Année : 1959
Nombre de saisons : 14
Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 45 minutes
Genre(s) : Action, Aventure, Western
La série se déroule à la fin du xixe siècle (après la guerre de Sécession) dans une petite ville (née du Gold Rush) du Nevada, Virginia City, et dans le ranch de la famille Cartwright, le Ponderosa situé en périphérie. La famille est formée d'un veuf, Ben Cartwright, et des trois fils qu'il a eu de trois mariages différents. L'action, comme celle de la plupart des séries télévisées western4, est déclenchée par l'arrivée de visiteurs venus de l'extérieur, « qui viennent troubler l'harmonie organique du ranch et de la ville »5, et résolue par l'intervention de la famille Cartwright. La seule source de tension interne est la façon dont les habitants de Virginia City, définis comme de braves gens, sont susceptibles de céder au mal, contrairement aux Cartwright, moralement supérieurs.
Saison 1
Saison 2
Saison 3
Saison 4
Saison 5
Saison 6
Saison 7
Saison 8
Saison 9
Saison 10
Saison 11
Saison 12
Saison 13
Saison 14
Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !
Épisode 1 - A Rose for Lotta
12 septembre 1959 - 5/5
Les mineurs de la ville de Virginia City sont entrés en conflit avec la famille des Cartwright. Le responsable de l'exploitation minière, Alpheus Troy, est même prêt à enlever un des fils Cartwright afin de faire pression sur Ben. A cette fin, Troy fait appel à la chanteuse Lotta Crabtree.
Épisode 2 - Death on Sun Mountain
19 septembre 1959 - 3/5
Deux opportunistes, Mark Burdette et Early Thorne, sont prêts à déclencher une guerre entre les habitants de Virginia City et la tribu indienne des Paiutes afin de servir leurs vils desseins.
Épisode 3 - The Newcomers
26 septembre 1959 - 5/5
Ben ordonne à son fils Hoss de veiller au départ d'une équipe de mineurs du ranch des Cartwright. Toutefois, Hoss tombe amoureux de Emily, la soeur de l'un d'entres eux. Qui plus est, Emily est affectée par une grave maladie.
Épisode 4 - The Paiute War
3 octobre 1959 - 5/5
Mike Wilson parvient à échapper à la colère des indiens paiutes dont il a maltraité deux femmes. Il parvient même à en faire retomber la responsabilité sur les épaules d'Adam.
Épisode 5 - Enter Mark Twain
10 octobre 1959 - 5/5
Samuel Clemens arrive à Virginia City afin de débuter une carrière de journaliste pour l'édition locale : The Territorial Enterprise. Or, son arrivée coincide avec les élections pour la nomination d'un nouveau juge
Épisode 6 - The Julia Bulette Story
17 octobre 1959 - 5/5
Joe Cartwright passe beaucoup de son temps avec Julia Bulette, la propriétaire d'un saloon à Virginia City. Il est persuadé qu'elle a une ressemblance troublante avec sa mère
Épisode 7 - The Saga of Annie O'Toole
24 octobre 1959 - 5/5
Adam doit prendre en charge la défense de Annie O'Toole qui réclame la propriété d'une mine aux abors de Virginia City. Toutefois, Adam se heurte à un sacré problème : le tribunal est présidé par son propre père !
Épisode 8 - The Phillip Diedesheimer Story
31 octobre 1959 - 5/5
Adam et Hoss aident un ingénieur allemand, Philip Deidesheimer, à construire un système de soutainement afin d'assurer une meilleure sécurité des ouvriers travaillant dans la mine de Andrew Holloway.
Épisode 9 - Mr. Henry Comstock
7 novembre 1959 - 5/5
Henry Comstock est un prospecteur légendaire qui a participé à la fondation de la ville de Virginia City. Néanmoins, cet épisode va permettre de découvrir que son passé n'est pas si glorieux que cela et que Henry Comstock était en réalité un sacré escroc.
Épisode 10 - The Magnificent Adah
14 novembre 1959 - 5/5
Virginia City reçoit la visite de l'actrice Adah Issacs Menken, une vieille connaissance de Ben Cartwright. Toutefois, cette actrice est l'objet d'une malsaine assiduité de la part de John C. Regan.
Épisode 11 - The Truckee Strip
21 novembre 1959 - 5/5
Joe est tombée amoureux de Amy Bishop dont le père s'oppose à Ben Cartwright pour la propriété d'une bande de terre à la jonction de leurs domaines respectifs.
Épisode 12 - The Hanging Posse
28 novembre 1959 - 5/5
Adam et Joe se joignent à contrecoeur à un groupe d'habitants de Virginia City qui pourchassent trois hommes soupçonnés du meurtre de Vannie Johnson.
Épisode 13 - Vendetta
5 décembre 1959 - 5/5
Ben et Hoss doivent affronter une bande de hors-la-loi qui sème la terreur dans Viriginia City dont les habitants, apeurés, se sont réfugiés chez eux sans lever le petit doigt pour aider les Cartwright.
Épisode 14 - The Sisters
12 décembre 1959 - 5/5
Adam est attirée par le jeune Sue Ellen Terry mais se heurte à l'hostilité de son rival, John Henry. Rapidement, l'affrontement entre les deux hommes devient inévitable.
Épisode 15 - The Last Hunt
19 décembre 1959 - 5/5
Hoss et Joe découvrent une jeune indienne qui est sur le point d'accoucher alors qu'ils chassent dans le domaine de Ponderosa.
Épisode 16 - El Toro Grande
2 janvier 1960 - 5/5
Ben Cartwright demande à ses deux fils, Hoss et Joe, de se rendre à Monterey au Mexique afin d'y faire l'acquisition d'un taureau de grande valeur.
Épisode 17 - The Outcast
9 janvier 1960 - 5/5
Leta Malvet est victime de l'ostrascisme des habitants de Virginia City car elle entretient une liaison amoureuse avec Clay Renton, un bandit notoire.
Épisode 18 - A House Divided
16 janvier 1960 - 5/5
Les rumeurs de guerre civile atteignent la ville de Virginia City. La situation dégénère avec l'arrivée de Frederick Kyle, un sympathisant des états du Sud.
Épisode 19 - The Gunmen
23 janvier 1960 - 5/5
Alors qu'ils voyagent en direction de Kiowa Flats dans le Texas, Hoss et Joe sont malencontreusement confondus avec un duo de malfrats très dangereux.
Épisode 20 - The Fear Merchants
30 janvier 1960 - 5/5
La famille Cartwright est confrontée au racisme qui règne dans la ville de Virginia City et doit intervenir afin de protéger un jeune chinois de la colère de la foule déchaînée.
Épisode 21 - The Spanish Grant
6 février 1960 - 5/5
L'avenir du ranch Ponderosa est remis en cause par l'arrivée de Isabella Marie Inez de la Cuesta, membre d'une grande famille espagnole, et qui réclame cette terre comme appartenant à sa famille depuis plusieurs générations.
Épisode 22 - Blood on the Land
13 février 1960 - 5/5
Jeb Drmmond, un éleveur de moutons, entre en conflit avec les Cartwright qui refusent que ses moutons puissent paître dans la vallée.
Épisode 23 - Desert Justice
20 février 1960 - 5/5
Le Marshall Emmett Dowd arrive à Ponderosa afin de procéder à l'arrestation de Dave Walker, un employé du ranch. Adam et Hoss s'inquiètent de savoir si le prisonnier arrivera bien vivant en prison...
Épisode 24 - The Stranger
27 février 1960 - 5/5
Le marshall Charles Leduque arrive à Virginia City avec un mandat d'arrêt contre Ben Cartwright. Little Joe tente de venir en aide à son père. Il est appréhendé à son tour...
Épisode 25 - Escape to Ponderosa
5 mars 1960 - 5/5
Trois prisonniers se sont évadés et sont traqués par des représentants de la cavalerie américaine. Ben participe aux recherches...
Épisode 26 - The Avenger
19 mars 1960 - 5/5
Ben et Adam Cartwright ont été condamnés à mort pour le meurtre d'un acheteur de bétail. «Le Vengeur», dont les parents ont eux-mêmes été les victimes d'une justice expéditive, essaie de les sauver de la potence...
Épisode 27 - The Last Trophy
26 mars 1960 - 5/5
Beatrice et Marion Dunsford arrivent d'Angleterre afin de rendre visite à leurs amis, les Cartwright...
Épisode 28 - San Francisco
2 avril 1960 - 5/5
Les Cartwright sont à San Francisco afin de vendre leur bétail. Deux de leurs cow-boys sont kidnappés et séquestrés sur un bateau prêt à appareiller pour Hong-Kong...
Épisode 29 - Bitter Water
9 avril 1960 - 5/5
Les Cartwright sont menacés de perdre leur alimentation en eau potable car un mineur sans scrupules veut acheter la propriété voisine et souiller la source commune en lavant du minerai...
Épisode 30 - Feet of Clay
16 avril 1960 - 5/5
Billy, un enfant dont le père est incarcéré, est recueilli à Ponderosa par les Cartwright. Hoss parvient à se lier d'amitié avec le petit Billy jusqu'à ce que son père s'échappe de prison...
Épisode 31 - Dark Star
23 avril 1960 - 5/5
Little Joe tombe amoureux d'une charmante gitane qui es rejetée par sa propre famille qui la considère comme possédée par le démon...
Épisode 32 - Death at Dawn
30 avril 1960 - 5/5
Les trois frères Cartwright mettent en danger la vie de leur père pour débarrasser Virginia City d'une bande de gangsters menée par Sam Bryant. Ce dernier n'a pas hésité à kidnapper Ben Cartwright pour obliger la justice à libérer un de ses hommes, Farmer Perkins, qui a été condamné à mort.
Épisode 1 - Showdown
10 septembre 1960 - 5/5
A young bank robber hires on at the Ponderosa in order to keep his gang informed of the law's efforts to discover their whereabouts.
Épisode 2 - The Mission
17 septembre 1960 - 5/5
Filmed almost entirely outdoors, this is more like a feature than a series. Captain Pender is looking for a scout to lead him and his company of men across the desert, along with a currency shipment they are carrying to another army fort. Charlie Trent, a former scout and now a drunk, still blames himself for his troops being led to massacre. Hoss sees that this is Charlie's opportunity to redeem himself and win back his honor. Meantime, Captain Pender is having trouble with Cutter, another scout who is a devious and cunning bear of a man, who agreed to lead him across the desert, but Pender lets him go and with Hoss' suggestion, Captain Pender agress to have Charlie be their scout.
Épisode 3 - Badge Without Honor
24 septembre 1960 - 5/5
Adam's life is saved by an enigmatic U. S. Marshal who has come to Virginia City to arrest a friend of the Cartwrights.
Épisode 4 - The Mill
1 octobre 1960 - 5/5
The Cartwrights construct a grist mill to provide income for a crippled rancher who blames Ben for his predicament. Ben has to contend with the man's depraved caretaker, and finds himself attracted to his wife. "Sons can't be everything," Ben tells her.
Épisode 5 - The Hopefuls
8 octobre 1960 - 5/5
Adam guides a wagon train of Quakers and falls for the leader's daughter, Regina. The force Adam must employ to protect them, conflicts with their passive philosophy of life.
Épisode 6 - Denver McKee
15 octobre 1960 - 5/5
While celebrating the return of his daughter Connie, former lawman McKee is asked to assist in the capture of an outlaw gang. While Joe is courting Connie, no one realizes that McKee is involved with the outlaws.
Épisode 7 - Day of Reckoning
22 octobre 1960 - 5/5
Prejudice erupts on both sides when Ben gives an Indian named Matsou and his wife, some of his land, after saving Ben's life from a renegade Indian who almost killed him on the Ponderosa. An intense and magnetic performance by Ricardo Montalban.
Épisode 8 - The Abduction
29 octobre 1960 - 5/5
Hoss and Joe take their sweethearts to a colorful and strange carnival for the day. Joe's recent girlfriend Jennifer Beale is abducted by the sinister owner, Philip Reed and his accomplice Gerner. Her father is Joshua Beale, the richest man in the Comstock. Gerner convinces Reed to hold her for a $1 million dollar ransom, and her father will gladly pay them to ensure her safe return. Reed's girlfriend Della Thompson is jealous of Jennifer and has second thoughts about the abduction. Hoss and Joe take notice of Jennifer's disappearance and travel deep into the bowels of the carnival, meeting fierce resistance from the carnival people at every avenue. They come up without a trace of finding her.
Épisode 9 - Breed of Violence
5 novembre 1960 - 5/5
Joe's friend Dolly Kincaid is the daughter of the sheriff and she's always getting caught up with the wrong crowd. When she gets close to Vince Dagen, Joe gets worried and tries to intervene.
Épisode 10 - The Last Viking
12 novembre 1960 - 5/5
Gunnar Borgstrom is the leader of a vicious band called the Commancheros. They burn houses, kill people and steal anything of value. When the Commancheros get to Nevada, Gunnar decides to visit his relatives, the Cartwrights. Meanwhile the gang capture Little Joe and his girlfriend. When Gunnar returns to the gang, he has no idea who Joe is because he'd never met his nephew before.
Épisode 11 - The Trail Gang
26 novembre 1960 - 5/5
On a cattle drive back to Nevada from Texas, Ben hires a young man who is both an outlaw and the son of the sheriff whose town the Ponderosa cowhands are entering.
Épisode 12 - The Savage
3 décembre 1960 - 5/5
Adam's life is saved by a woman known to the Indians as White Buffalo Woman, but who is actually the daughter of Norwegian immigrants.
Épisode 13 - Silent Thunder
10 décembre 1960 - 5/5
Captivated by the pretty, deaf-mute daughter of a reclusive mountain man, Little Joe teaches the young woman sign language. Thrilled with her newfound ability to communicate, Annie mistakes her gratitude to Little Joe for love, much to the chagrin of Albie, who is determined to have her for his own.
Épisode 14 - The Ape
17 décembre 1960 - 4.5/5
Hoss becomes friends with dull-witted Arnie Gurnie, who is a brute of a man with the mentality of a child. His temper scares everybody, including the Cartwrights.
Épisode 15 - The Blood Line
31 décembre 1960 - 5/5
Ben feels responsible for the son of a man he was forced to kill, but the young man is determined to get even. A professional gunman offers to do the job for him.
Épisode 16 - The Courtship
7 janvier 1961 - 4.5/5
Hoss plans to marry the widow of one of Ben's friends, not knowing she is a compulsive gambler and refusing to believe it when the other Cartwrights confront him with the truth.
Épisode 17 - The Spitfire
14 janvier 1961 - 5/5
Joe becomes the target of a tough and vengeful Kentucky family, after he kills one of them who almost sets the Ponderosa on fire and the Cartwrights take in the dead man's daughter.
Épisode 18 - The Bride
21 janvier 1961 - 4.5/5
The Cartwright boys are surprised to find that a woman, claiming to have recently married their father, shows up on their doorstep. When Ben gets home, he is just as surprised as they are. Has the lady been swindled by a con-man, or is she something of a con-woman herself?
Épisode 19 - Bank Run
28 janvier 1961 - 4.5/5
When they "rob" the bank in Virginia City to save depositors from being cleaned out by its president, Hoss and Joe wind up wanted by the law.
Épisode 20 - The Fugitive
4 février 1961 - 5/5
Adam goes to Mexico to find out how the son of a family friend was killed, only to learn the man is still alive.
Épisode 21 - Vengeance
11 février 1961 - 5/5
Hoss accidentally kills a drunk he was trying to disarm. The man's brother bushwhacks Hoss, who has lost the will to live. Joe makes a promise to Hoss that he will kill Red Twilight, the vengeful brother who bushwhacked Hoss, no matter what happens, and will not let Adam stand in his way.
