the best space costume contest.

Épisode 5 - Le coffre aux trésors

4 septembre 2000 - 5/5

Caillou finds an old trunk in the attic with some of Dad's old treasures in.

Épisode 6 - Nous allons en camping

5 septembre 2000 - 3.5/5

(Alternative title: "Camping in the Wild- Caillou Style") Caillou and his family are on the road and like any typical kid, Caillou asks his Mom to stop to use the bathroom. Rosie notices Mommy and Caillou's absence and starts crying, waking up Daddy, who ends up having to go too. Caillou notices a moose crossing sign and asks about it. He says that he hopes to see a moose. They reach the campsite and meet Pierre, who tells them about all the great things they can do, but also notes that it's rare to see moose because they're afraid of humans. Caillou learns about not feeding wild animals, goes mountain climbing, sleeps outside in a hammock and in the end sees his moose. Rosie scares the moose away, but no one gets upset and everyone has a good laugh.

Épisode 7 - Baguettes chinoises

13 septembre 2000 - 5/5

Caillou's eating over at Sarah's place. He discovers how Chinese people eat, but has a little trouble handling chopsticks. But he learns, and teaches Sarah's family a thing or two about eating Jell-O with chopsticks.

Épisode 8 - Un chien spécial

15 septembre 2000 - 5/5

Caillou and Mommy meets one of Mommy's old friends. She has a dog with a special harness on. Caillou wants to play with the dog, but he's not allowed to - the dog is a guide dog. Mommy's friend is actually visually impaired. She demonstrates how the dog helps her see.

Épisode 9 - Caillou Beats the Heat

Épisode 10 - Back Seat Driver

8 septembre 2000 - 5/5

(A42 wip title: "Breakdown in Transit") Daddy is driving Caillou and Rosie to meet up with Mommy at a restaurant. Caillou is playing with a toy car and Rosie insists on playing with it. There's a lot of traffic and they get stuck and then the car breaks down. Dad's "just great" reaction is about passive as can be, although they cut away to Caillou and Rosie, so we don't get to see anymore. They wait for the tow truck to arrive, Dad sitting face forward with a smile on his face, like he's the happiest guy in the world. The tow-truck guy is all friendly and takes them to "Sullivan and Son." He's the son, so it's his Dad that will be fixing the car. Throughout this segment, Daddy is just standing around with black oil smudged on his face, like there's no bathroom at the mechanic's where he can go and get cleaned up. Some other stuff happens, but by this time the length of the segment is bucking way outside of the target audience's attention span (editor's note: at this time, Caillou and Rosie were trying to buy clocolate bars from a vending machine, but kept ending up with one of those health/musli bars instead). They eventually make it to the restaurant, Caillou's toy car is fixed and Daddy gets cleaned up.

Épisode 11 - Lost and Found

- 5/5

Épisode 12 - Holiday Magic

9 janvier 2001 - 5/5

It is Christmas time and Caillou's family is getting ready to buy a Christmas tree. Caillou's Mommy tells Caillou to draw a picture of what he wants for Christmas to give to Santa. He draws a dinosaur. They go to the mall to see Santa. Caillou sees Santa and shows him the picture, he thinks Caillou wants a real dinosaur but Caillou explains it is a toy dinosaur. Santa then wants to see Rosie, but Rosie is crying that she's scared, so says he'll see her next year. Next, Caillou's family goes to get a tree, but the bad news is the Christmas tree person just sold his last tree to Clementine but he will have more tomorrow. At home, Gilbert has gotten into the lights for the tree. Caillou tells his Dad that he wants a Christmas tree today so they decorate a tree outside. They put the lights on it and Caillou thinks that it is the best tree ever. Caillou's Mom says that they will have a tree inside too. Caillou thinks he is the luckiest boy ever to have 2 Christmas trees and a dinosaur.

Épisode 13 - On descend

9 janvier 2001 - 5/5

Caillou, his Mommy and Sarah go skiing, and his Daddy and Rosie have hot chocolate.

Épisode 14 - Le prochain arrêt pour s'amuser

14 septembre 2000 - 5/5

Caillou and his family travel to their vacation spot via rail. On the train, Caillou learns about how fun train rides can be.

Épisode 15 - Hisser la voile

14 septembre 2000 - 5/5

Caillou goes to the park with Rosie and his mother. There they see toy boats sailing on the lake. Later, at his grandparents’ house, Caillou finds his grandpa's old boat in their basement. Caillou and Grandpa repaint the boat and then sail it.

Épisode 16 - Caillou le fermier

13 septembre 2000 - 5/5

Caillou wants pancakes, but mommy says that they're fresh out of eggs, and suggest that Caillou go borrow some from Mr. Hinkle. Mr. Hinkle obliges, and Caillou's surprised to see brown eggs. Mr. Hinkle explains that these came from his sister's farm. He then asks Caillou if he'd like to visit the farm. Caillou says yes, and hurries home to tell Mommy the news. Later, Caillou goes to the farm, and help Miss. Hinkle bake apple pie. They then go out and milk cows and ride tractor. Then, Caillou feeds the chicken. At first, the chickens gang up on him. Then one escapes and Caillou chases it. When Caillou finds it, Caillou sees that the chicken has laid an egg. Caillou then plays in the barn, gets frightened by a rather fierce cat who was protecting her kitten. Caillou then goes have pie, and later, when he gets home, tells mommy that the eggs are "Chicken fresh".

Épisode 17 - Le brunch du dimanche

18 septembre 2000 - 5/5

Caillou is excited to get up out of bed because today is Mother's Day and he's got a special gift for his Mom. He goes downstairs and wonders where Mommy is. Daddy explains that he let her sleep in and he's making her breakfast. They take the breakfast up to her and Caillou wishes her a happy birthday. Mommy tells him that it's not her birthday, it's Mother's Day. Caillou wants to give her the present, but Daddy suggests that he give it to her when they go to brunch. Since it's a special day, they're going to brunch (breakfast / lunch) at a restaurant. At the restaurant, Caillou and Rosie press their faces against a fishtank and then are escorted to the table by a waiter who calls them sir/madam. Caillou likes this. At the table, there's no food and Caillou learns that it's a buffet, so you have to go get the food. He's eager to get the food, but learns that you have to take your place in line. He wants to carry his own plate, but when he ends up sneezing and blowing away some of his food onto the floor, Mommy ends up carrying it for him. Caillou loses his appetite, but it perks up when the dessert tray is brought out. He asks if Mommy is going to get a cake with candles and is told that they don't usually do that for Mother's Day. The waiter, however, decides to be accommodating and brings a cake with candles. Caillou helps Mommy blow them out as he wishes her a happy birthday, or rather a happy Mother's Day and he also gives her his gift, one of his toy cars.

Épisode 18 - Caillou à la rescousse

7 septembre 2000 - 5/5

(A42 wip title: "Caillou the Lion Tamer, or Firefighter") Caillou tries to teach Gilbert tricks like a lion tamer, but Gilbert is more interested in chasing butterflies. When a dog on a leash approaches him, he gets scared and races up a tree. Caillou tries to lure him down with his favorite toy mouse, but then notices how high up he is and runs to get his Dad's help. Dad gets a ladder, but it's not tall enough to reach Gilbert. He calls the fire department and when the firefighters get there, Dad recognizes an old friend of his who he played with when he was a kid, Eric. The firefighters set up a ladder and Gilbert is retrieved successfully. Gilbert proceeds to show his gratitude by running off. Caillou is invited for a tour of the firestation and rides in the firetruck. At the firestation, Caillou meets Sparky, their dalmatian, who helps them sniff for fires. Finally, the firestation's alarm sounds and the firefighters have to leave. Back at home, Caillou tells Gilbert that he's saved him and notes that Gilbert should be glad he's a firefighter.

Épisode 19 - Caillou et le lit du haut

8 septembre 2000 - 5/5

(A42 wip title: "Caillou & Rosie at Grandpa & Grandma's") Caillou and Rosie stay overnight at Grandpa and Grandma's. Caillou is told that he now has to share a room with Rosie and he's upset because before he always had his own room, but now it's Grandma's sewing room. Then he's told about Grandpa's surprise. It's bunkbeds. Rosie wants the top bunk, but Caillou wins because it's too high for Rosie. That night, Caillou loses Teddy over the side of the bunkbed. Rosie tries to get it up to him, but she can't, so he climbs down. Then, he's too scared to climb back up, so they sleep together on the bottom bunk.

