Poster de la serie Detective Anna

Detective Anna

Non notée

Année : 2016

Nombre de saisons : 2

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 50 minutes

Genre(s) : Crime, Fantastique, Mystère, Suspense

Nineteen-year-old Anna, living at the end of the nineteenth century in the town of Zatonsk, unexpectedly discovers that she possesses supernatural powers. The spirits of the dead literally haunt her, begging to help. Aided by her visions, Anna manages to investigate and solve a number of mysterious crimes which have baffled the police. An experienced detective, 37-year-old Yakov Shtolman, who chances to visit the town, teams up with Anna and becomes her partner in hunting down criminals.


Detective Anna saison 1

Saison 1

Detective Anna saison 2

Saison 2


Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - Дело утопленницъ. Серия 1

7 novembre 2016

Detective Jacob Stolman from St. Petersburg arrives in Zatonsk and met Anna Mironova. Anna has one strange gift: she sees dead people.

Épisode 2 - Дело утопленницъ. Серiя 2

7 novembre 2016

Загадочная смерть молодой женщины расшевелила жителей маленького провинциального городка. Усложняет ситуацию то, что накануне печальный исход был предсказан жертве на спиритическом сеансе. Неужели в этом деле замешан медиум?

Épisode 3 - Князь тьмы. Серiя 3

8 novembre 2016

A young girl is murdered; Anna suspects that the cause of the crime is a mysterious amulet that brings luck in money matters .

Épisode 4 - Князь тьмы. Серiя 4

8 novembre 2016

Обитатели провинциального Затонска не на шутку обеспокоены чередой странных и пугающих явлений. Анна и Штольман сближаются на почве общего дела. Из-за кого следователь стрелялся в Петербурге?

Épisode 5 - Сметенъ. Серiя 5

9 novembre 2016

In Zatonsk there is a secret place where fist fights take place. Anna sees a prophetic dream that her friend Yakov Stolman is killed in the ring and tries to warn him .

Épisode 6 - Сметенъ. Серiя 6

9 novembre 2016

Штольман оказывается там, где проходят кулачные бои и делаются большие ставки. Там же оказывается и Анна, которая уже знает о повешенной девушке чуть больше столичного сыщика.

Épisode 7 - Сатисфакцiя. Серiя 7

10 novembre 2016

Many years ago, Anna's father, Viktor Mironov, while in military service, committed a fatal mistake that broke the life of his brother-soldier. Now meeting with a man from the past can be tragic for Victor .

Épisode 8 - Сатисфакцiя. Серiя 8

10 novembre 2016

Один из получивших такую же фотокарточку, что и отец Анны, убит. Девушка приходит к Штольману за помощью.

Épisode 9 - Семейные ценности. Серiя 9

14 novembre 2016

A visiting student was found killed in the forest of the Yelagin family. His spirit asks Anna to uncover the secret of his death. Shtolman finds out that the student came to the city to kill the younger Elagin. It was sent by a certain Morel, the leader of a secret sect of hired assassins. But who killed the student?

Épisode 10 - Семейные ценности. Серiя 10

14 novembre 2016

Штольман выясняет, что студент приехал в город, чтобы убить младшего Елагина. Его послал некто Морель, главарь тайной секты наемных убийц. Но кто же убил студента?

Épisode 11 - Месть. Серiя 11

15 novembre 2016

In the furnished rooms Zhenya is slaughtered - a young prostitute from a brothel. One of the richest merchants of Zatonsk met secretly with her; A poor student, in love with her, could kill her out of jealousy. The tragedy of the girl makes a deep impression on Anna and leads to a conflict with Shtolman.

Épisode 12 - Месть. Серiя 12

15 novembre 2016

Трагедия молодой девушки производит на Анну глубокое впечатление и приводит к конфликту со Штольманом.

Épisode 13 - Бескровная жертва. Серiя 13

16 novembre 2016

Found the girl's bloodless body. Murder is like a ritual. It all began with the return of Baroness Catherine von Romphel from Austria-Hungary, from the places where the Countess Bathory murdered the girls two hundred years ago and bathed in their blood - Anna and the sixteen-year-old daughter of the Baroness are experiencing a series of adventures in the style of the Gothic novel.

