Poster de la serie Amy



Année : 1999

Nombre de saisons : 6

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 45 minutes

Genre(s) : Drame

De retour dans sa ville natale du Connecticut après l'échec de son mariage, Amy doit faire face à ses responsabilités envers sa fille et son nouvel emploi de juge aux affaires familiales.


Amy saison 1

Saison 1

Amy saison 2

Saison 2

Amy saison 3

Saison 3

Amy saison 4

Saison 4

Amy saison 5

Saison 5

Amy saison 6

Saison 6


Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - Pilot

19 septembre 1999

Récemment divorcée, le juge Amy Gray décide de quitter New York avec sa fille et accepte un poste de juge aux affaires familiales à Hartford, sa ville natale. Bien décidée à démarrer une nouvelle vie, elle va cependant devoir faire face à la pression de son nouveau travail associée aux difficultés d'élever seule sa fille seule et au fait de retourner habiter chez sa mère...

Épisode 2 - Short Calendar

21 septembre 1999

Amy a du mal à s'acclimater à son nouveau job et se retrouve submergée par différentes affaires qu'elle doit traiter en même temps. Et les soucis scolaires de sa fille n'arrangent rien. De son côté, Maxine, la mère d'Amy, se voit proposer de réintégrer son poste d'assistante sociale au département des services de l'enfance...

Épisode 3 - Trial By Jury

28 septembre 1999 - 1/5

Amy doit gérer sa première affaire : les parents d'une jeune fille tuée par son petit ami décident de poursuivre les parents de celui-ci pour obtenir un dédommagement. Amy essaye de ne pas se laisser envahir par la forte charge émotionnelle de l'affaire, mais les avocats de chaque partie sont déterminés à user des pires stratagèmes pour gagner.

Épisode 4 - Victim Soul

5 octobre 1999

Amy fait face à un cas difficile impliquant une jeune fille dans le coma. Durant son coma de 6 ans, sa grand-mère a toujours soutenu qu'elle avait des pouvoirs de guérison et acceptait que de nombreux inconnus viennent témoigner des pouvoirs miraculeux de l'enfant. Mais à cause de ces nombreuses visites, la santé de la petite fille est devenue fragile et elle a probablement été maltraitée. Amy rend visite à l'enfant pour savoir si oui ou non elle a été abusée mais elle doit prendre une décision qui pourrait potentiellement déranger certains membres de la communauté religieuse qui croient aux pouvoirs de la petite fille.

Épisode 5 - Last Tango in Hartford

12 octobre 1999

Amy a un rendez-vous galant avec un docteur qu'elle vient de rencontrer, mais ses plans sont contrecarrés par une menace de mort qui l'oblige à s'enfermer chez elle. Pendant ce temps, Maxine renoue avec un ancien ami, tandis que Vincent rompt avec Chris quand il rencontre sa fille. A la cour, une jeune fille fait un témoignage déchirant afin d'être retirée de la garde de sa mère dépressive.

Épisode 6 - Witch Hunt

19 octobre 1999

Une mère est poursuivie par son mari qui lui reproche d'avoir rejoint une assemblée de sorcières à Harford. Amy doit faire face à une bataille pour une garde d'enfants.

Épisode 7 - An Impartial Bias

2 novembre 1999

Maxine doit gérer une affaire de garde impliquant un enfant malentendant qui s'est coupé du monde en arrêtant d'utiliser le langage des signes pour communiquer.

Épisode 8 - Near Death Experience

9 novembre 1999

Vincent, le frère d'Amy, est touché par une balle dans la poitrine alors qu'il tente d'intervenir pendant un cambriolage. Sa famille est bouleversée et Amy, en particulier, a le sentiment que sa colère envers les cambrioleurs influence son jugement à propos d'une affaire de meurtre commis par un adolescent.

Épisode 9 - The Persistence of Tectonics

23 novembre 1999

Alors qu'Amy et Lauren s'apprêtent à célébrer leur premier Thanksgiving toutes les deux, Amy propose à son futur ex-mari Michael de dîner avec elles. Quant à Maxine, fatiguée de préparer chaque année le dîner de Thanksgiving, elle décide de passer le relais à sa fille Amy qui devra donc s'occuper entièrement du repas malgré le stress qu'elle accumule dans sa vie personnelle et professionnelle. Pendant ce temps, Vincent est invité à passer Thanksgiving chez son éditeur où il rencontre un confrère écrivain qui montre immédiatement de l'intérêt pour lui...

Épisode 10 - Crowded House

30 novembre 1999

Vincent se voit offrir une belle opportunité de carrière à la condition qu'il écrive une nouvelle en moins d'une semaine. Il a donc besoin de calme pour se concentrer. Quant à Gillian, lassée des disputes constantes avec Peter, elle décide de prendre un peu l'air. Maxime se résout ainsi à voir ses deux enfants revenir à la maison. Pendant ce temps, Amy supervise l'affaire d'une jeune fille présentant de nombreux troubles de la personnalité qui a tenté de tuer son prof à domicile, tandis que Maxine vient en aide à une jeune mère déterminée à abandonner son bébé de peur de le maltraiter.

Épisode 11 - Presumed Innocent

14 décembre 1999

Amy décide d'éloigner une mère de son enfant malade, quand celle-ci est suspectée d'avoir elle même rendu sa fille malade. Mais quand l'état de la petite fille s'aggrave, Amy se rend à l'évidence : la mère n'est pas responsable. Pendant ce temps Maxine prend en charge le cas d'un sans-abri très intelligent en conflit avec l'autorité et Vincent fait passer des entretiens afin de trouver le colocataire idéal.

Épisode 12 - Spoil the Child

11 janvier 2000

Amy fait face à un père accusé par les services sociaux d'avoir battu son fils. Mais quand l'homme soutient qu'il ne fait qu'élever son fils avec discipline, Amy doit trancher et dire si oui ou non il s'agit de maltraitance. Cette affaire pourrait avoir une influence sur sa carrière... Pendant ce temps Gillian et Peter entament les démarches pour l'adoption.

Épisode 13 - Zero to Sixty

18 janvier 2000

Alors qu'ils sont en plein divorce, Michael, le mari d'Amy, demande à avoir la garde de leur fille Lauren plus souvent, plaidant le fait qu'il aura plus de temps libre étant donné qu'il travaillera prochainement de chez lui. Furieuse, Amy engage un avocat spécialisé dans les divorces, déclarant la guerre entre les deux ex-époux. Pendant ce temps, Maxine, qui s'approche des 60 ans, voit sa famille organiser une grande fête pour célébrer l'événement mais celle-ci est loin d'être enchantée par la nouvelle.

Épisode 14 - Shaken, Not Stirred

8 février 2000

Un cas très difficile est confié à Amy qui doit juger de la culpabilité d'un enfant accusé d'avoir tué accidentellement sa petite soeur en la secouant. Après avoir entendu la mère et l'enfant, Amy n'est pas certaine de la culpabilité de celui-ci et commence à soupçonner quelqu'un d'autre du meurtre du bébé. Par ailleurs, Amy sort pour la première fois avec un père de famille divorcé, rencontré à l'école de Lauren, et découvre que celui-ci est avocat à la cour où elle officie.

Épisode 15 - Culture Clash

15 février 2000

Maxine est confrontée à une famille yéménite ultraconservatrice dont la fille se serait volontairement poignardée après qu'elle a été accusée d'avoir eu des relations sexuelles avant le mariage. Quant à Amy, elle dirige une affaire impliquant une femme qui prétend que son mari est sur le point de kidnapper leur enfant et de l'emmener à l'étranger.

Épisode 16 - The Wee Hours

22 février 2000

Anxieuse à propos de son divorce, Amy fait des insomnies durant lesquelles elle s'imagine sortir avec un de ses collègues. A la cour, Amy doit décider du sort d'une jeune athlète de 14 ans dont les parents ont des différends à propos de son éducation. Maxine, elle, s'occupe d'un jeune garçon dont les crises de somnambulismes sont le prétexte pour sa famille pour le maltraiter.

Épisode 17 - Drawing the Line

29 février 2000

Une mère est suspectée de maltraitance sur son enfant mais, quand celle-ci présente un retard mental, Amy doit décider si elle est apte ou non à élever son bébé sans mettre sa vie en danger.

Épisode 18 - Human Touch

21 mars 2000

Deux hommes se disputent la garde d'une petite fille dont la mère vient de mourir. Le père biologique de l'enfant, atteint de TOC, réclame sa garde bien que sa malade l'handicape au quotidien, tandis que le beau-père rappelle qu'il l'a élevée depuis toute petite.

Épisode 19 - The Out-of-Towners

18 avril 2000

Amy et Bruce, son assistant, vont à la rencontre d'un garçon de 12 ans atteint d'hyperactivité et dont la mère, une ancienne toxicomane, souhaite récupérer la garde. Maxine accepte l'invitation à dîner d'un homme assez excentrique, mais leur soirée ne se passe comme elle l'aurait voulu.

Épisode 20 - The God Thing

2 mai 2000

Après avoir survécu au cancer, une collègue d'Amy fait son retour au bureau avec une nouvelle spiritualité, ce qui sème le doute auprès d'Amy sur sa propre foi. Elle est chargée du cas de deux adolescents accusés de posséder de la drogue du violeur.

Épisode 21 - Gray vs. Gray

9 mai 2000

La relation entre Amy et sa mère Maxine est mise à l'épreuve lorsqu'elles se retrouvent à travailler sur le même cas mais chacune pour le camp opposé. Forcée de choisir entre la volonté d'exercer son métier comme il se doit et son amour pour sa mère, Amy en vient à se disputer avec sa mère qui, elle, campe sur ses positions.