Épisode 22 - The Tax Collector
18 février 1961 - 5/5
The kindness Hoss extends to shiftless Jock Henry is not exactly repaid when Henry becomes an assistant assessor and raises the Ponderosa's annual tax bill from $375 to $1700.
Épisode 23 - The Rescue
25 février 1961 - 5/5
The Cartwright boys are concerned that Ben might be getting on in years, yet it is he who saves them from cattle rustlers.
Épisode 24 - The Dark Gate
4 mars 1961 - 5/5
Adam is confused by the sudden behavior of his good friend, Ross Marquette. He beats up his wife, Delphine, after accusing her of having an affair with Adam. He also joins a group of rustlers and killers and helps rob a gold shipment. Adam thinks Ross is suffering from insanity, in this highlight of season two.
Épisode 25 - The Duke
11 mars 1961 - 5/5
Hoss takes on The Duke Of London, an arrogant, abusive bare-knuckle fighter, though his brawn is no match for the Duke's agile skills.
Épisode 26 - Cutthroat Junction
18 mars 1961 - 5/5
When freight company detective Jed Trask is fired after a decade of service, he joins the thieves preventing supplies from reaching Virginia City.
Épisode 27 - The Gift
1 avril 1961 - 5/5
While crossing the desert to Yuma, Arizona with a white stallion intended as a birthday present for Ben, Joe runs into a pack of merciless comancheros. His companion, a former comanchero, Emiliano, who raised the horse, must get he and Joe through safely.
Épisode 28 - The Rival
15 avril 1961 - 5/5
Jim Applegate, Hoss' rival for the affections of Cameo Johnson, is a member of a vigilante group who lynched an innocent man and his wife.
Épisode 29 - The Infernal Machine
22 avril 1961 - 5/5
Hoss believes in his friend's primitive version of the automobile in this lighthearted, yet sad episode. When the "car" uses up the last of its fuel, Hoss remarks, "Dadburn it, I still say it woulda worked".
Épisode 30 - The Thunderhead Swindle
29 avril 1961 - 5/5
With Virginia City on the verge of economic ruin, out of work miners put their hopes in word of a strike at a mine everbody believed was played out. Ben suspects the new owners have been stealing silver from an adjoining mine also thought dry, and resolves to prove it.
Épisode 31 - The Secret
6 mai 1961 - 5/5
Joe is the victim of an elaborate frame-up, accused of murdering a pregnant girl. When Ben is asked if Joe is telling the truth, he replies, "If I were to start doubting my son at this point, everything I've lived and worked for would be lost".
Épisode 32 - The Dream Riders
20 mai 1961 - 5/5
To finance his dream of constructing an airship capable of crossing the Atlantic, Ben's old friend plans to rob the Virginia City bank while diverting the citizens' attention with a hot air balloon.
Épisode 33 - Elizabeth, My Love
27 mai 1961 - 5/5
At the bedside of a seriously ill Adam, Ben thinks back to his days as a first mate in the merchant marines and his marriage to Adam's mother, Elizabeth Stoddard.
Épisode 34 - Sam Hill
3 juin 1961 - 5/5
Blacksmith Sam Hill fights to keep the land on which his mother is buried, after his drunken father signs the deed over to Colonel Tyson and his private army. Poetic episode written by John T. Kelley and directed by Robert Altman.
Épisode 1 - The Smiler
24 septembre 1961 - 5/5
A drunk is killed in a saloon brawl with Hoss, and though the man's brother insists there are no hard feelings, he is actually a silver-tongued devil bent on revenge.
Épisode 2 - Springtime
1 octobre 1961 - 5/5
A friend of Ben's (Mr. Milbank) arrives at the Ponderosa at a bad time...when the Cartwright boys are fighting in the mud. Mr. Milbank, who is injured by a flying log during the fight, gives an assignment to each of the three boys. Can they fulfill the assignments, or has Springtime gotten to them all?
Épisode 3 - The Honor of Cochise
8 octobre 1961 - 5/5
The Cartwrights and a bigoted army captain are pinned down by Cochise and his braves, who claim the officer poisoned 30 of their people.
Épisode 4 - The Lonely House
15 octobre 1961 - 5/5
Little Joe pays a visit to the widow Lee Bolden, and brings her a bank draft for her husband's investments with Ben. Actually, the investments were losing propositions. Ben just wanted to help out his friend. During his visit, a wounded man stumbles into the house, and Joe recognizes him as Trock, who had just robbed the local bank. Lee Bolden was a nurse to her husband physician, and removes the bullet from Trock. Joe soon learns that Lee is in love with Trock, and that is the only thing standing between him and an early grave.
Épisode 5 - The Burma Rarity
22 octobre 1961 - 5/5
In this comic episode involving a precious emerald and the sweet widow, Clemantine Hawkins who is attracted to Ben, turns the tables on a pair of land swindlers.
Épisode 6 - Broken Ballad
29 octobre 1961 - 5/5
Adam tries to help a reformed gunman who wants only to live peacefully near Virginia City. Good story without a tidy ending. Pernell's first chance to sing on the series.
Épisode 7 - The Many Faces of Gideon Flinch
5 novembre 1961 - 5/5
Hoss and Joe become involved when "Bullethead" Burke vows revenge on an old man he claims cheated him in an investment deal.
Épisode 8 - The Friendship
12 novembre 1961 - 5/5
Joe befriends and takes responsibility for an ex-convict named Danny. Danny loves horses and is not used to people's ways on the outside of jail. Will his rough jailhouse upbringing mar any hopes of friendship?
Épisode 9 - The Countess
19 novembre 1961 - 5/5
A woman Ben once loved, Lady Chadwick, returns and attempts to trick him into marrying her by ruining his business. Ben says almost losing the Ponderosa will make him and his sons appreciate it more.
Épisode 10 - The Horse Breaker
26 novembre 1961 - 5/5
A professional wrangler working for the Cartwrights is paralyzed when thrown by a particularly mean bronco. The woman nursing him was once engaged to the late son of a neighboring rancher out to get Ben.
Épisode 11 - Day of the Dragon
3 décembre 1961 - 5/5
Joe wins a card game and an unexpected prize...a young lady. She goes to the Ponderosa and serves them, not wanting to be set free. Meanwhile, an army is looking for her and the Cartwrights.
Épisode 12 - The Frenchman
10 décembre 1961 - 5/5
An irritating man who boasts of being the reincarnation of French poet Francois Villion shows up causing trouble for the Cartwrights.
Épisode 13 - The Tin Badge
17 décembre 1961 - 5/5
Joe accepts the job of temporary sheriff in the town of Rubicon, unaware he is being used to facilitate a scheme involving murder.
Épisode 14 - Gabrielle
24 décembre 1961 - 5/5
In this Christmas story, inspired by Johanna Spyri's "Heidi", Hoss and Joe come across a blind girl whose family has been killed in a wagon wreck, learning later that her grandfather is a bitter hermit who spent 21 years in prison for a murder he did not commit.
Épisode 15 - Land Grab
31 décembre 1961 - 5/5
The Ponderosa is overrun with settlers bearing phony property deeds, and one of Ben's oldest friends is responsible.
Épisode 16 - The Tall Stranger
7 janvier 1962 - 5/5
Hoss plans to marry Margie, a pretty blonde, but Margie becomes fascinated with a tall, traveling stranger named Mark Connors. Margie marries Mark but soon finds it was far from a match made in heaven.
Épisode 17 - The Lady from Baltimore
14 janvier 1962 - 5/5
An overbearing friend of the family tries to force her daughter into marrying Joe, though she does not love him. The situation grows more complex when Adam stumbles onto the scheme.
Épisode 18 - The Ride
21 janvier 1962 - 5/5
Adam races against the clock to prove a man who was once his friend is guilty of robbery and murder and Adam is convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt he is guilty.
Épisode 19 - The Storm
28 janvier 1962 - 5/5
Joe plans to marry Laura White, daughter of a man Ben once sailed with, but she is fatally ill. Ben consoles him with words spoken years before, by the father of Adam's mother.
Épisode 20 - The Auld Sod
4 février 1962 - 5/5
The Cartwrights pretend the Ponderosa belongs to the town lush, when his aging mother from Ireland arrives.
Épisode 21 - Gift of Water
11 février 1962 - 5/5
The Cartwrights dig a well, build a rig and a windmill for a drought-stricken farm family.
Épisode 22 - The Jackknife
18 février 1962 - 5/5
Adam gives a second chance to a family man he suspects is one of the rustlers who has been hitting the Ponderosa herds.
Épisode 23 - The Guilty
25 février 1962 - 5/5
When Ben fails to prevent the death of a friend's son, Adam and Joe, concerned by their father's depression, attempt to prove there was nothing he could have done.
Épisode 24 - The Wooing of Abigail Jones
4 mars 1962 - 5/5
In order to keep peace on the ranch, Hoss and Joe try to help ranch hand, Hank Meyers woo the the plain-looking schoolteacher, Abigail Jones. When their first plan backfires, they convince Adam (who doesn't want to get involved) to help and this makes things worse because Abigail believes it is Adam who is wooing her and Hank Meyers believes Adam wants to steal her away.
Épisode 25 - The Lawmaker
11 mars 1962 - 5/5
Ben supports the appointment of Asa Moran as Virginia City's temporary sheriff, but Moran goes overboard with his authority, jailing Adam in the process and pistol-whipping a Ponderosa hand.
Épisode 26 - Look to the Stars
18 mars 1962 - 5/5
A young genius, Albert Michaelson, vies for a scholarship. Adam assists Albert in the boy's experiments. Albert only needs the school teacher's approval to be granted a scholarship-which will be very difficult to get considering Albert was expelled from school.
Épisode 27 - The Gamble
1 avril 1962 - 5/5
In the town of Alkali, the Cartwrights are jailed on false charges of robbery and murder, but Joe escapes and returns with an army of Ponderosa hands.
Épisode 28 - The Crucible
8 avril 1962 - 5/5
Adam is left to die in the desert after two thieves take $5,000 and his horse from him. Near death, he stumbles into an old prospector named Kane who offers to lend him a mule and supplies in exchange for three day's work at his mine. Kane, however, turns out to be a demented madman. He holds Adam prisoner and tortures him to prove his theory that anyone could be driven to kill, even a man as rational as Adam. This is Pernell Robert's favorite episode along with "The Wooing Of Abigail Jones".
Épisode 29 - Inger, My Love
15 avril 1962 - 5/5
Ben indulges in a nostalgic reverie about Hoss's deceased mother. Having worked his way west to Galesburg, IL., Ben is befriended by a girl named Inger, the fiancee of the tavern owner who gave him a job.
Épisode 30 - Blessed Are They
22 avril 1962 - 5/5
When two feuding families argue over the custody of two orphaned children, a reluctant Ben is called upon to straighten out the situation before real trouble erupts.
Épisode 31 - The Dowry
29 avril 1962 - 5/5
The Cartwrights get mixed up in the romance of a phony heiress and an equally phony land baron.
Épisode 32 - The Long Night
6 mai 1962 - 5/5
Ben, Joe and Adam travel to Bowleg to pay the yearly taxes on the Ponderosa. After the transaction is completed, Ben and Joe ride over the summit to join the cattle drive. Adam is on his way to Genoa and is carrying a $10,000 bank draft his father has given him. A prison guard rides into town and announces two hombres have broke out and escaped who are holdup men and killers. Elmer Trace and his partner Poindexter were assisted by a guard in escaping prison and they betray him on the trail. Trace takes his clothes, horse and firearms, leaving Poindexter with only a rifle and rides off. Meanwhile, the Sheriff of Bowleg organizes a posse immediately.
Épisode 33 - The Mountain Girl
13 mai 1962 - 5/5
Joe promises a dying sheepman he will make sure the old man's granddaughter gets her rightful inheritance from a wealthy San Francisco family. This episode was filmed immediately after "Inger, My Love", which explains why Blocker's arm is still in a sling.
Épisode 34 - The Miracle Maker
20 mai 1962 - 5/5
Hoss blames himself when a young woman is crippled in a wagon accident, and hopes a faith healer can help her walk again.
Épisode 1 - The First Born
23 septembre 1962 - 5/5
Clay Stafford signs on to work for the Cartwrights and shortly afterwards shoots and kills a man who accuses him of cheating at poker. The miners warn Clay to leave town, but it appears he killed in self-defense. Surprisingly, he tells Little Joe that he is his half-brother, and Marie was his mother. Ben listens to his story and takes his word for it, but Adam and Hoss think he should wire the judge in New Orleans to confirm Clay's real identity. Meanwhile, Clay and Joe develop a close relationship, but the vengeful miners still want Clay out of Virginia City and their first warning, is when Joe is beaten up by them. Ultimately, Clay decides life on the ranch is not for him.
Épisode 2 - The Quest
30 septembre 1962 - 5/5
Determined to prove he can succeed at something without the help of his Pa, Hoss, and Adam, Joe sets out on his quest and wins a timber contract for Ponderosa timber, and later discovers that having a family to rely on can definitely be an asset.
Épisode 3 - The Artist
7 octobre 1962 - 5/5
Ben helps Matthew Raine, a famous painter who has gone blind and now wallows in self-pity, discover a new purpose in life. However, Raine's employee Gavin has other ideas.
Épisode 4 - A Hot Day for a Hanging
14 octobre 1962 - 5/5
Hoss is jailed for robbing the bank in Dutchman Flats, a town on the brink of economic collapse, even the sheriff knows he is innocent, but a lynch mob gathers and Hoss' fate is not good.
Épisode 5 - The Deserter
21 octobre 1962 - 5/5
An Indian-hating officer, Colonel Edward J. Dunwoody, comes to the Ponderosa looking for army deserter Bill Winters, who is a good friend of the Cartwrights. Bill happens to be his son and is married to an Indian. It seemed Bill deserted when he was ordered to massacre the Shoshone, by poisoning their food and water, genocide. The Shoshone find out and abduct Bill's father.
Épisode 6 - The Way Station
29 octobre 1962 - 5/5
With a storm brewing, Adam takes refuge at a way station, run by cantankerous Jesse and his young grandaughter Marty, who yearns to see what exists away from the way station. The station is also visited by Luke Martin, a killer who is running from a posse. He makes Marty an empty promise to take her with him and see the world together, but Adam steps in and suggests Luke let her alone. Everybody but Marty is relieved to see him go, but he quickly returns and holds everyone hostage to protect himself from the posse.
Épisode 7 - The War Comes to Washoe
4 novembre 1962 - 5/5
The Civil War once again divides the citizens of Nevada, as well as Adam and Joe Cartwright. One of season four's highlights, the plot involving British spy Bill Stewart, based on historical fact.
Épisode 8 - Knight Errant
18 novembre 1962 - 5/5
Hoss volunteers to pickup an injured neighbor's mail-order bride, but by the time they return, she has fallen in love with Hoss and a price is put on Hoss' head.
Épisode 9 - The Beginning
25 novembre 1962 - 5/5
Billy Horne is a white man who was captured by the Shoshone when he was six. He comes into Ben & Joe's campsite one night uninvited. They capture him and take him to town. Roy Coffee wants to put him in jail for safekeeping, but Ben says he'll take him to the Ponderosa. They buy Horne clothes and become friends to him. A guy named Milton Tanner says the deed to the Ponderosa is weak and tries to take a third of it. Billy goes to Tanner's ranch and warns him that he will kill him if he tries to take the land. Tanner turns his dog loose on Billy. Billy kills the dog and then Tanner, who is going for a gun. Billy pleads guilty, but breaks out. Eventually he goes back with Joe and tells what really happened.