Épisode 14 - Бескровная жертва. Серiя 14

16 novembre 2016

Вместе с баронессой фон Ромфельней приезжает и ее шестнадцатилетняя дочь, вместе с которой Анна переживает серию приключений в стиле готического романа.

Épisode 15 - Тайна синей тетради. Серiя 15

17 novembre 2016

The investigation of a seemingly simple domestic assassination of a former governess leads to the resumption of espionage history eight years ago - Prince Razumovsky, with whom Stolman fought a duel, comes to Zatonsk and is very interested in a blue notebook with strange poems written in English by a children's hand.

Épisode 16 - Тайна синей тетради. Серiя 16

17 novembre 2016

Анна и Штольман выясняют, что дневник, найденный возле тела гувернантки, принадлежал английской девочке Элис, которая исчезла семь лет назад. Анна и Штольман выясняют, что стихи — это зашифрованные шпионские донесения...

Épisode 17 - Ночной гость. Серiя 17

21 novembre 2016

In the house of the rich old woman Bentsianova, the murdered wife of her nephew is found. Shtolman learns that Benzianova believes that her long-dead son comes to her at night. Anna understands that someone comes to the woman alive, posing as a deceased. But for what purpose?

Épisode 18 - Ночной гость. Серiя 18

21 novembre 2016

Анна понимает, что к Бенциановой приходит кто-то живой, выдающий себя за погибшего. Но с какой целью?

Épisode 19 - Сицилианская защита. Серiя 19

22 novembre 2016

Anna sees a dream: a ghostly man playing chess with her, who says: "Where I shell go, I'll kill somebody there." Meanwhile, in the police station, the cardsharper Ferz, with whom Shtolman played chess at night, is murdered. Suspicions fall on the detective himself. Anna understands that now she not only can help Shtolman reveal the crime, but also save him from prison .

Épisode 20 - Сицилианская защита. Серiя 20

22 novembre 2016

Штольман под подозрением. Анна понимает, что теперь она не только может помочь Штольману в распутывании преступлений, но и спасти его самого от тюрьмы...

Épisode 21 - Реинкарнация. Серiя 21

23 novembre 2016

The body of the merchant Epifanov, who disappeared a year ago, is found in a ravine. At this time, a fifteen-year-old teenager, who never knew a merchant during his lifetime, begins to behave as if he was possessed by the spirit of the deceased.

Épisode 22 - Реинкарнация. Серiя 22

23 novembre 2016

The boy, who was supposedly possessed by the spirit of the deceased merchant, is not believed by anyone except Anna. He leads her and Shtolman on the trail of an old crime.

Épisode 23 - Инженер. Серiя 23

24 novembre 2016

A young engineer arrives in Zatonsk on a secret mission. He meets Anna, who helps him with translations, not realizing the true purpose of the engineer's visit to her city.

Épisode 24 - Инженер. Серiя 24

24 novembre 2016

Shtolman realizes that foreign spies have appeared in Zatonsk, and Anna has become involved in a very dangerous game.

Épisode 25 - Затонский оборотень. Серiя 25

28 novembre 2016

A series of brutal murders is attributed to a werewolf, who, according to legend, dwells in the Zatonsky forests and revenge for his dead bride. Shtolman is sure that the killer is not a werewolf, but just a man. Anna, in turn, understands that the clue lies once again between the world of the living and the dead .

Épisode 26 - Затонский оборотень. Серiя 26

28 novembre 2016

Штольман уверен, что за этими преступлениями стоит человек. Анна, в свою очередь, понимает, что разгадка вновь лежит между миром живых и мертвых...

Épisode 27 - Куафер. Серiя 27

29 novembre 2016

In Zatonsk there is a series of strange deaths seemingly from natural causes, but for some reason all dying are sure that they were cursed. It turns out that they are all related in some way. A young officer, a friend of Anna's childhood, is trying to find the solution of the death of her aunt, who, he is sure, was murdered .

Épisode 28 - Куафер. Серiя 28

29 novembre 2016

В число подозреваемых попадает молодой офицер, друг детства Анны, влюбленный в нее...

Épisode 29 - Два офицера. Серiя 29

30 novembre 2016

Secret wedding in the church. The bride is waiting for the bridegroom, and now he appears, coming to the altar, but it turns out that he is not bridegroom, but a stranger to the bride - Meanwhile, her fiance was found dead at the hotel - Anna and Stolman unravel the mystery of the love and death of two young officers.