Épisode 22 - Not With a Whimper

16 mai 2000

Le divorce entre Amy et Michael est enfin prononcé. Les deux ex-époux dînent une dernière fois ensemble. Maxine se cogne violemment la tête, ce qui lui provoque des pertes de mémoire. Celle-ci s'inquiète d'être atteinte par la maladie d'Alzheimer.

Épisode 23 - Blast From the Past

23 mai 2000

La vie d'Amy est menacée lorsque après avoir donné la garde de deux enfants à leur mère, leur père menace de faire exploser le tribunal. Quand Vincent apprend l'horrible nouvelle, il se rue sur les lieux et découvre que l'homme responsable de la situation n'est autre que copain de lycée, Russel. Il va tout faire l'empêcher de nuire à sa soeur et aux autres personnes présentes...

Épisode 1 - Zero Tolerance

10 octobre 2000

La famille Gray est bouleversée par un récent évènement qui a failli coûter la vie à Vincent qui est depuis à l'hôpital. Par ailleurs, Amy fait l'objet d'une enquête devant déterminer si oui ou non elle a entretenu une relation avec son collègue Bruce Van Exel.

Épisode 2 - You're Not the Boss of Me

24 octobre 2000

L'enquête en cours sur Amy, concernant sa prétendue relation avec Bruce, prend fin lorsque Donna révèle des éléments prouvant que ces accusations étaient fausses. Par ailleurs Maxine doit enquêter sur une affaire d'attouchements sur mineurs impliquant de jeunes enfants.

Épisode 3 - Instincts

31 octobre 2000

Des tensions raciales naissent au tribunal d'Amy lorsque celle-ci doit décider du sort d'un jeune afro-américain accusé d'avoir tué son camarade de classe blanc de 14 ans.

Épisode 4 - Convictions

14 novembre 2000

Quand Amy se sent humiliée par un ténor du barreau, Bruce lui donne des conseils pour résoudre la situation. Mais ces conseils n'apaisent pas vraiment Amy. Maxine tente de renouer avec une voisine qui a récemment perdu son mari et Vincent a des ennuis avec son patron.

Épisode 5 - Unnecessary Roughness

21 novembre 2000

Amy doit accepter le fait que Lauren est incapable d'intégrer une école de cours particuliers pour surdoués. Elle doit de plus juger un jeune garçon ayant intentionnellement blessé un camarade. Pendant ce temps, Maxine est obligée de prendre des cours pour contrôler sa colère après avoir attrapé le responsable du vandalisme de sa maison.

Épisode 6 - The Burden of Perspective

28 novembre 2000

Maxine et Amy font face à des problèmes de coeur : Jared refait surface dans la vie de Maxine tandis qu'Amy a du mal à accepter le fait que son ex-époux se remarie. Au tribunal, un ancien alcoolique tente d'obtenir la garde de son enfant.

Épisode 7 - Dog Days

5 décembre 2000

Amy doit juger une affaire où une jeune fille poursuit ses parents en justice de peur que sa petite soeur soit forcée d'adhérer à leur culte. Mais le dossier ne comporte pas assez de preuves. Par ailleurs, Maxine dissimule la vérité afin de protéger une adolescente ayant assassiné son père qui abusait d'elle.

Épisode 8 - Waterworld

19 décembre 2000

Donna décide d'accoucher dans le salon de la famille Gray tandis que Vincent et sa petite amie prévoient de passer Noël loin des leurs. Maxine doit s'occuper d'une adolescente qui ne va plus à l'école à cause de son obésité.

Épisode 9 - The Undertow

9 janvier 2001

Maxine veut ouvrir un centre pour des personnes victimes d'abus durant l'enfance. Jared réapparaît dans sa vie en investissant de l'argent dans son projet. Amy s'occupe d'un cas où une fille est accusée par les autorités d'être possédée par des démons tandis que Donna tombe en dépression lorsque son époux lui avoue qu'il est coupable d'un meurtre.

Épisode 10 - Adoption Day

16 janvier 2001

Elvie, la mère biologique de Ned, réapparaît alors que Peter et Gilian sont sur le point de l'adopter. Elvie souhaite changer les termes de l'adoption afin de pouvoir voir son fils. Maxine intervient pour protéger sa famille. Vincent écrit un article incriminant le patron d'Amy.

Épisode 11 - The Claw is Our Master

30 janvier 2001

Amy se retrouve au coeur d'un triangle amoureux lorsqu'elle commence à sortir en secret avec Rob, le professeur de karaté de Lauren et hésite à donner une seconde chance à Tom Gillette.

Épisode 12 - 8 1/2 Narrow

6 février 2001

Amy finds herself fending off Nick's advances and agonizes over whether she should tell Lolly; Maxine assists a detective in tracking down an undocumented Cambodian boy's parents; Amy rules on a case involving a teenager who refuses to attend school after the principal discontinues the gay pride club on campus.

Épisode 13 - The Beginning, the End, and the Murky Middle

13 février 2001

Amy fait face à un cas où un jeune garçon ne montre aucun remords après avoir accidentellement tué sa soeur avec le revolver de son père. Amy et Tom décident d'annoncer leur relation à leurs enfants. Evie, la mère biologique de Ned réapparaît et réclame la garde de son fils, affirmant que le père biologique n'avait pas signé l'accord d'adoption.

Épisode 14 - One For the Road

20 février 2001

Peter et Gillian sont bouleversés lorsqu'ils apprennent qu'ils doivent redonner leur fils adoptif à sa mère biologique. Peter commence à boire et est arrêté pour conduite en état d'ivresse. Stressée par la situation familiale, Maxine se montre agressive envers son supérieur. Amy doit décider de l'avenir du bébé d'une femme enceinte après avoir appris que cette dernière est au centre d'une enquête concernant la disparition de son premier enfant.

Épisode 15 - The Treachery of Compromise

27 février 2001

Amy se voit offrir l'opportunité de travailler en cour d'appel à la condition qu'elle compromette ses principes dans un cas impliquant deux femmes désireuses de voir leurs noms respectifs sur l'acte de naissance de leur bébé.

Épisode 16 - Everybody Falls Down

20 mars 2001

Amy juge un cas impliquant un couple ayant maltraité leurs filles. Elle doit décider de la possible suppression de leurs droits parentaux.

Épisode 17 - Romeo and Juliet Must Die--Well, Maybe Just Juliet

10 avril 2001

Amy s'occupe d'un cas impliquant un garçon accusé de meurtre après avoir incité sa petite amie à se suicider. Elle craint que l'adolescent instable ne porte atteinte à sa propre vie s'il est condamné. Maxine prend part dans un cas où un jeune garçon est victime de négligence, elle tente donc de le placer chez son grand-père.

Épisode 18 - The Unforgiven

24 avril 2001

Maxine envisage de mettre un terme à sa relation avec Jared. Vincent démissionne pour se concentrer sur son nouveau roman tandis qu'Amy ne sait si elle doit ou non refuser que des grands-parents voient leurs petits-enfants. En effet une femme refuse que son père ait un droit de visite sur sa fille, à cause de douloureux souvenirs d'enfance.

Épisode 19 - Between the Wanting and the Getting

1 mai 2001

Maxine est informée qu'un prédateur sexuel travaille en tant que professeur de musique au sein d'une école primaire. Ayant déjà eu affaire à lui, et pour éviter qu'il ne fasse du mal aux enfants, elle se saisit rapidement du cas. Amy se retrouve sur un cas impliquant un petit garçon de huit ans faisant face à une crise d'identité. Ayant choisi de porter des vêtements de fille à l'école, il est malmené par ses camarades. Par ailleurs Amy est mal à l'aise quand Rob l'embrasse en public, devant l'un de ses collègues.

Épisode 20 - Grounded

8 mai 2001

Maxine doit rester travailler pour montrer à un groupe de jeunes délinquants la dure réalité de la violence au sein des gangs. Elle craint le pire lorsque l'avion de Jared disparaît en vol. Evie réapparaît dans la vie de Peter et Gillian lorsqu'elle se rend compte qu'elle ne peut assumer les responsabilités d'une mère. Elle décide de leur rendre Ned. Amy s'évanouit sur son lieu de travail, victime d'une sévère grippe.

Épisode 21 - Redheaded Stepchild

15 mai 2001

Un garçon de douze ans avoue avoir violé sa petite soeur. Maxine le soupçonne d'avoir lui aussi été victime d'abus sexuel. Elle pense que le beau-père est responsable mais est choquée d'apprendre qu'il s'agit d'un autre membre de la famille. Amy fait une apparition dans une émission politique où l'un des invités s'acharne à la rabaisser. Carole tente de convaincre Vincent d'avouer à sa famille leur intention de déménager à San Francisco.

Épisode 22 - Hold on Tight

22 mai 2001

Maxine reunites a couple with their kidnapped baby; Vincent is upset when Carole usurps his prerogative to tell his family about their move in his own way and time by blurting out the news over family dinner, while Amy is downright angry at her brother's decision; when she learns that he's been granted an appeal, Donna can't face serving Oscar with divorce papers herself; Amy watches helplessly as a mother whose custody petition she denied takes drastic measures to protest Amy's decision.

Épisode 1 - The Last Word

25 septembre 2001

After pleas from Maxine and Peter, Amy takes the first step in mending fences with Vincent; back in town with a new job working in the prosecutor's office, Stu Collins has a near-fatal heart attack after a verbal altercation with Amy, who is unable to contact any of his friends or family; Maxine tries to help a couple who cannot agree about giving up the special needs child they adopted, but is unable to avert the tragic outcome of their dilemma; the teenage son of a mobster appears in Amy's court for setting a fire which destroyed a store and maimed an employee after an argument with the store's owner; on the road to recovery, Stu confesses to Amy that he's had a crush on her for years; Amy and Bruce test the boundaries of their relationship.