Épisode 10 - The Deadly Ones
2 décembre 1962 - 5/5
The Ponderosa becomes a war zone when it is invaded by a detachment of Mexican mercenaries under General Diaz. The general is furious when one of his men, Forsythe, disobeys his orders to get a hostage peacefully, and instead shoots Little Joe in the back. Diaz forces Ben to lead his men over the back roads of the Ponderosa, so they can ambush a gold train led by Emperor Maximilian's men.
Épisode 11 - Gallagher's Sons
9 décembre 1962 - 5/5
Hoss helps Charlie and Will (Charlotte and Willomina), two young girls who just lost their father. They go on a journey to find their only nearby relative, Aunt Cloe. Charlie takes with her a stolen sack of money that her father gave her and tries her best to lose Hoss. Four bandits show up looking for the loot Charlie has. In the end, Hoss finds out about the stolen money and talks the girls into giving it back. He puts them in dresses and sends them off to Boston on a stage, telling them they did the right thing and will probably get the money back as a reward for helping capture the bandits!
Épisode 12 - The Decision
16 décembre 1962 - 5/5
Hoss is seriously injured internally and Ben seeks help from the only doctor within 50 miles, who happens to be in prison for murder. Ben talks to the judge, and with some convincing, talks him into letting the doctor look at Hoss. Danny, who works for the Doctor, tells Ben what he saw about the murder. Ben discovers what really happened and proves to the judge that the doctor really is innocent. The judge stops the hanging and Hoss survives.
Épisode 13 - The Good Samaritan
23 décembre 1962 - 5/5
Hoss decides to help out Wade Tyree and introduces him to Abigail and her daughter, Bonnie. Hoss hopes this will stop Wade's constant drinking. Wade soon marries Abigail, but when things don't go his way, he goes back to drinking. Hoss helps out by helping the new family plant crops. When no rain comes, Hoss introduces them to irrigation, and Abigail faints while watering the crops. Wade realizes he has been a terrible husband and father, but gets a second chance when Abigail finds out she is going to have another child. Abigail and Bonnie both forgive Wade and a new family is born!
Épisode 14 - The Jury
30 décembre 1962 - 5/5
When Hoss is responsible for causing a hung jury, Ben tells him, "a man is never wrong doing what he thinks is right", and Adam attempts to validate his brother's reasonable doubt.
Épisode 15 - The Colonel
6 janvier 1963 - 5/5
Frank Medford, a figure from Ben's "wild, misspent youth", shows up in Virginia City, and though down on his luck, creates troubles for the Cartwrights by claiming to be a successful businessman.
Épisode 16 - Song in the Dark
13 janvier 1963 - 5/5
Adam's guitar-strumming friend, ranch hand Danny Morgan, is arrested on suspicion of murdering and robbing the Widow Baker. Someone had reported hearing Danny singing outside her place at the time of the murder. More, importantly, Morgan has bad scratches on his arm, and the widow was found with human skin under her fingernails. Adam is thoroughly convinced that Danny couldn't have done it; the two became friends after Danny saved Adam's life a few years ago.
Épisode 17 - Elegy for a Hangman
20 janvier 1963 - 5/5
A stranger, Bob Jolly, arrives in Virginia City to accuse a drunken Judge Harry Whitaker of sending his innocent father, Carl, to the gallows. Adam defends the judge's honor because of his long friendship with the Cartwrights. After Adam talks with Jolly, he begins to believe his story. Upon further investigation, Adam discovers that Senator Cal Prince and Hobie Klinderman as well as the judge might have had a lot to gain from Carl Jolly's murder. In an attempt to learn what really happened, Adam organizes an informal meeting in the saloon.
Épisode 18 - Half a Rogue
27 janvier 1963 - 5/5
In this entertaining episode, laced with humor, Hoss first meets mountain man Jim Leyton. Bing Russell makes his first appearance as Deputy Clem Foster.
Épisode 19 - The Last Haircut
3 février 1963 - 5/5
A vain outlaw murders a man in front of witnesses, including Joe, but a clever lawyer is able to get him acquitted. Though enraged, Joe has to convince the dead man's son it is wrong to take the law into their own hands.
Épisode 20 - Marie, My Love
10 février 1963 - 5/5
When Cochise falls on Joe, Ben cannot help but remember that is how Marie Cartwright was killed. He thinks back to meeting her in New Orleans in a rather confusing story not quite in synch with details discussed in "The First Born".
Épisode 21 - The Hayburner
17 février 1963 - 5/5
For a change, it is Adam rather than Joe who becomes mixed up in one of Hoss' funny exploits. Together they purchase a thoroughbred horse, and end up competing against their little brother in the big Virginia City race. This is Pernell Robert's favorite comedy episode.
Épisode 22 - The Actress
24 février 1963 - 5/5
Joe becomes romantically involved with a woman who considers herself a serious dramatic actress. Unfortunately, she is the only one who does.
Épisode 23 - A Stranger Passed This Way
3 mars 1963 - 5/5
Hoss develops amnesia after being bushwhacked and hit over the head by two outlaws and moves in with a Dutch couple. The woman regards him as a substitute for her dead son, and unless he recovers his memory, the other Cartwrights fear he will leave them forever.
Épisode 24 - The Way of Aaron
10 mars 1963 - 5/5
Adam takes a shine to Rebecca Kaufman, the daughter of a Jewish peddler, and bandits are convinced the Kaufman wagon is worth robbing.
Épisode 25 - A Woman Lost
17 mars 1963 - 5/5
Ben's attempt to rehabilitate an alcoholic singer he knew in better days are complicated by her involvment with a former prize fighter.
Épisode 26 - Any Friend of Walter's
24 mars 1963 - 5/5
Classic comedy in which Hoss first meets prospector Obie and his lazy but allegedly brilliant mongrel dog, Walter.
Épisode 27 - Mirror of a Man
31 mars 1963 - 5/5
The peaceful world of a Ponderosa hand is disturbed by the arrival of his no-good father and twin brother, who is a wanted man.
Épisode 28 - My Brother's Keeper
7 avril 1963 - 5/5
While hunting for a wolf, Joe is attacked by the wolf. Adam also hunting for the wolf, hears Joe struggling with the wolf comes to Joe's aid. He fires his rifle but the bullet hits Joe. Adam hurries over knocks the wolf off Joe, shoots, and then kills the wolf. The damage has already been done with the wolf bite and Adam's bullet in Joe. Adam has to rush his little brother back to the Ponderosa. Will he make it back to save Little Joe's life, since the wolf's bite is fatal?
Épisode 29 - Five into the Wind
21 avril 1963 - 5/5
After their stagecoach crashes, a group of rag-tag passengers and Joe must get out of the desert alive. One of the passengers may or may not be a murderer and Joe is accused.
Épisode 30 - Saga of Whizzer McGee
28 avril 1963 - 5/5
Hoss becomes concerned for the welfare of an insecure, belligerent fellow who is as small as Hoss is large. Interesting blend of comedy and pathos that ends unpredictably.
Épisode 31 - Thunder Man
5 mai 1963 - 5/5
Little Joe's 19-year old girlfriend is killed by a good samaritan, an explosives expert who had stopped to render aid to the woman's uncle after he suffers a stroke. Unable to talk, the only clue he can offer the investigating Cartwrights is a scrawled title of the song the assailant was whistling — "New Orleans Woman."
Épisode 32 - Rich Man, Poor Man
12 mai 1963 - 5/5
Claude Miller, the laughingstock of Virginia City, gets even with everyone who made fun of him when he strikes it rich.
Épisode 33 - The Boss
19 mai 1963 - 5/5
Ben regrets that he helped Tom Slayden start a freight hauling business when Slayden sets out to ruin all the competition, and Joe is shot in the process.
Épisode 34 - Little Man... Ten Feet Tall
26 mai 1963 - 5/5
When a Italian immigrant comes to the Ponderosa, he decides he wants to give up the guitar to become a cowboy.
Épisode 1 - She Walks in Beauty
22 septembre 1963 - 5/5
Hoss wants to marry mysterious Regan Miller, a woman with less than a pristine past. When he thinks Adam is trying to steal her away, he loses control and beats Adam up.
Épisode 2 - A Passion for Justice
29 septembre 1963 - 5/5
Renowned English novelist Charles Dickens comes to Virginia City. In short order, he is accused of a crime he didn't commit. The problem then becomes how to convince the stubborn author to defend himself.
Épisode 3 - Rain from Heaven
6 octobre 1963 - 5/5
A destitute rainmaker and his family arrive in drought-stricken Virginia City. While Ben tries to help him make rain, Hoss tends to the man's seriously ill little girl.
Épisode 4 - Twilight Town
13 octobre 1963 - 5/5
Joe is bushwhacked in the desert and awakens to find himself in Martinville, a town that may or may not be populated by ghosts. An errie, surrealistic and well-produced episode.
Épisode 5 - The Toy Soldier
20 octobre 1963 - 5/5
Adam encounters drunken artist James Callan, branded a "squaw man" because he is married to an Indian, and whose talent is going to waste in the town of Sheep Head.
Épisode 6 - A Question of Strength
27 octobre 1963 - 5/5
Hoss and a pair of nuns, the younger one having a difficult time training for the order, are robbed and stranded at a way station.
Épisode 7 - Calamity over the Comstock
3 novembre 1963 - 5/5
Joe has a run-in with Calamity Jane, and takes her home with him after promising her dying father to take care of her. At first the Cartwrights (besides Joe) think "Cal" is a boy, but they soon find out differently. Cal begins to fall in love with Joe, but Joe finds her attentions unwanted...especially when Cal's boyfriend, Doc Holliday, has it in for Joe.
Épisode 8 - Journey Remembered
10 novembre 1963 - 5/5
Ben finds an old journal that he kept while in a wagon train travelling from St. Joseph, Missouri to Ash Hollow. As he is reading it Ben remembers the journey he undertook with his wife Inger and a young Adam. During the trip Hoss is born and they have trouble with some Indians.
Épisode 9 - The Quality of Mercy
17 novembre 1963 - 5/5
Joe struggles to understand whether his friend was right in killing a dying man who pleaded to put out of his misery.
Épisode 10 - The Waiting Game
8 décembre 1963 - 5/5
Adam becomes involved with the recently widowed Laura Dayton and her little girl, Peggy.
Épisode 11 - The Legacy
15 décembre 1963 - 5/5
Adam, Hoss and Joe mistakenly believe their father was murdered. They split into 3 different directions to confront the supposed killers. In his heart, Ben knows his sons will not act outside the law; but he is not 100% sure that Joe will behave correctly.
Épisode 12 - Hoss and the Leprechauns
22 décembre 1963 - 5/5
In what is arguably the best comedy of the series, Hoss swears he has seen green elves running around the Ponderosa and a smooth-talking Irishman complicates matters even worse.
Épisode 13 - The Prime of Life
29 décembre 1963 - 5/5
Ben becomes irritable and reckless when the completion of an important timber contract is hindered by an old rival.
Épisode 14 - The Lila Conrad Story
5 janvier 1964 - 5/5
Joe and Adam protect a saloon girl, who has killed in self-defense, from an angry lynch mob. The accompanying Judge, along with his wife, takes a liking to Lila, and before it is all over, he and Lila discover much more about themselves.
Épisode 15 - Ponderosa Matador
12 janvier 1964 - 5/5
Adam, Hoss, and Joe vie for the attention of a pretty young lady named Dolores. Hoss talks Joe into entering a bull fight, but it doesn't work out quite as planned.
Épisode 16 - My Son, My Son
19 janvier 1964 - 5/5
Ben's plans to marry Katherine Saunders are upset when her son Eden is accused of killing his former girlfriend.
Épisode 17 - Alias Joe Cartwright
26 janvier 1964 - 5/5
A man who looks similar to Joe uses Joe's name and gets Joe in the position of facing the firing squad.
Épisode 18 - The Gentleman from New Orleans
2 février 1964 - 5/5
The new stranger in town claims to be the famous pirate Jean Lafitte, and Hoss believes him.
Épisode 19 - The Cheating Game
9 février 1964 - 5/5
In this sequel to "The Waiting Game", Laura resents Adam's advice on how she ought to be running her ranch. A newcomer, Ward Bannister, comes to her aid, but is actually part of a scheme to steal her ranch.
Épisode 20 - Bullet for a Bride
16 février 1964 - 5/5
While out hunting for a mountain lion, Joe accidently shots Tessa Caldwell causing her to go blind. As a result of his guilt, Joe ends up proposing to the girl. However, other circumstances arise that cause Tessa to make a rash decision - one that both her and Joe may regret in the future.
Épisode 21 - King of the Mountain
23 février 1964 - 5/5
When mountain man Jim Leyton decides to marry, he chooses Hoss as his best man. Julie's father, Grizzly, does not agree and Hoss must come to the rescue.
Épisode 22 - Love Me Not
1 mars 1964 - 5/5
While talking with an Indian, Ben is given an unexpected present...a woman. She is a young white woman named Joan who has lived with the Indians since she was a little girl. Through a humorous learning experience, Ben tries to teach Joan how to behave like a white woman. In the process, Ben finds himself in an awkward situation.
Épisode 23 - The Pure Truth
8 mars 1964 - 5/5
Hoss is suffering from spring fever, goes to the wrong town and is accused of bank robbery.
Épisode 24 - No Less a Man
15 mars 1964 - 5/5
The town council feels Roy Coffee can no longer do his job, and with the notorious Wagner gang on their way to rob the bank, everyone is in a panic. Ben and Adam disagree with the town council and do what they can to help Roy out.
Épisode 25 - Return to Honor
22 mars 1964 - 5/5
Ben must travel to pay his respects after he learns of the death of his nephew Will. When he visits the grave, he finds his nephew barely alive with a bullet wound. He takes him to a doctor and Will insists that he leave, but Ben refuses. Will explains that the men after him must believe that he is dead. Ben decides his best bet is to take Will home. He and Will are followed by the same men who are interested in some valuables Will is carrying.
Épisode 26 - The Saga of Muley Jones
29 mars 1964 - 5/5
The Cartwrights are visited by their second cousin, Muley Jones of Weedville, Missouri who sings with a window-shattering voice and stirs up trouble with Indian negotiations that Ben is trying to ensure.
Épisode 27 - The Roper
5 avril 1964 - 5/5
Will is having second thoughts about staying on at the Ponderosa, and outlaws hit the ranch and take him with them. The leader, Lee Hewitt, is a young killer and plans on robbing the Ponderosa, so Will must take action to save himself, Hewitt's wife, the doctor, and his newfound relatives, the Cartwrights.
Épisode 28 - A Pink Cloud Comes from Old Cathay
12 avril 1964 - 5/5
A headstrong Chinese girl (Marlo Thomas) visiting the Cartwrights incites labor unrest among local workers.
Épisode 29 - The Companeros
19 avril 1964 - 5/5
Mateo Ibara and his wife Carla visit the Ponderosa. Ibara asks Will to return to Mexico with him. Ibara and Will fought together for Juarez's cause and Ibara saved Will's life. For this reason, Will feels obligated to Ibara, but Ben is suspicious of the man's motives.
Épisode 30 - Enter Thomas Bowers
26 avril 1964 - 5/5
After a triumphant tour in Europe, a famous Negro singer encounters racial prejudice in Virginia City when he arrives for a concert.
Épisode 31 - The Dark Past
3 mai 1964 - 5/5
Moody bounty hunter, Dev Farnum, shows up on the Ponderosa, where the Cartwrights are harboring the wife of the man he is after.
