Poster de la serie Survivor



Année : 2000

Nombre de saisons : 47

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 45 minutes

Genre(s) : Aventure, Game Show, Télé-réalité

Une aventure dans laquelle un groupe de personnes ont échoué sur une ile isolée. Le dernier survivant de cette aventure repartira chez lui avec la somme d'1 millions de dollars.


Survivor saison 1

Saison 1


Survivor saison 2

Saison 2


Survivor saison 3

Saison 3


Survivor saison 4

Saison 4


Survivor saison 5

Saison 5

Survivor saison 6

Saison 6

Survivor saison 7

Saison 7


Survivor saison 8

Saison 8

Survivor saison 9

Saison 9

Survivor saison 10

Saison 10


Survivor saison 11

Saison 11

Survivor saison 12

Saison 12

Survivor saison 13

Saison 13


Survivor saison 14

Saison 14


Survivor saison 15

Saison 15


Survivor saison 16

Saison 16

Survivor saison 17

Saison 17


Survivor saison 18

Saison 18


Survivor saison 19

Saison 19


Survivor saison 20

Saison 20


Survivor saison 21

Saison 21


Survivor saison 22

Saison 22


Survivor saison 23

Saison 23


Survivor saison 24

Saison 24


Survivor saison 25

Saison 25


Survivor saison 26

Saison 26


Survivor saison 27

Saison 27


Survivor saison 28

Saison 28


Survivor saison 29

Saison 29


Survivor saison 30

Saison 30


Survivor saison 31

Saison 31


Survivor saison 32

Saison 32


Survivor saison 33

Saison 33


Survivor saison 34

Saison 34


Survivor saison 35

Saison 35


Survivor saison 36

Saison 36


Survivor saison 37

Saison 37


Survivor saison 38

Saison 38


Survivor saison 39

Saison 39


Survivor saison 40

Saison 40


Survivor saison 41

Saison 41


Survivor saison 42

Saison 42


Survivor saison 43

Saison 43


Survivor saison 44

Saison 44

Survivor saison 45

Saison 45

Survivor saison 46

Saison 46

Survivor saison 47

Saison 47


Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - The Marooning

31 mai 2000 - 4/5

Seize concurrents rament deux radeaux vers l'île jungle de Pulau Tiga dans la mer de Chine méridionale. Une fois sur place, ils se divisent en deux tribus (Pagong, Tagi) et s'affrontent dans un défi d'immunité appelé "Quest for Fire". Le concours demande aux tribus d'allumer une série de torches dans l'eau tout en se tenant à un radeau. L'équipe perdante assiste au conseil tribal et élit l'un de ses membres.

Épisode 2 - The Generation Gap

7 juin 2000 - 4/5

Des difficultés générationnelles surgissent, tout comme des conflits sur une éthique de travail variable, alors que les naufragés tentent de s'adapter à la vie sur l'île. "Buggin 'Out", le défi de l'immunité, consiste à manger des larves de coléoptères vivantes. Le premier membre de la tribu qui refuse de manger les larves qui se tortillent perd l'immunité pour sa tribu.

Épisode 3 - Quest for Food

14 juin 2000 - 4.3/5

Les deux tribus recherchent désespérément de la nourriture et s'affrontent dans un défi de récompense qui les oblige à traîner un coffre au trésor englouti jusqu'au rivage. L'équipe gagnante reçoit du matériel de pêche. "Mission de sauvetage" est le défi de l'immunité. Les tribus doivent secourir un joueur « blessé » dans la jungle et le ramener à la plage sur une civière.

Épisode 4 - Too Little, Too Late?

21 juin 2000 - 4.3/5

Les concurrents endurent une puissante tempête, remplie de vents violents et d'éclairs. Pour Immunity, les naufragés participent à "Buried Treasure", une course de relais qui consiste à déterrer un coffre au trésor.

Épisode 5 - Pulling Your Own Weight

28 juin 2000 - 4.2/5

Des conflits surviennent entre certains coéquipiers lorsque leur approvisionnement alimentaire s'épuise. Les concurrents participent à un défi de récompense en utilisant des fléchettes, des lance-pierres et des lances pour gagner des fruits frais et des poulets vivants. Le défi de l'immunité est "Naufragé".

Épisode 6 - Udder Revenge

5 juillet 2000 - 4.1/5

Les tribus se disputent l'immunité sur un parcours d'obstacles construit par les bérets verts, et l'équipe gagnante doit ensuite récupérer l'idole d'immunité de Snake Island; les concurrents sont tentés par un aliment domestique qui n'est normalement pas associé aux humains ; la chimie d'une équipe implose après avoir perdu un défi de récompense ; l'un des hommes fait un commentaire grossier sur les femmes qui affecte la vie sur l'île.

Épisode 7 - The Merger

12 juillet 2000 - 4.2/5

Au cours de la semaine 7, les tribus Tagi et Pagong fusionnent en une seule, une personne de chaque tribu assistant à une réunion au sommet sur la flèche de sable pour déterminer dans quel camp elle vivra. De plus, les concurrents participent à une épreuve de natation sous-marine pour Immunity.

Épisode 8 - Thy Name Is Duplicity

19 juillet 2000 - 4.1/5

Les concurrents participent à un concours de tir à l'arc pour une bande vidéo de chez eux. Plus tard, dans le défi d'immunité "End of the Line", ils courent à travers la jungle en suivant un parcours de corde.

Épisode 9 - Old and New Bonds

26 juillet 2000 - 4.1/5

Les concurrents participent à un défi de récompense pour un barbecue en se balançant le long d'un parcours de cordes. Pour Immunity, ils deviennent des pièces sur un énorme jeu de société appelé "Squared Off".

Épisode 10 - Crack in the Alliance

8 août 2000 - 4.2/5

Les naufragés participent à "Fast Fire" pour gagner l'immunité, ce qui les oblige à faire un feu sur la plage. "Bamboozled" est le défi de récompense, dans lequel les sept membres de la tribu doivent courir sur des structures en bambou au-dessus de l'océan. Le gagnant peut passer deux appels sur un téléphone portable. L'une consiste à commander une tranche de pizza qui est livrée par hélicoptère ; l'autre est un appel à la maison.

Épisode 11 - Long Hard Days

9 août 2000 - 4.2/5

Le défi d'immunité est "Walk the Plank", dans lequel les joueurs doivent s'équilibrer sur une planche étroite au-dessus de l'océan. Pour une récompense, les naufragés répondent à des questions sur la survie sur l'île. Le gagnant passe une nuit dans le luxe à bord d'un yacht.

Épisode 12 - Death of an Alliance

16 août 2000 - 4.3/5

Le nombre de concurrents est réduit au Final Four après que les joueurs se soient affrontés dans "Witch Hunt" pour l'immunité. Les naufragés reçoivent chacun une caméra vidéo et doivent chercher dans la jungle des masques sculptés à la main et répondre aux questions au dos de ceux-ci. Pour une récompense --- une nuit dans un bar avec un repas chaud et une bière fraîche --- les membres de la tribu voient qui peut collecter le plus de boue sur leur corps et la transférer dans une zone désignée en un temps donné.

Épisode 13 - The Final Four

23 août 2000 - 4.3/5

Les quatre joueurs du Final Four endurent deux défis d'immunité et trois conseils tribaux avant que le gagnant d'un million de dollars ne soit choisi par le jury. Le premier défi d'immunité est "Fallen Comrades", dans lequel les quatre finalistes répondent à des questions personnelles sur leurs camarades naufragés. Le deuxième défi est celui de l'endurance, car les trois concurrents restants s'accrochent à une idole. Plus tard, le conseil tribal final est convoqué et le gagnant est sélectionné.

Épisode 14 - The Reunion

23 août 2000 - 3.5/5

Les 16 candidats de "Survivor" sont réunis et répondent à des questions sur leurs expériences sur l'île. Bryant Gumbel est l'hôte.

Épisode 1 - Stranded

28 janvier 2001 - 3.9/5

Seize concurrents arrivent dans un avion militaire dans le Queensland et forment immédiatement deux tribus --- Kucha et Ogakor. Après une randonnée de cinq miles jusqu'à leurs camps respectifs, les tribus s'affrontent sur une course d'obstacles pour des matchs d'immunité et d'imperméabilité. La tribu perdante assiste ensuite au conseil tribal et vote pour son premier membre.

Épisode 2 - Suspicion

1 février 2001 - 4.1/5

Jerri accuse Kel d'avoir mangé du bœuf séché de contrebande, ce qu'il nie. Dans le défi de récompense "Butch Cassidy", les joueurs sautent d'une falaise dans un bassin d'eau, nagent jusqu'à une caisse flottante et la transportent à terre pour gagner des couvertures. "Tucker'd Out" est le défi de l'immunité. Les membres de la tribu mangent des aliments aborigènes ("bush tucker"), tels que la cervelle de vache, les larves, les sauterelles et les vers de mangrove. Cependant, Kimmi, un végétarien, refuse de participer.

Épisode 3 - Trust No One

8 février 2001 - 3.8/5

Les joueurs tentent de gagner du matériel de pêche dans le cadre du défi de récompense «Torture aquatique», qui les oblige à transporter des cruches d'eau sur une planche étroite et à remplir des seaux tenus par un membre de la tribu sur un poteau de canne. "Lock Step" est le défi de l'immunité. Les naufragés sont attachés ensemble avec une corde et traversent par-dessus et sous les obstacles jusqu'à ce qu'ils atteignent la ligne d'arrivée.

Épisode 4 - The Killing Fields

15 février 2001 - 4/5

Michael attrape et abat un cochon sauvage, ce qui ne rend pas trop heureux Kimmi végétarien. Dans le défi de récompense "Mastermind", les joueurs déchiffrent une carte de puzzle géante pour révéler l'emplacement du prix, qui est trois poulets et un coq. "True or Falls" est le défi de l'immunité, dans lequel les naufragés sont interrogés sur l'environnement australien.

Épisode 5 - The Gloves Come Off

22 février 2001 - 4/5

Des incendies de forêt menacent les camps, et Kimmi et Alicia se lancent dans une vive dispute pointée du doigt. Dans "Triage", les joueurs se disputent des articles de confort, tels que des brosses à dents, du dentifrice, du shampoing et des épices. Pour gagner, ils se précipitent vers une fausse tente de premiers secours transportant leurs coéquipiers sur une civière. Le défi de l'immunité est "Le labyrinthe". Les joueurs entrent dans un labyrinthe géant et collectent des médaillons numérotés dans l'ordre.

Épisode 6 - Trial by Fire

1 mars 2001 - 4/5

Michael souffre de graves brûlures aux mains après s'être évanoui et être tombé dans le feu de camp. Les médecins soignent ses blessures et il est emmené par hélicoptère pour recevoir des soins supplémentaires. Les équipes s'affrontent pour une récompense de soda et chips dans "Blind Leading the Blind". Les coéquipiers, à l'exception d'un sur chaque tribu, ont les yeux bandés tandis que l'observateur voyant les guide à travers diverses tâches.

Épisode 7 - The Merge

8 mars 2001 - 3.7/5

Les tribus Ogakor et Kucha fusionnent pour former Barramundi, puis installent un camp dans un nouvel emplacement. Le défi d'immunité, "Perch", nécessite de l'endurance car les joueurs doivent se tenir debout sur un pilier en bois dans la rivière. La dernière personne debout gagne l'immunité individuelle.

Épisode 8 - Friends?

14 mars 2001 - 3.8/5

Les joueurs tentent de gagner un dîner comprenant du saumon, du poulet et des crevettes dans le cadre du défi de récompense «Return to Sender», qui oblige les naufragés à lancer un boomerang sur une cible. Pour l'immunité, il s'agit d'une activité mentale appelée "Don't Fence Me In". Les cordes sont attachées à des poteaux en bois et disposées en rangées de 10. Les joueurs relient les poteaux entre eux à l'aide des cordes. Le joueur qui termine le plus de cases gagne l'Immunité.

Épisode 9 - The First 24 Days: A Closer Look

21 mars 2001 - 3.3/5

Une revue des 24 premiers jours dans l'Outback qui comprend des images inédites.

Épisode 10 - Honeymoon or Not?

29 mars 2001 - 4.1/5

Le gagnant du Reward Challenge choisit une personne pour profiter d'un voyage à la Grande Barrière de Corail pour faire de la plongée avec tuba et participer à un festin. Le Immunity Challenge se déroule en trois segments : « Know Your Ropes » ; "Secouer le bateau" ; et "Naufrage du navire". Dans chaque partie, les joueurs essaient de faire perdre l'équilibre à leurs adversaires et de les faire tomber à l'eau.

Épisode 11 - Let's Make a Deal

5 avril 2001 - 3.6/5

Les joueurs reçoivent de l'argent pour participer à la «vente aux enchères des survivants», dans laquelle ils peuvent acheter divers produits alimentaires. Le défi d'immunité est "Feu et pluie". Les naufragés doivent allumer un feu dans une casserole puis le soulever pour allumer une mèche sur une barre suspendue. Le premier à le faire gagne l'immunité.

Épisode 12 - No Longer Just a Game

12 avril 2001 - 3.6/5

Une tempête torrentielle produit des crues soudaines qui détruisent le camping et emportent la dernière boîte de riz. Un joueur remporte un défi de parcours de cordes et reçoit une promenade à cheval vers un ranch pour profiter d'un dîner de ragoût de bœuf, d'une nuit de sommeil sur un lit et d'un petit déjeuner chaud. Le défi d'immunité est "Blue Plate Special". Chaque joueur a trois assiettes avec son nom accrochées à un arbre. À l'aide d'une fronde, les joueurs tentent de casser les assiettes des adversaires. La personne avec la dernière assiette ininterrompue gagne.

Épisode 13 - Enough Is Enough

19 avril 2001 - 3.6/5

Les joueurs communiquent avec leurs proches restés à la maison dans le "Outback Internet Café", et un naufragé gagne un chat en ligne de 30 minutes. "Fugitives", le défi de l'immunité, se déroule la nuit. Après que l'hôte Jeff Probst ait raconté une histoire aux naufragés, les mains et les pieds des membres de la tribu sont enchaînés. Ils doivent ensuite courir à différents endroits et répondre aux questions. Une bonne réponse leur fait gagner une clé. Le premier à revenir à Probst sans entrave et avec toutes les clés gagne l'immunité.

Épisode 14 - The Final Four

26 avril 2001 - 3.6/5

Les quatre joueurs du Final Four s'affrontent pour la récompense dans le "Survivor Pentathlon", qui intègre des éléments de défis passés, tels que marcher sur une planche, résoudre un casse-tête, avoir les yeux bandés et être enchaînés. Le gagnant reçoit un repas chaud, une douche chaude et une nouvelle voiture. Chaque personne reçoit également un colis de soins à domicile. Pour l'immunité, les naufragés doivent correspondre à des paires d'objets. Au conseil tribal, le nombre de joueurs est réduit à trois.

Épisode 15 - The Most Deserving

3 mai 2001 - 3.2/5

Les trois derniers joueurs participent à leur dernier défi d'immunité, "Fallen Comrades", dans lequel ils doivent répondre à des questions personnelles sur d'anciens membres de la tribu. Lorsqu'il n'en reste plus que deux, ils sont interrogés par le Jury qui désigne le gagnant.

Épisode 16 - The Australian Outback Reunion

3 mai 2001 - 3/5

Les 16 candidats se réunissent pour discuter de leurs expériences dans l'Outback. Bryant Gumbel est l'hôte.

Épisode 1 - Question of Trust

11 octobre 2001 - 2.8/5

Les 16 joueurs, répartis en deux tribus (Samburu et Boran), arrivent dans la réserve nationale de Shaba au Kenya et installent leur campement. Pour l'immunité, les tribus doivent chacune traîner une lourde charrette sur un terrain accidenté tout en allumant une série de torches.

Épisode 2 - Who's Zooming Whom?

18 octobre 2001 - 3.6/5

Les tribus jouent pour des couvertures, des bidons d'eau et de la nourriture dans le cadre du défi de récompense "Stairway to the Stars". Les équipes doivent transporter cinq bûches à travers une série d'obstacles jusqu'à une tour et construire un escalier. Pour l'immunité, chaque joueur doit boire un verre à liqueur de sang de vache mélangé à du lait. Si un joueur échoue, sa tribu perd.

Épisode 3 - The Gods Are Angry

25 octobre 2001 - 3.6/5

Les tribus tentent de gagner 100l d'eau douce en faisant rouler un rocher géant à travers un parcours d'obstacles. Pour l'immunité, les équipes doivent créer un signal de détresse clairement visible depuis les airs.

Épisode 4 - The Young and Untrusted

1 novembre 2001 - 3.8/5

Les tribus se disputent les ustensiles de cuisine dans le cadre du défi de récompense "Caught in the Web". Les joueurs doivent escalader une toile de corde et récupérer 12 paniers suspendus à la toile pour gagner. Pour l'immunité, les équipes doivent ramasser et déplacer un camp avec une hutte de 200 mètres, puis recréer le camp exactement comme il était avant.

Épisode 5 - The Twist

8 novembre 2001 - 3.8/5

Trois membres de la tribu de chaque équipe sont surpris d'apprendre qu'ils changent de camp et rejoignent leurs tribus rivales. Après le changement, les équipes se disputent la récompense en menant 20 chèvres d'un enclos de départ à un enclos de destination à 100 mètres. Pour l'immunité, les équipes rassemblent 20 pièces de puzzle et les assemblent pour compléter le puzzle.

Épisode 6 - I'd Never Do It to You

15 novembre 2001 - 3.8/5

Les équipes jouent pour un buffet complet en répondant à une série de questions sur l'Afrique. Pour l'immunité, les joueurs utilisent des arcs et des flèches pour atteindre cinq cibles.

Épisode 7 - Will There Be a Feast Tonight?

22 novembre 2001 - 3.2/5

Les deux équipes fusionnent et forment la tribu Moto Maji. Pour l'immunité, les joueurs ont un de leurs poignets attaché à une corde qui est reliée à un seau d'eau situé directement au-dessus de leur tête. S'ils laissent tomber leur bras, l'eau se déverse sur eux. Le dernier joueur debout gagne.

Épisode 8 - The First 21 Days

29 novembre 2001 - 3.7/5

Jeff Probst revient sur les 21 premiers jours du jeu au Kenya.

Épisode 9 - Smoking Out the Snake

6 décembre 2001 - 3.8/5

Les joueurs tentent de gagner deux chèvres qui peuvent être échangées dans un village africain contre des marchandises en catapultant neuf objets dans un panier situé au sommet d'une tour. "Box Your Mind" est le défi de l'immunité, dans lequel les joueurs doivent mémoriser des objets situés à l'intérieur d'un tonneau.

Épisode 10 - Dinner, Movie, and a Betrayal

13 décembre 2001 - 3.8/5

Les joueurs tentent de gagner une soirée cinéma pour voir "Out of Africa" en réussissant une course d'obstacles. Pour l'immunité, les joueurs tentent d'allumer un feu à l'aide d'une loupe.

Épisode 11 - We Are Family

20 décembre 2001 - 3.8/5

Les joueurs reçoivent chacun de l'argent à dépenser lors d'une vente aux enchères de nourriture. Pour l'immunité, les joueurs doivent répondre correctement à cinq questions sur le folklore africain.

Épisode 12 - The Big Adventure

27 décembre 2001 - 3.7/5

Les joueurs regardent des vidéos de leurs familles, puis essaient de deviner les réponses que les membres de leur famille ont données à des questions personnelles. Le gagnant reçoit une récompense qui comprend un safari africain. Pour l'immunité, les joueurs lancent des bâtons pour casser des pots avec les noms des joueurs adverses dessus. La dernière personne avec un pot ininterrompu gagne l'immunité.

Épisode 13 - Truth Be Told

3 janvier 2002 - 4/5

Les naufragés jouent "Swahili Scramble" pour la récompense. Ils doivent chacun trouver neuf mots swahili cachés dans des lettres sur un tableau, puis les utiliser pour résoudre un indice. La récompense comprend la possibilité de livrer des fournitures médicales à un hôpital spécialisé dans le sida. Le défi d'immunité "Second Chance" combine des éléments des défis précédents, y compris un parcours d'obstacles et l'utilisation d'arcs et de flèches.

Épisode 14 - The Final Four: No Regrets

10 janvier 2002 - 3.3/5

Les joueurs du Final Four répondent aux questions sur les 12 naufragés évincés dans le premier des deux défis d'immunité. Le deuxième défi d'immunité est une bataille d'endurance dans laquelle les trois joueurs restants placent une main sur une idole en bois et leurs pieds sur des souches. La dernière personne debout gagne l'immunité. Plus tard, les sept membres du jury interrogent les joueurs du Final Two et votent pour le gagnant.

Épisode 15 - Africa Reunion

10 janvier 2002 - 3.3/5

Les 16 candidats se réunissent pour discuter de leurs expériences en Afrique. Bryant Gumbel est l'hôte.

Épisode 1 - Back to the Beach

28 février 2002 - 4/5

Seize naufragés sont échoués sur Nuku Hiva, une île volcanique du Pacifique Sud. Les membres des deux tribus, Maraamu et Rotu, pagaient à terre dans des radeaux de sauvetage séparés et installent un camp. Pour Immunity, chaque équipe allume une série de torches dans l'océan à partir d'un canoë. L'équipe perdante se rend au conseil tribal et vote contre la première personne.

Épisode 2 - Nacho Momma

7 mars 2002 - 4/5

Les naufragés jouent pour les engins de pêche dans le défi de récompense "Do or Dive", dans lequel les membres de chaque équipe doivent plonger sous l'eau et prendre de lourdes pierres d'un bateau coulé. La première équipe à mettre son bateau à flot et à atterrir gagne. Pour l'immunité, chaque membre de la tribu doit manger une délicatesse marquisienne malodorante appelée fafaru qui se compose de poisson cru, d'arêtes de poisson, de pattes de crabe et de pattes de homard marinées dans de l'eau de mer et laissées au soleil pendant trois jours.

Épisode 3 - No Pain, No Gain

13 mars 2002 - 3.8/5

Chaque tribu construit un radeau en bambou et le pagaie à travers un cours d'eau pour ramasser des provisions. La première équipe à terminer le parcours remporte au choix du riz ou une collection de couvertures, d'oreillers et de lanternes. Pour l'immunité, les joueurs manœuvrent une noix de coco dans un labyrinthe construit à l'intérieur d'une boîte en bois surdimensionnée.

Épisode 4 - The Winds Twist

20 mars 2002 - 4/5

Les joueurs se rassemblent pour ce qu'ils croient être un défi de récompense et sont choqués d'apprendre que les tribus sont inversées. Pour l'immunité, les tribus nouvellement formées doivent déchiffrer une tapisserie tissée de pièces entrelacées pour révéler un dessin.

Épisode 5 - The End of Innocence

28 mars 2002 - 3.7/5

Une tribu remporte le droit de prendre la nourriture et les fournitures du camp adverse après avoir terminé un défi de récompense qui oblige les équipes à collecter des segments de quatre tikis déconstruits et à les assembler. Pour l'immunité, les tribus doivent créer un signal de détresse facilement visible depuis un bateau de sauvetage. Le meilleur signal gagne.