Épisode 2 - Off the Grid

2 octobre 2001

Vincent and Amy are frantic when Maxine disappears; Carole ignores a lump on her breast; Amy suspects a lawyer of exploiting starving children and also hears the case of two kids who attack a Live the Lord club and try to excuse it by saying that the club should not be meeting on school grounds.

Épisode 3 - Darkness For Light

9 octobre 2001

Amy must decide the appropriate punishments for a high school gang leader who tortured an undercover police officer, and for a teenage girl who perpetrated day-trading fraud; Maxine helps an abused little girl at Sanctuary House locate her long-lost dog; Donna goes to annoying extremes to make Vincent's novel a success; Sean tries to get Maxine to spend more time at D.C.F. and less at Sanctuary House; before he sets off on a pilgrimage, Stuart does his best to seduce Amy.

Épisode 4 - The Right Thing To Do

16 octobre 2001

Amy must rule on the fate of conjoined twins; Jared proposes to Maxine before taking a job in China; Carole tries to push Vincent away after she learns the lump on her breast is malignant.

Épisode 5 - Look Closer

23 octobre 2001

Amy hears the case of two teenagers accused of causing the suicide of a classmate by deliberately posting lies about her sexual activity on their web site. The long arm of politics reaches out to Maxine and exacts a heavy penalty for her tirade against the lieutenant governor. Amy gives her support to Bruce's Gun 101 program. Vincent returns from his weekend trip and tells Donna that he and Carole flew to Las Vegas and eloped. Carole has already moved on to San Francisco, where Vincent will join her in a few days to be with her during her cancer surgery. Unaware that he hasn't mentioned any of this to his family, Donna lets the news slip to Amy. Amy tries, but fails, to reconcile with her brother. Maxine urges Vincent not to turn away from the love and support that his family is offering which will help him get through this crisis. She tells Amy and Vincent to knock it off and end whatever disagreement is causing them to be estranged from each other.

Épisode 6 - The Unbearable Lightness of Being Family

30 octobre 2001

Amy must decide whether to modify a custody agreement and allow a woman to take her daughter to Paris for two years against the wishes of the girl's father; back to work at the DCF, Maxine takes on the case of ""Bubble Man"", a homeless man who is about to be arrested for blowing bubbles in the park without a permit, and shows Robert some tricks of the trade to save an abused boy; Bruce works with a mother who is about to lose custody of her son for not meeting the conditions of his probation because she is in denial about the emotional toll her son's disability has taken on her; Maxine brokers a peace settlement and gets Amy and Vincent speaking again by suggesting that Amy review Vincent's contract with the studio that has optioned his novel; Carole's condition worsens unexpectedly, and Vincent leaves hurriedly, amid many tears and in possession of the family's good luck totem, the ""surfing monkey"".

Épisode 7 - Imbroglio

6 novembre 2001

Amy asks Bruce to set her up with his friend, but it doesn't go quite the way she planned; Amy hears cases involving a woman who breastfeeds her 6 year old son and a couple who can't decide whether to send their ""mute"" daughter to therapy; Maxine goes to bat for an unhappy spelling bee champ; Gillian obsesses about getting Ned into an exclusive preschool.

Épisode 8 - Rights of Passage

20 novembre 2001

Donna stumbles as she subs for Bruce as Amy's C.S.O. while he attempts to convince the probation officer of a teenager that Amy assigned to a diversionary program to keep the boy out of prison after a fight with members of his former gang; Maxine's nephew Kyle comes back into the family fold, much to Amy's displeasure; Amy must decide whether to commit a young boy who stole a rifle and slaughtered a yak as part of a coming-of-age ritual to a locked psychiatric facility, or turn him over to the sentencing circle of his Native American tribe; Kyle's medical knowledge helps Maxine solve the mystery of why five boys from an exemplary foster home have severe abrasions on their arms.

Épisode 9 - Surprised by Gravity

27 novembre 2001

Amy feels responsible when three teenagers she sentenced to community service are killed by a drunken driver during their work detail, until Kyle gives her a new perspective on the situation; Maxine assists Shelly Tran in her investigation when the skeleton of a baby is unearthed in the backyard of a home owned by three elderly sisters; Kyle tries to adjust to working at Giggle Burger and living at Maxine's house; Amy must decide whether to allow an adventuresome couple to retain custody of the toddler they include in their extreme sporting activities.

Épisode 10 - Beating the Bounds

11 décembre 2001

Lauren asks if ""cheating"" was the reason her parents divorced; Bruce warns Amy that she's being set up after Judge Keeler asks to observe her in court; Maxine enlists Kyle's extreme sports expertise in supporting a teenager with low self-esteem; Amy presides over the sentencing hearing of a teenaged girl who assaulted three gang members with a baseball bat; a police officer asks Amy to officiate at her divorce ceremony; Bruce and Amy iron out some communication issues; Kyle and Amy finally have it out over the incident in the past that caused the rift in their relationship; Amy hears the case of teenager who wants to be emancipated so that he can contest his stepmother's decision to keep his comatose father on life support.

Épisode 11 - Crime and Puzzlement

18 décembre 2001

At the request of Vincent's editor, Amy picks up where her brother left off in his investigation of Judge Keeler; Kyle gets off to a rocky start in his new job as a counselor at Teen Harbor; Maxine helps a mother suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder retain custody of her children; Bruce meets an attractive young mother when he tries to set up a play date for Rebecca; Amy's sentencing a teenager guilty of multiple counts of disturbing the peace to listen to thirty hours of Broadway show tunes under Donna's supervision backfires loudly; Judge Keeler retaliates by setting Amy up for impeachment when she refuses his intimidation to drop her investigation.

Épisode 12 - Who Shot Dick?

8 janvier 2002

After her brother Richard arrives in town looking for his son, Maxine initially refuses to put him in touch with Kyle, but later relents; in the process of helping Donna with her estate planning, Peter and Gillian agree to become Ariadne's guardian should something happen to Donna; as Maxine quarrels with Richard about the event that caused them not to speak for twelve years, it becomes apparent that Maxine blames her brother for Edward's early death; Bruce and Andrea hit it off during a play date for their daughters, and later go out on a date; Kyle refuses his father's offer to bail him out of his troubles; Maxine works to help a father regain visitation rights to his teenaged son; Kyle and Amy continue their discussion about the events that caused a rift in their relationship and find that they share responsibility and guilt for the events of that night; a young surrogate mother pregnant with twins who has no interest in keeping the babies comes before Amy in the middle of a custody

Épisode 13 - The Cook of the Money Pot

15 janvier 2002

Amy hears the case of a disturbed teenager who successfully impersonated a police officer at a high school for several months, carrying a loaded gun, and who was only discovered after being arrested for severely beating a student he suspected of being a drug dealer; while Maxine is deciding whether a mother who is being released from prison for killing one of her children should be returned to her family, Kyle helps her uncover some medical information that may give credence to the woman's claim of innocence; Kyle and Brian have a run-in over Kyle's way with Teen Harbor's clients, and Kyle learns an expensive lesson about street kids; as Amy is about to rule in the matter of two teenagers accused of stealing a stop sign and contributing to an accident which seriously injured a man and left him in a coma, she receives word in open court that the man has died, prompting a startling admission from one of the accused; after Lauren walks in on Kyle having sex, Gillian volunteers to help hi

Épisode 14 - The Extinction of the Dinosaurs

22 janvier 2002

Barry invites Amy to a business dinner, where her outspokenness almost gets the better of her and the budding relationship with Barry; with Kyle's help, Maxine searches the streets for a runaway gay teen, and she later agrees to let him stay at her house until she finds him another foster home placement; Amy must decide if a teenager who wrote a play about killing bullies, joked about school shootings, and considers the Holocaust a warning to the ruling classes, presents a threat to society; Maxine's already strained patience with the way Brian is running Teen Harbor snaps when she witnesses a drug deal there, and she orders it closed, incurring Kyle's wrath; as Bruce prepares a recommendation for Amy on whether a woman whose alcoholism caused her to lose custody of her children should be reunited with them, he isn't entirely convinced that she has stopped drinking and decides to do a little surveillance, bringing along Andrea to keep him company.

Épisode 15 - Can They Do That With Vegetables?

5 février 2002

Maxine reluctantly allows Eric to stay at her house when she's unable to find him the right placement; Amy makes a second date with Barry; Kyle helps a former drug addict who goes to extremes to find an apartment; Amy hears the case of a teen who is suing a tobacco company for causing his emphysema; Gillian's effort to expand her knowledge of black culture doesn't go so well.

Épisode 16 - Woman in Cacti With a Curled Up Rat

26 février 2002

Amy presides over a sad custody dispute in which neither parent wants a troubled teenager; Bruce sets down some ground rules with Andrea about their relationship; Amy is frustrated, bewildered, and angry when Barry fails to get in touch with her after their last date; Maxine and Kyle use their respective charms to find the administrator and the funding that will enable them to reopen Teen Harbor; Gillian's attempt to interest her painting teacher in Amy backfires, causing Peter to resort to Neanderthal behavior; Amy battles with Michael over the scope and expense of the upcoming birthday party he's hosting for Lauren.

Épisode 17 - Not Stumbling, But Dancing

5 mars 2002

Amy's suspicion that a little ""pretty girl voodoo"" is behind the case of a teenager who beat up the abusive ex-boyfriend of a girl on whom he had a crush is confirmed when prosecutor Jonathan Ashworth does a little digging and helps Amy serve up justice to all parties; when a confused and frightened teenager barricades himself with his siblings in their house and begins shooting at the police, Maxine risks her life to persuade him to put down his rifle and come with her to visit his hospitalized mother; a pregnant woman flees the jurisdiction to avoid losing custody of her baby to D.C.F. after Amy determines that she has done nothing to change the conditions under which she lost custody of her son two years earlier; Lauren's assignment for her life skills class, to prepare dinner for the family by herself, results in a creative dish inspired by a well-known trio not usually associated with the culinary arts.