Épisode 32 - The Pressure Game
10 mai 1964 - 5/5
Laura Dayton's Aunt Lil comes to visit and quickly decides it's time she help the hesitant Adam propose to her favorite niece. Her plan is to make Adam jealous by using his cousin Will but it doesn't go exactly as planned.
Épisode 33 - Triangle
17 mai 1964 - 5/5
Adam and Laura are finally engaged. Adam is secretly building a house and planning for the future. Laura realizes that it's Will she is in love with. Adam is then confined to a wheelchair after falling from a ladder and out of guilt, Laura and Will deny their feelings.
Épisode 34 - Walter and the Outlaws
24 mai 1964 - 5/5
Hilarious sequel to "Any Friend Of Walter's" in which Obie leaves Walter in Hoss' care. The three outlaws, Macy, Teague, and Willard, kidnap Walter and hold him for ransom, leaving Hoss and the returning Obie to rescue him, but matters turn out the other way.
Épisode 1 - Invention of a Gunfighter
20 septembre 1964 - 5/5
Joe teaches Johnny Chapman how to use a gun for defense. What Joe doesn't see is the deadly consequences that it has in the long run when Johnny becomes a gunfighter.
Épisode 2 - The Hostage
27 septembre 1964 - 5/5
Outlaws capture Ben and hide him in an abandoned mine, holding him for a ransom. The boys must come up with a plan to save him before it's too late.
Épisode 3 - The Wild One
4 octobre 1964 - 5/5
Lafe Jessup doesn't really want to be married, and now he's about to be a father! The horse wrangler finds a fight with Hoss at his reluctance to perform his duties.
Épisode 4 - Thanks for Everything, Friend
11 octobre 1964 - 5/5
After inadvertantly falling into the river, Adam is rescued by Tom Wilson. Wilson has feelings for Sue Miller, which bring him into trouble after her father is killed.
Épisode 5 - Logan's Treasure
18 octobre 1964 - 5/5
Sam Logan is released from jail after serving his twenty year sentence for stealing $100,000 worth of gold dust. He is followed by a bounty hunter who believes Sam will lead him to where the gold is buried.
Épisode 6 - The Scapegoat
25 octobre 1964 - 5/5
Hoss hires Waldo as a ranch hand after keeping Waldo from killing himself. Hoss soon learns that Waldo is lousy at his job and only causes problems for everyone else due to his clumsiness. Although Hoss is willing to defend him, he soon finds out a secret about Waldo.
Épisode 7 - A Dime's Worth of Glory
1 novembre 1964 - 5/5
An author is inspired to write about the heroic Cartwrights after watching first-hand as they fight off an attempted robbery of a stage. As Ben and Adam see no use for the glory of such a novel, they turn the writer down forcing him to turn to the sherriff who quickly accepts.
Épisode 8 - Square Deal Sam
8 novembre 1964 - 5/5
A conman heads into town and takes advantage of the Cartwrights with a fake land deal. The conman ends up staying in Virginia city to run an orphanage.
Épisode 9 - Between Heaven and Earth
15 novembre 1964 - 5/5
When Joe and his friend Mitch go after a puma, Joe climbs a big peak and throws his gun up higher, intending to crawl up after it. But as he looks down, things begin to spin. He realises he can't go any higher, and he retreats down the hill. Needing to prove himself, Joe spars against Mitch.
Épisode 10 - Old Sheba
22 novembre 1964 - 5/5
As payment for a performance in a circus, Joe and Hoss are given an elephant. They want to keep it but encounter opposition from Adam and Ben.
Épisode 11 - A Man to Admire
6 décembre 1964 - 5/5
Hoss relies on clever attorney Whitney Parker, who has a drinking problem, to clear him of a murder charge.
Épisode 12 - The Underdog
13 décembre 1964 - 5/5
Little Joe convinces Ben to hire Harry Starr, a half-Indian who is accused by other ranchers of being a chronic horse thief. Joe sets out to prove the others wrong, but is the youngest Cartwright's trust misplaced?
Épisode 13 - A Knight to Remember
20 décembre 1964 - 5/5
Two robberies take place on stagecoaches that Adam is traveling on, and both times a knight in shining armor scares the robbers away. Adam is accused of robbery, and his story about the knight is none too helpful.
Épisode 14 - The Saga of Squaw Charlie
27 décembre 1964 - 5/5
A peaceful Indian is framed for the kidnapping of a young girl, a stunt which ends of tragedy.
Épisode 15 - The Flapjack Contest
3 janvier 1965 - 5/5
Hoss unknowingly enters a flapjack contest and Joe puts Hoss on a diet which Hoss doesn't care for. Joe's betting on the flapjack contest could get him into some trouble and will he ever succeed in getting the window pane his Pa wants?
Épisode 16 - The Far, Far Better Thing
10 janvier 1965 - 5/5
On their way to prevent a young woman from encountering the renegade Indians, Joe and Tuck are captured, and in order to save them all, Joe must fight Sharp Tongue, who is the leader of the band who went to school with Joe as a youth.
Épisode 17 - Woman of Fire
17 janvier 1965 - 5/5
Ben's friend, Don Miguel, visits the Ponderosa with his two daughters, Margarita and Elena, and Elena's two very anxious suitors. Their mission? They're on their way to California to meet Margarita's suitor, Don Luis. Trouble is, Margarita is a "woman of fire" who manages to scare away all suitors with her hot temper. Since Margarita is the older daughter, she must be married before Elena. Elena's two suitors are quickly losing their patience, and Don Miguel fears his name will be disgraced if Margarita rejects Don Luis.
Épisode 18 - The Ballerina
24 janvier 1965 - 5/5
Kellie Conrad dances and her father plays the fiddle to earn a living. Hoss feels a sense of guilt after he unintentionally hurts the arm that Kellie's father uses to play the fiddle, in a saloon fight with some roughnecks. He gets them to stay at the Ponderosa while the girl's father recuperates. While there, Ben introduces Kellie to his friend Paul Mandel, a ballet star before an explosion cut his dancing career short. Kellie persuades Paul to help her learn ballet. She soon comes to the realization that she loves both the ballet and Paul. She struggles inwardly to make a choice between her love of ballet and giving it all up for the love of her father.
Épisode 19 - The Flannel-Mouth Gun
31 janvier 1965 - 5/5
Adam becomes involved with a quick-triggered range detective hired by the Virginia City Cattleman's Association to find out who is responsible for all the rustling going on in the area.
Épisode 20 - The Ponderosa Birdman
7 février 1965 - 5/5
Professor Klump and Amanda pull Hoss into their flying machine scheme. The "Hoss-mobile" doesn't seem to be destined for a great take-off.
Épisode 21 - The Search
14 février 1965 - 5/5
Adam sets out to track down the man who has been impersonating him to clear his reputation.
Épisode 22 - The Deadliest Game
21 février 1965 - 5/5
The Cartwrights play host to Guido Borelli, a world renowed aerial acrobat who once saved Ben's life in Italy. Borelli's troup is beset by internal strife, and is performing in Virginia City.
Épisode 23 - Once a Doctor
28 février 1965 - 5/5
Hoss' latest acquaintance, an Englishman named Professor Poppy, is actually Percival Alexander Mundy, M.D., who has given up the practice of medicine. However, when Hoss is shot in the back, only Mundy's skill can save his life.
Épisode 24 - Right Is the Fourth R
7 mars 1965 - 5/5
While working as a substitute teacher, Adam uncovers an ugly secret about the territory's past that others prefer remain hidden.
Épisode 25 - Hound Dog
21 mars 1965 - 5/5
Cousin Muley Jones returns to the Ponderosa, along with a pack of noisy hound dogs, in this funny sequel to "The Saga Of Muley Jones".
Épisode 26 - The Trap
28 mars 1965 - 5/5
One of Joe's old girlfriends thinks he killed her husband so they could come together. Unfortunately, that is what her husband's twin brother also believes.
Épisode 27 - Dead and Gone
4 avril 1965 - 5/5
Adam tries to find the good in Howard Mead, a talented troubadour who refuses to stay on the right side of the law. Dramatic debut of singer/songwriter Hoyt Axton. Last episode Pernell Roberts worked on, although he appears in the next two, that were made prior to this episode and aired afterwards.
Épisode 28 - A Good Night's Rest
11 avril 1965 - 5/5
First Ben's sons are making lots of noise, so he goes into town to sleep in the hotel. Then, various noises and things interrupt Ben's sleep. Will he ever get his desired good night's rest?
Épisode 29 - To Own the World
18 avril 1965 - 5/5
One of the wealthiest men in the world, Charles Augustus Hackett, offers to buy the Ponderosa, price no object. Ben says the ranch is not for sale and Hackett refuses to give up.
Épisode 30 - Lothario Larkin
25 avril 1965 - 5/5
Ladies' man Lothario Larkin creates havoc whenever he hits Virginia City, so Roy Coffee orders him out of town. Naturally, Hoss takes him in.
Épisode 31 - The Return
2 mai 1965 - 5/5
No one in Virginia City is happy to see ex-con Trace Cordell, especially the man he crippled in a gunfight, now married to Cordell's former girlfriend.
Épisode 32 - Jonah
9 mai 1965 - 5/5
The Ponderosa hands are upset when new hand George Whitman is hired on, it is rumored he is a jinx. Hoss tells George to ignore such foolishness, but a gypsy fortune teller says otherwise.
Épisode 33 - The Spotlight
16 mai 1965 - 5/5
Ben invites opera singer Angela Bergstrom to perform at Virginia City's anniversary celebration. She accepts, but does not tell him that her famous singing voice is long gone
Épisode 34 - Patchwork Man
23 mai 1965 - 5/5
Hoss befriends a self-demeaning recluse named Patch, who makes the best apple pie Hoss has ever tasted. Hoss is so impressed with him, especially his pie, that he hires him to work on the Ponderosa. Ben, however, is unimpressed with Hoss' new friend when the Cartwrights get into a gunfight with a mining outfit, and Patch cowers. He has a deepseeded fear of violence stemming from an incident in his teen years, but he knows in order to survive in the West, he must overcome it.
Épisode 1 - The Debt
12 septembre 1965 - 5/5
Wiley and Annie Kane arrive at the Ponderosa to work off their father's debt to Ben. It seems as though the elder Kane once swindled the Cartwright patriarch.
Épisode 2 - The Dilemma
19 septembre 1965 - 5/5
Ben helps a convict win a parole only to have the man later become the chief suspect in a bank robbery.
Épisode 3 - The Brass Box
26 septembre 1965 - 5/5
Juan Ortega claims he has a land grant which gives him ownership of the entire Nevada Territory.
Épisode 4 - The Other Son
3 octobre 1965 - 5/5
A mule skinner and his two sons are hired by Ben to transport nitroglycerin to California.
Épisode 5 - The Lonely Runner
10 octobre 1965 - 5/5
The Cartwrights' friend, Jim Acton, is in danger of losing his prized mare. He has sold a herd of wild horses to horse trader Sam Whipple, and Whipple takes him to court claiming the mare was part of that herd. Acton walks out on the court proceedings, and the judge awards the mare to Whipple. When Acton tries to make a deal with Whipple to buy her back, Whipple shoots at him. Jim kills Whipple in self defense and becomes a wanted man. The Cartwrights are sure he is innocent, but an overzealous deputy under Sheriff Coffee, has other intentions. Acton has only one wish: to run free like a wild horse.
Épisode 6 - Devil on Her Shoulder
17 octobre 1965 - 5/5
Ben is attracted to Sarah Reynolds, a member of a religious order led by her fanatical uncle. When she is accused of being a witch, the Cartwrights step in.
Épisode 7 - Found Child
24 octobre 1965 - 5/5
Hoss comes upon an overturned stagecoach and discovers a little girl suffering from shock. After the Cartwrights suceed in bringing her around, Hoss is disappointed she has relatives and cannot stay. The girl's uncle turns out to be the enemy and Hoss saves her.
Épisode 8 - The Meredith Smith
31 octobre 1965 - 5/5
Ben must determine who is the rightful heir to a fortune that includes water rights vital to the Ponderosa.
Épisode 9 - Mighty is the Word
7 novembre 1965 - 5/5
Virginia City's newest preacher is an ex-gunfighter who wants only to build a new church, but the brother of one of his victims has other ideas. The blueprints for the church are said to be a gift from Adam.
Épisode 10 - The Strange One
14 novembre 1965 - 5/5
Hoss and Joe find a woman abandoned by a wagon train because her gift of prophecy is considered a curse. "Wouldn't it be wonderful," says Ben, "if eveybody made a real effort to understand whatever's strange and unfamiliar rather to fear it and try to destroy it?"
Épisode 11 - The Reluctant Rebel
21 novembre 1965 - 5/5
The Generation Gap, Western-style, as Hoss tries to bring a young man and his father closer together.
Épisode 12 - Five Sundowns to Sunup
5 décembre 1965 - 5/5
The mother of a young outlaw condemned to hang, threatens to have her gang's hostages killed if her son is not set free. One of the hostages is Joe.
Épisode 13 - A Natural Wizard
12 décembre 1965 - 5/5
Hoss finds a kindred spirit in Skeeter Dexter, a lonesome young man who feels closer to animals than most people.
Épisode 14 - All Ye His Saints
19 décembre 1965 - 5/5
In this series' highlight, little Michael Thorpe heads to the high country to ask God to spare his critically wounded father, believing he has found Him in the form of longtime fugitive Tom Cain.
Épisode 15 - The Dublin Lad
2 janvier 1966 - 5/5
After sitting on a jury that has convicted Terrence O' Tool of murder, Joe has second thoughts about the verdict and decides to do some investigating of his own.
Épisode 16 - To Kill a Buffalo
9 janvier 1966 - 5/5
Hoss finds a wounded young Indian on the prairie, who is torn between accepting the ways of the white man or returning to his old life.
Épisode 17 - Ride the Wind (1)
16 janvier 1966 - 5/5
The Pony Express sets up office in Virginia and Joe is one of the first to join up. Ben also decides to invest in the fledgling enterprise. However, troubles soon plague the Pony Express with the Paiutes and a newspaper reporter, both trying to get their own agendas across.
Épisode 18 - Ride the Wind (2)
23 janvier 1966 - 5/5
Conclusion to the previous-week's episode, where the Cartwrights provide needed assistance to the Pony Express.
Épisode 19 - Destiny's Child
30 janvier 1966 - 5/5
After his only friend is killed, the Cartwrights take in a slow-witted man, who Roy Coffee informs them, is wanted for murder by Arizona authorities.
Épisode 20 - Peace Officer
6 février 1966 - 5/5
While Sheriff Coffee is in Saint Louis, the Morrisey bunch decides to work off excess energy by wrecking the saloon in a violent spree. When Deputy Bill Harris tries to arrest them, they hit him on the head with a whiskey bottle, accidentally killing him. All of them get away except Cliff, who is put in jail. He refuses to say the names or locations of his friends. Mayor Garrett holds an emergency meeting of the Virginia City town council. They hire legendary lawman Wes Dunn, as the temporary sheriff. He is a humorless man who is determined to restore order in town. He beats Cliff almost to death to find out where his friends are, but Cliff will not say anything. Meanwhile, Hoss finds Chuck, a wounded gang member. When he tries to take Chuck's gun away, he shoots Hoss. Joe goes with Dunn to find the other men. He thinks Dunn is a hero until he sees him murder one of the suspects in cold blood.
Épisode 21 - The Code
13 février 1966 - 5/5
Joe is goaded into facing gunman Dan Taggert, unaware there is more to be prearranged than he realizes.
