Poster de la serie Popeye le marin

Popeye le marin


Année : 1933

Nombre de saisons : 28

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 5 minutes

Genre(s) : Animation, Comédie, Famille

Popeye porte en général une chemise de marin noir et rouge à boutons jaunes, un pantalon bleu, une casquette blanche (son costume est parfois aussi blanc dans le dessin animé) et tient continuellement pincée entre ses lèvres une petite pipe en maïs. Ce n'est pas à proprement parler un modèle de superhéros : il est borgne, a des avant-bras sur-développés avec une ancre tatouée sur chacun, le menton proéminent, marche comme un canard et ses coudes ressortent. Il a un tempérament colérique, naïf et jaloux. Mais il possède aussi un cœur pur et un esprit chevaleresque, sensible. Il parle avec un fort accent de marin


Popeye le marin saison 1933

Saison 1933

Popeye le marin saison 1934

Saison 1934

Popeye le marin saison 1935

Saison 1935

Popeye le marin saison 1936

Saison 1936

Popeye le marin saison 1937

Saison 1937

Popeye le marin saison 1938

Saison 1938

Popeye le marin saison 1939

Saison 1939

Popeye le marin saison 1940

Saison 1940

Popeye le marin saison 1941

Saison 1941

Popeye le marin saison 1942

Saison 1942

Popeye le marin saison 1943

Saison 1943

Popeye le marin saison 1944

Saison 1944

Popeye le marin saison 1945

Saison 1945

Popeye le marin saison 1946

Saison 1946

Popeye le marin saison 1947

Saison 1947

Popeye le marin saison 1948

Saison 1948

Popeye le marin saison 1949

Saison 1949

Popeye le marin saison 1950

Saison 1950

Popeye le marin saison 1951

Saison 1951

Popeye le marin saison 1952

Saison 1952

Popeye le marin saison 1953

Saison 1953

Popeye le marin saison 1954

Saison 1954

Popeye le marin saison 1955

Saison 1955

Popeye le marin saison 1956

Saison 1956

Popeye le marin saison 1957

Saison 1957

Popeye le marin saison 1960

Saison 1960

Popeye le marin saison 1961

Saison 1961


Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - Popeye the Sailor

14 juillet 1933

While on shore leave, Popeye takes Olive Oyl to a carnival, where he is challenged by Bluto in various games. Later, while Popeye is dancing on stage with Betty Boop, Bluto seizes the opportunity to kidnap Olive, forcing Popeye to come to her rescue.

Épisode 2 - I Yam What I Yam

29 septembre 1933 - 1/5

After a stormy boat ride with Olive Oyl and Wimpy, Popeye builds a log cabin near the beach where they make landfall. Later, while Popeye is out on his own hunting for dinner, a band of indians wages separate assaults on the cabin and on Popeye.

Épisode 3 - Blow Me Down!

27 octobre 1933 - 1/5

Popeye visits Olive Oyl, who is working as a dancer in a cantina in Mexico. Bluto the Bandit shows up and scares off everyone except Popeye. After failing to beat him in various challenges, Bluto sets his gang on Popeye while he goes after Olive.

Épisode 4 - I Eats My Spinach

17 novembre 1933 - 1/5

Popeye escorts Olive Oyl to a rodeo, where The Great Bluto is performing. Becoming jealous over Olive’s adoration of Bluto's showmanship, Popeye enters the ring to prove he can do better.

Épisode 5 - Seasin's Greetinks!

17 novembre 1933 - 1/5

Popeye brings ice skates for Olive Oyl as a Christmas present and takes her to a frozen lake for lessons, but Bluto interferes as he tries to win her affections. When she rejects him, he sets her adrift on a block of ice, then takes on Popeye.

Épisode 6 - Wild Elephinks

29 décembre 1933 - 1/5

Popeye navigates rough seas on a raft with Olive Oyl before making landfall near a jungle. They are quickly confronted by a variety of wild jungle animals that Popeye must fend off to protect himself and Olive.

Épisode 1 - Sock-a-Bye, Baby

19 janvier 1934

While Popeye is out with a sleeping baby in a stroller, the infant is woken up and pitches a fit. After a struggle to put the baby back to sleep, he goes to great lengths to silence various activities nearby that risk disturbing the peace.

Épisode 2 - Let's You and Him Fight

16 février 1934

Popeye and Bluto the Champ are at a camp training for a boxing match. Later, despite Olive Oyl’s pledge to never see him again if he fights, Popeye enters the ring for the bout. Meanwhile, Olive is nervously listening to the fight on the radio at home.

Épisode 3 - The Man on the Flying Trapeze

16 mars 1934

Popeye sails into town to call on Olive Oyl, only to find that she has fallen for a trapeze artist and is off performing with him. After brooding over the betrayal, he breaks in to see the act but intervenes when he sees her being treated brutally.

Épisode 4 - Can You Take It

27 avril 1934

After escorting Olive Oyl to her job at the Bruiser Club’s hospital, Popeye looks into joining the club himself. Bluto, the club’s president, scoffs at his desire to join, then challenges him to prove how tough he is.

Épisode 5 - Shoein' Hosses

1 juin 1934

Olive Oyl is running a blacksmith shop with Wimpy, but finds the job to be more than the two of them can handle. Popeye and Bluto both respond to her job advertisement and find themselves competing to see who would be the better man for it.

Épisode 6 - Strong to the Finich

29 juin 1934

After the children at Olive Oyl’s Health Farm for Children reject her dinner of spinach, Popeye demonstates to them how it is good for the body. The children then endanger themselves when they feed it to a pair of sickly bulls, who then turn on them.

Épisode 7 - Shiver Me Timbers!

27 juillet 1934

Popeye, Wimpy, and Olive Oyl are stranded on a beach, where they encounter a ghost ship. While investigating it, the group has various strange encounters on the ship before they are attacked and subsequently tortured by the ship’s inhabitants.

Épisode 8 - Axe Me Another

30 août 1934

After rescuing her from drowning in the river, Olive Oyl tells Popeye that Pierre Bluto, a champion lumberjack, threw her in the river because he didn’t like her spinach dinner. Popeye then confronts him, leading to a competition over lumberjack skills.

Épisode 9 - A Dream Walking

26 septembre 1934

Olive Oyl goes sleepwalking one night and marches on to certain doom across rooftops and through the skeleton of a building under construction. Popeye and Bluto rush to her aid while trying to cut each other out of being the hero.

Épisode 10 - The Two-Alarm Fire

26 octobre 1934

Popeye and Bluto are in rival companies of a volunteer fire department. When Olive Oyl’s house catches fire, they both respond and try to outdo and even interfere with each other in their attempts to rescue Olive and save her house.

Épisode 11 - The Dance Contest

23 novembre 1934

Popeye and Olive Oyl compete as a couple in a dance contest, but find themselves fumbling on the floor. Bluto steps in and pushes Popeye out to show off his superior dance skills. Dejected, Popeye consoles himself by dining on a bowl of spinach.

Épisode 12 - We Aim to Please

28 décembre 1934

Popeye and Olive Oyl open a diner and have Wimpy as their first customer, who cons them into deferring his bill. Bluto enters the diner next, makes a scene with his demands, and orders a large meal. A fight ensues after he refuses to pay the bill.

Épisode 1 - Beware of Barnacle Bill

25 janvier 1935

When Popeye calls on Olive Oyl intending to propose marriage, she reveals that she has fallen for another sailor, Barnacle Bill. Popeye expresses his utmost contempt for Barnacle Bill and fights him for Olive's affections when he arrives for her.

Épisode 2 - Be Kind to 'Aminals'

22 février 1935

Popeye and Olive Oyl are out feeding birds in the park when they witness Bluto mistreating the horse pulling his produce cart. The couple intervenes to set a better example, but Bluto gets even angrier and takes it out on the horse.

Épisode 3 - Pleased to Meet Cha!

22 mars 1935

Popeye and Bluto unexpectedly come face to face as they are calling on Olive Oyl. Olive tries to have them sit with her peacefully, but orders one out after they trade blows. To decide who stays, they perform various tricks to see who she most favors.

Épisode 4 - The Hyp-nut-tist

26 avril 1935

Popeye takes Olive Oyl to a hypnotist's show. When Popeye’s whistle-blowing interrupts his act, the performer hypnotizes Olive and forces her act like a chicken. Enraged over the mockery made of Olive, Popeye jumps on stage to defend her honor.

Épisode 5 - Choose Your 'Weppins'

31 mai 1935

While escorting a prisoner, Wimpy is distracted by a display of hamburgers. The prisoner escapes and ventures into Popeye’s pawn shop. He attempts to con Popeye into buying his own knives, but Popeye rejects the low quality goods, leading to a fight.

Épisode 6 - For Better or Worser

28 juin 1935

After failing miserably at cooking a meal, Popeye decides that he needs to get a wife. He marches off to a matrimonial agency, where he finds himself interested in the same woman as Bluto. The two come to blows as they vie for the right to marry her.

Épisode 7 - Dizzy Divers

26 juillet 1935

Popeye invites Bluto to assist him on a deep sea dive for treasure, promising a 50/50 split. Instead, Bluto steals the map and races off to the dive site. Popeye arrives behind him and the two fight underwater while searching for the sunken treasure.

