Belfort & Lupin
Non notée
Année : 2025
Nombre de saisons : 1
Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 22 minutes
Genre(s) : Aventure, Animation, Comédie
Au Château de Versailles, Belfort et Lupin, le chien du roi et le loup des jardins, forment un duo improbable mais inséparable. Ces deux héros complémentaires partagent une amitié indéfectible qui défie les normes. Ensemble, ils viennent à la rescousse de leurs compagnons à poils et à plumes, des animaux de la Ménagerie royale à la faune sauvage. De découverte en sauvetage, Belfort et Lupin vont vivre des aventures palpitantes et riches en émotions ! Par la générosité et le courage de leurs héros, Belfort & Lupin invite à voir au-delà des différences et à tendre la patte à autrui.
Saison 1
Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !
Épisode 1 - La maison perruque
7 février 2025
Aujourd'hui, Monsieur Binet, le perruquier royal, est en panique : la perruque favorite de la Reine a disparu. Gazette, la souris, est bouleversée, car cette perruque, c'est sa maison.
Épisode 2 - Le crime d'Ariane
7 février 2025
While the royal perfumer presents his latest creations to the Queen, her parrot seems to have disappeared! And everything seems to point to Ariane (Vauban's cat) having devoured it! Belfort and Lupin will do everything they can to prove their friend's innocence. As their investigation progresses, they discover that Chevalier is so captivated by the scent of the orange trees in the Royal Orangery that he refuses to return to the castle! Belfort and Lupin decide to use the perfumer's ingredients to lure the parrot.
Épisode 3 - Panne de fontaine
7 février 2025
A troupe of Russian swans has arrived in Versailles to perform a grand aquatic ballet, but their choreographer, Nourevitch, is in a panic: the fountains aren't working! If everything doesn't go perfectly, he will face the wrath of the Tsar of Russia's cat. Belfort and Lupin come to his aid and promise to do everything they can to ensure the fountains are flowing for showtime. But first, they must figure out how Versailles' hydraulics work and thwart the sabotage of Igor, the villainous black swan, Nourevitch's rival.
Épisode 4 - Chien d'élite
7 février 2025
Today, the royal dogs must pass a test before the King: each must find a scented handkerchief in the middle of the forest. Disaster strikes for Belfort, whose nose isn’t working! This time, it’s certain, he will disappoint his master and end up in the kennel! Lupin, a professional at sniffing, begins coaching to wake up his friend's nose. But nothing works—Belfort can't smell anything! For Lupin, there’s only one solution left: cheat and find the scented handkerchief in place of Belfort… But Belfort cannot bring himself to do such a thing!
Épisode 5 - Le Labyrinthe
7 février 2025
Challenged by Lupin, Belfort's two sisters enter the labyrinth of Versailles. According to legend, all the animals who have ventured inside were turned into stone statues! There's no way Belfort will let Tane and Ponne, no matter how naughty they are, stay trapped in the labyrinth! He manages to convince Lupin of the urgency to rescue them. But first, they must figure out how to navigate the maze and escape before nightfall…
Épisode 6 - Le Récital Royal
7 février 2025
Because of Belfort and Lupin's mistake, the lion from the Menagerie has gotten a stiff neck! He can't move anymore. Furious, he refuses to miss the dance recital that Belfort is supposed to perform tonight in the groves. He orders Belfort and Lupin to help him get there. Our two heroes, feeling guilty, of course agree to help. They organize various modes of transportation, but Richard de Rastignasse is so delicate that he roars and alerts the humans at the slightest jolt. Unable to move the lion, our heroes finally decide to bring the recital to him.
Épisode 7 - SOS Cygnes en Détresse
7 février 2025
In the kitchens of the Château de Versailles, panic sets in: there isn't a single egg left for the King's meal, as they were all requisitioned for the Easter celebrations! One of the cooks suddenly remembers that there are often swan eggs by the edge of the Grand Canal, where the swans build their nests! Belfort and Lupin will do everything they can to save a swan egg. But the multitude of Marcels and Marcelles (that's what all the swans are called), though very graceful, aren't the sharpest! With the fragile burden in tow, our two friends do their best to hide it from the cook’s eyes.
Épisode 8 - Les Petits Pois du Roi
7 février 2025
Madame Rosa has been locked up in her enclosure in the Menagerie, accused of eating all the peas from the vegetable garden, which were meant for King Louis XIV's royal dinner. Belfort and Lupin can't bear to see her chained up like this. They decide to help her. Could the elephant have eaten the peas during one of her famous sleepwalking episodes? To answer this question, Belfort and Lupin have no choice but to help her regain the memory of the previous night. Our two heroes will have to combine their talents to find the peas just in time for the King’s Grand Supper.
Épisode 9 - Tableau de Famille
7 février 2025
Louis XIV has commissioned a painting of Diana and Belfort, by the royal painter, Alexandre-François Desportes, himself! But Tane and Ponne, Belfort's two sisters, deem him unworthy of posing (since he's so "useless as a dog"). They decide to stop him by any means necessary! Seeing that his friend is devastated at the thought of disappointing his mother and master, Lupin does everything he can to help him appear in the painting.
Épisode 10 - Les Jardins de Versailles
7 février 2025
Panic among the gardeners of Monsieur Le Nôtre: three moles have dug tunnels under the new French-style flowerbed that is supposed to be presented to the King today! Belfort and Lupin want to help the moles—Arlette, Georgette, and Colette—save them from the gardeners' traps. But the moles, with their strong personalities, are determined to stay and live here, under the flowerbed, where the worms are so delicious. The friendship between the two heroes is put to the test: Belfort reminds them that these are the magnificent gardens of his master, the King… while Lupin insists that the earth belongs to everyone!
Épisode 11 - Déboussolé
7 février 2025
As the scientist François Villette presents his blazing mirror, a flamingo named Chico crashes at the feet of Belfort and Lupin, asking if he has arrived in Africa?! Realizing he’s lost once again, Chico laments that he has no sense of direction! Everyone in his colony mocks him for it! Sympathizing with Chico's despair, Belfort and Lupin decide to help him find his way! But first, they need to figure out where Africa is and teach Chico how to navigate. Orientation coaching, deciphering the great maps of Louis XIV, discovering a compass, and more—our two heroes' combined skills will be crucial to help Chico reunite with his flock.
Épisode 12 - Tic Tac Pour Lupin
7 février 2025
After an uncontrolled slide through the castle, Lupin ends up locked in the clock cabinet. Every day, at the end of the day, the royal clockmaker comes to wind the mechanism of this clock. Belfort is devastated: if the humans discover his friend in the castle, who knows what they might do to him!? He must retrieve the key from Bontemps and free his friend before the clockmaker arrives. For this perilous mission, Belfort, who knows the exact schedule of Versailles like the back of his paw (it's as precise as a clock), assembles a team of animals: Ariane, Gazette, Artus, Marcus, and even… Madame Rosa. All of this, without the knowledge of the humans, especially Bazire, who relentlessly chases Belfort to remind him of his royal dog duties…
Épisode 13 - Désaccord Majeur
7 février 2025
Monsieur Lully and his musicians are in the middle of rehearsal when Ariane, suddenly losing all control, throws herself onto the cushion where Gazette was sitting and tears it to pieces! Devastated, the mouse cannot forgive her friend, who could have caused her serious harm! Ariane is very troubled: what is happening to her? Belfort and Lupin will help her reconcile with her best friend. While Ariane thinks she has caught rabies, our heroes discover that an unexpected musical instrument is responsible for the Siamese cat's outbursts.
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