Épisode 22 - Three Brides for Hoss
20 février 1966 - 5/5
Not one, but three mail-order brides show up unexpectedly at the Ponderosa, all of them believing they are to marry Hoss.
Épisode 23 - The Emperor Norton
27 février 1966 - 5/5
Joshua Norton, an eccentric and formerly wealthy San Francisco merchant who considers himself Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico, comes to the Ponderosa. Authorities want to have him committed, and Ben contacts Mark Twain to testify to Norton's sanity.
Épisode 24 - Her Brother's Keeper
6 mars 1966 - 5/5
Ben and Claire Armory fall in love, but their future is jeopardized by her disabled brother.
Épisode 25 - The Trouble with Jamie
20 mars 1966 - 5/5
The Cartwrights attempt to straighten out the snobbish young son of Ben's cousin.
Épisode 26 - Shining in Spain
27 mars 1966 - 5/5
Young, adoring Wendy Daniels has come to Virginia City to meet up with her father, Taylor Daniels, who has been traveling on business for the last five years. Joe is attracted to Wendy, but he faces stiff competition for her affections. She idolizes her father and cannot stop talking about his great business visions, although she has not seen him in five years. The Cartwrights realize there is something wrong when Wendy's supposedly rich father leaves her stranded in Virginia City with no money. When she is evicted from the hotel after running up a debt of $50, Joe takes her to the Ponderosa, only to have her dreams of her father shattered when he shows up flat broke.
Épisode 27 - The Genius
3 avril 1966 - 5/5
Hoss chooses a difficult path when he decides to rehabilitate a famous poet, Will Smith, who is really William Warlock Evans, who spends too much time drinking and eventually his wife arrives at the Ponderosa.
Épisode 28 - The Unwritten Commandment
10 avril 1966 - 5/5
Everyone feels Andy Walker is an outstanding singer but his father, who feels the boy should concentrate on ranch work instead. Joe mentions receiving a letter from Adam, currently in Paris.
Épisode 29 - Big Shadows on the Land
17 avril 1966 - 5/5
Italian immigrants are determined to establish their own vineyard on Ponderosa property.
Épisode 30 - The Fighters
24 avril 1966 - 5/5
Feeling guilty for unintentionally ending the career of a professional boxer, Hoss vows never to fight again. But things change when Joe is nearly beaten to death.
Épisode 31 - Home from the Sea
1 mai 1966 - 5/5
A sailor, claiming to be one of Adam's closest friends, is given a warm welcome by the Cartwrights, who have no way of knowing the man and his accomplice plan on robbing them.
Épisode 32 - The Last Mission
8 mai 1966 - 5/5
Ben and Hoss unwittingly aid a vengeful army colonel who plans to wipe out every Indian he can with a Gatling gun.
Épisode 33 - A Dollar's Worth of Trouble
15 mai 1966 - 5/5
Hoss finds himself in another mess, this one involving a beautiful blonde, a moonshiner, and a nearsighted outlaw who is allergic to chocolate and flowers.
Épisode 1 - Something Hurt, Something Wild
11 septembre 1966 - 5/5
The Cartwrights' friendship with a neighboring rancher is threatened by his mentally unstable daughter.
Épisode 2 - Horse of a Different Hue
18 septembre 1966 - 5/5
So the Cartwrights will not be killed, one of Ben's oldest friends must make sure Joe does not win a horse race.
Épisode 3 - A Time to Step Down
25 septembre 1966 - 5/5
After the Cartwrights put wrangler Dan Tolliver out to pasture, the embittered old man plans to take part in robbing the Ponderosa.
Épisode 4 - The Pursued (1)
2 octobre 1966 - 5/5
A Mormon with two wives is badgered by the town's people and then things get much worse.
Épisode 5 - The Pursued (2)
9 octobre 1966 - 5/5
As the persecuted party awaits Ben and Hoss' return, Herber is shot and killed. Joe retaliates and shoots Herber's assassin.
Épisode 6 - To Bloom for Thee
16 octobre 1966 - 5/5
Hoss is engaged to Carol Attley, a troubled woman with a past darker than he imagines.
Épisode 7 - Credit for a Kill
23 octobre 1966 - 5/5
Though his friend is badly in need of the reward money, Joe insists it belongs to him, to protect his friend from the dead outlaws' brothers.
Épisode 8 - Four Sisters from Boston
30 octobre 1966 - 5/5
The Cartwrights come to the rescue of four inexperienced homesteaders, when devious cattle ranchers try to run them off their property.
Épisode 9 - Old Charlie
6 novembre 1966 - 5/5
A young cowpoke is killed during a fight with Hoss, but the old blowhard who runs the Virginia City stables, takes the credit, placing him in danger from the dead man's brothers.
Épisode 10 - Ballad of the Ponderosa
13 novembre 1966 - 5/5
A young troubadour, who blames Ben for the death of his father, returns to Virginia City. In one scene, Ben says the young man is welcome to use Adam's guitar.
Épisode 11 - The Oath
20 novembre 1966 - 5/5
While in another town, on business, Ben runs into a saloon employee who is a big figure, and after he kills an old miner, who has burned down his house, Ben takes him into the sheriff. He is sentenced and hung. Before his departure, Charlie Monahan, has made his half-breed son, Charlie Two, swear an oath to kill Ben. Little Joe is made aware of this and must track him down to prevent him from carrying out his oath against Ben. Charlie Two is unaware that Joe is Ben's son, as they meet on the trail.
Épisode 12 - A Real Nice, Friendly Little Town
27 novembre 1966 - 5/5
When the woman he was planning to marry is strangled, Joe forces the only suspect to come forward, in a very tense-filled episode.
Épisode 13 - The Bridegroom
4 décembre 1966 - 5/5
Joe plays matchmaker in this story of a rancher attempting to marry off his supposedly unremarkable daughter.
Épisode 14 - Tommy
18 décembre 1966 - 5/5
The Cartwrights protect a woman and her deaf-mute little son from the boy's outlaw stepfather.
Épisode 15 - A Christmas Story
25 décembre 1966 - 5/5
Warbling Andy Walker returns to Virginia City a big success, along with his shifty Uncle Thaddeus.
Épisode 16 - Ponderosa Explosion
1 janvier 1967 - 5/5
Two Virginia City old-timers fool Hoss and Joe into raising rabbits, and the Ponderosa is overrun with paws and whiskers.
Épisode 17 - Justice
8 janvier 1967 - 5/5
When the woman he was planning to marry is strangled, Joe forces the only suspect to come forward.
Épisode 18 - A Bride for Buford
15 janvier 1967 - 5/5
Dolly Bantree has a crooked manager "Blackie", who blackmails Dolly to fleece newly rich miner Buford out of his newfound wealth. Hoss suspects something and gets all duded up to pose as a rich mark to test Dolly.
Épisode 19 - Black Friday
22 janvier 1967 - 5/5
In the town of Chiso, Joe encounters a former Ponderosa cowhand who is now a gunfighter and expecting to be killed on Friday the 13th. John Saxon makes the first of his three appearances in the series, in this episode as Steven Friday.
Épisode 20 - The Unseen Wound
29 janvier 1967 - 5/5
Ben discovers that his friend, Sheriff Paul Rowan, is suffering from stress brought on by his wartime experiences.
Épisode 21 - Journey to Terror
5 février 1967 - 5/5
Joe visits his married friends in Arizona Territory, only to discover the husband has become a criminal and is secretly part of a notorious gang.
Épisode 22 - Amigo
12 février 1967 - 5/5
A wounded comanchero sides with the Cartwrights when the rest of the gang, led by Captain Fenner, shows up to burn and rob the Ponderosa.
Épisode 23 - A Woman in the House
19 février 1967 - 5/5
Mary Wharton, an old friend of the family, comes to live on the Ponderosa with her shiftless husband. When Ben learns Mary is the victim of domestic abuse, he sends Russ packing.
Épisode 24 - Judgment at Red Creek
26 février 1967 - 5/5
Hoss and Joe have their doubts as to who really robbed a way station, suspecting the two men they captured are innocent.
Épisode 25 - Joe Cartwright, Detective
5 mars 1967 - 5/5
Joe becomes fascinated by detective literature and drags Hoss into the picture when he suspects the bank is going to be robbed.
Épisode 26 - Dark Enough to See the Stars
12 mars 1967 - 5/5
Young Billy Wilcox wanders onto the Ponderosa, sick, hungry, and alone. Ben finds him, and after he regains his strength, offers Billy a job. Jennifer Yardley, who with her father is visiting the Cartwrights, is interested in Billy. Billy is more concerned about a lawman that has come to town because he has a past that could be problematic: he killed a man in self-defense and ran.
Épisode 27 - The Deed and the Dilemma
26 mars 1967 - 5/5
Ben assists Georgio Rossi in his battle for water on adjoining property.
Épisode 28 - The Prince
2 avril 1967 - 5/5
The Cartwrights play host to Russian royals, who are the target of jewel thieves.
Épisode 29 - A Man Without Land
9 avril 1967 - 5/5
The foreman of a neighboring ranch frames Joe for murder as part of a scheme to get his employer's property.
Épisode 30 - Napoleon's Children
16 avril 1967 - 5/5
A gang of juvenile delinquents, led by an intelligent runt, who calls himself Napoleon, terrorizes Virginia City and the Ponderosa as well.
Épisode 31 - The Wormwood Cup
23 avril 1967 - 5/5
A woman - convinced Little Joe intentionally killed her brother - offers $1,000 to the man who kills the youngest Cartwright in what she deems a "fair fight." Joe, meanwhile, must overcome his guilt over killing another man in self defense while trying to avoid the dead man's bitterly grieving father.
Épisode 32 - Clarissa
30 avril 1967 - 5/5
The Cartwrights' cousin, Clarissa visits. Her assertive, snobbish ways result in nothing but trouble for Ben and his sons.
Épisode 33 - Maestro Hoss
7 mai 1967 - 5/5
Hoss is conned into buying a violin from a gypsy fortune teller, and everyone on the Ponderosa--except for Hop Sing--suffers the consequences.
Épisode 34 - The Greedy Ones
14 mai 1967 - 5/5
The Ponderosa is in danger of being overrun by gold hunters.
Épisode 1 - Second Chance
17 septembre 1967 - 5/5
Renegade Indians have been on the rampage attacking settlers and raising havoc in the West. Joe and Hoss have gone to warn the settlers when Joe is shot with an arrow. Hoss tries to remove the arrow, but the shaft breaks and it is imbedded in Joe's shoulder, leaving Joe gravely wounded. Hoss desperately searches for help and comes upon a wagon train with an odd assortment of people. There are two women, a thief, a dying doctor, and a coward on the wagon train.
Épisode 2 - Sense of Duty
24 septembre 1967 - 5/5
Ben, Hoss and Little Joe help the Virginia City militia escort a renegade Indian, who believes he is the Almighty, through hostile Indian territory to prison.
Épisode 3 - The Conquistadors
1 octobre 1967 - 5/5
A band of Mexican kidnaps Little Joe for a $25,000 ransom. A group of cowboys plan to rescue Joe, kill him and claim the gold for themselves.
Épisode 4 - Judgment at Olympus
8 octobre 1967 - 5/5
Candy is arrested for committing murder in the town of Olympus. He is accused of killing Jed Wheelock, the son of wealthy A. Z. Wheelock. He insists on finding his son's killer but he wants a fair trial for Candy. Joe accompanies Candy to make sure things go smoothly, but when Joe is accused of killing a witness who claims he saw Candy kill Jed, Joe is locked up for murder with Candy, and it is up to Hoss to find the killer.
Épisode 5 - Night of Reckoning
15 octobre 1967 - 5/5
A sadistic outlaw named Dibbs along with his gang, take siege of the Ponderosa, holding Joe, Hoss, and Candy prisoners. Their foreman, Donny Buckler, has stashed $60,000 dollars and Dibbs will stop at nothing short of murder to get his hands on it.
Épisode 6 - False Witness
22 octobre 1967 - 5/5
While at the bank in Sandust, Little Joe and the bank's secretary witness an armed robbery. During a subsequent gunfight, the main culprit kills the banker, but is quickly brought to justice. Joe, Hoss and Candy agree to be witnesses but must avoid being killed in the meantime.
Épisode 7 - The Gentle Ones
29 octobre 1967 - 5/5
Most people consider Mark Cole a coward, but he does not hesitate to step forward when his brother attempts to break a horse by torturing it.
Épisode 8 - Desperate Passage
5 novembre 1967 - 5/5
Driving horses to Utah, the Cartwrights and Candy discover only two people left in a town wiped out by rampaging Paiute Indians. Together, Mary Burns and Josh Tanner must travel through hostile territory, along with the Cartwrights and Candy.
Épisode 9 - The Sure Thing
12 novembre 1967
A young girl's ownership of a beloved stallion is jeopardized by the "big plans" of her scheming father.
Épisode 10 - Showdown at Tahoe
19 novembre 1967 - 5/5
A career robber who claims to be a lumber man, and his gang plan to use Ben's new freight paddleboat to haul a $1 million currency shipment to San Francisco.
Épisode 11 - Six Black Horses
26 novembre 1967 - 5/5
Ben's old friend has stolen money from corrupt politicians in New York and plans to invest in Nevada.
Épisode 12 - Check Rein
3 décembre 1967 - 5/5
An injured rancher, who has enlisted the aid of the Cartwrights to buy back one of his horses after his farm is foreclosed, must avoid getting killed by his ruthless uncle, who will stop at nothing to gain full control of the ranch.
Épisode 13 - Justice Deferred
17 décembre 1967 - 5/5
An anguished Hoss discovers that his testimony helped hang an innocent man accused of murder. As he struggles to bring the real killer to justice, Hoss must also combat the cowardice of another witness and the jury foreman, an influential banker.
Épisode 14 - The Gold Detector
24 décembre 1967 - 5/5
Hoss wants to buy a mine thought to be worthless and orders a fancy invention to prove it isn't and becomes the local laughingstock in town
Épisode 15 - The Trackers
7 janvier 1968 - 5/5
A man, recently released from prison for bank robbery, is accused of robbing the same Virginia City bank and gunning down a teller. The Cartwrights try to protect the accused man from a posse that intends to lynch him before his trial.
Épisode 16 - A Girl Named George
14 janvier 1968 - 5/5
Trick photography is employed to help a killer beat a murder rap, to prove he was not there at the time of the murder he committed. However, the camera also proves to be his undermining.
Épisode 17 - The Thirteenth Man
21 janvier 1968 - 5/5
The ranchers are once again losing stock to rustlers and not everyone agrees with range detective Marcus Alley's preventive methods.
Épisode 18 - The Burning Sky
28 janvier 1968 - 5/5
A cruel, sadistic, alcoholic and racist rancher named Aaron Gore stalks the wife of Ben's friend, whom he has hired as a horse trainer. The woman is a glowingly beautiful Sioux who befriends Mr. Gore's son, whom he regularly beats up. Mr. Gore uses some incredibly vicious means to ensure she regrets ever having anything to do with his son.
Épisode 19 - The Price of Salt
4 février 1968 - 5/5
When a young woman inherits her late father's salt mine, a greedy rancher wants to buy all the salt for himself. Ben, standing for the smaller ranchers who cannot afford to pay the heiress' prices, bids against the wealthy rancher to get a fair price for all.
Épisode 20 - Blood Tie
18 février 1968 - 5/5
A band of outlaws enact a scheme to rob the Ponderosa, by tricking Hoss and Little Joe away from the ranch and leaving a wounded Ben alone at home.