Épisode 6 - The Underdogs

4 avril 2002 - 3.8/5

Les tribus tentent de gagner un pique-nique dans le cadre du défi de récompense "Jungle Relay", dans lequel les équipes utilisent un canoë pour récupérer un drapeau dans l'eau après avoir traversé la jungle pour trouver deux pagaies cachées. Pour l'immunité, chaque tribu forme une chaîne humaine pour collecter des barreaux d'échelle numérotés à l'intérieur d'un labyrinthe. La première équipe à trouver tous ses échelons et à les utiliser pour escalader une tour gagne.

Épisode 7 - True Lies

11 avril 2002 - 4/5

Les deux équipes fusionnent pour former la tribu Soliantu. Les naufragés jouent pour la première fois pour l'immunité individuelle dans le défi «Sea Legs», qui oblige les joueurs à se tenir debout sur une plate-forme flottante dans une eau agitée. La dernière personne debout gagne.

Épisode 8 - Jury's Out

18 avril 2002 - 3.8/5

Les joueurs tentent de gagner une récompense comprenant une barre de chocolat géante et un voyage de plongée sous-marine dans un récif de corail exotique en construisant un cerf-volant et en étant le premier à le faire voler à 300 pieds dans les airs. Pour l'immunité, les naufragés doivent répondre à des questions sur les îles Marquises.

Épisode 9 - Look Closer: The First 24 Days

24 avril 2002 - 4/5

Des moments forts et des images inédites récapitulent les 24 premiers jours des naufragés sur l'île de Nuku Hiva.

Épisode 10 - Two Peas in a Pod

25 avril 2002 - 4/5

Les huit joueurs se divisent en quatre équipes de deux pour participer à un festin marquisien qui comprend un voyage en hélicoptère au-dessus des îles et une balade à cheval dans un magnifique lieu où se tient le somptueux banquet. Pour gagner, les paires doivent être le premier duo à remplir une pousse de bambou de 3 pieds de haut avec du jus de noix de coco. Le défi d'immunité est "High Stepping", dans lequel les joueurs tentent de se faire tomber des échasses.

Épisode 11 - The Princess

2 mai 2002 - 4/5

Le défi de récompense est "Rock Bottom", dans lequel les joueurs sautent d'un pont flottant pour récupérer des coquillages dans l'océan. Le gagnant bénéficie d'une journée sur un bateau de croisière privé comprenant une douche chaude, des vêtements propres et un repas chaud. Pour l'immunité, il s'agit de "Virtues of Fire", un défi qui oblige les naufragés à allumer un feu qui allumera une tour en bois.

Épisode 12 - Marquesan Vacation

9 mai 2002 - 4/5

Les six joueurs restants sont chacun réunis avec un être cher, qui tente ensuite de gagner une journée sur l'île en déjouant les autres amis et membres de la famille sur un plateau de puzzle géant. Dans le défi d'immunité "Sands of Time", les naufragés utilisent des lance-pierres pour casser des tuiles.

Épisode 13 - A Tale of Two Cities

16 mai 2002 - 4/5

Les cinq naufragés restants jouent pour une voiture dans l'épreuve de récompense, qui se compose d'éléments de concours passés, tels que la construction d'un tiki, le remplissage d'un tube de bambou avec du jus de noix de coco, la marche de 10 pieds sur des échasses et l'utilisation d'une fronde pour casser des tuiles. Pour l'immunité, les joueurs répondent à des questions sur le folklore marquisien.

Épisode 14 - The Sole Survivor

19 mai 2002 - 4/5

Les naufragés du Final Four répondent aux questions sur les 12 joueurs précédemment évincés pour gagner l'immunité. Suite au concours, une personne est éliminée. Ensuite, les trois joueurs restants se disputent à nouveau l'immunité dans un défi d'endurance qui les oblige à se tenir sur deux bûches tout en s'appuyant contre une idole. La dernière personne debout remporte l'Immunité Finale et élit ensuite une personne. Le jury vote ensuite pour le gagnant du premier prix d'un million de dollars.

Épisode 15 - Marquesas Reunion

19 mai 2002 - 4/5

Les 16 candidats se retrouvent dans Central Park à New York. Les hôtes de Rosie O'Donnell.

Épisode 1 - The Importance of Being Eldest

19 septembre 2002 - 3.8/5

Seize joueurs sont bloqués sur Koh Tarutao, une île au large de la Thaïlande.

Épisode 2 - The Great Divide

26 septembre 2002 - 3.8/5

Helen et Jan se perdent et manquent à l'appel pendant des heures alors qu'ils tentent de trouver leur source d'eau. De plus, les tensions sont vives parmi les membres de la tribu Sook Jai alors qu'ils construisent un abri.

Épisode 3 - Family Values

3 octobre 2002 - 3.8/5

Les tribus s'affrontent dans un défi de récompense pour obtenir l'aide de deux soldats qui les aideront à tirer le meilleur parti de leurs ressources au camp.

Épisode 4 - Gender Bender

10 octobre 2002 - 3.8/5

Une tribu commence à se diviser selon les sexes.

Épisode 5 - The Ocean's Surprise

17 octobre 2002 - 3.5/5

Un naufragé est blessé par une raie lors d'une baignade en groupe et une tribu perd un objet de grande valeur.

Épisode 6 - The Power of One

24 octobre 2002 - 3.5/5

Tempers flare during a Reward Challenge in which the prize is a Thai feast. Also, one tribe becomes concerned about a teammate after the person exhibits bizarre behavior.

Épisode 7 - Assumptions

31 octobre 2002 - 3.5/5

The castaways anticipate a merge of the two tribes and new relationships are formed.

Épisode 8 - Sleeping with the Enemy

7 novembre 2002 - 3.5/5

Members of the two original tribes consider forming alliances with some of their new tribemates. Also, one castaway gets disgusted by the hygiene habits of others.

Épisode 9 - Desperate Measures

14 novembre 2002 - 3.8/5

News from home draws sharp responses from the castaways that could impact one contestant's future in the game. Also, one alliance tries to infiltrate a rival group.

Épisode 10 - While the Cats Are Away

21 novembre 2002 - 3.5/5

One contestant wins a trip to the mainland and offends a friend by choosing someone else as a traveling companion.

Épisode 11 - A Closer Look

27 novembre 2002 - 3.5/5

A look at highlights of some of the most unforgettable moments from the first 10 episodes of the series, including Ted pretending to take pictures of Ghandia and Clay expressing his admiration of Erin's physique.

Épisode 12 - A Big Surprise… and Another

5 décembre 2002 - 3.8/5

A reward challenge takes the castaways by surprise, evoking tears of joy for the winner.

Épisode 13 - The Tides Are Turning

12 décembre 2002 - 3.8/5

Rebuffed by a former ally, a castaway hatches a new strategy by enlisting support from new sources.

Épisode 14 - Slip Through Your Fingers

19 décembre 2002 - 3.8/5

The Final 4 players are whittled down to 2 via a pair of contests before the 7-member jury votes for the winner.

Épisode 15 - Thailand Reunion

19 décembre 2002 - 3.8/5

The 16 castaways are reunited to discuss their experiences in Thailand. Jeff Probst is the host.

Épisode 1 - Boys vs Girls

13 février 2003 - 4/5

The reality series pits the guys against the girls, as the 16 players are divided into single-sex tribes for this sixth edition. The eight men and eight women are stranded in Brazil's Amazon rain forest along the Rio Negro, a piranha-infested river, 35 miles from the port city of Manaus.

Épisode 2 - Storms

20 février 2003 - 3.8/5

A tropical rainstorm soaks the women's camp, while the men stay dry, and the discovery of a hidden food item creates tension in one camp, as accusations swirl about who brought it and didn't share.

Épisode 3 - Girl Power

27 février 2003 - 4/5

The women's tribe elects a reluctant leader, while putting off a candidate who wanted the post. In the Reward Challenge, the two tribes get a chance to interact and the guys admit to having crushes on some of the ladies.

Épisode 4 - Trapped

6 mars 2003 - 3.6/5

One tribe goes on a group expedition, but purposely leaves behind a vulnerable member who then crafts a new strategy to survive. Also: An alliance within one tribe breaks down when one of its members becomes ill.

Épisode 5 - Pick-Up Sticks

13 mars 2003 - 3.4/5

Just as the men are getting comfortable with their severe environment, one of them is injured. In the women's camp, an overheard conversation leads to controversy.

Épisode 6 - More Than Meats the Eye

19 mars 2003 - 4.2/5

One castaway forms an alliance with a hated tribe member. A reward challenge has enormous impact. One man takes a very special bath.

Épisode 7 - Girls Gone Wilder

26 mars 2003 - 4/5

Some female castaways strip naked in an attempt to gain food items, and a distraught player struggles over the departure of a team member. Also: a mysterious locked box brings sweeping changes to the tribes.

Épisode 8 - Sleeping with the Enemy

3 avril 2003 - 3.8/5

One player worries that members of the opposite sex are using their charms to manipulate other castaways and warns a fellow tribe member to be careful. Also: one player's fixation on sharpening the machetes creeps out fellow tribemates.

Épisode 9 - The Chain

10 avril 2003 - 3.5/5

Tree mail arrives, along with weapons that will be used during a challenge.

Épisode 10 - The First 27 Days

17 avril 2003 - 3.5/5

A review of this season's episodes features new footage. Included: the first night at the women's camp & Christy teaching sign language to her new tribe.

Épisode 11 - Q & A

24 avril 2003 - 3.5/5

A reward challenge turns into an auction for letters from home. Tribe members comfortable in their alliances take it easy. One castaway promises to vote against a trusted ally.

Épisode 12 - Sour Grapes

1 mai 2003 - 3.5/5

Alliances crumble, leaving the castaways with no idea where they stand in the tribe. A tribemate reveals an ally's plans. One castaway decides to make everyone miserable. An incredible sacrifice is made.

Épisode 13 - The Amazon Heats Up

8 mai 2003 - 3.5/5

A fire rages through the camp and destroys everything, and one player becomes sick and begs to be the 12th player voted out.

Épisode 14 - … And Then There Were Four

11 mai 2003 - 3.5/5

The Final 4 players are whittled down to 2 and the 7-person jury votes for the winner.

Épisode 15 - The Amazon Reunion

11 mai 2003 - 3.5/5

The 16 players are reunited in New York City. Jeff Probst is the host.

Épisode 1 - Beg, Barter, Steal

18 septembre 2003 - 4.1/5

Castaways are divided into two tribes, Drake and Morgan. They are told that nothing is at camp and are given a small amount of money to buy items at a marketplace to get what they think they will need to survive.

Épisode 2 - To Quit or Not to Quit

25 septembre 2003 - 4/5

The Morgan tribe has trouble sleeping as the cold nights have taken their toll on the contestants.

Épisode 3 - United We Stand, Divided We…?

2 octobre 2003 - 4/5

A challenge comes down to the wire between the Morgan and Drake Tribes for who will win immunity.

Épisode 4 - Pick a Castaway… Any Castaway

9 octobre 2003 - 4.2/5

Drake is overcome with joy when Shawn finds a treasure chest filled with goblets, candles, candle holders, canned foods, sugar, honey, blankets, coffee beans, and chocolate.

Épisode 5 - Everyone's Hero

16 octobre 2003 - 4.1/5

One member of the Drake tribe is left out in the cold when a plan to deceive the Morgan tribe backfires.

Épisode 6 - Me and My Snake

23 octobre 2003 - 4/5

Having also won the opportunity to loot an item from the losing camps tribe, the visiting castaway makes a stunning confession.

Épisode 7 - What the…? (1)

30 octobre 2003 - 4.3/5

Castaways who were previously evicted return in a twist-filled episode.

Épisode 8 - What the…? (2)

6 novembre 2003 - 3.9/5

The Outcast tribe goes to Tribal Council and votes for two of their members to re-enter the game. After the vote, the two are assigned to Drake and Morgan according to which buff they pull out of a box.

Épisode 9 - Shocking! Simply Shocking!

13 novembre 2003 - 4/5

A sudden bounty of food for some causes energy levels to rise, egos to clash, suspicions to fester and one group of castaways to plan a coup.

Épisode 10 - Swimming with Sharks

20 novembre 2003 - 4/5

One player has an anxiety attack during a Reward Challenge. Two castaways whose fates are in jeopardy hatch a plan to turn things in their favor.

Épisode 11 - The Great Lie

26 novembre 2003 - 4/5

A castaway is accused of sabotaging the tribe’s food supply, but is it a false accusation?

Épisode 12 - Would You Be My Brutus Today?

4 décembre 2003 - 4/5

Faltering alliances leave everyone vulnerable at tribal council.

Épisode 13 - Mutiny

11 décembre 2003 - 4/5

Certain survivors begin to question their current alliances as the remaining five scramble to stay on the island.

Épisode 14 - Flames and Endurance

14 décembre 2003 - 4/5

The Final Four castaways are reduced to two and the Jury votes for the winner.

Épisode 15 - Pearl Islands Reunion

14 décembre 2003 - 4/5

The winner is revealed as the 16 castaways reunite to discuss the game and their role in it. Jeff Probst is the host.

Épisode 1 - They're Back!

1 février 2004 - 3.8/5

From Pulau Tiga to the Pearl Islands, the most memorable players from the show's first seven editions compete for $1 million and bragging rights as the ultimate Survivor. The 18 castaways are divided into three tribes: Chapera; Saboga; and Mogo Mogo, named for islands off the coast of Panama where the latest game takes place. Among the contestants are four former winners (Richard Hatch, Tina Wesson, Ethan Zohn, Jenna Morasca) and one runner-up (Colby Donaldson).

Épisode 2 - Panicked, Desperate, Thirsty as Hell

5 février 2004 - 3.8/5

Living conditions worsen, but a hero emerges for one tribe, and one castaway continually fails in efforts to contribute to camp life.

Épisode 3 - Shark Attack

12 février 2004 - 4.1/5

Richard tangles with a shark while fishing; Rupert and Jerri have a heated argument; romance starts to bloom between two castaways; a crate of supplies is delivered via parachute to the winning tribe of the Reward Challenge.

Épisode 4 - Wipe Out!

19 février 2004 - 4/5

A tropical rain helps kindle a romance between Boston Rob and Amber; several players are hit and knocked down while blindfolded during the Immunity Challenge.

Épisode 5 - I've Been Bamboozled!

26 février 2004 - 4/5

The castaways face their first major twist of the competition.

Épisode 6 - Outraged

4 mars 2004 - 3.6/5

Tension builds, then culminates in an explosion.

Épisode 7 - Sorry… I Blew It

11 mars 2004 - 3.6/5

The two tribes are surprised to find out that the Immunity Challenge and the Reward Challenge are combined into one challenge for this episode.

Épisode 8 - Pick a Tribemate

17 mars 2004 - 3.6/5

The romance between Rob and Amber heats up; both tribes must send one of their own players to the opposing camp.

Épisode 9 - A Closer Look

24 mars 2004 - 3.2/5

Highlights of the first 24 days on the islands off the coast of Panama.

Épisode 10 - Mad Scramble and Broken Hearts

1 avril 2004 - 3.6/5

A twist of events turns the reward challenge upside down; a team thinks about throwing the immunity challenge. Rival tribe members raise eyebrows.

Épisode 11 - Anger, Tears and Chaos

8 avril 2004 - 3.8/5

A contestant makes conflicting promises to two castaways in different alliances.

Épisode 12 - A Thoughtful Gesture or a Deceptive Plan?

15 avril 2004 - 3.5/5

One castaway works to reconcile with a tribe mate. Paranoia plagues another who witnesses a strategy session among fellow tribe members.

Épisode 13 - Stupid People, Stupid, Stupid People

22 avril 2004 - 3.5/5

Feeling extremely vulnerable, Shii Ann vows to win immunity. The Reward Challenge makes a castaway angry.

Épisode 14 - A Chapera Surprise

29 avril 2004 - 3.5/5

The castaways are forced to watch their loved ones battle each other in order for them to spend time away from the tribe at an overnight visit.

Épisode 15 - The Instigator

6 mai 2004 - 3.5/5

Jenna's cheerful demeanor is starting to wear thin on her fellow castaways. One tribe member breaks up a strategy session between two others.

Épisode 16 - The Sole Surviving All-Star

9 mai 2004 - 3.8/5

The ultimate bragging rights are bestowed upon a veteran player with the crowning of a winner. The Final Four castaways are whittled down to two and the seven-person jury votes for the champion.

Épisode 17 - All-Stars Reunion

9 mai 2004 - 3.8/5

The 18 castaways reunite at New York City's Madison Square Garden to discuss the eighth edition of the series. Jeff Probst is the host.

Épisode 18 - America's Tribal Council

13 mai 2004 - 3.8/5

A second player is awarded $1 million, based on fan voting. Jeff Probst is the host.

Épisode 1 - They Came at Us with Spears!

16 septembre 2004 - 3.6/5

Eighteen castaways, separated into two tribes of men vs. women, are stranded on the remote islands of Vanuatu in the South Pacific. After a shocking welcoming ceremony with a local tribe, the nine men and nine women are sent their separate ways to search for their camps at night. At first light, both tribes struggle to make fire and build shelter. Lopevi (the men's tribe) is shocked when Chad reveals that he is an amputee, having lost his right leg below the knee only 20 months earlier. Over at Yasur (the women's tribe), Eliza's constant chatter and Twila's workaholic attitude are rubbing some the wrong way.

Épisode 2 - Burly Girls, Bowheads, Young Studs and the Old Bunch

23 septembre 2004 - 4/5

A tribe deals with very grim conditions as one castaway has a tearful meltdown after finding maggots in the tribe's food. A wild chicken wanders into the Yasur camp and sends the hungry tribe into a frenzy as they try to catch the chicken with a machete. One Survivor tries to take advantage of tensions between two tribemates after a loss at the Reward Challenge. Two castaways think they are the swing vote, leading to a very unpredictable Tribal Council.

Épisode 3 - Double Tribal, Double Trouble

30 septembre 2004 - 3.8/5

The castaways are shocked to learn that each tribe will lose a member at the next tribal council. An additional twist to the challenge puts one contestant in a very influential position.

Épisode 4 - Now That's a Reward!

7 octobre 2004 - 4/5

A Reward Challenge sends them a visitor for 24 hours. One Survivor plays puppet master in an attempt to pit one tribemate against another.

Épisode 5 - Earthquakes and Shake-Ups!

14 octobre 2004 - 3.8/5

Both tribes receive unexpected visits from Vanuatu natives bearing a message with consequences for all the castaways. A massive earthquake rocks the island, literally shaking things up for the tribes. A trip for one tribe leads to bonding and makes one castaway very happy. One castaway is caught by a tribemate while attempting to communicate secretly with a member of the opposing tribe.

Épisode 6 - Hog Tied

21 octobre 2004 - 3.8/5

Feeling vulnerable, one castaway gives an impassioned, persuasive speech in hopes of breaking the tribe's alliances. In a piglet-herding Reward Challenge, could one tribe's chance of winning be hurt by a member's fear of handling pigs?

Épisode 7 - Anger, Threats, Tears… and Coffee

28 octobre 2004 - 3.8/5

One member's lack of work ethic prompts negative reactions in the tribe. After winning a hard-fought Challenge, one tribe is rewarded with more than just sustenance. One Survivor, in danger of being voted off, wins a Challenge for the tribe, thus buying more time on the island. A potential target at Tribal Council, one Survivor tries to convince the rest that another tribemate should be next to go.

Épisode 8 - Now the Battle Really Begins

4 novembre 2004 - 3.5/5

A Survivor gets fed up with the tribe and is ready for a change. One castaway uses charm, flirtation and cuddling in an attempt to get in good with a tribemate. Anxiety about a possible tribal merge leads one Survivor to make one-on-one pacts with numerous others. One castaway gets into a war of words with a tribemate after being told what to do.

Épisode 9 - Gender Wars… It's Getting Ugly

11 novembre 2004 - 3.5/5

Fetching Tree Mail, one Survivor is surprised to get more than just mail, but the meaning of the surprise remains a mystery. One group of Survivors hatch a devilish plan to screw over their tribemates. Hatred drives two Survivors to serious lobbying to get each other voted out. One Survivor's guilt over aligning with a faction is exacerbated by a tribemate's words.

Épisode 10 - Culture Shock and Violent Storms

18 novembre 2004 - 3.5/5

Two Survivors become "sacrificial lambs" and are tied up by their tribe. A surreal Reward drives one Survivor to overindulge and pay for it later. After a tumultuous night in which one castaway struggles to keep the camp together, it is decided that the most useless tribemate should go. One Survivor is torn between joining a new alliance or thwarting an existing one.

Épisode 11 - Surprise and… Surprise Again!

25 novembre 2004 - 3.8/5

One Survivor tries to solidify a Final Four position. The Survivors are surprised by an emotional reunion with their loved ones.

Épisode 12 - Now Who's in Charge Here?!

2 décembre 2004 - 3.5/5

One tribe member accosts another for breaking a pact. The tribe is irritated by two tribemates who show little desire to contribute to routine camp life. A suddenly powerless castaway attempts to sway an undecided tribe member going into a crucial Tribal Council.

Épisode 13 - Eruption of Volcanic Magnitude

9 décembre 2004 - 3.5/5

One Survivor is alienated from the tribe after an outburst that jeopardizes any chance of being in the Final Four. Tempers flare when one tribemate refuses to tell another the whereabouts of some buried provisions. When a tribemate catches two Survivors talking strategy, an altercation erupts that makes everyone realize what's at stake. Working both sides of a divided camp, one Survivor makes conflicting promises going into Tribal Council.

Épisode 14 - Spirits and the Final Four

12 décembre 2004 - 3.5/5

Two Survivors get into a fight after one says the other doesn't deserve to be there. Two final and most crucial Immunity Challenges play out and in the end, only two remain.

Épisode 15 - Vanuatu Reunion

12 décembre 2004 - 3.6/5

In front of a live studio audience and the entire cast of VANUATU, Jeff Probst announces the Sole Survivor and winner of the $1 million.

Épisode 1 - This Has Never Happened Before!

17 février 2005 - 3.2/5

As twenty castaways row one large boat through the waters surrounding Palau, host Jeff Probst points them towards their new beach and indicates there will be two machetes and a map to water waiting for them. In addition, he indicates there will be two Immunity necklaces for the first man and the first woman to reach the shore. With that, Probst departs and the anticipation and panic sets in. Who will stay in the boat? Who will be first to jump? Who will win Immunity? By the end of the first episode, three castaways will leave the island.

Épisode 2 - Love Is in the Air, Rats Are Everywhere

24 février 2005 - 3.2/5

One tribe's beach is overrun with unwelcome little visitors. One Survivor is suspicious about a special alliance developing between two tribemates. While enjoying a feast, a tribe notices one member's reclusive behavior. A tribe attempts to recover a lost provision.

Épisode 3 - Dangerous Creatures and Horrible Setbacks

3 mars 2005 - 3.2/5

One tribe relaxes after winning a Challenge. One tribe faces a setback when a member suffers an injury. Two fearless castaways take it upon themselves to confront some deadly creatures on the island.

