American Dragon : Jake Long
Année : 2005
Nombre de saisons : 2
Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 25 minutes
Genre(s) : Animation, Enfant
Cette série raconte l'histoire d'un jeune garçon, Jake Long, qui descend par sa mère d'une famille de dragons. En conséquence, il a lui-même hérité de la faculté de se transformer à volonté, partiellement ou entièrement, en un dragon, avec toutes les capacités liées à la créature. Son grand-père maternel et sa sœur possèdent eux aussi cette faculté, contrairement à son père, qui ignore que sa famille est principalement composée de reptiles magiques, et à sa mère (pour laquelle les pouvoirs de dragons ont sautés une génération), qui en revanche le sait et cherche à le cacher à son mari. En tant que Dragon, Jake a pour rôle de défendre son territoire (entre autres, l'Amérique) et toutes les créatures magiques qui y vivent secrètement contre d'éventuelles menaces, notamment les chasseurs. Il est à cette fin entraîné par son grand-père.
Saison 1
Saison 2
Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !
Épisode 1 - Old School Training
21 janvier 2005 - 4.4/5
Jake Long, petit fils de dragon, doit apprendre à maîtriser ses extraordinaires dons, aidé dans cette délicate tâche par son grand-père attentionné et instruit. Celui-ci est secondé par un étonnant chien millénaire nommé Fou Dog. Mais le chasseur guette et la quête de Jake Long est loin d'être aisée...
Épisode 2 - Dragon Breath
22 janvier 2005 - 4.7/5
Jake aide son grand-père à intercepter un orque qui doit se procurer une sphère maléfique auprès du Chasseur. Pour que Jake soit au rendez-vous, Fou Dog concocte une potion qui accélère les dons de mutation inhérents à tout bon dragon qui se respecte...
Épisode 3 - The Talented Mr. Long
28 janvier 2005 - 4.6/5
Jake a mauvaise haleine ! D'après Grand-père et Fou Dog, c'est lié à son adolescence de Dragon. Pour la boum à venir, ça lui complique la vie...
Épisode 4 - The Legend of the Dragon Tooth
4 février 2005 - 4.4/5
Jake tries to attend a Hip Hop Music Awards with a performance by Jake's idol singer. Unfortunately, he promised he would babysit Haley at the same time. And to top it all off, a crazy dentist tries to steal Haley's loose Dragon tooth, which has magical powers to unleash an unstoppable evil!
Épisode 5 - Act 4, Scene 15
11 février 2005 - 4.6/5
In order to win Rose's affection and set up a number of dates with her, Jake enters the school play ""Anthony and Cleopatra"", with him and Rose playing the leads. However, there is a kissing scene (Act 4 Scene 15) and when rehearsing with Rose, Jake freaks out. To make matters worse, the Huntsclan are after a scarab beetle that Jake has, so Rose (a.k.a. Huntsgirl) naturally sees it when Jake brings her to the shop. What follows is a series of close shaves and hints to true identities, but neither of them guess the truth.
Épisode 6 - Adventures in Trollsitting / Fu Dog Takes a Walk
18 février 2005 - 4.3/5
""Adventures in Trollsitting"" A troll goes in Jake's home: the troll wants to stay there beacause he hates the sun. Jake has to hide him! ""Fu Dog Takes a Walk"" Fu gets prime tickets to a baseball game and desparately wants to go, but Lou Shei (Grandpa) can't take him because he has to train Jake. So after a few warnings, Fu 'walks' himself. Unfortunately, a dogcatcher takes this opportunity to catch Fu in order to be used to cure her dog allergies (and it's not in a manner in which the dog survives).
Épisode 7 - Professor Rotwood's Thesis
25 février 2005 - 4.8/5
Professor Rotwood manages to get a blurred photograph of Jake and the Huntsgirl fighting, so naturally he's driven into a frenzy to get concrete evidence. He offers a reward of $500, and Jake takes it up (so they can replace Trixie's parents' anniversary gift that they broke). Ironically, everything he submits (His scales, etc.) is dismissed as fake. However, in their next fight, the Huntsgirl knocks Jake out and Trixie and Spud come across him. They immediately take him to Rotwood and get the money, but when they reach Jake's house and discover pictures of him 'dragoning up' (which was idiotic of him to take) they realize that they have to get him back.