Épisode 8 - You Gotta Be a Football Hero

30 août 1935

Popeye is attending a football game with Olive Oyl, but feels betrayed after she flirts with Bluto and goes on field to root for his team. In retaliation, Popeye joins the opposing team but soon finds they are outmatched by Bluto and his team.

Épisode 9 - King of the Mardi Gras

27 septembre 1935

During a Mardi Gras festival, Popeye and Bluto have competing performances on neighboring stages and vie for the attention of the crowd. The duo involve Olive Oyl in their acts before taking the rivalry to a roller coaster where they duke it out.

Épisode 10 - Adventures of Popeye

25 octobre 1935

After a young boy gets bullied around, Popeye comes to life out of a comic book the boy had bought beforehand. Popeye shows him how he handled tough guys in a number of his earlier films, convincing the boy to eat his spinach to be strong like Popeye.

Épisode 11 - The Spinach Overture

7 décembre 1935

Popeye is practicing conducting with his small music band while Maestro Bluto is nearby, amused by the amateur efforts. Bluto forcibly takes over from Popeye and outshines him, leading to his friends’ abandoning him for Bluto’s band.

Épisode 1 - Vim, Vigor and Vitaliky

3 janvier 1936

While on her way to Popeye’s gym for women, Olive Oyl spurns Bluto's offer to join him for a night on the town. Stinging from the rejection, Bluto sneaks into the gym disguised as a woman, intending to make Popeye look weak compared to “herself”.

Épisode 2 - A Clean Shaven Man

7 février 1936

Olive Oyl's singing about wanting a clean shaven man prompts Popeye and Bluto to rush off to Wimpy’s barber shop to correct their disheveled appearances. With Wimpy out of the shop, the pair agree to “fix each other up”.

Épisode 3 - Brotherly Love

6 mars 1936

After listening to Olive Oyl sing about “brotherly love” over the radio, Popeye is inspired to go out and share some love with the strangers he meets. But when he tries to intervene in large street brawl, he finds himself preaching to deaf ears.

Épisode 4 - I-Ski Love-Ski You-Ski

3 avril 1936

Popeye and Bluto arrive at Olive Oyl’s cabin with offers to take her mountain climbing. Enraged that she opted to go with Popeye over him, Bluto follows the couple on their excursion, sabotaging it at every opportunity.

Épisode 5 - Bridge Ahoy!

1 mai 1936

After objecting to Bluto’s abusive behavior and high rates for his river ferry service, Popeye vows to build a toll-free bridge. With the help of Wimpy and Olive Oyl, the construction is making progress until Bluto comes along to disrupt their work.

Épisode 6 - What-- No Spinach?

7 mai 1936

While working in Bluto’s restaurant, Wimpy is thwarted in his attempts to sneak a sampling of Popeye’s order of roast duck. Desperate for a snack, he resorts to sabotaging Popeye’s meal. Popeye refuses to pay, leading to a confrontation with Bluto.

Épisode 7 - I Wanna Be a Life Guard

26 juin 1936

Popeye and Bluto apply for a job as a lifeguard at the swimming pool. To decide who gets the job, Wimpy asks them to demonstrate their skills. The duo comply and show off for Olive Oyl and the other ladies present, trading blows in the process.

Épisode 8 - Let's Get Movin'

24 juillet 1936

Olive Oyl rejects Popeye’s offer to help her move, believing he’s not strong enough for the task. Bluto, the moving man she hired, shows up and Olive fawns over him. Offended, Popeye accepts Bluto’s challenge to prove he’s equally strong and capable.

Épisode 9 - Never Kick a Woman

28 août 1936

Olive Oyl is pushed by Popeye into taking a class for self defense. When the instructor starts to flirt with Popeye, her jealousy compels her to take a greater interest in the training, but finds herself being mocked by her new rival.

Épisode 10 - Little Swee'Pea

25 septembre 1936

Too busy too go with Popeye to the zoo, she instead gets him to take Swee’Pea. While there, Swee’Pea sneaks off and faces danger as he enters various animal pens and cages, forcing Popeye to come to the rescue.

Épisode 11 - Hold the Wire

23 octobre 1936

Olive Oyl rejects Popeye's call for a date, saying he’s not romantic enough. He tries to convince her differently by reciting poetry. Bluto overhears their conversation and decides to tap the line, interjecting ruder comments while posing as Popeye.

Épisode 12 - The Spinach Roadster

26 novembre 1936

Rejecting Bluto’s offer to take her out in his much sportier car, Olive Oyl goes for a ride with Popeye in his jalopy. Bluto speeds ahead of the couple and attempts to sabotage their drive, but finds himself outwitted each time.

Épisode 13 - Popeye the Sailor Meets Sindbad the Sailor

27 novembre 1936

When Popeye sails near his isle, Sindbad the Sailor sends a roc to kidnap Olive Oyl off the ship and wreck it. Once Popeye makes his way to shore with Wimpy, he goes on to confront Sindbad while Wimpy ventures off hoping to make a meal out of a duck.

Épisode 14 - I'm in the Army Now

25 décembre 1936

When Olive Oyl expresses admiration for military men, Popeye and Bluto rush into a recruitment center to sign up. Told there’s only room for one, they try to prove who is the better candidate by showing off their feats in clips from their prior movies

Épisode 15 - Popeye the Sailor Meets Sindbad the Sailor

27 novembre 1936

The legendary sailors Popeye and Sindbad do battle to see which one is the greatest.

Épisode 1 - The Paneless Window Washer

22 janvier 1937

Popeye leaves a parrot for Olive Oyl as a gift. Bluto is overcome with jealousy and sets the bird loose to scamper up a tree outside. When Popeye catches on and orders him to rescue the bird, Bluto proceeds to try and maim the bird instead

Épisode 2 - Organ Grinder's Swing

19 février 1937

Wimpy is performing as an organ grinder when Bluto demands that he leave. Popeye, who was taking delight in the music, insists that he stay. The two come to blows as Bluto tries to force Wimpy to move on while Popeye steps in to defend him.

Épisode 3 - My Artistical Temperature

19 mars 1937

Bluto (a painter), and Popeye (a sculptor) are sharing an art studio when Olive Oyl arrives requesting a likeness of herself. The two compete to see who can provide the more satisfactory product, interfering in each other’s work while doing so.

Épisode 4 - Hospitaliky

16 avril 1937

Popeye and Bluto follow Olive Oyl to a hospital, where she works as a nurse. Desiring her attention, they fake being ill. When that ploy falls apart, they then go out in search of danger, hoping to get injured so Olive will have to tend to them.

Épisode 5 - The Twisker Pitcher

21 mai 1937

After arriving on field for their baseball game, Popeye drops his can of spinach near Bluto. Bluto seizes the opportunity to eat the spinach himself and replaces it with grass before giving it back to an oblivious Popeye, thus gaining the upper hand.

Épisode 6 - Morning, Noon and Night Club

18 juin 1937

Bluto vandalizes billboards touting “Popito and Olivita’s” dance show at Wimpy’s Café. Later, while loitering outside the café, Bluto is rejected by Olivita when he asks for a date. Angry, he enters the café intent on disrupting the show.

Épisode 7 - Lost and Foundry

16 juillet 1937

Popeye is starting his lunch break at the factory when he spots Olive Oyl out with Swee’Pea. She accepts his offer to join him, but their meal is cut short when Swee’Pea sneaks off into the factory and faces grave injury from the active machinery.

Épisode 8 - I Never Changes My Altitude

20 août 1937

Popeye is distraught on learning that Olive Oyl has shut down her diner at the airfield and left him to be with an aviator. When he sees that she is being abused up in the air by the man she left him for, he rushes up in a plane himself to rescue her.

Épisode 9 - I Likes Babies and Infinks

18 septembre 1937

Olive Oyl, unsuccessful at getting Swee’Pea to stop crying, calls for Popeye to come help her. Bluto overhears her plea and butts in. The two men go to extremes in trying to amuse Swee’Pea with various tricks, going so far as to beat on each other.

Épisode 10 - The Football Toucher Downer

15 octobre 1937

When Swee’Pea refuses to eat his spinach dinner, Popeye recalls how he used to hate spinach too. He then relives his childhood memories of the day his football team was losing a game until he caved in to Olive Oyl’s pleas to eat his spinach.

Épisode 11 - Protek the Weakerist

19 novembre 1937

Popeye feels humiliated when Olive Oyl makes him take her “sissy dog” for a walk, striving to avoid being seen with it. When they cross paths, Bluto sics his own "tough" dog on the other, then attacks Popeye to keep him from interfering.

Épisode 12 - Popeye the Sailor Meets Ali Baba's Forty Thieves

26 novembre 1937

While recovering from their trip to the Arabian Desert to bring Ali Baba and his band of thieves to justice, Olive Oyl and Wimpy are kidnapped as the thieves raid the town. Popeye, who was left behind in the raid, follows the thieves to stage a rescue.

Épisode 13 - Fowl Play

17 décembre 1937

Popeye leaves a parrot for Olive Oyl as a gift. Bluto is overcome with jealousy and sets the bird loose to scamper up a tree outside. When Popeye catches on and orders him to rescue the bird, Bluto proceeds to try and maim the bird instead

Épisode 1 - Let's Celebrake

21 janvier 1938

On New Year’s Eve, Popeye and Bluto arrive to take Olive Oyl out to celebrate. When Popeye realizes that her grandma would be left home alone, he takes pity on her and insists that she join them for the festivities.