Épisode 18 - The Justice League of America

26 mars 2002

When a teenager whom neither parent wanted and Amy placed in a locked facility escapes and comes into D.C.F. with bruises she says were caused by abuse at the facility, Maxine's decision to have her returned to the facility leads to tragedy; Amy attends the tenth reunion of her Harvard Law School class and is disheartened by how petty, mean-spirited, and sleazy her former law school best friends have become, until Barry shows up unexpectedly as her white knight and saves the day; Michael makes it obvious that he is still attracted to Amy, and expresses regret over their divorce and his marriage to Leisha; Maxine scoffs when Sean has all the files computerized, but changes her tune when he swiftly downloads information which helps them identify and locate a suicidal teenager.

Épisode 19 - Men Aren't Monsters

2 avril 2002

The Gray house is completely ransacked by vandals who appear to have targeted the house after receiving an adverse judgment in Amy's courtroom, and it takes all of Amy's persuasiveness to convince herself and her daughter that they are safe; after Joe McKenzie takes over at Teen Harbor, Kyle disagrees with his strict approach but they settle their differences after Joe sees how Kyle uses his training to treat an epileptic teenager; Maxine enlists Sean's help in her own investigation into Pamela Taylor's death at Buckley Hills; Amy hears the case of parents accused of abuse for transferring their son to a new school every year to get him more easily noticed by the scouts who can recommend him for a college basketball scholarship; Maxine finally finds the perfect foster father for Eric right under her very nose, although it takes a little convincing for both the adult and the teenager to see the wisdom of her choice; against his better judgment, Bruce spends the night at Andrea's house,

Épisode 20 - The Bottle Show

9 avril 2002

Maxine is saddened when Jared fails to call her upon his return from China, so Sean arranges a casino night fund raiser to cheer her up; a born-again teenager charges her mother with parental neglect for working as a stripper, and Amy must decide whether to place the girl in foster care; Donna confronts Kyle after she finds a syringe and morphine in his room drawers and is relieved to hear that he keeps it as a reminder that he is capable of making the choice to stay clean every day; after his daughter tells him about her ill-timed encounter with Bruce, David Solomon files a complaint against Andrea, who immediately ends her relationship with Bruce for fear of losing custody; responding to a message from Bruce attempting to explain the situation, Solomon shows up at the courthouse and threatens, taunts and insults Bruce, who is arrested and jailed after he knocks Solomon to the ground with a punch.

Épisode 21 - Tidal Wave

23 avril 2002

Maxine works more tirelessly than ever on the Pamela Taylor investigation as she assists an attorney in finding other abused teens who are willing to join in the Taylors' class action suit against Buckley Hills; when a social worker in a child abuse case appears in her courtroom with an attitude, and without any of the periodic reports she was ordered to file with the court, Amy cites her for contempt and has her arrested when she discovers that the social worker is unaware of the child's present whereabouts; later that evening at the dinner table, Maxine takes vociferous objection to Amy's ruling and accuses her of displacing her fears and frustration about Maxine's health onto a good social worker who is overworked and overwhelmed; realizing that her mother is right, Amy has the social worker released from jail; when Donna discovers how much Kyle regrets not completing his medical training, she prods him into resuming his studies; Amy presides at the sentencing hearing for two young

Épisode 22 - Boston Terriers From France

7 mai 2002

Amy turns into a henpecking daughter upon Maxine's return from the hospital, forcing her mother to suffer through a healthier diet and a walking group for seniors; after Maxine questions the wisdom of living with Amy, they agree it would be best for Amy to move out; Amy's worried that Bruce is planning to enter a guilty plea on his assault charge; Kyle is forced to tell a runaway that she's dying; Amy hears the case of a high school student who hides her baby in a storage room during class.

Épisode 23 - Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition

14 mai 2002

Amy, Maxine and Lauren have trouble adjusting to their new living arrangements; Vincent returns for a visit to smooth over the waters between his mother and sister and persuade them to live together again; after Lauren tearfully calls Michael about the move, he suggests to Amy that Lauren come to live with him; Amy presides over a custody dispute involving a father who refuses to take a paternity test; Donna dates one of Amy's law school classmates; Amy ends her relationship with Barry.

Épisode 24 - Come Back Soon

21 mai 2002

Although Amy tries to make the best of it, she and Lauren are still miserable in their small apartment; unable to avoid running into Jared and his date at the diner while looking and feeling her worst, Maxine gives him the cold shoulder, but Jared remains undeterred in his affection for her and finally gets her to accept an engagement ring; Michael sues for full legal custody of Lauren; just as Amy is prepared to ask her mother if she can move back in, she discovers that Maxine has puts her house up for sale; Bruce pleads no contest on his assault charge and receives a suspended sentence; Amy hears a case of a woman who locked her children in the trunk of her car because she had no one to care for them while she was at work; Maxine ends her medical leave after her dentist asks her to investigate the possible abuse of a teenaged patient; Bruce is fired and the dreaded Ian Jankowski is promoted to C.S.O. and assigned to Amy's courtroom.

Épisode 1 - Lost in the System

1 octobre 2002

Amy and Michael agree to work out Lauren's custody with a mediator; Maxine and Kimberly clash over a child lost in the system; Jared returns from China to get an answer from Maxine; Lauren fears that their apartment is haunted and Amy begins to agree with her; appearing before Amy in court as the caseworker for a teenaged mother, Maxine gives an impassioned plea which provides Amy with food for thought about not only the girl, but Amy's relationships with Maxine and Lauren; Bruce runs into Amy and spurns her offer of friendship, but later relents most emphatically.

Épisode 2 - Thursday's Child

8 octobre 2002

Amy's discovers that the man the police have in custody may not be her stalker after all; Maxine refuses to give up on a client who may be the victim of police brutality; after Bruce denies having romantic feelings for Amy and they agree that confusion and alcohol led to their embrace, they decide to be friends who don't kiss; Kyle applies for a residency and is confronted by his sponsor for not working his program; a persistent attorney paves the way for Bruce to regain his court position; Amy must decide if a retarded teenager is competent to make her own reproductive choices.

Épisode 3 - Every Stranger's Face I See

15 octobre 2002

As Amy decides the fate of a ten year old boy who was kidnapped by his adoptive parents when they lost custody to his birth mother, she finds an answer to some of her own family's pressing concerns; Bruce is back at work as Amy's C.S.O. and is completing his community service at a soup kitchen; Amy gets the silent treatment from Lauren when she won't let her become a cheerleader, but both sides are forced to relent when Gillian unwittingly spills the beans about her own and Amy's cheerleading pasts; Maxine's refusal to sell her house to buyers she doesn't like leaves Peter feeling angry and unappreciated, so she hatches a plan that heals both him and a badly abused client; at the behest of his sponsor, Kyle applies to every residency program in the area, and Amy agrees to write him a letter of recommendation; Maxine finally finds the perfect buyer for her house.

Épisode 4 - The Frozen Zone

22 octobre 2002

Amy presides over the custody hearing of a boy whose mother died in the collapse of the World Trade Center; an old friend offers Kyle a job with a pharmaceutical company, and Maxine counteroffers with the job of heading the Center; Amy relandscapes her new home and accidently throws out Ethel, the antique heirloom rosebush Maxine's grandmother brought over from Ireland in 1889; after initially spurning her offer, Bruce agrees to speak at Zola's press conference for convicted felons; and Maxine helps Sean over some rough spots as Eric's foster father.

Épisode 5 - Cause For Alarm

29 octobre 2002

Amy must decide whether a teenager is responsible for the death of an infant she was babysitting; Maxine investigates an abuse case at the home of a disabled veteran and his adopted granddaughter; Kyle is torn between keeping his lucrative job as a pharmaceutical rep or accepting a residency at a low-ranked hospital; Amy has an alarm system installed in the house as her stalker escalates his harassment; Maxine and Peter are at odds after Maxine attributes Peter's promotion within the ranks of a Revolutionary War reenactment group to the publicity surrounding her engagement to Jared.

Épisode 6 - Roses and Truth

5 novembre 2002

Amy must decide if a student raped his teacher or was seduced by her; Kyle is unhappy about his nonmedical duties at St. Michael's; Maxine tries to locate the mother of an abandoned newborn; after Jason menaces Amy while she's driving Lauren and Eric home, Bruce suggests getting a restraining order; fearing the worst about her health, Gillian gets the diagnosis she's dreamed of for years.

Épisode 7 - Damage Control

12 novembre 2002

Amy hears the case of a young boy charged with obstruction of justice for not revealing the name of the man who took pornographic pictures of him; Maxine contends with a woman who allows her abusive husband to violate a restraining order; Peter and Charles negotiate a prenuptial agreement for their parents; Jason Lobdel eludes Amy's police protection as he continues to stalk her; everyone walks on eggshells as Gillian suffers through ugly hormonal mood swings; Jared gives Maxine the diner; Amy's plan to censure an attorney backfires.

Épisode 8 - A Pretty Good Day

19 novembre 2002

Amy's ruling in the case of a teenager who called in a bomb scare to avoid a test is complicated by the arrival of an I.N.S. agent who's ready to deport the boy to Afghanistan, and almost certain death, if he's found guilty; Eric saves Lauren from being kidnapped by Jason; Gillian's raging hormones leave Peter exhausted as she goes into overdrive about the plans for Maxine's wedding; Kimberly blackmails Sean into getting her job back in exchange for helping Maxine find an endangered teenager who's aged out of the system; Kyle defies hospital protocol to give a dying woman her last wish; Eric ends Jason's stalking with tragic finality.