Épisode 4 - Sumo at Sea

10 mars 2005 - 3.2/5

Tensions rise within both tribes when they are forced to choose leaders for the next Reward Challenge. Spirits are high within a tribe when they win a Challenge and an extraordinary Reward.

Épisode 5 - The Best and Worst Reward Ever

16 mars 2005 - 3.7/5

Low morale for one tribe sinks even lower when they abandon their camp in search of a cave for shelter from a storm. One tribe is taunted and tormented as they have to sit and watch the other tribe enjoy a great Reward right in front of them. Both tribes face several unexpected twists that throw them off their game.

Épisode 6 - Jellyfish 'n Chips

23 mars 2005 - 3.5/5

Tensions flare between two tribemates when one blames the other for the tribe's loss in a Challenge. After a miserable night in a typhoon, one Survivor has an emotional and physical breakdown. One undecided Survivor makes conflicting deals with two tribemates going into Tribal Council.

Épisode 7 - The Great White Shark Hunter

31 mars 2005 - 3.3/5

Two Survivors battle to provide for their tribe. Sitting out a Challenge, one Survivor finds it hard to watch from the sidelines. A tribe member is suspicious of a potential alliance forming between two very friendly tribemates that could spoil a game plan. During a crucial Immunity Challenge, one Survivor takes over for a struggling tribemate.

Épisode 8 - Neanderthal Man

7 avril 2005 - 3.7/5

A Survivor becomes irritated with the tribe's living conditions and lack of maintenance around camp. The Survivors get a chance to sample a Palauan delicacy. Two Survivors disagree on how the tribe should enjoy their Reward.

Épisode 9 - I Will Not Give Up

14 avril 2005 - 3.7/5

One Survivor struggles to endure a hard night as life on the island becomes tougher this deep into the game. After being excluded from a tribal excursion, one Survivor throws a tantrum. One tribe enjoys a memorable evening, especially for the member who overindulges a bit.

Épisode 10 - Exile Island

21 avril 2005 - 3.8/5

An unexpected performance by a tribemate during a Challenge results in a victory for the team. One castaway confronts her tribe, leaving everyone feeling uncomfortable and leaving her feeling alienated. A twist at a Challenge brings very bad news for one Survivor. In danger of going on the chopping block, a Survivor makes a heartfelt plea not to be voted off.

Épisode 11 - I'll Show You How Threatening I Am

28 avril 2005 - 3.8/5

Some Survivors entertain the idea of forming a secret alliance and persuade a tribemate to join their pact. A Survivor heeds some advice and makes personal hygiene improvements, delighting the tribe. As the game nears its conclusion, three castaways formulate individual strategies for surviving the upcoming Tribal Council.

Épisode 12 - We'll Make You Pay

5 mai 2005 - 3.6/5

The aftermath of an emotional Tribal Council and stormy weather combine for a night the tribe will never forget. To their surprise and delight, some Survivors are overwhelmed by a visit from their loved ones. A strong alliance leaves one castaway on the outside looking in, with Immunity the only chance for survival. Paranoia sets in as alliances crumble and some Survivors feels like they've lost control of the game.

Épisode 13 - It Could All Backfire

12 mai 2005 - 3.6/5

Gender lines are drawn as one group hatches a plan to vote off the Survivor who doesn't win Immunity. One Survivor feels betrayed when the winner of a Challenge chooses a different tribemate to enjoy the Reward. Going into Tribal Council, one Survivor holds the power and is torn between an alliance and a friendship.

Épisode 14 - The Ultimate Shock

15 mai 2005 - 3.8/5

The Final Four rethink their strategies when a once-solid alliance dissolves with the slip of a tongue. After an emotional Tribal Council, arguments erupt, feelings are hurt and friendships are questioned. A shocking development during the Final Immunity Challenge promises to go down in Survivor history. Tears and harsh words fuel a tense session between the Jury and the Final Two.

Épisode 15 - Palau Reunion

15 mai 2005 - 3.7/5

In front of a live studio audience and the entire cast of PALAU, Jeff Probst reveals the results of the Jury vote and announces the Sole Survivor and winner of $1 million.

Épisode 1 - Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise

15 septembre 2005 - 3.8/5

Sixteen new castaways set off on an 11-mile hike through rugged Guatemalan jungle to arrive at ancient ruins of the Maya civilization. They also find a surprise that will help each tribe in the challenges to come.

Épisode 2 - Man Down

22 septembre 2005 - 3.5/5

One Survivor is appalled when a nest of ants are served up for dinner in a tribe desperate for protein. Lacking any sympathy for ailing tribemates, one Survivor starts complaining about the weak ones being lazy and getting pampered. The heat and rigors of the Guatemalan jungle have deteriorated many castaways, who must find the strength to get through a grueling physical competition. Leading into the second Tribal Council, one Survivor fights back when their work ethic is questioned by tribemates.

Épisode 3 - The Brave May Not Live Long, but the Cautious Don't Live at All

29 septembre 2005 - 3.8/5

Smoldering heat forces some Survivors to cool off in the water, risking an encounter with crocodiles. As a tribe attempts to rebuild their shelter, one member takes matters into their own hands and irritates the others. Causing sleepless nights, an inconsiderate howler monkey drives one castaway crazy. A termite-infested log becomes a delicacy for some castaways desperate for a change in their diet.

Épisode 4 - To Betray or Not to Betray

6 octobre 2005 - 3.5/5

In an unexpected twist, members of the two tribes are shuffled. While one Survivor dangles his feet in the crocodile-infested waters, something nibbles on his toes. A very close Immunity Challenge leads into a tense Tribal Council that could end with a tie or a major betrayal.

Épisode 5 - Crocs, Cowboys and City Slickers

13 octobre 2005 - 4.2/5

When pounding rain takes its toll on a tribe, one member voices frustrations by calling out some of the others. An incredible Reward is won after one castaway blazes through a Challenge. One self-absorbed Survivor annoys the tribe with endless stories of a glamorous life beyond Survivor.

Épisode 6 - Big Ball, Big Mouth, Big Trouble

20 octobre 2005 - 3.8/5

After winning an arduous Reward Challenge, one tribe member ruins it for the rest by becoming intoxicated and obnoxious. A grueling physical challenge pushes two castaways to the breaking point, leading to a screaming match that comes close to exploding. In a Tribal Council first, one castaway bullies and insults a fellow tribe member despite attempts to keep the peace.

Épisode 7 - Surprise Enemy Visit

27 octobre 2005 - 3.8/5

Fear threatens to ruin one castaway's ability to enjoy a reward. An unexpected visit from the opposing tribe makes some of the other castaways uncomfortable about being friendly with the enemy. A heart to heart ends with one Survivor telling another, "You can lie...But, I will track you down. I will find you!" After a difficult Tribal Council, the castaways are bombarded with another big surprise.

Épisode 8 - The Hidden Immunity Idol

3 novembre 2005 - 3.8/5

Survivors learn that there is an Immunity Idol hidden in the Guatemalan jungle, and the hunt begins. Given the choice to feast or challenge, several castaways choose to enjoy a large feast in front of the others instead of competing for Immunity. Is this a smart move, or will their hunger be their demise?

Épisode 9 - Secrets and Lies and an Idol Surprise

10 novembre 2005 - 3.8/5

One Survivor deceives the others by giving them the wrong clues to where the hidden Immunity Idol rests. Several Survivors become angry after one overindulges in a Reward. One Survivor secretly follows a tribemate on a hunt for the hidden Immunity Idol and soon finds out that the tribemate is not to be trusted.

Épisode 10 - Eating and Sleeping with the Enemy

17 novembre 2005 - 3.8/5

In a down-and-dirty struggle for Reward in the mud, a team is let down by the failure of one member. One tribemate's incessant paranoia drives another to the breaking point. Some feel vulnerable, and some feel sure of who should go, leading to an unpredictable Tribal Council. Will the strong survive, or will the weak slide by?

Épisode 11 - Everything Is Personal

24 novembre 2005 - 4/5

One Survivor's attempt to forge an alliance is overheard by a lurking tribemate. A castaway is livid after a tribemate targets her for elimination in a Reward Challenge, which leads to an eruption back at camp. Paranoia fills the air, leading one Survivor to declare, "Everyone is lying, even the people you'd least expect!" Tribal Council is full of surprises when one Survivor takes advantage of the group setting to call out a tribemate. How will this influence the vote?

Épisode 12 - Price for Immunity

1 décembre 2005 - 3.8/5

In an attempt to break up the Final Four, one Survivor plants doubts in another's mind. Will this strategic risk turn the tide? One Survivor receives a sealed envelope containing a clue that could provide an advantage in the next Immunity Challenge. A bidding war breaks out at a Reward Challenge auction when family members and loved ones show up unannounced.

Épisode 13 - Big Win, Big Decision, Big Mistake?

8 décembre 2005 - 3.8/5

Feeling deceived after a tribemate's ousting, one Survivor confronts the tribe. After a big win, one Survivor has a big decision: try and break the "car curse" or risk it all to drive away with a new car. One Survivor's car decision creates a rift at camp. Will this affect who goes home next? The Survivors battle it out in a close race for Immunity and a guaranteed spot in the Final Four.

Épisode 14 - Thunder Storms & Sacrifice

11 décembre 2005 - 3.8/5

A surprise from a local family quickly shakes up the Final Four in a traditional Maya ceremony. Later, a surprise thunderstorm sets the Survivors wondering if a decision they made upset the Maya gods. Two Survivors question their alliance and agree on who should be eliminated. Will this decision work to their advantage? With only three days left, the Final Four face off in an intense battle to make it to the end. Who will outwit, outlast and outplay to become the Sole Survivor?

Épisode 15 - Guatemala Reunion

11 décembre 2005 - 3.5/5

It's the moment of truth: Jeff Probst walks into the Reunion Show, taped live before a studio audience, and announces who wins the $1 million and the title of Sole Survivor.

Épisode 1 - The First Exile

2 février 2006 - 3.5/5

The 16 castaways are divided into four tribes of four: Older Men, Older Women, Younger Men and Younger Women. This season, at least one Survivor each episode is banished to a separate island miles away from camp. But that's not all bad: there's a hidden Immunity Idol somewhere on Exile Island.

Épisode 2 - Breakdown

9 février 2006 - 3.5/5

When four tribes become two, the last Survivor fears the worst, but then is surprised when Jeff reveals a twist in the game. One castaway makes a major mistake and leaves the tribe disappointed, hungry and still desperately trying to get food. The Survivors waste no time forming alliances, leaving two feeling vulnerable and another two in a position of power. One struggles to adjust to life on the island. Will he overcome the pressure or choose to leave the island forever?

Épisode 3 - Crazy Fights, Snake Dinners

16 février 2006 - 3.5/5

Every night is miserable for the next Survivor sent to Exile Island. Can they withstand another horrendous night, fighting the cold winds and torrential rain alone? One Survivor proves to be an All-Star at the Reward Challenge, securing a major win for a starving tribe. Bickering starts early for one tribe and leaves some members wondering about forming premature alliances. Call it superstition or plain coincidence, but one group's interesting dinner gives more than strength to a weak tribe.

Épisode 4 - Starvation and Lunacy

23 février 2006 - 3.5/5

In a surprising turn of events, a banished Survivor thrives on Exile Island, leaving the tribe back at camp struggling for food and fire. The excitement over winning a Reward Challenge immediately causes a stir within one tribe, as a tribemate contaminates a prized possession. Constant bickering between tribemates leaves one Survivor regretting an alliance with a bunch of lunatics. After the previous Tribal Council, one Survivor begins to worry. Will valiant effort and a competitive nature be enough to keep this castaway in the game?

Épisode 5 - For Cod's Sake

2 mars 2006 - 3.5/5

Winning the Reward Challenge ends up being a raw deal for one tribe. A couple of Survivors secretly bond when they selfishly share one of the Reward prizes and anger their tribemates. Two Survivors fall ill, keeping them up all night and leaving them drained right before the Immunity Challenge. Can these two strong players pull through, or will they bring their tribe down? It's a long afternoon for one tribe as chaos and confusion hampers the decision of who to vote off. Will an alliance stick or fall apart?

Épisode 6 - Salvation and Desertion

9 mars 2006 - 3.8/5

Disunity among one tribe results in no sleep for the group, as one Survivor's continuous outbursts last throughout the night. A strong tribe is weakening from the lack of food and water, but finds strength in relationships they are forming on the island. Will this be enough to win the next Challenge? For one castaway, being sent to Exile Island is a blessing rather than a curse. Having an alliance doesn't always guarantee safety, as a twist in the game leaves one tribe with a big decision to make and places one Survivor's fate in the hands of another.

Épisode 7 - A Closer Look

15 mars 2006 - 3.8/5

Relive the magic of Survivor: Panama -- Exile Island so far with this fond look back at key moments in the first six episodes. In addition, you'll see footage never shown on TV before this episode.

Épisode 8 - An Emerging Plan

30 mars 2006 - 3.8/5

It's bittersweet for one Survivor stranded alone on Exile Island. Even though the company is nice, one castaway struggles with the monotony of camp life. When the two tribes finally become one, the Survivors celebrate together, but hidden agendas quickly take over the camp. Building a bigger shelter becomes a dangerous project and leaves one Survivor with a chipped tooth and a cut lip.

Épisode 9 - The Power of the Idol

6 avril 2006 - 3.5/5

Terry decides it's time to reveal the Idol to some castaways. How will the power of the Idol affect the game? When two tribe members are sent to Exile Island, an unexpected bond forms. Will this newfound friendship affect their alliance and change the course of the game? Determined to expand their alliance, the La Mina group pressures several Casayas. Can they secretly break up the Casaya Six? At the Reward Challenge, one Survivor demonstrates clever leadership skills and forges a win with a weaker group.

Épisode 10 - Fight for Your Life or Eat

13 avril 2006 - 3.8/5

A tempting offer has some Survivors opting out of the Immunity Challenge. Who feels safe enough to sit out, and who won't risk a loss? Terry and Sally continue to lobby the remaining Casayas to join forces with them. Will their efforts to form a new alliance finally pay off? Terry shares Navy stories with his tribemates, and the former Casaya women worry he is unbeatable. After winning Individual Immunity two weeks in a row, can Terry keep his streak going? One male Survivor becomes one of the girls. Has he lost his mind, or does he have a valid reason to be walking around in a skirt?

Épisode 11 - Medical Emergency

20 avril 2006 - 3.8/5

When a medical emergency sends one Survivor off for treatment, the others are left wondering what will happen next. Will this Survivor be forced to leave the game for good? Honesty isn't always the best policy, but in the Reward Challenge it's the key to winning. Can the Survivors get along afterwards, or are some too bitter to forgive and forget? As the lone La Mina, Terry is without allies at camp. His only hope is that the bickering amongst the Casayas continues. Will the old Casaya tribe self-destruct, or will they set their emotions aside and stay focused on the game? Tensions run high when Shane questions the strength of his alliance and threatens to turn the game.

Épisode 12 - Perilous Scramble

27 avril 2006 - 3.8/5

Excitement over winning the Reward Challenge reaches a new level when the winners learn they can compete for a second Reward. Which lucky Survivor walks away with this season's biggest Reward so far? As winner of all three Individual Immunity Challenges, Terry knows he must win again to stay in the game. Will he be able to win his fourth straight Immunity, or can the former Casayas finally knock him off his throne? As the finale nears, the Survivors begin to focus on the pros and cons of alliances. Can Terry finally talk any of the Survivors into being his ally?

Épisode 13 - Bamboozled

4 mai 2006 - 3.8/5

In a heated argument, one Survivor spots a major weakness in another. Can this weakness be used? With just five Survivors remaining, one holds the power to change the game with a vote. Who is it? With love on the line, it's an all-out battle to win the next Reward Challenge. Who wins the love? Who is left with a night alone on Exile Island? With four straight Individual Immunities under his belt, Terry knows he must keep his winning streak going to stay in the game. Will his luck finally run out?

Épisode 14 - Call the Whambulance

11 mai 2006 - 3.8/5

A Final Four celebration gets ugly when one Survivor blows up and quickly divides the camp.

Épisode 15 - The Final Showdown

14 mai 2006 - 3.8/5

Cirie and Danielle go head to head in a tiebreaker Challenge. Who will win and earn their spot in the Final Three, and who will flame out? Before the Final Immunity Challenge, the pressure of what lies ahead weighs heavily on the Final Three. Who can win a spot in the Final Two and a 50/50 shot at $1 million? After the Final Immunity Challenge, one Survivor has the difficult decision of who to take to the Final Two. Who will it be? With the Final Tribal Council just days away, the Final Two prepare for their final statements. Who will outwit, outlast and outplay all the others to become Exile Island's Sole Survivor?

Épisode 16 - Panama Reunion

14 mai 2006 - 3.8/5

Épisode 1 - I Can Forgive Her, But I Don't Have to Because She Screwed with My Chickens

14 septembre 2006 - 4/5

The 20 castaways stranded on the Cook Islands are divided into four tribes along ethnic lines: African-American, Asian-American, Hispanic and White. Once the tribes are formed, they set up camp and get to know one another. After the exhausting Reward and Immunity Challenge, the losing tribe gets one perk: they can send someone to Exile Island. During Tribal Council, one castaway is voted off the island.

Épisode 2 - Dire Straights and Dead Weight

21 septembre 2006 - 4.2/5

At the Aitu camp, Billy quickly becomes a deficit to his tribe and his tribemates become conflicted over what to do. Do they push to win the challenge and keep their tribe intact or throw it so they can vote Billy out? After just a short time in the Cook Islands, one castaway is already claiming their affections toward another. Love is in the air - or is it? Tension mounts between Jonathan and Adam when Adam refuses to waste his energy on what he sees as a "stupid" task.

Épisode 3 - Flirting and Frustration

28 septembre 2006 - 3.8/5

Having sized up her tribe, a giddy and flirtatious Parvati starts using the only strategy she knows: to manipulate the men and draw them into her "web". Jonathan quickly grows frustrated with Jessica when he tries to talk strategy and she seemingly wants nothing to do with "playing the game". Nate shocks himself when he scores big while spear fishing and brings back enough food for the entire tribe.

Épisode 4 - Ruling the Roost

5 octobre 2006 - 3.8/5

Can the men and women of one tribe find a way to pull it together and work as a team, or will their gender division be their downfall? When Candice returns from Exile Island, her tribemates want to know why she thinks the other tribe decided to send her, thus keeping her safe from Tribal Council. J.P.'s dominance and controlling demeanor around camp anger some of the women in his tribe. Will this behavior put a target on his back? As the only member left from his original tribe, Ozzy proves his worth by catching a feast of fish, but will this be enough to keep him in the game?

Épisode 5 - Don't Cry Over Spilled Octopus

12 octobre 2006 - 4.3/5

While exploring the islands around their camp, some Aitu tribe members unknowingly land on Raro's island and walk into their camp. The awkward encounter make the Raro tribe testy when one Aitu tribe member asks for some of Raro's coconuts and spices. Adam catches a large octopus, but Cristina, whose bossy attitude is already annoying her tribe, accidentally lets the octopus escape while rinsing it off in the ocean. Trust and individual work ethic becomes a big issue with both tribes. As the Raro tribe continues to be split by gender, will the men of the tribe prove their worth or will they be picked off one by one?

Épisode 6 - Plan Voodoo

19 octobre 2006 - 4/5

After a feast is put on the line as a Reward, the castaways are left in shock when Jeff Probst tells both tribes they'll be going to Tribal Council that night. At Raro, Cristina feels alienated from her tribe after Adam says she is annoying. Meanwhile, one Survivor proposes a plan that may expose the hidden Immunity Idol. Will others follow along or will "Plan Voodoo" backfire on the instigator? One tribe member finds it hard to play the game with integrity and honesty and battles with feelings of guilt. In the end, two castaways are voted off the island.

Épisode 7 - A Closer Look

26 octobre 2006 - 4/5

Loads of never before-seen-footage includes a scene where Candice and Adam go on a boat trip only to encounter a storm that leaves them cold and shivering and stranded on a sandbar. Another new scene involves Yul who, after discovering the Immunity Idol on Exile Island, decides to cover the evidence by taking the small box that once held his prize, wrapping it in coconut husks and setting it adrift. During their individual time on Exile Island, Jonathan, Adam and Candice search in vain for the Immunity Idol. In addition, the Raro tribe enjoys their wine reward around a campfire and the normally soft-spoken Stephannie becomes deliriously drunk and nearly passes out.

Épisode 8 - Why Aren't You Swimming?!

2 novembre 2006 - 4/5

After one castaway collapses from exhaustion during the Reward Challenge, the burden of completing the challenge is left to their other tribemates. When one Survivor chooses to sit out the physical portion of the Reward Challenge, the rest of the tribe becomes resentful of this person after their loss. With little shelter available, a raging storm makes one castaway's trip to Exile Island a nightmare. And, the eight castaway is voted off the island.

Épisode 9 - Mutiny

9 novembre 2006 - 4.2/5

A major twist at the Reward Challenge results in betrayal and leaves one tribe stunned. How will this turn of events affect the castaway's morale? Banished to Exile Island, one Survivor worries about being away from their tribe at a critical bonding time. One castaway desperately tries to fit in with their tribe, but suddenly finds they're on the outside. As one tribe bonds at their Reward, sharing mementos from home, the other tribe struggles to find common ground. And, the ninth person is voted off the island.

Épisode 10 - People That You Like Want to See You Suffer

16 novembre 2006 - 4.2/5

An obvious flirtation between Adam and Candice is beginning to concern some of their tribemates. Jonathan hopes that his efforts to provide for his new tribe will protect him from elimination despite being low on the totem pole of the Raro tribe. Will one tribe's bickering and inability to work together cost them a festive Reward? Emotions run high as one Survivor is betrayed by friends and unanimously banished to Exile Island. After losing the Immunity Challenge, the defeated tribe is handed a sealed bottle containing a message that will be read at Tribal Council after they have sent someone home. What is the message and how will it change the course of the game?

Épisode 11 - Why Would You Trust Me?

23 novembre 2006 - 4/5

When the Raro tribe of five merges with the Aitu tribe of four, Yul realizes he needs to sway one of the old Raro tribe members to join his underdog Aitu alliance. To do so, he decides to reveal his possession of the hidden Immunity Idol to a few select tribemates. Will the castaways stay true to their alliances or will this news stir up the game? Also, one castaway considers betraying their alliance at Tribal Council, but worries that this decision will cause drama back at camp.

Épisode 12 - You're a Rat…

30 novembre 2006 - 4/5

Jonathan is berated by Parvati, Candice and Adam for turning on their Rarotonga alliance. With nothing left to lose, the three of them try to convince the Aitu alliance that Jonathan cannot be trusted. At the Reward Challenge, the castaways are left stunned when one of them reveals some shocking news to the group. The Immunity Challenge tests the Survivor's recollection of the past 30 days of the game. Which castaway's memory will serve them well and keep them safe for another week? At Exile Island, one tribe member's spirit takes a beating. How will their seclusion from the tribe affect their morale?

Épisode 13 - Arranging a Hit

7 décembre 2006 - 4/5

Prior to the Reward Challenge, Parvati is seriously hurt when she slices her finger with a machete, forcing the Medical Team to arrive at camp. How will this injury affect her position in the game and her ability to perform at the Reward Challenge? One alliance devises a plan to hide food from their competing tribe members in an effort to make them hungry and weak. At the Immunity Challenge, balance and agility are assets.