Épisode 2 - Learn Polikeness

18 février 1938

Olive Oyl drags a reluctant Popeye into Professor Bluteau’s School of Etiquette, hoping that he can be taught to become a gentleman. After Popeye fails in his lessons, the professor attempts to woo Olive, leading to a scuffle between the men.

Épisode 3 - The House Builder-Upper

18 mars 1938

When Popeye and Wimpy, both volunteer firemen, arrive too late to save Olive Oyl’s house from a fire, Popeye promises they will rebuild her home. The two make good on the promise, but make many bumbling mistakes during the construction.

Épisode 4 - Big Chief Ugh-Amugh-Ugh

25 avril 1938

Determined to make her his squaw, the chief of an indian tribe showers gifts on Olive Oyl when she happens into his camp. Swooning over the attention, she refuses to leave when Popeye comes for her, leading to a confrontation with the chief.

Épisode 5 - I Yam Love Sick

29 mai 1938

Olive Oyl, pre-occupied with a book of love stories, pays little attention to Popeye when he calls on her before revealing that she has a new boyfriend. Dejected, Popeye feigns being ill in an attempt to regain her affections.

Épisode 6 - Plumbing is a 'Pipe'

17 juin 1938

When Wimpy the plumber fails to arrive in a timely manner to fix Olive Oyl’s leaking pipe, Popeye arrives and attempts to fix it himself. The problems escalate as one repair leads to more leaks elsewhere.

Épisode 7 - The Jeep

15 juillet 1938

Referring to him as a “magical dog”, Popeye brings Eugene the Jeep to Olive Oyl’s apartment so he can play with Swee’Pea. When they find Swee’Pea has escaped from his crib and gone missing, they set out to find him.

Épisode 8 - Bulldozing the Bull

19 août 1938

Enamoured with the señorita, Popeye follows Olive Oyl into a bull fighting stadium. While in the midst of trying to gain her affections, he finds himself shuffled into the ring, where he strives to avoid fighting the bull.

Épisode 9 - Mutiny Ain't Nice

23 septembre 1938

After Popeye discovers Olive Oyl aboard ship as an accidental stowaway, he attempts to keep her presence secret from his crew, who consider women to be bad luck on a ship. When they discover her out on the deck, mutiny ensues.

Épisode 10 - Goonland

21 octobre 1938

Popeye arrives on Goon Island, where he believes his long lost Pappy can be found. While roaming through their village in disguise, Popeye finds his Pappy is being held prisoner by the natives, but has no desire to leave.

Épisode 11 - A Date to Skate

18 novembre 1938

Popeye takes Olive Oyl to a roller rink for skating lessons. During the course of her lessons, she panics and finds herself outside and facing several deadly obstacles as she skates out of control.

Épisode 12 - Cops is Always Right

30 décembre 1938

After an officer cites Popeye for hitting him with his car, Popeye reaches Olive Oyl's home and is dragged into helping her clean. The chores are continually interrupted as the same officer continues to cite him for various other violations while there.

Épisode 1 - Customers Wanted

27 janvier 1939

As operators of competing penny arcades, Popeye and Bluto are hawking their services to the passing crowd when Wimpy happens along. The two then compete for his patronage by showing off clips from their past films to him.

Épisode 2 - Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp

7 avril 1939

While employed as a writer for the Surprise Pictures Corporation, Olive Oyl is working on a movie script in which she envisions Popeye in the title role in the classic story of Aladdin and his magic lamp, and herself as the heroine.

Épisode 3 - Leave Well Enough Alone

28 avril 1939

While out for a stroll, Popeye pauses by Olive Oyl’s Pet Shop. Taking pity on the caged animals, he buys them all and sets them free. Chaos ensues out in the streets as a parrot who stayed behind convinces him of the error in his good intentions.

Épisode 4 - Wotta Nitemare

19 mai 1939

Popeye has restless dreams one night, in which he finds himself competing with the devilish Bluto for the affections of the angelic Olive Oyl.

Épisode 5 - Ghosks is the Bunk

14 juin 1939

While listening to Olive Oyl read a scary story, Popeye becomes spooked and hides under the couch, much to her and Bluto’s amusement. Bluto is then inspired to play a prank on the two by making a nearby house appear to be haunted.

Épisode 6 - Hello, How am I?

14 juillet 1939

After overhearing Olive Oyl invite Popeye over for a hamburger dinner, Wimpy sneaks out and heads over himself, disguised as Popeye. Confusion ensues as the two argue over who is the real Popeye, with Olive believing in the impostor.

Épisode 7 - It's the Natural Thing to Do

30 juillet 1939

After receiving a telegram from the Popeye Fan Club begging them to tone down the violence, Olive Oyl convinces Popeye and Bluto to start acting like gentlemen. Later, the men call on her and try to act civilized, but feel awkward in doing so.

Épisode 8 - Never Sock a Baby

3 novembre 1939

After spanking him for being bad, Popeye sends a crying Swee’Pea off to bed without supper. As Popeye wrestles with his conscience over the spanking, Swee’Pea runs away, facing danger as he travels.

Épisode 1 - Shakespearian Spinach

19 janvier 1940

When Bluto arrives at the theater to perform in the role of Romeo for the evening’s play, he learns that he has been unceremoniously replaced by Popeye. Enraged, Bluto breaks into the theater to disrupt the performance and retake the leading role.

Épisode 2 - Females is Fickle

8 mars 1940 - 4/5

While Olive Oyl is showing off her trained goldfish to Popeye, the fish accidentally slips off into the ocean. Worried that her fish may drown, Olive goads Popeye into jumping in to rescue her pet, which in turn leads Popeye off on a wild chase.

Épisode 3 - Stealin' Ain't Honest

22 mars 1940

Olive Oyl is showing Popeye a map to her secret goldmine when they catch Bluto spying on them. Bluto photographs the map and races off to the mine with the intent of claiming it for himself. Popeye and Olive arrive right behind him to defend her claim.

Épisode 4 - Me Feelins is Hurt

12 avril 1940

After Olive Oyl abandons him for a cowboy, Popeye heads out west to prove to her he can “punch cows” just as well as they can. When he reaches the ranch and asks for a job, Bluto attempts to embarrass him by having him try to ride his best horse.

Épisode 5 - Onion Pacific

24 mai 1940

Competing for a franchise to operate the state’s railroad, Popeye prepares for a race to earn it but is sabotaged by his competitor, Bluto. Once underway, he has to rescue Olive Oyl, who was accidentally swept up into Bluto’s locomotive and put to work.

Épisode 6 - Wimmin is a Myskery

7 juin 1940

After Popeye proposes marriage, Olive Oyl sends him away so she can have time to consider it. When she goes to sleep that night, she dreams of what her life would be like with a home of four children by him.

Épisode 7 - Nurse-Mates

20 juin 1940

When Popeye and Bluto call on Olive Oyl, each hoping to take her out, Olive recruits the men to watch Sweet Pea for her while she first heads to the beauty parlor. After she leaves, the two argue over the right way to bathe and clothe the baby.

Épisode 8 - Fightin Pals

12 juillet 1940

Popeye sees off his pal Dr. Bluto as he leaves on an expedition to Africa. As the months pass, Popeye is longing for his friend to return when he learns that Bluto has gone missing. Popeye then rushes off to Africa to search for and rescue his pal.

Épisode 9 - Doing Impossikible Stunts

2 août 1940

Hoping to land a job as a stunt man, Popeye heads off to the studio of Mystery Pictures, toting along film reels demonstrating his stunt performances in past movies. Sweet Pea tags along hoping to be a stuntman too, but Popeye tells him to go back home.

Épisode 10 - Wimmin Hadn't Oughta Drive

16 août 1940

Popeye visits Olive Oyl to show off his new sports car and takes her for a ride. When Olive Oyl begs Popeye to give her driving lessons, he hesitates to do so, fearing she will damage his new car, but relents when she threatens to walk back home.

Épisode 11 - Puttin on the Act

30 août 1940

Excited at the news that vaudeville is making a comeback, Olive Oyl convinces Popeye to resurrect their old act. After Popeye retrieves their dusty costumes and props from storage, they practice their routines with a little help from Sweet Pea.

Épisode 12 - Popeye Meets William Tell

20 septembre 1940

William Tell runs afoul of the governor and is required to prove his identity by shooting an apple off his son's head. Popeye, despite learning earlier from William that his last attempt at that proved fatal to his son, steps in to help him out.

Épisode 13 - My Pop, My Pop

18 octobre 1940

While Popeye is building a ship, his Pappy comes along offering to help out. Popeye initially rejects his offer, believing he is too old for the job, but relents and lets him build the opposite side of the boat so they can see who does the better job.

Épisode 14 - Poopdeck Pappy

15 novembre 1940

Popeye tries to get his Pappy to go to bed, but the older man would rather go out. Popeye, believing he needs his rest, tries to force him to stay in, but finds himself constantly intervening as Pappy sneaks out and gets himself into trouble.