Épisode 20 - Recette amusante

- 5/5

Épisode 21 - Les nouveaux amis

18 février 2002 - 5/5

Épisode 22 - Caillou va à l'école

18 septembre 2000 - 5/5

Caillou is watching out the window because he wants to see the school bus when it comes. Daddy keeps calling him to do things, which annoys him because he might miss the bus. He does get to see it, though and it gets him to wishing that he could go to school. That evening, Sarah comes over with an invitation. Her school is having a little brother/sister day. She doesn't have one, so she wants to invite Caillou to come instead. Caillou's parents agree and the next day, Caillou is off to school. He wants to bring his dinosaur, but his Mommy says he doesn't need it. He'll have so much fun at school that it'll just get forgotten in his backpack. Caillou's Mommy drives Caillou and Sarah to school. There, Caillou thinks the school is very big. Sarah holds his hand as they go in. Caillou gets to see Sarah's classroom briefly, but then they have to go to the gym for assembly. Once there, Caillou wants to play, but Sarah tells him they have to sit and listen. As the principal drones on about "fun-filled, action-packed day," Caillou starts to get antsy. He has to use the bathroom. Later, Caillou and Sarah are back in the classroom, drawing on the blackboard. Normally they couldn't do this, but it's allowed since it's a special day. Then they have recess, during which Sarah comments that she likes school, but wishes they had more time outside. Caillou doesn't understand until the bell rings and Caillou realizes that recess seems very short. Back in class, Caillou enjoys painting. Then later, they have lunch and Caillou and Sarah decide to switch their lunches. On the way home that day, Caillou tells Mommy all about what he did in school and then goes to sleep in the back of the car.

Épisode 23 - La cuisine de Caillou

Épisode 24 - Caillou en mer

25 septembre 2000 - 5/5

Caillou is inside the house, playing with his kite again. He tries to interest Gilbert in it, but Gilbert doesn't care. He goes downstairs to get Mommy because they're supposed to be going to the park, but Mommy opens the door and shows him that it's raining. She says that the forecast is for rain all day. Caillou is upset. He feels that he has nothing to do and doesn't like the suggestion of playing with Rosie. Daddy suggests that Leo could come over. So Caillou calls over to Leo's house, but is simply told that Leo isn't home. Daddy suggests that he use his imagination to find something to do. He finds Roise playing peekaboo, but gets upset because she's playing with something of his. He ends up deciding to let her play with it, though. He's gotten an idea of something he can do. He grabs the tablecloth off the kitchen table and creates his own pirate ship. Rosie comes in and wants to play, but Caillou won't let her. They argue and Mommy ends up taking the tablecloth away. Caillou tries playing a matching card game and Rosie interferes. At first he's mad again, but then he makes her laugh and decides to play with her. So they once again set up the pirate ship and Caillou gets a cardboard tube from Dad to use as a periscope. They pretend that they're trying to escape from Gilbert, who's a shark. Then, Daddy joins in the game and pretends to be a pirate.

Épisode 25 - Le petit oiseau

- 5/5

Épisode 26 - La panne de courant

- 5/5

Épisode 27 - Caillou chez le dentiste

6 septembre 2000 - 5/5

Caillou hears some horror story from Leo about his cousin's visit to the dentist, and becomes very afraid when his mom wants to take him to one. But Caillou soon learns that the dentist isn't as scary as he thinks. In fact, he even got some freebies after the visit.

Épisode 28 - Docteur Caillou

6 septembre 2000 - 5/5

Caillou's looking forward to follow dad to work, but dad calls it off because he has a cold. Caillou is upset, but tries to put up with it. He pretends that Teddy has a cold too. He then tucks Daddy and Teddy into bed, bring them drinks and snacks, makes them a get well card, and reads them a bedtime story.

Épisode 29 - Le champ de citrouilles

22 février 2002 - 5/5

Épisode 30 - Caillou a du rythme

11 septembre 2000 - 5/5

(A42 WIP title: "Concert at the Park") Caillou and Rosie go to the park with Grandma. There's a band at the gazebo there and Caillou dances with Rosie. Then, the musicians pack up and leave. Caillou's upset, he wants to hear them play! Back at home, Grandma plays the tune the musicians were playing on the piano. Caillou joins in, playing the "drums" and Rosie helps too. Grandma then assists them in making better instruments so they can join her band. They make maracas and at first Caillou wants to play those, but Grandma convinces him to play the drums. Then Grandma tells them about listening to what the other musicians are playing so that they can play along. They play "Row, Row, Row Your Boat." Mom gets home and they give her a performance. The next day at the park, the musicians haven't come back. So Caillou, Rosie and Grandma give the concert instead.

Épisode 31 - C'est moi qui l'ai fait

28 septembre 2000

Épisode 32 - La grande vente de Caillou

19 février 2002 - 5/5

Épisode 33 - Un, deux, Boom !

7 mai 2001 - 5/5

Épisode 34 - Sortis du bois

11 janvier 2001 - 5/5

Épisode 35 - Peindre la maison

28 septembre 2000 - 5/5

To prove he’s ready to help Dad paint the porch, Caillou paints Rosie’s dollhouse first – and Gilbert, with paint-dipped paws, does some painting too!

Épisode 36 - L'action de grâce de Caillou

22 février 2002 - 5/5

Épisode 37 - Souriez

8 janvier 2001 - 5/5

Dad lends Caillou his old camera and helps him take pictures of every member of their family — including Gilbert.

Épisode 38 - Qui trouve, garde

20 septembre 2000 - 5/5

(A42 wip title: "Da Plane, Where's Da Plane?") Caillou and Leo are playing, but they both want to play with the same truck. Caillou decides to add his toy airplane to their pretend farm, but he can't find it. He searches all around the house with Leo, finding money, a bracelet that Mom lost and other toys that he lost. Along the way, he's constantly stopped by his parents and told to clean things up. Eventually, he finds his airplane after cleaning up his room. Encouraged, he and Leo decide to try and find Caillou's train that he lost.

Épisode 39 - Un chat dans la gorge

21 février 2002 - 5/5

(A42 wip title: "Let's Play Charades") At first, Caillou's throat is sore and he's given some medicine and instructed to go to bed. But then, the next morning, it seems he's lost his voice. So instead of saying what he wants, he uses hand signals and body movement (charades) to communicate.

Épisode 40 - Le Grand Caillou

21 septembre 2000 - 5/5

Seeing Bravo the magician at Leo’s birthday party inspires Caillou to become Caillou the Great and put on a magic show of his own.

Épisode 41 - Clowning Around

Épisode 42 - Read All About It

- 5/5

Épisode 43 - Mom For a Day

8 septembre 2000 - 5/5

(A42 wip title: "I Can Help Daddy With Rosie") Mom leaves for a business meeting, so Caillou helps Dad with caring for Rosie. For example, she doesn't like cheese on her macaroni and she always has a little water in her apple juice. Caillou helps Dad look after Gilbert too. Rosie bumps her knee on a chair, so Caillou kisses it to make it better. Then the two play house together. Daddy lies Rosie down for a nap. Caillou gets bored and wants to play with her, so he feigns sneezing to wake her up. Daddy reprimands him for it, calling his bluff. At dinner, Rosie won't eat all of her food, so Caillou does the old "open wide for the plane" trick. Daddy gives Rosie a bath and she fusses until Caillou gives her a rubber duck. That night, Rosie cries when Daddy tries to make her go to bed. Caillou explains that Dad needs to read them a story. Dad has Caillou read the story. When Mom gets home, Dad's fell asleep, whereas Caillou and Rosie are wide awake.

Épisode 44 - Caillou Plays Baseball

28 septembre 2000 - 5/5

Caillou moves from renovation to recreation when Dad and Sarah teach him to play baseball.

Épisode 45 - Comic Caper!

- 5/5

Épisode 46 - Hide and Seek

26 septembre 2000 - 5/5

Rosie and Caillou are happily playing together with toy trucks. It's going well, but then Rosie starts grabbing things such as action figures out of Caillou's toy box. Caillou takes them from her and she cries, so he gives them back to her. He goes downstairs and finds Daddy in the kitchen cooking something. He complains about Rosie taking his toys. Daddy suggests that he share them. He tells Caillou to wait a little while and come back for a special surprise. Caillou is annoyed that Daddy isn't listening to him, so he goes to Mommy, but she also suggests that he play with Mommy. Really annoyed now, Caillou decides that perhaps if he gives Rosie something to do on her own, then he'll be left alone to do what he wants. So he goes upstairs and creates a playfort for her, but she disappears and he gets to thinking she's playing hide-and-seek. He ends up going on a wild-goose-chase all around the house and looking outside too for Rosie, but it's a game he can't win. Rosie isn't hiding in one place, she keeps moving about such that Caillou can't find him. Caillou starts to get worried, so his parents help him out and they eventually manage to track Rosie down to the playfort that Caillou set up for her. Caillou tries to join her inside, but it ends up falling over. Mommy and Daddy decide that they'll play hide and seek with Caillou, but then Daddy remembers his surprise. So they all go downstairs and enjoy the surprise - gingerbread cookies and then they all play hide and seek together, with Mommy, Daddy and Rosie hiding together and Caillou looking for them all.