Épisode 14 - I Have the Advantage… for Once

14 décembre 2006 - 4/5

Parvati and Adam vow to win challenges and manipulate players in order to stay in the game. Will they be successful in turning the tides? The Reward Challenge forces the castaways to get down and dirty in exchange for luxury pampering away from camp. Relaxing time at the Reward allows one castaway to talk strategy with an otherwise enemy. Can this outsider plant a seed that could turn the game around? Concerned about one of their ally's strengths, two tribemates talk about breaking up the Aitu alliance sooner than discussed. One castaway is caught trying to manipulate a member of the Aitu alliance just before Tribal Council...will they be shrewd enough to change the course of the game?

Épisode 15 - This Tribe Will Self-Destruct in 5, 4, 3…

17 décembre 2006 - 4/5

As the number of remaining tribemates dwindles down, Aitu's members are forced to think about turning on each other. Will this strong alliance finally crumble? At the first Immunity Challenge, the Survivors must complete an obstacle course that ends with the most difficult puzzle in Survivor history. Later, endurance is a key factor in the final challenge for Immunity. Who will be the last one standing to secure a chance at $1,000,000? In the end, the final Survivors battle it out to convince the Jury that they are the most deserving of the $1,000,000 prize. Who will walk away with the money and the title of Sole Survivor?

Épisode 16 - Cook Islands Reunion

17 décembre 2006 - 4.3/5

Jeff Probst asks the castaways some tough questions after the winner is crowned. Did Ozzy believe he had the votes to win? How does Yul feel now that it's all over? And did Billy mean it when he declared his love for Candice? Find out now in this town hall forum, show live after the season finale.

Épisode 1 - Something Cruel Is About to Happen… Real Soon

8 février 2007 - 4.3/5

The season begins with the arrival of 19 castaways in Fiji. The diverse group settles in with plenty of supplies and resources on their island to make an exceptionally comfortable camp. On day three, the castaways are split into two tribes, selected by one of their own as a result of events which occur before the first Immunity Challenge. The tribe that wins the first Immunity Challenge will return to the camp of copious resources, while the losing tribe must relocate to a new island with only a pot, a machete and a water source. In the end, the first Survivor is voted off the island.

Épisode 2 - Snakes Are Misunderstood… We Have an Understanding Now

15 février 2007 - 4.3/5

Hunger and dehydration take their toll on the Ravu tribe, leaving one castaway barely able to stand. Earl comes face to face with a deadly sea snake and is forced to make a difficult decision. Despite enjoying all the luxuries won by his Moto tribe, Boo can't help getting himself into one misfortune after another. At the combined Immunity/Reward Challenge, Ravu vows to win in hopes of receiving desperately needed food and fire. Will they triumph despite being famished and dehydrated? As Tribal Council nears, one tribemate tries to redirect the votes by petitioning against the majority.

Épisode 3 - This Isn't Survival… It's Thrival

22 février 2007 - 4.3/5

Although the Moto tribe is thriving at their camp, one member begins to experience serious health problems. Meanwhile, the Ravu tribe attempts to make fire with a pair of eyeglasses. In the end, the third person is voted off the island.

Épisode 4 - Let's Just Call Jeff on the Jeff Phone

1 mars 2007 - 4.3/5

One castaway explodes with anger and starts throwing things around camp. Gary's health continues to deteriorate and a surprise twist at the Immunity Challenge could change the course of the game.

Épisode 5 - Love Many, Trust Few, Do Wrong to None

8 mars 2007 - 4.3/5

Earl and Yau-Man pool their knowledge from Exile Island to look for the hidden Immunity Idol. Ravu fights for desperately needed items at the Reward Challenge. A mental challenge for Immunity confuses one castaway, who ends up losing for their tribe. And, the sixth person is voted off the island.

Épisode 6 - I've Got Strength Now to Carry the Flag

21 mars 2007 - 4.3/5

The castaways face a major shake-up when new tribes are formed. When two all-new tribes are formed, some of the castaways experience true hardship while other newfound luxury and strategy changes when one Survivor realizes their old alliance no longer has the majority in their new tribe.

Épisode 7 - An Evil Thought

29 mars 2007 - 4.3/5

One castaway finds the hidden Immunity Idol and replaces it with a fake one, hoping that someone else plays the false idol at a future Tribal Council. Also, Lisi returns from Exile intending to redeem herself for having expressed thoughts of wanting to go home.

Épisode 8 - So You Think You Can Meke?

5 avril 2007 - 4.3/5

The two tribes learn a traditional Fijian dance and then must perform at the Reward Challenge, where the winning tribe is treated to a feast with the locals. Later at Tribal Council, a showdown pits two tribemates against each other in a war of words.

Épisode 9 - Are We Gonna Live on Exile Island?!

12 avril 2007 - 4.3/5

The remaining castaways merge into one tribe and find a major surprise waiting for them back at camp. When Mookie confesses to Dreamz that he's found the second hidden Immunity Idol, an angry Alex and Edgardo worry that Dreamz may tell the others.

Épisode 10 - It's a Turtle?!

19 avril 2007 - 4.3/5

Dreamz gets caught strategizing with Alex by members of his other alliance (Cassandra, Earl and Yau-Man), who now question his loyalty. A cat-and-mouse game plays out at Tribal Council, leaving one group in shock and the other gloating with victory.

Épisode 11 - Blackmail or Betrayal

26 avril 2007 - 4/5

Tribemates are faced with a decision to blackmail or betray in order to keep their alliance intact. Two castaways discover information which could change the course of the game. Later, another injury leaves Boo struggling at the Reward Challenge.

Épisode 12 - A Smile, Velvet Gloves and a Dagger in My Pocket

3 mai 2007 - 4/5

Alex makes a desperate move to save himself. Alex, who knows he's next to be voted off, attempts to sway Stacy back to his side. Boo's motor mouth is driving the tribe crazy. One castaway proposes a compelling argument at Tribal Council which causes others to rethink their strategy.

Épisode 13 - I Wanna See if I Can Make a Deal

10 mai 2007 - 4/5

The winner of the car Reward Challenge tries to use the prize as a bargaining chip. Who will remain standing heading into the season finale?

Épisode 14 - You've Got a Puzzled Look

13 mai 2007 - 4.3/5

One Survivor gets clever and presents a new strategy to several other tribemates. Will they take the bait? Will the new plan affect the outcome of the game? Later, the final Immunity Challenge has the Survivors hanging on for their lives. Who will outlast the others in this all-important battle for Immunity? And who will be named Sole Survivor?

Épisode 15 - Fiji Reunion

13 mai 2007 - 4/5

During a live reunion show broadcast from New York City, the 19 Survivors get together for the first time since being in Fiji to discuss the results of the game.

Épisode 1 - A Chicken's a Little Bit Smarter

20 septembre 2007 - 4/5

Survivor: China features a cast of 16 Americans who will begin the series amid the bustle downtown Shanghai before moving to Huangpu Mountain's Mio Tuo Temple for a Buddhist ceremony where they will be instructed to leave all of their worldly possessions behind. The castaways will then be marooned with the clothes on their back at two separate islands on Zhelin Lake (translation: the Land of 1,000 Lakes) located in the Jiangxi Province.

Épisode 2 - My Mom Is Going to Kill Me!

27 septembre 2007 - 4/5

The castaways get physical as mud flies and tops are ripped off in one of the most physical and dirtiest challenges in Survivor history. A vulnerable castaway believes she's received a gift from God. The second person is voted off the island.

Épisode 3 - I Lost Two Hands and Possibly a Shoulder!

4 octobre 2007 - 4/5

After the Reward Challenge, the kidnapped castaway bonds with the other tribe and reveals their own tribe's shortcomings. One castaway overhears crude comments from their tribemates. The third person is voted off the island.

Épisode 4 - Ride the Workhorse 'til the Tail Falls Off

11 octobre 2007 - 4/5

Sherea's work ethic, or lack thereof, is beginning to bother her tribemates. An ominous tree mail instructing both tribes to meet at Tribal Council prompts fireworks. The fourth person is voted off the island.

Épisode 5 - Love Is in the Air

18 octobre 2007 - 4.3/5

Jaime and Erik admit to a mutual attraction as a romance blossoms. A tribal switch leads to chaos, tears, fears and cracks in former alliances. The fifth person is voted off the island.

Épisode 6 - That’s Love, Baby! It Makes You Strong!

25 octobre 2007 - 4.3/5

One castaway finds the Hidden Immunity Idol at their camp but a rival tribemate discovers they have it and cuts a deal to benefit them both. At the Reward Challenge, the castaways dine on unusual Chinese delicacies.

Épisode 7 - I'm Not as Dumb as I Look

1 novembre 2007 - 4.3/5

The tribes merge and the fierce hunt for Hidden Immunity Idols continues as private property is violated and one castaway falsely believes three Idols are in play. At Tribal Council, one castaway feels invincible and makes a shocking revelation.

Épisode 8 - High School Friend Contest

8 novembre 2007 - 4.3/5

While everyone is asleep, a castaway searches for the Hidden Immunity Idol, collecting random items in the desperate hope that one of them might be it. Overconfidence takes over the castaways, as seven of nine come to Tribal Council with no bags.

Épisode 9 - Just Don't Eat the Apple

15 novembre 2007 - 4.3/5

A new force to be reckoned with takes on the power players. One castaway sends affections to someone outside their alliance which bothers some. One vulnerable castaway may change their fate by using entertaining impersonations to charm others.

Épisode 10 - It's Been Real and It's Been Fun

22 novembre 2007 - 4.3/5

Revisit the first nine episodes and watch out for some never before seen footage.

Épisode 11 - Ready to Bite the Apple

29 novembre 2007 - 4.3/5

One castaway threatens to change things up by blindsiding their best friend in the game. Simultaneously, an alliance considers blindsiding one of their own. And, all the castaways are blindsided by a surprise announcement from host Jeff Probst.

Épisode 12 - Going for the Oscar

6 décembre 2007 - 4/5

While most castaways shed tears of joy after receiving news from home, one sheds tears of sorrow...but some believe they are crocodile tears. After fulfilling a tribemate's dream, one castaway is infuriated when their kind gesture is not returned.

Épisode 13 - Hello, I'm Still a Person!

13 décembre 2007 - 4.3/5

The winner of the Reward Challenge gets to go to The Great Wall of China (along with two other tribemates). A series of challenges from episodes past will determine who wins Immunity. One castaway is voted off, leaving four remaining.

Épisode 14 - A Slippery Little Sucker

16 décembre 2007 - 4.3/5

The finale will contain three Tribal Councils over two hours and produce one ultimate Survivor.

Épisode 15 - China Reunion

16 décembre 2007 - 4.3/5

During a live Reunion Show broadcast from Los Angeles, the Survivors get together for the first time since being in China to discuss the results of the game.

Épisode 1 - You Guys Are Dumber Than You Look

7 février 2008 - 4/5

For the first time in Survivor history, a tribe of idolizing ultra-Fans is surprised when they come face-to-face with a tribe of Favorites from Survivor's past.

Épisode 2 - The Sounds of Jungle Love

14 février 2008 - 4/5

The sounds of two castaways smooching through the night keeps one tribe awake. Meanwhile, at the other camp, one thoughtless castaway kicks three of its members out of the shelter, forcing them to fend for themselves.

Épisode 3 - I Should Be Carried on the Chariot-Type Thing!

21 février 2008 - 4/5

The Fans finally get the matchup they've been waiting for when they learn they must compete head-to-head in a full contact battle with the Favorites. Meanwhile, one castaway is torn between two alliances and makes demands in order to get what she wants.

Épisode 4 - That's Baked, Barbecued, and Fried!

28 février 2008 - 4/5

One castaway carves a fake Immunity Idol out of a piece of wood in order to replace the real Idol they found on Exile Island. Will the fake Idol be good enough to fool the other castaways? Meanwhile, another mastermind emerges ... pitting two power players against each other.

Épisode 5 - He's a Ball of Goo!

6 mars 2008 - 4/5

After battling each other as Fans vs. Favorites, the tribes finally switch. After an intense Reward Challenge, several castmates return to camp with injuries, and one proves serious enough to threaten the fate of the castaway's future in the game.

Épisode 6 - It Hit Everyone Pretty Hard!

13 mars 2008 - 4/5

One castaway's medical emergency changes the course of the game for the remaining castaways. Meanwhile, on Exile Island, the fake Immunity Idol finds its way into the hands of Ozzy's arch-rival.

Épisode 7 - Like a Wide-Eyed Kid in the Candy Store

19 mars 2008 - 3.7/5

After the Reward Challenge, one castaway is torn between staying true to their tribe or going home to their loved ones. Meanwhile, one of the Survivor Favorites takes an eager Fan under his wing, causing others to worry about this new bond.

Épisode 8 - Lost Puppy Dog

3 avril 2008 - 3.7/5

Girl Power transpires when a few of the women from one tribe devise a plan to target the strong men. Alone and isolated, one castaway takes desperate measures to stay in the game.

Épisode 9 - I'm in Such a Hot Pickle!

10 avril 2008 - 3.7/5

After the tribes merge, the Fans are outnumbered by the Favorites. Meanwhile, one castaway's hope for survival in the game dramatically weakens after receiving the fake Immunity Idol, a carved stick wrapped in a napkin.

Épisode 10 - I Promise…

17 avril 2008 - 4/5

Desperate for friends and allies, one castaway sacrifices Immunity in order to stay in the game. Meanwhile, another castaway has made promises to too many friends, forcing an alliance betrayal at Tribal Council.

Épisode 11 - I'm Ruthless… and Have a Smile on My Face

24 avril 2008 - 3.5/5

A Fan emerges as a real game player after devising a plan that threatens to sacrifice one of their own. Flirtation between two castaways devolves into bitter tension after one loses trust in the other.

Épisode 12 - I'm Gonna Fix Her!

1 mai 2008 - 3.8/5

One castaway goes from being a power player to the most desperate of all before making a huge discovery that could change the course of the game. Meanwhile, Alexis and James both suffer injuries that could potentially threaten their fate.

Épisode 13 - If It Smells Like a Rat, Give It Cheese!

8 mai 2008 - 3.8/5

The women on the tribe use their powers of seduction to test the only man remaining in the game. Will he fight temptation or will it cost him the game?

Épisode 14 - Stir the Pot!

11 mai 2008 - 3.8/5

What started as an epic battle between Fans versus Favorites comes to a dramatic end. Find out which castaway reaches their breaking point, and which one is left bursting with emotions at the Final Tribal Council.

Épisode 15 - Micronesia Reunion

11 mai 2008 - 3.7/5

The Survivors get together for the first time since being in Micronesia to discuss the results of the game.

Épisode 1 - Want to See the Elephant Dung?

25 septembre 2008 - 4/5

18 individuals embark on an amazing African adventure, battling extreme conditions and interacting with wildlife such as elephants and gorillas, while attempting to forge alliances with strangers from diverse backgrounds.

Épisode 2 - She Obviously Is Post-Op!

2 octobre 2008 - 4/5

One castaway is tossed around like a rag doll during a Reward Challenge, while another castaway sets out to prove her strength while on Exile Island.

Épisode 3 - It Was Like Christmas Morning!

9 octobre 2008 - 4/5

One castaway's desperation leads to waterworks, and the waterworks lead to sympathy from other members on the tribe.

Épisode 4 - This Camp Is Cursed

16 octobre 2008 - 4/5

Overwhelming hunger and homesickness put one castaway's entire alliance in jeopardy. Meanwhile, one of the strongest bonds in the game finds itself on shaky ground after a frustrating performance in an intense Immunity Challenge.

Épisode 5 - He's a Snake, but He's My Snake

23 octobre 2008 - 4/5

In the wake of a tough loss, an emotional outburst causes one castaway to become a target. Meanwhile, large appetites combined with dwindling rations create an air of resentment at one camp.

Épisode 6 - It All Depends on the Pin-Up Girl

30 octobre 2008 - 4.3/5

A shocking twist is revealed giving one castaway the chance to change the game for the opposing tribe. Meanwhile, surprise letters from home bring even the toughest castaways to tears.

Épisode 7 - Apple in the Garden of Eden

6 novembre 2008 - 4.2/5

After one power drunk castaway decides to take the game into their own hands, the tribes are faced with a brutal endurance challenge that comes down to a nail-biting showdown.

Épisode 8 - The Brains Behind Everything

13 novembre 2008 - 4.3/5

Conflict abounds when a hard fought Reward Challenge threatens to cause an upset, and a heated Tribal Council where dirty laundry is aired.

Épisode 9 - Nothing Tastes Better Than Five Hundred Dollars

20 novembre 2008 - 4.3/5

One Castaway devises a dangerous plan that hinges on the Hidden Immunity Idol, while another castaway considers betraying their alliance in order to avoid elimination.

Épisode 10 - I Was Put on the Planet for This Show

27 novembre 2008 - 4.2/5

In a very special Survivor, never before seen footage, including audition tapes and secret scenes, reveal who the castaways are and how they became entrenched in the adventure of a lifetime, while giving insight into how power shifted into the unlikely hands of Sugar, Susie, Ken and Crystal.

Épisode 11 - The Good Things in Life Aren't Easy

4 décembre 2008 - 4.3/5

After fallout from Randy's departure pits two allies against one another, one castaway makes a lifetime commitment in a surprisingly intimate gesture.

Épisode 12 - The Good Guys Should Win in the End

11 décembre 2008 - 4.3/5

After using guilt to gain control of an ally, a pushy castaway may land in hot water when the Hidden Immunity Idol is put into play, resulting in a shocking turn of events at Tribal Council.

Épisode 13 - Say Goodbye to Gabon

14 décembre 2008 - 4.3/5

What started as a lopsided battle between the Fang and Kota tribes ends with a shocking turn of events between the remaining members of Nobag. Find out the fate of the Final Five leading into an outrageous decision at the most surprising Tribal Council yet.

Épisode 14 - Gabon Reunion

14 décembre 2008 - 4.3/5

During a Live Reunion Show the Survivors get together for the first time since being in Gabon to discuss the results of the game.

Épisode 1 - Let's Get Rid of the Weak Players Before We Even Start

12 février 2009 - 4/5

Prior to the tribes embarking on a grueling first Challenge where they have the opportunity to impress their tribemates, the castaways are faced with a surprise vote based solely on first impressions.

Épisode 2 - The Poison Apple Needs to Go

19 février 2009 - 3.8/5

An Exile Island twist opens the door for the castaways to play the game like never before, meanwhile the quest for a Hidden Immunity Idol goes terribly wrong leaving two castaways in a tight spot.

Épisode 3 - Mama Said There'd Be Days Like This

26 février 2009 - 3.8/5

One tribe struggles with a tough decision when they discover a weakness in their ranks.

Épisode 4 - The Strongest Man Alive

5 mars 2009 - 4/5

An all-time Survivor strength record is threatened in a grueling endurance competition.

Épisode 5 - You're Going to Want That Tooth

12 mars 2009 - 3.8/5

An overzealous castaway risks it all in the Immunity Challenge and pays with a tooth, while another castaway finds himself in hot water for not performing during the challenge.

Épisode 6 - The First Fifteen Days

25 mars 2009 - 3/5

This Special Edition in a special time period for this week only, provides an intimate look behind-the-scenes at camp life including alliances that have formed, Taj revealing her emotional struggle with being away from her family and Tyson's playful side around the ladies in camp.

Épisode 7 - One of Those Coach Moments

2 avril 2009 - 3.8/5

Empty stomachs and one castaway's arrogance begin to eat away at the Timbira tribe and a fake Immunity Idol is introduced into the game.

Épisode 8 - The Dragon Slayer

9 avril 2009 - 4/5

A power player decides to come into the merge fighting, but his plan may be thwarted before it can be carried out. Meanwhile, an exiled pair makes a shocking discovery.

Épisode 9 - The Biggest Fraud in the Game

16 avril 2009 - 4/5

An unlikely trio find themselves enjoying an epic Reward together. Meanwhile, allies are left behind and become concerned that the Reward will result in unplanned bonding with a common enemy.

Épisode 10 - It's Funny When People Cry

23 avril 2009 - 4/5

One castaway attempts to pull off a last minute upset with a devious strategic move, while another becomes an outcast and is forced to beg for a second chance.

Épisode 11 - They Both Went Bananas

30 avril 2009 - 4/5

With her heart on her sleeve, one castaway takes an honest approach to the game but lands herself in hot water with everyone.

Épisode 12 - The Ultimate Sacrifice

7 mai 2009 - 4/5

A tough decision gives one castaway the chance to sacrifice personal comfort to benefit the rest of the tribe, and a tricky Immunity Challenge puts brains and brawn to the test as the weary castaways fight for a guaranteed spot in the Final Five.

Épisode 13 - The Martyr Approach

14 mai 2009 - 4/5

In the aftermath of Tribal Council, a shocking betrayal is revealed, leaving one castaway reeling. Meanwhile, another castaway takes a bizarre approach to Exile Island, which has a polarizing effect on the rest of the tribe.

Épisode 14 - I Trust You but I Trust Me More

17 mai 2009 - 4.2/5

After one shocking vote, a seed of doubt is planted by a carefully constructed lie that, after the second vote, leaves the Final Two turning on each other at the Final Tribal Council.

Épisode 15 - Tocantins Reunion

17 mai 2009 - 4.2/5

During a Live Reunion Show the Survivors get together for the first time since being in Brazil to discuss the results of the game.

Épisode 1 - The Puppet Master

17 septembre 2009 - 3.8/5

Twenty castaways are left to fend for themselves among Samoa's white sand beaches, lush green valleys and towering waterfalls.

Épisode 2 - Taking Candy from a Baby

24 septembre 2009 - 4.2/5

Immunity is up for grabs and already one member down, Foa Foa needs it desperately. However, they are hit with an unexpected situation and the tension grows in the tribe.

Épisode 3 - It's Called a Russell Seed

1 octobre 2009 - 4.2/5

A clever lie turns a tribe against one of its most harmless members. Meanwhile, at the Reward Challenge, the chief of one tribe makes a controversial decision that lands him in the crossfire back at camp.

Épisode 4 - Hungry for a Win

8 octobre 2009 - 4.2/5

The game of one determined castaway may be changed when a tribe member makes a stunning revelation. Meanwhile, Russell continues his game of chess when he considers ousting one of his allies.

Épisode 5 - Walking on Thin Ice

15 octobre 2009 - 4/5

Russell desperately scrambles to regain control of the tribe when a new power player emerges at Foa Foa.

Épisode 6 - This Is the Man Test

22 octobre 2009 - 4/5

Both tribes get battered by a relentless storm and for the first time in history the Reward Challenge is brought to an early halt when one castaway reaches the breaking point.

Épisode 7 - Houdini Magic

29 octobre 2009 - 4/5

Still reeling from the loss of their leader, Galu struggles to elect a new chief. During a visit to the opposing tribe, one castaway strikes a secret deal and manages to make some new friends.