Épisode 15 - Popeye Presents Eugene, the Jeep

13 décembre 1940

Olive Oyl sends Eugene the Jeep to Popeye as a birthday present. Following Olive's advice, Popeye makes him a bed to sleep in outside. Preferring the comfort of Popeye’s own bed, Eugene continually outwits Popeye in his efforts to keep him outdoors.

Épisode 1 - Problem Pappy

10 janvier 1941

After discovering that Pappy has taken a job performing tricks on top of a flag pole, Popeye fears for his safety and insists he return home with him. Pappy is determined to stay and thwarts Popeye's attempts to force the matter.

Épisode 2 - Quiet! Pleeze

7 février 1941

When Popeye checks on Pappy, he finds the older man in bed with a headache and a fever. Believing he needs rest and quiet, Popeye goes to great lengths to silence any noises that risk disturbing Pappy’s sleep.

Épisode 3 - Olive's Sweepstake Ticket

7 mars 1941

Popeye calls on Olive Oyl and finds her frantically searching for a sweepstakes ticket to claim first prize in a contest. After they locate it, the ticket blows out the window, leading Popeye to risk life and limb as he tries to retrieve it for Olive.

Épisode 4 - Flies Ain't Human

4 avril 1941

Popeye is trying to take a nap but is briefly disturbed by a group of flies. After shooing them out the window, one other fly who was left behind goes out of its way to pester Popeye, supercharging its shenanigans with spinach.

Épisode 5 - Popeye Meets Rip Van Winkle

9 mai 1941

After stumbling across the slumbering Rip Van Winkle as he is being evicted from his home, Popeye brings the man home with him so he can have a bed to sleep in. When Rip goes sleepwalking, Popeye chases after him and winds up scuffling with some gnomes.

Épisode 6 - Olive's Boithday Presink

13 juin 1941

Popeye is looking to buy a bearskin coat as a birthday present for Olive Oyl, but a furrier tries to scam him. He then decides instead to hunt down a bear to make the coat himself, but guilt overcomes him when he finally corners one.

Épisode 7 - Child Psykolojiky

11 juillet 1941

When Pappy starts to silence Sweet Pea’s crying by slapping him, Popeye intervenes and shows him some lessons in a book on child psychology. When Popeye steps out, Pappy tries to make a “he-man” out of Sweet Pea by testing his nerves.

Épisode 8 - Pest Pilot

8 août 1941

Popeye rejects Pappy's plea for a job as a pilot at his airport, saying he’s too old to be a pilot, even if he knew how to fly. Stinging from the rejection, Pappy spots an unattended plane and makes off with it, causing havoc around the world.

Épisode 9 - I'll Never Crow Again

19 septembre 1941

When Olive Oyl discovers that a flock of crows is eating up the vegetables in her garden, she calls Popeye to get rid of them. The crows prove to be craftier than he anticipated as his various attempts to run them off fall flat.

Épisode 10 - The Mighty Navy

14 octobre 1941

Having enlisted in the US Navy, Popeye is aboard a training ship when the captain demands he demonstrate what he knows about a ship. More accustomed to “ships with sails”, Popeye fumbles about as he tries to operate the modern ship’s mechanisms.

Épisode 11 - Nix on Hypnotricks

19 décembre 1941

Needing a human subject to practice on, a hypnotist randomly picks Olive Oyl’s name out of a phone book, hypnotizes her over a phone call, and commands her to come to him. When Popeye catches on to what happened, he chases after her to save her.

Épisode 1 - Kickin' the Conga Round

17 janvier 1942

Intent on stealing Popeye's girlfriend, Olivia Oyla, Bluto beats Popeye off ship for shore leave and reaches her first. After Popeye arrives to claim his date, Bluto follows them to a café and offers to dance with the señorita when Popeye won’t.

Épisode 2 - Blunder Below

13 février 1942

Popeye finds the modern weapons of the battleship to be more complex than he can handle and fumbles his turn at target practice. He is then sent to shovel coal in the boiler room, but when an enemy submarine is spotted, he responds to the battle call.

Épisode 3 - Fleets of Stren'th

13 mars 1942

Believing that he lacks discipline, the battleship captain is putting Popeye through a set of drills when an enemy plane attacks the ship. Popeye is sent after the plane in a patrol boat and finds its carrier, from which more planes are launching.

Épisode 4 - Pip-eye, Pup-eye, Poop-eye an' Peep-eye

10 avril 1942

While Popeye is getting spinach for his nephews' lunch, the boys try to sneak out but he manages to herd them back to the table. When they express how they dislike spinach, Popeye is dismayed and sets to convince them of its benefits for the body.

Épisode 5 - Olive Oyl and Water Don't Mix

8 mai 1942

Popeye and Bluto have sworn off women, considering them to be nothing but trouble, when Olive Oyl shows up at their ship for a tour. Forgetting their vows, the two men fight over who gets to show her around, with Olive caught in the middle.

Épisode 6 - Many Tanks

16 juin 1942

In order to sneak off the army base, Bluto ambushes Popeye, swaps his army uniform for Popeye’s navy uniform, then leaves base uncontested. Popeye then finds himself doing tank drills in Bluto’s place, unfamiliar with how they operate.

Épisode 7 - Baby Wants a Bottleship

3 juillet 1942

Unimpressed with Popeye's gift of a toy sailboat, Sweet Pea is instead enamoured with the battleship that Popeye is stationed on. When Olive Oyl leaves him in Popeye’s care to go shopping, Sweet Pea sneaks out of his carriage to explore the battleship.

Épisode 8 - You're a Sap, Mr. Jap

7 août 1942

While out on patrol, Popeye encounters a pair of Japanese fishermen. Expecting a battle, Popeye starts to confront the two, but stops when they offer a peace gesture. He is warmed by the offer and accepts it, but finds they are just toying with him.

Épisode 9 - Alona on the Sarong Seas

4 septembre 1942

While their battleship is moored off the tropical Isle of Woo Woo, Popeye and Bluto spot Princess Alona in the surf nearby. Popeye and Bluto follow the dream girl to shore and pursue her through the jungle, each hoping to gain her affections.

Épisode 10 - A Hull of a Mess

16 octobre 1942

Popeye and Bluto are competing for a contract to build a fleet of ships, with the winner being who can deliver the first ship. The two men set to constructing their ships, with Bluto interfering with Popeye’s efforts in the hopes of gaining the edge.

Épisode 11 - Scrap the Japs

20 novembre 1942

Popeye is performing maintenance duties on an aircraft carrier when a camouflaged enemy plane attacks the ship. Popeye goes after him, eventually finding himself aboard a Japanese repair ship, taking on them and a Japanese battleship nearby.

Épisode 12 - Me Musical Nephews

25 décembre 1942

Exhausted and in need of rest, Popeye interrupts his nephews’ music practice so they can get ready for sleep. The boys are still restless after Popeye puts them to bed, so they begin an impromptu practice session with makeshift instruments.

Épisode 1 - Spinach fer Britain

22 janvier 1943

While crossing the Atlantic Ocean to deliver a cargo of spinach to Britain, Popeye stumbles into a German submarine, which proceeds to destroy his ship. Popeye salvages the rations and continues on in a rowboat, but is hounded still by the Germans.

Épisode 2 - Seein' Red, White 'n' Blue

19 février 1943

After receiving a draft notice, Bluto arrives at the office of the draft board feigning illness in the hopes of dodging his service. Popeye, who is manning the office, calls Bluto’s bluff, leading Bluto to run off to try and injure himself.

Épisode 3 - Too Weak to Work

19 mars 1943

Bluto fakes being sick to get out of helping Popeye with maintenance on the ship’s lifeboats, and is rushed off to the hospital. When Popeye comes to visit and catches on to the scam, he poses as a nurse to teach Bluto a lesson.

Épisode 4 - A Jolly Good Furlough

23 avril 1943

Popeye heads home on furlough, anxious to see his nephews. When he reaches home, he falls for a trap the boys set as part of their home defense training. When they realize they nabbed their uncle, they proceed to show off their other preparations.

Épisode 5 - Ration fer the Duration

28 mai 1943

While planting a victory garden, Popeye catches his nephews trying to sneak off to go fishing instead. After convincing them to help by telling them the tale of Jack and the Beanstalk, he takes a nap and dreams of himself in the role of Jack.

Épisode 6 - The Hungry Goat

25 juin 1943

Hungry for a meal, a goat is roaming about town when it comes across the battleship that Popeye is serving on. Seeing the ship as a tasty tin meal, the goat is determined to have a feast, but must outwit Popeye to do so.

Épisode 7 - Happy Birthdaze

16 juillet 1943

Popeye heads out to visit Olive Oyl, who wants to bake him a birthday cake. He brings along his lonely shipmate, Shorty, but comes to regret it as the overly exuberant sailor ruins Popeye's day while trying to help Olive.

Épisode 8 - Wood-Peckin'

6 août 1943

Popeye needs to make a mast to finish building his new boat, and heads off to his property to chop down a tree. He picks one that is inhabited by a woodpecker, who in turn is determined to stop Popeye from taking his home away.

Épisode 9 - Cartoons Ain't Human

3 septembre 1943

Popeye wants to try his hand at animation and sets to making a home movie. After completing his amateur cartoon, he has Olive Oyl and his nephews over to watch the movie, which features himself as the hero who must rescue Olive from a villain.