Épisode 47 - Caillou's Clouds

25 septembre 2000 - 5/5

Mommy, Caillou and Rosie are out at the park having a picnic. Caillou also has another reason to be excited about being at the park - he has a kite that he wants to try out. He tries it, but he can't get it to work. He runs, but it won't fly and he gets to thinking that it's broken. Mommy tells him that it isn't going to fly right now since there really isn't any wind. So they settle down to eat their food and then Mommy pushes Caillou and Rosie on the swings. Caillou watches the clouds in the sky and fantasizes various things, such as a tree, a train and an ice cream cone. He goes to play in the sandbox and then notices that the clouds are beginning to blow away. It's starting to get windy and Mommy reminds him about flying his kite. He goes to get it, but it nearly blows away itself. Caillou saves it and has a great time flying it.

Épisode 48 - Caillou Cleans Up

Épisode 49 - Caillou et la fée des dents

12 janvier 2001 - 5/5

Épisode 50 - Caillou veut grandir

- 5/5

Épisode 51 - Souvenir d'hiver

10 mai 2001 - 5/5

Épisode 52 - Le hamster de Léo

22 septembre 2000 - 5/5

Leo has a hamster named Buddy. Caillou thinks that Leo is lucky to have him. Leo's going to be away from home for a while, so Caillou gets to take care of Buddy while Leo is away. Leo shows Caillou how to hold Buddy and reminds him to be gentle. Leo feeds Buddy a carrot and Caillou is surprised to see Buddy appear to eat the entire thing very quickly, but Leo explains that Buddy is actually hiding the carrot in his cheek pouches. The time finally comes for Caillou to take Buddy home. Leo's Mom gives Caillou a list to give to his Daddy. At home, Daddy makes sure that Gilbert stays out of Caillou's room so he can't get to Buddy. They check his food and water and then Daddy suggests that Buddy be left alone for a while because he's sleeping. So Caillou goes off to play with some blocks, but he gets bored and ends up taking Buddy out of his cage, even though Buddy was still sleeping. Buddy scurries all over Caillou and then runs off and into a small crack between one of Caillou's dressers and the wall. Caillou can't reach him and runs off to get Daddy, but when he gets back, Buddy is gone. Daddy and Caillou go on a hunt for him, but first Daddy locks Gilbert up in his cage so he can't go after Buddy. Eventually they hear Mommhy shouting out from the kitchen. They go in there and find her standing on a chair. It turns out that Buddy is underneath the refrigerator. So Caillou gets a carrot and uses that to lure Buddy out. Buddy is returned to his cage for a chance to really get some rest. When Leo arrives back from his trip, Caillou tells him all about what happened and how he used the carrot to lure Buddy out.

Épisode 53 - Three's a Crowd

9 mai 2001 - 5/5

Épisode 54 - Get Well Soon

- 5/5

Épisode 55 - Shadow Play

10 janvier 2001 - 5/5

Épisode 56 - A New Member of the Family

8 janvier 2001 - 5/5

Looking at the photo album, the family remembers when Gilbert was a kitten and first came to live with them.

Épisode 57 - Surprise Party

22 septembre 2000 - 5/5

(title: "Surprise Party For Grandpa") After Grandma tells Caillou that Grandpa was too sick to have a party on his birthday, Caillou is in disbelief. He decides to throw a belated birthday party for Grandpa and Rosie helps.

Épisode 58 - Caillou's Bad Dream

10 janvier 2001 - 5/5

Épisode 59 - Caillou Computes

8 mai 2001 - 5/5

Dad brings home a new computer.

Épisode 60 - La Grande Découverte de Caillou

8 mai 2001 - 5/5

Caillou explores the dinosaur age when he and Leo find a fish fossil rock in Caillou’s backyard.

Épisode 61 - Caillou va au lave-auto

12 octobre 2001 - 5/5

Épisode 62 - Un monde imaginaire

- 5/5

Épisode 63 - Caillou n'a plus faim

Épisode 64 - Caillou se couche tard

11 mai 2001 - 5/5

Épisode 65 - Un zoo dans le jardin

- 5/5

Épisode 66 - La chasse aux trésors de Caillou

9 octobre 2001 - 5/5

Épisode 67 - Trop de chefs

10 octobre 2001 - 5/5

Épisode 68 - Caillou cueille des fraises

- 5/5

Épisode 69 - La valise de Caillou

- 5/5

Épisode 70 - Essaie encore

Caillou becomes frustrated while learning to tie his shoes, but by watching Rosie he learns you can succeed if you keep trying.

Épisode 71 - La feuille qui tombe

11 octobre 2001 - 5/5

Épisode 72 - Bonne année

8 octobre 2001 - 5/5

(A42 wip title: "Chinese New Year")

Épisode 73 - Caillou's Cross Word

13 octobre 2001 - 5/5

Épisode 74 - Caillou meets Robbie

21 février 2002 - 5/5

(A42 wip title: "I Can't Quite Hear You, But We Can Still Be Friends")

Épisode 75 - The Piñata

8 octobre 2001 - 5/5

(A42 wip title: "Xavier's Mexican Birthday Party")

Épisode 76 - La Promesse de Caillou

13 octobre 2001 - 5/5

Épisode 77 - A Surprise for Mommy

Épisode 78 - Caillou Misses Sarah

20 février 2002 - 5/5

Épisode 79 - Caillou's T-shirt Trouble

19 février 2002 - 5/5

Épisode 80 - A Helping Hand

18 février 2002 - 5/5

Épisode 1 - Caillou Tries Karate

- 4/5

Leo comes over to play at Caillou’s house. They have fun pretending to be bears until Sarah shows up wearing a GY (white Karate outfit). Dad had promised to drive her to her Karate lesson. Sarah introduces Caillou and Leo to Karate and demonstrates a few moves. While she is at her class, the boys have their own pretend Karate game. When Sarah comes back, she gives another lesson to the whole family.

Épisode 2 - Just Like Daddy

- 4/5

Daddy has a list of things to do around the house. However, the list soon disappears thanks to Gilbert who has decided to take off with it. Mom and Rosie go to the store, Caillou stays at home with his Daddy, and has a lot of fun imitating him and helping him with the chores Dad remembers from the missing list.

Épisode 3 - Caillou's Safari

- 4/5

Caillou wants to play with his animal cards but they have disappeared. A search soon reveals that Rosie has been playing with them, scattering them around the house. Caillou’s new mission: to find them! So Caillou and Rosie head out on a safari, working together to find the animal cards.

Épisode 4 - Cowboy Caillou

- 4/5

Jonas, a friend of Dad’s and a real cowboy, has invited the family to visit his ranch. Caillou had never met a real cowboy before. Caillou learns a lot about horses: they like carrots, they wear shoes… And he even gets to brush a pony named Lucky. Jonas also has a great surprise for them all. He takes them on a wagon ride and gives Caillou a terrific souvenir: his very own cowboy hat!

Épisode 5 - Caillou's Coins

- 3/5

Caillou accompanies Mom to the grocery store and brings along some money from his piggybank. He gets his own shopping cart and helps Mom gather the things on the grocery list. Caillou finds a way to spend his money: he gets his face painted by a lady at the store. Back home, Caillou has a surprise for Rosie: he gives her a helium-filled balloon that the face-painting lady gave him.

Épisode 6 - Caillou's Canoe Trip

- 3/5

When Caillou, Grandpa and Daddy go on a canoe trip, Caillou gets to see some wild animals in their natural habitat. He is amazed to see a dragonfly, a blue heron, and a beaver working on his beaver lodge. When they get to the cabin, they gather wood for the campfire and Caillou learns how to roast marshmallows on the fire.

Épisode 7 - Caillou and the Bulldozer

- 4/5

On an autumn day, Caillou and his Mommy take a walk and pass by a construction site. Caillou loves to watch the big bulldozer and starts to pretend he is one too. Back home, not everyone likes Bulldozer-Caillou as he chases Gilbert with his dust pan//bulldozer shovel and destroys Rosie’s block tower. Caillou helps Rosie build a new tower and finally finds a perfect job for a bulldozer: bulldozing the leaves with Dad in the backyard.

Épisode 8 - Caillou the Firefighter

- 4/5

When Dad’s burning toasts trigger the fire alarm, he decides it is the perfect opportunity to practice a fire drill. Caillou gets the family together and after going over a basic evacuation plan, Dad starts the alarm once more and everyone rushes outside to a meeting point. Caillou happily spends the afternoon outside pretending to be a firefighter.