Épisode 8 - All Hell Breaks Loose

5 novembre 2009 - 4.2/5

In anticipation of the merge, outnumbered Foa Foa devises a strategy that will allow them to make quick alliances with some of Galu's strongest players. However, after the long-awaited merge feast, an unexpected master manipulator emerges.

Épisode 9 - Tastes Like Chicken

12 novembre 2009 - 4.4/5

Motivated by extreme hunger, an unexpected castaway kills a rat in an effort to provide for her tribe.

Épisode 10 - The Day of Reckoning

19 novembre 2009 - 4.2/5

A clever castaway jeopardizes the success of a scheme to ensure their own safety in the game.

Épisode 11 - The First 27 Days

26 novembre 2009 - 4.3/5

In never before seen footage, one castaway reveals a guarded secret and the whole tribe suffers at the hands of Russell in the aftermath of the merge.

Épisode 12 - Off with Their Heads!

3 décembre 2009 - 3.3/5

At the Survivor auction, one high bidder decides to go hungry in exchange for a potentially valuable advantage in the game. The Foa Foa consider a risky move in the hours before Tribal that may result in the betrayal of one of their own.

Épisode 13 - Damage Control

10 décembre 2009 - 3.2/5

The castaways are shocked to discover a twist that will ultimately send two of them home. Fearing that he is next on the chopping block, one castaway gives a shocking performance at Tribal Council.

Épisode 14 - Two Brains Are Better Than One

17 décembre 2009 - 3.8/5

A shocking betrayal leaves one nervous castaway on the chopping block and brings everyone's strategy into question.

Épisode 15 - This Game Ain't Over

20 décembre 2009 - 3.8/5

A shocking new deal is struck even as the remaining castaways face the last two Immunity Challenges in the game.

Épisode 16 - Samoa Reunion

20 décembre 2009 - 3.8/5

During a Live Reunion Show the Survivors get together for the first time since being in Samoa to discuss the results of the game.

Épisode 1 - Slay Everyone, Trust No One

11 février 2010 - 4.3/5

In one of the most physical Reward Challenges ever played, injuries threaten to send two castaways home before the first challenge is completed.

Épisode 2 - It's Getting the Best of Me

18 février 2010 - 4.1/5

Backstabbing and dissention run rampant in one tribe as a castaway reveals that old grudges die hard and makes a move to put a former ally on the chopping block. Meanwhile, one Villain pushes so hard to provide for the tribe that he passes out cold.

Épisode 3 - That Girl Is Like a Virus

25 février 2010 - 4/5

One of the most powerful women in the game targets a worthy adversary and gets aggressive in her efforts to oust an immediate threat.

Épisode 4 - Tonight, We Make Our Move

4 mars 2010 - 4.1/5

The two tribes each search for a Hidden Immunity Idol within their respective camps. Meanwhile, Coach believes everyone is against him, and the Villains get frustrated with Russell.

Épisode 5 - Knights of the Round Table

11 mars 2010 - 3.9/5

An important hierarchy is established between a pair of conniving allies and a plan is hatched to oust one of the strongest and most prominent players in the game.

Épisode 6 - Banana Etiquette

24 mars 2010 - 4.3/5

When the castaways discover that two people will be sent packing in a rare double elimination, everyone scrambles to save their own skin, and one castaway surprises everyone and risks it all at Tribal Council.

Épisode 7 - I'm Not a Good Villain

1 avril 2010 - 4/5

Hurt and betrayed by a close ally, one castaway learns the hard way that loyalty isn't always easy, and one powerhouse learns from experience that old grudges die hard.

Épisode 8 - Expectations

8 avril 2010 - 3.9/5

Struggling to keep their tribe intact, the "Heroes" vow to work together as long as it takes to ensure that they outlast the "Villains". Meanwhile, the "Villains" begin to turn on one another after one tribe member makes a costly mistake at the Reward Challenge.

Épisode 9 - Survivor History

15 avril 2010 - 4.1/5

Convinced that a women's alliance is running the Villains tribe, The Heroes develop a risky strategy in an effort to align themselves with one of the game's most notorious players.

Épisode 10 - Going Down in Flames

22 avril 2010 - 4.3/5

Reunited on the merged tribe, two old friends rekindle an alliance but trust doesn't come easily, and one castaway makes an unprecedented play, setting the stage for one of the most surprising Tribal Councils in Survivor history.

Épisode 11 - Jumping Ship

29 avril 2010 - 3.9/5

With two swing votes hanging in the balance, no one can be sure of their safety heading into Tribal Council, and even the most formidable villain in the game makes a potential miscalculation.

Épisode 12 - A Sinking Ship

6 mai 2010 - 4/5

Sensing that he is in danger, a hero makes a bold move to save himself by fooling the entire tribe. Meanwhile, a vicious power struggle emerges in one alliance and two of the strongest villains find themselves pitted against one another.

Épisode 13 - Loose Lips Sink Ships

13 mai 2010 - 3.9/5

The Final Six get the chance to earn time with their loved ones in a fiercely fought Reward Challenge. Desperate for options, the remaining heroes make an unexpected ally, hoping to turn the game around.

Épisode 14 - Anything Could Happen

16 mai 2010 - 4.1/5

As the Final Tribal Council draws near, Survivors struggle to stay on top of their game as alliances crumble and everyone starts to play for themselves.

Épisode 15 - Heroes vs. Villains Reunion

16 mai 2010 - 4/5

The winner is revealed as the twenty castaways reunite to discuss their experiences.

Épisode 1 - Young at Heart

15 septembre 2010 - 3.4/5

The castaways are shocked to learn that they'll be divided into tribes of older players versus younger players. Meanwhile, one castaway reveals a personal secret that could affect the entire tribe as they head into their first challenge.

Épisode 2 - Fatigue Makes Cowards of Us All

22 septembre 2010 - 3.4/5

Tempers flare at La Flor and fights erupt as the young castaways struggle to overcome some potentially dangerous personality conflicts within the tribe.

Épisode 3 - Glitter in Their Eyes

29 septembre 2010 - 3.3/5

A battle erupts over a clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol and one fearless competitor makes a bold move that earns them the upper hand, but the bad behavior doesn't go unnoticed by their tribemates.

Épisode 4 - Pulling the Trigger

6 octobre 2010 - 3.3/5

The hunt for the Hidden Immunity Idol widens the rift between two castaways at the La Flor camp, triggering a venomous fight. Meanwhile, a valuable secret is revealed that solidifies a powerful alliance.

Épisode 5 - Turf Wars

13 octobre 2010 - 3.5/5

The newly formed tribes struggle to find their footing with some castaways making new allies and others seizing the opportunity to take a leadership role.

Épisode 6 - Worst Case Scenario

20 octobre 2010 - 3.8/5

One of the game's most prominent masterminds targets two foes and sets a plan in motion to oust one of them, along with an Immunity Idol, in one of the most memorable Tribal Councils of the season.

Épisode 7 - What Goes Around, Comes Around

27 octobre 2010 - 3.5/5

A public display of emotion causes one castaway to doubt the intentions of an old rival whom she suspects has been lobbying for sympathy.

Épisode 8 - Company Will Be Arriving Soon

3 novembre 2010 - 3.4/5

After the tribes merge and food disappears, two castaways share a secret about the food that threatens to land them in the hot seat at Tribal Council.

Épisode 9 - Running the Camp

10 novembre 2010 - 3.5/5

One castaway makes a difficult decision that backfires, allowing another castaway the opportunity to devise a strategy to flush out the Hidden Immunity Idol and blindside a rival.

Épisode 10 - Stuck in the Middle

17 novembre 2010 - 3.9/5

The tribe suffers a devastating blow when they find the camp in ashes after a fire, and the loyalty of an alliance is put to the test as Libertad heads to Tribal Council.

Épisode 11 - We Did It Guys

24 novembre 2010 - 3.5/5

New scenes shed light on the castaways and the decisions they've made during the game.

Épisode 12 - You Started, You're Finishing

1 décembre 2010 - 3.5/5

A castaway's selfish act causes great disappointment for an alliance member; meanwhile another tribe member shares some motherly advice to toughen up a young castaway.

Épisode 13 - Not Sure Where I Stand

8 décembre 2010 - 3.6/5

A castaway is left questioning alliances after a broken promise leaves them out in the cold.

Épisode 14 - This Is Going to Hurt

15 décembre 2010 - 3.9/5

After an emotional visit from home, one alliance is faced with a difficult decision to secure their own fate in the game.

Épisode 15 - What About Me?

19 décembre 2010 - 4.1/5

The final castaways participate in their last Immunity Challenges and are questioned by the jury before the jurors vote for the one million dollar winner.

Épisode 16 - Nicaragua Reunion

19 décembre 2010 - 4.4/5

The season's castaways reunite.

Épisode 1 - You're Looking at the New Leader of Your Tribe

16 février 2011 - 4/5

The eighteen castaways, including Russell Hantz and "Boston" Rob Mariano, arrive in Nicaragua and learn that ousted players are sent to Redemption Island, where they live in exile and are given a chance to reenter the game if they can defeat other banished players in head-to-head competitions.

Épisode 2 - You Own My Vote

23 février 2011 - 4/5

One castaway's kind gesture causes others to take notice and question his loyalty to the tribe, while Francesca settles into solitary life on Redemption Island and speculates who will join her next.

Épisode 3 - Keep Hope Alive

2 mars 2011 - 4.3/5

One tribe considers a risky move, while on Redemption Island it's do or die as Matt and Francesca face off in the first duel to see who earns the right to stay in the game and who exits for good.

Épisode 4 - Don't You Work for Me?

9 mars 2011 - 3.6/5

Secrets are revealed on Redemption Island and the second duel reduces one castaway to tears when he is eliminated from the game for good.

Épisode 5 - We Hate Our Tribe

16 mars 2011 - 3.6/5

Two unlikely castaways unite over their shared frustration with their tribe members while another castaway hides clues to keep their tribe from searching for the idol.

Épisode 6 - Their Red-Headed Stepchild

23 mars 2011 - 3.9/5

One castaway digs deep to find a way to weaken the strength of a powerful alliance, while a luxury item creates an unexpected bond between the dueling castaways on Redemption Island.

Épisode 7 - It Don't Take a Smart One

30 mars 2011 - 3.8/5

Matt and Stephanie duel on Redemption Island, and information gathered there results in some castaways questioning tribal loyalty.

Épisode 8 - This Game Respects Big Moves

6 avril 2011 - 4.2/5

The former tribes have big plans for one castaway who has the potential to change the game. Meanwhile, this same castaway grapples with the decision of whether to make the powerful move.

Épisode 9 - The Buddy System

13 avril 2011 - 3.8/5

With a double Tribal Council sending two more castaways to Redemption Island, paranoia sets in and causes one castaway to dig deep for a chance to prolong their life in the game.

Épisode 10 - Rice Wars

20 avril 2011 - 3.6/5

When one alliance's food supply is contaminated, a heated argument at camp sparks an explosive Tribal Council. Meanwhile on Redemption Island, the three remaining castaways compete to stay in the game and avoid becoming the first member on the jury.

Épisode 11 - A Mystery Package

27 avril 2011 - 3.9/5

One castaway is on the verge of a breakdown, while other castaways speculate about the contents of a mystery package and how it affects their strategy.

Épisode 12 - You Mangled My Nets

4 mai 2011 - 3.8/5

Tree mail leaves one tribe member with a tough emotional decision, and one castaway exhausts all efforts to ensure their safety in the game.

Épisode 13 - Too Close for Comfort

11 mai 2011 - 3.7/5

One castaway gets a taste of their own medicine on Redemption Island, while another castaway's plan for a big move could prove to be their biggest mistake.

Épisode 14 - Seems Like a No-Brainer

15 mai 2011 - 4.1/5

The last chance for immunity is a fight to the finish with an unlikely pairing of castaways, and the Final Three plead their case to the jury. Find out who will outplay, outwit and outlast the others, on the two-hour season finale.

Épisode 15 - Redemption Island Reunion

15 mai 2011 - 4/5

The winner is revealed as the 18 castaways reunite to discuss the season.

Épisode 1 - I Need Redemption

14 septembre 2011 - 4.2/5

The sixteen new castaways have mixed reactions to the return of Coach and Ozzy, two of the game's most memorable players, and an extremely close Immunity Challenge sparks a debate for the losing tribe members in a combative Tribal Council.

Épisode 2 - He Has Demons

21 septembre 2011 - 3.5/5

The discovery of an Immunity Idol gives one castaway an early advantage in the game, and the unraveling of a white lie leads to an explosive Tribal Council.

Épisode 3 - Reap What You Sow

28 septembre 2011 - 3.9/5

One castaway reveals a shocking secret to their tribe while another castaway, in a last-ditch effort to keep alive in the game, devises a plan and pretends to find the hidden Immunity Idol.

Épisode 4 - Survivalism

5 octobre 2011 - 3.6/5

One castaway is brought to tears when confronted with his past during an emotional Tribal Council, and another turns on his alliance and teams up with an unlikely tribe member. Meanwhile on Redemption Island, the second castaway is sent home.

Épisode 5 - Taste the Victory

12 octobre 2011 - 4.1/5

Starving castaways tap into their primal instincts at an intense Immunity Challenge, and a big betrayal shakes up the game at a surprising Tribal Council. Meanwhile, on Redemption Island a scorned castaway seeks revenge by spilling all the secrets of their former tribe, and the third castaway is sent home.

Épisode 6 - Free Agent

19 octobre 2011 - 3.9/5

Feeling betrayed by their tribe, one castaway reveals a potentially game-changing secret, and appalled by the lack of loyalty within his tribe, another castaway threatens to leave the game. Meanwhile, on Redemption Island, Christine battles Elyse to try and win her fourth duel in a row and stay alive in the game.

Épisode 7 - Trojan Horse

26 octobre 2011 - 4.2/5

One tribe calls upon the heavens in hopes of changing their luck, while the other tribe is left in shock when one of their own makes a risky move that will go down in Survivor history.

Épisode 8 - Double Agent

2 novembre 2011 - 4.2/5

With a potential merge on the horizon, one tribe puts on an elaborate show in hopes of gaining the upper hand on their competition, and an unlikely castaway holds all the power at a game-changing Tribal Council.

Épisode 9 - Cut Throat

9 novembre 2011 - 4.1/5

After a shocking betrayal, one castaway faces the wrath of a former alliance, and a double eviction rocks the newly merged Te Tuna tribe.

Épisode 10 - Running the Show

16 novembre 2011 - 3.8/5

Paranoia among tribesmen threatens to break a once-impenetrable alliance, and castaways are shocked at Tribal Council with the announcement of another double elimination. Meanwhile, on Redemption Island, a castaway makes a bold threat to his former tribesman during the duel challenge, and two castaways are sent home.

Épisode 11 - A Closer Look

23 novembre 2011 - 2.8/5

Never-before-seen moments give an inside look into the castaways and their decisions made during the game so far.

Épisode 12 - Cult Like

30 novembre 2011 - 3.8/5

At the Immunity Challenge, one tribesperson makes a big gesture to a fellow castaway. Meanwhile, an alliance member becomes a liability around camp.

Épisode 13 - Ticking Time Bomb

7 décembre 2011 - 3.7/5

A relative crosses the line during the emotional family reunion, and an unlikely secret alliance threatens the pecking order of the Te Tuna tribe.

Épisode 14 - Then There Were Five

14 décembre 2011 - 4.2/5

Tensions escalate at camp when the Final Five original Upolu members are forced to turn on each other. Meanwhile, on Redemption Island, Ozzy and Edna compete to stay in the game, and one becomes the sixth jury member.

Épisode 15 - Loyalties Will Be Broken

18 décembre 2011 - 3.9/5

Using every last bit of physical mental strength, the castaways battle it out in the final Immunity Challenge to secure their spot at the final Tribal Council, and jury members get their moment to confront the Final Three. Find out who will outplay, outwit and outlast the others.

Épisode 16 - South Pacific Reunion

18 décembre 2011 - 3.8/5

The castaways reunite to discuss the season. Hosted by Jeff Probst.

Épisode 1 - Two Tribes, One Camp, No Rules

15 février 2012 - 4.3/5

It's a battle of the sexes when tribes are separated into men versus women, but they are in dismay when they learn of a game-changing twist - they must share one beach. Meanwhile, castaways are shocked when a tribe's true colors are revealed at a competitive Immunity Challenge.

Épisode 2 - Total Dysfunction

22 février 2012 - 3.7/5

Castaways jump off the deep end in an Immunity Challenge that requires a delicate balance. Meanwhile, a group of misfits band together, finding an unlikely leader.

Épisode 3 - One World Is Out the Window

29 février 2012 - 3.9/5

Weathering the harsh elements sparks new battles between the sexes, and poor communication leaves castaways scrambling at a frustration-filled Immunity Challenge.

Épisode 4 - Bum-Puzzled

7 mars 2012 - 4.1/5

An unforgivable betrayal forces one tribe to make a drastic move that has never been done before in Survivor history, and an electrifying Tribal Council leaves several castaways speechless.

Épisode 5 - A Bunch of Idiots

14 mars 2012 - 3.9/5

It's no longer men versus women when a new tribe of "Greek Gods" emerges, and two castaways shake up their entire tribe with an award-winning performance.

Épisode 6 - Thanks for the Souvenir

21 mars 2012 - 4.1/5

Extreme pain threatens to derail one castaway's chances of staying in the game.

Épisode 7 - The Beauty in a Merge

28 mars 2012 - 3.6/5

Corks fly and celebrations commence following the tribal merge.

Épisode 8 - Just Annihilate Them

4 avril 2012 - 3.7/5

The game gets personal when one tribe member is confronted about her physical appearance, and a shocking blindside eradicates any sense of security in the Tikiano tribe.

Épisode 9 - Go Out with a Bang

11 avril 2012 - 3.5/5

Temptation is sweet for ravenous tribe members vying for Immunity, and rumors of a Hidden Immunity Idol send Tikiano into a tailspin as they head into Tribal Council.

Épisode 10 - I'm No Dummy

18 avril 2012 - 3.6/5

Castaways go on the attack when one tribe member forces a confrontation, and a heartfelt message from home brings the Tikiano tribe to tears.

Épisode 11 - Never Say Die

25 avril 2012 - 3.6/5

Castaways oil themselves up for a wet and wild Immunity Challenge. While the lucky winners enjoy a picnic vacation, Tikiano's sore losers strike at the chance to powwow at camp, and feelings of alienation drive leery tribe members to seek out all the elimination options.

Épisode 12 - It's Gonna Be Chaos

2 mai 2012 - 3.9/5

Walls come down when the Tikiano tribe shares an emotional moment with their loved ones, and one castaway's decision creates animosity amongst wounded tribe members.

Épisode 13 - It's Human Nature

9 mai 2012 - 3.5/5

An unlikely betrayal within an alliance puts one castaway on the defense, while another tribe member concocts an elaborate story to gain an advantage in the game.

Épisode 14 - Perception Is Not Always Reality

13 mai 2012 - 3.5/5

For the first time, an all-women Final Five battle for the title of Sole Survivor, and one castaway breaks down before the Final Tribal Council.

Épisode 15 - One World Reunion

13 mai 2012 - 3.5/5

The 18 castaways reunite to discuss the season. Hosted by Jeff Probst.

Épisode 1 - Survivor Smacked Me in the Chops

19 septembre 2012 - 3.4/5

Medically evacuated veterans Michael Skupin, Jonathan Penner and Russell Swan return to battle for the title of Sole Survivor. Meanwhile, former teen star Lisa Whelchel ("The Facts of Life") fights to shield her identity from the tribe and, despite his athletic background, former National League MVP Jeff Kent (San Francisco Giants) hits a rough patch early in the game.

Épisode 2 - Don't Be Blinded by the Headlights

26 septembre 2012 - 3.6/5

Former TV teen star Lisa Whelchel reaches her breaking point early in the game, and as temperatures drop, two castaways make a risky choice to keep each other warm.

Épisode 3 - This Isn't a We Game

3 octobre 2012 - 3.5/5

An injury prone castaway incurs a fresh battle wound during an intense Immunity Challenge. Meanwhile, a wary castaway considers an unlikely alliance when one tribe member brings and invaluable gift to the battle.

Épisode 4 - Create a Little Chaos

10 octobre 2012 - 3.8/5

Fearing that they may be the next to go home, an aspiring Sole Survivor shares a shocking story from their childhood, and in an effort to escape the looming threat of elimination, sets out to find the elusive Immunity Idol.

Épisode 5 - Got My Swag Back

17 octobre 2012 - 4.1/5

A twist in the game causes a shift in tribe dynamics. Meanwhile, as conditions worsen at camp, one castaway is faced with a game-changing decision.

Épisode 6 - Down and Dirty

24 octobre 2012 - 3.6/5

As castaways get down and dirty to battle it out for a fruitful feast, in an unprecedented move, opposing tribes take to the bargaining table to strike a deal mid-challenge.

Épisode 7 - Not the Only Actor on This Island

31 octobre 2012 - 3.9/5

After Tandang and Kalabaw tribes merge, castaways scramble to solidify their numbers and rank in the new tribe. Meanwhile, Lisa Whelchel is confronted on her past as a former TV teen star.

Épisode 8 - Dead Man Walking

7 novembre 2012 - 4.3/5

In one of the most complicated and entertaining Tribal Councils ever, a brutally honest conversation leads to surprising revelations.

Épisode 9 - Little Miss Perfect

14 novembre 2012 - 4.1/5

A priceless reward proves to be a life-changing experience for some Survivors, and an original alliance is tested while an unlikely friendship threatens to sway the game.

Épisode 10 - Whiners Are Weiners

21 novembre 2012 - 4/5

Castaways compete for a luxurious spa getaway and tempers flare when one castaway returns with a full belly and a bitter attitude.

Épisode 11 - Hell Hath Frozen Over

28 novembre 2012 - 4.2/5

Castaways exhaust their funds on tasty rewards while one generous castaway makes two bids for his tribemates during the hearty food auction.

Épisode 12 - Shot into Smithereens

5 décembre 2012 - 4/5

During an emotional family reunion, an exciting Reward Challenge enables castaways to join forces with their loved ones. Meanwhile, at a secret meeting, an alliance devises a plan to get rid of their biggest threat.

Épisode 13 - Gouge My Eyes Out

12 décembre 2012 - 4.1/5

The million-dollar prize and title of Sole Survivor is within reach for one of the five remaining castaways. Meanwhile, a few castaways strike a Final Three deal while aboard a moving ship far from their fellow tribemates.

Épisode 14 - Million Dollar Question

16 décembre 2012 - 4.1/5

The Final Four Survivors scramble to secure their place at the Final Tribal Council. Meanwhile, a crucial Reward Challenge allows castaways to compete for a highly coveted advantage.

Épisode 15 - Philippines Reunion

16 décembre 2012 - 4.1/5

Épisode 1 - She Annoys Me Greatly

13 février 2013 - 4.3/5

Returning players are pitted against newcomers on the exotic Caramoan Islands. The returning players include Cochran, Brandon Hantz, Phillip Sheppard and Dawn Meehan.

Épisode 2 - Honey Badger

20 février 2013 - 4/5

Following the first elimination of the season, Brandon targets Dawn as the leader of what he sees as an unsuitable vote and matchless teamwork and disorganization from one tribe leaves little room for competition during a tiered Immunity Challenge.