Épisode 10 - Her Honor the Mare

26 novembre 1943

Smitten by a frail horse that was rejected by a glue factory, Popeye's nephews bring the mare back home in the hopes of keeping her as a household pet. Though Popeye is firmly against any idea of having a horse in the house, the boys conspire to make the mare a part of the family anyway.

Épisode 11 - The Marry-Go-Round

31 décembre 1943

Shorty drags a bashful Popeye over to Olive Oyl's boarding house, encouraging him to propose marriage. But with Olive's hands full doing chores, she has no time to entertain Popeye as he struggles to tell her how he feels.

Épisode 1 - W'ere on Our Way to Rio

21 avril 1944

Good buddies Popeye and Bluto head to Rio to catch a show at a nightclub. When Olive Oyl takes the stage to sing and dance, the boys are instantly smitten and their friendship forgotten as they compete for her attention.

Épisode 2 - The Anvil Chorus Girl

26 mai 1944

Popeye and Bluto are fawning over Olive Oyl as she struggles to run a blacksmith shop on her own. When she pines for a strong man to help her out, the two men go to great lengths to try to prove which of them is stronger and more skilled for the job.

Épisode 3 - Spinach Packin' Popeye

21 juillet 1944

After donating blood, Popeye loses a boxing match that evening to Bluto. Believing he's become too weak for her tastes, Olive Oyl tells Popeye that she's leaving him. In a desperate bid to prove how strong he is, Popeye recaps the feats of strength he exhibited in his past movies.

Épisode 4 - Puppet Love

11 août 1944

Bluto makes a life-like marionette that looks just like Popeye as part of a ploy to sour Olive's affections for him. The ruse is working when Popeye finally catches on and turns the tables on Bluto.

Épisode 5 - Pitchin' Woo at the Zoo

1 septembre 1944

Popeye and Olive are enjoying a day at the zoo when the zookeeper, Bluto, spots Olive and is immediately smitten. He follows the couple through the park, determined to demonstrate to Olive that his mastery over the zoo creatures makes him the better man.

Épisode 6 - She-Sick Sailors

8 septembre 1944

When Bluto overhears Olive Oyl telling Popeye that only the comic book character Superman can make her heart "jitterbug", he comes up with a scheme to pose as the superhero as a way to win her affections.

Épisode 7 - Moving Aweigh

22 septembre 1944

It's moving day for Olive, with Popeye and Shorty arriving with a truck to lend a hand. Their arrival earns the ire of a policeman as their clumsiness leads to numerous accidents and general chaos.

Épisode 1 - Pop-Pie a la Mode

26 janvier 1945

Popeye has been long adrift in the ocean on a raft when he finally spots land. Once ashore, he finds an inn where he seeks a room and a meal to recover from his ordeal. What Popeye doesn't realize is that the manager is a cannibal who intends to "serve" Popeye up as a meal instead.

Épisode 2 - Tops in the Big Top

16 mars 1945

Popeye is the star of the circus, performing various acts as a lion tamer and acrobat, with Olive Oyl assisting him. As the ringmaster, Bluto has eyes for Olive and sabotages Popeye's acts in an effort to make him look bad to Olive and the audience.

Épisode 3 - Shape Ahoy

27 avril 1945

Popeye and Bluto have retired to a deserted island to get away from women interfering in their lives. After three years, their friendship is stronger than ever, but when Olive Oyl arrives by raft one day after being lost at sea, the men quickly abandon their friendship as they pursue her affections.

Épisode 4 - For Better or Nurse

8 juin 1945

Popeye and Bluto fall for nurse Olive and follow her back to the hospital. When she kicks them out, they scheme to injure themselves so that they would have to be admitted as patients and they could then have her attention.

Épisode 5 - Mess Production

24 août 1945

Popeye and Bluto spot Olive Oyl arriving for her shift at the factory and subsequently debate over who has dibs on asking her out on a date. As the day goes on, Olive gets into trouble, forcing the men to come to her aid with Bluto interfering in Popeye's efforts.

Épisode 1 - House Tricks?

15 mars 1946

Épisode 2 - Service with a Guile

19 avril 1946

Épisode 3 - Klondike Casanova

31 mai 1946

Épisode 4 - Peep in the Deep

7 juin 1946

Épisode 5 - Rocket to Mars

9 août 1946

Épisode 6 - Rodeo Romeo

16 août 1946

Popeye and Olive are at the rodeo, starring Badlands Bluto. Olive is impressed by Bluto's stunts, many of them designed to make Popeye look bad. Dynamite, the bronco that's never been ridden busts out and Popeye, seeing his chance, downs some spinach and manages an impressive series of tricks, culminating in firing a bullet at Bluto and lassoing it just in time. Bluto's had enough, and he substitutes loco weed for Popeye's spinach, then challenges him to throw the bull. Popeye's fried brain sees the bull as a beautiful woman; he tries to dance with it. The bull throws Popeye against the box where Bluto is now sitting and throws the remaining loco weed into Bluto's open mouth; he sees Olive as a bull and grabs her. He tries to brand her; her cries of help arouse Popeye, who pulls out a fresh can of spinach and goes to work.

Épisode 7 - The Fistic Mystic

29 novembre 1946

Épisode 8 - The Island Fling

27 décembre 1946

Épisode 1 - Abusement Park

25 avril 1947

Épisode 2 - I'll Be Skiing Ya

13 juin 1947

Épisode 3 - Popeye and the Pirates

12 septembre 1947

Épisode 4 - The Royal Four-Flusher

12 septembre 1947

Épisode 5 - Wotta Knight

24 octobre 1947

Épisode 6 - Safari So Good

7 novembre 1947

Épisode 7 - All's Fair at the Fair

19 décembre 1947

Épisode 1 - Olive Oyl for President

30 janvier 1948

Épisode 2 - Wigwam Whoopee

17 février 1948

Épisode 3 - Pre-Hysterical Man

26 mars 1948

Épisode 4 - Popeye Meets Hercules

18 juin 1948

Épisode 5 - A Wolf in Sheik's Clothing

30 juillet 1948

Épisode 6 - Spinach vs Hamburgers

27 août 1948

Épisode 7 - Snow Place Like Home

3 septembre 1948

Épisode 8 - Robin Hood-Winked

12 novembre 1948

Épisode 9 - Symphony in Spinach

31 décembre 1948

Épisode 1 - Popeye's Premiere

25 mars 1949

Épisode 2 - Lumberjack and Jill

27 mai 1949

Épisode 3 - Hot Air Aces

24 juin 1949

Épisode 4 - A Balmy Swami

22 juillet 1949

Épisode 5 - Tar With a Star

12 août 1949

Épisode 6 - Silly Hillbilly

9 septembre 1949

Épisode 7 - Barking Dogs Don't Fite

28 octobre 1949

Épisode 8 - The Fly's Last Flight

23 décembre 1949

Épisode 1 - How Green is My Spinach

27 janvier 1950

To finally defeat Popeye, Bluto sets out to destroy the spinach crop.

Épisode 2 - Gym Jam

17 mars 1950

Épisode 3 - Beach Peach

12 mai 1950

Épisode 4 - Jitterbug Jive

23 juin 1950

Épisode 5 - Popeye Makes a Movie

11 août 1950

Épisode 6 - Baby Wants Spinach

29 septembre 1950

Épisode 7 - Quick on the Vigor

6 octobre 1950

Épisode 8 - Riot in Rhythm

10 novembre 1950

Épisode 9 - The Farmer and the Belle

1 décembre 1950

Épisode 1 - Vacation with Play

19 janvier 1951

Épisode 2 - Thrill of Fair

20 avril 1951

Épisode 3 - Alpine for You

18 mai 1951

Épisode 4 - Double-Cross-Country Race

15 juin 1951

Épisode 5 - Pilgrim Popeye

13 juillet 1951

Épisode 6 - Let's Stalk Spinach

19 octobre 1951

Épisode 7 - Punch and Judo

16 novembre 1951

Épisode 1 - Popeye's Pappy

25 janvier 1952

Épisode 2 - Lunch with a Punch

14 mars 1952

Épisode 3 - Swimmer Take All

16 mai 1952

Épisode 4 - Friend or Phony

30 juin 1952

Épisode 5 - Tots of Fun

15 août 1952

Épisode 6 - Popalong Popeye

29 août 1952

Épisode 7 - Shuteye Popeye

3 octobre 1952

Popeye's snoring disturbs a mouse.

Épisode 8 - Big Bad Sindbad

12 octobre 1952

Popeye tells his nephews the story of how he met Sindbad the Sailor and knocked the tar out him.

Épisode 1 - Ancient Fistory

30 janvier 1953

Cinderfella (Popeye) goes to the ball and competes against Bluto for Princess Olive.

Épisode 2 - Child Sockology

27 mars 1953

Épisode 3 - Popeye's Mirthday

22 mai 1953

Olive is preparing a birthday party for Popeye. He arrives too soon, and she assigns his nephews to keep him out until she's ready. They do this in their usual creative ways.

Épisode 4 - Toreadorable

12 juin 1953

Popeye and Olive are at a bullfight selling snacks. When toreador Bluto throws the bull, Olive falls for him. Then the bull throws Bluto, and it's up to Popeye to save the day and win his cutie back. Popeye upstages Bluto, who gets back at him by pouring jumping beans into his spinach can.