Épisode 8 - The Egg / The Heist
25 mars 2005 - 4.5/5
""The Egg"" A griffin lays an egg on the top of the Empire State building, and it's up to Jake to protect it, a task which gets increasingly difficult as the egg is snatched by the Huntsclan. ""The Heist"" Panderas, the ""Wizard of Wall Street"" has stolen the leprechauns' pot of gold and Jake must steal it back (with the help of a few friends) so that they all don't die from bad luck.
Épisode 9 - Dragon Summit
1 avril 2005 - 4.7/5
Jake, Fu-Dog and Grandpa go to meet the Dragon council on the other side of the world. Jake has to pass two out of three tests - Courage in Flight, Knowledge in Battle and Using Dragon-Fire. However, he meets an Austrailian snob, who keeps pranking him and annoying him. The #1 Villian, the Dark Dragon is living in a cave nearby, though.
Épisode 10 - Bodyguard Duty
29 avril 2005 - 4.8/5
Jake must act as the Oracle twins' bodyguard, as the unscrupulous Herbert is trying to snatch them away so he can use them to predict the events of the "Ogre Bowl" and win big money by betting on them.
Épisode 11 - Shapeshifter
13 mai 2005 - 4.8/5
Jake has a parent teacher conference with Professor Rotwood, and he learns that all dragons have natural shapeshifting powers. Fu Dog gives him a potion that lets him tap into that ability and with this, he fools other people. But little did he know that he was misusing them and then got caught doing the mission as Ralph.
Épisode 12 - Ski Trip
27 mai 2005 - 4.7/5
Jake goes on a ski trip issued by the school and after their first date, he thinks that it's time to tell Rose that he's the American Dragon while on the trip. Along the way, there are many strange actions that Rose has been doing. After some weird discoveries, it now seems that the Huntsgirl is on the ski trip with the school. Also, Jake seems to have found out something new about Rose. Something that he thought was impossible...
Épisode 13 - The Long Weekend
1 juillet 2005 - 4.3/5
Jake goes on a camping trip with his dad, Spud and Trixie. They found out that a sprite/pixie clan were threatened by a monster. While Haley and her mom went for a spa but boarded the wrong bus to boot camp.
Épisode 14 - Eye of the Beholder
30 juillet 2005 - 4.5/5
The dark wizard Panderas is holding a beauty competition, but really, whoever wins, Panderas will marry, and will then become the most powerful and evil wizard in the land. Jake and Grandpa enter Fu to try and win.
Épisode 15 - Jake Takes the Cake
26 août 2005 - 4.4/5
A gremlin - a little purple creature who loves to dismantle electrical stuff and cause chaos - is loose. Jake and Grampa try to stop him when it drives a subway but Jake is too embarrased to sing the gremlin a song that will make it go to sleep, so it gets away. Jake accidentally takes it home while his mom is planning the wedding of the century. The little creature gets to the wedding and wrecks havoc - and Jake needs to stop it.
Épisode 16 - Hong Kong Nights
8 septembre 2005 - 4.3/5
Jake discovers that his ancient, out-of-touch grandfather was once a swinging, styling super-agent in 1970s Hong Kong, China, who had completely changed after defeating the Dark Dragon. Jake comes into conflict with the Dark Dragon again and Councilor Chang's duplicity is revealed.
Épisode 17 - The Halloween Bash
22 octobre 2005 - 4.6/5
Jake decides to throw a big Halloween party including both magical and non-magical creatures because everyone thinks his dragon form is a costume(he accidentally fell into the street). Unfortunately the Dragon Council decides to pay a surprise visit and are so shocked that they take away Jake's dragon powers as punishment. Shortly afterwords, they are captured by the Huntsclan, and it's up to Jake without his powers to save them.
Épisode 18 - Fu and Tell / Flight of the Unicorn
3 novembre 2005 - 4.6/5
~Fu and Tell~ Haley brings Fu Dog for Show and Tell. ~Flight of the Unicorn~ Jake, Trixie and Spud sees a Unicorn at the carnival. If they don't get it back to the herd, trouble will begin. Will they be able to get the unicorn back to it's herd?
Épisode 19 - Keeping Shop
15 décembre 2005 - 4.4/5
Jake and Gramps go for this Dragon Retreat for the weekend. They leave the electricity shop with Fu, Trixie and Spud - who want to proove they are useful sidekicks after messing up at recent missions. They mess the whole shop up. But then, mountain trolls terrorize the Market. And since Fu cannot call Jake, he tries to teach Trixie and Spud the responsibilities of the American dragon, wearing an enchanted costume. Only things don't work out the way they want it...