Épisode 9 - Boys to Men

26 novembre 2002

Maxine and Jared move up their wedding date, to the consternation of their children; Peter's plans for a classy bachelor party go awry, but the men manage to have a good time at a less highbrow establishment as they convince a greatly under-the-influence Bruce to call Zola and ask her for a date; Maxine's hen party is much more sedate, but Maxine manages to work out an escape plan nonetheless; Amy presides over a hearing to determine if four teenage boys accused of drugging and raping a teenage girl should be tried as adults; after Charles announces that he's quit his job, Jared is forced to return to China and reschedule the wedding, and Amy lets Charles know that it's not in his best interest to interfere with Maxine's happiness; Maxine's efforts to keep Eric's case in juvenile court are successful.

Épisode 10 - People of the Lie

10 décembre 2002

Amy must decide if a little girl in the middle of a bitter custody dispute is being molested by her father; doing research for a paper, Donna shadows Maxine during a day in which she deals with the neglected children of a severely depressed mother who refuses treatment; Kyle receives an unwelcome visit from his mother and sister; after employing a private investigator to follow Amy for over a year, Michael sues for full custody of Lauren; the decorator that Amy hires to redo the kitchen disparages Maxine's taste.

Épisode 11 - Lost and Found

17 décembre 2002

Maxine incurs the wrath of the mothers in Lauren's carpool; Amy fears her parenting skills will be called into question when a family-relations officer visits her home as part of Michael's custody suit; Kyle and Lily try to locate a man Lily misdiagnosed and prematurely released from the hospital; Maxine feels Sean's new relationship with a new foster mother is inappropriate; substituting in probate court, Amy rules on whether a mother can have her son declared legally dead despite the father's hope that the boy, who disappeared four years earlier, is still alive.

Épisode 12 - Ye Olde Freedom Inn

7 janvier 2003

After Amy accidently sets on fire the homework that Lauren has spent hours painstakingly hand-calligraphing, she agrees to make it up to her by spending the weekend role-playing at an 18th century inn and inviting Maxine to join them. The going is rougher than she anticipated when they are assigned the roles of kitchen servants. Over a late night fireside heart-to-heart chat, Maxine and Amy share their dislike of change and inability to reconcile conflicting emotions about their place in the world. Bruce pursues Zola after meeting, and being completely unimpressed by, her boyfriend. Kyle treats a 14 year old girl who delivered a baby in a high school bathroom, and cannot get through to the girl's mother, who is unwilling to accept her responsibilites as a parent. Gillian gets an unexpected job offer after spending a long day waiting to interview a new pediatrician. Amy must revoke a custody order after a father reverts to his former abusive ways.

Épisode 13 - The Best Interests of the Child

21 janvier 2003

Amy and Michael face off in court, and the resolution of their custody battle reveals yet another unsavory aspect of Michael's character; Kyle counsels a mother who struggles over a DNR order for her critically ill son; after Amy and Sean each confront her about Eric, Maxine visits him in jail to hear his story of the night Jason died.

Épisode 14 - Wild Card

4 février 2003

Maxine and Sean battle a sleazy attorney with a penchant for blackmail when they attempt to remove a child from her negligent parents; Amy presides over the case of a deadbeat dad who is willing to go to extreme measures to avoid paying child support when he learns that his son's paternity may be at issue; Maxine is ""filled with existential dread"" at the prospect of the wedding ceremony Gillian is planning for her; Kyle experiences a sleepless night discovering why the parents of a handicapped man who appears to be healthy insist that he be hospitalized overnight.

Épisode 15 - Maxine, Interrupted

11 février 2003

Maxine's reunion with Sally Godwin, her college classmate and former co-worker in the social work trenches, comes under strain after the up-and-coming politician reveals that she's back in town to evaluate Maxine's performance, and they clash over the case of a child with a sexually transmitted disease; a father testifies on behalf of his teenage daughter who appears before Amy for conspiring in his attempted murder; Bruce utilizes Donna's assistance in a creative approach to mediating the divorce of an elderly couple fighting over custody of their pet parrot.

Épisode 16 - Sixteen Going on Seventeen

18 février 2003

Stuart Collins returns from Sri Lanka reincarnated as a criminal defense attorney eager to take on Eric's case and renew his romance with Amy; Peter and Gillian hear unsettling news about the potential health of their unborn child; Maxine and Sean work together to create the best possible placement for a young Sudanese refugee; a father petitions Amy for legal custody of his 14 year old daughter after her mother allows her to drop out of school and pursue a full-time career as a pop star with an over-sexualized and age-inappropriate image.

Épisode 17 - Judging Eric

25 février 2003

Amy, Bruce, Lauren, Sean and Maxine rally around Eric as he goes on trial before an eccentric but wise judge; Maxine takes issue with Eric on a question of ethics about his testimony which colors her reaction to his verdict; after Zola breaks up with her boyfriend, she unsuccessfully resists Bruce's efforts to woo her; Kyle is faced with a medical and ethical dilemma when his patient's routine problem takes an inexplicable and tragic turn; Eric tells Maxine about a new person in his life; Heather and Kyle grow closer.

Épisode 18 - Looking For Quarters

18 mars 2003

Maxine unwittingly provides Amy with the information she needs to decide whether promoters are responsible for the death of a teenager who died from an ecstasy overdose during one of their raves; Maxine and Sean join forces to persuade a couple to take back their former foster child after she's released from work camp; Amy and Maxine disagree about Amy's being overprotective of Lauren; Sean lets Maxine know he's angry about her judgemental attitude toward Eric; after conferring with Martin, Kyle decides to pursue a romance with Heather; Kyle goes off the wagon when he and Heather throw a party to celebrate their successful evaluations; after Lily sees them kissing at the party, she decides not to reveal that a random drug test is being conducted the next day, and Heather is fired; Bruce distances himself from Amy in an effort to convince Zola that there's nothing going on between them.

Épisode 19 - Just Say Oops

1 avril 2003

Maxine tempers her frustrations over her daughter-in-law's outlandish plans for the Gray-Duff nuptuals after Peter tells his mother about Gillian's refusal to face their new baby's condition; Stu's plans for a romantic dinner to celebrate the rekindling of his relationship with Amy are derailed by an obnoxious couple at the next table; Kyle discovers why Lily has been treating him so poorly; after Amy hears the case of a pro-cannabis couple threatened with losing custody of their son after he brings a joint to school, she has a talk with Lauren about drugs; Maxine investigates when a man asserts that his ex-wife has been cheating on the drug tests required as a condition of her retaining custody of their daughter; Amy has conflicting emotions after she reads the Judge Gray tribute page on Donna's blog.

Épisode 20 - Requiem

15 avril 2003

Stu convinces a reluctant Amy to go on an overnight camping trip which ends up bringing them closer together; after planning to wed Jared secretly on the weekend, Maxine is devastated when he has a sudden, fatal heart attack in China and lashes out in her grief to everyone around her, including a rebellious teenaged client; tensions run high in the Gray household when Maxine refuses to allow anyone to comfort her, and Peter and Charles bicker over the funeral arrangements as a way of handling their sorrow; Maxine gathers family and friends at the diner for a moving memorial service.

Épisode 21 - Picture of Perfect

22 avril 2003

Maxine's first day back on the job finds her removing a boy from the custody of his mother, who was one of Maxine's clients for a short time eight years earlier; although Amy is worried about Maxine's bottling up her grief, she becomes unsettled when Kyle tells her that Maxine has been talking to Charles instead of her own children; Kyle does an end-run around Lily to get an indigent patient the reconstructive surgery she desperately needs after an accident; Amy hears the custody case of a teenager whose divorced parents disagree about sending her to a school for overweight children.

Épisode 22 - CSO: Hartford

29 avril 2003

On ""Take Your Daughter to Work Day"", Lauren learns how lucky she is when she spends the afternoon with Maxine, and Rebecca becomes seriously injured after she falls during a seizure; Kyle continues to drink; Stu reassures Amy that she's a permanent part of his life after she fails to make a fabulous first impression during lunch with his opinionated mother; Bruce struggles to get a boy discharged from probation; after begging Lily to rehire Heather, Kyle is shocked when she refuses to return; Heather and Zola let the men in their lives know that they've got romance on their minds.

Épisode 23 - Marry, Marry Quite Contrary

6 mai 2003

Amy must decide if it's in a teenager's best interest to get married; Bruce investigates when he suspects that a teenager's probation violation isn't as innocent as his parole officer claims; Amy struggles with telling Lauren that she's dating Stu; after worrying about Gillian's insistence that the baby's fine, and a girl, Peter decides to let her hold on to her beliefs when he discovers that they're having a boy; Lily considers accepting a job offer in New York; Michael confesses to Amy that he was to blame for their divorce.

Épisode 24 - Shock and Awe

13 mai 2003

A stressed out public defender goes ballistic in Amy's courtroom; Maxine tries to figure out why a woman who lost her son wants to give up her foster child; Kyle tells Lily how he feels, but it doesn't go as he hoped; Amy is confused about whether or not Stu actually proposed marriage; Gillian goes into labor with unexpected and seemingly tragic results.

Épisode 1 - Motion Sickness

23 septembre 2003

When Amy is transferred to criminal court, Bruce stays behind in juvenile court, and she inherits Spencer, an insolent clerk; Lauren has an extremely unhappy first day at junior high, but things brighten up on day two when, much to her mother's dismay, she finds a boyfriend who is a year older; after accepting Stuart's proposal, Amy begins to have nightmares about the wedding; recently unemployed as a result of budget cuts, Donna helps Peter care for his sons while Gillian languishes in a coma; Ellen, D.C.F.'s newest employee, uses her experience as a former foster child to help Maxine deal with a teenager who's run away from her foster home; fed up with his impudence and disloyalty, Amy fires Spencer and hires Donna, who's recently graduated from law school; Amy's predecessor in the criminal division threatens her with retribution after she considers overturning his decision to suppress evidence in a capital murder case; Gillian finally emerges from her coma.