Épisode 9 - Caillou the Timekeeper

- 4/5

Caillou and his Mommy are finishing preparing a picnic lunch. Caillou would like to leave right away, but it’s not lunch time yet and Mom and Dad have other things to finish before they leave. Caillou goes back and forth between Mom and Dad to check if it is time to go. To help Caillou wait, Dad gives him a small alarm clock and a special assignment; to let everybody know when it’s noon ( when the two hands on the clock reach twelve.)

Épisode 10 - Elephants!

- 4/5

When Mom, Rosie and Caillou go to the zoo, Caillou can’t wait to see the elephants. Rosie is a bit uneasy with all of these animals around and it takes her a while to get used to them; but, each time they leave a station, the animals seem to “connect” with Rosie one way or another which finally makes her smile. They see a parrot, a monkey, a hippopotamus and finally the elephants! Caillou is in complete awe and comes to the realization that animals have families too.

Épisode 11 - Caillou and the Sheep

- 4/5

Grandma takes Caillou on a special visit to a sheep farm. There, Mary, a 10-year-old girl, takes Caillou on a tour, teaching him about sheep, sheering, and the spinning of wool. When a small lamb escapes in the barn, Caillou helps Mary bring it back its his box.

Épisode 12 - Caillou and the Puppies

- 4/5

Caillou and Dad go over to Mr. Hinkle’s house to help him build a dog house. Caillou soon meets Mr. Hinkle’s guests, a Mommy dog with her two puppies, who are staying with him for a few days. When one of the puppies disappears, Caillou helps look for him. Fortunately, the bold little puppy comes out of hiding and joins his family in their new home.

Épisode 13 - The Duck Family

- 4/5

While Caillou and his family are on a picnic at the park, his beach ball accidentally rolls into a pond. Caillou sees a family of ducks swimming in the pond and wants to take a closer look. Dad shows Caillou a neat trick to call the ducks. They hide behind some bushes and the ducks come out of the water. They find Caillou’s missing ball and head home where a special surprise is waiting for Caillou at bath time.

Épisode 14 - Clementine's New Pet

- 4/5

When Mom takes Caillou to Clementine’s to see her new pet, she won’t tell Caillou what kind of animal it is. She wants it to be a surprise. Caillou soon discovers that Clemmentine’s new pet is a goldfish named Goldie! Clemmentine teaches Caillou how to feed him. Clementine and Caillou play with Goldie by holding toys against the glass of the fish bowl… After a snack, Caillou and Clementine decide to make drawings of Goldie and are amazed when the fish seems to look at the pictures when they hold it against the fish bowl.

Épisode 15 - Disappearing Carrots

- 4/5

When a white rabbit eats a bunch of carrots set aside for a picnic lunch, Caillou and Rosie go looking him. Caillou is just about to give up when the rabbit shows up. They soon discover that it isn’t a wild rabbit, his name is Snowball and he belongs to Mr. Hinkle’s sister.

Épisode 16 - Caillou Marches On

- 4/5

When Caillou visits Clementine, he is impressed to see Billy practicing on a Tuba. Billy shows Caillou and Clementine a little bit about the tuba and plays a musical game with them. Soon, Billy’s marching band mates arrive to practice. Clementine and Caillou wish they could join in too. They make their own pretend horns with cardboard tubes. When Billy’s sheet music is lifted away by a gust of wind, Caillou catches it and saves the day for the band! They all march on, giving Caillou a musical escort back to his house.

Épisode 17 - Who's Mooing?

Caillou and his family are leaving for a picnic in the country but the ride feels very long for Caillou, especially since he cannot play with his toy airplane because he might wake Rosie. When they stop at a gas station, Caillou spots some cows in a field next to a picnic area. The family decides to have the picnic there, where they have a close encounter with some cows.

Épisode 18 - Follow That Sound!

On a winter evening, a strange sound grabs Caillou’s attention. Caillou first searches the living room but the sound seems to come from elsewhere. He follows the sound to find out its source. His quest takes him to see Dad in the basement where the sound is heard again. Caillou continues his search and discovers Gilbert in his room, having a great time playing with a baby toy

Épisode 19 - The Music Box

Caillou goes up to the attic with Mom and finds a box containing a teddy bear and a music box. Mom gives the bear a bandanna, transforming him into a pirate bear. Caillou decides he likes the bear more than the music box. Since Caillou has made his choice, Mom decides to give Rosie the music box. When Caillou realizes that the music box was still working he wants it back. Caillou and Rosie find a way to both get to play with the music box and the pirate bear.

Épisode 20 - Caillou's Gym Day

Caillou gets a special invitation to go to André’s gym class. A little intimidated at first, Caillou tries his best and ends up having great fun. When they make a rhythmic coordination exercise, Caillou discovers that not everything is easy! Caillou finds the leap-frog exercise difficult but he keeps trying and finally succeeds. Back home, André and Caillou play gym class and when Caillou finds a toy whistle, it’s his turn to be the gym teacher!

Épisode 21 - Our Rocket Ship

Caillou and Leo are playing with their rocket ships in the park. Rosie wants to help them build the space station but she accidentally wrecks it. Caillou’s frustration builds up when they have to go home because of Rosie’s nap. At home, Caillou and Leo continue their space game and are thrilled when Mr. Hinkle gives them a cardboard box which they transform into a rocket ship. They all work very hard to decorate it. When Rosie comes out to help, Caillou is worried she’s going to wreck it and doesn’t want her help. But with Mommy’s help, Rosie makes the perfect final touch for the rocket ship: a flag! Caillou realizes that Rosie can help too and invites her to join him on the first mission in their new rocket ship!

Épisode 22 - Caillou Helps Grandpa

On a winter day, Dad and Caillou go over to Grandpa’s with their skates. What was suppose to be a skating outing becomes a shoveling chore because of all the snow that has accumulated in Grandpa’s driveway. Soon, Caillou finds a way to turn this into a game and has a lot of fun making snow castles. When they are finally done and ready to go skating, the snowplow passes in front of Grandpa’s and leaves more snow to shovel. Still, Caillou is delighted: they can make plenty of new snow castles!

Épisode 23 - Backyard Bowlers

When Caillou and Rosie stay at Grandma and Grandpa’s house, Grandpa uses pop bottles and a rubber ball to create a kid’s bowling alley in the backyard. Grandpa teaches Caillou to bowl, but when he is called inside, it’s Caillou’s turn to teach as he shows Rosie how to play. Rosie and Caillou have a great time playing together and when they come in for a snack they have another surprise: Grandma has made a little bowling trophy for each of them.

Épisode 24 - Caillou's Milk Run

Caillou accidentally spills the rest of the milk before Rosie could get her cereal. She is very upset and Caillou suggests the go get some more milk at the corner store. On their there, Caillou is proud to show things to his Mommy. He picks up a piece of chalk left on the sidewalk and draws a smiley face. At the street intersection, he shows Mom that he knows when it is time to cross safely. Mom is also proud of him. They get some milk and bread and come back home. Caillou can’t wait to eat cereal too but is disappointed when he finds out there is only enough cereal for Rosie! Rosie graciously agrees to share the cereal with her big brother and they have a great snack together.

Épisode 25 - Dancing at Grandma's

It is a rainy day and Caillou is disappointed because he will not be able to go play at the park with Grandma. Caillou’s mood changes when he discovers an old photo of a younger Grandpa and Grandma dancing. He gets more excited when he finds a first-prize ribbon they won at a dancing contest. He wants to dance too! With Grandma as his partner, Caillou follows her lead and learns to dance in the living room. Soon Caillou is even inventing his own steps! The dance goes on and the park is long forgotten, even if the weather has changed and the sun is now shinning outside.

Épisode 26 - Mystery Valentine

It’s Valentine’s day and Caillou is invited to a Valentine’s party at his best friend Leo’s house. Caillou is excited and with Mom’s help, he prepares special Valentine cards for his friends. When he gets to the party and hands out his Valentine’s cards, he finds a mysterious Valentine card addressed to him! It’s not from anyone at the party. A little investigation back home leads him to his secret admirer: a little sister with a big heart.

Épisode 27 - Play Ball!

When Dad’s baseball team, the Tigers, are playing a game at the park, Caillou, Rosie and Mom, go to cheer him on. However, Caillou gets restless. He wants to participate too. Although he’s too little to go up and bat, he becomes part of the team as the water boy and does a great job. When Dad’s game is over, they take out Caillou’s toy baseball gear and have a baseball game of their own.

Épisode 28 - Dogsled Ahead!

Caillou and his family are heading to the tobogganing hill! What fun it is to climb the hill and race down surrounded by people having a good time. Caillou is curious when they see a sled dog and his master giving a sled show on the premises. Caillou watches in wonder as the dog obeys the vocal commands. He’s even more impressed when he gets to ride the sled with Rosie and the dog listens to him!