Épisode 20 - Ring Around the Dragon
12 janvier 2006 - 4.3/5
Two Giants approach Jake and crew for help, as their baby boy has run off to join the K.E.W.L. wrestling company. As Jake goes undercover as a wrestler to find their baby boy, he encounters many difficulties along the way.
Épisode 21 - The Hunted
29 janvier 2006 - 4.9/5
Jake speculates about his dangerous relationship with Rose/Huntsgirl and is shortly afterwords captured by her and the Huntsclan to feature in their "Grand Equinox Hunt" whereupon they will let them go at dawn in order to hunt them down for trophies and give Huntsgirl her chance to fulfill her destiny. Jake meets up with many other mystical creatures that are also to be hunted and together they escape the Huntsclan camp. Jake learns to be a good leader and ends up showing Rose that the American Dragon is himself.
Épisode 1 - Bring It On
10 juin 2006 - 4.2/5
When Jake faces a villain named Fury, who tries to find her sisters and rule the world once again, Trixie goes undercover as a cheerleader to get information from a tight-knit squad of cheerleaders who get possessed by Fury now and again.
Épisode 2 - Half-Baked
24 juin 2006 - 4.7/5
Jake decides to use a potion to locate Rose but when the contents end up in cupcakes baked for the school carnival, and everyone is turned into Krylock monsters, trouble ensues.
Épisode 3 - The Academy
1 juillet 2006 - 4.7/5
Jake goes undercover as a Huntsclan student in the Huntsclan Academy with Spud, but meanwhile there he meets up with Rose. But when Jake tells Rose to come back to New York, she tells him that she needs to slay a dragon to graduate from the Hunsclan Academy.
Épisode 4 - The Doppelganger Gang
8 juillet 2006 - 4.6/5
When Jake is overwhelmed by his hectic schedule, he begins using his dragon powers to create doppelganger copies of himself to help ease the load-with, but also creates his dark side who has plans of his own.
Épisode 5 - Something Fishy This Way Comes
15 juillet 2006 - 4.4/5
Jakes life takes a turn for the worst when his Grandfather starts dating his principal. Jake also hears about a fierce beast which is attacking magical creatures which makes matters worse.
Épisode 6 - Breakout
29 juillet 2006 - 4.7/5
Jake suffers from a vicious case of dragon acne. Meanwhile, Jake and Rose must avoid being seen together by Numbers 88 and 89, while teaming up to stop the Huntsman plan to get rid of all magical creatures.
Épisode 7 - Family Business
5 août 2006 - 4.3/5
When Haley begins her dragon training, the sibling rivalry between Jake and Haley begins to erupt.
Épisode 8 - Hero of the Hourglass
12 août 2006 - 4.4/5
Jake travels back in time to the mid nineteen eighties in order to inform his dad of the magical world. This of course freaks him out and he decides not to marry Jakes mom. Jake then has to work to get his mom and dad back together.
Épisode 9 - Dreamscape
19 août 2006 - 4.7/5
To prepare for Rotwood's mysterious test, Jake uses an item's ability to enter people's dreams to both comical and nightmarish results when he and Rose accidentally release a Chimera from Rotwell's dream.
Épisode 10 - A Befuddled Mind
9 septembre 2006 - 4.6/5
Spud gets a perfect score on a government issued standardized exam at school and is recruited to a special top-secret school called "The Genius Institute". He soon discovers that there's more to the school than meets the eye.
Épisode 11 - Fool's Gold
16 septembre 2006 - 4.5/5
Jake gets sucked into the bling-bling lifestyle when he starts working for a semi-shady leprechaun clan.
Épisode 12 - Feeding Frenzy
23 septembre 2006 - 4.5/5
When the Longs attend a Florida family reunion, Jake must deal with his annoying cousin Greggy and an aquatic villain bent on flooding half the continent.
Épisode 13 - Haley Gone Wild
30 septembre 2006 - 4.6/5
Jake accidentally turns Haley on to the life of rebel wild child, with the help of a twisted magical children's show host who's much more sinister than he seems.