Épisode 2 - Going Down

30 septembre 2003

After she's released from the hospital with a clean bill of health, Gillian reveals that she had a near-death experience during Walt's delivery, but can't seem to find anyone who believes her; when Amy claims that she has no time to organize the wedding, Stu volunteers to make all the arrangements; tragedy occurs when Maxine's pleas to the police to publicize the disappearance of a foster child fall on deaf ears; it's apparent that there's no love lost between Stu and David when they end up at the same cocktail party; Kyle and Lily have an intense encounter in a hospital elevator; Amy's frustration with the difference between the criminal and juvenile court systems increases as the Hawkins trial concludes; Kyle is unsuccessful in his attempt to get Lily to change her mind about moving to New York.

Épisode 3 - Ex Parte of Five

7 octobre 2003

Maxine criticizes Amy's ruling that an emotionally-fragile girl is competent to serve as a witness in her mother's murder trial. Kyle, who doesn't know how he himself made it safely home after a night of heavy drinking, has to give medical treatment to a drunken driver who killed one of his hospital co-workers on the road. Lauren receives a poor grade in math and blames it on the teacher.

Épisode 4 - Tricks of the Trade

14 octobre 2003

Amy presides over the case of a prominent athletic star accused of rape. Maxine, feeling the pressure to find a new place to live, considers selling the diner. Kyle tries to locate a kidney for a young patient who needs a transplant. Stu and Amy still can't come to terms on where to go for their honeymoon, with their wedding only a month away.

Épisode 5 - The Wrong Man

21 octobre 2003

Still grieving over the loss of Jared, Maxine finds it difficult to listen to Amy and Stu plan their wedding; Bruce is less than thrilled working for Judge Bell; Gillian is sad and irritable that she's having difficulty bonding to Walt, and can't seem to talk to Peter about what's troubling her; Kyle feels betrayed when Lily makes her decision about the new attending physician; Amy teaches Lauren and her friends a harsh lesson about popularity, friendship, and the cruelty of cliques; after Zola seeks Amy's help in reaching out to Bruce, he confesses that her role in the Jason Darby case may have put an end to their relationship; Kyle is put in legal jeopardy when he saves the life of a man injured in a bar fight; Maxine overcomes her initial skepticism about the latest claims coming from a young boy known for filing false complaints against the men in his mother's life, and discovers that this latest accusation may have merit, much to the dismay of the boy's mother, who doesn't wa

Épisode 6 - Into the Fire

28 octobre 2003 - 5/5

In court for the sentencing phase of a capital murder trial, Amy must decide whether to stop the proceedings when one of the lawyers makes inappropriate remarks in the course of his closing argument. In a private dinner with Lauren, Stu reveals a hitherto hidden fear of children. Kyle feels awkward on meeting his new boss, who he discovers he already knows from an AA meeting.

Épisode 7 - Kilt Trip

4 novembre 2003

Forced to substitute for an ailing colleague just two days before her wedding, Amy presides over a felony murder case involving a 14 year old boy and makes a controversial decision to overturn the jury's verdict; Stu's groomsmen are less than thrilled when they realize that they'll be wearing kilts instead of tuxes at the wedding; Kyle hatches a plan to surprise the rest of the family with Vincent's presence at the wedding, and gets a surprise himself when he walks in on Vincent and Heather making out; Amy forgets to get a sub as the judge on call, and ends up signing one warrant after another for David; Maxine's search for an apartment goes poorly, and the attempts of a co-worker and Stu's mother to be helpful only make things worse; Amy's pre-wedding jitters turn into a full scale panic attack as the ceremony begins; realizing that she doesn't want to marry Stu, she calls the wedding off; later that evening, Vincent tells Amy that Carole has left him for her oncologist.

Épisode 8 - The Long Goodbye

11 novembre 2003

Back in Hartford after a few days in Maui to collect herself, Amy is faced with returning a room full of wedding presents, dealing with friends and family who can't resist commenting on her train wreck of a life, and trying to reach an ex-fiance who refuses to speak with her; a reluctant Kyle, saddled with the job of firing one of the nurses, ends up being threatened with a lawsuit after bungling the job; realizing that her recent career change is a bad fit, Amy returns to juvenile court and presides over the case of feuding teenagers who have been spurred on by their mothers; Maxine is at a loss in dealing with a teenager who is angry about being removed from an abusive foster home; Donna inadvertently keeps interrupting Bruce's attempts to explain why he missed Amy's wedding.

Épisode 9 - Rumspringa

25 novembre 2003

Maxine confronts the D.C.F. commissioner over his budget cuts when she discovers that young girls in the foster care system are being moved from group homes into a locked psychiatric facility to save money that is evidently being redirected towards decoratating the commissioner's office; when Todd is about to be fired for bucking hospital protocol in an effort to save a young boy's hand, Kyle stands up for him despite their ongoing conflicts; after an Amish teenager becomes pregnant during rumspringa and decides to return to her community with her daughter, the child's father countersues for sole custody, and Amy must make the incredibly difficult choice between having the mother be shunned by her family and the father never seeing his child again; fearing that Maxine is spinning so out of control that his job is in jeopardy, Sean cuts back her hours and strongly urges her to see a therapist; concerned about the effect that peer pressure at her public school is having on Lauren, Amy go

Épisode 10 - Sex and the Single Mother

16 décembre 2003

Amy presides over the custody case of a young boy whose mother thinks he is being harmed by the Neanderthal on-air posturings of his shock-jock father; Maxine discovers that becoming a therapist in lieu of becoming a patient doesn't work out for anyone involved; Kyle mends his fences with Heather and helps her bring some solace to her dying father; Gillian begins to doubt her feelings for Peter as she strikes up a friendship with the father of one of Ned's playmates; Amy becomes flustered when David doesn't seem to be interested in a relationship, and makes a fool of herself in confronting him with a complete misinterpretation of his reasons.

Épisode 11 - Christenings

6 janvier 2004

The rift between Peter and Gillian widens at Walt's christening; Maxine overcomes her resistance and resumes therapy; when a tree that's been neglected crashes through Amy's kitchen window, she mistakenly calls in a landscape designer who reveals a keen insight into the state of both Maxine's garden and her soul; a young girl appears in Amy's court charged with reckless endangerment for running a pro-anorexia web site; Maxine is disturbed when the frustrated mother of a boy with a chronic neurological disorder turns from conventional medical care to a dubious faith healer in an effort to help her son; Amy is mortified when an upheaval during her sushi dinner date with David ruins both the evening and David's new and very expensive shoes.

Épisode 12 - Dancing in the Dark

13 janvier 2004

Maxine takes a chance in placing a young boy about to be released from juvenile detention back with his formerly negligent mother; Amy substitutes for another judge in criminal court and soon realizes that she has a prior relationship with each of the attorneys in the arson case she's been assigned; Kyle and Heather give their relationship another try; Amy buys David a new pair of shoes to replace the ones she ruined, and he asks her out on another date, which goes quite well; after Maxine decides to hire Ignacio to work on their yard, he insists that he needs to know her better before he can create a garden that's perfect for her, and they go out dancing together.

Épisode 13 - Sins of the Father

3 février 2004

Ignacio says it with flowers as he continues his gentle pursuit of Maxine; Heather begins to act erratically around Kyle, who's shocked when he discovers the reason; Lauren and Peter each find a new perspective on life during a trip to the mall, and when Amy expresses displeasure at the look of things look upon their return, her brother gives her an earful; Maxine is perplexed by a father's reaction when she investigates a possible case of child abuse in a family with a history of violent behavior; a teenager tries to pull a fast one over on Amy in an effort to prevent his mother from gaining additional visitation time; Bruce puts his foot down when Amy once again attempts to cast him in the girlfriend role as she obsesses over her relationship with David.

Épisode 14 - Roadhouse Blues

10 février 2004

Despite their protests, Maxine and Amy fail to convince anyone that that dinners out with Ignacio and David don't constitute dating; Amy is asked to decide if a man in the Witness Protection Program can regain custody of his eleven year old son after the boy's mother dies; Lauren and Victor are unhappy when they discover that their parents are dating; Maxine races against time to prevent the participants in a suicide pact at a local high school from carrying out their plans; Shelby's band gets a gig at a local bar, and Peter's invitation to his mother and sister to hear him play provides the opportunity for the relationships between Amy and David, Maxine and Ignacio, and Peter and Shelby to grow and intensify on the dance floor and stage.

Épisode 15 - Werewolves of Hartford

17 février 2004

Donna gets a little too invested in the future of Amy's relationship, or lack thereof, with David; a teenager charged with larceny and criminal mischief for destroying a bike belonging to her brother's girlfriend unleashes a terrible family secret during a hearing in Amy's courtroom; Rebecca lets the cat out of the bag when she reveals that the real reason Mia has asked Bruce to stay at his house for a few days is not that she's visiting her sick aunt nearby, but that she's bankrupt; Kyle has difficulty adjusting to the idea of becoming a father; Maxine investigates the home environment of some foster parents after discovering that they participate in costumed sexual fantasy role-playing conventions; Peter is less than thrilled at the blossoming romance between his mother and Ignacio; after some prodding, David finally gives Amy the kiss she's been anticipating, and confesses that he's still grieving deeply over the loss of his wife.