Épisode 21 - The Crime of Johnny Mule
25 février 1968 - 5/5
Hoss stands alone in refusing to convict Johnny Mule, a "slow" ranch hand who is accused of robbing and murdering his boss. So when Johnny Mule fearing he'll be lynched, regardless of the verdict escapes from jail during jury deliberations, it's Hoss who takes the heat.
Épisode 22 - The Late Ben Cartwright
3 mars 1968 - 5/5
In order to ruin the plans of a corrupt politician, Ben allows everyone to think that an attempt on his life was successful.
Épisode 23 - Star Crossed
10 mars 1968 - 5/5
Candy falls in love with a beautiful young woman, unaware that the man claiming to be her cousin is a bounty hunter who is not only harassing her but has framed her for murder and robbery.
Épisode 24 - Trouble Town
17 mars 1968 - 5/5
The Ponderosa ranch hands are at Riverbend during a cattle drive. While there, Candy meets an old friend, Lilah Holden, working in a saloon. When the cattle drive is ready to move on, Candy resigns to stay and help Lilah. It is not long before Ben, Hoss, and Joe are involved.
Épisode 25 - Commitment at Angelus
7 avril 1968 - 5/5
When a horse steps on Candy's hand out on the trail, he and Joe go to Angelus to find a doctor. When they arrive, Joe sees his friend, Steve Regan, an Angelus miner. Steve tells Joe that the miners have gone on strike at his suggestion; the timber supports in the tunnels are rotting away. Joe offers him a day's wages to help him drive the wild horses, since Candy's hand is injured.
Épisode 26 - A Dream to Dream
14 avril 1968 - 5/5
An alcoholic rancher, drinking away his bitterness, makes live unbearable for his wife and children. Hoss helps reform his friend while bringing happiness and stability to his family.
Épisode 27 - In Defense of Honor
28 avril 1968 - 5/5
Davey – a orphaned Yute that Ben helped raise and has worked as a ranch hand on the Ponderosa – falls in love with one of his own. A fellow Yute's jealousy over the blossoming relationship, and later his murder jeopardize a treaty between the white man (which Ben has helped negotiate) and the Yutes.
Épisode 28 - To Die in Darkness
5 mai 1968 - 5/5
While the others are away, Ben and Candy are lured by an old friend of Ben's to go somewhere. The "friend" traps them in a deep pit. He comes back to give them food, but how long will he be feeling "generous"?
Épisode 29 - The Bottle Fighter
12 mai 1968 - 5/5
Hoss is accused of stabbing a man to death, and his only hope of acquittal is a once great trial lawyer who is now a hopeless drunk.
Épisode 30 - The Arrival of Eddie
19 mai 1968 - 5/5
Eddie McKay, the son of a robber and murderer who Hoss killed several years ago in a shootout, returns to Virginia City to make a good start. Hoss wants to help reform Eddie and help him get over his bitter feelings for the Cartwrights, but it's an uphill battle. Not helping matters – a rancher who wants Eddie to help him steal from the Ponderosa.
Épisode 31 - The Stronghold
26 mai 1968 - 5/5
Joe and Candy sell a herd to the Farrell Brothers in Arizona, but are paid a worthless bank draft. The widow of the man one of the brothers killed helps them get their money back, and the brothers' hatred for each other is their undoing.
Épisode 32 - Pride of a Man
2 juin 1968 - 5/5
Joe reluctantly takes a job as a substitute teacher and must contend with two older students who have no use for an education.
Épisode 33 - A Severe Case of Matrimony
7 juillet 1968 - 5/5
An untalented gypsy girl tries to get the Cartwrights to finance her career as an opera singer.
Épisode 34 - Stage Door Johnnies
28 juillet 1968 - 5/5
Hoss and Joe rival for the affections of visiting entertainer Mademoiselle Denise, though she is more concerned for her little dog, Andre, than anything else.
Épisode 1 - Different Pines, Same Wind
15 septembre 1968 - 5/5
The 10th season opens as Joe helps a widowed mountain woman, a recluse who is suffering from an infection that has become serious, in a battle to save her land from an unscrupulous timber baron.
Épisode 2 - Child
22 septembre 1968 - 5/5
While Hoss is in a remote town on business, he is arrested for murder and robbery. The town's richest man has just been killed, and the townspeople are less concerned with justice, rather the old man's money. They are convinced that if they threaten Hoss, he'll break down and tell them where he hid the fortune. A few of the town's top citizens, including the mayor, form a lynch mob, but only hang Hoss "part of the way". But when cowboy Child Barnett sees the lynch mob coming, he breaks Hoss out of jail, and the two men form a friendship on the run.
Épisode 3 - Salute to Yesterday
29 septembre 1968 - 5/5
When on a cattle drive on Ponderosa land, the Cartwrights and Candy find a dying cavalry officer on the trail. With his last breath, he asks them to go help his commanding officer, Captain Harris. Riding atop a slope, they see Captain Harris and his soldiers fighting off Mexican bandits who are trying to steal the four kegs of gold hidden in the Army ambulance. The Cartwrights and Candy cut right between the soldiers and the Mexican bandits, in a spectacular chase through a little valley and wind up at a high and rocky outcrop, taking cover and assisting the soldiers.
Épisode 4 - The Real People of Muddy Creek
6 octobre 1968 - 5/5
Ben is in charge of a vicious prisoner and gets virtually no help from the cowardly citizens of the town where he is holding him from the law.
Épisode 5 - The Passing of a King
13 octobre 1968 - 5/5
The son of a rancher to whom the Cartwrights are selling a prize bull is trying to get his father ruled mentally incompetant, and will let no one stand in his way.
Épisode 6 - The Last Vote
20 octobre 1968 - 5/5
Hoss and Joe's bickering leads them into taking opposite sides in the Virginia City mayoral race. Their zealous actions leads into dividing Virginia City's citizens into 2 factions that causes nothing but arguments, fights and havoc in town.
Épisode 7 - Catch as Catch Can
27 octobre 1968 - 5/5
The residents of Tin Bucket claim the Cartwrights and Candy are dealing in stolen cattle hides. With most of the town accusing Joe, Hoss and Candy of various crimes, it is Ben who faces the most serious trouble when he determines who is actually responsible for the hide thefts.
Épisode 8 - Little Girl Lost
3 novembre 1968 - 5/5
A bratty 10-year-old girl named Samantha, whose mother is Ben's cousin and is a third cousin of Hoss and Little Joe, comes to the Ponderosa. While she proves to be a handful, Ben (who tracks down the girl's mother) really has his hands full when her grandfather comes to the Ponderosa demanding custody.
Épisode 9 - The Survivors
10 novembre 1968 - 5/5
A white woman abducted years before by the Paiutes is reunited with her husband, who is less than pleased to learn she has given birth to an Indian baby.
Épisode 10 - The Sound of Drums
17 novembre 1968 - 5/5
In the third and final installment of the Rossi family, Georgio Rossi doesn't understand why he cannot allow Indians who have left the reservation to live on his land.
Épisode 11 - Queen High
1 décembre 1968 - 5/5
Joe and Candy win a stamping mill in a poker game, but the fact of them not knowing how to run it, is the least of their worries.
Épisode 12 - Yonder Man
8 décembre 1968 - 5/5
An army scout Ben once knew comes to the Ponderosa and asks Ben to stake a cattle ranch in Mira Flores, Mexico.
Épisode 13 - Mark of Guilt
15 décembre 1968 - 5/5
Hop Sing tells Hoss and Candy they can use the ancient Chinese art of fingerprinting to prove Joe is innocent of murder.
Épisode 14 - A World Full of Cannibals
22 décembre 1968 - 5/5
Ben agrees to hide a government witness in a land fraud case at the Ponderosa as part of the witness protection program. However, the witness - who along with eight men committed various crimes in connection with the case - is in constant danger, as his co-defendants ruthlessly track him down in an attempt to seal his silence.
Épisode 15 - Sweet Annie Laurie
5 janvier 1969 - 5/5
Hoss offers to help Annie Laurie, a beautiful young woman who is running away from her abusive husband, a career criminal who is determined to keep his wife under his control and travel with her throughout the southwest, any which way he can.
Épisode 16 - My Friend, My Enemy
12 janvier 1969 - 5/5
Only the testimony of an Indian wanted for horse theft can clear Candy of murder.
Épisode 17 - Mrs. Wharton and the Lesser Breeds
19 janvier 1969 - 5/5
Candy sets out to help a feisty and elderly British woman recover the jewels stolen from her in a stage holdup.
Épisode 18 - Erin
26 janvier 1969 - 5/5
A neighbor of the Cartwrights threatens Hoss' fiancé, Erin – a beautiful young woman who has been raised by Indians since her childhood – when Ben allows the Paiutes to camp on Ponderosa land.
Épisode 19 - Company of Forgotten Men
2 février 1969 - 5/5
A retired Army sergeant, bitter that he never received his pension from the government, kidnaps one-time friend Candy and forces him to go along with a daring plan to blow up the U.S. mint in Carson City and hold the gold and silver for ransom.
Épisode 20 - The Clarion
9 février 1969 - 5/5
Ben's friend is struggling to keep her newspaper going in the face of harrassment by the town boss of Gunlock, so without telling her, Ben buys the business.
Épisode 21 - The Lady and the Mountain Lion
23 février 1969 - 5/5
A shady magician, with his twin daughters, comes to Virginia City and there is a lot of confusion with the daughters of the magician, twin confusion!
Épisode 22 - Five Candles
2 mars 1969 - 5/5
The floor of the Virginia City courthouse collapses, trapping Ben in the basement with three other people, one of whom may or may not be guilty of murder.
Épisode 23 - The Wish
9 mars 1969 - 5/5
Hoss spends his two-month vacation helping a black family get their farm in shape, and dealing with racism in the neighboring town.
Épisode 24 - The Deserter
16 mars 1969 - 5/5
Candy comes upon a soldier who is running from charges of desertion, and with Joe's help they foil a plan to sell rapid-fire rifles to the Indians.
Épisode 25 - Emily
23 mars 1969 - 5/5
Joe is shocked to see his ex-fiancee, Emily Anderson, in Virginia City. He had met her in Monterey five years earlier, and they had planned to get married. But her strict father thought Joe was too wild, and he burned all of Joe's letters before Emily saw them. Emily and Joe are still in love with each other, but Emily conveniently forgets to tell Joe that she is now Emily McPhail, the wife of Deputy Marshal Wade McPhail. Wade is on assignment with Marshal Calhoun to help guard a $90,000 currency shipment. Emily tells Wade they have to leave Virginia City immediately, since Joe's presence might interfere with their marriage, but he refuses to leave. He finds Joe and Emily embracing and engages with Joe in a savage fight, almost killing him at gunpoint. That is the first Joe hears of Emily's marriage. That is by no means the end of her lies, which eventually get Joe shot and nearly framed for murder.
Épisode 26 - The Running Man
30 mars 1969 - 5/5
Joe and Candy travel to Butlerville and learn that one of Ben's closest friends is burning out new settlers, whom he regards as squatters. Candy's old ex-flame is married to Jess Parker, who always saw Candy as a rival in the past, but things have changed with both men and Jess' wife Barbara. Cal Butler is the real problem: he will stop at nothing to keep Parker from testifying alive.
Épisode 27 - The Unwanted
6 avril 1969 - 5/5
Feeling unloved, a Marshal's daughter runs off with a Ponderosa hand her father thinks may be related to the man that shot him.
Épisode 28 - Speak No Evil
20 avril 1969 - 5/5
Coley Clayborn, who has always thought his mother abandoned him and his father, thinks she is only after the gold mine he inherited when she recently returned to Virginia City.
Épisode 29 - The Fence
27 avril 1969 - 5/5
While Ben and Hoss visit an old friend to negotiate the purchase of a mine, former Confederate soldiers arrive wanting to exact revenge on the Cartwrights' friend for starving POWs during the Civil War.
Épisode 30 - A Ride in the Sun
11 mai 1969 - 5/5
A pair of con artists swindle Ben out of nearly $30,000 after convincing the Cartwright patriarch to enter into a deal to buy his cattle. The brother and sister shoot Ben, rob the Virginia City Bank and go on the run with Little Joe hot on their trail.
Épisode 1 - Another Windmill to Go
14 septembre 1969 - 5/5
An Englishman with a passion for challenging ridiculous laws shows up on the Ponderosa grazing in a land-rowing boat mounted on a wagon.
Épisode 2 - The Witness
21 septembre 1969 - 5/5
A young woman, Jenny Winters who is prone to telling tall tales, claims she witnessed the Logan gang holding up a stagecoach. The Cartwrights hide her at the Ponderosa, but that is only the beginning of what Jenny will learn from spinning tall tales.
Épisode 3 - The Silence at Stillwater
28 septembre 1969 - 5/5
A young boy positively identifies Candy as the man wanted in Stillwater for robbery, arson and murder.
Épisode 4 - A Lawman's Lot Is Not a Happy One
5 octobre 1969 - 5/5
When he is called to testify in an out-of-town lumber shark case, Roy recruits Hoss to temporarily serve as sheriff. Hoss quickly finds his hands full dealing with a reluctant groom, who plans a robbery to make himself less appealing to his assertive fiancé; and a persistent salesman wanting to sell stock for a resort in the Virginia City area. Will Virginia City ever be the same?
Épisode 5 - Anatomy of a Lynching
12 octobre 1969 - 5/5
Will Griner is acquitted of murder which upsets the folks of Virginia City. They feel Griner silenced witnesses and are ready to lynch him. Ben works to reopen the case by finding out the truth about the case before it is too late.
Épisode 6 - To Stop a War
19 octobre 1969 - 5/5
Dan Logan, a former army scout and lawman who works for the Cartwrights, has his hands full with rustlers, a range war, and a one-time prostitute whose devotion is questionable.
Épisode 7 - The Medal
26 octobre 1969 - 5/5
Ben lends a hand to a down and out war veteran, Matthew Rush, who received the Congressional Medal Of Honor.
Épisode 8 - The Stalker
2 novembre 1969 - 5/5
Candy helps the widow of a man he shot and killed in self defense, unaware she is plotting revenge against him.
Épisode 9 - Meena
16 novembre 1969 - 5/5
Little Joe and Candy defend Meena Calhoun and her crusty father, Luke, from horse rustlers. In the process, Joe helps Meena become assertive and stick up for herself.
Épisode 10 - A Darker Shadow
23 novembre 1969 - 5/5
A Virginia City store clerk decides to take advantage of his co-worker's paralyzing sensitivity to bright light.
Épisode 11 - Dead Wrong
7 décembre 1969 - 5/5
While in Sunville on business for the Ponderosa, the town's storyteller, Salty – who has a talent for grossly exaggerating his tales – identifies Hoss and Candy as outlaws Big Jack (Hoss) and Sid (Candy). After a frustrating endeavor of convincing Salty of their real identities, Candy and Hoss get him to help stage "Big Jack's" death in a gunfight, unaware that the real Big Jack and Sid are in Sunville and plan to take advantage of the townsfolks' distraction to rob the bank.
Épisode 12 - Old Friends
14 décembre 1969 - 5/5
Ben is sorry to learn that two of his oldest friends are on opposite sides of the law, after 27 years. Charlie Shepard once worked a mining claim with Ben, along with Jess Waddell, now a bounty hunter, and will stop at nothing to kill Charlie, regardless of what anyone tries to persuade him to do otherwise.
Épisode 13 - Abner Willoughby's Return
21 décembre 1969 - 5/5
Joe agrees to help the man who tried to steal his horse, Abner Willoughby, who has returned to claim the box of gold he hid years ago, before going to sea.