Épisode 30 - Два офицера. Серiя 30

30 novembre 2016

Анна и Штольман разгадывают тайну любви и смерти двух молодых офицеров...

Épisode 31 - Игра. Серiя 31

1 décembre 2016

A visiting Pole is killed. Shtolman finds in his pocket Dame Peak card and realizes that this message is intended for him. So St. Petersburg's past overtakes Shtolman in Zatonsk and jeopardizes not only him, but Anna as well.

Épisode 32 - Игра. Серiя 32

1 décembre 2016

Петербургское прошлое настигает Штольмана в Затонске и подвергает опасности не только его, но и Анну...

Épisode 33 - Пасьянс Коломбины. Серiя 33

5 décembre 2016

A merchant who arranged a masquerade in honor of his jubilee was found dead at the height of the holiday. A mysterious lady in the costume of Columbine danced with the merchant all evening. It turns out that at the festival there were several women in the same costume of Columbine. Anna and Shtolman solve the equation with three unknown - Columbines.

Épisode 34 - Пасьянс Коломбины. Серiя 34

5 décembre 2016

Анна и Штольман решают уравнение с тремя неизвестными... Коломбинами.

Épisode 35 - Врачебная тайна. Серiя 35

6 décembre 2016

Dr. Milz is accused of the inexplicable death of his patient. However, it turns out that she was fond of not only traditional medicine, but also all sorts of occult and spiritual practices. Anne and Shtolman have to understand which of the healers surrounding the rich lady is guilty of her death.

Épisode 36 - Врачебная тайна. Серiя 36

6 décembre 2016

Анне и Штольману предстоит понять — кто из окружающих богатую даму целителей виновен в ее смерти.

Épisode 37 - Фотограф. Серiя 37

7 décembre 2016

In Zatonsk, a photographer is murdered who allegedly makes a spiritual photo of clients with their deceased relatives. Anna reveals the charlatan. At the same time, Stolman establishes a link between the murder of a photographer and the mysterious death of a young landowner .

Épisode 38 - Фотограф. Серiя 38

7 décembre 2016

Штольман устанавливает связь между убийством фотографа и загадочной гибелью молодой помещицы...

Épisode 39 - Демиург. Серiя 39

8 décembre 2016

Three mathematicians come to Zatonsk to participate in the spiritual session of Anna. Two of them die at the hands of a mysterious maniac, who calls himself the Demiurge. Soon the maniac begins to pursue Anna herself, considering her the embodiment of evil .

Épisode 40 - Демиург. Серiя 40

8 décembre 2016

Маньяк начинает преследовать саму Анну, считая ее воплощением зла...

Épisode 41 - Шальная пуля. Серiя 41

12 décembre 2016

The postal employee was severely wounded. It seems that he was wounded by an accidental shot: someone unknown was amused by shooting and got into a casual passer-by. The wounded man dies in the hospital. But, doing this allegedly accident, Anna and Stolman disclose a multi-way scam, a game of criminal minds and self-interested interests.

Épisode 42 - Шальная пуля. Серiя 42

12 décembre 2016

Анна и Штольман раскрывают многоходовую аферу, игру преступных умов и корыстных интересов...

Épisode 43 - Каторжник и прокурор. Серiя 43

13 décembre 2016

A convict flees from Siberia to accuse the prosecutor of Zatonsk in an unjust sentence. His only hope is Stolman, who will conduct a new investigation and establish the truth. But is the convict so innocent?

Épisode 44 - Каторжник и прокурор. Серiя 44

13 décembre 2016

Каторжник надеется, что Штольман проведет новое расследование и установит истину. Но так ли невиновен каторжник на самом деле?

Épisode 45 - Конфидент. Серiя 45

14 décembre 2016

Madame de Beau's assistant André is killed - The Madame is a pimp in a skirt, which places girls at home to rich clients. And all because one of her wards, the mysterious Ulyana, makes men to fall in love with her and to compete for her. Anna and Stolman are investigating the case of an irresistible passion.

Épisode 46 - Конфидент. Серiя 46

14 décembre 2016

Анна и Штольман расследует дело о непреодолимой страсти.

