Poster de la serie Xiaolin Chronicles

Xiaolin Chronicles


Année : 2013

Nombre de saisons : 1

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 25 minutes

Genre(s) : Action, Animation, Comédie

D'autres Dessins animés Invizimals Invizimals Le chat de Frankenstein Le chat de Frankenstein Il était une fois la vie Il était une fois la vie Attention. Prêts. Partez ! De Paris à PingDingShan, de Sydney à Sao Paolo, LES MOINES XIAOLIN sont de retour ! C’est à l’intérieur des Shen Gong Wu ou WUS que se trouvent les clés des super pouvoirs de ces arts martiaux mystiques. Les forces du bien (Omi, Kimiko, Raimundo, Clay, Imo, Dojo et Maître Fung) et du mal (Jack, Chase, Wuya, Shadow) se livrent une course effrénée pour les trouver… Mais entre nous, le « drame » peut-il être au rendez-vous quand cinq moines adolescents carburent aux super pouvoirs et vivent sous le même toit ? Et qu’à cela s’ajoutent un dragon magique de 1500 ans et un fils à maman geignard ? Non !


Xiaolin Chronicles saison 1

Saison 1


Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - New Monk on the Block

26 août 2013 - 3/5

Omi takes newcomer Ping Pong on as his protégé, but eventually grows jealous of Ping Pong when he becomes everyone’s favorite. This causes a rift between the Monks, further complicated by the arrival of a beautiful new candidate.

Épisode 2 - A Girl Named Willow

26 août 2013 - 3/5

Willow and Ping Pong compete for the Xiaolin Apprentice top spot, as well as for Omi’s attention. Meanwhile, Kimiko grows suspicious of Willow’s motives.

Épisode 3 - The Fall of Xiaolin

26 août 2013 - 3/5

When Willow uses her charms on all the boys in the temple, Kimiko becomes even more suspicious and she eventually discovers Willow’s secret double identity as Shadow. Meanwhile, Chase Young captures Ping Pong and takes revenge on Xiaolin, destroying the temple.

Épisode 4 - Buddy Blue Ray & the Golden Bunnies

14 septembre 2013 - 3/5

Dojo dreams about the mysterious dancing bunnies, which lead to the Golden Bunny—a mystical talisman hidden amongst the giant bunnies in an ancient citadel. The Monks must do what it takes to find and protect the sacred object, while keeping the giant bunnies at bay or they will mutate into beastly creatures and destroy the village.

Épisode 5 - Tokyo Madness

21 septembre 2013 - 3/5

Kimiko must save the day by going inside Digital Tokyo, a virtual world built by her father to battle a giant cyber worm.

Épisode 6 - Magic Stallion and the Wild Wild West

28 septembre 2013 - 3/5

Clay leads the Xiaolin Monks on a Wild West adventure, saving his Grandpappy’s cattle from being turned into a casualty of Jack’s latest evil scientific experiment.

Épisode 7 - Laws of Nature

5 octobre 2013 - 3/5

Chase Young discovers a weak link in the ecological order that, if manipulated properly, will cause a domino effect of cataclysmic destruction. Meanwhile, Jack’s mishaps causes Chase’s evil plan to backfire.

Épisode 8 - Out of Ping Pong's Mind

12 octobre 2013 - 3/5

Chase Young grows wary of Ping Pong’s power. To destroy him, Chase uses Ping Pong’s own mind as a trap, literally.

Épisode 9 - Xiaolin Redemption

19 octobre 2013 - 3/5

The heroes must escort the dangerous, slippery Salvador Cumo (a criminal that can turn into a humanoid Komodo Dragon) to prison. Along the journey, Raimundo winds up falling prey to Salvador’s charm and childhood stories which puts the Monks’ lives and mission at risk. Meanwhile, Wuya plans to recruit Salvador Cumo to her side.

Épisode 10 - Princess Kaila of the Thousand Layer Mountain

26 octobre 2013 - 3/5

Chase launches an attack on the Xiaolin monks, turning everyone except Omi into Cat Warriors. To save his friends, Omi must travel back in time to find Grand Master Dashi for advice.

Épisode 11 - Planet of the Dragons

2 novembre 2013 - 3/5

Dojo learns about his true destiny. A new Shen-Gong-Wu sends the Xiaolin Warriors to the future to the Dragon Planet which is ruled by dragons. The Dragon Planet is where all humans are enslaved and Dojo is the King of Dragon Planet.

Épisode 12 - Tigress Woo

8 février 2014 - 3/5

When Kimiko's older sister Tigress shows up on her birthday and one of the Shen Gong Wu mysteriously disappears, Kimiko tries to figure out if Tigress is on the side of good or evil.

Épisode 13 - Heylin Within

1 février 2014 - 3/5

Newbie Shoku Warrior Ping Pong duplicates himself with the Ring of Catsumi Shen Gong Wu, but becomes vulnerable to Chase’s evil plan when one of the Ping Pongs is captured and turned into Reptilian Ping Pong.

Épisode 14 - Heal Me

10 février 2014 - 3/5

Jack uses the Hansu Mirror Shen Gong Wu on himself, turning from evil to good. Meanwhile, Dojo, feeling unappreciated, goes traveling to find his own place. He eventually joins up with Jack's new group of evil-turned-good guys, taking up thee name of New Jack.

Épisode 15 - Rocco

11 février 2014 - 3/5

Dojo's old friend, Rocco, shows up and they must work together to save the Xiaolin monks from zombification.

Épisode 16 - The Mask of the Green Monkey

9 novembre 2013 - 3/5

When the Mask of the Green Monkey surfaces, Omi ignores everyone’s advice and insists on going after the mysterious object.

Épisode 17 - Mi Temple, Mi Casa

6 décembre 2013 - 3/5

The Monks discover that their new temple has a mystical talking tree, which seeks to stop all intruders, including the monks.

Épisode 18 - Super Cow Patty

24 mars 2014 - 3/5

A new hero called Super Cow Patty has been beating down all the villains and getting the Shen Gong Wu before the warriors even get to them. After Clay loses to him in a showdown, It's revealed the new hero is Clay's little brother, Patrick, who sick of hearing all about Clay and wants to prove he's better.

Épisode 19 - Chase Lays an Egg

25 mars 2014 - 3/5

Chase lays an egg after accidentally ingesting some poison Jack Spicer was going to use on Chase's cats. Jack and Omi team up for frienemyship and work to get the egg, thinking it's a Shen Gong Wu.

Épisode 20 - Drawn to Be Evil

26 mars 2014 - 3/5

A new villain, the Weaselnator, uses his Prism of Genesis to created an army of weasels from bad drawings. He joins up with Jack to get the Rooster Booster, which will boost any Shen Gong Wu's power, leading to the Weaselnator ravaging the world with his giant weasels.

Épisode 21 - Omi Saves The Holidays

7 janvier 2015 - 3/5

Épisode 22 - Who Shrunk Master Fung

7 janvier 2015 - 3/5

Épisode 23 - Back In The Flesh Again

7 janvier 2015 - 3/5

Épisode 24 - The Call Of The Dragon

7 janvier 2015 - 3/5

Épisode 25 - The Mark Of The Dragon Spirit

7 janvier 2015 - 3/5

Épisode 26 - Fly The Dragon!

7 janvier 2015 - 3/5


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