Épisode 14 - Supernatural Tuesday
28 octobre 2006 - 4.3/5
Jake's bid for student body president takes an unexpected turn when he uses a magical helmet to read the minds of his constituents.
Épisode 15 - The Rotwood Files
18 novembre 2006 - 4.5/5
Jake accidentally gets Rotwood fired, and ends up with a Principal who's even worse, meanwhile Spud tries to "woo" Stacey with onions.
Épisode 16 - Hairy Christmas
16 décembre 2006 - 4.6/5
Jake, feeling humiliated by his family's Christmas traditions, turns his back on them. But when he rescues a baby Sasquatch who was accidentally separated from his family, he learns the true meaning of Christmas.
Épisode 17 - Switcheroo
6 janvier 2007 - 4.3/5
An enchanted mirror switches the bodies of Jake and Haley for a day.
Épisode 18 - Love Cruise
3 février 2007 - 4.3/5
After Rose tells him them need to spend some time apart, Jake chooses to use Cupid's Arrows (which he was supposed to be guarding) on students during the Love Cruise. But unfortunatly, Jake chooses to use one on Rose causing her feelings for Jake to opposite into hate.
Épisode 19 - Year of the Jake
18 février 2007 - 4.5/5
While volunteering to mind Grandpa's shop on Chinese new year, Jake accidentally curses it with bad luck and must face the consequences.
Épisode 20 - Homecoming
10 mars 2007 - 4.8/5
Jake and Rose are nominated King and Queen of the Homecoming festival by their school's Homecoming Committee, Spud and Trixie join the Floats Committee in order to get closer to their crushes. Jake is then betrayed by Rose who is being blackmailed by the Huntsclan.
Épisode 21 - Young at Heart
24 mars 2007 - 4.2/5
When Jake's youth is stolen by a magical creature, he makes the most of life as a 21-year-old... until he realizes that being a grown-up isn't all fun and games.
Épisode 22 - Siren Says
7 avril 2007 - 4.8/5
Now that Rose is gone, Jake must find a new girlfriend to enjoy the day with, but Lao Shi, Trixie & Spud don't agree on the idea since the Damsell seems much more like a siren, but, could this time the story be different.
Épisode 23 - Shaggy Frog
28 avril 2007 - 4.2/5
Spud is bitten by a magical frog, and begins to develop cool "froggy" powers. He enjoys all the perks of being part magical-that is, until #88 and #89 come 'a magical frog huntin'.
Épisode 24 - Nobody's Fu
12 mai 2007 - 4.2/5
Jake's loyalty to Fu Dog comes into question when he's assigned a new animal guardian-a totally cool hip-hop helper monkey. But can Jake's perfect new pet ever take the place of Fu Dog?
Épisode 25 - Magic Enemy #1
2 juin 2007 - 4.3/5
Jake's venting to an online journal unintentionally turns Rotwood into the magical world's public enemy #1
Épisode 26 - A Ghost Story
16 juin 2007 - 4.8/5
When Jake, Trixie and Spud become junior counselors at "Camp Mugwomp", Jake relives old camp game rivalries with Brad Morton. Meanwhile, a vengeful group of ghosts plan to take revenge on the living occupants of Camp Mugwomp.
Épisode 27 - Bite Father, Bite Son
17 juin 2007 - 4.2/5
Dad drags Jake to the office for Take Your Child to Work Day. Jake begins the day convinced that Dad's a wimp, but witnesses his father's inner (and outer) strength against a pack of marauding vampires.
Épisode 28 - Game On
1 juillet 2007 - 4.7/5
Jake is given a box containing a magical artifact from Gramps which he must take to the witches to destroy, but when he finds out there is a magical game controller in it, he uses it to change outcomes to his favor.
Épisode 29 - Furious Jealousy
7 juillet 2007 - 4.3/5
When Stacey and Nigel become an item, a jealous Spud decides to do anything to win her affection... including striking an unholy deal with Fury, the sinister gorgon.
Épisode 30 - Being Human
4 août 2007 - 4.8/5
With middle school graduation looming, a stressed Jake decides to give up his dragon powers and let Haley become the new American Dragon. But when an old foe returns, is Haley up to the task?
Épisode 31 - The Hong Kong Longs
1 septembre 2007 - 4.5/5
Jake and the entire family head to Hong Kong for summer vacation, but must face off against the dreaded Dark Dragon when Grandpa is kidnapped.
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