Épisode 47 - Драма. Серiя 47

15 décembre 2016

The young playwright is murdered in his own estate after the presentation of his play. Anna and Shtolman must disclose this crime within 24 hours. Among the witnesses of the incident - writer Anton Chekhov. Probably, it is this case that will inspire Anton Pavlovich subsequently to write the play of Seagull .

Épisode 48 - Драма. Серiя 48

15 décembre 2016

Среди свидетелей происшествия — писатель Антон Чехов. Вероятно, именно этот случай и вдохновит Антона Павловича впоследствии на сочинение пьесы «Чайка»...

Épisode 49 - Благоразумный разбойник. Серiя 49

19 décembre 2016

An icon is found, which, according to legend, is able to indicate the place of the treasure of the robber Kudeyar. The chain of deaths follows this find. Zatonsk freezes in anticipation of the treasure fever. Anna and Stolman are searching for the clue about the secret of the treasure, meanwhile the life of one of them is in great danger .

Épisode 50 - Благоразумный разбойник. Серiя 50

19 décembre 2016

Затонск замирает в ожидании лихорадки кладоискательства. Анна и Штольман ищут разгадку тайны клада, тем временем жизнь одного из них подвергается большой опасности...

Épisode 51 - Адепты. Серiя 51

20 décembre 2016

In Zatonsk someone kills beggars, at first sight - aimlessly, just for fun. Trying to find out who is behind these crimes, Anna disguises herself as a beggar. In her footsteps, Shtolman starts. Together they go out on the killers, and also on the trail of the missing Alice Lawrence .

Épisode 52 - Адепты. Серiя 52

20 décembre 2016

По следам переодетой Анны пускается Штольман. Вместе они выходят на убийц, а также на след пропавшей Элис Лоуренс...

Épisode 53 - Князь. Серiя 53

21 décembre 2016

The prince was murdered. Under suspicion, almost everything, including Stolman. Anna evokes the spirit of the deceased and tries to unravel the mystery of his doom, and Stolman unravels the mystery of the English scholar Brown. Arrived from St. Petersburg, an official with special powers starts a case of espionage conspiracy in Zatonsk .

Épisode 54 - Князь. Серiя 54

21 décembre 2016

Прибывший из Петербурга чиновник с особыми полномочиями заводит дело о шпионском заговоре в Затонске.

Épisode 55 - Штольман. Серiя 55

22 décembre 2016

The murder of the prince entailed a series of dramatic events. In Zatonsk, there is no one else to rely on - habitual life is turned upside down and under suspicion are the noblest of people. Will Stollman and Anna survive against the biggest test in their lives?

Épisode 56 - Штольман. Серiя 56

22 décembre 2016

Смогут ли Штольман с Анной выстоять против самого большого испытания в их жизни? Или именно оно и сблизит их, дав выход давно скрываемым чувствам...

Épisode 1 - Лёд. Серия 1

7 novembre 2020

1894 Provincial Zatonsk seems to be immersed in a slumber - nothing has happened here for five years. Anna Mironova has lost the gift of communicating with spirits. She is trying to live a normal life, but her parents are not yet successful in persuading her to marry. However, among her fans there is one who harbors hopes - and maybe not entirely without reason. However, this serene, almost perfect world will soon disappear without a trace. Evil itself descends on the city, and in order to resist it, it is necessary to unravel the reason for its appearance.

Épisode 2 - Лёд. Серия 2

7 novembre 2020

The meeting of Anna and Shtolman after many years of separation becomes a big test for both. What Anna so passionately dreamed of happened, but not at all in the way she expected. And after this shock, Anna is waiting for another one.

Épisode 3 - Девушка в белом. Серия 3

7 novembre 2020

Beauty Anfisa Luzhina is found shot to death in a park not far from the Mironovs' estate. She served as a maid for the new neighbor of the Mironovs, the owner of the former house of Prince Razumovsky. Mr. Klyuev is a man with an unusual past. Do the skeletons in his closet have anything to do with the girl's death? What is her mother talking about?

Épisode 4 - Девушка в белом. Серия 4

7 novembre 2020

After the funeral of Anfisa, Korobeinikov learns an important secret that turns the course of the investigation. Anna's acquaintance with Andrey Klyuev becomes the beginning of a friendship that can grow into something more: the young neighbor is clearly passionate. Yakov Platonovich, fearing to lose Anna forever, agrees to answer the question of what happened to him over the past five years.