Épisode 5 - Baby Wants a Battle

24 juillet 1953

Olive decides that she, Popeye, and Bluto will spend a nice evening at home. While viewing old photos, a flashback shows Popeye and Bluto battling as children.

Épisode 6 - Firemen's Brawl

21 août 1953

Popeye and Bluto fight it out while putting out a fire at Olives house.

Épisode 7 - Popeye, the Ace of Space

2 octobre 1953

Aliens kidnap Popeye and uses a cosmic ager on him. Spinach saves the day as he fights them back to return to earth.

Épisode 8 - Shaving Muggs

9 octobre 1953

Popeye and Bluto fight to take Olive out. She won't go out with either of them until they get a shave and a haircut.

Épisode 1 - Floor Flusher

1 janvier 1954

Popeye and Bluto stop by to see Olive and fix her leaky faucet. Popeye does it better, and Bluto gets jealous, so he starts rerouting Olive's plumbing and causing all sorts of leaks.

Épisode 2 - Popeye's 20th Anniversary

2 avril 1954

A Testimonial Dinner, hosted by Bob Hope is served to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of Popeye in the movies. Olive Oyl and Bluto are in attendance, along with several film actors such as Jimmy Durante, Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin, among others.

Épisode 3 - Taxi-Turvy

4 juin 1954

Popeye and Bluto fight for a fare Olive Oyl.

Épisode 4 - Bride and Gloom

2 juillet 1954

Popeye and Olive Oyl are going to get married, until Olive gets cold feet.

Épisode 5 - Greek Mirthology

13 juillet 1954

Popeye is trying to get his nephews to eat their spinach, so he tells them about how Hercules (Popeye) defeated a bully (Bluto).

Épisode 6 - Private Eye Popeye

12 novembre 1954

Popeye, Olive and The Jeep are hired to search for someone smuggling diamonds by boat. Discriminating based on previous offenses Popeye suspects Brutus and his pickle importing scheme are a cover.

Épisode 7 - Fright to the Finish

27 août 1954

Olive is reading ghost stories to the boys. Popeye scoffs; Bluto decides to take advantage of this by staging various pranks (a headless man, an animated skeleton, and a sheet-over-balloon ghost).

Épisode 8 - Gopher Spinach

10 décembre 1954

A gopher tries to steal Popeye's spinach plants.

Épisode 1 - Cookin' with Gags

14 janvier 1955

Bluto plays April Fool tricks on Popeye.

Épisode 2 - Nurse to Meet Ya

11 février 1955

Olive is playing nanny in the park as Popeye and Bluto bicycle past. They fight over her, waking the baby. Then they take turns trying to stop the baby crying or sabotaging the other's efforts.

Épisode 3 - Penny Antics

11 mars 1955

Popeye and Bluto running competing penny arcades showing customer Wimpy clips from past shorts, although in this case, rather than each arcade owner showing clips from the same story, they show different stories.

Épisode 4 - Beaus Will Be Beaus

20 mai 1955

Popeye and Bluto both show up to take Olive to the beach.

Épisode 5 - Gift of Gag

27 mai 1955

Popeye's nephews try to sneak a birthday present for their Uncle Popeye into his house.

Épisode 6 - Car-Razy Drivers

22 juillet 1955

Popeye arrives in a suit of armor to take Olive for her first driving lesson. Between her literal-mindedness ("choke the engine"), inexperience, an inattentiveness, she has several accidents, culminating in a showdown with a locomotive.

Épisode 7 - Mister and Mistletoe

30 septembre 1955

Christmas eve; Popeye's nephews are staying over with Olive, and Popeye is helping trim the tree. Bluto dresses as Santa and horns in on Olive until a candle burns off his beard and reveals him.

Épisode 8 - Cops is Tops

4 novembre 1955

Olive joins the police force. Over-protective Popeye follows her around, "rescuing" her but she's fully capable of handling herself. Can't quite say the same for Popeye.

Épisode 9 - A Job for a Gob

9 décembre 1955

Olive's ranch needs a helper, and the boys just happen to be passing by.

Épisode 1 - Hill-billing and Cooing

13 janvier 1956

Popeye and Olive are driving through hillbilly country; a very large woman hillbilly is in search of a man, and grabs Popeye. And when Popeye's spinach falls, it's up to Olive to save the day.

Épisode 2 - Popeye for President

30 mars 1956

Popeye and Bluto, both running for president, fight for Olive Oyl's deciding vote.

Épisode 3 - Out to Punch

8 juin 1956

Popeye's training for his boxing match with Bluto by jumping rope with a massive chain. Bluto, who's lazy about everything except sabotage, decides he needs to stop Popeye.

Épisode 4 - Assault and Flattery

6 juillet 1956

Judge Wimpy decides the case of Bluto v. Popeye.

Épisode 5 - Insect to Injury

10 août 1956

Popeye tries to get rid of termites before they ruin his newly built house.

Épisode 6 - Parlez Vous Woo

12 septembre 1956

Olive is so captived by "The International", a radio personality with a French accent, that she'd rather stay home than go out on a date with Popeye. Bluto, overhearing this, comes to the door as the character.

Épisode 7 - I Don't Scare

16 novembre 1956

Popeye has beaten Bluto to a date with Olive. Seeing that Olive is superstitious, Bluto changes the date to Friday the 13th, and proceeds to rig various proofs that bad things will happen if she goes out.

Épisode 8 - A Haul in One

14 décembre 1956

Popeye and Bluto are partners in a moving company. Both try to impress their customer, Olive Oyl.

Épisode 1 - Nearlyweds

8 février 1957

Popeye and Bluto both plan to marry Olive Oyl, but Popeye proposes first. When Olive says, "Yes!" to Popeye, Bluto sets out to make Popeye look bad, break up the wedding, and win Olive over.

Épisode 2 - The Crystal Brawl

5 avril 1957

Bluto muscles out Popeye to take Olive to the fair. Popeye rushes ahead and poses as a fortune teller, luring Olive in. He shows Olive her future (actually, her past) in the crystal ball.

Épisode 3 - Patriotic Popeye

10 mai 1957

Popeye is enjoying watering his patriotic garden on July 4 when he catches his nephews attempting to light fireworks. The game is on when he attempts to confiscate the fireworks and the boys strike back with edgy pranks.

Épisode 4 - Spree Lunch

21 juin 1957

Popeye opens a diner. Bluto opens a diner across the street and they compete for Wimpy's business.

Épisode 5 - Spooky Swabs

9 août 1957

Popeye and Olive are shipwrecked; they think they are saved when they see a ship, but what they don't realize is that the crew of the Sea Witch is all ghosts, and soon they are under attack, but they don't know from what for a while.

Épisode 1 - Bonus: The Making of a Popeye Cartoon

1 juillet 1933

Behind the scenes of the making of Popeye!

Épisode 2 - Soaky Toys Commercial

1 juillet 1933

Commercial for Soaky Toys featuring the stars of Popeye!

Épisode 1 - Hits and Missiles

14 novembre 1960

Popeye, Olive and Wimpy take an unintended trip to the moon, which is inhabited by cheese-people and tyrannized by the Big Cheese

Épisode 2 - Barbecue for Two

1 novembre 1960

Popeye wants to have a barbecue for two -- namely him and Olive. But Brutus, Wimpy and Swee' Pea all try to muscle in.

Épisode 3 - Muskels Shmuskels

20 novembre 1960

Popeye and Olive watch Brutus the strongman performing at the carnival. The two men quickly become rivals for Olive. But she makes Popeye promise not to fight.

Épisode 4 - Hoppy Jalopy

Popeye in his junk-pile jalopy competes with Brutus in his slick race car to win a cross-country race. Brutus employs a series of dirty tricks to keep ahead, while keeping Olive Oyl trapped in his trunk.

Épisode 5 - Dead-Eye Popeye

Épisode 6 - Mueller's Mad Monster

Popeye and Olive take shelter from a thunderstorm in Mad Mueller's castle. But Mueller's monster, Irving, takes a shine to Olive.

Épisode 7 - Caveman Capers

Épisode 8 - Bullfighter Bully

Épisode 9 - Ace of Space

Épisode 10 - College of Hard Knocks

Olive the college student is infatuated with Professor Brutus and contemptuous of Popeye's lack of education, leading Popeye to enroll in college himself.

Épisode 11 - Abdominal Snowman

Abdominal Snowman

Épisode 12 - Ski-Jump Chump

Épisode 13 - Irate Pirate

Épisode 14 - Foola-Foola Bird

Épisode 15 - Uranium on the Cranium

Épisode 16 - Two-Faced Paleface

Épisode 17 - Childhood Daze

Épisode 18 - Sheepish Sheep-Herder

Épisode 19 - Track Meet Cheat

Épisode 20 - Crystal Ball Brawl

Épisode 21 - Interrupted Lullaby

Épisode 22 - Sea No Evil

Épisode 23 - From Way Out

Épisode 24 - Seeing Double

Épisode 25 - Swee'pea Soup

Épisode 26 - Hag Way Robbery

Épisode 27 - The Lost City of Bubble-Lon

Épisode 28 - There's No Space Like Home

Épisode 29 - Potent Lotion

Épisode 30 - Astro-Nut

Épisode 31 - Where There's a Will

Épisode 32 - Take It Easel

Popeye and Brutus are rival artists, each of whom wants to win a magazine contest for the best original flower painting.