Épisode 29 - Caillou's Sleepover Guest

Leo is spending the night at Caillou’s. Mom, Dad and Caillou provide him with all he needs: a sleeping bag to sleep in and a new toothbrush. Caillou would like all these special treats too but he learns that the guest comes first. Although Caillou gets a bit frustrated by this, he has a change of heart when he sees that Leo misses home a bit. Caillou decides to lend Leo his favorite dinosaur pajamas. The two friends find a perfect solution to make them both happy and have the best sleep-over ever!

Épisode 30 - Games in the Park

Caillou is excited when Miss Martin takes him and his friends to the park for some special activities. They have a beanbag race: a relay race using one beanbag per team. All these rules are not easy to grasp, and the kids have a few comical mishaps in the process. Caillou discovers that you don’t always have to win to be proud of yourself.

Épisode 31 - The Sugar Shack

18 février 2003

When Caillou’s family makes a springtime visit Jonas’ ranch, he takes them on a sleigh ride to a maple forest where Caillou discovers how the maple sap is collected from maple trees and gets to help to collect some. Later on in the sugar shack, Caillou learns about the maple syrup transformation process. But the best surprise is outside when Jonas pours the hot maple toffee on the snow, for everyone to enjoy.

Épisode 32 - Winter Mystery

18 février 2003

The twins, Jason and Jeffrey, have come to play with Caillou in the snow. They have fun playing games and making tracks in the snow until they discover smaller tracks between the two trees. A closer investigation leads them to a mischievous and playful squirrel who soon has them running around the yard. Exhausted, they drop in the snow and make some tracks of their own: snow angels.

Épisode 33 - Caillou's Snow Day

19 février 2003

When Caillou, Rosie and Mom head to the big park, Caillou sees Andre and they decide to build a snow fort. It is not easy but Caillou likes to learn from Andre and they put a lot of effort into building it. Sarah shows up and the boys put the fort to the test as they start a fun snow fight. In the end, they decide that the fort could be higher and everyone pitches in to help.

Épisode 34 - Caillou's Favorite Plate

Grandma has given Caillou a special spaceship plate. Caillou loves it so much that he carries it everywhere with him and he wants to eat every meal from it. Caillou is disappointed when he can’t find the plate. He searches the whole house but still can’t find it. Soon Caillou discovers that Rosie accidentally hid it in the kitchen while playing with bowls and lids. Caillou is very happy to have his favorite plate again. His snack even seems to taste better on it.

Épisode 35 - Fun in the Mud

It’s raining outside but there is no stopping Caillou! Since no one wants to join him, he goes outside to play in his new froggie boots, his rain coat and hat. He has a great time walking through water, making holes in the wet sand of the sand box, and making mud soup. He sees a robin catch a worm and is thrilled when he finds a worm of his own. When Leo calls to invite Caillou over to play, Caillou isn’t sure at first if he wants to go since he’s having such a great time by himself but, he decides that he wants to show his worm to Leo and heads off to see his friend.

Épisode 36 - All Aboard!

After finding a photograph of a four-year-old Dad with a model train set, Caillou and Dad decide to look for it in Grandpa’s basement. After a while, they finally find it and set it up to test it out. Caillou is having a great time; Grandpa, Dad and Caillou all love toy trains. Grandma captures the moment in a photograph which Caillou decides to put in the photo album beside the old picture of Dad.

Épisode 37 - Gilbert's House

When Caillou spots a dog house outside he gets the idea that Gilbert might like a house of his own. Caillou finds a cardboard box and some crayons and with Gilbert’s help, he decides how to decorate the house. Once done, Gilbert’s new house is a success!

Épisode 38 - I Scream for Ice Cream!

Caillou, Rosie and Mom are having fun at the park when the ice-cream man comes around. Caillou wants an ice-cream but the ice-cream man leaves before he can get there. Caillou is very frustrated and complains to Dad when they get home. Dad has an idea and Caillou cools off by riding his bicycle. When Caillou rings his bicycle bell, Dad suggests Caillou be the ice-cream man! Caillou is delighted by the idea. Soon, lots of “customers” join him in the kitchen to get one of his unique ice-cream creations.

Épisode 39 - Super Caillou!

Caillou just loves his Superbear storybook. Dad reads it to him once but when Caillou wants to hear it again and again, Dad explains that he has other things to do. Caillou decides to make up a story on his own and plays it out with Rosie. “Superbear” and “Lttle Bear” run after the villain Gilbert AKA “Bad-Bazoo-Bear” and save the day. When they get to the kitchen a real task awaits them! Mom can’t find her car keys. “Superbear” is quick to check around and finds them. Mom is very proud of her two super heroes.

Épisode 40 - Trip On The Subway

Caillou learns to deal with a change in plans, when Daddy has to use the car and Mommy and Caillou have to take the subway. Caillou learns, a change in plans can be fun, checking out the map, getting tickets and listening to the musicians! In fact he has so much fun, he and Mom decide to take the subway home!

Épisode 41 - Caillou's Race

Caillou is playing a board game with Mom and he gets a little upset when he discovers that her last die throw is going to make her win. He tries to change the rules but Mom stands her ground. These are the rules and you can’t always win. Upset, Caillou takes a time out by himself. After a little while, he decides he wants to play again. He races Teddy, Gilbert and eventually Rosie who turns out to have a few tricks of her own!

Épisode 42 - As Good As New

Caillou learns about ‘recycling’ -- literally! When Caillou gets an eyeful of Leo’s new bicycle, he wishes his bike looked special too. So when Dad suggests they shine up his bike, Caillou’s all for it! They decorate it with their own streamers and Mom comes through with a new horn too!

Épisode 43 - I, Robot

When Sarah shows Caillou and Leo her new remote controlled robot, the boys get a great idea to be robots too! They have fun taking turns ‘controlling’ each other with their own remote control. Mom even gets into the act, but when their ‘batteries’ go dead in the middle of a snack, Mom has to use the emergency ‘wind up key’.

Épisode 44 - Caillou's Water Park

Caillou learns that the best fun is made up and not bought and paid for. When he sees a flyer in the mail about a fun looking water park, he wants to go! But Mom says it’s not a good day for it and Caillou is disappointed. That is until they come up with an idea to make their very own water park in the backyard!

Épisode 45 - Gone Fishing

Caillou learns about patience when he goes fishing with Daddy and Grandpa at the pier. He even watches a boat bring in a load of fish! But learning about patience is hard, can Caillou wait long enough to catch his own fish?

Épisode 46 - The Water Goes 'Round

Grandma is watching Caillou for the day, and he wants her to play trucks with him. But Grandma has a better idea; why not help do the laundry? She makes such a great game of it, Caillou wants to play it again and again. The only trouble is, the laundry is all done! Caillou learns about helping out, and that it can be fun too!

Épisode 47 - Caillou's Test Drive

When their car breaks down, the family goes shopping for a new one. Caillou has never seen so many shiny cars and especially likes the one with ‘no roof’ that they go for a ride in. In the end, Mom and Dad decide to fix up their car, which makes Caillou happy.

Épisode 48 - A Very Good Swimmer!

Caillou gets an introduction to what it means to be handicapped, when, at the pool, he meets Tammy, a girl a few years older, who happens to be in a wheelchair. Caillou hardly even notices Tammy’s handicap, all he knows is, she’s a great swimmer! She even shows Caillou a few aquatic tricks!

Épisode 49 - Caillou's Horn

When Sarah gives Caillou an old toy horn, Caillou wants to blow it everywhere. But he quickly learns, not everyone wants to hear it all the time. Caillou is frustrated, until Dad suggests they go to the park. There, Caillou uses the horn to signal Sarah from afar. There is a time and place for everything!

Épisode 50 - The Mighty Oak

When Mr. Hinkle has a tree cut down, Caillou is afraid his swing tree is next! Dad decides to plant a new tree so it’s a trip to the Nursery. Caillou learns about the differences between trees with needles and leaves. When the new tree is planted, Caillou gives it a blanket to keep warm and a toy car to play with in case it gets lonely at night.

Épisode 51 - Get Well Mr. Hinkle

When Caillou dresses up like a mailman to deliver Mr. Hinkle’s misdirected mail, he finds out Mr. Hinkle is sick. With help from Mom, Caillou makes up a get-well card, and together they deliver it, along with some much needed chicken soup!

Épisode 52 - The Big Boat

Caillou and family go on a trip on Helen’s boat, an old friend of Mom’s. Caillou is surprised to find there’s a whole house packed into the boat. Caillou learns about wind and sails, and even gets to steer the boat too!

Épisode 53 - Something For Everyone

When the park is closed for the day, Caillou’s friends come over to his house to play. But when no one will share the sandbox toys, or the swing, Caillou wishes everyone would just go home. Mom proposes a game everyone can play, so Caillou suggests Frozen Tag! When it’s time for everyone to go home, Caillou wonders, can’t his friends stay just a little longer?