Épisode 5 - Мумия. Серия 5

7 novembre 2020

The young heir of the eccentric Zaton landowner Aristarkhov is selling his collection of Egyptian antiquities at auction. The most valuable lot is the mummy of Anubis, which the famous Egyptologist Golenishchev is going to buy. During the auction, Anna is visited by a terrible vision.

Épisode 6 - Мумия. Серия 6

7 novembre 2020

The investigation turns out to be a tricky puzzle that makes the investigators forget about the differences. Korobeinikov, Shtolman and Anna are together again to solve a crime whose origins are far in the past. However, the former trust between them is impossible. Anna learns about one of the secrets of Yakov Platonovich, and definitely does not know what to do with this information.

Épisode 7 - Записки врача. Серия 7

7 novembre 2020

Anna is approached by the mother of a young doctor, Ivan Glebov, who died a year ago. The son appears to her in a dream and clearly wants to tell something important. The doctor's spirit is explained in riddles, and his mother is found dead in a ravine a few hours later.

Épisode 8 - Записки врача. Серия 8

7 novembre 2020

Pyotr Ivanovich, who at his leisure became interested in medicine, insists on his presence at the autopsy of the unfortunate Glebova. As a result, Dr. Miltz has to bring him to his senses, and when he wakes up, Anna's uncle points to evidence that has escaped the attention of the investigators. The evidence miraculously coincides with the rebus that made Anna the spirit of Ivan Glebov.

Épisode 9 - Колыбельная. Серiя 1

14 novembre 2020

Merchant Ovchinnikov comes to the hospital to see Anna. Anna believes that there is no reason for concern, because the death of both was completely natural. The next day, the merchant is found dead in his bed.

Épisode 10 - Колыбельная. Серiя 2

21 novembre 2020

All household members of Ovchinnikov are under suspicion. Anna and Dr. Milts are trying to find a clue to the three deaths in the archives of the Zatonskaya hospital. An attempt was made on Shtolman. In delirium, he blurts out to Anna about what he would like to hide.

Épisode 11 - Прекрасная цыганка. Серiя 1

28 novembre 2020

A holiday on the estate of a wealthy landowner Filimonov suddenly turns into a tragedy. During the fireworks, the young wife of the manager, a gypsy, Nadezhda, was shot dead. The owner asks Anna to stay at the estate to help solve the crime. Shtolman, who arrived at the Filimonovs' house to investigate, discovers that Anna is staying there in the company of Klyuev.

Épisode 12 - Прекрасная цыганка. Серiя 2

5 décembre 2020

It seems that the spirit of the young gypsy is covering for her killer and does not want to tell Anna his name. There is another murder on the estate. Pyotr Ivanovich is infatuated with the sister of the mistress of the house, Ariadna, but an unpleasant surprise awaits him.

Épisode 13 - Неравный бракъ. Серiя 1

12 décembre 2020

The fiance of Marfa Muromova was found strangled in her parents' house, and the girl herself disappeared. Suspicion falls on the son of the Tatar horse breeder Arslan-Ali, who has long been in love with Marfa. Everyone is sure of his guilt, but Anna thinks otherwise ... Shtolman shows insight and notices several important details, but does not rush to conclusions.

Épisode 14 - Неравный бракъ. Серiя 2

19 décembre 2020

The Muromov and Kaisarov families separate the lovers. Anna and Klyuev decide to help them, but their actions lead to sad consequences. The spirit of Bryzgalov is in no hurry to clarify the mystery of his death, although perhaps Anna simply does not understand him ... Yakov Platonovich finds the answer to the question: "Who killed Martha's fiancé?" However, in his own life, everything is even more confused.

Épisode 15 - Иллюзiонистъ. Серiя 1

26 décembre 2020

Zatonsk is excited by the arrival of the famous Italian medium Donizetti. During his speech, the audience is the spirit of Olga Zakharova, who died two weeks ago due to an accident. She blames her husband for her death, and the police are forced to re-investigate an already closed case.

Épisode 16 - Иллюзiонистъ. Серiя 2

2 janvier 2021

Shtolman considers Donizetti a swindler, but Anna does not doubt his gift. The Italian is ready to take part in the investigation into the death of Mrs. Zakharova and the disappearance of her maid. Shtolman unwittingly becomes a witness to a scandal in the Mironov family. He stays at the house to console Anna. In a frank conversation, he answers a few questions about what happened five years ago...