Épisode 33 - I Bin Sculped

Épisode 34 - Fleas a Crowd

Épisode 35 - Popeye's Junior Headache

Épisode 36 - Egypt Us

Épisode 37 - The Big Sneeze

Popeye, Olive and Swee'Pea are on a skiing trip in the French Alps. But the vacation goes sour when someone steals Olive's raccoon coat.

Épisode 38 - The Last Resort

Épisode 39 - Jeopardy Sheriff

Épisode 40 - Baby Phase

Épisode 41 - Goon with the Wind

Épisode 42 - Insultin' the Sultan

Popeye and Olive break up after a bitter argument. In a rage, Popeye joins the Foreign Legion. Meanwhile, a sultan decides Olive will be his 75th wife.

Épisode 43 - Dog-Gone Dog-Catcher

Épisode 44 - Voice from the Deep or See Here, Sea Hag

Épisode 45 - Matinee Idol Popeye

Brutus is an egotistical French director making a film about Antony and Cleopatra, starring Popeye and Olive Oyl. But Popeye may not survive the production.

Épisode 46 - Beaver or Not

Épisode 47 - Battery Up

Épisode 48 - Deserted Desert

Épisode 49 - Skinned Divers

Épisode 50 - Popeye's Service Station

Épisode 51 - Coffee House

Brutus gets the upper hand on Popeye in their rivalry for Olive by catering to her sudden decision to become a beatnik.

Épisode 52 - Popeye's Pep-Up Emporium

Épisode 53 - Bird Watcher Popeye

Épisode 54 - Time Marches Backwards

Épisode 55 - Popeye's Pet Store

Épisode 56 - Ballet de Spinach

Épisode 57 - Sea Hagracy

Épisode 58 - Spinach Shortage

Brutus is a business tycoon who corners the market on spinach, causing a shortage that makes it impossible for Popeye to find any.

Épisode 59 - Popeye and the Dragon

Popeye buys a suit of armor, hires a horse and goes off to save Princess Olive from a dragon.

Épisode 60 - Popeye the Fireman

Épisode 61 - Popeye's Pizza Palace

Épisode 62 - Down the Hatch

Épisode 63 - Lighthouse Keeping

Olive Oyl visits Popeye at his lighthouse. Brutus is an unwelcome tag-along who proves worse than worthless when a shark causes trouble.

Épisode 64 - Popeye and the Phantom

Épisode 65 - Popeye's Picnic

Épisode 66 - Out of This World

Épisode 67 - Madam Salami

Épisode 68 - Timber Toppers

Épisode 69 - Skyscraper Capers

Épisode 70 - Private Eye Popeye

Épisode 71 - Little Olive Riding Hood

Little Olive Riding Hood is delivering hamburgers to her sick friend, Wimpy. The Sea Hag wants those hamburgers for herself.

Épisode 72 - Popeye's Hypnotic Glance

Brutus hypnotizes Olive into falling in love with him. Then he hypnotizes Alice the Goon into falling in love with Popeye.

Épisode 73 - Popeye's Trojan Horse

A sawfish, a Trojan horse, two princes and a damsel in distress figure in Popeye's storybook tale to a skeptical Swee'Pea.

Épisode 74 - Frozen Feuds

Épisode 75 - Popeye's Corn-Certo

Épisode 76 - Westward Ho-Ho

Épisode 77 - Popeye's Cool Pool

Épisode 78 - Jeep Jeep

Épisode 79 - Popeye's Museum Piece

Épisode 80 - Golf Brawl

Épisode 81 - Wimpy's Lunch Wagon

Épisode 82 - Weather Watchers

Épisode 83 - Popeye and the Giant

Brutus uses garden growth pills to turn Wimpy into a giant.

Épisode 84 - Hill Billy Dilly

Épisode 85 - Popeye and the Magic Hat

Épisode 86 - Pest of the Pecos

Épisode 87 - The Blubbering Whaler

Épisode 88 - Popeye and the Spinach Stalk

Popeye climbs a giant spinach stalk and finds that Brutus the giant has kidnapped Olive and Eugene the Jeep in this skewed retelling of "Jack and the Beanstalk."

Épisode 89 - Shoot the Chutes

Épisode 90 - Tiger Burger

Épisode 91 - Bottom Gun

Épisode 92 - Olive Drab and the Seven Sweapeas

The king sends his daughter, Olive Drab, on a quest to find Prince Popeye and the Seven Swee'Peas.

Épisode 93 - Blinkin Beacon

Épisode 94 - Azteck Wreck

Épisode 95 - The Green Dancin' Shoes

Épisode 96 - Spare Dat Tree

Épisode 97 - The Glad Gladiator

Épisode 98 - The Golden Touch

Épisode 99 - Hamburger Fishing

Wimpy catches a cow, who is really an enchanted princess. She grants him three wishes for letting her go, but the Sea Hag demands he use the wishes to make gold.

Épisode 100 - Popeye the Popular Mechanic

Épisode 101 - Popeye's Folly

Épisode 102 - Popeye's Used Car

Olive gives up walks in the park with Popeye to ride in Brutus's flashy new car. In response, Popeye buys a used car from Wimpy and takes driving lessons from him, but winds up crashing through the wall of Olive's bedroom.

Épisode 103 - Spinachonara

Épisode 104 - Popeye and the Polite Dragon

Épisode 105 - Popeye the Ugly Ducklin

Épisode 106 - Popeye's Tea Party

Épisode 107 - The Troll Wot Got Gruff

Épisode 108 - Popeye the Lifeguard

Popeye's duties as a lifeguard have made him a hit with the bathing beauties, and so Olive agrees to become Brutus's beach buddy in order to make Popeye jealous.

Épisode 109 - Popeye in the Woods

Épisode 110 - After the Ball Went Over

Popeye and Brutus play ping pong, and the prize is a kiss from Olive.

Épisode 111 - Popeye and Buddy Brutus

Épisode 112 - Popeye's Car Wash

Épisode 113 - Camel Aires

Épisode 114 - Plumbers Pipe Dream

Popeye's bungling attempts to fix Olive's faucet lead to an escalating series of disasters that culminate in flooding all of New York City.

Épisode 115 - Popeye and the Herring Snatcher

Épisode 116 - Invisible Popeye

Olive accidentally switches on the Professor's time machine, which takes her to a bizarre planet. Popeye takes invisibility pills and goes to rescue her.

Épisode 117 - The Square Egg

Épisode 118 - Old Salt Tale

Popeye tells Swee'Pea a tall tale that explains why the sea is salty.

Épisode 119 - Jeep Tale

Épisode 120 - The Super Duper Market

Épisode 121 - Golden-Type Fleece

Épisode 122 - Popeye the White Collar Man

Épisode 123 - Sweapea Thru the Looking Glass

Épisode 124 - The Black Knight

Épisode 125 - Jingle Jangle Jungle

In the jungle, Popeye and Brutus compete to get Olive a tiger skin.

Épisode 126 - The Day Silky Went Blozo

Épisode 127 - Rip Van Popeye

Épisode 128 - Mississippi Sissy

On a Mississippi riverboat, the villainous Jean Baptiste le Brute chases Olive, demanding a mysterious letter. Olive gives it to Popeye so that the brutish le Brute can't get it.

Épisode 129 - Double Cross Country Feet Race

Épisode 130 - Fashion Fotography

Épisode 131 - I Yam Wot I Yamnesia

Épisode 132 - Paper Pasting Pandemonium

Épisode 133 - Coach Popeye

Épisode 134 - Popeyed Columbus

Épisode 135 - Popeye Revere

Épisode 136 - Popeye in Haweye

Épisode 137 - Forever Ambergris

Épisode 138 - Popeye De Leon

Épisode 139 - Popeyed Fisherman

Épisode 140 - Popeye in the Grand Steeple Chase

Épisode 141 - Uncivil War

Épisode 142 - Popeye the Piano Mover

Popeye and Brutus are piano movers; Olive Oyl is the owner of a piano that needs moving; and Wimpy is a traffic cop who takes chase when Popeye and the runaway piano tear down the street.

Épisode 143 - Popeye's Testimonial Dinner

Épisode 144 - Around the World in Eighty Ways

Épisode 145 - Popeye's Fixit Shop

Épisode 146 - Bell Hop Popeye

Épisode 147 - The Ghost Host

Épisode 148 - Strikes, Spares an' Spinach

Épisode 149 - Jeep Is Jeep

Épisode 150 - The Spinach Scholar

Épisode 151 - Psychiatricks

Épisode 152 - Rags to Riches to Rags

Épisode 153 - Hair Cut-Ups

Popeye takes Swee'Pea to the barber for a haircut but he's to scared and won't remove his hat. So Popeye tells him the story of Samson, the man who believed he got his strength from his long hair. And when another man played by Brutus who thought he was the strongest challenged Samson to a test of strength which Samson won. So he decided to try and cut Samson's hair so he will lose his strength. So he poses as a female hair stylist and tricked Samson into letting her work on his hair but actually cuts it; robbing him of his strength.