Épisode 54 - Skating Lessons

When Mom drives Sarah to her skating lesson, Caillou decides he wants to take skating lessons too! But the lessons are harder than Caillou expected, and if it weren’t for the neato Zamboni, Caillou might not have gone back. But the second lesson proves to be a lot of fun, and Caillou gets a ride on the Zamboni too!

Épisode 55 - Caillou Becomes A Waiter

When Mom and Dad are getting ready to go out to a restaurant, Caillou doesn’t understand why he can’t go too! He’s disappointed until Julie the babysitter suggests they make their own restaurant, complete with menus! Everyone dresses up and Caillou and Julie take turns being waiters!

Épisode 56 - Sticking To It!

When Caillou accidentally breaks one of his toys because his room is a mess, Mom suggests a way to make cleaning up fun: with colourful stickers and a chart. Now Caillou and Rosie get to pick out their very own stickers for brushing their teeth, and more importantly, cleaning up the toys in their bedrooms!

Épisode 57 - New Clothes

When Caillou dresses himself, he learns it’s okay to change from your favourite shorts when you find out it’s cold outside. And when you put your pants on backwards, you can change and put them on right. So when he sees Dad and Grandpa in suits and ties for a big party, he changes into his grownup clothes too.

Épisode 58 - Where I Live

When an invitation for Clementine’s party accidentally ends up at Sarah’s, Caillou learns the differences between the addresses of the two homes. Daddy helps by making up a rhyme. Caillou learns his address, and is able to recite it back to Clementine.

Épisode 59 - A Good Friend

When Leo forgets his brand new toy dinosaur in the park, Daddy and Caillou go looking for it. With no success, Caillou, with Mommy’s help, puts up a Lost and Found Poster, and then, finds ‘Dino’ at the Park Office Lost and Found!

Épisode 60 - Just Like Me

When Clementine tells Caillou how much she likes her older brother, Billy, to teach her things, Caillou sets out to teach something to Rosie. But this proves harder than Caillou thought, until Mom suggests he try the A-B-C song!

Épisode 61 - Just In Time

When Caillou’s dawdling causes he, Mom and Rosie to be late going to the park, they end up missing Leo. So Dad suggests they make a game out of not dawdling, by using an egg timer for Caillou to race against when he gets ready for bed. This time, Caillou isn’t distracted, and now has time to have three stories read to him!

Épisode 62 - Mr. Fixit

When the washing machine needs fixing, Caillou ends up helping Bob the repairman. Inspired, Caillou helps Dad hammer a nail and glue the leg onto a wobbly stool too!

Épisode 1 - Where's Gilbert

1 février 2000 - 4.3/5

Gilbert has gone missing and Caillou is very concerned.

Épisode 2 - Where I Saw it Last

2 février 2000 - 4.3/5

Caillou realises that he has misplaced his new toy car.

Épisode 3 - Lost in the Jungle

3 février 2000 - 4.3/5

Caillou learns all about the jungle at playschool

Épisode 4 - Everyone's Best

- 5/5

Clementine shows up with a swimming ribbon on her chest.

Épisode 5 - Stronger Every Day

- 5/5

A new, longer set of monkey bars is installed at the park

Épisode 6 - No More Training Wheels

- 5/5

With training wheels on his bike, Caillou is having trouble keeping up.

Épisode 7 - Caillou the Road Builder

- 5/5

There's been a big storm.

Épisode 8 - Caillou's Building Adventure

- 5/5

Daddy and Grandpa help a charity build a new home for a needy family.

Épisode 9 - A House in the Sky

- 5/5

Mommy and Caillou go to visit an old friend of Mom's.

Épisode 10 - Caillou rend service

22 septembre 2000 - 4.3/5

Everyone’s lending a helping hand today. Caillou plans a surprise birthday party for Grandpa with Grandma’s help. He and Grandma get everything ready, and Grandpa is very surprised and very happy. Rexy, on the other hand, is disappointed when Teddy and DeeDee are too busy with their chores to play with him. Gilbert suggests that Rexy help the others out - that way they’ll be finished sooner and ready to play. Caillou really likes to play with Leo’s pet hamster and would love to have one of his own. He doesn’t realize how much hard work having a hamster can be until he offers to look after Leo’s pet while Leo and his parents are out of town. He soon realizes it’s not all fun and games – especially with Gilbert around! In the puppet segments, Teddy is out raking leaves, while Deedee is busy gathering nuts for the winter. Gilbert sees Teddy raking the leaves and says that he'll come and help him later, but for the time being, he's going go have a catnap. Rexy also notices Teddy raking the leaves and asks him why he's doing it. After pestering him with "why" questions for a little while, he asks him if he's seen Deedee. Teddy says that he has, but tries to warn Rexy that Deedee is busy. Rexy doesn't listen and goes and asks Deedee if she wants to play pirates. Deedee is so busy that she doesn't really have time to do much more than say that she can't. Rexy doesn't understand why she'd choose gathering nuts over playing pirates, since playing pirates is much more fun. He decides to try playing pirates himself to show how much fun it is, but just ends up playing by himself. He starts to get sad and then Gilbert comes out, apparently having finished his catnap and asks him what he's doing by himself. Rexy explains how everyone's busy and Gilbert suggests that he ask if he can help out. So both Rexy and Gilbert help with everyone's chores and pretty soon they're all playing pirates together. Caillou is helping out too, whether it be taking care of a frien

Épisode 11 - Caillou the Firefighter

- 5/5

The Fire chief visits Caillou's playschool to teach the children about file drills.

Épisode 12 - Caillou to the Rescue

7 avril 2006 - 4.3/5

Caillou helps Rosie when she's teething; Caillou pretends to be a firefighter; Caillou and Leo pretend to be tow truck drivers and crane operators. "Caillou Helps Out" - It's dinner-time and Caillou is enjoying a meal of spaghetti and meatballs. Rosie, however, doesn't seem to be very hungry. She's also rather fussy, knocking her stuffed rabbit to the kitchen floor. That night, it's storytime, and Caillou is reading a story to his Daddy, about a baby bird. They hear a cry from Rosie's room --- it seems Rosie is having trouble getting to sleep. Daddy explains that Rosie is teething and it's rather painful. Daddy and Mommy can't seem to get her to sleep, but Caillou thinks maybe he could. First, he tries singing her a song. She seems to like the song, but it doesn't get her to sleep. Next, he lets Rosie borrow his toy firetruck, but she's not interested. Gilbert shows up and Caillou gets him to lie down with her, but she's still fussy. She says that she wants her bunny. Caillou can't find it at first, but then remembers that it's in the kitchen. He goes to get it and Rosie's calmed down a bit, but still isn't going to sleep. He tells her a story in which they attend a fair. He imagines that they're both riding around a kangaroo, another one of Rosie's stuffed toys. When he gets to the end, Rosie's asleep "Caillou the Firefighter" - Caillou and his friends are at playschool where Leo is directing a "stop/go" game. After the game is over, Leo asks Caillou if he can wear his firefighter's hat. Caillou refuses because he really wanted to wear the hat for today's upcoming special presentation. Ms. Martin says it's time to clean up to get ready for that special presentation. As he cleans up, Caillou notices the twins Jason and Jeffrey arguing over a toy rocket. Caillou rethinks his decision and suggests to Leo that they take turns wearing the hat. Leo likes this idea. Ms. Martin explains the purpose of a smoke detector. She then introduces the special guest --- the to

Épisode 13 - Caillou et le Grand Toboggan

- 5/5

The playschool is going swimming, and it's Caillou's very first time on a water slide.

Épisode 14 - Caillou the Sailor

- 5/5

Mommy and Daddy are going out to a party.

Épisode 15 - Caillou and the Creepy Crawlies

- 5/5

Rosie doesn't like bugs.

Épisode 16 - Snowflakes

- 5/5

Caillou wakes up and waits all morning for the first snow of winter, but it hasn't fell yet. When it starts to snow, Caillou gets dressed and goes outside to play. Caillou wants to build a snowman but there isn't enough snow. He makes snow angels instead. Then Sarah arrives and she and Caillou catch snowflakes. Sarah tells Caillou that every snowflake is different. Then they got a magnifying glass to get a closer look at the snowflakes. Then Caillou and Sarah decide to make their own snowflakes. Caillou and Sarah use scissors, while Rosie draws snowflakes.

Épisode 17 - Caillou Shoots! He Scores!

- 5/5

Caillou wants to play hockey with Billy and the other big kids.

Épisode 18 - Caillou goes Tobogganing

- 5/5

Mommy can't find Caillou's toboggan.

Épisode 19 - Caillou Plays the Drums

- 5/5

Clementine's big brother Billy has a new drum set.

Épisode 20 - Caillou's Marching Band

- 5/5

Caillou and his friends are very excited when a real marching band goes by the playschool.