Épisode 3 - There's Gonna Be Hell to Pay

27 février 2013 - 4.1/5

Corinne and Malcom's special bond leads to a discovery that could liven up the game, and alliances shift and unrest ensues just before an intense Tribal Council.

Épisode 4 - Kill or Be Killed

6 mars 2013 - 3.9/5

After suffering a medical emergency, one castaway's ability to play the game is in danger.

Épisode 5 - Persona Non Grata

13 mars 2013 - 3.7/5

The Favorites must contend with an out-of-control Brandon when he stuns his tribemates and reveals his hidden desire to sabotage their camp, leading up to a history-making meltdown.

Épisode 6 - Operation Thunder Dome

20 mars 2013 - 3.7/5

A shake-up with the tribes creates chaos and new alliances. Meanwhile, the game is thrown off-balance when one tribe's change results in a strength disparity between Gota and Bikal.

Épisode 7 - Tubby Lunchbox

27 mars 2013 - 3.6/5

As the newly formed Bikal tribe continues to struggle physically in challenges, they grow increasingly tired of Phillip's attitude. Meanwhile, over at the Gota tribe, Reynold shares confidential information about his hidden Immunity Idol that could change his game.

Épisode 8 - Blindside Time

3 avril 2013 - 3.8/5

All bets are off when Bikal and Gota merge, as castaways reunite to plot a potential blindside in the new tribe. Also, with Individual Immunity now on the line, castaways must stomach exotic foods of beetle larvae and brains during a classic Survivor food eating challenge.

Épisode 9 - Cut Off the Head of the Snake

10 avril 2013 - 3.7/5

One castaway learns a secret that will potentially change the game, and chaos ensues when confused castaways are undecided on whether to vote out an easy target or blindside a big threat.

Épisode 10 - Zipping Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

17 avril 2013 - 4.2/5

An accident threatens one castaway's future in the game, and in one of the most shocking Tribal Councils, a huge revelation forces an alliance to scramble and potentially turn on each other.

Épisode 11 - Come Over to the Dark Side

24 avril 2013 - 3.8/5

The popular food auction returns and the Three Amigos concoct a lie in attempt to take control of the game.

Épisode 12 - The Beginning of the End

1 mai 2013 - 4/5

Two Immunity Challenges and two Tribal Councils raise the stakes, forcing castaways to consider big moves on their biggest threats.

Épisode 13 - Don't Say Anything About My Mom

8 mai 2013 - 3.8/5

Castaways get a much-needed morale boost with a visit from their loved ones, and one Survivor is faced with a game-changing decision.

Épisode 14 - Last Push

12 mai 2013 - 3.9/5

With the title of Sole Survivor on the line and $1 million within arm's reach, one castaway falls victim to a heartbreaking medical emergency.

Épisode 15 - Caramoan Reunion

12 mai 2013 - 3.9/5

The castaways reunite in Los Angeles to discuss the Caramoan season. Hosted by Jeff Probst.

Épisode 1 - Blood Is Thicker Than Anything

18 septembre 2013 - 4.1/5

Blood vs. Water relationships are put to the ultimate test on Day 1, when castaways are shocked to learn they will be separated from their loved ones and have to compete against each other on separate tribes. Meanwhile, a former castaway attempts to rehabilitate their reputation.

Épisode 2 - Rule in Chaos

25 septembre 2013 - 3.9/5

A new alliance of seasoned players targets one of their own. Meanwhile, the old Colton rears his head and tries to disturb the peace at camp.

Épisode 3 - Opening Pandora's Box

2 octobre 2013 - 3.7/5

A family rivalry takes center stage, leading to an emotional breakdown. Meanwhile, the tribes watch in disbelief as a castaway quits the game and a shocking blindside plays out at Tribal Council.

Épisode 4 - One Armed Dude and Three Moms

9 octobre 2013 - 4.5/5

For the first time ever, a Redemption Island battle pits husband against wife. In another series first, a castaway refuses to accept an Immunity Clue and a shocking blindside at Tribal sends another castaway home.

Épisode 5 - The Dead Can Still Talk

16 octobre 2013 - 4/5

One castaway sacrifices their own life in the game for a loved one. Meanwhile, this season of blindsides continues at a wild, unpredictable Tribal Council.

Épisode 6 - One-Man Wrecking Ball

23 octobre 2013 - 4/5

Castaways find out if water could be thicker than blood as new tribes are drawn. Meanwhile, one castaway falls victim to a strategic blindside and the Coconut Bandit returns.

Épisode 7 - Swoop in for the Kill

30 octobre 2013 - 3.9/5

An ultimatum at Redemption Island puts one castaway on the spot to prove his love. Meanwhile, another castaway's honesty may be her biggest downfall, and an odd man out needs to prove his worth on an all-female tribe.

Épisode 8 - Skin of My Teeth

6 novembre 2013 - 4/5

It's do or die in a redemption battle that will leave castaways clinging for their lives. Meanwhile, a potentially game-changing blindside at Tribal leaves one castaway on the outs, and the hidden Immunity Idol falls into the hands of an unlikely castaway.

Épisode 9 - My Brother's Keeper

13 novembre 2013 - 4.1/5

It's double the drama as castaways endure two Tribal Councils in one episode. Meanwhile, castaways wonder if Vytas will exact revenge for his brother's blindside and one castaway attempts to change history in a challenge that's tough to swallow.

Épisode 10 - Big Bad Wolf

20 novembre 2013 - 4/5

An emotional loss on Redemption Island produces this season's first jury member. Also, castaways find out if blood really is thicker than water at a tearful Tribal Council, and a castaway's generous offer proves immunity means much more than a sumptuous feast.

Épisode 11 - Gloves Come Off

27 novembre 2013 - 4.1/5

A castaway's bold move could either smoke out the hidden Immunity Idol or extinguish their own flame. Also, one castaway is in hot water after playing both sides of the tribe, and two moms pull a less-than-maternal move at the Redemption arena.

Épisode 12 - Rustle Feathers

4 décembre 2013 - 4.3/5

Castaways try to find balance at a frustrating Immunity Challenge and a ruthless game of tug of war leads to an incredibly rare Tribal Council.

Épisode 13 - Out on a Limb

11 décembre 2013 - 4.2/5

Loved ones face off at Redemption Island for their final shot in the game. Meanwhile, castaways must test their knowledge of Survivor for immunity, and a heated Tribal Council could force a swing vote to exercise their power.

Épisode 14 - It's My Night

15 décembre 2013 - 4.2/5

After 39 grueling days, one castaway will be crowned the Sole Survivor and awarded $1 million on a special two-hour season finale.

Épisode 15 - Blood vs. Water Reunion

15 décembre 2013 - 3.9/5

The castaways reunite in Los Angeles to discuss the Blood vs Water season. Hosted by Jeff Probst.

Épisode 1 - Hot Girl with a Grudge

26 février 2014 - 4.2/5

Three castaways face a game-changing decision minutes after the competition begins. Meanwhile, one tribe pours both blood and sweat into an early challenge and one castaway seeks revenge after discovering that her tribe wants to vote her out, on a special two-hour season premiere.

Épisode 2 - Cops “R” Us

5 mars 2014 - 4.2/5

The castaways' spirits are drenched by a monster monsoon. Meanwhile, two castaways form a "blue-blooded" alliance, and the "Brains" must win a challenge to avoid another trip to tribal council.

Épisode 3 - Our Time to Shine

12 mars 2014 - 4.2/5

One tribe considers throwing an Immunity Challenge in order to bench one of its strongest players. Also, a meltdown at a Reward Challenge could mark the end for one struggling castaway.

Épisode 4 - Odd One Out

19 mars 2014 - 4.1/5

Castaways drop their buffs and form two new tribes. Meanwhile, a decision made on Day 1 could lead to a castaway's elimination and the battle for immunity proves which new tribe has the most Brawn.

Épisode 5 - We Found Our Zombies

26 mars 2014 - 4.3/5

A shocking blindside leaves one castaway questioning their resolve to play the game. Meanwhile, a camp raid leaves one tribe scrounging for supplies while another revels in comfort.

Épisode 6 - Head of the Snake

2 avril 2014 - 4.5/5

It's every castaway for themselves, as two tribes become one in this season's merge. Meanwhile, one castaway's thirst for power could earn them a spot on the jury, and jaws drop as the blindside streak continues.

Épisode 7 - Mad Treasure Hunt

9 avril 2014 - 4.2/5

The entire tribe embarks on the craziest idol hunt in the history of the game. Also, one castaway showcases their ninja-like skills to sabotage another.

Épisode 8 - Bag of Tricks

16 avril 2014 - 4/5

One castaway's paranoia could lead to a game-changing flip, and a grade-school memory challenge looks more like a college exam for exhausted castaways.

Épisode 9 - Sitting in My Spy Shack

23 avril 2014 - 4/5

Homesick castaways are granted a brief reprieve with letters from home. Meanwhile, one castaway secretly embarks on a stakeout to gather intel from the competition and another castaway falls hard while attempting to collect coconuts from the treetops.

Épisode 10 - Chaos Is My Friend

30 avril 2014 - 4.2/5

One castaway's bidding strategy at the Survivor auction could pay off for them. Meanwhile, castaways draw rocks for a huge advantage in the game, and another castaway decides to show off his idol in an attempt to ensure his safety.

Épisode 11 - Havoc to Wreak

7 mai 2014 - 4.2/5

During an intense challenge, castaways attempt to crack the code and earn a spot in the Final Five. Additionally, one castaway's paranoia threatens another's stake in the game, and Tony's closest confidant is wooed by another alliance.

Épisode 12 - Straw that Broke the Camel's Back

14 mai 2014 - 4.3/5

Castaways scale new heights as they battle for a guaranteed spot in the Final Four. Meanwhile, friends become enemies when one castaway overhears plans for her eviction, and Tony comes up with a strategy for his special Immunity Idol.

Épisode 13 - It's Do or Die

21 mai 2014 - 4.4/5

Eyeing a spot in the Final Three, one castaway pulls one of the greatest comebacks in Survivor history, and the final castaways face a bitter jury when pleading their case for the $1 million prize.

Épisode 14 - Cagayan Reunion

21 mai 2014 - 4/5

The castaways reunite in Los Angeles to discuss the Cagayan season. Hosted by Jeff Probst.

Épisode 1 - Suck It Up and Survive

24 septembre 2014 - 4.3/5

The "Blood vs. Water" theme returns as all-new castaways compete with - and ultimately against - their loved ones who share the same goal: to outwit, outplay, outlast and ultimately be crowned Sole Survivor and winner of the 1 million dollar prize.

Épisode 2 - Method to This Madness

1 octobre 2014 - 4/5

After losing their flint, one tribe attempts to barter with Jeff in a rare negotiation. Meanwhile, former MLB player John Rocker's controversial past threatens his future in the game.

Épisode 3 - Actions vs. Accusations

8 octobre 2014 - 4.1/5

A showdown pits father against son and puts their relationship to the test. Meanwhile, former MLB player John Rocker is confronted about his controversial past during a combative Immunity Challenge.

Épisode 4 - We're a Hot Mess

15 octobre 2014 - 3.9/5

One castaway contemplates throwing an Immunity Challenge to rid their tribe of the weaker players. However, their thirst for power could result in a shocking blindside.

Épisode 5 - Blood Is Blood

22 octobre 2014 - 3.8/5

After a surprising tribe swap, the game gets complicated when one castaway is stranded on a tribe with three pairs of loved ones. Meanwhile, the other tribe is forced to negotiate for their next meal as a result of mismanaged portion control.

Épisode 6 - Make Some Magic Happen

29 octobre 2014 - 3.7/5

In a rare move, a very hungry Hunahpu tribe makes a desperate trade for rice. Meanwhile, one castaway on the Coyopa tribe concocts a plan to use a fake idol to try and insure their safety.

Épisode 7 - Million Dollar Decision

5 novembre 2014 - 3.7/5

The pressure of the game forces one castaway to contemplate throwing in the towel. Also, alliances start to crumble with the impending merge and one castaway commits the ultimate sin.

Épisode 8 - Wrinkle in the Plan

12 novembre 2014 - 3.9/5

The claws are out when two parents protect their children in a heated exchange. Also, the castaways reap the rewards of a Taco Bar after exiling one of their own.

Épisode 9 - Gettin' to Crunch Time

19 novembre 2014 - 4.1/5

Two reward winners trade their spots to prove their loyalty. Also, an idol paper trail causes chaos at camp, and one castaway plays dirty when his life in the game is threatened.

Épisode 10 - This Is Where We Build Trust

26 novembre 2014 - 4.2/5

Another castaway trades their reward for security in the game. Also, the first idol of the season comes into play during a chaotic Tribal Council.

Épisode 11 - Kind of Like Cream Cheese

3 décembre 2014 - 3.9/5

After 30 grueling days, the remaining castaways battle for a spot in the Final Six. Also, for the first time ever, castaways give up their chance at Reward in the middle of a challenge, and one castaway seeking revenge sets their sights on the game's strongest player.

Épisode 12 - Still Holdin' On

3 décembre 2014 - 3.9/5

Épisode 13 - Let's Make a Move

10 décembre 2014 - 4.3/5

A shocking Tribal Council leads to one of the biggest blindsides of the season. Also, a sudden ankle injury could lead to a medevac just days before the game ends.

Épisode 14 - This Is My Time

17 décembre 2014 - 4.1/5

The Final Five compete for a spot in the last Tribal Council and the $1 million prize on the two hour Season Finale.

Épisode 15 - San Juan del Sur Reunion

17 décembre 2014 - 3.9/5

The castaways reunite in Los Angeles to discuss the San Juan del Sur season. Hosted by Jeff Probst.

Épisode 1 - It's Survivor Warfare

25 février 2015 - 4/5

The 30th season will feature the first-time theme of “Worlds Apart,” with castaways divided into the three separate tribes, White Collar, Blue Collar and No Collar. Minutes into the game, castaways are forced to choose between honesty or deception, and one castaway becomes ill after trying to satisfy his need for protein.

Épisode 2 - It Will Be My Revenge

4 mars 2015 - 3.9/5

White Collar castaways strip down and embrace their free-spirited “no collar” tendencies. Blue Collar castaways disagree when it comes to heavy lifting at camp, and one castaway struggles to adapt to her new tribemates.

Épisode 3 - Crazy Is as Crazy Does

11 mars 2015 - 3.8/5

A division of labor causes cracks in the hard-working Blue Collar tribe. Also, one castaway’s strategy during the Immunity Challenge completely backfires.

Épisode 4 - Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner

18 mars 2015 - 3.7/5

One castaway struggles after receiving a blow to the head during a reward challenge for chickens. Another castaway's desire to flex his power in the game could be his greatest weakness.

Épisode 5 - We're Finally Playing Some Survivor

18 mars 2015 - 3.7/5

The three tribes merge into two and the castaways move to either changing allegiances or strengthening existing ones.

Épisode 6 - Odd Woman Out

25 mars 2015 - 3.7/5

One castaway struggles to fit in after a shocking Tribal Council. Also, winning a reward gives one castaway a new outlook on life and the game.

Épisode 7 - The Line Will Be Drawn Tonight

1 avril 2015 - 4.1/5

Alliances are tested as castaways must adapt to playing an individual game after the merge. Also, castaways fight for Individual Immunity in a classic game of endurance.

Épisode 8 - Keep It Real

8 avril 2015 - 3.8/5

Castaways walk a fine line and struggle to stay balanced at a Reward Challenge. Also, one castaway goes on a crazy man hunt to prevent another castaway from finding the Idol.

Épisode 9 - Livin' on the Edge

15 avril 2015 - 3.6/5

One castaway breaks out their arts and crafts skills to create a fake Idol and makes a plan to prevent being eliminated.

Épisode 10 - Bring the Popcorn

22 avril 2015 - 3.9/5

A key advantage gives one castaway a game-changing opportunity, and another castaway lashes out when their integrity is questioned.

Épisode 11 - Survivor Russian Roulette

29 avril 2015 - 4.1/5

A twist at the Immunity Challenge creates a two-way race for security in the game, and one castaway uses his entire body as a bridge during a Reward Challenge. Also, a crazy Tribal Council becomes confrontational.

Épisode 12 - Holding On for Dear Life

6 mai 2015 - 3.8/5

A reward gives castaways an opportunity to deliver supplies to a local orphanage. Also, castaways must scramble after a crazy Tribal Council leaves some on the outs.

Épisode 13 - My Word Is My Bond

13 mai 2015 - 3.9/5

With only six castaways left in the game, Immunity is more important than ever. Also, castaways are puzzled at a tough Reward Challenge and a strong alliance begins to crumble.

Épisode 14 - It's a Fickle, Fickle Game

20 mai 2015 - 4.1/5

After 39 Days, one castaway will be crowned Sole Survivor and take home the million dollar prize. Also, emotions run deep when castaways receive a surprise visit from their loved ones.

Épisode 15 - Worlds Apart Reunion

20 mai 2015 - 4/5

The castaways reunite in Los Angeles to discuss the Worlds Apart season. In a Survivor first, the results of the fan vote for the 20 castaways who will compete in the Fall edition will be revealed live by Jeff Probst during the show.

Épisode 1 - Second Chance

23 septembre 2015 - 3.9/5

Twenty returning castaways are dropped in the middle of the South China Sea to begin their adventure, on the special 90-minute season premiere of Survivor. The new season in Cambodia, themed “Second Chance,” features 20 castaways from past editions who were voted for by fans to have another shot at being named “Sole Survivor.” For one tribe, old-school thinking battles new-school strategy when the two distinct groups try to take control of the game. Also, one contestant finds a clue to a hidden immunity idol that requires retrieving it in a way that’s never been seen before.

Épisode 2 - Survivor MacGyver

30 septembre 2015 - 3.7/5

One tribe is completely puzzled at a classic Immunity Challenge. Also, one castaway attempts a heartfelt apology in an effort to stave off elimination before an intense Tribal Council.

Épisode 3 - We Got a Rat

7 octobre 2015 - 3.8/5

Just days into the game, castaways drop their buffs and switch from two to three tribes. Also, a castaway’s future in the game is in jeopardy when they’re caught sending a message to another tribe.

Épisode 4 - What's the Beef?

14 octobre 2015 - 3.8/5

Three castaways leave it all on the beach in a gut-wrenching challenge, and two castaways plead for their lives in the game at a heated Tribal Council. Also, Abi-Maria continues to ruffle feathers with her tribe.

Épisode 5 - A Snake in the Grass

21 octobre 2015 - 3.9/5

One castaway embraces a new, more personal style of play for his second chance. Also, one castaway risks ruining a good thing by going against her own alliance.

Épisode 6 - Bunking with the Devil

28 octobre 2015 - 4.2/5

One castaway is pulled from the game due to a family emergency. Also, tribes drop their buffs and switch it up for the second time, and castaways chow down on local delicacies in a classic Immunity Challenge.

Épisode 7 - Play to Win

4 novembre 2015 - 3.7/5

Thirteen shocked castaways come together for the largest merge ever. Also, history repeats itself for two feuding castaways, and the season’s first Individual Immunity Challenge is a classic game of balance.

Épisode 8 - You Call, We'll Haul

11 novembre 2015 - 4.2/5

An intense water challenge leaves castaways thirsty for a much-needed reward. Also, immunity hangs in the balance as castaways attempt to steady themselves, and a shocking Tribal Council takes an unexpected turn.

Épisode 9 - Witches Coven

18 novembre 2015 - 4.1/5

One castaway risks their safety in the game in order to gain an advantage. Also, another castaway steps up in a brutal Individual Immunity Challenge to further their game, and three castaways deemed the “Witches Coven” stir the pot at camp.

Épisode 10 - Like Selling Your Soul to the Devil

25 novembre 2015 - 4.2/5

Castaways’ spirits are drowning in a relentless rain storm, but a fun challenge reward offers a few players a glimpse into the Cambodian culture. Also, the “voting bloc” strategy used this season continues to keep Castaways on their toes, on a special two-hour Survivor.

Épisode 11 - My Wheels Are Spinning

25 novembre 2015 - 4.2/5

Relentless rain drowns the players' spirits, a fun reward reveals a glimpse of Cambodian culture, and the voting bloc strategy keeps castaways on their toes.

Épisode 12 - Tiny Little Shanks to the Heart

2 décembre 2015 - 3.9/5

Emotions run deep when loved ones visit the island, and a desperate Reward Challenge leaves castaways’ heads spinning. Also, exhaustion takes a serious toll on one castaway in the middle of an immunity battle.

Épisode 13 - Villains Have More Fun

9 décembre 2015 - 3.9/5

With the end in sight, castaways scramble to solidify a plan for the final three. Also, a frightening incident at the Immunity Challenge sends shockwaves through the entire tribe, and castaways are rewarded with a spiritual recharge at the temples of Cambodia.

Épisode 14 - Lie, Cheat, and Steal

16 décembre 2015 - 4.1/5

Six castaways battle it out for a shot in the final three, and a shocking Tribal Council delivers a Survivor first. Later, the final three castaways plead their cases for the $1 million prize.

Épisode 15 - Second Chance Reunion

16 décembre 2015 - 3.9/5

The castaways reunite in Los Angeles to discuss the Second Chance season with Jeff Probst.

Épisode 1 - I'm a Mental Giant

17 février 2016 - 4.1/5

Castaways embark on the most grueling 39 days in Survivor history and test whether brute strength, looks or smarts will be the attribute that helps capture the title of Sole Survivor. Also, one castaway deals with excruciating pain when a bug gets stuck in their ear.

Épisode 2 - Kindergarten Camp

24 février 2016 - 4.1/5

One castaway goes to great heights to retrieve an idol, and on the Beauty tribe, two castaways become quick friends. Also, immunity and rewards are on the line at a taxing physical challenge.

Épisode 3 - The Circle of Life

2 mars 2016 - 4.1/5

For the first time ever, two Immunity Idols can join forces to become one super idol that can be used after the votes are read. Also, one castaway gets crafty in order to retrieve an idol and another castaway on an opposing tribe may have a bounty on their head if they can’t find an idol.

Épisode 4 - Signed, Sealed and Delivered

9 mars 2016 - 4.3/5

The brutal heat of Kaoh Rong takes a toll on several castaways, and one is medically evacuated from of the game.

Épisode 5 - The Devils We Know

16 mars 2016 - 3.9/5

The castaways drop their buffs and switch things up, and one castaway feels all alone in the game following the tribe switch.

Épisode 6 - Play or Go Home

23 mars 2016 - 4.2/5

A hearty food reward is up for grabs at a classic challenge. Also, the pressure is on when one castaway interrogates a fellow tribemate.

Épisode 7 - It’s Merge Time

30 mars 2016 - 4/5

A tribe merge reshuffles the game and its alliances. Also, a brutal Individual Immunity Challenge keeps castaways on their toes.

Épisode 8 - The Jocks vs. The Pretty People

6 avril 2016 - 4/5

The merge creates a power struggle between the remaining members of the Brawn and Beauty tribes. Also, rumors of an all-girl alliance cause problems for one castaway.