Épisode 154 - Poppa Popeye

Épisode 155 - Quick Change Olie

Épisode 156 - Valley of the Goons

Épisode 157 - Me Quest for Poopdeck Pappy

Popeye discovers he's not an orphan after all. An old man who looks just like him lives on a faraway island, and now Popeye is on a quest to find him.

Épisode 158 - Moby Hick

Épisode 159 - Mirror Magic

Épisode 160 - It Only Hurts When They Laughs

Épisode 161 - Wimpy the Moocher

Rough House is prepared to resist any and all of Wimpy's attempts to cheat him out of hamburgers. Wimpy's con job begins with buying a single raw oyster.

Épisode 162 - Voo-Doo to You Too

The Sea Hag makes Olive Oyl her zombie slave and puts a voodoo spell on Popeye that keeps his arms stuck to his sides. Only Eugene the Jeep can help him now.

Épisode 163 - Popeye Goes Sale-ing

Épisode 164 - Popeye's Travels

Épisode 165 - Incident at Missile City

Épisode 166 - Dog Catcher Popeye

Épisode 167 - What's News

Popeye and Olive travel to the small town Puddleburg where Popeye bought a newspaper company 'Puddleburg Splash'. Olive plans to teach the townspeople how to read but bullies tear down the new school. Popeye defeats the bullies and starts her classes.

Épisode 168 - Spinach Greetings

Épisode 169 - The Baby Contest

Épisode 1 - Oil's Well That Ends Well

2 janvier 1961

Oily Brutus swindles Olive Oyl out of her game show winnings with a worthless oil well. It's up to Popeye to grease the path towards a happy ending.

Épisode 2 - Motor Knocks

4 janvier 1961

Popeye and Olive stop by Brutus's Garage after running out of gas. But Brutus sabotages Popeye's car and steals away Olive.

Épisode 3 - Amusement Park

2 septembre 1961

Épisode 4 - Duel to the Finish

Olive entices Wimpy to her kitchen with the smell of hamburgers in order to make Popeye jealous. The male rivalry leads to an eating contest.

Épisode 5 - Gem Jam

In India, the Sea Hag hypnotizes Olive into stealing the sacred emerald from the crown of a jade idol, which puts a curse on the unwitting thief.

Épisode 6 - The Bathing Beasts

Épisode 7 - The Rain Breaker

Épisode 8 - Messin' Up the Mississippi

8 septembre 1961

Olive is the captain of a Mississippi showboat with Popeye as the main act. Brutus is the stagehand who is jealous of Popeye's fame. Brutus plots to jinx the show and embarrass Popeye.

Épisode 9 - Love Birds

Popeye buys Olive's lovebird a boyfriend. The two lovebirds, named Romeo and Juliet, quarrel and Romeo flies away. Olive demands that Popeye bring him back.

Épisode 10 - Sea Serpent

Olive is a reporter who's so busy that she doesn't have time to be with Popeye. Her boss then tells her that there are rumored reports of a sea serpent at lochness so he sends her to check it out. Popeye tells her there's no such thing. When she arrives she meets, the man who knows about the Sea Serpent, Brutus. He charges her for every piece of info he gives her. Popeye is incredulous and finds evidence that Brutus is a fake.

Épisode 11 - Boardering on Trouble

Épisode 12 - Aladdin's Lamp

Popeye chases down the Sea Hag in order to take back the magic lamp she stole from Olive.

Épisode 13 - Butler Up

Épisode 14 - The Leprechaun

The Sea Hag is planning to steal a leprechaun's gold by finding a leprechaun and making him tell her where his gold is. Popeye knowing that she's up to something follows her. When he encounters her, her vulture knocks him out. A leprechaun finds him and helps him. Later the same leprechaun runs into the Sea Hag and she makes him tell her where his gold is. When the other leprechauns learn what he did they banish him. When Popeye runs into him, he tells Popeye what happened Popeye sets to get the gold back.

Épisode 15 - County Fair

Popeye and Brutus are farmers who enter a county fair contest to see who's the best. But Brutus is cheating.

Épisode 16 - Hamburgers Aweigh

Épisode 17 - Popeye's Double Trouble

When the Sea Hag overhears Popeye wishes he was lucky she asks her vulture to get out of her pouch a coin which gives whoever has it bad luck and throws it at Popeye hoping he will be cursed. But the vulture gave her her gold luck coin which has three wishes. And when Popeye uses it, she tries to get it back before he uses the other two. Knowing that he's on his way to pick up Olive for a date the Sea Hag gets there before Popeye does and ties her up and makes herself look like Olive and goes with Popeye to a dance and roughs him up hoping to get the coin but doesn't.

Épisode 18 - Kiddie Kapers

Épisode 19 - The Mark of Zero

Popeye tells Olive's niece the story of the Mark of Zero, starring himself as the good guy and Brutus as the villain.

Épisode 20 - Myskery Melody

Poopdeck Pappy is suddenly frightened of a mysterious flute melody that wafts through the air. At first Popeye and Olive cannot hear the haunting melody, but Pappy tells them about when he was a young man, and he was attracted to a young woman, a jewel of the sea, who tried to seduce him but turned out to be Wicked Seahag in disguise. Upon discovering her true identity Pappy fled, and Seahag vowed revenge. Now she has discovered a flute melody that can hypnotize Pappy into her trap, and when Popeye and Olive finally do hear the haunting melody, Pappy becomes hypnotized drawn to the dungeon of a distant castle, where Popeye must enlist the aid of Eugene The Jeep is rescue him.

Épisode 21 - Scairdy Cat

Épisode 22 - Operation Ice-Tickle

Olive tells Popeye and Brutus she'll go out with the first one who brings her back the North Pole -- which turns out to be an actual pole with red and white stripes.

Épisode 23 - The Cure

Épisode 24 - William Won't Tell

Épisode 25 - Pop Goes the Whistle

Épisode 26 - Autographically Yours

Épisode 27 - A Poil for Olive Oyl

Popeye takes Olice out to buy her a birthday present and she chooses a pearl necklace and when Popeye hears how much they are, he sets out to get pearls from the sea. He goes diving and finds the oyster beds where the pearls are. But the Sea Hag is there and she claims that the pearls belong to her.

Épisode 28 - My Fair Olive

Épisode 29 - Giddy Gold

While going through a tunnel of love boat ride, Olive notices a lot decorative jewels and other valuables and wishes they were real. That's when the Wiffle Bird shows and says they can be by just touching his feathers and wishing it. And it happens. So she and Popeye grab buckets of the jewels and makes their way out but the Wiffle Bird shows to tell them that there are three dangerous dangers that anyone who tries to take anything will have to face. While Popeye prefers to leave everything behind Olive says they go on with them.

Épisode 30 - Strange Things Are Happening

Épisode 31 - The Medicine Man

Olive begs Dr. Quack, aka Brutus, to cure Popeye's hiccups. But Dr. Quack wants Popeye's Spinach Health Juice off the market and Olive in his clutches.

Épisode 32 - A Mite of Trouble

Épisode 33 - Who's Kiddin' Zoo

Épisode 34 - Robot Popeye

Épisode 35 - Sneaking Peeking

Épisode 36 - Seer-Ring is Believer-Ring

Olive Oyl buys a ring that allows her to see the immediate future; but it really belongs to Evil Eye, a red-bearded foreign hypnotist with supernatural powers.

Épisode 37 - The Wiffle Bird's Revenge

The magical Wiffle bird casts a spell over Wimpy that changes him into a werewolf whenever he says the word "hamburger".

Épisode 38 - Going...Boing...Gone

Épisode 39 - Popeye Thumb

Épisode 40 - The Billionaire

Épisode 41 - Model Muddle

18 septembre 1961

Olive decides that Popeye needs some culture, so she takes him to the art museum. There, he pokes fun at the sculpture and accidentally breaks a piece. Eventually, he develops a taste for modern art and decides to try his hand at acting as a sculptor for Olive Oyl's affection... with disastrous results. Brutus gets sore and tries to sabotage the sailor. He wants to play rough with the paint.

Épisode 42 - Which is Witch

Épisode 43 - Disguise the Limit

Épisode 44 - Spoil Sport

Épisode 45 - Have Time Will Travel

Épisode 46 - Intellectual Interlude

Épisode 47 - Partial Post

22 septembre 1961

An spaceship lands on Earth carrying an alien disguised as a mailbox! Popeye is about to go out to mail Olive a birthday card when he hears a radio announcement that a flying saucer has been sighted over the city. Popeye continues with his task to mail the card, but he does not realize that the mailbox he has just posted Olive's card in is really the flying saucer. The extraterrestrial then tries to kidnap Popeye and Olive Oyl!

Épisode 48 - Weight for Me

Popeye and Brutus return from six months at sea to find that Olive has gotten fat. Brutus indulges Olive's lust for food, while Popeye tries to force her to exercise.

Épisode 49 - Canine Caprice

Popeye encontra um cachorro na rua que fala e trás muitos problema com sua llíngua grande!

Épisode 50 - Roger

Épisode 51 - Tooth Be or Not Tooth Be

23 septembre 1961

Swee'Pea is cutting his first tooth and Poopdeck Pappy is babysitting him for Popeye. Pappy decides to give Swee'Pea a lesson in dental hygiene and tells him a story of what happened to him when he entered a "teeth" contest. Pappy talks about the Sea Hag and her nefarious plans for his teeth.


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