Épisode 21 - Caillou Sings

The playschool is having a talent show.

Épisode 22 - Show and Tell

Caillou has to decide on a nice surprise to bring to playschool for Show and Tell.

Épisode 23 - Caillou the Magician

Grandma shows Caillou a simple magic trick.

Épisode 24 - Caillou's Castle

Caillou wants to play castles and dragons.

Épisode 25 - Caillou of the Antarctic

Caillou is playing with Jeffrey and Jason when he gets accidentally pushed down.

Épisode 26 - Deep Sea Caillou

There's a new girl named Lee Wun in playschool.

Épisode 27 - Caillou in the Bayou

The whole family is on the way to the beach.

Épisode 28 - Magnet Madness

Caillou is playing with the fridge magnets.

Épisode 29 - Caillou the Dinosaur Hunter

The whole family goes on a trip to the natural history.

Épisode 30 - Caillou the Astronaut

Caillou wants to play with both his friends Clementine and Xavier.

Épisode 31 - Caillou the Librarian

Caillou is excited about showing Rosie the ropes when they visit the library.

Épisode 32 - Caillou le bibliothécaire

21 juin 2006 - 3/5

Caillou and Rosie visit the library; after returning from the library, Caillou is eager to read a book about pirates; Caillou's teacher, Ms. Martin, encourages him to make a storybook out of his superhero tale. "Caillou the Librarian" - Caillou, Rosie and Mommy are headed to the library for story time. Caillou is having fun waving around his library card like its a fish and entertaining Rosie. He tells her that maybe one day she'll have her very own library card. They reach the library, but it's still a few minutes before story time. Caillou and Rosie have fun looking at a fish at a tank and then Caillou takes Rosie over to the board books. They get caught up in a picture book filled with animals and Mommy has to tell them to quiet down. Caillou decides to go look for a book about fish, but he can't seem to find a single one. A librarian named Vanessa notices his predicament. It turns out she's one reading for story time and it just so happens that the featured book is about a dolphin named Daphne. As he and Rosie enjoy the story, Caillou imagines what it would be like to be a dolphin. Afterwards, Vanessa asks if Caillou would like to borrow the book. He does, so she gives it to him. Rosie's interested in the book too. She and Caillou end up in a tug-of-war for the book and end up tearing a page. At first, Caillou is worried that he won't be able to borrow anymore books and tries to hide it. He realizes this isn't going to work and so he shows it to Mommy. After talking about it a little, they take it up to Vanessa, who is now working the circulation desk. Together, Vanessa, Caillou and Rosie tape up the book and then Caillou is able to check it out. Rosie also checks out some books and gets her very own library card. "Caillou the Bookworm" - This time, Caillou, Rosie and Mommy are on the way home from a visit to the library. Caillou has a book about pirates that he just can't wait to read. Meanwhile, Rosie really wants to play "horsey," but Mommy and Daddy ar

Épisode 33 - Caillou the Storyteller

It's a rainy day at playschool and the children can't go outside.

Épisode 34 - A Present for Mommy

Mommy's having a bad day.

Épisode 35 - Caillou the Chef

Jeffrey and Jason are coming over for dinner.

Épisode 36 - Caillou the Painter

Caillou's got a brand new painting shirt and decides to paint something for Grandma.

Épisode 37 - Capitaine Caillou

5 juillet 2006 - 3/5

Caillou participates in a boat race with a new sailboat from his Grandpa; Caillou experiences loud sounds; Caillou is the ring bearer at the wedding of Mommy and Daddys' friend Jonas. "Captain Caillou" - Caillou his eagerly waiting for his Grandpa --- today they're both going for a visit to the park. When Grandpa arrives, he's carrying a package and asks Caillou if he's ready for a special day at the park. Caillou wonders what's so special about it and figures it has something to do with the contents of the package. He's very curious as to what's in it, but it's a surprise --- not to be revealed until they get to the park. They take a bus to the park and Caillou tries to guess just what could be in the box. Grandpa gives him a hint --- it's something that they can play with at the park. Caillou imagines all sorts of possibilities. He asks if maybe it's a teddy bear, or even a real bear. He also imagines an airplane. Actually, it turns out to be a toy sailboat. Caillou likes the sailboat and imagines that he's a real boat captain. Just then, Caillou's friend from playschool, Emma, shows up. She and her Dad brought a toy sailboat too. They decide to have a race with another little boy who's at the park. Grandpa reminds Caillou that even if he doesn't win, the most important thing is to have fun. The race begins. At first things are pretty even, but Caillou feels like maybe he has a slight edge. He makes the boat go faster, but then it tips over. Even more upsetting --- Emma's boat tips over as well. The little boy wins the race. Caillou apologizes to Emma for what happened, but she's not too upset. It turns out that she's been going to the park and racing her boat for a long time and it always seems to tip over. They both congratulate the little boy for winning. Caillou decides he likes being Captain Caillou and wants to come back and race again. "The Loudest Noise" - Caillou is inside, playing with his toy firetruck. He's having a lot of fun with it, racing it

Épisode 38 - The Loudest Noise

Mommy sends Caillou to play outside.

Épisode 39 - Caillou's First Wedding

Daddy and Mommy's friend Jonas is getting married.

Épisode 40 - Caillou Goes Shopping

7 mai 2001 - 3/5

Épisode 41 - Caillou Goes Apple Picking

Caillou's playschool is on a special field trip to an apple orchard.

Épisode 42 - Caillou's Halloween Costume

Halloween is coming and it's time to pick out a costume to wear.

Épisode 43 - Shoo, Shoo Bird, Fly Away!

Birds keep eating the seeds in Mommy and Caillou's newly planted garden.

Épisode 44 - Caillou's Road Trip

One fine day the family is going on a car trip.

Épisode 45 - Caillou and the Dragon

There's a special visitor at Caillou's playschool.

Épisode 46 - La Surprise de Caillou

26 juillet 2006 - 3/5

Caillou makes a new cup for Mommy when he breaks her favorite one; Caillou, Leo and Clementine throw their teacher a surprise birthday party; a power outage happens while Sarah is over at Caillou's to play. "Caillou's Surprise" - It's a nice, peaceful morning and Caillou and his family are having breakfast. Caillou wants some juice and so Mommy suggests he get a glass out of the drainboard. Caillou decides he wants to drink out of a cup. He picks one up, but it's a bit too heavy for him and he ends up dropping it and breaking it. It turns out that this was a special cup that Grandma made for Mommy. Mommy's disappointed at the loss of her cup, but accidents happen. Still, Caillou's upset about breaking the cup. When Grandma arrives that day, he tells her about it. Grandma has an idea --- she's taking Caillou to the craft center today, and can create a new cup for Mommy there. They arrive at the craft center. Grandma gives Caillou an apron and they get down to work. Grandma's making a pot, while Caillou gets going on his cup. He imagines some other things to make out of clay --- a car, or even a flying car. He ends up getting splattered with the clay, but it's okay since he has the apron on. He rather likes working with the clay --- it's kind of like playing with mud. He finally gets the cup crafted and both he and Grandma put their creations in the kiln. Once they've baked, they paint them. Caillou's not happy with his colors --- they're dull and drab. Grandma tells him that they have to put it back in the oven in order for the colors to brighten. Caillou's rather dubious about this and he's not happy at having to wait for the clay to bake again. They'll have to come back for it tomorrow and Caillou wanted to give Mommy the cup today. Grandma advises him that some things are worth waiting for. The next day, Grandma and Caillou return to the craft center. Caillou is very pleased --- the colors on his cup are now very bright. Back at home, he tries to tempt Mommy wi

Épisode 47 - A Surprise for Miss Martin

Caillou finds out that Miss Martin's birthday is coming up.

Épisode 48 - A Surprise Sleepover

Sarah is playing at Caillou's.

Épisode 49 - Caillou the Patient

While pretending to be a jet pilot Caillou falls down and scrapes his knees.

Épisode 50 - Caillou the Police Officer

When the traffic lights near school stop working a policeman comes to direct traffic.

Épisode 51 - Grandpa's Friend

Grandpa takes Caillou to the park one find day to meet his friend George.

Épisode 52 - Caillou Goes Caroling

Caillou goes out caroling for the very first time.

Épisode 53 - A Playschool Party

Caillou learns about special holiday treats and the traditions of his classmates.

Épisode 54 - Caillou's Christmas Eve

It is Christmas Eve and Caillou's Mom has just made some Christmas cookies. Caillou looks at the Christmas tree in the Living room and wonders what new presents Santa will bring when he comes. Caillou puts cookies out for Santa and his Dad tells Caillou and Rosie that they must be asleep in order for Santa to come. . Caillou is determined to stay up to see Santa but he eventually falls asleep as has a dream that he is helping Santa deliver presents.