Épisode 17 - Сердца четырёхъ. Серiя 1

9 janvier 2021

A young woman, Yulia Polyakova, has been found dead. Everything points to the fact that she committed suicide by taking strychnine. However, her friend Ksenia does not believe in suicide and turns to Anna Mironova for help. At the same time, professor of medicine Sviridov disappears from the city under mysterious circumstances.

Épisode 18 - Сердца четырёхъ. Серiя 2

16 janvier 2021

The professor's wife and his assistant are obviously hiding something. Anna has a strange dream. Korobeinikov goes to a neighboring town in search of answers, Tregubov puts an experiment on the police, and Shtolman invites Anna for a romantic walk, which ends quite unexpectedly.

Épisode 19 - Пять спецiй. Серiя 1

23 janvier 2021

Deep down, Tregubov and Korobeinikov consider the suspect guilty and do not want to quarrel with St. Petersburg. But Shtolman is determined to prove the innocence of Peter Ivanovich. He finds out that two men went to the deceased Glafira, and one of them owns a shop of Chinese spices.

Épisode 20 - Пять спецiй. Серiя 2

30 janvier 2021

В глубине души Трегубов и Коробейников считают подозреваемого виновным и не хотят ссориться с Санкт-Петербургом. Но Штольман полон решимости доказать невиновность Петра Ивановича. Он выясняет, что к погибшей Глафире ходили двое мужчин, и один из них владеет лавкой китайских приправ…

Épisode 21 - ПослѢдняя жертва. Серiя 1

6 février 2021

In the morning, a young beggar, nicknamed Luke the Lame Leg, was found dead in the window of a pastry shop. A few hours later, another misfortune occurs in the city. Within a day, Shtolman will have to unravel the chain of mysterious deaths in order to save the life of a person close to him.

Épisode 22 - ПослѢдняя жертва. Серiя 2

13 février 2021

Time passes, and the antidote is still not found. The unknown plays with Shtolman, throwing him more and more riddles. Dr. Miltz is ready to resort to a risky method of treatment. Korobeinikov finally decides to talk to Polina, and a new doctor arrives at the hospital.

Épisode 23 - Вурдалакъ. Серiя 1

20 février 2021

At a county ball, the landowner Gudkov tells Shtolman a strange story about ghouls. On the same night, one of the dead gets up and leaves the dead room, scaring the orderly to death. The police begin an investigation into the sudden death of a young French maid who served in the house of the Countess of Olives.

Épisode 24 - Вурдалакъ. Серiя 2

27 février 2021

To capture the sinister sect operating in the city and its leader, all the forces of the Zatonskaya police are mobilized. In order not to frighten off the criminals, Anna has to put herself under the blow of public opinion. In search of his patient, the capital's psychiatrist Lange comes to Zatonsk and clarifies many issues.

Épisode 25 - Живой трупъ. Серiя 1

6 mars 2021

Countess Gorina does not believe in her brother's suicide and demands a re-investigation, which surprises Shtolman and Korobeinikov - instead of Gorina's brother, another was indeed buried. While Anna, with the help of spirits, unravels this puzzle, Tregubov is trying with all his might to prevent the inevitable...

Épisode 26 - Живой трупъ. Серiя 2

13 mars 2021

In order to distract Anna from heavy thoughts, Pyotr Ivanovich invites her to take a ride to the estate of the fashionable young artist Solomin. Shtolman settles things in St. Petersburg, but to Tregubov's chagrin, he returns too quickly. The troubles of Countess Gorina lead to disaster.

Épisode 27 - Баккара. Серiя 1

20 mars 2021

Three naval officers who arrived in Zatonsk for another card game were found killed in a hotel room. Any of them could become the instigator of a bloody fight. Korobeinikov asks Anna to help the police one last time. After all, his happiness depends on it.

Épisode 28 - Баккара. Серiя 2

27 mars 2021

The killed officers were engaged in fraud, and Shtolman suspects that they could also be involved in the recent murder of the admiral in St. Petersburg. Anna is forced to make a deal with the spirit of one of the officers - he will shed light on the triple murder if Anna does him a favor.