Épisode 9 - It's Psychological Warfare

13 avril 2016 - 4.3/5

A separation in tribes leads to the ultimate sabotage. Also, a schoolyard pick draws a line in the sand at a tough Reward Challenge.

Épisode 10 - I’m Not Here to Make Good Friends

20 avril 2016 - 4.3/5

A surprising turn of events at Tribal Council sends shock waves through the entire tribe. Also, castaways must choose between food, love or an advantage in the game.

Épisode 11 - It’s a ‘Me’ Game, Not a ‘We’ Game

27 avril 2016 - 3.9/5

One castaway holds the key to Individual Immunity and guarantees themselves a shot at the final six. Also, after a shocking Tribal Council, a fractured alliance may not be able to be restored.

Épisode 12 - Now’s the Time to Start Scheming

4 mai 2016 - 3.8/5

A combination of balance and teamwork will earn some castaways a much-needed reward. Also, one castaway is under fire after bossing others around.

Épisode 13 - With Me or Not with Me

11 mai 2016 - 3.9/5

One castaway struggles to overcome feeling betrayed by their strongest ally. Also, an indulging reward might wreak havoc on one castaway.

Épisode 14 - Not Going Down Without a Fight

18 mai 2016 - 4.1/5

The remaining castaways fight for a game-changing reward to help determine their fate. Then, after 39 intense days of one of the toughest seasons in Survivor history, one castaway will be crowned Sole Survivor and awarded the $1 Million prize.

Épisode 15 - Kaôh Rōng Reunion

18 mai 2016 - 3.6/5

The castaways reunite in Los Angeles to discuss the Kaôh Rōng season with Jeff Probst.

Épisode 1 - May the Best Generation Win

21 septembre 2016 - 3.8/5

A war of generations begins as Millennials battle Gen X. A massive storm leads to a first in Survivor history, and one castaway snatches a powerful advantage in the game.

Épisode 2 - Love Goggles

28 septembre 2016 - 4.1/5

One castaway dons his “love goggles” when he’s struck by another’s beauty. Also, heat exhaustion takes the air out of one castaway.

Épisode 3 - Your Job is Recon

5 octobre 2016 - 4/5

Castaways get a chance to mingle with the “enemy,” and balance and precision are tested at a tough Immunity Challenge.

Épisode 4 - Who's the Sucker at the Table?

12 octobre 2016 - 4.3/5

Millennials and Gen X get physical in the first Reward Challenge of the season, and two castaways are out for revenge after being blindsided by their allies.

Épisode 5 - Idol Search Party

19 octobre 2016 - 4.1/5

Castaways form a search party to hunt for the Hidden Immunity Idol, and one tribe gets an unpleasant surprise when castaways drop their buffs.

Épisode 6 - The Truth Works Well

26 octobre 2016 - 4.1/5

Figgy and Taylor may regret an earlier decision to reveal their budding “showmance” to their tribemates, and some castaways worry there may be a snitch at camp after a Hidden Immunity Idol is found.

Épisode 7 - I Will Destroy You

2 novembre 2016 - 4.2/5

Two millennials attempt to put the past behind them and work together, and another castaway feels the heat when they're interrogated about their true profession.

Épisode 8 - I’m the Kingpin

9 novembre 2016 - 4.1/5

The season’s first Individual Immunity is up for grabs in a classic challenge. Also, one castaway finds an all-new advantage in the game, while another staves off hunger by stashing food for a rainy day.

Épisode 9 - Still Throwin’ Punches

16 novembre 2016 - 3.9/5

Two castaways with secrets about each other use them as leverage in the game, while another refuses to “drop the ball” when individual immunity is on the line.

Épisode 10 - Million Dollar Gamble

23 novembre 2016 - 4.3/5

A power struggle between castaways erupts and each player tries to arm themselves with allies. Also, tensions rise when Gen Xers turn on each other, and one castaway throws another under the bus to build trust in the game.

Épisode 11 - About to Have a Rumble

30 novembre 2016 - 4.2/5

The castaways play for a chance to spend time with loved ones; one person works hard to build their resumé in the game.

Épisode 12 - Slayed the Survivor Dragon

7 décembre 2016 - 4.3/5

It’s double the Tribal Councils as two castaways are sent home, and immunity is on the line in a classic game of Survivor pinball, on this season’s penultimate episode.

Épisode 13 - I'm Going For a Million Bucks

14 décembre 2016 - 4.1/5

Steady hands will earn a spot in the final three and a chance at the million dollar prize. Then, after 39 intense days, one castaway will be crowned Sole Survivor and awarded the $1 Million prize.

Épisode 14 - Millennials vs. Gen X Reunion

14 décembre 2016 - 4.3/5

The castaways reunite in Los Angeles to discuss the Millennials vs. Gen X season with Jeff Probst.

Épisode 1 - The Stakes Have Been Raised

8 mars 2017 - 4.1/5

It’s an epic showdown as two legends in Survivor history set their sights on one another. Also, two castaways attempt to put their past behind them and start a new game while another castaway introduces the “spy shack” 2.0.

Épisode 2 - Survivor Jackpot

15 mars 2017 - 3.8/5

Survivors drop their buffs for a tribe swap, and the game starts from scratch for one set of castaways. Also, one castaway leaves his tribemates stranded in the ocean so he can search their camp for the immunity idol.

Épisode 3 - The Tables Have Turned

22 mars 2017 - 4.3/5

A dramatic twist in the game sends shockwaves through the tribes. Also, castaways are flying blind at a classic immunity challenge.

Épisode 4 - Dirty Deed

29 mars 2017 - 3.9/5

One castaway searches for an immunity idol they desperately need in order to stay in the game, and another castaway throws their game off balance after they lose their cool.

Épisode 5 - Vote Early, Vote Often

5 avril 2017 - 4.2/5

One castaway is left floating on Exile Island after a tribe switch, and the exiled castaway receives a surprise visit.

Épisode 6 - What Happened on Exile, Stays on Exile

12 avril 2017 - 4/5

Emotions run high when the game begins to take a toll on one tribe, and castaways try to pull their way to safety at a physical immunity challenge.

Épisode 7 - There's a New Sheriff in Town

19 avril 2017 - 4/5

The merge brings another twist in the game that leaves two castaways out of the celebratory feast.

Épisode 8 - A Line Drawn in Concrete

26 avril 2017 - 4/5

Friends become enemies when one castaway is caught trying to sabotage another’s game.

Épisode 9 - Reinventing How This Game Is Played

3 mai 2017 - 3.8/5

One castaway’s alliance reacts after one of their own admits to flipping, and another Survivor must decide if they should reveal their secret advantage in the game to a trusted ally.

Épisode 10 - It Is Not a High Without a Low

10 mai 2017 - 3.7/5

An emotional reward challenge brings loved ones together and one castaway receives invaluable advice from their special visitor.

Épisode 11 - Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

17 mai 2017 - 4.1/5

Only six castaways will remain after two shocking tribal councils, and castaways pour their hearts into a challenge that could be the key to their safety.

Épisode 12 - No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

24 mai 2017 - 3.9/5

A historic tribal council takes a shocking turn for one unsuspecting castaway. Then, after a game-changing season, one castaway will be crowned sole Survivor and awarded the $1 million dollar prize.

Épisode 13 - Game Changers Reunion

24 mai 2017 - 3.6/5

The castaways reunite in Los Angeles to discuss the Game Changers season with Jeff Probst.

Épisode 1 - I'm Not Crazy, I'm Confident

27 septembre 2017 - 3.5/5

The castaways battle to prove which group has what it takes to win – Heroes, Healers or Hustlers. Also, one tribe will earn an advantage when the game is immediately “ignited” by the season’s first challenge, and there is a super idol that comes with a new twist.

Épisode 2 - I'm a Wild Banshee

4 octobre 2017 - 3.6/5

Two castaways find a clue and begin searching for a coveted idol. One castaway's annoying behavior could jeopardize their game. Romance is in the air for one pair of Healers.

Épisode 3 - My Kisses Are Very Private

11 octobre 2017 - 4/5

One castaway’s romantic feelings for another tribemate may cause them to spill secrets, and another castaway’s lack of social skills could prove to be a problem.

Épisode 4 - I Don't Like Having Snakes Around

18 octobre 2017 - 4.1/5

Tribes drop their buffs and switch things up, and one castaway rubs their new tribe the wrong way right before an explosive tribal council.

Épisode 5 - The Past Will Eat You Alive

25 octobre 2017 - 3.7/5

One castaway struggles to keep his head in the game at a tough reward challenge, and a tough physical immunity challenge weighs heavily on castaways.

Épisode 6 - This Is Why You Play Survivor

1 novembre 2017 - 3.7/5

One castaway is upset after being kept out of the loop on a crazy blindside. Lack of food takes a toll on another castaway.

Épisode 7 - Get to Gettin'

8 novembre 2017 - 3.9/5

Castaways drop their buffs and merge for a big feast, and the first individual immunity is on the line.

Épisode 8 - Playing with the Devil

15 novembre 2017 - 3.9/5

One player finds a secret advantage with a special twist, and concentration is key in the individual immunity challenge.

Épisode 9 - Fear of the Unknown

22 novembre 2017 - 3.8/5

Alliances are put to the test and castaways question who will remain loyal.

Épisode 10 - Buy One, Get One Free (1)

29 novembre 2017 - 3.9/5

Can one secret agent keep their cover or will they be discovered?

Épisode 11 - Buy One, Get One Free (2)

29 novembre 2017 - 3.8/5

Épisode 12 - Not Going to Roll Over and Die

6 décembre 2017 - 4.1/5

Castaways receive a much-needed visit from their loved ones, and one castaway must snatch an idol in plain sight.

Épisode 13 - The Survivor Devil

13 décembre 2017 - 4.1/5

Castaways battle to win individual immunity and earn a spot in the final five.

Épisode 14 - Million Dollar Night

20 décembre 2017 - 4/5

Castaways compete in an all-new immunity challenge, and a new twist is unleashed into the game. Then, one castaway will be crowned sole Survivor and awarded the $1 million dollar prize, on the 2-hour season finale.

Épisode 15 - Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers Reunion

20 décembre 2017 - 3.7/5

The castaways reunite in Los Angeles to discuss the Heroes vs Healers vs Hustlers season with Jeff Probst.

Épisode 1 - Can You Reverse the Curse? (1)

28 février 2018 - 4.1/5

A group of new Survivors attempt to “reverse the curse” of bad past game decisions.

Épisode 2 - Can You Reverse the Curse? (2)

28 février 2018 - 4.1/5

One castaway will be the first to visit Ghost Island, and panic sets in at the first tribal council of the season.

Épisode 3 - Only Time Will Tell

7 mars 2018 - 3.6/5

A surprising tribe swap shakes up the game and one castaway sets their sights on one of their own.

Épisode 4 - Trust Your Gut

14 mars 2018 - 4.1/5

Castaways get physical during a classic water challenge, and a pair of castaways on the outs tries to shake things up.

Épisode 5 - A Diamond in the Rough

21 mars 2018 - 4.1/5

One castaway attempts to rekindle relationships after duping their tribe.

Épisode 6 - Fate Is the Homie

28 mars 2018 - 4/5

Another surprising tribe swap could mean a fresh start for some castaways.

Épisode 7 - Gotta Risk It for the Biscuit

4 avril 2018 - 4.1/5

Castaways burn their tribe’s flag in an attempt to reverse the curse.

Épisode 8 - Fear Keeps You Sharp

11 avril 2018 - 4.3/5

The merge threatens to increase the tension between two ongoing rivals.

Épisode 9 - The Sea Slug Slugger

18 avril 2018 - 3.9/5

A classic Survivor eating challenge is back, and individual immunity is on the line.

Épisode 10 - It's Like the Perfect Crime

25 avril 2018 - 4/5

A determined castaway goes on a mission to break up a power alliance.

Épisode 11 - The Finish Line Is in Sight

2 mai 2018 - 4.2/5

Two people will be voted out in an all-new surprise twist. Also, one player works hard to deceive his tribemates into thinking he has an idol.

Épisode 12 - A Giant Game of Bumper Cars

9 mai 2018 - 4.2/5

A visit from loved ones hits the spot for castaways at the reward challenge, and castaways must bond together to break up a power couple.

Épisode 13 - Always Be Moving

16 mai 2018 - 4.2/5

After a tough immunity challenge, one castaway will earn a 1 in 6 shot at the million dollar prize.

Épisode 14 - It Is Game Time Kids

23 mai 2018 - 4.5/5

Castaways try to navigate their way to immunity when facing the biggest maze in the history for the game, and a fire-making challenge could change one person's fate. After 39 days, one castaway will take home the $1 million dollar prize and the title of sole Survivor.

Épisode 15 - Ghost Island Reunion

23 mai 2018 - 3.9/5

The castaways reunite in Los Angeles to discuss the Ghost Island season with Jeff Probst.

Épisode 1 - Appearances Are Deceiving

26 septembre 2018 - 4/5

A vicious cyclone stirs up emotions on the first day on the island, and the “David” tribe tries to take down the “Goliath” tribe.

Épisode 2 - The Chicken Has Flown the Coop

3 octobre 2018 - 3.8/5

One tribe will bring balance to their game with an Immunity win. An early showmance could paint a target on a pair of castaways' backs.

Épisode 3 - I Am Goliath Strong

10 octobre 2018 - 3.8/5

One paranoid castaway calls a tribal meeting to put a stop to side conversations. Two castaways bump heads when their Survivor lives are on the line.

Épisode 4 - Time to Bring About the Charmpocalypse

17 octobre 2018 - 3.9/5

After a surprising tribe swap, castaways from the “David” and “Goliath” tribes must learn to work together. A castaway’s typical bossy nature could rub her new tribe the wrong way.

Épisode 5 - Jackets and Eggs

24 octobre 2018 - 3.8/5

One castaway has some scrambling to do after being on the wrong side of the vote. Another turbulent storm puts a sudden halt to the game.

Épisode 6 - Aren't Brochachos Just Adorable?

31 octobre 2018 - 4.1/5

Tribes battle to win a food reward for much needed nourishment. The bond between the “Brochachos” becomes a personal achievement for one castaway.

Épisode 7 - There's Gonna Be Tears Shed

7 novembre 2018 - 4/5

As alliances between the Davids and Goliaths are tested at the merge some new castaways may join forces, including an unlikely pair.

Épisode 8 - You Get What You Give

14 novembre 2018 - 4.5/5

One castaway must do damage control after being called out by their tribe. Balance is tested in a stressful immunity challenge.

Épisode 9 - Breadth-First Search

21 novembre 2018 - 4.2/5

A quarrel between two castaways could mean the end of a showmance. Castaways who win rewards earn a much-needed trip to the burger bar.

Épisode 10 - Tribal Lines Are Blurred

28 novembre 2018 - 3.9/5

Letters from home could fuel castaways’ lives in the game. Also, one castaway’s negotiation skills for a bigger food supply could pay off.

Épisode 11 - So Smart They’re Dumb

5 décembre 2018 - 3.8/5

Emotions are sparked when loved ones visit the castaways. Also, a tribal blindside could create a crack in the Mason-Dixon alliance, and one castaway could break the game wide open by targeting their #1 ally.

Épisode 12 - Are You Feeling Lucky?

12 décembre 2018 - 3.9/5

One castaway earns a 1-in-6 chance at the title of Sole Survivor after winning a crucial immunity challenge.

Épisode 13 - With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

19 décembre 2018 - 4.2/5

Only four “Goliaths” and two “Davids” remain to face a very competitive 63-piece puzzle challenge in an attempt to last another day. A fire-making challenge could change one person’s fate in the game, and – after 39 days – one castaway will take home the $1 million dollar prize and the title of sole Survivor.

Épisode 14 - David vs. Goliath Reunion

19 décembre 2018 - 3.9/5

The castaways reunite in Los Angeles to discuss the David vs Goliath season with Jeff Probst.

Épisode 1 - It Smells Like Success

20 février 2019 - 4.2/5

Castaways hover on the “Edge of Extinction” in an all-new twist, and four returning players attempt to bond with their new tribemates. Also, castaways tackle a giant puzzle in their first immunity challenge of the season.

Épisode 2 - One of Us Is Going to Win the War

27 février 2019 - 3.9/5

The first castaway is stranded all alone on “Edge of Extinction.” Also, first-time players band together in an attempt to get a returnee out of the game.

Épisode 3 - Betrayals Are Going to Get Exposed

6 mars 2019 - 3.8/5

Teamwork is the key to success in an all-new immunity challenge. Two castaways attempt to get along while trying to survive on the “Edge of Extinction.”

Épisode 4 - I Need a Dance Partner

13 mars 2019 - 4.2/5

Castaways drop their buffs and switch things up. The Edge of Extinction heats up when an eliminated castaway has to face people they blindsided.

Épisode 5 - It's Like the Worst Cocktail Party Ever

20 mars 2019 - 4.4/5

The castaways’ mental toughness is tested on the Edge of Extinction, and targets begin switching from one castaway to another when weaknesses are exposed.

Épisode 6 - There's Always a Twist

27 mars 2019 - 4.4/5

Alliances are tested after a highly anticipated merge between tribes. One castaway wins the first individual immunity challenge of the season.

Épisode 7 - I'm the Puppet Master

3 avril 2019 - 4.4/5

The puppet master attempts to pull the strings on other castaways, and one castaway struggles to find balance at an immunity challenge after exhaustion takes its toll.

Épisode 8 - Y'All Making Me Crazy

10 avril 2019 - 4.5/5

Tribal Council heats up, and castaways strategize until moments before the vote. Concentration is key at a classic immunity challenge.

Épisode 9 - Blood of a Blindside

17 avril 2019 - 4.3/5

Two tribal councils in one hour, and a surprise advantage may pay off for one castaway’s game.

Épisode 10 - Fasten Your Seatbelts

24 avril 2019 - 4/5

Another blindside could be in sight after alliances start to crumble. Also, one castaway comes out on top after a crucial immunity win.

Épisode 11 - Awkward

1 mai 2019 - 4.2/5

One castaway gets caught red-handed rummaging through someone’s bag at camp. Castaways battle to win reward in the form of love when family members pay a visit.

Épisode 12 - Idol or Bust

8 mai 2019 - 4.1/5

Spirits are lifted when castaways living “on the edge” read letters that they wrote to themselves before starting this adventure. Also, the final 7 castaways battle for immunity during a tough puzzle challenge.

Épisode 13 - I See the Million Dollars

15 mai 2019 - 3.9/5

One castaway’s game unravels and someone gets a chance to return to the game when the castaways “living on the edge” compete head to head. In the end, one castaway will take home the $1 million prize and earn the title of Sole Survivor.

Épisode 14 - Edge of Extinction Reunion

15 mai 2019 - 3.4/5

The castaways reunite to talk about their experiences.

Épisode 1 - I Vote You Out and That's It

25 septembre 2019 - 4/5

One castaway gets fired up when learning a lesson on the Island of the Idols, where Boston Rob Mariano and Sandra Diaz serve as mentors.

Épisode 2 - YOLO, Let's Play!

2 octobre 2019 - 4.1/5

One castaway puts their mind to work when given a new opportunity on the Island of the Idols. The tribes must climb their way to the top during a tough Immunity Challenge.

Épisode 3 - Honesty Would Be Chill

9 octobre 2019 - 4.2/5

New tribal dynamics may put the rest of the castaways on edge leading into the next tribal council. One castaway is presented with an opportunity on the Island of the Idols.

Épisode 4 - Plan Z

16 octobre 2019 - 4.1/5

A “showmance” could create distractions and paint a target on two castaways’ backs. Also, after a visit with Boston Rob and Sandra on Island of the Idols, one castaway has a chance to seize an opportunity to prove their power of persuasion.

Épisode 5 - Don't Bite the Hand That Feeds You

23 octobre 2019 - 4/5

Castaways are forced to switch up their game after a surprising tribe swap.

Épisode 6 - Suck It Up Buttercup

30 octobre 2019 - 4.5/5

Rival alliances go head to head over a powerful player, and one castaway must decide if they are daring enough to take on a risky task after visiting the Island of the Idols.

Épisode 7 - I Was Born at Night, But Not Last Night

6 novembre 2019 - 4.4/5

An empire falls and a rebellion rises, but the game is far from over. Another castaway visits the Island of the Idols for a chance to earn an advantage.

Épisode 8 - We Made It to the Merge!

13 novembre 2019 - 3.9/5

Castaways enjoy a merge feast before individual immunity is on the line.

Épisode 9 - Two for the Price of One

20 novembre 2019 - 4.4/5

An unexpected twist shakes up the game and sends two people home.

Épisode 10 - Bring on the Bacon

27 novembre 2019 - 4.5/5

One castaway must prove how well they know their castmates when presented with a game-changing opportunity while visiting Island of the Idols.

Épisode 11 - A Very Simple Plan

4 décembre 2019 - 4.2/5

Trust is tested when new alliances are formed while old ones remain. Lines are drawn in the sand after the family visit.

Épisode 12 - Just Go For It

11 décembre 2019 - 4.2/5

The 14th castaway is voted out and joins the jury, on the penultimate episode.

Épisode 13 - Mama, Look at Me Now

18 décembre 2019 - 4.1/5

A winner will be crowned Sole Survivor on the finale of Survivor: Island of the Idols.

Épisode 14 - Island of the Idols Reunion

18 décembre 2019 - 4/5

The castaways reunite in Los Angeles to discuss the season.

Épisode 1 - Greatest of the Greats

12 février 2020 - 4.1/5

Twenty previous winners of Survivor begin their battle for $2 million with a classic challenge to ring in their first immunity win. An all-new twist involving fire tokens is revealed.

Épisode 2 - It's Like a Survivor Economy

19 février 2020 - 4.4/5

One castaway is out for blood after realizing their closest ally was sent to the Edge of Extinction. Another castaway must dig themselves out after letting information slip.

Épisode 3 - Out for Blood

26 février 2020 - 4.3/5

The new-school players attempt to take control against the old-school players in an effort to change up the game. Chaos ensues on Edge of Extinction when an opportunity presents itself.

Épisode 4 - I Like Revenge

4 mars 2020 - 4.4/5

Castaways are on the edge of breaking down when faced with a grueling opportunity at the Edge of Extinction. The Survivor veterans begin to target each other.

Épisode 5 - The Buddy System on Steroids

11 mars 2020 - 4.3/5

Tribes drop their buffs and switch things up in the game. Tension on one tribe opens up an opportunity for new alliances.

Épisode 6 - Quick on the Draw

18 mars 2020 - 4.5/5

The immunity challenge weighs heavily on the castaways when 2 tribes are sent to tribal council. One castaway on Edge of Extinction is acting sneaky.

Épisode 7 - We're in the Majors

25 mars 2020 - 4.3/5

Some winners sprint their way to an opportunity to gain an edge over the other castaways. One tribe employs a different strategy in a rigorous immunity challenge.

Épisode 8 - This is Where the Battle Begins

1 avril 2020 - 4.2/5

With the old-school players living on Edge of Extinction, it’s merge time for the new-school castaways.

Épisode 9 - War Is Not Pretty

8 avril 2020 - 4.4/5

Things get tense for the remaining castaways during a chaotic tribal council. Also, a kind gesture could paint a target on someone’s back, and one person is the last one standing in a taxing immunity challenge.