Épisode 55 - Caillou's Valentines

It's Valentine's Day and Daddy surprises Mommy with a bouquet of roses.

Épisode 56 - Hello Spring!

Caillou is very sad when his snowman melts.

Épisode 57 - Caillou's April Fool

Daddy plays an April Fool's trick on Mommy.

Épisode 58 - A Sweet and Sour Day

Caillou is helping Grandma water her flowers and fill the birdbath.

Épisode 59 - Caillou's Puppet Show

Caillou and his friends Jason and Jeffrey make finger puppets.

Épisode 60 - Caillou's Collection

In the park Caillou starts a new hobby.

Épisode 1 - Caillou's Cricket

1 février 2010 - 4.3/5

Caillou accidentally brings a cricket into the house and decides it will be a fun pet to keep.

Épisode 2 - Dog Dilemma

12 mars 2010 - 4/5

Épisode 3 - The Spider Issue

13 mars 2010 - 4.3/5

Épisode 4 - Caillou fait du patin à roulettes

Épisode 5 - Un petit sourire!

Épisode 6 - Caillou essaie de siffler

Épisode 7 - Caillou joue à la ringuette

Caillou and Leo want to play hockey.

Épisode 8 - À la plage

- 4.5/5

Caillou and his family are supposed to be enjoying a nice day.

Épisode 9 - Caillou fait de l'escalade

- 4.5/5

Mommy takes Caillou and Clementine to an indoor rock climbing wall.

Épisode 10 - Caillou Makes a Meal

- 4.5/5

Caillou makes pizza for dinner with his family.

Épisode 11 - Caillou's New Groove

- 4.5/5

Mommy and Daddy are gone overnight and Grandpa and Grandma are babysitting.

Épisode 12 - Caillou Goes Bowling

18 mars 2013 - 4.3/5

Épisode 13 - Big Kid Caillou

19 mars 2013 - 4.3/5

Épisode 14 - Caillou's Glasses

- 4.5/5

When Mommy gets a new pair of specs, Caillou wants glasses too.

Épisode 15 - Caillou's Dance Party

- 4.5/5

Miss Martin is throwing a dance party.

Épisode 16 - L'ombre de Caillou

- 4.5/5

Caillou likes it when Miss Martin calls him a shadow scientist.

Épisode 17 - Pilotes et copilotes

- 4.5/5

Daniel comes for a visit.

Épisode 18 - La montagne de feuilles de Caillou

- 4.5/5

Caillou has fun jumping in the fall leaves with Daddy.

Épisode 19 - Sharing the Rocketship

- 4.5/5

Caillou and Leo decide to go ‘halvsies' on a toy shuttle.

Épisode 20 - Coach Grandpa

- 4.5/5

Grandpa is coaching Caillou's soccer team.

Épisode 21 - The Safety Helper

- 4.5/5

Caillou is very proud when Miss Martin makes him "Safety Helper".

Épisode 22 - Rushing the Raspberry

- 4.5/5

Caillou is helping Mommy take care of a raspberry bush.

Épisode 23 - Wait to Skate

- 4.5/5

Daddy is building an ice rink in the backyard.

Épisode 24 - Caillou's Hiccups

- 4.5/5

A spaghetti dinner (and a lot of giggling) result in Caillou getting the hiccups.

Épisode 25 - Caillou's Cross-Hop

- 4.5/5

Caillou doesn't want to hold hands and obey safety rules.

Épisode 26 - Glitter Glitch

- 4.5/5

Caillou forgets to wash his glittery hands.

Épisode 27 - The Untidy Classroom

Caillou complains about having to tidy up.

Épisode 28 - No Tradebacks!

Caillou decides to trade his tiny toy shovel for some stickers.

Épisode 29 - Shoe Story

Caillou desperately wants a pair of snazzy light-up sneakers.

Épisode 30 - Rollie Racers

Rollie Racers (toy cars) are the latest craze.

Épisode 31 - Caillou's Song

Caillou wants to learn to play a song on his little keyboard.

Épisode 32 - Follow Me

Caillou tries to befriend his new classmate, Andy.

Épisode 33 - Where's Caillou?

Caillou wants someone to play with.

Épisode 34 - Olive Muddle

Grandma brings over some delicious treats.

Épisode 35 - Caillou's Clay Play

Caillou and Leo accidentally break Rosie's clay poodle.

Épisode 36 - The Lightning Ball Express

Mrs. Howard brings over an old train set.

Épisode 37 - Sarah's Kite

Caillou flies Sarah's kite and accidentally crashes it into a tree.

Épisode 38 - Caillou's New Game

Caillou has some friends over and they want to play a game.

Épisode 39 - Shiny Reminder

Caillou promises to return Leo's special marker.

Épisode 40 - Caillou Can Compost

Caillou Can Compost: Caillou wants to be an amazing magician - and has Grandma got a trick for him! She shows Caillou her composter, and soon, Caillou is determined to make "gardening gold" appear all on his own.

Épisode 41 - Caillou's Tree

When Daddy must cut down an old decaying tree, Caillou is upset.

Épisode 42 - Caillou Saves Water

When Miss Martin asks the class to think up ways to save water, Caillou takes it to heart.

Épisode 43 - Bunny Shmunny

Caillou doesn't seem to appreciate how much time Mommy spends doing things for him.

Épisode 44 - That's Mine!

Rosie accidentally scratches Caillou's bike.

Épisode 45 - Raspberry Ruckus

Caillou thinks it's hilarious when he teaches Rosie how to blow raspberries.

Épisode 46 - Where is Mars?

Caillou and Daddy are finishing up a model of the solar system.

Épisode 47 - Emma's Extra Snacks

Caillou is confused when Emma is allowed to have extra snacks.

Épisode 48 - Lost and Found

When things begin to go missing around the house Mommy blames Gilbert.

Épisode 49 - Caillou's Mini Marathon

- 5/5

Caillou wants to run a marathon, just like Daddy.

Épisode 50 - Smooth Sailing

Caillou likes sailing with Daddy and Grandpa.

Épisode 51 - Am I Big Yet?

Rosie has had a growth spurt and Caillou wants one too.

Épisode 52 - Copycat Clementine

Caillou is annoyed!

Épisode 53 - Caillou's Poster

Caillou is excited about the opportunity to draw a poster.

Épisode 54 - Playhouse Play Date

Caillou and Sarah work together to decorate Caillou's new playhouse.

Épisode 55 - Helping Mrs. Howard

Mrs. Howard has sprained her ankle.

Épisode 56 - Caillou's Fun Run

Caillou is determined to win a ribbon.

Épisode 57 - The New Girl

Caillou is looking forward to being Leo's partner during a field trip.

Épisode 58 - Borrowed Book

Miss Martin agrees to loan Caillou a preschool book.

Épisode 59 - Fixing Mr. Bones

Leo accidentally breaks Mr. Bones.

Épisode 60 - Cailloudles

Jeffrey and Jason are having fun making up silly names for their classmates.

Épisode 61 - Blueberry Point

- 5/5

It's Grandpa's birthday!

Épisode 62 - Class Pet

Caillou is very excited to look after Hamish, the class hamster.

Épisode 63 - In the Garden

Caillou wants to surprise Daddy with a weed-free garden.

Épisode 64 - Caillou's Camel Ride

Caillou is afraid to go on a camel ride.

Épisode 65 - It's Not Too Big For Me!

Caillou is keen to go sledding on the "Big Hill".

Épisode 66 - Caillou's Flying Saucer

Caillou thinks he's seen a flying saucer in his yard.

Épisode 67 - Daddy's Puzzles

It's a rainy day and Caillou doesn't know what to do.

Épisode 68 - Play With Me

Caillou has no one to play with!

Épisode 69 - Caillou's Bad Luck

Caillou is having a bad day.

Épisode 70 - Kitty Conundrum

Caillou finds a tiny kitten.

Épisode 71 - Caillou's Favourite Sweater

Grandma has knit Caillou a wonderful sweater.

Épisode 72 - Caillou's Big Dig

Caillou is feeling frustrated while trying to build a model truck.

Épisode 73 - Caillou Conducts

The preschool has a visitor - Liz, a musician.

Épisode 74 - Captain Caillou

Captain Caillou and Fantastic Leo are enjoying ‘flying' around the house.

Épisode 75 - Caillou Roars

After watching a nature show about lions, Caillou decides he wants to be a lion!

Épisode 76 - Butterfly Surprise

- 4.5/5

Caillou is disappointed to learn his class trip is cancelled.

Épisode 77 - Soccer Trouble

- 4.7/5

Grandma plans to coach Caillou's soccer team.

Épisode 78 - You're Not Miss Martin!

- 4.5/5

Caillou isn't too happy when Miss Martin is away.




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