Épisode 16 - Baggage Claim

24 février 2004

Peter is still unhappy about Maxine's dating Ignacio; on the anniversary of his wife's death, David asks Amy to accompany him to a support group meeting; Maxine teaches a young artist under DCF's care the true meaning of family and reaching out for love and support; Amy and David attend the bench bar dinner together and hear news about Stu that upsets Amy; Maxine discovers that her new beau is quite wealthy as she meets Ignacio's mother, ex-wife, and children; despite being in counseling, Peter and Gillian continue to quarrel, especially after Gillian disparages Peter's joining the band; Amy presides over an emotional abuse and neglect petition brought about by a grandmother who is seeking custody of the child conceived when her son raped the boy's mother; Kyle seeks out Peter for some advice on being a father after Heather complains about Kyle's negativity toward her and their baby, and realizes just how upset she is when he can't locate her to apologize; Amy and David come to an agre

Épisode 17 - The Song That Never Ends

2 mars 2004

Kyle disregards Maxine's advice at his own peril when he bends the rules for a new mother who wants to hold her newborn baby just once before she's returned to prison; when the tension and awkwardness between Amy and David as they keep bumping into each other in the court house becomes more than she can bear, Amy withdraws her consent to the breakup and they decide to reconcile; Matthew asks Gillian out on a date, and she nervously turns him down until she seeks out Donna for some single mother bonding and realizes what she really wants to do; Maxine asks Ignatio to family dinner, and is surprised when he shows up with a disapproving Isabel in tow; Kyle is wary when Todd offers a hand in friendship; Amy devises a creative way to allow a young mother to retain custody of her children as she struggles to earn a living hampered by idiotic provisions of the ""Welfare to Work"" program.

Épisode 18 - Disposable

16 mars 2004

Tensions run high as the family prepares for Ned's birthday party; a shoplifting trial in Amy's court exposes a prostitution ring in a group home for teenage girls; Maxine enlists the assistance of a former client to help a dedicated foster mother as she struggles with illness; Bruce gets testy when Amy's unsolicited advice about his conflicts with Mia over their living arrangements hits too close to home; Gillian resists Matthew's temptations; compelling new evidence and a new witness force Amy to grant Danny Hawkins a new trial and cope with David's resistance to handing the case over to another prosecutor.

Épisode 19 - The Quick and the Dead

6 avril 2004

David struggles over the memories of his wife's death as Amy presides over the hearing to determine if Daniel Hawkins should be granted a new trial; Kyle is frustrated when Todd reassigns him to work with coma patients; Gillian, Donna and Amy emerge from an evening of speed dating newly appreciative of the men in their lives; Maxine investigates an artist who is using her foster children as nude models in her published works; Ignacio uses a little fancy footwork to redirect Courtney into new lines of work and romance; finally acknowledging his pain, Kyle seeks out Amy for comfort.

Épisode 20 - Slade's Chophouse

27 avril 2004

Amy fusses over Lauren's overnight school field trip to Philadelphia with Victor; Bruce is in for a shock when an old friend comes for a visit; Amy confronts David after Lolly Wetzel repeats Greenwich rumors that connect him with his wife's murder, and he finally tells her the horrifying details of Kelly's death; when Ignacio's pictures get mixed up with another family's at the photo lab, Maxine sets off to investigate if the pictures of a woman with a black eye indicate spousal abuse, and ends up learning more than she wants to about the woman's interests; Amy presides over the pre-trial hearing for a troubled teenager accused of killing her babysitter; against Todd's advice, Kyle takes time off to see if Heather is with her father in Boston, and is stunned when Mr. Labonte tells him that Heather has a troubled past with a history of telling lies, including that he had cancer; when Amy goes to David's office to accompany him on a visit to his therapist, she learns that he has left to

Épisode 21 - Predictive Neglect

4 mai 2004

Amy is dismayed when the courthouse cleaning lady tries to fix her up with her son amid gossip about David's departure; Lauren pesters Amy to send her to rock star camp; political posturing makes life at D.C.F. more miserable than usual until Maxine comes up with an inspired solution to the problem and is able to reunite a mother with her sons; when Amy presides over a shoplifting case, she discovers that the case is rooted in the neglect of two children -- the plaintiff and the daughter of the plaintiff's famous defense attorney; David sends Amy a postcard from Houston; Kyle quits his job to reassess his future after he discovers that his father died never having pursued his true passion in life; Maxine has a little tiff with Ignacio over his qualms about Courtney's dating Sean because of their cultural differences, and Amy is surprised when Bruce agrees with Ignacio; Maxine grieves the loss of her brother, and is especially saddened when her sister-in-law asks that she not attend th

Épisode 22 - My Little Runaway

11 mai 2004

Despite David's protests, Amy puts an end to their romantic relationship when he finally returns to Hartford; Maxine realizes that a teenaged client who was abused as a young child has become mentally ill when the girl makes a series of false rape accusations; Kyle has a career epiphany after he meets a fellow traveler at the airport who happens to be an undercover police officer; at her 89th birthday celebration, Isabel Messina is as rude as ever to Maxine, but completely charmed by Sean as he sings her an unusual birthday song; Amy hears the case of a teenaged boy who keeps running away to join the circus; Amy and Kyle lend David support when a critically injured Victor is rushed into surgery after being struck by a car.

Épisode 23 - Sex, Lies and

18 mai 2004

Unwilling to let a poor client go to extremes to get prompt medical attention for her daughter, Maxine finds a way to get D.C.F. to cover the surgery the girl needs; David declares his love for Amy; Maxine gets shocking news about Ignacio and breaks off their relationship; Amy tragically miscalculates a teenager's propensity for violence; increasingly jealous over Peter's involvement with Shelby, Gillian confronts him about the future of their marriage, and doesn't like the response she gets; with the help of Buck and a little gunfire, Kyle finally finds a career path he can get excited about; the Grays receive a very unexpected, and very welcome, visitor.

Épisode 1 - Accountability

28 septembre 2004

With all three of her children living once again under the same roof with her, Maxine finally decides to let them be the grownups that they are (horseplay notwithstanding) and fix their own breakfasts; the ceiling in Amy's courtroom collapses, and she is sentenced to a stint in Accountability court, which she deems a punishment for her ruling in the Casey Ives matter; shortly after his return from New Mexico, David is devastated to discover that the man who holds the secret to his wife's murder has died; Ignacio asks Amy to plead his case with Maxine; Sean asks Maxine to track down the missing placement records on a little boy, and they discover that there's no trace of him anywhere; Heather visits Kyle to ask his forgiveness, announce that she's entering into a treatment program, and tell him about their son, but he doesn't believe any of it; Maxine relents her stance on Ignacio a little by allowing him to fix the broken sprinklers in the garden; Amy tries to figure out what's behind

Épisode 2 - Lullaby

12 octobre 2004

Vincent's struggles with his latest novel leads him into blowing off his agent, who responds by dropping Vincent and demanding the return of the advance that Vincent's already spent; Maxine receives another award, and uses her acceptance speech to talk about the young boy lost in the system that she and Sean can't seem to locate; Amy's dealings with two troubled teenage girls and their mothers in Accountability court inspires her to change her focus when she returns to Juvenile Court; Maxine tries to avoid removing the children of a overburdened single mother working to overcome anger and abuse issues; David finally feels that he's put his wife's death behind him and can now pursue a relationship with Amy; Ignacio lets Maxine know that he's ready to do whatever it takes to have a future with her; Amy fires Donna to propel her into practicing law; Kyle decides to accompany Heather to Minnesota and take care of their son while she's in rehab.

Épisode 3 - Legacy

19 octobre 2004

After Vincent asks his brother to lend him the money he needs to pay back the advance on his novel, Peter meets with his accountant to free up the funds and discovers that his business is headed toward insolvency; Maxine sets some strict boundaries for Ignacio, who soon realizes that it's time to divorce Francesca; Amy is back in juvenile court and immediately has a conflict with Bruce over the pace at which her docket is moving, but she persists in digging deeper into the case of a twelve year old boy who admitted to a felony murder; even though the publicity generates a lot of leads, Sean is upset when the Anthony Byrd case makes the paper, which recommends that they be fired for losing Anthony in the system; David buys a boat, but can't convince Amy to overcome her aversion to sailing; Maxine's teenage client mounts a publicity campaign to find an adoptive family before he graduates from high school; Donna resigns as Amy's clerk after accepting a position as a court-appointed minor

Épisode 4 - Consent

26 octobre 2004

Amy has difficulty dealing with Lauren's need for privacy; blinded by Anthony Bird's loss, Maxine lies to Sean and makes all the wrong choices in dealing with a teenaged boy who's holed up in a hotel room after discovering that he was kidnapped by his mother as a child; Amy must determine if aggravated sexual assault occurred between two teenagers attending a sex party, but can't seem to leave the case in the courtroom when she encounters Lauren at home; Gillian takes the news of their financial difficulties well, and offers Peter her support; Vincent confesses to Gillian that he's no longer working on his book; Amy resists David's attempts to redefine their relationship.

Épisode 5 - Order and Chaos

23 novembre 2004

Maxine teeters on the brink of collapse as she refuses to move out of Colton Gerard's hotel room, rages against Sean for his failure to run the department properly, and is suspended after being arrested for slapping a foster child who has abused and neglected her elderly and ailing foster mother; Vincent gets an eye-opening look at his life through the eyes of a teenager in foster care who was abused by his mother; Peter's praise of Gillian's mothering skills draws them closer together when they meet with their son's teacher, and they are shocked to discover that Ned is biting other children because his genius-level I.Q. leaves him bored with school; Donna is angry when an over-controlling Amy steamrollers right over her and the State's Attorney in a misguided attempt to help Donna win her first case as an attorney and ensure that her mentally ill teenaged client receives the help he desperately needs from the system; distressed about her mother's arrest and refusal to return home, Amy

Épisode 6 - Catching It Early

30 novembre 2004

Back at work from her suspension, Maxine is becoming unhinged as she desperately searches for Anthony Byrd; Amy spends a tense day awaiting the results of a breast biopsy; Donna's summation reveals how closely she identifies with the teenage client she represents in Amy's court; Peter and Gillian search for a school for Ned; Amy arrives home to find an unconscious Maxine on the kitchen floor.