Épisode 29 - Охота на лису. Серiя 1

3 avril 2021

During a fox hunt, the old prince Meshchersky perishes on his estate. The investigation establishes that the shot was not accidental. The prince's will further confuses the case, expanding the circle of suspects. The spirit of Meshchersky pursues Anna, but his demand seems absurd.

Épisode 30 - Охота на лису. Серiя 2

10 avril 2021

The drawing by one of the students of the school founded by the late prince seems to be related to his death. Anna finally understands the meaning of the visions that have been tormenting her for some time. Anna has an important message for Shtolman, but he wants to talk to her about something completely different.

Épisode 31 - Всадникъ безъ головы. Серiя 1

17 avril 2020

On the site of the former pagan temple, they find the head of a visiting ethnographer Kuzmin, who wrote a book about Cheremis. The police have no doubt that the ritual murder is the work of their hands. But the spirit of the ethnographer asks Anna to protect the innocent.

Épisode 32 - Всадникъ безъ головы. Серiя 2

24 avril 2021

Anna and Scriabin manage to save the dying son of the Cheremis. The boy's mother tells fortunes to Anna and warns her against a wrong decision. Shtolman has to go to extreme measures so as not to lose his beloved forever.

Épisode 33 - Другая женщина. Серiя 1

1 mai 2021

The wife of photographer Timofeev, who recently arrived in Zatonsk, is burned alive in his studio. Another charred corpse is found in the conflagration. But who and why came to Madame Timofeeva in the absence of her husband? And most importantly - why didn't the victims run out of the workshop, although the door was open? Shtolman investigates the case and tries to save Anna by placing her under house arrest.

Épisode 34 - Другая женщина. Серiя 2

1 mai 2021

Dr. Miltz is unable to identify the bodies of the dead, but Anna is also unable to establish contact with their spirits. Someone Irisov, who came from Moscow, lays claim to Timofeeva's inheritance. Anna understands that she is ready for anything to leave Zatonsk. Shtolman is no longer able to keep his secret. Anna finally finds out everything.

Épisode 35 - Изобретатель смерти. Серiя 1

1 mai 2021

Former prosecutor Werner is killed in his house in a room locked from the inside. Shtolman and Korobeinikov suspect that the killer is the same one that the police have been hunting for for a long time. Subsequent events confirm their conjecture. Intriguing circumstances are revealed in Tregubov's past.

Épisode 36 - Изобретатель смерти. Серiя 2

1 mai 2021

A ruby-cut diamond was found in the stomach of the former impresario Rtishchev. Important information can be found in the Yearbook of the Imperial Theatres. It seems that Shtolman and Korobeinikov are about to catch the one who has been hunted for a long time. Anna makes a difficult choice, promising happiness to one man and misfortune to another.

Épisode 37 - Талисман Робеспьера. Серiя 1

1 mai 2021

Having pronounced a sentence on the accused, the venerable judge Kudryavtsev suddenly grabs a revolver and shoots himself right in the courtroom. An antique snuffbox is found in his pocket, which then mysteriously disappears from his house. Anna is sure that the suicide of the judge is connected with her. An unexpected confession of the spirit turns the main investigation of Yakov Platonovich one hundred and eighty degrees.

Épisode 38 - Талисман Робеспьера. Серiя 2

1 mai 2021

In a robbed jewelry store, its owner is found stabbed to death. Dr. Miltz establishes that he committed suicide. The jeweler's apprentice reports that a mysterious lady came to him the day before. Investigators are on the trail of the Altai, who has been in the city for some time.

Épisode 39 - Абракадабра. Серiя 1

1 mai 2021

Her former lover Viner is suspected of murdering the young poetess Olshanskaya. He had the opportunity and motive to kill. But Wiener claims that there is a witness who can prove his innocence. A young lawyer who arrived from St. Petersburg undertakes to find him, but he cannot do without Anna's help.

Épisode 40 - Абракадабра. Серiя 2

1 mai 2021

Anna tries to unravel the meaning of Olshanskaya's posthumous poems while Korobeinikov has to go to the village in search of a witness to her murder. Shtolman is freed from the ghosts of the past. A spirit comes to Anna, which she did not expect at all. The dreams that have been tormenting her lately finally find a solution. Heroes on the brink of great change.


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