Épisode 10 - The Full Circle

15 avril 2020 - 4.2/5

Winners at War put the game aside for a heartfelt moment with their loved ones. A wild tribal council sends the 12th person to the Edge of Extinction.

Épisode 11 - This Is Extortion

22 avril 2020 - 4.5/5

One castaway plays double agent and goes undercover to infiltrate a group they want to vote out. One player who has been playing it cool finally goes to work to search for an idol.

Épisode 12 - Friendly Fire

29 avril 2020 - 4.4/5

Alliances may crumble after a tribal blindside. An undercover operation escalates to new heights. Those on the Edge of Extinction get another brutal challenge.

Épisode 13 - The Penultimate Step of the War

6 mai 2020 - 4.1/5

In a crucial immunity challenge, the remaining 7 castaways make their final push towards the $2 million prize.

Épisode 14 - It All Boils Down to This

13 mai 2020 - 4.3/5

Those living on the Edge of Extinction dig deep for one last shot to get back in the game. Then, the final 6 battle it out to see who takes home the $2 million prize. The traditional reunion show has been skipped this season, with Jeff streaming the season's results from his garage.

Épisode 15 - Winners at War Reunion

13 mai 2020 - 4/5

The castaways reunite to talk about their experiences.

Épisode 1 - A New Era

22 septembre 2021 - 4.3/5

The 18 new castaways begin their battle for $1 million and the title of Sole Survivor. In the first immunity challenge, 3 tribes fight for their life to guarantee their safety at tribal council.

Épisode 2 - Juggling Chainsaws

29 septembre 2021 - 4.3/5

Immunity challenges get interesting when a new idol is introduced that has a special twist.

Épisode 3 - My Million Dollar Mistake

6 octobre 2021 - 3.9/5

Castaways stumble upon a sneaky advantage that comes at a great risk. Truth is tested among castaways as mistakes are made.

Épisode 4 - They Hate Me 'Cause They Ain't Me

13 octobre 2021 - 4.3/5

Two castaways strategize a risky move during the immunity challenge. A castaway does what it takes to earn a tribemate’s trust.

Épisode 5 - The Strategist or the Loyalist

20 octobre 2021 - 4.1/5

The 3 members of Ua compete in the immunity challenge to try to avoid shrinking further. Friendships are put to the test when castaways from different tribes take a journey together.

Épisode 6 - Ready to Play Like a Lion (1)

27 octobre 2021 - 4.3/5

For 12 days, the Luvu tribe has avoided going to tribal council, but now that the three tribes have merged, their alliances will be tested. Also, there's a new twist when it comes to the merge.

Épisode 7 - There's Gonna Be Blood (2)

3 novembre 2021 - 4.4/5

Erika's decision from Exile Island affects who competes in the first individual immunity challenge.

Épisode 8 - Betraydar

10 novembre 2021 - 4.2/5

The castaways must work to make amends after betrayals. An interesting turn of events takes place at the reward challenge.

Épisode 9 - Who's Who in the Zoo

17 novembre 2021 - 4.1/5

A castaway is singled out for their dishonest game. Both immunity and reward are on the line in tonight's challenge.

Épisode 10 - Baby with a Machine Gun

24 novembre 2021 - 4.4/5

After a grueling season with no food, a warm meal is up for grabs at the reward challenge, and the immunity challenge is a test of focus and balance.

Épisode 11 - Do or Die

1 décembre 2021 - 4/5

Another big twist threatens to send someone home, and castaways must formulate a plan whether to vote out the big threat or keep playing the game with people they trust.

Épisode 12 - Truth Kamikaze

8 décembre 2021 - 4.1/5

Castaways need to alter their plans after the winner of the immunity challenge throws a wrench in their next big move.

Épisode 13 - One Thing Left to Do… Win

15 décembre 2021 - 4.1/5

After a season filled with new twists, the 5 remaining castaways must battle it out for the title of Sole Survivor and the $1 million prize. For the first time since season one, the winner is revealed live on location. The finale is followed by an after-show hosted by Jeff Probst.

Épisode 1 - Feels Like a Rollercoaster

9 mars 2022 - 4.1/5

Eighteen new castaways begin their battle for $1 million and the title of Sole Survivor.

Épisode 2 - Good and Guilty

16 mars 2022 - 4.1/5

An unlikely friendship forms when two castaways bond over their differences. Also, the beware immunity idol returns, forcing castaways to consider all options before entering this unknown territory.

Épisode 3 - Go for the Gusto

23 mars 2022 - 4.1/5

One tribe attempts to recover after drawing a line in the sand at tribal council. Also, a castaway goes on a journey and must make a decision that could change their game, and one tribe stacks their way to victory, earning immunity and a fruitful reward.

Épisode 4 - Vibe of the Tribe

30 mars 2022 - 3.9/5

One castaway paints a target on their back when they attempt to pit their tribemates against one another. Also, one tribe dives their way to victory after piecing together a big win in the immunity challenge.

Épisode 5 - I'm Survivor Rich

6 avril 2022 - 4/5

It’s day 10, and patience is running thin for some of the tribe members. Also, immunity is on the line, and one tribe gets tied up.

Épisode 6 - You Can't Hide on Survivor (1)

13 avril 2022 - 4/5

Castaways drop their buffs and rearrange tribes before an intense immunity challenge. Also, one castaway is taken to another island and has the power to change the game.

Épisode 7 - The Devil You Do or The Devil You Don't (2)

13 avril 2022 - 4/5

The castaways deal with the effects of the isolated survivor's choice.

Épisode 8 - You Better Be Wearing a Seatbelt

20 avril 2022 - 3.7/5

Castaways are officially merged into one tribe, and individual immunity is now on the line. At the challenge, castaways try to negotiate with Jeff to get four days' worth of rice for their tribe.

Épisode 9 - Game of Chicken

27 avril 2022 - 3.9/5

One castaway will be the last standing in the fight for immunity, earning themselves a spot in the final eight.

Épisode 10 - Tell a Good Lie, Not a Stupid Lie

4 mai 2022 - 4/5

One castaway lands a win in the reward challenge, earning a chance to nurture social bonds during a pivotal moment in the game.

Épisode 11 - Battle Royale

11 mai 2022 - 4.3/5

The first castaway to drop out of the immunity challenge must take a chance on “Do or Die” to see if they remain in the game.

Épisode 12 - Caterpillar to a Butterfly

18 mai 2022 - 4.3/5

Only six castaways remain, and one will be on the wrong side of the vote. Also, one castaway climbs the stairway to victory and wins immunity at tribal council.

Épisode 13 - It Comes Down to This

25 mai 2022 - 4.4/5

After a grueling, accelerated 26-day season filled with new twists and advantages, castaways skillfully navigate their way to the final three, with one crowned the Sole Survivor.

Épisode 1 - LIVIN

21 septembre 2022 - 4.3/5

18 new castaways come together to form their own society. One winning tribe earns supplies at the opening challenge while the remaining tribes choose between a mental or physical challenge to earn their camp essentials.

Épisode 2 - Lovable Curmudgeon

28 septembre 2022 - 4.2/5

An unexpected storm hits hard and fast and keeps tribes shivering all night in their shelters. One castaway puts their tribe at risk of going to tribal council after failing to pull their weight in the challenge.

Épisode 3 - I'll Sign the Divorce Papers

5 octobre 2022 - 4.2/5

The Beware Advantage returns and castaways must decide if they want to risk losing their vote. Also, the trust in one tribe shifts after a castaway finds out that a few tribemates have been snooping through bags around camp.

Épisode 4 - Show No Mercy

12 octobre 2022 - 4.2/5

One tribe makes a strategic decision in this week’s immunity challenge that sends another tribe to tribal council. Also, one castaway’s paranoia and overconfidence risks leading them to their downfall.

Épisode 5 - Stop with All the Niceness

19 octobre 2022 - 4.2/5

Two castaways get caught by another tribemate while opening a Beware Advantage. Also, one person from each tribe must take a journey together where they can risk their vote or play it safe.

Épisode 6 - Mergatory

26 octobre 2022 - 4.2/5

The game intensifies when the tribes meet each other at the same camp. Also, castaways must scramble and strategize before tribal council to avoid being the sixth person voted out.

Épisode 7 - Bull in a China Shop

2 novembre 2022 - 4.2/5

In a game where knowledge is power, one castaway risks sharing their “knowledge” with a few too many people. Also, another castaway tries to recover after a complete blindside at tribal council.

Épisode 8 - Proposterous

9 novembre 2022 - 4.2/5

It is day 16 and castaways are getting to know their new tribe post merge. Also, hunger pangs are starting to take a toll and castaways must decide who will strike a deal with Jeff Probst to earn rice for their tribe.

Épisode 9 - What About the Big Girls

16 novembre 2022 - 4.3/5

In a shocking double tribal council, two castaways are blindsided. Also, a revenge plan begins to brew around camp after several castaways were left out of the last tribal council vote.

Épisode 10 - Get That Money, Baby

23 novembre 2022 - 4.3/5

The remaining eight castaways compete in a reward challenge that earns them a night in the sanctuary and a letter from home. Also, one castaway has to build their house of cards high enough to win immunity.

Épisode 11 - Hiding in Plain Sight

30 novembre 2022 - 4/5

As the tide rises and falls, castaways hold their breath to find out who will win the immunity challenge. Also, one castaway spies something hidden in plain sight.

Épisode 12 - Telenovela

7 décembre 2022 - 4.2/5

The remaining six castaways must get the ball rolling to win the reward challenge and earn a sweet treat. Also, castaways need to hang in there during the immunity challenge to secure their spot in the final five.

Épisode 13 - Snap Some Necks and Cash Some Checks

14 décembre 2022 - 3.9/5

The remaining five castaways must find the perfect balance in the immunity challenge to make it to the final four. Also, two castaways have to make fire in order to earn their seat in the final three, with one player being crowned the title of Sole Survivor.

Épisode 1 - I Can't Wait to See Jeff

1 mars 2023 - 3.6/5

Contestants take on their first challenge to win camp supplies, with the two losing teams choosing between a mental and a physical challenge to earn their own essentials.

Épisode 2 - Two Dorky Magnets

8 mars 2023 - 4/5

Tribes must snake their way toward the win for immunity and reward. Also, paranoia starts to set in as a looming suspicion becomes the elephant in the room, and lines are drawn in the sand at tribal council.

Épisode 3 - Sneaky Little Snake

15 mars 2023 - 4/5

A budding romance could become an easy target for one tribe. Also, one castaway hopes to convince the tribe of their worth to stay another day.

Épisode 4 - I'm Felicia

22 mars 2023 - 4.2/5

One person from each tribe is chosen to go on a journey and receive surprising news that will shake up the game. Also, tribes must slingshot themselves toward victory in the reward challenge to earn an essential camp item.

Épisode 5 - The Third Turd

29 mars 2023 - 3.9/5

Tribes must weave their way through the reward challenge to earn power in the game. Also, one person from each tribe is chosen to go on a journey, but there’s a catch.

Épisode 6 - Survivor with a Capital S

5 avril 2023 - 4.2/5

The game is about to change as tribes pack their bags and prepare to meet each other on the same beach. Also, one castaway risks getting caught up in their own web of lies.

Épisode 7 - Let's Not Be Cute About It

12 avril 2023 - 4.2/5

Castaways must find the key to unlock a new twist in the game. Then, one castaway finds themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Épisode 8 - Don't Get Cocky, Kid

19 avril 2023 - 4/5

A war between old tribes risks creating a shift in power. Then, castaways get twisted and caught up in the immunity challenge.

Épisode 9 - Under the Wing of a Dragon

26 avril 2023 - 3.9/5

Castaways must negotiate to earn a big pot of rice for the entire tribe. Then, the castaways will need to put their best foot forward to earn immunity at the next tribal council.

Épisode 10 - Full Tilt Boogie

3 mai 2023 - 3.9/5

Castaways must land a win at the reward challenge to earn a night at the sanctuary and letters from home. Then, castaways need to snake their way toward a win in the immunity challenge.

Épisode 11 - I'm Not Worthy

10 mai 2023 - 4.3/5

Castaways must keep their heads above water in the immunity challenge to be guaranteed a spot in the final six. Then, it's a mad dash before tribal council as castaways must decide who to target.

Épisode 12 - I'm the Bandit

17 mai 2023 - 4.1/5

Castaways must get the ball rolling in the right direction at the reward challenge to win a relaxing evening at the sanctuary. Then, with only six castaways left, it is an emotional struggle to decide which castaway will be going home.

Épisode 13 - Absolute Banger Season

24 mai 2023 - 4.1/5

The remaining five castaways must climb their way to victory in the immunity challenge to earn a feast at the sanctuary and a spot in the final four. Also, one castaway will be crowned Sole Survivor.

Épisode 1 - We Can Do Hard Things

27 septembre 2023 - 4.4/5

Eighteen new castaways are abandoned in the islands of Fiji where they must learn to adapt or they will be voted out. The first Tribe to finish the first challenge secures crucial camp supplies. The other two tribes get sweaty in hopes of earning their camp essentials. Then, tribes climb their way to victory earning immunity, while the last tribe to finish heads to tribal council.

Épisode 2 - Brought a Bazooka to a Tea Party

4 octobre 2023 - 4.6/5

One person from each tribe hops on a boat, where they make a big decision that could impact their game. Then, tribes find the key to victory in the immunity challenge to unlock the fishing gear reward.

Épisode 3 - No Man Left Behind

11 octobre 2023 - 4.9/5

Tribes must hook a win in the reward challenge to earn a large fruit platter and the chance to raid the camp of one of the losing tribes. Then, tribes roll their way to a win to earn safety for one more night.

Épisode 4 - Music to My Ears

18 octobre 2023 - 4.8/5

Tribes must dig deep in the immunity challenge to land a win and earn safety for one more night. Then, one tribe is sent to tribal council where someone will be the fourth person voted out of the game.

Épisode 5 - I Don't Want to Be the Worm

25 octobre 2023 - 4.6/5

Castaways have empty bellies and start dreaming of their favorite foods from home as running on empty begins to take its toll. Then, one castaway from each tribe goes on a journey and must decide between sustenance or a potential advantage.

Épisode 6 - I'm Not Batman, I'm the Canadian

1 novembre 2023 - 5/5

Castaways must roll their way to a win in the immunity challenge, leaving the rest at risk of going home. Then, a comment from day one comes back to haunt one of the castaways.

Épisode 7 - The Thorn in My Thumb

8 novembre 2023 - 4.9/5

Castaways must hold on for their lives during the first individual immunity challenge to earn safety and a reward at the sanctuary. Then, castaways must come to a consensus on who to vote out at tribal council where two people will be leaving the game.

Épisode 8 - Following a Dead Horse to Water

15 novembre 2023 - 4.9/5

The Survivor Auction is back! Castaways need to fuel up to keep going in the game. Then, castaways must be the last one standing in the immunity challenge to earn a spot in the final nine.

Épisode 9 - Sword of Damocles

22 novembre 2023 - 4.8/5

In order to win immunity, castaways must compete in a three-part challenge. Then, some castaways take a journey and face another difficult decision.

Épisode 10 - How Am I the Mobster?

29 novembre 2023 - 4.9/5

Castaways must navigate through a maze where they are inches away from disaster or victory to win the reward challenge and earn a night in the sanctuary. Then, castaways need to prove they have what it takes to hold on and win immunity to be safe at tribal council.

Épisode 11 - This Game Rips Your Heart Out

6 décembre 2023 - 4.8/5

Castaways celebrate a victory after tribal council. Then, castaways must rope a win in the individual immunity challenge to fight for safety and reward.

Épisode 12 - The Ex-Girlfriend at the Wedding

13 décembre 2023 - 5/5

Castaways must roll their way through the reward challenge to win a picnic in the middle of the ocean. Then, castaways either stay balanced or drop the ball in the immunity challenge, trying to earn their spot in the final five.

Épisode 13 - Living the Survivor Dream

20 décembre 2023 - 4.8/5

The remaining five castaways must stack up a win in the immunity challenge to secure a spot in the final four. Then, one castaway will be crowned Sole Survivor.

Épisode 1 - This is Where the Legends Are Made

28 février 2024 - 3.6/5

Eighteen new castaways embark on the adventure of a lifetime when they are left stranded on the breathtaking islands of Fiji. Tribes must be the first to crack the code to earn essential camp supplies. Then, three castaways go on a journey away from their new tribes.

Épisode 2 - Scorpio Energy

6 mars 2024 - 3.3/5

One tribe struggles to keep their heads in the game after the first tribal council of the season. Another castaway wins the biggest and most intense music battle in Survivor history, “Taylor Swift vs. Metallica.” Then, tribes must use teamwork and persistence during the immunity challenge to keep them from heading to tribal council.

Épisode 3 - Wackadoodles Win

13 mars 2024 - 4/5

Several castaways have some explaining to do after a fake idol was played at tribal council. A castaway attempts to fall on the sword for their tribe’s loss in the immunity challenge. Then, three castaways take a journey to compete for an advantage in the game.

Épisode 4 - Don't Touch the Oven

20 mars 2024 - 3.3/5

A castaway must deal with the aftermath of oversharing with other tribe members during a journey. During the reward challenge, tribes must shoot their shot to avoid a date with Jeff at tribal council. Then, one castaway attempts to take the game into their own hands to avoid getting their torch snuffed.

Épisode 5 - Tiki Man

27 mars 2024 - 4.8/5

A castaway’s memory must serve them well on a journey for an advantage. Then, tensions run high as the hunt for an immunity idol sends one tribe on a wild goose chase.

Épisode 6 - Cancel Christmas

3 avril 2024 - 4.8/5

Drop your buffs! Castaways hit the ground running to figure out where the cracks are within the other tribes. The players hope to find new life in the game if they can earn the merge.

Épisode 7 - Episode Several

10 avril 2024 - 4/5

A rogue vote at the last tribal council launches a blame game throughout camp. Players must keep their balance to keep their game alive and win immunity. Then, castaways must decide between past loyalties and future strategies in one of the most important tribal councils of the season.

Épisode 8 - Hide 'N Seek

17 avril 2024 - 3.7/5

In the aftermath of a blindside elimination, multiple castaways claim credit for their resume, stirring the pot among their fellow tribemates. In a classic Survivor challenge, castaways must hold on for a shot at immunity from tribal council. Then, an innocent game of hide and seek becomes a revealing metaphor about every castaway’s Survivor strategy.

Épisode 9 - Spicy Jeff

24 avril 2024 - 4/5

Confusion and chaos continue to make waves throughout camp after a shocking tribal council. Castaways must test their balance to earn safety and a spot in the final eight. Then, the emergence of multiple hidden immunity idols shakes the plan for the next tribal council.

Épisode 10 - Run the Red Light

1 mai 2024 - 4.3/5

Castaways compete for the biggest reward of the season, and an outburst resulting from the reward challenge could lead to a strategic shift in this week’s target. Then, an eerie sense of agreeability around camp causes castaways to second guess their vote before tribal council.

Épisode 11 - My Messy, Sweet Little Friend

8 mai 2024 - 4.3/5

Idol fever strikes the NuiNui beach and launches a massive hunt for the last hidden immunity idol of the season. With the end of the game in sight, castaways begin to question whether their resumes are enough to win the title of Sole Survivor. Then, in a test of precision, castaways compete for immunity and a spot in the final six.

Épisode 12 - Mamma Bear

15 mai 2024 - 4.3/5

In one of the most emotional reward challenges of the season, castaways fight for their chance to win letters from home. Alliances begin to crumble and individual plans emerge after players compete in a race of balance, speed and puzzle skills to earn immunity and a spot in the final five.

Épisode 13 - Friends Going to War

22 mai 2024 - 4.3/5

The remaining five castaways must overcome multiple obstacles to guarantee they cannot be voted out of the game in the penultimate immunity challenge. With the final immunity of the season comes the power to choose who has to earn their way to the final three. Then, one castaway is crowned Sole Survivor.

Épisode 1 - One Glorious and Perfect Episode

18 septembre 2024

Eighteen new castaways are abandoned on the breathtaking islands of Fiji, where they must learn to adapt or they will be voted out. Tribes must quickly pick up the pieces in the first challenge of the season to earn a pot, machete and flint. Then, two castaways are chosen to go on a journey to find the X that marks the spot.

Épisode 2 - Epic Boss Girl Move

25 septembre 2024


Survivor: Winners at War | Season 40 Trailer


Derniers avis

avatar de du commentaire : Renouvelée pour une saison 44

22/02/2023 - Aucune note

Renouvelée pour une saison 44

avatar de du commentaire : bonjour est ce que quelqu'un connait un site ou trouver des sous titres français de Survivor saison 43 merci

07/10/2022 - Aucune note

bonjour est ce que quelqu'un connait un site ou trouver des sous titres français de Survivor saison 43 merci

avatar de du commentaire : La saison 43 commence demain... y a t il d'autres super fans en France ?

20/09/2022 - 5/5

La saison 43 commence demain... y a t il d'autres super fans en France ?

avatar de du commentaire : Show renouvelé pour une 43eme et 44eme saison.

10/03/2022 - Aucune note

Show renouvelé pour une 43eme et 44eme saison.

avatar de du commentaire :

10/03/2022 - Aucune note

avatar de du commentaire : Show renouvelé pour 2 saisons supplémentaires (37 et 38).

19/04/2018 - Aucune note

Show renouvelé pour 2 saisons supplémentaires (37 et 38).

avatar de du commentaire : Bonjour,

Les sous-titres de l

07/05/2017 - Aucune note

Bonjour, Les sous-titres de l"épisode 2 de la saison 28 ne sont pas dispo ici. Où puis-je les trouvez s'il vous plait?

avatar de du commentaire : Show renouvelé pour une 35e saison.

23/03/2017 - Aucune note

Show renouvelé pour une 35e saison.

avatar de du commentaire : Pour la première fois depuis le lancement du jeu, les participants à la 33e saison ont été évacués suite à un cyclone durant le tournage.

08/09/2016 - Aucune note

Pour la première fois depuis le lancement du jeu, les participants à la 33e saison ont été évacués suite à un cyclone durant le tournage.

avatar de du commentaire : bonjour a vous tous je venais simplement demander si vous étiez entrain de faire les sous-titres des saison 3 et ainsi de suite ou il bien peut-etre q...

09/06/2016 - Aucune note

bonjour a vous tous je venais simplement demander si vous étiez entrain de faire les sous-titres des saison 3 et ainsi de suite ou il bien peut-etre q...

avatar de du commentaire : Série renouvelée pour une 33e saison.

25/03/2016 - Aucune note

Série renouvelée pour une 33e saison.

avatar de du commentaire : Bonjour, 

Pensez vous que je puisse trouver bientôt le sous-titre de l'épisode 1 de la saison 26 ? 

Merci d'avance.

14/02/2013 - 5/5

Bonjour, Pensez vous que je puisse trouver bientôt le sous-titre de l'épisode 1 de la saison 26 ? Merci d'avance.

avatar de du commentaire : Pas de divulgations, seulement un constat.
Cette saison fut la pire de toutes.

14/05/2012 - Aucune note

Pas de divulgations, seulement un constat. Cette saison fut la pire de toutes.