Épisode 14 - It's a Small World
4 janvier 1970 - 5/5
A prejudiced Virginia City banker spurns Ben's recommendation of a recent widower (with an infant daughter to raise) for a bank teller's job because he's a midget. The midget, a former circus performer, steals money from the bank to support his daughter.
Épisode 15 - Danger Road
11 janvier 1970 - 5/5
Ben needs to haul three beams that are 30 feet long and the Cambeau Freight Company will not do it. A new, independent freight hauler may be the answer. However, when Ben meets Gunny, he orders him off the Ponderosa. Ben and Gunny served together in the Mexican war, and chose opposite sides. Ben puts his differences aside with Gunny and helps him win the government contract away from Cambeau Freight Company.
Épisode 16 - The Big Jackpot
18 janvier 1970 - 5/5
Candy has inherited a fortune from an Indian he helped. He quits his job on the Ponderosa and becomes a vice president for a land promotor who is selling beautiful, fertile land. When it is discovered that the land promotor is selling barren desert land, Candy and the Cartwrights set out to expose the land promotor as a fraud.
Épisode 17 - The Trouble with Amy
25 janvier 1970 - 5/5
Ben comes to the aid of Amy Wilder, an eccentric animal lover whose mental competency is questioned when a neighbor declares an interest in her land for mining. The neighbor asks the court for a hearing to have Amy declared senile so he can obtain her land, setting off Ben's race against time to track down Amy's relatives to defend her mental state.
Épisode 18 - The Lady and the Mark
1 février 1970 - 5/5
A new wealthy Ponderosa employee with a weakness for women becomes the target of con artists.
Épisode 19 - Is There Any Man Here
8 février 1970 - 5/5
When the daughter of a friend declares her love for him, Ben agonizes over what to do.
Épisode 20 - The Law and Billy Burgess
15 février 1970 - 5/5
Ben seriously doubts an angry young man committed several murders to which he has confessed to.
Épisode 21 - Long Way to Ogden
22 février 1970 - 5/5
Ben gambles the future of the Ponderosa when a convincing meat packer from Chicago, sets out to ruin the local cattle industry.
Épisode 22 - Return Engagement
1 mars 1970 - 5/5
En route to San Francisco, actress Lotta Crabtree arrives in Virginia City for a special performance. Hoss is smitten by the beautiful actress, which makes her leading man jealous. When he is killed during a performance, Lotta and then Hoss are suspected of the death. It is up to Ben to set things straight.
Épisode 23 - The Gold Mine
8 mars 1970 - 5/5
Two drifters come to the Ponderosa and they try to rob the Cartwrights but are driven away. Joe becomes close to the young Mexican, Ramon, who is with them. After they get into a little disagreement they throw Ramon out. The drifters then discover that Ramon has found gold. Ramon returns to the Ponderosa and is welcomed. The Cartwrights learn that Ramon's father, who had to take care of his large family, sold his son to the two men. The two drifters grab Ramon and force him to tell them where he found the gold. They are about to make their claim when the Cartwrights stop them and let Ramon claim the gold as his. Ramon then goes back to Mexico with his fortune.
Épisode 24 - Decision at Los Robles
22 mars 1970 - 5/5
Ben and Joe stop in Los Robles for a couple of beers and a night's rest. Ben sees the town boss, John Walker, bullying the saloon waitress, and he comes to her defense. When Ben steps outside of the saloon, Walker shoots him in the back. Badly wounded, Ben shoots back, killing Walker just before he falls unconscious. While Joe keeps a vigil at Ben's bedside, the priest tells him Los Robles had always been ruled unquestionably by John Walker and his son Jed. Now Jed will certainly want revenge. Sure enough, he tells Joe if he doesn't hand Ben over in 24 hours, he will kill every citizen in Los Robles, one an hour. To complicate matters more, Walker's foreman, Garth, deliberately tells Jed that Ben shot his father in the back, in hopes that Joe will kill Walker, so he can run the Walker ranch. When Joe tries to mobilize a few citizens to fight Walker and his army of men, he finds a town full of cowards. The biggest coward of all is the doctor. He purposely left the bullet in Ben's back, hoping that he'd die within 24 hours. Jed and Garth make final plans to blow up Los Robles with dynamite, unless Joe surrenders Ben to him.
Épisode 25 - Caution, Easter Bunny Crossing
29 mars 1970 - 5/5
"Here comes Hoss Cottontail, hopping down the bunny trail... " That's what the folks of Virginia City were probably thinking when a Quaker woman talks a reluctant Hoss into dressing as the Easter Bunny for the orphanage's children. While hippety-hopping and waiting for Easter to be its way, Hoss while dressed in the Easter Bunny costume contends with a group of inept outlaws, who commit a comedy of errors in their attempts to rob stagecoaches.
Épisode 26 - The Horse Traders
5 avril 1970 - 5/5
In this second episode to feature Meena Calhoun and her father, Hoss and Joe's plans to sell horses from the livery stables in town is thwarted. Virgil and his two brothers also go into the livery business which creates troubles for Hoss and Joe.
Épisode 27 - What Are Pardners For?
12 avril 1970 - 5/5
Hoss meets two men. He forms a rapport with them and they tell him that they plan to rob the bank in the town they are going to. Hoss tries to stop them but he fails. Hoss decides to go into the town to warn the sheriff but is too late. The sheriff then arrests Hoss.
Épisode 28 - A Matter of Circumstance
19 avril 1970 - 5/5
Little Joe stays back at the Ponderosa to tend to its operation as Ben, Hoss, Candy and Hop Sing leave for a cattle drive, who leave as a severe thunderstorm approaches. Joe goes to the barn to calm a horse that was spooked by the thunder and lightning. But just when it seems like the horse has settled down, the horse goes wild, knocking down Joe and crushing his left arm and breaking his leg. Joe goes in and out of consciousness and – after struggling against driving rain and winds to get into the house – treats his wounds. However, the arm is infected and Joe, fearing gangrene has set in, debates whether to amputate the wound.
Épisode 1 - The Night Virginia City Died
13 septembre 1970 - 5/5
In the 12th season premiere, a series of destructive fires strike Virginia City, and always late at night. Is it the work of a ruthless arsonist, or someone very close to Deputy Clem?
Épisode 2 - A Matter of Faith
20 septembre 1970 - 5/5
Dusty takes in orphaned Jamie Hunter, the son of a recently-deceased rainmaker. Jamie is determined to carry on his father's tradition by using drought-stricken Virginia City to prove his talents.
Épisode 3 - The Weary Willies
27 septembre 1970 - 5/5
The Weary Willies are hippie-like former Civil War veterans who are now drifters and live off the land. Despite protests from fellow ranchers and the people of Virginia City, Ben allows the traveling band to stay at the Ponderosa. The real trouble begins when a teen-aged girl is raped and the Willies are blamed.
Épisode 4 - The Wagon
4 octobre 1970 - 5/5
After being taken into custody by a sheriff who does not care if he is guilty or innocent of a crime, Hoss escapes from the prison wagon with a woman he is convinced got a raw deal.
Épisode 5 - The Power of Life and Death
11 octobre 1970 - 5/5
A man called Davis has shot Colonel Clayton and escapes on horseback. Joe and Ben join the posse that sets out to find Davis. Ben and Joe volunteer to cross the desert. Ben and Joe find Davis hold up at a water hole, when Indians attack and Ben is wounded in the leg, and steal the horses. Joe unties Davis, who tends to a wounded Ben, who is suspicious that Davis will try to escape. After playing a game of cat and mouse, Ben and Davis come to an agreement: survival. Joe makes the decision to cross the desert on foot, while Ben and Davis are at the water hole, both men in need of medical help and justice.
Épisode 6 - Gideon, the Good
18 octobre 1970 - 5/5
On the trail, Joe witnesses a woman kill a man, but the woman rides away before he can positively identify her. He rides into the nearest town, Black River and reports the crime to Sheriff Gideon Yates, and the two ride out to find clues. They find a handkerchief embroidered with the letter "L". Sheriff Yates knows who the killer is, his wife Lydia. She married him before she got a legal divorce from her first husband, Loomis, and killed him to silence him. Gideon tries to coax Joe out of town, but he recognizes Lydia's picture in a photographer's window. When Joe refuses to leave, Gideon tries to shoot him down in cold blood and orders a manhunt against him. Joe's only hope is a Mexican stable boy, who saw Gideon shoot him, and ultimately Joe and Gideon have one of the most memorable confrontations in the series' history.
Épisode 7 - The Trouble with Trouble
25 octobre 1970 - 5/5
When Hoss volunteers to be Sheriff of a town called Trouble, he soon finds out that the town had correctly been named. Hoss almost manages to arrest the whole town, and captures the Clanton gang all by himself.
Épisode 8 - Thornton's Account
1 novembre 1970 - 5/5
Ben's new horse throws him down a steep slope, injuring his back. Joe tries to round up some help, but the settlers in the valley live in fear of the devious owner and his hired help. Joe goes for help from a man named Thornton, but he is wounded by the lowlife cowboys, and has no choice but to ask them for help. A very imaginitive and visually creative dream Ben has of Joe calling out to him and falling beside him, before waking up and realizes he has just had a terrifying nightmare.
Épisode 9 - The Love Child
8 novembre 1970 - 5/5
A dying woman and her son are rejected by her father because she had a child out of wedlock.
Épisode 10 - El Jefe
15 novembre 1970 - 5/5
Ben and Hoss come to the rescue of Mexican farmers who are forced off their land by the greedy mine owner who runs the town of Prince River.
Épisode 11 - The Luck of Pepper Shannon
22 novembre 1970 - 5/5
Pepper Shannon is a dime novel hero and outlaw. Ben gives a job to Pepper Shannon on the condition the one-time outlaw stays away from Jamie, who happens to admire him.
Épisode 12 - The Impostors
13 décembre 1970 - 5/5
Hoss and Joe pretend to be stage robbers' partners in order to recover stolen Cartwright money. All goes well until the wife of one of the thieves shows up.
Épisode 13 - Honest John
20 décembre 1970 - 5/5
Jamie forms a bond with a bum and his tame crow. Before long, Jamie suggests they repair an old wagon and leave the Ponderosa.
Épisode 14 - For a Young Lady
27 décembre 1970 - 5/5
A girl's uncle and aunt want custody of her only because they believe she has the rights to her late grandfather's mine.
Épisode 15 - A Single Pilgrim
3 janvier 1971 - 5/5
Settlers from Virginia argue over Hoss' fate after one of them accidentally shoots him.
Épisode 16 - The Gold-Plated Rifle
10 janvier 1971 - 5/5
An insecure Jamie is unsure of his place in the family, having trouble adjusting at his new school and keeps getting harassed by a bully. When he takes Ben's prized gold-plated rifle and breaks it, he runs away, sending Ben to go looking for him.
Épisode 17 - Top Hand
17 janvier 1971 - 5/5
The Cartwrights are about to start a major cattle drive with other ranchers. It has been decided that Ben's foreman will be trail boss on the drive. Weatherby, a fellow rancher who is also with Ben, has agreed to have Kelly as trail boss, until he finds out that Kelly was previously on a cattle drive with him, and fired him for drinking. Weatherby also suggests that his younger wrangler take the job as trail boss, and a conflict is started between both Ben's foreman and Weatherby's wrangler.
Épisode 18 - A Deck of Aces
31 janvier 1971 - 5/5
Bradley Meredith, a Ben Cartwright look-a-like, causes trouble when he sells land to the railroad. Ben has already turned down the deal, but Meredith, acting as Ben, accepts the deal, which stirs up all kinds of trouble.
Épisode 19 - The Desperado
7 février 1971 - 5/5
Hoss is held prisoner by a fugitive black couple who they admit hate white people and have nothing to lose by killing them.
Épisode 20 - The Reluctant American
14 février 1971 - 5/5
An English couple comes to Nevada to learn why a ranch owned by the British investment firm is the only company holding not showing a profit.
Épisode 21 - Shadow of a Hero
21 février 1971 - 5/5
Ben is shocked to learn the Army general he is backing as governor, advocates a policy of genocide towards all Indians.
Épisode 22 - The Silent Killer
28 février 1971 - 5/5
An epidemic of influenza hits the Ponderosa and the only person who seems sure of what to do is the wife of a doctor, whom Doc Martin says is a fraud.
Épisode 23 - Terror at 2:00
7 mars 1971 - 5/5
A racist and his henchmen steal a Gatling gun, with plans to massacre everyone -- including the Cartwrights -- involved in a peace treaty signing between the U.S. Army and the Paitues in Virginia City. The man's hope is that the tragedy will spark another war and eventually lead to the genocide of all Native Americans.
Épisode 24 - The Stillness Within
14 mars 1971 - 5/5
Blinded by an explosion, Joe wallows in self-pity, and at first resists the efforts of a woman trying to teach him to live without sight, not knowing she is also blind.
Épisode 25 - A Time to Die
21 mars 1971 - 5/5
While visiting the Ponderosa, Ben's friend, April Christopher, is bitten by a rabid wolf. Ben and April and her daughter must come to terms with her illness as they all realize the terrible fate that awaits April.
Épisode 26 - Winter Kill
28 mars 1971 - 5/5
The foreman of a neighboring ranch shoots a special steer belonging to the Cartwrights, and his scheming boss plots to take unfair advantage of the mistake.
Épisode 27 - Kingdom of Fear
4 avril 1971 - 5/5
Ben, Hoss and Joe, along with Candy and a fellow rancher, are jailed on false trespassing charges by a greedy mining tycoon. The despot runs a gold mine (i.e., a thinly-veiled prison camp) and acquires slave labor by pressing phony criminal charges against the unfortunate inmates.
Épisode 28 - An Earthquake Called Callahan
11 avril 1971 - 5/5
The only person who can get Dusty out of jail is a professional fighter who will not return to Virginia City, so Joe stays on the man's heels no matter where he goes.
Épisode 1 - The Grand Swing
19 septembre 1971 - 5/5
Jamie deliberately disobeys Ben's order not to drive the supply wagons. During his recklessness, the wagon goes out of control on a sharp curve and is wrecked. Nobody is hurt but a badly injured horse has to be put to sleep. Fearing punishment, Jamie decides to run away, until Ben decides to take him on a tour of the Ponderosa, namely to see how others handle their mistakes in positive and negative ways.
Épisode 2 - Fallen Woman
26 septembre 1971 - 5/5
An alcoholic woman lashes out at Hoss after his testimony sends her husband to prison. She gets back at him by forcing the big guy to take custody of her young son, Petey. Hoss must decide whether to ask the court to adopt him, or help the mother deal with her alcoholism.
Épisode 3 - Bushwhacked
3 octobre 1971 - 5/5
Joe is shot and wounded while he is on a cattle drive in the Nevada desert. Two ranchers find him, delirious from thirst and the heat, and take him to their home to recover. While the ranchers summon a doctor, Joe struggles for life, mumbling incoherently and having surrealistic nightmares about a teepee and a wagon wheel. Ben and Hoss try to dechipher Joe's ramblings to piece together what happened.
Épisode 4 - Rock-a-Bye, Hoss
10 octobre 1971 - 5/5
Hoss becomes a judge in a contest--he has to pick the perfect/prettiest baby. The parents of the babies nearly all try to influence Hoss, so he has a hard time deciding. There is one quite hilarious part (though odd).
Épisode 5 - The Prisoners
17 octobre 1971 - 5/5
Joe volunteers to help an old lawman escort a slick outlaw to jail, but when their prisoner kills the sheriff and wounds Joe, he must face the task alone.
Épisode 6 - Cassie
24 octobre 1971 - 5/5
To help the hapless wife and daughter of a lazy dreamer, Hoss arranges a "fixed" horse race.