Épisode 7 - Early Winter

7 décembre 2004

Frantic with worry, the Gray siblings quarrel like two year olds, and Sean is wracked with guilt, as Maxine lies in an ICU bed recovering from a heart attack; Amy finally gets a new clerk, whose ability to speak Spanish is an invaluable aid in the sentencing hearing of a teenager charged with burglary and assault; Ignacio gives Vincent some wise insight into Maxine; reminiscing about the beginning of their relationship brings Gillian and Peter back together; after Maxine hallucinates about her mother's death in the same hospital, she checks herself out and returns home despite her doctor's recommendation that she undergo bypass surgery.

Épisode 8 - Conditional Surrender

14 décembre 2004

Maxine resists Gillian's home grown cardiac rehabilitation program; Lauren tells Amy that she wants to live with Michael; when Vincent comes to Sean looking for work, Sean refers him to Crystal Turner, who runs a outreach program for homeless teenagers; David quits his job and takes off for the Caribbean on his sailboat; Amy must decide whether a depressed woman with multiple sclerosis is well enough to care for her ten year old son; Vincent offers to tutor a homeless teenager studying for his G.E.D., but when he tries to get the boy off the street and into a group home, the boy disappears.

Épisode 9 - Silent Era

11 janvier 2005

High-school student Graciela Reyes is brought to Amy's courtroom for violating her parole, but it is soon uncovered that the reason for this is that her mother has moved to Gautamala along with her two brothers, leaving Graciela behind; Meanwhile, the Gray family rallies around Maxine after she is forced to have open-heart surgery after she suffers a second heart attack during a visit to the cardiologist; Sean locates Anthony Bird, who is living with a family who had recently adopted him.

Épisode 10 - The Long Run

18 janvier 2005

Amy learns that she is pregnant with David's baby after taking a home pregnancy test, resulting in David returning from his sailing trip to discuss with Amy their future together and what they mean to each other; Maxine's first case back since her heart-attack involves a seventeen year old single father; Amy presides over a case involving a boy who stabs his teacher; Vincent and Crystal take a ten year old prostitute to the hospital after being beaten up by her pimp.

Épisode 11 - 10,000 Steps

25 janvier 2005

When Amy tells Lauren about being pregnant, her reaction is not exactly what Amy would have liked; While working at the outreach office for teenage runaways, Vincent uses his flair for writing to encourage a teenage runaway to write a better essay about himself so that he will be accepted in a half-way house; Amy presides over a case involving parents who want to terminate their custody over their adopted child due to his short temper and destructive behavior; Maxine deals with a case involving a boy who uses his eight year old foster brother as a drug mule; Peter fears for his relationship with Gillian when all she wants to do is have sex; Amy and David become engaged.

Épisode 12 - You Don't Know Me

1 février 2005

Unaware that he is hiding his true feelings and pretending to be happy for her, Amy is annoyed by Bruce's casual response to news of her engagement. Amy is also annoyed that her relationship with Bruce has evolved to the point where he knows all of her idiosyncrasies, including, he asserts, how she'll rule in the heartrending case of a teenage girl with epilepsy whose parents disagree about whether or not she should have risky brain surgery that may stop her seizures; Elsewhere, Maxine has issues with an affluent, mostly white prep school after a student there is severely beaten; a publisher takes an interest in Vincent's new book; Lauren lashes out at Amy for being pregnant.

Épisode 13 - Dream a Little Dream

15 février 2005

Amy oversees an emotional case involving a 13-year-old boy with a history of violent behavior who shot and killed his grandfather who was suffering from terminal lung cancer; Maxine uncovers a human smuggling operation while following up on a report of a young boy being beaten numerous times; Vincent witnesses the gunning down of a prostitute by her pimp; Meanwhile, Amy and David search for the perfect house to start their life together in.

Épisode 14 - Happy Borthday

22 février 2005

Amy finds it rather difficult to follow her mom's advice and embrace her 40th birthday as a milestone. Donna is in Amy's court representing a 13-year-old girl who accidentally kills her friend while they are out on a joyride but shows no remorse for her death. Maxine tries to determine whether two brothers are better off without the presence of their father, an ex-con, in their lives. Amy miscarries on her 40th birthday. Amy drowns her sorrows at a bar located on the beach, where she meets a stranger who gives her the perspective she needs during her difficult time.

Épisode 15 - Hard To Get

8 mars 2005

Several weeks have passed since Amy's miscarriage, but things are not quite back to normal for her. She refuses to discuss the house with David and brushes off Bruce's admonition that she's becoming too close to Graciela. Maxine meets up with a high school friend at a wedding and discovers that her recent divorce has left her depressed. Maxine helps her reconnect with the world by getting her involved at the hospital - holding HIV positive babies to stimulate their growth. Crystal invites Vincent to come to her AA meeting marking 30 days of being sober and they begin a new phase in their relationship. When Graciela is arrested for being in the car during a drive-by shooting, Amy goes all-out to keep her from being tried as an adult. Bruce asks her not to get too invested because he doesn't want to see her ""lose...again,"" which unfortunately, she does. David returns Amy's half of the deposit on their dream house and tells her that he thinks they should take a break.

Épisode 16 - The Paper War

15 mars 2005

While attending a bench and bar dinner, Amy gets into a heated argument with the State Attorney and accuses his office of being politically motivated in regard to the juvenile justice system.

Épisode 17 - The New Normal

22 mars 2005

A 15-year-old girl, who Maxine previously placed in a foster home, tests positive for HIV; Amy finds out about a school dance Lauren doesn't want her to chaperone; Amy presides over a case where an Arab-American teenager is charged with assault; Maxine and Ignacio have an encounter of the romantic kind in Ignacio's home; Crystal arranges for Vincent to teach a creative writing class at a youth detention center.

Épisode 18 - Sorry I Missed You

5 avril 2005

Amy oversees a case involving a 5-year-old girl who is at the center of a custody battle between the girl's 21-year-old half sister and their parents. During the custody hearing, Amy tries to get to the root of why the girl's half-sister feels so strongly about removing the child from her home. Meanwhile, Maxine tries to broker a deal between a foster and a biological mother of a young boy so that both can keep the child in their lives.

Épisode 19 - Revolutions Per Minute

12 avril 2005

Lauren announces to the family that she has decided to become a vegetarian. Amy has a confrontation with Lauren's spiked-haired friend Reagan about the issue when Reagan and her brother stop by to take Lauren to school. Amy hears a case in which a teenage boy is accused of assaulting his mother and locking her in the basement. The boy admits that his mother beat his pit bull to death and also used to leave him home alone when he was a small child. Maxine investigates a child abuse allegation involving an autistic child. The child was screaming a lot because he missed his mom's boyfriend. Peter becomes concerned about what Gillian did during their separation. They decide to drop the issue and make up.

Épisode 20 - Too Little, Too Late

19 avril 2005

Maxine and Patricia discuss their feelings about dating. Patricia falls for Ignacio when they bump into him at a restaurant. Maxine insists she is only friends with Ignacio, but her behavior suggests otherwise. Maxine investigates a college professor accused of abusing his wife. Maxine learns that the professor abused his first wife; When Maxine informs the current wife about his past, she finally admits that he was abusing her also and has him arrested. Amy hears a case in which a teenage boy is accused of assaulting a police officer and resisting arrest. During trial, it is revealed that the boy was the victim of a cop's ""Raid and Run"" scheme. Lauren is suspended from school for vandalism after her and her friends destroy several trays of meat. Amy learns that Lauren and her friends are part of a group called ""straight edge."" At the end of the episode, Amy has a showdown with Lauren about her recent behavior. Vincent gets a book deal based on his experience teaching at the juve

Épisode 21 - Getting Out

26 avril 2005

Amy dreams that Bruce makes breakfast for her and Maxine and then dances with her in the kitchen. Amy finds out about some new information that may get Graciella a new trial. Unfortunately, Graciella is murdered in prison before this happens. Sean and Maxine got to exreme measures to help a foster family that may lose their home because they can't make their mortgage payments. One of Vincent's students tries to stab him with a pencil. Amy hears the case of a 10 year old boy with an extensive history of violence. The boy accuses Bruce of challenging him to a fight. Amy tells Bruce twice to stop looking at the boy. They call a recess and Amy and Bruce have a big argument in chambers. Bruce then announces that he is quitting his job. At the end of the episode, Amy announces she is quitting hers also.

Épisode 22 - My Name is Amy Gray...

3 mai 2005

Amy says her final goodbyes to Graciela. Maxine realizes that she made a mistake in pushing Ignacio away and tries to reach out to him but Ignacio rebuffs her because he doesn't want to be her yo-yo, jerked around on Maxine's whims. Bruce is still absent on Amy's last day in the courtroom. Holbrook tries to raise awareness about the bill before Congress that will effectively kill the juvenille justice system. Donna is amazed that Amy refuses to support the cause and brings several of the kids whose lives Amy has changed during her time on the bench in an effort to change her mind. Amy, frustrated by her limitations as a judge, runs into Marty Levine, who again tries to convince her to give the speech in Washington and run for Senate. Amy runs the idea by Lauren who at first refuses to give a straight answer but later supports her mom when Maxine attacks the decision. That same night, Maxine must rush to save a young girl from being pimped out by her prostitute mother. Amy receive


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avatar de du commentaire : Formidable série humaniste, quel dommage de ne pas pouvoir le revoir

19/02/2021 - Aucune note

Formidable série humaniste, quel dommage de ne pas pouvoir le revoir

avatar de du commentaire : encore une série des années 2000 que j'ai aimé suivre sur France 2 et que malheureusement on ne peut pas se procurer en DVD ni voir revoir en VOD

28/10/2018 - Aucune note

encore une série des années 2000 que j'ai aimé suivre sur France 2 et que malheureusement on ne peut pas se procurer en DVD ni voir revoir en VOD