Épisode 7 - Don't Cry, My Son
31 octobre 1971 - 5/5
The wife of Virginia City's new doctor leaves him, after their son dies in childbirth. The doctor snaps and abducts another woman's baby.
Épisode 8 - Face of Fear
14 novembre 1971 - 5/5
Neta, a teen-age girl who is a friend of Jamie's, witnesses an assault and robbery. The victim - Mr. Trumbull, a man who is about to inherit a fortune - dies. The culprit, a drifter named Griff Bannon, gets a glimpse of Neta and, after fleeing the scene, plots to assume his victim's identity and stalk the witness. Her father, meanwhile, is no help, since he raises her by "traditional values" and forbids her to socialize with the Cartwrights. Meanwhile, the imposter - now working for the Cartwrights – begins to track Neta's every move and plans to seal her silence, unless she can summon the courage to tell Jamie and the others about the crime she witnessed and identify the baddie.
Épisode 9 - Blind Hunch
21 novembre 1971 - 5/5
A veteran blinded by the last battle of the Civil War, returns to Virginia City, to solve the mystery surrounding who killed his brother.
Épisode 10 - The Iron Butterfly
28 novembre 1971 - 5/5
Hoss takes the blame when a visiting actress kills her former boyfriend. The ex-boyfriend's father, a senator, sets out to destroy the Cartwrights and the Ponderosa as retaliation, for the killing of his son.
Épisode 11 - The Rattlesnake Brigade
5 décembre 1971 - 5/5
Jamie and three teen-agers - a girl and two boys - are kidnapped by Doyle, a hardened criminal with nothing to lose, and his gang of outlaws. The desperate outlaws use the youths as bargaining tools to make their escape from a trip to prison.
Épisode 12 - Easy Come, Easy Go
12 décembre 1971 - 5/5
When Luke Calhoun loses all his money in a stock scheme, he and his daughter Meena stay at the Ponderosa with disruptive consequences. Luke turns the ranch into a casino and Meena continues her frantic search for a husband, where she left off in season eleven's "Meena".
Épisode 13 - A Home for Jamie
19 décembre 1971 - 5/5
Just as Ben begins to formally adopt Jamie, his grandfather shows up to take him away. Ben tells the gentleman, "He's a young man with his roots in Ponderosa soil. This is the life he knows, the life he loves, the life he wants".
Épisode 14 - Warbonnet
26 décembre 1971 - 5/5
Joe is stranded in the desert when his mare falls and breaks her leg. He falls unconscious from exhaustion and lack of water, and is found near death by a Paiute named Swift Eagle. But instead of saving Joe, Swift Eagle steals his gun and goes back to the reservation. His grandfather, Chief Red Cloud, finds the gun and insists they return it and help the owner. Red Cloud cares for Joe until he gets his strength back and then orders Swift Eagle to take Joe into town. In town, Joe meets the most powerful man there, Frank Ryan, who showers Joe with hospitality. Joe feels indebted to both Red Cloud for saving his life, and to Frank Ryan for extending hospitality in an unfamiliar town. So when Red Cloud challenges Frank to a fight to the death, Joe tries desperately to keep the peace. The reason for the fight? Fifteen years ago, Frank took Red Cloud's warbonnet, and has been proudly displaying it ever since, on the wall in his saloon. Red Cloud, now an old man, must regain his honor before he dies.
Épisode 15 - A Lonely Man
2 janvier 1972 - 5/5
While panning for gold on his vacation, Hop Sing meets and falls in love with a shy woman. Their future plans are dashed when a judge confirms what Ben has told Hop Sing: the law specifically prohibits interracial marriages.
Épisode 16 - Second Sight
9 janvier 1972 - 4.5/5
Hoss enlists the aid of Judith Coleman, a clairvoyant woman who has the gift of "second sight" to find Jamie. He has been missing in the high country and cannot be found by anyone. Judith's gifted psychic abilities have had a long history of men casting her off as a witch, so at first she is reluctant to help the Cartwrights search for Jamie, then changes her mind since she owes them a great deal. Her fiancee, Jess Avery, who is a minister, doesn't look with favor as to her abilities and she may face the consequences of losing him unless she finds Jamie. Hoss refers to Jamie as his "little brother" for the first time.
Épisode 17 - The Saddle Stiff
16 janvier 1972 - 4.5/5
Fired ranch hand, Cactus, suggests that Ben is too old to put in a real work's week and challenges Ben to take a job as a ranch hand under the name "Ben Brown". He takes the job to prove himself better than Cactus.
Épisode 18 - Frenzy
30 janvier 1972 - 4.5/5
Ben helps shepherd a young family, the Kosovos (Nick; his wife, Anna; and his son, Sandor), who had recently immigrated from Serbia. Nick soon finds he can't handle the pressure needed to become successful in America and, one evening while Ben is visiting, his mind snaps. He goes on a rampage, trapping Ben (who becomes injured) and a terrified Anna and Sandor inside their home. Ben must do all he can to keep Nick at bay and try to reason with the mentally ill rancher.
Épisode 19 - Customs of the Country
6 février 1972 - 4.5/5
All about Joe and Hoss' visit to a small Mexican town named Agua Santos, which seems to have some rather peculiar laws. The two Cartwright boys soon find them in pretty deep trouble for breaking "laws" that barely would pass without notice stateside.
Épisode 20 - Shanklin
13 février 1972 - 4.5/5
A band of ex-Confederate soldiers demands $25,000 from Ben. When Hoss resists their demands and tries to fight them, their leader, Shanklin, shoots Hoss in the abdomen. Hoss lingers near death, and when the doctor is unable to complete the surgery, a nearly inconsolable Ben persuades Shanklin (a confident, competent doctor) to save his son's life. Meanwhile, Jamie – who had witnessed the shooting and nearly got shot himself – searches high and low for Joe, who is involved with a beautiful starlet and intently focused on a poker match.
Épisode 21 - Search in Limbo
20 février 1972 - 4.5/5
Sid Langley is a real estate broker who is not well liked in Nevada, thanks to his shady ways of doing business. An irritable Ben is barely polite with Langley when closing a land transaction. However, things soon get worse than that headache and blurred vision Ben suffers from when he learns that Langley has been critically wounded by an unknown assailant. Ben, who somehow can't remember the past 24 hours, fears he may have been the gunman and tries to reconstruct the activities of the past day to prove his innocence.
Épisode 22 - He Was Only Seven
5 mars 1972 - 4.5/5
A 7-year-old boy is killed after he walks into a bank during a robbery by the ruthless Springer gang. Joe and Jamie help the boy's angrily grieving grandfather track down Springer.
Épisode 23 - The Younger Brothers' Younger Brother
12 mars 1972 - 4.5/5
A comic tale of mistaken identity, as Hoss (and eventually Ben and Joe) are held in connection with a series of road gang robberies by the bumbling Younger Brothers.
Épisode 24 - A Place to Hide
19 mars 1972 - 4.5/5
The Cartwrights are once again brought in the middle of the Civil War. This time, the wife of former Civil War Col. Cody Ransom brings her young daughter to the Ponderosa, trying to pick up the pieces of their lives. However, Ben soon learns that Col. Ransom may be trying to search for his family. However, Union Maj. Donahue has been pursing Ransom and his men for many years after the war ended, and has refused to accept anybody's terms of surrender – especially since Donahue considers capturing Ransom a personal matter.
Épisode 25 - A Visit to Upright
26 mars 1972 - 4.5/5
Ben's ability to close a lucrative livestock contract with a conspicuous widow hinges on the sale of a dilapidated saloon in Upright that Hoss and Joe had impulsively purchased. However, the boys put off the sale when the town drunk (who acts as "saloon keeper") insist the crumbling Trails End Saloon may house a fortune. Things get even more complicated when a woman, claiming to be the daughter of the deceased former owner, envisions turning the Trails End into a booming saloon, hotel and restaurant.
Épisode 26 - One Ace Too Many
2 avril 1972 - 4.5/5
Ruthless land baron Bradley Meredith (Lorne Greene in a dual role) makes his return to Virginia City with a new scheme to get control of the Ponderosa. He learns the Cartwrights are on a cattle trip to Carson City and takes advantage of their absence when "Ben" claims is seriously ill and begins his holdings to friends.
Épisode 1 - Forever (1)
12 septembre 1972 - 5/5
Little Joe has finally found true love - the beautiful Alice Harper. The two have a wonderful courtship and very soon, the two are engaged. Unlike past relationships the Cartwright brothers have had, this time, Joe makes it to the altar. All appears well, as Joe and Alice start their new life together in their new home ... until one day Joe is out. Alice's indolent brother owes money to a ruthless businessman and has not yet paid, so they find Alice instead. When she can't pay the debt, they brutally kill her and burn Joe's house down.
Épisode 2 - Forever (2)
12 septembre 1972 - 5/5
Little Joe learns of the tragic and savagely brutal circumstances of Alice's death and is determined to bring her killers to justice. While a good part of this episode focuses on the pursuit of the thugs that killed Alice, what made this episode was a moving scene where Ben comforts Joe over the death of his new wife. Sitting in the smoldering ruins of what was Joe's new home, Ben (who rarely gets emotional) and the ever-emotional Joe really grieve for Alice ... and in a way, this was their way to grieve the death of series star Dan Blocker.
Épisode 3 - Heritage of Anger
19 septembre 1972 - 5/5
Ex-con John Dundee, a friend of the Cartwights, is being released from prison. Ben tries to help John readjust to society, but John wants revenge on those who sent him to prison – namely, ex-business partners, Anders, Bartlett and Sangster. Worse, the bad guys, who are friends with a corrupt lawman, are hatching a plan to send John back to prison ... this time, for murder.
Épisode 4 - The Initiation
26 septembre 1972 - 5/5
Jamie's friend, Ted Hoag, is unfairly blamed for the death of another young fellow during a club initiation. In the end, it's a lesson in responsibility for the boys of Virginia City School.
Épisode 5 - Riot!
3 octobre 1972 - 5/5
While at the Nevada State Prison to inspect conditions, Ben is taken hostage in a riot. The riot is an attempt by frustrated inmates to expose horrific conditions at the prison. While Joe and Candy plan to resolve the situation, Ben begins a friendship with Griff King (who isn't exactly receptive), and helps communicate the inmates' demands to the warden and state prison board.
Épisode 6 - New Man
10 octobre 1972 - 5/5
In what was essentially the second part of a two-part episode centering on Griff King, the young parolee arrives at the Ponderosa and is hired as a ranch hand. Ben, Joe and the others exercise patience as they tries to help an arrogant, resentful Griff adjust to society and life an honest life.
Épisode 7 - Ambush at Rio Lobo
24 octobre 1972 - 5/5
Ben and a pregnant woman named Teresa are held hostage by desperate outlaws, who plot to rob a stagecoach and force the two to go along with the scheme.
Épisode 8 - The 26th Grave
31 octobre 1972 - 5/5
Mark Twain ruffles dangerous feathers in Virginia City with accusations of claim-jumping and murder.
Épisode 9 - Stallion
14 novembre 1972 - 5/5
The moving tale of Little Joe and his beloved black stallion, which Ben purchases for his son as a birthday gift.
Épisode 10 - The Hidden Enemy
28 novembre 1972 - 5/5
Dr. Will Agar is Virginia City's new town doctor, and brings with him new skills and expertise to treat area residents' health maladies. Only thing is, Dr. Agar is seriously addicted to morphine, and it results in serious trouble for everyone.
Épisode 11 - The Sound of Sadness
5 décembre 1972 - 5/5
A lonely old man opens his home to two orphan boys but runs into bureaucratic opposition when attempting to adopt them.
Épisode 12 - The Bucket Dog
19 décembre 1972 - 5/5
Jamie obtains an Irish setter pup and forms a special bond between dog and man. The dog's owner learns the puppy is at the Ponderosa and arrives to claim it ... so he can put it to sleep (since it was a runt and, according to the master, an inferior example of the breed. The dog is soon in a trial for its life.
Épisode 13 - First Love
26 décembre 1972 - 5/5
Jamie becomes friends with the wife of an unpopular schoolmaster, who often browbeats her.
Épisode 14 - The Witness
2 janvier 1973 - 5/5
An elderly business associate of Ben's is killed after a man, posing as Candy, tries to rob her; the woman suffers a fatal heart attack, which – since it happens during the commission of a felony – is considered to be the same as if the assailant had pulled the trigger. The real Candy, who had been assaulted at a hotel by the same man, is held in connection with the old woman's death. A woman named Kate is the only one who can back up Candy's alibi, but she has left town with her husband, who is the thief. Griff agrees to go after Kate and have her provide a statement. Only thing is, he discovers – as Ben and Joe do later – that she, too, has a past that, if revealed at trial, could do serious harm to Candy's defense. Meanwhile, Ben is unsure about the young defense attorney's ability to defend Candy, particularly since the state's attorney has a nearly spotless conviction record. But the budding lawyer is determined to play David to the prosecutor's Goliath.
Épisode 15 - The Marriage of Theodora Duffy
9 janvier 1973 - 5/5
A serious game of "let's pretend" begins when Griff and government agent Theodora Duffy pose as husband and wife to capture a gang of war criminals.
Épisode 16 - The Hunter
16 janvier 1973 - 5/5
In what turned out to be the series finale, Little Joe is making a delivery for Ben when he meets Bill Tanner, a psychotic killer that is posing as a soldier he has killed. His delivery wagon stolen and sans supplies, food or water, Joe -- whom Tanner has called his "prey" -- tries to evade the well-stocked madman, who takes sadistic pleasure in his role as a predator.
Épisode 17 - Bonanza The Next Generation
3 mars 1988 - 5/5
This is the continuing saga of the Cartwrights, only none of the original Cartwrights are here anymore but their sons. Ben and Hoss have passed on, and Little Joe is MIA; he went with Teddy Roosevelt and is currently missing. Ben's brother, Aaron is now in charge of the Ponderosa, and Little Joe's wife Annie also lives there. His son, Benjamin has come back fom the East. Charlie Poke is a man who owes his life to Ben Cartwright and is now the ranch foreman, and is not exactly on good terms with Aaron. Aaron has allowed a mining company access to mine on the Ponderosa, but the man in charge has other ideas. And Hoss' son Josh whom no one has seen before, has come to the Ponderosa to kill Hoss cause he thinks Hoss deserted him and his mother not knowing that Hoss died before he could go back to bring his mother back to the Ponderosa.
Épisode 18 - Bonanza The Return
23 novembre 1993 - 5/5
A man with a grudge against the late Little Joe seeks revenge on the Cartwrights and attempts to take over the Ponderosa.
Épisode 19 - Bonanza Under Attack
15 janvier 1995 - 5/5
Return once again to the Ponderosa when a notorious outlaw comes to the ranch, sending the Cartwrights into a showdown with the law. Frank James, brother of the infamous Jesse James has turned his back on the outlaw life, been acquited by three juries and is returning home a free man when a gang of renegade Pinkerton detedtives take it upon themselves to exact their own brand of punishment. After being ambushed and badly wounded by Siringo's men, James finds refuge on the Ponderosa and joining forces with the young Cartwrights takes on the Pinkertons in an ultimate battle for justice!
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25/04/2017 - 5/5
En France, la série a été diffusée à partir du 6 janvier 1965 sur la première chaîne de l'ORTF Rediffusion à partir de 1988 dans l'émission Vive la t...
07/05/2014 - Aucune note
pour voir les sous titre de bonanza il faut sinscrire et une fois inscrit toujour pas vous prener les gents pour des con